Arthur Claims T1.- R
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Arthur Claims t1.- r Sample file &k. -1 Adventure with young Arthur in his quest to claim the kingship of Britain. Battle enemy lords, defend the realm against savage invaders, and clear the land of a wesome monsters. Find glory in the dozens of adventures provided. Hk Bov KIN(, CONTAINC eveiything details the glorious battles and needed to run an 80-year cam- dozens of potential adventures to paign spanning from tietore help Arthur gain his kingship, pro- Arthur pulls the Sword of Kingrhip from vicling interaction with the great the stone to the height ot his empire figure of legend. THE ADVENTURE CHARACTER GENERATION details OF THE CASTLE OF JOY provides character creation for the time tittor a long narrative scenario wherein Arthur's reign. BRITAIN BEFORE player-knights are tested for their ARTHUR presents a chronology of worthinesr to help defend the castle of Ldncelot and Guenever's atfair, the Grail events important to the realm. BEFORE the Holy Grail. CITIES describes the (&est, and the death of Arthur - a ( 01 ARTHUR and THE SAVAGE FOREST nature ot Medieval cities, and provides Plete 80-Year campaign. provide opportunities to integratc pl,iycr maps anti details for both London ,ind This reprint includes a new section knights into the ongoing events of Camelot. LATER CHRONOLOGYoLltlines adding rnagic system statistics for nicigil Britain. The RnY KING CHRONOLOGY other events of the campaign, including ( haiacters and a graphical timeline. WHAT IS PENDRAGON? Pendragon is a roleplaying game wherein you and your friends participate in heroic adventures. Or I " p player, the gamemaster, presents the story. Everyone else creates knight-characters-the heroes the tale. Each player verbally responds to the gamemaster's plot and the actions of the villains, ar describes how his or her character reacts. You can face the same dangers that Arthur and Lance1 encountered, but this time you decide your knight's actions! I I ISBN L-5b882-L2L-2 For a FREE CATALOG 52095 of Chaosium books and Samplegames, write to: file Chaosium Inc 950-A 56th St. 9 781568 821214 Oakland, CA 94608 I Visit our web site at html _- BoyIhe King by Greg Stafford PATRONS OF THE ARTS: Roderick and Ellen Robertson EDITOR: Sam Shirley COVER DESIGN: Sam Shirley COVER ARTWORK: Stephen King COPY READING: Britt Daniel LAYOUT: Sam Shirley, Shannon Appel INTERIOR ARTWORK: Arnie Swekel WHISPERING PATH, STRANGORE, ROMAN WAR, SAXON WAR, POST ROMAN and EVENT MAPS: Kevin Zucker CELTIC DECORATIONS, SHIELDS, WHERE THEY LIVE, LONDON, CAMELOT, and FOREST SAUVAGE MAPS: Gus diZerega Sample file CHAOSIUM INC. 1997 Contributors: Britt Daniel, William Dunn, Katherine Kerr, Michael 'Trout Fourth Edition Conversions: Roderick Robertson Helpers and Pluytesters: Ken Kaufer, Anne Merritt, Suzanne Courteau, Gus diZerega, Donald Frew, Derek Boain, Les Brooks, Jim Hooker, John Carnahan, Britt Daniel This work was prepared using the Penguin Classics edition of Le Morte D 'Arthur, edited by Janet Cowen. THE BOY KING is published by Chaosium Inc. THE BOY KING is copyright 0 1991, 1997 by Greg Stafford Similarities between characters in THE BOY KING and persons living or dead are strictly coincidental. Cover painting copyright 0 1997 by Stephen King. All interior illustrations copyright 0 1991 by Arnie Swekel. Celtic borders, Forest Sauvage map, Where They Live map, Camelot, and London maps copyright 0 1991 by Gus diZerega. Whispering Path, Strangore, Roman War, Saxon War, Post Roman, and Event maps copyright 0 1991 by Kevin Zucker. The reproduction of material from this book for the purposes of personal or corporate profit by photographic, electronic, or other methods of retrieval is prohibited. Address questions and comments concerning this book as well as requests for free catalogues of Chaosium books, games, and supplements to: Chaosium Inc., 950-A 56th Street, Oakland, CA, U.S.A., or by email to: SampleVisit our web site alt: http:Nwww.sirius.coml-chaosium/chaosium.html file ISBN 1-56882-123-9. Chaosium Publication 2708. Published December 1997. Second Edition. Printed in the United States. ____._... .._____ .. Table of Contents Introduction ......................................... 4 527 ....................... What’s In Here? ..................................... 4 The Conquest of The Pendragon Chronicle ...................... 5 The Dolorous Stroke ......................... 56 Arthur the Emperor ......................... i02 The Epic Tapestry (box) ...................... 5 5 I5 ................................... In Rome ................ Using Malory ...................................... 6 Sir Kay (illo) ..................................... 57 The Saxon Wars: 515-518 (map) ...... 