


Vol.69, No. 13 VILLANOVA UNIVERSITY. VILLANOVA, PA. February 1 1 , 1 994 Gallen to Two rapes retire reported By MELANIE FIORDALISI Staff Reporter After over 30 years of service ByJANEPAPACCIO to the University, the Rev, Law- News Editor rence C. Gallen, O.S.A., vice president of Academic Affairs, has Over the weekend of Jan. 28, announced his retirement. A 1952 two unrelated incidents of rape graduate of the University, Gallen were reported to the University earned his degree in bio-chemistry department of Public Safety by and later joined the science depart- two female college students who ment for 16 years as an associate visited the University, said Jeffrey professor of biology. Horton, director of Public Safety. Gallen then acted as the director Both alleged assailants are of summer sessions at the Univer- current University students, Hor- sity for approximately four years. ton said. One rape was reported Before assuming his current posi- as having occurred Friday, Jan. 28 tion of 14 years as vice president into Saturday, Jan. 29 and the of Academic Affairs, Gallen func- other was said to have occurred tioned as the dean of Arts and Saturday, Jan. 29 into Sunday, Sciences for about one year. Jan. 30. Both victims have report- ed to authorities that their inci- PHOTO BY SHARON GRIFFIN dents occurred in Fedigan Hall. AIDS Memorial Quilt volunteers diligently sew panels for display at / feel that a younger the University. The quilt "As best an anyone can determine, will be here from Feb. 16 to 18. person is needed for they [the two incidents] really didn't have anything to do with this position. each other," said Horton. Rev. Lawrence C. Gallen, O.SJL, AIDS A wareness Weeic emphasizes vice president of Academic Affairs education, invoivement and concern The Unhforsity maices a strong commitment to "I enjoy my job and I love Compiled by: MELISSA LEE Quilt is comprised of more than sity's Communications Arts de- prevention, victim Villanova. I'm very sad to leave, Assistant News Editor 24,200 individual fabric panels, partment, and will be performed but I'll be 65 soon and the time Press Release each measuring three by six feet. by eight students. Performances support, and imposition has to move on. I feel that come The quilt will be on display in will be held on Feb. 16 at noon of serious sanctions a younger person is needed for this Ten squares of The Names the Villanova Room of Connelly and 5 p.m.; on Feb. 17 at noon and position," Gallen said. Project Quilt will be exhibited Center on campus on Feb. 16 from 3 p.m.; and on Feb. 18 at 9 a.m. against those who "My most memorable expe- during the University's second 11 a.m. to 9 p.m.; on Feb. 17 from and noon in the Villanova Room, yioiate poiicy, rience at Villanova was during the annual AIDS Awareness Week, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.; and on Feb. 18 Connelly Center. A dedication of Jeffrey Horton, late 60s, early 70s of the Vietnam Feb. 13-19. The quilt was started from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. During the panels made by the University director of PuMic Safety War era," said Gallen. "Our in June 1987 when San Francis- quilt display hours in the Villan- community for the AIDS Memor- student body was very much can Cleve Jones gathered a small ova Room, 20-minute performan- ial Quilt will be held on Feb. 15 victims in involved in national politics. I group of friends and neighbors to ces of literature will recognize the at 4:30 p.m. in St. Thomas of The were the resi- remember having to quell strikes create something that would people who suffer with AIDS and Villanova Church. dence hall before the incident occurred, said. and sit-ins. It was an exciting make the public understand what all those who love them. "Remem- In addition to the quilt coming Horton "There may have been time, he added. he and his friends were experienc- brance and Renewal" is directed to campus, several other AIDS some socializing (Continued ing. the by Heidi Rose, of the Univer- before hand; however, the victims on page 2) Today, AIDS Memorial (Continued on page 4) may not like to call it date rape. I don't think they were on dates; it's more like dealing with Discipline, campus damages and fines discussed acquaintances," he said. Both women reported the assaults By STEVE McILVAINE Stack. Each year the University violated the liquor laws of the crimes, including vandalism, rob- to medical personnel at local hospitals Assistant News Editor and all other college institutions University and state, but there are beries, sex offenses and theft, where they went experiences a turnover of stu- just as many cases where students added Stack. for treatment after the incidents. Hospital Discipline on campus is an issue dents, added Stack. Approximate- are disciplined as a result of other "Last semester, 75 students personnel then notified the local that needs and deserves constant ly 1,300 first-year-students replace crimes that stem from underage who committed vandalisms had to township police. Radnor i Police attention. The Rev. John P. Stack, those who were first year stu- drinking. Possession or consump- pay restitution. Most then contacted the depart- and O.S.A., dean of Students, dents. Consequently, the need for tion » of alcohol leads to other (Continued on page 5) (Continued on page 4) Steve Pugliese, judicial affairs discipline does not fluctuate dras- , shoulder most of the tically, he added. responsibility of disciplining The effects of underage drink- students. ing represent the greatest prob- As compared to last year, the lem, said Stack. Sometimes stu- crime rate is about the same, said dents are confronted because they

Visitation policy modified

By JANE PAPACCIO weekdays as opposed to 12 p.m. News Editor On weekends, access still begins at 12 p.m. By the fall of 1994, the Student Recently, there have been Government Association (SGA), numerous visitation policy mod- hopes to have 24-hour visitation ifications, said Arts and Sciences for all members of the same sex, Senator David Greason. "There said Greason. For instance, any are still efforts bejng made to female will have access to any change our visitation policy," he female residence hall 24 hours a added. day, he added. The following residence halls According to SGA president will have 24-hour co-educational Patrick Kennedy, the SGA is study lounges: St. Monica, Kath- hoping for an eventual abolish- erine. Good Counsel, O'Dwyer, ment of all parietals on campus. 1 Moriarity, Stanford (first Furthermore, "The SGA hopes I Corr, floor lounge only) and the St. to begin its quest with the abol- Mary's library. ishment of visitation rules in the Earlier access to all residence single-room, single-sex residence halls will come into effect shortly. halls, such as Austin and St. PHOTOrr BY SHARON GRIFFIN hundreds of youngsters to campus for fun and entertainment. Visitation will begin at 10 a.m. on Rita's," said Kennedy. Sibling Weekend brought February 11, 1994 • THE VILLANOVAN • Page 3 Page 2 • THE VILLANOVAN • February 11. 1994 Student Activities tevamped THIS WEEK Fr. Gallen to retire (Continued from page 1) departmental chairpersons and By KATHLEEN COONEY Activities, will fill that position. "Father Stack offered me the "My sabbatical leave will begin deans were under his supervision. News Editor The new assistant director of opportunity to serve the Univer- Student Activities will be Karen sity in this way. This position has Editorials 8 in September of this year, but I Setting school policy while admin- plan to eventually return to Vil- istering other academic functions . Recently, the Office of Student Caldaroni, who is now the advisor not been available for 13 years," Scope 13 lanova and resume teaching biol- were his other responsibil- Activities has experienced for SPC. will assume Bonas' he added. Features 15 ogy on a part-time basis," said ities," he said. changes throughout the depart- office which is physically opposite Gallen. "Throughout the years, our ment. One important change of Farmer's. Who knows, for The Rev. John P. Stack, O.S.A., branch of student life has worked occurred when Randy Farmer, "We're currently searching We looked more closely who cares 18 dean of Students said, "I was a quite well together with the previously the assistant director another staff member to serve as biology student of Father Gallen. division of academic affairs," said of Student Activities for Program- advisor to SPC," said Farmer. at what we were doing Entertainment ...22 He was an excellent teacher who Stack. ming, assumed Lucynda Gorski's Bonas will move to the SPC and where we wanted to Sports 31 enjoyed the personal contact "Father Gallen has devoted position as director of Student office in Connelly Centers where within the classroom. He was many years of hard work to our Activities. he will also see over the leadership go. always supportive of the students* University. He was the recipient As programming director. resource center, said Farmer. The Randy Farmer, new director work outside of the classroom as of the Lindback Awards which Farmer coordinated and advised SPC will move to the Association of Student Activities well." recognizes outstanding faculty committees on the implementa- of Commuting Students' (ACS) EDITORIALS "I remember him as being very members," Stack said. tion of campus wide programs. He office in Dougherty Hall, and the sensitive and receptive to people's "A search committee will soon was also the primary advisor to ACS will move to the Inter- Farmer's new responsibilities interests, rights and needs," seek a replacement for his posi- the Student Programming Council Fraternity Council (IFC) office include "making sure everyone's COURTESY OF THE BELLE AIRE YEARBOOK In this week's Opinion sec- Stack added. tion. Father Gallen's dedicated , (SPC). He also worked in the which will in turn be relocated to doing what they're supposed to" tion, The Rev. Lawrence C. Gallen, O.S.A., will be retiring from his a student demands a "Even as an administrator. efforts were very much appreciat- position resource center in the SPC office, the SPC office, Farmer added. and making sure that University as vice president of Academic Affairs. He was vice president of heavier emphasis be placed on Father Gallen had a very demand- ed; I'm sorry to see him leave," facilitating leadership develop- As for Farmer's new position, policies are carried out approp- Villanova's Academic Affairs for 14 years. fine arts program. ing job," said Stack. "All faculty. Stack added. COURTESY OF THE BELLE AIRE YEARBOOK ment for students, he said. he says he took the job because (Continued on page 5) Ellen Goodman laments a socie- The Rev. Philip F. Barrett, O.S. A., recently passed away. He had been The whole system had just been of the School of ty gone decadent with the dean Commerce and Finance for 1 1 years. established and settled when commercially-obsessed athlet- "things started to happen with Political organization is ics. Have you seen Clinton's Student Activities," said Farmer. budget plan for 1995? The BEYOND THE MAIN LINE "Our focus changed" with regard Villanovan editors have, and Compiled by: Secretary women are elected into top Former dean to priorities, he added. Also, debate continues as to "pleased" at the passes on you can find their watchdog of parties opinion in The Student Activities Office NICOLE SHEA whether or not membership General's request, stating it government posts. this week's editorial section. Staff Reporter United Nations ica and received an M.S. degree began to examine how other numbers for United We Stand showed "The By JANE PAPACCIO By NICOLE bility of the media in American their student MAYER Source: should public. and an alliance can cooperate in 1954. In 1962, Barrett was schools handled be made The News Editor Staff Reporter society and the free-speech issue The New York Times NEW ORLEANS appointed dean of the University activities, said Farmer. "We group voted to keep the total together." on campus. School of Commerce and Finance. looked more closely at what we secret. Ralph Lermayer, state United We Stand America UWSA also hopes to sponsor DALLAS Civic leader Donald Mintz Philip F. Barrett, O.S.A. died In 1972, Barrett served as direc- were doing and where we wanted chairman from New Mexico HELSINKI, Finland (UWSA), the political organization healthcare forums and debates explains, Defense Minister Elizabeth and state senator Marc Morial Sunday, Jan. 30 at Bryn Mawr tor of the Augustinian Flood Relief to go," he added. "Do we tell them or created by H. Ross Perot, is voter registration drives. won the New Orleans mayoral and Billionaire Ross Perot and is there power in the Rehn lost to former United Hospital. Barrett was 75 years old. when a disasterous flood struck attempting to form a new chapter Also, UWSA is planning to invite his grass roots organization Nations' mediator Martti Ahti- primary vote with 37 percent He was an Augustinian priest for his native area of Wilkes Barre, unknown?" at the University under the gui- national college chapter 32 percent of the vote UWSA United We Stand held a week- sarri in the nation's first direct and 40 years. "He was a very priestly Pa. This position has not dance of freshman Kevin Klesh. coordinator Lee Pepper to the end conference to define their presidential respectively. A runoff election man," said Alvin A. Clay, dean of "He was forthright; he never UNITED NATIONS election. Ahtisarri, "Our main goals will be to University, agenda. The group discussed a 56 year will be held March 5. Both Commerce and Finance. had a hidden agenda. Further- been available lor 13 old leader of the educate students about the impor- As a national organization, the whether to move away from Secretary General Boutros opposition Social Democratic candidates have set their cam- He was received into the Augus- more, he was an optimist," Clay years. tant issues facing our nation and goal of is to return Amer- paign in high gear. According UWSA Perot's influence. "The real Boutsos-Ghali Party, promised to the tinian Novitiate in 1949. Barrett said. asked NATO to get Randy Farmer, new director encourage students to get more ican government to one that to Dr. Edward Renwick, direc- test of this organization is if prepare to launch punitive air presidency involved in dealing professed his first vows in 1950 In 1976, he resigned from his of Student Acthrities involved in our government," said comes "from the people, not at they can attract people even if strikes with the nation's tor of the Institute of Politics and his solemn vows in 1953. He post at the University and received around Sarajevo worst eco- Klesh. "Therefore, we will be here them." hopes to bring at Loyola University, "Unless UWSA they don't like Ross Perot," against Serbian gun positions nomic slump in 60 years. Tra- studied theology at Augustinian an honorary Doctorate of Human- to look more towards establishing about positive change in there is a smoking gun that says James Squire, a former if for Boutros- ditionally, Finnish College in Washington D.C. and ities in 1977. adjustments he calls them. Presidents Many other new cooperation with fellow political government. destroys one of them, turnout campaign adviser for Perot. Ghali asked Manfres Worner, focus on foreign policy and was ordained to the priesthood in "Barrett was compassionate. been made, said Farmer. One have campus organizations." "It is by the coming together of The organization's recently is going to determine who wins 1953. After ordination, Barrett NATO's Secretary General to leave domestic affairs to other He was always willing to give a IS the creation of the Office of con- the runoff." UWSA was formed by students of different opinions and selected state representatives quickly seek authorization office holders. studied accounting and finance at second or even third chance to Affairs. Gary Bonas, now Greek cerned citizens in an effort to backgrounds that finds its concluded UWSA the national confer- from the NATO Council in "As President I will try to the Catholic University of Amer- everyone," Clay said. assistant director of Student FEATURES the reform American government. A strength. We can best deliberate ence and Perot issued an improve Although Mintz, who is Brussels to authorize the South- the security of the non-partisan organization, UWSA and discover the many complex- "action plan" for 1994. The to attack Serbi- people in every way possible," white, is the current front- ern Command political party; rather, it This week in features check runner, is not a ities behind the issues facing our group aims to develop a voter an guns surrounding the Bos- siaid Ahtisarri after his oppo- he faces a tough chal- out a behind the was established in order to give nation and each of us as American scenes look at lenge in light of the city*s registration program and to nian capital. nent conceded defeat. Ahtisarri 59 Writing Center tutors students the people a greater voice in citizens," said Klesh in a written Special Olympics ... learn percent evaluate candidates for office. The Secretary General faces a tough presidency in black electorate. Mor- everything you need to know government and to keep the people statement to the Villanovan. The group also plans to empha- wants NATO to agree to launch light of the nation's economic ial, the son of the city's first By PATTI TRENCHAK about AIDS and get psyched for The Writing Center staff makes ably, sophomores are chosen so informed about issues concerning UWSA describes itself as a size 11 main issues including punitive air strikes upon slump. black Mayor, Ernest N. (Dutch) Staff Reporter that heart-filled holiday which an effort to keep the atmosphere they can be trained in the spring America. Members of all political "grassroots organization." The education, campaign finance, request. The NATO Council Rehn admitted during the Morial, is seen as a very strong falls on February 14th — Val- By KATHLEEN CONWAY informal, says Holmes, "We try semester and work for their junior parties are welcome. secret lies in structuring the work term limit, and balancing the has already agreed to authorize campaign that mistakes were candidate. entine's Day. Staff Reporter to make the students feel comfor- and senior years. UWSA does not promote indi- of an organization, not the people. budget. generals to give close air sup- made by the government, but table. .. We won't scold, and we Although more women than viduals running for political office. When goals and priorities are The group has run into con- port for peace-keeping forces her campaign focused more on The primary vote appeared won't grade." men are recommended by their Instead, it focuses on informing defined, the creative talents of the flicts in its closed door meet- who fall under attack. foreign policy than did her unaffected by a conflict over The growing popularity of the Students can walk in and ask teachers, Hollis said that she people about the issues rather grassroots can be unleashed, he ings. Because of internal dis- Madeline K. Albright, U.S. opponent's campaign. anti-semitic and racist fliers She also for help, but Holmes "strongly strives to select an even number individual candidates. Pres- putes, Writing Center demonstrates the than added. the group refused to representative to the United faced the challenge of being a which are now the subject of success of student tutoring in recommends" that students call of each. It is more interesting to ently, UWSA is addressing the There is a $15 fee for national ENTERTAINMENT rank issues by importance. Nations, stated she was woman in a country where few a grand jury investigation. order to promote a non- ahead to schedule an appointment have several men as well as national health care system, the membership — not University with a tutor. Tutors are randomly women tutors, said Hollis. policy, the If This week music from Emi- intimidating atmosphere while national economic membership. interested in the assigned to students, but one can Once chosen to become tutors, crime bill, presidential line-item Villanovan's ly's Prize, Ass Ponys and the providing beneficial help for writ- UWSA, check the request a specific tutor. Each students must take Hollis' "Tutor- veto, drug policy reform, educa- for updates or soundtrack from "In the Name ing papers. Located in the Dalton FYI section weekly appointment lasts from 30-45 ing Writers: Theory and Practice" inner-city more of the Father" are reviewed. Room of Old Falvey Library, the tional system reform, call 519-3393 for Villanovan minutes, and students are asked role responsi- William Bennett's new "Book center is open 1:30 p.m.-9:30 p.m (Continued on page 5) problems, the and information. to bring with them all of their of Virtues" looks at traditional ELIZABETH M. BARSZCZEWSKI & KATHRYN A. SZUMANSKI Monday through Thursday and work, from notes to outlines to American values. The films EDITORS IN CHIEF 1:30 p.m.-5:30 p.m. Fridays. "Although the Writing Center drafts. "Faraway, So Close" and "I'll ALEXANDER W. SCOFIELD STEPHANIE D. MacDOUGALL Holmes suggests that students Do Anything" are discussed. ASSOCIATE EDITOR MANAQINQ is informal and friendly, the focus EDITOR in the assign- Finally, check is serious and intellectual," said who need help bring out a Valentine SECTION EDITORS edition Karyn Hollis, director of the ment, their notes, their outlines of the Horoscopes. NEWS FEATURES ENTERTAINMENT SPORTS facility. Last year the attendance — whatever they have — and the Kathleen Cooney Tara Campitiello Eric Cheung Sean Kelly numbers soared with 2,014 stu- tutors will try to help the student Jane Papaccio Todd Leskanic dents making appointments, put together a well-written paper. ASSISTANT EDITORS which is double the previous The tutors at the Writing Center Steve all Mcllvalne Marybeth Qoeller Wayne Bremser. Jr. Joe Patterson year's 1,122, added Hollis. help students work on any and SPORTS Melissa Lee Roseanne Miller Elaine Paolini Mark Spoonaur Professors often offer extra stages of their writing, from Liz Weaver Tara Bruno credit and require students to outUnes to final drafts. Tutors to put general ideas This week in sports, check visit the center. Professor Jaye help students Advisor: June W. Lytet-Murphy out the men's and women's Assistant Advisor: Madeline T. Baxter Berman Montresor said the facil- into concrete sentences and para- Photography EdKors: Sharon Griffin and Jill OiBerardino F.Y.I. Coordinators: Carrie Phillips also help to revise basketball results. Also, hear ity is not just for poor writers. It graphs. They Qwyn Warner from Coach Lappas in this makes the students more aware drafts and correct grammatical Personalt/Clattlfled: Megan Kempf Art Editor: Sam Cagglula week's "Courtside with Head of the revision process. "The more and mechanical mistakes. Subscriptions: Marie Kennedy Billing: Jon Meyers Coach Steve Lappas." at the writing, the The Center employs a five-step Read Layout: Lauren Burke, Megan Kempf, Brooke Ferendsik eyes that look Wolfman's views and all of the better the work can effectively plan for revising a draft. This plan track Montresor. includes steps to ensure the accu- and hockey results. Staff: Mike Beckerich, Reggie Beehner, Eric Begg, Dana Bogacki, Barbara Cole. Kathleen Conway, Wayne Cresskill, Michel Davies. communicate," said Melanie Fioralisi, Tony Gallagher, Katie Gibbs, Maura Gibney. Christopher Gonneili. Marybeth Goeller, Karen Goulart. Dave Greaves, Hollis acknowledged that over- racy of the paper, the formation Andrew Gribbin, Mary Harvey, Jennifer Karkawsky, Shannon Kelly, Lowell Lancaster, Larry Lanza, Melissa Lee, Jen Markley, Ed crowding has become a problem of a specific thesis, the organiza- Marshall, Nicole Mayer, Joe McCabe, Mark McCreary, Bryn McGovern, Ann McNearny, Patrick Meiler, Gregory Menzel, Maureen within the years due to the tion and development of support- Meyer, Roseanne Miller, Ray Moore, Casey Morgan, Jen Mundy, Bryan Noel, Erin O'Rorke, Jonathan Passman, Justin Schreiber, Fitz increased popularity of the facil- ing material and the correction of Schwartz, Christine Servedio, Heather Shankland, Eileen Snakard. Mark Spoonauer, Barbara Sullivan, Abby Thomas Jon Tota,Patti ity. The spring semester is much grammatic and mechanical Trenchak, Jennifer Trzaska, Michael Wojciak, Eric Warren. ' "slower" in terms of appoint- mistakes. ments, said Hollis. Senior Reporters: Karen Campbell, Coleen Kenirey, Caroly Pope, Chad Petrozza. Peter Shauger This year 48 people applied to with 25- be tutors and 20 were chosen. The Ths Villanovan is published Fridays, 10 issues a semester. Circulation: 6,000. Subscriptions are available at $30 per year. For The Center is staffed advertising information contact the office 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. weekdays, (215) 51 9-7207. 30 tutors, with an average of four selection of tutors is based on available on any given writing ability, class and gender. The Villanovan reserves the right to refuse any ad insertions due to questionable content and space limitations The deadline to tutors are asked to place advertising is 3 p.m. the Tuesday prioho publication. afternoon. David Holmes, one of Faculty members the three coordinators who sche- recommend students with excep- The Villanovan is the newspaper of record for Villanova University. dules appointments for students tional writing ability to become PHOTO BY The writing, articles, lay-out, pictures format are the responsibility of the Editor students are asked SHARON GRIFFIN and and the Editorial Board and do not necessarily to see a tutor, estimates that an tutors. These represent the view of the administration, faculty and students unless specifically stated. The University writing sample as well The Writing Center offers constructive, for students wishing to improve subscribes to the principle of average of 30 students a day seek to submit a non- threatening tutelage responsible freedom of expression for our student editors. an interview. Prefer- their writing skills. the help of the Center's tutors. as to attend .^ ^i^^ 'i'issmjxn

February 11, 1994 • THE VILLANOVAN • Page 5 Page 4 • THE • VILLANOVAN February 11, 1994 News Briefs

