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7 Cent* RED BANK REGISTER m «•* VOLUME LXXIV, NO. ». BED BANK. S. J.. THURSDAY, AUGUST SO, 1951 SECTION ONE-PAGES 1 TO 16. Leonardo Work Uy Cornerstone of $220,000 Addition to Fair Haven School Sea Bright Takes Bids Received Erosion Aid Fund Contract to Be Given by State Accepts State'. 350,000 Offer , For Dredging, Enlarging BM.II For $100,000 Low Moor Program NEWARK - Wot* *» andgisg M4 enlarging Ik* stati ap*r*t*l SEA BRIGHT - The mayor and «Mht basin *t UWIf<l Witt b*. School Addition council, confident substantial toua* gto tkto fan. H was dlacloatd tato V.F.I. to Resume ty aid will be forthcoming, frldaf week by •• esBolal *f th» ami* night accepted the state's "mttrtw division of navigation after thret Is Dedicated funds" offer of 190,000 for a seuta bid* war* received la lk« HIIHH'I Beach anti-erosion program. Annual Fair Acceptance mean* th« boreugk •Ken hen Monday. MIDDI-ETOWN-M I d <J 1 e t o wn Jtmts Raakla. thief sMgwatr At Fair Haven ntends to get together anethor poit 217V, Vetersrvi of Foreign 150,000 to match the state's money f*r th. dlvlelea, dtoelotod that th* Wars, will resume Its annual fair nd build a 1100.000 breakwater la low bid m submitted If Olbasa tonight and the fair will be con- and Cuehman, B*y*her*. U I, whs he tea-grooved Low Moor eectioa. aftere* to do th* wwk fat $tt> fat eluded Friday and Saturday nlghti. Storm* and heavy tides have caused •MM. Other bids wen from the The event Is being hold on tho major damage there. Hill Dredging eempaity, Ventnor. ha Fi grounds adjacent to the poAt home The county already has been SUM*, and It. H LoChtrd, P*mt on rt. 3S, four mil?* north of Red a«k«d to help pay for th* work, Bank. Pleasant. SMMU. FAIR HAVEN - The board at Siie and type of the barrier being Tat bids w*r* nvtowtd by tkt tdtteaUe* was taagratulatod by This year tent* have replaced :onsidered has not yet been mad* navigation committee, Mr. Utah* Jaaepfc B- Claytoa, eowaty anaerla- the wooden itands formerly used, public. However, a set of blueprint* said, aad w«w tonad aallalMtory. ' • at of ecaee4e, latarday after* and the grounds have been resur- was etudied in a caucus session H* MM tlM commtttoo mad* • at the dedUatlen aad corner- faced with oil and gravel, hat pr.c*d«d the open meeting. At* r*c*mm*ndatton t» Charts* R. Era- stone laying *f the new $m,m Last Saturday's early evening ending the caucus were County mean, Jr., eammisstoaer ef tfce de- adeiition to the KneOweed acheol. storm prevented many folks from Engineer O»t« P.. S*«msn end S, attending the fair and It Is hoped nrtawt *f nassrvatlM ant •«•• Mr. Claytw pwaiaid auasUr* at SWM at tho «sj»«rBroiM layiMj mnmmif fctw*)a? ef MM atNasi, wto pntiMt •aaraa R«a«J, af to ftumton teara* i Wealey Seaman, recently appointed aomle development, that tk« cos- m board for their farslgktodne«i that these friends of the post will o aasitt Borough Engineer O. W*t» tract ba awarded to the lew bidder. la alaaalng ana eeaetmetlag tk* $1M,OM •awWoa. I* r*» Knaiwat*) lamMi a* ftk Htvoa. MMI Or. CMN A. Wdbaak, layatvliint prhtcifMl at Rwman find an opportunity to patronise :ott Morris, who Is ill. Ht estimated that tht aaatrstt MdUlan U aeeMnmadai* Mipiu af the fair before It closes Saturday. will be awarded by Sept. W aad tha boroatk, He added Fair Haven Left •* rif>» gra jMasft Salairar. T. rratar K^UeJ, ftoarfo Woosj. Mko«*>: AMWy Lawk at M«g«twaa., cwrfractar: Mdfrlww Lyan, Ordtnaneo ssstag I that work would not start until Is fortunate to nave met af their •i*-A-*__ ______,> *«* stJ tki i% >— J-..—1, • t^marfssam Bsmmtsml smrnVMsmM -mmtl AsWsmlmmml J Js^mmmT -til If-I stMaVAAW IBV ^sChsmt Borough Attorney Oeorg* A> after th* bMtlw iaua« k coav eaUber ana aa pregreselve aa these CMifflCV aMffl) lfl#jVr ••^•r T« Vflnfi wWlmjn %• wlvyivni •»••»•• vajmsajil ajvasj i IBBBBJIBBJIII *#•> *•_!