Archive of SID

Biological Journal of Microorganism th 8 Year, Vol. 8, No. 32, Winter 2020 Received: August 12, 2018/ Accepted: November 28, 2018. Page: 81-93


Detection and Identification of some Species causing Soft Rot using TUF Gene

Parisa Emami M.Sc., Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran, [email protected] Mehdi Mehrabi-Koushki * Assistant Professor, Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran Biotechnology and Bioscience Research Center, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran, [email protected] Jamshid Hayati Associate Professor, Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran, [email protected] Milad Aeini Assistant Professor, Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran, [email protected]

Abstract Introduction: Soft rot caused by pectolytic makes annual production and storage losses throughout the world. This study aimed to detect and identify pathogenic Pseudomonas causing soft rot in some of the vegetables and ornamentals. Materials and method s: During the growing seasons of 2015–17, plant samples of eggplant, maize, radiator plant, sweet pepper and tomato with water soak and soft rot symptoms were collected. Biochemical and morphological features were characterized according to the standard bacteriological criteria. The tuf encoding gene from these representatives was amplified using Bac-tuf-F and Bac-tuf-R primers, subjected to sequencing and aligned in the NCBI. Results: Total of 120 isolates were recovered from the samples. Based on synthesizing pectic enzymes, five putative Pseudomonas strains were selected. Based on the DNA sequence-based phylogeny, in combination with biochemical and morphological characteristics, these soft rot Pseudomonas were identified as Pseudomonas aeruginosa , P. entomophila , P. mosselii and P. putida . Koch's postulates were verified by re-isolating the strains from inoculated plant segments. Discussion and conclusion: To the best of our knowledge, this is the first evidence of the pathogenicity of P. aeruginosa on tomato, P. entomophila on sweet pepper and P. putida on eggplant. Furthermore, this study firstly reports the association of P. aeruginosa and P. mosselii with soft rot in maize and radiator plant, respectively. Key words: Eggplant, Maize, Radiator Plant, Sweet Pepper, Tomato

*Corresponding Author Copyright © 2020, University of Isfahan. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits others to download this work and share it with others as long as they credit it, but they cannot change it in any way or use it commercially.

Archive 82of SID Biological Journal of Microorganism, 8th Year, Vol. 8, No. 32, Winter 2020

Introduction little attention has been paid to Vegetables are considered as Pseudomonas as the causal agent of soft rot increasingly important crop of Khuzestan disease; therefore, this survey aims to province in the southwest of Iran. There is identify and characterize pathogenic growing concern that soft rot disease Pseudomonas causing soft rot in some of annually reduces up to 20% of vegetable the vegetables and ornamentals on the basis yields in this province (unpublished data). of morphological, biochemical, Studies over the past two decades have pathogenicity and phylogeny features. provided important information on soft rot disease due to their importance of causing Material and Methods severe economic loss in crop yield and Collection of Specimens: During the quality throughout the world (1-3). growing seasons of 2015–17, the samples Bacterial soft rot causal agents are one or a were collected from Khuzestan province combination of soft rotting pectolytic (the townships of Ahvaz, Dezful, Gotvand, bacteria in tropical and subtropical Izeh, Shoosh, and Shooshtar) in the climates. These bacterial pathogens belongs southwest of Iran. The stems, fruits and to several genera in different families leaves of plants with typical soft rot were including Pectobacterium , Dickeya , sampled throughout the growing seasons Pseudomonas , Xanthomonas and Bacillus from both fields and agricultural products (4-8). Consequently, Pectobacterium and market. Total of 25 symptomatic plants Dickeya belonging to the family were collected including the species of Enterobacteriaceae , cause soft rot disease eggplant ( S. melongena , Solanaceae), maize in most crops as the most common plant (Zea mays , Poaceae), radiator plant cell wall-degrading enzymes-producing (Peperomia magnoliiaefolia , Piperaceae), pathogens (6-8). Previous studies have sweet pepper ( Capsicum annuum , reported some species of other bacterial Solanaceae), and tomato ( Solanum genera as the causal agent of soft rot in lycopersicum, Solanaceae). The diseased fleshy fruits, vegetables, and ornamentals organs were stored at 4°C and processed throughout the world (5). In the same way, within 3 days of collection. Pseudomonas, belongs to the family Isolation and Purification: Infected of the order organs was washed under running tap water known as soft rot causal and dried. The small pieces from the agent in plants (9), i.e. P. cichorii, P. margin of infected tissue were surface- marginalis, and P. viridiflava (5, 10 , 11, sterilized by dipping them in 2–5% sodium 12, 13). This genus is a Gram-negative and hypochlorite (30 sec), and followed by two aerobic bacterium, saprobes that can to three rinses in sterile distilled water. commonly be found in soil, marshes and These sections were placed in petri dishes living or dead tissues of plants and animals containing 5 mL of sterilized peptone water (14, 15); and some of them also act as and macerated for 10 min. A loopful of the important pathogens (9, 16, 17, 18). resulting suspension was streaked onto Previous studies have based their criteria nutrient agar (NA) media as described by for selecting Enterobacteriaceae as the Schaad et al (19). From each medium, one common cause of soft rot. However, far too colony per colony type was isolated and