By College Press Service Discipline, sanction policy on campus discussed AIDS A wareness Week highlighted Student wins Nike Spirit contest (Continued from page 1) Press Release Dunn won a $100 runner-up Convenient one-stop shop- said Stack. The students must ice inflated the vandalism statis- pital for various injuries. Personal ping vandalisms resulted from the use (Con tin ued from page 1) University student Carrie prize for the photo "Lawn with at the financial aid office pay for their actions. Custodians tics. The simple act of throwing and economic damage of snow- during half-time of the Villanova organizations who provide AIDS of will (pake borrowing alcohol," said Stack. and workmen are inconvenienced, snowballs incurred numerous support Dunn is a runner-up prize a message/' Her winning entry money balls resulted when a pizza deliv- Awareness activities will take University of Connecticut services. Donations made Vandalism is inconsiderate easier for college and added Stack. These actions effect problems. primary is during winner of the "U. Capture the has been published with Nike's students at The danger ery man and his automobile were place throughout the week of Feb. i(UConn) men's basketball game Sunday masses will be at the same time costly, said Nike Spirit Contest" sponsored national ad in the January/ 105 selected colleges, the U.S. the whole University community. sti^dents may get hurt. On top of pelted by snQwballs, Stack added. 13-19. On Feb. 13 a benefit concert Feb. 15 in duPont Pavilion. * sent to Calcutta House," con- Stack. Department of "The students think they "I lump most vandalisms and that, 43 windows were broken in tinued by U. the national college February 1994 of U. magazine. Education He suffered a bloody nose and will be held at 3 p.m. in St. Mary Lehman. Off-campus AIDS can do things here that they would magazine and Nike. More than 1.5 million copies announced recently. violations as a lack of consider- Fedigan, Stanford, Sheehan and dents to his activists may be present for the of car. The University, Chapel. This Violin/Piano not think of doing at home. It ation The "U. Capture the Nike U. are being distributed on over The new program — the for others, their property, Sullivan Halls. Broken windows not the students involved, were Chamber Recital, featuring Daniel speech given by Kristine Gebbie, Kristine Gebbie, National AIDS Federal Direct shows a lack of good manners," their roommate, their dormitory also resulted in other numerous including Spirit Contest" was announced 325 campuses nationwide next Student Loan forced to pay for the damages, said Hardt on violin and Marcantonio Policy Advisor, will the group ACT-UP, she added Stack. present a Program — will and their campus," said Stack. problems. First of all, replacing added. last March when U. invited its week. provide funds Stack. Barone on piano, will include the speech on H.I.V. The cost for youth and issues directly to students damages done to "For example, the act of flooding windows costs money, he said. "AIDS readers to enter by sending U. the national college n^ag- through "In most of the cases I know, works of Beethoven, Faure, Bar- at 7:30 p.m. in the St. Awareness Week has residence halls Davids- the colleges and other campus a toilet is serious. It effects the Secondly, there is a lack of pro- color photo entries that cap- azine is written entirely by rather than no harm was intended, but it just tok and Greig. Tickets will be been given total support from Radnor Rooms in Connelly Center through facilities last semester totalled other students living on the floor tection against cold temperatures. Father Dobbin tured "those outstanding Nike college students for college private lenders. indicates a lack of maturity," said available at the door, $10 for on Feb. 16. A panel discussion, and the Universi- $25,450. Unless The program will the person who and it effects those who have to Stack added. Stack. ty," stated Lehman. moments in sports and every- students and edited by four eliminate adults and $5 for students. Later "AIDS: Real Life Stories" will committed these acts is descrip- excess profits in the caught for clean it up," added Stack. Snowball fights also resulted in The main goal of AIDS day life," with a brief editorial fellows selected each current For more information on other that evening, people afflicted with feature persons with AIDS from Aware- these misdoings, everbody suffers. tion of spirit captured. system and capitalize The recent barrage of snow and students being taken to the hos- fines ness is the year in a national competition on the or sanctions, refer to the AIDS will be sharing their life Chester County AIDS Support Week to "educate as many people Thousands of entries were among top graduating seniors. government's ability to borrow Blue Book. issues during the Sunday 6 p.m., Services on Feb. 17 at 7:30 p.m. as possible. AIDS is not received from students from U. is published by Los Angeles- money at low interest rates. 8 p.m. and 10 p.m. Masses in the in the St. Davids-Radnor Rooms, selective in choosing its victims; more than 250 campuses across based American Collegiate Net- The program was established Clinton St. Thomas of Villanova Church. Connelly Center. it can happen to anyone," con- advisor to speak at 'Nova to save cluded Lehman. the country. work, Inc. taxpayers an estimated Press Release "Ribbon sales will be taking $4.3 billion through fiscal year Kristine M. Gebbie, National her appointment, Gebbie served Student place next week in Bartley Hall 1998. Louis University. AIDS Policy Coordinator, will as secretary of the Department of and Connelly Center, and also U.S. Secretary of Education Gebbie has served as a member speak at the University Feb. 16 Health for the state of AIDS Awareness Week during the Villanova-UConn Richard W. Riley announced of the executive board of the alleged reported at 7:30 p.m. in the St. David's- Washington. American Two late last Public Health Associa- men's rapes basketball game," stated year the schools select- Activities has been giwn full Radnor Rooms of Connelly Gebbie, a registered nurse, has Jennifer Lehman, coordinator of ed to participate in the first tion and a member of the HIV Center. support pursue the to a Do It a lengthy career history in the (Continued from page 3) from Father AIDS Awareness Week. A goal (Continued from page 1) matter," added According Now Foun- year of the program. All regions Committee of the Association of Gebbie's talk, which will field of health and public policy. Dobbin will be announced prior to the Horton. dation (D.I.N.) publication by of the country and most states State and Territorial Health Offi- riately. Farmer also helps prepare and the ment of Public bjafety. address challenges and issues She has served as the public game, and a canister drive will "We The other victim, an 18-year-old Christina Dye, "Acquaintance will have colleges participating cials. She has chaired the Centers the budgets for over 150 organi- encourage victims to report their related to the formulation of a health administrator in the state Uniwersity. take place throughout. Red rib- student of Immaculate College, and date rape may account for 70 in the program. More than for Disease Control and Preven- zations on campus. He is also the incidents to the police because you national AIDS policy, is part of the of Oregon and was the coordinator Jennifer Lehman bons will also be available outside has signed a formal complaint, percent of all sexual assaults. The 1,100 schools applied to tion Advisory Committee on the primary advisor to Special Olym- can always change your University's second annual AIDS of ambulatory care for St. Louis coordinator in Connelly Plaza, she added. mind according to the Philadelphia problem is more visible on college participate. prevention of HIV infection and pics and ACS. Parents' Weekend later," Horton said. Inquirer. Awareness Week, Feb. 13 to 19. University Hospitals. Gebbie has campuses, where as many as one "The overwhelming re- the Environment, Safety and and Senior Week are other activ- — "The funds raised from the According to the University Appointed to her position by taught health courses at the the Radnor Police Department in five women may experience sponse from schools committed Health Advisory Committee of the ities Farmer is responsible for. sales of the ribbons will be donated Policy on Sexual Assault, "A President Bill Clinton last June, University of Washington, the has finished its investigation of some type of physical or psycho- to direct lending's success U.S. Department of Energy. She Farmer serves on some Univer- A moment of silence for families to Gift of Mary and MANNA, local person Gebbie oversees the nation's Universi- charged with sexual the incident and has given the logical sexual coercion." HTV Oregon Health Sciences is a member of the Institute of sity committees including the touched by AIDS will be held marks an excellent beginning," Philadelphia based non-profit assault can be prosecuted under and AIDS agenda in research, ty in Portland, the University of findings to the district attorney, Last week, the Villanovan pub- Riley said. Medicine and has served on its Cultural Climate Committee the Pennsylvania services and prevention. Prior to California at Los Angeles and St. Crimes Code Horton said. "The district attor- lished the crime report for 1993, AIDS Oversight Committee. whose concern is diversity issues and celebrate disciplined by the University, ney, or one of his assistants, will 1992 and 1991. According to the on campus. new if Chinese Even criminal justice authori- look at the case and see if it is report, there was only one report- "It's meeting a lot with students ties choose not to prosecute, the in the best interest of the Com- ed rape in 1993. The number of and hearing their concerns," said University can and will pursue monwealth to pursue the case rapes kad gone down from two in Farmer about his new position. He year with fireworks disciplinary action taking into based on the investigation 1992 and two in 1991. says much of his job is concerned account the wishes of the victim." reports," Horton said. "You have to be careful when with "coming up with viable of By D. LESSER New Year is one opportunity for One the victims, a 19-year- "In the case of acquaintance you're talking about statistics and solutions" to bureaucratic old Staff Reporter that to happen, McWilliams Harcum College student who rape, the main problem is a lack numbers of incidents of sexual problems. sought treatment added. at Bryn Mawr of communication," Horton said. assaults because so many women "It's a position with unique The approximately 45 Chinese "It's about integrating the Hospital Saturday, Jan. 29, has According to the Policy on Sexual do not report cases of rape," .L^Tp challenges," said Farmer. He decided to not follow students on campus will mark students into the community through with Assault, "The University makes Horton said. "Rape is a big prob- believes that "the quality of the criminal charges this evening with a celebration of while letting that community or with the a strong commitment to preven- lem in this country because, students is the greatest contrib- their studeiht judicial most important cultural know they're here. This is what system on cam- tion, victim support and imposi- unfortunately, it's one of those utor for high standards in the event of the year. Though many is truly important for these young pus, according to the Philadelphia tion of serious sanctions against crimes that goes unreported," he activity area." Inquirer. VJnWersity students share in the men and women." "She has decided not to those who violate the policy." added. The Office of Student Activities Chinese heritage which tonight's is changing its name to the Office festivities honor, for the 45 stu- of Student Development. This dents who have lived most of their Communication Arts AIDS new name more accurately lives presents performance in China, this celebration is So, you really believe that ballet reflects the department's role, the life-blood of their culture. said Farmer. "Development is a These students will act as hosts By JENNIFER MUNDY to impact people strongly if they growth process and it's ongoing. Melissa Kraus, one of the per- interest among students in for a traditional, full-course the is for people who think Pearl Jam is Chi- Staff Reporter do not know much about it," said People grow from their involve- formers, hopes that the perfor- area of performance. Rose will be nese dinner. The event is spon- Rose. ment," he added. mance will reinforce the idea that offering a course sored the in the fall semes- by Chinese and Asian As a part of AIDS Awareness Although the primary focus of something spread on toast, The name change will not be anyone can get AIDS. It should ter entitled "Oral Interpretation you Students Associations well as as Week, a group of student actors AIDS Awareness Week is to edu- implemented until after all the mark the end of the ignorance and of Literature." This course will the Student Programming Council and actresses under the direction cate all those office switching is finished, who participate in the beginning of the passion, said offer which students the opportunity to who think that moshing is just (SPC) and the International Stu- of Heidi Rose, a professor in the the activities about HIV and will probably be sometime after AIDS Kraus. "Even if only one person study literature through dents Office. It will include tra- communication arts department, prevention, the commencement or early performances will is touched by it [the performance] performance. June at ditional Chinese entertainment will be performing in conjunction aid in creating a sense of the latest, said Farmer. commun- in the littlest way, it's all worth "Remembrance and Renewal" something you do to potatoes provided by the students and will with the viewing of the quilt. ity on campus, said Rose. "The it," said Kraus. can be seen in the Villanova be held in the Day Hop Cafe Room The performers, who are the quilt itself brings people together In addition to being a profound of the Connelly Center free of and that hip-hop describes a rabbit's gait? tonight at 6 p.m. Tickets are $7 founding members of a group who would not normally get contribution to AIDS Awareness charge. The performance dates at the door and all are welcome. called Interpreters Theater, repres- together. The performance will Week, the performances mark the and According times are as follows: Wednes- Writing to Steve McWilliams, ent many different niches of the create a sense of renewal of hope Well, believe WRONG. beginning of the communication day, Feb. 16, 12 you director of the International noon and 5 p.m.; Stu- University. The group includes in addition to a feeling that people arts department's new focus on Thursday, Feb. 17, 12 noon, 3:30 dents Office, "It is their Christmas John Protevi, a professor from the with AIDS are not alone," added the performance aspect of the and 7 p.m.; Friday, and New Year rolled into one." Feb. 18, 9 a.m. Ballet is for everyone, including you. philosophy department; Ellen Rose. major. In Center response to a growing and 12 noon. Being both a religious event as Pitrowski and Meincke, Uni- D.J. (Continued from page well as marking 3) time and history, versity law school students; and Ballet has created So, Pennsylvania class in order to train for the job, nothing in our society is truly five undergraduate students, Ann which is geared at improving the comparable to it, he said. It is a Gavaghan, Melissa Kraus, Mary will give tutor's own writing. The class solemn celebration of Chinese Jane Mahan, Lisa Wadors and a special package that you a also provides the student with culture and life that cannot be Graham Walsh. Despite their very techniques for tutoring other compared to America's 40-ft. tall different backgrounds, these indi- chance to see ballet, cheap. writers. inflatable Bullwinkle, floating viduals were drawn together Marc Egan, a junior Commun- down Madison Avenue on Jan. 1, because each had a genuine inter- ications major, is currently added McWilliams. est in the disease of AIDS, the JOIN PENNSYLVANIA BALLET'S THIRD RING CLUB AND YOU E enrolled in the course and says "This is no production of pol- individuals who are stricken with to k_ a; that the class is extremely intense itical correctness, it's simply a it and the world community with- FRIEND CAN SEE THREE BALLETS FOR THE PRICE OF TWO. *-* AND A because it "forces you to chance for Chinese students to get in which these individuals live. $ remember the basics." In prepa- together and share this holiday "This performance was a way o o with ration for next year's tutoring job anyone who is curious or to get to understand what it is like For only $49, the Third Ring package includes: £ at the Writing Center, he interested, said McWilliams. to be a part of the community of X o explained that the focus is on the "Organizing this celebration is people with AIDS," said Meincke. • One pair of amphitheater tickets to both THE WORLD PREMIERE (shows March 2 - March 6) u ca> development and organization. really about giving the students The performance, entitled and BALANCHINE TRIBUTE (shows May 18 - May 22) at the Merriam Theater. As a current tutor, junior Kerry something they already have. It's "Remembrance and Renewal," Lattanzio, said, "It's a really fun just making it possible for them includes poetry, drama, prose and really is off • A FREE pair of tickets to OFF-CENTER BALLET (which center!) at Philadelphia's job, especially when the students to celebrate their most important sonnets written by individuals u brand new theater, the Arts Bank, In March. c are enthusiastic about their holiday when they're 8,000 miles suffering from AIDS and fictional o work." Students have the oppor- from home," said McWilliams. writers. Two of the poems, "Quilt- • Plus all the other benefits of being a Pennsylvania Ballet subscriber like: a restaurant discount tunity to request a certain tutor Though certainly the festivities ing" and "We Knew" were written card, complimentary tickets to other arts organizations and preferred seating. and often bring th** same paper are for Chinese students, com- by Protevi, one of the performers. back more than once lor revisions, munity participation is important, The performances, which last seats, and get the same great deal with a totally view. she said. McWilliams said. The role of the approximately 20 minutes, will Or, for better pay $99 awesome HoUis stresses that the Writing International Students Office is take place several times through- Center "serves as a place where primarily to help integrate foreign out those days during which the TO ORDER THE THIRD RING PACKAGE OR JUST undergraduates can have intellec- students and assist them with the quilt can be viewed. It is the hope 1 9fi4 tual conversations." Tutoring in practical details that are easy to of the performers that the pieces GET MORE INFORMATION CALL (215) 551-7014. every kind of writing from philo- take for granted when you live in that they have chosen to perform sophy and English papers to your native country, he added. will help students deal with the Call now and get ready for a different kind of stage dive! graduate school studies, the center Interaction with the University impact of seeing the quilt. "The 4J»H0T0 BY SHARON GRIFFIN offers students the opportunity to community is a vital second step viewing of the quilt is a very AIDS Awareness Week volunteers sell red ribbons in memory of those who have faUen victim improve their writing. for these students and the Chinese emotional experience. It is going to the AIDS virus. Page 6 • THE VILLANOVAN • February 11, 1994 February 11, 1994 e THE ViLLANOVAN • Page 7

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February 11, 1994 • THE VILLANOVAN • Page 9 ViLLANOVANthe 201 Dougherty Hall. Vlllanova University, VUlanova, Pa. 19085

Elizabeth B«rszcz«wtld and Kathryn A. SzumanaM Editors in Chief Athletes Aioxander W. Scofiaid pledge their allegiance to consumerism Associate Editor

But I Stephanie IMacDougall 9m struck anew by the Powter starts out with an ad §ind letes "used to be called heroes or girls need apply. Managing Editor By ELLEN GOODMAN way everything — entertainment, ends up a best-selling "author." legends." Now, she says, they are But when all is said and done sports, even politics — seems to It's a small world in which victory called stars. They share this — soon, I hope — the sorriest Pages February 11, 1994 Just when you thought the have merged together into goes one to the one with the highest firmament with entertainers, all spectacle is not just Tonya v. kudzu-like plot of the Nancy and infomercial. And by the rating. way we Q twinkling for ad dollars. Nancy, or Nike v. Reebok. It's the Tonya story couldn't grow any accept it all. The only time we seem to notice How long ago was it when we grand-slam takeover by companies thicker or faster, along comes a In the movies, every soft drink the subtle merchandising of eve- complained that Soviet athletes who award the real gold medals. sturdy little subplot. Outside that appears the now is duly labeled ryone is when politicians such as were supported by the state? They In this world every accomplish- rinks and the courts, there are as if it were — it and is — a paid Geraldine Ferraro and Dan Quayle pledged allegiance to socialism. ment has the same value: a market visible sprouts of another rivalry, ad. On television, kids' programs move from selling themselves in Our own are supported by sneak- value. What you can do is only between Reebok and Nike. may be little more than commer- campaign ads to selling Pepsi or ers, colas and hamburgers. They worth what you can sell. Ever since Nike's president put cials for the products "Ho means no"just that star in potato chips. Or when Kathleen pledge allegiance to consumerism. Any day now, the cameras will up $25,000 for the defense of them. At tennis matches and golf Sullivan "violates" the standards The real winners and losers move from this seamy drama to Harding, tongues have been tournaments, wag- players clad in of the news profession that become those who do and don't the glamorous one at Lille- ging. Are the folks products at Nike really swinging products com- dumped her by pushing Weight have the right stuff. The stuff to hammer. Light the torch high. anteing up for truth pete for and justice? cups named after Watchers. be successful at sales. Welcome to the XVIIth Olympiad Or are they trying products. doesn't cut it to stick it to The speed with which this has Tonya loyalists are absolutely — the ultimate infomercial. Let Reebok? Since In Reebok has Nancy Hollywood, actress Candice happened among athletes is right in noting that women who the ads begin. to endorse their Bergen goods, does Nike goes from Murphy Brown record-breaking. And, yes, depres- win endorsements fit a too nar- Women, always be cautious and watch your back. to want to endorse Tonya as an Sprint. In Orlando, athlete sing. Even Nova Lanktree, who row, pretty, feminine, Dorothy Ellen Goodman is a syndicated When going to parties or the like, always travel with a opponent? Shaquille O'Neal goes from the brokers sports figures for com- Hamill, Chris Evert and yes, columnist whose column appears large group of friends. Don't drink too much. Don't send This is a subplot that only a Magic to Pepsi. Meanwhile, Susan mercials, remembers when ath- Nancy Kerrigan mold. No tough weekly in the Villanovan. out mixed signals. Also, always be mindful of your cynic could love. But the wholesale 55 surroundings and stay out of the "bad" parts of town transformation of athletes into actors vying for the starring role after dark. It might be a good idea to carry mace in your Student says, "To hear, one has but to listen. in ads has made cynicism purses, too. Remember, you can never be too careful. obsolete. By PETER SHAUGER teacher explained to us in a very send their students to the Writing because they usually don't. Men, when a woman says no, she means no. Always It is taken as a given in this And uplifting manner (it almost uplift- Center (or as the tutors affection- even if they do, they've been respect her decision. sorry tale that the real gold Tonya out As a second semester senior, I'm LTHEAP ed me out of the room!) that the ately call it, "The W.C."); there of touch with the real world for While women are bombarded with information that and Nancy are going for is the big beginning ^ ^% to realize that I haven't Writing Center is not just for poor is a terrible stereotype going so long that they can't even fat pot of endorsement money. done could easily be included in a "How to protect yourself much at this University. I've writers, but for good writers who around that business students are convey a simple message anymore Even Tonya openly and misgiiid- never from violent streaked through the Quad, want to improve. bad writers. But to those teachers without crimes" book under the chapter entitled, edly shared her Olympic fantasy over analyzing it and I've never had to complete one of It was such a moving "How to prevent speech who believe this highly underrat- using way too many semicolons. being a victim of rape," and other saying, "There are little dollar those crazy initiation tasks that that I had to look up and see if ed myth, let me give you a quote Heck, sexual behavior: signs spinning around my head." read this article. those wacky fraternities think up it was my teacher speaking or a from the classic film, "Gremlins": Now, amateur analysts pin Personally, I have nothing Although those three little and I've never words, "no means no," been to the Writing recording of my teacher reading "To hear, one has but to listen." against the Writing Center. Great Harding's supposed bitterrnesson Center. are undeniably important ones, men need to become better a speech that the Writing Center's Business teachers, listen to your people work there like Carolyn, the way she was "denied" en- ^ I know what you're thinking: PR person prepared for her. educated about rape and sexual crime. Since students, because in their own Kate, Alex and John — well, I men dorsements. They say this as if what kind of a loser hasn't been For the most part, I agree with warped way, they perpetrate most of the sex crimes in are trying to don't know about John, but I'm the United States, successful athletes were entitled to the Writing Center? This kind the tape recorder. The Writing communicate with you. sure there are other great people they should understand the consequences of such violent to take their rightful place in the of loser. Center is the place to go if you Unfortunately, many other who work there with the excep- realm of the acts. "No means no" just doesn't it. 30-second ad world. But to all of cut you people whom want to improve your writing. But teachers who send students to the tion of John. And they've told In the other camp, me Kerrigan I've laughed at in the The University as well as the students, has to bear past four the tape recorder didn't take into Writing Center have the idea that nothing can be more fulfilling LETTERS trackers declare that she's a the responsibility for years whose teachers made you account the fact that people who the tutors are there just to correct than tutoring someone the sexual behavior of the students. winner before she gets on the who wants go, I apologize. Within the next take Film Analysis usually aren't grammar, which they are not. to improve and actually witness- The University, as well as the American society at Norwegian ice. Why? Because her few weeks, I will become one of concerned with improving their They focus on the ideas. ing the improvement. They've large, has a responsibility to better agent's phone hasn't stopped educaste its young Villanova's you. Almost as monumental as writing. I let's fine arts program mean, be realistic. And too many of the students also told me nothing can be worse offers. adult males about sexual behavior ringing with first so they do not become man's steps on the moon, I Now, a good teacher will recom- leave the Writing Center expect- than tutoring someone who Well, I wasn't around in 1907 will potential rapists and sex offenders. take my first steps into the mend that their students use the ing an "A" since they sat through doesn't want to be there. first pitched Coca- when Ty Cobb Writing Center. Writing Center. Perhaps if men were better educated, the Other teachers an entire hour session (or, for I would have been there sooner, number Cola. I can't the cham- remember Being an English major, most require their of rapes and sexual assaults that in dire need renovation students to go. those of you who can't tell time, but it's hard to schedule an occur would decrease. of pions that Wheaties was the of my English teachers assume Maybe it's I An hour just me, but seem to that's one episode of "Melrose appointment five minutes before presentation during freshmen orientation doesn't breakfast of. I can barely that their students know the rules get the least value out of some- Place"). your paper, which' you just wrote in his cut it, either. To the Editor: Over the past months, there has whose facilities are quite techno- remember Joe Namath of grammar and spelling thing and how when I'm forced into it. Like As far as business majors being two hours ago, is due. been confusion and aggravation logically superior to ours. pantyhose. But I am aware that to form thoughts in general, i dont when people force you to eat your poor writers, I'm sure they're no As a member of the Student among students, who as artists, The construction of a central- Michael Jordan made $28 million no wear they had gott that real vegetables, I firmly believe that worse than any English major on Government Association's Fine can't practice what they enjoy due ized arts facility, separate from St. last year — roughly eight times brightly idea; the vegetables lose their nutrition- a tangent. No writing is harder Student Says is a senior English Arts Task Force (FATF), I to Augustine, his outrageous basketball salary Clinton budget falls am insufficient University facili- where fine arts faculty The class that requires me to al value. to read than papers written by major who rights real bad and who writing to inform you of a defi- ties. While the would have — for selling. So, I'm not naive development and studies, would be go to the Writing Center for the I understand why many English majors who think they didn '/ mean anything by that crack ciency we believe the University building of this tme art foundation beneficial about sports and ads. to the University, as it first time is Film Analysis. My teachers in the business school know what they are talking about, about John. Really. short of promises possesses. Villanova is a reputable lies as one of Villanova's future would provide space for the teach- institution where students excel goals in strategic planning, it is ing and learning of the arts for in academics and athletics, yet the our job to increase the awareness the entire Villanova community. Reaction to President Clinton's 1995 federal budget FATF perceives a lack of focus on of this void now, and make this We want to increase the aware- Most Democrats goal proposal was nothing unexpected. an extremely important part of a reality today. ness of this long-standing prob- building our in ON CAMPUS expressed approval, while Republicans, particularly character society. lem, so that it will be resolved. abounding The FATF believes that Villa- Please join our effort in bringing Senate Minority Leader Bob Dole, found flaws The improwement of the nova needs to install a fine arts attention to the need in the spending blueprint. The mixed reactions come as for the fine With Sharon Griffin program in order to further enrich fine arts program and arts to our institution by contact- since this proposal contains a mixed bag of no surprise, students and develop yet another ing the Student facilities at Kllanowa Government positive and negatives for the American public. facet of our lives. The importance Association. Clinton's supporters can point to the fact that the of the fine arts program and would greatly improve facilities at Villanova would great- your favorite part of Siblings' 1995 budget is projected to lower the federal spending the oyeraK quality Bob Mohanty What was Weelcend? ly improve the overall quality of of deficit to a mere $176 billion, its lowest point in six years. SGA Assistant Fine Arts this institution and contribute to this institution and 1995 would also mark the first time since the 1940s that the "well-rounding" Senator 1997 of the contribute the national deficit was reduced for three consecutive scholar. to the "well- years. Some students who have earned rounding" of the advanced placement However, the flaws in this proposal are not too credit in scholar. courses such as studio art must difficult for the Clinton's opposition to point out. The travel to Rosemont College to deficit reduction is not being accomplished by curbing By Letters continue their study, simply installing a better fine arts will national spending — total federal expenditures program in the University, not actually increase under Clinton's plan. Although the There are many only would some students be allowed President proudly points out that he has abolished 115 to continue to practice Policy intermediate scliools and mature in their own wasteful programs, these programs account for only .05 field of art, but new doors would open to the nation's cumulative spending. Where is and lugli scliools whose percent of students who have not expe- The Villanovan will print "Let- in spending? the money coming from to cover this increase facilities are quite rienced the fine arts. This would ters to the Editor" received in its encourage new office in You guessed it — taxes; at least 85 percent of government technologicallf superior students to appre- 201 Dougherty Hall prior ciate the arts and to the revenues will come through income, corporate and social perhaps love weekly deadline, Tuesday at to ours. them as well, by nurturing a new 2 p.m. All letters must be signed taxes. affection and new outlet of crea- and include address, phone number Clinton has honorable intentions with To be sure, because the University does not tion for all Villanovans. and social security number. All "investments." Some of the increases in have the resources. There are By enlightening some of his students with letters must be typed and double "Ice-skating, it was my 'Going to the book store." "Being with my little broth- "The arcade... and the musicians who are dissatisfied aestheticism at spending will go towards areas like education and crime Villanova. we will spaced. The Villanovan reserves little cousin's first time Katie Cook er and sister because I basketball game." with the music program, com- be bringing students prevention. But Clinton is not being aggressive enough closer togeth- the right to edit all letters. Letters and we fell and got soaking Age 3 don't get to see them Marck Sherman plaining that there are not enough er and increasing diversity simul- may be sent by mail to the Vil- much." in his attempt to prove that he is not the "tax and spend" wet.' Age 10 options open to them. Most of the taneously. The current facilities lanovan, Villanova University. Kristen Newman Kevin Sherman Kristi Sherman that his conservative critics dub him as. More practitioner musical groups are socially- are in desperate need of renova- Villanova, Pa. 19085. Freshman Freshman Age 9 cuts up front in the federal expenditures will be needed oriented organizations. There is tion, for there are many interme- Liberal Arts English no student orchestra. diate schools in 1996 if Clinton is to shed this label. and high schools 1

