soi-dis441-262 -141•1-7RidcgiotisforcrFo

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zwf U1174 (ifI(R1IMAM WITETRut

buil) LIPPitie WRT-1, i54u5 (\icH 14 zr 31-frf -z11:1) citt1N37, %Oak., 27 Rtist, 2019 titti 6, 1941 .Y1-W *Pig tilt( WaVT ibTrzft 3rDiTrr—i

'd 's112 242/79-i-1-19-1(l5)1719 ciMikth, 27 2019

30rrr- feor "FR7 qt 6T7" t al-Vk 200 t (1,7e66c4 9ra-474 ‘iccit At3T 71- 1 ga (014 Tiertm) rag, 2019 17,1# ‘.ircr f.Tr airT-1 wzTifftmwi Tra itfk9tT 26 Rtii-R, 2019 m)- ITUff 6W1" awl( AbT GitilffizrIT 1tCali 20 1:r: 2019 t F-41Tr9uur if T4914 7r afinr WU Ire 1M-zrr uncir At4T (1,74 itkci1suci4 (It]. TitzT9) alfitPTIT, 2019 (icci siI4T titseff 20 2019) co( srtzr ittTN licUff 41-11 trrrta• ‘3c0( SaRT 774 %gideRiq aiiitp:Pi, 1973 MT am& TrzT1117 ct) *ft4

11T7 ai 1+.1112gyr atiinzrti I1I1T 1R1T:- 1-(1) zff aTfiftzpi owl( sitz -uar 10(4PE:witi (erg TRtN) FAvg, flimf9Fr SITrni 2019 Wg (2) zig ft9ft 22 Iciitsit, 2019 9gaiT I

491_RPH_Data 4mVidhaika Folder (Adhiniyam_2019)

2 \iccN 31-414T afffit/Ruf 1Rj1c 27 'di-6K 2019

;lb 2-act Sag 7m:I kg %V.( e1finz17, 1973, N#1aiit airePPT tigzI1 29 it, 1974 T-6T ITTA4 EMT 4 4, 37q17 (1-t) 4, tqu * tPWU f*-ARgyr taus 4m tRirlfbff wp fall iiliir, aTerk et 7: 3111A414ci "(a) crt itsaftardzr, 1t4 Tr7r 1-1;,A orq ftt trwr idNidemor, It%14 cr `it `14 3147 t w1 t19 Aiksir," tincir io fr, 1973 t QM 4 431 tiilw4

EIRT 50 TT 3-17 aTfiffkzF 4 WU 50 4, dtituo t 74-47 i;e1rald dclur flOtiff t a-IOU

eg * altfrff. TRT rrk WMET ftt Tr-Ar roardemq, ardtrrT' stErq 14RP19i1ctr iTir 41. wzr, UT to 41TRT1 a1t4TTT fdkifdqmis awrzr 4 Itftzmr01, 1Trr 41 Elltiti tellg,If 81.0 wr aiw4i 417 .flicwrf * ampt9. trt. Fria *it tu Il5 7rAT titchlt, eifirrr gru TNET Thk1"

4-1:7 eirte4EFf EMT 52 #, ‘341q10 (2- ) Tag, f*-11Aicf \HEM t AIM5, aTelk

"(2-3) W4 ut j ‘.ititiik (2) * aTtff 1TM iS.Awin ittULTRI Rkatimcf, aT4rg * S1EN aTvcrrksT, wir fk4 wrzi, utto trtra alt4TT rdwifdviciti, aTFIU * aTuTIRT, ATif ft 4 wr f44q1dc..4104 MITT * ttt tik AIM ariT91 etir dmicierf * aTurtff TV4 trw twbit, aifirrr wuarr4ET ttl" art 1 tt4 '44 5-2f eiftftrq 4argOt 4,- (T) Rig tits41-5 Lklu11 it W1c41 * TRIF EIT f;eaRgicr siffiftailf Tgr dl 7r44, arerk "5-to iftlmq a1t4-S9,i qa aTFRT (crt) TAT =ft surcr Rt6 TIN aTFM, 3T-407, rzT, fik 1d4q1delicig, al4Tg 4(tr, ctitvivf, kigft t trEp Nitffr (t)7ror- irk Num 1* FRT aTFRT, 14)aviiqic, Trgu xi ERN, GT47T:a wm9r1 fF4 ITT , (3) RR T*11 16 tr497 cf TIT RT4NR411,

"17-7FAT rftwin ftltg 7TRI aerf, cra, eiNttf, chltt I ita 4a Eimer, ar'ag

49I_RPH_Data et Vidhaika Folder (Adhiniyam_10)9)