•• i ——>• •"»«""|» »•»»• •**•••>• Oray was authorised to draw up pleted M th« werh wenld aat la> MI are oa Ms beard of education. the resolution and ordinance gov- terfere with th* boat *wa*n wish- The eotiaty syperiatendeat stated IU«t»i H. Mlwrow, BTgriaisnT of KM Mr rUvn •««»• •! taV iwwaanal «nt rat? Haww U*4. erning financing arrangements, Ins to us* th« bula la ttptombtr that th* throe R's of edtteatloa. Both will be presented at the next an* October. Right, Reepect ana lUeawaiklllty, meeting, Friday, Sept. It. Mr. Oray MMdtotewa township bM given tro b*l*g cerrted out la Fair told reporter* tha outline for th* th* MaU pomlasloa t* liana* *f Kavon. New Addition at Knollwood School Charm Fashions proposed program *ooa will b* th* dredge material totally aa4 Th* dedication ctroawaloi were ready for publication. ha* eeatrTbwted $1,000 tor Iti place- ipeaed by Oostfl* Woodward, dis- Councilman Ralph W. Lswroac* mat, according t* Mr. Rankla. trict elerk. who ealled aa Rev. Red Bank's Newest said after the meeting, "At last It At IU laat mtotmg, tha tow*- William B. Magaaaj, pastor of th* seems sura something will k* dona •hip committee granted penalssto* Fair Kav*n Methodist church, to at Low Moor." far th* dumping *f nil oa Light- iiv* tk* lavecatloa. Mr. Wood- Store for Women Whatever th* plan* call f*r. they heute beaeh, Leonardo, t* Improve ward then IntrodKNd Rvaaell H. will be a modification ol Ideal ad> that boach. and th* disposal *f Mlnton, preaident *f th* board, Will He Officially vanced several months ago for other dr*dg*d Mtarlali at tk* M»i wka In tun praotnUd Majrar &• South Boaen protection. When atata Dock property. gar V. Doala*. and shore representatives met In Th* project will iMtaiAe retrod* Th* may*r added his congratu- the spring to weight New Jersey's Ing and malateMae* dredging of lation* to tkoso of Mr. Clayton Morning—Souvenirs erosion problem* an engineers' the entrance cbaaa*l t* Bandy an4 tkaakea the board for tb* study suggested that MoO.000 be Hook bar and enlarging *f the •ptondM >b It and dan*. Mayar Charm Fashions is th* nsm* ot spent to seal the South Beach moarlag araa to tank* It mart tkaa Doala* painted <xit that tho board Red Bank's newest store which will against ocean damage. double Ite •reeent etat. had) tat its contract for ts» son- have it* formal opening tomorrow Of the Ulked-about IMO.OOO. of* ftrwrtloa of th* addition loot prior morning at 10:30, the ceremonies notals reported, the borough t**h> to a tremendous laarou* in th* being under the auspices of the aieally would have b**n eligible far eaat of bulldlag maUrlale, «kor*by Red Bank Community Chamber of IUB,000 in *t*t* aid. But that wsa saving borough taxpayers • groat Commerce. The store Is located at Alfred r. loneli speculation. Distribution of tfca Large Eatontown aval af mon*y, Th* mayor noTatoi M Broad St., opposite Mechanic. state'* cash wasn't merely a matter to the fact that the baard had sold A large advertisement appearing Th* grand prise, a INI aedan ot doling out th* dollar*. It* bonds at an interest raU af la today's Issue features the var- with radio and heater, will be Under th* natch-fund* iMmmt Farm Sold by t.a per cant which atteeU to tk* ious lines et trade-name merchan- awarded Saturday night A ton- provided for situation* lik* •*•> dise to be carried by Charm Fash week-old German shepherd puppy, Bright's. th* eute cay* half and Ions. The advertisement mention* donated by Vanessa kennels, will Ray Stillmal n also be awarded Saturday night tha other half ha* to be raiaod f tour>tional specials for open local sources. Thtfrtt ..Mayor Denis* want an to any tat ing day. but there will be other spe- Th* puppy has been inoculated for ettbMM of th* borough oweel mem- rabies and Is registered with tb* ing and borrowing capacity wktoh cials throughout th* store aot are limited under law. It was mada ber* Of the board a debt of gratl- •numerated in the ad. American Kennel club. Cut Up Into Four IMa for tb* way they pti clear neither the state nor th* bor- Free souvenir* will be given to The fair to being conducted under ough had enough mamy at haad or ana constructed tkt tenant the direction of Alfred P. Lench 1 all visitors with th* compliment* la sight. tloa. A vfcw of Mr HMM'I Mm Knotwiat School •aWWon m H*»t4.k4mm h M» iMm of tho management, and the sou- and Edward Duva, co-chairmen, Other gwata af boner Intradue- ThoatMrr^watfarmolya'a^iiHJrt wf«waf>io« UU Sarnroay, «• wWofc tkt tomtrttowo venir I* absolutely free without and a committee from the post and Har sHlllmaa, lUeltor with ** ed by Mr. Mlnton Included O«erge making any purchase. However, Ladles' auditory. Estimates placed before (tat* ami >e* oa Highway M, •krawakwy. Curekln, boroufk tai oHUetor and watUitl Tk) ipwriaui atJaiHon Muim «J» ttotaraaww, aw *^lr*y|^ tMTtrarto. hofo rttjw, aJIwi those who nuke a purchase of M protldmt ot th* In compuy; Al- shore representative* June 1 show, anMuncei tk* sal* of t BVacrt and) •rhor fafJHidt, WrHi Mw atMHrM Htt KittJwowt foKool ton naw aaawwueilw NO ana* m or over will each receive a beauti- ed a ae*d to spend about 11.000,009 farm in Batontowa, owned by Mrs.bert O.