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purified on nutrient agar. Pure cultures of tubers were then incubated at 28 °C and 95 the resulting bacterial isolates were % relative humidity for 72 h before the obtained by colony sub-culturing. The diameter of the rotting tissue in each tuber single discrete colonies were transferred to was measured. The rot symptom extending fresh NA plates as purified culture for through most of the diameter of the potato short-term storage and 15% glycerol at –80 slice was considered as a positive reaction, °C for long-term conservation. The isolates while slight rot at the point of inoculation were deposited in the Collection of was considered as a negative reaction. As a Bacterial Cultures, Department of Plant control, pipette tips inserted into tubers Protection, Shahid Chamran University of contained sterile water rather than a bacterial Ahvaz, Iran. suspension. Potato soft rot tests were Physiological and Biochemical Tests: conducted twice. Purified colonies of each strain were Pathogenicity Test: All petrified isolates subjected to physiological and biochemical were evaluated for pathogenicity on healthy tests which are routinely used to differentiate plant organs. Plant segments inoculated in Pseudomonas species. The tests were pathogenicity tests included the fruits of performed according to protocols eggplant (isolate SCUC-43) sweet pepper established by Lelliot and Stead (20), (isolate SCUC-Dol), and tomato (isolate Suslow et al (21) and Schaad et al (19). The SCUC-36), stems of maize (isolate SCUC- tests were as follow: Gram reaction, KOH 44) and leaves of radiator plant (isolate test, fluorescence on King's B, colony shape, SCUC-45). The segment of each plant with anaerobic growth (O/F), salt tolerance with similar diameter and vigor were surface- growth in 5-7% NaCl, growth at 37ºC, sterilized by submersion in 2% sodium oxidase and catalase activity, production of hypochlorite for 2–6 min, washed two times yellow pigment on YDC, levan production with sterile distilled water (2 min) and then from sucrose, hydrolysis of gelatin, starch, allowed to air dry. Holes of different aesculin and Tween 80, citrate utilization diameters (1–3 mm diameter depend on the and production of acid from D-glucose, D- organ types) were stabbed into the plant maltose, D-mannose, D-sucrose and segments and inoculated with 300 µl of the Dextrose. bacterial suspension (OD600=1.0, Potato Soft Rot Test: Pectolytic activity of equivalent to 1×10 8 cfu/ml), followed with the isolates under study on potato was tested covering the wounds by removed tissue according to modified method described by plugs. As a control solution, sdH 2O was Lelliott and Stead (20). The healthy potato used. Four replicates of each treatment were tubers were dipped in 70% Ethanol (15 sec), covered with plastic bags to maintain high flamed and cut into 1-cm-thick slices under humidity for 48 h in growth chamber at sterile condition. A 1-mm-deep and 5-mm- 24°C and evaluated for symptoms up to 21 diameter hole was made in the center of days after inoculation. The plant segments each slice placed on sterile filter paper into were daily inspected for the appearance of petri dishes using a glass rod. A small the symptoms of water-soaking, soft rot and quantity of inoculum taken from 48-hours maceration. The pathogenicity tests were cultures was spread into holes. Free culture conducted twice. media was used for the control tubers. The

