Appendix. the Theorem of Lustemik Andschnirelmann

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Appendix. the Theorem of Lustemik Andschnirelmann Appendix. The Theorem of Lustemik andSchnirelmann One owes to Lusternik and Schnirelmann a general axiomatic theory of the calculus of variations; see [LS 2], [Ly]. The greatest achievements of this theory, as applied to closed geodesics, are the so-called Lusternik-Schnirelmann Theorem that there always exist three non-self-intersecting closed geodesics on a surface of genus O (see [LS 1]) and the Lyusternik-Fet Theorem on the existence of at least one closed geodesic on every compact Riemannian manifold (see [LF]). In this appendix we prove these theorems using the Lusternik-Schnirelmann theory. We have made this appendix completely independent of the main part of these Lectures, where we developed the extended Morse theory of the Rie­ mannian Hilbert manifold AM of closed H1-curves with its functional E. It will become evident at once-and this is true in particular for the proof of the Lyusternik-Fet Theorem-that the Lusternik-Schnirelmann approach to the theory of closed geodesics is much more elementary and less complicated than Morse's approach in its extended version dealing with (AM,E). But then, the Morse theory of (AM, E) is much more sensitive to the finer aspects of the closed geodesic problem - witness the existence theorem of infinitely many closed geodesics in Chapter 4. The source of the power of this approach is the Morse complex (see (2.5)). So, upon comparison, the extension of Morse's ideas must be considered better adapted to the theory of closed geodesics than the Lusternik-Schnirelmann theory, with one noteworthy exception, namely the Lusternik-Schnirelmann Theorem on the existence of non-self-intersecting closed geodesics. Morse's theory does not seem to be suita bie for finding such special prime closed geo­ desics. Section 1 of this appendix gives a brief, elementary introduction to the Lusternik-Schnirelmann theory as relevant to the closed geodesics problem. We obtain a short proof of the Lyusternik-Fet Theorem. In the second section, we consider the length-decreasing (or rather, energy­ decreasing) deformations in the class of non-self-intersecting closed curves on the 2-sphere. Our deformations are considerably more elementary than the one used in [LS 2] and [Ly]. In Section 3, finaIly, we give a complete elementary proof of the Lusternik­ Schnîrelmann Theorem. The topological prerequisites are kept to a minimum. In particular, we have avoided any reference to Pontrjagin's Theorem of the "removal of cycles", which plays an essential role in the earlier proofs. We condude this introduction by drawing attention to the fact that the Lusternik-Schnirelmann theory can be applied immediately to Finsler manifolds, 204 Appendix. The Theorem of Lustemik and Schnirelmann even with a non-symmetric Finsler structure. It is doubtful that the Morse theory of (AM,E) can also be extended fully from Riemannian manifolds to Finsler manifolds. For a partial extension, we refer to Mercuri [Mer]. In the case of a non-symmetric Finsler structure on S2 the methods of Luster­ nik and Schnirelmann yield the existence of only two non-self-intersecting closed geodesics; this reflects the fact that the space of oriented unparameterized great circles on S2 is isomorphic to S2 and therefore its Z2-homology is 2-dimensional, whereas the space of non-oriented unparameterized great circles on S2 is isomor­ phic to the projective plane p 2 and thus, its Z2-homology is 3-dimensional. An example due to Katok [Kat] shows that there actually exist non-symmetric Finsler structures on S2 with only two closed geodesics (not counting the multiple coverings). See Matthias [Mat] for an elementary presentation of this example. Using the methods of Lusternik-Schnirelmann, as presented in this appendix, Thorbergsson [Thr] has investigated the existence of closed geodesics on non­ compact Riemannian manifolds. In preparing this appendix the assistance of W. Ballmann was very valuable. He has applied the Lusternik-Schnirelmann method to construct non-self-inter­ secting closed geodesics on surfaces of arbitrary genus; see [Ba]. A.l The Space PM and the Theorem of Lyusternik and Fet Let M be a compact Riemannian manifold. The set CO(S,M) of continuous maps c: