MAKING CHANGE HAPPEN! 7 – 9 September Kettering

Conference ISSUE 2 @sophiewillan feel like it. the core, butitdoesn’t Her work ispoliticalto and completely original. that is raucously funny bold, unapologeticwork Sophie Willan makes Sophie Willan c FOUR PLAY onference PARTY COMEDY NIGHT WOMEN’S EQUALITY @ out ofSweden since… the best thingto come Up the 2017 Swedish Stand- and Show oftheYear at C elyn Mok N E K omedian oftheYear ominated for Female E E v v A? G elynMok ala, E v elyn M ok is @sophiedukebox new actsonthecircuit. one ofthemost exciting establishing herselfas underdog” andisquickly cerebral comedy herself asa“sexy- Sophie Duker describes Sophie Duker Saturday 8 September 7:30pm Hosted by @AdaCampe years. throughout theUKfor ret, shehasperformed of variety andcaba- and shouting.Adevotee comedy, magic,regret Ada Campe’s actblends Ada Campe a t Conference ISSU 41 -45 38 -40 36 -37 35 34 30 -31 23 -29 22 18 16 -17 14 -15 13 12 10- 08 &46 07 05 04



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Who’ Who’ V Da Da Da K Y Map ofK About partyc About theW Making changehappen T W Mes our guideto conference imetable at aglance ood S our S xhibitors ettering Conference Centre floor plan isitor experience elcome from Women’s y 3:What’s ontheagenda y 2:What’s ontheagenda y 1:What’s ontheagenda sage from Women’s s who:Conference speakers s who:Women’s teps to takingpartinParty Business talls ettering omen’s onference CONTENTS E quality Party E quality Party team E E quality Party Leader quality Party Co-founders 3 Welcome to the Women’s Equality Party’s second-ever party conference and to Kettering, a town famous according to its Conservative MP Philip Hollobone “as the home of Weetabix breakfast cereal”.

Also for at least two seismic political events. had time to draw breath before yet more polls One was the 2016 launch of Grassroots Out, – this year’s local elections and Lewisham Welcome to a world of possibility. the group supported by , Liam East by-election. Each delivered clear wins, by Welcome to a place where a different kind of politics awaits you. Fox and the aforementioned Hollobone that developing our capacity, our amazing roster promoted Brexit no matter the consequences of candidates and activists, our influence and Welcome to the heart of Britain’s only feminist political party. for women. Another was an uprising in 1607 our reach. In three of our local election seats Welcome to the Women’s Equality Party conference. by the movement known as the Levellers. the candidates received the support of 1 in 4 That uprising failed, perhaps because as local voters and our Islington candidate Nikki You are one of a thousand brilliant activists with one another – all to distill power into the with so many men of the left, they aimed to Uppal secured second place in Hillrise ward. empower men but forgot about women, who for change who are stepping up this weekend hands of a small cabal of angry men. The Women’s Equality Party was founded not to make our party’s blueprint for equality a ended up campaigning on their own. While other party leaders persistently fail to only to make change happen directly but to reality. Over the next few days WE are going see women and understand the root causes Given this history, perhaps the best way open up politics and to push the complacent to equip each other with the information, skills of our oppression; I say to all of you here - this to think of our conference is not just as older parties to do better. Since our first party and training to build the world we want to is our opportunity to challenge tired thinking the party’s most important opportunity to conference, in Manchester in November 2016, see. Our emphasis is on the practical but our with exuberant imagination as we detail the debate and decide policy, but also as a kind WE have succeeded in all respects, working ambition for change has never been greater. vision of our liberation. of exorcism, or as WE Party leader Sophie with other parties and organisations in the Because has never been more Walker likes to say, “they Brexit, WE fix it”. women’s sector to tackle revenge porn, important and more needed than it is Let’s blow closed minds open with the vast This is an opportunity for members to come protect women’s employment rights, force right now. potential of feminist economics. Let’s flood together to figure out how to build a society universal free childcare onto the political the world with the light of bright new ideas The two years since our first conference that works for everyone, of all genders, and agenda and fight for our on trade and immigration. Let’s shake the have brought huge achievements for our that means tackling the monumental mess in every part of the UK. crumbling foundations of failing justice young party, from establishing our network that old politics has made. systems to the ground and demand fairness Even so, and much as we – Catherine and of branches, growing our movement and and respect for all. It’s worth noting that WE would have held Sandi – look forward to the next three days, fielding inspiring election candidates, to a party conference last year if Theresa this is not a time for complacency. We always influencing other parties’ policies, forming non- Let’s celebrate our history by raising the bar May hadn’t called the snap election understood the challenges of operating in partisan partnerships and forcing a national for future generations of women so that we that snapped back at her. WE fought a system designed to exclude many more conversation about the limits of pale, male and no longer settle for crumbs and compromise that election in seven Westminster voices than it includes, and we also knew that stale politics. but assert and achieve what is rightfully ours: constituencies, straight there are tough debates that risk dividing powerful lives that are free from violence. But those same two years have seen a after county feminism and pitting some of the most Let’s fulfil the promise first made to us by our doubling-down by those council elections marginalised against each other. mothers and pledge it anew to our daughters. in Swansea, who oppose equality; the We co-founded this party to bring about the Worcester and cynical engineering of a When I won the leadership election earlier that both of us had expected Tunbridge Wells national emergency in this year I vowed to be an optimistic feminist. long ago. Instead we see regressive waves that and a by-election in order to take aim at Because I knew that in these tough times threaten to engulf not only the UK but many Sheffield Southey women’s hard-won, we would all need hope more than ever; not other countries, sweeping away some of the Ward as sex-based rights just because hope is our greatest support rights and protections we thought secure. and protections; but because hope is also the ultimate act of well as for There is such an urgency to the work WE an unrelenting defiance, our biggest asset and advantage. Liverpool’s are all gathered here to do. Thank you for assault on the Ours is a movement of joyful resistance. regional your dedication, ideas and spirit. Let the state that is an mayor. WE Look at what we have achieved already and conference begin. And welcome once again. assault on support barely know that WE can change the future. YOU can for women; and change the world. Because you’re here. And a deliberate and because women’s equality is better sustained attempt for everyone. to set the entire electorate at odds With gratitude and love

Sandi Toksvig Co-founder of the Co-founder of the Women’s Equality Women’s Equality Party Party Leader of the Women’s Equality Party 5 TIMETABLE AT A GLANCE

19:00 - 19:30 friday Lighthouse Theatre doors open 17:00 - 00:00 19:30 - 21:30 House open WE Comedy FUNdraiser 17:30 - 19:30 Main registration open sunday 17:00 - 20:00 08:00 - 16:00 Food stalls open House open 19:00 - 19:05 08:30 - 09:00 Making Change Happen Reports to conference Conference opened by Yvonne Thompson 09:00 - 16:00 CBE Food stalls open 19:05 - 19:07 09:00 - 12:55 The Story So Far premiere Party business 19:07 - 20:00 09:30 - 16:30 Making Change Happen on abortion Voting open for Steering and Policy 20:00 - 23:00 Committee roles WE Voices open mic 10:00 - 16:00 00:00 Marketplace open Venue closes 12:55 - 13:40 Lunch break saturday 13:00 - 16:00 Helping ambitious companies grow 08:30 - 00:00 Party business House open Please see detailed daily programmes and session out- 09:00 - 19:00 lines on pages 20 to 29 for further information. Food stalls open Largest independent adviser on AIM and the LSE 09:00 - 18:00 Talks, panel discussions and workshops raising capital and advising ambitious growth companies, 09:00 - 18:00 Mini Fringe both public and private, at every stage of development 09:00 - 18:00 Self-organising space open 10:00 - 10:45 Any Questions 10:00 - 18:00 Marketplace open 12:30 - 13:00 finnCap Ltd., 60 New Broad Street, EC2M 1JJ The Story So Far and leader’s speech 18:00 t: 020 7220 0500 Conference closes Conference ISSUE 2 7

