E.H. panel ilaiirliPBtpr to consider

counsel job Vol. XCIX, No. 142 — Manchester, Conn., Monday, March 17, 1980 • Since 1881 • 20c Single Copy • 15« Home Delivered

By PATRICK REILLY Dagon said. “The workload in that Herald Reporter office has grown to the where Senior we could use someone full-time.” EAST HARTFORD - The idea of The town can’t afford to pay the a full-time corporation counsel for "going rate for a young, ag g i^ iv e ” the town has gotten lip service in the full-time corporation counsel and past and will receive strong con­ would do better financially to pay the sideration from the newly es­ salary for full-time assistants, Dagon tablished Charter Revision Commis­ said. sion. Barron said the idea of a full-time Commission member Richard corporation counsel is nothing new opens Mourey said it has been suggested and was suggested when Tim town’s 12-year-old charter be revised MacNamara was corporation to include a full-time corporation counsel. Barron was chief assistant counsel. under MacNamara and was ap­ MANCHESTER-Seven months The town's current Courporation pointed corporation counsel when late, the new Senior Citizens Center, Counsel, Stephen C. Barron, and Dagon took office in November. in the former Green School, opens Mayor George A. Dagon have both He said his vision of the way the of­ today. said they would like to see a full-time fice should be structured is much like 'The opening was supposed to be in assistant counsel instead of a full­ Hartford’s corporation counsel of­ August, but funding ran out when the time corporation counsel. fice. Barron said the position of cor­ town withdrew from the Community "”It would be very helpful to have poration counsel should stay part- Development Grant Program. a full-time person in the Town Hall,” time but the assistant positions Completing the renovation of should be full time. Green School waited until the town Barron said it’s iipportant to have received an Older American Act a person in the office on a full-time grant in November. Voters basis. To refurbish the school, center “I spend between 20 to 35 hours per members donated ideas and effort week as the town’s corporation and the Manchester firemen painted counsel, but there is no limit to how the interior. ow volatile long you could work on town ..V . Today's opening marks the hope of lite business,” Barron said. offering more programs for the The charter now allows for four Checking the program elderly, Wally Fortin, center direc­ part-time assistant corporation tor, said. counsels, but Barron has chosen to Christina, 10, (left) and Carolyn Staley, 8, families for the program, which had 490 The increased space of the center fill only three of the positions. sisters who live at 180 Hurlburt St., check out students from all over New England in­ provides more opportunity for He said he isn’t sure what action volved. (Herald photo by Lavallee) different programs. Suggestions CHICAGO (UPI) - Illinois sent the programs at the All New England Music the commission might take on the Festival. Their family was one of the host range from fishing clubs to dart­ another signal today that 1980 is the suggestion. The commission could throwing contests with other centers. year of the volatile voter: Ronald recommend everyone in the office be Another program in the planning is Reagan overtook John Anderson, outdoor golf. George Bush dropped like a rock and full time, Barron said. Barron’s appointment as the Fortin said a ladies league is a President Carter lost a chunk of sup­ town’s attorney has not been an ad­ possibility. A Center member is a port in a statewide poll taken within CEA aids FOI fight vantage for his private law firm, golf pro, Fortin noted. two days of Illinois’ presidential with offices locat^ within blocks of Other plans and programs include primary. town hall. GLASTONBLRY-The Board of Hughes had made a request for the and addresses is extremely unhappy gardening, running a repair shop and The Chicago Tribune poll, which "Because of my work with the Education will have support for its release of the names during the with the FOI's ruling. woodworking. The center still plans last week showed favorite son Ander­ town I can’t handle cases in my fight to prevent teachers' names and summer. Superintendent Larry He said the teachers have great its regidar programs of bingo and son leading Reagan by a whisker, addresses from being given to an Ashley refused to release them, concern over the problem of card games, along with oil painting, gave the former California governor private business concerning schools or zoning,” Barron said. "My job East Hartford businessman. arguing that the release was an inva­ releasing their names. square dancing and ceramics. a 36 percent to 34 percent lead over sion of teachers' privacey. According to Ashley, the school Fortin also noted the center plans with the town has meant a decrease The statewide Connecticut EMuca- the Illinois congressman on the basis Jean Huhn, a representative of the system can agree with the order, to increase services in other areas, in the earning capacity of my private tion Association said it will offer its of samplings taken Friday and Satur­ charge Hughes for the work that has such as advice on social security firm.” attorneys' assistance for the Board Glastonbury Education Association, day. However, in the corporation said the local union would join with to be done to prepare the lists, block problems and Medicare forms. The Reagan lead, which is within of Eklucation's fight against John D. counsel position he has the opportuni­ the superintendent to fight the ruling. out the telephone numbers from the About 1,000 persons use center ser­ the poll’s margin of error, makes the Hughes, of the North American ty to work with labor problems, Board of Education member lists, disregard the order completely vices annually. GOP contest a two-man tossup, Investment Corp., who has requested federal litigation and suits like the Douglas Webster said the board or seek injunctive relief. The Board of Directors is con­ because Bush, ruiplng at 20 percent the names of the teachers. should seek assistance from the In November 1978, the commission sidering naming the center's a week ago, plummet^ to 12 percent one against the building of Interstate 84. The Freedom 6f Information Com­ Connecticut Association of Boards of upheld a request by the Connecticut auditorium the Wally Fortin in the final survey. mission voted last week to require Education (CABE), to fight the com­ State Federation of Teachers for Auditorium. Fortin has been involved On the Democratic side, the poll, “I also like the people I associated the release of teachers' names and mission's ruling. residential addresses of teachers in in the town's recreation programs which has a good record of reliabili­ with. I was appointed by George addresses to Hughes, who sells tax Ashley, who attended the initial Bridgeport. The commission ordered since 1939 and became director of the ty, showed Carter’s Illinois support Dagon and if it weren’t for George I shelter investments. hearing on the release of the names that the names be released. Senior Citizens Center in 1967. dropping from 64 to 62 percent, but wouldn't be here,” Barron said. Sen. Edward Kennedy holding fast at 23 percent. | Carter’s lost support went into the undecided category, which could Father of Coast Guard is forgotten mean it will wind up in Kennedy’s column, or because there is no Congress authorized the building of ny- registration by party in the state, By JAMES V. HEALION would have to be used,” King said. place already, especially in coffee but at first Hamilton wasn’t sure it Delany was then collecting which is an article easily run...” had the right. This was a curious 10 cutters with 10-man crews. Delany nct switching over to the GOP side to NEW LONDON (UPI) - Sharp revenue for the federal purse from The exchange between Delany and position for Hamilton, who was suggested saving money by using vote for Anderson. Delany is sometimes called the Both Bush and Kennedy cam­ merchantmen by running a sailing Hamilton might never have been known for his loose interpretations of crafts seized from smugglers but it “Father of the Coast Guard,” but its wasn’t in Hamilton's grand scheme paigners trie<) to put the best face barge night and day on the Delaware known except for Fred C. Peters, a the Constitution. birth certificate was signed by 20th century successor of Delany’s, Delany, originally a druggist from of things. possible on what shaped up as more George Washington and Alexander River between Philadelphia and bad news for their candidates. Newcastle, Pa. who found the Delany-Hamilton cor­ Bally Fin in County Leith, Ireland, The first cutter, the Hamilton. Massachusetts, was launched July "I do not believe the Tribune poll,” respondence in the Philadelphia and later a Philadelphia lawyer Coast Guard Academy Prof. Irving So even before Hamilton and 23,1791 at the Searle and Tyler yards said Bush c^e Sam Skinner. Customs House in 1962, The papers before his Revolutionary War ser­ H. King salutes Delany in his book, Congress made up its mind on the in Newburyport, Mass., a 48-foot two- He then fe n d e d his statement to have since been turned over to the vice, aruged that it could indeed be "George Washington's Coast critical problem of how to collect masted schooner with a square stem. say he dlse^eed only with the sur­ revenues for the new nation, it Coast Guard Academy library in done legally. Guard,” for his iron resolve. Except He said under the Constitution’s Cost: $1,440. vey's findirigs of a sharp Bush drop, for some scholars, few will recall appeared Delany had the situation New London where director Paul "necessary and proper clause,” the The Massachusetts city has thus not with tbe Anderson slump it hlso Irishman Delany on St. Patrick’s well in hand. Almost, that is. He had Johnson keeps them under lock and nation did have the right to build been acknowledged the birthplace of showed. Day. problems with smugglers and told key. Skinner, who took over Bush’s It was Peters and an aide, the late boats to collect revenues because it the Coast Guard, which got that Probably not at all in Rhode Island. Hamilton: name after the Revenue Cutter Ser- news conference when the candidate Thomas Hornsby, who said the had the prior right to collect revenue. As the first federal collector of . vice merged with the Lifesaving Ser- refused 19 discuss the poll because he “The great length of our River, the papers showed Delany was the Hamilton was persuaded. customs for the port of Philadelphia vice in 1915. had been criticized for not concen­ many Creeks and inlets, the great “Father of the Coast (juard,” and “Ultimately, I think his continued — the busiest in the nation in 1790 — Delany may not have been the trating on issues, said the former number of small craft, are great in­ should be so acknowledged. badgering of Hamilton had a great patriot Delany charged Rhode Island father of the Coast Guard. Perhaps U.N. an^assador’s own organization ducements to evil disposed people to Author King said Delany explained deal to do with Hamilton’s decision foreign import taxes on all goods it he was its uncle. One thing appears had foui^ Bush’s support increasing. attempt evading the Laws — nay, his collecting methods to Hamilton to go ahead With the Revenue Cutter shipped until it signed the Constitu­ certain though, he helped chart its Kenney, campai^ng Sunday in tion. from Information I am well con­ and insisted the nation should do the Service in the form he did,” King vinced that such doings have taken course. Connecticut (which bolds its primary Treasury secretary Hamilton was same thing — and eventually it did. said. along ^Irith New York March 25), casting around for ways the new na­ made no predictions about Tuesday’s tion could collect revenue to run the vote, but told supporters he had just republic, and because Delany was so been [given two bunches of good at it in Pennsylvania, Hamilton Inflation needs ^strong medicine^ shamr'ocks, with which "every asked him for advice. ^ Irishman gets two wishes.” "Sharp Delany carried on a very WASHINGTON (UPI) - It will Americans owed $68 billion on their "I’m going to use one of them up on vigorous correspondence with take “strong medicine,” Treasury credit cards at the end of 1979, plus the Illinois primary and the other one Hamilton, explaining that if customs Secretary G. William Miller says, another $116 billion in personal loans. in Connecticut,” he said. were going to be collected — boats but the administration is aiming at The average credit card holder has bringing inflation down to 11 percent eight cards and 60 million Americans this year. have them. “The first priority is to turn around Voicker warned against immediate this inflation psychology,” Miller results. “Inflation is going to remain moncloy. said, speaking of President Carter’s at an exceptionally high rate for a anti-inhation package on CBS’ “Face few months,” he said. And, Miller Connecticut the Nation” program Sunday. said, the budget must be balanced “This is strong medicine,” said before tax cuts can be considered. The weather The Connecticut Association of Miller. The Federal Reserve’s new con­ Health Care Facilities saysi “We’re shooting to get (inflation) trols on consumer credit will be Rain tonight, ending by morning. thousands of elderly people are down to 11 percent” for the year,” applied to the lender, not directly to Detailed forecast on Page 2. waiting up to three months to get Miller said. “That means a lot less individuals. Under the controls, into the state’s 435 nursing homes. than that by the end of the year.” lenders must deposit with the CD fund survey Page 6. Last year’s overall inflation rate Federal Reserve 15 percent of any in­ was 13.3 percent — the highest since crease in outstanding loans beyond In light of the controversy which Inside today 1948. the end of February. has resuifaced concerning a Classified...... I6-I8 Carter’s proposals, announced Voicker said that will cost lenders moratorium on Community Comics...... 19 Friday, call for slashing more than more if they increase loans, giving Development Block Grant funds. Editorial ...... 4 $13 billion from the proposed fiscal them an incentive not to increase The Herald is undertaking a survey Entertainment ...... 14 1981 budget and tightening credit con­ credit. of citizen’s reaction to the proposal Fam ily...... g trols. The president also imposed an It will be up to lenders on how they for a new referendum. Page 4. Obituaries ...... 10 import tax expected to add at least 10 restrict their credit, Voicker said. Peopletalk ...... 2 cents a'gallon to the cost of gasoline. They could stop issuing cards, call In sports Sp orts...... 11-13 “A certain amount of pain is in­ back existing cards, reduce credit Television ...... 14 evitable,” Federal Reserve Board limits or require faster repayments. NCAA Basketball Tournament TownTalk...... 10 Chairman Paul Voicker said in an­ Miller said an unexpected “con­ Treasury Secretary G. William Miller predicts the ad­ field cut from 48 to four teams ... U pdate...... 2 nouncing that the squeeze on con­ sumer psychology” prompted the ministration’s new economic policy will help bring this year’s NIT resumes tonight... Page 11. Weather...... 2 sumer credit will come quickly. In a major revision of Carter’s budget weekend briefing, Voicker noted and Fed’s actions to restrict credit. overall inflation rate down to 11 percent. (UPI. photo)

has changed. First came Anderson’s Marcia Kenefick a two-hour classroom visit, and lunch. To date, ap­ (Eighth District) Democratic deiegates and 35 front-runner. will be administered. These selected blue vinyl — will come out later this year under a surprising showings, then Howard Conference of Churches will be the proximately 80 parents have visited the school. Here, Scott Urquhart’s 6:28 p.m., 27 Jensen St., tree fire. (Town) Republican ones. Carter aides like to refer to the students will be contacted at two-year in­ For period ending 7 a.m. EiST 3/18/80. During Monday label yet to be announced. Have they had any vocal recipient of the award to be given Sunday 6:57 p.m., 88 Buckingham St., smoke reported. (Town) Anderson, who emerged as a state as Kennedy’s “front yard,” and Baker and John Connally bowed out tervals to determine how their plans mother, Jackie, visits her son, with friend, Toni Belmore. (Herald night, snow will fall over the northern Rockies, while rain training? No, but Wells says he used to impersonate at 9:30 a.m. in the cafeteria of the 7:29 p.m., 172 Deming St., gas washdown. (Town) will be widespread throughout the Atlantic coastal states. serious GOP contender with strong they say a Kennedy loss so close to of the race. develop or change, and how their high Regional Occupational Training Center at photo by Pinto) Elvis Presley — in his basement. showings in Vermont and his native Massachusetts would be a Some Baker supporters began to (Hear to partly cloudy elsewhere. school education prepares them for the the comer of Hillstown and Wetherell Massachusetts, seems to have strong blow to his presidential hopes. mount a proxy campaign for former future. streets. momentum in Connecticut. His Carter spokesman Larry Rasky President Gerald Ford, but Ford’s Hope springs High School and Beyond is a new phase Tickets are available from Gerald backers claim they signed up 10,000 said, “We’re looking at a close race decision over the weekend to stay out of a national study examining the Okrant 649-0479 or from Rev. Dale Gustaf­ Weather forecast ’The wisecracks flew hot and heavy — even when to 15,000 new Republican voters but we think we can win.” of the race means they must look relationships between schooling, work, son in the office of the Emanuel Lutheran Bob Hope wasn’t on stage. Rick Steams, Kennedy’s national elsewhere for a candidate. statewide in the last week of and other life experiences to subsequent CJiurch. Mostly cloudy today with showers likely by afternoon. ’The 76-year-old master of the one-liner was in registration. campaign manager, admitted he’d Despite the muddied waters, “this High temperatures 45 to 50 or about 9 C. Rain tonight en­ Phoenix, Ariz., to perform for the National But there is no crossover voting in “certainly give the edge to Carter is still a two-person race between TH E S/V^IIMC3 R L A C E ding by morning. Lows 35 to 40. ’Tuesday partial clearing Conference of (hiristians and Jews when he was Connecticut, and independents can­ right now.” Bush and Reagan,” said Bush tiling plans talent show SALE EFFECTIVE MON., MARCH 17 THRU SUN., MARCH 23 with the highs around 50. Probability of precipitation 70 asked if he’d entertain troops in a future war. The not cast a ballot — denying Anderson “But I think we’re competitive,” spokeswoman Helen Robbins. “It percent today near 100 percent tonight and 20 percent answer: “I hope it’s not in Afghanistan. I’ve never the kind of help he got in Vermont he said. would not be if Democrats could vote MANCHESTER - The annual Illing DiDonato and Jane Gtoddard. “’The Four Tuesday. Southerly winds 10 to 15 mph increasing to 15 to done a monologue from a camel.’’. and Massachusetts earljer. Stearns said the turnout is for Anderson. But they can’t.” Talent Show will be presented Thursday in Wrappers,” including Torri Ellison, Dean­ 25 mph by late today and continuing into tonight. Winds But the question that really triggered the barrage Republican Bush grew up in “extremely important.” Between Anderson spokeswoman Robin the school cafetorium. There will be two na (iordon, Tom Green, and Joey Johnson shifting to westerly 20 to 30 mph by late tonight and con­ was “will Gerald Ford run for the Republican Connecticut, where his father was a Connecticut and New York, which White would not predict a win, but performances, one at 2:45 p.m. and the will perform. tinuing Tuesday. nomination? U.S. Senator for 11 years. He has holds it primary the same day, “you thinks her candidate will do well. other, 7:30 p.m. The performances are Singing solos will be ’Tracey Jones, Extended outlook Said Hope, “All I know is he’s in a crouch ... He open to parents and the public. Maureen Flanagan, Lee McNary, Lauren has a new house with 12 rooms — all oval. When you Extended outlook for New England Wednesday through Included in the show are dancers, Giles, and Cheryl Girard. Tom (jreen will InrfBuMer ring the doorbell, it plays hail to the chief. If he does lirfBaOder Friday: singers, piano solos, baton twirtling, and perform “Rapper’s Delight” and a trio get in the White House, he says he's going to pardon double Dutch rope jumping. Lisa Irwin will consisting of Carrie Adams, Kathi Albert, MassachuseUs, Rhode Island and Connecticut: (barter.” Fair Wednesday and Thursday. Cloudy with a chance of Campaign boost predicted twirl the baton and Yvette Stanley, Stacey and Sandy Millette will do “1710 Coward of I rain Friday. High temperatures will be in the 40s Sampson, Lydia Hightower, and Andrea the Country.” Leonie Glaesar and Esther I Watts will jump rope. Lisa Gauthier will Saunders will sing a duet accompanied by Wednesday and mid 40s to low 50s Thursday and Friday. Do do that voodoo WESTPORT — Sen. Edward^M. I^enn^y, predicting Kennedy criticized Carter’s call for 513-14 bjllion, in Low temperatures will be mostly in the 30s. r - - play a piano solo, Lis Gates. John Fralllclardi will be the an­ Some thpre are who are beginning to suspect that “good news” lri'’ruesday’s Illinois prlMiY, says thrw federal bUdgdt cpt? w l q tax that would add lO.,cents a -so lo danancers are Desiree Pina, Jennifer nouncer. . . . ' . Vermont; Fair Wednesday and partly cloudy gallon to gesoline prices. fashion designer Jean Paul Germain is a walking upcoming northern cbntests will turn his faultering Holmes, Heidi Goehring, and Kandie Mrs. Betty Lou Nordeen, music teacher, Thursday. Seasonal temperatures. Highs 35 to 45. Lows presidential campaign around. He said the budget cuts would close th e ,doors of 20s and low 30s. Rain likely Friday. Milder. Highs 40s and good luck charm. Ten months a year, he chooses a Townsend. Chris Johnson and Kim directs and produces the show. celebrity model to display his creations in The Massachusetts Democrat, during a brief campaign American colleges to many potential students,' because Mitchell will dance together as will Sue low 50s. Lows 28 to 38. stop in Connecticut Sunday, also criticized President Gentleman’s Quarterly magazine, and his picks they would likely include reductions ill federal Maine and New Hampshire: Fair Wednesday. Carter’s proposed anti-inflation program and said his educational grants. Clouding up Thursday. Chance of snow north and chance seem to bloom with the attention. Last season, he chose the New York Rangers — own method for reducing the nation’s 18 percent inflation Coventry council to get of rain or snow south Friday. Highs in the 30s north and rate would be more effective. lower 40s south. Lows in the teens north and 20s south. and they went on into the Stanley Cup hockey finals. Then he chose John Davidson — well before David­ Kennedy predicted his candidacy would reach the son landed an ABC-TV Movie of the Week, a new “crossroads” and as the primary trail heads police chief resignation TURF BUILDER TUBF BUIIDER series and his own talk show. Then it was Kenny north again to Illinois, Connecticut and New York. the use of various types of heavy equip­ Supplies a high nitro­ The Almanac Rbgers who subsequently racked up five Grammy He said only 18 percent of the delegates to the COVENTRY - The Town Council will America’s favorite fertilizer Democratic National Convention have bwn selected, formally receive the resignation of police ment. for growing thick green gen feeding for a thick­ nominations, and Ben Vereen who now has his own Tax collector Audrey Bray has been ap­ er, greener lawn. Co­ By United Press International network series. while more than 18 percent would be chosen in the three chief Robert