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AS * * iv CjQTjrRnJB.joUR^AL Marine Officer's Sermon In Prison Award For Scouting Encouragement Lenten lectures Thursday, rs February 19,.19^# 9 meet- Slated By IFCA of St Korean War Recalled Here Mrs. John J. Mahoney, Regent m receded of the Rochester Circle, Interna? Tanged A Christmas "sermon" given The birth of Christ was the ful- . "We can have a very merry to American prisoners of war In flbnent of the promise made to tional Federation of Catholic rs. The Christmas today if we rem.ember . < \ Obul, Korea In December of 1952 Moses by God The Father when that as Christians, not matter Alumnae, reports that because of Geher- and composed by Lt. Robert J, unforeseen circumstances, the j meet- He said that He would send His .where we are, and not matter O'Shea, U.S.M.C, a friend of two • son to earth to save the world. what circumstances we are'liv­ lecture scheduled for Feb. 24 has i made been cancelled. Day of RpehWter marines is being cir-. And Christmas is the living proof ing under, we are commemor­ March ciliated here on request of his! of the existence of God and of ating the best possible Christmas However, an opportunity for h and trknfo. j the divinity of Jesus Christ. glfjt, We are living underj we are additional lenten activity for lrf la Lleute fl members and friends of the lo­ ***. X ^, n nt de' "I say the 'living proof be- commemorating the beat possible lie By- livered the Sermon" to his fel- cause Jesus Christ is living. He Christmas gift. We are remem­ cal Circle, has been arranged by * > h vot- low prlsonersof war in the Kor- is alive today. He is with us to- bering that we Christiana are the Mrs. James F a h y, Program equent Mit Prison despite Communist day, He is with us right now., most fortunate of men Beeaui,. Chairman. we have the presence of Jeaui Two lectures on 'The Voca­ in was Christ. ' > tion of the Modern Woman" will ^f?«Z „gf ^%rn- ' keenly aware of the presence of issisted a "So today, let us put aside all be given by the Group's Moder­ Rocheste(Lieutenanr to t beOShe best ama camn ate thteo Jesus Christ on "«rth than ordto.- ator, Rev. Edward J. Lintz — », Mrs. ary men—because we havsrtieen thoughts of our personal discom­ n Hay- Wading of Lt Robert ErMand,! ale™, with Him. At the time of forts. Let us forget for todjy* the first.on March 8 and the sec­ 3, Mrs. vZLuL ^'oJlftv1^ He^ °J our «!*«« and during the events our loneliness, the absence pf ond on March 22, at 8:00 p.m. at Tra al?ar t and the Catholic Women's Club, 21^ follow- S? ^J*™ d ^ - JeadJni up to- our capture, we those dear to us. And let's spinal Ma the day glorifying God and aingt Alexander St. Members and 22*2?«/£M fyo Carroll,;were alone with Hirn. Our par- friends are invited. ', Mrs. 55 • St Marys School of ents could not help us at that big His praises. And we"Wj£$:v, snry T. JMlg «*»uTe""L Sacrament ,tlme, as-much as they would have hav» a happy Christmas remei$*l — o—•• ran Collins Church. Both he and1 Lieutenant >ilked to. They were' not present. bering and enjoying the presence Munich, Germany — (N C) — n tain in the \\ Catholic institutions in Munich 'this new plap fJ^li-.JI^Iw. 56 £L °V^F ? ;Our friends in battle, our corn- of Jesus Christ, who is with us always—even unto the end of the archdiocese are benefitting from Marine Cdrps at Quantico, Va.;panions ta actlon were too busy on display at" 'our' h(6kL world." a freight car load of food and nmK***^ Lieutenant with