Evorything was wildly astonishing to In 1836 Mr. Allaire projected n rail- -' tbonl. They had Imagined tho Ko- that road to tho town of Allaire, but he 'mm m ran contained all tho wisdom nnd undertaking knowlcdgo of tho world, yet hero was was dissuaded from its MM erection by somo of his friends who tho telephone, tho electrotype, tho tbrougn ufflw 017 Unas wmFMJ&Tns I printing press. Tho place was a verit- feared It could not be carried able enchanter's castle to them. They successfully. 'iim ftt&mm nfnnjh mrw?m a I Had ho out ideas tho would nover have believed In tho tel- carried his history of might been ephone If I hnd not called up their Allaire have far hotel and got one of their own party different, . son old man, Tho grim Mnttorhorn, standing In And, Instead of heeding tho warn- at tho end of tho wire. Tho dervish Hal Allaire, tho of the cloud-cappe- Picturesque nnd mysterious In its early days, nnd through Its agency Is of Columbia a man its d majesty, linn claimed ings of experienced engineers, tourists who had come along was bold aa well was a graduate and lonely grandeur stands what Is left of cast somo of tho Iron learning, yet he, aomo wo more victims to Its fascination are crowding the neighboring hotels as pious. When ho heard that Ills which revolu- of much for pre-rent- tho town of Allaire, In Monmouth wntcr travel nnd md only a miraculous accident and aro swarming up the mountain friend five miles away was talking tionized created a unknown reason, has burled himself county, , which, In tho enr-l- y now era in method of transporta- the number from being four. side, peorlng Into tho great clefts that through tho Instrument he mndo a tho among his ruins. days of the last century, was tho tion. portion It Is another costly tribute to the havo already opened ntnong the rocks. dash at It. Ho was greatly excited Ho was loft tho major of tho most important industrial center of Mr. hold of Inngerous delights of mountain climb-m- g. If the crash should conio now tho and yelled In a mcgaphono voice. He When Allaire took tho estate by his father and the will was tho old Howell section of 187G Now death list would bo appalling. thought wo wcro tricking him, but state. furnace that contested. In tho York courts It la known today as "tho Deserted Monmouth county was a wilderness. Not n season passes without Its list Tho rocks may give warning enough horo was his friend talking Arabic. He decided In his favor and he was left Village," and as such it is tho mecca There was a water power, by In Btrange terrlblo deaths; scnrccly a day before- thoy fall to onablo tho tourists rolled his eyes mo In a despairing fair undisputed possession of a it at means of which the old furnace had legacy. without an accident. to get out of tho way, but then again manner nnd then began a search for been operated, and this was greatly Ho quiet coun- And yet the fascination of a snoW- - thoy may not and the onglnocrs Hay devils, being Quite convinced tho has lived the life of a that Improved. Tho plno trees In sec- try many 'phono wns an invention of Satan. that farmer, and because of tho tion had been stripped by tho charcoal difficulties to bo surmounted ho nover burners. A tract of land comprising nttemptcd to restore tho town to its Clrniilnj- - t'lnno Key. one thousand acres was purchased nnd former Industrial activity. To keep piano keys clean nnd pre- more charcoal was made. Mr. Allaire la highly estcomed by Ills .,. vent tho discoloration of tho Ivory, jfflm dampen a piece of muslin with alco- hol and with It rub the keys. Tho ulcohol can do no damage, nnd If fre- mm quently applied the keys will stand In want of no other treatment, but If they havo already begun to turn yel- low rub them with cotton llannel wet with cologne water. Even old and dis- colored Ivory mny be rejuvenated, no A TYPICAL RESIDENCE, matter what tho cause of discoloration of tho guests at the sensido resorts, or of how long standing. An acid ap- who lovo to ponder over tho secrets of plied repeatedly will usually rcstoro its past and tho mystery of Its future, tho keys to their orlgln.il whiteness. says tho Now York Press. Tho town, or. moro properly speaking, what Is Cotton llannol cloths wot with a patu-rate- d solution of oxalic acid nnd water left of It in tho shape of dwellings nnd It all gone to and laid upon tho keys will remove ruins, for has not decay, Is located on the line of th"" all stains. Caro should always bo ta- & Jamesburg of ken In tho use n Freehold branch tho of such bleacher as railroad, thirteen miles this thnt It does touch not anything south of Freohold and six miles west from which tho color Is not