Kjellquist tonight at 7:30 at lawns. Covers 5,000 sq. ft. 7 5 « Today is Monday, March 17, the 77th day of 1980 with state primaries. the Town Hall. Town Manager Frank Con­ pointed secretary of a special committee vers 10,000 sq. ft. When Germain asks, nobody — but nobody — says to develop procedures for training, 289 to follow. no. Kennedy said the positions he has offered would nolly accepted the resignation, with This is St. Patrick’s Day. receive greater support up north. regret, last week to become effective examining, and certifying municipal tax The moon is moving from its new phase toward its first “These issues are moving into the area of the country March 28 at 4:40 p.m. collection personnel. The appointment quarter. The optimist that has been traditionally the backbone of he The council also expected to act on the was made by State Revenue Services The morning star is Mercury. Democratic Party,” Kennedy said. “I believe we’re resignation of Karen Nash, council Commissioner Orest Dubno, Connolly “It’s an exciting time in the arts. The cultural The evening stars are Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. going to have some good news in Illinois.” member, who has left her post for per­ said. future of the country is Those bom on this date are under the sign of Pisces. Kennedy sidestepped detailed comment on Gerald sonal reasons. The Democratic Town ’The council will consider a request from American singer Nat King Cole was bom March 17, very bright with so Ford’s announcement Saturday that he would not run for Committee last week endorsed Betsy the (Coventry Baseball Association for ad­ 1919. ^ many new people president, saying the decision was of more concern to the Paterson as a replacement, and the coun­ ditional safety measures at Miller- Iwf Builder On this date in history: entering the field.” Repubican party than to his campaign. cil may appoint her to membership Ricbardson Ballfield on Plains Road. The In 1889, a submarine developed by John Holland That's the upbeat “Republicans should worry about themselves,” tonight. Mrs. Paterson lost her bid for a commission would like to see Plains Road remained submerged off Staten Island, N.Y., for one hour assessment of Michael Kennedy told reporters after spending about 40 minutes council seat last November by 11 votes. made one-way eastward on the portion I and 45 minutes. Moriarty, the 38-year- at a fundraiser in the affluent Fairfield County town of Connolly is expected to inform the coun­ that runs along the ballfield from the old actor, singer and In 1912, a group of young women to be known as the Westport. cil of several personnel changes. Ray South Street Extension dirt road to Route “Campfire Girls” was formed by Mrs. Luther Gulick of composer who’s now “I didn’t think he (Ford) was getting into it,” he said. LaBua of Fox Trail has been appointed a 31. far cmWiliri lnuft Lake Sebago, Maine. headlining at New He declined to predict how he would do in the upcoming laborer in the Highway Department. He The council will meet with members of 4Nmuk ipari* imiucT In 1958, the U.S. Navy successfully launched Vanguard York’s Boltax cabaret, Illinois race and in Connecticut’s March 25 primary, but will replace Rogert Bellard, who has the Connecticut Conference of 1, a three and a half pound satellite, into orbit around the and he’s practicing what joked that Monday, St. Patrick’s Day, was a good omen. moved up to street superintendent. A Municipalities and the town’s Insurance earth. he preaches. “We have already received two little bunches of Coventry resident for more than two Advisory Board and agent of record regar­ In 1975, the U.S. Supreme Court mled the federal He’s founded a 75- shamrocks,” he told about 100 Democrats who paid 5100 decades, LaBua is president of the Water­ ding formation of an insurance pwl. OUier government has exclusive rights to any oil and gas member drama com­ each to see him before he left for Illinois from Stratford front Park Association, has been a truck agenda items include an appropriation for resources on the Atlantic Outer Shelf beyond the 3-mile pany called Potter’s Airport. driver for 10 years, and is experienced in a property revaluation study and a budget Field — says, “ Now limit. “With the shamrocks, every good Irishman gets two calendar. ^ most of our work is with wishes. I’m going to use one of them up on the Illinois A thought for the day: 'American publisher Horace ^ Shakespeare, but we’ll primary and the other one in Connecticut,” he said. 5,000 SQ. n . HALTS TORF BOILOER Greeley said, “The illusion that times that were are expand into a wide range of presentations using every effective technique such as closed-circuit Arrests made in Vernon Prevents crabgrass Gives America's favorite fer­ better than those that are has probably pervaded all those jnpjm ies Vernon March 25. lull feeding ol Turt Builder tilizer for growing thick ages." television to make the theater vital and attractive Barbara Szrejna, 27, of 272 South St., lor developing thick green green lawns. Coven all across the United States.” Judy A. Shackelford, 23, of 105 Brooklyn lawns Covers 5 ,0 0 0 sq. It with a beautiful 8x10 Vemon, was clurged Saturday with dis­ 15,000 sq. ft. 21" His act uses drama and song to profile an aging, St. and Gall L. Frazier, 25, of 12 Lawrence 13" orderly conduct in connection with a dis­ black, blind piano player. Ford’s decision Duo-Image color portrait St., both of Rockville, were charged Lottery numbers turbance at her home. Friday with breach of peace in connection She was released on a 5250 nonsurety Winning daily lottery numbers drawn Saturday in New Quote of the day will help Bush onlyQ Q ^ with a fight on Windsor Avenue. bond for appearance in court on March 25. Engiand: (Yiir ckiici il I Di -lni|i ir m>lir 8il0 piitnlt) Both women are scheduled to appear in Jeannette McEwen, 18, of 8 Ward St., New York state Carter-Mondale campaign 0 Connecticut: 915. HARTFORD (UPI) — Republican campaign court in Rockville on March 25. Rockville, was charged with interfering Massachusetts: 5152. spokesman Thomas Zumbo, on nearly illegible pro- Joanne M. Browne, 19, of 721 Grlffen with an officer in connection with the r th o Israel graffiti sprayed by vandals Sunday on doors organizers say Gerald Ford’s decision not to enter the BABIES CHILDREN, ADULTS plus family groups 'O New Hampshire: 9956. Road, South Windsor, was charged Friday arrest of Ms. szrejna. Ms. McEwen was of President Carter’s campaign headquarters: “I presidential race will give George Bush the biggest shot • No womtment necessary • Umit One portrait per eubieet Two subiecis Rhode Island: 3943. in the arm in Connecticut’s March 25 primary. indFviiljatiy pB family. GitXJps at $1.25 tor each additional subiecl • AdcMion^ with third-degree criminal mischief. She taken to Niantic Farm for Women in lieu DIAZINON Vermont: 687, don’t know, maybe the guy failed penmanship.” allegedly broke a window at a Windsor SOIL & TURF Malcolm Baldridge, Bush’s state campaign manager, flroumfc and c u s ^ poses • Persons under! 8 oMSt to acajrtoanied by parent of posting a 5S0O bond. She was to be 7 said Ford’s decision was “a very big development for the aguardiafi • Fmtstodportraits ddiveied at studn Avenue restaurant. presented in court today. INSECT 'O r ih d Bush campaign." She is scheduled to appear in court on CONTROL “ Ambassador Bush is now the single electable alter­ VOICK Oil Spray Manchester To Advartlsa To Report N4we native to Reagan and it appears (hat uncommitted ’’BUY DIRECT - FACTORY TO YOU’ East Hartford — Glastonbury For a classified advertisement, call To report a news item or story idea: Republicans who like Ford will now. support Bush,” SEARS Evtning Htrald 643-2711 and ask for Classified. Office Manchester .... Alex Girelli, 643-2711 Baldridge said. 348 MIDDLE TPKE. W. USPS 327-500 hours are 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday East Hartford...... , 643-2711 He said the possibility of Ford’s candidacy bad split the MANCHESTER PARKADE Purchase Furniture From Floor Selection Published daily except Sunday and cer­ through Friday. When the office is Glastonbury .. Dave Lavallee, 843-2711 moderate Republican vote, and prevented a moderate Or Made To Order . ^ezzini 6 tain holidays by the Manchester closed, classified ads may be placed bv Andover...... Donna Holland, 643-2711 calling 643-2718. candidate from effectively challenging Reagan for con­ LD COLONY COM>ANyl Publishing Co., Herald Square, P.O. Bolton...... Donna Holland, 643-2711 servative support. SAVE UP Box 591, Manchester, Conn. 06040 For information about display adver­ Coventry ... Claire Connolly, 742-8202 Tad Tharp, Ronald Reagan’s Connecticut news TO tising,'Call Tom Hooper, advertising Hebron ... Patricia Mulligan, 228-0269 . Have a Complaint? secretary, said if Ford’s decision helps anyone it is Bush. 5 DAYS ONLY •M T A t director, at 643-2711. South Windsor. Judy Kuchnel,644-1364 Haws — If you have a question or To Subacribo Vernon . .Barbara Richmond, 643-2711 “ We’re hopeful of victory,” ’Tharp said, but added, • If K H A T I complaint about news coverage, call “This is George Bush’s state. This is a must win for •CHAM To subscribe, call Customer Service 60% • s u i P f n VOLCK OIL SPRAY Frank Burbank, managing editor, or at 647-9946. Office hours are 8:30 a.m. Bush.” 1 *C M T M I 1DLBS DIAZINDN Steve Harry, exMutive editor, 643-2711. To report special news: Bush’s father, the late Prescott Bush, was a U.S. D A IL Y : 1 0 — I — s l e _ 8 to 5:30 p.m. Monday through Friday 1 2 UTMUTOMM Kills chinch bugs, web- Dormant oil spray controls Clrculatk>^>^iff you have a problem and 7 to 10 a.m. Saturday. Business...... Alex Girelli, 643-2711 senator from Connecticut. , worms. cut worms, root scale insects, mites, mealy regarding service or delivery, call Suggested carrier rates are 90 cents Opinion...... Frank Burbank, 643-2711 SAT. 10-1 2-4:30 Although a telephone canvass by Reagan’s state cam­ [WOT mfMUTOV worms, ants, fleas and other bugs. Use on fruit and shade Customer Service, 647-9946, Delivery weekly, 53.90 for one month, 511.70 for Fam ily...... Betty Ryder, 643-2711 uiwuns-MMUM: paign Indicated Ford supporters would evenly divide Insects. C o v ^ 5,0(X) sq. ft. trees. libould be made by 5:00 p.m. Monday three months, 523.40 for six months, Sports...... Earl Yost, 643-2711 their votes between Reagan, Bush and Rep. John Ander­ C through Friday and by 7:30 a m. Satur­ and 546.80 for one year. Mail rates are day. Office hours are 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. son in the state’s first-ever presidential primary March 64MIB3 598 HH.UARD 8T. MMCNE8TER Mml-SM. available on request. MUSI I S 4MMJ Satisfaction Quarantoed or your money back. 64UI77 Monday through Friday. 25, ’Than) said Ford didn’t have many supporters in ’ If A ilM Sll 8 U L -6 p ji. MANCHESTER VERNON Connecticut. 2 3 9 SPENCER STREET 2 9 5 HARTFORD TURNPIKE EVENING HERALD, Mon., March 17. 1980 — 5 4 - EVENING HERALD. Mon., March 17, I960 Conference to bolster writing skills iHanrlipatf r Euruimji HrraW ticut and the nation. These talks will be f ^ d i t o r i a l STORftS — Writing instructors in ticut’s writing instructors. schedule, are as follows: followed by small group sessions by the Manchester — A City of VUIage Charm schools across the state are being en- The conference format will include an • March 22 — University of Connecticut participants who will Include not only Founded Oct 1,1881 couragqU to participate in five spring con­ opening address which will be followed by at Stamford, library building. Prof. Diane writing instructors, but writing directors easier cards ? Block grant answer sought ferences intended to find solutions to the a dlscu^on of common goals for teaching Shugert, president, Connecticut Council of and coordinators and English department problem of why American s c e n t s do not of writing and the establishment of N. Publlahed by the Manchester PubBshlng Co.. Herald Square, Teachers. heads in Connecticut high schools, what a nice time to remember v Whether Manchester will program. government has entered the Manchester, Conn. 06040. Telephone (203) 643-2711. write as well as they should or could. priorities for future improvements. These • March 29 — Southern Connecticut colleges and universities. ^XHMred by the University of Connec­ priorities will become the focus of future someone — we have a wonder- ^ participate in the federal Mayor Penny seems to case on the side of the three MwniMr. AudK BufMu ol Oeol«lloo M«nb». UMM Pi»i» kitwnrttonX State College, College Union 501 Crescent Dr. Julius Elias, dean of the U(Conn (• ticut Mpartment of English and the cooperative efforts, Rosen explained. St. New Haven, Profs. Linda Peterson and College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, ful selection. \ Department of Housing and sense there is a change Of Slavon Harry, Exacuttva Edttor town residents who brought Connettient Humanities Cmincil, the con­ Rosen, Dr. D a^d Stmstoem, UConn Joseph Gordon, committee on expository observed: CiiMonm Same* - «47-M4« Frank A. Burbarrk, Managing Editor associate professor of Elnglish and co- (• Urban Developmwit’s Com­ mood on the part of the peo­ the action. HaroM E. Turkington. Editor Emariioi ference will focus on ways to improve stu­ writing, Yale University. “Many instructors already have treated Raymond F. RoWnaon. Edltor-PubWiar director ol the project and Karen munity Development Block ple. Following the April dent composition skills. • April 19 — University of Connecticut the writing problem with marked success. “Because we believe that-effective Jambeck, project coordinator, are (• With a referendum in participating in the Com-' at Waterbury — Classroom building, 32 There are many remedies for the ’ tvsfy Grant program is again being He has indicated the recent referendum, directors faced writing instruction is a Joint endeavor,” working with representatives of Connec­ munity Block Grant Hillside Ave, Waterbury — Shugert. problem, however, it makes good sense to littia w eight by town politicians. proliferation of apartment the voters in November. April, and a general election said Dr, William Rosen, UConn English ticut schools to organize the conference. • April 26 — University of Ccmnectlcut share information and to decide upon thing" program? professor and projMt director, "we know They said by schooling conlerencM in c*the m’tracl* of mom | Mayor Stephen Penny has owners changing their During the course of that in November where Block at Hartford — undergraduate building, common goals and priorities for the various centers across Uie state, writing $ (Jowntown monelitJter^ raised the question of a new property to condominium election campaign, the Block Grants were an' important Yes ------the most effective results will come from Asylum Ave. & Trout Brook Rd., West future. a cooperative effort.” instructors will be able to share their referendum on the subject. ownership by residents has Grant program was a domi­ issue, it seemed clear the H ^o rd — Fairbanks. “Such a cooperative venture would, of N o ------He added that the conferences are views about regional as well as statewide course, benefit not only Connecticut’s The mention of another ad­ made housing an even more nant campaign issue. mood hadn’t changed. planned as the flrst step in establishing concerns. The speakers will discuss current ap­ students, but also the state’s commercial, visory vote of the people is critical issue in Manchester. As the mood of the people We haven’t been hearing a Has the recent conver­ working relationships among Connec­ The speakers, and the conference proaches to writing instruction in (Connec­ industrial and professional communities.” causing more polarization He may have more input on became clear on the Block great grassroots call for par­ sion of apartments to con­ within the town’s political the subject than he is Grant issue, many who had ticipation in the Block Grant dominium ownership community. declaring, but we haven’t been in favor of continued program. changed your mind on the MCC EXCITINQ COORDINATED PLEATS' FBELTS Advisory referenda on sensed any significant change participation — ^ including , We’r^e interested in hearing Block Grant program? highly emotional issues tend in the public mood on the Penny — flip-flopped saying if there has been a change in Yes------lists to be divisive. Block Grant program. the attitude of the citizens. ACCENT THE they would abide by the vote POCKETS The vote last year gave the Since the April, 1979 of the people. To help the directors in N o ------7------events town leadership some clear referendum, the town has Now it appears Penny their call for input on the sub- Please mail or drop off M a p i^ te r Community direction. been embroiled in controver­ again has changed his mind ject, we’re asking your answers to: Block Grant College offers this calen­ NEWEST By a 3 to 1 margin, voters sy. and wants again to hear from Manchester readers to Survey, Manchester Evening dar of events in the interest said they do not want to con­ A suit against the action is the people whether they answer the questions below; Herald, Herald Square, of the community. All the MCC-sponsored activities LOOKS IN tinue participating in the pending and the federal agree with him. Do you favor Manchester Manchester, Conn. 06CI40. listed below are open t o the public and many are free of byD om Sneyd charge. For further infor­ Letters 8000P8 mation, call 646-2137. PANTS! w5Am. ljusrw A m m m tm n THE A]0nt)U4l/S (tRMXSfllPRQI m m WE SlMirS Today, March 17 (mmmfwiyrmsiofiviitosm' Spring recess begins; Arrogant attitude m ms IT. my? em m im general fund courses. ------1----- Tuesday, March 18 11.6SEACH Spring recess begins; To the editor who was elected to represent the In­ Our Reg. 15.99 & 16.9( A recent news report quotes Mayor Community Services terest of Manchester people and courses. Penny as saying that Betty Sadloski whose salary is paid by the town Support Group: “ Men is only "aggravated" (sic) by the think ^ sp ril taxpayers. He should listen carefully and Women,” 7 p.m.. • Accent pockets! ruling of the town Ethics Commis­ "tinksaii'm s to what Mrs. Sadloski has to say Women's Center trailer. sion in her case — being Eighth because she does her homework and Wednesday, March 19 •Coordinated belts! Utilities District Tax Collector and knows what she is talking about. on the town Tax Review Board. He is Support Group: •Co!or matched buttons! ’’Becoming Single,” 7 reported to have said "I don’t pay Mayor Penny certainly proved the p.m.. Women’s Center much attention to what Mrs. Sadloski truth of your recent editorial. •Single & double pleats! trailer. has to say. I discount anything she Helen V. Lynch Film: “Calling Bulldog • Hot spring colors! has to say right off the bat." 94 Spruce Street, Grummond,” 8 p.m., main What arrogance! And from a man Manchester The Herald in Washington campus auditorium. •Latest fashion baggies, Saturday, March 22 straight & lean leg looks! Classes resume; Com­ munity Services courses. Seal slaughter ’ ••Resume Writing A Single pleat with attractive welt Could Reagan beat Carter? pocket, textured fabric, straight leg. Workshop: 10 a.m. to 3 Last Monday the annual baby seal lives to saiughter the seals made a p.m., main campus. Room B. 2'back (lap pockets, leather-llke belt, By LEE RODERICK tenders were acceptable —“in cron- zipper front, lean leg styling. slaughter began in Canada. More profit. But for all the chances they them, he said. Afghanistan, has “just in the last few B ll, 025. (include lunch) MIAMI — At the civic auditorium trast to the dismal and sorry failure than 100,000 baby seals less than take, they receive little money. The ‘"rwenty-foUr Democratic Senate days” told the Senate leadership to Monday, March 24 C. Button-accented front pockets, in nearby West Palm Beach, that currently occupies the Oval Of­ three weeks old will be destroyed. big ship owners and big companies seats are up in 1980,” he continued. prepare to resume consideration of Gasses resume; general wrap waist, double pleated baggies. Lawrence Welk and his orchestra fice. As their helpless mothers watch, that turn the seal skins into finished "If the Republican Party wins just SALT II. fund courses. have been performing to sellout Nonetheless, while the southern ...A COPY OF OUR D. Back-flap pocket with button... the hunters club or beat the seal pups fur products are the ones who profit nine of them, we’ll control one house Turning to domestic issues, •Lunch: Baked salmon belted, pleated with straight legs. crowds. "Kramer vs. Kramer” is primaries were important, remain VALUE-PACKED to death. These pups are not being from this atrocity. At the rate the of Congress for the first time in a Reagan said Carter’s approach to steak, maitre d’hotel placing at a movie theater across the nearly 30 additional primaries CIRCULAR AT YOUR E. Western style pockets, yoke back, killed to feed the starving people of slaughter is going on, this species of quarter of a century.” He added that economics is to “create a smallec pie butter, noon, $2. double pleats and baggie look. street. Before the feature starts, the —including the states with the inost the world; they are being killeld to seal may very well be extinct in a he " had to give credit where credit it ..and we'll have .to get i>y.>.wit1i a li WDinner: Veal parme- NEARBY CALDOR STORE!. All In sizes 5/6 to 15/16. audience stands for the “Star- sean, 6:30 p.m., $4.50. satisfy the vanity of status-cqq^cious few years. electoral votes —between now and due —Jimmy Carter is the best cam­ smaller slice.” 'The president;''he 1 . LADIES' APPABEL NOT IN RIVEBSIDE •g’ ’Man’s Hidden people. Spangled Banner.” the summer party conventions. The paigner our party’s ever had.” added, also says the nation Is using It is my ardent hope that some day Powers; 7 to 9:10 p.m., Republican nominating process can —and likely Reagan accused Carter of prac­ too much energy when in reality I see no reason why thousands of our society will be a moralistic Hartford Road campus. patrons at the an­ will —take additional, unpredictable ticing "McGovemite” economics of “there is more oil left in the ground seal pups must lose their lives each rather than a materialistic one. And Room 211, $23. nual Dade County turns by convention time. federal deficits and easy money, than we have yet used.” Reagan said year when we grow cotton, shear if, miraculously, this should occur, •••W ines of the World: Lincoln Day Former President Gerald Ford at resulting in the highest inflation rate the real problem is government sheep for wool, and have synthetic the seal pups will have a chance to 7 to 9:10 p.m., Hartford dinner arrived at this writing appears increasingly since 1946 and the highest interest regulation of energy sources. materials for our clothing needs. thrive and grow, a right we are all Road campus. Room 216, the fashionable likely to join the fray —egged on by rates since the Civil War. If nominated and elected, said The baby seal slaughter is entitled to. $45. Eden Roc Hotel other GOP moderates who agree ’The former California governor Reagan, he would push for a 30 per­ •••Intermediate heartless, gruesome, and totally the other night in with his assessment that Reagan is —whose face is deeply creased but Bridge: 7 to 9:10 p.m., needless. Perhaps there would be Judi Egan cent tax cut (the Kemp-Roth plan in KONICA 35mm SLR Cadillacs and Lin­ unelectable in November, when he who hasn’t a gray hair in his head Hartford Road campus. w/Hexanon f/1.8 Lens some justification for this butchery if 75 Jarvis Road, (ingress) over three years, elimina­ colns. their women passengers will be three months shy of his 70th —reserved his Sunday punches for Room 210, $20. The Famous those poor fishermen who risk their tion of the federal inheritance tax, Manchester bedecked with jewels. At the end of birthday. ^ 2 7 6 Reg. 349.B7 Moulinex ‘La Machine’ Carter’s handling of foreign affairs. and a shrinking of the money supply Food Processor the dinner, a framed poster was The latest ABC News-Harris poll In an emotional recitation, Reagan •Lunches will be served This one does it lor you...aulo- to combat inflation. )”Inflation is matlcallyl Auto-load, auto-start, Cildor presented to guest speaker Ronald lends credence to Ford’s assessment. said in May of 1977 Carter told the na­ at the South Methodist caused by government and govern­ Church, comer of Hartford auto-advance, auto-exposure Reg. Price 49.99 Reagan. The poster showed Presi­ It shows Ford beating Carter 54 to 44 tion it could now be free of the “ inor­ and optional auto-llash. //FS1 Cildor ment can make it go away.” ) Road and Main Street. No dent Carter and Russia’s Leonid percent if the election were held • Konict 35mm Autollex TC1/1 .B S ill Prici 36.70 dinate fear” of communism that led Some other themes Reagan is cam­ alcoholic beverage Mir. Brezhnev embracing and said: “You Cildor Low Price $167 Thoughts today, but Carter beating Reagan 58- it into, among other things, the war paigning under: “equality for all; allowed. Mill-ln R ibiti...... 