February 27, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E215 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS

CELEBRATING WOMEN’S HISTORY AMBER HARRIS and legitimate reasons for having passed MONTH through it.’’ We are all so blessed that Mr. HON. ED PERLMUTTER James Austin Jenkins, Jr. passed this way HON. PETER J. VISCLOSKY OF COLORADO during his life’s journey. As a proud member of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc., his exu- OF INDIANA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES berant personality captured the attention of all Wednesday, February 27, 2019 Wednesday, February 27, 2019 those he encountered and made him the life Mr. PERLMUTTER. Madam Speaker, I rise of the party wherever he went. He will be re- Mr. VISCLOSKY. Madam Speaker, it is with today to recognize and applaud Amber Harris membered for his welcoming spirit and love great respect and admiration that I rise today for receiving the Arvada Wheat Ridge Service for his fraternity, his friends, and above all in observance of Women’s History Month and Ambassadors for Youth award. else, his family. He leaves behind a great leg- its 2019 theme—Visionary Women: Cham- Amber Harris is a student at Pomona High acy in public service to and warm cherished pions of Peace and Nonviolence. Each year, School and received this award because her memories in the lives of those who knew him. the National Women’s History Project selects determination and hard work have allowed her While he was preceded in death by his par- a unifying theme to recognize and promote to overcome adversities. ents and brothers, Aaron, Frederick, and Elliot; Women’s History Month. This year’s theme The dedication demonstrated by Amber Har- he is survived by his children, Karen, Earl, features the stories of women from diverse ris is exemplary of the type of achievement Bianca, Alicia, and Nathan; and a host of fam- backgrounds and fields who have advocated ily and friends who will miss him dearly. for peace and human rights throughout the that can be attained with hard work and perse- verance. It is essential students at all levels On a personal note, James and I both un- world. derstood the importance of addressing the im- In the United States, women of every race, strive to make the most of their education and portant issues facing our nation’s Veterans class, and ethnic background have played a develop a work ethic which will guide them for and would discuss these issues at the Vet- critical role in advocating for unity and peace. the rest of their lives. erans Brain Trust during the Congressional For generations, women have contributed to I extend my deepest congratulations to Black Caucus’ Annual Legislative Conference, resolving conflicts and have worked to pro- Amber Harris for winning the Arvada Wheat Ridge Service Ambassadors for Youth award. which he attended regularly. mote nonviolence in the workplace, schools, Madam Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join homes, communities, and government. I have no doubt she will exhibit the same dedi- me, along with my wife, Vivian; and the more Women have insisted upon and continue to cation and character in all of her future ac- than 730,000 residents of Georgia’s Second fight for respect, justice, and peace for all of complishments. Congressional District in paying tribute to Mr. humanity. f Strong pioneers such as Graciela Sanchez, James Austin Jenkins, Jr. for his service to IN HONOR OF MR. JAMES AUSTIN Dr. E. Faye Williams, and Dorothy Cotton built our country. We extend our deepest condo- JENKINS, JR. their lives upon fighting for equal rights and lences to his family and friends during this dif- eliminating racism and sexism. Leaders includ- ficult time of bereavement and pray that they ing Deborah Tucker advocated for improve- HON. SANFORD D. BISHOP, JR. will be comforted by an abiding faith and the ments of laws and policies worldwide. Ms. OF GEORGIA Holy Spirit in the days, weeks, and months Tucker helped write and pass the Violence IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ahead. f Against Women Act of 1994. Sister Alice Wednesday, February 27, 2019 Zachmann was also a trailblazer who dedi- GUN VIOLENCE cated her life to ending war and violence, giv- Mr. BISHOP of Georgia. Madam Speaker, it ing much of her time and efforts to organiza- is with a heavy heart and solemn remem- tions that supported the end of the Vietnam brance that I pay tribute to a great man, out- HON. ROBIN L. KELLY War. In 1982, Sister Zachmann founded the standing public servant, and dear friend of OF ILLINOIS Guatemala Human Rights Commission USA longstanding, Mr. James Austin Jenkins, Jr. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and served as its director for twenty years. For Mr. Jenkins passed away on Thursday, Feb- Wednesday, February 27, 2019 their leadership and outstanding dedication to ruary 21, 2019. A funeral service will be held Ms. KELLY of Illinois. Madam Speaker, I women’s rights, unity, and peace, they are on Saturday, March 2, 2019, at 12:00 p.m. at rise today for Hadiya Pendleton and Blair well deserving of our respect and admiration. Mount Olive Missionary Baptist Church in Holt—because they can no longer rise. Their I commend these fine women and the many Burkville, Alabama. promising young lives were cut short by gun others who have fought alongside them for se- James Austin Jenkins, Jr. was born on De- violence. curing rights for all women of every creed, cember 28, 1937, to the late James Austin I rise for Xavier Joy, Julian Gonzalez and class, and ethnic background. These fearless Jenkins, Sr. and Octavia McCray Jenkins. A Delmonte Johnson and the thousands of and strong women serve as remarkable role product of the Lowndes County, Alabama Americans lost to gun violence over the years. models who reflect the 2019 theme, Visionary Public School System, he graduated from People are dying in our cities and our rural Women: Champions of Peace and Non- Lowndes County Training School before at- counties, in school classrooms and movie the- violence. tending Alabama State University, where he atres. Madam Speaker, I am honored to join in received his bachelor’s degree in Political In Waffle Houses, synagogues and on our celebrating Women’s History Month and to Science. streets. Nowhere is safe from gun violence recognize that after decades of dedication, James built quite an impressive career as a and the American people are sick and tired of perseverance, contributions, and advances, public servant in our nation’s federal govern- it. great American women from all cultures and ment which was demonstrated through his That’s why they sent a historic wave of gun classes are being celebrated. To illustrate the dedicated services to the National Park Serv- sense candidates to Congress with a singular numerous brave women of our nation’s his- ice, as a Ranger stationed in the Washington mission: do something and save lives. tory, we remember and recount the tales of Monument and as a Horse Mounted Ranger at Today, we will keep that promise. Today, our ancestors’ talents, sacrifices, and commit- Prince William Forest Park in Virginia, as well we will vote on legislation to ensure a back- ments that serve as an inspiration to today’s as in Federal Government Law Enforcement, ground check on every gun sale. generation. I ask that you and my other distin- and finally as a National Zoological Park Po- This week, we will also vote on legislation guished colleagues join me in celebrating lice Officer with The Smithsonian Institution. that would have prevented the Mother Eman- these brave women who have improved Amer- George Washington Carver once said, ‘‘No uel tragedy. ican society and whose stories are woven into individual has any right to come into the world Now, Madam Speaker, we know that no sin- the fabric of our nation. and go out of it without leaving behind distinct gle bill can prevent all gun violence but each

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:04 Feb 28, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K27FE8.001 E27FEPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with REMARKS E216 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks February 27, 2019 of these bills will prevent some. It’s time to act Service, and served as its Chief Operating Of- including the Humane Society of the United and start saving lives. ficer from 2011 to 2014. He held senior posi- States, the Animal Welfare Institute, the Na- To my colleagues, you must do the right tions with the European Commission, including tional Black Farmers Association, and Return thing. You must vote ‘‘yes’’ on H.R. 8 and Head of Commission President Prodi’s Cabi- to Freedom Wild Horse Conservation. H.R. 1112, for the sake of our families and our net from 1999 to 2000 and Secretary General Moreover, in 2010 the Committee on Trans- nation. of the European Commission from 2000 to portation & Infrastructure unanimously adopted History will remember this moment. 2005. In his capacity as Director General for this bipartisan legislation. f Trade and Chief Negotiator for the Doha De- This is common sense legislation, and I velopment Round from 2005 to 2010, he se- urge my colleagues to support the swift pas- HANNAH HOFFMAN cured numerous free trade agreements, in- sage of the Horse Transportation Safety Act. cluding the conclusion ofthe EU’s agreement I also want to express my gratitude for the HON. ED PERLMUTTER with South Korea. many years of hard work on this issue by our OF COLORADO Born in Dublin, Ireland, the Ambassador’s esteemed colleague, the late Representative IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES interest in global politics and international af- Walter Jones from North Carolina. fairs was first inspired by his father, Lieutenant Wednesday, February 27, 2019 General Gerry O’Sullivan, who served as f Mr. PERLMUTTER. Madam Speaker, I rise Chief of Staff of the Irish Defense Forces. ANTHONY JACOBER today to recognize and applaud Hannah Hoff- While his father served as liaison to the United man for receiving the Arvada Wheat Ridge Nations in the Congo in 1961, David attended Service Ambassadors for Youth award. elementary school in my state of California HON. ED PERLMUTTER Hannah Hoffman is a student at Pomona and later worked two summers as a YMCA OF COLORADO High School and received this award because camp counselor in Chicago. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES her determination and hard work have allowed The bonds of friendship with our trans- Wednesday, February 27, 2019 her to overcome adversities. atlantic allies are now more important than Mr. PERLMUTTER. Madam Speaker, I rise The dedication demonstrated by Hannah ever and must continue to be founded upon today to recognize and applaud Anthony Hoffman is exemplary of the type of achieve- our shared values of democracy, respect for Jacober for receiving the Arvada Wheat Ridge ment that can be attained with hard work and human dignity, and the rule of law. Madam Service Ambassadors for Youth award. perseverance. It is essential students at all Speaker, I respectfully ask my colleagues to Anthony Jacober is a student at Arvada levels strive to make the most of their edu- join me in recognizing Ambassador West High School and received this award be- cation and develop a work ethic which will O’Sullivan’s enduring contributions to trans- cause his determination and hard work have guide them for the rest of their lives. atlantic unity and EU–U.S. trade relations. I allowed him to overcome adversities. I extend my deepest congratulations to Han- thank him for his service and wish him a The dedication demonstrated by Anthony nah Hoffman for winning the Arvada Wheat happy retirement. Jacober is exemplary of the type of achieve- Ridge Service Ambassadors for Youth award. f ment that can be attained with hard work and I have no doubt she will exhibit the same dedi- INTRODUCTION OF THE HORSE perseverance. It is essential students at all cation and character in all of her future ac- TRANSPORTATION SAFETY ACT levels strive to make the most of their edu- complishments. OF 2019 cation and develop a work ethic which will f guide them for the rest of their lives. HONORING THE SERVICE OF EURO- HON. STEVE COHEN I extend my deepest congratulations to An- PEAN UNION AMBASSADOR TO OF TENNESSEE thony Jacober for winning the Arvada Wheat THE UNITED STATES DAVID IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Ridge Service Ambassadors for Youth award. O’SULLIVAN UPON HIS RETIRE- Wednesday, February 27, 2019 I have no doubt he will exhibit the same dedi- MENT cation