^» n



Page IQ • THE VILLANOVAN • February 11, 1994

f^bnmry 11, 19^4 • THE VILLANOVAN • P«g# 1 Housing Housing For the first two weeks, students live in single IRISH STUDIES VILLANOVA Students All students will choose two (2) courses for will be housed in Dijon Program: rooms in a dormitory of the Institute for European UNIVERSITY COLLEGE GALWAY . a hotel for the Santiago stay and then six Villanova undergraduate credits: • Intensive Intermediate French Studies [lES] and take classes at the lES building placed with Chilean GALWAY, IRELAND families • Beginning Intensive Italian UNIVERSITY on in Concepcion. Fre 1 121 or Fre 1 122 3 credits Erbprinzenstrasse. Once the Internationale June 13 - July 29, 1994 Meals ITA 1111/ITA 1112 8 credits • Contemporary French Language Sommerkurse program begins students stay Program • SUMMER AJl meals will Intermediate Intensive Italian ^ Fre 3412-40 or 3412-41 with other international be taken in the hotel, with the 3 credits students in the University The purpose of the seven-week Irish Studies ITA families or in local restaurants. 1121/ITA 1122 6 credits • Explication de textes of Freiburg's dormitory complex and take classes PROGRAM 1994 Program is to introduce students to Ireland's Program Costs • Advanced Intensive Italian Fre 2144 on the main campus. 3 credits history, literature, society, archaeology, and the The ITA 1130/ITA 1131 6 credits Meals comprehensive cost is $2,950 which Paris Program: dramatic arts through a 10-day Oreintation in • Italian Civilization ARABIC AND PALESTINIAN includes tuition, room, • Intermediate French, 11 Students have their full meals, transfers, tours meals in the University Dublin and Galway, and five weeks of courses at ITA 2142 STUDIES and fees. The cost does 3 credits Fre 1122 3 credits dining hall, in local restaurants, or they may not include roundtrip BIRZEIT UNIVERSITY the University College Galway Summer School airfare, personal • Special Topics • Contemporary prepare their own meals in the dormitories. insurance, optional travel or in Irish Studies. Students have five days of ITA 3421 3 credits INTERNATIONAL SUMMER Program Costs personal expenses. Fre 2143 3 credits • independent travel at the end of the Program Admission Requirements Housing and .Meals Housing SCHOOL The comprehensive cost is $2,850 which before returning to the United States. Students will reside in University - And Payment Schedule halls of In Dijon, students are housed at the Cite July 2 August 21, 1994 includes tuition, room, fees, round trip rail fare Dr. James J. Murphy, Villanova University's • residence and take their meals in the university d'Universitaire from Frankfurt/Freiburg, and 2.5 GPA or better on a 4.0 scale with other international students. the trips to Berlin director of Irish Studies, the cafeteria. accompanies • University status Students wishing to stay with Italian Students who wish to stay with a French family seven-week in and Munich. The cost does not in good standing without The summer program Jerusalem include roundtrip students to Ireland for the Orientation Program families disciplinary or must apply early. must apply early. The Cite's facilities include, and Birzeit focuses Palestinian air ticket, meals, optional academic probation on Arabic and travel or personal in Eastern and Western Ireland. Following the Program • Students are Excusions libraries, classrooms, lounges, sports facilities, Studies in the old city of Jerusalem and at the expenses. required to have begun Basic a Orientation, students begin their two (2) courses Students will visit (as part of the regular theatre, Admission Spanish language training prior to departure cafe, and a restaurant. Birzeit University International Summer School Requirements for six Villanova itinerary) (6) undergraduate credits at • Completed , Ravenna, Assisi, , In Paris, students stay at the Hotel de in Birzeit. And Payment Schedule Villanova University application Jeunes UCG from the following list: Gubbio, San Marino and other places of interest. Le Fourcy • 2.5 • Attendance at all orientation sessions in Central Paris. The facilities include The program begins with a 10-day Orientation GPA or better on a 4.0 scale • Anglo-Irish Literature Non-refundable Program Costs class and conference rooms, lounge, cafe and to Jersualem (old and new) including tours to • University status without disciplinary or $ 400 deposit two weeks follow- ENG 2500 3 credits The comprehensive cost for the six-week academic ing acceptance to program restaurant. Bethlehem, the Jordan Valley, the Galilee and Tel probation • Archaeological Heritage 1,000 First program is $2,850 which includes tuition, room, Meals Aviv. Following the Orientation, the students • Completion of at least one year of college-level payment by April 4, 1994 AAH3007 full 3 credits board, transfers, tours and fees. The cost does Students will take their meals in German, or its 1,550 Balance by May 2, 1994 Dijon at the enroll in the six-week academic program at Birzeit equivalent with at least a grade • Gaelic Culture and Literature not $2,950 include round trip airfare, health insurance, Cite de'Universitaire; in Paris, students receive University. • of "B" 2450 ENG 3 credits optional travel or personal expenses. daily breakfast at the Centre Ravel. Program • Completed Villanova University application • Irish History Admission Requirements Program Costs Students choose one of the language courses $ 400 Non-refundable deposit two weeks follow- HIS 3216 3 credits And Payment Schedule The comprehensive cost for the six-week of the courses in Palestinian studies for ing acceptance to May 26 - June 26, and one program • Irish Society 1994 • 2.5 or GPA better on a 4.0 scale program is $2,850 which includes all in-country eight or nine Villanova University undergraduate 1,000 2nd payment by April 4, 1994 Program Options SOC 2100 3 credits • University-student status travel 1.450 The (Paris-Dijon-Paris), tuition, room, some credits. Those attending two of the Palestinian Balance by May 2, 1994 Location courses offered for a total of SIX • Completed Villanova University application meals, transfers, and a three-day trip to Normandy. studies courses receive six (6) undergraduate $2,850 VILLANOVA or Rosemont credits are taught The University College Galway Program is by • Attendance all orientation sessions Villanova and Program cost does not include all the meals, credits. located on the of Rosemont professors (the language campus UCG in Galway. $ 400 Non-refundable deposit by March 7, 1994 optional travel, personal expenses or airfare. • Intensive Basic Arabic professor is a native Italian), with a minimum of CADIZ, SPAIN Classrooms, librdry, lounge, cafeteria and sport 1,000 First payment by April 4, 1994 Admission Requirements Arblll2 6 credits 10 years experience with the program. The June 27 - August 7, 1994 facilities are available. 1,450 Balance by May 2, 1994 And Payment Schedule • Intensive Intermediate Arabic following choices are offered: Program Housing and Meals $2,850 Total 2.5 GPA or better on a 4.0 scale credits 102-1104 History Arbll21 5 Students live with Irish of Italian Renaissance The Villanova/Cadiz Program is designed for families adjacent to University status in good standing without • Palestinian Society Art; Investigation of Italian painting, UCG with a full Irish breakfast provided with architecture selected students who wish to increase their and disciplinary or academic probation Soc 1500 3 credits the room. Family or guest house sculpture from 1300-1520. The course will DUON AND PARIS, FRANCE proficiency in Spanish, and to be introduced to accommodations • Two semesters of college-level French or its • Palestian Question cover the Sienese and Florentine schools, as well Spain and the Spanish culture. The six-week will be arranged during field trips. Luncheon and July 1 - August 14, 1994 equivalent Psc 6875 3 credits dinner or high the art of the High Renaissance in , Venice program is intended for undergraduates who have tea can be taken in local hotels or • Completed Villanova University application • Geography of Palestine . restaurants. and Rome. completed at least two semesters of college-level Program • Attendance all orientation sessions Geo 3800 3 credits Program His. 143-3126 History of Italian Cities: Spanish, or its equivalent. Costs The purpose of the Villanova intensive French $ 400 Non-refundable deposit two weeks follow- • Arab Women Literature History of the political and institutional growth The program begins with an Orientation-Study The comprehensive fee $2,950 includes language summer program is to introduce selected ing acceptance to program Arb 2100 3 credits of economy and culture of tuition, room and partial the Italian city-states tour of Mdarid and surrounding area, including board, the Dubln and students to France and French culture while 1,450 2nd payment by Monday, April 4, 1994 • in from the Women Arab Society program tours, Middle Ages to the end of the 16th Toledo, Avla, Segovia, El Escorial and Cordoba; transfers and fees. The fee does increasing proficiency in French. Students 1,000 Balance by May 2, 1994 Soc 4700 3 credits Century. it is followed by five weeks of immersion in the not include the Aer Lingus roundtrip ticket, applying must have completed at least one year $2,850 Location Independent/Directed Studies: These Spanish language and culture at the University insurance, personal expenses or optional travel. of college-level introductory French or its During the Orientation, students stay in studies, each with a 3-credit total, may be taken of Cadiz. Following university study, students Admissions Requirements equivalent. Jerusalem for five days, and then tour the in selected subject matters: History, Art History visit Sevilla and Grasnada prior to departure from • 2.5 or better on a 4.0 scale (non-Yillanova The six-week Program, under the direction of Occupied Territories and Israel for five days. or Studio Art. Instructor's permission must be Malaga. students must supply a transcript of college- Dr. Jan Rigaud, is divided into two sessions: from Following the Orientation, the students are obtained. Students attend classes four hours every day, level course work to date) July 4th to July 30th, all students will enroll in housed for six weeks at Birzeit University's Ita. 951-0250 Dante and his Times: Dante five days of the week. They may choose two of • University/College student status the Cours intemationaux d'ete at the Universite residence halls (women stay at the Al-Hambra and his major work will be considered in the light the following courses for a total of six Villanova • Completed Villanova application (includes 2 de Bourgogne in Dijon, the academic and business Hotel in Ramallah while the men are housed in of the universal, moral, religious and political credits: academic references) center, and medieval capital of the province of the nearby dormitory); the University and halls implications. Offered in English. • Intensive Intermediate Spanish • Attendance at all Orientation sessions Burgundy. From July 30 to August 14th, the are approximately 12 miles north of Jerusalem. 102-1160 Basic Watercolor - Landscape: SPA 1121/SPA 1122 6 credits $ 400 Non-refundable deposit due on March 7, program takes place in Paris. Housing and Meals The class uses the beautiful Renaissance city of • Intensive Advanced Spanish 1994 (Monday) All students will choose one three-credit course Students receive room and breakfast at the Siena and its pictureque countryside for its studio. SPA 1131/SPA 1132 6 credits 1,000 1st payment due on April 4, 1994 from the Dijon program and one course from the hotels during the 10-day Orientation and tour, and Individual instruction and general critique in the • Spanish Culture and Civilization (Monday) Paris program: room and full board (three meals daily) at Birzeit evening is part of the program. SPA 2142 3 credits 1,550 • 2nd payment due on May 2, 1994 during the six-week Summer Program. 903-0270 Landscape Drawing: Designed for • Survey of Peninsular Literature (Monday) Program Costs students at various levels of technical ability. SPA 2211 3 credits $2,950 All checks payable to VILLANOVA The comprehensive fee for the seven-week ^ Individual instruction is given. • Special Topics UNIVERSITY and mailed to the Office of program is $2,950 which includes the tuition, all ' Field Trips SPA 3416 3 credits International StudiesA^illanova transfers, room, most meals, orientation program VENICE (overnight), FLORENCE (twice), Students may attend the daily activities of the UniversityA^illanova, PA 19085-1699 tours, and fees. It does not include the transatlantic ASSISI, SAN GIMIGNANO, VOLTERRA, Cursos, such as Flamenco dancing and singing, roundtrip ticket, books, insurance, personal VERONA AND VITERBO. The program closes evening lectures, plays, visits to artistic sites, expenses or optional travel. with a two-day stay in ROME. All field trips in museums, festivals etc. Admissions Requirements VILLANOVA - UNIVERSIDAD DE all Housing museums and cathedrals are conducted by the • 2.5 GPA or better on a 4.0 scale CONCEPCION program's own art historian. Participants travel in the In Cadiz, students are housed in single rooms • University status in good standing without CONCEPCION, in the program's own air-conditioned luxury motor Party CHILE at the University Dorm which faces onto the disciplinary or academic probation June 27 - August 13, coaches. Parque Genoves. The University facilities include 1994 • Completed Villanova University and Birzeit Housing and Meals classrooms, library, lounges, tennis and swimming University applications Participants live in a three-star family style facilities, restaurant, cafeteria and laundry. Program • Attendance at all orientation sessions hotel in Siena. Double occupancy is provided, each Students who wish to stay with Spanish families The purpose of the six-week area studies $ 400 Non-refundable deposit two weeks follow- room having a bathroom with shower. All three must apply early. Villanova/Concepcion Program is to introduce ing acceptance to program meals daily from an excellent kitchen in the hotel selected students to Chilean and South BAHAMAS! Meals American 1,000 2nd payment by April 4, 1994 catering to the participants taste. All classrooms Students receive full board (three meals per cultures, languages and societies thorugh an 1,550 Final payment by May 2, 1994 are located in the hotel. Only: day, seven days a week) at the Dorm or with interdisciplinary program of culture, language and $2,950 Make checks payable to VILLANOVA The Cost of the Program: families. history at the Universidad de Concepcion in UNIVERSITY and send to the Office of Program Excursions Concepcion, Chile. $2,720 which includes: International Studies, Villanova Universi- • All hotels/rooms (Venice and Rome: four-star Carmela's $339! Three study excursions are planned by the The Program, under the direction of Dr. Carlos ty, Villanova, PA 19085-1699 hotels) Cadiz faculty to visit towns within the provice Trujillo, includes a four-day orientation in • Full board (three meals a day) On some side of Cadiz: 1. Acros de la Frontera and Andalusian Santiago, six weeks of classes at the Universidad trips only continental breakfast will be provided. Dolphin Hotel $359! white towns hidden in the Mountains of Ronda, de Concepcion in Concepcion, Chile, and weekend FREIBURG, GERMANY • All transfers in Italy 2. Vejer and Bolonia, a Roman city by the sea and study tours in the Concepcion area with university July 7 August 19, 1994 • Six Villanova credits 3. Jerez de la Frontera, the city of Andalusian faculty. Students are asked to choose two courses Program • All service charges British horses and sherry. for six undergraduate Villanova University Colonial ...$469! The purpose of the six-week Villanova/ credits: • All scheduled travels in Italy Program Costs Also: Freiburg Program is to increase proficiency in Not included: Gallery and museum fees. A Cancun, South Padre. Daytona & Panama! The comprehensive cost for the six-week • Intensive Intermediate Spanish I or 11 German, and to immerse students in German life SPA special reduced GROUP AIR FARE will be program is approximately $2,950 which includes 1121 or 1122 6 credits Call your on-campus representative today and society. • available to our participants by ALITALIA. tuition, room, board, transfers, and field trips. The Survey of Latin American Literature The Program includes orientation sessions, six Admission Requirements for participants cost does not include trans-Atlantic travel or SPA 2212 3 credits weeks of instruction, study tours around Freiburg otto personal expenses. • Contemporary Latin America requesting credits: and a weekend in Berlin. The academic program or better on a 4.0 scale Admission Requirements HIS 4430 3 credits 2,5 GPA 51 9-6454 is divided into two sessions: I participants are Session for two And Payment Schedule • Peoples/Cultures of South America All non traditional-age weeks with the Faculty/Program Director, Dr. to audit at least two courses. voice mail # 86009 • 2.5 GPA or better on a 4.0 scale SOC 1500 3 credits required Edward Dixon, and a faculty member from • • Independent Study University status in good standing without 728 BoyMon SIrMl. Boston. MA 02116 Freiburg University; Session II for four weeks at or 1-800-328-SAVE disciplinary or academic probation TBA 3 credits URBINO, ITALY the Internationale Sommerkurse of the - • Two semesters of college-level Spanish or its Courses of this interdisciplinary program will July 1 August 12, 1994 University of Freiburg. Students may choose two >*SPECIAL OFFgR; Send in a copy of equivalent be given by professors from the Universidad de Program your courses from the following list: • Completed Villanova University apphcation Concepcion and Villanova's Concepcion Program The purpose of the Villanova intensive Italian college I.D. and this ad and receive • Intensive Intermediate German a • Attendance at all orientation sessions Director. Some courses may be offered in English language summer program is to increase Italian GER1121/GER1122 6 credits $20 DISCOUNT! Don't wait! is $ 400 Non-refundable deposit two weeks follow- depending upon enrollment. Courses will be language proficiency and to introduce students to Space limited!** • Intensive Advanced German ing acceptance to program supplemented by non-credit evening lectures on and its people. The six-week program is Italy AirBianHmd Ckm. AnOp«iiof-l^«kiprtConti«cliir«i»imxl Pno«


Page 12 • THE VILLANOVAN • Febitiary 1 1, 1994

February 11, 1994 • THE VILLANOVAN • Page 13 Student Programming Council AT THE MOVIES: presents: FRIDAY 7:30 p.m. FRIDAY 10 p.m. & Children of Fate SATURDAY 1:30 p.m. THE MOVIE m GOT A BUZZ! Life in Sicilian family & Death a bridqet cctmpbel 1 ma t t

f ond;i ;fnt t Saturday, Feb. 12 at 7 p.m. ^Dazed •iingnBUTioiiuRicooiiEiKAaiR:' ENTERTAINMENT Sunday, Feb. 13 at 3:30, 7 p.m. and singles Monday, Feb. 14 at 7 p.m. ConFused fRl.«s> $2.50 Students Ass Ponys is a great band with

AK5U BBSS fusir-i Special give away! u BT3rscs crnouociii. rjts n.-r-TToi » cuiimcH acwi r:* CD cAjoBEisarr rrunocinci $3.50 general admission •SDiSJj- EEScrrcsiiA sHELAmin J3iTKuiB:u.nni>usir,»uir:i;u.:£S pau; tirmHni strange subject matter and a silly Connelly UKooBacn W Connelly Cinenna Cinema name. Comedy Cot's Den This week's VENDORS Wine Wonders' sequel to "Wings Feb. 15, 7 p.m. Feb. 15 Sweaters Feb. 1 7 >^ Leather of Desire/' "Faraway, So Close" Feb. 16 Jewelry Feb! 18 ^Accessories Margaret Oho is the story of angels in Berlin. Villanova Room.

Tix $3. William Bennett's Book of Virtues 10 a.m.'3 p.m, ConneCCy Lobby explores the moral fabric of

American society. $3/rose - $lS/i/2 dozen ' $30:/doz. Gerard Depardieu (left)^ Katherine Heigl (center) and Dalton James (right) delight audiences in the Disney film^ ''My Father^ The Hero/'

Do something PHOTO COURTESY OF BUENA VISTA PICTURES extra for that Special Someone,^,.^' FEATURES on Valentine's Day

Committee of the Week Sibling Weekend Committee VALENTINES DAY Learn how student athletes ^e^ Dating balance work and play. ^^"^ AIDS Task Force attempts Game to promote AIDS Feb. 17 - Donahue - 8 p.m. education and increase Free admission awareness. contestants token from the audlencell The hard work of this year's Sibling Weekend Fabulous Dream Dates Committee paid off with a fun and exciting weekend for everyone. We hope that all the participants had a great time! Happy Valentine's Day to you and yours. Keep an eye out Thank Youl .*•**••' for Cupid's arrow; he may strike when you least expect it! Be sure to enjoy many hugs and kisses, be they chocolate

<- or not!

^. 341 4 1 65 8 7


• • Page 15 Page 1 • February 11, 1994 THE VILLANOVAN t 4 THE VILLANOVAN February 1 . 1 994 FEATURES or overseas. There are literally thousands Balloon Day of volunteer placements available. For Feb. 1 more information, see Barbara Haenn in designs needed! BALLOON DAY T-shirt the Campus Ministry Office, St. Rita's You may use a maximum of three colors Hall. An appointment calendar is right Special Balloon Olympics to and you must include the words begins festivities Women as Leaders' outside of her office door. cooidlncrie Day and the date on which it will be held By ROSEANNE MILLER — April 14. The winner receives $25 and views for those who are applying facilities committee. This fall he lish a great many things." Seminar Assistant Features Editor stressed that the interaction with a FREE t-shirt. Submit drawings to for the positions of committee served as chairperson of the Senior Sheri Howarth, who Valentine the Olympians and the bonding Campus Ministry by 5 p.m. Monday, Feb. Picture chairs. powerlifting event. Ramley feels served on the '93 Management Feb. 1 In May, 200 of the nation's most out- experience that will be Each fall, anticipation builds at was an standing college students will gather in 21! There are 21 fall festival com- that Special Olympics has been an Team for support services, clearly Did you get a picture of your scope yet? Villanova in preparation for with her long after she's the mittees, each of which need a incredible experience. He added, agrees, "It was the best experience Washington, D.C. for the 10th annual College Special graduated. Sign up today! Sponsored by the Olympic's annual Fall chairperson. Chinese New Year WOMEN AS LEADERS Seminar spon- Applications for "I feel my personal purpose in I could take with me from school Democrats. Festival. Although many students Anyone interested in chairing a sored by Sears, Roebuck and Co., and The these positions are currently serving as festival director is to — and that's an understatement!" become involved committee is encouraged to pick in this campus- available Festival Washington Center. Villanova is an affil- in the Student Activities give back to the athletes what I She went on to explain that the wide activity, up an application at the Office of Into the Woods you might not Office. Applications are due on have gained over the past two learning experience was pheno- iate of the Center. The Seminar will be Student Activities, 204 Dougher- ' realize that preparation begins Come celebrate Chinese New Year at the held from May 16-28. Monday, Feb. 14. Once students years. ' In general, Ramley des- menal. "I learned not only about Feb. 24 Villanova Student Musical Theatre & long before fall arrives. ty, and have it submitted by Festival in the Day Hop Lounge, Dougherty hand in their applications, they cribes Special Olympics as, "a others, but I also learned about Application deadline is February 15. For Activiti^ would like to Monday. Office of Music Preparation for the '94 cerem- sign Hall. The Festival is sponsored by the further information, contact Dr. Al Dorley, may up for an interview. great cause in which we accomp- myself," stated Howarth. She welcome you to Stephen Sondheim's and onies are already well underway. Chinese Association, Asian Association director of the Internship Program, 448 Health Fair' Interviews are scheduled for the Jamie Lapine's Tony Award Winning Into Junior Andrew Ramley has recent- and International Student Office. The fun SAC (x4661). week before Spring Break. The Woods. Into The Woods is a musical ly been named Festival Director During starts at 6 p.m. The evening will consist "Once again the College of Nursing and the interviews, the that brings a bunch of fairy tales together. for the ceremonies to be held on of a delicious Chinese dinner and enter- the Student Nurses' Association will be Management Team will be looking Little Red Riding Hood, Rapun- Nov. Cinderella, 11. 12, and 13. for applicants tainment. Please come to the International sponsoring a Health Fair for the Villanova who have had past zel, Jack, the Witch, and even more of your Working with Ramley in the Student Office, Lower Level, Corr Hall for community. 'Building A Healthy Villanova' experience in the specific area favorite fairy tale characters will be finding planning stages will be the Special which advance tickets. Tickets will also be will take place in the Connelly Center from they wish to chair. They their way through the woods. The show Olympic's Management Team are also looking for applicants available at the door. All are welcome! Feb. 1 10 a.m. -2 p.m. This event will provide you will be March 17, 18 and 29 at 8 p.m. at which will be comprised of five with information regarding various health who exhibit leadership qualities, Harriton High School. There will be buses students. Applicants for the man- topics: exercise, nutrition, depression, are open, enthusiastic and rides. Tickets cost $7 for available for free agement team have just finished confident. eating disorders, AIDS, high blood pres- ACS Board Project Sunshine students and $10.00 for adults. Tickets will the interview process. Chosen sure, drugs and alcohol, safety issues and Ramley, the festival director, be sold at the door and Connelly Center. students will be announced today. much more. Door prizes and snacks has plenty of experience to apply applications FAST Day For more information call 519-7217. The five chosen individuals will provided. Be there!" to his new position. As a sopho- be in charge of conducting inter- more he was a volunteer for the Today, applications for the board of the Every April, Project Sunshine invites Association of Commuting Students will 150 children, ages 5-8, from area agencies The Writing Center be available. ALL commuters interested in to Villanova's campus for a day of games, student crttiletes becoming a part of the organization should prizes, rides, and costumed characters. To The Writing Center provides construc- stop by Room 215 Dougherty or call the raise money for the carnival. Project tive, non-threatening help with term office at 519-72 IL Applications will be due Sunshine will be holding its annual FAST IMarch 8-9 papers, reports, or any personal writing. strive to acliieve Feb. 18. Day on Ash Wednesday, Feb. 16. Food It is now open from Sunday to Thursday, Juniors Liz Weaver and Jane Gutshall spend a minute with two new friends who participated Services of each cafeteria has agreed to 1:30 to 9:30 p.m. and Friday 1:30 to 5:30 in the Special Olympic Games. donate funds for all students who sacrifice Careers for a p.m. Call 519-4604 for an appointment. We By KRISTIN BERNARDYN homework at night. "With a full their lunch for that day. Signups will be are in the Dalton Room of Falvey. Staff Reporter class load, practice and traveling, in every dining hall on February 14 and Brighter Future it is very difficult to get everything 2-1 15 during lunch and dinner, or stop in the Have you ever considered what done," admits Spies. She does find Program explores Urbino Feb. 1 office in lower level Vasey. Thank you for Career Planning & Placement, the Villanova Feminist it is like to be a student athlete? the combination of academics and your needed support! Center for Peace & Justice, and the Law Unless you happen to be one, you athletics rewarding because of the credits) involves written and in Room 333 of the Liberal Arts School's Public Interest Law Society are Coalition are probably unaware of the great discipline it demands. "It organ- By GREGORY V. MENZEL spoken Italian with emphasis on Center; his extension is 4696. Children of Fate co-sponsoring the Careers For A Brighter enthusiasm and dedication that izes you and gives you direction," Staff Reporter pronunciation and comprehen- Non-Villanova students must Future event, which focuses on "socially VFC meets every Wednesday at 7 p.m. student athletes pour into their Spies said. sion. Intermediate intensive Ital- contact Dr. Thomas Ricks, Office More than 30 years in the making, responsible" career opportunities. The in the Center for Peace and Justice. All athletic commitments. The athlet- Eric Pearson, sophomore quar- During this summer, the Uni- ian (6 credits) includes grammar of International Studies in Room "Children of Fate" is finally coming to this The Society of St. KEYNOTE SPEECH will be delivered by feminists, male or female, conservative, ic commitments involve not only terback, admits that budgeting versity will be sending interested review and development of collo- 420 of the Liberal Arts Center or area. The award-winning documentary, Tom Grasso, Attorney for the Chesapeake liberal. Democrat, Republican or Socialist, actual playing or time spent his time during the football season students abroad to study in Italy, quial style. Advanced intensive call X7393. which centers on the life of Angela, a young Augustine Bay Foundation - SAVE THE BAY pro-choice or pro-life, are invited. Topics competing, but also time for is a challenge, but "knowing that The purpose of this program is to Italian (6 credits) is a course that All students who are interested mother Jiving in a Sicilian slum, is the campaign, on Tuesday, March 8, at 4:30 for discussion will include preparation for traveling, team practices, weight you're getting a good education" develop proficiency in the Italian involves a review and amplifica- are welcome to complete an appli- upcoming feature at Villanova's Cultural General meeting at the Corner Grill at p.m. in the Radnor room. He will address National Women's History month in training and personal training, makes the time trade-off worth it. language and to introduce stu- tion of grammar as weJJ as the cation. Several Villanova stu- Film & Lecture Series. It will be shown 7 p.m. All welcome. issues regarding the environment and March and local Philadelphia activities. both during the season and during "The school is giving something dents to Italy and its people. The development of writing and con- dents have already been on the four times in the Connelly Center Cinema: public policy, as well as speak about the the off season. to you and you are giving some- six-week program is designed for versational skills. Italian civiliza- trip. Jacqueline Pettee, a junior Saturday, Feb. 12 at 7 p.m.; Sunday, Feb. rewards and fulfillment found in the According to freshman volley- thing back," he said. students who wish to study the tion (3 credits) studies the people political science major who was 13 at 3:30 p.m. and 7 p.m.; and Monday, socially responsible workplace. The Volunteers Needed ball player Debbi Picco, the fall These obligations must be care- Italian language at all levels, as of Italy and their impact on involved in the program last year Feb. 14 at 7 p.m. Tickets are $2.50 for CAREER FAIR will be held on Wednesday, season practice schedule which fully scheduled around other well as Italian culture and liter- Western culture. Finally, a special said, "I encourage anyone who is students and $3.50 for the general public. March 9 from 12 p.m. -4 p.m. in the Students, faculty and neighbors are consists of almost 20 hours per activities and sometimes even ature. Students will study at the topics course worth three credits the least bit interested to go to Richard Juliani, a specialist in Italian Villanova Room and will feature organi- needed to work on The Handicapped week is a lot of time to devote to around classes. For many student University of Urbino and at the will be offered on a subject to be Italy. I met many people there, and in arranged. Italian-American issues, will introduce 6-1 zations which demonstrate a sense of social Encounter Christ (HEC) retreats. HEC is volleyball. For Picco, however, athletes serious participation Instituto Lorenzo de' Medici including other students from the Monday screening, and following the Feb. 1 responsibility in their activities. Represen- volleyball commitment demands scheduling most classes Florence. For Villanova students only, an ecumenical faith experience that brings this U.S.' schools, and learned a great film, will there will he lead a discussion, "Constraint tatives will be available from approximate- disabled and non-disabled persons together "makes academics a lot easier in the morning in order to be Students will reside in univer- be an interview with Dr. deal about the culture. The six- Gaetano Versus Choice Among the Poor." ly 30 different organizations to discuss to touch one another's lives in an atmos- [because] it puts me on a schedule. available to practice in the after- sity residence halls while in Pastore, who will also be week trip was well worth the For more information, call 519-4750. AIDS Quilt potential career opportunities in their phere of a Christian community. The The training can tire you out, but noon. This means that homework Urbino, and in private, air- collecting and reviewing the appH- cost." fields, as well as talk about current entry- retreat takes place from Friday evening, it is worth it because it forces you is not begun until evening hours, conditioned apartments while in cations. Pastore's office is located grueling day. Florence. They will eat their Volunteers Needed level, internship and/or volunteer March 18 through Sunday, March 20, to take your obligations seriously after an already opportunities. ending around 2 p.m. An Orientation and get done what needs to be Pearson finds that there is meals at the University cafeteria done," Picco said. sometimes a pull between "know- while in Urbino and in a "pensi- Film portrays Volunteers greatly needed to help during meeting will be Tuesday, March 8 and a field ing when to study and when you one" or local restaurant in Flor- days of Names Quilt Display (next Pre-HEC liturgy will be Tuesday, March For women's track and Feb. 1 cross country runner Rebecca can let homework go." For the ence. On weekend excursions, Wednesday-Friday). For set-up, sales, 15. All meetings are held at Margie dinners will Kemicky's apt.: Radnor House #117, 1030 Spies, the average day includes a most part, it seems that student be eaten at renowned Sicilian struggles information, education, grief counselors, morning classes, athletes are responsible for balanc- restaurants specializing in region- readers of names. Signups all day for the E. Lancaster Ave., Rosemont, at 7:30 p.m. 7 a.m. run before Benefit Concert March 1 For further information, stop in Campus practice in the afternoon, weights ing their time and fitting home- al cuisine. By JILL BETTGER the water from one faucet, next week in the Honors Office, St. week, dinner, work into the daily routine. How- As part of their regular itiner- Staff Reporter thoughts of anything Augustine 103. Or call Nancy Hensler Ministry and talk with Father Shawn two or three times a beyond Villanova Benefit Concerts presents (Continued on page 19) ary, students will visit Rome, survival (x4650). Tracy, OSA or call Margie Kernicky 527- some night classes and then were rare. Daniel Hardt, violin, and Marcantonio Career Day 4791. Assisi, Perugia, Gubbio, San "Children of Fate," this week's Moving ahead to 1989, Angela Barone, piano, in concert to benefit the Marino, Ravenna and other places cultural film, traces four genera- has left her abusive husband and Villanova AIDS Names Project in conjunc- CP&P is sponsoring a Career Day in the of interest. During their two-week tions of the impoverished Capra lives in a cheerful apartment in tion with AIDS Awareness Week. The Villanova Room from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Over HILLEL stay in Florence, students can family in Sicily with Angela, the the projects. The legacy of poverty concert will take place Sunday, Feb. 13 at 45 companies and organizations are expect- visit Siena, San Gimignano, Mon- mother, as the pivotal figure. lives on, however. One of Angela's 3 p.m. in St. Mary's Chapel. The cost is Feb. 21 tecatini and many other towns in Fate and history play a part in children ed to be present, with representatives has cancer, the other is Hillel, Villanova's Jewish student organ- $10 for adults and $5 for students. Tickets available to discuss entry-level positions . the making of this film both on- linked with the Mafia and the last ization, meets every Tuesday at 3:30 p.m. are available at the door. All donations and internship opportunities. All under- The comprehensive cost for the and off-screen. In 1961, Robert has recently been released from in the upstairs lounge in the Connelly welcome. graduate and graduate students, as well six-week program is $2850. This Young and Michael Roemer pro- prison. Items Needed Center. Upcoming events to be discussed as all majors, are welcome to attend. cost includes room and board in duce "Cortile Cascino" (named Angela narrates the film, which include a day trip to the Holocaust Museum Urbino, tuition, transfers, tours after a Palermo The volunteer service trip to the missions slum) for NBC. fluctuates between past and pres- in Washington, D.C. and participation in ' and fees. It The network it will take place over does not include the pulled just days ent to emphasize what a trap the in Merida, Mexico that the annual Passover Interfaith Seder. New roundtrip ticket and meals for the before the scheduled air Spring Break is seeking donations of date, past has become. "I think she saw members are welcomed. Questions or two-week stay in Florence. In however, aspirin and tylenol that will be used by denouncing it as too us as being called to bear witness comments can be directed to Hillel at Florence students are provided strong for television mission's mobile medical clinic. Please audiences. to these events in her life," says the Misc. extension 2056. with cooking facilities so that they Feb. 1 bring to Campus Ministry, St. Rita's Hall This 45-minute portrait of Sic- Andrew Young of Angela Capra. may prepare simple meals in their by Feb. 21. For more information, call ilian poverty has since become "Here we were making a film an Barbara Haenn, X-4479. Thanks! apartments. underground classic. When about people caught up in fate and Aikido Club There are certain channel four in requirements Britain planned we were caught up in it to be met in order to participate to broadcast "Cortile Cascino" in ourselves." Time IManagement/ Interested in True Self-Defense? Tutor Posmons in the program. First, the appli- 1989, they asked Robert Young's The Philadelphia premiere of Intrigued by Martial Arts? Join Villanova cant must be a University student son Andrew to write the introduc- "Children of Fate" will be shown Effective Learning Aikido Club. Call Bob (519-6000 ext. Applications ESL Courses are now being accepted for who has acquired a cumulative tion. Instead, Young and his wife, on Feb. 12 at 7 p.m., Feb. 13 at 81854) tutoring positions in the Academic Advance- grade point average of at least Susan Todd, decided to find the 3:30 p.m. and 7 p.m. and Feb. 14 Program Beginning the week of Feb. 21, ESL ment Program (AAP) for Fall 1994 and 2.50. An application must also be Capras and bring the film up to at 7 p.m. The Monday showing (Learning to teach English as a second beyond. These arc paid positions, and a completed and submitted by the date. will be followed by a lecture given Getting off to a good start is sometimes language) courses will be offered by Main training retreat is required. All interested student. Attendance at orientation In 1961 Angela Capra was 23, by Professor Richard Juliani, of difficult. Dr. Reilly will offer practical Line Night School. Monday nights at students are Senior Volunteers encouraged to apply, although sessions is necessary to help the struggling to raise her three the sociology department at Vil- suggestions for better time management Radnor High School, Tuesday at Lower the subjects most often tutored are math, student become prepared for the children, dodging her husband's lanova. The lecture is entitled, and study techniques in a brief workshop Merion H.S., Wed. at Conestoga H.S. Have you decided what will be doing chemistry, you physics, (iomputer science, and trip. menacing punches and engaging "Constraint Versus Choice this Monday, Feb. 14, at 3:30 p.m. to 4:20 Catalogue and r^stration form for Main once you graduate from Villanova? Consid- some language, including English. Pat There are five courses currently in prostitution to make ends meet. Among the Poor." p.m. in the Counseling Center, 106 Con- Line Night School are available at the er the possibility of "giving back" a year Kobes, the AAP Counselor/Tutor In the village where the Coordi- student athletea work and play hard. being offered during the program. Capras Hall. The workshop is free and no sign- circulation desk of Ludington Library, of service by volunteering and sharing your nator, can On and off the flew be found in Vasey ground floor, .'Beginning intensive Italian (8 resided, where 300 people shared up is necessary. Lancaster Ave., Bryn Mawr. gifts with the poor of the United States Room 6. « w lH' tl^k-' «^'» •_^

