Vegetable Crops – Lesson 2

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Vegetable Crops – Lesson 2 Olericulture – Hort 320 Lesson 4, Classif, Growth & Development Jeremy S. Cowan WSU Spokane County Extension 222 N. Havana St. Spokane, WA 99202 Phone: 509-477-2145 Fax: 509-477-2087 Email: [email protected] Classification Cavalier- Linnaeus Haeckel Chatton Copeland Whittaker Woese Smith 1735 1866 1925 1938 1969 1990 1998 3 2 4 5 3 6 2 kingdoms kingdoms empires kingdoms kingdoms domains kingdoms Bacteria Prokaryota Monera Monera Bacteria (not Archaea Protista treated) Protozoa Protoctista Protista Chromista Eukaryota Plantae Eucarya Plantae Vegetabilia Plantae Plantae Fungi Fungi Animalia Animalia Animalia Animalia Animalia Botanical Classification Kingdom: Plantae Sub-Kingdom: Land Plants (Embryophyta) Division: Seed Plants (Magnoliophyta) Class: Cone Bearing (Gymnospermae) Flowering (Angiospermae) Subclass: Monocotyledon (Liliopsida) Dicotyledon (Magnoliopsida) Plant Taxonomy Monocots Corn - 1 seed leaf Monocot – a plant whose embryo has one cotyledon Dicots Castor Bean 2 seed leaves Dicots Monocots Dicots Monocots Flower parts Flower parts In 4’s or 5’s In 3’s Dicots Monocots Tap root Fibrous root Dicots Monocots Vegetable Classification Monocot vegetables: Araceae – arum family vegetables: taro, dasheen related: calamus, jack-in-the-pulpit Vegetable Classification Monocot vegetables: Dioscoreaceae – yam family vegetables: yam related: wild yams Vegetable Classification Monocot vegetables: Gramineae – grass family vegetable: sweet corn related: grasses, sedges Vegetable Classification Monocot vegetables: Lilieaceae – lily family vegetables: onion, leek, garlic, shallot, chive, asparagus related: lily, camas, solomon’s seal Vegetable Classification Dicot vegetables: Polygonaceae – buckwheat family vegetables: rhubarb, sorrel related: knotweed, smart weed, dock Vegetable Classification Dicot vegetables: Amaranthaceae (Chenopodiaceae) – goosefoot family vegetables: beet, swiss chard, spinach related: lambsquarter, pigweed Vegetable Classification Dicot vegetables: Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) – mustard family vegetables: cabbage, rutabaga, turnip, radish related: wild mustards Vegetable Classification Dicot vegetables: Euphorbiaceae – spurge family vegetables: cassava related: poinsettia, castor bean, spurge Vegetable Classification Dicot vegetables: Fabaceae (Leguminosae) – pea family vegetables: pea, bean, cowpea, soybean, peanut, others related: alfalfa, acacia, lupine, clover Vegetable Classification Dicot vegetables: Malvaceae – mallow family vegetables: okra related: hibiscus, hollyhock Vegetable Classification Dicot vegetables: Cucurbitaceae – gourd family vegetables: watermelon, cantaloupe, squash, pumpkin, cucumber, others related: luffa, wild cucumber Vegetable Classification Dicot vegetables: Apiaceae (Umbelliferae) – parsley family vegetables: carrot, parsnip, parsley, celery, others related: hemlock, cow parsnip Vegetable Classification Dicot vegetables: Convolvulaceae – morning glory family vegetables: sweet potato related: flowering morning glory, bindweed, dodder Vegetable Classification Dicot vegetables: Solanaceae – nightshade family vegetables: potato, tomato, pepper, eggplant, others related: nightshade, jimson- weed, physalis Vegetable Classification Dicot vegetables: Asteraceae (Compositae) – composite (aster) family vegetables: lettuce, chicory, endive, salsify, artichoke, others related: dandelion, thistle, daisy, ragweed, sunflower Botanical Classification Additional Taxonomy (most useful) - Family Genus Species Cultivar Botanical Classification Family: An assemblage of genera that closely or uniformly resemble one another in general appearance and technical characters Botanical Classification Genus: Identifies a more or less closely related and definable group of plants that may include one or more species. The species within a genus are usually structurally or phylogenetically related. Botanical Classification Species: A group of similar organisms capable of interbreeding and are distinctly different in morphological or other characteristics from other species in the same genus. Botanical Classification Variety: A subdivision of a species consisting of a population with morphological characteristics distinct from other species forms. (considered a naturally occurring taxonomic division) Botanical Classification Cultivar (cultivated variety): Denotes certain cultivated plants that are alike in most important aspects of growth but are clearly distinguishable from others by one or more definite characteristics. Botanical Classification Clone: Identifies material derived from a single individual and maintained by vegetative propagation. (genetically identical) Line: A uniform sexually reproduced population, usually self- pollinated, that is seed propagated and maintained to the desired standard of uniformity by selection. (genetically similar) Botanical Classification Strain: A term used to identify plants of a given cultivar that possess similar characteristics but differ in some minor feature or quality Botanical Classification Additional Taxonomy - Family Genus Species Cultivar Complete Latin Binomial includes the name of the individual who first described the species. Botanical Classification Family: Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) Genus: Brassica Species: oleracea Group/Variety: capitata Cultivar: ‘Golden Acre’ Strain: ‘Golden Acre YR’ Complete Latin Binomial - cabbage Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata L. cv. Golden Acre YR Commercially: Brassica oleracea cv. Golden Acre YR Botanical Classification Growth and Development Growth stages: Germination Establishment Vegetative growth Reproductive growth Ripening and senescence Growth and Development Growth stages: Germination - the beginning or resumption of growth by a spore, seed, bud, or other structure Growth Stages Germination Process: Water inbibition Seed coat softening Expansion of hypocotyl and root Emergence Growth Stages Germination Characteristics: Critical for plant productivity Disease susceptibility Requires near-ideal conditions Growth Stages Establishment Process: Early shoot growth Root elongation Growth Stages Establishment Characteristics: Environmental sensitivity Determines future growth rate and potential Growth Stages Vegetative Growth Process: Increase root mass and rooting depth Rapid leaf area increase Increase in stem and leaf mass Large leaves and succulent growth produced Factors Affecting Growth Energy Production and Storage Photosynthesis – CO2 + H2O light sugars (C6H12O6) ↓ Transport ↓ Respiration (energy use), structural and chemical synthesis Net photosynthesis = photosynthesis - respiration xx x x Growth Stages Vegetative Growth Characteristics: Period of rapid cell growth and expansion High rate of photosynthesis Determines reproductive potential Heavy use of water and nutrients Growth Stages Reproductive Growth The transition from vegetative to reproductive growth is usually marked by flowering. Leaves receive environmental stimulus for the proper timing of flowering. Growth Stages Reproductive Growth Process: Organ differentiation Slowing or cessation of leaf expansion Flower production Fertilization and embryo growth Fruit growth Parallel storage organ growth in some species Growth Stages Reproductive Growth Characteristics: Period of heavy fiber production Sensitivity for yield and quality Can be influenced by many factors including temperature, daylength, etc Growth Stages Senescence The latter part of plant development which leads from maturity to the ultimate complete loss of organization and function. Growth Stages Senescence Process: Cessation of new growth Loss of leaf area Increased susceptibility to opportunists Ripening of fruit and seed Plant death Growth Stages Senescence Characteristics: Yield not influenced by external factors Usually not reversible Management inputs have little impact Critical period for fruit and seed quality Factors Affecting Growth Light Factors Intensity – most vegetable require full sun equivalent Duration – requirements vary by species, fruiting vegetables need more Wavelength – wavelengths 400-450, 650-700 best for photosynthesis Factors Affecting Growth Temperature Optimum is the range for a crop that allows for maximum photosynthesis and normal respiration Optimum differs by species Optimum may change during growth period Diurnal fluctuations as important as average Factors Affecting Growth Temperature Temperatures above optimum slow growth and reduce quality (pungency, fibrousness) rapid respiration, stomate closure, reduced photosynthesis Temperatures below optimum slow growth and affect quality by reducing sugar production and storage reduce photosynthesis, transport, and respiration Factors Affecting Growth Heat Units (Growing Degree Days, GDD) Degree days above a crop baseline Average of daily high and low - baseline (onions 35, tomatoes 50, eggplants 60) Used for determining suitable environments and predicting harvest dates Doesn’t account for early soil temps, based on daily average not actual temps, doesn’t account for higher than optimum max temps Factors Affecting Growth Water availability Need constant water supply periodic stress reduces growth and quality stomate closure, reduction in cell division Soil moisture principles Water holding capacity Field capacity Optimum minimal soil moisture Permanent wilting point Factors Affecting Growth Fertility Require nutrients at or near optimum sub or supra-optimum impacts yield and may severely impact quality Seedlings need high levels of fertilizers Seasonal applications beneficial to long-season crops Can impact life expectancy, disease resistance, etc Factors Affecting Growth Genetics and Physiology Growth habit (determinate vs indeterminate) Vernalization requirement (or problem) Photoperiodism most crops are day neutral Tolerance to environmental stresses Factors Affecting Growth Crop Management Many growth factors can be managed Many stress and disease related problems can be ameliorated with proper management .
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