Compendium of from Dr. Joachim M. Wink, University of Braunschweig


Authors: Maszenan et al. 2000

Status: New

Literature: Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. 50:601

Risk group: 1 (German classification)

Type strain: ACM 5116, DSM 13192, T1-X7

Author(s) Maszenan, A. M., Seviour, R. J., Patel, B. K. C., Schumann, P., Burghardt, J., Tokiwa, Y., Stratton, H. M. Title Three isolates of novel polyphosphate-accumulating Gram- positive cocci, obtained from activated sludge, belong to a new genus, Tetrasphaera gen. nov., and description of two new species, Tetrasphaera japonica sp. nov. and Tetrasphaera australiensis sp. nov. Journal Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol. Volume 50 Page(s) 593-603 Year 2000

Glucose Sulfide Medium

Glucose 0.15 g Yeast extract 1.00 g (NH 4)2SO 4 0.50 g CaCO 3 0.10 g Ca(NO 3)2 0.10 g KCl 0.05 g K2PO 4 0.05 g MgSO 4 x 7 H 2O 0.05 g Na 2S x 9 H 2O 0.20 g Vitamin solution (see Leke Strains Medium) 10.00 ml Distilled water 990.00 ml

Adjust pH to 7.3

Copyright: PD Dr. Joachim M. Wink, HZI - Helmholtz-Zentrum für Infektionsforschung GmbH, Inhoffenstr. 7, 38124 Braunschweig, Germany, Mail: [email protected]. Compendium of Actinobacteria from Dr. Joachim M. Wink, University of Braunschweig

Genus: Tetrasphaera FH 6189 Species: japonica Numbers in other collections: DSM 13192 Reclassification:

Morphology: G R ISP 2 good beige A SP none none G R ISP 3 good beige A SP none none G R ISP 4 good beige A SP none none G R ISP 5 good beige A SP none none G R ISP 6 good beige A SP none none ISP 7 G R good beige A SP none none

Melanoid pigment: - - - - NaCl resistance: % Lysozyme resistance: pH: Value- Optimum- Temperature : Value- Optimum- 28°C

Enzymes: Api Zym 2+ 3- 4+ 5- 6+ 7- 8- 9(+) 10- 11+ 12+ 13- 14+ 15- 16+ 17+ 18- 19- 20- Api Coryne Nit Pyz Pyr Pal βGur βGal αGlu βNag Esc Ure Gel + - - + - (+) (+) - + - - Glu Rib Xyl Man Mal Lac Sac Glyg ------Comments: Strain growth on Glucose Sulfide Medium

Copyright: PD Dr. Joachim M. Wink, HZI - Helmholtz-Zentrum für Infektionsforschung GmbH, Inhoffenstr. 7, 38124 Braunschweig, Germany, Mail: [email protected]. Compendium of Actinobacteria from Dr. Joachim M. Wink, University of Braunschweig

Tetrasphaera japonica

A – Agar plates media 5006, 5265 and 5315 B – Api Zym (upper) and Api Coryne

Copyright: PD Dr. Joachim M. Wink, HZI - Helmholtz-Zentrum für Infektionsforschung GmbH, Inhoffenstr. 7, 38124 Braunschweig, Germany, Mail: [email protected].