and character in all of his future accom- Mr. COHEN. Madam Speaker, I rise in sup- plishments. port of the Horse Transportation Safety Act, a HON. JIM COSTA bill I introduced earlier today along with Rep- f OF CALIFORNIA resentatives PETER KING from New York, DINA CLARA LUPER IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES TITUS from Nevada and BRIAN FITZPATRICK Wednesday, February 27, 2019 from Pennsylvania, to ensure the humane and safe transportation of horses. HON. KENDRA S. HORN Mr. COSTA. Madam Speaker, I rise today to The Horse Transportation Safety Act seeks OF OKLAHOMA honor the distinguished service of European to end the exploitation of a regulatory loophole IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Union Ambassador to the United States, David designed to ban the transport of horses in Wednesday, February 27, 2019 O’Sullivan, who will retire his post at the end double-deck trailers. This loophole gives driv- of the month after nearly five years of tireless ers an incentive to inhumanely transport Ms. KENDRA S. HORN of Oklahoma. advocacy for transatlantic unity. It has been horses to assembly points then reload them Madam Speaker, I rise today to highlight the my privilege to work alongside Ambassador into single level trailers just outside their final visionary and unwavering leadership of Civil O’Sullivan as we strive to secure our mutual destination. Rights icon and notable Oklahoman, Ms. Clara interests in national security, trade, and for- According to the U.S. Department of Agri- Luper. Six months ago, I got to witness his- eign affairs. culture, ‘‘Double-deck trailers do not provide tory, as Oklahoma City commemorated the Ambassador O’Sullivan was appointed in adequate headroom for equines, with the pos- 60th anniversary of the sit-ins she organized. November 2014, shottly after receiving the EU sible exception of foals and yearlings. We do And even as a 5th generation Oklahoman, I Transatlantic Business Award from the Amer- not believe that trailers that have two or more realized how little I knew. ican Chamber of Commerce for his contribu- permanent levels that are not collapsible can Clara Luper and her students sparked a tions to improving our economic ties with Eu- be adequately altered to accommodate adult movement: the sit-ins that led into our nation’s rope. As Ambassador, he has devoted himself equines, especially tall equines.’’ civil rights movement. They deserve to be a to strengthening the EU–U.S. trade relation- This practice is not only dangerous and in- household name. ship and worked to ensure that other large humane to the horses, but to the traveling Clara Luper made her mark in a time where economic powers play by the rules. In 2018, public, as well. We have witnessed the dan- people of color couldn’t even walk into the he promoted a trilateral approach between the gerous nature of these double decker trailers front door of Oklahoma City businesses. They EU, the U.S., and Japan to tackle the issue of in several horrific accidents. In October of were relegated to hidden back doors. But she Chinese overcapacity in steel manufacturing. 2007, fifteen horses died when a double deck had a vision for equality, a heart for service, In his four decades of public service for the trailer carrying 59 Belgian draft horses over- and a commitment to justice. She, in her European Union, Ambassador O’Sullivan has turned on Route 41 in Illinois. Unfortunately, words, ‘‘believed in a sun when it didn’t shine, worked diligently for international cooperation. we know that accidents like this are not an un- and the rain when it didn’t fall.’’ She knew that Prior to serving as Ambassador, he helped es- common occurrence. Oklahoma and this country could be a place tablish one of the world’s largest diplomatic or- The legislation is strongly supported by agri- where everyone is treated with respect, dig- ganizations, the European External Action cultural interests and animal protection groups nity, and humanity.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:04 Feb 28, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A27FE8.002 E27FEPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with REMARKS February 27, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E217 As a history teacher at Dunjee High School inclusive, equitable place for everyone to live I have no doubt she will exhibit the same dedi- in Spencer Oklahoma, she instilled those prin- and feel safe as well as build an economy cation and character in all of her future ac- ciples into her students. Her steadfast commit- where every American has the opportunity to complishments. ment to ending racism and systemic discrimi- thrive. I thank the sit-inners and I thank Clara f nation inspired her to organize America’s first Luper, for their resilience and giving us the sit in. torch to carry. PERSONAL EXPLANATION In August 1958, she and 14 of her NAACP f walked up to a lunch counter they knew would HON. ANN WAGNER refuse them, and they ordered a hamburger IN RECOGNITION OF EDWARD P. OF MISSOURI and a Coke. They were denied, but they did CHAPMAN IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES not waver. They knew what was on the line. Wednesday, February 27, 2019 In Ms. Luper’s words, ‘‘within that hamburger HON. WILLIAM R. KEATING Mrs. WAGNER. Madam Speaker, I had to was the whole essence of democracy.’’ OF MASSACHUSETTS return to my district unexpectedly for a family At their own personal peril, they returned IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES medical emergency. Had I been present, I each day with more people until they broke Wednesday, February 27, 2019 would have voted: ‘‘nay’’ on Roll Call No. 90; the barrier. It was never easy. The protestors ‘‘nay’’ on Roll Call No. 91; ‘‘nay’’ on Roll Call Mr. KEATING. Madam Speaker, I rise today were verbally and physically assaulted. Ms. No. 92; ‘‘nay’’ on Roll Call No. 93; ‘‘nay’’ on in recognition of the life of Edward P. Chap- Luper received death threats. Roll Call No. 94; and ‘‘yea’’ on Roll Call No. man, a decorated war veteran and Captain in Because of Ms. Luper and her students’ 95. fearlessness and determination, Katz Drug the Springfield Police Department. Stores integrated their lunch counters not just Mr. Chapman was born in Brattleboro, f in Oklahoma City, but in Missouri, Kansas, Vermont. In 1942 he enlisted in the United INTRODUCTION OF THE DISTRICT and Iowa too. When the 1958 sit-in happened States Marines and served in the 5th Marine OF COLUMBIA NON-DISCRIMINA- in Oklahoma City, a group of college students Division, 27th Marine Regiment. He defended TION HOME RULE ACT OF 2019 were inspired by what had taken place in our country during World War II and was hon- Oklahoma City and took note. So in 1961 the orably discharged in 1946 and awarded the HON. ELEANOR HOLMES NORTON students launched the Greensboro, N.C. sit-in Purple Heart following his service fighting in OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA at the Woolworth lunch counter—which fueled the Battle of Iwo Jima. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES momentum within the civil rights movement. Upon returning home, Mr. Chapman joined Wednesday, February 27, 2019 It didn’t end there. For years, Ms. Luper and the Springfield Police Department, where he others continued their fight. The sacrifices served the people of Springfield for thirty Ms. NORTON. Madam Speaker, today, I in- continued too. Authorities arrested Luper 26 years. He received his degree in criminal jus- troduce the District of Columbia Non-Discrimi- times during her fight for freedom. tice from Western New England College and nation Home Rule Act of 2019 to end the Clara Luper empowered young people to later retired in the early 1980’s as a Captain unique applicability of the federal Religious imagine a future brighter than their present in the police department. After retiring, Mr. Freedom Restoration Act of 1993 (RFRA) to and taught them how to make that future a re- Chapman remained an active member of his the District of Columbia. My bill would protect ality. She changed lives and planted seeds of community, attending mass at St. Patrick’s the District’s right to self-government, ensuring ethical leadership into those who were lucky to Church in Springfield and belonging to Amer- the District is treated the same as states, and be mentored by her. Each of her former stu- ican Legion Post No. 452, as well as fishing defend LGBTQ and reproductive rights in D.C. dents talks about the pivotal role Ms. Luper and golfing in his free time. RFRA, which provides more protection for played in instilling confidence, character, and Surrounded by family, Mr. Chapman passed religious exercise than the First Amendment dignity in them. away on February 22, 2019, at the age of requires, applies to the federal government, Generations reap the benefits of her sac- ninety-four. His dedication to serving both his the D.C. government and the territorial govern- rifice and the efforts to integrate not only busi- country and his community will long be re- ments, but not to state governments. As nesses in Oklahoma City, but educational membered by his growing family and all those RFRA does not apply to the states, under the spaces. Ms. Luper integrated the History de- who had the great privilege of knowing Mr. principles of home rule, it should likewise not partment at the University of Oklahoma, be- Chapman. apply to the District. coming the first Black graduate of that Mas- Madam Speaker, I am proud to honor the While RFRA was designed to be a shield to ter’s program. life of Edward P. Chapman. I ask that my col- protect religious freedom, it is being used, as Her contributions are reflected across our leagues join me in recognizing his many years evidenced by the Supreme Court’s 2014 state: in a namesake scholarship program at of dedication to his community. Hobby Lobby decision, as a sword to discrimi- nate against the LGBTQ community and Oklahoma City University, a Corridor on the f northeast side of Oklahoma City, a classroom women. Members of Congress have used at the University of Central Oklahoma, desig- KAYLEE MARONE RFRA as a justification for trying—but failing— nating the Oklahoma City Public Schools Dis- to overturn D.C. antidiscrimination laws. trict building as the Clara Luper Center, and HON. ED PERLMUTTER House Republicans have repeatedly tried since 2015 to nullify or block the District’s Re- naming the African American studies depart- OF COLORADO productive Health Non-Discrimination Act ment at the University of Oklahoma after her. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES As a lifelong Oklahoman, the representative (RHNDA), which prohibits employers from dis- of the fifth Congressional District, and as an Wednesday, February 27, 2019 criminating against employees and their fami- American, I recognize how we are bene- Mr. PERLMUTTER. Madam Speaker, I rise lies based on reproductive health decisions, ficiaries of Clara Luper’s efforts to create a today to recognize and applaud Kaylee claiming, in part, that it violates RFRA. How- more just and equitable place to live. I cannot Marone for receiving the Arvada Wheat Ridge ever, it appears that no one has challenged and will not take that history and her impact Service Ambassadors for Youth award. RHNDA’s legality under RFRA in court. for granted. Kaylee Marone is a student at Pomona High My bill ensures that District residents are Although we’ve come so far because of her School and received this award because her treated the same as residents of the states sacrifices and the sacrifices of other heroes determination and hard work have allowed her under RFRA. I strongly urge my colleagues to during the Civil Rights Era, there’s still so to overcome adversities. support this legislation. much work left to do. Even with the numerous The dedication demonstrated by Kaylee f accolades given to her, the best way that we Marone is exemplary of the type of achieve- KRYSTLE MCCOMB can honor Ms. Clara Luper is to uphold her ment that can be attained with hard work and legacy through a commitment to justice and perseverance. It is essential students at all HON. ED PERLMUTTER equality in the policies that we propose. She levels strive to make the most of their edu- OF COLORADO knew that democracy isn’t a spectator sport. It cation and develop a work ethic which will IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES is our duty as a Congress and as Americans guide them for the rest of their lives. to make good on the constitutional promise of I extend my deepest congratulations to Wednesday, February 27, 2019 establishing justice and ensuring domestic Kaylee Marone for winning the Arvada Wheat Mr. PERLMUTTER. Madam Speaker, I rise tranquility. So we must continue to work for an Ridge Service Ambassadors for Youth award. today to recognize and applaud Krystle