58 528 ........................................... New Round Table ................... 59 .................. ......................... 7 Battle Scene (illo)................................ 7 5 18 ........................ ................... 62 Character Generation ......................... 8 Battle of Badon (map) ....................... 64 New Lands (box) ................................. 8 5 I9 ....................................................... 65 Beginning Skill Values (box) ..............9 Events of 519-524 (map)................... 66 A Royal Herald (illo) ......................... 10 Strangore. Showing Battles (map) .... 67 Britain Before Arthur ........................ 11 520 ....................................................... 67 Post-Roman Tribal Movements (map) 12 521 ....................................................... 68 Camelot .................................. Phase 1: Anarchy ............................... 14 Morgan le Fey (illo) .......................... 69 Politics ......................................... Morgan’s Grand Plot ......................... 69 Chronology After 531 ...................... 116 Escalation .. ................... 14 Norman Knight (illo)......................... 15 522 ...................... Phase 4: Apogee .... Saxon Expansion: 495-508 (map) ..... 16 Events .................................. Chronology ...................................... 119 The Forest Sauvage ............................. 17 Faerie Places (box) ............................ 18 524 ............................. Forest Sauvage (map) ........................ 19 Phase Two Adventures ........................ 74 A Circle of Standing Stones (illo) The Adventure of the Castle of Joy ... 76 ers ...................... 124 Phase One Adventures .................... Merlin’s Island ................................ Young Lancelot ............................... 124 The Whispering Path (map) ..............26 The City of Glass................................... 77 Young King Arthur. in 5 IO Guardians of the Whis . Path (illo) .... 27 The Trail of Chivalry ............................. 78 Balin le Sauvage, in 5 12 ... Coping with Castles (box) .................28 The Castle of Joy ................................... 78 The Brown Knight. in 512 .............. 125 The Cave of the Black Annis (illo) ... 29 King of Chaste Mortal (stats) ..... Young Gawaine. in 514 . 126 Merlin (illo) ........................ 33 King Fisher (shield)............................. 79 Griflet, in 518 ...................... 126 Roman Tomb (illo) ............................ 34 Young Guenever, in 5 14.................. 127 Battles and Sieges .............., ............... 35 ......................... 83 Kay, in 522 ..................... Lord Eurain (shield) ............................ 85 The Assault ........................................ 36 Baudwin of Britain (shield) ................ 85 Merlin, in 510 .................................. 129 Phase 2: Unification........................... 38 Lamorak de Gales (shield) ................. 86 Mordred. in 531 ....... Escalation .......................................... 38 Rombold Moor .................................... 86 Morgan le Fay. in 52 510: Adventure of the Boy King ......... 39 Alain le Gross (shield) ....... Pellinore, in 5 12 .............................. 130 The Sword in the Stone (illo)............ 40 The White Knight (shield) ................ 88 Sagremor le Desirous, in 516 .......... 131 Events of 51 0 (map) .......................... 41 Sir Bavid of Sauvage (shield) ...... Vivianne, in 520 .............................. 131 511 ....................................................... 44 Thwarting Enemies of King Fisher The White Knight. in 5 I7 Format for Annual Court Events ....... 44 New Monsters (box) .......................... 89 Young Yvaine. in 521 512 ........ ............................. 45 The Battle of the Plains of Joy .......... 90 Appendices ....................................... 133 Brown Knight of the Wilds (illo) ...... 45 Phase 3: Consolidation...................... 92 Appendix I: Fourth Edition Conv...... 133 Arthur’s Swords ................................ 47 Escalation ....................... .... 92 Appendix 11: Pendrag Sir Balin (illo) ................................... 48 525 .......................................... .... 93 Appendix 111: Horses . EventsSample of 51 1-513 (map) ................... 49 Rome Demands Tribute ..................... 94 Appendixfile IV Adventures 51 3 .................... ..................... 50 Sir Lancelot (illo) .............................. 94 List of Adventures ........................... 141 King Lot (illo) ................................... 52 526 ....................................................... 95 List of Battles .................................