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UNDERWATER Speleoldgy \ ~i ~: ...;. UNDERWATER SPELEOlDGY OFFICAL NEWSLETIER OF THE CAVE O)VING SECTION OF THE NATIONAL SPELEOLOGICAL SOCIETY Vol. 1, No. 5- Fall 74 , , .. :. ( ", . IN THE ABSENCE OF A QUORUM AT THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE CAVE DIVING SECTION OF ( THE NATIONAL SPELEOLOGICAL SOCIETY IN DECORAH, IOWA, THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF THE SECTION IS HOLDING AN ELECTION OF THIS YEAR'S OFFICERS BY MAIL. THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE HAS NOMINATED FOUR SECTION -MEMBERS FOR OFFIC~, AND HAS LEFT THE FLOOR OPEN FOR ADDIONAL NOMINATIONS BY MAIL. TO NOMINATE A-CANDIDATE FOR OFFICE, ,SIMPLY WRITE THE NOMINEE'S NAME AND DESIRED OFFICE ON A POST CARD AND MAIL IT TO SHECK EXCEY, CHAIRMAN NSS CAVE DIVING SECTION, 1591 S. LANE AVE.,#'1SC, JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA 32210. ALL NOMINATIONS WILL AUTOMATICALLY BE SECONDED AND MUST BE RECEIVED BY NO LATER THAN DECEMBER 1, 1974. PLEASE CHECK WITH YOUR CANDIDATE AND MAKE SURE THAT HE IS WILLING AND ABLE TO SERVE IN THE DESIRED OFFICE FOR THE COMING YEAR. AND ... DON'T HESITATE TO NOMINATE YOURSELF IF YOU 'ARE INTERESTED. THE NOMINEES OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE ARE AS FOL­ LOWS: CHAIRMAN - JIM STOREY; VICE CHAIRMAN - SHECK EXLEY; SECRETARY~TREASURER - STEVE MAEGERLEIN: UIS CAVE DIVING COMMISSION REPRESENTATIVE - JIM STOREY. BALLOTS WILL BE MAILED OUT ON DECEMBER 2, 1974.ALL OFFICERS MUST ~ NSS MEMBERS, AND YOU ~i~~ MUST BE AN NSS '''EMBER TO VOTE. CDS SECTION NEWSLETTER, Fall 1974 25 ( ADDRESS LIST 0:= NATIONAL REPR:::SENU.TIV:S It~ THE UIS CA.VE DIVING COMMIS.SIOt\ BELGIUM MEXICO UN 1TED $T ATES Guy de Block Eduardo Castro Ruiz NSS CAVE DIVING SECTION Avenue des Desirs 25 Cerro de Tesonco ~ i17 vacant - to be elected 5-1140 Bruxelles Mexico, 21 D.~. (filied by appointment - Belgium Mexico Bill Ca te - 1 as t yea r) CZECHOSLOVAKIA NETHERLANDS UN ITED STATES Frantisek Piskula Henk van Vlimrneren Natio~al Ass'n for Cave Diving Nam. SNP 19' Balistraat 96 I. 'Sheck Exley 614 00 Brno Den Haag lS9i S. Lane Avenue F llBe Czechoslovakia Netherl ands Jacksonvi lIe, Fla. 32210 (NOTE: Sheck Exley is ineligible Tibor Sasvari POLAND for the NSS CDS Rep. because he tr. SNP 42 Jerzy Gi zejevski is the elected rep. of NACO) 040 01 Kosice 02.917 Warszawa 34 Czechoslovakia Ul. Morszynska 7 m Poland FED. REP. GERMANY Eberhard Kern PORTUGAL 79 Ul m/Donau Orlando Caetano Cordeiro St. Barbara Str. 20 Vivenda Casal dos Netos BRD S. Pedro de Trafaria Almada/ Portugal GERMAi'i [jEr~. REPUBLI C Klaus-Jurgen Fritz SPAIN c 402 Halle Esteve Petit, Hei deha'user 4 GRUPO DE ESTUDIOS TECHNOLOGICOS DDR AVANZADOS c/ Mauricio Serrahima 20 GREAT BRITAIN Barcelona, Spain Collin Priddle 40 Ralph Road SWEDEN Horfield Anders H. ;".inden Bristol BS7 9QP Sveri ges Spel ecbg Forbund England Fack 5 - 10260 Stockholm ITALY Sweden Dr. Lamberto Ferriricchi via Mecenate 20 SwiTZERLAND 00184 Roma, Italy Hermann Oetiker Wyga rte'n 4 Blasco Scammacca 5620 Zufikon Piazza Scammacca N. 1 Swi tzerland 095134 Catania, Italia Curi 11 e 8 randt LEBANON avo Florimont 20 Alain Jean Maroun 1006 Lausanne Rue Rachid Nakhle Swi tzerland Qua rti er Zarif Imm Mahfoud Beyrouth, Liban CDS ~EeTION NEWSLETTER, Fall 1974 26 ( Ut~IOi~ INTERi-lATIONALE DE SPELEO!...OGIE REDORi 01\ COMMISSIOi~ !""OR CAVE DIVlliG bv ~rantisek Piskula, Chai rman (Iiote: the fol10l"ing is an abridgement of the original report preoared by Sheck Exley. The full report may be obtained by writing Sheck or Mr. Piskula at the aforementioned address.) Aims of the Commission are the follQ\\'ing: 1. Contribute to development and increase of cave diving safety allover the world. 