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:04 Feb 28, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A27FE8.005 E27FEPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with REMARKS E218 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks February 27, 2019 McComb for receiving the Arvada Wheat severity of this issue better than most, as he LTC White was born on September 23, Ridge Service Ambassadors for Youth award. lost his grandson to a drug overdose in 2012. 1966, to the union of U.S. Army Major General Krystle McComb is a student at Arvada High This tragic loss inspired him to join the fight (Ret.) Jerry and Linda (Pickens) White in St. School and received this award because her and ultimately save countless lives throughout Mary’s, West Virginia. As a member of a mili- determination and hard work have allowed her the state of Georgia. tary family, LTC White attended several to overcome adversities. Mr. Gay has spearheaded several drug- schools before graduating from Leilahua High The dedication demonstrated by Krystle related campaigns, some of which have led to School in Wahiawa, Hawaii, and going on the McComb is exemplary of the type of achieve- new legislation. In May 2017, the Jeffrey Dal- receive a bachelor’s degree in Business from ment that can be attained with hard work and las Gay Jr. Act was signed into law, making the University of Hawaii, where he also at- perseverance. It is essential students at all naloxone—a life-saving antidote for drug tended ROTC. He later continued his studies levels strive to make the most of their edu- overdoses—available over the counter. He and earned a masters degree in International cation and develop a work ethic which will also co-founded the ‘‘Think About It’’ cam- Affairs from The Georgia Institute of Tech- guide them for the rest of their lives. paign, which raised awareness of addiction to nology. I extend my deepest congratulations to opioids and prescription drugs, and ultimately It has been said that ‘‘Service is the rent Krystle McComb for winning the Arvada raised over $400,000. that we pay for the space that we occupy here Wheat Ridge Service Ambassadors for Youth Mr. Gay was previously recognized by the on this earth.’’ LTC White paid his rent and he award. I have no doubt she will exhibit the Medical Association of Georgia and St. Jude’s paid it well. His distinguished military career same dedication and character in all of her fu- Children’s Hospital for his work on the opioid officially commenced when he entered the ture accomplishments. epidemic. Army as a Second Lieutenant of Infantry after f In his Man of the Year acceptance speech, graduating from the University of Hawaii. Over he encouraged others to continue to ‘‘be a sol- the course of his career, LTC White distin- DENTAL AWARENESS MONTH dier’’ in combating this crisis and to question guished himself as a great soldier. After grad- and safeguard the drugs which are prescribed uating from the demanding Airborne, Ranger, HON. PAUL A. GOSAR to them. and Air Assault Courses, he reported for duty OF ARIZONA I thank Mr. Gay for his steadfast commit- at the legendary 101st Airborne Division (Air IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ment to fighting this epidemic, and I look for- Assault) in Fort Campbell, Kentucky. There he Wednesday, February 27, 2019 ward to witnessing his continued impact on served in the 1/327 Infantry Battalion, the countless lives across the state of Georgia. same unit where his father had served during Mr. GOSAR. Madam Speaker, I rise today f the Vietnam War. He also excelled in leader- in honor of National Children’s Dental Health ship positions and was awarded the Bronze Month. Each February, the American Dental EVA MORENO Star and Combat Infantryman’s Badge for his Association unifies members of our healthcare service during the First Gulf War. His later as- community to recognize the importance of HON. ED PERLMUTTER signments included duty at Fort Lewis, Wash- good oral health for our children and many OF COLORADO ington; Paris, France, and Brussels, Belgium, others. As a former dentist, I know that quality IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES where he trained as an Army European For- dental care impacts your overall well-being. Wednesday, February 27, 2019 eign Area Officer; and Washington, D.C., Proper Oral Health starts with the very first where he served as a liaison officer for United tooth as baby teeth are the building blocks to Mr. PERLMUTTER. Madam Speaker, I rise States Southern Command and later as an a healthy smile. today to recognize and applaud Eva Moreno advisor to the Washington, D.C. National According to the U.S. Department of Health for receiving the Arvada Wheat Ridge Service Guard. and Human Services, almost 50 percent of Ambassadors for Youth award. Even after honorably serving his country, he children between the ages of 6 to 11 are af- Eva Moreno is a student at Arvada High continued to give of himself in service to his fected by tooth decay. Tooth decay also hap- School and received this award because her community. As an avid Washington, D.C. pens to be the most common chronic disease determination and hard work have allowed her sports fan, he enjoyed attending Redskins and in children. When a child suffers from dental to overcome adversities. Nationals games as well as working with youth pain, the impact is far reaching and can affect The dedication demonstrated by Eva by volunteering as the Braddock Road Youth critical developmental stages including speak- Moreno is exemplary of the type of achieve- Club softball commissioner and a team coach ing, eating and learning. ment that can be attained with hard work and for many years. Although tooth decay is widespread, it is perseverance. It is essential students at all LTC White achieved much in his life but preventable. It is important to brush your chil- levels strive to make the most of their edu- none of it would have been possible without dren’s teeth twice a day with fluoride tooth- cation and develop a work ethic which will the love and support of his loving parents, paste. This year’s slogan for National Chil- guide them for the rest of their lives. Jerry and Linda; his wife Jennifer; his children, dren’s Dental Health Month is ‘‘Brush and I extend my deepest congratulations to Eva Juliana and Jameson; and a host of family clean in between to build a healthy smile.’’ If Moreno for winning the Arvada Wheat Ridge and friends that will miss him deeply. we as a society take these preventative meas- Service Ambassadors for Youth award. I have Madam Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join ures to keep our children healthy, we can ulti- no doubt she will exhibit the same dedication me, my wife, Vivian; and the more than mately reduce healthcare costs and give our and character in all of her future accomplish- 730,000 constituents of the Second Congres- future generations the confidence they need in ments. sional District in recognizing LTC (Ret.) Jerry life. Please join me in raising awareness about f ‘‘Jay’’ White II for his dedicated service to our the importance of oral health. IN MEMORY OF LTC (RET.) JERRY country and his community and in extending f ‘‘JAY’’ WHITE II our condolences to his family and friends. May RECOGNIZING DALLAS GAY, they be consoled and comforted by their abid- GAINESVILLE ROTARY CLUB’S ing faith and the Holy Spirit in the days, weeks HON. SANFORD D. BISHOP, JR. and months ahead. MAN OF THE YEAR OF GEORGIA f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. DOUG COLLINS Wednesday, February 27, 2019 HONORING THE PLATTSBURGH OF GEORGIA NOON KIWANIS CLUB FOR THEIR Mr. BISHOP of Georgia. Madam Speaker, it IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 90 YEARS OF COMMUNITY SERV- is with a heavy heart and solemn remem- ICE Wednesday, February 27, 2019 brance that I rise today to pay tribute to a Mr. COLLINS of Georgia. Madam Speaker, dedicated husband, father, community servant, HON. ELISE M. STEFANIK I rise today to recognize Mr. Dallas Gay, a fel- and soldier, LTC (Ret.) Jerry ‘‘Jay’’ White II. OF NEW YORK low Northeast Georgian who was recently Sadly, LTC White passed away on September IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES named Man of the Year by the Gainesville Ro- 20, 2018. A funeral service will be held on tary Club in recognition of his work to combat Wednesday, February 27, 2019, at Old Post Wednesday, February 27, 2019 the opioid epidemic in Georgia. Chapel at Fort Myer and will be followed by a Ms. STEFANIK. Madam Speaker, I rise Each year, thousands of Americans lose burial via caisson at Arlington National Ceme- today to honor the Plattsburgh Noon Kiwanis their lives to opioids. Mr. Gay understands the tery. Club.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:04 Feb 28, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K27FE8.006 E27FEPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with REMARKS February 27, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E219 Kiwanis clubs and their members are dedi- Hate that people give Despite that fact, Mr. Quigley insisted on cated to improving the lives of children all over We see it every day standing the entire time as his son was the world. Their members engage in local, Every day we wake up sworn in to the House of Representatives in It’s just another day in the cycle 2009. hands on volunteer activities to serve the Mr. Quigley regularly wrote letters to poli- needs of the children in their communities. We see things that we are immune to We are told to walk away ticians calling out ‘‘idiocy and hypocrisy’’ These activities range from improving literacy Or run and dinner conversation could easily be mis- and fighting hunger to fundraising for scholar- taken for political debate at the Quigley Every day we wake up house. ships. The Plattsburgh chapter meets weekly A part of our generation’s youth is taken Whatever adopted dog the family had at to organize and volunteer at soup kitchens, away the time—there were many and they were all holiday gift drives and fundraisers, and plays Other people’s pain turned into violence called ‘‘Missy’’ because it was easy to re- a vital role in improving the lives of children in There is so much hate in our world member—was certainly well fed. Nobody realizes the community. ‘‘He’d spoil those dogs rotten, and sing to On Thursday, April 11th, the Plattsburgh Every day we should wake up them even, because they went through simi- Noon Kiwanis Club will be celebrating 90 We shouldn’t ignore it lar things as him. He knew what it was like years of service. They have served genera- We should seek a change to be an orphan,’’ Mike Quigley said, recall- tions of North Country children since their We shouldn’t run ing his dad’s habit of mixing table scraps founding back in 1929. On behalf of New We should love with gravy and offering it to the dogs. York’s 21st District, I want to congratulate f Mr. Quigley had a unique appreciation for them on this milestone and thank them for food surpluses. PERSONAL EXPLANATION ‘‘When you’re hungry, you’ll eat any- their long tradition of service. thing,’’ he recalled his father saying. ‘‘We’d f HON. KENDRA S. HORN be like, ‘Yeah, right!’ And he’d never elabo- rate, he’d just say, ‘Trust me.’ ’’ OF OKLAHOMA MELISSA OTAVA Mr. Quigley, who went by Bill, was start- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ing his second year at Purdue University HON. ED PERLMUTTER Wednesday, February 27, 2019 when he was drafted into the Army during the Korean War. He married Joan Louise OF COLORADO Ms. KENDRA S. HORN of Oklahoma. Deputy in the chapel of a military training IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Madam Speaker, I was unavoidably detained facility in Georgia; the couple celebrated Wednesday, February 27, 2019 in my Congressional District on Monday, Feb- their 67th wedding anniversary last June. ruary 25, 2019 due to complications with my Mr. Quigley spent his post-military career Mr. PERLMUTTER. Madam Speaker, I rise flight from Oklahoma City to Washington, D.C. working for AT&T as a supervising engineer. today to recognize and applaud Melissa Otava Had I been present, I would have voted the A promotion brought him to the Chicago for receiving the Arvada Wheat Ridge Service following way on votes that day: ‘‘yea’’ on Roll area in 1967. He settled in Carol Stream. Ambassadors for Youth award. Call No. 88 and ‘‘yea’’ on Roll Call No. 89. Upon retirement, he moved to Ottawa, Illi- Melissa Otava is a student at Standley Lake nois, where he volunteered at a homeless High School and received this award because f shelter and served on the Ottawa Planning her determination and hard work have allowed OBITUARY OF MY FATHER Commission. His hobbies included chess and reading. He her to overcome adversities. WILLIAM QUIGLEY also built radios, stereos—and his family’s The dedication demonstrated by Melissa first color TV. Otava is exemplary of the type of achievement HON. MIKE QUIGLEY He was also fanatical about the Indianap- that can be attained with hard work and perse- OF ILLINOIS olis 500; he sported his checkered socks and verance. It is essential students at all levels stopwatches to the race on as many as 60 oc- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES strive to make the most of their education and casions. develop a work ethic which will guide them for Wednesday, February 27, 2019 ‘‘To me he represented a more realistic as- the rest of their lives. Mr. QUIGLEY. Madam Speaker, I pect of the American Dream. He did it all to put a roof over our heads and food on the I extend my deepest congratulations to Me- rise to include in the RECORD the obit- table,’’ Mike Quigley said. lissa Otava for winning the Arvada Wheat uary of my father William Quigley, ‘‘He came from less than nothing and he Ridge Service Ambassadors for Youth award. published in The Chicago Sun-Times on raised four kids. My accomplishments are a I have no doubt she will exhibit the same dedi- February 10, 2019. shadow compared to what he was able to do,’’ cation and character in all of her future ac- WILLIAM QUIGLEY, ARMY VETERAN, FATHER he said. complishments. OF CONGRESSMAN, DIES AT 92 In addition to his wife and children, Quigley is also survived by six grandchildren f Abandoned by his mother, the baby boy— he was about 2—ended up at an Indiana or- and two great-grandchildren. DO THE WRITE THING phanage during the Great Depression. f His luck changed when a WWI veteran and his wife filled out the ‘‘boy or girl’’ portion CLAIRE PFAFF HON. DONNA E. SHALALA of an adoption application with the words: OF FLORIDA ‘‘any child we can love.’’ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES That veteran, William Earl Quigley, made HON. ED PERLMUTTER OF COLORADO Wednesday, February 27, 2019 his adopted son his namesake and gave him whatever else he could working as a handy- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Ms. SHALALA. Madam Speaker, I would man and farmhand in a rural area outside In- Wednesday, February 27, 2019 like to include in the RECORD a poem written dianapolis. by Emma Tews, an eighth-grade student at The origin story stayed with him always— Mr. PERLMUTTER. Madam Speaker, I rise Herbert A. Ammons Middle School in Miami- from when he served in the Army during the today to recognize and applaud Claire Pfaff for Dade County. Gun violence does not only im- Korean War era as a newlywed to the time he receiving the Arvada Wheat Ridge Service retired with a pension from AT&T—and pact those who have lost loved ones; children Ambassadors for Youth award. formed the bedrock motivation of his life: Claire Pfaff is a student at Standley Lake like Emma know that we are in the midst of a ‘‘You work hard to give your kids a better gun violence epidemic and they fear for their chance than you had.’’ High School and received this award because lives. On Saturday, after a long battle with Par- her determination and hard work have allowed DO THE WRITE THING kinson’s disease, Mr. Quigley, 92, died know- her to overcome adversities. ing he did just that. (By Emma Tews) The dedication demonstrated by Claire Pfaff His daughter Chris is a retired school su- is exemplary of the type of achievement that Every day we wake up perintendent. His daughter Linda was a so- can be attained with hard work and persever- To the news of something bad happening cial worker. His son Dan, who passed away School shootings, terrorist attacks, violence ance. It is essential students at all levels strive two years ago, owned a used-record store. to make the most of their education and de- We have gotten used to seeing it And his son Mike is a U.S. congressman. It’s not a surprise anymore ‘‘He didn’t like most politicians, so the velop a work ethic which will guide them for Every day we wake up irony that his son grew up to be one was not the rest of their lives. We see bad things happen around us lost upon him,’’ said Mike Quigley, who rep- I extend my deepest congratulations to Pain that people experience resents Illinois’ 5th Congressional District. Claire Pfaff for winning the Arvada Wheat

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:04 Feb 28, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A27FE8.012 E27FEPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with REMARKS E220 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks February 27, 2019 Ridge Service Ambassadors for Youth award. Even as the Civil War raged on, Judge Drum- that concern Marfan syndrome patients, but I have no doubt she will exhibit the same dedi- mond balanced his sense of duty and patriot- the effects the condition has on internal sys- cation and character in all of her future ac- ism, actively supporting the Union and Presi- tems. Most notably, in Marfan patients the complishments. dent Lincoln while still defending the Chicago large artery, known as the aorta, which carries f Times’ right to freedom of speech and criti- blood away from the heart is weakened and cism. prone to enlargement and rupture, which can IN RECOGNITION OF CHRISTIAN Today the court exists as the Northern Dis- be fatal. It is for this reason that increased KNOP trict of Illinois and is led by Chief Judge Rube´n awareness of Marfan syndrome can save Castillo. It has grown considerably during its lives. HON. MIKE ROGERS 200 years and now contains 22 judicial posts, While there is currently no cure for Marfan OF ALABAMA ensuring further public and juris prudential ac- syndrome, efforts are underway to enhance IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES cess to its resources and rulings. I am grateful our understanding of the condition and im- prove patient care. I applaud the National In- Wednesday, February 27, 2019 to the District Court and its people, for laws are useless without justice. stitutes of Health, particularly the National Mr. ROGERS of Alabama. Madam Speaker, Madam Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join Heart, Lung and Blood Institute and the Na- I ask for the House’s attention to recognize me in honoring the United States District Court tional Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Christian Knop. for the Northern District of Illinois on the 200th and Skin Diseases for their research efforts in A senior at Alexandria High School in Alex- anniversary of the courts establishment. this regard. I encourage NIH to expand re- andria, Alabama, won his 235th consecutive Through its celebration, we pay tribute not search efforts in this area. wrestling match this month to win the 195- only to our institutions and the rule of law, but Early diagnosis and proper treatment are pound weight class in Class 1A–5A. to our long-standing history of justice. the keys to managing Marfan syndrome and living a full life. I encourage my colleagues to Christian is the first wrestler to go f undefeated and win four straight champion- join me in supporting a Marfan education and ships in the history of the Alabama High ANALENA SHAW awareness program at the Centers for Dis- School Athletic Association (AHSAA). ease Control and Prevention. We can facilitate Christian is ranked third in the nation for HON. ED PERLMUTTER proper treatment by raising awareness leading to early diagnosis. I urge my colleagues to join wrestling and has not lost a match since he OF COLORADO me in recognizing February as Marfan Aware- was in the 8th grade. Knop plans to attend IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and wrestle at N.C. State. ness Month. Madam Speaker, please join me in con- Wednesday, February 27, 2019 f gratulating Christian Knop on such an awe- Mr. PERLMUTTER. Madam Speaker, I rise MACEDONIAN MINORITY IN some achievement and wish him the best of today to recognize and applaud Analena Shaw GREECE luck in North Carolina. for receiving the Arvada Wheat Ridge Service f Ambassadors for Youth award. Analena Shaw is a student at Arvada West HON. PAUL MITCHELL OF MICHIGAN CELEBRATING THE 200TH ANNI- High School and received this award because IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES VERSARY OF THE UNITED her determination and hard work have allowed STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR her to overcome adversities. Wednesday, February 27, 2019 THE NORTHERN DISTRICT OF IL- The dedication demonstrated by Analena Mr. MITCHELL. Madam Speaker, as a co- LINOIS Shaw is exemplary of the type of achievement chair of the Congressional Macedonian Cau- that can be attained with hard work and perse- cus and representative of one of the largest HON. DANIEL LIPINSKI verance. It is essential students at all levels populations of Macedonian-Americans in the OF ILLINOIS strive to make the most of their education and country, I would like to include in the RECORD IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES develop a work ethic which will guide them for the following article from the BBC entitled ‘‘Greece’s invisible minority—the Macedonian Wednesday, February 27, 2019 the rest of their lives. I extend my deepest congratulations to Slavs’’. I’m dedicated to maintaining and Mr. LIPINSKI. Madam Speaker, I rise today Analena Shaw for winning the Arvada Wheat strengthening a positive and mutually bene- in celebration of the 200th anniversary of the Ridge Service Ambassadors for Youth award. ficial relationship between the United States United States District Court for the Northern I have no doubt she will exhibit the same dedi- and Macedonia, and urge my colleagues to District of Illinois. It is an honor to recognize cation and character in all of her future ac- join me in building and enhancing the cultural, a court with such a rich and impactful history complishments. economic, strategic, and governmental ties be- at the heart of the American judiciary system. f tween our two nations. The U.S. District Court for the Northern Dis- [From the BBC News Stories, Feb. 24, 2019] trict of Illinois traces its roots back to Illinois’ RECOGNIZING MARFAN ‘‘GREECE’S INVISIBLE MINORITY—THE establishment. Nathaniel Pope, serving as the AWARENESS MONTH MACEDONIAN SLAVS’’ Territory of Illinois’ Secretary from inception in By ratifying an agreement with the newly 1809, became its Delegate to Congress in HON. BRIAN K. FITZPATRICK renamed Republic of North Macedonia, Greece has implicitly recognised the exist- 1816. There, he worked tirelessly on part of OF PENNSYLVANIA ence of a Macedonian language and eth- the territory’s eventual admission to the Union IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES as the state of Illinois in 1818. As such, it was nicity. And yet it has denied the existence of Wednesday, February 27, 2019 its own Macedonian minority for decades, only a natural progression for him to be nomi- says Maria Margaronis. Will something now nated and confirmed as the first Judge of its Mr. FITZPATRICK. Madam Speaker, I rise change? new District, bringing with him strong anti-slav- today on behalf of Americans affected by Mr. Fokas, 92, stands straight as a spear in ery views. Marfan syndrome and related connective tis- his tan leather brogues and cream blazer, Eventually, the United States District Court sue conditions to recognize February as barely leaning on the ebony and ivory cane for the District of Illinois was subdivided into Marfan Awareness Month. brought from Romania by his grandfather a the Northern and Southern District Courts in Marfan syndrome is a rare genetic condi- century ago. His mind and his memory are as sharp as his outfit. 1855. The Northern District led by its first tion. About 1 in 5,000 Americans carries a mu- A retired lawyer, Mr. Fokas speaks impec- judge, Judge Thomas Drummond, continued tation in gene called fibrillin which results in an cable formal Greek with a distinctive lilt: the tradition of protecting the rights of all peo- overproduction of a protein called transforming his mother tongue is Macedonian, a Slavic ple. One such example, was through the sen- growth factor beta or TGFB. The increased language related to Bulgarian and spoken in tencing of the abolitionist John Hossack, who TGFB impacts connective tissue and since this part of the Balkans for centuries. At his had violated the Fugitive Slave Act by abetting connective tissue is found throughout the son’s modern house in a village in northern a runaway slave. Judge Drummond, conflicted body, Marfan syndrome features can manifest Greece, he takes me through the painful his- tory of Greece’s unrecognised Slavic-speak- between his duty to the rule of law and his ab- throughout the body. Patients often have dis- ing minority. olitionist conscience, recognized Hossack was proportionately long limbs, a protruding or in- Mr. Fokas takes care to emphasise from guilty of breaking the law, but chose to hand dented chest bone, curved spine, and loose the start that he is both an ethnic Macedo- down a minimal sentence for the transaction. joints. However, it is not the outward signs nian and a Greek patriot. He has good reason