to bo from Sea Girt. for It does not work with great Among the crumbling houses lives certainty. Chicago News. tho owner of tho land, son of tho man wJio founded tho colony and mado a v nm warm ywffl&zmmwrfrw. Auto In n TliiiiHli-rMorii- i. fortune there; "Is an autocar safo In a thunder- Whether ho has any dreams of re- storm?" The unswer to this question viving tho onco gay vlllngo no one Is, generally Kpeaklng. In tho affirma- knows, but tho ullurements of city life TOP OF FURNACE. tive. Although nn autocar contains havo not tempted him and ho lives buildings was brought a comparatively largo mass of metal, peacefully among tho ruins. The stone for friends, nnd while tho ruins undoubt- Nyack tho brick needed waB edly It could not take, and would not In- Giant trees, which havo witnessed from and remind him of tho greatness of vite, tho discharge of a cloud the storms of a century, form a pretty mado thoro. tho past, yet ho takes an actlvo interest such as In would bo dangerous. grovo which today is ono of tho at In 1828 the Howell Works company tho affairs of tho county and nets It would Invito as postmaster such n dlschnrgo.'and would probably tractions of tho placo. Cultivated was incorporated and James P. Allaire for tho present town ot bo wrecked by was elected president. In 1831 the com- Allaire. tho discharge, if it On formed part of tho discharge path to pany was sold out and bought in by Sunday he conducts a Sunday Individual. school In the old school a conducting mass bolow. Such a con- James P. Allalro as an building. property Mr. Al- ducting maw would bo tho wet ground After acquiring tho A of a largo level Held, laire mado further improvements. DEMAND FOR HOUR GLASSES. under which a was bed of clay existed, modern furnace for smelting iron so that tho wot standing today as could not get awny. A path llko this built, which is Somo Aro Uneil for Keeping Tab ou strong ns It was tho day it was might also bo formed In certain spe- Piano l'rnctlce. cial cases on a wet erected. "Most people think hour glass- road, but they wero Improved to Red Bank that would bo rnre. For safety, then, in a Roads es went out of stylo years ago," said and Occanport, where piers wero con- thunderstorm tho autocar koep a clerk In a Twenty-thir- d store should and a lino of sloops was street right out in tho opon on hard- OLD CHARCOAL HOUSE. structed to tho New York Sun, "along and tho to . with est bit of road, racndowland slopes off to the old river perukes and kneo that can bo found. built was tho breeches, but as a umcngo News. bed, now almost dry in places, and The first matter of fact we have Yolas, tho second Osiris, followed by more calls for deep ravines filled with an abundance them today than wo havo had at any Nemneii Dlnplnceti by Machinery. of natural foliage present nature tho Isls and the 1818. crowned mountain peak Is too strong Tho old at time within tho last ten years. That woodon battleship Vermont, Us wildest and yet most attractive Comfortable houses were built for for tho avorngo tourist to resist. which It Is 'proposed to discontinue as employes and from 1834 to 1837 Allaire this renewed popularity, of the hour rocont fatality form. glass augurs its universal accoptanco This most occurred tho receiving ship of tho Brooklyn In tho early days of tho paBt century was at the height of its prosperity. Tho ngo and navy as a tlmeplcco by tho xomlng genera- only a few weeks caused tho yard, when in commission in tho tho town was ono of tho largest In big furnace was in operation, thero death of Dr. Black and Miss Hell, both CO's carried a complement of 1,100 of- was a grist mill, a bakery, store, car- tion, I am not prepared to say, but If dustrial centers in tho East. such a of London. ficers and men. Tho now battleships, All roads led to Allaire, penter shop, screw factory and nbout rennlssanco wcro to becomo as- and thoy sured It would Two other members of their party, altogether much larger and Infinitely were traversed by heavily laden wag- flvo hundred men wero employed in bo no moro surprising than somo Miss Trow and tho guldo, Cnrrol, woro moro powerful, do not require crows to ons carrying crude materials to tho tho various industries which mado up of tho other recent fads badly Injured, but by a mlrnclo es- exceed COO men, To such nn extent town or taking away tho manufactured tho town. based on a revival of lost customs. caped death, rnoy a wren aiapa doca machinery dlsplaco human labor, product. A canal was dug threo miles to Anyway a brief study ot the hour glass A landslip was tho cauao of It ono Chicago Chronicle. This continued for a period of twen bring water from tho