.3tiN titz anTrugur , 27 •Gpt, 2019 3 6-(1) Trwf ecw,7T7T 1:ft SWF itig 77q f4q1Uiiw, a44'17TTS TeTTFT q,Iii5 IrITIT9T Tra fit mt-eit t ct,( 1141,1-Ai, mid 4 mt-rDre 3114gr gm zrg 1'44.4 k *it ft 7 alftAzre tTlt cbmicifir eTrtw # idf4tt t 7r4, arl-t-e91* aTtzrETte ATt 4 IiRtc.bie, zrft-4-47 zrr #cr F:r 4 et, it* 4e aTE-4RT zrr eittlre tiflai criTrt :

zr{. zrg it ter tt a3r4w, \Zit w4-41- 7Twf f4 qicig (nIzi TitzT7) anficrrt, 2019 * Siie`4{ Rik) t 44 * 7W417 9f P1541

(2) 371RT (1) * altitff Y1it F1541 TIT alibi, -7TA1 tii-f 737 ch Tr47 * FRI Tell \YAM! 7-(1) %zit SRPT 7Mi fd*lidelic44 (Itzr #.4WtT9') ainlikg, 2019 ‘swit f955T ciwr rATItiff .14AI qraT t I 6 19 2019 (2) 1t 1;ttirf * g7 ‘3Liti!1 (1) 4 Natd aTuiTkRT ?TT littlfa' alalf4411 71-011 * alt r Tit TOT t 741 Trztarkge aif**er gm zmr eR4111re 7 adinzre sr-sr€41 uzr4til aPfte zir t TFITO er91 aTfirftire .11/4pLia, RAI witif 4 pie 41

SIT ah chit I

%et * eRm 4 iter arArg, vrt) tee' aiRst‘ 14N1deiic14, GTFRE 4t4tEI cm of * altfft, fti4 litrgff * WI" frol tiRo SibT *08 efzi-ifcr t e3fcli Rage 4 tt Trwr idwildEnotr 41 z-eit7 to aTtkw Iqiqivtq,aTITRT fotre adimitor chivi 1,4mir 477-4r zit Pity svera zff Ter tI ,iicNcr wit% lioade41041 ITT vet Nwrr wzr1-4e tk4 aTte-f eue t ?tn. ‘3,41dir cbti MIT 34?1 rlugff * qt-Ripiiref 4 zw DIV 451 qiciicituf cr)(4 Tir sikkacr %-rk erf llag 4 VW ;ft 017 itig 7M1 idWdEficier, a1cl1G iimco 7Twf iWaideticitf tenNti ITTI'kff 454 * II 'dm( sitz Trwr fdifdqiciltr aTftrAzie, 1973' 4TER11k4 q)4 4 151 fdiktiti 1%71 Traff t I

vat vm Tk7 TR 4 41 %IT at< qi cbt g( itTrzir WENT61 SWA GIT4FIT Pit, 37: ostivicef ru Rik) 22 ici‘sR, 2019 t Liccu ART I'M 144.deiici4 (en #R1ITIN) eittfibT, 2019 (dait AtRT aTafft titsmf 6 fr 2019) litstili4c1 FOIT

zrg (44) lege aTtzritc4T t stdemftte wt# * gr:t441 critzg Ami

aTr-oT 4, tia4 to fail, efter

491_RPHj?ata 4e Vidhaika Folder (Adhiniyam_2019) 4 ‘3ccO! 11 Yr 317P-TR9T llord, 27 'tilt, 2019

No. 2242(2)/LXXIX-V-1-19-1(ka)17-19 Dated , December 27, 2019

.1v pursuance ,of the provisions of clause (3) of Article 348 of the Constitution, the Governor is pleased to order the publication of the following English translation of the Rajya Vishwavidyalaya (Tritiya Sanshodhan) Adhiniyam, 2019 (Uttar Pradesh Adhiniyam Sankhya 20 of 2019) as passed by the Uttar Pradesh Legislature and assented to by the Governor on December 26, 2019. The Uchcha Shiksha Anubhag-1 is administratively concerned with the said Adhiniyam.

THE UTTAR PRADESH STATE UNIVERSITIES (THIRD AMENDMENT) ACT, 2019 (U. P. Act no:20 of 2019) [As passed by the Uttar Pradesh Legislature] AN ACT

further to amend the Uttar Pradesh State Universities Act, 1973.

IT IS HEREBY enacted in the Seventieth Year of the Republic of as follows :-

Short. title and (1) This Act may be called the Uttar Pradesh State Universities (Third commencement Amendment) Act, 2019.