thelr own fighting, There ai-e many beaulilfut their clothing, totaling about 12 tons, O'Shea's whose home is here, is own dying if you please, to help modern plans shown Jhafe Y'S tt Itonald A. Heberling of 1084 us in our hour of need. But there sent on instructions of Pope Pius Genesee Pk. Blvd., a member of XH. will help you to visualise St Augustine* Parish.) was one Friend who was there and could help us. That friend 75 Men Due the wide range of Hotiie^ TUB ^BBMON" requested was Jesus Christ, He did not let tha t can be built' withJu; published follows: us down; He came through for "Today is the feast of the na­ us. For Retreat yottrbudget, , ; '. '• tivity; the anniversary of the Men from the Catholic parishes Don't delay! See •uijr'at "I felt his presence at that in Dansville will attend the next birth of our Lord and Savior, time. And I'm s.ure that all of us your first opportunity^ get- Jesus Christ .ratrea^schedttled-hyw*-Gatholic "hiarr TtftfcrTtHe" "SaTne^xpeHenceT' . BBONZKijPKUCAjraward for outstanding contribution to Scouting Is given by His Excellency this plan toaV'and. djscuss "Today, possibly for the first" laymen's Retreat League to be "Today let us not concern our- held at the Notre Dame Retreat Bishop Kearney to Mohslgnor George W. Eckl, pastor of St. Andrew's Church as another award your home' "buiMing prcib- time In our lives we will celebrate selves with the material presents House, 246 Alexander St. from winner, Donald J. Cbrbett, chairman looks on at annual Bally held Sunday in Columbus Civic Christmas p r o p e r 1 y—because that are lacking this Christmas. lenaswith us.T!l<)(jb%gti6n . March 3 through March 7, ac; ''••C '" * '' Center. *30 t Mire, in this North Korean prison Rather let us stop and think cording to the Rev. William Jami­ r«kt!»u»JH"»sw of course. "/ camp; apart from the tinsel and about the best Christmas present Hi* Coltwllt Oirli Ou!4* — •* IM«I rampttt* ;e» son, C.SS.R., assistant .director proytrbook and teuftt *t plUtMtfw 1MB- VANOE VISSE . ICILDEA commercialism that we usually of all. The gift that we, and all of the retreat house. agt «lfU.-AtlracfW« binding*, ', associate with Christmas, we can mankind, received on that first Dress Rehearsals Scout Leaders Commended Urn* idg. M75 CI* ,H**3M iMHwf M.S0 aee the true meaning, the spirit­ Christmas almost 2,000 years Enthusiasm for the coming re­ treat is so high in Dansville, Fa­ At Your Bmk 8l»ra «turn > I ual meaning of Christmas. ago. The eternal gift of the In­ • IEN7IGER IWTHIIJJNC. J ROCHIiSTH^igjJ^ '(Christmas is the beginning of fant Jesus, the gift, of the per­ ther Jamison said, that accomo­ By Bishop At Annual Rally dations for'approximately >W . :fr-.. an era. It marks the beginning petual help of Jesus Christ on The Bay Scouts of America is a character building of the Christian era on earth. earth. men are being made for that weekend. agency which ties things dose to God, His Excellency Bish­ Minstrel Show op Kearney said at the fourth annual rally of the Catholic During the weekend of Feb. 12 Dansville —- Dress rehearsals Lay Committee on Scouting, Sun­ through Feb. 14, 37 men of eight' day in ^Columbus Civic Center. parishes located in various places for th^e iianavlfle -Minstrel and x;» GOD LOVE YOU! made the retreat. The places and Variety show WlM be'held this "And that character building number of retreatants are: Hone- Sunday *!