Parish Profile 2015

Benefice of Wilden with and North

St Nicholas Church

All Saints Church

St Denys Church1 Contents

Welcome 3 An Opportunity for Renewal & Growth 4 The Post 5 Partnering with St Mary’s Eaton Socon 7 What we can offer 8 The Benefice 9 The Buildings 10 The Church Family 11 Education 12 Services 13 Our Churchwardens Worship 14 Mission Action Plan – Goals 15 Fellowship & Social Events 16 Going Forward 17

The Rectory 18 2


St Nicholas Church, Wilden Names: All Saints Church, Ravensden St Denys Church, Colmworth

County: Bedfordshire

Diocese: St Albans


Oversight: St Mary’s Eaton Socon

Patron: Bishop of St. Albans Websites: Our Churchwardens

Our Mission statement is to: ! To continue to share the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ ! Live in God’s love to improve discipleship ! To remain focused on active worship ! To continue our participation in outreach and fellowship

3 An Opportunity for Renewal & Growth

The Opportunity…

Working in partnership with the leadership of St Mary’s Eaton Socon and each of the Benefice Churches, there is a shared desire to see spiritual renewal and growth brought to these communities.

A pilot project for St Alban’s Diocese, this is an opportunity to explore different ways of ‘being and doing’ church through rethinking and re-envisioning both the Benefice’s Ministry and Administration and how the Churches relate to each other and the wider Church community.

Through working with St Mary’s Eaton Socon, a Church that has experienced significant change over the past 15 years, along with an enthusiastic Benefice Team, the successful applicant will be part of a team that promises to make this one of the most exciting pilot projects ever!

Good ‘Change Management and Conflict Resolution Skills’ or the ability to learn these skills ‘on the job’ are essential for this project to work.

We anticipate lots of laughter and fun on this shared journey! 4 The Post…

Interested? Then please do keep reading...

The successful applicant will become ‘Associate Vicar of St Mary’s Eaton Socon’ with responsibility for Wilden, with Ravensden and Colmworth, together with sharing in the life of Eaton Socon according to their gifts and skills.

Essential Characteristics: ! Can identify with and work within an evangelical framework whilst enjoying a variety of worship styles

! Has a sound theological background, capable of delivering logical, interesting and structured teaching relevant to life today

! Undertake and encourage outreach to the families and young people in the community (e.g. Schools)

! Has a good sense of humour and can laugh a lot!

! Able to develop a working knowledge and practical understanding of rural ministry and to use this in engaging with the community

! Shows proactive leadership

5 The Post…

Essential Characteristics (continued): ! Is willing to delegate and able to encourage people to become actively involved in the life of the benefice and its activities

! Is able to mentor us in our quest to make our churches and worship central in the lives of the people in our villages

! Has a sensitive but firm approach when handling problems and people

! Is dynamic, has drive, is a strong team player and able to support a committed benefice

Desirable Characteristics: ! Understands how to use multimedia resources in Services (PA; Projector; iSingworship/EasyWorship or equivalent programs)

! Can multi-task in services when other human resources are scarce

! Well organised

! Good IT skills

! Full, clean, current driving licence 6

Partnering with St Mary’s…

Working in partnership with St Mary’s Eaton Socon whose leadership will give oversight, direction and is responsible for this exciting pilot project, St Mary’s will offer:

! Help in developing and overseeing a ‘fresh’ pattern of corporate worship and prayer

! Build appropriate small group ministries

! Identify and help implement a seeker-based course

! Prioritise work amongst young families and the local schools

! Review, re-envision and implement alternative organisational and administrative procedures to enable the Benefice to work more effectively together

! Participation in undertaking a Benefice wide Community audit

! Access to & appropriate use of St Mary’s Office resources including Photocopier / IT

! Additional Clergy support from Eaton Socon’s Leadership Team comprising of Vicar, Assistant Curate and three retired clergy

! Annual Financial Support of up to £2,500 to help resource a particular project or ministerial need as agreed with St Mary’s leadership 7

What the Benefice can offer

! A vibrant church family committed to honouring God through our worship, witness, service and fellowship

! An appreciation that ministry belongs to the whole church community and where all are enabled and encouraged to be ‘the body of Christ’

! An understanding that the new Minister will come with his/her own strengths and gifts

! An openness to engage in new things that will help us to expand our ministry and grow as a church for the glory of God

! A prayerful, supportive and friendly church fellowship within a happy and thriving rural community.