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DNA Extraction and Gene Amplification: Electropherogrammes were edited where Genomic DNA was extracted using the necessary using BioEdit Sequence modified method of boiling lysis (22). The Alignment Editor v. (24), and DNAs were qualified and quantified using consensus sequences were obtained from spectrophotometer (Eppendorf forward and reverse sequences using DNA BioPhotometer plus) and loading on the gel Baser Sequence Assembler v4 programs and used at ~500 ng/ µL for molecular (2013, Heracle BioSoft, investigations. A product of approximately All generated 960 bp corresponding to the elongation sequences were deposited in GenBank factor Tu gene ( tuf ) was amplified using (Accessions numbers: MF804917-19 and specific primer pair Bac-tuf-F (5'- MF566065-66). The consensus sequences ACHATCGGYCmCGTTGACCA-3') and were compared to those of reference strains Bac-tuf-R (5' ( using the TCDGTDGTRCGGAAGTAGAACTG-3') basic local alignment search tool (BLAST) (23). PCR amplification was performed in a search algorithm. Phylogenetic analyses and thermal cycler (MJ Mini TM Gradient construction of phylogenetic tree based on Thermal Cycler) with 50 µL total volume the tuf sequences were performed using containing 2 µL of each primer (10 µM), 5 Maximum Likelihood (ML) algorithm in µl of 10x prime Taq Reaction Buffer MEGA version 6 (25). Sequence data (GenBio, South Korea), 2 µL of dNTP belonging to the reference strains which (2.5mM each), 6 µL of 25mM MgCl 2, 0.6 have been fully sequenced (Total–genome– µL of Prime Taq DNA Polymerase (5 sequenced bacteria) were also included in units/ µl, GenetBio), 2 µl of template DNA these analyses. The Pectobacterium (~500 ng/ µLin concentration ) and 30.4 µL wasabiae species from family sterile purified water (Mili-Q Water). The Enterobacteriacea were used as outgroup PCR conditions consisted of an initial taxon to root phylogenetic trees. DNA melting step of 5 min at 94 °C followed by sequences were singularly aligned with 35 cycles of 30 s at 94 °C, 30 s at 55 °C and ClustalW algorithm using the software 90 s at 72 °C, and a final extension step of MEGA version 6 (25), and manually 10 min at 72 °C. adjusted for errors. The best-fitting ML Sequencing and Phylogenetic Analyses: nucleotide substitution model was selected The PCR products were run on 1% agarose according to Bayesian Information Criterion gels in 1.0× Tris-acetic acid-EDTA (TAE) (BIC). The phylogenetic trees were buffer and the target fragments (expected- constructed by Subtree-Pruning-Regrafting size bands) were excised and cleaned (SPR) algorithm and following options: gaps according to the manufacturer’s protocol of (insertion/deletions) were complete deletion, GF-1 AmbiClean Kit (Vivantis, Malaysia). bootstrap (BP) replicates were 1000, initial The PCR products were sequenced in both trees for ML analysis were formed by directions using the PCR primers in NJ/BioNJ algorithm and branch swap filter Macrogen Company (Humanizing was set very strong. Genomics, Macrogen, South Korea).