121mining-advert-2018final.indd 1 10/01/2018 09:37 8 9 How WE are Making Change Happen • Tackling revenge porn From rising as the UK’s fastest-growing • WEcount, taking on sexual violence, political party to becoming a serious national harassment and abuse ABOUT political force with candidates standing in WE are all here to make change happen. local, regional and national elections, WE WE exist to see our policies brought into have been continuously fighting for equality. effect across the UK. Our unique approach to Only three years old and WE can count politics has meant we have been able to work The Women’s among the changes not only important shifts with other political parties and organisations in the conversation but also policies and in the women’s sector to fight for real action action reflecting the power of our collective on issues like stalking and revenge porn. WE Equality Party voice and movement. have also launched campaigns to challenge The start up the fashion industry’s approach to body image, champion women’s reproductive • Founded by Catherine Mayer and Sandi rights and propel universal child care onto Toksvig in March 2015 the political agenda. First public meeting held in March 2015 • Elections • Second public meeting held in April 2015 • Registered as a UK political party and • First cohort of WE candidates selected in opened to membership in July 2015 January 2016 • First local branch established in Lothian in • Elections in , Wales and London in July 2015 May 2016 • 10 regional events held across the UK to • Brockley by-election in Lewisham in crowdsource policies October 2016 • Policies launched in October 2015 • Liverpool Mayoral Election in March 2017 • First Party Conference in Manchester in • Local Elections in South Wales and November 2016 Tunbridge Wells in March 2017 • Manchester one-day conference held in • General Election 2017 in June 2017 November 2017 • Lewisham East by-election in June 2018 WE are a focused mainstream party. WE also stand candidates in our own right • Leadership election held in February 2018 WE exist to challenge the old political parties WE have seven core objectives: equal and achieved some fantastic successes • Stirling one-day Scottish conference held in electorally. It’s what sets us apart from all the representation in all areas of working life; in this year’s local elections with WEP June 2018 other amazing organisations in the women’s equal pay; equal parenting and caregiving; candidates Claire Empson, Rebecca Manson sector. Over the past few years WE has equal education; equal media treatment; Jones and Janet Baker receiving support WE are still just three years old! And it’s been challenged elections across the UK and won ending and girls; from 25% of voters in their areas, and an incredible three years. Thanks to the hard the support of hundreds of thousands of and equality in healthcare and medical Islington candidate Nikki Uppal achieving work and dedication of our members we’ve electors. The more elections we challenge the research – and one overarching goal: gender second place in Hillrise ward. been able to grow from a passing comment more we will hold the old parties to account equality. Societies and economies cannot between our two founders to a serious Equality for women isn’t a women’s issue. and force them to create feminist policies. thrive unless women thrive. national political force. This year we had our When women fulfill their potential, everyone first ever leadership election, returning WE The movement WE are the only collaborative force in UK benefits. Equality means better politics, a leader Sophie Walker with over 90% of the politics. WE try wherever possible to work more vibrant economy, a workforce that vote. We have achieved an incredible amount • Co-organised Women’s March for London with other parties towards improving the draws on the talents of the whole population in such a short period of time, but there is still in January 2017 status of women. WE have co-authored and a society at ease with itself. so much to do – we need your help to make • Centenary projection in February 2018 amendments to revenge porn legislation This party conference will add to our policy that happen. • Make Your Mark in March 2018 with the Liberal Democrats, and worked with platform and may change existing policies. • Thank you Trump campaign in July 2018 the Greens to submit an amendment to the Campaigns WE do not seek to take a party line on Since WE were founded, the Women’s article 50 bill and fight to protect women’s • Istanbul Convention issues outside our remit of gender equality. Equality Party has played a key role in the employment rights Time It’s Not a Crime campaign The last year has seen a major shift in the • wider feminist movement. WE co-organised WE do not believe that the push for gender coverage of feminist issues. This conference • Out of Office campaign for equal pay the first Women’s March to protest Donald equality belongs solely to one part of the is all about seizing that opportunity and • Storming the boardroom Trump’s inauguration, celebrated the political spectrum, and so we open our using it to make real change happen in our to challenge sexual abuse and harassment centenary of the first women getting the vote membership to members of other political communities. • Campaign for the home use of abortion pills with a projection onto Parliament, launched parties. WE do believe that , • Propelling universal child care onto the our Make Your Mark campaign to get more Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland have political agenda women into politics and challenged Donald the potential to be the first gender equal • Strengthening stalking laws Trump on his visit to the UK. countries in the world. • Challenging the fashion industry’s approach to body image

10 Conference ISSUE 2 11 ABOUT MAP Party Conference OF KETTERING

The North


Peterborough J21 A47 M69 A6 A6003 A43 M1 A427 Market Harborough To Birmingham Party conference is the supreme decision-making body of the Kettering A605 Women’s Equality Party. Get ready to make your voice heard! M6 J19 A14 A43 A14 Sunday will be dedicated to party business On Sunday WE will A508 where we will debate and vote on motions M45 J17 Elect new Policy Committee members in order to decide party policy. Motions are • Wellingborough put forward in advance by members and can • Elect new Steering Committee members M1 A509 be seen online at • Debate and vote on motions conf18_motions. Each motion has a named Report to conference A45 proposer, who will be given five minutes to • introduce their motion at conference. What is your role as a member delegate? J16 Northampton Any member can ask to speak for or against As a WE member delegate you have the a motion. To do this, just fill in a speaker’s A6 right to participate in debates, to vote J15a card before or during the debate. The on policy motions and to elect the Policy conference Chair decides for how long each A43 Committee members and the representatives To Bedford motion is debated before it is moved to who will sit on the Steering Committee. You J15 vote and will choose a selection of speakers have the responsibility to be present during who are both for and against. Every party party business sessions and to ensure that member who is attending conference has the party is operating effectively. To London the right to vote on the motion by holding up their wristband. If the motion is approved it becomes a WE resolution. Once counting To Oxford has taken place, the Chair will announce the result. Road Rail A14 1 mile St Pancras Int. London 55 minutes A1 24 miles Bedford 22 minutes M1/M6 25 miles Leicester 30 minutes Nottingham 58 minutes Sheffield 130 minutes


Our aim is to make sure you feel confident on all things conference. Below is some essential information to make sure your Women’s Equality Party conference runs as Marketplace bring cash, you may want to withdraw it smoothly as possible. Our team of staff and volunteers Don’t forget to visit the Marketplace, which before arriving at the conference centre. is on hand to help at any time. is located in the Gallery on the second floor of the conference centre (lift accessible). WE Quiet and Prayer room have some exciting retailers and exhibitors We have a dedicated space for anyone who offering great merchandise, information, requires a quiet space at times to enable R egistration Accessibility advice and more. Please stop by their stands them to engage fully with the conference. Our friendly registration team is available The Women’s Equality Party is committed to and say hello. You will find a list of exhibitors at The Bamburgh room is on the first floor and to help throughout the three days of party ensuring that all delegates are able to access the back of this programme. is accessible by lift from the ground floor. If conference. Find them in the Main Foyer of all aspects of conference events. There is a you need help locating it please speak to a the conference centre where you can show hearing loop set up at the front of the Fair WIFI member of staff or a volunteer. your ticket and ID and collect your wristband Isle room (main stage). Accessible seating, Free WiFi is available throughout the First Aid for the weekend. Please arrive promptly and reserved parking and step-free access have conference centre. Should you feel unwell or require medical have your ticket QR code and photo ID to been arranged for those who have requested Log-in: KCC guest user assistance during the conference, please notify hand (printed or on your smartphone) to it upon booking tickets. If you have access Password: kcc12345 the nearest member of staff, volunteer or ensure that everyone is able to access the needs of any kind, please ask for the access member of the security team. There are first- venue quickly and easily. Volunteers can co-ordinator at registration to help us ensure Conference and social media aiders on site, able to assist you. answer any questions and help with any that you enjoy all aspects of conference. WE will be active on social media throughout issues you may have. At the registration desk, conference and hope you will be too. Be part Lost property Cloakroom grab your specially designed sticker that of the conversation by tweeting and posting Lost property will be handed into the For delegates wishing to store their coats best describes where you are in your activist using #WE2018 and @WEP_UK and follow us reception desk in the Main Foyer of the during the day there is a cloakroom journey with WE. on: conference centre. This is also where lost at reception, on the ground floor near property should be collected from. Conference wristbands registration. Please ask at the reception desk For security reasons, conference delegates for guidance. There is minimal space for bag Food and Drink are requested to wear conference wristbands and luggage storage, so please don’t bring Food and drink can be found at the food stalls at all times. Please remember that delegate bags to store, unless totally necessary. Video and photography located outside the conference centre or at wristbands are non-transferable. Your Party conference will be photographed and the bars located inside on the ground floor. wristband lets the WE team know whether Toilets filmed. Attendees will also be taking photos Food stalls are open for a specified period on you are a voting delegate or an observer. There are accessible toilets on both floors of and video that may be shared on social media. each day (listed in the ‘timetable at a glance’). Members need to wear their wristband all the conference venue. On the ground floor Your image may appear in future publications, A range of dietary requirements including weekend, as they allow you to vote during they can be found just off the Lakeside Foyer promotional material or online. By entering the vegetarian, vegan and gluten free have been party business. Speakers need to wear their (via the Main Foyer) and on the first floor venue, you implicitly authorise the potential catered for. wristbands to be allowed into the allocated they are next to the Marketplace. Please ask a use of your image in such materials. However, green rooms. Press need to wear wristbands volunteer or a WE staff member if you need Security if you have personal reasons not to be to be allowed into the press room. guidance. SIA registered security are stationed around included, please let us know as soon as you the venue. To ensure your visit is smooth, there Meeting people and making time Conference volunteers can and we will try our best to exclude you will be bag checks on your way into the venue. One of the best things about going to We have a fantastic team of volunteers who from any official photographs or films taken. We hope to make security as discreet as are giving their time and energy to help conference is meeting other members Cash and cards possible, but they are there to make sure any make this event a success. Volunteers will and supporters, speakers and staff. Take There is a cash point at the local Co-op, a problems are dealt with swiftly. be wearing a Women’s Equality Party sash advantage of the Lakeside Foyer meeting 10-minute walk from the conference centre. and are on hand to answer questions, give area, the self-organising space, and the food Teas, coffees, alcoholic beverages can be All bars, food stalls and retailers on site take directions and provide whatever help is stall area. Be sure to build in some time for purchased from the multiple bars inside the cards. Please note that if you would like to needed to ensure that you get the most meeting new people, catching up with your conference centre. out of this weekend. branch and chatting with friends.