! A comfortable 4-bedroom Rectory, well-sited, with ample space inside and out, together with full re-imbursement of expenses incurred in the course of carrying out his/her duties.

! A very warm welcome to whoever God sends to be our next Minister! 8 The Benefice

The parishes are situated on gently undulating land north east of with easy access to the A1, M1, A14 and good rail links to London and the south coast and the north. There is limited public transport in the villages and private transport is a necessity. The three villages are quite different in character although they are all predominantly residential. At present this is a largely agricultural area and although there is no major industry in the villages, there are many small businesses and, with farm diversification, several small industrial estates. There is no GP Surgery in the benefice.

Wilden is the most compact of the three villages with a population of 450 and is basically a farming community with a number of retired people. There are working families who commute as far as London and Milton Keynes. Wilden is an attractive residential village where housing is generally in high demand. There is a variety of housing including privately owned and rented accommodation. There is also a pub, a lower school and a thriving farm shop with garden nursery. Victoria Arms, Wilden Ravensden originally comprised of small clusters of farm dwellings which, with post-war infilling, developed into three small hamlets. The communities are predominately residential, apart from the village shop, repair garage, an Indian Restaurant at the crossroads and a pub at Church End. There is also a lower school and again, there is a wide mix of housing from the mobile home park through to substantial detached houses. Most people work in Bedford and there is a significant retired population. Recently a large development on the outskirts of Bedford has added a retirement home and several hundred houses to the parish of Ravensden bringing the population to approximately 1,900. Horse and Jockey, Ravensden Colmworth is a largely agricultural village with approximately 380 residents. There is a significant number of small businesses within the village including a pre-school nursery and a restaurant/small hotel. There is a mix of housing with some council and some Pilgrim housing but the majority are detached private dwellings. A significant number of villagers commute to , London and Milton Keynes. The population is an ageing one with plenty of recently retired people to organise clubs and who are actively involved in community projects. Cornfields, Colmworth9 The Buildings

St Nicholas Church, Wilden St Nicholas is a fine medieval church which is in good order. The last Quinquennial report did not reveal any major issues. We have a kitchen and a toilet for general use which is suitable for disabled people. The laity play an important role in keeping the churchyard and building in good repair. There is no church hall.

All Saints Church, Ravensden All Saints is also a lovely medieval church. A working group continues with repairs to the internal plastering. The roof and structure are in good condition and parishioners maintain the churchyard. The building maintenance is supported by the ‘Friends of All Saints’.

St Denys Church, Colmworth St Denys is a 15th Century building with a nationally recognised monument and a spectacular East window. There is a servery and toilet inside the church. Unfortunately the last Quinquennial identified major issues. A ‘Friends of St Denys’ has been established to organise fundraising and to promote the use of the building for social activities. All churchyard maintenance is by laity with a day of action annually to tidy up. There are no other buildings. 10 The Church Family

At the present time there are three PCCs each with their own Chairman who meet at least four times a year. Wilden has 10 members, Ravensden 10 and Colmworth 8. There are two churchwardens elected to each Parish and the six meet quarterly or as needed to discuss issues, co-ordinate and bring the Parishes together. Electoral Roll numbers: Wilden=44 Ravensden=25 Colmworth=39.