7.00* too can kiss off Carter.” your _ _ _ ■ 40 today. in Vietnam. special privilege for none;” “protect • ’ Dinners will be served This is the south that has been RH.94.n Such thoughts apparently were far “Fifty thousand Americans who all among us —including the un­ at the Regional Oc­ 78.30 “ 29e70 No cause in life should be more im­ time it takes to draw near to the swept clean in the GOP primaries by from the minds of adoring died in Vietnam were not engaged in cupational Training roofi for a»§nmbly: The ultimate In precision born;” protect the environment but HUFFY 3-SpMd 26” Bike for ttat ifftf FM/l/pt food preparation system. portant than the overall well-being of Reagan. But despite his victories Republicans at the Dade County Center, comer of Hillstown UfamJrhm. larga k children (Jod has given them. Let racist policies,” said Reagan. The don’t shackle free enterprise in the Men and Ladles letturing caliper mall a0iuaiabla Makes creative recipes easy our home and family. Loyalty and here, the question of whether he handbrakes, coralodable mattress tour­ wmteh. alifHoint there be love at home. Let there be dinner, however, who hung on war, he added, was a "collective act process; eliminate the federal Road and Wetherell Street. and tun. #354 family solidarity needs to be formost could beat Carter across a more No alcoholic beverages ing saddles. Minimum leg dimension 33". pllan. *Sm clirii tor details. responsibility teaching others. God Reagan’s every word, oohing and of moral courage. Isn’t it time the deficit; reduce federal regulations, in our minds. aliowed. grant that we may never be too busy liberal America remains. ahing as he repeated a familar litany Commander-in-(3iief owed an and take the controls off energy •••Non-credit com­ Richard L. Evans, an Apostle in to do the things that matter most, for Carter’s wins here were in good of Washington failures. apology to the hundreds of thousands 19” Diagonal XL-100 production. munity services courses the C3iurch of Jesus Christ of Latter- ‘Home makes the man!” measure a reflection of Sen, Ted The nation is waking up to those •Spalding “Lou PInetli" of Americans who fought in Vietnam, Reagan continues to be perhaps the begin. Open on a space- \ Leattier Mtebell Qtove Color TV Set with day Saints, has stated, "It (the Carol J. Taylor Kennedy’s political weakness. Three failure, said Reagan, who noted and the 50,000 who made the ultimate best stump speaker in the country. available basis. Advance ^ Clowd wet), left or right hind. Walnut-Look Stand home) is also the source of our per­ days before the vote on ’Tuesday, Democrats have controlled both OwReg.lt.ie...... 14.70 The Church of Jesus Christ sacrifice?” But he is not as adept at offering registration is necessary. sonal lives, and in a sense the deter­ of Latter-day John Crown, a local columnist for the houses of Congress in 42 of the last 46 ’The one new element in Reagan’s specifics when pressed by reporters. For further information, •WHton “Cettleh Huntef” O u r miner of our everlasting lives. And so Atlanta Constitution, the leading years. Seven special elections for Reg. 410.70 Saints (Mormons) speech was a charge that Carter, At any rate, it is not difficult to call 646-2137. AILLaather Ohiva with *363 “ittX 'i! our plea is for parents to take the newspaper in Carter’s home state, Congress have been held since 1978, leather lining, tplll web. after shelving the SALT II treaty as a believe he could in fact beat a OwRegiajI 10.88 Has Super Accullne black matrix wrote that several of the GOP con­ with Republicans winning all of resu lt of Moscow’s invasion of failure-ridden Carter in November. picture tube with automatic color • Regent" AlIJiUi” YouHv SUe Qloee in leather a vinyl control and fleshtone correction. with L-hetl, lot right hand. Advanced ‘X-tended Life’ chassis, Washington merry-go-round O w R eg10.M ...... 6.40 energy-saving 67-watt power usage. Walnut-look stand with wheels. • RewUngt LltUe League General Electric King Size Toast-R-Oven AN Star BatabaH Bats in 27" 10 32" northern tan % Cildor Rag. Prica...... 49.97 1. Europe's longest bridge is ,.-OutRegS.« ...... 3.87 Cildor Sail Prica...... 39.88 Prosecutor looking into Ham Jordan^s swinging night life In what country? Mir. Mall-ln Rtbala 5.00* 2. The first ship to cross the •SptMIng “Youth League” Norto Pole beneath the Arc­ Bieetian with aynthetic YOUR By JACK ANDERSON The prosecutor wants the lie tests ad­ cover, coriUrubber center. FINAL COST...... uem. The note says “Ham. 54 ... C.” party in October, 1977. The White cocaine at a party thrown by tic ice was (a) Thresher (b) 34.88 WASHINGTON — There’s abun­ ministered before he starts presen­ tion documents cited in footnotes. Seadragon (c) Nautilus O w R e g lJ B ...... 1.46 Toast, broil, bake, lop-brown. #T-26 He told the prosecutor that the “C” House chief of staff has not been ac­ NORML, the marijuana-legalization dance evidence that Jimmy Carter’s ting testimony to a grand jury later And the bureau has consulted the 3. A farrow is a young pig. A •Saa Clark lor dalalli. , _____ was shorthand for cocaine. cused of specific drug use at the lobby. And when he resigned. Bourne poUlwog is a young... chief of staff, Hamilton Jordan, and this month. Central Intelligence Agency on ways Christy and his staff have in­ Washington and Orlando parties. He stated that other White House aides other swingers on the White House of retesting the controversial terrogated Landau on four separate was vigorously denied using illegal used both marijuana and cocaine. ANSWERS staff have attended wild parties that acoustical evidence suggesting that a Christy is reportedly focusing his occasions, totaling more than 20 drugs. I Footnote: Christy refused to dis­ z hardly fit the high moral standards fourth shot was fired at Kennedy that 80JJ •£ D »8p]jfl efforts almost entirely on charges hours. The grilling was often hostile. The White House is understandably cuss his investigation. Jordan failed puBiBi puBio aqt :uap3MS ’I set by the Baptist Sunday School day in Dallas. that Jordan snorted cocaine at the Christy had Landau draw a map of alarmed at the potential for em­ teacher in the oval office. to return our calls, and his lawyer Watch on waste Studio 54 discotheque in New York the Studio 54 premises and show barrassment from the grand jury in­ refused comment. City on June 27, 1978. The charges where he and Jordan were standing vestigation. In addition to Jordan, Jimmy Carter’s budget-cutting * 3 7 K!g4t.N Witnesses have placed the fun- Kennedy probe originated with attorneys for Steve at the time of the alleged conversa­ Carter’s campaign director Tim scissors prove strangely dull'when Char-Broil Ftotic 'TbmpMt’ Submersible loving Jordan at While its Abscam and Brilab scan­ P um p Up to 1500 gal. par hour Rubell and Ian Schrager, co-owners tion. Christy also took Landau to the Kraft and fund-raiser Evan Dobelle they go after his old military, ao'vice MITES Cast Aluminum parties in such of the night spot. dals have been making headlines, the •Sump Pump Swllch S tirli discotheque to pinpoint the exact are expected to be called before the — nuclear submarines. He has asked Twin Bumar widespread FBI is quietly digging into another Pum ^ Automatically. . 16.99 location. grand jury to tell what they know Congress for $2.6 million to fix' a Qaa Qrlll places as New Testimony by Rubell and Schrager explosive assignment — the The prosecutor reminded Landau about the Studio 54 party. They berth at the Washington Navy Yard York City, Los has been suspect from the start, in­ assassination of President John *147 2 8 . 6 4 iliig MJt several times that the penalty for allegedly were, present. for the Nautilus, the nation’s first Flotoc Tempest 11’ Portable Angeles, asmuch as the accusations against Kennedy. Hm push-button mitch- perjury is a stiff prison term and The prospect of Carter Intimates nuclear sub - even though the city U tility Pump Pum pi up to 1250 79a60 Rag. 109.99 Washington, D.C. Jordan were made after they had The House Assassination Com­ leii sUrlif, ittinlest QBl. ptrhour. 1AHP motor, UL listed. liK/iteaa: fine, and then asked whether he being h au l^ before a grand jury is fathers of Groton, Conn., where the •tael bumert with dual 15-Pc. Farberware Cookware Sat • 1.2,1-eL Comrad and Orlando, Fla. been indicted on income tax evasion mittee turned over the bureau its fin­ controls. Qinefous 420 Saucapana wanted to change his story. Christy’s discomfiting enough in the middle of Nautilus was built have offered the Easy to clean stainless steel with even- He has been ac­ dings that Kennedy was probably iq. Inch cooking area 4 . 1 7 «4,S-gt. Cevarad charges. They have since pleaded tactics convinced Landau that he, not historic sub retirement quarters at heat aluminum clad bottoms. Cool- Saucapola the re-election campaign. After all, with twin cast Iron grids Ray-O-Vtc Floating Lantern cused of pinching girls, spitting guilty and are serving prison terms. Killed as the result of a conspiracy, no cost to the taxpayers. M m i l hM bNB nrvino phis railed warming reck touch handles and knobs; maiiy pieces •7 a 10" UHMa Jordan, is the target of the investiga­ it’s not as if this were the first drug- H o m tO w n tr lo r 17 Y E A M . F o r • e o ffi- Coinpletely weather proof. with pistol-grips & hangers. Reg. • 1,2.Vgl Covwed liqueur at them and soliciting their Their story was supported in part contrary to the conclusion of the ...Ml bring on the buigsnl InchjdM S V. baitary. tion. related scandal in the Carter inner Footnote; The bloated federal pM tV m ■ ^ I cilO i of your homo prices may vary In some areas. MUIng lewis favors. by Barry M. Landau, a New York Warren Commission 16 years ago. by t Tom io ConM Ekport Mporvitod •6 VoH Batteiy, Rag 2.7S 1.88 Sources close to the investigation circle. budget, according to most by tho fmo« itc M c il tla lt. phono our A special prosecutor, Arthur CTiris- public relations man, who swore that FBI agents have been talking to nioiimociloico; have told my associate Gary Cohn Dr. Peter Bourne was forced to economists, is the biggest cause of ty, has also been assigned to-deter­ Jordan asked him where he could get former committee aides, seeking that Landau, nevertheless, has stuck resign as the president’s drug ad­ inflation. Help control it by sending B 4 M 2 4 0 some cocaine at Studio 54 on the guidance for use of the committee mine whether Jordan partook of to his story. viser in July, 1978 — a month after examples of government drugs at any of these parties. Christy night in question. files in the National Archives. Agents extravagance to Jack Anderson’s mss nm iTE comoi MMIGHESTER ' VEBMON . Some sources say that Christy is the Studio 54 bash — for writing a has asked both Jordan and his ac­ Landau also turned over a cryptic have also asked the authors of some »i..iiiiiiiii III iiiiriiiiur'Bi iMi not pursuing allegations that Jordan phony prescription for a White House Watch on Waste, P.O. Box 2300, Tbo OUofI A la rfM t lo Coon. 1146 Tnun TMMPRE 1M-CI1T SNOmM CnTtl cusers to submi( to lie detector tests. personal memo referring to the inci- of the committee studies for the loca­ STORE HOURS: DAILY, 10 AM to 9:30 PM «SATURDAY, 9 AM to 9:30 PM *SUNDAY, 11 AM to S PM »PRICES EFFECTIVE THRU SATURDAY also used cocaine at a Beverly Hills aide. I reported that he had snorted Washington, D.C. 20013. EVENING HERALD. Mon., March 17, 1860 - 7 6 - KVBNINO HERALD. Mop.. Mwch 17.1»W Wait long for nursing homos Students renewing interest in Latin studies reading, concentrate, and “Manus manum lavat,” manufacture, to name just Bjr JAMES V. HEAUON foreign language “We are receiving more see, they’re going to see with those as roots. zero in on details they had which means “ One band one. HARTFORD, Conn. (UPI) - The Connec­ the**surveyied homes with waiting lists, HARTFORD (UPI) - requirements. and more people who are what they always see. You “From there the missed before.” washes the other,” and the For those who studied ticut Association of Health Care Facilities T ‘cS »id u.» most reported « percent of their The4emtae of Latin, like At South CathoUc High not able to read at grade give them a brand new children look them up in poUrt. more tbsii S.M0 people TOoW be lomul “When they are involved kids catch on r l ^ t away. Latin years ago — when says thousands of elderly people are waiting SL Many said 98 to 99 percent of their b ^ initial reports of Mark School in Hartford, Sister level, and it’s kind of a word in a different the dictionary — and I in­ waiting for care. , in speaking Latin, they are ’The saying is first dis­ baseball’s Charlie up to tlu-ee months to get into the state’s 435 were teing used. Administrators salifcthe Twain’s death, has been Marie Miduel is fighting special course I Invented to language, they look at it sist they buy one — they The survey showed an average of 16 p e ^ e listening, paying attention. leartf^how to how to spell cussed for its meaning. Comiskey was dubbed by nursing homes. “vacant rate” was the result of the time it exaggerated. an old battle on a new fill a need,” said Sister more carefully. Louis Halpryn, the association’s executive on waiting lists at the 96 facilities.. The A large part of the course them correctly, and how to ’Then as a sentence it’s sportawrlters as “the Ukes to^nform and admit a wa‘t t a ^ ^ . A survey by the front. She’s using Latin Marie Michael, who has “My hope is, and it director, said Sunday a shortage of nursing average waiting time was 10 weeks. is to work on derivations use them in sentences,” broken down into its prin­ noblest Roman of them Last year, a survey by the Comecicut American Council of with 27 slower learners to been teaching Latin for 80 seems to be working out, is home facilities was causing "suffering and In Fairfield County nursing homes, the from Latin words, and she said. cipal parts, and then come all” because he was fond of Hosoitel Association showed 784 patients Teachers of Foreign develop their English years. that thev will look more average waiting time was 4V4 months and the carefully at ordinary almost countless Sister Marie Michael the derivatives. quoting Shakespeare — its frustration" for both those waiting and “their waited in hospitals more than a week far a Languages expected in granunar and vocabulary “The idea is this; U they ht*-, relatives and friends." average waiting list had 36 . words they come to in their derivatives can be drawn uses proverbs in class like From “manus,” they get study has changed. Hartford County facilities had the shortest home iMid. The CHA Mid the waiting August may show a rise skills. look at words thev always People on nursing home waiting lists were average waiting time, five weeks, whije New time was costing taxpayers |6 milliOT a year over 1978 when less than 1 living at home or with families, she said. because of a |87 dollar-aday difference percent or 158,783 of the Halpryn blamed the shortage on "a govern­ Haven County homes had the shortest lists, an tetwwn higher Medicaid payments paldHor nation’s 31 million high ment system of funding long-term care ser­ average of 11 people. , hospital care and the lower payments for nur­ vices which does not pay the full cost of those The association surveyed 116 facilities school students took Latin, which have a total of 9,292 beds. Statewide sing homes. ' an increase over 1974. services, and which drives away private in­ Halpryn said “while those waiting at home there are 26,000 beds. The total percentage of vestment money.” do not cost the government a dramatic ’The association estimated more than 3,000 ’ITie association found the lowest vacancy Students taking Latin or a amount of money,” there was “a teirible cost modem foreign language elderly people are waiting two to three months rate was in facilities with 50 beds or fewer, for patients who might benef.it from in 1976 w ar 17.9 percent — for a nursing home bed. It said the figures which generally had lower rates and local rehabilitative and therapeutic services. a smaller proportion than were based on a January survey, which owners. In those homes there is one person showed 1,547 people on waiting lists at 06 state waiting for every two available beds, the did so in 1890. That’s the type of com­ M o r e F o r parison that has prompted Yale University President Indians OK Maine settlement A. Bartlett Giamatti to Nine-year-old Venessa Esten, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard troduced,” House Speaker John L. Martin, D- say, ‘"rhe devastation of AUGUSTA, Maine (UPI) - A proposed legislation providing the 881.5 million and foreign languages is a Esten of 19 Echo Lane, East Hartford, practices giving an insulin in­ 881.5 million settlement to two Indian tribes’ extinguishing land claims that formed the Eagle Lake, said Sunday. “At som^ point the governor wiil be signing the agr^m ent on melancholy sight.” jection to “Sugar Babe” as Shirley McCray, president of the claim to two-thirds of Maine now lies in the basis for the tribes’ lawsuit. Giamatti believes Manchester Memorial Hospital Auxiliary (standing), and Frances hands of the governor and Legislature, who The Indians claimed in a federal lawsuit behalf of the state, assuming it meets his ap­ proval as well as that of the congressional studying fo reip languages Idzkowski, R.N., diabetic teaching nurse, look on. “Sugar Babe” was must endorse the pact before it is sent to filed in 1972 that about 12.5 million acres of helps Americans to master Congress. land were taken from them in violation of delegation. , ¥m r Monc^ Sale English grammar and donated by the Auxiliary. Venessa was able, later that day, to give ’The Penobscot Indian Nation Saturday ap­ "It could be as early as this week 6r it could federal law more than 150 years ago. usage, and studying Latin herself an injection. proved by a 234-118 vote a proposed settlement Members of the state’s delegation to come in a special session,” he said. and G r^ k gives students a Congress said congressional approval of the The Maine Legislature has only sgven days between the tribes and the state, following sense oi tradition. similar'endorsement last week by the costly settlement announced last week may be left in its current session. Penobscot Timothy Love, deputy ^ibal ad­ Latin specialist John Passamaquoddy tribe. difficult in light of President Carter’s an­ D'Arcy of the West Hart­ ministrator and the tribe’s non-vofing Sugar Babe, not a toy, Gov. Joseph E. Brennan will next consult nounced budget cutbacks. ford sdhool system says the member of the Lepslature, said he expects with the state’s congressional delegation Congress is being asked to provide a 827 renewed interest hi Latin “strong opposition in the Legislature on the before seeking introduction of a bill in the million permanent trust fund and 854.5 million is strong in his suburb and c o u rs o ^ Legislature — the “Maine Implementing Act” to be used to purchase 300,000 acres of hunting and fishing rights given the Indians.” D & L o t helps young diabetics based on a correlation — to approve the proposed agreement. privately-held land for the two tribes — as The proposed settlement grants th§ tribes at betvfeen college board too Conducted for both inpatients and out­ Endorsement of the settlement by state law­ well as for the Malisseet Indians of Houlton. limited authority to regulate hunting, trapping MANCHESTER — Sugar Babe looks scores and vocabulary. patients, the course at MMH teaches basic makers would be followed by congressional “I don’t know when we’ll see legislation in­ and fishing on their lands. just like any other doll, with eyes that “I, think people feel by fashions and_saj(!!2ij concepts of diabetes. Insulin administra­ open and close, realistic dark brown hair studying Latin they will in­ spring tion and proper dietary and hygenic and jogging suit for a costume. But Sugar crease vocabulary and by fresh new measures. But, as Miss Idzkowski noticed Babe is not toy. doing so raise their college while teaching the course, it is often Instead, the 18-inch high doll is a new aptitude scores,” he said. children who have the most difficult time addition to the Diabetes Training ‘"rhere’s a movement with their condition. Program at Manchester Memorial away from the ’60s, early Sugar Babe helps to alleviate that ap­ Hospital, a gift to the program from the M K U U B B n ’70s, those kinds of courses prehension and fear. The life-like skin of Hospital Auxiliary. Sugar Babe is where you sat down and designed to help youngsters with diabetes the doll simulates the feel of the in­ Reg.$70-$75 dividual’s own skin upon injection. ’The expressed your feelings 49.97 adjust emotionally to their condition and about yourself and life. child is taught how to measure and overcome the biggest fears of young Course content and lear­ MISSES’ SPRING prepare doses of insulin and to locate the diabetics — the necessary injections of in­ ning are important now,” correct areas of the body for injection. WDIK sulin. D’Arcy said. ANY-WEATHER COATS Use of the doll enables the child to be According to Frances Idzkowski, R.N., Sister Marion Julie Choose poplins and woven polyesters In taught about the way insulin works and diabetic teaching nurse at MMH, children O’Leary, the secondary fashion trenches and hooded any- about the Diabetic’s own changing needs with diabetes can practice giving injuec- education coordinator for for amounts of insulin. I weather coats. Pretty spring colors in tions to Sugar Babe, using the carefully the Archdiocese of Hart­ sizes 8 to 18, regular and petite designated areas of the doll’s body, in “Sugar Babe prepares the child for a life-time of the disease,” Miss Idzkowski ford, said in the early ‘70s, lengths, tool order to become familiar with this HUnMSnMOK. iocesan h i ^ school Latin procedure and gain the confidence to says, “but it lets children know that their disease is something they can control. nrollment was about 100 eventually administer the injections to Ejfor every 1,000 students, Sugar Babe helps alleviate the notion of themselves. i ’The mid-’TOs produced a helplessness surrounding diabetes.” sharp decline. ’Ite figures Diabetes afflicts more than 10 million Designed by Lory Needleman, a New 13.97f|5g $,94$21 ys(nce then have-slowly in- people in this country, including over one Jersey woman who has been a diabetic for million children. Diabetes, Miss nearly 20 years. Sugar Babe benefits I creased, she faid, "but MISSES’ POPLIN SLACKS Idzkowski says, is a dyd^jM ^n of the diabetes research white it benefits diabetic masses ^ stud^ta are not Classic fashion favorites in front zip or pancreas to produce enoutt liin w , which children. A portion of the. proceeds frOih elastic-waist styles. Choose your favorites is needed to process footf-li^sugar, an the sale of the doll go ^o various d i ^ t i c the energy source for blood celll!T)iabetes is charities around the country. I’lresurgence ivdrblgor In khaki, navy, green or white, sizes to the one of the few disorders in which the in­ The doll is dressed in that jogging outfit small is relii ed 8 to 18. back-to-basics movement dividual must take responsibility for the for a purpose, too. “Exercise,” Miss ;es and un- management of the disease, through a Idzkowski says, “is important in and some coll^i iversities r instatlng II careful program of medication, diet and managing a diabetic’s condition. Exercise exercise. helps lower the blood sugar level.” If poorly managed, diabetes can lead to Children become attached to Sugar 9.97 R69.