<(?tnoSv 'jit two o'clock gains a special emphasis when, CadetsTo Receive By MOST REV. FULTON J. SHEEN oye Falls, 10; Lima, 8; Geneseo, at the. High' School 'auditorium. by your unselfish work, you as­ .isv 6; Canandaigui, 4; Caledonia, 4; Performance* Will be^ given next sociate it with the altar before Awards At Dinner Avon, 3: Rochester; Sacred Heart Mohdayt Tueidttyr a\rid Wednes­ which the Scout bows his head to his God," the Bishop said. Cathedral, 1 and St. Ambrose, 1. day evenings\jx 'V • ^ For Father-Sons OW would you like to be caught as we were this week In the His Excejlency praised the 354 MUM ST. E. middle of two dispatches, one from Rome, the other from . o •• The flrs^liaU 'WiU consist of H an old: time minstrel show, the grown-ups for their devotion to Annual Fathers and Sons ban­ IM Calna? The world office of The Society for the Pronation scouting and emphasized the ef­ ef the F«Mh In Rome asked us how much we could send tiTthe Dansville KC To second half. will * cornprjse a quet of Nazareth Hall Cadet fect on boys of listening to their School .will be held Thursday, persecuted missionaries fa China? The. same day a dispatch Honor 2 At Mating series of'- speeWtje- act* witlt '•J. leaders talk of religion and Its from China brought a typical story of what our missionaries Lloyd Mahoney^ as Master of Feb. 25, ln the school's auditor­ value in after-life. He said he ium. •offer under the Communists. Ths priest was interrogated fofl . Dansvllie -,* The Dansville Ceremonies. was grateful to those men who aurty hours or two and one-half days, continuously. Befusing to Council No. 785, Knlghta of Col- Among the? highlights .of the A crowd of 300 Is expected to . For Reservation* ,f give up their leisure time to de­ attend. deny ato faith, during the day his eyes were turned to the sun,. umbus will hold a "Past Grand varieties -will, be Dick Lemen vote to the work for boys. and at night he was forced to face a bright light. Communist Knights 'SutKe and Brogin doing.miie bors and their Kitchen Band will awards to the cadets by His Ex­ clubrooms, here. for their "outstanding contribu­ cellency Bishop Kearney, who a apright. The first twenty hours were spent answering ques- demonstrate their, music making tion to Scouting among troops -. „tkms; fatigue made the faces of the judges swim before his This "Night" If being' held in also will deliver the main speech. abilities. sponsored by the Catholic Church Also a guest, of honor will be •yea. The next twenty hours he was made to copy out every. recognition _ of_ *3b*. . .splendid ._ THE FLQBADORA Sextette in cooperation with the national page ef an anti-Catholic paper. After copying ten pagesjhc took -wbrTrafenelby^^EtwaWBulrSfand Lt. Col. Leo. F. MulIOn. United will make Its first publje appear- organization. States Army, . .Mt:»ftr —-a-ntatchaad banted Jnern, The Communists however kept one Edward* Brogan in making our ance a,nd Ports Pender and Clyde ahtet and told him that he had "signed a confession against the Ctolden-'JuuMe the great success JIONOKED WERE: His Excel­ Bishop Kearney will make the Church," 1 is wa*"-. . •..._» , z Seymour, accompanied by thelency , Auxiliary Bishop Casey, following award*! Scholastic chorus,' will perform a duet * "i who was represented by the Rev. achievement award, excellent bar, i- Grand Kntght, Charies McLahe -The Harmoneers, a group of Michael Hogan of Sacred Heart honor bar, service bar, deport­ Tfhe next twenty hours, he no longer had to answer or write, announced that the Rev. Edward young singers under the direc­ Cathedral; the Rt Rev. 