Social Committees arrange fund-raising functions such as Race Nights, Safari Suppers, Harvest Suppers, Quiz Nights, Children’s activities, Teddy Bear Drop, Concerts, Wedding Exhibitions, Flower Festivals, Christmas Tree Exhibition etc. Teddy Bear Drop

There is also a Benefice Prayer Group which meets regularly in members’ homes for prayer and Bible study and the group includes members from other denominations. This provides a valuable pastoral care network within each village. There are Baptist chapels in Wilden, Ravensden and Colmworth working together to spread the Gospel.

There is a Benefice Choir which sings at combined services, weddings, funerals and special services. Choir members also give concerts and perform musical works such as ‘The Crucifixion’. Choir practice takes place weekly and is well attended with 16 members. Each church is fortunate to have its own organist. United Benefice Choir

We have an enthusiastic bell ringing group of both adults and children who meet regularly for practice. The bells are rung twice a month before services and on special occasions such as weddings. From September the hand bell ringers meet to practice for their annual Christmas performances.

Visitors are always welcome in our churches, especially on Open Church Sunday and Cycle Ride days. Wilden church opens its doors on Sunday afternoons throughout the summer for tea, cake and a chat and Sunday school activities for children. Colmworth holds weekly activities using the Country Park during the summer with biblical themed activity days at Christmas and Easter. Hand Bell Ringers 11 Education

There are two church schools in the benefice – Wilden VA Lower and Ravensden VA Lower with pre-schools at both. They are flourishing schools within Bedfordshire’s 3 tier system.

The Minister is an ex-officio member of the Board of Governors of each school and will be welcomed by the school communities. Wilden School hold their assemblies and services in church and the Minister would be expected to participate. There is a strong relationship between the church and both schools. Wilden and Ravensden VA Lower schools have been rated as ‘Good’ by Ofsted in their last inspection report. The full reports can be found at

Colmworth has a popular private nursery which caters for pre-school children from Colmworth and surrounding villages. It has been rated as ‘Outstanding’ by Ofsted in their last inspection report. There are middle schools in and Riseley and senior schools in Bedford and Sharnbrook. A significant number of children attend independent schools in Bedford and Kimbolton.

12 Wilden VA Lower School Ravensden VA Lower School Puddleduck Nursery School Services

Wilden Ravensden Colmworth 1st Sunday 6 pm ES (16) 9.30 am HC (10) 11 am FS (22)

2nd Sunday 9.30 am HC (12) 11 am FS (16) 8.30 am HC (7)

3rd Sunday 6 pm ES (16) 9.30 am HC (10) 11 am HC (16)

4th Sunday 11 am FC (20) 9.30 am HC (10) 8.30 am MS (7)

5th Sunday United Benefice Service at 9.30 am (15) held at each church in turn

Table Key: ES – Evensong HC – Holy Communion Palm Sunday FC – Family Communion FS – Family Service MS – Morning Service (average attendees) Each church has special services to celebrate Harvest, Mothering Sunday, Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday and Easter with Midnight Mass and children’s services on Christmas Eve. Combined services celebrate Crib Service Darkness to Light and In Loving Memory. 13 Worship

Communion services follow Common Worship 1 using a variety of service sheets. The traditional Evensong service follows the Ancient and Modern book and all services use the Lectionary readings. Hymns are chosen from Hymns Old and New and The Complete Anglican Hymns Old and New. Family services differ between the churches but are fun and varied; most are based on a sheet/booklet produced by the PCC and adapted by the leader. Members of the congregation are involved as readers during all the services and have risen to the challenge of leading family services and Morning Prayer.

At present we have a Reader who takes occasional Family Services and Evensong and assists at Communion services. Baptisms, weddings and funerals take place at all three churches and sometimes the Minister takes services at the local crematorium at the request of the undertakers. Baptisms are usually held during the Family Service to welcome the children into the Family of the Church. Recently some of our young people have been confirmed.

