1 Curriculum Vitae, Eugene W. Schupp Curriculum Vitae Eugene W. Schupp ResearcherID: F-1834-2010 Address: Department of Wildland Resources, and The Ecology Center 5230 Old Main Hill Utah State University Logan, UT 84322-5230 Phone: 435-797-2475 FAX: 435-797-3796 e-mail:
[email protected] Education: 1987 Ph.D., Biology University of Iowa 1981 M.A., Zoology University of South Florida 1977 B.A., Biology University of South Florida Professional Experience (Post-Ph.D.): 2012-2013 College of Natural Resources Assistant Dean for Research & Graduate Education, Utah State University 2011-present Professor, Utah State University 1998-2011 Associate Professor, Utah State University 1995-present Adjunct Researcher, Integrated Ecology Group, Estación Biológica de Doñana, Sevilla, Spain 1992-1998 Assistant Professor, Utah State University 1989-1992 DOE Alexander Hollaender Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellow, Savannah River Ecology Laboratory 1988-1989 NSF–NATO Postdoctoral Fellow, Estación Biológica de Doñana, Spain 1987-1988 Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Iowa 1987 Co-coordinator, Organization for Tropical Studies field course, “Tropical biology: an ecological approach,” Costa Rica 2 Curriculum Vitae, Eugene W. Schupp Grants and Contracts Funded: External, at USU: 2017-2019 USDI Bureau of Indian Affairs, “Range Inventory of the Uintah and Ouray Reservation,” Co-PI, $254,000 2015-2020 USDA Forest Service/USDI Bureau of Land Management, “Ongoing funding for SageSTEP regional experiment,” PI, $427,225 2015-2016 Utah Division of Wildlife Resources, “Interactive effects of soils and browsing on sagebrush: implications for restoration success,” K. Veblen, PI, $137,000; (co- investigator with K. Nehring, J. Boettinger, E. Schupp, E. Thacker, J.