FLEKKEFJORD REVISITED Accent realization and the occurrence of stød-like phenomena in the far South of Norway Jan K. Hognestad, Agder University College, Kristiansand, Norway
[email protected] 1. Introduction: Degrees of peak delay in three Norwegian dialect prosodies: A: Tysnes B: Egersund C: Oslo The position of prominence H is the 200 300 200 essential factor determining the structure 250 150 150 of accent melodies. A general tendency Accent 1 200 towards rightwards movement of H in 100 100 150 longer domains a) may have created the very basis for two differing accentual 50 50 100 melodies in Norwegian and b) seems to 0 0.335272 0 0.476967 0 0.520254 Time (s) Time (s) Time (s) be the driving force in creating prosodic dialect differences. Also, peak delay 200 200 300 eventually triggers formation of new 250 tones domain initially. Under this 150 150 hypothesis, therefore, HL-melodies are 200 considered to be older than LHL- and Accent 2 100 100 150 double-peaked HLHL-melodies (contrary 50 50 100 to the view held by Riad (2000 etc.) and 0 0.531601 0 0.453399 0 0.471358 others). See Hognestad 2006 [2004] for Time (s) Time (s) Time (s) further reference. 2. Accent realization in Flekkefjord According to Larsen (1970), the Flekkefjord dialect blocks accent 1 in low-sonority domains. This claim is controversial, but has attracted considerable attention because of the resemblance with Danish stød. In Danish, stød does not occur in the environment where accent 1 is allegedly blocked in Flekkefjord and, according to Larsen, accent 2 occurs instead.