'Msgr. ment bar and courtesy bar. but merely repeat phrases after the judges. The priest began to M. Scheid. chaplain will bless Mr. and Mrs. Scollick, host and new colors for the council at this tion of Margaret Hondelink, will George W. Eckl, pastor of St. loose "his mind, and asked "Why has God abandoned mo?" The time. '- . give a short recitaL Mr. and Mrs. Andrew's Church; Donald J, Cor- hostess, have arranged for an ex­ Communists shouted and jumped with such diabolical glee that Joseph Elliott, local masters of bett, former assemblyman; Paul cellent program of entertainment they brought the priest back to his senses. Memory then failed and -4>- S. Von Bacho, Camera Works; Tickets are $2.75 each, and may J u !! the dance, will be seep in "The -*iir hB~conlifr remembef were Uie>-flrst-wordy Hall-4toy i but flot Venetiarr^VVarte'' Milton V* Schaefer, 261 Cypressfbe obtained from members or the nir the rest. This, the seventh annual min St. and Jojenh_ L,. „Weckesser.JKeckesser,^ NaareUi-JHall-Cadet--Schoel-P«r- Alhambro Meets trel aMd "Variety sJiow-sponsoy manu7acfurer. "" ents Club. What stands between these two dispatches from Borne and At German Club ed'. by the Dansville Knights of , ITie Bishop presented the o ~r from China? YOU, our beloved readers.. Maybe you will sacri­ Columbus under the direction of awards before a specially erected MAn'_ f*1llrl Fnrm*vl :E fice «ky or M hours of your salary, or some old gold or A Smorgasbord Party will be Braxton Mlddlcton. promises to altar flanked by evergreen trees *"©« S WUD ronuea Jewels. Send it to us and we will send it to the Holy Father. He held in connection with the be the best df the series. As and draped in blue to honor the knows far' better than any of us how to aid the missionaries jrnpjBtblyjmejellnfc oOfusa Caraltuaual, all net n^eipts will be al4M*rlaa Yearj The shrine was In Dryden Mission aad China and the rest of the world. van, Order of the Alhambra on lotted to local charities. erected under the direction of Drj'den—S. Russell \vas elected Clarence W. Beckman. president of the Catholic Men's T. Tuesday, Feb. 23 at 7 pjm. in the „ - \ tf o ; . -If your are praying for a special Intention and arc receiving no fil a talk given by W. Stanley Club of Dryden organized at German Club, 315 Gregory St. *- Sicred Heart League Macklem, president of Otetiana Dryden Catholic Mission ol which answer maybe its because you are only asking. Do something! Council, the fact was brought out Give up a $2 luxury, and send us your-request for a World Mission Member* may bring prospect­ the Rev. Thomas K. Cleary is ive neophyte* as guests accord­ Promoter! Set Meeting that there aren't enough Boy 8 pins, 9 pins, 10 pins DOWN. It's great Rosary on which to pray for some lost soul in Africa or Alaska, Scout units In Rochester or Mon­ pastor on Feb. 8. dive up $10 worth of taxi rides, new clothes, or restaurant din­ ing to Grand Commander Clif- The February meeting of the sport to bowl ^fien. you know lipw :'f. bW# Promoters of the League of the roe County to care for all the Others named were: Lawrence ing and send your request for a gold filled God Love Vou medal. ford B, Sargent boys who want to join. McDermott, vice president; Nor- it lakes practice to develop skill. Saving . Give up $10 worth of tbd rides, new clothes, or restaurant dining Sacred Heart will be held the Master of the Oasis John jW. third Sunday of the month, Feb. President Macklem said that bert