2019. (2) It shall be deemed to have come into force with effect from November 22,

Amendment of In section 4 of the Uttar Pradesh State Universities Act, 1973, hereinafter section 4 of President's referred to as the principal Act, in sub-section (1-A), after clause (j), the following clause Aetna 10 of shall be inserted, namely :— 1973 as "(K) a University to be known a Raja Mahendra Pratap Singh State amended and University, :" re-enacted by U.P. Act no. 29 of 1974 Amendment of In section 50 of the .principal Act, section 50 after sub-section (1 -G), the following sub-section shall be inserted, namely :— "(1-H) Until the First Statutes of Raja Mahendra Pratap Singh State University, Aligarh are made under this section, the Statutes of the University of Doctor Bhim Rao Ambedkar University, , as in force immediately before the establishment of the said University shall apply to it subject to such adaptations and modifications as the State Government may, by notification, provide." Amendment of In section 52 of the principal Act, section 52 after sub-section (2-F), the following sub-section shall be inserted, namely :— "(2-G) Until the First Ordinances of Raja Mahendra Pratap Singh State University, Aligarh are made under sub-section (2), the Ordinances of the University of Doctor Bhim Rao Ambedkar University, -Agra, as in force immediately before the establishment of the said University, shall apply to it subject to such adaptations and modifications as the State Government may, by notification, provide." Amendment of In the Schedule to the principal Act,— Schedule (a) for the entries appearing at serial no. 5, the following entries shall substituted, namely :— "5. Doctor Bhim Rao Ambedkar University, Agra— (i) Until the establishment of Raja Districts of Agra, Aligarh, , Mahendra Pratap Singh State Firozabad, , , University, Aligarh Mainpuri and

491_RPH_Dma 4e Vidhaika Folder (Adhmiyam_2019)

cyl Sift4T 3TRIP21vui 41 vld, 27 \I-1W, 2019 5 (ii) Upon the establishment of Raja Districts of Agra, Firozabad, Mahendra Pratap Singh State Mainpuri and Mathura University, Aligarh (b) after the serial no. 16, the following serial shall be inserted, namely:— "17. Raja Mahendra Pratap Singh Aligarh, Etah, Hathras, Kasganj State University, Aligarh Districts Removal of (I) The State Government may, for the purpose of removing apy difficulty in difficulties relation to the establishment of Raja Mahendra Pratap Singh State University, Aligarh by order published in the Gazette, direct that the provisions of the principal Act shall during such period, as may be specified in the order, have effect subject to such adaptations, whether by way of modification, addition or omission as it may deem to be necessary or expedient: Provided that no such order shall be made after two years from the date of commencement of the Uttar Pradesh State Universities (Third Amendment) Act, 2019. (2) The order issued under sub-section (1) shall be laid before each house of the State Legislature. (1) The Uttar Pradesh State Universities (Third Amendment) UT. Repeal and Ordinance saving Ordinance, 2019 is hereby repealed. no. 6 of (2) Notwithstanding such repeal, anything done or any action 2019 taken under the provisions of the principal Act as amended by the Ordinance referred to in sub-section (I) shall be deemed to have been done or taken under the corresponding provisions of the principal Act as amended by this Act as if the provisions of this Act were in force at all material times.

STATEMENT OF OBJECTS AND REASONS In relation to higher education the District of Aligarh is under the territorial jurisdiction of Doctor Shim Rao Ambedker University, Agra consisting of 8 districts of Uttar Pradesh including four districts of Aligarh Division. Since there is no State University in Aligarh Division, the quality of higher education was adversely affecting due to vast territorial jurisdiction of Doctor Bhim Rao Ambedker University, Agra. Therefore for the purpose of effective control over affiliated colleges and to provide higher education to the youth of Aligarh Division and to promote and create the environment of higher education in the public of the said division it was. decided to amend the State Universities Act, 1973 to establish and incorporate a State University in Aligarh Division by the name of Raja Mahendra Pratap Singh State University, Aligarh.

Since the State Legislature was not in session and immediate legislative action was necessary to implement the aforesaid decision the Uttar Pradesh State Universities (Third Amendment) Ordinance, 2019 (UP. Ordinance no. 6 of 2019) was promulgated by the Governor on November 22, 2019.

This Bill is introduced to replace the aforesaid Ordinance.

By order, J.P. SINGH-II, Pramukh Sachtv.

16-AZ) I 4107101,011YO-ROTT10 491 .1014.21-0-8-4"0-2019-(1243)-599 Ardt-(W0 /a0 /311 tORFOILO*10-R0110 106 34TO Thaf-2019-(1244)-300 Sitt-(5o/ /341trite). I .

49 _RPH_Eldia 4e Vie:Luke Folder (Adhiniyam72019)