ISSN: 2146-0353 ● © RIGEO ● 11(4), WINTER, 2021 Research Article Marketing Communication of Bamboo Crafts in Regency

Santi Susanti1 Iwan Koswara2 Department of Mass Communication, Universitas Department of Corporate Communication, Padjadjaran Universitas Padjadjaran [email protected] [email protected]

Rachmaniar3 Department of Communication and Information, Universitas Padjadjaran [email protected]

Corresponding author: Department of Mass Communication, Universitas Padjadjaran Email: [email protected]

Abstract is one of the bamboo crafts centers in West . The products include birdcages, woven, accessories, and home decor. This study aims to reveal the communication behavior of craftsmen in marketing bamboo craft products of Selaawi, Garut Regency. This study employs a qualitative methodology with a case study approach, seeking to explore and describe the craftsman's communication behavior in marketing bamboo crafts. Primary data gained through interviews with five bamboo craftsmen in Selaawi. Secondary data used were observations, study documents on bamboo commodities, photos, and other documents related to this research. The results showed that the craftsman’s effort in marketing communication of the bamboo creative industry in Selaawi needs support from the local government. The craftsman’s implemented marketing communication into an online and offline technique. It runs online via cell phone, WhatsApp, and Facebook, while offline effort is doing through exhibitions or face to face with potential buyers who come to Selaawi. WhatsApp is the primary choice in communication because it is relatively easier and efficient to do. From the stakeholders, the local government supports Selaawi's marketing communications as a bamboo handicraft center by holding various events, introducing it through social media, and planning to create a craft center, which will be related to the world of tourism. This research concludes that there is a need for synergy between local craftsmen and policymakers to support marketing communications for bamboo crafts in Selaawi, Garut Regency so that they are widely known.

Keywords Bamboo Craft; Communication Behavior; Marketing Communication

To cite this article: Susanti, S.; Koswara, I.; and Rachmaniar. (2021) Marketing Communication of Bamboo Crafts in Garut Regency. Review of International Geographical Education (RIGEO), 11(4), 1154-1161. doi: 10.48047/rigeo.11.04.110 Submitted: 10-03-2021 ● Revised: 15-04-2021 ● Accepted: 20-05-2021 Susanti, S.; Koswara, I.; and Rachmaniar. (2021) Marketing Communication of Bamboo Crafts in Garut …


Bamboo craft is one of the leading handicraft commodities in . Approximately 100 bamboo craft centers are scattered in four regions, namely in Garut, , Ciamis, and Cianjur (Bisnis , 2017). Bamboo crafts are a profitable business opportunity, and always keep up with the times so bamboo craft products never abandoned, as we can use it in everyday life (Disperindagpas Kabupaten Garut & Darma Raksa Buana, 2015). Various types of handicrafts are produced for household needs, home decor, fashion, hobbies, and so on, such as trash cans, fruit baskets, mailboxes, pencil cases, flowerpots, newspaper holders, wall dividers, lampshades, cake holders, placemats, and so on. Various designs can function as objects of use or just as pleasing to the eye, which adorns hotels, restaurants, offices, and homes (Lubis, 2008). The bamboo handicraft industry grew naturally from generation to generation. Knowledge and expertise to cultivate bamboo was obtained from previous generations. The availability of bamboo around the craft center is a supporting factor that made raw material provide easily, and some people need bamboo woven crafts for households (Cinderamata, 2019). Also, the price of raw materials is affordable and ecologically friendly. The waste can be disposed of immediately for not affecting global warming. One of the bamboo handicraft centers in West Java province is located in Garut Regency, particularly in Selaawi District. It has bamboo farms in a large number of areas. Approximately 504.43 Ha of bamboo nursery and conservation area available in Selaawi. The potential for a bamboo commodity-based industry in Garut is:

Table 1. The Potential of the Bamboo Industry in Garut Regency Business Units 2.730 unit Investment value Rp Production value/ year Rp 525.325.644.000 Employees 10.720 persons Home appliances, birdcages, lampshades, Products decorative boots, etc. Marketing Area Bandung, Jabodetabek, Jawa Tengah, etc.. Source: (Disperindagpas Kabupaten Garut & Buana, 2015) Table 1 shows the enormous potential of the bamboo industry in Garut. It could become a significant income for the people and Government of Garut if managed properly. Table 2 displays the creative bamboo products in Selaawi District. Each craft is managed by BUMDes respectively. Handicraft product requires marketing to reach consumers. Every product is unique and has its respective market. Table 2. Creative Bamboo Products in Selaawi District.