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:04 Feb 28, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K27FE8.009 E27FEPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with REMARKS February 27, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E221 to underline his loyalty: for almost a cen- edonia from 1941 to 1944, committing many Macedonian flute for us as his own small son tury, ethnic Macedonians in Greece have atrocities; many Greeks wrongly attribute looks on. He and a group of friends used to been objects of suspicion and, at times, per- these to Macedonians, whom they identify as host an international music festival in the secution, even as their presence has been de- Bulgarians.) village square, with bands from as far away nied by almost everyone. Most are reluctant When the Communists were finally de- as Brazil, Mexico and Russia. to speak to outsiders about their identity. feated, severe reprisals followed for anyone ‘‘After those bands had played we’d have a To themselves and others, they’re known associated with the resistance or the left. party and play Macedonian songs,’’ he says. simply as ‘‘locals’’ (dopyi), who speak a lan- ‘‘Macedonians paid more than anyone for ‘‘None of them were nationalist or separatist guage called ‘‘local’’ (dopya). They are en- the civil war,’’ Mr. Fokas says. ‘‘Eight peo- songs—we would never allow that. But in tirely absent from school history textbooks, ple were court-martialled and executed from 2008, just as we were expecting the foreign have not featured in censuses since 1951 this village, eight from the next village, 23 musicians to arrive, the local authority sud- (when they were only patchily recorded, and from the one opposite. They killed a grand- denly banned us from holding the festival in referred to simply as ‘‘Slavic-speakers’’), and father and his grandson, just 18 years old.’’ the square, even though other people—the are barely mentioned in public. Most Greeks Mr. Fokas was a student in Thessaloniki very ones who wanted us banned—still hold don’t even know that they exist. then—but he too was arrested and spent their own events there.’’ three years on the prison island of That erasure was one reason for Greece’s At the last minute, the festival was moved Makronisos, not because of anything he’d long-running dispute with the former Yugo- to a field outside the village, among the done but because his mother had helped her slav republic now officially called the Repub- reeds and marshes, without proper facili- brother-in-law escape through the skylight lic of North Macedonia. The dispute was fi- ties—which, Mr. Fokas’s son points out, only of a cafe where he was being held. nally resolved last month by a vote in the made Greece look bad. Greek parliament ratifying (by a majority of Most of the prisoners on Makronisos were just seven) an agreement made last June by Greek leftists, and were pressed to sign dec- ‘‘And do you know why the songs are the countries’ two prime ministers. When larations of repentance for their alleged banned in the square but not the fields out- the Greek Prime Minster, Alexis Tsipras, re- Communist past. Those who refused were side?’’ his father adds. ‘‘Because around the ferred during the parliamentary debate to made to crawl under barbed wire, or beaten square there are cafes, and local people could the existence of ‘‘Slavomacedonians’’ in with thick bamboo canes. ‘‘Terrible things sit there and watch and listen secretly. But Greece—at the time of World War Two—he were done,’’ Mr. Fokas says. ‘‘But we outside the village they were afraid to join was breaking a long-standing taboo. mustn’t talk about them. It’s an insult to in—they would have drawn attention to The use of the name ‘‘Macedonia’’ by the Greek civilisation. It harms Greece’s good themselves by doing that.’’ neighbouring nation state implicitly ac- name.’’ The ratification of Greece’s agreement knowledges that Macedonians are a people in Tens of thousands of fighters with the with the Republic of North Macedonia—and their own right, and opens the door to hard Democratic Army, about half of them Slav- its implicit recognition of a Macedonian lan- questions about the history of Greece’s own ic-speakers, went into exile in Eastern bloc guage and ethnicity—is a major political Macedonian minority. countries during and after the civil war. breakthrough which should help to alleviate When Mr. Fokas was born, the northern About 20,000 children were taken across the such fears. But the process has also sparked Greek region of Macedonia had only recently border by the Communists, whether for their new waves of anger and anxiety, with large, been annexed by the Greek state. Until 1913 protection or as reserve troops for a future sometimes violent protests opposing the it was part of the Ottoman Empire, with counter-attack. agreement, supported by parts of the Ortho- Greece, Bulgaria and Serbia all wooing its Many Slavic-speaking civilians also went dox church. Slavic-speaking inhabitants as a means to north for safety. Entire villages were left An election is due before the end of the claiming the territory. It was partly in reac- empty, like the old settlement of year. Greece’s right-wing opposition has tion to those competing forces that a dis- Krystallopigi (Smrdes in Macedonian) near been quick to capitalise on nationalist senti- tinctive Slav Macedonian identity emerged the Albanian border, where only the impos- ments, accusing the Syriza government of in the late 19th and early 20th Century. As ing church of St. George stands witness to a treason and betrayal. For Greece’s Slavic- Mr. Fokas’s uncle used to say, the family population that once numbered more than speakers, who have long sought nothing was ‘‘neither Serb, nor Greek, nor Bulgarian, 1,500 souls. more than the right to cultural expression, but Macedonian Orthodox’’. In 1982, more than 30 years after the con- the time to emerge from the shadows may In the end, the Slav Macedonians found flict’s end, Greece’s socialist government not quite yet have arrived. issued a decree allowing civil war refugees to themselves divided between those three new Mr. Fokas has been referred to by his first return—but only those who were ‘‘of Greek states. In Greece, some were expelled; those name to protect his identity. who remained were pushed to assimilate. All ethnicity’’. Ethnic Macedonians from Greece villages and towns with non-Greek names remained shut out of their country, their vil- were given new ones, chosen by a committee lages and their land; families separated by f of scholars in the late 1920s, though almost a the war were never reunited. century later some ‘‘locals’’ still use the old Mr. Fokas’s father-in-law and brother-in- ISAAC HINOJOS VENEGAS ones. law both died in Skopje. But, he points out, In 1936, when Mr. Fokas was nine years old, that decree tacitly recognised that there the Greek dictator Ioannis Metaxas (an ad- were ethnic Macedonians in Greece, even HON. ED PERLMUTTER mirer of Mussolini) banned the Macedonian though the state never officially recognised OF COLORADO their existence: ‘‘Those war refugees left language, and forced Macedonian-speakers to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES change their names to Greek ones. Mr. children, grandchildren, fathers, mothers be- Fokas remembers policemen eavesdropping hind. What were they, if not Macedonians?’’ Wednesday, February 27, 2019 on mourners at funerals and listening at It’s impossible accurately to calculate the windows to catch anyone speaking or singing number of Slavic-speakers or descendants of Mr. PERLMUTTER. Madam Speaker, I rise in the forbidden tongue. There were lawsuits, ethnic Macedonians in Greece. Historian Le- today to recognize and applaud Isaac Hinojos threats and beatings. onidas Embiricos estimates that more than Venegas for receiving the Arvada Wheat Women—who often spoke no Greek—would 100,000 still live in the Greek region of Mac- Ridge Service Ambassadors for Youth award. cover their mouths with their headscarves to edonia, though only 10,000 to 20,000 would Isaac Hinojos Venegas is a student at muffle their speech, but Mr. Fokas’s mother identify openly as members of a minority— was arrested and fined 250 drachmas, a big and many others are proud Greek national- Wheat Ridge High School and received this sum back then. ists. award because his determination and hard ‘‘Slavic-speakers suffered a lot from the The Macedonian language hasn’t officially work have allowed him to overcome adversi- Greeks under Metaxas,’’ he says. ‘‘Twenty been banned in Greece for decades, but the ties. people from this village, the heads of the big fear still lingers. A middle-aged man I met in The dedication demonstrated by Isaac families, were exiled to the island of Chios. a village near the reed beds of Lake Prespa, Hinojos Venegas is exemplary of the type of My father-in-law was one of them.’’ They where the agreement between Greece and the were tortured by being forced to drink castor North Macedonian republic was first signed achievement that can be attained with hard oil, a powerful laxative. last June, explained that this fear is passed work and perseverance. It is essential stu- When Germany, Italy and Bulgaria invaded down through the generations. ‘‘My parents dents at all levels strive to make the most of Greece in 1941, some Slavic-speakers wel- didn’t speak the language at home in case I their education and develop a work ethic comed the Bulgarians as potential liberators picked it up and spoke it in public. To pro- which will guide them for the rest of their lives. from Metaxas’s repressive regime. But many tect me. We don’t even remember why we’re I extend my deepest congratulations to soon joined the resistance, led by the Com- afraid any more,’’ he said. Slowly the lan- Isaac Hinojos Venegas for winning the Arvada munist Party (which at that time supported guage is dying. Years of repression pushed it the Macedonian minority) and continued indoors; assimilation is finishing the job. Wheat Ridge Service Ambassadors for Youth fighting with the Communists in the civil And yet speaking or singing in Macedonian award. I have no doubt he will exhibit the war that followed the Axis occupation. (Bul- can still be cause for harassment. Mr. Fokas’ same dedication and character in all of his fu- garia annexed the eastern part of Greek Mac- son is a musician; he plays the haunting ture accomplishments.