Proceedings, 1972 Carahan Conference on Electronic Prosthetics. INSTITUTION Kentucky Univ., Lexington

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Proceedings, 1972 Carahan Conference on Electronic Prosthetics. INSTITUTION Kentucky Univ., Lexington DOCUMENT RESUME ED 085 933 EC 060 713 AUTHOR Jackson, John S., Ed.; DeVore, R. William, Ed. TITLE Proceedings, 1972 Carahan Conference on Electronic Prosthetics. INSTITUTION Kentucky Univ., Lexington. Coll. of Engineering. REPORT NO TR-60-72-EE4 PUB DATE Dec 72 NOTE 170p. AVAILABLE FROM ORES Publications, College of Engineering, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky 40506 ($20.00) EDRS PRICE IMF -$0.65 HC-$6.58 DESCRIPTORS Conference Reports; *Electromechanical Aids; *Exceptional Child Research; Handicapped Children; *Mobility Aids; *Prostheses; *Sensory Aids IDENTIFIERS Severely Handicapped ABSTRACT Presented are 28 papers given at a 1972 conference on electronic prosthetics for the handicapped. Among the papers are the following titles: "Therapy for Cerebral Palsy Employing Artifician Sense Organs for Alternatives to Proprioceptive Feedback"; "Excessive Neuromuscular Time Delay as a Possible Cause of Poor Hand-Eye Coordination and Hyperactivity"; "The Electric Pencil--A Device for Training in Fine Motor Skills"; "The Tufts Interactive Communicator"; "A Communications Prosthesis for the Quadriplegic"; "Apparatus Actuating and Call System for Incapacitated Patients"; "Magnetically Coupled Stimulation of the Ossicular Chain in Kangaroo Rat and Man"; "Mechanical Speech Recognition for the Paralyzed or Profoundly Deaf"; "Toward Optimum Synthetic Speech for the Deaf"; "Transportation for the Severely Disabled--Design Problems in a Personal Car"; "A Digital Pitch-Sensitive Controller for an Electric Wheelchair"; "A Reclining Wheelchair that Provides Weight Shifting Mobility for the Quadriplegic"; "A Survey of Electric Wheelchair Power Supplies"; "A Voice Controlled Telephone for the Motion Handicapped"; "A Self-Timing Index Tone Generator"; "An Automated Reading Service for the Blind"; "An on-Line System forImmediate Braille Presentation of Computer Stored Information to the Blind"; "Toward Improving the Optacon"; "Mobile Platform for the Paraplegic"; "Evaluation of the Ultrasonic Binaural Sensor in Rehabilitation and Mobility of the Blind"; "The Heugel Quill--A New Tactile Development for the Blind"; and "Optical Analog Biofeedback Control and Learning Devices". (DB) I FILMED FROM BEST AVAILABLECOPY PROCEEDINGS 1972 CARNAHAN CONFERENCE ON ELECTRONIC PROSTHETICS UKY TR60 72 EE4 DECEMBER 1972 U 5 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION & WELFARE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION VENTIItT PEENNFPar D.:( ED E X, T I PE I [ IPED ; PE p,,r1N ON(,ANIZA T ION ()P,--,,,N ly(. ITPOINT., ();VIE A CP OPINION', I) DO NOT NI ( REppf ANT 0; 'TT At NA,.(DN:-., .N.,7-,71-. 0; E DII,. ATIrN PCY11'.