Citation of Some Works of A. B. Kharazishvili
CITATION OF SOME WORKS OF A.B. KHARAZISHVILI Remark. The asterisk (*) marks monographs, textbooks, handbooks, surveys, theses, or lecture courses. 1975 G. Nijaradze, Density points and invariant sigma-finite measures, Bull. Acad. Sci. GSSR, vol. 80, no.1, 1975 (in Russian). [13]. G. Nijaradze, On some properties of measures which are invariant with respect to dis- crete groups of motions, Bull. Acad. Sci. GSSR, vol. 80, no. 2, 1975 (in Russian). [6], [11]. G. Nijaradze, On the stability property of sets with respect to small shifts, Bull. Acad. Sci. GSSR, vol. 80, no.3, 1975 (in Russian). [13], [14]. 1976 H. Guggenheimer, E.Lutwak, Characterization of n-dimensional parallelotope, Amer. Math. Monthly, vol. 83, no. 6, 1976. [4]. G. Nijaradze, On some properties of sigma-finite measures given on Euclidean spaces, Bull. Acad. Sci. GSSR, v. 83, n. 3, 1976 (in Russian). [17]. G. Nijaradze, On nonmeasurable subsets of Euclidean spaces, Proceedings of the Conference of Young Scientists in Mathematics and Mechanics, Tbilisi State University Press, Tbilisi, 1976 (in Russian). [17]. 1977 P. Gruber, Uber¨ den Durchschnitt einen abnehmenden Folge von Parallelepipeden, El- emente der Mathematik, v. 32, n. 1, 1977. [4]. 1978 (*) V. Boltyanskii, P.Soltan, Combinatorial Geometry of Various Classes of Convex Sets, Acad. Nauk Mold. SSR, ”Stinitsa”, Kishinev, 1978, 300 p. (in Russian). [3], [4]. G. Nijaradze, On regular systems which are not Vitali ones, Bull. Acad. Sci. GSSR, v. 90, n. 2, 1978 (in Russian). [13], [19]. 1979 1 2 CITATION OF SOME WORKS OF A.B. KHARAZISHVILI A. Kipiani, On countable equidecomposability of sets in abstract spaces, Bull.
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