2. Help to effective international exchange o~ ex­ periences and to solving of important problems 07 cave diving. 3. Contribute to effective utilization of cave diving as the means of sci.entifi:: research ir, other branches of spe­ leo logy. To reach these aims, commission will folIo,; this program: 1. Recommend equipment, methods and techniques of cave diving, training, safety and rescue procedures and dral'.' attention to problems, requiring solutions. 2. Help in organizing of cave diving instruc­ tor courses. 3. Organize international cam~s of cave diving and help in organization of international expeditions for solving of important speleological problems. ~. Help in improvement of eqwip~ent by means of exchange of documentation for self-made equipment, exchange of experiences v.'ith commercially made equipment and suggestions for improvement of eXisting equipment. 5. Publish periodical publication Cave Diving Developments, as the main means of international exchange of information, utilize also other possibilities of publication and information exchange. 6. Keep world statistics of cave diving accidents and near-accidents, aimed to prevent repeating of accidents with same causes. 7. Coooerate ( with other conrnissions of UIS, with World Underwater Federation (CMAS) and with other or­ gani":zations having underwater exploration of cavesinUieir·prograin. Commission is composed of officials, o~ficial delegates and their substitutes, and of Working Groups. Officials include Chairman, ~rantisek prs~ula~ Vice Chairman. Secretary, and Treasurer. Official delegates are on preceding page. ~orking Groups are formed to solve particular problems of cave diving. Follov.'inS groups are proposed: Equipment, techniques and safety of cave diving Cave Diving rescue Traininq and education Cartography (Chairman - Sheck Exley) Photography and filming Scientific application of Cave diving Conservation A::cident Statistics Any cave diver or speleologist interested in active I"ork in a Working Group can become its member. If there are more me~bers of one working group from one count~, they elect thei r representative, who keeps contact with the chairman of the wor~ing group. Work of e working group is directed by its chairman, who is nominated by the Chajrman or Vice­ chairman of the commission, or e~ected by Official Delegates of the Commission. (PLEASE NOTE: Any American Caver or Cave diver interested in joining a Working Group please contact the US Representative or Frantisek Piskula.) CDS NEWSLETTER, Fai I 1974 27 " G- ADDRESS LIST 0::- NATIONAL REPR::SENT,t.,iIVE~ It~ THE UIS CA,VE DIVING COMMIS,SIOt\ BELGIUM MEXICO UNITED STATES Guv de Block Eduardo Castro Ruiz NSS CAVE DIVING SECTION Avenue des Desirs 25 Cerro de Tesonco # i17 vacant - to be elected 6-1140 Bruxel1es Mexico, 21 D.