No Villages Products Owner/ Manager A B C D 1 Putra Jawa Bamboo woven BUMDesa Putera Mandiri Bamboo musical instrument Lingkung Seni dan BUMDes (celempung, karinding, kosidah) 2 Samida Bamboo woven BUMDesa Samida Bamboo conservation and nursery 3 Mekar Sari Bamboo birdcages BUMDes Mekarsari Bamboo home decor 4 Cirapuhan Bamboo Furniture BUMDes Cirapuhan 5 Pelita Asih Bamboo woven BUMDes Pelita Asih Bamboo conservation and nursery 6 Selaawi Bamboo laminate BUMDes Selaawi Bamboo construction 7 Cigawir Food made from iwung (bamboo BUMDes Kondang Mandiri shoots)

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Source: (Effendi, 2020)

Craftsmen have a communication behavior in marketing their products. Communication behavior is human behavior in communication activities. Chaplin defines human behavior as a concept of everything that a person does or experiences. In a narrower sense, behavior defines as reactions that are observed objectively (Chaplin, 1993: 53). Humans not only react to external situations, but they also react to internal situations (Rotter in Sumantri, 2001: 77). The relationship between stimulus and action is causal. The forces that influence human behavior not only come from their present environment but also past experiences and influences from the future. Human behavior is also influenced by his strength. Individuals have interests, insights, emotions, thoughts, and motives that color their actions. All of this will drive human activities, including communication and other activities. A certain behavior arises because of external stimuli and conscious cognitive selection of various alternative behaviors that are tailored to his perception of the external situation. "We communicate thoughts” (Rakhmat, 2018) There is little research on marketing communication related to bamboo handicrafts in the Selaawi sub-district residents. Most of them are related to the technical use of bamboo in everyday life. Several studies were found, among others, entitled Kreatifitas Seni Kriya di Desa Selaawi Garut; Studi Sejarah dan Budaya Anyaman Dari Bambu 1950-2017 (The Creativity of Craft in Selaawi Village of Garut; Historical and Cultural Studies of Bamboo Weaving in 1950-2017), written by Reni Nurmala from UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung (Nurmala, 2018). In her research, Nurmala traces the history of woven crafts development in Selaawi District that has lasted generations. The results showed, first, bamboo woven handicrafts are works of art created with awareness and aesthetic taste of Selaawi District residents. Second, the bamboo woven craft, which was initially a side income, is now an important source of income for Selaawi residents. For Selaawi residents, the wages for making crafts are worth waiting to meet their daily meals. The next research entitled Strategi Pengembangan Ekowisata Lembur Asri, Desa Selaawi, Kecamatan Selaawi, Kabupaten Garut (The Development Strategy for Lembur Asri Ecotourism in Selaawi Village, Selaawi District, Garut Regency by Fellix Fachrezi from Universitas Siliwangi, Tasikmalaya. This study identifies the key internal and external environmental factors that affect Lembur Asri Ecotourism, formulate alternative strategies, and set priorities for Ecotourism development strategies based on the results of internal and external environmental analysis of Lembur Asri Ecotourism. The results reveal that there are alternative strategies for developing Ecotourism Lembur Asri, namely: (a) S-O strategy (Strengths Opportunities): Utilizing environmental beauty and increasing the potential of ecotourism. (b) W-O (Weakness Opportunities) strategy: Complementing ecotourism facilities, creating a Lembur Asri ecotourism website and other promotional tools in social media, collaborating with private parties, adding interesting rides that visitors can do. (c) Strategy S-T (Strengths Threats): Improve hospitality services (d) W-T strategy (Weakness Threats): Improve management of ecotourism management. (Fachrezi, 2018) The next research is entitled Branding of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises of Hikmah Cijaetun Waving Store in Selaawi Sub-district, Garut Regency as an Effort to Increase Product Image, conducted by Neng Siti Nursa Indah Aeni S. and Hendy Yuliansyah. The results show that the products need the right promotional media is needed so that the products are offered to reach the right target. One supporter of product branding is a logo as the identity of a business. A promotion is indispensable in supporting the progress of a business, by designing creative promotional media it is hoped that the public can recognize and make the shop the center of woven bamboo handicrafts. (Aeni & Yuliansyah, 2014) The research focuses on marketing communication for bamboo crafts in Selaawi, Garut District. The forms of marketing communication carried out by the craftsmen in marketing their products, and internal and external factors that encourage the craftsman to apply these communication behaviors. This research aims to reveal the marketing communication by the craftsman and local government in marketing the bamboo crafts in Selaawi. The urgency is to obtain an overview of craftsman's needs in marketing their bamboo products, so they can develop into products that can broadly recognize.