$15 serious problems in the kidneys, the blood Babe, she adds. “Children relate very well vessels and retina of the eye. ’That is why to the doll. Often they will verbalize MISSES PRINT BLOUSES programs such as MMH’s Diabetic feelings to the doll that they’re afraid to Easy-care polyester blouses In pretty Teaching Program exist — to make the share with parents or instructors. And spring prints or solid tones with mandarin diabetic their own best manager and to that, too, is important in helping a child Lectures collars. Assorted colors, sizes SML. teach them to lead as normal a life as learn that diabetes is nothing to be possible in spite of their diabetes. ashamed of.” subjebt of talks Grange to confer degrees STORRS — A new lec­ ture series intended to Reg. $14 examine and destroy MANCHESTER - Members are also asked There will be a rehearsal Stereotypes concerning the INDIA TOPS FOR Manchester Grange 31 will to bring canned foods for for the degree ceremony, American Indian’s meet Wednesday at 205 the Food Bank. starting at 7 tonight. lifestyle, will be presented JUNIORS! Olcott St. at 8 p.m. when here this month. w first and second degrees Cool, colorful India shirts In lots of colors “The Indians of North and patterns. Collect more than one. In will be conferred on a class America, Past and of candidates. Present,” a six lecture sizes SML. Deputy John Waterhouse QUALITY program will be sponsored will make an official visit. , W. t , by th e University of 6 . All members are asked to )PEC I Connecticut’s Department have their reports ready V»m ImproMement of Anthropology and the d and a ll officers are 13-97 Heg $19 Office of Non-Credit reminded to be present. Aluminum Windows, Awnings snd Programs. During the meeting there Doors, Roofing, Porchos, Ooneral JUNIOR POPLIN PANTS Beginning March 26, ::^ii will be judging for the Crisp, classic poly/rayon poplin pants in Homo Ropair and Romodsllng classes will meet blueberry muffic contest. Wednesdays from 7 to 9:15 the new coles you’re looking for: Red, Members participating are a u m w .. TEL: JHM MANGAN p.m. at UConn’s Bishop navy, white, khaki. Sizes 5 to 13. asked to bring their muf­ mnd B28-7084 or 0404708 fins. Center for Continuing I Education. Kncxking nuclear energy is easy Stereotypes concerning longer we delay, the more construction costs the American Indian vary enough. But we at Northeast Utilities want from region to region and p up, the more interest costs continue and Reg.$58-$65 COME BACK TO COLLEGE ... our customers to be able to separate emotion from one historical period 39.99-49.97 increase, and perhaps most importantly, the to another, but they con­ JUNIOR SPRING from some cold hard facts. more expensive foreign oil we use. sistently serve to distort the richness and variety of Fact: Nuclear energy saved our We want everyone to understand that ' RAINWEAR the Indian life, says Dr. Fresh, pretty spring rainwear in new 0 THE BACHELOR OF GENERAL STUOIES customers some $220 million in fuel costs last It is in all of our best interests to plan for our Robert Bee. Bee is an AT THE UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT year. associate professor of pastels and neutral tones, too. Choose I L future energy needs now, or we will all be anthropology. from single and double-breasted styles, HAS BEEN DESIGNEO FOR YO U ...... Fact: As a Northeast Utilities paying more later. At Northeast Utilities ’Through examining the trenches and fit and flares, sizes 5 to 13. American Indian’s cultural 7 residential customer, your average 1979 supplying safe, reliable, affordable energy is and historical develop­ monthly electric bill on 500 kilowatt-hours of not just our job. It’s our commitment to you: ment, the series will assert THE BACHELOR OF GENERAL STUDIES Is an Individualized, power was about $5.50 lower because of the Today and tomorrow. that many of the existing m I interdisciplinary degree program of pan time study designed savings in fuel costs from nuclear energy. stereotypes are incorrect. l / o r the adult student With an associate’s degree or with sixty For more facts about nuclear energy “The sophistication of 24.97 Reg. $32 - $38 Fact: Northeast Utilities has one of the (•!\ W ■ credits earned. For additional Information about the BGS Pro- ■ write for the "Nuclear Power at Northeast Indian achievement has best safety and operating records of any been largely ignored and JR. SPRING JACKETS Igram at the University of Connecticut/Storrs contact Anita Baconl Utilities Fact Book 1979,’’ System the unique legal status of Hi electrical utility in America. the Indian people has been Come choose from our super selection of lat 486-4670. Applications for Fall, 1980 will be accepted until Communications Department, brand-new styles for juniors, sizes 5 to 13, ■June 1, 1980. Fact: Nuclear energy has conserved overlooked,” says Bee, lec­ P.O. Box 270, Hartford, , r i I ■ i ture for the series. in all your favorite spring colorsi precious natural resources. Last year alone, it Connecticut 06101. | [] [ | J ’The lecture will Explore generated enough electricity to help us save methods to deal with these injuitices. over 21 million barrels of oil. NORTHEAST UTILITIES Registration and fee in­ ALL STORES OPEN NIGHTS MON. THRU FRI. TIL 9 P.M. OPEN SUNDAYS 12-5 That’s why the completion of our new formation can be obtained CerMni Comer, Moridon S Now London o Im opon Soturdoy* 'til 9; Now tritoln opon Thur. night only. Now Irttain S Groton closod Sondoyt Doing everything in our power 1^ contacting the Office of oCORUNS CORNiR OAVON-MMSBURY oMANCHISHR oRRISTOL *NIW SRITAIN oMRIDiN oVIRNON o n P H LONDON oOROTON The Vniteisity (f/Qmnecticut i Millstone III nuclear plant is so vital. The to keep costs down. the Non-Credit Program, Box U-56D, The University Extended S, Continuing Education ‘ of Connecticut, Storrs,

TNCennecliciiUgNsndPewwComewiyv/Hoivos«WaiwF^werConwafw/Ndi»iM«i*j*^c^ .. Conn. 06268; telephone 486- 3234. 8 - KVENINQ HERALD. Mon.. March 17, IWO EVENING HERALD. Mon., March 17, 1860 - 9 MACC news V^cldinqs Resolution voted on death penalty, gambling, AFDC Conroy-Dolin cellaneous kitchen equip­ BenitO'Madden Nancy Carr, operates free Food Banks, assisted in these programs food. We urge the 1980 tions Act. In addition to Notices bureaus and dressers, ment. Execyiive Director aothing Banks, Furniture in this community General Assembly to sup­ taking action on legislation • ’There are plenty of the small bedside tables, • Gloria Weiss for a crate Marcia Lee Dolin of Manchester and Howard Joseph At the MACC Board of Banks, and provides (Manchester/Bolton) were port not only the 18% in­ before the state general |1 energy kits yet available reading lamps and kitchen of oranges. Conroy of Everett, Wash., were married March IS at St. Lori Jean Madden of Rocky Hill and Colin Richard Directors meeting the emergency financial AFDC recipients. crease but a more respon­ assembly, a considerable at the MACC office, 738 tables and chairs. Call 649- • Naomi Fitzgerald for the Mary’s Episcopal Church in Manchester. Benito of East Hartford were married March 15 at Rocky fottbwtng resolutions were assistance through a In spite of the fuel aid sible approach to the portion of the meeting was East Middle ’Turnpike, or 2093 or 6464114 if you can swivel chair. Hill Congregational Church, Rocky Hill. Human Needs Fund available this year, the allocation of state allocated once again to fill such a need. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Linda Erickson of 18 unanimously adopted and Project Explore (St. • Mrs. Carrier for the use (grants and small no in­ financial situation of these resources. housing needs. More con­ Thank You's Wedgewood Drive, Manchester and Rodney Dolin of 120 win be communicated to Mary’s Parish Building), of her time and telephone, terest loans) and the Fuel families grows more and The Conference has also cerning housing in a later • Mr. and Mrs. McCormick Ral|A Road, Manchester. The bridegroom is the son of The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James local legislators; 41 Park Street. and her kindness extended Bank. Last year we es­ more precarious, due to gone on record in support column. for many needed furniture Mr. and Mrs. Howard Conroy of Shelton. Madden of Rocky Hill. ’I^e bridegroom is the son of Mr. - Death Penalty • We have requests from to' the Project Explore timated that of those rising costs of housing and of the Community Correc­ items and useful mis­ The Rev. Stephen Jacobson of St. Mary’s Church of­ and Mrs. Robert Benito of Manchester. The Manchester Area V* several area elderly for staff. ficiated at the doubie-ring, candlelight service. Ken Conference of Churches • The Rev. John Weaver of St. Isaac Jogues in East Hart­ Woods of Manchester was organist and Chuck Oakes of vigorously urges ford and the Rev. Robert Woodward of Rocky Hill legislative support of life West Hartford, soloist. .. i — an A mi in a \ m a an y c n a aa PICK UP YOUR VALUE PACKED CIRCULAR ’The bride was given'in marriage by her father. Congregational Church officiated at the double-ring imprisonment without ALL FOOD MARTS STORES OPEN SUNDAY 9 A.M. TO 4 P.M. in the store, while supply u stsi Lynn Havel of Darien, the bride’s cousin, was maid of ceremony. parole as a substitute for lal punishment and honor. Bridesmaids were Kerri England and Kathy Red­ The bride was given in marriage by her father. mond, both of Stamford, and Jill Kappel and Sue Lewis, Mrs. Debra Peterson of Rocky Hill was her sister s i inpporU Raised FOOD MART HAS THE LOW PRICES! both of New Britain. Flower girls were Jennifer Mather C o n ^ tte e Bill No. 257, an matron of honor. Miss Janet E. Benito of Manchester, the a PRICES EFFECTIVE SUNDAY, MARCH 16 THRU SATURDAY, MARCH 22. act concerning the and Hillary Mather, both of Ellington and cousins of the bridegroom’s sister, was bridesmaid. Elimination of the Death bride. Michael Perkins of Merrimack, N.H., served as best WALDBAUM S Penalty. man. Ushers were Brian M. Benito of Blast Hartford, the This particular bill Bill Nicholas of Boston, Mass., served as best man. bridegroom s brothdr; and Gary Turrel of Broad Brook. Ushers were Mike Marusic of Belton, Mike Savino of assures that those persons convicted of a capital FOOD MART Danbury, Nick Moore of New Haven, and Keith Dolin of A reception was held at the Knights of Columbus Hall Food Mart Manchester, the bride’s brother. felony (murder of a law en­ in Cromwell, after which the couple left for the Pocono forcement officer, murder Mountains in Pennsylvania. They will reside in East A reception was held at Piano’s Restaurant in Bolton. for hire, murder of a non- Hartford. FREEZES The couple will reside in Seattle, Wash. addicted person by sale of Mrs. Conroy is currently attending the University of Mrs. Benito is employed at Keeney Manufacturing Co. drugs, multiple murder, Washington. Mr. Conroy is employed as a methods in Newington. Mr. Benito is em ploy^ at Control Data in murder of a kidnap victim, analyst for Boeing Aircraft in Everett, Wash. (Nassiff Mrs. Howard J. Conroy Manchester. (Kolewicki photo) Mrs. Colin R. Benito murder c o m m its while Food Club FOOD photo) on parole) may be sentenced to mandatory Tomato Juice life imprisonment, a 0..’ BOTlLt sentence which may not be Green Giant 3 Boon Salad 17 OUNCE CAN PRICES En q cK ^ ecI______35th wedding anniversary suspended or reduced by FRENCH FRIED the court. Not only does 2 . 8 3 * Durkee Onion Rings 3 0Z.CAN 2 Ft this balanced proposed law Food Mart is cooperating with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Fothergill of 44 Fairview St., FOOD C IU I safeguard' society from President Carter's request and has Manchester, were honored at an open house at their Seedless Raisins IS OZ. PKQ. potential; harm by per- Food Club home on March 15 in observance of their 35th wedding manentlt. removing the CHEF ROY-ARte frozen the prices on a great anniversary. The couple was married March 17,1945 in W« Hmv9 Bv«ry thifif For perpetrator from society, Peanut Butter Cheese Pixxa Mix 29.1 OZ. PKO. ^ Dillon, S.C. Ruth Gillen of Fayetteville, N.C., Mrs. number of Generic and Private but it s^ifeguards the con­ CREAMY ot crunchy ^othergill’s sister, was maid of honor and the late PoMOVor... Excopt APIoeo victed jterson against the 18 OZ JAR Label Products. This means there Howard Hayes, Mrs. Fothergill’s brother, served as ToHidoThoMotzohf best man. possibiuty of error. Death will be no increase on these is an alsolute punishment. AVIV MRS. ADLER'S Hosting the open house were the couple’s two ’There hije no appeals and products for at least 30 days. Food daughters and son-in-laws, Mr. and Mrs. Steven (Jo- no reversals. Ihere are ISRAELI GEFILTEFISH Mart will continue this policy in an Ann) Leddy of Windsor Locks and Mr. and Mrs. Gary more j- ' than enough MATZO Rag. or Old Jaruaalam DOWNEY effort to contribute to help stop (Diane) Grodzicki of Meriden; and their son and docunjented cases of inis- 5 POUND PACKAGE 24 OZ. JAR daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Steven (Ann), taken^cMvlctions to make Fabric Softener the rise of inflation. Look for these Fothergill of Manchester. The couple also has two judgey iud juries loathe to 180 OFE LABEL products throughout the entire grandchildren. supply the death sentence. 33 OZ BOTTLE Theyi therefore hand doiyn store. It means greater savings for Neighbors, friends and relatives attended the social the l ^ ^ r Class A Felony MRS. ADLERS BORSCHT oozms hour and buHet celebration. senttin^ of 20 to life which qaiweNataat you. Mr. Fothergill retired in May 1978 from the J. M. m ay|(»rry the possibility CHOPPEDLIVER ' Ney Co. -in Bloomfield where he was employed for 35 maowirznOOOOiuN , of ph()Dle in as little as 8 LAYERCAKEMIX tiozpza * years serving in various capacities such as director of yeai^, FRISKIES Muellers Elbow Macaroni • OZ. PKQ. purchasing; director of export and supervisor of Fdr Ithese reasons as well Waldbaum’s Famous security and plant services. as ml ^erstanding that CAT FOOD Comstock Apple Pie Filling 21 OZ. CAN N.Y. Stylo Dell I Mrs. Fothergill is a homemaker and enjoys many ALL VARIETIES capital punishment iA in- FRESH PRODUCE! LUNDY GOURMET NEW YORK Nancy Ann Lukens Janice Ramsay Donna L. Custamachio house and garden plants, various hobbies and her codsistent with /the 6'. OZ CAN______Kellogg's Rice Krispies 18 SHARP home. reliyious convictions of COOKED The coupie is planning a trip South to visit family many Christians,' the HAM CHEDDAR Lukens-Etienne Ramsay-Patrizz Custamachio-Gerrity 4 . 3 3 18 COUNT PKO. and friends and a few side trips to visit the Civil War Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Fothergill Conference supports this S.O.S. Soap Pods sui:tu toofloiH CHEESE The engagement of Miss Nancy ’The engagement of Miss Janice The engagement of Miss Donna battlefields and other historic memorials. bill submitted by Senator Ann Lukens of Glastonbuiy to Ray­ Ramsay of Vernon to Anthony N. Lynn Gustamachio of East Hartford Dave Barry. 4 3 3 S O B S mond Etienne, also of Gleitiifcgy, Patrizz Jr., also of Vemop, h.ais been Ip^Kevin Gerrity bf Manchester tos Gambling GET MORE FOR LESS MONEY AT FOOD MART! VIRGINIA STYLE as been announced by her parents, announced by her parents, Mr. and been announced by her parents, Mr. ’The Board of Directors SLICED TO Mrs. Daniel Ramsay of 123 Warren anc^jir^lrs. Ralph Gustamachio of 51 of the M anchester'Area ORDER i. *2.69 Mr. and Mrs. George P. Lukens of Forbes mark anniversary FRflH-LAME SSI U.S.D. A. CHOICE COOKED HAM Park View Drive, East Hartford. Lundy Fresh Pork Sale! 171 Boulder Circle, Glastonbury. Ave., Vernon. Conference of Churches is SNO WHITE MUSHROOMS •1.79 IMPORTED Mr. Etienne is the son of and Mr. Patrizz is the son of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. William Forbes of 231 Church in Manchester with the late Somers. increasingly concerned ASSORTED DANISH HAVARTI L. *3.09 Mr. Gerrity is the son of Mr. and McKee St., Manchester observed Mr. Forbes is retired salesman fpr about the effects of state UJ. NO. 1 • BEST SAKNM Mrs. John Etienne of 37 Simmons Mrs. Anthony Patrizz Sr. of 14 Jeff Rev. Watson Woodruff officiating. SIRLOIN CHURNEY WALNUT Road, East Hartford. Road, Vernon. Mrs. James Gerrity of 78 Diane Parker-Hartford Corp. and a former sponsored gambling upon RUSSET POTATOES PORK CHOPS Drive, Manchester. Mrs. Forbes is the former Margaret CHEESEBALLS OZ *2.39 Miss Lukens graduated from their 45th wedding anniversary member of the Manchester Develop­ Connecticut citizens and FM*H 3 LOIN 3 CENTER Miss Ramsay graduated from recently with a dinner and family Stevenson. FINEST QUALITY i^HAND SLICED Newington High School and from ment Commission. He was drum- the increased and in­ CRISP PASCAL CELERY lUNCH STEAK 3 RIB END Rockvilie High Schooi. She is Miss Gustamachio graduated from AUSKAN % LB. •2.19«O m LB* *2.29 major of the Manchester Pipe Band creasing dependence of the LOX Hartford Hospital School of Nursing. employed as an underwriter at East Catholic High School in 1973 and gathering at the Blacksmith’s The couple has two sons, William for more than 30. years. state government upon BEEF LO IN DELICIOUSLY SMOKED She is employed as head nurse in Phoenix Mutuai Life Insurance Co. from Western Connecticut State Tavern in Glastonbury. C. Forbes of Somers and Douglas WHOLE Mrs. Forbes was employed as an ” 1 . 2 3 LARGE WHITE FISH Of HALF *2.89 pediatrics at Hartford Hospital. College in 1977. She is currently gambling produced Mr. Patrizz, also graduated from The couple was married on Feb. 23, Forbes of Manchester; and a grand­ aide at Manchester Memorial Mr. Etienne graduated from East attending Central Connecticut State revenues. FRESH Hartford High School. He is vice RHS and from Springfieid Technical 1935 at the Center Congregational daughter, Deborah M. Forbes of Hospital. The current advertising COLONIAL CARANDO College where she is working PORK BUTTS president of R. P. Roushon Builders, Community College. He is employed campaign to “sell” 1.19 WIDE towards a m a ste r’s degree in LB. MORTADELLA Inc. in Glastonbury. as a dispatcher at the Tolland County gambling to (^nnecticut BOLOGNA Mutual Aid. counseling. She is employed as a Babies CENTERCUT The couple is planning a June 13 music teacher at Bolton Elementary citizens is particularly SLiCtO 10 OHOIK SLICED TO ORDER wedding in Glastonbury. (Image The coupie is planning a May 17 Melendez, Melinda Melendez of Juana Diaz, Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo offensive. Recent studies and Center School. March 4 at Rockville UA. FANCY • CAUFONNU PORK CHOPS Maker photo) wedding in Vernon. (Kington photo) Angelina, daughter of Puerto Rico. LeBlanc of Quebec, prove that many of our low S 4 6 9 6 3 General Hospital. His MAONTOSH APPLES 21^" min 49* Miguel A. and Margaret Canada. Her paternal matemai grandmother is income and loW'functioning ■ • IB Mr. Gerrity graduated from East Lisee, Valerie Anne, FRESH FIOMOA Ann Fitch Melendez of 200 grandmother is Julienne Mrs. E. P. Ecker of Fort citizens are particularly WHITE MEAT • SLICED TO ORDER Catholic High School in 1972 and from daughter of Gerard L. and URGE 8SE ? 1 . 5 3 Regan Road, Vernon. She Lisee of East Hartford. Pierce, Fla. His paternal vulnerable to such state JUICE ORANGES i -•1. the University of Miami in 1976. He is Mona M. LeBlanc Lisee of WEAVER CHICKEN ROLL w as born F eb. 29 a t grandparents are Mr. and sponsored promotion and MX NO. 1 LEAN DOMESTIC employed as a mechanical engineer 390 E. Center St., Gerakaria, Thomas Hwang ends training Rockville General publicity. We are adamant­ YELLOW ONIONS 5 POUND SAG 79* SLICED BACON .b’ 1.19 COOKED ROAST BEEF TOOBOER at Pratt & Whitney Division of Mrs. Constantine Manchester. She was bom Marc II, son of Thomas M. ly opposed to the continua­ CARANDO United Technologies Ck)rp. in East Hospital. Her maternal Gerakaris of North Creek, FRESH SWEH SLICED TO March 3 at Rockville and Lisa Ann Ecker FRESH PICNIC ORDER Pvt. Chris Ch Hwang, son of Mr. course in Panama, Hartford. grandparents are Mr. and N.Y. He has a sister, tion of a state policy which POTATOES or YAAAS HARD SALAMI General Hospital. Her Gerakaris of P. 0. Box 196, preys on the vulnerability 4 CARANDO ...... and Mrs. Ki-Chong Hwane of 29U Hwang is assigned to the 101st Air- Mrs. Richard Fitch of Rachei Ann. maternal grandparents are Vernon. He was born FLOWER SPECIALI COOKED SALAMI TO ORDER Middle Turnpike, M anchester, borne Division at Fort Campbell, Ky. The couple is planning a July 25 Ashley Falls, Mass. Her and hopelessness among Pork Shoulder recently completed a jungle training wedding at St. Isaac Jogues Church paternal grandparents are our poor. BEAUTIFUL 'Gro' DELICIOUS in East Hartford. (Naylor photo) Mr. and Mrs. Geraldo We call upon the 1980 ' Clnorarla SHRIMP SALAD Potting Soil PERDUE FRESH -H O r' WHEN AVAILABLE General Assembly and Plants 20 POUND BAO U J.0 A CHOICE • lE E F B 3 *re CHICKEN "HOT" BAGELS I 2 fo r * 1 . 1 9 Governor Grasso to end the 99 BONELESS advertising campaign to T ickled EA. LEGS b l a m l *4.' 991, CHUCK STEAK .•2.09 ...... OOE HERRING o( SCHMALTZ EACH 99* promote state sponsored EXCEPT lEBLIN 4 ROCXT HILL WEIGHT .SAUSAGE ROLL 0 7 HEBREW NATIONAL BEEF . . u in n cT gambling and to end the - ' ' Itom of fho W ookI------MXOX CHOICE • WHOLE or HALF RIBE EYES OF BEEF l.* 3.49 KNOCKWURST ^SALASr a *2.29 ^ 'egf.|r-A6 p dependence of state FRESH JUMBO LB. Seafood Spocfofs! government on gambling OUR lE t T IREADEO WATCHERS PERDUE FRESH •1.19 The firit lettlement at San produced revenues. Californio Artichokes CHICKEN PAniES i. 89* P i^ READY SMELTS Francisco, called Yerba Raize AFDC Payments CHICKEN ONLY! JUMBO COLONUL T o l b D FILLETS * 2 . 2 9 FRiSH DAIRY POODSI Buena ("good herb") was TUES. ’The Board of Directors **24" SIZE established in 1776. CORDIAUY EA. BREASTS SEMI-BONELESS HAM i.M.69 ALASKAN . . of the Manchester Area KING CRAB LEGS * 4 . 3 9 Minute Maid Conference of Churches DUE TO OUR FRESHNESS POLICY SOME ITEMS COLONIAL • EXTRA MILO 8AMBAND . _ . ^ The NOT AVAILABLE TIL TUESDAY. mmoB INVITES THE supports a 13% increase in -/ ■ e LB. SKINLESS FRANKS u»l.l9 SURF BURGERS lb * 1 . 2 9 Orange Juice AFDC payments. As you HALF GALLON CARTON are well aware, such an in­ PRESN FROZEN FO O D FA VORITESf PINEHURST OVERWEIGHT crease would bring AFDC I Stainless Steel 302 Main St. hoicest Meats In Town\ recipients to the poverty Prolaaalonal . a _ -4 V f BREYERS Green Giant • 1 . 0 3 level ofJ975 and should be Style TO JOIN A K fU n NATURAL . . 643-4151 considered as a barely ICECREAM VEGETABLES a l l V A K in iE S SWISS SLICED CHEESE i o ^ pkq M.29 Nm bioidni ordsn for tolerable minimal in- ' 0^ PA'.C AGF BREAKSTONE • TEMPTEE WHIPPED etnnBREAST. ..n. 19' NEW CLASS creaits. CREAM CHEESE • oz kkq 79* Morrall Hams During the past five Tobbi Hams yeaijs this conference MAZOLA MARGARINE i lb pro 69* Nutmeg Kailbasa FORMING IN: responding to community CHIVE. PINEAPPLE Bf GARDEN 8AU 0 needs has opened and 8" Carver TOPFAOBT aOOlPXO. AUNT JEMIMA - 10 OZ. PKQ. HOODS CO H A GE CHEESE CONTAINCR 89* WITH NATURAL SEECHWOOO HANDLE l A I A E B i e e BLUEBERRY. ORIGINAL L Q t W f N u a s . 69‘ Manchester GREEN BEANS or FRENCH STYLe 7 9 * WAPrLeS O f BUHERMILK "N BREYERS TA8TCU.SCA 567 East Middle Turnpike \ 7BARBS EACH TREE TAVERN 9 OZ. SUFOOD • y 2 9 I I OZ. FXQ. •1.49 ENTREES 7 OZ. SHRIMP YOGURT l[>hil Pastoret PIZZA Mott’S Community Hall Steak Knives ALL FLAVORS WATER WEIGHT THE! IWtn SIOUFFERS8TOUFFER8 •»U ALL V. VARIETIES ’ThoM who speak of the Always on Sale! 79* Tuesday at 1 0 : 0 0 a.m. (doors open 9:30 a.m.) * ORANGE JUICE iz o z can 89* SIDE DISHES , SOZ. PROBLEMT fine a9 of politics must have * CURB u si the w m of a mad surreallat Open class March 18th, 198Q as a yardstick. 3| 4CHORR4 BARREL n M c E-LIM For the l^ a tlf^ f additional classes In Manchester and, HeadUae in oar favorite WISK GARLIC PICKLES jzoz jar 99* B k m wtXtt !■ tk i body can bt throughout Hartford County call (toll free) 1-800-972-8820 paper read, “Barglary Vip- Sc OFF LABEL ■wawfartibb. B4JM wUl ita IS Critical.’H i very ON A II OZ. PKQ. ON A 12 OUNCE PACKAQE ON ANY PACKAOE ON A 11 OZ. CONTAINER ON A 1.1 OZ. PKO. HOODS APPLE JUICE CotlTAiNER *1.09 16 OZ BOHLE ym loot «RMi .walv v o i^ . Wt i reactloa, we’d tay. SOUP at U if it t Piffcado Pbannaey TOP FROST GAYLORD WALDBAUM'S HOOD'S SOUR Sealtest Cottage Cheese 1 CHEESE STARTER LAROE A SMALL CURD or LIOHT N' LIVELY HIGHLAND PARK MARKET _WHGHT SOLE FILLET PISH CAKES RANDOM WEIGHT V, A Vi I ALL VARIETIES M M ■•I, aink n I Qm. Ihni IM. MMk n. I 24 OZ. I *a. a. Goad Bn lot.. Umk a . | lISBRI ! ^ ««■■■■ .a—* ‘‘■ttSSk j LMi OM pkf. • am coopoa ^ CUP aCKST *2<» irgggi i — .Mf-i LkoM Mephg. • am eevReel . n.ni'JHi I uiw OT...... OT.mBrnn 'I I pefNMllf I R8(f«aip. l^cmpoapwlaMRY. I garlMiRr ^ ^ i . i s ^ Cut Mt this sd take to eioro 317 Highland Streat WIOatERS IMsd. PurcfasM 4MM pock of B*LIid mtmwttoogfOrtiofmf* mrtwrveimnghnokmiiuiMtoSpiMn of •f»v>iemttce»«»m'eotmf«tm noted Ham»otttfad»o»68tefto4evertewei«e*6etoi6