14 Conference ISSUE 2 15 4 STEPS to taking part in 3 party business 2 LISTEN 1 SPEAK Attend debates 4 The order of debates is set out in Agenda day 3. Fill in and submit a speaker’s card Some debates will be longer than others, depending on the agenda The proposer of the motion gets 5 and on how many people want to READ minutes to make their case and then speak in them. the floor is opened up for debate, with VOTE Familiarise yourself speakers selected by the Chair. There are some party with the motions representative who can speak If you decide on the day - or even on any motion, amendment or Have your say emergency motion. The Policy First step is to read through all the during the debate - that you’d like to Committee and Executive At the end of the debate, delegates published motions, amendments to speak in a debate motion, simply fill Committee can nominate a member will be asked to cast their vote for motion and emergency motions. in a speaker’s card. Speaker’s cards are available throughout the day on to speak on their behalf depending or against the amendment, and the type of motion (set out in the then for or against the motion as Then make a note of which ones Sunday. Standing Orders). amended or not. you’re most interested in, and consider whether you agree or disagree with The speaker’s card asks if you are for The Party Leader can speak on any Most motions require a simple them. or against the motion or amendment. If you’re called by the Chair to speak motion, amendment or emergency majority to pass. motion. Next you can decide whether you’d in a debate, you’ll have up to three Motions to change the constitution like to contribute to the debate. minutes to speak You will be given time to get to the podium and get Amendments to motions are require a two thirds majority. comfortable before you are asked debated in the order set out in the to speak. programme. The proposer of each Motions passed by conference amendment speaks before anyone become party policy or change the There are different ways to shape else on that amendment, and sums way the party does business. a debate, including points of order, up after the other speakers on moving to a vote and referencing a that amendment. The proposer of motion back to be developed and the original motion has the right brought back to the next conference. to respond to any or all of the amendments. If you’d like to find out more about speaking then read the Standing The Chair directs the order of Orders - this is the best guidance the debate and seeks a balanced available to help you understand conversation by selecting speakers what the debates will be like. both for and against the motion, if applicable.

The proposer of the motion sums up after all the other speakers.

16 *You can see all motions online at 17 ** You can access the Standing Orders online at Self Organising Space

GROUND FLOOR Boathouse Room Sports Officer Election Entrance Polling Station

Prayer Room/ Balance Health Quiet Room Club Fair Isle


Speaker Break Farne Room Room Lift Lift Training and Conference Suite Market Delegate Grace Lakeside Darling Longstone Bede Place Lakeside Staff Lounge Foyer Room Wheelchair WE Access Point Volunteer merchandise for Lakeside Break Room Lift Mini Press Lift Fringe room 10% off Staircase Kids Play Portland Kids Play Registration the cost of your

Lighthouse first consultation Lighthouse Lighthouse Bar Theatre Reception Theatre Concourse on production of Self this advert. Organising Main Bridge Bar Space Foyer

Main Entrance Check In Childcare Reception Food Stalls Baxter Harries solicitors is proud to wish the Women’s Boathouse Room Sports FIRST FLOOR Officer Election Equality Party a successful and enjoyable conference. Entrance Polling Station

Prayer Room/ Balance Health Quiet Room Club Fair Isle Baxter Harries is a boutique family law firm owned and managed by professional women committed to equality and encouraging women to fulfil their potential. We offer specialist advice and representation in all aspects of the law relating to children and families, relationship breakdown, wills, probate and lasting powers of attorney. Pendeen Due to our central location and investment in technology, we are able to offer our services at competitive rates

Speaker Break Farne throughout the UK. Room Room Lift Lift Training and Conference Suite Market Delegate Grace Lakeside Darling Longstone Bede Place Lakeside Staff Lounge Talk in confidence to one of our team on 01277 362332 Foyer Room Wheelchair WE or visit us online at Access Point Volunteer merchandise for Lakeside Break Room Lift Mini Press Lift Fringe room Staircase Kids Play Portland Kids Play Registration

Lighthouse Lighthouse Lighthouse Bar Theatre Specialists in: • Divorce, Separation and Finances 157 High Street, Ongar, Essex, CM5 9JD Reception Theatre Concourse • Children Law • Lasting Powers of Attorney (LPAs) Tel: 01277 362332 Fax: 01277 364056 Main Bridge Bar • Wills, Trusts and Probate • Contentious Probate Foyer DX: 47952 Ongar Email: [email protected] Office also in Basildon Main Terms and conditions apply to our 10% offer. Appointments subject to availability. Entrance Check In Baxter Harries Ltd. Directors: Deborah Baxter Solicitor-Advocate (Higher Courts Civil), Laura Carr Chartered Legal Executive. Baxter Harries Ltd is registered in England and Wales under company registration Childcare 18 Conferencenumber 8989621 ISSU andE 2is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA ID: 615602). The registered office is 157 High Street, Ongar CM5 9JD. Reception Food Stalls FIVE WOMEN. ONE QUESTION: `A vegan prosecco with sustainability What is a woman for? at its heart´ ‘Intense, ‘Lyrical and beautifully beautifully crafted … Her Artigianale, meaning ‘craft’ in Italian, is an observed ... talent is electric. artisanal Prosecco with sustainability and highly absorbing’ Get ready for transparency at its heart. We were looking to NAOMI ALDERMAN, a shock’ develop an ecologically-conscious wine, author of The Power which uses 100% renewable energy in its GUARDIAN production process, environmentally friendly packaging, that is free from chemical ‘A deeply touching ‘This is your pesticides and is suitable for vegans. exploration of go-to book in 2018 to question women’s lives past Low Sulphite Low Sugar what it means to and future’ be a woman’ Vegan Practising Organic PRESS ASSOCIATION ELLE 100% Renewable Energy used in production ‘Red Clocks is set ‘Timing is to become one of everything – and the essential reads the release of Red for 2018’ Clocks couldn’t EMERALD STREET be more apt’ Available at GRAZIA Use code WEP20 at checkout for 20% off #RedClocks

@BoroughPress @artigianaleprosecco Please drink responsibly. Go to for the facts. AGENDA AGENDA DAY 1 DAY 2

14:00 Lighthouse Theatre friday 7 SEPTEMBER SATurday 8 SEPTEMBER Cross Party Panel: Getting More Women into 17:30 - 19:30 08:30 - 09:00 Policies Registration open in the Main Foyer House Opens Speakers: Nicky Morgan MP, Rosie Duffield 17:00 - 20:00 09:00 - 18:00 MP, Harini Iyengar, Amelia Womack Food stalls open Food stalls open — food from around the This session will mark the centenary of the world CONFERENCE OPENS first women getting the vote, by exploring 09:00 - 18:00 not only how we get women into politics but 19:00 Talks, workshops and panel discussions how we get them into policies. This lively Making Change Happen session will reimagine political priorities and 10:00 - 18:00 economic models with women’s needs and Conference opening by Yvonne Thompson CBE Marketplace open contributions in mind.

19:05 09:00 Lighthouse Theatre Related motions: A Women’s Equality Party The Story So Far Victims, Vamps and Feminazis policy on Brexit; Ensuring that settled status will take into account women’s, children’s and A film about what WE has been up to since Speakers: Rob Berkeley, Athena Stevens, vulnerable groups’ needs. our last (and first) conference in November Charlie Brinkhurst-Cuff, Catherine Mayer 2016. The campaigns, the marches, the highs 15:00 Lighthouse Theatre and lows. This panel will explore who makes the Turn Off the Red Light news and how that impacts equality. It will 19:07 consider the potential of new platforms and Speakers: Mia de Faoite, Halla Gunnarsdóttir Making Change Happen on abortion ask whether the decline of traditional media This powerful first-hand account from survivor A celebration of the success of the opens the door to positive change or poses greater danger to women and minorities. and activist Mia de Faoite will break down the #HomeUse campaign in England and Wales myths about and explore its links and action for the full decriminalisation of Related motions: Explicit Inclusion of Video to violence. It will look at the lessons that can abortion in the . Join us to Games in WE Policy on Equality in the Media; be learned from the successful campaign to help make change happen. To create a WE working group on technology end demand in the Republic of Ireland. and innovation 20:00 - 23:00 Related motions: Delivering Nil Cap Limit WE Voices open mic led by WE co-founder 11:00 Lighthouse Theatre on Local Authorities’ Sexual Entertainment Sandi Toksvig Grossly Undervalued Domestic Product Venues Policies.