Page 16 • THE VILLANOVAN • February 11, 1994

I February 11, 1994* THE VILLANOVAN • Page 17 FEATURES i FEATURES Students speak out on AIDS Task foroe eduocrtes oampus By to Jbe tertwi ftwr HIV LAURA MECHLEY associate professor in communica- ^ can be an intense^ By LIZ WEAVER homosexual to contract the virus. everyone knows Art" in which the pictures in the what AIDS is, Staff Reporter tion arts and snotts, pemmal cfeciskm. In order to fully Assistant Features Editor member of the Task art gallery are understand Junior Dave Mingolelli said, but I don't think anyone realizes covered with black Force says brochures will be ^e^^^ what the results mean, it is "The school is far too conserva- fabric. One year, the Oreo impc»tant to^ how many people actually have it. Perhaps was you have seen the "available which describe ano- go to acting facihty that offers The college years, a time to say tive. It is about time that they Fellow freshman Chris concealed to show "what it would both pre- and post-testing Berti- poster around campus which nymous testing farewell sights in the be like if to adolescence and exper- woke up and realized what is netti echoed this, we didn't have art," said adding, "After shows people at their Philadelphia ience four 10 year area." Michal- Sharts-Hopko. wonderful of freedom. happening in the world today. that assembly it "The art commun- just stopped; we reunion and reads, "Protect Johnson In your- also says that a goal of ity those years, one gains new They should not be afraid to have to go on has been hit hard by the AIDS what we knew from self now or you won't be AIDS Awareness knowledge and here Week is to show epidemic," she added. much more. Unfor- distribute condoms, like they high school." then." Or another poster picturing "the human side of AIDS" and What m the test? tunately, one may leave school were having Planned Parenthood Freshman _ Peter Trowbridge students at a local that "all The Task Force also makes with something bar with the of us in some way or a There are two other than a on campus." felt, "Basically, everything Villa- different tests used to ensure caption, "Don't let drinking cloud another have been touched by the presentation during freshmen accurate diploma. I The AIDS virus may be Villanova does have an AIDS nova has done is unmemorable; I your thinking." HIV Virus." orientation. It was during this ^^ P^^^^> is confirmed by a contracted during one's college Task Force, junior Andy Botwin, don't even seccmdI!^!!l^\^^^ W^^^^hr remember Orientation. These and other similar Because Villanova presentation that Ann Gavaghan t^t, either the Western Blot years; however, posters is a catholic of IFA test. These may go undetect- a member of the task force said, I saw the ribbons but I did not are displayed around campus by university, Bonas mentions, and Ed Overell, student members tests are highly accurate, ed until much later in "We but they can show both "false life when "This first year is a development even know it was AIDS Aware- the of the Task Villanova University AIDS want to be consistent with the Force, became inter- n^ative and "false one is confronted by his or her year; we are trying to certify peer ness Week. positive" results. There has to be more Task Force, a group teachings of the ested in joining the committee. past actions. whose goal Church." Michal- educators. These students can publicity; we need to scare the Overell, hell is to "educate the Villanova com- Johnson adds, "We explicitly a freshman liberal arts "I don't think people at Villa- give presentations in dorms, to out of people here before they munity on the real and present acknowledge the Catholic major, said he wants to help nova are open enough and aware professors, even high schools. realize how serious it is." threat of HIV," said Nancy Church's position people realize that "just because enough to Sharts- on the use of understand the AIDS These students are on the same AIDS is not going to disappear. you Can I be tested Hopko, associate professor of the condoms and we acknowledge are at Villanova, you are not anonymously? epidemic. I think people here live level as the campus." He con- The time of sexual promiscuity college of nursing public health immune to HIV." Overell men- ^^.^'^here are in and member of concerns. Absti- four anonymous testing sites in the a fantasy world; there is an tinued, "Unfortunately, we needs to end. Relationships have the Task Force. nence is the tions that awareness is important illusion only surefire way not Philadelphia area. The only way to guarantee that this is a happy little haven't publicized enough due to to be on a that you different level now. to contract HIV, but we acknowl- because "those who aren't close community. Unfortunately, all Chairing the Villanova AIDS control the results is by using the the weather problems, but we College for many people is to it an assumed name or a a time edge not everyone makes that [AIDS] become desensitized." outside world isn't Hke this. You have begun to give Task Force is Gary Bonas, director number to identify to "go crazy" and "not worry choice." Gavaghan, a freshman classical yourself. of Greek Affairs and Therefore, "We want to really don't realize until your presentations." about the consequences." Leadership studies It is not provide students with as much and political science senior year when you are trying Besides the AIDS Task Force, Development. The Task Force uncommon at any school to go to information as major, says AIDS is "no longer to figure was established in 1985 but we possibly can so out what the real world during Orientation this year, bars, dance, have Bonas just too much to they can make the best decisions a gay and IV drug user disease is all about," said senior Kelly freshmen attended an assembly says, "Two and a half years ago and drink and make some bad choices. for themselves," says Michal- we need to get that message What il Cinnamond. Villanova is a the task force was resurrected my test is positive? school entitled, "Dangerous Liaisons." Often people laugh about "beer across." again, Johnson. that most people consider a type The topic of AIDS was part of the as you see it now." The ^^?^^«^herthat a positive test result is not a di^pnc^is goggling" or forgetting the events The Task Force remains active Many ^ A of community, a group of people reason for the resurrection was members mentioned the of presentation. Freshman Matt of the night. AIDS. It does mean that you are infected previous This laugh- all year, not just during AIDS need to expand with the HIV who volunteer their time and Leone remarked, "They that "data suggested college stu- the size of the were on ter is only temporary because it virus and that you Awareness Week. The Task Force committee. Michal-Johnson says should seek medical evaluation and efforts to many organizations. the right track during Orientation; dents were greatly at risk" to only takes one bad choice to affect is treatment contract the responsible for training peer they hope to increase the student as soon as possible. A positive test result Yet, even the most giving of people however, I haven't heard another virus, states Bonas. means the rest of one's life. educators who are available to members from 2 to 8. "We need that you can infect others, so can contract AIDS; one doesn't thing about it since. I A major responsibility you should practice safe was more AIDS does not discriminate. It of the give presentations about AIDS to to expand the task force to accomp- ihavior. have to be a drug user or a aware during high school. I think Task Force is AIDS Awareness (Continued on page 1 6) student organizations. The Task lish everything we want," Bonas /^IK Week. Paula Michal-Johnson, QUIIT Force organizes "A said. Day Without

What if my test is negative? A negative test result does not mean that you are immune to HIV or AIDS stands for Acquired Immunodeficiency Syn- The people who have died of AIDS in this country AIDS or that you cannot get infected have in the future. In addition, it can take up to six months drome. It is a disease caused by a virus ttiat can destroy been male and female, rich and poor, white, or longer after infection for your immune system AIDS Awareness Week Schedule of Events to produ^ antibodies, and a test during that the body's ability to fight off illness. black, Hispanic, Asian and American Indian. lag time would The AIDS virus Who you falsely indicate n^^tive results. cripples your immune system so that ybu are unable are has nothing to do with whether you are in danger

5 pm. Benefit Concert: Vlolin/Pwrw of being Omatm Ro^tal, St. M«y Hall to fight other diseases that invade your body. These infected with the AIDS virus. What matters Chapel, ticket* w^ighk at tiie iom, $10 for adults, $5 for What are the testing facilities ia this area? st«4eiits diseases kill is what you do. can you. The following testing facilities perform 6, 8. 1 anonymous p,m. MM8e»~-l*ersoi» wtth AIDS sltare tlieir life issues <$urtog tests. Call the Ma«i^ numbers listed for more information or directions to the testing centers. 91^

\l) Women *s Anonymous Test Site Moffi4»y* f«l>riiiiry (4 id • (610)246-5210 We«r your red ribbons on Valentine's you Day in know? Did reiibmbrancc libbon sales all you Icnow? Did week. Connelty you • Center, know? AIDS Prevention Posters Did on display daily, Art ' in gay and bisexual patients began with high T-cell counts effectively istic of AIDs. Researchers * lesbians and bisexual women," ^)ecu- by the church, condoms are key shaking hands noon. 3:30, jB.*'Ramci»lbMflc« *" an incline in 1989 which continued delays progression of the disease. late that the 7 and Reoemtf \ while body normally p hi^m^Km0i interpreted study co-owner Ste- in the battle against AIDS, argued * toilet seats through 1990 and 91. In addition, one pharmaceutical itttttpcetei» tham%Cmmm»miismfa%Vi Study Finds High only produces antibpdies against the French scientist Rate phen Mills. Saturday at * swimming pools/hot tubs of company reports "remarkable invaders, HIV patients^ake Risky AIDS Behavior a Vatican convention. Under Pope * 7:30 results" in the development of an antibodies against insect bites pjn. -*AIDS: Ml^Uk Stofior te|Mttni|^to^^ Among Lesbians their)own John Paul II, the Vatican has been AIDS Researchers AIDS vaccine. platelet cells. * being AIDS 6m Qfimm.Cm^jmlfm^ D.C. Federal Court United Press International Give "There ma;^^some inflexible; in its stance against coughed or sneezed on (10/19/93) Upbeat Reports at relation between chaitges in the Davids*lbMlilbr RMlili, 6iM^iMMr Hears PWA Marijuana (Wasowicz. Lidia) artificial contraception, which is coworker who is ! J!f^i?A"J^,i!l^.^. infected with HIV National Conference immune system 4nd the loss of condemned * Case San Francisco — High rates of because it blocks the DONATING BLOOD United Press International platelets," said Dr. Arthur Hoh- Washington Blade (10/8/93) unsafe sex and intravenous Study Shows AIDS Risk transmission of life. "I don't want drug (10/20/93) Vol. 24, No. P. (Wasowia, Udia) mann, head of the research team. to give 43, 27 abuse among gay and bisexual Among Blacks lessons to the Church but rWtimWIlfyi. Mm- You CAN get AIDS by: rwfVmft United International The relationship was discovered I do invite it women place them at a significant Press to be more pragmatic 9 a4tt.>4 San * p.m. AIDS MemorM Qm^iiifttf,>mim^ itooo, Omi^ The U.S. Court of Francisco — Leading AIDS (10/11/93) when researchers observed that a and tolerant," haying sex with someone infected Appeals for risk for AIDS, according to two said Montagnier, with the AIDS virus Ceaier researchers the D.C. Circuit recently reported renewed mouse antibody developed against who is himself usmg a needle " heard studies. The first study surveyed a practicing Cathol- or syringe previously used by someone 9 a.m., noon ert enthusiasm, hope, R wnbranceaadlUmyir frnhdmimi^B^mfi^t^ arguments in lawsuit optimism, and Washington — A study of urban an HIV antigen also bound to ic. a calling for lesbians and bisexual women over He said he knew priests who with the AIDS virus Intecpcttcrs T|he«ra, as well as promising new vaccine human platelets. Further Cmmiiiid$mAii$,'^^^ the legalization of marijuana for age 16 in the blacks in their mid-30s showed experi- refused to give communion to San Francisco Bay * being bom to a woman is (^ooaelly Ceoler tests to combat the deadly virus. tested positive for mentation revealed that the antib- who infected with the AIDS medicinal purposes. The suit was area, and indicated that that 8.4 percent couples who had used condoms. 1.2 per- Scientists virus filed against the continue to press on HIV. Two-thirds of the infected ody bound less well to platelets "If Drug Enforce- cent were HIV-positive, a rate AIDS is a diabolical disease, with studies of long-term survi- ment Agency by the National women and three-quarters of the of HIV-infected people, an indica- no method to three times greater than for all beat it can itself be vors, combination drug therapies, even suspect tion that their platelets were Association for the Reform of women in the same age group men did not know or considered diabolical," he in and inoculation trials, attendees their positive HIV status. A his- already occupied. "This finding reasoned. .. 1 1 I