ToujnToll yet,” stated Manchester High Prin­ " ^ e was able to find housing for Joanne Walsh, the housing coor­ field trimmed to four Tim Anderson, a consultant Superior Court is expected to want the somber trappings of the cipal Jacob Ludes, reporting 15 490 students who performed in this dinator, for finding lodgings for all stwfying the redevelopment of the vacate the E!ast Hartfoid Tolland courtroom touched. "As long as I applications from four states have show. I don’t think Glastonbury has of the performers. NEW YORK (UPI) - So much for semifinals, with the winners advan­ Griffith scored 14 points during the floor in the second half. Clemson 35-32 despite a big height ChHMT Mills, showed his sensitivity Street building it shares with the am here the courtroom shouldn’t been received regarding the head be touched; it should be used as ever had so many clean homes at the national rankings. And the cing to the title game March 24. first 11 minutes of the second half “It was the type of effort on their disadvantage. to Manchester Housing issues when police department by July 1. Town football coach’s vacancy at; the U U Coach Dale Brown knew his some kind of community meeting once” —William Eriksen, president “powerhouse” conference cham­ and Louisville was on the way to a 31- part that typified our entire season,” “The last two minutes were the -he refemsl to grants In the mill officials have said the police facili­ school. ii pions. And the “perennially-strong” team’s ranking would not be enough 3 record and Indianapolis. said Iowa Coach Lute Olson, whose room,” Dagon said. of the All New E n g l ^ Music "And we haven’t even advertised longest I’ve ever experienced,” said district that would be "non-locally ty is in need of renovation, but tn inflependents. before he took the court against the It was a weak showing for LSU, team is 23-8. “They always refuse to I^ y o r George A. Dagon doesn’t Festival Association, praising UCLA Coach Larry Brown, “aem - funded.” ’The 48-team NCAA field has finally Cardinals. which had 17 points from Jody give up under any circumstances. son never quit. They are a well- been trimmed to its Final Four and “I was thinking about the teams Hultberg and 10 from star forward We’ve been crossed off the list coached team with a heck of a lot of the only team remaining that fits in that have dropped out,” he said. DeWayne Scales. several times but we never gave up.” character.” any or those categories, Louisville, '"The Big Ten champion (Indiana) is “Our starting five did not con­ For Iowa, Waite scored 13 of his 15 Clemson, 23-9 in its most Former DEP isn’t going to put much store in its gone. So is the ACC winner tribute at all,” said Brown. “They points in the second half, Vince successful season, was led by Billy Obituaries. No. 4 raidcing when it gets to In­ (Maryland), the Southeastern (Louisville) created more problems Brookins finished with 22 and Boyle Williams with 18 points. dianapolis, says Coach Denny Cmm. Conference champion (Kentucky), than anybody has this year. They are added 14. Eric Floyd of Georgetown Against Duke in Lexington Ky., Joseph S. Mackord Sr. Evelyn Robb Mrs. Caroline Risley Margaret Mallory joins 1-84 backere “Nobody knows who the best team the Big 8 champ (Missouri), the the best team we’ve played. I don’t led all scorers with 31 points and was Purdue looked to its gifted man in the EAST HARTFORD - Joseph S. is anymore,” said Cmm, even before Pacific-10 winner (Oregon State) and think any team can beat them in the named MVP of the East Regional. MANCHESTER - Mrs. Evelyn EAST HARTFORD - Mrs. MANCHESTER - Mrs. Margaret middle — . The 7- Mackora Sr., 87, of 56 Judson Ave., his Cardinals dumped second-ranked the Southwest Conference winner national finals.” On Saturday, UCLA, a powerhouse (Fisher) Robb, 83, of 26 Pascal Lane, Caroline McCarthy Risley, 78, Mallory, 85, widow of Henry R. Gill said the reservoir is crossed foot-1 All-America center scored 26 .died Friday at St. Francis Hospital EAST HARTFORD - A former Louisiana State, 86-66, in Houston to (Texas A&M). In addition you, have of years gone, continued to thrive in died Friday at her home. formerly of Bliss Street, East Hart­ Mallory, founder and former presi­ today by several state and f ^ r a l points despite sitting out four critical and Medical Center. state official has conie to the aid of win Ae Midwest Regional Sunday. DePaul, Syracuse, Ohio State and In Philadelphia, Iowa became the its new Cinderella role. The Bruins Boro in Waltham, Mass., she had ford, died Saturday at Manchester dent of Pioneer Parachute Co., highways, which Offer no protection minutes because of foul (rouble. Bom in Poland, he had lived here supporters of the Interstate 84, con­ “It just depends on who plays the Notre Dame — ali out of it.” unlikely representative of the East have won 10 national titles since 1964 lived here for the last seven years. Memorial Hospital. She was the Manchester, and past director of the to the reservoir from salt and limoff The Boilermakers, who finished most of his life. He was employed by tradicting the claims of environmen­ best on that particular night.” Sunday, Louisville went to the man when spot started Steve Waite hit a 3- but saw their 13-year reign as Pac-10 She is survived by a daughter, Mrs. widow of Lyman F. Risley Sr. Hartford Fire Insurance Co., died or hazardous spills^ ' ninth in the Big Ten in the Connecticut Transit Co for 35 tal damage made by groups opposing Io\ya, UCLA and Purdue, as well as it has gone to all season — Darrell point play with five seconds left to champions snapped with a fourth Robert Carlo of South Windsor; a Mrs. Risley was bom in Hartford Sunday at a Great Barrington, Mass., He said the federal highway shooting, won it at the foul line. Pur­ years, retiring in 1957. He was a the highway. Louisville, have played the best Griffith. Plagued by early foul trou­ carry the Hawkeyes to the Final place finish in the league this year brother, William Fisher of Ooton on and had lived most of her life in East convalescent home. designs, which the Federal En­ due scored 17 of its last 19 points on member of St. Cyril and Methodius Joseph N. Gill, former com­ recently. ble, the All-America guard scored 17 Four for the third time in the school’s and were not expected to get a berth foul shots. Hudson, N.Y.; a sister, Mrs. Laura Hartford. She was bom in Poughkeepsie, vironmental Protection Agency th op­ Church, Hartford. missioner of the state Department of Sunday, Iowa stopped lOth-ranked points and helped fuel a'second-half history. in the tourney. Beaumont of Croton on Hudson, N.Y. She leaves a son, Lyman Fred N.Y., and had iived in the posing, have demonstrated that For Rose, it marks his second trip He is survived by a son, Joseph S. Environmental Protection, said com­ Georgetown, 81-80, in Philadelphia to drive that buried the Tigers. Waite was fouled by Georgetown’s and three grandchildren. Risley Jr. of Vernon; two brothers, Manchester area until Mr. Mallory’s highway mnoff can be controlleid to to the Final Four. In 1977 he coached Mackora Jr. of East Hartford; a pleting the highway between Hart­ claim the East Regional, and will When Griffith drew his third foul and hit the free throw Paced by Kiki Vandeweghe and Funeral services will be 'Tuesday, John McCarthy and Thomas retirement in 1955. protect critical or sensitive alfeas North Carolina-Charlotte, which lost daughter, Mrs. Paul Repp of West ford and Providence, R.I. will join UCLA, the West’s represen­ midway through the first half and after a pair of timeouts by the Hoyas. Mike Sanders, who scored 22 points 11 a.m., at the Rose Hill Funeral McCarthy, both of Hartford; two Funeral services will be along the route. to Marquette in the semifinals. Hartford; a brother, Alex Mackora decrease the threat of air and water tative after topping Clemson 85-74 went to the bench, LSU responded 'The extra point proved vital when each and combined for 19 rebounds, Home, 580 Elm St., Rocky Hill. granddaughters, Mrs. Caroline Irace Wednesday at 2-p.m. at the Christ In a letter to Gus Speth, chairman “Every coach dreams of going to of New Britain; three grandchildren pollution and help the economy in a Saturday, and ^rdue, a 68-60 victor with 16 straight points to take a 29-21 Jeff Bullis hit a layup with one se­ the Bmins were unstoppable Satur­ Burial will be In Rose Hill Memorial of Southington and Mrs. Karen Episcopal Church, Cooperstown, of the Council on Environmental the Final Four,” he said. “But I’ve and a great-grandson. depressed area of Connecticut. over Duke in the Mideast, in the lead. cond to play. day. They jumped to an 18-point lead Park, Rocky Hill. LaRose of Cromwell; and a great- N.Y. (Quality, Gill said the completion of been lucky, going twice. I’m going, Funeral services were held today ■nie highway would include a por­ semifinals next weekend. But Griffith returned and the Car­ Iowa, which finished tied for fourth early in the second half, shot 55 per­ Contributions may be made to the the Interstate 84 will syphon'Off but I'm going because of these guys. at the Callahan Funeral Home, 1602 There will be no calling hours. granddaughter, Lynn Propheter of tion that would connect Interstate 84 dinals scored the final 10 points of the in the Big Ten, rallied from a 14-point cent from the floor, 75 percent from Memorial contributions may be Cooperstown Art Association or the much of the traffic now using those Iowa will play Louisville and UCLA They’re taking me.” Main St., followed by a mass of Cromwell. with Interstate 86 here and is half to hold a 31-29 lead at the break. deficit and shot 71 percent from the the free throw line and outrebounded roads that offer no protection to the meets Purdue in the March 22 Christian burial at St. Cyril and made to a charity of the donor’s Funeral services will be Tuesday ’Tribute Fund of the Lake and Valley predicted' to relieve the amount of Garden CTub, Cooperstown, N.Y. reservoir. Methodius Church, Hartford. Burial choice. with a mass of Christian burial at 11 traffic that uses Silver Lane to reach The federal CEQ is now reviewing Injury saved life was in Rose Hill Memorial Park, a.m. at St. Rose Church, Elast Hart­ Interstate 84 in Manchester. Mrs. Ruby E. Schindler the federal Department df ’Transpor­ Rocky Hill. ford. Burial will be in Hillside 'The environmental groups now Two Big Ten fives CINCINNATI (UPI) - Boxer Gary VERNON — Mrs. Ruby Erickson Cemetery. There are no calling Two to face claim the runoff from the traffic tation approval for the design and Turner is alive today because of an Maria V. van Hulzen Schindler, 86, of 29 Windermere Ave., hours. Callahan Funeral Home, 1602 using the highway would damage the engineering contracts for sections of injury. EAST HARTFORD - Maria Rockville d i^ Sunday at a local con­ Main St., East Hartford, has charge abuse charge Scituate Reservoir in Rhode Island. Interstate 84 in Connecticut. Turner, a 21-year-old (Claesen) van Hulzen, 86, of 85 valescent home. She was the widow of arrangements. At recent meetings of the in NIT semifinals lightwelterweight boxer from Cincin­ Chester St., wife of Peter H. van of Beno Schindler. Interstate 84 Yes Committee, nati. had been selected for the 24- Mrs. Schindler was bom in North MANCHESTER-A Manchester Mart arrested Huizen, di^ Friday at Hartford Mrs. Anna Y. Anderson mother and her boyfriend were representatives of the construction NEW YORK (UPI) - The field for Rookie of the Year in the Atlantic man national boxing team scheduled Hospital. Grosvenor Dale August 8, 1893 and VERNON — Mrs. Anna Young arrested Sunday morning and industry and minority groups have the National Invitation Tournament Coast Conference. Sampson, who led to compete against a Polish squad. Bom in the Netherlands, she had had lived in Rockville for past 27 after accident Anderson, 91, of East Main Street, charged with child abuse. said the coiistmction of the Intersate has doubled in just the past two years the nation by averaging almost five The boxers were among 87 lived here for the last 17 years. She years. She was a member of Union MANCHESTER - Police died Friday at a local nursing home. Patricia R. Crouse, 20, of 34 84 would create jobs for minorities and at least one coach thinks it may blocked shots per game, will attempt passengers killed when their plane 6lo tc was a member of St. Isaac Joques Congregational Church and the arrested Jeffery Libby, 18, of 28 Ash She was the widow of Karl Anderson. Williams St. and Steven A. Wilson, and would improve the accessibility be time to change the name. to intimidate Nevada-Las Vegas as crashed Friday approaching a War­ Church. Burpee Relief Corp. St. and charged him with two counts Mrs. Anderson was bom in Sweden 26, stationed with the Army at Aber­ of jobs for people living in western “If things keep going the way they Virginia hopes to stay alive in their saw airport. Radio, TV tonight She is also survived by four She is survived by a daughter, Mrs. of evading responsibility after two deen, Md., were arrested after Connecticut. are,” said Nevada-Las Vegas Coach third straight NIT appearance. Turner said he passed up the trip at 8 - NBA: Nets v b . CeltioB, Ch.4 daughters, Mrs. Tina (Maria) Mora, Kenneth (Linnea) Artz of Rockville; and had lived most of her life here. accidents just five minutes apart She is survived by two sons, Eric Manchester Memorial Hospital of­ Jerry Tarkanian, “ this will soon be “We have to control the ball,” says the last minute because he missed 7:45 - BuHehall; Yanks vs. Mrs. Theresa Willens, Mrs. a stepmother, Annie Erickson of ficials notified police, saying a 13- Sunday night. Sunset Club c a ll^ The Big Ten Tournament. This Virginia Coach Terry Holland. his sparring partner with a punch Rangers, WINF Elizabeth Nixon and Mrs. Paula Jewett City; two brothers, Albert Anderson of Andover and Ernest 'The first accident occurred about Anderson of Enfield; three month-old girl had been admitted year’s Big Ten Conference may have “That’s what we did so well against during a workout in Evanston, Ind. 7 • NIT Semifinals, Cable (Maria) van de Berg, ali of East Erickson of Virginia and Fred 11:08 at the Center Street and MANCHESTER - Sunset CTub daughters, Mrs. Arthur 'hvarz of with what appeared to be abuse been the strongest conference in the Michigan in our last game. If all five Tuesday night, hurting his arm. 9:30 - (College hoekey, ESPN Hartford; 11 grandchildren and two Erickson of Colorado; four sisters, Faulkner Street intersection. A will meet 'Tuesday at 1 p.m. at the Scotland, Mrs. Leon Koehler of oriented injuries. history of collegiate basketball.” of our players are going well, we’ll be great-grandchildren. Eldna Soderberg of Omaha, Neb., passenger in Libby’s car, Carol Suhr, new Senior Citizens Center, 549 E. Wondsor Locks and Mrs. Burt The young girl was transfered to Tarkanian’s Runnin’ Rebels take very tough to beat —but any of the Funeral services were heid this Eva Palm er of Lexington, Md., Middle Turnpike. Cards will be Brander of Bristol; and 14 the Hartford Hospital’s intensive 16, of 512 West Middle 'Turnpike, was on Virginia and towering freshman remaining four teams could say the morning from the Newkirk & Esther Rude of Plainfield, and Helen played after the meeting. grandchildren and several great­ care unit where she is listed in injured. She was treated and center Ralph Sampson in the second same thing.” Whitney Funeral Home, ^18 Burnside Baldwin of Norfolk, Va.; three released at Manchester Hospital. grandchildren. critical condition with head injuries. game of Monday night’s semifinals Jeff Lamp leads the Cavaliers with Ave., foilowed by a mass of Christian grandchildren and three great­ 'The second accident occurred at Floyd’s chip-in The funeral was Sunday at Ladd Police say it appears the girl was at Madison Square Garden. In the a 17.2 scoring average and Jeff Jones burial in St. Issac Jocques Church. grandchildren. 11:13 p.m. Barbara Jackson, 45, of 37 Baseball registration Funeral Home, 19 Ellington Ave. severely beaten and bitten. opener, scheduled for 7 p.m., EST, averaged almost six assists per game Buriai was in Hillside Cemetery. Private funerai services will be Homestead Blvd., Longmeadow, HEBRON — Registrations for the Burial will be at the convenience of A 4-year-old child was taken from Illinois and Minnesota meet in a Big as Virginia posted a deceptive 22-10 Memorial contributions in her held Tuesday at the Ladd Funeral Mass., a passenger in another car, Hebron Baseball Association will be the Crouse home about 12 hours memory may be made to the the family. accepted tonight and Tliursday from Ten matchup. 'The winners meet in record. 'The Cavaliers, 7-7 in the frustrates Jack Home, 19 Ellington Ave. Burial will was taken to Manchester Memorial Memorial donations may be made later, police said, and admitted to Wednesday night’s championship tough ACC, were 14-1 at home but Arthritis Foundation, 929 Silas Deane be In Grove Hill Cemetery. Hospital and released with minor in­ 6:30 to 8 p.m. at the Hebron Elemen­ to the charity of the donor’s choice. Manchester memorial Hospital with gamie. only 8-9 on the road. And their op­ MIAMI (UPI) — As Jack Nicklaus Highway, Wethersfield, 06109. Friends may call at the funeral tary and the Gilead Hill schools. way I pictured it, over the palm trees less severe injuries which were juries. Indiana beat Purdue — both Big ponent's best player — freshman always tries to do, he was thinking and then it hooked a little onto the home today 2 to 4 p.m. Agnes C. Failla Amanda Arcand described as bmises. Ten schools — in last year’s final and forward Sidney Green — will be green.” Donations may be made to the positively Sunday on his second EAST HARTFORD - Agnes HARTFORD—Mrs. Amanda Detective Captain Joseph Brooks a Big Ten representative is welcomed home by his hometown memorial fund of Union playoff hole with Ray Floyd at the Going to the 18th hole, Floyd was (Clements) Failla of 441 Main St., said Wilson arrived at the Crouse guaranteed to make this year’s Congregational Church or a charity (Damphousse) Arcand, 84, formerly Visit restrictions end fans. Doral Open. afraid he might have gotten himself died Saturday at Hartford Hospital of Charter Oak Ave., Hartford, died home Saturday morning on a nine- championship round of the NIT, Green, a 6-9 leaper who was voted “ By all rights, Raymond should of the donor’s choice. MANCHESTER - Manchester hospital staff stricken by influenza. into trouble by throwing his arm out after a short illness. Sunday at John Elempscy Hospital. day leave. He was charged with first- which has expanded from 16 teams in New York City High School Player of i have been dead. I thought he might Memorial Hospital has lifted all 1 when he tossed his hat in celebration Edward M. Keeney, executive Born in Jersey City, N.J„ the Mrs. Anna Torstensen She was the widow of iN'ancis Archan degree assu^lt, risk of injury to a 1W8 to 32 teams this year. the Year in 1979, averaged 16 points have trouble making a five,” of toe 50-foot birdie putt on 17. But visiting restrictions resulting from daughter of the late hfotthew and Mrs. Anna Torstensen, 90, of 128 and mother of Theresa Romano of minor and cmelty to persons. Brooks director of the hospital, said,,“We ' ‘"The Big Ten isn’t the only league and 11 rebounds per game for Tarka­ Nicklaus said later. after making a few practice swings, Katherine (McLaughlin)' Cletdenls, Green Manor Road, died Saturday Manchester. said. this winter’s fly outbreak. Effective appreciate the public’s willingness to ih'flie country, but it’s pretty un­ nian and scored 20 or more points 10 This was the situation: Nicklaus he decided his arm wasn’t sore she had been a resident of this area evening at the Manchester Memorial She was bom in St. Paulin, Canada, Crouse was charged with risk of in­ immediately, normal visiting cooperate durmg this period and believable,” said Illinois Coach Lou times this season. had a 12-foot putt for a birdie, but enough to hinder his swing. Obvious­ regulations have been reinstituted. for about 80 years. Hospital. She was the widow of Lars and had lived in Hartford for more jury to a minor. She was take to the regret any disappointments fnese Henson, whose club is participating “I think we’d have to play one of Floyd was off the green and needed a ly, he was right. Visiting restrictions were She was the widow of Salvatore Torstensen. than 50 years. She was a communi­ Niantic Correctional Center and held temporary restrictions may have in its first NIT. “Big Ten schools our best games to beat Virginia,” As for the 40-year-old Nicklaus, it prompted by the unusual number of caused.” 20-foot chip for a birdie. Floyd Failla. She is survived by two sisters, She was bom in Sweden, June 10, cant of Sts. Cyril and Methodius in lieu of a $25,000 bond. have tremendous talent. Other con­ says Tarkanian. “The experience of thought for sure Nicklaus would wasn’t all bad news. Mrs. Elizabeth Bartley and Mrs. 1889, came to this country and settled Church, Hartford. ferences have two or three top teams the NIT has been great and I hope we V make his putt, so he went for the cup. “I look at it as a very definite May V. Beller, both of Washington, in Brooklyn in 1906. She moved to She is survived by one son, another ... we have eight or nine.” can leave here knowing that we It went in. positive,” he said. But then he added, D.C., and severai nieces and Manchester in 1967. daughter, one brother, one sister, Eddie Johnson, who averaged 17 played well.” Floyd said he thought, “Wow, I get “It would have helped me better if 1 nephews. She is a member of the Emanuel two granddaughters, and a great- Dodd hits fee points and nine rebounds per game to go another hole.” He was still had won the playoff.” The funeral will be Tuesday, 8:15 Lutheran Church, and its Martha Cir­ grandson. over the regular season, and Mark expecting Nicklaus to sink his birdie Nicklaus hasn’t won since the 1978 a.m., from the Smith-Ruzzo Funeral cle and Friendship Group. Funeral services will be Smith (15.2 ppg), lead the Fighting putt. British Open and he struggled Home, 226 W. Main St., Meriden, and She is survived by one daughter, Wednesday, 8:45 a.m., from the Rose on oil import mini, who finished with a 21-12 But Nicklaus, who shot a final mightily last year, finishing 71st on at 9 a.m. at St. Joseph’s (^urch, Mrs. Ida Hall, with whom she made Hill Funeral Home, 580 Elm St., record. Illinois, basically an outside Rosewall winner round 69, hadn't expected his oppo­ the money list. He spent the winter Meriden. Buriai will be In Sacred her home, two step-daughters and Rocky Hill, with a mass of Christian rfARTFORD (UPI) — Reo.Rep. ChristonherChristopher Dodd.Dodd, D- '4 / l m * shooting team, will meet a bruising NORTH MIAMI, Fla. (UPI) - Ken nent to hole out and it unnerved him. making some major changes in his Heart Cemetery, Meriden. one stepson. She has five brothers, burial, 9:30 a.m., at Ss. Cyril and Conn., a candidate for the U.S. Senate, says President Minnesota squad that believes in the Rosewall defeated Rod Laver, 6-3, 6- “I had thought I may have to make game. Friends may cali at the funeral Viktor Lindfors, Sweden, Karl of Methodius Church. Burial will be in Carter’s gasoline fee on imported oil will place an “un­ sanctity of the layup. 