This is the opportunity for WE members and Speakers: Sandi Toksvig CONTENT WARNING: This session contains supporters to share their thoughts, concerns information about sexual assault and/or and passion for equality. Unleash your voice This session is a 101 in feminist economics. It violence which may be upsetting to survivors. and raise your hand. will explore the extraordinary devaluation of women’s contributions, and the wide ranging 16:00 Lighthouse Theatre You can speak about what you want, as long impact on our society and economy. There The 93%: Improving conviction rates for as it relates to women’s equality. Speeches may also be pictures of baby orangutans. rape and sexual violence are limited to three minutes and we will fit in as many as possible. Sign up on the spot. Related motions: Ratification of manifesto Speakers: Harriet Wistrich, Femi Otitoju, policies: Universal free childcare and Nine Olivia Smith, Jenn Selby, Emily Hunt 20:00 - 23:00 months shared parental leave on 90% of pay; Raise the Bar, at the bar Writing off historic child support arrears; Women, as victims, defendants and Drink, chat, make new friends, be merry! Making equal pay and equal caregiving a witnesses suffer very significant structural reality in the modern labour market . disadvantages within the criminal justice

22 Conference ISSUE 2 23 system. This discussion will examine 10:00 Fair Isle This panel will explore the gendered aspects Related motions: Delivering nil cap limit on whether better training, implementation Big Data: Will Technology Fix Inequality or of migration, including how female migrants local authorities’ sexual entertainment venues and investment would be enough to Deepen It? experience and navigate globalisation, Policies. make improvements in the handling and and consider how post-Brexit immigration prosecution of violence against women and Speakers: Catherine Mayer, Audrey Tang by systems might benefit or disadvantage CONTENT WARNING: This session contains girls, or whether we need to radically rethink video, Kate Devlin, Karen Salt, Seyi Akiwowo women. information about sexual assault and/or our approach to criminal justice. violence which may be upsetting to survivors. Data-driven technology is transforming the Related motions: Protecting Migrant Related motions: Provision for Parental- world, promising new ways to measure and Domestic Workers against Abuse and 14:00 Portland Engagement Programmes in Relationships combat inequality. But at the same time it is Servitude; Ensuring that Settled Status will Parity Begins at Home and Sex Education (RSE), Protecting Migrant creating forces that risk deepening inequality. take into account women’s, children’s and This debate will ask what can be done to Speakers: Halla Gunnarsdóttir, Victoria Domestic Workers against Abuse and vulnerable groups’ needs; A Feminist Foreign Showunmi, Dr Tracey Jensen, Giselle Cory Servitude, Delivering Nil Cap Limit on Local mitigate the dangers and maximise potential Policy; Women’s Equality Party policy on Authorities’ Sexual Entertainment Venues benefits. Brexit. This panel will explore why there has been so Policies little progress towards universal free childcare Related motions: Women’s Equality Party 17:00 Fair Isle working group on tech and innovation. and truly shared parental leave in a year when CONTENT WARNING: This session contains Repeal the Hate pay inequality made the headlines every information about sexual assault and/or 11:30 Fair Isle week. It will ask whether it is possible to have violence which may be upsetting to survivors. Speakers: Claudia Craig, Ailbhe Smyth, Emma Women In the Line of Fire Campbell, Rachael Clarke equality in the workplace, when we still don’t have equality at home. 17:30 Lighthouse Theatre Speakers: Nazir Afzal OBE, Halla Gunnarsdóttir, Any Answers This panel will explore what’s next in the Sukhwant Dhaliwal, Joan Smith campaign for decriminalisation of abortion Related motions: Writing off Historic Child Speakers: Sophie Walker in the UK. In the last year we have seen the Support Arrears; Extending and enforcing This panel will take a challenging look at the gender pay gap reporting; Universal free links between acts of terror or mass violence success of the Repeal the 8th campaign The session will look at the questions most in Ireland and the home use campaign in childcare; Making equal pay and equal often asked about the Women’s Equality and violence against women and girls, as well caregiving a reality in the modern labour as the women who are leading the resistance. Scotland, Wales and England, but there is Party, as well as the hardest ones to answer. still a long road ahead in the battle for bodily market. And it will reveal the humour, passion and CONTENT WARNING: This session contains autonomy. persistence needed to make sure your answer 15:00 Portland information about violence which may be Changes to the Gender Recognition Act is heard. upsetting to survivors. Related motions: A Feminist Foreign Policy. This session contains Speakers: Claire McCann, Cath Casserley 09:00 Fair Isle 12:30 Fair Isle CONTENT WARNING: information about trauma and consent which Medically Unexplained Symptoms The Story so Far (film) This seminar is designed for those who have may be upsetting to some delegates. Speakers: Hannah Barham Brown, Christine very little understanding of the existing 13:00 Fair Isle legal framework on transgender law, and Ekechi, Athena Lamnisos, Erin Mansell Leader’s Speech to Conference 09:00 Portland Tales from the Trail the current consultation on suggested legal amendments to that framework. Medically unexplained symptoms is a catch all Sophie Walker term for the things the medical world doesn’t Speakers: , Charlotte Mead, Related motions: Gender Recognition Act. understand about women’s health. This 14:30 Fair Isle Tabitha Morton, Alexia Pepper de Caires, session will focus on how different areas of No Woman’s Land Fariya Sharif 16:00 Portland women’s health are shaped by inequality and This Century Is Ours how we can campaign for change. Speakers: Hannah Peaker, Emine Çolak, This is an opportunity for members to hear Bronagh Hinds, Natalie Reynolds from some of our leading activists on how Speakers: Sam Smethers, Sophie Walker, Related motions: Calling on the Government they are making a difference to women’s Amika George, Shola Mos-Shogbamimu to give women equal access to sterilisation This discussion will focus on women’s role equality. Find out how to take your activism as a permanent form of contraception; A in negotiations, and their extraordinary to the next level. This debate will take a look at feminist policy on Health and Social Care; A motion contributions to ending violent conflict. It protest old and new, from the Suffragettes to protect the long-term sustainability of the will explore the different ways that women 10:30 Portland and Suffragists through to #MeToo, and ask NHS . negotiate outcomes, and what it is like Toward a Sex Buyer Law what we can learn from them in this critical working collaboratively when everyone Speakers: Fiona Broadfoot moment for women’s equality. It will explore CONTENT WARNING: This session contains else is throwing rocks. what works and what kind of movement we information about trauma and consent which This training session will be delivered by Fiona need to be to seize the turbulence. 15:30 Fair Isle may be upsetting to some delegates. Broadfoot, an activist and survivor of Child Nil Points: Immigration policy post-Brexit Sexual Exploitation who founded The Build A 10:00 Pendeen Any Questions Speakers: Stephanie Harrison QC, Pragna Girl Project. It will challenge the myths around Patel, Aderonke Apata, Parvati Raghuram prostitution and look at how we campaign to Speakers: Chris Paouros, Policy Committee end demand and save lives. candidates, Steering Committee candidates

24 Conference ISSUE 2 25 EASY VIEW DAY 2

Lighthouse Fair Isle Portland Pendeen Lakeside Lantern Boathouse Theatre Mini Fringe Self Organising Space 09:00 - 09:30 Victims, Vamps & Feminazis Medically Unexplained Tales from the Trail Celtic Connections Symptoms 09:30 - 10:00 Victims, Vamps & Feminazis Medically Unexplained Tales from the Trail Celtic Connections Symptoms 10:00 - 10:30 Big Data: Will Technology Any Questions BAME Caucus Fix Inequality or Deepen it? 10:30 - 11:00 Big Data: Will Technology Toward a Sex Buyer Any Questions Trading in Women’s Rights BAME Caucus Fix Inequality or Deepen Law it? 11:00 - 11:30 Grossly Undervalued Toward a Sex Buyer Your Country Trading in Women’s Rights Northern Hub Domestic Product Law (really) Needs You 11:30 - 12:00 Grossly Undervalued Women In the Line of Fire Your Country Northern Hub Domestic Product (really) Needs You 12:00 - 12:30 Women In the Line of Fire Your Country (really) Needs You 12:30 - 13:00 The Story So Far 13:00 - 13-30 Leader’s Speech 13:30 - 14:00 Toward a Sex Buyer Law 14:00 - 14:30 Cross Party Panel Parity Begins At Toward a Sex You Brexit, We Fix It Make Votes Matter Pop up Pride Home Buyer Law 14:30 - 15:00 Cross Party Panel No Woman’s Land Parity Begins At You Brexit, We Fix It Make Votes Matter Pop up Pride Home 15:00 - 15:30 Turn Off the Red Light No Woman’s Land Changes to the Breaking the Political Development Committee Gender Recognition Deadlock on Social Care Business, Politics, Money Act 15:30 - 16:00 Turn off the Red Light Nil Points: Post-Brexit Changes to the Breaking the Political Development Committee Immigration Policy Gender Recognition Deadlock on Social Care Business, Politics, Money Act 16:00 - 16:30 The 93%: Improving Nil Points: Post-Brexit This Century is Ours Breaking the Political Rebecca Lammers Conviction Rates for Rape Immigration Policy Deadlock on Social Care The Power Of Saying No 16:30 - 17:00 The 93%: Improving This Century is Ours Out of Sight, Out Matriarch or Man Rebecca Lammers Conviction Rates for Rape of Mind The Power Of Saying No 17:00 - 17:30 Repeal the Hate Out of Sight, Out Glitch!UK of Mind 17:30 - 18:00 Any Answers Repeal the Hate Out of Sight, Out Glitch!UK of Mind