(IN ,cy ENGINEERINGACOLLEGEOF LaK4ENGINEERING UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY COLLEGE ADMINISTRATION JAMES E. FUNK Ar: CO' LI 01 OF ENGINEERING DAVID K. BLYTHE ASSOCIATE DEAN WARREN W. WALTON ASXTANT DEAN BL.4INE F. PARKER AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING ROBERT B. GRIEVES CHINHCAL ENGINEERING STALEY F. ADAMS CIVIL ENGINEERING EARL L. STEELE 4 ECTRICAL ENGINEERING DONALD C. LEIGH ENGINEERING MECHANICS ROGER EICHHORN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING HANS CONRAD mL-ALLURGICAL ENGINEERING AND MATERIALS SCIENCE OFFICE OF RESEARCH AND ENGINEERING SERVICES JAMES E. FUNK DIRECTOR AND DEAN OF THE COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING RUSSELL E. PUCKETT ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR R. WILLIAM DEVORE DIRECTOR OF PUBLICATION SERVICES For additional copies or information 0 address correspondence to It ORES Publications College of Engineering University of Kentucky Lexington, Kentucky 40506 A PUBLICATION OF THE OFFICE OF RESEARCH AND ENGINEERING SERVICES UKY TRGO -72 EE4 DECEME3E1R 1972 PROCEEDINGS 1972 CARNAHAN CONFERENCE ON ELECTRONIC PROSTHETICS JOHN S. JACKSON, EDITOR R. WILLIAM DE YORE, ASSOCIATE EDITOR I CARNAHAN HOUSE UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY DEDICATION This record of the Proceedings of the 1972 Carnahan Conference on Electronic Prosthetics is dedicated to four men whose pro- fessional accomplishments have so greatly benefitted the handi- capped throughout Kentucky. Ben F. Coffman Assistant Superintendent Bureau of Rehabilitation Services Department of Education Commonwealth of Kentucky / T. V. Cranmer Director, Division of Services for the Blind Bureau of Rehabilitation Services Commonwealth of Kentucky Emerson Foulke Director, Perceptual Alternatives Laboratory, and Professor of Psychology University of Louisville Fred L. Gissoni Supervisor, Kentucky Rehabilitation Center for the Blind Bureau of Rehabilitation Services Commonwealth of Kentucky I CONTENTS SESSION I. Chairman: .John s, I Electiical Engineering Department (.' of Engineering University of Kentucky Lexington, Kentucky 'I' HE In PA' FOR CI.; 111:131tA 1. PA 151' EP LOYING A FICLA 1. SENSE ORGANS FOR ',TERN:\ Try Es0 m101)1{1001.: F. A. Harris, F. A. Spelman and J. AV. Ilymer 1 EXCESSIVE NEUROMUSCULAR TIME DELAY AS A POSSI1XLE CAUSE OF POOR HAND-EYE COORDINATION AND HYPERAcTIV1Ty James Alorrion 5 / TnE ELECFRIC PENCIL-A DEVICE FOR TRAINING IN FINE 'MOTOR SKILLS Kenneth S. Bomvit, E. Lakin Phillips and David L. Williams T111, TUFTS INTERA/TIVE Ct/A1AFCN1CAT011 Richard A. Foulds Ii; SESSION II. Chairman: Robert Silvatiik Cardinal Hill Rehabilitation and Convalescent llospittC, Lexington, Kentucky / PRACT1CA I, AIDS FOR NON -A' ERB:\ 1. RA N'D1CAPPED / Ora Al. Rice and Robert G. Combs 2.1 A C'OMMTNICATIONS PROTHESIS FOR A Qt'ADRIPLEGIC Howard 13. Johnston, Jr. ,lichard P. Manning', and Joseph S1 appin 27 APPiRkTt'S ACTUATING AND CALI, sysTEm FOR INCA PACATATED PA'FIENTS S. Meiri and B. 13. Hamilton '.1t) SESSION III. Chairman: Eugene R. Bradley Electrical Engineering Department College of Engineering University of Kentucky Lexington, Kentucky SENSORY AIDS F011 THE HANDICA PPED: A PLAN FOR EFFECTIVE ACTION Charles \V. Garrett SENSORY AIDS FOR THE DEAF-KY PRO131.EA1 AREAS harry Levitt / :Is SELECTED RESEARCH, DEVELOPMENT AND ORGANIZATIONAL NEEDS TO AID THE VISUALLY IMPAIRED Patrick W. Nye -11 MAGNETICALLY COUPLED STIMULATION OF THE OSSICULAR CHAIN IN KANGAROO RAT AND MAN George Mouskegian, Aram Glorig, and Allen Rupert MECHANICAL SPEECH RECOGNITION FOR THE PARALYZED OR PROFOUNDLY DEAF George Al. White -1s TOWARD OPTIMIJAI SYNTHETIC SPEECH FOR THE DEAF R. Lynn Kirlin 5'2 SESSION IV. A. Chairman: Ilenry C. Lock lar Product Development Laboratory International