3, Sunday to win the Miami stop of lowa^s winning basket it (the 12-footer) but when he makes “I know now the time 1 have put in home today from 7 to 9 p.m. tbe Tennis Legends championship at New Milford, Nils of Norwich, and Rose Hill Memorial Park, Rocky conscionable” burden on consumers. “Our size is our strength,” says Iowa’s Steve Waite (52) scores the winning basket and is it, you’ve got to regroup,” he said. is paying off,” he said. Mary M. Rhodes Knute of Boyton, Fla., and Avrid, of Hill. the Turnberry Isle club. Nicklaus apparently didn’t and toe Floyd agrees: “Tell Jack — or I’ll • Dodd said the gasoline fee, which would add 10 cents a Minnesota Coaoh Jim Dutcher, who fouled by Georgetown’s Craig Shelton with five seconds to play MANCHESTER-Mrs. Mary New York City. Friends may call at the funeral gallon at the pump, would especially burden those with relies on the inside game keyed by 6- Rosewall, 45, won $6,000 and Laver putt curved away from the cup, tell him myself — I don’t see (Marley) Rhodes, 87, formerly of 9-C She has two sisters, Mrs. Hannah home Tuesday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 fixed and low incomes, the handicapped and disadvan­ foot-11 senior Kevin McHale, who, picked up $4,000 in the $25,000 tourna­ in 81-80 NCAA game. (UPI photo) giving Floyd his 12th tour victory and anything wrong with his game. And McGuire Lane, widow of Thomas R. Ahlberg, New York City, and Hulda p.m. taged and “would do nothing to conserve energy.” according to Henson, will be among ment. thwarting Nicklaus’ dogged efforts to he's improved his short game Rhodes, died Saturday at a local con­ Engbertsen, of New Milford, two “I want to be supportive as I can” of Carter’s “the top two or three picks in the en­ In the doubles finals, Australians win his first tournament since 1978. tremendously. I guess he hit the valescent home. granddaughters, Judith Torstensen, Miss Susan Zwick proposals, Dodd said Saturday. “But I don’t believe you tire college draft.” Roy Emerson and Fred Stolle The chip-in wasn’t the only greens so much before he didn’t have She was bom in England and had of Manchester, and Randi Hall, of MANCHESTER-Miss Susan should blame the victims of inflation with the problems McHale shot 58 percent from the defeated Rosewall and Laver, 6-4, 6- remarkable shot Floyd made on his to work on his short game.” lived in this area most of her life. She Venice, Calif., and one great- Zwick, 83, of 333 Bidwell St., died of this country.” floor in averaging 18 points per game 7, 6-2. Minter wins boxing title way to the victory. Floyd and Nicklaus tied at a 9- was a member of the Ladies Guild of granddaughter, Amanda. Sunday at Manchester Memorial “Its unconscionable and our citizens should not be and 7-2 freshman Randy Breuer has The 37-year-old Miami Beach resi­ under-par 279. the Church of the Assumption, the Funeral services will be Hospital. asked” to pay for the fee, he told supporters at the come on strong in postseason play, King qualifies LAS VEGAS (UPI) - Alan Minter Englishman, scored a lopsided vic­ dent hit an almost identical 20-foot Next at 280 was Keith Fergus, a Legion of Mary, the Senior Citizens Wednesday at the Emanuel Lutheran She was bom in New Hartford on opening of his downtown campaign headquarters. tying McHale for team scoring NEW YORK (UPI) - Billie Jean became the third British fighter in tory, 149-137, for Minter. chip-in on the par-4 eighth, canned a tour non-winner, who shot a 70 Sun­ of Manchester for 21 years, where Church, at 1:30 p.m. Burial will be in Sept. 19, 1896 and had lived in Dodd Mid the energy problem was the basis for the honors with 40 points in the three King, scheduled to be a television history to win the world ‘"nie judge was wrong, not me,” 50-foot putt on the par-4 17th and day to finish alone in third place. He she was a recipient of the Mrs. Senior the East Cemetery. There are no Manchester most of her life. She nation’s inflation problems, and Carter has ignored ways previous NIT games. com m entator for the $200,000 middleweight title with a controver­ the Italian-bom Antuofermo, wbo saved par-4 with an astounding was followed by Wayne Levi at 5- Citizens Awaid. calling hours. Memorial con­ retired in 1961 from Pratt & Whitney to ease the economic crisis. Minnesota and Illinois split the women’s tennis tournament at sial split decision over champion Vito lives in Brooklyn, N.Y., said. “I recovery behind a line of palm trees under-par 283. He shot 72 Sunday. She is survived by a son, William tributions may be made to the Aircraft Group of United He said the president has failed to require oil com­ season series, each posting narrow LaCosta Country Club later this Antuofermo Sunday. thought sure I won this fight. They on the 18th. Fergus had gone into the day tied Rhodes of California; two daughters, Emanuel Lutheran Church organ Technologies Corp. and previously panies to locate and develop “the 10 billion barrels of oil vtetories at home. month, has found something better to As the 15-round contest ended both gave it to him. I’m an Italian, not an All this gave Floyd an improbable for the lead with Nicklaus and Bmce Mrs. Clarence (Molloy) Johnson of fund. Holmes Funeral Home, 400 had been employed for many years at on the West Coast,” or enforce a meaningful program to Tarkanian, whose .830 career win- do. fighters were lifted aloft by their American. Why didn’t they have an 6-under-par 66 over the famed Doral Lietzke. Fergus stayed in contention Manchester and Dorothea Henrlques Main St. is in charge of Cheney Brothers of Manchester. use alternative fuels such as coal. nlngjpercentage is the best in NCAA She’s playing in the tournament. handlers and both Minter and An­ Italian judge?” Blue Monster Course, toughened con­ right up until his final hole, but of Vernon; 11 grandchildren and arrangements. She leaves a brother, John Zwick of Although supportive of most of Carter’s anti-inflation history, faces a literal uphill battle King qualified by ranking second to tuofermo raised their hands in vic­ Minter, who weighed in at 159%, siderably by a wind that gusted more Lietzke shot himself out of its early. seven great-grandchilren. Windsor Locks; a sister, Mrs. Minnie plan to cut $14 billion from federal spending, Dodd said he against the Cavaliers as toe Runnin’ Martina Navratilova in points and tory. 1% pounds more than Antuofermo, than 25 mph. The win for Floyd moved hrfn past Grabenstein of Bethel; and several Funeral services will be Tuesday George Pippin Sr. was doubtful it would balance the budget. Rebels attempt to reach the finals in earnings heading into the next to last 'Two judges scored the contest said he had trained for a title shot his Floyd said the decision to go for the Johnny Miller into 13th on the all- nieces and nephews. morning from the John F. Tierney VERNON—George Pippin Sr., 76, Among the 150 persons who attended the opening after their first appearance in toe NIT. event on the winter tour. Navratilova close, one had it 144-141 for Minter entire career. green on the 18th hole, was not sim­ time money list with $1,307,922. Funerai Home, 219 W. Center St., at Funeral services will be Tuesday formerly of Warren Avenue, Vernon, a St. Patrick Day’s parade were Rep. Toby Moffett, D- “I don’t know how anyone in the and third-ranked Tracy Austin will and the other had it 145-143 for An­ “The jab worked perfectly,” the ple. Floyd, whose last win was the 1979 10 a.m., a mass of Christian burial, died Sunday at a local convalescent at ‘1:30 p.m. from the Watkins Conn., and former state Rep. Sam Gedjenson of Bozrah, country Can match up against Samp­ also be in the field, limited to four top tuofermo. The third judge, an 26-year-old Minter said. “The “There was no decision to make. I Greater Greensboro Open, has won 10:30 a.m., from the Church of the home after a long illness. Funeral Home, 142 E. Center St. a candidate for the 2nd District seat now held by Dodd. son,” » y s Tarkanian of the 7-4 players. punches came from the jab.” have to go for toe pin,” Floyd said. $68,287 with this $45,000 check at Assumption. Burial will be in St. He was a retired machinist at Burial will be in East Cemetery. Dodd is the unopposed Democratic candidate for the “ It (the 6-iron shot) went just the Dora!. James Cemetery. Carlyle Johnson Machine Co., Friends may call at the funeral home seat of Democratic Sen. Abrahamn A. Ribicoff, who is Friends may call at the funeral Manchester. today from 7 to 9 p.m. Memorial retiring. home today from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. He leaves a son, George Pippin Jr. donations may be made to Concordia Dodd said later he would work to be sure Connecticut’s Lutheran Church, 40 Pitkin St., John S. Jackson Sr. of Willington; two daughters, Mrs. share of federal revenue was reduced to a minimum, es­ Elmo (Winifred) Gregory of Stafford Manchester. MANCHESTER-John S. Jackson pecially revenue shares that go directly to communities Springs and Mrs. Kenneth (June) Gov. Ella Grasso said after Carter’s speech Friday her Kings lose game and division lead Sr., 75, of Springfield, Mass., former­ Frances Gibeault Banks of Tolland, and eight $2.67 billion budget will have to be reduced in light of the 1 I AtlantaAtlanta 95, 95, Indiana Indiana 90 90 ly of Manchester, died Saturday in MANCHESTER - Mrs. Frances / ny Parker combined for 56 points and grandchildren. federal budget cuts. k h L v n u K (iiP it _ Brian 13-2 -— with four points each from Winters each had 18 points for the topped New Jersey 128107,120-107, Golden Dan Roundfield scored 18 points, ny Parker combing Baystate Medical Center. He was the (Kelley) Gibeault, 48, of 169 McKee YORK (UPI) - Brian led a third-period charge to help Funeral services will be private. The state was expected to lose about $21 million of the Dave Meyers andanrt QuinnQiiinn Buckner — RucksBucks while MMarques aroues Johnson.Johnson, State downed Utah 118103,115-103, Denver including 7 in the final quarter, to led a third-period husband of E sther Christensen St., died Friday at Manchester Winters is a pretty fair ballplayer. Golden State ensure Utah of the There are no calling hours. anticipated $30 million in federal revenue sharing funds. to put Milwaukee ahead 118108. Junior Bridgeman and Meyers added routed San Diego 127-107 and send Central Division-champion Jackson. Introvlgne-Plante Funeral Home, 95 Memorial Hospital. Cotton Fitzsimmons, a pretty fair Cleveland dmbbed Philadelphia 123- Atlanta over Indiana, paced by Billy worst record in the NBA’s Western 7 “I won’t buy that Lanier has been 16 each. Len Elmore had a season- He was a retired institutional She was bom in Pittsfield, Mass., However, all or most of another $58 million for com­ All ages welcome ■ babies, adults coach, thinks the Milwaukee guard E. Main St., Stafford Springs, has and(Id fanfamilies. " Choose “ ■ from our their savior,” said Fitzsimmons. high 23 to lead Kansas City, Birdsong 109. Knight’s 24 points. Conference. salesman for Springfield Sugar & Oct. 31, 1931. For the last 13 years, munities would be retained. may be better suited for toe bright charge of arrangements. Burial will seleclion of scenic and color back “Who did I pick before the season? 1 had 22 and Phil Ford added 20. New York 133, Washington 124 Products Co. of Suffield. she was employed as a school Dodd said he had “no inherent objections” to the lights of Hollywood. Nuggets 127, Clippers 107 be in Stafford Springs Cemetery. grounds. We’ll select poses, and additional portraits will be liked the way they played then. I like “ My guys really played Well,” said Red-hot Ray Williams scored 38 He was bom in Manchester and teacher at the Bentley Elementary possibility of increased military spending as long as it available with no obligation. Satisfaction always, or your ■ “Fouls in the last three minutes Rockets 102, Pistons 99 Dan Issel scored 22 points, in­ their team and I like mine, too. It's Milwaukee coach Don Nelson. “I’m points, Toby Knight added 27, had lived in Springfield for more than School, and before that, she was a was for a basic defensive need, “and not just buying some money cheerlully refunded. determined toe game but that’s not Moses Malone scored 25 points and cluding 15 in a second-period spurt, to toys for some generals in the Pentagon.” not over yet. Last year it ended at happy. It’s a pleasure to see pro Michael Ray Richardson 25 and Bill 50 years. Besides his wife he leaves a Ecumenical hour teacher in the East Hartford school toe way a game should be deter­ Allen Leavell, who hit a 60-foot shot lead Denver over San Diego. Eight 88s per sitting. No charge lor additional group subjects. One 3:00 p.m. toe last day of toe season. basketball played like that, ^ t h Cartwright 24 to pace the Knicks. son, John Jackson Jr., and a MANCHESTER — Recitation of system. She was a member of the spaial per person. Backgrounds may occasionally change. mined,” said Fitzsimmons, whose at the end of the third quarter, added Denver players scored in double The Bucks were toe best team today. teams play^ terrific. The race cer- Elvin Hayes scored a season-high 43 daughter, Shirley J. Gauthier, both of the Rosary and ecumenical hour will (jhurch of the Assumption Ladies Hemember, children must be accompanied by parent. Kansas City Kings fell from first 21 to help Houston snap a four-game figures with Bobby Wilkerson adding They won the last two games against points for the Bullets, who find Springfield; four sisters, Estele Lit­ be conducted by members of St. Guiid. Self-investigation likely place in the Midwest Division Sunday losing streak. Tlie loss was the sixth 19 points and Alex English 18. San us since they acquired Lanier so that themselves seventh in toe race for tle of Bolton; Florence Harrison of Bridget Rosary Society 'Tuesday at She is survived by a son, John after dropping a 128121 decision to straight for Detroit and 21st in the Diego was led by Lloyd Free with 29 WASHINGTON (UPI) - The Justice Department, ac­ probably gives them toe edge.” the six available playoff spots in the points and Freeman Williams with Arlington, Va., Mildred Smith of Ar­ 1:45 p.m. at Cronin Hall, Mayfair Matthew Gibeault of Manchester; the Bucks. last 23 games for the team with the Eastern Conference. cused by a group of black, Hispanic, Asian-American and THESE DAYS ONLY — MARCH: The victory was the ninth in toe -NBA- 28. cadia, Calif., and Bernice Grant of Gardens. All residents are invited her parents, John J. and Frances “It was a good game,” Fitzsim­ worst record in the NBA. Spurs 120, Nets 107 Rockville; five grandchildren and and refreshments will be served. (O’Brien) Kelley of Manchester. American Indian attorneys of discrimination, may have mons Admitted. “Both teams played last 11 games for Milwaukee and toe Cavaliers 123, 76ers 109 to investigate itself. WED THURS FRI . SAT 16th in 19 games since toe All-Star tainly isn’t done yet. We’re really on Lakers 128, Suns 106 James Silas scored 33 points and two great-grandchildren. Funeral Services will be Tuesday, hard and both teams played well. Rookie Earvin Johnson had 21 Randy Smith scored 26 points and Eight leaders of a group known as the Racial and 19 20 21 22 break when the Bucks acquired a tear, though. I don’t know of anyone George Gervin added 27 to lift San Funeral services will be Tuesday Friendship Circle 8:30 a.m., from the John F. Tierney That Winters is a good actor and th... points, 13 rebounds and 13 assists to Mike Mitchell added 24 to lead Ethnic Minority Attorneys Caucus filed a formal ad­ playing any better than we have Antonio. With Silas scoring 12 of his from East Longmeadow Funeral MANCHESTER - Friendship Funeral Home, 219 W. Center St., when he finishes his career he should Lanier. S ‘" " e a s e Los Angeles’ Pacific Cleveland, which jumped out to an ministrative complaint last week after two years of infor­ DAILY: 10 A.M. - 8 P.M. The lead changed hands 12 times in points in toe second quarter, toe Home with burial in Hillcrest Park Circle, Salvation Army will meet with a mass of Christian burial, 9 go to Hollywood.” early lead behind 80 percent shooting mal talks failed to bring a settlement with department of­ the third quarter. Otis Birdsong Spurs pulled away to a 67-52 halftime Cemetery. Friends may call at the Tuesday at 8 p.in. at the citadel. Miss a.m., at the (%urch of the Assump­ , a late-season acquisi­ in the first quarter. , ficials. 'The complaint could affect 150 lawyers. scored seven points and Reggie King lead and coasted the rest of toe way. funeral home today from 2 to 4 p.m. Gladys White will show slides on her tion. Burial will be in St. Joseph’s Tolland Turnpike, Manchester tion that turned the Bucks into con­ who finished with 41 points, scored 28 A summary of the complaint made available to United and Sam Lacey six each to enable Detroit 102-99, Los Angeles tr o u n ^ K I" k Winford Boynes paced the Nets with and 7 to 9 p.m. Memorial donations trip to Australia. Hostesses will be Cemetery, Pittsfield, Mass. TrI-CIty Shopping Center, .Vernon tenders, scored 20 points to lead points in toe second half, when toe Press International charges the department’s six major Kansas City to draw even, 9896, Phoenix 128106, Atlanta got by In- and Jam al Wilkes added 25J ^ c k 19 points. Sixers pulled to 88-87 with 11:40 may be made to the American Heart Mrs. Winnie Turkington, and Mrs. Friends may call at the funeral Milwaukee into first place. The score diana 95-90, New York outlasted paced Phoenix with 26 Warriors 115, Jazz 103 home today from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. legal divisions discriminate against minority attorneys in was tied 108106 with 7:30 remaining after three periods. remaining. Association. Ruth Staum. Washington 133-124, San Antonio Pala^s. Phil Smith, Robert Parish and Son­ hiring, training and promotion. when toe Bucks outscored toe Kings Pat Cummings, Quinn Buckner and EVENING HERALD. Mon., March 17, IMP - 13

12 - EVENING HEJIALD. Moo., ttorch 17, IWO Pontes,MacMullen solve Guidry early Tp Engineers and their sponscs; lead pin NEW YORK (UPI) - He was a hero innings, (Jakland swept past San Diego 7-3 .returning home and after just a few and Geveland down^ San Francisco 7-3 pitches, he was a hero on the way to the in 10 innings. The field in the Town Duckpin will challenge defending tltlist Sue Piccolo 606 plus 100-706, Rose Surdek showers. Bill Robinson rapped out a pair of Bowling Tournament waa narrowed Balesano in the distaff field. 602 plus 100-702, Sandy Thorpe 638 'The Baltimore Orioles blasted doubles and drove in two runs to lead as the men and women each rolled Other men qualifiers were Jimmy plus 60-698. ANINVITMION Louisiaila hero Ron Guidry for five runs Pittsburgh over Cincinnati ... John five games last weekend at Holiday CkKhran 707, John Izzo 675, Bob Frost Saturday’s men’s pairings at noon and six hits Sunday and coasted to a 7-1 Castino squeezed Rick Sofield home with Lanes. 675, C arl B ujaucius 688, John are: MacMullen vs. Marinelli; exhibition victory over the New York a sacrifice bunt in the seventh inning to Joining men’s defending champ DeAngelis 887, Terry Schilling 655, Cochran vs. Shepard; Izzo vs. Ed Bujaucius 654, Dave Barrera 652, Barrera; C. Bujaucius vs. Ed Yankees before 43,390 in the Superdome in give Minnesota a victory over M ontreal... Bill MacMullen in Saturday’s Catcher Terry Kennedy had four hits and elimination round at noon were top Burt Claughsey 652, Eld Miller 649, Bujaucius; Pontes vs. Roux; Frost New Orleans. drove in a run to lead St. Louis. qualifiers Dennis Pontes (810) and Tom Shepi^ 642, Emile Roux 642 vs. Claughsey; McAllister vs. Miller; The two-game exhibition series with the DeAngelis vs. Schilling. i Yankees and Orioles drew 88,542 fans, the Luis Silverio singled home John Wathan to meet mwe than 50 Don McAllister (706) and 13 others. and Tony Marlnelli 640. Lea MacMullen, with a pinfall of Women qualifiers were Gail Women’s quarterfinais Saturday at largest baseball crowds in the city’s in the bottom of the ninth inning to give Kansas City its decision over Texas ... 657 and handicap of 85 for a total of Marinelli 683 plus 85-718, Leslie 1:30 are; Balesano vs. ’Thorpe; history. Steve Trout faced only 15 Atlanta batters 742, was the top qualifier in the F iorey 614 plus 100-714, K ris Fiorey vs. DeAngelis; MacMullen vs. Guidry, making his second exhibition appearance and his first before his home in the first five innings and Junior Moore Hamilton Standard Managers at women’s field, ^ e and six others DeAngeUs 678 plus 30-708, Theresa Surdek; Marinelli vs. Piccolo. state crowd, surrendered four singles, and drove in three runs with a single and an in­ a two-run double to Doug DeCinces in the field out to give the Chisox a win over the Braves. Baseball Nolan Ryan, making his debut with our Second “Pro-lo-Pro”Dav. One of several sliding saves by goalie Olympic hopefuls Houston, was shelled for eight runs in first inning and an RBI double to Floyd Excellent goal tending by Minnesota North night in Hartford. Edwards lock ^ out all but three innings and Reggie Smith hit two Rayford in the second inning. Guidry home runs when the I>^gers topped the Stars’ Gary Edwards prevented the Whalers one shot in 6-1 triumph. (UPI.photo) retired the Orioles in order in the third in­ Astros ... Right-hander Allen Ripley We invite you and vouT spouse to an important (rom getting on the board more than once last ning. pitched three hitless innings and Jim Rice meet with Carter Baltimore hurler Mike Flanagan picked led an 11-hit Boston attack with a double up his first victory of the exhibition season USOC President Robert J. Kane and ding a U.S. team to Russia. and a home run ... Greg Luzinski ripped 3-part program on Saturday,March 29th in COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. by limiting New York to four hits in his Executive Director F. Don Miller “We have noticed a trend toward two two-run homers and five Philadelphia (UPI) — A delegation of American four-inning performance. said the resolution was in keeping shifting public opinion,” said Miller. pitchers allowed just two hits in shutting continue Olympic hopefuls will' meet with Rayford, with two singles, a double and North Stars with the committee’s previous stand. "The calls and letters we are out the Blue Jays. President Ciarter this week in an Windsor Locks, receiving are much stroilger in sup­ a triple was the Orioles’ offensive gun and attempt to keep alive their chances "There is nothing startling in the Larry Biittner drove in his third run of port of our sending a team to knocked in three runs. His triple in the the game to tie the score and Tim STAMOKUio of competing in the 1980 Summer resolution,’’ said Kane, “and we fourth inning scored Mark Belanger and a Moscow.” Blackwell singled in another run in the Olympics in Moscow. , expect the House of Delegates to sixth-inning single knocked in Dave ConnecticuL lock,. Conn^ctwvi 060M Whalers accept it.” DeFrantz said the main concern of 10th to lift the Cubs past the Brewers ... hex against Anita DeFrantz, a member of the Skaggs. Kane and DeFrantz also said they the athletes is that it be heard by the Dwayne Murphy snapped a 3-3 tie with a Athletes Advisory Council and bronze Relief pitchers Joe Kerrigan and Stod­ NEW YORK (UPI) - The Hart­ Quebec 3-2, Winnipeg topped Detroit 4:43 of the first period, when he did not consider President Carter’s administration. two-run single in the sixth inning and the March 14, poked the rebound of a Ron medal winner in rowing at the 1976 dard held the Yankees to a single run over ford Whalers seem to have sized up 6-2, Boston tied Washington 3-3, the Olympics in Montreal, said the position on the boycott issue “There is obviously a vast gap in A’s completed a two-game sweep of the Many of Uie engineers New York Rangers whipped St. Louis Greschner shot past St. Louis goalie the final five innings. every team in the league this year — meeting March 21 in Washington will irrevocable. communication,” said DeFrantz. Padres, who committed five errors ... ""^ineerin, .ProfossionaU except the Minnesota North Stars. 