The Revolutionary War to the Republic of Texas Compiled by Pauline Stark Moore Author and Editing by Clovis Lafleur
Newton County, Texas Stark Families Book 2: The Revolutionary War to the Republic of Texas Compiled by Pauline Stark Moore Author and Editing by Clovis LaFleur Surrender of General Burgoyne at Saratoga, New York. 17 October 1777. Issued 1936 commemorating 100th anniversary Painting by John Trumbull of the Republic of Texas Source: Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia Wm. Hawley Stark Home, Bon Wier, Newton Co., TX Family Cemetery among Pine Trees in Background Copyright © 2003 Self Published by Clovis LaFleur & Pauline Stark Moore All Rights Reserved. By posting this copyright it is our intention to date this material. Reproduction of portions of this text will be discouraged by the authors if they do not receive credit and credit is not given to those, past and present, who have made major contributions to our knowledge of the Stark Families presented in this text. Newton County, Texas Stark Families Book 2: The Revolutionary War to the Republic of Texas 2 Newton County, Texas Stark Families Book 2: The Revolutionary War to the Republic of Texas About The Authors Clovis LaFleur Pauline Stark Moore Descendant of Prudence Jane Stark who married William Descendant of Asa Lafitte Stark who married Matilda Dona- "Bill" Herrin. They had a son named Edward Herrin who ho. They had a son named John Lawhorn Stark who married married Georgian Zachary. Their daughter was Maude Mae Mary Martha Zachary. Their son was Oliver Eugene Stark Herrin who married Oakdale, Louisiana Pentecostal Pastor, who married Cynthia Melinda Marlow. Their son was Clar- Rev. Robert L. LaFleur. Their son was Clovice LaFleur, Sr.