Congressional Record—Senate S8358

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Congressional Record—Senate S8358 S8358 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 21, 2012 The administration is currently es- The Miss Universe title is an ac- medical technology at Thomas Jeffer- tablishing a ‘‘Do Not Pay ‘‘ program knowledgement of Olivia’s exceptional son University, a lecturer at the school based on the White House executive intelligence, talent, and compassion. of health professions, Southwest Texas memorandum, Memorandum on En- She was recognized by the National State University, and associate direc- hancing Payment Accuracy Through a Honor Society for her academic excel- tor of continuing education at the ‘‘Do Not Pay List.’’ However, there was lence at Rhode Island’s St. Mary’s Edmonda campus of Gwynedd-Mercy no statutory mandate to proceed. The Academy Bay View. She currently at- College. Ann has given her career to legislation establishes the ‘‘Do Not tends Boston University in neighboring the pursuit of improving educational Pay’’ program in law throughout the Massachusetts, where she has made the opportunities around the country and Federal Government under a specific dean’s list every semester. that motivation has been central to timetable. In addition to excelling in her stud- her administration at Weber. Third, the legislation targets death ies, Olivia is a talented and dedicated In 2002, Ann was selected as president fraud and improper payments to de- musician. From a young age, her love of the university from a pool of 55 pos- ceased individuals. Improper payments for music was cultivated by her proud sible candidates. Regent George include those made to individuals who parents, Peter and Susan Culpo, them- Mantes said, ‘‘In selecting a president are deceased, and should therefore no selves musicians. She took cello les- of Weber State University we looked longer be eligible under program rules, sons from second grade on, and has for someone who could lead a univer- yet still receive payments. For exam- since performed with the Rhode Island sity that serves over 17,000 students and who would also be seen as a com- ple, the Office of Personnel Manage- Philharmonic Youth Orchestra, Rhode munity leader for Northern Utah. We ment Inspector General reported that Island Philharmonic Chamber Ensem- had terrific people to choose from and $601 million in improper payments were ble, Bay View Orchestra, and Rhode Is- feel confident that in selecting Dr. made to Federal retirees found to have land All State Orchestra. This self-de- Millner we have found the right person already died. However, such payments scribed cellist nerd has also had the to fill both of these important roles.’’ to dead people were not unique to this honor of performing at Boston Sym- Mr. Mantes and the selection commit- one program. Improving the collection phony Hall and at Carnegie Hall in New tee’s confidence in President Millner and use by Federal agencies of data on York City, and she completed a tour of has paid off. Under her leadership deceased beneficiaries will help curb England in 2010. Weber State University opened a new hundreds of millions, if not billions of Olivia has already demonstrated a campus in Davis and enrollment in- dollars, in improper payments. The strong drive to make a difference in creased from 17,000 to 25,000. The uni- IPERA Improvement Act requires that her community and her country. Ear- versity has added a number of new pro- the Office of Management and Budget, lier this year, I had the opportunity to grams, certificates, baccalaureate and in consultation with other agencies meet with Olivia here in my Wash- graduate degrees including seven mas- and stakeholders, determine a plan for ington office, where she advocated pas- ters degree programs and countless on- curbing improper payments to deceased sionately for Federal support of ovar- line course work which all serve to individuals. ian cancer research. I share her deep both enhance and expand the edu- Finally, the legislation requires that concern about the terrible effects of cational opportunities offered to stu- the Office of Management and Budget cancer. She is a valuable ally in the dents. Weber has gained particular ac- report to Congress on the current ef- search for a cure. claim for its growing engineering Com- forts by agencies to recover improper Olivia has given the Ocean State puter and Electronics Engineering payments, including a listing of agen- something to be proud of. I am grateful Technology department, which focuses cies that employ outside contractors to Olivia Culpo for the example she on training students in the innovations for recovery efforts, and their current sets for our children and for being a and technologies of the future. In 2010 levels and targets for recoveries. This stellar and faithful representative of President Millner announced the reporting can easily be done as part of the State of Rhode Island on the world ‘‘Dream Weber Program,’’ one of the the annual report on improper pay- stage. I wish her all the best. many scholarship and outreach pro- ments currently conducted by the f grams her administration developed to OMB. make higher education a possibility for ADDITIONAL STATEMENTS I believe passage of the Improper those who would otherwise not have Payments Elimination and Recovery the opportunity. Improvement Act of 2012 represents an TRIBUTE TO ANN MILLNER The new and upgraded facilities on important step toward curbing waste Weber’s campus stand as a powerful and fraud within the Federal Govern- ∑ Mr. LEE. Mr. President, Nelson symbol of the legacy President Millner ment. I look forward to working with Mandela said, ‘‘Education is the most leaves behind. In addition to an entire the administration and Federal agen- powerful weapon which you can use to new campus in Weber, President cies to implement the legislation’s pro- change the world.’’ In Utah, Weber Millner oversaw the construction of visions. I also look forward to working State University President Ann the Hurst Center for Lifelong Learning, with my congressional colleagues on Millner has lead the charge to increase, a two-story facility dedicated to help- additional steps during the next legis- improve and enhance higher education ing provide students with opportunities lative session. opportunities for anyone who has to continue education. She also f sought them. After 10 years of distin- oversaw the opening of Wildcat Vil- guished service she is stepping down lage, a residential housing facility that CONGRATULATING OLIVIA CULPO, from her post and I rise to honor her serves over 500 students with a fun, MISS UNIVERSE today. low-cost housing experience. She also Mr. WHITEHOUSE. Mr. President, I Before being selected president of the oversaw the construction and opening am pleased to offer my sincere con- university, Ann served Weber in a vari- of Elizabeth Hall, a state-of-the-art gratulations to Olivia Culpo, a native ety of capacities including vice presi- classroom building which features of Cranston, RI, on being crowned Miss dent for university relations, associate multimedia capabilities, writing and Universe. After being crowned Miss dean of continuing education, assistant tutoring centers and enough classroom Rhode Island USA in her first ever pag- vice president for community partner- space to offer more classes than any eant competition last year, Olivia’s ships and director of outreach edu- other building on campus. These three rise to Miss Universe has been nothing cation in the school of allied health buildings exemplify some of President short of meteoric. In quick succession services. President Millner brought Millner’s major accomplishments dur- she became the first Rhode Islander to with her a well-rounded resume of lead- ing her presidency: to increase focus on ever win the Miss USA competition, ership in education gained at several education as a lifelong pursuit, to in- and is now the first Miss USA to win different universities. She served as crease educational opportunities and to the Miss Universe pageant in over a education coordinator of the medical enhance educational experiences with decade. She has made the people of our technology program at Vanderbilt Uni- cutting-edge technologies and facili- State very proud. versity, instructional developer in ties. VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:23 Dec 22, 2012 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00036 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A21DE6.035 S21DEPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with December 21, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S8359 President Millner brought with her a Security and Investigations on the The report detailed flawed practices vision of the collaborative relationship Senate Homeland Security and Govern- and communications, both within and the university would have with the sur- mental Affairs Committee. between the FBI and Department of rounding northern Utah community. In Gordon left my Committee staff ear- Defense, which allowed Hasan to re- 2008, Weber State received the Carnegie lier this year due to illness. However, main in the military—and even be pro- Foundation’s Classification for Com- this legislation will add to his record of moted—despite many warning signs munity Engagement, an award recog- enhancing the security of our country, that he was becoming dangerous. The nizing the collaboration ‘‘between edu- and especially of breaking down the report also contained a series of rec- cational institutions and local, state, barriers to greater cooperation and col- ommendations that, had they been in regional, national and local commu- laboration between agencies that must place, probably would have led to nities for the mutually beneficial ex- work together to keep our country Hasan’s dismissal from the Army and change of knowledge and resources.’’ safe. prodded the FBI, which was aware of Under her leadership, Weber State Uni- Thomas Jefferson once asked the Hasan’s suspicious actions, into a more versity also has taken part in the Utah question: ‘‘What duty does a citizen aggressive investigation of his growing Science, Technology and Research owe to the government that secures violent Islamist radicalization.
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