5-2, Colorado deadlocked Mike Liut on a power play. At 4; 10 of “One of the questions we want to ask In other games, Pittsburgh defeated Duane Kuiper, who knocked in the tying SUBJECT: the second period, Duguay notched be the first direct communication Cincinnati 4-3, Minnesota edged Montreal who joined ns following ’’Pcruittnent In their first NHL season, the Philadelphia 4-4, and the New York "Nothing is irrevocable except to President Carter is how he reached run with a two-out double in the ninth, his 24th goal of the season, conver­ between the athletes who have been 2-1, St. Louis nipped the New York Mets 5- Whalers have gotten at least a point Islanders downed Chicago 6-1. the foolish and dead,” quipped Kane. the decision that boycotting the belted a three-run single in a five-run 10th ting another rebound, this time off a in training for the Summer Games 4, Kansas City stopped Texas 4-3, the from all the other teams. But the Canucks 3, Nordiques 2 Kane also indicated that because Olympics was the best method for inning to lead the Indians over the Giants. our“Pro-to-Pro”Day. shot by Johnstone. New York’s and the administration. (Jhicago White Sox tripped Atlanta 82, Los North Stars completed a four-for- Darcy Rota notched his 13th goal of public opinion against a boycott dealing with the Soviet’s military ac­ ... Jim Beattie held California scoreless <3 company Anders Hedberg collected his 32nd The U.S. Olympic Committee’s Ad­ Angeles outslugged Houston 189, Boston 'he personI :sf jn uAw e'lorik""* - * « " ^ -•■ ’ j '"chnologTcaT four season Sunday night by routing the season at 6:33 of the final period seems to be growing, the USOC tions in Afghanistan.” for three innings and was credited with last October will be goal at 8:50 of the third. ministrative Committee Saturday trounced Detroit 7-3, Philadelphia shut out Unprecedented growth h Hartford 6-1. to break a 2-2 tie. Rota picked up the m i^ t delay as long as possible the And although she said American the win as Seattle banged out 13 hits off 99ered a need held a six-hour, closed door meeting Toronto 4-0, Seattle beat California 7-4, Whalers Coach Don Blackburn puck after Quebec goalie Michel Rockies 4, Flyers 4 in which it drafted a resolution decision to formally withdraw the athletes were ready to support any four Angel pitchers. Lanny McDonald scored his second the Chicago Cubs beat Milwaukee 4-3 in 10 onhand to greet you. rationalized it with; “Some teams Dion deflected a shot by Dennis dealing with President Carter’s American team from the games. efforts the Carter Administration tend to be more successful than Kearn in the crease. He then slipped goal with 57 seconds left to cap a proposal that the United States now The USCXl said a survey it con­ might deem necessary to preserve others against you. We had lost three it past the sprawled netminder into four-goal Colorado rally. ’Trailing 4-3, send a team to Moscow this summer. ducted among Americans following world peace, DeFrantz summed up in a row against them before tonight the net. Vancouver’s Stan Smyl and Colorado Coach Don Cherry lift^ the Winter Olympics and letters the the feelings of the athletes who feel' ’ ‘Me you a chance to and »hat we a ’‘mm /no a ’The contents of the resolution, Carner win - ’ 0"e-to.one has^"-” -^r .tore ‘p - ^ so maybe we weren’t as confident. Jerry Butler created the tie with goalie Hardy Astrom with 1:18 left in which will be considered by the committee has received at its they have become pawns |n the Hamilton Standard develops and Some teams feel the way to beat second-period goals. the game to attack with six players. US()C‘s House of Delegates next headquarters indicates six out of political struggle over the Olympics. Minnesota is to play physical, and un­ McDonald got his 38th goal of the “The President is taking a stand manufactures high technology -'M ^orretrn^^" -„est»ent- Jets 6, Red Wings 2 monjh, were kept secret. However, every 10 Americans now favor sen- hMnef.ts j lost u s t ami i qh L e t . "e., " r es M*Pect in fortunately we don’t have a physical Morris Lukowich and Chris season seconds later, stuffing in the that, at least for this year, |s skein three products for aerospace, auto­ •y"c S u rp ris e you team. We’ve always gotten l^hind puck off a fierce scramble in front threatening to destroy the Olympic RANCHO BERNARDO, Calif. (UPI) - JoAnne Carner W^miUon Standarid is mcY Manery scored 37 seconds apart ear- p -pie with ^ them and had to play catch-up the Philadelphia net. Philadelphia’s movement,” said DeFrantz. “All of has won four of the last six golf tournaments she’s motive and industrial markets. hockey. Bill Barber scored his fourth career this from a government that had entered, including the last three in a row, and $72,886 in look forward to "I didn’t think Minnesota played an - NHL - Heavy basketball The key to our success is diversity hat trick, rasing his season total to shown no interest whatsoever ip the ly in the first period to lead Winnipeg prize money this year. exceptional game. They didn’t do 39. Olympic movement.” in a brawl-marred game. Winnipeg’s “I can’t remember anyone starting off like JoAnne has and the people who make it anything that we were overawed Islanders 6, Black Hawks 1 this year,” Judy Rankin said Sunday after Carner had by.’’ Ron Wilson and Detroit’s Reed Lar­ happen. If you have an engineer­ son traded goals in the second period, Duane Sutter scored two goals to play in tourney SRNCHtHAYWOOMKST fired a final round 3-under-par 69 to win the $150,(KX) “It’s a mystery to me why we’ve lead New York. Sutter, Denis Potvin Mayhew fifth N6AYCMtWM>1M5WHeN LPGA Classic by four strokes. ing degree and good qualifica­ had their number this season,” said which featured a melee that saw and Butch Goring scored goals within South Windsor Bobcats 83 (Carlton M M IU tM C O m POINTS earner’s 72-hole total of 279 on the 6,212-yard Rancho Minnesota Coach Glen Sonmor. “I three Detroit players, including There was a full weekend of PMAMM.WHICHOFTHt tions, a trip to our headquarters goalie Jim Rutherford, and Win­ 3:55 of the first period to ignite the Robertson 20), New Milford ‘B’ 20. in Cl AC meet FOUOWINSNEVMHADA Bernardo Golf Course was 9under for the tournament. really can’t tell you why. It’s a crazy Islanders to a 3-0 lead. Goring’s was basketball at East Catholic High last Rankin, who shot a 2-under-par 70 for the final round, thing.” nipeg’s Jimmy Mann slapped with ■ ■j' YtAllTHICT PHOOUaiVE ? will be rewarding even if you don’t his first as an Islander and 21st of the weekend as 16 games were played in Senior — Coventry Patriots 68 (Jim finished second (283) and Pat Bradley, who shot a par 72 The craziness was helped along by game misconduct penalties. Errol Back only two weeks after-miMiqg» A. bOfc'PitTtT season. Mike Bossy scored his 50th three divisions in the sixth annual Morris 20, Andy Szaber 16), Anfleeboos 60 two months of the season with a qand 6. t m n BAYlOlt for the round'was third (284). wish to make an immediate former U.S. Olympian Steve ’Thompson scored his 28th goal for goal of the season to make it 4-1 in Silk City Qassic, directed by Tom (Ken Brennan 14, Chris MacKinnon 14). injury. East Catholic’s Mary \^. JOHN HAVLICtk ^ “I think she started off eager this season because of the (Thristoff, who scored the eventual Detroit. career move. the third. Malin. Eagles 66 (Phil Marciano 13, John Mayhew took fifth place in the all- injuries,” Rankin said of Carner, who was bothered by game-winner and assisted on two Bruins 3, Capitals 3 Ten games were played in the Askintowicz 12), Enfield Panthers 45 S n SVM1S39 SiNHOr: J8MSUE wrist and foot injuries last year. others goals. After Mike Eaves gave Rookie defenseman Ray Bourque Total Compiled Standings (Skip Edwards 14). around standings at Saturday’s GAC (Top 16 make plavoffs) Senior Division and ttu'ee apiece in State Gymnastic’s Championship at earner agreed that she was more determined this year, the North Stars a 1-0 lead, Christoff scored with 28 seconds remaining to W L T Pts. GF GA CCBN 38 (Mark Mistretta 12), the Intermediate and Junior Haddam-KillingWorth High. but said she was unsure whether she would push herself — playing in his ninth NHL game — earn Boston the tie and snap Philadelphia « 817 296 214 divisions. Simsbury 38. New faces Montreal 43 20 8 2»4 215 Coty Roofing 90 (Charlie Simmons 22, The Eagle sophomore was defen­ to accomplish tour records this year. increased the lead to 2-0 at 18:58 of Washington’s five-game winning ^ffalo 41 1712 386 182 Action resumes Tuesday, Thursday “I’ll continue to play until I get tired,” the 40-year-old, the first period. streak. Washington’s Mike Gartner Boston 40 1912 271 306 Jim Mani 14, S.C. Miazza 12), West Hart­ ding state all-around champ. She gar­ in stock Principal Openings NY Rangers S 26 9 275 M3 and Saturday evenings with contests ford 60. nered 32.15 points against Jayne Fort Worth, Fla., resident said. “I’ll play the same ’The North Stars extended their scored his 33rd goal of the season at Chicago 30 22 17 203 2DB 238 223 at 6, 7:30 and 9 o’clock. Middletown Falcons 60 (Mike Muzio21, number of tournaments (25), I usually do each year. lead to 5-0 in the second, while Hart­ NY Islanders 33 28 9 Dean of Staples, who took top honors Hamilton Standard currently has 19:20 of the first period, Peter Atlanta 31 2612 236 219 Results: Brian Hughes 21), Trojans 71 (Neil car news “I may increase my tournament schedule if I feel I ford avoided a shutout when Mike McNab also got his 33rd at 17:14 of Minnesota 30 2614 272 226 with 34.30 points. openings at all levels for: St. Louis 29 30 11 2M 239 Intermediate — Hayes Railroad Ptacheinski 29, Chris Ciszewski 20). Mayhew took individual honors on HAMPTON, Ga. (UPI) have a chance to break some records, but it’s still too THE PROGRAM Rogers took a feed from Pat Boutette the second, and Bourque scored with Toronto 30 34 6 366 3B3 Ticoons 60 (Jim Dargatti 28, Chris Shea Realty 78 (Dave Johnston 22, Jar­ — Stock car racing’s early to tell.” ■ Senior Project Engineers TO SPRINGFIELD and lifted a wristshot past goalie Boston goalie Gerry Cheevers pulled Los Angeles 26 34 12 ,364 291 Bunone 16), East Hartford All-Stars S3 vis Bell 15), East Hartford 54 (Gerry the uneven parallel bars, the ap­ Pittsburgh 26 32 12 223 380 search for new faces to Carner, who won $22,500 for her efforts, parred the Running on a continuous basis from 9 A.M. ■ Senior Experimental Engineers Gary Edwards for his 38th tally of for an'extra skater, on a ^foot (Chris Aubin 14, Corky Lundy 14). Williams 18). paratus on which she was in ju r^ Hartlord 26 »14 2K 361 replace its aging elder front nine with a 36, bogeying the second and fourth holes ■ Senior Experimental Engineers the season at 2:30 of the third period. slapshot through a screen. Vancouver 23 34 14 2M 251 Newington 63 (Chris Malinowski 24), Shamrocks 70 (Erin Quinn 15, Howie back in January, with a score of 8.2. Phase #1. Detroit 24 3f>ll 236 261 statesmen got a boost Sun­ and registering two birdies. She came back on the back Tim Young added a power-play goal Roberto Clemente School of New Haven Masini 10), Paul’s Pizza 37 (Tom Kirby (Houston) Rangers 5, Blues 2 day with the one-two finish nine to register birdies on the 11th. 14th and 17th holes. After being welcomed, you’ll have an for Minnesota at 10:47, with assists Washington 24 X ll • 232 267 66 (Philip Richardson 16). Game into 15). ■ Scientific Programmers Ron Duguay scored two goals as Edmonton 22 38 12 i 363 299 Basketball of Dale Earnhardt and opportunity to see u slide pi esentation SO. CENTER ST. from Christoff and Bobby Smith. Colorado 17 41 12 209 270 overtime. Gold Street of New Haven 74 (Bob ■ Control Dynamics Analytical New York won its ninth game in the Winnipeg 16 44 11 190 2M South Windsor Bobcats 57 (Sean Ragland 12, Howard Boyd 10, Rich Rusty Wallace in the Atlan- .entitled "Standard of Excellence” that Engineers In other games, Vancouver edged Qubec 23 36 9 204 246 last 10. Duguay opened the scoring at Leonard 13), Northeast School of Bristol Kennedy 10), Sixers 37. U 500. provides an overview of Hamilton Standard. ■ Analytical Engineers (Software) PEE WEE This will he followed by video excerpts 36. Black Knights 79 (Steve Berube 19), Manchester Police routed Earnhardt, NASCAR’S 6coreboQrcl ■ Automatic Control and Computer New Milford 38. describing our specific operations. Crispino’s, 30-10, and Moriarty’s 1979 Rookie of the Year, By Unlterf Press International NATIONAL BASKETBALL ASSOC Architecture Systems Design Junior — East Hartford Sun Birds 54 West Siders def. Farmington, 87-84. got his first super- NATIONAL HOCKEY LEAGUE Elastem Conference Engineers Austin feels ready (Vish Narine 18, Bob Risley 10), St. Pires Brian Galllgan bad 37 points and Joe nipp^ Automatic Comfort, 23-22, Campbell Conlerence Atlantic Division Phase #2. sp e e d w a y w in in a Patrick Division W L Pci. GB ■ Senior Analytical Engineers of Middletown 39 (Kyle Shene 12). Maher 27 for the West Siders. Saturday at the West Side Rec. Mike W L T Pts. GF GA Boston f6 18 .753 Many of our products will be displayed. Chevrolet in Sunday’s (Houston) Newington 69, New Milford ‘A’ 20. Sardo had 10 points and Jeff x-Philadelph 45 817 107 296 214 Philadelphia 53 20 .726 You’ll have a chance to look them over, tour $238,175 event and the 23- NY Rangers 8 26 9 79 275 243 New York 37 8 .493 ■ Software Design Engineers t o »o* ton Rothman 8 for Police while Corey NY Islai^ers M B 9 77 M4 2M Washington 34 39 .486 our various technical areas, ask questions, for pro net tour year-old Walllace finished 26 219 Paige had 4 markers for the Atlanta 31 212 74 New Jersey 8 43 .427 ■ Marketing Engineers second in his first Grand 24 £11 59 28 257 Central Division and get to know where « e are and where Supremes. Jim Kitsock had 10 points, Washington ■ Chemical Engineers twice Austin’s age. “She is quicker Smvthe Division W L Pci, we are headed. BOSTON (UPI) - Wonderchild Collegian squad Maurice Moriarty 6 and Jeremy National race.. W L T Pts. GF GA Atlanta 46 28 .62 ■ Metallurgical Engineers and has strength on the ball on the 30 217 77 204 214 San Antonio £ a .486 Tracy Austin wanted to play in the Dieterle 4 for Moriarty’s while “Dumb luck was pretty Chicago run. I knew I was doing an awful lot St. Louis 29 811 69 224 239 Houston 36 39 .480 Phase #3. ■ Instrumentation Engineers final stop of the 10-city woman’s Shawn Adams had 8, George Lata 6 good today,” said Vancouver 2 3414 80 224 SI Indian^ 34 41 .453 professional tour to warm up for the of running.” Earnhardt, who watched Edmonton 2 3812 56 263 2» Geveland S 43 .427 More than .fiO of our managers will he on ■ Electrochemical Engineers and Willie Burg 4 for Comfort. Colorado 17 41 12 46 209 270 Detroit 16 » 216 hand for personal one-on-one briefinp in ■ Test Facility Engineers • „A«TrcilO tour championship which opens Wade spent much of the afternoon busy on weekend most of the pre-race favor- Winnipeg 16 4411 43 190 m Western Onference Standings: Moriarty’s 8-5, Comfort Wednesday in New York City. She scrambling back and forth across the ties drop out with Wales Conference Midwest Division the area that most interests you. This ■ Gear Process Engineers 8-5, Police 5-8, Crispino’s 5-8. Norris Division W L Pet. GB includes answering questions about specific ■ Machine Process Engineers now thinks she’s ready. back court to keep up with the Manchester Community College’s Saturday’s nightcap but two errors mechanical problems. W L T Pis Milwaukee 44 31 587 - 284 215 <3 31 581 Vi programs, and reviewing your background “1 think* this week helped me,” reigning U.S. Open champ’s low, flat, baseball team was kept busy in South “1 knew we had the x-Montreal 43 2D 8 94 Kansas City ■ Cost and Value Engineers and five walks led to six runs on only MIDGET Hartford 25 30 14 64 2E6 261 E)enver B 47 J73 16 in terms of immediate and future openings. Austin said after showing absolutely consistent baseline volleys which Carolina with six games in three equipment but I never Lot Angeles 26 34 12 64 264 291 Chicago B 48 561 17Vi ■ Senior Design Engineers two hits for Methodist. The West Side All-Stars downed St. 223 200 Utah 2 S 587 21 Vi In short, it will he an informal hut highly no respect for age by demolishing were persistently deeper and faster days as the Cougars swung into their thought in my whole life we Pittsburg 26 3312 64 ■ Design Project Engineers Andy Monsees was the batting star Mary’s of Willimantic, 45-28, Satur­ Detroit 24 35 U 58 236 251 Pacific Division infoi'mative lay-it-on-the-line session. veterans Billie Jean King, 6-3, 6-6, in than Wade’s returns. exhibition schedule. would take a new car and a Adams Division W L Pci. GB ■ Preliminary Design Engineers for the Cougars with two singles and day at the West Side Rec. Tom Los Angeles 54 21 .71) ■ When Wade turned to her serve- new driver and come in se­ W L T Pts. GF GA Saturday’s semis and Virginia Wade, The Cougars last Friday spilt with an RBI. Downes netted 14 points and Rick Buffalo 41 1712 94 286 182 Seattle 51 B 8BB Bi Other Program highlights include; ■ Electrical Design Engineers 6-2, 6-1, in Sunday’s finals for the and-volley game and rushed the net, North Greenville College, dropping cond in our first race,” Boston 40 1912 n 271 208 Phoenix 48 B .649 5Vi The Cougars trailed, 54), in Sun­ Longo, Jim Fogarty and Clarence Minnesota » 2S14 74 272 226 San Diego 35 41 .461 19Vi * A Spring October Fest. ■ Mechanical Design Engineers Travel Directions $24,000 first prize. Austin calmly held her ground at the the opener, 7-1, and taking the night­ day’s opener but bounced back vrith Wallace said. Toronto 30 34 5 85 2S 283 Portland 33 41 .446 W i ■ Tool Designers Zachery 6 apiece for the locals, who Quebec 23 36 9 f6 204 246 Golden State 23 52 507 31 ’ Plant Tours of our Windsor Locks Our headquarters In Windsor Locks is easily “ 1 got my game playing well baseline, whipping across dazzling cap, ^3, behind the pitching of Kevin th m runs in the fifth and five more ■ Reliability Design Engineers held an 1810 halftime lead., x-cllnched division title Saturday's Results operations. reached by any of several major highways. again,” the pig-tailed Austin said passing shots which several times Martin. MCC dropped a in the seventh. Greg Fearon had a Bowling Saturday's Results Boston 123, New York 12D ■ Gyro Designers after leveling Wade with pinpoint left the 1977 Wimbledon champion Vancouver2, Boston2 (tie), aft. Cleveland 100, San Antonio96 Please refer to the map for directions. doubleheader Saturday to Spartan­ two-RBI single and Dwight Craig JUNIORS EASTERN NY. Rangers 8. Toronto 4 QiicagollO, Portland 108 * Tom'S of residential areas. ■ Flight Control Systems Design passing shots and unflappable literally flat-footed at the net and N.Y. Islanders6, St.Louis2 San Diego 120, Phoenix 109 burg Methodist College, 6-0 and 10-6. also drove in a run in the fifth for East Side No. 3 whipped East Side BUSINESSMEN- Bub * Information on Connecticut. Engineers Although all qualified professionals are baseline volleying on the bouncy syn­ cursing herself aloud. Atlanta 4. Philadelphia 3 Sunday’s Results Tlie Cougars yesteriay split with MCC. No. 2, 50-32, and West Side No. 2 Holmes 173-421, Rich Washington5. Detroit! San Antonio 120, New Jersey 107, aft ■ Mechanical Design Engineers invited to attend and are welcome without thetic surface at Boston Garden. “The court was a bit fast and I Hartfora 4, Colorado I New York 18, Wsiihington U4, aft. advance registration, to secure reimburse­ Spartanburg Methodist College, Monsees had a two-run single to downed Y. No. 2,51-40, Friday at the Cochefski 165, Ben Grzyb Atlanta 66, Indiana 90, aft. (Electronic Product Packaging) “ But 1 still have to work on my serve wasn’t quick enough on the ball,” Pittsburgh 5^^Minnesota 2 ment for travel expenses, phone taking the opener, 8-6, and bowing in snap a 5-5 tie and Willie Marchuck East Side Rec. < Pat (iarroll had 22 Sr. 162-4M, Gabe Szabo 159, Montreal!, Edmonton 3 Houston 102. Detroit 99. aft. ■ Dimensional Analysts and volley." said Wade, the No. 4 seed, who only Buffalo!. Los Angeles! (lie) • MllwaukeelB,KansasCityl21,aft. If you cannot attend "Pro-to-Pro’’ Day, Richard Fuller, Supervisor Professional On the move the nightcap, 2-1. added some insurance with an RBI Frank Nicotera 159, Alan Sunday's Results Golden Statel 115, Utah 105. aft. ■ Design Layout Drafters Martina Navratilova, a strong managed to hold her serve three points, Doug Martin 11 and Mark Recruiting—Collect—at (203) 623-7032, MCC has a doubleheader slated blow. Monsees was the winning Grzyb 158158449, Sandy N.Y. Rangers5,St. Louis! Los Angeles IB, Phoenix 106, aft. please send your resume to Richard Fuller— serve-and-volleyer who skipped times during the 65-minute match. Keeping an eye on the ball. Wallace 9 for ES 3 while Chris N.Y. lilandersd. Chlcagol Denver 137, San Diego 107, aft. Dept. 130, at the address shown below. ■ Senior Detail Drafters 7 :30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. for advance approve). pitcher with some help from Cruz Hanna 158391, Vic Salcius Colorado4, Philadelphla4 (tie) Cleveland 18. Philadelphia 109 Boston, goes into the $300,000 New “She was just hitting the ball too Gerald Henderson of the Galligan had 8 points and iBrian ■ PC Board Drafters He will be happy to give further directions Gonzales, who earned a save. 158378, Pete Scott 148385, Washington!, Boston! (tie) Moftdav's Games York championships as defending deep.” McCauley and Mike Roy 6 apiece for Minnesota 6, Hartford 1 Boston at New Jersey ■ Mechanical Drafters and answer questions. Boston Celtics heads upcourt Methodist’s Ty Hubbard had a no- Lee Wiles fired a three-hitter as ES 2. Mark Mistretta had 16 points Jim Sirianni 148390, John Winnipeg6, Detroit! Detroit at Philadelphia champ (she beat Austin in last yeaf’s Will such dominating play bum out Tuesday’s Games during NBA game this week at hitter going until two out in the final SBM took the nightcap. Fearon and Tim Fogarty and Dean Page 15 Lavado 145-384, Bruce Vancouver 3, Quebec 2 ME/EE/ChE/Metallurgical Engineering, We look forward to meeting you (and your finals) and leading the standings with a 17-year-old who is still managing to Monday's Game Indiana vs. Boston at Hartford home against Houston. (U P I **CC’s Bruce MacKay reached on an error and scored apiece for WS 2 while Glenn Dubois Lavery 406, Ted Kowzun AtlanU at Toronto Atlanta at New York or other appropriate background required. spouse) on Saturday, March i9th. five wins and one second place in the keep up with her high school studies Tuesday's Games Geveland at Detroit photo) ® single to left to break up the M(X’s only run on Doug Sarant’s had 14 and Paul Duff and Paul Tatro 399, Tony DeDominicis 398, Washington at San Antonio Please bring along your resume if you six tournaments she entered. at Rolling Hills, Calif., while playing AtlanU at N.Y. Islanders no-hit bid. MCC had a 6-4 lead in single in the fifth inning. Les Christensen 385, A1 Colorado at Washington Utah at Denver have one handy. Austin, who lost only 13 games in a heavy schedule on the pro tour? 7 apiece for Y 2. Pittsburgh at MinnesoU Phoenix at Kansas City Rizzuto 379, Tom Harrison Boston al St. Louis ('•olden State at Los Angeles the Boston tournament as No. 1 seed, Tracy said she doesn’t want to think Methodist tallied in tte opening in­ Action Saturday at the West Side ning and got the game-winner in the 378. Milwaukee at Portland has managed three event wins and about it. Celtics Host Rec saw West Side No. 3 remain un­ Chicago al San Diego sixth off Gonzales, who was making one runner-up spot — to Navratilova "It can’t think about burning out Ski jump winner beaten with a 65-30 win over East his fourth relief appearance in two — in the five cities where she entered Pacers Tuesday WINTER PARK, Colo. (UPI) - Side No. 1 while West Side No. 1 CATERERS- Vivian now,” she said. “I think I should play days. \l^ Division of this year. She lost in the quarters in as much as 1 feel like.” Vermont teen-ager Todd Brooks trim m ed Y No. 1, 53-40. Ron Fibra 138348, Ona Carlson Houston. The Boston Celtics, hoping to have tallied 193.9 points to capture the 50- Pedemonte had 19 points, Kent 126-136-371, Joanne AMOCO® PREMIER HAMILTON STANDARD Stringfellow 16 and Jeff Fields 12 for “I beat myself there,” Austin said, the best record in the National meter jumping event of the Junior Frederlcksen 133-342, Windsor Locks, Connecticut 06096 UWTED __ __ shrugging off the Houston loss three Basketball Association when the Nordic National Championships. WS 3 while Doug Whitaker had 12, Carol Lewie 145, Arlene TGCHNOIOGIES. weeks ago to South African Greer regular season ends, will host the In­ Brooks, 18, jumped 56 and 57 REC- Jerry Smith 360, Brad Jones 8 and Mark Coult^ 6 for Tollman 143-386, Joyce An Equal Opportunity Employer Randy Copeland 150679, ES 1. Mike Mitchell had 19 points and DIESEL FUEL Stevens. diana Pacers of the Central Division meters for the victory Saturday. Lindsay 134-133-134-401, Since then, Wade said, Austin has Morrone scores at the Hartford Civic Center Tuesday Mike Holland, 18, of Norwich, Vt., Tom Brennan 379, John Paul Litricio and Joel Sullivan 9 Dorothy Mathes 350. Now Avallablo At Maiorca 374, Stan Jakiel tightened up her game considerably ORLANDO, Fla, (UPI) - Joe at 7:30. took second with jumps of 57 and 58.5 apiece for WS 1 while David Boggini 169-371, Ken Ostrlnsky 363, and now is a player anyone on the Morrone scored in the 70th minute At the present time, this game is a meters. Although he jumped farther had 12, Bruce Marandino 10 and Ray Bernier 359, %mie GOP WOMEN- Judy BROWN'S TIRE SHOP Sunday to lift the U.S. Olympic near sellout. Fans should check the than Brooks, Holland’s style points— Frank McCoy 8 for Y 1. 