Sanibel Police Respond to Call from U.S. State Department

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Sanibel Police Respond to Call from U.S. State Department c. • - -v • , •ii Gardening page 11 WeekofOct 17-23,2002 SANIBEL & CAPTIVA, FLORIDA VOLUME 29, NUMBER 41, 20 PAGES 75 CENTS IN THE MEWS O "r | Dy APiie B Hew points The ii*M and the mo it IHMI could be sought National Vildhle Associate Editor miDoitant to the tank and tile was Management hud 1 icpnsed 'h it Penis.. Week lallies • he IN ue of aibiUation — in ne the i<e\t Mt_p \ i OIIL In .nil" — Stuui. it )m< T1.^ p ilciiiil Oiuei oi I\>UL. i_\c ol me <»Uicei3 job piotcction J e loi A uould IHH b idji >r' 1^1 L/aihuL Reluje !>, i^i^h^d i<-n_'-inc!iI with tit wlKthv"i oi not th^ cit> aian igei !i tion aid iiuLca '.it USKJ t« C it\ o| S H iod un the 1 t u ,i 11 should 11 t\L ttk final void n disui- dcilaie impasse if Ih is^-u^ ( uld See page 2 us iuui-\e u • limns i ises 01 11 following hei ^ee 5L L^IOIN FheiL had two stickimi le^ommeadations binding Jibitia- LI H"\ "me TURE ?EEFE(,TS Mo iuiil«>neiit \J itli .^i it I on tin. i iu.> > o i w e H nil Sound By Erik Burriss VI r 3 Staff Writer DOHiepoits 12th City Council threw a gauntlet at the case or West Nile \uus ieet of the Lee Count} School Btuid Tuesda> challenging them to find the —See pie;c 10 money needed to bung the Sanibel School into compliance ivith cm rent standards In its final action of the da\, the council passed a resolution - proposed in the morning diatted over lunch bv Calusa Award the city manager and cit> attorney and finalized attei 5 p m — ieminding the RickTullv named school boaid just how inui_h Sanibel oniubute^ in ta\es and hov outdated —See page 3 the school s \ idliUes ire the council stiongjy urges «-,.d pleads" that the school board "fund an amount foi the expansion and upgrade of the Sambel School existing facilities that will ensure construction of a facili- ty that has equity with all other renovat- H Island garden ed and new school facilities located in If you're looking for Lee County" lilac look-alikes, look In its resolution, the council cites the no furthei $300 million Sanibel property owners Ward photo See SCHOOL —See page 11 Last week the J.N. '"Ding" Darling Wildlife Society's annual amateur photography contest named its 13 winners for 2002, first place going to Buck Ward of Fort Myers, "Great Egrets," pictured page 19 above. The photographic eye of fourth-place winner, Theresa Baldwin of Sanibel, and 11 fellow winning shots of nature in the wild are pictured inside on page 9. Photographers nationwide from OP-EO the Midwest to the Eastern Coast contributed to this year's competition. New attorney hired By Erik Burriss m Question Staff Writer of force 3-2 vote OKs $20,000 for rec center review City Council didn't have to look veij Congiessman hard to find a new in-house city attoi- Poiter Goss speaks By Erik Burriss to spend up to $20,000 for a architect to look into ney They just had to look at the gu> out Staff Writer how the Recreation Center with its gym and pool who works foi the law fum the cit\ can effectively be renovated, or even if the com- retained to provide then legal services —See page 5 Discussions on various aspects of the plex should stay where it is Work at the facility The council appro\ed a lesolution Recreation Center took up quite a bit of time at is a priority in the city's parks and recreation hiring Ken Cuyler as city attoiney DATELINE Tuesday's City Council meeting master plan Tuesday It will take about two months Mold in the offices, drainage plans for the pro- "Until we have this sort of information, we for him to wrap up his current job and posed improvements for the site and the possibil- cannot project the costs of the master plan," Park move permanently into his City Hall Island calendar ity of a whole new complex located somewhere and Recreation Committee Chairman Armand office, Cuyler said else all came up Island entertainment The committee, with a 3-2 vote, approved a See PARKS See HIRED makes the rounds request from the Park and Recreation Committee page 4 page 19 —See page 8 Sanibel police respond to call from U.S. State Department • BUSINESS page 8 By Dawn deBoer answered that call through the U.S Far left, Acting • COMMUNITY page 8 Managing Editor State Department m 1999 and, again, Police Chief m 2002 • DATtLINE page 8 Bill Tomlinson The United Nations called on the In November, Chnstenson returns stood Tuesday » ENVIRONMENT page 11 woild — oi moie particularly its police to Kosovo for another year of duty in with Sanibel • LOOKING BACK page 6 officeis — to help stabilize an embat- the middle of a burning hatred be- Police Officer Ray • PERMITS&DELDS page 3 tled Kosovo, a province of Yugoslavia tween Seibs and Albanians Christenson, who no bigger than the state of Connecticut, "NATO got involved in 1999 and was recognized « POLICE BLOTTER page 3 plagued by ethnic cleansing bombed until the Serbs, who ruled the by the city for his « OP-ED PAGE page 5 Ray Christenson, a 19-year veteian See STATE contributions • TV LISTINGS page 12 of the Sanibel Police Department, to world peace. • CLASSIFIhDS page 17 page 7 Dawn deBoer photo 2 • Week of Oct. 17-23, 2002 • ISLAND REPORTER SAMBEL i <£3 [] NPS assistance on the way IT] And counting Lee's 1 of 9 SE communities 2002 numbers down y ident of the Citrus County Audubon and Fish to pull in conservation dollars tor turtle hatch I ings Ding' celebrates &Wildlife Sendee volunteer , Noon — "J. Norwood Darling" by Kristie The National Park Service select- The 2002 season was National Wildlife Refuge Week rallies Anders, executive director of the J.N. 'Ding' ed Lee County as one of nine com- not the norm. While San- Saturday in celebration as the wildlife refuge Darling Foundation munities and organizations in the Cap saw fewer nests hosts J. N. "Ding" Darling's creation — the • 12:30 p.m. — "Birds of Midway Island" southeast to receive planning and washed out to sea. a Federal Duck Stamp. by Bev and Clair Postmus. technical assistance in developing greater number of nests Peter Thayer, "Thayer's Guide to Birds of outdoor recreation opportunities and left behind eggs that did Saturday, Oct. 19 North America and Our Birds in Florida" soft- preserving local open space impor- not hatch. Sanibel- • 8 a.m. —• Children's Conservation Cartoon ware creator, will be available for questions in tant to the community. Captive Conservation Contest awards, News-Press editorial cartoon- the morning at the Education Center Bookstore. Assistance is through the Park Foundation, which moni- ist Doug MacGregor. presenter, at the refuge's Also scheduled are guided tram rides depart Service's Rivers, Trails and Conser- tors turtle nesting season Education Center. from the Education Center every 30 minutes, vation Assistance Program, which on the islands, assessed • 8:40 a.m. — Free Children's Tram 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. helps communities preserve local the reason to high-tide • 9 a.m. — Education Center opens Environmental organizations in the thick of resources, protect river resources, wash-overs in a three-day • 9:10 a.m. — 'Ding1 Darling Wildlife things are CROW, SCCF, Calusa Nature Center, develop new trails and greenways period in mid-June and Society president, Jim Sprankle Corkscrew Sanctuary, International Osprey and create new open space. again in mid-July. • 9:15 a.m. — "'What is Editorial Foundation, San-Cap Audubon Society and Recent county efforts in this area A larger percentage of Cartooning?" by Doug MacGregor CREW with exhibits. Center exhibits include include the following projects: nests showed signs of • 10 a.m. — Joe Hautman, 2002-03 Federal William North's refuge landscapes in oil, art- • Conservation 2020 program — more unhatched eggs Duck Stamp Contest winner, followed by work by all three Hautman brothers, 'Ding' more than 10,000 acres bought and than hatched. Many of Hautman discussing his ail and signing stamps Darling Wildlife Society photography entrants set aside to date. these nests showed signs and other examples of his work and drawings in the children's conservation car- • Great Calusa Blueway — of-remaining water at the • 11 a.m. — "Re-establishing the Flyway of toon contest. A children's activity tent, and free paddle trail, Bonita Springs to bottom of the nest. the Whooping Crane" by Ron Miller, past pres- hot dogs and sodas will be served. Boca Grande. Raccoons and dogs on • Renewed effort to develop the the hunt were more evi- Ten Mile Canal Linear Park from dent than usual. Dogs Fort Myers to Estero Bay. dug up a number of The program designates staff with nests. Other losses were technical design and planning exper- attributed to fire ants and tise to assist communities in setting ghost crabs. up public workshops, developing Rare events also took educational materials, funding place — false crawl source identification and develop- tracks b\ endangered ment of community-based visions green sea turtles and t\\ o and realistic strategies for new trails, green turtle nests. greenways, protected river corridors Sea turtle nestinas and open space. ran 25 less than 2001. Chris Abbett. who heads the Hardest hit was the East RTCA Program in the Park Service's End with only 11 nests, Southeast Region, said the project compared to 30 last year.
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