Page 18 • THE VILLANOVAN • Febmary 11. 1994 February 11, 1994 • THE VILLANOVAN • Page 19 FEATURES FEATURES Will you be my Valentine? WHO KNOWS, student attilete dedication only move forward because you have nothing to lose. Whether or (Continued Top from page 10 15) cautions that athletics "takes up student not first and to be effective the feelings are mutual, at ever, for first year students who a good amount of your time and on the field second. "Being able least you are aware of where you play sports there are mandatory sometimes you are overwhelmed." to [achieve! in the classroom and stand. WHO CARES Straight from the Home Office in Dougherty 201, just in time study halls two hours a day. The Sabol's advice ttttttt to a prospective then to step onto the baseball field For those who are still within NCAA also steps in for Valentine's Day, are the Top 10 reasons not to hook up with with its student athlete is: "If you really and have hours of fun" is one of a Villanovan staff member: the cultivating stages of a rela- minimum GPA requirement of 2.0 enjoy the sport, then do it. But the enjoyments of the athletic- tionship, still searching PERSON lO for an and Villanova enforces its own you PERSON have to be dedicated to stick academic schedule. appropriate title, Valentine's Day minimum of 2.5. Slipping below 10. They never leave You wake up at 7 a.iii. ... and with bated breath REACH it out." According to Jamaitis, "You Dougherty 201 so they're a little out of pressure is most intense. You this requirement allows a student practice. for your phone . . . your morning breath ... and Although student athletes are have enough to keep you safe from eye BOOGERS your sacrifices that you put By TARA CAMPITIELLO must pay the holiday some recog- to practice but not to compete still in . . serious about their tact . only to hear that SHREWISH voice on the other sport, they are up with," such as weekend morn- Features Editor ridicule; "love," as a rule, would nition because not to do so would until grades improve. also very end of the line . . . "It's Thursday, Feb. 10, 1994, and . . . Villanova serious-minded about ing practices, restricted leave you open to public scrutiny. be social 9. During a heated lovers' spat, they may cut your heart (or similar to not recognizing the There are also some regulations the reason University is . . . OPEN! . . . just when you thought why they are here in activities and I knew that everyone in class OLD MAN some long traveling some other appendage) out with an exacto knife. person. However, you do not want concerning the personal lives of WINTER had finally started his Spring Break ... It's the first place. Right-fielder for hours. However, Do you remember third grade? would be running around con- "Be Valentine" by "keeping my to be confused college athletes. Freshman for- men's Baaaaaaaaaacck . . . like baseball Kyle just the . Jamaitis everything Mom probably forced you to put ducting a comparative study on HITCHHIKING problem . in proper perspective," with "Will you marry me?" ward on the men's basketball at least Villanova actually it in ... believes the main goal of a student 8. Because if they wanted to, they a big fuzzy wool hat on, the ones who sent who a Valentine; there- made the news for something your student-athlete days can be could let everyone know Just as beauty is in the eye of team Zeffy Penn, is familiar with athlete is to be it OTHER than basketball . . . those Wildcats have been getting pretty a successful I very enriching, said about in the next issue of the Villanovan. with those silly pom-pom things fore, I was glad to follow Jamaitis. mom's the beholder (or beerholder, after the curfew enforced on nights LUCKY lately . . . unlike some of us on on top. You insisted that the hat advice to send every classmate BLACK MONDAY . . all this is Villanova), the meaning before games. Penn said the team Hey ...... was so itchy that you might CUPID BOW THIS!!! speaking of bows . . . AIDS one. This course of action was not of "Be my Valentine" is held by 7. Dougherty 201 may be the Office it is ribbons members must be in their rooms Home but not on are not a FASHION statement . . . remember, this upcoming scratch your head off. Mom tuned without its downfall I since had the speaker. Somewhere between by 10:30 p.m. and the coach does Playboy's Top Ten List of internationally known hot spots week is AIDS Awareness Week . . . and this problem is you out as she threw out some to send one not only to the class NOT chocolate hearts and red roses, check to see if they are there. to hook up. trivia about the going to go away as quickly as those pesky SIBLINGS did ... percentage of bully, but I had to send one to the beneath all of the Hallmark hype, body heat which but even if they tell mom and dad what you REALLY do in college escapes from the kid at my lunch table who picked Valentine's Day is about love, head while . . . who knows, who cares ... tightening your scarf. his nose. I would also opt to draw friendship, and passion. With 6. The only thing that ever gets laid around here is the copy Mom then stood back, admired a little heart, and then sign my whom you share these feelings or on Thursday at the printers. her wooly creation, which you I ^tt name. The heart, thought, left to what extent is not the heart XW were trapped in, and sent on you everything up in the air, and the of the matter. It is simply a day f [Edited by a brunette CHATTERBOX who has had it up to HERE with LLA N O V P your way to the bus stop. few times I was confronted, I which you can use to let your the newspaper, men, classes, Kate, men, the W.C., and men who ask to kiss 5. They would Just as you were at the bottom merely said that I drew a heart boyfriend probably read your love letters with red or girlfriend, "scope," her in darkened hallways. (They don 't call her HOT LIPS for nothing). And pen of the stairs mom called out, it in hand and edit them to death. because was in keeping withthe or "just friend" know how you an editor who remains the calm in the storm and who will NEVER EVER "Don't forget these honeyV Well, Valentine theme. feel. let HOT LIPS forget . . . HIGH FIVE.] it would have been too good to be The grade school pressures of true. She forgot to attach the red, Valentine's Day seem inconse- 4. You may "just be friends" with a Villanovan staff member. white and pink cupid pin to your quential when compared to those Top Ten coat, but there was no way she Valentine's Day pressures which was going to forget the huge box are currently upon us. However, The NCAA discourages behav- 3. No one would ever believe you, even if it did happen. of Happy Valentine's Day cards maybe everyone should have a 'Novans voice ior not consistent with the proper she made you fill out, one for every reality check. "image" of a college athlete, such 1. DOC HOPPER 6. BIKINI KILL classmate of course. The days leading up to Valen- as use of tobacco or alcohol abuse. 2. They're always so worried about everyone else "getting I never really did enjoy filling tine's Day are usually filled with In some cases, students are even it every Friday" that they forget their own needs. out those cards. They were the opinions 2. TEENBEAT FIFTI 7. AMINIATURE ^ some anxiety, varying d^^rees for on AIDS discouraged from participating in ones with the perforated edges different people and situations of recreational sports like skating or And the number one reason why you should never hook up (Continued from page which you had to carefully pop out course. Those with long time 15) pletely ignorant. Most people skiing which are potentially 3. UNSANE 8. SWIVELNECK with a Villanovan staff member: of does not care if the sheets since each one was boyfriends or girlfriends have it you are old or know what the virus is, but many hazardous. only about four inches tall. Then the easiest. Essentially, young, fat or skinny, rich or poor. people honestly believe that they for no Something many student ath- 4. Junior Mike JAWBOX 9. NEW BOMB TURKS 1. Who knows, who cares. there was always the decision of other reason than that you know Dunn said, "I think don't have to worry. letes sacrifice that other students which cards it affects our school, were "cooler," the exactly what you must do, say, but at the Unfortunately, we all have to take for granted is leaving school same time Smurf ones, the Strawberry or buy in order to avoid having everyone here pretty worry. It is our generation that for breaks. Nicole Sabol, a sopho- 5. GRIFTERS 10. GREEN DAY Shortcake ones, much looks and the Peanuts ones, your butt kicked. acts the same. will feel the devastating effects of more guard for the women's CRUISE and don't forget Ziggy. They mistakingly think JOBS If that someone special who you AIDS this epidemic. People need to basketball team, said that athletic However, can't affect them, the greatest dilemma wish to be your Valentine is but they are protect themselves. The only sure involvement "takes up more time Students Needed! "I wonder IF would arise when actually filling unaware of your feelings, Valen- wrong." way to be safe sexually is absti- than people think." Women's Earn up to $2,000+ /mo. should've stayed out the cards. The signing of the tine's Day pressure is at a min- Sophomore Will Grimmer nance. This may be realistic for basketball commits a student to working for Cruise Ships valentine is a crucial move wheth- added, "This campus is not imum. Whatever course of action aware some, but for others, it is not. It giving up all breaks except Easter In college and er in grade schooler college. enough. People are not careful or Landf-Tour companies. you decide to take, provided you is time to open our eyes and realize and sometimes fall break. She when "From" was usually generic do something/anything, you can they are in relationships. AIDS is an epidemic which affects World Travel. Summer gone For an There needs to be more awareness all of our lives, even at Villanova. and Full-Time employ- at Villanova." astronomy It could be the difference between ment available. No ex- It is not that people Say It are com- life and death. perience necessary. For degree." more information call: Habitat for Humanity (206) 634-0468 ext. C5278 Earn $500 - $1 ,000 weekly stuffing envelopes. "With For details - RUSH $1.00 with SASE to: Our Shop Specials GROUP FIVE SraWMtfiUCM 57 Greentree Drive, Suite 307 Benefits LA Earthquake Victims Non-Slop Ak . (7) Mt^a HoM . Imu— . Club Olacounla • Doz. Roses Wrapped Dover, DE 19901 . TrwMlar* ActivHiM P^o^mh CANCUN. from $439 w/B.B. BAHAMAS from $329 SOUTH PADRE. from $499 JAMAICA from $439 $J.Q95 DAYTONAjHtmata johnton) from $129 T- 2 PANAMA Crrr (m.mi) from $109 -/ + del. 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Page 22 • THE VILLANOVAN • February 11, 1994 ENTERTAINMENT February 11, 1994 • THE VILLANOVAN • Page 23 ENTERTAINIVIENT t % Gradyville finds college music scene Father soundtrack CD reflects the movie since tomor- By MAURA GIBNEY Upon graduation from college, scent of the band's live performan- on its members: "Binge and purge tance of the present of the never happen: "And all By ELAINE PAOLONI the mood trying to Reporter these three founding members ces. In total, the album is about your daily task, disorder row may be conveyed MUSIC FROM THE MOTION PICTURE SOUNDTRACK Staff Assistant Entertainment Editor decided to relocate to Philadelphia 43 minutes long and features 11 day/But deep inside you know the years go by/And all the wasted at that particular point. The Jimi the which has been their base of tracks. Unlike many alternative your fajnily made you act this moments. . TDon't trust years, Hendrix Experience's "Voodoo ." Alternative music has long operations since late 1992. The albums which have a tendency to way/It's a modem tragedy your trust in now. . Child" and "Is This Love" per- the current motion pic- been equated with the Seattle move was inspired by two factors. sound like one continuous song, lust for diet pills/Now you have One can easily foresee Emily's From formed by Bob Marley and the ture starring Daniel Day- scene which brought us bands The first was a desire to perform Gradyville makes the most of its succumbed to modern ills." Prize becoming a favorite with the Wallers are prime examples of Lewis and Emma Thompson, a such as Nirvana and Sound- before larger and unfamiliar unique style to produce a wide "Madeleine" is a rousing song college music scene. Their songs this. memorable soundtrack has garden. This picture is quickly audiences. The second motive was range of songs with varied sounds with an upbeat melody about the speak of things college students In contrast to these classic evolved. True, it may not be as tunes changing. Great alternative bands Jeffrey Kolff , a friend from college, and messages. singer's confusion regarding his face in a musical genre they enjoy. are three original scores by popular as the Singles CD yet, but are now springing up across the who would later assist the band Songs like "Our Dysfunctional girlfriend. He simply does not Do not let the opportunity to enjoy Trevor Jones. They possess a high * in its own way. In the Name of country and hailing not only from on vocals and keyboard. Finally, Family" utilizes punk to portray understand why his girlfriend this new band pass. Gradyville is degree of feeling and emotion. the Father has managed to draw big cities but also from small Brandon Schmidt, an Oberlin (rather satirically) the cycle of leaves him and returns after a an essential album to add to one's Being the typical "soundtrack the attention of many people. As towns. One such place is James- graduate who lived near Kolff, abuse within a dysfunctional short period of time. The track collection. The band will be play- melodies," one can just hear these opposed to the repetitive style town, New York. Wait added his skill on the bass to family and the effects it will have "With Time" relates the impor- ing at 23 East Cabaret on Feb. 24. songs during a flashback type of present in Singles, In the Name of . . Jamestown? Yes, Jamestown. emily's prize, thus completing scene. They are reflective and the Father has a greater variety This city is the hometown of the this new, formidable line-up. good to listen to if one needs to of music. Ther is a certain quality now disbanded 10,000 Maniacs The move to Philadelphia has seriously think about something. present throughout the CD that and emily's prize. proved favorable to emily's prize. The use of a flute in these exudes a shadow of the 1970s and In 1989, emily's prize began its They have been received warmly numbers is quite effective, leaving I ^f reflects the full emotion of the metamorphosis from a local band by audiences in area clubs like J.C. the listener with a melancholy movie which it accompanies. into a major figure in the alter- Dobbs and 23 East Cabaret, hav- feeling. The lead song, "In the native scene which, in the past, ing been featured as the opening Name of "Billy Boola" (Gavin Friday and the Father," performed has been controlled by bands such act for the British band Adorable by Bono Bono), "Dedicated Follower of and Gavin Friday, is unique. It as 10,000 Maniacs. During the during their first visit to the area. Fashion" (The Kinks) and "Whis- resembles a type of following three years, Ryan Philadelphia has also become modern art key in the Jar" (Thin Lizzy) are that may leave the listener with PHOTO COURTESY OF ISLAND RECORDS Fischer, Todd Larson (vocals and the home of their first independ- the uplifting tracks present on the vision of a spinning world — guitars) and Derek Sampson ently produced album, Gradyville. this soundtrack. They provide a 'In The Name Of The Father" has a soundtrack featuring music by weli-known artists. very nicely introducing the chaotic (drums) entertained local audien- It was recorded during the bubbly, fun side to the CD which state of the film it is supporting. gives it ces in their hometown. They summer of 1993 at Sigma Sound balance. song, this song emits a primitive Sinead O'Connor closes with a already done so, hearing the utilized The underlying beat might make The last track these typical humble Studios and is currently available by Sinead O'Con- jungle-like beat. It lets all emotions powerful performance. emotion filled songs on the sound- one think of an elephant hunt or nor, beginnings as a learning expe- on the Sonic Jehovah label. Fol- "You Made Me the Thief of finally escape and provides a For those who have already track may just provide enough some type of jungle scene. Your Heart," is great rience to cultivate their own lowing its release in early a way to end s6nse of hope to the listener. A seen the movie, this is a great way incentive to witness the true story Some of the tracks are old the distinctive sound. A sound akin November, songs from the album collection. It is pensive, yet song full of soul and the evident to remember the highlights of the behind "In the Name of the favorites which appropriately fit and yet differed from the pop have received airplay on area encouraging. Paralleling the title culmination of the soundtrack. film. And for those who have not Father." music of the day. stations like WXPN, WDRE and The music behind emily's prize WMMR. Presently, emily's prize is a mixture of 1980s college pop is planning college dates through- PHOTO BY JEHOVAH MUSIC and thought-provoking lyrics. out the northeast to support the New Nolte film hardly achieves 'Anything' The result of this combination: release of their new album. Local band emily's prize looks to follow in 10,000 IManiac's successful footsteps. songs which are catchy yet not Gradyville transmits a powerful Ullman and Rosie O'Donnell By BARBARA COLE can- MTV generation. Instead of seem- the obligatory pot of mush other- who love a cheesy ending and do cliche'd. energy which is said to be remini- not salvage this film, Staff Reporter neither can ing inventive, the camera's jump- wise known as "the happy end- not mind sitting through over an the dimples or pouty expressions ing around and odd angles leave ing." Amazingly, then comes the hour of rambling weirdnesg to eek of the adorable Wright. ' the viewer hungry for a plot or, biggest transition of all. This out a few tears, "I'll Do Anything" story Director James L. Brooks des- at the very least, a clue as to presents love what boring, dragging, Hero' confusing movie is a must-see. But for the rest, this cribes "I'll Do Anything" as of the biggest surprise a is going on. becomes likeable. film definitely fits into the "wait about being on vacation with her Andre (Depardieu) does such a One movies of the year is "I'll Do romantic comedy. This character- Half way into the confusion, it By MIKE BECKERICH For all those die-hard romantics until it's out on video" category. father, tells everyone that Andre good job moaning and groaning Anything." With a cast boasting ization however, fails to capture becomes apparent that the great- Reporter Staff is that the plan almost backfires on her boyfriend. Eventually, the talents of Nick Nolte, Julie the bewilderment of the audience est flaw of "I'll Do Anything" is Andre, wanting to be the "best Nichole. In another comical scene, Kavner, Albert Brooks and a as bizarrely matched couples an over-ambitious script which daddy of them all," plays along Andre tells Ben stories of how he female version of Macauley Cul- engage in equally bizarre relation- tries to address everything from old adage is true. little in the French CIA and battled The Good with her scam. In the end, was kin, the movie should be a box- ships. Likewise the term single parenting to racism to acting goes a long way. both Andre and Nichole learn the KGB in the French Alps. The office success. But that's where "comedy" suggests a cleverly society's infatuation with psy- Gerard Depardieu sit talk makes the from each other that growing two men and while Nichole the surprise comes in. witty script which certainly is not choanalysis. None of the topics is Steve film, Minor "My Father the older does not have to mean sits frustrated in the background. Nick Nolte, as a struggling actor achieved. developed fully enough to actually Hero," a fun and entertaining growing apart. Lauren Hutton plays Megan, recently burdened with his But pinpointing the major prob- make a point or convey a concrete movie. The plot is simple, but Depar- Nichole's mother and the ex-wife spoiled, six-year-old daughter, lems within the film is difficult message. This light-hearted comedy stars dieu's great comic timing is the of Andre. It is too bad that Hutton desperately tries to carry the because many of the problems Finally, after 90 minutes of the internationally acclaimed difference between a two-star and is only in the movie for the first sketchy script, but falls short of seem to be intentional. For exam- haphazard plot, "I'll Do Anything" actor Depardieu, who plays Andre, a three-star rating. Many light- 15 minutes. But a surprise appear- the mark. Young Whittni Wright, ple, the backdrop of Hollywood at long last reveals the main the father of 14-year old Nichole, hearted comedies try to use action ance by Emma Thompson makes on the other hand, does a magnif- and show business is supposed to theme of transformation. The played by Katherine Heigl. The to entertain the audience. Minor up for Button's lack of screen icent job as the demanding, whin- demonstrate how scattered life in spoiled brat converts to a lovable father-daughter duo embark on a (also director of TV's "The Wond- time. ing and eccentricJeannie (so much the '90s can be. In his effort to child, her impatient father evolves vacation to the Bahamas. It is er Years") uses witty dialect and Overall, this enjoyable movie so that it is hard to tell if she is achieve this impression. Brooks into a devoted daddy and Albert there where the typical boy-meets- real life emotion to entertain his accomplishes what it sets out to really acting). Regardless, if the employs unusual camera angles Brooks' egomaniacal character girl story takes over. audience. do: make people laugh. Steve cameo appearances of big names and fast-paced scenes, tuning into becomes sensitive. The sloppy Nichole pretends to be older and In one very scene, PHOTO COURTESY OF BUENA VISTA PICTURES amusing Minor has done a wonderful job such as Woody Harrelson, Tracey the short-attention spans of the hodge-podge of events results in more mature to impress Ben Nichole asks her father, Andre, to casting this feel good flick. It is (Dalton James.) The lies thicken pretend that he is dying so that nice to see that a simple love story Dalton James plays the object of Katharine Helgl's desire In "My as Nichole, who is embarrassed Ben will not Father The Hero." be so jealous of Andre. can still be entertaining. Kombat

By ERIC CHEUNG Shang Tsung and restored the ing out the remaining five war- martial arts-type games is the are the many rumored hidden Entertainment Editor corrupted tournament to its riors are completely fatalities — the ^' Virtues finds truth in tales new way an opponent characters that require certain former honorable glory. Kombatants: Shao Kahn's twin finishes off the loser. In MK II's conditions to be fulfilled for By FITZ SCHWARTZ Bennett, a GOP presidential is the reality that In n Shang Tsung has re- assassin femme-fatales, Reporter the typical MK Mileena case, all the characters have at discovery, including Jade and Staff aspirant, and a growing number American worker does not read, turned to the Outworld (another (mistress of the sai) and Kitana least two or possibly three fatal- Smoke. a day where many incorrectly of other politicians, In including but instead obtains his or her plane of existence) to plead for his (the fan lady), Baraka (a demonic ities at their disposal. Some of the With all these wonderful associate the enjoyment of life President Clinton, contend that values from the television, master, Shao Kahn, to spare his fighter with blades for arms), more imaginative ones with which include Jax aspects going for MK II, arcades relaxation, William Ben- America's current social ii Over Here! Excellent Book woes offers the non-virtuous fare of life. In return, Shang Tsung has Jackson Briggs or just Jax (one clapping his arms together crush- should be pretty crowded over the nett's The Book Virtues Get of offers have their roots within ... FATALITY! Gotcha! the Amer- gratuitous violence and sex. promised to lure the warriors of muscle-bounded man on a mission ing the opponent's head in the next year or so. The makers of a wake-up call. Within the pages ican worker's loss of traditional Gotcha! Whoa! FINISH HIM! Mortal Kombat into the Outworld to find the missing Sonya Blade process, Liu Kang turning into a MK II have outdone themselves, of the book lies a collection of morals and work Therefore, although The Book ethic. Bennett Shang Tsung WINS!" The sounds where they can meet their demise of MK fame) and Kung Lao (fellow dragon and taking a bite out of creating an idea that has actually hundreds of poems, fables, of .Virtues is essays propounds The Book Virtue, a solid effort at Of as that emanate from the Mortal by Shao Kahn's hand. Thus, the , Shaolin warrior along with Liu the victim's upper torso and transcended the itself. tackling game The and excerpts that highlight hard a solution to the an identifiable social ill, immoral and Kombat (MK) II machine are stage is set for 12 warriors to Kang). Baraka impaling the loser on his only thing to ponder over is work, high ideals and heroic lackadaisical Bennett should have developed tendencies of the unmistakeable and instantly re- compete in this new Mortal Kom- The special moves for all these blades and letting him or her whether or not to buy the arcade Virtues virtue. his book into of a typical American, made for TV movie, to restore basic cognizable to millions of fans who bat setting. Kombatants have definitely suffer a slow agonizing death. game machine or to waste the Bennett, former education to have any real moral standards on which or lasting effect their lives most have had to readjust The returning characters from improved. But what really makes . Some MK n games are without same amount of money in secretary and drug czar, has of us can upon the typical American agree upon, thereby around the game. After the initial the original game are Liu Kang MK n interesting is the flexibility an updated chip. With the updated quarters. gathered a collection of works that ending the worker. ethical free-fall of the success of Mortal Kombat last (who witnesses a massacre of his with which any of these moves chip will come gorier fatalities could be entitled The Norton last two decades. In year, Mortal Kombat H offers Shaolin brethren and has come can be done. Many of the fighters that are not available on the Anthology of Traditional A merican any event. The Book of Bennett and his fellow politi- exciting features to seeking retribution), Virtues offers many more Raiden (a have moves that require simply earlier version. Meanwhile, cer- Moral Stories, drawing from the cians a comprehensive are correct in asserting the addict's desire for still holding that collection of quench MK storm god), Sub-Zero (who a button and depressing tain screens have their own fatal- Bible, the Greeks and Romans, the the classical western worljj ethic in America is challenging fun. But be warned; seeks Shang Tsung's assassina- it. This is the stories that have woven case with Liu ities like the pit, wherein oppo- fairy tales, American poets and lacking, where many much of are concen- America's if the original blew people's heads tion). Scorpion (who wants Sub- Kang's bicycle kick, Mileena's sai nents can be knocked off a historical accounts of heros. trating social fabric. on "getting paid," with no off with violence, MK 11 will tear Zero dead) and Johnny Cage (the throw, Jax's ground shaker and platform only to be smacked Works of, or dealing with, Moses, regard to the quality of their work. In conclusion, after a reader has them into shreds, literally. martial arts actor who comes Raiden's shock grasp. Since the against the stone floor hundreds Plato, Hercules, Hans Christian But considering the type of work perused The Book of Virtues, One thing that makes MK so placing his life in peril, as well as user can do other things while of feet below, or the spike room, Anderson, Robert Frost, Thomas readily available to the typical reading particularly appealing attractive as not only a game, but, the script for a new blockbuster holding the button down, he or she in which enemies are punched Jefferson and Harriet Tubman are American worker (i.e., McDonalds stories, the reader will come to an entire world with plans for Mortal Kombat movie). has many possible combination upward and impaled on blades A TREASURY OF (Hi EAT featured, to name a few. The cafeteria employee), it is no wond- believe, or become reassured of, comic books and movies in the Also competing are the familiar moves. Additionally, many of the from the ceiling above. Also new stories are organized into chap- er that a lack of interest and the fact that as English play- making, is the storyline. Mortal enemies from the first MK, like warriors can throw their weapons kinds of fatalities such as "babal- ters, with each one representing inspiration exists, for these wright Kombat is an ancient Shaolin the shape-changing Shang Tsung in the air, again which makes for ities" (which turn opponents into M O R A l^^ S T O R IIF a particular aspect jobs Noel Coward stated, of virtue are often world's hopeless drudgery. "Work is more fun than fun," tournament that pits the himself (Shao Kahn has restored some devastating combos. babies) and friendship moves (loyalty, work, faith, courage, against each his youth) illusronist Special Another sad fact that throws a because out of hard, honest work greatest fighters and master moves and character (special kinds of ending scenarios) etc.). Liu Kang wrench into Bennett's solution springs true virtue. other. In the first game, Reptile (who was a hidden char- histories aside, the aspect of MK arc available with newer versions (the Bruce Lee look-alike) defeated acter in the original game). Round- that puts it ahead of all other of the MK n game. Finally, there

,^ y

Page 24 • THE VILLANOVAN • February 11, 1994 February 11, 1994 • THE ViLLANOVAW • Page 2S •^» -ENTERTAINMENT ENTERTAINMENT V Manring explores new musical territory Heyward strives for deep understanding By CAROLYN POPPE Along with guitarists Steve tracks. Most often, Manring Senior Reporter Morse and Alex Skolnick, chooses quick, clean solo crea- By DAVID GREAVES truth just promises galore." Later a young, drummers Tim "Herb" Alexander tions. On "The Enormous Room," hopeful perspective. Staff Reporter in the song, he asks his parents From (Primus) and Steve Smith (ex- he utilizes a slap-and-bend tactic, Monday to Sunday's What do Primus, for protection from the hard expression Journey, Tes- Journey member) and pianist as well as harmonics, for a truly of hope can be seen in all must pass tament and a New-Age pianist through a reality of life when he sings, "Oh the song "All I Want Phillip Aaberg, Manring has warm track. We You To have in common? Michael maturing stage in life. It is mother dear/ Don't let them shoot Know." It is Man- delved into more experimental But he is at his best when he a song about accept- ring, innovative a stage in which we search for a me out of the sky." In this song, ing bassist and com- musical constructions. tackles three different basses the truth and coming to a poser, selected more meaningful, deeper under- Heyward expresses the common better musicians from The tracks on Thonk can be simultaneously on the solo track understanding of the real each to collaborate standing of the life we lead, the anxiety of stepping into a world world. on his most divided into three musical strate- "My Three Moons." Amazingly, Heyward expresses this forceful album. His world we live in and the love we on your own in which you must theme in recent release, gies. Manring offers impressive the feat presents a challenge in the lyrics "Just grab a Thonk, share in our relationships. Nick support yourself. hold surprises listeners by solo instrumental, energetic, rich musical construction for of yourself/ You've been suddenly turning Heyward captures the essence of Other songs like ''January mourning from his typical heavy rock tracks and tightly- Manring, not merely an opportun- your decline/ Beneath this search in his jazz genre towards rock. new album Man," and "He Doesn't Love You all that Manring constructed, melodic rock tunes ity to show off. pain will shine another proves the From Monday to Sunday. Like I Do," express feelings of time." power of the bass, an that fall somewhere in between. The middle ground on the instrument Nick Heyward has written the unrequited love and a search for often suppressed in Thonk kicks off with his most album can be classified by strong Throughout this mostly acous- rock words and music to this album a more meaningful relationship. bands. energized track on the album, melodies and unification among tic album, Heyward subtly inter- from a younger point of view, so Nick Heyward approaches this Having dedicated himself to "Big Fungus." With pushy drum- the varied musicians. The group mingles an organ, cello and a horn it has a very easygoing, flowing theme from a refreshingly laid section New Age on Windham Hill ming and adept, rapid bass in the soars when bass guitar prevails to accompany his guitar Records for 10 sound. Nowhere is the theme of back point of view instead of a playing. years, Manring put style of Living Colour (the Muzz and guitar, keyboards (also by The interplay of the a search for out four previous solo understanding more dark, introspective one. He con- instruments assists ^>\ albums that Skillings years), the tune leaves Manring) and percussion fall into in the delivery both explored apparent than in the first release tinues to present his music of the the creative possi- no doubt as to Manring's inten- a full, supporting sound. album's message. On "You off bilities From Monday to Sunday, throughout the album in this Nick of bass harmonics and tions. He works the Zon hyper- Offered Only Parabolas," (Man- Heyward's new album. entitled "Kite." added to the easygoing tone. A harsher, darker From to lyrical quality of the bass, an instrument of his own ring takes advantage of the titling Monday Sunday, poig- record He expresses the realization tone would have made the album nantly label. design, to produce the kind of raw freedom only instrumentalists and honestly expresses a that life is not always easy in the oppressive and demoralizing. search for But Windham Hill has forcefulness that electric guitar know) a singing sort of tone a deeper understanding lyrics, "Life's like that/ Delicious Instead, Heyward expresses the expanded its horizons in recording usually handles in rock. emerges of the world around us and our from bass-oriented with the seemingly defiant clause/ You never get the search for understanding through relationships sound of The same toughness pilots the instrumental rock. The song rolls with each other. Manring's new album. decided He tunes "Cruel and Unusual" and nicely as bass and guitar integrate trolled, easy drums and keyboards and writing in romantic, melodic to go for something aggres- more "Disturbed." Here the addition of harmoniously. work only to complement the and mystic bass pieces, Manring sive this time. As he explained in Skolnick 's guitar-creating-melody A similar integration marks the melody and add to the unity. unknowingly draws attention Bass Player, "I guess I had gotten tends to give the rock an Eric track "On A Day Of Many Manring's rock experiment away from the overdone rock Mother Funk to eleotrify 'Nova king of tired of doing New-Age Johnson feel. Angels." But here. New Age Thonk generally resembles the genre and towards his innovative music. It felt a bit limiting to do At the opposite extreme, Man- pianist Phillip STEVE CHRISTINI Aaberg joins Man- type of rapid, bass-oriented charge solo work. He leaves listeners By six talented musicians and a Pearl Jam, Soul Asylum, Blind everything with taste and ring faithfully provides his well- ring in Special to the Villanovan HOROSCOPES a pretty duo that dominates achieved by groups like Primus wanting more of that style that sound system that is ready to Melon, U2, R.E.M., Red Hot restraint." loved bass solo style on four the slow track. Again, the con- and Fishbone. Varying the tracks is only Manring, rock the Spit. With six thou- Chili Peppers, Lenny Kravitz By WAYNE In the past it has been a BREMSER, JR. favorite complaint of Villan- and much more. Assistant Entertainment Editor ova students that "There's Of0Qt oNlMIHlllVe Thanks to Residence Life Aquarius: To protect your money to spend on red wine nothing to do on the weekend." and the West Campus halls' and white of turns tiCRICll CNll ilOMf ro«es, change your ATM PIN number from the Empire last Course Its four digits listeners off of your Many of you might agree and support we have a reason to phone number to the last four digits of your social security it been the stay on campus this weekend. number quite often has ifMfliiglfig iif> Fast. So stop the complaining and By REGGIE BEEHNER band makes it a practice to dis- truth. But not this weekend! really give the band its "indus- come to the Spit this Staff Reporter tribute drums to fans during Finally, something different Saturday trial" feel. Initiation is the band's night from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. for performances to create some sort has arrived at Villanova: Moth- Pisces: To find out if a friend of the opposite sex wants to be second full album. "Most Fest '94," 'Nova style. of "mass drumming" experiment. er Funk! Villanova needs some- eowAry. more than friends go the Body Shop and pick out 25 dollars worth Lyrically, the band comes up that Tickets can be purchased in of * As thoroughly goofy as it sounds, thing new, something goes s^ massage and body lotions for them. Preferably something with snake eyes on their roll as well. the Connelly Center it did with the times and this alter- from 11 avocado. See if he or she wants you to Fresh off the originality bus help inspire one of the tracks participate. The lyrics deal with themes native/modem rock cover band sand watts of power everyone a.m. to 3 p.m. daily and in comes the latest band that on their new album "Infested." rangirig from aiyx:alypse to self- has what students nee4. will be able to enjoy his or her Stanford lobby during dinner apparently just can not find the awareness, but are still ridden Mother Funk is made up of favorite tunes from the likes of hours. Aries: The fleshy cage of your body is an annoyance and probably time to realize that the '80s are with more cliches than anything not in peak condition for romance. For lunch go to the natural food long over. Sure, one look at the inventive ("Stones you throw in store everyday. Have a raspberry Blue Sky soda and a LaLa's Pocket cover's enlarged picture of a the stories you've read/ But then (tofu and broccoli are the best). « «» terror-stricken eye sends that "Oh bacomaso one day you wake up dead. . . "). boy, these guys may be too tough The songs become so vague and Wine Bottles to appear live for me!" message, but once the unattaching that they borderline Taurus: to understand real love, leave all those utter courage is mustered up to mix tapes at on annoying. There just is not a home this week and listen go on, Course Of Empire makes to the radio in the car. At a red light you whole heck of a lot to like about will find yourself weeping to "You're The by it all worthwhile, right? Wrong. One" Dwight Yokam. #iift^ iiCHfiliiilInn this album, in all honesty, Country 92.5 WXTU. One of the big problems with this although die hard industrialists music is that it keeps repeating on iw cHifioyftn^. may object. The new musical the swirling fuzz sounds with generation seems to indicate a their machine gun drums frankly Gemini: During "Nightline" you will fall from the sofa to your new era in style as well as mes- becoming so banal that they lose knees. Your belief in the love of God will be reaffirmed. You will sage, one in which song writing, any sort of impact. know that only Her grace can take you away from this land of 27- One of the dominant features of not catchy riffs, is its backbone. Course Of Empire was formed inch Sony Trinitons. the band is the dual percussionists Course of Empire just missed the in 1988 in Dallas, Texas. The who lav down the grooves that boat on this one. Cancer: In a bar with a possessive Irish name, you will stare and stare at the ceiling wondering, "why does love got to be so sad?" I' Ponys lead a Your head will plop back down and you will look around at all those new musical trend in Oliio red-faced people and know why.