26 27 This session is designed to give members 10:30 Lakeside Mini Fringe 15:00 - 16:00 Lantern lounge the opportunity to put their questions to Trading in Women’s Rights WE Development Committee candidates standing for election to the Visit the Fringe within a Fringe. These Steering Committee and Policy Committee. Speakers: Marion Sharples, Girish Menon, Erin discussions, panels and workshops organised Business, Politics, Money Mansell, Adrienne Roberts by members and external organisations are 11:00 Pendeen well worth a visit. This session is for delegates with business Your Country Really Needs You: This panel will look at how trade agreements skills or connections who could contribute to impact women, and how post-Brexit 09:00 - 10:00 Lantern lounge the party’s fundraising efforts. WE need to Speakers: Seyi Akikowo, Lee Chalmers, Cath trade deals could contribute to women’s Celtic Connection find ways to raise considerable funds from Smith empowerment or risk furthering inequalities. business and business people to accelerate It will consider the space and mechanisms This session is for delegates from Wales, the pace of change. This workshop, lead by Parliament Project, needed to mitigate the negative impacts of Scotland or Northern Ireland. It’s an will demystify the process of standing for trade on women, the balance of investors’ opportunity to build connections and 16:00 - 17:00 The Lantern lounge election. The session is for everyone, from rights and human rights, and the role of build networks for cooperation on future The Power Of Saying No brand new sign ups to seasoned campaigners. transparency and democracy. campaigns. It will explore how we can all engage in the Rebecca Lammers Women’s Equality Party 10:00 - 11:00 Lantern lounge political process to change our communities Related motions: This session explores the power of saying no, policy on Brexit; A Feminist Foreign Policy. BAME Caucus for the better. why patriarchal conditioning has made it so Related motions: The case for widening 14:00 Lakeside This session is for BAME delegates and allies. difficult for us to say no, and how to apply participation in elections. You Brexit, WE Fix It It’s an opportunity to build connections and basic ‘no’ principles to improve your day-to- organise to campaign for change within the day decision-making in life. 13:30 Pendeen Speakers: Mary-Ann Stephenson, Cath Smith, party and beyond. Toward a Sex Buyer Law Susan Milner, Kimberly McIntosh, Rachel 17:00 - 18:00 Lantern lounge Franklin 11:00 - 12:00 Lantern lounge Glitch!UK Speakers: Fiona Broadfoot Northern hub This panel will explore the potential impact of This workshop will #fixtheglitch and help This training session will be delivered by Fiona different Brexit scenarios for women, both in This session is for representatives from members campaign, advocate and educate Broadfoot, an activist and survivor of Child the long and short term, and what a potential branches in Northern England. It will explore to end online abuse and harrasment. Learn Sexual Exploitation who founded The Build A feminist response might be. how we can strengthen connections across how to develop digital resiliance. Girl Project. It will challenge the myths around the region and organise for future campaigns prostitution and look at how we campaign to Related motions: Housing motion; Abolish and elections. 18:00 end demand and save lives. the single payment system of Universal Break Credit; A Women’s Equality Party policy 14:00 - 15:00 Lantern lounge 19:00 Related motions: Delivering nil cap limit on on Brexit. Make votes matter local authorities’ sexual entertainment venues Lighthouse Theatre doors open 15:00 Lakeside This session asks how we can change our Policies. 19:30 Breaking the Political Deadlock on Social voting system to Proportional Representation WE FUNdraiser CONTENT WARNING: This session contains Care in years rather than decades and what you information about sexual assault and/or can do to help. violence which may be upsetting to survivors. Speakers: Lydia Hayes, Mary-Ann Stephenson, Athena Stevens 14:00-15:00 the Boathouse room 16:30 Pendeen Pop up Pride Out of Sight, Out of Mind This workshop will explore how social care went from being the defining issue of the This session is all about why WE are proud! Speakers: Hilary Burkitt, Celia Wilson, Lisa 2017 General Election to the subject that 2018’s Pride organising team are here to fill Raftery, Tracy Dickinson, Paula Mayock everyone avoids. It will examine the causes you in, hear your thoughts and find organisers and consequences of this political deadlock for 2019 Pride events across the country. This workshop will explore what women’s and the best ways to break it. homelessness looks like today, It will ask why women’s homelessness remains largely Related motions: A policy on Health and invisible, despite increasing awareness of Social Care. housing issues and homelessness. Members will consider what a housing policy for 16:30 Lakeside women might look like. Matriarch or Man

Related motions: Housing motion; Abolish Speakers: Jordan Stephens the single payment system of Universal Credit. This speech will set out why all men should want to live in a matriarchy, the challenges of toxic masculinity and the steps we can take to rebalance our society.

28 Conference ISSUE 2 29 Encouraging government to give women Protecting migrant domestic workers equal access to sterilisation as a permanent against abuse and servitude Guilene Gaspais, form of contraception (amended) Abi Islington branch Pattenden, Hove and Portslade branch AGENDA 14:50 - 15:30 11:25 - 12:30 Ending Violence Against Women Equalities legislation Abolish the single payment system of DAY 3 Making equal pay and equal caregiving a Universal Credit Emma Hopkins Jones, York reality in the modern labour market Eleanor branch Hemmens, Harini Iyengar, Policy Committee Delivering nil cap limit on local authorities’ Clarifying eligibility for hub co-ordinator Update the Equality Act to include sexual entertainment venues Policies SUNDAY 9 SEPTEMBER and data manager roles (Amendment A) socio-economic status as a protected (amended) Charlotte Mead, Sheffield characteristic Sellisha Lockyer branch 08:00 David Renton, Edinburgh branch House opens Maintaining the protections of the Equality 15:35 - 15:40 Branch representation in decision making Act 2010 (Amendment A) Magda Devas Affordable housing 08:30 - 09:00 Emma Ko, Camden branch Reports to conference Gender Recognition Act 2004 Amy Killen, Housing motion (amended) Pamela Ritchie, Governance review: Virginie Bellaton Steering Committee report Chris Paouros Finance report • Executive Committee (emergency motion) 12:30 - 12:55 15:40 - 16:00 • Leader (emergency motion) Equal Parenting and caregiving Equal Education 09:00 - 16:00 • Policy Committee (emergency motion) Food stalls open Ratification of manifesto policies: Ensuring that parents perceive involvement • Appeals Body (emergency motion) in sex and relationship education as Food from around the world Chris Paouros, Executive Committee • Universal free childcare an opportunity rather than a chore 09:00 - 16:00 (Amendment A) Rufus Duits, Steering Motion for conference to approve the Margaret Kerbey, Policy Committee Party Business and discussions Committee appointment of five Steering Committee • Nine months shared parental leave on 90% Make Change Happen! Take part in Sunday’s members, and the reappointment of two of pay Provision for Parental-Engagement exciting party business sessions and help members of the Appeals Body Sophie Programmes in Relationships and Sex shape the future of your party. Walker, Steering Committee Dianna Moylan, Policy Committee Education (RSE) Leah Jewett, Camden branch 09:30 10:25 - 10:40 Writing off historic child support arrears Voting opens for Policy and Steering Policy development Joanna Archer, Bath branch From STEM to STEAM (Science, Technology, Committee roles Engineering, Arts & Design and Maths) A feminist foreign policy Sophie Walker, 12:55 - 13:40 Rebecca Manson Jones, Athena Stevens 10:00 - 16:00 Leader Lunchbreak Marketplace open 16:30 To create a WE working group on Appeals Body report Voting closes for Policy and Steering Party Business AGENDA technology and innovation in support Announcement of random selections to Committee roles of our core objectives and for a truly Steering Committee 09:00 - 10:25 transformational politics Athena Stevens, CONFERENCE CLOSES Business motions - internal structures and Steering Committee 13:40 - 14:50 processes Brexit and migration Explicit inclusion of video games in WE Special debates at conference (emergency Policy on Equality in the Media (amended) Deletion of lines 19 – 21 inc. (Amendment A) motion) Sophie Walker, Leader Caroline Hunt, Pamela Ritchie Jill Lorimer, Richmond branch

Governance review: Steering Committee 10:40 - 11:25 To ensure that the proposed People’s Vote... (emergency motion) Health and social care includes the Option to Remain. (Amendment B) Sarah Dodgson • Amended constitution with changes A motion to protect the long-term reflected sustainability of the NHS Sophie Walker, A Women’s Equality Party policy on Brexit Leader Bea Gare, Steering Committee Chris Paouros, Executive Committee A policy on health and social care Athena Ensuring that settled status will take into 09:30 Stevens, Steering Committee account women’s, children’s and vulnerable Voting opens for Policy and Steering groups’ needs Committee roles Guilene Gaspais, Islington branch

30 Conference ISSUE 2 31 32 mary Show your supportfor women’s equalityby becoming [email protected] to hear more orvisit P No lease contact m one ofour100Centenary Champions t f W ar 100 y o oo w e

p ch ’ ’v s t d M ut y ary Drysdale viaemailat t e in e he

bee ow ar g o ti f ur s n. n o . me r A DEMO? UP FOR for you, checkoutourwebsite. If you’d like aquickdemoofwhatwe could do WE –atConference andbeyond. We are delighted to besupportingthebrilliant in theprivate andpublicsector. influence policy for charities and organisations designed to drive debate, changemindsand We specialiseincreative communications wavers andcommitted to campaigning. At Dekko Creative we’re proud to beplacard


Mini fringe: Lantern lounge and the Boathouse Free childcare: Kids Play • The Lighthouse Theatre bar - on the Lil Bug Coffee Company room WE are providing childcare for children under ground floor, near registration (saturday and sunday) Panels and events led by members and external the age of 14 at conference. Advance booking • The Lakeside bar - on the ground floor, in @lilbugcoffee organisations. Whether you’re a new member or is essential. Childcare options will be provided the Lakeside room, next to the Lakeside Lil Bug Coffee Company’s Classic VW Beetle a founding member, the events in this space will free of charge on site, and children are welcome Foyer be packed with new information and activism to participate in conference activities if coffee van serves traditional coffee, frappes, • The Bridge bar - on the first floor, outside teas, hot chocolate, soft drinks, sausage and opportunities. accompanied by parent/guardian (make sure to the Lighthouse Theatre look out for content warnings on the agenda). bacon baguettes, cakes and muffins. •The Fair Isle bar - in the main hall of the The delegate Lakeside Foyer meat and veggie The delegate Lakeside Foyer is a space created Twitter wall conference for members to hold member meet-ups, Based in the delegate Lakeside Foyer, our Il Peperone Piccante Pizza socialise, attend drop-in sessions and take Twitter wall will offer a fun and unique visual Nha Trang Kitchen (friday to sunday) a break from conference. of the digital impact of our conference actions. (friday night only) @nhatrangkitchen @ILPEPEPICCANT Self-organising space: the Boathouse room Teas, coffees and alcoholic beverages can The pizzas stretched by hand are prepared in Are you looking for an opportunity to bring be purchased from any of the bars inside Nha Trang Kitchen serves authentic a wood fired oven made using home-made a group together, meet with your branch or the conference centre. Tea and coffee is also Vietnamese street food. Serving delightful dough, delicious fresh vegetables and tasty network in an organised way? If so, you can use available in the market place. home-cooked meals made with delicious and meat toppings. the self-organising space located on the ground healthy ingredients. floor of the conference centre in the Boathouse meat, veggie and vegan meat and veggie room. It will operate on a first come, first served basis. On arrival at conference you can sign Pop up Greek Street Food Patiala Xpress up and locate the room (with the help of our (friday to sunday) @RituManan07 excellent volunteer stewards). @PopUpGreek Patiala Xpress serves up a delicious selection Serving up sizzling souvlaki pita bread wraps authentic Indian food, offering a tasty selection in street food markets, festivals, concerts, of vegetarian, vegan and meat options. private and corporate parties. veggie and meat

Bars will be open throughout the weekend in the conference centre. Serving drinks and bar snacks, including paninis and nachos: meet, drink, chat and be merry!