Mingemahone, a will do nobody harm. Thero are thou- of those treacherous uccldents that ty odd years. Tho town grew and stream near Farmlngdnle, and flvo sands In this generation who havo not occurring In all moun- It Is a toss-u- p which courso thoy tako, ilunlllloit. largo wero bought to have tho tho slightest Idea aro constantly "I seo you ndvcrtlso somo prosporcd. farms what an hour glass Given tho favorable- conditions a for ono to of way tho water. looks like, tains. run your Bald For half a century, howovor, It has right for and It won't hurt them to way to sudden, unheralded slip, tho trust," tho young mn stages wero operated dally Tho pnrty was well on Its tourists to tho mngnato, a'pply shown llttlo activity or life, and If it Lines of broaden tholr education a llttlo along swarming ovor tho toppling crags, tho "and I wish to moro important towns tho peak of tho Mnttorhorn whon tho for tho position." wero not for the many visitors who, to tho and certain lines. Of tho hour glasses sold glvo crowds In tho valley below and tho goods wero brought from New York by three-mlnut- o ground boneath thorn began to you over any prompted by curiosity or real Interest, at present tho class Is in fascination of tho mountains will sure- "Havo had oxpcrlonco which succeeded tho way. running Inquired vlBlt tho placo tho town would bo both a steamboat line tho lead. This glass Is used almost ly havo claimed enough victims. trusts?" tho mngnato of sloops. Much of tho Iron was Thero was no salvation for thnm. with interest. dead and desorted. lino exclusively to measure tlmo in boiling lron-alio- d poles could And noth- Although tho natural beauty of tho sblppod to market by tho Manasquan eggs Tho Tint A rub mill tho Telephone, "No," replied tho young man, "but I and its usefulness naturally suggest a dock two miles bolow tho - ing by which to hold; slowly tho Wo hnd a party of Arabs along with a buckotshop location would the idea that river from places- Its salo a little in advance of tho ran which robbed tho somo Utopian scheme ground began to Blnk beneath tho uh nnd took thorn nil over a great people for flvo thoro was behind furnace. moro sentimental varieties. Next years." Ohio Stnto founding, was a plain Currency was scarce In thoso days climbers nnd, with tho others looking newspaper oljlco, writes u Now Yorker. Journal. its it business como tho five, ten nnd fifteen mlnuto helplessly on, tho four doomed ones nnd full hour glasses, which aro slid over tho edge of tho precipice and bought chiefly by musicians for piano dashod upon tho crags bolow. IN SCHOOL, practice and by lodges and secret so- - It was n sheer fall of thousands of cletles. Tho Band used in an hour feet. glass is tho very finest that the world Bolow thorn Jagged peaks of rock affords. Tho western const of Italy Jutted out nnd scorned almost to renqh furnishes most of it, as it has done for for them. ages past. Tho cost of hour glasses Is Dr. Blnck and Miss Boll wcro prob-nbl- y regulated by tho ornamentation of tho killed Instantly. frames. A glass set in n plain rosc- - Tho escape of other two was ) WOOU 1 tho caBO hn hnnirlit fnn1 i.rl.ltnVJ Hn Hw..0..., w V, " 1 . 4 1 miraculous. n mahogany frame comes to $1.50 or upon - Carrol, tho guldo, struck a --'. Of course, tho price can bo bronchi- lodge of rock nnd nn instant later tho up still higher by fancv cnrvlnir nnd lifeless hotly of,ono of the women fell decoration. Swell lodges sometimes go bosldo hltn. to tula extra expense, but most peoplo Thoro, for bourn, thoy lay with tho aro satisfied with the cheaper grades." wolght of tho other two bodies pulling taut tho ropn tholr waists nnd about Cliilnii Dlncovcry or aid reached thorn In tlmo to rovlvo 1'erpotual I.lRlit. Just John P. Mugrady, tho dying spark of life. a Chicago photog- rapher, claims to Tho accident wns, of courso, n Bhock have discovered a perpetual light. Tho secret of this to all who heard it, but It did not act light ns n warning. Is tho combination of chomlcals In a vacuum. Parties of mountain climbers aro to- wmmmmmm These chomlcals, which day struggling townrd tho peak THE OLD SCREW FACTORY. aro four In number, when brought of tho Into contact Mnttorhorn nnd tho tragic death of In a glass or porcelain proposition prompted James P. In 1834 a lot of bronzo coins, ono globo, dissolve Dr. Ulnck nnd Miss Hell will bo put that and nnd throw out a strong Allalro, Its founder, to establish two conts, down In tho list of accidents nro tho nnd and bills from six nnd and beautiful whlto light. The globe that colony years $15 not likely to happen again. which for a number of a quarter cents to wero placed In will