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:04 Feb 28, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A27FE8.019 E27FEPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with REMARKS E222 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks February 27, 2019 INTRODUCTION OF THE COREY roll call vote No. 92 (on ordering the previous able disease. Children from low-income fami- ADAMS SEARCHLIGHT ACT question on H. Res. 144); and ‘‘yes’’ on roll lies are twice as likely to have cavities com- call vote No. 93 (on agreeing to the resolution pared to children from higher-income house- HON. GWEN MOORE H. Res. 144). holds. OF WISCONSIN f Give Kids A Smile (GKAS), sponsored by IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the Foundation of the American Dental Asso- CONGRATULATING THE BLAIR ciation, is an annual centerpiece during Na- Wednesday, February 27, 2019 OAKS FOR WINNING THE 2018 tional Children’s Dental Health Month. Give Ms. MOORE. Madam Speaker, this week, I MISSOURI CLASS 2 STATE FOOT- Kids a Smile Day is one of the most important introduced the Corey Adams Searchlight Act BALL CHAMPIONSHIP events for children and dentists in this country. and I rise to urge my colleagues to support Thousands of dentists and volunteers give this legislation which would establish a na- HON. BLAINE LUETKEMEYER their time to provide free oral health education, tional Green Alert system at the Department of OF MISSOURI screenings, and treatment to underserved chil- Justice to provide assistance and support to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES dren. Since 2003, more than 5.5 million chil- regional, state, and local officials as they work Wednesday, February 27, 2019 dren have been cared for by more than half a to help locate missing veterans. million volunteers. Programs like this will con- This legislation is a practical step toward Mr. LUETKEMEYER. Madam Speaker, I tinue throughout the year. bringing missing veterans home safely. rise today to ask my colleagues to join me in I’m happy to have led the passage of legis- This issue was brought to my attention by congratulating the Blair Oaks Falcons Football lation that supports programs such as Give my constituent Corey Adams. When Corey team for winning the 2018 Missouri Class 2 Kids A Smile and other initiatives aimed at went missing, his family knew that something State Football Championship. providing greater access to care. The Action was wrong—Corey left his eyeglasses, phone, With a perfect record of 15–0, the Blair for Dental Health Act supports a nationwide, money, and medications at his parent’s home, Oaks Falcons Football team and coaching community-based movement focused on deliv- where he was last seen. Despite his family fil- staff should be commended for all of their ering care now to people suffering from dental ing a missing person report within hours of his hard work throughout this past year and for disease, strengthening and growing the public disappearance, it took eight days before the bringing home the state championship to their and private safety net to provide more care to police determined he met the critical missing school and community. more Americans, and expanding dental health persons’ criteria. On April 7, 18 days after his Please join me in congratulating the coach- education and disease prevention within un- initial disappearance, Corey Adams’ body was ing staff: Ted Lepage, assistant coaches: derserved communities. recovered from a pond in a local park just one Kevin Alewine, Lerone Biggs, John Butler, Ensuring that children and adults receive mile from his mother’s home. Mike Cook, Josh Linnenbrink, Mason Swisher, accessible, quality oral health care should re- After this tragedy, my state of Wisconsin be- Andrew Terpstra, manager: Ben Stockman, main a priority for all of us. Thank you for sup- came the first state to create a green alert and the players Kamron Morriss, Jayden porting dentistry and the oral health of our na- system modeled after the ‘‘Amber’’ alert sys- Purdy, Nolan Hair, Gavin Wekenborg, Seth tion’s most vulnerable population. tem which has proven effective at galvanizing DeWesplore, Cade Stockman, Zach Herigon, public attention around abducted children. And Cobi Marble, Carson Prenger, Sam f the system has already been used to help lo- Luebbering, Jake Closser, Ian Nolph, Braydan IN RECOGNITION OF THE cate missing veterans. Delaware quickly fol- Pritchett, Riley Lentz, Cadon Garber, Levi HONORABLE PAUL K. LEARY lowed and more and more states may follow Haney, Josh Bischoff, Hayden Ellis, Adam yet. Hughes, Zach Goeller, Trinity Scott, Griffin I would like to thank the bipartisan cospon- Herst, Kyler Griep, Adam Jurgensmeyer, HON. WILLIAM R. KEATING sors that have joined in this effort so far, Rep- Collin Branum, Jordan Keesler, Nico Canale, OF MASSACHUSETTS resentative FILEMON VELA, RAU´ L GRIJALVA, Conner Wilson, Nolan Atnip, John Benward, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES DEREK KILMER, FREDERICA S. WILSON, HANK Zack Wilbers, Carson Bax, Cale Wilson, Caleb Wednesday, February 27, 2019 JOHNSON, JOHN R. MOOLENAAR, DONALD M. Buechter, James Thomson, Austin Lange, PAYNE, JR., DAN KILDEE, MARK POCAN, RON Corban Bonnett, Shane Gillmore, Andrew Mr. KEATING. Madam Speaker, I rise today KIND, EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON, STEVE COHEN, Luebbering, Rylee Niekamp, Benner Thomas, in recognition of the life of the Honorable Paul ELEANOR HOLMES NORTON, and DEBBIE DIN- Ayden Chouinard, Isaiah Prenger, Grant K. Leary, who led a life committed to justice GELL. The bill has also garnered the endorse- Laune, and Marcus Edler on their dedication as well as improving the Commonwealth of ment of Rolling Thunder National, Inc. to the game and focus throughout the season. Massachusetts. Madam Speaker, members of the military do I ask you to join me in recognizing the Blair Born in Boston in 1939, Judge Leary spent not leave their fallen behind in battle and we Oaks Falcons Football team for a job well his entire life in Massachusetts. After grad- should not do so when they come home. I done. uating from Suffolk Law School, Judge Leary urge my colleagues to cosponsor this impor- f worked in the Boston Municipal Court system. tant legislation and to work with me to see that He then moved on to become First Assistant it is enacted in the 116th Congress. FEBRUARY IS NATIONAL CHIL- District Attorney for the Suffolk County District DREN’S DENTAL HEALTH MONTH Attorney’s office. Judge Leary ended his ca- f reer as First Justice of the Boston Municipal PERSONAL EXPLANATION HON. ROBIN L. KELLY court, where he started his career at the age OF ILLINOIS of sixteen. HON. ADAM SMITH IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Alongside his jobs in the Suffolk County Dis- trict Attorney’s office and the Boston municipal OF WASHINGTON Wednesday, February 27, 2019 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES court, Judge Leary taught at Suffolk University Ms. KELLY of Illinois. Madam Speaker, Feb- Law School and lectured at New England Wednesday, February 27, 2019 ruary is National Children’s Dental Health School of Law. He served for a period as the Mr. SMITH of Washington. Madam Speaker, month—an opportunity that brings together President of the National Board of Trial Advo- on Monday, February 25, 2019 and Tuesday, thousands of dedicated professionals, cacy and was awarded their Lifetime Achieve- February 26, 2019, I was unable to be present healthcare providers, and educators to pro- ment Award in July of last year. for recorded votes due to a doctor’s appoint- mote the benefits of good oral health to chil- Judge Leary was a dedicated family man ment. Had I been present for these votes, I dren, their caregivers, teachers and many oth- and a staple in his community. He coached would have voted: ‘‘yes’’ on roll call vote No. ers. his son’s youth hockey team in Milton all the 88 (on the motion to suspend the rules and Each year, millions of Americans suffer from way to the state championship in 1980. Judge pass H.R. 539); ‘‘yes’’ on roll call vote No. 89 untreated dental disease. Tooth decay re- Leary spent his summers in Pocasset, where (on the motion to suspend the rules and pass mains the most common, chronic childhood he could be found with family and friends, H.R. 276); ‘‘yes’’ on roll call vote No. 90 (on disease. According to the Centers for Disease playing golf or racquetball, or having dinner at ordering the previous question on H. Res. Control and Prevention, about 20 percent of one of his favorite local restaurants. 145); ‘‘yes’’ on roll call vote No. 91 (on agree- children ages 5 to 11 suffer from tooth decay, Judge Leary has led a life dedicated to jus- ing to the resolution H. Res. 145); ‘‘yes’’ on despite the fact that it is a completely prevent- tice and upholding the laws of Massachusetts.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:04 Feb 28, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A27FE8.020 E27FEPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with REMARKS February 27, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E223 He not only held positions in the judicial sys- condemn crimes of hatred and to remember complicated fee structure imposed on phar- tem for most of his life, Judge Leary utilized the victims, in hope that history will not be re- macies to participate in the Medicare Part D his expertise to educate the next generation of peated. program. They will also highlight proposals de- lawyers. f signed to address the opioid epidemic. Madam Speaker, I am proud to honor the I believe Congress should work with the life of the Honorable Paul K. Leary. I ask that RECOGNIZING NACDS RXIMPACT 2019 NACDS RxIMPACT Day on Capitol Hill my colleagues join me in recognizing his com- DAY advocates to advance policies that support mitment to justice and the people of Massa- pharmacists in their effort to improve care, in- chusetts. HON. JOHN SHIMKUS crease access, and lower costs. f OF ILLINOIS f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HONORING VICTIMS OF SUMGAIT RECOGNIZING DANNY RUSSELL POGROM Wednesday, February 27, 2019 Mr. SHIMKUS. Madam Speaker, I rise to HON. RODNEY DAVIS HON. ADAM B. SCHIFF recognize the NACDS RxIMPACT Day on OF ILLINOIS Capitol Hill that is coming up next week. This OF CALIFORNIA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES is a special day where we will have the chance to recognize the pharmacy industry’s Wednesday, February 27, 2019 Wednesday, February 27, 2019 many contributions to the American healthcare Mr. RODNEY DAVIS of Illinois. Madam Mr. SCHIFF. Madam Speaker, I rise to com- system. Speaker, I rise today to recognize Danny Rus- memorate the 31st anniversary of the pogrom Organized by the National Association of sell, the morning show host on WMKR in against the Armenian residents of the town of Chain Drug Stores (NACDS), this event will Taylorville, Illinois, who is leaving the broad- Sumgait, . On February 27, 1988, take place on March 5–6, 2019. More than casting industry after 40 years. and for three days following, Azerbaijani mobs 400 individuals from all 50 states representing Local media is so important to our commu- assaulted and killed Armenians. The violence the pharmacy community—including practicing nities and Danny’s service is a prime example left hundreds of Armenian civilians dead and pharmacists, pharmacy school faculty and stu- of this. injured, women and girls were raped, and dents, state pharmacy association representa- Danny graduated from the radio-tv program some victims were burned alive. Thousands tives, and pharmacy company leaders—will be at Lewis and Clark Community College in were forced to flee their homes, leaving be- on Capitol Hill. They will visit every House and Godfrey and spent 17 years as the weekend hind their belongings. Senate office to share their views with us weathercaster for WICS-TV Channel 20 in The pogroms came as a direct result of about the importance of supporting their ac- Springfield. years of vicious, racist anti-Armenian propa- cess agenda—legislative priorities that will en- His career has included stints at several ganda by Azerbaijani authorities, dehuman- sure that our constituents will continue to have Springfield radio stations and in 2011, he izing the Armenian residents of Azerbaijan and access to more than 40,000 community and joined the Miller Media Group to become the laying the groundwork for mass violence. Az- neighborhood pharmacies across the country Morning Show host on WMKR Genuine Coun- erbaijani authorities made little effort to punish and be better able to utilize pharmacists to im- try 94.3. those responsible, instead attempting to cover prove healthcare quality while reducing the Additionally, Danny has been the Miller up the atrocities in Sumgait to this day and cost of care. Media Group production director, host of the denying the government role in instigating the Local pharmacists are important community Saturday Retro Request Show and the ‘‘Brown killings. Indeed, even today, racist propaganda leaders, who are trusted by their patients to Bag Rewind’’ show. He has also broadcast against and Armenians is prevalent in efficiently provide high quality, convenient live from countless events thru-out central Illi- Azerbaijan. healthcare services. And as demand for nois over his nearly 8 years with Miller Media The hateful and dangerous Azerbaijani at- healthcare services continues to grow, phar- Group. tacks on Armenians is also seen in a horrific macists are stepping in to fill gaps in I congratulate Danny on 40 years of suc- crime which occurred 15 years ago last week. healthcare delivery by partnering with physi- cess in the broadcasting industry, and I wish At a NATO sponsored training in Budapest, an cians, nurses, and other