The Genesis Discography
TTHHEE GGEENNEESSIISS DDIISSCCOOGGRRAAPPHHYY “The scattered pages of a book by the sea…” 1967-1996 Page 2 The Genesis Discography The Genesis Discography January 1998 Edition Copyright © 1998 Scott McMahan, All Rights Reserved The Genesis Discography Page 3 THE EXODUS ENDS “And then there was the time she sang her song, and nobody cried for more…” “I think that in the end, if all else is conqured, Bombadil will fall, Last as he was First, and then Night will come.” … from the Council of Elrond, in Lord of the Rings Indeed, since its beginning in 1993, The Genesis Discography has been a fixture on the Internet much like Tom Bombadil was in Middle Earth. It has endured in the face of the changing times, without itself changing much, isolated off in its own world. Glorfindel had the opinion that Bombadil would be the last to fall, after all else was lost, last as he was first. In Tolkien’s story, that opinion was never tested. Good triumphed over evil, and everyone lived happily ever after. Not true on the Internet. Since 1993, the forces of evil have created a desolation and oppression that Sauron even with the help of his ruling ring could not imagine perpetrating. From the days of the Internet as an academic research network until today’s Internet I have witnessed ruination unbelieveable. The decay, corruption, and runiation of the Internet boggles my mind. Like Tom Bombadil in his carefully demarcated borders, The Genesis Discography has been an island in the storm, surrounded on all sides but never giving in.
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