continue to give light so long aa was such a busy place. circulation. And now, at almost any moment, we It remains perfectly sealed. Tho In- may That tho town Anally became a de- Tho right to put tho monoy in circu- ventor has had ono of the lampa burn, hear of un accident oven greater village was due, In a measure, sorted lation was discussed by tho lawyors of ing steadily fdr seven months. The In horror thnn this one. peculiar circum- to a combination of that tlmo, but It was accepted, and light Is of dazzling brightness, a test Tho Rooho do la Clusotto Is likely to stances, not attributed t,o any lack passed by peoplo and tho of tho town as showing it to bo of thirty-si- x topplo over Into tho busy valloy of tho foresight ability on part of candle ot or tho good as tho currency of tho federal power. If tho clnlms of Travors any day nnd send thousands Teacher Johnnie, Mr. Allalro. government. tho inventor what did Ooorgo Washington say when his fnther Tho name of Allalro on bo fully substantiated n revolution of tons of rock nnd earth lutBtllng naked him why ho cut down tho cherry treo? In fact, hnd ho not been dissuaded It wns considered a sutllclent guarantee will upon tho people below. bo wrought In tho mothods of illumina- uonnnio no saw, "como, pop, lot's bury tho hntchot." from carrying out somo ot his plans, that It would be pnld. tion. notably, that ot building a railroad, Mr. Allalro, who hnd extensive WAR ON OATAPILLARS. Allaire might still havo some them tho othor dny, according to tho said. 'You've got to catch your cater retained works in New York city, suffered in of its former glory. panic of 1837, Two Head on Ono Bnako. Dorp of Troo Iloftiinlura OiRUiilinl to Philadelphia Record: 'This Is tho only pillar first to do that, and after you've tho and the plant In Tho establishment ot nn Iron smelt- Now York passed Into Sarauol Peck, a Rush county (Ind.) Destroy tho really offoctlvo wny of gottlng rid of caught him you might as well stamp other hnndB. l'et, ing works nt Allalro marked its In- Improved methods of combustion In farmor, and his son Edward, while Fnlrmount park, Philadelphia, hna n tho pestB. I havo tried othor ways, on him, nnd thon you know he's dead." ception, The panic ot 1837 crippled tho smelting ot ore followed nnd plowing In a field, captured a double-heade- d atcrplllur crops composed of men who but thoy wor o no good. Tako trapB, it tar I low ll (liilnuil Hxpurlenrti, Mr. Allaire financially and it was fol- was not long boforo it wns ovldont snake. Tho roptllo In pefect In nothing but scrub down uhndo for instance, I Jo tho huvo watched cater- Sho (receiving a evclo leR.tnn nniv lowed some years later by tho discov- that Iron could not bo produced In tho every way with tho exception of th trees and kill tho dislodged Insects, pillars wrlgglo fork-shape- their way out of their ly) I supposo you learned how ery ot Improved methods of combus- Howell plant as cheaply as elsewhere. heads, which aro Joined d. or-iln- to linplomont used Is simply an fur, loavlng In ad rho it tho tnr. Poisons. touch girls to rldo while your seven tion in the rullnlug of . Thoso Roluctantly Mr. Allaire announced Each has two oyes and each Is provi- scrubbing brush nailed to a of killing wero ooglnnlng them, seem to make sisters woro learning? Ho (with hie tho ot tho downfall of In 184G that ho could mako no more ded with a mouth. Indianapolis News. long pole, and it takes conaldernblo them fat. I tov,n, dcath-knc- ll took ono of thoso lotions arm around her) Oh, yes. I saw how tho which resulted ultimately Iron and tho of tho town Miduranco to keep up bucIi work all to a drug store, where 1 in tho enforced a hnd bought it, tholr follows taught them I Brook abandonment of was sounded. Pumpkins are an Ingredient In a pa- flay. Ah soon us the caterpillars touch and told tho man It wns worthless. lyn Eaglo. plant which at that tlmo contained Tho closing of tho Iron furnace was tent medlclno that Is guaranteed ta the ground thoy start to climb tho tree 'Just pour somo of it down u caterpil- ono ot the finest Iron smelting fur- followed by tho closing of other fnc cure a variety of ailments flesh Is heir igalu, men havo to stop naces in tho world. and tho lively lar's throat and seo if ho doesn't die,' A squaro foot of honoycomb contains torieB in the town and gradually tho to, but tho world Is increasing In to kill all tho fallen one. Bald ono of said the druggist. 'You're foolish,' I aooui u.oqo ceils. It la still standing, a silent and ma population dwindled down to a few who do not believe all they jestic moniiniout to the methods ot the who'held on to tho old place. hear. What to Eat