By MARK MC CREARY Since the name of the band REM-esque sound, especially in Leo: You are thinking about spring break and romance. Forget Staff Reporter offers few clues as to their type the lyrical qualities. Florida, Mazatlan or home. Go to Belize and wander through the jungles of music, one must look to the Throughout the 16 tracks, the until you get to the ocean, where you will find real beauty in an name can say a lot about a name of the disc for further divine stylings never became brash and untouched coral reef. Aband, or it can say absolutely intervention. The title, Grim, never grate on the ears of the nothing. It can make them sink leads one to conclude that there listener. It is simple music, for or swim in society's expectations is an element to this disc that may people to enjoy for the sake of Virgo: The only order in romance is the rhythms of biology and and it can impulsively draw or not float his other boat. But leave listening and to escape the mun- the steady pounding of MTV. I suggest a Franny and Zooeyian mantra. rebuke a listener. But after it up to those Midwesterners to dane sound of more accessible Try these lines from great American poet Charles Bukowski: "young decades of rock and roll, all of the throw in cynical irony and give artists. The topics of the songs, girls painting/ cows and/ trees in heat." great names have been taken. It listeners music that is far from including murder by a ballpeen becomes a matter of being crea- Grim. hammer, self-mutilation in the tive, or using the first garble that The 21 second blurb of noise at name of a love, evangelistic decep- Libra: Competition with friends over dates is going to get out comes to mind. In the case ot the the onset of the disc serves only tion, the violent son of an unloving Ttie Wine bottles wHI afspear in concert tonlgtit at ttie 23 East Cabaret. of hand this week. Put down that cheyenne pepper mace or hydrochloric Ass Ponys, it is unclear which of one purpose which is to mislead father and murder go by relatively acid. Instead try Sega's Robocop Vs. Terminator. the last two scenarios is the case. the listener. "Azalea," the first unnoticed with the music and the nilUDBPHU ORCHESTRA TiMPUE UNIVOSnY SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA AT HAVERFORD The thing which is clear is that true song on the disc, is a mellow, way in which it is delivered. Ttiursday. Feb. 1 7: 8 p.m. C8ITENNIALHAU behind the silly name lies a great cathartic testimony of lost love by Actually, chances are that the Feb. 13 FfWay.Fob^8:2p.m. Scorpio: After watching Brandon on "90210" this week, band. a fat guy. This endearing ballad lyrics will go completely unno- (contrabass). Hkjeald Okado your Feb. 19: p.m. Student soloists: Bemd Gottlgner The Ponys (which will be their Satufday. 8 weekend focus' will be the release of sexual tensions. Unfortunately, gives the impression of nothing ticed, unless the CD sleeve is (oboe) and BurctKHd Tang (viola) Monday, Feb. 21 : 8 p.m. without hip prof all reference for lack of a more along the lines of the lyrics, perused extensively. The point is a and a "stang" you are left to do is beg your p.m. Luis Blova. CoTKluctor appropriate one) are a band out Tuesday, Feb. 22: 8 parents for money. leaving one amazed that it is sung that the foundation of music lies DVORAK: "Carnival Overture. Op. 92" of nowhere. . .well, that is to say with straight in a voice. "His legs the delivery and appeal, since WAIION: Concerto lor Viola and Orctiestra they are a band out of Cincinnati, they won't support the conductor him now/That listener often misses the gist MOIART: Concerto for Oboe and Orchestra m C Major. K. 314 Ohio. Cincinnati has recently Sa^ttarius: In a dream your whole body will feel cold as your he's nearly half a ton/But of the song. This is not so much KOUSSEMTinCY: Concerto tor Contrabass in F-Shorp Minor. Op. been dubbed one of pkjno father bursts into your childhood room where you lie naked with an the new remembers very well/A time when a statement by the band, but STRAUSS: "Don Juan. Op. 20" STHOVBI: Overture to attractive pygmy. For a week following this dream you will fear water hotspots of music. That claim he could run/They ran around her rather the glorification of their "^mont."Op.84 coming out of faucets. comes on the heels of the long bed/She chased him around her ability to create music which SCHUMANN: Piano Concerto m overdue success of the Afghan bed/Azalea." stands above the lyrics and is still have offered the Don't miss violinist Professor Daniel Hardt, meat of what they be Whigs and the release of home- disappointed. Their nihilistic Aminor.Op.54 The delivery of these fluid lyrics overwhelmingly appealing to the are as a band for you Capricorn: While vratching "Seinfeld/* alone, you will realize to pour attitude mtkVamOf: "Scherzo with pianist Marcantonio Barone in a Benefit town heroes, the Ponys. Now are juggled by three of the five listener. may be just the dose of yourself over. If you have the that the relationships in your life are all about aelf-parody, pathos reality that you have been search- Rinfastique" everyone will get a look at what members and the range in style The Ponys are soon due to cut daring to listen to a band Concert for AIDS Awareness Week Sunday, and the celebration of inp'^'Hiuacy. with a ing for flMVINtKY: Symphony In Three Cincinnati has known for a long and personality are great. a single with and their musical prowess On "No homies, the Afghan silly name and a warped subject may be just Movements Feb. 1 3 at St. Mary's Chapel. time. dope no cigarettes," there is Whigs. In the massage that your an the meantime, they matter, then you will surely not ears have been requesting. vlj



Pay • 26 • THE » VILLANOVAN • February 1 1. 1994 February 1 1, 1994 • THE VILLANOVAN • Page 27 ft

\ % r -ENTERTAINMENT ENTERTAINMENT V British acT invades ttieTlA 'Far Away' shows m

By COLEEN KENIREY Beautiful" is a classic pop concoc- ard Jones beckons "come on" as I Senior Reporter tion with swirling rhythms and synthesizer pings echo the sound AHEAD THIS world of a of Happy angels i' steady but unhurried beat. As Mondays. % The British band Chapterhouse in most pop songs, the refrain "Frost," another song only will open for By The Wonder Stuff becomes a bit repetitive, but this available on the bonus disc, resem- WAYNE BREMSER Wenders uses the brilliance of Feb. WEEK... 27 at Assistant the Theatre of the device is a necessary complement bles the sound of The Boo Radley Entertainment Editor black and white film to illustrate Living Arts. This tour, which to the beat. in its mixture of pop vocals with the lives of the angels, which are began Feb. 2 in eclectic San Francisco, The first remix of "We Are The guitar work and powerful virtually human, yet removed and marks Chapterhouse's first drums. German director string Beautiful," titled "Spooky's Ugly "Picnic" takes Chapter- CHESTNUT CABARET Wim Wenders' different. The black and white of U.S. performances in two years. As Sin Mix," proves that Chap- house out on an even more daring sequel to "Wings of Desire" is a reality 38th & Chestnut streets of the angels and the The quartet is currently receiv- terhouse is no musical limb with international tale of angels set in post-wall stranger to exper- Philadelphia, Pa. private self reveals real and clear ing strong reviews for Pentamer- imentation. touches. The 15-minute Berlin. Wenders' angels The sound of the track is 382-1202 watch symbols. When Cassiel becomes ous Metamorphosis, a European revision is light years sometimes a monotonous creative over as Germany sways between away from Feb. 11 — Crash Test Dummies human, the film shifts from black import CD that offers a complete the Blood Music cut. statement, but it unites diverse embracing the old-ways (see and The mix is Feb. 15 — New Breed white to color. Unlike "The remix of its 1993 album Blood sharp via constant techno instruments for a unique effect. "Schindler's List") or listening to throb- Feb. 16 — Buckwheat Zydeco Wizard of Oz," where color shows Music. The video for the first bing and during If Andrew Sheriff (vocals/gui- angels and seeking a brighter the opening, Feb. 17 — Larry Coryell a magical other-world, color in single, "We Are electronic tar), Stephen future. The Beautiful," pulsations reminiscent Patman (vocals/ CONNELLY CENTER CINEMA "Faraway, So Close" depicts was featured on MTV's "120 of the Space Invaders guitar), Simon Rowe (guitar) and Otto Sander plays Cassiel, video game. Connelly Center an human reahty as bleak and con- Minutes," giving Chapterhouse Words have been Russell Barrett (bass) strive for a angel who grows more curious abandoned in Villanova, Pa. fusing. The contrast that Wenders its first heavy exposure to Amer- favor of live performance as creative about human existence mood-enhancing dance as 645-7250 and creates is harsh and moving. ican audiences. beats and haunting human their recorded work, they should human problems. Half of the film moans Feb. 11 — Dazed and Confused The supporting cast of "Fara- Although the band had released that are prevalent in house music. be worth seeing. depicts Cassiel 's life as an angel way, Feb. 11 & 12 — Singles So Close" is excellent. Cas- three EPs (Free/all, Sunburst and Spooky, an and gives insight into the underground house Feb. 17 - Malice private siel's angel friend, Raphaela, is Pearl) and its first album (Whirl- music group, provide Live moments of the humans that a second Performances: Don't J.C. DOBBS he played convincingly by Nastassja pool), it is Blood Music and the reworking of "We Are The Beau- miss The Winebottles watches over. These humans appearing Third & South streets Kinski, as is Willem Dafoe's evil subsequent "re-translation" tiful" called the "Extravaganja tonight include a mother and her daugh- at 23 East Cabaret in Philadelphia, Pa. character Emit Flesti ("Time which have made people listen. Dub Mix." This is ter, a former a more stream- Ardmore. This great band, from 925-4053 Nazi chauffeur, Lou Itself"), who constantly mocks Net Magazine recently proclaimed lined take on the Chapterhouse the Reed and Mikhail Gorbachev. Philadelphia area but now Feb. 12 - The Goats Cas- and hinders Cassiel's journey into PHOTO BY SONY PICTURES Chapterhouse's style, "ambient single with a subdued tone sug- Colorado-based, only returns oc- siel is frustrated that the humans humanity. Feb. 20 - Black Train Jack Angel Cassiel whispers music," as the new form set to gested by the title. It is a psyche- casionally cannot hear what he is saying and advice to Mikhail Gorbachev in "Faraway, So Close.' to perform. Think of a Feb. 25 - David E. Williams Among the many achievements eclipse grunge in popularity. delic and fresh package. A voice combination of The Ocean Blue KHYBER PASS PUB feels as though he has no real of this film, "Faraway, So Close" original influence. The "We Are The vaguely resembling that of How- and R.E.M. and attend this show. gives a view of real life in 56 South Second St. a time the norms of American film, in a people, like Gorbachev and Peter for the self and fellow humans, Finally, as a young girl falls to and place. Just as Philadelphia, Pa. "Wings of twisty gangster-spy subplot, Falk, who are listening to them. the angels around us that we can her death, Cassiel chooses to give Desire" shows angels in 440-9683 a divided which includes Peter Falk (playing Wenders offers a certain view on hear, is what Wenders prescribes. up his life as an angel and inter- Feb. 11 — 1987 Berlin, Wenders paints a himself). Though Wenders relies spirituality Matt Sevier in "Faraway, So "Faraway, So Close" is a wond- feres with human reality. Cassiel newly united Berlin, Feb. 12 — Rolling Hayseeds which has on this subplot only to lampoon Close" which is similar, Houston wins at yet more erful film. It presents the subjects the discovers AMAs that human life is not unstable roots and an unclear the degrading sexuality Feb. and vio- 16 — Monsterland hopeful than its predecessor. This of angels and life experience in a so wonderful after all and finds future. Wenders' message is that lence of popular American movies, it easier to have just MAIN LION NIGHT CLUB message is riot heavy-handed or manner that is honest By ERIC CHEUNG remained on ances by Paul McCartney, Phil his attempts at doing and human. good futile. if Germans try to listen to these it is a diversion from the rest of stage the eptire time, was hardly 625 W. Lancaster Ave. presented in a dogmatic way, but Wenders has artistic talents that Entertainment Editor Collins, Ringo Starr and Little Wenders uses color to offer two angels that Wayne, Pa. are so close, they can the film. This diversion may it is a definite, lost by the other winners. After honest presence in are not often found in film. is Richard. views of human reality, both He true find new rivers to float down bother some viewers, but it seems receiving two 688-2900 the film. The film is not only a true artist in that awards for Favorite Once again, it to life. he delivers was Houston who One view depicts the together, rather than return to to be a reminder of what most Rock/Pop Band Feb. 11 — Hyperactive concerned with angel to human a clear vision; a hope to and Favorite Hard gave the performance of the even- private self and another the world. Feb. 12 — shows the mistakes of the past. films are Hke. 21st Annual American Rock/Metal Band, Strange As Angels relations, but also people's rela- This message is not only needed The members of ing. Proving herself to be "Every self in relation to others and . Just as Germany dangles close Music (AMA) awards began Aerosmith Feb. 17 — Strange As Angels Wenders shows us that these tionships with themselves and in Europe, quipped that at their Woman," Houston did a community. but in the United medley to bad things, Wenders explores angels are all around, with an energetic performance by rate they might THE SPECTRUM as are those around them. Gentle respect States as well. even catch up to of three songs including a classy Rod Stewart Feb. 7. Setting the Houston. Broad & Pattison Place Rod Stewart also joked interpretation of a song from tone for the entire evening, Rod when he received the Internation- Philadelphia, Pa. Gershwin's "Porgy and Bess" and » Stewart was in fine form with 336-3600 his al Artist Award. After hearing of course THE her heart-wrenching ARTS "I voice as gruff as ever. Feb. 27 - Sting & Melissa Etheridge A rendition Houston going up to the podium Have Nothing" from The Body- - of one of his earliest works, for the umpteenth time and thank- Mar. 7 — Rod Stewart -^ guard. In all, Houston received no "Maggie May" was followed by ing her parents. THEATRE OF THE LIVING ARTS Rod Stewart less than three standing ovations his current single from joined the 334 South St. band wagon and during the entire night, bringing Philadelphia, Unplugged. . .And Seated, "Having thanked Whitney Houston's Pa. mom the audience to their feet with her a Party." This was precisely what and dad as well in his acceptance 922-1011 FOCUS: talented 'Nova voice. Band the AMA's was like, one big party. speech. Feb. 11-LeoKottke Other winners were the Of course, there were the req- The multitude of Feb. 12 — Cassandra Wilson By KATE SZUMANSKI presenters extremely mellowed out Stone basketball games; its purposes far game each year, said Martin. The uisite moments of seriousness and and performers proved why the Feb. 22 — Uncle Tupelo Editor in Chief surpass Temple Pilots for Favorite New boosting morale and pep band attends all home basket- candor with short comments on AMA's are often far more Feb. 25 — Nick Heyward w/Moxy Fruvous school spirit popular Rock/Pop and Hard Rock/Metal in duPont. ball games, travels to the Carrier the L.A. earthquake and the red than the stiffer, seemingly more TOWER THEATHER think they are part of the As a branch of Band, Alan Jackson (Favorite You the Office of Dome in Syracuse and to the Big ribbons worn to remind all attend- snobby Grammys. Among some of 69th & Ludlow streets scenery so you take their Music Activities, Country Single and Album), Eric the University East Tournament in New York ing of AIDS. But for the most part, Upper Darby, Pa. the more interesting presenters Clapton (Favorite Rock Male presence for granted. After all, band provides students with the City. the evening proceeded swiftly and were the reunited 352-0313 what would a Villanova basketball opportunity members of Artist), Luther Vandross (Favorite to perform, travel and "Most Big East schools do Feb. not the night was an exciting one. The New Edition, the members of 13 — White Zombie, Prong & The Obsessed game be without the enthusiastic share their R&B Male Artist), Reba McEntire musical interests and welcome bands from other trio of hosts Will Smith, Meatloaf N.K.O.T.B. (or New Kids Feb. 18 — Black Sabbath, Motorhead & Morbid Angel members of the Villanova Univer- talents with On The (Favorite Female Country) and others. The band schools, so that competition and Feb. 19 for Reba McEntire carried the Block who still could not avoid a - UB40 & US3 sity pep band arousing and excit- itself is divided into various Garth Brooks (Favorite Male the home court is eliminated," show pleasantly, though McEntire noticeable TROCADERO amount of booing from Country). ing the crowd in duPont with their sections including the marching said Martin, adding 1003-05 that "it is a seemed to enjoy herself less than the audience), Xscape singing an Arch St. inspired renditions of "V for band, concert band, jazz band ON THE RADIO: and shame we [the band} do not travel Smith and Meatloaf. acapella version of their current Philadelphia, Pa. Villanova" and "I Can't Turn You the pep band. Mariah Carey follows two chart- to local colleges with the team." The person who perhaps chart-topper "Understanding" 923-7625 Loose?" The frenzied Pavilion just The marching topping hits from her Music Box and pep bands Syracuse University, however, deserved to be most ecstatic about and Tony Bennett with one-half Feb. 12 — James would not feel the same (and the constitute the largest with two even better offerings. membership welcomes other college a Feb. bands to the AMA's was Whitney Houston of En Vogue (who took home the 14 — Tool w/Failure Wildcats probably would not be of the University band, said '93- The passionate "Without You" is PHGTO BY SHARON GRIFFIN perform during basketball games who took home an incredible award for Favorite Feb. 15 — Kurtis Blow Grand as successful as they '94 R&B Group). geared towards mainstream Master Flash & The Furious have been. Band President Michael Mar- in the Dome. seven of the eight awards she was Artists who performed Five either). tin. included audiences, while the Babyface- The Villanova Pep Band psyches up the home crowd at all men's The marching band attends "The concert band performs nominated for, including the Meatloaf (with an explosive ren- Feb. 18 — Teenage Fanclub w/Yo La basketball The band, however, does not all home football penned "Never Forget You" Teno games. games and trav- during University events such as Favorite Pop/Rock Single, Album dition of "Rock N' Roll Dreams 23 EAST CABARET just perform at Villanova men's els with the team should garner prime radio play on to one away (Continued on page 28) and Female awards, the Favorite Come Through"); Snoop 23 Lancaster Ave. Doggy urban and R&B stations. What is R&B Single, Album and Female Dogg sporting a huge Afro (his Ardmore, Pa. more likely to happen is that I awards and Favorite Adult Con- mentor, 896-6420 Dr. Dre won awards for everyone will be playing both temporary Artist, As her current Favorite Rap Artist and New Feb. 11 — Winebottles songs and Carey will end up ALTERNATIVE SCENES Bodyguard single suggests, Hous- Artist); chanteuse Toni Braxton Feb. 12 - WNOC competing with herself for No. 1. ton was the "Queen of the Night." soulfully Feb. 16 - Badless singing "Another Sad "Because of Love" by Janet Every time she went up to Love Feb. 17 - X's + O's = 25 Song" and kneeling before Jackson is not nearly as infectious Miles accept her awards (and she was idol Aaron Neville VILLANOVA THEATRE (she earned as previous hits. But just by virtue BORDERS BOOKS ACADEMY OF FINE TEMPLE UNIVERSITY conveniently seated at the front statuettes for Favorite New Artist 519-7474 THE PHILADELPHIA of being Janet, this cute ditty 527-1500 ARTS 204-8307/204-7476 row with her husband Bobby Adult Contemporary and R&B); .2/11-2/20 ORCHESTRA should still have no trouble finding 2/16 972-7642 2/13 Brown and her baby daughter "Midsummer Night's Dream" 893-1939 country/R&B duet between Glad- a home on the airwaves. Toni "Framing Blackness: The 2/11-4/17 Temple University Symphony 2/11 Bobbi Kristina) she had a different ys Knight and Vince Neil; a MOVIE THEATERS Braxton has already reached SWARTHMORE African American Image in "I Tell My Heart: The Art of Orchestra performing works reaction. First it was excitement, Operatic works by Wagner surprisingly low-key Michael Number One in terms of airplay COLLEGE Film" (lecture Horace Pippin" by Dvorak, Walton then it by Ed and featuring The Philadelphia was just plain happiness, Bolton and his "Said I Love You on R&B stations with her new 328-8533 Guerrero) 2/11 Mozart — Haverford and towards the end of Singers Chorale, Soprano the show But I Lied"; crowd-pleaser Brooks single "Seven Whole Days." How- ERIC KING & QUEEN 6 2/11 2/17 Fourth Annual Art Auction to Centennial Hall Deborah Voigt, it was down right hectic as Hous- and Dunn (they lost Favorite Valley Forge Shopping Tenor Robert ever, since no plans have been Center benefit the Bill Flack Memor- 2/16 ton speed read her "Suffering with Jesus in Late "Sacred Trusts: Essays on Schunk and Bass Rene Pape kudos and Country Band to perennial winner to Route 202, King of Prussia, Pa. made actually release it as a Medieval (lecture Stewardship ial fund Jazz Faculty rushed off the " by and Responsibili- Ensemble 2/12, 2/15 stage to ensure that Alabama); Sax master Kenny G single, 265-2776/337-1777 its success, which will Ellen Ross) ty" (lecture by 2/12 the AMA's ended at a reasonable (who nabbed Houston's Michael Kata- Works by Hwiegger, Rachma- eighth carry Braxton over to mainstream THE PAINTED BRIDE kis and Kris Hardin) "Lincoln's Birthday" (family ninoff and Beethoven hour. Throughout it all, Houston possible award by winning Favor- ERIC TWIN 925-9914 featur- stations, can only help her album PLAZA THEATER ROSEMONT COLLEGE workshop) never forgot to give thanks to God ite Adult' Contemporary ing pianist Bruno Leonardo Artist) sales. Expressway, 202 & 363 2/13 2/11-3/19 her 527-0200 THE LIBRARY Gelber and family. During the emo- and solid performers the Gin King of Prussia, Pa. "On the Q-tip" En Vogue and Salt N' Pepa team 2/17-2/20 "A Fight for Freedom" (film tional presentation COMPANY 2/17-2/19,2/21,2/22 to Whitney by Blossoms with their youthful up on the 265-3456 2/11 single "Whatta Man" August Strindberg's "A 546-3181 series) Stevie Wonder for the AMA award anthem "Hey Jealousy." Works by Beethoven, Schu- Also of which has "The Circle Unbroken is become the most highly Dream Play" 2/11-3/18 a of merit, Houston was emotional, note, was the unveiling PHILA. FESTIVAL mann and Stravinsky of a new rotated video on MTV. New Swed- AMC MARPLE 10 FOR Hard Bop" (performance work tearfully claiming that without video called "Drive UNIV. "A Walk On The Wild Side: NEW PLAYS My Car" ish group Ace of Base continue 400 S. State Road ST. JOSEPH'S AT THE by Sekou Sundiata) HEDGEROW THEATRE her loving fans she would not be performed by the collaborative GALLERY The Wissahickon Creek" ARTS BANK their invasion with the reggae- Springfield, Pa. UNIVERSITY 2/12 565-8286 here. efforts of Recording Artists 660-1840 exhibit 735-1500 infused "The Sign" which cur- 328-5348 "Born Catholic, Can You 2/11-3/12 The almost unending success of Against 2/17 2/11-2/27 Drunk Driving, which rently sits in the 2/11-2/18 Tell?" (storyteller Ed "A View From The Bridge" Top 5 and looks Lecture Houston, who would have found jolted the audience with appear- Photographs of Ireland by Jane Mork Gibson Philadelphia Festival Theatre bound for Number One glory. Stivender) (play by Arthur Miller) . .

