A Right-Wing Apologist in Sheep's Clothing
www.peoplesworld.org June 989, 2012 A right-wing apologist in sheep’s clothing By Sam Webb he ideological battle over the role of government promises to figure large in the current election campaign. So much so that it commands nearly daily atten- Ttion in the mass media. Hardly a news cycle goes by without some reference to it. Earlier this week David Brooks, a regular con- ernment assumed functions and established rights tributor to the oped pages of the New York Times (unemployment relief, jobs, Social Security, Medi- and frequent guest on television news shows, care, food stamps, Medicaid, welfare, education, jumped into the battle with both feet. Brooks po- environmental protection, civil rights, etc.) that sitions himself as an above-the-fray “moderate,” went beyond Hamilton’s vision. but the reality is otherwise. Now it may be true that the evolution of the Brooks writes that his vision of government federal government’s role in the 20th century and its role can be traced to Alexander Hamilton, eclipsed what Hamilton had in mind in the late one of the nation’s founding fathers and its first 18th century, but it is also true that it was a neces- secretary of the Treasury. According to Brooks, sary evolution given the crises, contradictions, and Hamilton believed that the federal government unfulfilled promises of developing capitalism. should be an active force that focuses on “long The particular configuration and functions of term structural development, not on providing the government and state are not set in stone. They jobs
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