Junior State of America presents a special seasonal edition of its o!cial newsletter... !"#$%&'()*$+!,!#-#'! .('!#*$/01/213$#4(!()' IN THIS ISSUE... JSA in China JSA Fall State Third Parties Filibuster Reform The DREAM Act JSA Winter Congress FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT JSA VISIT: WWW.JSA.ORG Reforming the AP System Contact Editor-in-Chief, Anthony Kayruz, at
[email protected] if interested in Debate of the Month submitting pieces for publication November/December/January Junior State of America 1 #4(!)*2('25"(#67+$4#+8 Dear Reader, I would like to cordially welcome you to the Winter TABLE OF CONTENTS installment of the 2012-2013 The Junior Statement. The Junior Statement is a magazine that is sent to Access is Power......................4-5 tax paid JSA members and teacher advisers across the nation and is publicly available for viewing online Death Toll in Syria Rises............6 through the national JSA website. Its contents con- sist of student-written submissions that range from Chapter Con/One-Day..............7 reports about JSA events, conventions, and chapters to general opinion articles about divisive issues. The Issues Are What Matters....8 The Junior Statement aims to increase political, cul- Reforming the AP System.........9 tural, and social awareness in an e"ort to promote civic engagement and social justice in America’s JSA Averts Fiscal Cli"..............10 youth. The Winter Edition includes articles that re- spond to the past election between President Barack JSA Summer School.................11 Obama and Governor Mitt Romney, essays about MIddle East relations, and reports that recapture The DREAM Act.................12-13 important JSA moments from the past two months.