
Encephalopathies Caused by Disorders

Martin A. Samuels, M.D.,1 and Julian Lawrence Seifter, M.D.2


Some of the most common reasons for metabolic neurologic disturbances in the setting of a general hospital are frequently encountered electrolyte and related osmolality disorders. Hyperosmolality is usually related to and/or hyperglycemia. Identifying the cause and carefully calculating the water deficit is crucial to appropriate management. may be hypertonic, isotonic, or hypotonic. When hypotonic, it may be hypervolemic, euvolemic, or hypovolemic in nature. Determining the precise nature of thehyponatremiaallowstheclinicianto focus the therapy appropriately. The rate of development of hyponatremia is crucial to safe and appropriate treatment. In acutely developing hyponatremia, hypertonic saline is required, whereas in slowly developing hyponatremia, water restriction and slow correction is required to avoid the syndrome of osmotic demyelination. Disorders of metabolism are also common electrolyte disorders seen in the general hospital. Appropriate diagnosis and management of and are also discussed.

KEYWORDS: Hyperosmolarity, hypertonicity, hypernatremia, hyponatremia, hypokalemia, hyperkalemia

HYPEROSMOLALITY AND Effective hyperosmolality is called hypertonicity HYPERTONICITY and indicates the effect of increased extracellular osmoles Normal , and therefore body fluid, osmolality is in to draw water from cells by osmosis. If hyperosmolality is the range of 275–295 mOsm/kg, but clinically signifi- due to hypernatremia, cells will initially shrink until cant deleterious effects are generally seen at levels greater adaptive mechanisms allow volume to recover. Sim- than 325 mOsm/kg. Osmolality may be measured di- ilarly, a diabetic with hyperglycemia will lose cell water rectly by freezing point depression or calculated as serum and develop a hypertonic syndrome. In contrast, osmolarity in mOsm/L, using the following formula, azotemia (i.e., an elevated [BUN]) This document was downloaded for personal use only. Unauthorized distribution is strictly prohibited. which accounts for the millimolar quantities of major may cause hyperosmolality, but not hypertonicity be- serum solutes: cause the high cellular permeability of urea allows solute movement into cells so that cell water does not leave by 2Na ðmEq=LÞþglucoseðmg=dLÞ=18 osmosis. The difference between hyperglycemia ( þ BUNðmg=dLÞ=2:8 cannot enter cells) and azotemia is seen by the effect on

1Department of Neurology, 2Division of , Brigham and Acute and Subacute Encephalopathies; Guest Editor, Martin A. Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts. Samuels, M.D. Address for correspondence and reprint requests: Martin A. Semin Neurol 2011;31:135–138. Copyright # 2011 by Thieme Samuels, M.D., Chairman, Department of Neurology, Brigham and Medical Publishers, Inc., 333 Seventh Avenue, New York, NY 10001, Women’s Hospital, Professor of Neurology, Harvard Medical School, USA. Tel: +1(212) 584-4662. 75 Francis Street, Boston, MA 02115 (e-mail: msamuels@partners. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1055/s-0031-1277983. org). ISSN 0271-8235. 135 136 SEMINARS IN NEUROLOGY/VOLUME 31, NUMBER 2 2011

