Nerf Herder: it's fhe kind of band you'd give up eating meat for

Anne Wakewood Just by looking at the band you will realize that their songs will be less than serious. The lyrics are incredibly Staff Writer funny. The goofy songs "Sorry" and "Nose-ring Girl" have to be my favorites. In "Sorry," the lead vocalist, Wonderful, charming and catchy is how I would Steve Sherlock, sings, "Sorry I showed up at your party describe one of the newest bands from Santa Barbara, ... sorry I drank up all your Bacardi ... sorry I had sex Calif.: . If Green Day or the Presidents of with your sister ... sorry I crashed through your window the United States hold any appeal for you, this band is on acid .... " In "Nose-ring Girl," my ultimate favorite for you. How could you not love this alternative, nerdy song, they sing, "She's the kind of girl you'd give up trio dressed in pastel golf shirts and plaid golf pants? eating meat for .... " And with a name like Nerf Herder, how could 'they not ,N'etf Herder is a band that I'm not sorry came be cool? エ ッ ァ セ エ ィ ・ イ N The trio is made up of lead singer and The name Nerf Herder comes from the hit movie The drummer Steve "the Cougar" Sherlock, guitarist Parry Empire Strikes Back when gives ' Gripp and bassist Charlie Dennis. Both Dennis and the brushoff, calling him a B 「 。 ャ ヲ セ キ ゥ エ エ ・ 、 L scruffy-looking Gripp provide back-up vocals. They have recently been nerf herder." As a CD reviewer, I seldom get a CD that ·· signed by A.ttista Records. ' I can rave about, but as an alternative music fan, I would The rest, as they say, is history. The catchy name definitely recommend buying this album. seems to be an omen for Nerf Herder's success. As the Even the cover design is great. In keeping with their re-release of the Star Wars movies has been a hit, Nerf theme, the cover has a picture of a salmon-colored golf Herder will surely only gain in popularity. The blend of shirt. Inside, there is a picture of each member of the originality in appearance and lyrics make for an band wearing a pastel golf shirt. The last picture is of incredible band. Hey man ... .it's the kind of band you'd the entire band in full golf attire. The CD itself is a golf give up eating meat for! FILE PHOTO ball. Very cool. Very, very cool. The name "Nerf Herder" comes from Princess Leia giving Han Solo the brush off. .' Beverly Hills Ninja: that's with that fat ninja isn't it?

Rob Alexander Staff Writer

As I am a martial artist myself, the thought of Chris Farley as a ninja at once makes me cringe and crack up. Having not seen the movie yet, I can't comment on how this actually pans out on the big screen; however, the soundtrack intrigued me as soon as I saw it: an eclectic, yet silly smattering of '70s classics and covers intermingled with dialogue from the movie. Karate movie staple "Kung Fu Fighting" shows up twice on this CD, and the original version is much better than the new cover by Patti Rothberg. One of my favorite songs to come out of the decade of my birth. War's "Low Rider," seems out- of-place thrown in with the rest of the sillier songs on the album, but it made me happy nonetheless. The looniest and most memorable song on the soundtrack is a Japanese version of "I Think We're Alone Now" that is immediately musically pleasing and side-splittingly funny. This is what made the album for me. There were also some amusing clips of Farley discussing things like "the blackness of [his] belt" with fellow Saturday Night Live alum Chris Rock and an embarrassing explanation of his foiled attempt at some boot-knockin' in which he makes reference to the female anatomy as a "temple" he wanted to "get close to, but not inside." Fighting side-by-side Haru (Farley) and Gobei (Shou) take out the bad guys. So, if you're looking for some '70s disco-rock, and CD is a good buy. If you're like me, you'll tape it off a during spring break. you think that Farley makes a funny, if portly, ninja, this friend and save the $15 for a couple of good drinks