healthcare providers him well on his next chapter. Azerbaijani Army officer named to address the unmet need. Moreover, phar- f snuck into the room of an Armenian lieuten- macists continually innovate to provide unique ant, Gurgen Margaryan, and hacked him to services that improve overall patient health SUPPORTING GUN VIOLENCE death with an axe as he slept. and wellness. PREVENTION LEGISLATION For this brutal and despicable crime, Further, in many communities the local Safarov was sentenced to life imprisonment in pharmacist is a patient’s most direct HON. PETER T. KING . Yet after a determined campaign by healthcare access point. This is particularly OF NEW YORK Azerbaijan’s government, he was extradited to true in rural areas. In fact, 91 percent of Amer- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES in 2012 where he was greeted not as a icans live within five miles of a community criminal but as a hero, provided back pay, and pharmacy. These pharmacies bring value to Wednesday, February 27, 2019 promoted in rank. There is no more dramatic their communities by providing care to those Mr. KING of New York. Madam Speaker, I illustration of Azerbaijan’s continued posture of who need it most—older Americans and those rise today in support of H.R. 8, the Bipartisan hatred and aggression towards their Armenian who manage chronic conditions, particularly in Background Checks Act and H.R. 1112, the neighbor than their celebration of a cold-blood- rural and underserved areas. In addition, phar- Enhanced Background Checks Act. Both ed murderer. macists frequently work with patients to navi- pieces of legislation would close deadly loop- The assault on ethnic Armenian civilians in gate specific pharmacy benefits and the use of holes in federal law to increase public safety. Sumgait helped touch off what would become generic substitutions to identify strategies to I am proud to co-lead these important initia- a direct conflict between Armenia and Azer- save money. Pharmacists also ensure medica- tives to reduce gun violence. baijan which took thousands of lives and dis- tions are administered appropriately, and offer H.R. 8, which would require background located millions more. The anniversary of other preventative services that help improve checks on all firearm purchases, is a common Sumgait is a reminder of the consequences patients overall wellbeing and quality of life. sense measure that will help keep our children when aggression and hatred grow unchecked. The pharmacy advocates attending NACDS and communities safe. This is particularly im- Madam Speaker, in two months we will RxIMPACT Day on Capitol Hill will be edu- portant with the rise of internet and gun show mark the 104th Anniversary of the Armenian cating members on their access agenda. As sales, where prohibited purchasers can easily Genocide, an event the Turkish government, we debate the future of healthcare, the phar- skirt the law to obtain deadly firearms. This bill Azerbaijan’s closest ally, goes to great lengths macy community wishes to work with us to would also reduce firearms trafficking through to deny. We must not let such crimes against help develop solutions that put pharmacy’s secondary sales and enhance law enforce- humanity go unrecognized, whether they oc- value to work for patients and payers. Specifi- ment’s ability to trace firearms used in a curred yesterday or 30 years ago or 100 years cally, NACDS’s advocates will be seeking our crime. ago. Today, let us pause to remember the vic- support for policies that will help address pre- Similarly, H.R. 1112 would increase public tims of the atrocities of the Sumgait pogroms. scription drug affordability and transparency safety by giving background check operators Madam Speaker, it is our moral obligation to through much-needed reform to DIR fees, a sufficient time to complete background checks.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:04 Feb 28, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A27FE8.023 E27FEPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with REMARKS E224 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks February 27, 2019 While roughly 90 percent of background The lands protected in these bills are some sioned officers serving with various commands checks on gun sales are completed imme- of the most beautiful, pristine, and eco- both in the U.S. and overseas. Primarily serv- diately, a small amount requires additional logically-diverse areas in Oregon. To leave ing in leadership positions within the Armor time for operators to discern whether a pur- these areas unprotected would be to subject Career Management Field, he eventually as- chaser is prohibited from buying a firearm. them to pollution and mining, endanger drink- sumed duty as the United States Army Forces However, under current law, if a background ing water for thousands of families, and dev- Command Sergeant Major on July 27, 1998. check is not completed within three business astate local recreation economies. He was the Army’s senior ranking enlisted days, the sale can proceed. This loophole al- I am proud that Congress overwhelmingly Soldier in Korea when he was honored with lows thousands of prohibited purchasers each passed this legislation and that President the South Korean Order of National Security year—including the shooter in Charleston, Trump is expected to sign this important legis- Merit Gwanbok Medal. Command Sergeant South Carolina—from obtaining guns without lation into law. Major Palacios was the first enlisted soldier to the completion of a background check. f receive the medal since the end of the Korean H.R. 1112 would keep everyday citizens War. He was also the only person who served HONORING GRANT THOMPSON safe by keeping firearms out of the hands of over five terms on the Department of Veteran prohibited purchasers. It would also protect Affairs Congressional Committee Mandated law enforcement by reducing the need for ATF HON. ANN KIRKPATRICK Advisory Committee for Minority Veterans agents to retrieve guns from individuals who OF ARIZONA (ACMV). shouldn’t have been allowed to purchase IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES On Guam and the Marianas, the personal them. Wednesday, February 27, 2019 accomplishments and success of native sons While there is no single measure that will Mrs. KIRKPATRICK. Madam Speaker, I rise and daughters are celebrated and adopted as completely eliminate gun violence, these bills today to honor Grant Thompson, a 14 year-old triumphs for everyone in the community. I am take crucial steps towards reducing it. They in my district who found a glitch in Apple’s deeply saddened by the passing of Command also protect the rights of law abiding gun own- FaceTime software that allowed iPhones to be Sergeant Major Palacios and I join the people ers. I am proud to support these pieces of leg- turned into spying devices. He is a Freshman of Guam in celebrating his life and legacy. My islation and encourage my colleagues to do at Catalina Foothills High School whose inter- thoughts and prayers are with his family, loved so. est in technology put him in a position to dis- ones, and friends. Command Sergeant Major f cover this critical flaw. Palacios will be deeply missed, and his mem- ory will live on in the hearts of the people of PERSONAL EXPLANATION The flaw Grant discovered allowed a user to be eavesdropped on before they actually ac- Guam. cepted a call. Before his discovery, I’m sure f HON. PETER A. DeFAZIO millions of Americans used the app completely OF OREGON unaware of this very serious security and pri- NATURAL RESOURCES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES vacy violation. But Grant, his sister, and his MANAGEMENT ACT Wednesday, February 27, 2019 mom took initiative to ensure this vulnerability SPEECH OF Mr. DEFAZIO. Madam Speaker, yesterday was addressed, and for that, we should all be had I been present, I would have voted in grateful. HON. RON KIND Grant is a lot like other freshmen—he strong support of S. 47, the Natural Resources OF WISCONSIN spends time on Instagram, he plays Fortnite, Management Act. I was detained due to se- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES vere weather and cancelled flights in Oregon. and obviously, he enjoys FaceTiming with his Tuesday, February 26, 2019 S. 47 is a compilation of approximately 100 friends. He is a humble young man who told public lands and natural resources bills. One me that he and his sister Lauren simply stum- Mr. KIND. Mr. Speaker, I rise to express my of the main provisions would provide perma- bled across the flaw. His mother, Michele support for the bipartisan National Resources nent authorization of the Land and Water Con- Thompson, supported her son and reached Management Act. Congress has not enacted a servation Fund, which I strongly support. out to Apple so that the flaw could be fixed, public lands package of this scale since 2009, Also included in this essential legislation are which Apple promptly did. Michele is rightfully and passage of this bill will mark a major mile- three provisions that I authored to protect crit- proud of her son, and I am too. stone for the conservation and future of Amer- ical salmon and steelhead habitats in south- Grant’s future is bright. I hear he dreams of ica’s public lands. This bill will permanently western Oregon and designate more than one day being involved in a STEM-related in- authorize the Land and Water Conservation 30,000 acres of public land as Wilderness. dustry, and I have no doubt that with hard Fund, designate over 1 million acres of wilder- H.R. 994, the Chetco River Protection Act, work and his natural technology skills his ness, and protect over 1 million acres of land would prohibit new mining claims on various dreams will one day become a reality. from destructive practices. I thank Grant, Lauren, and Michele for pro- rivers and creeks in Southwestern Oregon. I have supported the Land and Water Con- tecting the privacy of people around the world. The waters protected by this legislation supply servation Fund for many years and since its I also want to thank Apple for listening to the clean drinking water to thousands of residents creation, the Land and Water Conservation Thompson family and for rewarding Grant’s of Southwest Oregon and Northwest California Fund has helped preserve America’s outdoors work with an investment in his future. Arizo- and are critical salmon habitat. heritage by supporting anglers and outdoor H.R. 999, the Devil’s Staircase Wilderness na’s 2nd Congressional District is excited to recreation for families in every state. Wis- Act, would permanently protect Devil’s Stair- watch Grant grow and thrive. consin alone has received $211 million in case, a remote, unspoiled area in the Coast f LWCF funding over the past five decades, Range. The legislation would designate ap- HONORING THE LIFE AND LEGACY helping to protect the Chequamegon-Nicolet proximately 30,500 acres of Bureau of Land OF BENJAMIN CAMACHO PALACIOS National Forest, Ice Age National Scenic Trail, Management (BLM) and U.S. Forest Service and North Country National Scenic Trail. (USFS) lands as Wilderness. In addition, this HON. MICHAEL F.Q. SAN NICOLAS I am proud that the package includes the legislation designates approximately 14.4 Migratory Birds of the Americas Conservation OF GUAM miles of the Wasson and Franklin Creeks, Act, which reauthorizes the Neotropical Migra- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES which support native Coho and Chinook salm- tory Bird Conservation Act to help conserve on, trout, and steelhead runs, as Wild and Wednesday, February 27, 2019 migratory birds in rapid decline in Wisconsin Scenic Rivers. Mr. SAN NICOLAS. Madam Speaker, I rise and throughout the country. The Neotropical H.R. 1056, the Frank and Jeanne Moore today to honor the life and legacy of Com- Migratory Bird Conservation Act provides more Wild Steelhead Special Management Area mand Sergeant Major Benjamin Camacho than $66 million in grants to support long term Designation Act, would designate almost Palacios. Mr. Palacios was a Retired U.S. conservation, research, and habitat protection 100,000 acres of public land in the Steamboat Army Command Sergeant Major and will be of migratory birds. Creek Watershed in the Umpqua National For- fondly remembered for his many outstanding As the founder and co-chair of the National est that is vitally important steelhead habitat. contributions and accomplishments throughout Parks Caucus and longtime member of the The legislation would honor Frank and Jeanne his military and civilian career. Congressional Wildlife Refuge Caucus and Moore’s lifelong efforts to protect the North A dedicated public servant, Mr. Palacios be- Congressional Sportsmen’s Caucus, I am Umpqua River and its tributaries. came one of the most senior noncommis- proud to support this legislation.