Schickel, secretary and and send your request for. a gold filled God Love You medal, 11,500 boys already belong to James Ljssaman, treasurer. lakes ajittle practice, too . .. and thot's ,. When you want something for yoursehVdo something for Degus is in .ch*ge of the enter­ 21 at the Convent ofcthe Sacred Heart on Prince St existing Scout groups and he Meetings will be held on the where Corhrnunify's convenienGe CQUHIJ, someone else. If only to make yourself worthy of the. gift you ask tainment program. Reservations Urged "at least 50 more Scout «». being made, with John W. AH members are urged to at fourth Monday of each month ____JiaUWno yo^i^n>vie7^^ from God. - ' '" " I tend-anri fw hrinf^^ipmJs^na^ffltfctJln. 1951 if we are to carry Thp twroiy._fDEmiid—gafag-wrrr- r Be«|iirGUnwo^^^:M'WcW new members. The meeting will Scouting to. all those who want undertake various dvlc, social in saving each week. Start that account you t.Y. GOD LOVE YOU to Ano«i for $10. "I promised I would send BAk!er3te3i, =- start at 4 p,m. • '' it*' and parish activities, nnd Is -a promised yourself... $1 w $5 will get ypu this to the Missions if I was successful in breaking a habit for one The rally ln charge of Donald counterpart of the Rosary Soci­ year." . . . to C. M. "Enclosed is $10.70 for the Holy Father's Corbett was concluded with ety which was organized by wo­ started. Come in this week, Missions which I earned from overtime work." ... to M. L» C, "For Benediction of the Most Blessed. men of the parish, several months each new customer during 1954, I will send $1 to the Missions." igh School Sacrament Others taking part ; ^,4oF. M, "1 am sending $5 for the Missions each time I get a' were the Rev. Eugene McFar- ago. • bit on the quicktempered side." . .• * to- M.EJ5. J'Eoclosed is $3, the land,' director of youth work; o- equivalent to the amount saved in the past three months by omit­ In Seneca Rills James P. B. Duffy who presented St. Theodore Group To ISE ting a roll during coffee break."... to P. J. T. "Enclosed is a week's ^*&i &M r-^1fnStalliition 6? all members of the newly the "winners of the awards; Ed- ITS salary from my new position which I wish to- give in thanksgiving furrier Si PatriigR'g CatHolic touth Organization wiU take' wljf-JClrisky, organist and Theo­ Hear First Aid Talk it to the Blessed Mother." ... to Anon, for $5. "1 saved thls,from the place in St. Ritrick'g Church, Seneca Falls, Sunday, Feb. 21 dore J. Houck, song leader. Members of the Rosary 8001013/ Y premium money I won at the County Fair." ... to P a "Enclosed* will meet at St Theodbre^s _Pj is $15 to fulfill a promise made last summer-to-dpnate the,tlpsp ot •fJtMnjim^Mssav _^-.~" ." ^r-—• ^ tl ioiine f Coldwater Unit To ish^rralirWednesday, Feb. -Jhy best day to the misslbnsrif rrnade Tnjr tuttioh" pUJsTor BRe com­ of^^1^*IH Ctthollc hlgj}^^ftl school boys an?f^PerTd e GTgro, Mary-Rolel 8 p.m- A guest speaker-frorn the ing school year. God in His goodness saw fit that my goal be girls Undfr; Of* |!Utaance of the Hughes. „ Conduct Hobby Show Red Cross will give lan inform­ reached." ... to Anon, 11 years old. ^'Enclosed Is $l^tw'o5weeks Social—Richard Cologgl, chair-", ative talk.on a future fftst alff r Rev.Thomas CS Kaine, assistant man; Barbara Kirker, COleeri/ Sacred Heart Society of. Holy alknvahce It is my hopethai-God will he|p me, with fny mid-term class. pastor, of. Stv^atMclrs JChurch Bevins, Carol MagiJJ, Louie Rossi; GhoW"Church will hold Its Social Richard