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Result respectively. The strain P. mosselii SCUC- Isolation and Identification of the Causal 45 were isolated from the leaf of radiator Bacteria: Based on colony morphology and plant ( Peperomia magnoliiaefolia ) in color, total of 120 bacteria were isolated Ahvaz, and then subsequently, P. from symptomatic plant samples in seven entomophila SCUC-Dol from the fruit of different regions in the southwest of Iran sweet pepper in Shooshtar and P. putida (Fig 1). In total, 11 isolates were identified SCUC-43 from the fruit of eggplant as Pseudomonas spp. Among 11 strains (Solanum melongena ) in Shoosh. obtained, only five isolates were identified Physiological and Biochemical Tests : The as soft rot Pseudomonas with showing the detailed results of general physiological and pectolytic activity on potato slices in vitro biochemical tests mentioned in Table 1. All and subjected for further characterization. of the five strains were fluorescent on DNA sequence analysis, in combination King's B medium, mucoid colony, negative with biochemical and physiological features, in Gram reaction and levan production, identified these strains as Pseudomonas positive in catalase and citrate utilization. aeruginosa , P. entomophila , P. mosselii and All the strains were not able to grow under P. putida . Two strains of P. aeruginosa 7% NaCl. They utilized D-glucose and SCUC-36 and SCUC-44 were obtained from maltose and hydrolyzed starch. These the tomato fruit ( Solanum lycopersicum ) and strains did not produce yellow pigment on stem of maize ( Zea mays ) showing typical YDC medium. maceration in Izeh and Gatvand,

Fig. 1- Map of Iran showing sampling regions

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Table 1- Biochemical and physiological characterization of isolates surveyed. P. putida Pseudomonas aeruginosa P. aeruginosa P. entomophila P. mosselii Test SCUC-43 SCUC-36 SCUC-44 SCUC-Dol SCUC-45

Gram reaction - - - - - 5% NaCl tolerance - - + + + 7% NaCl tolerance - - - - - Catalase + + + + + Mucoid growth + + + + + Yellow pigment on YDC - - - - - Growth at 37˚C + + - + - 40 C + + - + - Hydrolysis of gelatin + + + + Hydrolysis of starch - - - - - Hydrolysis of aesculin + - - - + Hydrolysis of Tween 80 + + + - - levan production - - - - - Citrate utilization + + + + + Oxidase + + + + - Amylase - - - - - Utilization from Glucose + + + + + Maltose + + + + + Mannose + + + - + Dextrose - - + - + +, representing the positive reaction and –, shows the negative reaction. The experiment was repeated twice for each representative isolate.

DNA and Phylogenetic Analysis : PCR and P. entomophila (SCUC-Dol) showed using Bac-tuf-F and Bac-tuf-R primers the closest match (99–100% sequence resulted in the expected size bands of identity) to their reference strains in the approx. 960 bp from all the strains NCBI GenBank database, i.e., P. surveyed (Fig 2). Using a BLASTn search aeruginosa Ocean-1155 (CP022526.1), P. of tuf partial regions, the strains of P. mosselii SJ10 (CP009365.1), P. putida aeruginosa (SCUC-36 and SCUC-44), P. KT244 (AE015451.2) and P. entomophila mosselii (SCUC-45), P. putida (SCUC-43) L48 (CT573326.1).

Fig. 2- Agarose gel electrophoresis of PCR-products of representative strains with Bac-tuf-F and Bac-tuf-R primers. M: 1500 bp ladder.