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:04 Feb 28, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K27FE8.014 E27FEPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with REMARKS February 27, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E225 H.R. 4, THE VOTING RIGHTS District of Wisconsin. Henry Lee Jones was SENATE COMMITTEE MEETINGS ADVANCEMENT ACT born on July 19, 1943 in Aberdeen, Mis- sissippi to the union of Elloyd and Rohdana Title IV of Senate Resolution 4, HON. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON Jones and passed away on February 18, agreed to by the Senate of February 4, 1977, calls for establishment of a sys- OF TEXAS 2019. Mr. Jones moved to Milwaukee in his late tem for a computerized schedule of all IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES teens and was employed by A. O. Smith as a meetings and hearings of Senate com- Wednesday, February 27, 2019 welder for 12 years. In 1975, Henry and Bob- mittees, subcommittees, joint commit- Ms. JOHNSON of Texas. Madam Speaker, bie’s Bungalow was established on the cor- tees, and committees of conference. I rise today to voice my support for H.R. 4, ners of 14th Street and Keefe Avenue in Mil- This title requires all such committees The Voting Rights Advancement Act (VRAA). waukee. The restaurant featured specialties to notify the Office of the Senate Daily such as a variety of soul food, BBQ seafood The VRAA restores the protections and en- Digest—designated by the Rules Com- forcement of the Voting Rights Act (VRA) to its and scrumptious desserts. The Bungalow’s mittee—of the time, place and purpose former strength after being gutted by the 2013 signature dessert is peach cobbler. Shelby County v. Holder Supreme Court deci- The Bungalow Restaurant provided catering of the meetings, when scheduled and sion. The VRAA responds to the wave of voter services to many individuals in the community, any cancellations or changes in the suppression tactics enacted by states and lo- as well as businesses and organizations. One meetings as they occur. calities since that decision, requiring states of the most famous organizations he catered As an additional procedure along with a recent history of voter discrimination to to was the Green Bay Packer franchise. In with the computerization of this infor- fact, as quoted in the Shepherd Express seek federal preclearance for election mation, the Office of the Senate Daily Newspaper, ‘‘The authenticity of Bungalow’s changes. Digest will prepare this information for Voting is the cornerstone of our democracy Southern-styled menu heavy on pork, chicken, printing in the Extensions of Remarks and the fundamental right upon which all our beef and fish has even captured the attention civil liberties rest. In the previous two elec- of the Green Bay Packers. Members of the section of the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD tions, we have seen an unprecedented in- Green & Gold have had Bungalow employees on Monday and Wednesday of each crease in the engagement of voter suppres- truck their soulful grub to Green Bay for many week. sion tactics. Specifically, in my home state of years now. Whether ordered from Lambeau Meetings scheduled for Thursday, Texas, there have been ongoing suppression Field or the Bungalow’s cozy brick building, February 28, 2019 may be found in the options abound. You’ll find relatively rare efforts, such as including additional obstacles Daily Digest of today’s RECORD. for voter registration, cutbacks on early voting, dishes such as oxtails and smoked ham hocks and stricter voter identification requirements. in addition to more common fare like fried The VRAA will counteract these unfair prac- chicken, steak and catfish. And though the MEETINGS SCHEDULED tices by requiring a nationwide, practice-based Bungalow staff takes pride in making healthy MARCH 5 preclearance for ‘‘known discriminatory prac- meat and sides, including yams, turnip greens 9:30 a.m. tices,’’ such as the creation of at-large dis- and okra, one can still order ‘‘gravy, gravy and Committee on Armed Services tricts, inadequate multilingual voting materials more gravy.’’ Even if you don’t spot a Packer To hold hearings to examine United and cuts to polling places. The VRAA will also on a day you visit this establishment, you can States European Command and United increase transparency by requiring reasonable still enjoy the many autographed photos on States Transportation Command in re- public notice for voting changes. Finally, the the walls. view of the Defense Authorization Re- bill will allow the Attorney General authority to As a successful entrepreneur, he was in- quest for fiscal year 2020 and the Fu- request federal observers to be present any- spired to expand his business to other loca- ture Years Defense Program. SD–G50 where in the country where a serious threat to tions across the city of Milwaukee and Keno- sha. He was never a complainer but rather a 10 a.m. voter access and fair elections exists. Committee on Energy and Natural Re- doer. Mr. Jones’ children share his passion The reality is that we continue to see a sources number of significant obstacles to the free and and continue to carry on his legacy and busi- To hold hearings to examine the elec- fair exercise of the right to vote. Congress ness. tricity sector in a changing climate. must do everything in its power to ensure that He married Bobbie Jones on July 29, 1967 SD–366 all Americans have the opportunity to exercise and their union was blessed with 5 sons: Committee on Environment and Public their constitutional right to vote. I support this Henry, Jr., Milton, Rodney, Demetrius and Works critical legislation, and I urge my colleagues to Lavial. Henry was preceded in death by his Subcommittee on Clean Air and Nuclear vote for this bill as well. parents. He leaves many family and friends to Safety cherish his memory including his wife Bobbie To hold hearings to examine states’ role f Jones and Children: Mitch Malone, Richard in protecting air quality, focusing on PERSONAL EXPLANATION Jones, Henry Jones Jr., Milton Jones. Deme- principles of cooperative federalism. SD–406 trius (Nichole) Jones and Lavial Jones; Sib- Committee on Health, Education, Labor, HON. ADAM SMITH lings: Dorothy (John) Williams, Delores Tools, and Pensions OF WASHINGTON Elloyd (Parline) Jones, Yvonne Jones; Grand- To hold hearings to examine vaccines, fo- children: Latoya (Emmanuel) Amoah, cusing on preventable disease out- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Deaquann Forrest, Vegas Jones, Naytosha breaks. Wednesday, February 27, 2019 Jones, Xavier Jones, Corey Malone, Britany SD–430 Mr. SMITH of Washington. Madam Speaker, Malone, Marcus Malone and Cortez Malone; 6 Committee on the Judiciary I would have voted ‘‘yes’’ on the motion to great grandchildren and a host of nieces, To hold hearings to examine pending nominations. nephews and other relatives. suspend the rules and pass H.R. 995, as SD–226 amended, which was considered on Wednes- Henry had a significant impact on the com- 2:30 p.m. day, February 13, 2019. munity who not only enjoyed his cooking but Committee on Armed Services f his loving and joking spirit as well. He was a To receive a closed briefing on United pillar of the community, the patriarch of his States European Command and United TRIBUTE TO HENRY LEE JONES family. I have known Mr. Jones for over 30 States Transportation Command in re- years, well before I began my legislative ca- view of the Defense Authorization Re- HON. GWEN MOORE reer and he was my friend. He has made a quest for fiscal year 2020 and the Fu- ture Years Defense Program. OF WISCONSIN positive impact on Milwaukee and it is truly an honor for me to pay homage to someone who SVC–217 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Committee on Homeland Security and has contributed so much to Milwaukee and the Wednesday, February 27, 2019 Governmental Affairs State of Wisconsin. To hold hearings to examine the nomina- Ms. MOORE. Madam Speaker, I rise today Madam Speaker, for these reasons I rise to tion of Joseph V. Cuffari, of Arizona, to to recognize a man of faith, Henry Lee Jones. pay tribute to a man whose legacy will con- be Inspector General, Department of He was a husband, father, grandfather and tinue to benefit the Fourth Congressional Dis- Homeland Security. entrepreneur from the Fourth Congressional trict. SD–342

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:04 Feb 28, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A27FE8.030 E27FEPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with REMARKS E226 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks February 27, 2019 Committee on the Judiciary public of Iraq, both of the Department Special Committee on Aging Subcommittee on Antitrust, Competition of State. To hold hearings to examine the complex Policy and Consumer Rights SD–419 web of prescription drug prices, focus- To hold hearings to examine concentra- Committee on the Judiciary ing on untangling the web and paths tion and competition in the United To hold an oversight hearing to examine forward. States economy. Customs and Border Protection’s re- SD–138 SD–226 sponse to the smuggling of persons at 2 p.m. the southern border. 3 p.m. Committee on Veterans’ Affairs SD–226 Committee on Foreign Relations To hold a joint hearing with the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs To receive a closed briefing on the status To hold a joint hearing with the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs to ex- of the North Korea denuclearization ef- Committee on Veterans’ Affairs to ex- amine the legislative presentation of fort post-Hanoi. amine the legislative presentation of multiple veterans service organiza- SVC–217 the Veterans of Foreign Wars. tions. SD–G50 SD–G50 MARCH 6 10:30 a.m. 9:30 a.m. Committee on Rules and Administration MARCH 12 Committee on Homeland Security and To hold an oversight hearing to examine 10 a.m. Governmental Affairs the Library of Congress. Committee on Veterans’ Affairs To hold a hearing to examine rec- SR–301 To hold a joint hearing with the House ommendations to reduce risk of waste, 2:30 p.m. Committee on Veterans’ Affairs to ex- Committee on Armed Services fraud, and mismanagement in Federal amine the legislative presentation of Subcommittee on Personnel programs. multiple veterans service organiza- SD–342 To hold hearings to examine the military services’ prevention of and response to tions. Special Committee on Aging SD–G50 To hold hearings to examine the complex sexual assault. web of prescription drug prices, focus- SR–222 Committee on Small Business and Entre- MARCH 13 ing on patients struggling with rising preneurship 2:30 p.m. costs. To hold hearings to examine small busi- SD–138 Committee on Indian Affairs ness and the American worker. To hold an oversight hearing to examine 10 a.m. SR–428A Committee on Commerce, Science, and Indian programs on the Government Accountability Office High Risk List. Transportation MARCH 7 To hold hearings to examine the state of SD–628 9:30 a.m. the American maritime industry. Committee on Armed Services SH–216 MARCH 14 To hold hearings to examine the chain of Committee on Environment and Public 10 a.m. command’s accountability to provide Works safe military housing and other build- Committee on Appropriations To hold hearings to examine the eco- ing infrastructure to servicemembers Subcommittee on Departments of Labor, nomic benefits of highway infrastruc- and their families. Health and Human Services, and Edu- ture investment and accelerated SH–216 cation, and Related Agencies project delivery. 10 a.m. To hold hearings to examine the Ebola SD–406 Committee on Homeland Security and outbreak in the Democratic Republic Committee on Foreign Relations Governmental Affairs of the Congo and other emerging To hold hearings to examine the nomina- Permanent Subcommittee on Investiga- health threats. tions of John P. Abizaid, of Nevada, to tions SD–124 be Ambassador to the Kingdom of To hold hearings to examine private sec- Saudi Arabia, and Matthew H. Tueller, tor data breaches. of Utah, to be Ambassador to the Re- SD–106

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:04 Feb 28, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\M27FE8.000 E27FEPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with REMARKS