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[email protected] URR October 30, 2015 Serving SMCC Since 1940 Volume 71, No. 2 Campus Events P B Monday, November 2 Basketball @ William Parade of Beauties Carey JV (MBB Only) 7:00 P.M. Summit Tuesday, November 3 crowns Haley Simmons, Basketball @ BRCC (WBB Only) 6:00 P.M. Summit Saturday, November 7 Most Beautiful Basketball @ Delgado (MBB Only) By Christian Green, staff writer and TBA Summit Seth Nieman, co-editor On the night of Tuesday, Monday, November 9 October 20th, faculty and stu- Basketball @ Delta dents of SMCC along with guests 5:30/7:15 P.M. Summit from all over Mississippi gath- ered inside of the Hurst Auditorium to watch fourteen Wednesday, Nov. 11 gorgeous contestants compete to Veteran’s Day Assembly be crowned SMCC’s “Most Beautiful.” The event began at six-thirty that evening with an Friday, November 13 exhilarating performance of Basketball @ Spring "Shut Up and Dance" presented by the SMCC Stage Band singers Hill JV and dancers. Abbey Hooks, Coca Cola Classic Student Body President, wel- 5:00/6:45 P.M. Summit comed everyone to the pageant and introduced Ashley Gray, Director of Student Activities and Monday, November 16 Housing, as the evening’s host. Basketball @ Pensacola Next, Gray announced the judges who would preside over St. (Women) the event. The judges who attend- Basketball @ BRCC ed the event were Cori Holaday, 5:30/7:15 P.M. Summit Jane Beeland, and Johhny Reynolds. After the judges were introduced to the audience, the Tuesday, November 17 individual modeling began.