=-. (filled by appointment - Belgium Mexico B ill Ca te - 1as t yea r) CZECHOSLOVAKIA NETHERLANDS UNITED STATES Frantisek Piskula Henk van V1immeren Natio~al AS$'n for Cave Diving Nam. SNP 19' Balistraat 96 I. -Sheck Exley 614 00 Brno Den Haag 159i S. Lane Avenue f llBe Czechoslovakia Netherlands Jacksonville, Fla. 32210 (NOTE: Sheck Exley is ineligible Tibor Sasvari POLAND for the NSS CDS Rep. because he tr. SNP 42 Jerzy Gizejevski is the elected rep. of NACO) 040 01 Kosice 02.917 Warszawa 34 Czechoslovakia Ul. Morszynska 7 m 1 Poland FED. REP. GERMANY Eberhard Kern PORTUGAL 79 U1 m/Donau Orlando Caetano Cordeiro St. Barbara Str. 20 Vivenda Casal dos Netos BRD S. Pedro de Trafaria Almada/ Portugal GERMAi~ DEM. REPUBLI C Klaus-Jurgen Fritz SPAIN 402 Halle Es teve Pet; t _ Heidehauser 4 GRUPO DE ESTUDrOS TECHNOLOGICOS DDR AVANZADOS c/ Mauricio Serrahima 20 GREAT BRITAIN Barcelona, Spain Collin Pr; ddle 40 Ralph Road SWEDEN Horfie1d Anders H. ;", iroden Bristol BS7 9QP Sveriges Spele:bg Forbund England Fack S - 10260 Stockholm ITALY Sweden Dr. Lamberto Ferriricchi via Mecenate 20 SWITZERLAND 00184 Roma, Italy He rman n Oe t i ke ; Wygarte'n 4 Blasco Scammacca 5620 Zufikon Piazza Scammacca N. 1 Switzerland 095134 Catania, Italia Curille Brandt LEBANON avo Florimont 20 Alain Jean Maroun 1006 Lausanne Rue Rachid Nakh1e Swi tzerland Quarti er Zar; f Imm Mahfoud Beyrouth. L; ban CDS £ECTIOH NEWSLETTER, Fall 1974 26 (- UNION INTEru~ATIONAlE D~ SPELEOLOGIE REDOK! 01'\ CO"",MISStOi~ FOR CAVE DtVIIK bv Frantisek Piskula, Chai rman (I~ote: tMe follOl"ing is an abridgement of the original report prepared by Sheck Exley. The full report may be obta i ned by wri t i:19 Sheck or Mi. Pi sku 1 a Cl,t the aforement i oned add ress.) Aims of the Commission are the folIOV-'ing: 1. Contribute to development and increase of cave diving safety 131 lover the world. 2. Help to effective international exchange of ex­ periences and to solving of important proble~s of Cave diving. 3. Contribute to effective utiliZation of cave diving as the means of sci-entifi::: research in other branches of spe­ leo logy. To reach these aims, commission will folIo,..; this program: 1. Recommend equipment, methods and techniques of cave diving, training, safety and rescue procedures a:1d draw attention to problems, requiring solutions. 2. Help in organizing of cave dl,ving instruc­ tor courses. 3. Organize international ca~s of cave diving and help in organization of international expeditions for solving of important speleological problems. ~. Help in improvement of eqwipl1leF'lt by means of exchange of documentation for self-made equipment, exc~ange of experiences with commerc1ally made equipment and suggestions for improvement of existing equipment. 5. Publi.sh pec-iodical publication Cave Diving Developments, as the main means of international eXChange of information, utilize also other possibilities or publication and information exchange. 6. -Keep ~'orld statistics of cave diving accidents and near-accidents, aimed to prevent repeating of accidents with same causes. 7. Coooe:-ate with other corrrnissions of UtS, with World Underwater Federation (CMAS) and w),th other or­ gani"i.ations having underwater exploration of caves'in-thelrprogram. Commission is composed of officicls, official delegates and their substitutes, and of Working Groups. Officials include Chairman, Frantisek P-iskula., Vice Chairman. Sec:etar)" and Treasurer. Official delegates are on preceding page.~orking Groups are' formed to solve particular problems of cave diving.
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