34 Conference ISSUE 2 35 50:50 Parliament NatWest Bank 50:50 Parliament drives towards an At NatWest we recognise the inclusive gender-balanced parliament benefit of working together to by encouraging, inspiring and supporting provide better outcomes for all. EXHIBITORS political engagement, particularly from women. NatWest are delighted to support In addition, we lobby Parliament and the the Women’s Equality Party conference. political parties to be more inclusive of women. We are impatient for change and are taking Centre for Women’s Justice action. Centre for Women’s Justice is a Marketplace: Come and say hello to our excellent exhibitors charity committed to holding the @5050Parliament state to account for failures in the and retailers prevention of violence against Alliance For Choice women and girls. We undertake strategic Make time to visit the Marketplace, which is located in the first floor Gallery. WE have some Demanding Reproductive Justice: litigation and facilitate access to legal assistance fantastic exhibitors and retailers offering information, advice and fun items for sale. Drop by we are breaking the stigma around to secure justice for women who have suffered their stands, say hello and enjoy the chance to shop. While you are there, come and visit the abortion and campaigning for injustice as a result of systemic malpractice. WE stall and pick up a conference souvenir. abortion seekers in Northern Ireland to get the free, safe and legal healthcare they @centreWJ need. The Feminist Library Let Toys Be Toys @PersephoneBooks @All4Choice The Feminist Library in London Let Toys Be Toys is an award- is one of the most important winning campaign asking the toy Clavis & Claustra Women’s Environmental Network collections of feminist material in and publishing industries to stop Clavis & Claustra is an independent WEN is a national membership charity the UK. We’ve provided an inspiring learning limiting children’s interests by feminist publisher, celebrating working to empower and inform and social space for researchers, activists and labelling some toys and books as only suitable women and queer people in history women and men who care about the community projects since 1975 as a volunteer- for girls, and others only for boys. with an epic range of stationery and gifts. We environment. We give a woman’s perspective run collective. on mainstream issues such as waste and work @LetToysBeToys have been closing the book on since 2015. on issues like sanitary wear, nappies, breast @feministlibrary Boudavida cancer and pollution which are especially Wish Boudavida is a sports and @ClavisClaustra relevant to women. Wish is the only national, user-led activewear company making FiLiA @WEN_UK charity that works with women a difference to women’s sport. We create We are the daughters of the women with mental health needs in prisons, hospitals performance clothing that makes women feel who came before us; women who Vintage Rogues and in the community. We provide independent good about their bodies and inspired to get fought for our children, our bodies, Vintage Rogues’ vision is to reverse advocacy, emotional support and practical active. We donate 5% from every purchase to ourselves. The FiLiA 2018 conference the trend of the over-production guidance through all the stages in a woman’s projects that help more women improve their brings together sisters taking down patriarchy, of short lived disposable items by experience of the mental health and criminal health, life and wellbeing through sport and fighting injustices across the world, fighting rescuing quality textiles and fabrics alongside justice system. exercise. violence towards women, pay disparity, leather from English saddlery. We repurpose these by hand-stitching them into beautiful @Wishcharity @boudavida discrimination against refugees, racism, classism. No topic is taboo. All are welcome. bags and handbags. Agenda Women’s Budget Group Letterbox Library Agenda, the alliance for The Women’s Budget Group is @FiLiA_charity Letterbox Library women and girls at risk, at the forefront of scrutinising FOCX Underwear is a children’s bookseller specialising in books is working to build a society where women government policy from a gender perspective. FOCX has been selling bespoke, which celebrate equality, inclusion and diversity. and girls are able to live their lives free from We are a network of leading feminist British, limited-edition, unisex underwear since We are a not-for-profit social enterprise. inequality, poverty and violence. We campaign economists, researchers, policy experts and 2011. Our underwear provides supreme comfort, Letterbox Library was set up in a Hackney front for women and girls facing abuse, poverty, poor campaigners committed to achieving a more quality, and fit in sizes UK 6 to UK 26 and is room in 1983 by two single mums who couldn’t mental health, addiction and homelessness to gender equal future. We have been working handmade in Nottingham by 87 year-old Beryl find books for their daughters showing girls in get the support and protection they need. towards this since 1989. Chambers and her family. meaningful roles. @Agenda_alliance @WomensBudgetGrp @FOCXLTD @LetterboxLib Persephone Books Fawcett Society Persephone Books The Fawcett Society has been reprints neglected fiction and non-fiction by campaigning for women’s rights for mid-twentieth century (mostly) women writers. over 150 years through impactful research and All of our 128 books are intelligent, thought- hard-hitting campaigns. Equality won’t happen provoking and beautifully written and are if we don’t fight for it. We’ve got to make it chosen to appeal to busy people wanting titles happen. that are neither too literary nor too commercial.

36 @fawcettsociety Conference ISSUE 2 37 Hannah Peaker Mary Drysdale Nell Burnham Chief of Staff Head of Development Digital Communications Co-ordinator

Hannah is responsible for Mary works on fundraising Nell is responsible for the day-to-day running and development, seeking updating the party’s WHO’S WHO of the party and is the out ways to maximize website, planning leader’s right hand woman. income streams for the digital and social media She began her career working in the Women’s Equality Party. campaigns and writing and sending voluntary sector and cut her political email blasts. teeth volunteering during the 2008 Role at Party Conference WE TEAM Obama Presidential campaign. Mary will be supporting conference Role at Party Conference speakers, sponsors and stall holders. Nell will be managing our digital Role at Party Conference communications at conference. Hannah is the Party conference Chair. @marydrysdale Sophie Walker Catherine Mayer Sandi Toksvig She will introduce delegates to the Clara Courtauld Leader of the Women’s Co-founder and President of Co-founder and MC of the practicalities of how conference Erin Mansell Conference Co-ordinator Political Researcher and Advisor Equality Party the Women’s Equality Party, Women’s Equality Party, works. Clara has overseen the Sophie was elected as author and journalist broadcaster and writer @hannahpeaker1 Erin provides support delivery of several WE and advice to the leader the first Party Leader in Catherine is the author of Sandi is well known to UK events, including activist of the party and other February 2018 with over three books, Amortality: audiences as a broadcaster, Celia Wilson bootcamps and a comedy spokespeople, oversees 90% of the vote. The Pleasures and Perils of having begun her career in Head of Members and Supporters fundraiser. the party’s political engagement Living Agelessly, Charles: children’s television playing Sophie is determined to put women’s Celia is responsible for strategy, and researches developing Role at Party Conference The Heart of a King and Attack of the Ethel in Number 73. Since then her rights and the diversity of women’s mobilising WE members policy areas. Clara will be managing the delivery of Fifty Foot Women. She spent more TV career has included experiences at the top of the UK to create change, with party conference. than three decades as a journalist and Whose Line Is It Anyway?, QI and political agenda. She is intent on a focus on branch and Role at Party Conference before co-founding the Women’s The Great British Bake Off. Her radio getting more women into politics volunteer activity. She leads on the Erin will be overseeing the conference Lorraine Roberts Equality Party. career includes (as – offering childcare support and low- development of new branches and the policy making and party business. Director of Finance and Operations chair). income bursaries to new candidates Role at Party Conference management of existing ones, as well Erin will also be a Co-chair for party for WE – and on working with all Catherine will be chairing the ‘Big Role at Party Conference as the establishment of regional and business on Sunday. Lorraine is an independent political parties towards gender Data: Will Technology Fix Inequality Sandi will lead ‘Grossly Undervalued national hubs. management consultant equality. or Deepen It?’ and ‘Victims, Vamps & Domestic Product’ session and MC the @ErinLauraManse covering the post of Role at Party Conference Director of Finance and Role at Party Conference Feminazis’ sessions on Saturday. WE Comedy FUNdraiser on saturday Celia will look after volunteers, Elly Bull Operations at WE while conducting Sophie will deliver the leader’s speech night. @catherine_mayer coordinate branch activity and lead Finance and Admin Co-ordinator a series of organisational governance on Saturday afternoon. She will also @sanditoksvig the Branching out workshop. reviews for the party. join the ‘This Century is Ours’ panel Elly monitors WE’s and lead the ‘Any Answers’ session. @wilspring finances and ensures that Role at Party Conference the party’s operations Lorraine will be supporting the @SophieRunning Cath Smith are compliant with presentation of financial reports Head of Campaigns the Electoral Commission. Elly is during the governance sessions developing the framework for local on Sunday. Cath manages the party’s branch fundraising and supports on national campaigns and central office management. supports branches and candidates during election Role at Party Conference campaigns. She is also responsible Elly will be managing the registration for the party’s activist training and process and is on hand to answer resources. branches’ financial and regulatory questions. Role at Party Conference Cath will be supporting the @EllyBull conference speakers and delivering activist training. Fariya Sharif Members and Supporters Officer @the_real_cath Fariya is the Members and Supporters Officer and works on supporting and growing our membership.