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Fifty two taxa, including very close W36662) and generated supportive relative species of bacteria under survey, monophyletic clade with strong Bootstrap were included in phylogenetic analysis 100% (Fig 3). P. putida SCUC-43 were (Fig. 3). The sequence alignment of the tuf associated to their reference strains generated a total of 755 characters (including strains of W619, GB-1, H8234 including gaps after alignments, 448 (59%) and F1) and generated supported clade with of which were constant, 66 (8.7%) were strong Bootstrap 99%, (Fig 3). parsimony uninformative and 240 (32%) Furthermore, P. entomophila SCUC-Dol were parsimony informative. The Tamura- was grouped to its reference P. entomophila Nei model of evolution, including strain L48 and formed a weakly supported estimation of invariable sites and assuming clade (BS 82%). The phylogram a discrete gamma distribution with five rate constructed based on tuf region could not categories (TN93+G+I) were used for the provide sufficient resolution to distinguish phylogenetic analysis. Based on the strains of P. mosselii from other phylogenetic tree, two strains of the species species, and clustered them with P. putida P. aeruginosa SCUC-36 and SCUC-44 group, i.e. P. alkylphenolia , P. were clustered to their reference strains entomophila , P. monteilii , P. parafulva , P. (including strains of NHmuc, S86968 and plecoglossicida and P. putida .

99 Pseudomonas monteilii SB3078 98 Pseudomonas plecoglossicida NyZ12 98 DLL-E4 Pseudomonas putida HB3267 Pseudomonas parafulva PRS09-11288 Pseudomonas putida 1A00316 Pseudomonas putida PC2 Pseudomonas putida JB 74 Pseudomonas putida KT2440 Pseudomonas putida AA7 Pseudomonas putida S12 Pseudomonas putida F1 82 99 Pseudomonas putida SCUC-43 Pseudomonas putida W619 Pseudomonas putida GB-1 93 99 Pseudomonas putida H8234 Pseudomonas entomophila SCUC-DOL

98 82 Pseudomonas entomophila L48 Pseudomonas mosselii SCUC-45 99 Pseudomonas mosselii SJ10 84 Pseudomonas putida NBRC 14164 DNA 99 Pseudomonas alkylphenolia KL28 Pseudomonas fluorescens Pf0-1 98 Pseudomonas fuscovaginae LMG 2158 Pseudomonas brassicacearum LBUM300 100 Pseudomonas poae BS2776 70 Pseudomonas poae RE 1-1-14 Pseudomonas arsenicoxydans CECT 7543 76 100 Pseudomonas cedrina BS2981 Pseudomonas fluorescens LBUM223 pv. savastanoi NCPPB 3335 82 100 pv. syringae B301D 100 Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae B728a 99 Pseudomonas syringae pv. lapsa ATCC 10859 99 Pseudomonas amygdali pv. lachrymans NM002 Pseudomonas cerasi 58 100 Pseudomonas syringae 31R1 94 Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae HS191 Pseudomonas syringae UMAF0158 100 Pseudomonas protegens FDAARGOS 307 Pseudomonas protegens Pf-5 99 Pseudomonas cichorii JBC1 93 Pseudomonas viridiflava CFBP 1590 98 Pseudomonas brassicacearum DF41 100 Pseudomonas mandelii JR-1 100 Pseudomonas mandelii LMG 21607 Pseudomonas aeruginosa SCUC-44 Pseudomonas aeruginosa W36662 100 Pseudomonas aeruginosa S86968 Pseudomonas aeruginosa SCUC-36 Pseudomonas aeruginosa NHmuc Pectobacterium wasabiae CFBP 3304

0.05 Fig. 3- tuf gene tree

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The tuf gene tree was constructed from a samples, only three out of the strains maximum likelihood analysis based on tuf developed different degrees of soft rot in sequences of 52 bacterial taxa, including plant segments tested, i.e. P. aeruginosa our isolates and reference strains SCUC-36 on the fruit of tomato, P. representing very close relative species. entomophila SCUC-Dol on the fruit of Bootstrap values greater than 50% sweet pepper and P. putida SCUC-43 on (expressed as percentages of 1000 the fruit of eggplant. The disease progress replications) are shown at the nodes. The was commonly similar for all the tree was rooted with Pectobacterium inoculated samples and the symptoms wasabiae CFBP 3304. Scale bar indicates started on plant segments as water-soaked the number of substitutions per site. spots (Fig. 4). After 3-5 days of incubation, Pathogenicity Tests: The ability of the these spots extended externally and strains under study, which were positive in internally and became softens and watery. potato soft rot tests, to cause soft rot was These soft-rotting strains were recovered investigated on the same plant organs that from the diseased segments, and re- were isolated from them (Fig. 4). Based on identified as the same species. No soft- significant differences of rotten tissues rotting bacterium was re-isolated from the between the inoculated and control controls.