Our aim is to declare the good news of Jesus Christ not just in the benefice, but by supporting Christian Aid, The Children’s Society, The Beds and Herts Historic Churches Trust, Samaritan’s Purse Christmas Shoe Box Appeal, Bedford Charity for the Homeless and Church Housing Trust, through our prayer and financial help. 14 Mission Action Plan - Goals

Wilden 1. To sow seeds of involvement in church work 2. To consider how best to utilise our church interior for social networking 3. To encourage more men to take an active part in church activities and worship. Many men help in the background 4. To continue to involve children in our church events and to support activities in the other churches in our Benefice

Ravensden 1. To reach out to the wider community 2. To find a leader to run a Christian club in the school 3. To go deeper into God through prayer and Bible study 4. To reorder the interior of the church to reflect different styles of worship

Colmworth 1. To increase church attendance by 5% 2. To hold informal men’s breakfasts 3. To develop a Friends group 4. To feed in Christian topics during fund-raising

15 Fellowship and Social Events

Each of the villages has a good village hall looked after by a committee. There are no church halls and church functions are often accommodated in the village halls or schools. Each village has a Parish Council and the benefice comes under Bedford Borough Council. The three churches play an important part in their village communities. Although congregation Concert numbers tend to be low, villagers assist with church cleaning, brass Coffee Stop cleaning, the flower rota and support fund-raising events.

A free Church Newsletter is produced monthly, with input from all three parishes, and is delivered by hand to households within the benefice. It gives dates, times and readings for that month's services, reports of local news and interest and information about forthcoming events. Play Area The local pub in Wilden is welcoming and provides a meeting place for Country Fair members of the community. There is a strong cricket club with its own pavilion. The annual May Day festival is a significant, well-supported event. ‘Women of Wilden’, mother and toddler group, carpet bowls, exercise class, Rainbows, Brownies and Guides meet in the village hall.

Country Park There is a golf course in Colmworth, country park, restaurant/small hotel, play area, and a private swimming pool which is used for classes and is also available for hire. There are private physiotherapy, podiatry, osteopathy and alternative medicine practices in the village. Other activities and organisations include walking groups, children’s holiday club, themed activity afternoons for children, concerts and occasional talks. There is a thriving gardening club and book club. Exercise classes, carpet bowls, Country Fair Activity Afternoon Beavers, Cubs and Scouts and a popular History Society take place in Colmworth village hall. Colmworth Country Fair is an annual event.

Outreach is achieved through breakfasts, community lunches, Coffee-Stop which is held in church and Café Royal which is a regular meeting at the Pub for tea, cake and a chat. Coffee, tea and biscuits are served after each family service which gives us an opportunity to welcome newcomers and to Café Royal share fellowship with each other. Day of Action 16 Going Forward

We need to maintain the growth of the church family achieved so far. As well as caring for the older members of our congregation we would like to attract younger members of our community, including children, by encouraging their active participation in preparation and organisation of activities.

We want to build on our strengths to make our benefice a vibrant centre of Christian influence. We believe we are a welcoming church with ‘something for everybody’. We have been strengthened in our aims to fulfil our mission statement but we sometimes feel that ‘The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few’. (Luke 10.2) Financial As a benefice we have made every effort to pay the Parish Share but have been unable to pay this in full. The total requested for the benefice for 2014 was £33,808 of which £20,930 was paid.

Voluntary giving on a regular basis via Gift Aid is our main source of income.

The Treasurers produce an up to date summary each year which is discussed by the PCCs and the Treasurers are fully supported by their colleagues. 17 The Rectory

The Rectory is a pleasant and desirable family home situated in Wilden, next to the Church. Built in the late 1950s, it has the benefit of double glazing throughout and oil fired central heating. There are four bedrooms, two reception Front view rooms, dining room, new Back view bathroom, cloakroom and new kitchen. There is a garage and ample parking to the front of the house. At the back of the house there is a large child-friendly garden, not overlooked, with views of the church.

18 Showing Love, Giving Hope, Bringing Peace

United Benefice Choir 19