W The Journal of the Bootmakers of Toronto Volume 32 Number 2 Winter 2009/10 Canadian Holmes is published by The Bootmakers of Toronto, the Sherlock Holmes Society of Canada. Bootprints (editors) are Mark and JoAnn Alberstat, 46 Kingston Crescent, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, B3A 2M2 Canada (
[email protected]), to whom letters and editorial submissions should be addressed. Subscription information and details of Bootmaker membership are available on the society’s web site, www.bootmakers.ca. Business correspondence should be addressed to The Bootmakers of Toronto, PO Box 1157, TDC Postal Station, 77 King Street West, Toronto, Ontario M5K 1P2 Canada. Copyright © 2010 The Bootmakers of Toronto. Copyright in all individual articles is hereby assigned to their respective authors. Canadian Publications Mail Sales Product Agreement Number 40038614, The Bootmakers of Toronto, PO Box 1157, TDC Postal Station, 77 King Street West, Toronto, Ontario, M5K 1P2 Canada. Return postage guaranteed. ISSN 0319-4493. Printed in Canada. Cover: A collage of the four major posters for the December 25, 2009, release of the movie Sherlock Holmes. Canadian Holmes Volume 32 Number 2 Winter 2009/10 One hundred and twenty-second issue Contents Canadian Holmes Volume 32 Number 2 Renovating Holmes 2 A review of the movie Sherlock Holmes by Stephen Cooke William Gillette – A model Holmes 5 A look at the life of actor William Gillette by Mark Alberstat Sherlock Holmes Was Wrong 11 A review of a book with a questionable title by Dr. Richard Brown Letters from Lomax 14 A wrap up of some of the new items at the Toronto Library’s Arthur Conan Doyle Collection by Peggy Perdue The Foundations of Sherlockian Scholarship 16 The first part of a short series of articles that examines a few of the early-seminal works that have shaped our Sherlockian world by Doug Wrigglesworth Bootmaker’s Diary 19 A roundup of Bootmaker events by Donald Zaldin RACES OF BOOTPRINTS New Beginnings January 2010.