Fig. 4- Pathogenicity tests. a-b. Soft rot symptoms of tomato three days after inoculation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa SCUC-36, c. Fruits of sweet pepper which artificially infected by P. entomophila SCUC-Dol (four days after inoculation), D. Soft rot symptoms of eggplant three days after inoculation of P. putida SCUC-43.

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Discussion and Conclusion (SCUC-36) P. entomophila (SCUC-Dol) This study set out with the aim of and P. putida (SCUC-43). P. aeruginosa , identifying Pseudomonas species causing the type species of the genus Pseudomonas , soft rot in some agricultural and ornamental has been known to be in close association products. In reviewing the literature, the with animals and plants, where it identification of strains at the species level commonly acts as opportunistic pathogen based on biochemical and phenotypic (29). This species was reported to cause a characteristics are not always practical and variety of plant diseases including root rot proper and in some cases may be resulted of ginseng (30), fruit rot of tinda (31), to misleading (26). Thus, these internal brown rot and soft rot of onion conventional methods which are based on bulbs (32, 33), leaf disease on Arabidopsis , shape, color, size, spore production, growth lettuce and tobacco (34-36), root disease of conditions, staining properties, motility, Arabidopsis and sweet basil and collar rot tolerance to salts, fluorescence, host-range, of calla lily plant (37). To now, the validly pathogenicity, utilization of carbon sources described species of the genus and other biochemical tests cannot provide Pseudomonas which are commonly known sufficient resolution to distinguish many as soft rot pathogen include P. cichorii , P. bacterial species (12, 13, 26). Therefore, marginalis and P. viridiflava (38, 39). accurate identification of the strains under Pectinolytic species of Pseudomonas are study was supported by DNA analysis of capable of producing a wide variety of tuf gene. Until now, some house-keeping pectolytic enzymes degrading the pectic genes, which vary slowly during evolution, components of plant cell walls (39-42). The have been used individually or in species P. marginalis was known, which combination for phylogenetic and diagnosis cause the maceration and soft rot on studies, i.e. 16S rRNA , gyrB , rpoA , rpoB , broccoli (43), cauliflower (44, 45), carrot rpoC , rpoD , tuf and GroEL (46), faba bean (47), onion (48-50), potato ( In this (51), tomato (52) and Zantedeschia spp. study, the tuf gene, encoding elongation (53). Bacterium P. viridiflava was reported factor Tu, were amplified and used for as one of the pathogens causing soft rot on phylogenesis among Pseudomonas species. carrot (46, 54), potato (55) and tomato (56). It is preferred to use tuf gene for diagnostic Pectinolytic species P. cichorii was also purposes because of ubiquitous known as one of the causal agent of soft rot distributions and the highly evolutionarily in butter-head lettuce (57) and lettuce (58). conserved part ( 27). The findings of the The strain P. mosselii SCUC-45 capable current study are consistent with those of Li of synthesizing pectic enzymes were not et. al (28) who found that tuf gene provides able to soft-rot the leaf of radiator plant in a better separation of species than the 16S pathogenicity tests. P. mosselii is a validly rRNA gene for accurate identification of described species of the P. putida group strains. (59), which has been known as a potential In pathogenicity tests, some strains of emerging pathogen in human (60) and plant the genus Pseudomonas formed the water- growth promoting bacterium (61), no data soaked and soft rot areas on the inoculated on its infectiveness or pathogenicity in segments of plant host, i.e. P. aeruginosa plant were available.

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