Role at Party Conference Fariya will be responsible for ensuring delegates get the most out of conference and managing volunteers to ensure the smooth running of the weekend. Fariya will also be a Co-chair for party business on Sunday.

38 Conference ISSUE 2 39 Co-chairs Key volunteers WHO’S WHO Ali Smith Aimee Perry Gwen Webber WE Steering Committee Member Volunteer Co-ordinator Speaker’s Co-ordinator

Ali is part of the Hove & Aimee helps to recruit Formerly a design writer Portslade Branch of WE, volunteers for central office and project manager, CONFERENCE and is their lead on policy and campaigns, and works Gwen is the architecture and campaigning. She has to improve the experience programme manager at been a lifelong activist for equal rights of our volunteers. the British Council. She is regional SPEAKERS and justice. lead for MENA and the Americas Role at Party Conference and programmes the British Pavilion Role at Party Conference Aimee will be managing conference during the Venice Architecture Ali will co-chair party business volunteers. Biennale. Nazir Afzal OBE Hannah Barham-Brown Hilary Burkitt sessions. Former Chief Crown Prosecutor GP trainee and disability advocate Head of research at Shelter Hadrian Holloway Role at Party Conference @ali_splat Founding Member and Volunteer Gwen is one of our key volunteers Previously Chief Executive Hannah is a disability Hilary is interested in focusing on speaker support and of the Association of Police advocate, doctor and housing, social policy and Bea Gare Hadrian has been a coordinating conference volunteers. and Crime Commissioners, #RollModel and deputy research and leads on WE Executive Committee Member volunteer for over a year, Nazir is currently National chair of the British Shelter’s programme of supporting the WE central Megan Moseley Adviser to the Welsh Government and Medical Association’s Junior Doctors work understanding the root causes of Bea is a former British office on many different Conference Volunteer patron of 11 women-led NGOs. Committee. She regularly writes about housing insecurity and homelessness. Diplomat. In mid-career projects. He is also one of the key health and disability issues. she undertook a PhD in organisers for the WE Pride effort. Megan has been @nazirafzal @hilaryburkitt biological sciences and volunteering at the WE @HannahPopsy rejoined the FCO after a short stint Role at Party Conference central office this summer, Seyi Akiwowo Emma Campbell running her own Environmental Hadrian is one of our key volunteers, supporting on a range of Founder and Director of Glitch!UK Rob Berkeley Co-chair of Alliance for Choice Consultancy. helping to coordinate conference different projects. Co-editor of BlackOut UK volunteers. Seyi is a recovering As well as changing the Role at Party Conference Role at Party Conference London politician who is Award-winning busybody, language around abortion Bea will co-chair party business @Emp_Hadrian Megan is one of our key volunteers, passionate about diversity recovering academic in Northern Ireland sessions. helping to coordinate conference and inclusion. She founded and reforming social with the Trust Women Elisha Foust volunteers. Glitch!UK to campaign, advocate and reformer, Rob is co-editor campaign, Emma campaigned as part @bea_gare Founding Member and Volunteer educate as a means to end online of BlackOut UK, a not-for-profit, of Together for Yes in Ireland’s national abuse. community-owned media asset for abortion referendum. Katherine Martin Elisha drives the Pride and by black gay men. WE Bristol Branch Leader effort for central office. @seyiakiwowo @All4Choice She encourages branches @_GlitchUK @Berkeleythinks Katherine leads the to participate in their local Catherine Casserley Bristol branch supporting Prides and raises funds to make Pride Aderonke Apata Charlie Brinkhurst-Cuff Barrister at Cloisters Chambers local members, running events as free as possible. Founder of African Rainbow Family Deputy Editor of Gal-Dem campaigns and preparing Catherine specialises in for local elections in 2020. She has a Role at Party Conference Aderonke is a multi award- News and features writer, discrimination, human background in developing community Elisha is one of our key volunteers, winning human rights editor and creative, with rights law and employment engagement with research. helping to coordinate conference activist, feminist, LGBT+ focuses on race, feminism, law. She has particular volunteers. equality advocate and media, youth culture and expertise in disability discrimination Role at Party Conference founder of African Rainbow Family, a social politics. Charlie is also a writer including in complex employment Katherine will co-chair party business @allthingsFoust charitable organisation that supports and editor for Dazed, a columnist discrimination cases and public law sessions. the LGBT+ community including those at the i newspaper and a Guardian cases. She has served as special seeking asylum. freelancer. adviser to the House of Lords Committee on the Equality Act @rock4_ronnie @CharlieBCuff 2010 and disability. @AfricanRainbow1 Fiona Broadfoot Founder and CEO of Build A Girl Project, and survivor

Fiona campaigns to provide a safe and therapeutic environment for girls and young women.


40 Conference ISSUE 2 41 Lee Chalmers Mia de Faoite Dr Christine Ekechi Bronagh Hinds Dr Paula Mayock Dr Susan Milner Founder of The Parliament Project Activist at End Demand UK/HLFG Consultant Gynaecologist, Early Founder and Senior Associate at Assistant Professor at the School of Associate Professor at the University Ireland Pregnancy Plus specialist DemocraShe Social Work and Social Policy, Trinity of Bath The Parliament Project is College, Dublin a non-partisan initiative to Mia is a survivor activist, Christine is a women’s DemocraShe aims to Susan researches on inform, inspire and train law graduate and was health expert, specialising empower women in Paula’s research focuses women and employment. women in the UK to stand a core partner in the in early pregnancy care. A politics, policy influence primarily on homelessness She is examining how for election. Its aim is to achieve 51% successful Turn Off the leader in holistic women’s and peace-building. and housing, with particular policy to support women female representation across all levels Red Light campaign in Ireland. health, she combines medicine with A political force, Bronagh helped emphasis on women’s in employment has developed in the of government. psychology and wellbeing to put form the Northern Ireland Women’s homelessness. She is also founder UK and what the impact of Brexit is @miadefaoite women at the centre of their health Coalition and is active in many and chairperson of the Women’s likely to be. @leechalmers story. campaign groups, including the Homelessness in Europe Network. Rachel Franklin Women’s Policy Group and the Rt Hon Nicky Morgan MP Rachael Clarke Chief of Staff at InFacts @functionalgynae Women’s Budget Group. @PaulaMayock Conservative Party MP for Advocacy Manager at British Loughborough Pregnancy Advisory Service Rachel has previously Amika George Emily Hunt Claire McCann worked in EU affairs and Student and Founder of #FreePeriods Crowdfunding to privately prosecute Barrister at Cloisters Chambers Nicky is the first woman Rachael works for the international relations for a sex offence Chair of the Treasury independent healthcare a number of leading think Amika is an 18 year-old Claire is an equality, Select Committee in the charity BPAS in the tanks and advocacy organisations student and founder Emily is many things: data employment and human Commons. She served as External Affairs team both in Westminster and Brussels. of #FreePeriods, the storyteller, entrepreneur, rights law barrister with Secretary of State for Education and gathering and using women’s abortion campaign to end period single mother, rape victim, a particular expertise in Minister for Women and Equalities and experiences to campaign for better @RachelAFranklin poverty in the UK. world changer. In the last trans equality. She was appointed by authored Taught not Caught (2017) on legislation and improved services for @InFactsOrg year, her life has changed dramatically the Women and Equalities Committee character education. women and couples. @AmikaGeorge as she stepped out on the public as a specialist adviser to its 2015-16 Kate Devlin stage to talk about her experiences as Transgender Inquiry. @NickyMorgan01 Writer and Senior Lecturer in the Halla Gunnarsdóttir @bpas1968 a rape victim and has started to seek Department of Digital Humanities at Special Adviser to the Prime justice not just for herself but as many @clairemccann72 Tabitha Morton Emine Çolak King’s College London Minister’s Office, Iceland others as possible. Campaigner and WE candidate Advocate, Barrister-at-Law Kimberly McIntosh A former archaeologist, Halla serves as special @emilyinpublic Policy Officer atR ace on the Agenda Tabitha is a VAWG Emine is an activist for Kate did a PhD in adviser to the Icelandic (ROTA)/Runnymede Trust campaigner and in 2017 peace-building and computer science and Prime Minister, focusing Dr Tracey Jensen was the WE candidate in equality. Founder and chair now researches how on gender equality Lecturer at Lancaster University Kimberly has worked with the Liverpool City Region of Turkish Cypriot Human society interacts with and reacts and violence against women and the Women’s Budget Mayoral election. She is also COO at Rights Foundation, she was appointed to technological change and how girls. Former head of policy and Tracey is a sociological Group on austerity and , combining her passion Minister of Foreign Affairs by the this can inform forecasting new and partnerships for the Women’s Equality researcher and author of BAME women and is for a new type of politics with work. Republican Turkish Party to represent emerging tech. Party and a proud founding member. the book Parenting the working on a report on Brexit’s impact Turkish Cypriots from 2015 to 2016. Crisis: The cultural politics on BAME communities. @TabithaMortonWE @drkatedevlin Stephanie Harrison QC of parent-blame (2018). Her research @eminecolak00 QC at Garden Court Chambers interests include cultural politics, @mcintosh_kim Dr Shola Mos-Shogbamimu Sukhwant Dhaliwal representation, social and media Lawyer, Founder of Women in Giselle Cory Founder and editorial collective Stephanie practises Charlotte Mead inequalities. Leadership and political and Data Scientist and public policy member of Feminist Dissent predominantly in public WE Branch Leader Sheffield women’s rights activist Analyst and administrative law @Drtraceyjensen Sukhwant has worked for with a strong emphasis on Charlotte is an information Shola is one of the Giselle focuses on family over 10 years for black civil liberties and anti-discrimination. Athena Lamnisos management officer at organisers of Women’s policy and gender equality and minority women’s She has expertise in all areas of Chief Executive of The Eve Appeal Sheffield City Council March London. A lawyer and how we can best apply organisations in the immigration and asylum law and working in housing and by profession, she is also data science to help tackle women’s voluntary sector in the practice. Athena heads up the neighbourhoods. Since 2016, she has the founder and editor of the Women related challenges. She has a decade UK. She moved over to academia women’s cancer charity been supporting local groups and in Leadership publication to inspire of experience working in government, and began producing research on Dr Lydia Hayes The Eve Appeal, which individuals to make Sheffield free personal leadership journeys of charities and think tanks. the intersection of race and other Reader in Law at Cardiff University works to address the of strip clubs. women. equalities strands. taboos around reproductive health @gisellecory Lydia is an advocate and drive more research funding into Girish Menon @SholaMos1 Rosie Duffield MP for feminist reform of medical research. Chief Executive of ActionAid UK Claudia Craig Labour Party MP for Canterbury employment rights. Award- Femi Otitoju WE Party Activist winning author of Stories @athenalamnisos1 Grirish has worked in Co-chair of Women’s Aid and Rosie was elected as of Care: A Labour of Law - Gender @eveappeal social development for Director of Challenge Training Claudia is a women’s rights Canterbury’s first Labour and Class at Work (Palgrave, 2017), three decades, previously campaigner and activist. and first female MP in which was launched by Baroness deputy CEO and director In 1988, Femi founded Earlier this year she 2017 at the snap General Helena Kennedy QC. of international programmes at equality and diversity launched the #HomeUse Election. She is mum to two boys WaterAid, and has worked for consultancy Challenge campaign with the Women’s Equality and previously worked as a teaching @DrLJBHayes ActionAid India, Plan International Training. A lifelong feminist Party, based on her own experience of assistant. and DFID. activist and campaigner, she joined the abortion pill. Women’s Aid as co-chair in 2013 @RosieDuffield1 @GirishMenonAAUK following eight years as chair of the @ClaudiaRTCraig Memorial Prize Group.