Marketing Communication

Marketing communication is used to inform, influence, and can increase consumers either directly or indirectly. Marketing communication will run well if delivered messages easy to understand because it involves decision making. All the expected from the beginning can manifest with planned and conceptualized ideas.

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Marcomm Wise (Tsikirayi, Muchenje, & Katsidzira, 2013) defines marketing communication as covering all strategies, tactics, and activities in getting the desired marketing message for the intended target market, regardless of using the media. Marketing communication is a method that can advance and develop an educational institution or an organization, so that good marketing management must prioritize. Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) is a communication process that requires planning, creation, integration, and implementation of various forms of marketing communication (advertisements, sales promotions, release publicity, events, etc.) which are conveyed from time to time to their target customers. and potential customers (Shimp, 2014). According to Vargas, an effective IMC process concerned with identifying target audiences, determining communication objectives, designing from message content, selecting means for communication, defining media mix, budget & priorities, and measuring business effectiveness (Bilal, Saeed, Naeem, & Naz, 2013). Effective communication helps the message conveyed and will get a positive response from the recipient of the message. Integrated marketing communications were carried out to get a broad segmentation, so the public trusted the educational service products. Schultz defines IMC as a marketing communication planning concept that combines and evaluates the strategic roles of different communication disciplines for greater clarity, consistency, and impact (Bilal et al., 2013). McCarthy defines mixed marketing communications as a combination of advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, public relations, and direct marketing companies use advertising to pursue marketing goals (Tsikirayi et al., 2013). IMC can have a positive impact on communication, creativity, and be very consistent, and can contribute really as a mixed integrated promotional media in communication. The principal aim of IMC is to influence perceived values and behavior through communication (Rehman & Ibrahim, 2011).

Local Wisdom

Local wisdom is a human adaptation to the environment to meet the needs of life. Local wisdom comes from habits carried out by humans in everyday life when connected with the natural surroundings. This local wisdom is a cultural characteristic of society because of its experiences (Wales in Budiwiyanto, 2006). Every local community has its wisdom, as a view of life and knowledge as well as various life strategies in the form of activities carried out by local people in answering various problems in fulfilling their needs (Suhartini, 2009). For Garut people who are engaged in bamboo handicrafts, creative efforts to change bamboo into various forms that can use in their daily life are a form of their adaptation to survive and make their creative results a livelihood that can support them. Knowledge of local wisdom practiced, taught, and passed on from one generation to the next.


This study uses a qualitative method with a case study approach. A case study is a comprehensive description and explanation of various aspects of an individual, a group, an organization (community), a program, or a social situation. Case study researchers seek to examine as much data as possible about the subject under study. By studying as much as possible an individual, a group, or an event, researchers aim to provide a complete and in-depth view of an object under study (Mulyana, 2010). In this study, researchers explore the communication behavior of bamboo craftsmen in marketing their products. The research was conducted at a bamboo handicraft center in Garut. Data collection was carried out through interviews, observation, and literature study. The research subjects were obtained by purposive sampling, to fit the research objectives (Bungin, 2011: 107). The snowball sampling technique was used to obtain other informants who were relevant to the research being carried out. This research involved seven participants consisting of craftsmen, Selaawi sub-district head, bamboo entrepreneurs, as well as from the Department of Industry, Trade, and ESDM Garut Regency. Interviews were conducted face-to- face and by telephone. Secondary data were obtained through literature and document review and library materials related to research. Data validity was carried out through triangulation and adequacy of referrals and discussions. Discussions with various groups who understand the research problem will provide meaningful information for researchers, and an effort to test the validity of the research results. (Bungin, 2011: 266).

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Result and Discussion

The bamboo handicraft business in Garut Regency, especially in Selaawi, was built by involving various parties, including farmers who own bamboo land, craftsmen (business actors) who make bamboo products, collectors/ brokers of bamboo products, buyers who directly sell bamboo products, shop selling bamboo products.