Eno, BiU £irk. tfeeiuu/ "Tuesday Feb. 23 at 8:00 Final plans will be made for Boys' Athletics — Bob Braiif* fcm;* 1)l the Parish Hall, Cold-.a Day of Recollection, March 18 ber> voteti to pay at the Ceriacle Conyenf. and promised to send naif of the money 1 Would get from him to dollar a,year due* and elected forte, chairman; Lester Van Water Rd. Feature of the evening the Missions. Now he weighs 140 pounds and here Is $16.50, half; Donna Sabatini, temporary treas­ Cleef, Anthony Maloney, Don; Will he a Hobby Show, with Mrs. of the money I received when I sold.hlm^", \ > urer. D'Eredlto, Chuck Beatini, James Jane Parker as speaker. UKjuhart, Mike Annetta. " .'< A committee meeting was held , Cut oat this column, pin your sacrifice to it and mail lt to AT THB organizatldn meeting, Girls' Athletics <- Betty Bald- ittrtu"week at the home of the Jamei Tlmmohawaa elected tem­ chairman Mrs. Herman Resch, MM Most Beverend Fuhoii ?. Sheen, National BIrector o« The porary president; and John Pisci- asarie, chairman; Betty Scarab muzzno, Jackie Fsrrell, Pat Nu­ Chestnut Ridge Rd. at which Society for the PTopsgatlon of the Faith, 10« JEast Mlh Street, telli^terttpor^y secretary. These time plans were made to include •' &m Xork lia> Ne# fork or yonf, Diooesan Ig^pi^'^tjfefk oftcefe. ippdrnted fihe-fbllowlnggent , Rita Scanseletta, Janet Del: 7 Russo, drace Cunningham., - if takeoff of "This is Your Life ' ; Magr. John &, Randall, SC.Chestnat Stree^;Ro«hesterv-New Yo^ committees: id follow the Hobby Show. AppTicMHon>±. Ann Urquhart, THE MEMBERS have selected t Tables will be arranged ln the SAINT MOM IDA'S 831 Gents«ftStr««t chairman; Joan PisclteUl, Sharon the,Virgin Mary as their patto)i; parish Hall for display of hob-1 GumesIrJ&h aiuat^ llarguerlte saint and are working for* mor£ #*. Everyone Si Iftvlted t«f P«r- SliNOAV MAJ5ES: Giglio, Gra* t^«ing¥irE &MLD C LAMIKT. r«»o» «J0. 7. I, >, 10. II. 12:15 , GoMUf^tlbnai;. «S ^me» Tim/ pons, :ch|Iimiii; ,C«*« jplacitelli, ^^/through, spirituall, educational,^'«!!g«l«^, so/;? %#$£ $fo« f . ^1^^ ^ tot the ROCHESTER ! 0 ohe .Boh Me|^|h,m'CoM ! , &el- clatl, moral and Athletic fanctipjnfe i. AssMIng, Mrs. Resell will be .ttude'fil^g »Mqa*lr1e. ..SOmj? -.pit thft.-boys tev»Ml$imW®&^ formW' a basketball team an»otlMr(; Mary Brelner. Anna Mil- '•«*& '«>«* n tm'i-rk frrm Ttlm^. ••y B*Pr> **** - Jacobs, Eileen Reldman, meta^y.O. eamfromlthi^caj^ j^^.^. a^ehJCblb. ac- tOeusf 9900 tea imumK'km-'&ssBm* *^n^gmind^iti£i_j^-i ;'-A Wednesday flight :l^(ri KoMroeier. Me|«rltic;^((^tty Ahdreai,- *hainnan>'••> Patricia fcombardo, Newly; appointed chee.rleaae|| %;-; , &t-vv»i- • r A Toblon ' arefeJoyce'-MorganK ^argneritll %;•' • ..Jr>iPf*f* •Moots' •foyee.ri^felsi:-:'!^. :,Moulton* f M«ph H. Irodtritk, fob Scheuriha1i»^iyirHieth ijaas,•eig!l6v Nan jifaus't, Sharon *2aH -^iaiamo)^, M-(NC),-Show- Ann^tJr^fe^pftte:t« Si* neC^woi'Vah. Epps, ^hy"U%mk 0ii^Mii6n laBIue" in a GEntsee 4390 Call. GErmae 7416 to, Pe|gy?^^^ -:a " dreas, l»hyir1* FloreUl, Grac| ;^lteor«|he*te^1ha*:res!^ed in For Quick WMcrtpfion ' Publicity' 3B^£r«rey* ehalr 'Cunningham* JDphna SabaUnt. rjrbtests to theater operators and |A«njJto*^BgyliJjaiJ&i^^ %*-4aL£!athof.t. ^ mutt- ipiT, > »f t , ®.«Bi~J5- $*;•*&. •i*.'^f -4 «v.^»- *.,. ..-"> "~ l||><%«^.«Vai«^^^«,«!5..^^.!»..Y'* f' '--4^J —»• w,*4 tt^^..J?--"*^.^ .ft-^f5 ff*i-A- fry 1** .• *•,«**, V 4 , r .-»— «-.--'»* -^,*^-*^^"" "^~ ">;. '^*"''*^~"**^^ '^*¥*•s«1g!3',•«s^s^p'Jsr^" * Vt^j^*x*t.- KVf t^"rv ;-f*;