the serum Na concentration. Water leaving cells in the 1. Calculate the normal total body water (NTBW) as: hyperglycemic patient lowers serum [Na], while [Na] is Body weight (in kg) 0.6 ¼ NTBW. not altered by a rise in BUN. Addition of extrinsic 2. Estimate the total body solute (TBS) ( þ osmoles such as mannitol, like glucose, causes hyper- potassium) as: NTBW 140 mEq/L ¼ TBS. Note osmolality, hypertonicity, loss of cell water, and hypo- that the 140 mEq/L is a normal serum [Na]. natremia. On the other hand, alcohols that quickly 3. Calculate the patient’s body water (PBW) as follows: permeate cells, like ethanol, ethylene glycol, isopropyl TBS/patients serum [Na] ¼ PBW. alcohol, and methanol act more like azotemia causing 4. Calculate the patient’s water deficit (PWD) as fol- hyperosmolality, but not hypertonicity or hyponatremia. lows: NTBW – PBW ¼ PWD. Because measured osmolality is increased with addition 5. Apart from deficit correction, estimate large ongoing of these extrinsic solutes, but Na, glucose, and urea are losses in the urine (osmotic diuresis or diabetes not, there is an osmolal gap defined as the difference insipidus) or sweat (fever) and replace. between measured and calculated osmolality. The osmo- lal gap should be < 10 mOsm/L. Replace the water losses so that the serum sodium Hypernatremia is defined as a serum sodium falls no faster than 2 mEq/L/h using water or 5% concentration of greater than 145 mEq/L. In other dextrose in water (D5W). In the hypotensive or vol- tissues, hypernatremia leads to loss of intracellular water ume-depleted patient, normal saline may first be needed leading to cell shrinkage. The nervous system is unique to correct blood pressure. In renal failure patients, in that it is capable of generating (or accumulating may be required. is administered, with from the extracellular fluid) solutes referred to as idio- frequent blood sugar testing, if there is hyperglycemia. genic osmoles, such as amino acids (glutamine, taurine, Intramuscular and subcutaneous insulin may be unpre- glutamate), polyols (myo-inositol), and methylamines dictably absorbed, particularly in hypovolemic patients (glycerophosphorylcholine, and choline) to minimize because of poor tissue perfusion. Rapid-acting insulin cell shrinkage, a process that is complete in 1 to 0.1 units/kg by rapid intravenous (IV) infusion followed 2 days. When hypernatremia is unusually severe (serum by 0.05 U/kg/h by continuous IV infusion is usually sodium over 160 mEq/L) these mechanisms fail, leading sufficient to reduce the blood sugar adequately and to encephalopathy. When hypernatremia occurs, anti- safely, but the mainstay of hyperglycemia correction in (ADH) is released and thirst increases the hyperosmolar type II diabetic is volume expansion leading to renal retention of ingested water, thereby leading to urinary glucose clearance. Rapid reduction of lowering serum sodium toward normal. Hypernatremia extreme elevations of glucose should be avoided. is thus due to a defect in thirst or inability to access Diabetes insipidus (DI) is recognized as hyper- water, inadequate release or effect of ADH, loss of natremia (osm > 292) with simultaneous submaximal hypotonic fluid, or addition of concentrated sodium. concentration of the urine. A subcutaneous dose of Hyperglycemia is nearly always due to diabetes and a serum ADH level will distinguish mellitus caused by inadequate insulin production (type I) central from nephrogenic DI. Treatments include dea- or insulin resistance (type II). In neurologic patients, this mino D- vasopressin (DDAVP), an ADH ana- is often precipitated by stress, infection, or the thera- log used in central diabetes insipidus. Salt restriction and peutic use of glucocorticoids. Azotemia is due to renal even may help in nephrogenic diabetes failure or inadequate renal perfusion (prerenal azotemia). insipidus. Hyperosmolar agents, such as mannitol or glycerol, are often used in neurologic patients to treat increased intracranial pressure and may result in hyperosmolality. Hyponatremia Hyperosmolality usually produces a generalized Hyponatremia is defined as a serum sodium less than This document was downloaded for personal use only. Unauthorized distribution is strictly prohibited. encephalopathy without localizing or lateralizing fea- 135 mEq/L, but may be asymptomatic at levels less tures, but an underlying focal lesion (e.g., stroke, multi- than 125 mEq/L in chronic, slowly developing cases. ple sclerosis, neoplasm) could become symptomatic Hypotonicity is always associated with hyponatremia, under the metabolic stress of a hyperosmolar state. The but hyponatremia may be isotonic (e.g., as an artifact prognosis of the hyperosmolality itself is good, but the in hyperlipidemia, or hyperproteinemia); hypertonic long-term outlook depends upon the cause. For un- (e.g., hyperglycemia; mannitol); or hypotonic (impair- known reasons, hyperosmolality alone, particularly ment of free water excretion in low cardiac output when due to hyperglycemia, may lead to continuous states or the syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic partial seizures, even when careful studies fail to uncover hormone (SIADH), or with an enormous free water any underlying lesion. These seizures generally respond load, as in psychogenic water drinking). Osmolality is promptly to lowering of the serum glucose. estimated using the formula above (see discussion of The treatment of hyperosmolality requires calcu- hyperosmolality) and may be measured in the clinical lation of apparent water losses. laboratory. The difference between the calculated and ENCEPHALOPATHIES CAUSED BY ELECTROLYTE DISORDERS/SAMUELS, SEIFTER 137 measured osmolality (the osmolal gap) should not (syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic exceed 10 mOsm/L. Factitioushyponatremiaisdue hormone, psychogenic water drinking, hypothyroidism, to a laboratory artifact in diluted samples when the and resetting of the osmostat). The treatment depends solids of plasma are increased (e.g., hyperlipidemia, on the type of hyponatremia. In hypertonic hyponatre- severe hyperproteinemia as in myeloma). The undi- mia, one treats the underlying disorder (e.g., hyper- luted [Na] measured by the blood gas machine and the glycemia, exposure to mannitol) and replaces only the osmolality are not similarly affected. estimated salt losses. Factitious hyponatremic disorders The prognosis of hyponatremia depends on the (e.g., hyperlipidemia, hyperproteinemia) do not require rate and magnitude of the fall in serum sodium and its osmotic treatment; in fact, it may be dangerous to fluid cause. In acute hyponatremia (a few hours or less), restrict such patients. In hypovolemic hypotonic hypo- seizures and severe cerebral edema may be rapidly life natremia, volume is replaced with isotonic saline; the threatening at serum sodium levels as high as 125 mEq/ underlying renal, adrenal, and gastroenterologic condi- L, whereas patients may tolerate very low serum sodium tions are treated, and the cases of cerebral salt wasting levels (even below 110 mEq/L) if the process develops (e.g., intracerebral or subarachnoid hemorrhage) are over days or more. Rapid correction of acute hypona- recognized and treated. In hypervolemic hypotonic hy- tremia may be lifesaving, whereas rapid correction of ponatremia, free water restriction is utilized while treat- chronic hyponatremia may be dangerous. Nervous sys- ing the underlying edematous disorders (e.g., congestive tem cells initially swell in hypotonic states, but then failure, liver failure, ). In iso- compensate for chronic hyponatremia by losing solute to volemic , one considers the the extracellular space followed by water to restore chronicity of the syndrome. In chronic, slowly develop- normal cell volume. If the serum sodium rapidly rises ing cases of isovolemic hyponatremia, water restriction is after cells regain normal volume, brain cells can rapidly utilized. Antagonism of ADH action in SIADH with shrink causing osmotic demyelination (formerly known may be useful if water restriction alone as central pontine myelinolysis). The clinical picture of fails. In acute (fewer than 48 hours) rapidly developing osmotic demyelination ranges from mild spasticity to isovolemic hyponatremia, 3% saline (containing 513 coma, depending on the extent of the demyelinating mEq/L of sodium) is used. This solution contains lesions. The pons is particularly susceptible, possibly 0.5 mEq Na/mL; because total body water is 50% simply because the crossing and descending fiber tracts body weight, then infusions of 3% saline at 1–2 mL/kg produce a tight grid, which tolerates fluid shifts less well will raise the [Na] by 1–2 mEq/L. In an acutely than the rest of the brain. The process, however, is not hyponatremic patient, raising the [Na] by 4–6 mEq/L restricted to the pons and may affect the cerebral white may be of immediate value, but [Na] should not be raised matter as well, leading to the evolution of the name for to normal. The correction rate is then slowed to less than this disorder from central pontine myelinolysis to pon- 10 mEq/L/24 hours. This is followed by free water tine and extrapontine myelinolysis to the preferred restriction. In resistant cases, renal vasopressin receptor modern term of osmotic demyelination. antagonists (e.g., ) may be used. The cause of hypotonic hyponatremia is best Some patients with SIADH may become more determined by dividing all possibilities into three cate- hyponatremic with saline infusion as the water is re- gories based on the clinical estimate of the state of the tained and the salt excreted. This response can be extracellular fluid space. Blood pressure and predicted if the urinary [Na þ K] > serum [Na]. In with orthostatic measurements, the central venous pres- such a case, may be a useful adjunct to dilute sure (neck vein distention) and the presence or absence the urine. of edema, allow all patients with hypotonic hyponatre- mia to be divided into three types: hypovolemic (reduced This document was downloaded for personal use only. Unauthorized distribution is strictly prohibited. effective blood volume with hypotension, tachycardia, Hypokalemia and orthostatic intolerance); hypervolemic (edematous Hypokalemia is defined as a serum potassium level below states), and isovolemic (retention of free water, no 3.5 mEq/L. Serum potassium may be low because of apparent edema). abnormal distribution between intracellular and extracel- The diagnosis is made with a measurement of the lular potassium or because of excessive potassium losses serum sodium followed by an assessment of extracellular (renal or extrarenal). Hypokalemia due to excessive cel- volume. The major diagnoses in each category are lular potassium uptake may be due to insulin, catechol- hypovolemic hyponatremia (gastrointestinal sodium amines (b2 adrenergic agonists), hypokalemic periodic losses; hemorrhage; renal salt wasting, including the paralysis, alkalosis, or hypothermia. Extrarenal potassium cerebral salt wasting syndrome; diuretic excess; and loss (urine potassium < 20 mEq/d) may be caused by adrenal insufficiency), hypervolemic hyponatremia (con- diarrhea (low serum bicarbonate), cathartics, sweating gestive , hepatic failure with ascites, neph- (normal serum bicarbonate), or due to starvation rotic syndrome), and isovolemic hyponatremia (anorexia). Renal potassium loss (urine potassium more 138 SEMINARS IN NEUROLOGY/VOLUME 31, NUMBER 2 2011