''iWM<>4wiMM»ii:ia««.' «

February 11, 1994 • THE VILLANOVAN • Paga 29 Page 28 • THE VILLANOVAN February 11, 1994

T ENTERTAINMENT PERSONALS AND CLASSIFIEDS CRYPTO— LYRICS PWH IPP Each letter in the Cryptogram stands for another. Each puzzle features Help Wanted the lyrics to a Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Personals popular song followed by artist and song title. LOVEE Personals YDDET ATTEfUnON STUDENTS: Earn extra cash ACADEMIC Earn Fraa WORD PROCESSING - Re- / Spring stuffing envelopes at home. All materials THp and Cash Bonuses TARA — Here's your personal from someone Demi, Francaa and Dillon-Woman: Happy search reports, term papers, masters theses, while visiting MTVln Southern you hardly — provided. Send SASE to Midwest Mailers P.O. California. Call know Todd Valentine's Day! May you be hit over the head doctoral dissertations, spelling and grammar today 1-800-255-5791 STEEWSECRETLF Box 395, Olathe, KS 66051. Immediate by Cupid's aaow (or a large, blunt object). included. Call Karen at 353-2959. Srwrtar Have fun at your dance, and unlike response. Tnanks for everything. You're all such YWJQPJA UDFGDJAPU July 4, keep your ctothes onl! To my L.I. buddy: Personals wonderful friends to put up with me and my B«l»ylttf I'm glad things are t)etter tiecause we always By ANDREW GRIBBIN PSADMIRERYSIU Needed tor 18 month old. on "HOT SHOTS" BILLIARD CLUBIfl Pool drunken voice mail messages at 3:30 on Tuesday mornings, walking need to order lots of breadsticks!! Keep your Reporter distance from tournaments with cash prizes. Come and l^offles. Nana, Oanner, CP, Werp, Jacks, Sunday morning. Thanks for not teasing me Staff campus. Experience and brottier and the fan away from me!! Love references required. have funll On Sundays at 1 100 p.m. in the Thelma, Court Quzzy: Happy Valentine's too much. Love ya — ^e one who has a IPZDF Call 525-1556. ' always. Blossom ID I Connolly giriies. QPBBP FGPU LCUP DUAEiraVMZE Center Pool Floom Also, pool cue Day, Love, the Odd Duck hallway fetish. sales Part-time Help Wanted — tor variety of woric. sponsored by the Billiard Club. Brand Juana: This V-Day, let's mutually avoid: Side KIM — I'm so sorry I couldn't Kata: It's new quality take you to a raw and sexy percussion kind Flexit>le hours. Qood pay. 552-811 3. hand crafted cues. Starting from trips to Global, Dave & Matt (and anyone else work and that I didn't let of thing. $50. For you know sooner. Yeah, I'm going down to the car again. more info contact . from . YERYNEESOWJSSZ Denise at 519- Bumble .), the annual X-mas parties Thank you tor all your help these past few He's like a disease without any cure. I like Child Care Neadad for 3 children ages 10, 2044. on 42nd St (keep her quiet), seances with QCPG I GCDU FPHA QPF weeks. would have gone crazy without you. our new lyrics better, though. Is this really 6 and 3 one evening per week jflexitm) and Keri, violent phone conversations in my Earn $2,500 and Fraa Sprlna Break TripaF jNotxxty loses their head, notxxly loses frieir fate working its devilish hand. The whole an occasional weekend night. Car preferred defense (how unprofessional!). PHMTNYCRHWOSEY head!) No more pre- Sell only 8 frips and you go FITEE! Bahamas, — Jen episode is a still Ufa. H.L but home is walking distance from campus. parties for BC!! Love, the newly converted Cancun, Jamak:a, Panama Cityl 1 -800-678- $7/hour. Please call 527-6620. Little Mother, Happy Valentine's Day! "Do you optimist Chriatirta — One question for you! Would JDPR IPZDF ID 63861 " QPBBP love him, Loretta? "Ma, I love him awful you like to buy an O? Smile! Love, Steph LTBEARUELILHL " To my goal-making roommate: Hope all of For Rent SPRINQ BREAK! Bahamas Patty Cruise "That's too bad 6 your Apple II dreams come true this V-day!! Tara — Happy V-Day. How's your kissy days $279! Includes 12 Meals and 6 Free Dear Troll, Bill, Rich, Pat, and Annin. I just To Firestarter: No more solo! friend? My weird friend is OK. I hear you've FOR RENT: 2 tMdroom deluxe apartment. YLRAGDAKTAF Parties! Panama City Room with kitchen 8 this the flu FGDPR wanted to take time to share some To 72 hour victim: At least you didn't progressed, but HOW FAR? Let's talk! Love, Radnor House. A/C, wall to wall carpeting, days $119. Cancun and Jamaica $469! thoughts with my favorite tx)yfriends. Troll: Me relive the Night of the Fall!" Col: I did it! I Jane bak:ony, short walk to train and campus, 1 Vz Daytona $1 49! Key West $249! Cocoa Beach and you Tues at 10 p.m. baby (You too Bill!) took the laundry basket!! Happy Valentine s miles to the Blue fteute. $720/month-«- utilities. $159! 1-800-678-6386. To the "Days" fanatic, Happy Valentine's DAASARDPT Rich: What do you know that I don't! Pat: I'm Day!! Love. Me — Seniors or graduate students day to my roomie. I hope you get some sleep FGWBD GDIXRD preferred. Call XHRWGF not a sap and you're not funny! Armin: Either (718) 854-8214. Availat}le immediately. SPRING BREAK packagas. Promote on soon. Cheer up' Love, the "Nail" fanatic get off the phone or out of bed, just do Juan: Can I just tell you? You are the Juan campus or SIGNUP NOW for rooms. $1 29 Meliska. I hear that you're t)orn to "hand jive"? Answer to last week's 'Nova Crypto- ECTTPL something! Happy Valentine's Day tjoys!! thing I have always Juan-ted. You are the and up. Daytona, Panama, Padre, Cancun, Thanks for being so helpful. Yeah, I like yellow Lyrics: Miscellaneous Love always. Tare Juan for me! Love. Pedro etc. Call CM1 1 -800-423-5264. bomber buses, too! Not as much as you do, Tremendous Bible Daar Chrlatlne, Katie, and Jen. Hey funky Pedro, you don't know how much you have though. You're taking Jen's place as "chief (NJDDX) AHEYI evidence that the end SPRING BREAK — Cancun, Bahamas, divas, I rocked this snorter." Keep up the good work — Sally of the worW may t>e only months away! Listen what's up? hope that you and your my world year. Happy V-day! Well I can't forget this Jamaica, Florida, and Padre! 110% Lowest evening weeknights 10-11 30 WKDN 106.9 FM. Free boyfriends have a very enjoyable and Love, Juan Price Guarantee! Organize 15 friends and Burke — I know what would cheer you up romantic Valentine s Day while I for No your face as you were leaving information by sending stamped envelope to study my CNK your trip is FREE! TAI

Craig: Sleep in your I and make everyone Band San Juan. Earn trip own bed. Happy brother. hope that you get hit by uupid's on the staff jealous — Canada. (Just across the Vermont border). FREE plus commissions Valentine's Day! Love especially Ski. Group leader discounts. Call Ski Travel as our campus rep! 1-800-9-BEACH-1 always. Tare layout arrow so you finally learn how to do (Con tinued from page 2 7) Unlimited. 1 -800-999-SKI-9. it Can I see your Wheel of Love? — Love Dean of Students: I know you need to be LAUREN: More times than you. SPRING BREAK! Crested Butte, Colorado. ya, your sister who is 102 degrees in the impartial SKI — Intercollegiate Ski Weeks, ONLY $209. On mountain, 2 bedroom/2 bath condo near atx)ut who you send Valentine's shade. personals to but I don't have to! Happy Mike — Your first personal. Treasure it Includes. 5 DAY LIFT TICKET/5 NIGHTS lifts. Indoor pool, video games, fireplace and and Feb admissions forums, open houses, valentine's Day! — From the nail queen down Thoae of you wearing black on Monday your "big" sister forever. Love ya — Meg imi LODGING (LUXURY C0ND0)/5 DAYS South Pardre Island, Texas, beach front. the hall (another Black Monday?? — remember to keynote speeches and gradua- INTERCOLLEGIATE ACTIVITIES (Drinking Owner discount. Call (81 3) 642-5483. Sarah Lee — Grump, grump, grump all day smile, and even if it is a Hallmark holiday, Age, 18), Sponsor Include Molson and Mt. long, tion," said Martin. It also travels HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY TO SEAN grump, qrump, grump, while I sing this it all Orford, CANADA (Just across the Vermont RESUMES RESUMES RESUMES The Prob- isn't that bad! (I know, I have my rose- KELLY WHO IS 20 YEARS OLD. song . . . you know who during fall break, representing the Border) Group Leader Discounts. Spring lem: Too many people for too few jobs. The colored glasses on . . . but, it's part of my Brynn, Phone tag is not cool. Have a Happy eternal optimism!) Break '94. Call Ski Travel Unlimited. 1 -800- solution: A resume that will give you a — T University to high school and Dear Jen, Happy Valentines Day! Have fun 999-SKI-9. COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE over those Valentine's Day! Love, Kate Oh Zeta Phis ... I'm back! Hope this week at your date dance with your grade school students across the seeking the same job you want. Whether mystery man! Liz, this I'm Oh On Valentine's Day. pledging was as magnificent as the last — And that Get some sleep, damn it! Love, Me country. Magic Diet! Lose up to 30 pounds in 30 days. you're doing your first resume or need a Recently, the concert my undying love to the one thing I can truly you're more than psyched for tonight! Last Perkless, Is that a gavel in your pocket or 1- 'resume overhaul," BLUE CHIP CAREER $34 plus $2 S & H, V/M accepted. Call on. count THE TAURUS! Happy Valentine's year we were "Under the Sea, " wonder where are you just happy to see us? Love, Your band traveled to Chicago, South. 1-6 CONSULTANTS can help you create a 800-327-1458. p.m. Day! Love, your sister, Kate we'll be tonight?!? Favorite Section, GUESS Carolina and Canada while per- resume that separates you from the compe- — — tition and helps you get the job you want the Elizabeth: Fate is mysterious, thing LOST DIAMOND Engagement Ring a bizarre Suzannie — you are loved — and I 2! forming do Sue-B and Tyburczy-face, Look, lets forget at various locations along band. During first time! For mortal Gold Homecoming. Around the a parsonal consultation, which no human can even attempt to Hope you're doing great, at least they didn't the past and move on to bigger and better that is contact at 525-0288. the way. area the Wildcat Club set up. behind Joe BLUE CHIP also comprehend. Do you love him, Loretta? That's run out of pillowsi Remember — some people things. You guys are great! Mary: can't wait the end zone of the stadium. Please call 789- specializes in interview skills development too bad. — I mean that from the bottom of gnn and it, while The jazz band also travels and bear others smile and change until Cancun! Tans!! Yours in friendship, You 6578 if found. REWARDII and image building. Ask for additional details. my cold bitter heart. Kate it. Think about it — Arat know who has performed this year at Disney World in Orlando and in Philadel- phia, said Martin. "Many

I. members of the jazz band are not members of the regular band," he 1 I' added. Extra band practices in Extra The the music LSJU • room located in St. Mary's Hall. I "The room is small and sometimes FREE FOOD cramped. With membership as I high as 100 musicians in some 5 5 ) GIIAT • years, this room is not large 2 2 enough to accommodate all of the I students," Martin said. Also, the 7 7 University does not possess a 3 3 1 facility that is large enough to host concerts. "For all of the 6 6 performing arts at Villanova, WEEKNIGHTS ARE 1 there really does not exist a nice place to perform," he added. 6 6 The band is automatically asso- fV ciated with athletics, said Martin. I AFTER 5 p.m. "The concert-side of the band is I if often times overlooked," he added. The University's VQI program MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY stresses improvement in all aspects of student life, said Mar- tin. Improvement is needed in the BUY ONE GET BUY ONE GET BUY ONE GET BUY ONE GET area of music activities. "Improve- FREE ment ONE ONE FREE ONE FREE ONE FREE would, in turn, foster more I fine arts here at Villanova," he said. MEATBALL VEAL FARM. SINGLE I "The band is an organization CHICKEN GARLIC run primarily by students. Music I Activities Director John Dunphy SANDWICH SANDWICH FARM. BREAD releases much of the power to the five members of the Band board," I Martin said. The board, the WE DELIVER ICE CREAM, is to governing SODA, CHIPS, FRIES, I cominn body of the Band, includes the president, executive I CIGARETTES, BAGS OF ICE, AND MORE!!! vice president (affectionately referred to as the "V.P. for fun i Find out how you'll score on the LSAT, MCAT, GMAT, or GRE! and games"), vice president for fund raising, treasurer and secre- I tary. Other Band offices include $1.00 OFF $.50 OFF I band managers, music librarians, drum majors, alumni chairperson AIVY ORDER OF and pep band directors. These 1-800-KAP-TEST positions are awarded to dedicated 14" OR 18" pizaeA SUPER band members who volunteer for FRIES I office. ONLY ONE COUPON PER ORDER ONLY ONE COUPON PER ORDER "Socially, the band is a close- knit organization whose members APLA are good friends," said Martin. He I adds, although the band is taken 5 2 - 3 O I the 7 for 6 at 6 granted quite often I.. University, its members enjoy RULES performing and serving the Uni- versity community.

— i H>Wlll»i>lil^ii«i

P«ge 30 • THE VILLANOVAN • February 1 1. 1994 February 11, 1994 • THE VILLANOVAN • Page 31 ATTENTION Wolfman's Views from the Cheap Seats By JONATHAN PASSMAN ATHLETES! men Arturas Karnishovas and John Leahy with 35 seconds left Staff Reporter Darrell Mims combining for a in the game. Just goes to show that sharp 1-17 Sports from the floor. Oh, and when the shots aren't falling, you Therapy/Massage What a difference a month once again; the Wildcats hit their can contribute in other ways. makes! January's jeers have '^ Available free throws, or at least 22-of-28. turned into February fantasies for . . . Speaking of Seton Hall, what Eliminate the men's basketball team. After a bizarre game. Yeah, yeah, the * Soreness/Tension # struggling through January with weather was bad, but imagine * Increases Flexibility 2-5 A TAN FOR ALL SEASONS a mark, barely beating Rich- Jake Nevin Fieldhouse only being * Decrease Recovery mond and needing a massive rally Time two-thirds filled. That's what it to defeat We'll Conne To You — $15/hour We will honor any competitor's ad or coupon St. John's, Villanova has was like, except spectators were exploded in the month of Works with U.S. Olympic Team and College Teams Febru- not packed into a tiny gym, but ary. What has the difference been? a 20,000 seat arena. I suppose it's Non-Athletes Also UNBEATABLE PRICES Several Welcome factors are notable. Let's good practice for the Miami game Call Jim at Therapeutic and Sports Massage look at the numbers game by tomorrow. game: 594-0991 (phone) 618-5937 (beeper) . . . Flag wars. Rumor has it that STUDENT SPECIAL St. John's: Shooting. The Wild- A.MT.A. Certified Villanova's cheerleaders had the cats shot 10-of-19from three-point largest flag in the nation. Seton $4.95 per session or $39.00 for 8 range against the Redmen and Hall's has got to be up there as VIEWS were ll-of-13 from the free throw well and it just might be bigger. line, 23 percent better than their TCorrt For These Prices Your Choice of . . . Alvin Williams had a rough +Vie season average. time up at the Meadowlands. All of Our Features: Boston College: Shooting and Fresh off being named Big East CHEAP SEATS Bill Curley. The iii«ftrsn4ii(; Wildcats shot 49 Rookie of the Week (the only i f' mwt percent from the field, 52 percent player not named Doron Sheffer ISMin.Bed SOMIn.Bed from behind the three-point arc or Ray Allen to win it this year), and held All-Big East forward Bill Williams had three shots blocked . . . More numbers: Kerry Kittles Curley to 10 points and five 5 Min. Booth Face Tanning fouls against Seton Hall and finished 0- is tied for ninth in the nation in

I?. in only 20 minutes of action. for-9 from the field. But Alvin steals, averaging 3.1 per game. Monday-Friday 9 a.m.-9 p.m., Saturday 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Seton Hall: Defense and the free knows turnabout is fair play and ... Even more numbers: throw line. Only 30 percent Sunday 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. shoot- he racked up two blocks of his Through games of Monday, Feb. ing for Seton Hall with Pirate big own, BRYN MAWR MALL including one on 6-foot-7 7, Villanova's opponents this year 15-31 Morris Ave. Men's Icecats Women's Rank/Team Rank/Team 527-2525 Record (Continued from page 32) 1. North Carolina 19-3 another gem of a centering pass, EXPIRES 6/30/94 2. Duke 16-2 he connected with Kraunelis, who 3, Arkansas 16-2 sent the goalie searching for the 4. Kentucky 18-3 water bottle, and the Icecats were 5. Kansas 20-3 out to a commanding 2-0 lead after COMPLETE FIVE 6. Connecticut 8 SEVEN NIGHT TRIPS 19-2 one period. 7. Louisville Please give blood. It's 18-2 In the second period, the Rams needed now. 8. Temple 16-2 finally beat 'Nova goalie Mike 9. UCLA 15-2 Kelly and it remained 2-1 as the 10. Purdue 18-3 Icecats preserved the lead for the k 11. Michigan f 15-4 remainder of the game. Kelly 12. Indiana 14-4 finished with 27 saves in a strong 13. Massachusetts 17-4 outing. This snapped Villanova's 14. Syracuse 15-3 four game losing streak and points 15. Missouri 16-2 them in the right direction for the 16. Arizona American Red Cross 17-4 ECAC home stretch. 17. St. Louis 18-1 "This wasn't a great game for I' 18. California To donate, call 1-800-26 BLOOD 14-4 us because we played down to 19. UAB 17-3 their level," said Kraunelis, "but 20. Florida 18-3 it seems as if things are clearing 21. Wisconsin 14-4 up and we're really coming togeth- 22. Marquette 15-5 er for the playoff run." 23. Minnesota 15-7 Villanova has four straight 24. Illinois h 12-5 ECAC games at home and six left 25. Xavier 16-3 overall. Moinim SOUTH PADRE ISLAND h. Nightclub & Sports Bar



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Page 32 • THE VILLANOVAN • February 11, 1994

February 1 1, 1994 • THE VILLANOVAN • Pay 33 Cats fall to U Mass Kittles, Haynes lead Cats rebound to beat URI (Continued from page 36) man. with Villanova leading 16-10 at "I just off By BROOKE FERENCSIK smacked nylon to put the score at when the Cats downed St. John's want to come the 13:00 into the game. But 'Nova bench Staff Reporter 11-1 after two periods. UMass 59-56 on Feb. 2. The student and contribute to the team," went on a scoring barrage behind section displayed volumes' worth said Eberz. continued to pour it on in the a triumvirate of three pointers by fans Villanova's three-point The ECAC playoff race is on, third, sounding the siren two of signs and 2,000 insane margin Kittles that put 'Nova up 33-22 at of victory in and for the first time in six years, more times to close out the game vying for the opportunity to this game was deceiv- halftime. the Villanova Icecats find them- at 13-1. 'Nova netminder Dan appear on the TV screens of cable- "We tried to get the ball inside, selves in the thick of the hunt. Nadeau had 33 saves on 45 shots subscribers everywhere. and we tri6d to slow down their Villanova play- When Jason [LawsonJ 'Nova must win at least five out and goalie Mike Kelly had one Fortunately, the offense," said a frustrated St. of ers enthusiasm of their their next six to secure a spot save in the minute he played. The shared the gets it all together and John's Head Coach Brian Mahoney in the playoffs, and it will not be Cats only mustered 10 shots on fans. Among the most fired-up of The Wildcats are fortunate to Eberz, Ron [Wilson] does what a walk in the park (or on the ice goal which was certainly a large the Wildcats was who had be peaking at a time when they rink a career-high 21 points, four of for that matter). reason for the blowout. he can do I think we can are hitting a lull in their schedule. Following them coming from three-point some tough ECAC "It seemed as if they were Tomorrow, they will face the losses, land. Eberz, who was not among he a good team. the Villanova Icecats had always a stride ahead of us. They Miami Hurricanes, who have been 1 the the starting five for the first time Head Coach Steve Lappas opportunity to play against were a very solid team and every breezed past by all of their Big this proved to force Division I opponent Massachu- one of their players could get the season, be a East competition. However, the off After followed ing; setts Feb. 4. At a time during the puck in the net," said freshman the bench. Eberz nobody on St. John's was able Cats' streak will be put to a truer season when the Cats should have Paul Kraunelis. this performance by scoring 19 to mount much of a threat to the test when the Big East-leading been licking their wounds and In another non-conference against BC, Lappas may feel best Wildcats. The game proceeded at Connecticut Huskies come to about using him as the Cat's sixth snail's in preparing for the home stretch, matchup, Villanova took on the a pace its early stages, duPont on Feb. 15. UMass poured salt over the Cats' University of Rhode Island Rams. wounds in a 13-1 shellacking. The Icecats had something to The Minutemen opened up the prove and did so, edging URI 2- scoring with three quick goals and 1. 'Nova came out on fire as they added Curran of BC atop Big East one more late in the period scored the only two goals of the for a lofty 4-0 UMass lead at the first period. Ready came down the first intermission. By ERIC That was just left side of the rink and sent a BEGG The team had only one returning back under the leadership of its the beginning as Staff Reporter the Minutemen beautiful centering pass to sopho- starter in Curran, with a support- new coach and star players. This racked up seven more goals ing in the more forward Chris Paquette, cast that included no player has permitted them to attain a second period. 'Nova's Continuing the tradition only high- who lit the lamps with a goal to of who averaged more than four record that last season's Eagle light came in the second put Boston College scoring machines period as 'Nova up early 1-0. points a game. What was supposed team could only dream of. is senior forward Jim Ready and defense- Later in the period it was almost Kerry Curran. Rising to be a dismal season for the man Bruce Arnold fed senior deja-vu as Ready skated down the from the shadow of All-World Eagles, has turned into a pleasant It takes more than scoring forward Tony Lomanto at the top left side of the ice once again. With Sarah Behn, who graduated last surprise. Not only are they 10-10, machines to make a decent bas- of the circle year, for a wrist shot that (Continued on page 31) Curran is making a name but rookie Holly Porter, a Pre- ketball team as last season's PHOTO BY SHARON GRIFFIN for herself this season^ She is Season All-Rookie Selection, is Eagle's team can testify. The '92- leading Kerry Kittles and Eric Eberz, with their three point heroics, have the Big East in points per tearing up the Big East. Porter, '93 squad was allowing over 75 led the Wildcats to back-to-back victories over St. John's and Boston game and, more importantly, she who is averaging 16.4 points and points a game last year (second Ate you taking the College. is guiding the young Eagles to 8.1 rebounds a game, has stepped to last in the Big East), while being their best start in years. up with Curran to help guide the outscored by 8.8 points a game. There were many changes made Eagles back to respectability. Inglese, who led Vermont to a to the Eagles after last season, not "Holly has been a great sur- combined 57-2 record over the last the least of which was the depar- prise," said Curran. "I didn't two years, has the Eagles playing MCAT? ture of Behn. More often than not, think that she would come in and better on both ends of the court. the ball found its way into her play this well. I can't say enough Defensively, the '93- '94 Eagles are hands The Princeton Review offers you: Basketball Preview during the game as she about her; she plays both ends of keeping the scores close by allow- averaged 25.3 ppg. With the addi- the floor really well." ing five fewer points a game. tion of new coach Cathy Inglese, "The philosophy of this team is 16 sessions (53 hours) of classroom instruction PHOTO BY JILL DiBERARDINO though, BC has become more than very different from last year," a one 4 sessions (28 hours) procfored diagnosfic fesfing dimensional team. says Curran. "The coach this year "Last year everyone would just is more Free unlimited Extra-Help VILLANOVA at Miami team-oriented. Everyone pass the ball to Sarah," said "I really can't Feb. 12, 1994, 8 p.m. has to be ready to play, and for 1/ Personal course support software Miami Arena Curran. "This year, though, we've the most part everyone has." all stepped up and started moving The difference between last define irony, but Maximum 1 2 students per instructor TV: None 4 the ball around. Coach Inglese Radio: WXVU 89.1-FM, WOGL 1210-AM year and this year for BC is like Classes grouped testing really stresses by ability team effort, eve- night and day. Unlike last year, I know it when I ryone must step up." the ..11 A complete set (1 2 lbs) of your own practice materials Eagles have the ability to Everyone involved in women's adjust when the opposing team's see It. "hey say college is B-ball knew that Inglese would start focusing i Phenomenal improvements. on their star player. Miami is 0-11 in conference play. The Hurricanes have a positive effect on last year's 1 Instead of allowing themselves to have lost Steve Frazier and Steve Edwards (their two 10-17 Eagles, but felt that the roll over and die, the team fights Courses start soon.. top players) to injury and have not received any solid i THH team would go through a rough supposed to production out of 7-foot-3 center Constantin Popa. period of transition. This feeling PRINCHTON Organize a (215) Jamal Johnson has been their only steady hand. was reflected in BC's RHVItiW 10th place group and Considering their record, it has not been that steady. preseason ranking. Instead of Iraval fr*«lil 243-1400 The Wildcats are fresh off a three game winning feeling down due to their ranking, Call for dotalls. longest of the year. Villanova will not Droaden your horizons streak, their the Eagles feel a sense of relief. The Priri.:ofon Review ii ciffilicitcc) v/itli ncitlicr Prince ir AAMC to about Miami Arena as a tough place need worry "Everyone wrote us off this VILLANOVA I to play, primarily because no one shows up to the year, but when you're an under- games. Seton Hall's crowd of 1,256 Tuesday was a dog, you feel no stress," says Cancwn M«xlc« «,om $3f9 Campus Interviews good warmup. Curran. "I was looking forward DaytoiM BMich, FL from $ 1 09 to playing this year due to the lack PanaiiMi City ••ch, FL from $99 March 11, 1994 of pressure." STS providM lK« b9ft trav»l packaga* wtth mor* paritmt ond Next semester, Looking at Boston College's ocftvittM at tK« guaront**d low«at rat«i on cornpuilll roster, it is easy to see what the On-campus contact: OLDE, America's Full Service Discount Broker^ is pollsters saw in them — nothing. looking for motivated people to establish a career in Paul or Dan @ 526-2784 the brokerage business. s. take them literally. OLDE offers: r 12-18 month paid training program Potential six-figure income Villanova Student lae HmrlH Aurora tl., Mioca, NY 14aS0 Excellent benefits Next semester, broaden your horizons with Beaver College. Musical Theatre 1-800-648-4849 You can intern in If you possess excellent communication skills, general London, ponder Peace Studies in Austria, market knowledge and the desire to excel, sign up cycle to class in Oxford or study Spanish in Mexico. You presents for an on-campus interview on March 11, 1994 in the can even stop by a cafe in Career Center. Vienna or explore a Greek isle. We also have a wide variety of university programs in the If you are unable to arrange an interview call: U.K. and Ireland. For over 30 1 800 937-0606 years, Beaver College has been sending students abroad for the experience JNTO THE REALITY or send to: of their >^**3^ resume WOODS Brtght . lives. OLDE Discount Stockbrokers Now it's time for yours. Thoughtfur^'^f National Recruiting 8:00 pm at Harriton High School Driven Disciplined 751 Griswold Street Call us today for more information. Promising Detroit, MI 48226 Thurs.-Sat. 1 1 March 7, 8, & 1 and Pregnant Study Abroad with Offering ttie compassionate, non-judgmental A Beaver College .^ mwi and practical support a woman needs to COMEDY ABOUT give her child life and make the most LOVE IN THE '90%. ^OLDE of hers as well. DISCOUNT STOCKBROKERS Tickets will be available at door and sold in Connolly Center Member NYSE and SIPC 1.800.755.5607 COMING An Equal Opportunity Employer will be available Eiises for free rides to show ^N«Wo«Q SOON 1-800-TNN-4MOM J For (1 800-866-4666) more information call 51 9-721 J S