Business Machines Corp. Lexington, Kentucky TRANSPORTATION FOR THE SEVERELY DISABLED: DESIGN PROI3LEMS IN A PERSONAL CAR George 13. Stupp, Jr. , and Howard \V. Knoche] 5:s A DIGITA PITCH-SENSITIVE CONTROLLER FOR AN ELECTRIC \CIIEEI.CIL \IIZ Tom Rhyne, David F. Edwards, Paul H. Newell, Jr. , and Arthur 'M. Sherwood A RECLINING WHEELCHAIR THAT PROVIDES WEIGHT SHIFTING MOBILITY FOR Till; QUA DRIPLEGIC Donald E. 4Zugg, and Charles E. Eppinger s4 A SURVEY OF ELECTRIC WHEELCHAIR POWER SUPPLIES John Molnar Ss A VOICE CONFROLliED TELEPHONE FOR THE MOTION HANDICAPPED F. E. Froehlich, P. J. Keaveney, and G. M. Smith. SESSION B. Chairman: Robert L. Boggess Electrical Engineering Department College of Engineering University of Kentucky Lexington, Kentucky A SELF-TIMING INDEX TONE GENERATOR . V. Crammer 111 AN AUTOMATED READING SERVICE FOR THE BLIND J. Gaitenby, G. Sholes, T. Rand, G. Kuhn, P. Nye, and F. Cooper AN ON-LINE SYSTEM FOR liNIMEDIATE BriAILLE PRESENTATION OF COMPUTER- STORED INFORMATION TO THE BLIND Arnold P. Grunwald, and Robert H. Vonderohe 119' TOWARD IMPROVING THE cPTACON Jon C elver 125 NEW PROMISES IN READING 131 LISTENING Francis F. Ile 133 SESSION V. Chairman: Robert L. Cosgriff Electrical Engineering Department College of Engineering University of Kentucky Lexington, Kentucky MOBILE PLATFORM FOR THE PARAPLEGIC Clair L. Wyatt, Dean ShaVer, and Donald R. Rasmussen 136 EVALUATION OF THE ULTRASONIC BINAURAL SENSOR IN REHABILITATION AND MOBILITY OF THE 13LIND Allan L. Ward 143 THE HEUGL QUILL:A NEW TACTILE DEVELOPMENT FOR THE BLIND D. Reginald Traylor 117 Page OPTICAL ANALOG BIOFEEDBACK CONTROL ANDLEARNING DEVICES Ronald Hershel, and Rick Kataoka 150 THE DESIGN AND BUILDING OF A WRITING MACHINE James W. Fee, Jr. 155 THERAPY FOR CEREBRAL PALSY ENPLOYING ARTIFICIAL SENSE ORGANS FOR ALTERNATIVES TO PROPRIOCEPTIVE FEEDBACK by F. A. Harris, Ph.D. F. A. Spelman and W. Hymer Department of Physiology and Biophysics University of Washington Medical School and Regional Primate Research Center Seattle, Washington Introduction terms of defective control system function. What have been viewed as primary motor disturbances may Federal assistant: for the education of handi- actually sbe sensory disturbances, in that altera- capped children, provided through Title VI-B fund- tions in muscle stretch receptor sensitivity might ing,* has made it possible to bring concepts from distort proprioceptive feedback to the point that neurophysiology and hardware from bioengineering to postural stability and the execution of smooth vol- bear on the stability and mobility problems of untary movements are impossible (2). An obvious athetoid cerebral palsied (CP) children. A team possibility for the production of changes in comprised of a neurophysiologist, an electrical stretch receptor sensitivity (either in the direc- engineer and an electronics specialist have devised tion of derangement or towards compensatory re- artificial sense organs and feedback devices which adiustment) exists by virtue of the control of are utilized by physical and occupational thera- stretch receptors through the gamma efferent pists in treatment of CP children in the Orthopedic system (3). An indication of the actual occurrence Wing of the Lowell School in Seattle, Washington. of such derangement is that some children
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