than 20 mEq/d) may be due to hyperreninemia, hyper- inflammatory drugs, ), and resistance aldosteronism, , diuretic use, and (e.g., renal failure, renal tubular disorders, potassium- hypomagnesemia. , by causing metabolic alka- sparing diuretics). Pseudohyperkalemia may be seen in losis, actually causes renal K losses. states of thrombocytosis, leukemic leukocytosis, or he- Severe hypokalemia (serum potassium < 3mEq/ molysis in the test tube. A plasma [K] measurement may L) may be life threatening due to cardiac be helpful to exclude these diagnoses. In addition, poor and severe or paralysis. The diagnosis venous access with a tourniquet causing local tissue ofhypokalemiaismadewith a serum potassium meas- ischemia may artifactually raise the [K] level in blood urement. Urinary potassium measurement may help drawn from the affected limb. determine whether the potassium loss is renal or The first sign of hyperkalemia is usually peaking extrarenal, but it should be borne in mind that such of the of the electrocardiogram (ECG), which measurements are only valid in the face of normal usually occurs with a potassium level of 6.0 mEq/L. As dietary and urinary sodium, as sodium restriction may the potassium rises, the QRS complex widens, followed result in some masking of renal potassium wastage. by reduction in its amplitude and then disappearance of The blood pressure and measured serum sodium, the T wave. Heart block and loss of P waves are noted. bicarbonate, plasma renin level, plasma aldosterone Sudden may occur. Muscle weakness level, and urinary chloride may also help in the differ- usually develops. Hyperkalemia may be suspected when ential diagnosis of the cause of hypokalemia. The the characteristic electrocardiogram pattern is seen, treatment of hypokalemia depends on the cause. particularly when combined with weakness, sometimes One should correct potassium balance problems, if with . The diagnosis is confirmed with possible (e.g., reduce b2 adrenergic agonists). Dietary measurement of the serum potassium. sodium restriction (< 80 mEq/d) will reduce renal If hyperkalemia is considered life threatening potassium losses. Oral KCl is used to supplement because it is producing ECG changes and/or severe high K diets in resistant cases of hypokalemia (30–50 muscle weakness, one should treat by protecting the heart mEq/d). For severe (< 3.0 mEq/L) hypokalemia, against life-threatening , promote redistrib- especially with cardiac arrhythmias and/or severe ution of potassium into cells, and enhance potassium muscle weakness, IV KCl may be administered with removal. For cardiac protection, one should administer continuous cardiac monitoring. One should also re- gluconate 10% solution, 20 mL as a rapid IV strict K infusions in excess of 20 mEq/h to guard infusion. To promote redistribution of potassium into against possible hyperkalemic complications. cells, one should administer glucose 50 g/hour intra- venously with insulin 5 units by rapid IV infusion every 15 minutes and albuterol 10–20 mg by inhaler. To Hyperkalemia enhance removal of potassium, one may utilize sodium Hyperkalemia is defined as a serum potassium concen- (Kayexalate) 15–60 g with sorbi- tration of > 5.5 mEq/L, but is rarely problematic unless tol by mouth or 50–100 g by retention enema. Loop it exceeds 6 mEq/L. Hyperkalemia may be seen in diuretics, such as furosemide 40–240 mg intravenously circumstances that cause an excess of whole body potas- over 30 minutes, are useful in the volume-expanded sium or not. The causes of hyperkalemia without an patient. In severe or resistant cases of whole body excess of potassium are muscle injury (e.g., trauma, potassium excess, and in renal failure, persistent seizures, muscle infarction), b2 adrenergic may be utilized. antagonists (e.g., ), insulin resistance, hyper- chloremic , digitalis poisoning, depo- larizing muscle relaxants (e.g., succinylcholine), and SUGGESTED READINGS This document was downloaded for personal use only. Unauthorized distribution is strictly prohibited. hyperkalemic (muscle Ayus JC, Krothapalli RK, Arieff AI. Treatment of symptomatic mutation). Common causes of hyperkalemia caused by hyponatremia and its relation to brain damage. A prospective whole body potassium excess include Addison disease, study. N Engl J Med 1987;317(19):1190–1195 aldosterone deficiency (e.g., hyporeninemia, angiotensin DJ, Bates D. Neurology and the . J Neurol Neurosurg converting enzyme inhibitor therapy, nonsteroidal anti- Psychiatry 1998;65(6):810–821