S= [O, 1]/{0, 1 } ..... M is in a natural way a metric space (Banach manifold) by taking as distance d",(c, c') = sUP d(c(t), c'(t)}. IeS Denote by P M the subspace of CO (S, M) formed by the piecewise differentiable closed curves. For cEPM we have the functions L(c) = J Icldt, and E(c)=tj Icl2dt. s s They are related by L(c).:;;V2E(c) with equality if and only if c is parameterized proportionally to arc length, i.e. if L(cl[O,tJ)=tL(c). Since M is compact, there exists an '1 > O such that any two points p and q on M with d(p,q)':;;2'1 can be joined by an uniquely determined geodesic cpq =cpq(t), 0.:;;t.:;;1, L(cpq )=V2E(cpq )=d(p,q). Here, as always, we assume that geodesics are parameterized proportionally to arc length. A.1 The Space PM and the Theorem of Lyusternik and Fet 205 A.I.I Proposition. Let {Cn} be a sequence of piecewise differentiable paths cn:[O,l]--+M. Put cn(O)=Pn, cn(1)=qn and assume that d(Pn,qn)<o;'t/, for ali n. If the sequences {E(cn)} and {d2(Pn,qn)j2} are both convergent with the same /imit, then {cn} possesses a convergent subsequence whose /imit is a geodesic seg­ ment c: [O, l]--+M of length <o;'t/ equal to the distance from p = c(O) to q= c(1). Proof. Consider the sequence {cpnqJ of unique minimizing geodesic segments from Pn to qn' Since M is compact there exists a subsequence, which we denote again by {cMJ, such that limPn=P and Iim qn=q exist and hence {cMJ con­ verges to the minimizing segment Cpq • Consider toE]O,l[. We have to show that for every sequence {tn} on [0,1] with Iim tn=tO:lim Cn(tn) = cpq(to)' To see this put cn(tn)=rn and let {rn(k)} be a convergent subsequence of {rn}. Let r be its limit. The sequences {cpn(k)rn(k): [O,tn(k)]-+M} {crn(k)qn(k): [tn(k),l]-+M} of unique minimizing geodesics converge to cpr:[O,to]--+M and crq :[to,l]--+M, respectively. From our hypothesis we have E(cpr ) + E(crq ) = Iim {E(cpn(k)rn(k») + E(crn(k)qn(k)} <O;.lim E(Cn(k») =E(cpq) Since cpq : [O, 1]--+ M is the unique geodesic segment of minimal E-value from P to q it follows that the curve cprucrq from P to q coincides with CPq , In particular, the value r for the parameter t=to must be equal to cpq(to)' This completes the proof of (A.1.1). D Let tI> Obe as above. FixK> Oand choose an even integer k> Owith 4Klk<o;'t/2. For every cEPKM={CEPM;E(c) <O;.K} and every toES, we have Here, as always, t is to be taken modulo 1. We now proceed to define a continuous E-decreasing deformation from PKM into itself. Letj be an even integer, O<O;.j<O;.k-2. For aEU/k, U+2)jk], we define f1fl aC, CEPK M, by f1fl aC(t)=C(t), for tE [O,jjk] or tE[a,1], f1fl .. clU/k, a] = cCWk)c( .. )IU/k, a]. Here, as always, cpq denotes the minimizing geodesic from P to q with the indi­ cated parameter interval. Note that d(c(jjk), c(a))<o;'t/. We continue by defining f1fl ..c for O"E[1,2]. Let j again be even, O<O;.j<O;.k-2, and take tE[l,l+ljk] to mean tE[O,ljk]. Then, for aE[l+jjk, 1 + (j+2)jk], cEPKM, put 206 Appendix. The Theorem of Lusternik and Schnirehnann PiJ.,.c(t)=c(t), for tE[1/k,0'+1)/k] or tE[0'-1 +l/k, 1 +l/k], PiJ .,.cl [0' + 1)/k, O' -1 + 1/k] = cC((j+l )/k)c(.,.-l +l/k) I[0' + 1)/k, O' -1 + 1/k]. We now define PiJ(O',c) for O'E[O,2], cEP"M, to be the subsequent application of the mappings PiJ2/k , ••• , PiJ21 /k , PiJ., where 21 is the even integer determined by 21~ kO'< 2'+ 2. A.t.2 Proposition. The mapping PiJ: [0,2] x P"M ...... P"M is continuous. Moreover, E(PiJ(2,c))~E(c), with equality if and only if c is either a constant map or a closed geodesic, i.e. c:8...... M is an immersion satisfying Vc=O, c#O. Proo! The continuity of PiJ, withP"Mbeing considered as subspace of CO (8, M), is obvious from the definition. Let p, q be points with d(p, q) ~ 1'/. If c is a piecewise differentiable path from p to q then with equality if and only if cpq = c. This implies the last statement of (A. 1.2). O A.1.3 Lemma. Choose K > O and denote by PiJ the deformation PiJ (2, ) introduced above. Let {cn} be a sequence in P"M such that {E(cn)} and {E(PiJcn )} are both convergent with the same /imit Ko > O. Then{ cn} possesses a convergent subsequence whose /imit is a closed geodesic co, E (co) = Ko . Proo! To define PiJ we chose an even k>O such that 4K/k~1'/2. Therefore every PiJcn consists ofthe k/2 geodesic segments ~cnl[0'+1)/k, 0'+3)/k],j=0,2, ..
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