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I: Pay 34 • THE VILLANOVAN • February 11 1994 lyien's Big East Basketball February 11, 1994 • THE VILLANOVAN • Page 35 % By JOE PATTERSON averaging nearly 18 points per goal percentage to 58 percent and Courtside Assistant Sports Editor game this season. He currently continues to dominate opposing ' (Continued from page 36) CONNECTICUT leads the conference in three-point centers, hauling down an average Kittles is going to be among the and free of 14 rebounds per game. Sopho- defensive leading scorers every game night. (19-2, 9-1 in the Big East) shooting (53 percent) end," said Lappas, percent). As more Michael Brown was the only "there's no use The inconsistencies of this team The Huskies lost a conference throw shooting (92 worrying about freshman season, other Friar to score in double- offense because come from the rest of the team. \ game for the first time this season compared to his you're a player raised his field goal digits. and that is what's going Eric Eberz started every game of in a high-scoring affair to Eisley has to come percent and natural. It's the season but was not a big it nationally-ranked Syracuse, 108- shooting from 36 to 50 what you've been shooting from 35 doing your whole life, enough factor night after night to 95. They bounced back later in the his three-point SETON HALL but you haven't been playing hold on to his staring role. Eberz week with a 73-57 victory over to 53 percent. (11-8, 4-7 in the Big East) defense your whole life." did not start against St. John's or lowly Miami. Head Coach Jim PITTSBURGH After pulling off an exciting 64- Certainly the fact that Boston College but wound up Calhoun returned to duty after (13-6, 7-4 in the Big East) 63 overtime victory against Prov- the Cats were playing on being 'Nova's second-leading scor- being hospitalized for two games The Panthers dropped a three- idence, the Pirates were trounced national televi- h. sion and in er. Against Seton Hall the sopho- with pneumonia. He witnessed point decision to Syracuse that by Georgetown on national tele- front of a capacity crowd helped spark more forward did not land his first junior sensation Donyell Marshall dropped them into a tie for third vision, 71-51. Senior Bryan Caver a fire against field *!. the Redmen, but 'Nova's goal until the closing minutes score 20 or more points for the place in conference play. In the missed the later game because he intensity against the of the game. 19th consecutive game. Marshall game, five Pittsburgh players was serving a suspension for Eagles was purely heart. Villanova "Right now I'm not messing continues to lead the conference scored in double-digits. Earlier in skipping classes. Junior Dwight played tremend- ously on both with Eberz," said Lappas. "He can in scoring with 27 points per game the week, Pitt beat the woeful Brown reinjured his knee during sides of the ball throughout play and the five come off the bench now and see and is ranked in the top five in Miami Hurricanes 80-71 in a game warmups and was limited to only minutes of overtime. where it takes us to. He doesn't •• field that was surprisingly competitive. of playing I- goal percentage, rebounding nine minutes time. On care. "I would have preferred to have He's played the most minutes and blocked shots. UConn is off Senior Eric Mobley leads the a positive note, junior Danny that BC game on because he's played all year in the last two to the best start for a Big East league in blocked shots and is Hurley has returned to practice. TV the BC game is more the way we want games [SJU and BC] coming off team since Syracuse went 13-1 to currently ranked 12th on the all- It is unclear when he will be back ^T to play," said Lappas, "that the bench." begin the 1985-86 season. After time Big East list. Junior Jerry in uniform. Sophomore Adrian type of If you were not one of the ^ McCullough has performed bril- brand of basketball when we being overlooked in all the major Griffin tied a career high 18 points PHOTO BY SHARON GRIFFIN can really be explosive." believers in Jason Lawson before, „^ ,, , preseason polls, liantly, ranking second in the against the Hoyas and pulled Sell-ou crowd has suddenly the Huskies are become the buzz-phrase around duPont. Enthusiastic Much has been said in the past you'd better be after his perfor- crowds currently ranked No. 6 in the conference in both assists and down 11 rebounds. He has had have bolstered 'Nova in their recent triumphs. about the lack of mance against the Eagles. He nation. steals. The Panthers have three double-doubles in the past crowd support in the past at Villanova tallied 17 points, 13 rebounds, and SYRACUSE struggled this season with five games. games. As t far as Lappas is seven blocked shots. Lawson also (15-3, 8-3 in the Big East) rebounding, ranking dead last in concerned, the crowd support was particularly managed to survive the overtime The Orangemen have won three rebounding margin. ST. JOHN'S inspiring in the last few games. battle without fouling out. All of straight games, including an GEORGETOWN (9-10, 3-7 in the Big East) this was done against one of the impressive 13 point victory over (12-6, 6-4 in the Big East) After losing three straight, Cats win distance medley nation's more commanding front- top-ranked Connecticut. Syracuse After losing by seven to Boston including a three point loss to Our goal right now is courts. has now taken sole possession of College, the Hoyas rebounded Villanova, the Redmen edged out "That tells you something By MARK SPOONAUER finished fifth in 4:10.19. second place in the Big East. with a resounding 71-51 defeat of just to talce tliem vatively," Quintana said, Providence in a 73-69 victory. one about Assistant "but we Jason [Lawson]," said Lap- Sports Editor On Sunday, the team traveled Senior point guard Adrian Autry Seton Hall. Sophomore Othella Senior ran great as a team. I knew we Shawnelle Scott and sopho- pas. "That is the game at a time. We maybe best to the Mobil One Invitational at was recognized as Big East Player Harrington broke out of his season would. We always get it together FILE PHOTO more Charles Minlend combined center he's going to play Althoughh the against men's track and George Mason University in Fair- Arturas of the Week for his contributions. long slump with 34 points and 22 for 36 points liaye a young team. Our in a relay. When we get the baton, Kamishovas and the Seton Hall Pirates have struf{gled and 14 rebounds this year and he has played two field team saw little action last Autry rebounds fax, VA, and won the Distance we're always recently as they have failed to match last season's success. dished out a career high 12 in the two games. It is against the Friars. St. John's shot running for each goal is to win as many very good games against him. I'm weekend, the Cats' Distance Med- Medley Relay. assists versus UConn and added the first time this Villanova's overall other." season that 28 of 55 from the floor (51 percent). not surprised ley team about the game compensated with a time of 9:39.09 was good enough 19 points. Syracuse's 80-77 victory Harrington has put together con- It was only the games as we can. second time this Jason had the other day. Now he strong performance at the Mobil Instead of over secutive to ward off Penn State's second competing in the Pittsburgh included another double-doubles. The season that the Redmen shot over Hopefully at the end of needs to get more consistent." One Invitational. Also, Louie place 9:39.81 Cyclone Invitational this weekend stellar performance from sophomore center also effort and to earn the the recorded a 50 percent in a conference game. The Miami Quintana took Women drop game on Feb. 12 is third place in the Cats an NCAA Provisional at Iowa State as originally sche- two Qual- senior as career-high six the he totaled 26 points, nine blocks against the year that develops the type of game that Villanova renowned Wanamaker Mile last ifying standard. 'Nova duled, the team will compete rebounds and five assists. Sopho- Pirates. Senior Joey Brown's ran just (Continuedfrom page 36) into a post-season bid. should win. Then again, it is a Friday night at Madison Square short of the today at the 168th Street Armory ran a set play which was read more forward John Wallace scored seven assists versus Automatic standard the Hall MIAMI road game in Garden. at times Steve Lappas which the Wildcats of 9:38.00. in New York against St. John's by as much as nine perfectly by the 'Canes. The pass 48 points and grabbed 19 rebounds places him sixth on the all-time Head Coach (7-11, 0-10 in the Big East) can easily be upset. While the In one of the featured events of and points, and went to Manhattan. Head Coach Mar- ft the loclcer intended for Dillon was intercept- in the two games while freshman Big East list with 313, four less Following f a competitive show- atmosphere in the basketball the 87th Annual Millrose Games, ty Stern noted that he will prob- room with a 37-31 lead. Thornton ed and the Otis Hill contributed than Pearl "It could not Cats had to foul 21 points Washington. ing against Pittsburgh in have been better offices these the and Dillon which days is optimistic, Wanamaker Mile, Stanley The 800 leg went out ably rest Quintana and Going for both tallied eight immediately. Miami's and 16 rebounds. Syracuse is all year," said Lappas. "Even Tanya PROVIDENCE they lost by nine, the Hurricanes there is still a sense of Redwine points to caution as paced the field through the Big East Championships next lead 'Nova. Dillon also Young hit both shots and the clock currently ranked No. 14 in (11-7, 4-6 in the against Pitt we played lousy and the Big East) returned to old form with 73- they attempt to the first conservatively but we grabbed six a make a run in the 1200m and former Vil- Saturday and Sunday. boards. ran out with the final 64- nation. The Friars lost the crowd support was still great. score two close road 57 loss to Connecticut. Their league. lanovan Marcus O'Sullivan At the 15:11 ran a ran great as a team. I mark of the second 60 in favor of the out-of-towners. games and dropped into a sixth- The crowd has been great and the In BOSTON COLLEGE agonizing season continues "Our goal right is close second. today's meet, 'Nova's Dave half, as now just to Quintana, who Miami still held a seven point Dillon led all scorers with 23 7-4 place tie with Villanova. students have been super. That's knew we (16-6, in the Big East) After they remain winless in the Big take them one game at a time," stayed in the back of the lead pack would. We Cook and Steve Blais, the number lead, 47-40. Dillon connected on points and 10 rebounds. losing never been a complaint of mine Maga had After defeating Georgetown 71- by one point in overtime to East. Freshman Alex Eraser said Lappas. "We have a until the 1200 meter mark, one and two respective decathletes one of was young moved always get it together in two free throws, Keffer hit eight points and nine Seton Hall, from day one. I think it's been rebounds. 64, the Eagles slid into a tie for Providence's bad luck the lone bright spot for team. Our goal is to win to the outside and into in the Big East, will compete in a layup and Miami as as many third place Dillon hit a jumper Thornton chipped in 1 1 points and continued with a 73-69 loss great from the beginning." a relay. third-place with a 92-86 overtime to St. he scored 12 points and tallied 11 games as we can. Hopefully at the behind O'Sullivan and first place the high hurdles. Freshman J.R. from 15 feet out to close the lead seven assists. It has gotten to the point when loss to Villanova. Sophomore John's. Against the Redmen, rebounds against end of the year that develops finisher Niall Bruton of Louie Quintana Mcllwain and Silvester will run to 47-45. UConn. The into Arkansas. Miami would again "I thought we played pretty senior Michael everyone just assumes Kerry in Howard Eisley shined for B.C. Smith continued Hurricanes rank last in field goal a post-season bid." Holding on to third place, Quin- the 400 meter while Nason, snatch the lead away and hold the well," said Perretta. "It came this past week, scoring 42 points. his consistent play by shooting shooting, tana achieved Watson and Kevin Christiani will three-point shooting, another Automatic Leading Cats at bay until there were only down to the last play. ran eight of nine off with a 1:53.9 800 We a He shot 15 of 23 for the week, from the floor and free throw shooting, and lose their Qualifying mark of 4:00.52, his try to take the 800 meter run. 14.2 seconds left. meter leg was junior Kyle Down 62-60, the play for the layup. It didn't work including an amazing eight of 11 eight of eight from the line. His Watson. Big East games by an average of second 4:00 mile of the weekend. women inbounded the ball Chuck Silvester turned in and and we lost." from three-point range. Eisley is play upped his league-leading field The Steve a 47.4 "This meet will serve as a good 22 points. Lappas Show Representing 'Nova in the IC4A split in the 400 meter leg before workout for us," said Coach Collegiate Mile Friday night was handing off to Ken Nason for the Stern. "We are prepping for the Mike Going. In what was a rel- Channel 1200 meter portion. Only 2:56.9 Big East." 46 atively slow race. Going took the later Quintana received the baton Women's lead with just Big East over 400 meters to and anchored the I: Basketball week In review 1600 leg m The Big East Conference Cham- Fridaf go. However, he was passed with 4:00.9 for K^ &30 pM-7pM the Cats' victory. pionships will be held at Syracuse a lap and a half to go and then By ERIC BEGG to the Huskies last Sunday. "The 800 leg went out conser University Feb. 19-20. Seton down nine boards in the 59-53 rebounds a game on her way to Staff Reporter taking them to the final seconds Hall, as the No. 2 team in the Big victory. Pitt defeated Syracuse 61- her fourth Big East Rookie of the of overtime before succumbing. East, must avoid any tragic losses 55. Because the game was played Week award. Kerry Curran, con- Tricia CONNECTICUT to keep that Penderghast scored 27 distinction. As with at a late hour, only the tained by Villanova, (18-2, 11-1 in the Big East) score could scored 31 in points, while Nadira Ricks added Spies, the Huskies, there were games to Rliines, and be reported. Molloy the Georgetown loss. 15 in the loss. lead Last week the Huskies faced Georgetown then women at be played before the title bout. In iVIillrose PROVIDENCE MIAMI took its act on the road one of the toughest parts of their a warmup for the big to Boston game, the (10-9, 8-4 in the Big East) (8-10, 5-7 in the Big By PETE McDONOUGH Stern sent out his top schedule with games against East) College. The Hoyas came away three the 400 meter No. Hall crushed St. John's by 28 leg, junior Tosha this season so a national title in The Lady Friars it Staff Reporter milers, junior Becky Spies, sopho- fast times," 18 Seton Hall, Pittsburgh had very Miami ended its five game with a six point overtime victory Woodward in the Stern added. and points. The victory was the 10th 1200 meter leg, this event may not be too difficult easy last week, playing two games losing streak despite more Jen Rhines and senior Emer Georgetown. The big game of the in with a 64-60 win being down by as much and Spies, who anchored the a row for the Pirates and Head Last Friday Molloy. team to come by. Stern's remarks considering against teams with a combined 7- versus our Lady Cats. as 12 points. night at Madison Also running in the same week was obviously the Seton Coach The five Ricks lead the charge running the 1600 meter leg. Des- Phyllis Mangins, marking Square in race change in the system correlate 33 record. The only two teams game losing streak as she scored Garden New York City, was a heavily favored Vicki Hall game. The Pirates defeated their best start was Miami's 26 points. pite never running a distance of Head Coach ever in Big East the Villanova women set out Lynch from Marty Stem is still with his decision to withdraw the that could fit that description are longest since the '87-'88 to Alabama, who fin- Huskies earlier in the year by play. Senior guard season. ST. JOHN'S more than 800 meters competi- very optimistic about the Jodi Brooks, St. John's defend their unbeaten streak in ished second last rest of from a meet scheduled for this a resounding and Syracuse. Provi- Before the win versus the Cats, year in the tively on the 19 points. A victory who had 17 points in the (5-15. 2-10 in the Big East) track, Woodward ran the season and the team's chances UConn dence's victory against Syracuse Miami was the women's collegiate mile at NCAA mile. The three 'Nova weekend in Iowa. The team will this past week against UConn defeated by Pittsburgh Oh, the one of the fastest times ever of game, had 25 points against St. agony of defeat! The Millrose harriers gaining a national title. Accord- now compete today at the was lackluster, which may be 59-53, The Games. Sunday knew that winning this 168th would probably have given them despite leading by six points mighty Express took indoors for the 1200 meter event. ing to John's, including 15 in the second their much afternoon, Feb. the race would Stern, the absence of Carole Street Armory in New York City explained by the fact that the at the half. 6, Wildcats be no easy task, but the Big East regular season cham- half in sealing the Desma Thomas, Mia- feared one-game winning streak Villanova already holds the world Zajac this season win. The loss traveled to the Mobil One Invita- when the race was over, mathematically against St. John's and Manhattan. Friars were looking forward to mi's leading shooter, Spies record in pionship. Rebecca Lobo decided it to the scored 15 in into uncharted New Jersey to this event and this year's reduces the team's Huskies means that the tional at George Mason University crossed the finish line chances at a Stern understands that by run- their game this week against No. the loss, while first in a was pay-back time and handed the Pirates ripping down nine teach Seton Hall team was not looking to break it, title. must win all their games a lesson. The in Fairfax, VA, with one goal. time of 4:42.30. Rhines ning in a smaller, more localized Pirates 2 Tennessee. This may help rebounds. The chief came in just to qualify. an 11 point loss, 76-65. and hope someone problem with Pirates destroyed the Express 78- And qualify they "The team members and me," meet, defeats the explain why rookie guard They hoped to qualify for the third with a time of 4:48.30, and the team can concentrate Before this Mandy the 'Canes this year is their game the Huskies Huskies if they want a share of 50 as St. John's was outscored by said Stern, "we feel that we have more on a team victory Saunders had to nail three of four NCAA's in the distance medley Molloy checked in at fifth place rather defeated the Panthers and the the inability to score points. Miami is a chance to win regular season championship. 23 points in the second half. The relay. The 'Nova women accomp- with a time of the NCAA's." than individual qualifying times. free throws to seal the 60-56 shooting. 5:51.58. Rhines' Hoyas. Again, Lobo was instru- under 35 percent from disheartening manner of the We ran at the MUrose Stern believes that the method PITTSBURGH victory versus the Orangewomen. lished both feats in high fashion. time was not only good for third mental in both games as she the field and averaging less than for teams in the (16-4, 10-2 in the Big East) Express' loss carried through to place, but also a Games and National Cham- "We ran at the Millrose Games Regardless, the victory coupled 63 points a Provisional we showed poured in 24 points against game in conference their next game against the Friars, pionships should be more team- The Panthers were 2-1 last with a 86-70 defeat of The Millrose Games has been NCAA Qualifying time, and a and we showed them that we're G'Town, St. John's, games. These figures are, them that including the game win- respec- which they lost 86-70. we're good, oriented. good, week, but dug themselves into a solidifies the Lady Friars' position one of the most competitive indoor personal best. so we want to go to New ning free throws. She scored 21 tively, last and second to last in SYRACUSE hole which they will not get out as the No. 4 team in the track meets in the world through- so we want to go to York, to show that we have a points Big East. the Big East. "We hope that the methods to against Pitt. In those two (2-18, 0-12 in of with their loss to the Huskies. the Big East) out its 87 year history. When the The Mobil One Invitational is whole team," said Stern. The games Lobo recorded 32 BOSTON COLLEGE GEORGETOWN Mew York to get into the NCAA's in track will rebounds, The time first show that team is trying to The 80-63 loss to UConn means (10-10, 6-6 in the Big is right for the Oran- Millrose games instituted a another one of the more presti- make a statement including 20 against the East) (10-10, 4-8 in the Big East) be like other sports where you get Hoyas. Pitt gewomen to mile relay for women, not too we to the track world." must hope for a miracle or Boston College split be compared with the two gious meets during the winter have a whole team. Last week UConn served warning its games Despite splitting their in by head-to-head competition wait for the tournament to get a games story of Sisyphus, an ancient many years ago, Villanova won season, which witnesses world last week with a 64-53 win here last Marty Stern and regional qualifying," that the Big East had better take week, the Hoyas came Stern In regard to shot at the Big East title. away Greek legend of with ease every time. What hap- class a possible change Pitt did at Villanova and a 78-72 overtime a greedy king who competitors as well as college said. heed. The Huskies are looking like the team that m the format beginning win two games last week to made is condemned to an eternity of pened was that people started to athletes. The 'Nova women proved for the NCAA's in loss at Georgetown. The split Its He thinks that with a method to roll. way to the semifinals of last which victories will I improve their record to 16-4. The pushing a boulder hill only get bored watching Villanova win that they are also among the did, be stressed maintains the Eagles' .500 record up a beating the NCAA Automatic like this, the meets will SETON HALL year's NCAA tournament. not have more than times, two 6 point victories came against to have it roll every year, so a women's collegiate world's best, especially Stern thinks and leaves them within striking back down as he in the Qualifying time by about seven to be spread out across the |.. (17-3, 10-2 in the Big East) G Town, which had lost to that both he and the Miami and Syracuse. In the Miami the reaches the top. continues to mile was introduced at the games. distance medley relay. Running in seconds with a time team will be distance of Providence. Holly Huskies He of 11:13.22. country. Seton Hall's 10-game by 41 points earlier in the the mile race was instituted, better off. winning game senior forward Jonna Huem- Porter was roll it up the hill, despite the Since the race were Molloy, who started Their time did not come close to the story this week as year, gave "You [the teaml have to go streak was snapped with the loss the Huskies their Villanova has won it every time. rich netted 24 points and pulled she averaged 21 points action's futility, for some existen- off with the 800 meter leg, sopho- the world record of 10:54.34, but and 11.5 biggest scare of the around the country to qualify and "I don't like running for time," season by tial With this streak on the line. more reason. Cathalina Staye, who ran it was the fastest time in the world find real fas* cracks to run real he said. "I like running to win." i r.r;:.^ ^ .^kC.V lk>.Mi' -**^1<|fc|£j'2

> ^ 36 • THE VILLANOVAN • February 11. 1994 SPORTS Si Cats extend streak to three games

Courtside with Head Kittles, Eberz, Haynes and Lawson Coach Steve Lappas star in 'Nova's three icey wins By SEAN KELLY By ALEX SCOFIELD Hall. Seventeen of these points Sports Editor Associate Editor came in the first half, in which Kittles singlehandedly carried the Villanova reached a crucial Cats on his back. Kittles' team- happened on the point in the season Feb. 2 that was Something mates pitched in a combined total night that the ESPN vans rolled 'Nova either going to turn this team in of seven points, and trailed With the eyes of the 28-24. the right direction or send them onto campus. at intermission nation's hoops fanatics tuned in, plummeting to the bottom of the "We weren't playing well, but prime-time Big East. ESPN and legendary the Wildcats exhibited we grinded it out," said Lappas. play in their win over St. John's. broadcaster Bill Raftery were In the midst of its three-game from even on hand as the Wildcats For one night, 'Nova arose winning streak, the Wildcats matched up for the second time the ashes of a season that seemed pulled off an upset over Boston deteriorating with each new against St. John's. This was a to be College, a borderline top-25 team, must-win in the sense that 'Nova game. But once broadcaster Bill on Feb. 5. Although the Cats Raftery friends had left the had dropped the last four games and needed an overtime period to snuff Line, continued to and really could not afford to lose Main the Cats out the Eagles, they dominated to a team which had already play their best ball of the season. play late in the game. BC, playing 92-86 proven to be beatable. A conquest of Boston College without its big men Bill Curley The win over the Redmen followed by a 65-60 win at Seton and Danya Abrams, could only 9-9 proved to be even more important, Hall raised 'Nova's record to watch helplessly as the Cats went however, when the Cats met up (5-6 Big East). 5-for-5 from the floor. Kittles and with nationally ranked Boston 'Nova's road win against Seton sophomore Eric Eberz hit consec- College. Momentum was some- Hall was the least impressive of utive trys that quickly gave 'Nova thing Villanova was lacking the the three victories, as both teams an 84-79 lead, and the Eagles h last time they faced the Eagles and were plagued by lackluster play would never again draw close. throughout most of the game. The it is a factor that certainly helped Kittles once again led the way Head Coach Steve Lappas and his Cats, however, found saving gra- for the Wildcat scoring effort with squad that night. With wins over ces in their play during crunch- 25 points. Even more encouraging time, of three conference rivals in the last especially that junior for the Cats were the performan- two weeks, including Tuesday guard Jonathan Haynes. In the ces of its freshmen Jason Lawson night's victory over the Seton Hall later stretches of the game Haynes (17 points, 13 rebounds) and Alvin Pirates, the Wildcats can now be was on fire, nailing all four of his Williams (19 points, 3-for-4 three- more hopeful for a campaign that three-point attempts en route to point shooting). The point tallies a lasts longer than tlie regular career-high 22-point perfor- of both the 'Nova rookies were 'I season alone. mance. career highs, and Williams was "We're anxious going into every "Jonathan really stepped up to named Big East Rookie of the game," said Lappas. "We have the the plate tonight for us," said Week for his efforts against BC kind of team, I think, that's Head Coach Steve Lappas at and St. John's. capable of winning any game. game's end. But as Lawson was maturing We PHOTO BY SHARON GRIFFIN It also have the kind of team, right was Haynes who put the Cats on the offensive end of the court, -4 Freshman center Jason Lawson shone against Boston College, scoring -a ahead for good when he defied the now, that is capable of losing a 17 points, grabbing 13 relM>unds and blocking seven shots. The he was also exhibiting intelligence expiring time clock with game. So every game for us is a Wildcats went on to beat Seton Hall on Tuesday. a jump on defense that kept BC's big men new day and we're anxious all the shot that made the score 48-46. By in check. Although he had found converting on a pair of free throws time." key to both wins [St. John's and Outstanding man-to-man play himself in foul trouble during It and nailing a three-pointer, There is no question that the Boston College]. Though we more than likely helped the Wild- many of the games throughout the > Haynes scored five of 'Nova's next season, in this defense has been the crucial factor played great offensively, especially cats' offense as well. It got to the Lawson was game seven points, giving his team- in 'Nova's play in the last three in the BC game, I think the key point where Lappas' squad was so right until the final buzzer. And mates a 55-46 advantage. games. Defense is something that in both games was our defensive concerned about good defense that during this time, Lawson and has been Although the Pirates tried to junior Ron Wilson victimiz- stressed more and more intensity." they did not have to worry if they were wrest the lead back, their foul- recently in practice and it shows. The intensity of the defense missed their own shots. ing BC star Bill Curley, who "I thought there and-press routine was not enough fouled was a signif- certainly gave 'Nova the edge as "I think if you really, really out of the game after icant difference in to overcome this deficit, as Villan- scoring both games," far as loose balls and breaking concentrate and get after it on the only 10 points with 4:48 said Lappas. "I think that ova seemed to find its foul shoot- left in the was the down the opposition's offense. (Continued on page 35) game. ing for touch this contest. The "When Jason gets it all together Cats' 22-for-28 (.786) performance and Ron does what he can do I at the line was an encouraging think we can be a good team," said improvement over its .610 season Lappas. 'Nova women drop two at home percentage going into the game. Everybody in duPont seemed Villanova was led in scoring by determined to make an impression By TODD LESKANIC Eagles quickly regained the lead Poor shooting (27.9 percent) sophomore Kerry Kittles, who on the national ESPN audience was for Sports Editor and stretched it to five, 24-19, on kept 'Nova from getting any closer good 25 points against the (Continued on page 33) a Porter three-pointer with just than five points for the rest of the The Villanova women's basket- 2:45 to go in the first half. Michele game. Thornton finished with 18 ball team continued to disprove Thornton then hit a three of her points, six rebounds and four the theory of home court advan- own and nailed a 20 foot jumper assists to lead 'Nova. Denise tage this past week. After winning the next time down the court to Dillon finished with 11 points and two key Big East games on its put 'Nova up by one with under 10 rebounds. opponents' floor, 'Nova returned a minute to play in the half. Stacie "I would love to be able to say to duPont for two more conference Keffer drew a foul with 10 seconds we stunk," said Head Coach to games against Boston College and go and hit both free throws to Harry Perretta, "but it was just Miami. give the Cats a 27-24 half time another game where we didn't The Eagles entered duPont lead. " score 60 points on our home Pavilion with a record of 9-9, 5- The leading scorer for Villanova court." 5 in the Big East for their game in the first half was Thornton "I don't know what else to say," Feb. 1. 'Nova came in with a with 11. Despite shooting just he said. "Our defense was good, record of 10-8, 4-6. The Cats knew nine of 33 from the field in the but we just couldn't score." they had to contain BC stand-out first half, the women played The loss dropped the Cats to 10- Kerry Curran who led all Big East steady defense and' converted on 9, 4-7 going into their game against scorers with a 22.2 point average. all seven free throw opportunities. Miami (7-12, 4-7) Feb. 6. Despite In the first half, however, the In the second half, the Cats its record, Miami came ready to Villanova women discovered were able to contain Porter better, play and stormed out to an early another Eagle named Holly Porter. only to have Curran break loose 10-2 lead against the Cats. 'Nova Also among the Big East leaders for a big half. After just a four would cut that lead to 10-8 on two in scoring with 15.6 ppg, this point first half, she turned her free throws by Thornton, a Dillon freshman tore up the 'Nova game up a notch to finish with jumper, a Jen Maga bank shot and defense in the first half for 16 21, leaving 'Nova with a headache. another Thornton score off a Sue points. Despite this performance The Cats were able to hold the Glenning steal. The 'Canes would by Porter, the Cats played their lead until the 13:12 mark, at build the lead back to six before type of game throughout the first which time Curran made a jumper the Cats would go on a 6-0 run half. from 12 feet out. Area native to tie the game at 16. The points The Eagles jumped out to a 19- Joanie Gallagher then nailed a came on a Jen Snell jumper, a Beth 11 lead at the 12:57 mark on a three pointer to give the Eagles Anne Bradshaw layup and a Porter rebound and lay-in. Villan- the lead for good. Hoops by Porter li; Keffer jumper. Miami would ova then went on an 8-0 run that and Michele Verotsky would give reclaim the lead on a Sheron was capped off when Lisa Baglio the Eagles a solid eight point lead Murray three pointer. They held 64- me Nova women s drew a charge call and knocked upon which to cruise to the the lead for the rest of the half, team continued to struggle at home with losses 53 victory. to Boston College and Miami. down a pair of free-throws. The (Continued on page 34)