42 Conference ISSUE 2 43 Chris Paouros Professor Parvati Raghuram Jenn Selby Joan Smith Athena Stevens Holly Holder Campaigner and WE Steering Professor of Geography and Writer, VAWG campaigner and Novelist, journalist, human rights Equality in the Media Spokesperson Health and social care Researcher Committee Member Migration at The Open University Spokesperson for Solace Women’s campaigner for the Women’s Equality Party and Aid, IC Change and HerVoice Founder of Aegis Productions Holly has worked as a Chris is an LGBT+ Parvati has authored a Joan is the author of researcher and policy and women’s rights number of papers and Jenn was part of the Misogynies and Co-chair Athena is a writer, actor, analyst across health, social campaigner. Her work on books. Her ongoing IC Change team that of the ’s director and long-time care and equalities issues the FA’s Inclusion Advisory research is into gendered changed the law in 2017 Violence Against Women political activist. After for the past ten years. She is also a Board, as Proud Lilywhites’ co-chair skilled migration in a range of sectors, and is a spokesperson for and Girls Board. Her new book, receiving her Masters in Trustee of a social housing and social and with Kick it Out and Women particularly IT and medicine. Solace Women’s Aid, the rape crisis Homegrown: How Domestic Violence Creative Entrepreneurship, she started care organisation who support adults in Football, promotes football as a organisation that saved her life after Turns Men into Terrorists, will be her own multi-media production with learning disabilities. vehicle for diversity and inclusion. @ParvatiRaghuram her own attack. published by Riverrun next year. company Aegis Productions. Harini Iyengar @chrispaouros Mandu Reid @JennSelby @polblonde @athenastevens WE spokesperson for equal Campaigner and Women’s Equality representation Pragna Patel Party candidate Marion Sharples Olivia Smith Audrey Tang Director of Policy and Communications Officer Senior Lecturer in Criminology at Digital Minister, Taiwan. Contributing Harini is WE spokesperson Mandu is founder of The at the Gender and Development Anglia Ruskin University to conference via video link for Equal Representation Pragna is a founder, Cup Effect, a charity that Network and has represented the member and director of raises awareness about Olivia has been Audrey is in charge of the party in elections for Southall Black Sisters, a and distributes menstrual Marion sits on the campaigning around Public Digital Innovation Parliament, Hackney Mayor, Great not-for-profit, secular and cups to tackle period poverty. She also WIDE+ Gender & Trade violence against women Space, a national level London Assembly and Dalston ward. inclusive organisation established works for the Mayor of London and working group and is since 2010, and her digital service to make She is a practicing barrister, University in 1979 to meet the needs of Black has stood as a WE candidate twice. a Trustee of Women research focuses mostly on justice large-scale participation possible. Governor and lone parent of three. (Asian and African-Caribbean) Working Worldwide. She holds an responses and state compensation. Audrey was key to making visible the women. @ManduReid MSc in Gender, Development and She strongly believes that an 2014 Sunflower movement, where Globalisation. intersectional approach is essential for students occupied Taiwan parliament. @SBSisters Natalie Reynolds justice. CEO of advantageSPRING @MarionSharples @audreyt Alexia Pepper de Caires Ailbhe Smyth Campaigner, Co-founder of Safe As well as CEO of Dr Victoria Showunmi Convenor of the Coalition to Repeal Dr Yvonne Thompson CBE Space and Co-leader of WE Hackney advantageSPRING, a Senior Lecturer at Maynooth the 8th Amendment WE Executive Committee Member branch global negotiation training University and UCL Institute of company, Natalie is Education Ailbhe has been a feminist Yvonne is an Alexia joined the #aidtoo founder of The Make Your Ask Project and LGBT+ campaigner for entrepreneur working campaign to protest lack to get one million women negotiating. Victoria is an academic 35 years and this year she in the communications, of accountability for sexual with an interest in two co-directed the Together marketing and PR industry. harassment at Save the @AdvSpringCEO interconnecting themes, for Yes national campaign, which She has advised corporates, public Children during her employment there. intersectionality and opened the way for legislation on sector, educational establishments and Dr Adrienne Roberts She also formed a feminist collective gender in the context of leadership abortion in Ireland. government, developing a reputation to advocate for structural change in Senior Lecturer in International and black women and their wellbeing. as an activist and campaigner, the sector. Politics at the University of @ailbhes supporting women and minorities in Manchester @ShowunmiV business. @je_ne_tweet_pas Jordan Stephens Adrienne’s area of Sam Smethers Musician, writer, performer and @YvonneCbe Lisa Raftery expertise is feminist Chief Executive of the Fawcett campaigner London Development Manager at international political Society Harriet Wistrich Homeless Link economy and, along with Half of pop duo Rizzle Director of the Centre for Women’s her colleagues Dr Silke Trommer and As CEO of the Fawcett Kicks and now with the Justice Women’s equality has Dr Erin Hannah, she is working on Society, Sam’s work alias ‘Al the Native’ in been Lisa’s driving passion research projects on gendering global focuses on advancing Wildhood, Jordan has been Harriet is a solicitor across her 17-year public trade governance. women’s rights and vocal about his struggle with mental challenging failures in the and voluntary sector equality in Britain. Prior to this, she led health issues and the impact of toxic criminal justice system. career. She works to support some @DrAdrienneRob Grandparents Plus, championing the masculinity on men’s wellbeing. She founded Centre for of the most disadvantaged women role that grandparents and the wider Women’s Justice in 2016 to bring in society, making visible women’s Karen Salt family play in children’s lives. @RizzleKicks cases holding the state to account in experiences of homelessness. Director of the Centre for Research in relation to violence against women Race and Rights at the University of @Samsmethers Mary-Ann Stephenson and girls. @lisa_raftery Nottingham Director of the Women’s Budget Group @HWistrich Karen is a researcher, advocate, agitator and The Women’s Budget Amelia Womack collaborator dedicated Group analyses economic Deputy Leader of the Green Party to working for a just and policy for its gender equitable world. You can find her at impact, develops policies Amelia works to raise the University of Nottingham or the that would lead to greater equality awareness of local issues nearest quality coffee house. and promotes feminist approaches to while campaigning for economics. change on a national level @drksalt and has a particular focus on women’s @WomensBudgetGrp rights, flooding, climate change and community resilience.


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