Figure 1. The flow of marketing for bamboo craft products in Selaawi. Source: Disperindagpas Garut, 2015.

Figure 1 shows the connection between various parties in bamboo handicraft distribution, from the supply of raw materials to finished products to consumers. Each party has its respective functions. Bamboo farmers have a role and function as a supplier of raw materials to a craftsman; the craftsman has the role and function of making handicraft products; collectors/ providers of capital, have a role and function as parties who accommodate crafts and partly as capital providers to the craftsman (raw materials or business capital) before being distributed or sold to consumers. Direct seller, has a role and function to sell directly to consumers under the marketing area and has a fixed consumer area. Stores have a role and function as sellers of products/crafts to consumers in certain areas, and consumers, have roles and functions as users of products/crafts. Each role of the party complements each other in carrying out their respective roles. Bamboo craftsmen in Selaawi were divided into birdcage craftsmen, weaving craftsmen, and home décor craftsmen. The birdcage is the most demanding bamboo products, made from generation to generation, particularly in Mekarsari Village. They have a certain market in Bandung and that accommodate birdcages produced by bamboo craftsmen in Selaawi. Eman Sulaeman, a birdcage craftsman (43 years old), explained that woven is originally crafts in Mekarsari. However, around the 1970s, someone took part in training to make birdcages in Bandung. The knowledge gained then distributed to the Selaawi residents, and since then the people of Selaawi District, especially Mekarsari Village, pursued birdcage construction. According to Eman, the weaving skills of the Selaawi residents make them easier to adapt to new skills in making bird cages. Quality bamboo trees around their environment support them to produce good quality birdcage and become main suppliers to distributors in Bandung and Bogor. The ease of earning money from birdcages making skill has made more Selaawi residents prefer the skills as their source of income. Eman explained, if there are residents who need money quickly, by making a birdcage, they can get it on the same day, if the birdcage they make completed in one day. Harry Mawardi, owner of Amygdala Bamboo, said that the income of birdcage craftsmen in Selaawi can exceed the Garut Regional Minimum Wage (UMR) which employees usually receive in one month. Besides, working hours are also not binding Thus, it is not surprising, if the birdcage business is very lucrative, let alone the need continues to increase. For offline routes, usually through exhibitions held by the local government or invitations from the organizers. Online marketing is carried out through communication, through telephone and WhatsApp. Eman admitted WA made it easy to communicate with customers, especially regarding ordering products. Before there was technology, orders made semi-finished and show it to buyers by visiting them. But now, communication about orders can be done by sending picture messages using WA. Marketing the birdcages is easy because there are distributors who ready to accommodate their work. The distributors are in Bandung and Bogor.

