LINCOLN RECORD SOCIETY Registered charity number 513433 Library, Minster Yard, Lincoln, LN2 1PX Our books may go out of print but never out of date Telephone 01522 561640 WHAT IS THE LINCOLN RECORD SOCIETY? MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION FORM

What does it do? What are the benefits of membership? I would like to join the Lincoln Record Society The Society is a registered charity founded in 1910 by the 1. Members receive the annual volume published by the Reverend Canon Charles Foster to publish records and Society as part of their annual subscription. The Society’s I enclose my subscription of the current year: documents relating to the ancient county and diocese of volumes are works of scholarship which are of lasting value £25 for all members. Lincoln. A great mass of unprinted material and which are used and enjoyed by amateur historians Cheques should be made payable to The Lincoln Record Society survives, especially in the Lincolnshire Archives Office, the and professional scholars alike. They also provide basic National Archives, the British Library, Lincoln Cathedral resources for students of all ages working on dissertations Applications should be sent for the attention of Archives and elsewhere. The objective of the Society is and projects. They are unlike monographs and other The Treasurer at Lincoln Cathedral Library, to make as much of this material as possible available to secondary sources, whose findings may be superseded. Minster Yard, Lincoln, LN2 1PX amateur and professional historians. Our volumes may go out of print but never out of date.

The ancient diocese covered not only Lincolnshire, the 2. Members receive advanced notice and special discounts Title: ...... second largest county in England, but also the large area on books published in the Occasional Series, and in the which lay within the medieval diocese: the counties of Kathleen Major Series of medieval volumes. Personal Name: ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Lincoln, Leicester, Northampton, , Oxford, Bedford, 3. Members may buy volumes from our back-list at Family Name: ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Buckingham, Huntingdon and northern Hertford. Recent substantial savings over the prices to non-members. Suffixes: ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� publications have included subjects as diverse as 18th century Volumes that are out of print are sometimes available midwifery and pharmacy, a 19th century Bishop’s letters to his Address: ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� diocesan clergy, a collection of late 19th century photographs second-hand to members through the Honorary Treasurer. �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� showing the development of the railway from Bourne to 4. The Society’s Annual General Meeting takes place in Saxby , the first of a series of volumes of the biographies of Lincoln every autumn when the annual report and accounts �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Lincolnshire Parish Clergy, an atlas of Town Plans of Lincoln, are presented, business matters discussed and there is a �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Bishop’s Registers from the 14th century and correspondence lecture on an aspect of Lincolnshire history. This occasion between Maurice Johnson of the Spalding Gentlemen’s provides an opportunity for members to talk to the office- Postcode: ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Society and . bearers and to meet fellow enthusiasts over afternoon tea. Telephone number: ������������������������������������������������������������������������� Who can join? 5. Other events including the annual conference and book Fax number: ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� launches which are held around the county during the E-mail address: ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Membership is open to all on payment of the annual year with preferential rates for members where events are subscription. Many of the Society’s members live in charged for. Lincolnshire or elsewhere in the East Midlands; others are Lincolnshire people who have moved away but wish to keep How much does it cost? LINCOLN RECORD SOCIETY in touch with, and to support the history of their native Registered charity number 513433 The annual subscription is £25 for all members. Payment can county. There are individual members living throughout the either be by cheque made out to the Lincoln Record Society Lincoln Cathedral Library, world. Nearly half of the Society’s institutional members are or by Bankers’ Order. The form can be downloaded from the Minster Yard, Lincoln, LN2 1PX located outside the UK. The appeal of the work of the Lincoln Society’s website: Record Society is very wide. Telephone 01522 561640 E-mail: [email protected]