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Birdcages are usually sold in a set, which contains three cages from a small, medium, to the big ones. The selling price varies depending on the size and type of birdcage. There are three types of bird cages produced by residents of Mekarsari Village, Limbangan Garut, namely Classic, Plain, and Carving. Eman, one of the craftsmen who has experienced while visiting Palembang, saw a birdcage labeled as a distributor who usually accepts birdcages from a bamboo craftsman in Selaawi. When asking the price of the cage, Eman shocked knowing the price is 2.5 million rupiahs, because he knew that the real price of the cage is under one million rupiah. Unlike the birdcage, woven crafters make crafts in the form of wicker for household needs, accessories to home decoration needs. Woven made by order. So, the delivery is not routine. The environment has an enormous influence on the craftsman in determining the crafts they work on. Even though the distribution of bird cages is certain, there is some unrest felt by craftsmen in Makassar Village, one of which is about labeling. Birdcages sold with no labels or brands attached to the cages. Those affixed to the cage are distributor brands. This sales system results in a significant price difference between the finished cages sold to the distributor and the selling price set by the distributor. The price can be up to twice as much. The craftsman who produces individual birdcages usually sells to collectors of goods. The selling price offered by these collectors varies, so there is a competition to collect birdcages from a craftsman. The craftsman avoids using the marketplace as a marketing medium because the goods sold in the marketplace must be ready to sell. Meanwhile, birdcage and woven not always ready. It took time for making it ready to sell. In order not to feel rushed, the craftsman does not choose a marketplace for marketing their products. The right marketing is an obstacle in Selaawi because so far, the production of crafts in Selaawi outside of bird cages is difficult to develop. Sales are not that advanced. Not many people use social media. The craftsman's knowledge of the use of social media as a marketing tool was not yet optimal. Many have not mastered how to market bamboo handicraft products through social media. Marketing communication is also carried out by the local government, represented by the Head of Selaawi sub-district, Ridwan Effendy. To introduce Selaawi as a bamboo handicraft center, the first thing to do is to instill the mindset that the Selaawi people have advantages that can be developed so that their territory has bargaining power and attractiveness. For that, the Selaawi region must have excellent potential and character. According to Ridwan, bamboo is a resource that can be developed into the superior potential of Selaawi District, because this area has more than 500 hectares of arenas that are planted with bamboo for nurseries and conservation. To make bamboo a superior potential, Ridwan seeks to build a foundation in the form of a spirit of togetherness among the Selaawi residents. One way to build on that is by setting records. One of them is the record for making the largest birdcage in Selaawi Village, which was set in 2017. In addition to instilling togetherness, the recording of records also has a mission to strengthen and prove that people can and have advantages by setting various records. Then, the next mission is also for promotion, promotion out. Yes, at least now Selaawi is well known, both on social media or from person to person, and the significant thing is that now the community has started to move independently to develop and maintain tourism. The villages are now starting to move. So, there is a little tourism potential, it is trying to work on it, even the village is now independently making a master plan in their village to develop several potentials. To continue this togetherness and support the plan to promote the Selaawi area as a bamboo handicraft center, a craftsman or Gapokjin group was formed. The local government then makes an inventory of the land potential, the availability of raw materials, then what products are made, then what the market is, and also talks about the obstacles faced. In each village, Prukades (Regional Superior Product, village area, one sub-district) are made, then Prudes, the village's superior product, and Prudes, Village Leading Products. The next step is to build cross-sector collaboration synergy to establish networks, known as ABCGM, academics, business, community, government, and media. Making Selaawi a bamboo handicraft center is also supported by the application in the surrounding environment, in the office, by installing bamboo ornaments that are applied. "Yes, at least we also have accessories attached like that. Almost every village now has accessories and decorations in the hall. Then in several agencies, offices. So, in the future, the people can do it massively what can they defend". A long-term project, Garut Regency Government will build a Bamboo Craft Center which will be built on a maximum of 10 hectares of land. Later it will become an integrated area. Currently, the land that has just been acquired is 1 hectare. Hope is expected to continue to grow. The integrated area development is expected to be completed in two years. In this integrated area, there will be an amphitheater, gallery, guest house arboretum, and a workshop. Garut district government also will develop the tourism sector to fully supports the bamboo 1159 © RIGEO ● Review of International Geographical Education 11(4), WINTER, 2021 creative economy sector in Selaawi. Even support each other. Ridwan Effendy states, the natural potential in Selaawi is also interesting. There is forest tourism, as well as agro-tourism.


This research concludes that marketing communication in promoting bamboo handicrafts of Selaawi needs synergy between the craftsman and the local government. The identity of Selaawi as the center of bamboo handicrafts in West Java has to be raised and accomplished. The craftsmen choose online and offline techniques to market bamboo crafts products. Offline marketing techniques employ in birdcage marketing. Birdcages are sent directly to distributors in Bandung and Bogor. Online marketing techniques are used by utilizing social media, such as Instagram and WhatsApp. The customers, who order, are already known and have made contact before. Their craftsmen need to improve their skills in marketing products online. Local government, trying to provide support in the production process by assisting with production tools. Marketing assistance provided online marketing training and participation in local and national craft fairs. The local government is developing marketing by establishing a tourist village. Building a tourist village in Selaawi could be a way to motivate Selaawi residents proud to be a bamboo craftsman and their income increases due to tourist visits to tourist villages.

Limitation and Study Forward

This research focuses on communication behavior in bamboo craft marketing. It is still possible to research a different point of view regarding marketing and communication that takes place in the bamboo craftsman environment in Selaawi, Garut Regency, with different methods and approaches.


This paper is part of the results of the 2020 PDUPT research funded by the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education (Ristekdikti) through Universitas Padjadjaran. Therefore, we would like to thank the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education and Padjadjaran University for the funding of this research. We also thank the bamboo craftsman in Selaawi and local officials who made this research running well.


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