333MAMSTRST tour must reckon with. Goodin 357, Lou Massolini Lauder 214-188542, Marie soccer team to a 2-1 victory over Hartford Civic Center Box Office or which count for half the total score— Standings; WS 3 134), WS 2 9-4, Y 1 Ludlow 177-197-544, Sally “I think she has improved so 137-356, A1 Rossetto 137- MANCICSTBi, CONN., 06040 much," said the 5-foot-7 Surinam in an Olympic qualifying the Ticketron outlets for the were slightly lower, giving him total 86, ES 2 7-6, K 156, WS 14-9, Y 2 8 Heavisides 176, Harriet 354, Bob Schack 353. 10, ES 3 810T OM. b|r Maratny O i Co. ____ Englishwoman, who at 34 is nearly ganfe. availability of tickets. points of 192.9. Haslett 460. EVENING HERALD. Mon., March 17,1860 - 15 14 - EVENING HERALD. Mon.. March 17. IWO Rec program sets signup lion. Bolton High student MANCHESTER - The Recrea­ for all ages. The tennis classes will Arts Building on Garden Grove Road on Wednesday from 6 to 7 p.m. tion Department’s cultural program start the last week of April, all other competes in program will conduct regi^tlon for the classes will start the week of March Further information is available by contacting the Arts Building," 647- spring session hteich 17 to 21 for 31. Bolton meeting planned BOLTON - Adam Teller, a senators, congressmen, supreme Manchester residents and March 24 Further Information about classes 3089. Bolton High School senior, has been court justices, educators, authors, is available ^ contacting the Arts chairman, said, “The number of another group of students at the high named a competitor in toe Presiden­ musicians, scientists and other ac­ to 28 for non-residents as well as By DONNA HOLLAND school with toe type of scheduling we Manchester. Registration is held Building, M7-3089, between 9 a.m. Disco lessons slated Willington students coming to Bolton tial Scholarship Program. complished persons as well as visit and 2 p.m. Evening disco lessons are being Herald Correapondent is right where we predicted so we have. If there is any room at all, it The program was established by the historic sites at the nation’s from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Arts will be at toe Elementary or Center Building on Garden Grove Road. Evening pottery class offered at the Teen Center by the BOLTON — Board of Education should continue with toe reorganiza­ Executive Order in 1964 and annually capital. School.” Parents may, at their own expense, An open house will be held March The Recreation Department is Recreation Department. A class for members will meet with the Board of tion plan.” honors 141 of toe nation’s most in­ Selectmen before taking any action John Morianos, board member, Action on direction to the accompany the scholars to 19 from 10 a.m. to noon. Instructors offering an evening pottery class teen-agers will meet from 7 to 8 p.m. tellectually distinguished and ac­ on a superintendent's proposed said, “Before we spend time wasting^ superintendent was tabled until toe Washington and attend the presenta­ will be on band with exhibits of their design^ for beginners through in­ and an adult class from 8 to 9 p.m. complished graduating high school objective. time, let’s meet with toe selectmen. school board meets with the seniors. tion ceremony. works. Registration will be open to termediates. The class will meet ijie classes cost $6 per person. The objective is “To develop a plan I understand they don’t want a few selectmen. One girl and one boy are chosen Teller is Student Council all people attending the open house. twice a week on Mondays and Registration will be today from 7 to 8 p.m. at the Arts Building on b a M on declining enrollment for rooms for toe town. I understand The selectmen requested a date of from each state and toe remaining secretai7 , French Club, Latin Club Among the day classes offered are Wednesdays for eight weeks and will redrganization of toe school system they don’t even want the whole March 19 for toe meeting but because students are chosen from toe District and National Honor Society member. ceramics, pottery, photography, cost flO per person. Instruction will Garden Grove Road and the class in terms of efficient use of the building.” that is the night of toe school arts He received toe 1979 Bausch and quilting, needlepoint, southern pine be given on the kick wheel, power will meet for six weeks beginning of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and March 26. Further information is physical facility and a high quality He said, “There’s no sense in spen­ festival and talent show they are United States citizens living abroad Lomb Science Award. He is a needle basketry, apple dolls and rag wheel and basic hand-building requesting the date be changed to doUs. Tennis classes are also offered available by contacting the Arts Grade 7 torou^ 12 curriculum.” ding time trying to find space that no and at large. National Merit Scholarship finalist techniques. School Superintendent Raymond one wants.” March 20. and Connecticut State Scholarship weekdays, evenings and Saturdays Registration will be held at the Building, 647-3089. The scholars do not receive any Allen said he was looking for specific Andrew Maneggia, board member, Foreign language courses offered monetary award. The students are semi-finalist. direction as to whether or not he said, “I’d like to see a recommenda­ at Bolton High School were discussed traditionally invited to Washington, He plays on the high school varsity should continue working on the objec­ tion for housing from the administra­ by board members at the request of D.C. where they are honored by their soccer and varsity baseball teams. tive. tion using toe facilities we have - Haloburdo. representatives, educators and Adam is the son of Mr. and Mrs. TV Toniqht. He said, “If work continues I will what are the possibilities, what are The short discussion led to toe con­ others in public life. Samuel Teller, 21 Green Hills Road. need assistance from an architect the options, what does it really census of board members being to Adam Teller Traditionally they meet with 6:30 a Bargeant Buko 12:20 ’’offer three languages and to strive mCDOSNaw* SB Captkmad ABC Nawa 0aPo«oa8tory and a curriculum consultant.” mean.” miLoMLuey mThaLaatnaaoct Joseph Haloburdo, school board Maneggia said, “You can’t put for dual certification when filling any 0Jotar'iW U $ MarvQftfltn 11:45 12:30 0 a Bamay MMar 0 Ufa And Tknaa Of Eddia Rob­ vacancy at toe schools.” (8 TV Community Co4tg« 9K» Haloburdo has asked board School lunch visit delayed S TTioOddCov^ 0 |yfA*8*H 12dX> erts atraoti Of San FVinoloaa 0 0 F a m ly 0 H m O a Our Mias Brooka members what direction should be HEBRON — Plans for visitation of as the students and will stand in line intermediate grades and noon to SB 3-2-1 Contact 0 Movla "PWladalphla, Hera I 0 Movla "Odd Man Out" 1:00 given to toe administration because parents to toe school lunch program the same as the students. The cost 12:30 for the primary grades. At Coma" Donal McCann, Oaa (1947) James Mason. Robert 0 Movla "Jaws Of Death" New soccer field 6:30 of the enrollment situation and at the Hebron Elementary and for parents is $1.15 and for younger Gilead Hill its 11:20 to 11:55 a.m. and Dance demonstration m Carol Bumatt And Frtanda Cave. A young Irlah man pre- Newton. (1975) Richard Jaeckel, Jenifer XTIoTao Dough parea to leave hit dreary Irlth vil­ (9 Dr. Soon On Habrawa Bishop. teacher vacancies. Gilead Hill School have been changed children, 65 cents. No one will be 11:55 to 12:30 on Monday only and the a e n r a s c N M lage lor a new life with an aunt In aAbboHAndCoatallo aaaTomorrow Only six Grade 8 students signed up for March 25 because Hebron accepted if reservations aren’t rest of the week the schedule is Professional dancers Lee and Beverly Bur­ tion was part of careers program coordinated Philadelphia. S ffiOvarEaay for French next year and the current Elementary will be used as a polling made, due to limited space in the reversed with the primary grades ton are shown Monday demonstrating dance by 2nd grade teacher ^ rb a ra Murphy and BobNawhart n a S The Btamwkara up to financiers j Amarloan Short Story French teacher will be leaving. place for toe presidential primaries. cafeterias. If anyone has to cancel eating the earlier time and the in­ techniques to 2nd grade students at the town’s office of volunteer services. 6:56 "The Luck Of The Hockey on cable TV Haloburdo said, “Should we Parents may visit any other day out after making a reservation they 0Na«a Irish" (1947) Tyrone Power. Anne BOLTON — Even though some termediates, later. Washin^on School. The Burton’s presenta- (Herald photo by Pinto) Baxter. A reporter gets Involved policy chairman - and that’s why he provide French on a tutorial basis for during that week by calling the should call the school office by 9 a.m. The only school that will be closed 7K» MANCHESTER - 1071, M anchester, CT Board of Education members feel with an Irish girl and her lepre­ left.” the students currently taking it so we school no later than the morning of on or before the day they were to primary day is the Hebron Elemen­ X C B S N m w chaun friend. (2 hrs.) Tonight at 7 on CATW-U, 06040. the town can afford to go along with a ® O M*A‘ 8*H fulfill our obligation, but not offer it the day before they plan to have come. Community Broadcasting Suggestions for future proposal for a new soccer field, that In other business the school board: tary, Gilead Hill will be open five (E S A B C N o n a 9:30 to any new students? Should we have lunch. The lunch schedule for Hebron days that week. FaoaThaMualc 0 Houaa Ce lt programs may be made by has a price tag of $100,000 attached to • Hired Patricia Brown as a S Co. presents hockey from a reduction in our language Parents will have the same lunch Arts program profitable FaaUvalOfFWth calling 646-0660 or by Project Explore teacher. Ms. Brown Elementary is 11:30 to noon, for the 10M the Bolton Ice Palace — it, it will still be up to the Board of offering?” 0LouQrant Eastern Connecticut writing the above address. Finance to decide. will serve for the remainder of the HARTFORD - The performing arts touring program remainder of the 3450,000 figure is accounted for hy 0Nawa James Marshall, board member, 86BOIokCavatt Hockey Organization vs. The hockey program will John Morianos, school board year on a long term substitute basis. of the Connecticut Commission on the Arts generated grants from the National Endowment for the Arts and 01 Nanlywad Qama 0 a 8 to n a She received a B.S. degree from Cen­ said, “I don’t believe in cutting back, a O 8 Tom Snyder'e Celehrt- Avon. be repeated at 7 p.m. on Building and Grounds Committee Electrical inspections slated over $450,000 in income for Connecticut-bas^ dance, funds from the New England Foundation for the Arts, tral Connecticut State College, I never have. We should offer as 7:29 tyBpoIXghl "Community Insight” is Wednesday and Friday. chairman, said, “Even though the music and theater ensembles last year. The commission’s favorable return on its investment SDalyNumbara taught at the Henry James Memorial much as we can. How can you drop HEBRON — David Paine, building “unusual number of electrical fires recommendations will be made ac­ 10:30 pre-empted tonight to bring soccer field will cost more than our The amount of state-appropriated funds the state arts comes from the pooling of funds with the five other states 7:30 anything. Don’t cut anything.” official, said he will be contacting in houses” located on those streets. cordingly. He said no one will be a Cocwiaollcut Pitma Tbna you this one hour of original estimate, if we get it, it will Junior High School in Simsbury and agency invested in touring was $20,000. in the region, and from the Endowment, as administered (£ P.M. Magadna SB Byniheale II Maneggia said, “Whatever direc­ each homeowner on Oak Drive, He said electrical services required to alter their existing elec­ ODAXInThaFamlly hockey. It will return next be a first class soccer field.” was a substitute in Bolton earlier this According to a report released last month, the Arts by the regional Foundation. All six states participate tion the superintendent takes he Hickory Drive, Walnut Drive, originally installed in these houses trical service if they chose not to. XThaMuppala 11K)0 week as usual. According to estimates received by year. 0DatlngQama 0 0 O a 0 N a w a should be looking for top drawer peo­ Webster Lane and Elizabeth Drive to were of minimum standards and new Any residents in that area who Commission subsidized over 300 live performances in 44 reciprocally in the Foundation by offering up to one-third the Public Building Commission • Accepted the resignation of a M*A%*H ■0M*A*8*H Community Broadastlng ple with multiple certification.” make an appointment to conduct an appliances and room additions have have questions about the inspections towns and cities around the state, encouraging local spon­ subsidy of artists’ fees to eligible sponsors. iTim ^iwiwiy------kJMI nw Dalelyne Siwik, school nurse, with B as^ on a solid record of achievement over a three « SB MaoWal / Lahrar Haport Co. is a non-profit corpora­ GE0R6E BUSH earlier this week, the cost of the field Allen said, “I have a committment electrical survM, and inspection of created critical fire safety problems or having an unlisted phone number, sors to build audiences and offer a diversity of program­ aSTtoTaoDough a Marshal DNkm tion bringing you programs (or Prssidont could be more than $100,00O.The “deep regret for the loss of her year period, the NEFA regional organization began a O M auda a CoruMOtlout Boraanlng Room to the board not to hire anyone their homaaf**"^ in some cases. are asked to contact Paine at the ming at the grassroots. Local sponsors include schools, original estimate by the school board excellent service and with much ap­ similar touring program for the visual arts this year. a DavaAlan of community interest and ^ O ur Country noedt a without dual certification unless it’s Paine’s comment was prompted Paine said the proposed inspec­ Town Office Building. community festivals, libraries, arts organizations, 8KX) SB Two Ronnies was $40,000. preciation for the many fine and out­ Touring for the literary arts — readings by poets and CpWKRPInCInoInnaU supported by your tax- strong leader.. . one absolutely necessary.” because of his concern about the tions are for safety purposes only and municipal arts agencies and departments of parks and 11:30 Morianos said, “If the drainage standing contributions made by her writers — is being planned for start up in September 1980. 0Croaa-Wlta deductible donation which who commanda respect recreation. X 0 That'a Inoradibla 0 Adam-12 may be mailed to P.O. Box here and abroad^^ system works the way it’s supposed to the systemwide health system.” In addition to creating increased work opportunity for In its appropriation request of $1.9 million for 1980-81, 0 Ozawa In Faking 0Koiak 0 0 The Iran Crtsla; America —Scott Smtlng to, we’ll have trouble keeping the Morianos voted against accepting the Connecticut Performing artists in the state and the Arts C^m ission is asking the Legislature for $46,500 S O I S U t t la Houaa On Tha PrWria HaMHoa^ia grass watered.” resignation. He said, “I don’t think throughout New England, the touring programs to continue Connecticut’s participation in the regional a a JamaafJamaa MIohanar'a World 0OavaAlan Educators pare budget for Rham Andrew Maneggia, board member, anybody who quits in toe middle of stimulated the activity of local sponsors who came up touring programs. aotatem oks a a a T o n I g h t the season deserves that many com­ TSAR WOUND MSOeT MOT& said, “The Board of Finance has to HEBRON - The Rham Board of towns of Andover and Marlborough The board also recommended that slated to receive flat amounts of $110 with more than $250,000 in matching dollars to make the OcssnfrsfM • VbsMi S66dk VA 2MSI determine whether the town can af­ pliments.” Education is continuing its work on and the salaries for both the coor­ staff members be paid a flat fee of 22 for the superintendent and $90 for the performances possible. Other New England states paid Vernon Ctnr ^ ■ 2 4 MAJOe MOVIl ford it.” • Approved a nurse’s salary the proposed budget for the coming dinator and the assistant superinten­ cents per mile for travel expenses assistant superintendent and the out $115,000 to import Connecticut talent, and the / CAeuNeTWOMca schedule of $6,500 for year one, $7,000 Two artists ST. PATRICK’S DAY ( so Uovits 6W66li>nr6Mr r66« FREE Morianos said, “The town can af­ year. The board reduced the budget dent won’t be settled until the com­ rather than the flat amounts paid to coordinator. GLOBE ford it. There’s enough money in the for the second year and $7,500 for the by $68,263 at its recent meeting but it pletion of an evaluation. The salaries the administration. win awards '^XXMVGMSTYIF capital expenditure account. It’s a third year. still totals $3.1 million, almost a 24 are now $23,320 for the assistant The proposed budget contained a The Rham board also voted to in­ Music festival set Travel Service SPECIALS AcomsdvustMtcirhMrt question of whether they’re willing to • Waived the non-resident student percent increase over the current superintendent and $21,200 for the mileage allowance for the staff with crease the pay for substitute WEST HARTFORD - 555 MAIN STREET A vditobf* aff itoy S iim liy 6 Momfar I - Gmi,____, SOUTH WINDSOR — The New England String spend money on the field.” policy for the remainder of the year budget. curriculum coordinator. members of the administration teachers from $25 to $30 a day. Daniel Riccio of Glaston­ 643-2165 •Comsd BsBf and Cabbags Quartet, in residence at the University of Connecticut, for a Grade 8 student whose family is Items reduced during the recent bury and Howard Rackliffe •Pot and graan tumipa — will be the guest artists at the Tri-Town Orchestra Over 30 Yean moving out of town. worksession included $1,250 for • of South Windsor, were ...... on buffat Including Ftatunng lirg i titittd Indoor Swimming I Policies festival on March 27 at 7:30 p.m. in the South Windsor Travel Experience [ Pool with Europtan aulomatod Sunroof 1 • Learned toe school received an homebound instruction; $4,000 in the WATCH FOR DUR AD EVERY MONDAY among winners the Saint FabukMia Salad bar with otrar 30 Itama I to giv6 you a nsturaJ hutthfiri Un ) Maneggia, Policy Committee additional $2,500 to $3,00a grant for High School auditorium. Authorized agent in TMARRIEa I ragardint of w tith tr (Aafit Sun \ substitute' teachers aecquut; $5,257 IN THE MANCHESTER HERALD Mary Home Centennial chairman, told the board, "There’s its Title I program because of the ef­ The program will inclutei^usic of Mozart and Borodin. Manchester for all MATTY’S RESTAURANT Sofirium for tanning avon i t night from the guidance department Arts Festival. Riccio won Airlines. Railroads and , Cocktail lounge Ocaaniidt dinning quite a list of policies that have to be forts of Richard Packman, principal. Also performing at thd cdltrert will be an orchestra made 6a-464S141 Naw London Tnpk Qlaatonbiiry Heart of town salaries; $4,642 from the technical O n O / n OFF ON ANYTHING the Estelle Gilson Keenan Steamship Lines. written, rewritten or revised.” T H E B A V I M C 3 P U A C ^ E up of high school musicians from South Windsor, Glaston­ ExH 0 on Route 2. right to OlAstonbury Conttr. • Approved a $1,783,513.32 budget aides account; and $1,265 from the Award for a bronze sculp­ ______Ltft At tTAffto light______To speed up the process Maneggia / O GRHN IN THE STORE bury, and Blast Hartford. This combined orchestra will be for the 1980-1981 school year. It will testing account. ture, “Hostage." Rackliffe suggested presenting a policy to the be presented to toe Board ol Finance “FOR ST. PATRICK’S DAY" conducted by Dr. Moshe Paranov from the Hartt School The board, in executive session, OPEN DAILY 9:30-9:30; SUNDAYS 11 -5 of Music, University of Hartford. won the John Murtha board at its informational meeting next week. discussed the proposed $137,976 Cen­ 8PRINQ FASHIONS ARRIVINQ DAILY! Award for an oil painting, Tickets for the concert may be bought by contacting for action at its next regular • Approved two field trips. The tral Office Committee budget, and Sale Effective Mon., March 17 the South Windsor music department. For ticket infor­ “Gorge.” meeting. French Gub will visit Quebec during then voted to reduce it by $2,285 in Coventry Shoppe thru Sun., March 23 mation call 289-5697. Maneggia said, “ It looks like a the April vacation and the Future the area of salaries for certified per­ 44 DEPOT RD. COVENTRY, CONN. shopping list - there’s so many.” Business Leaders of America will at­ sonnel. TUES.-SAT. 9:30 - 5:00 Joseph Haloburdo, board chair- tend a two-day conference in New The action taken by the Town of WED. TIL 9:00 P.M. 742-7494 SMOOTH THINGS OVER mar, said, “The board lost the last Haven in April. Hebron will also be reviewed by the THIS WEEKEND Fashion show slated VERNON — The Home and School Association df St. CONCRETE Bernard’s Church will sponsor a fashion show March 23 START K ING (/> CONCHETE MIX MIX at 2;30 p.m. in the church hall. The theme will be “Burst in sm t ^vnuier Into Spring If.” '' Fashions from Worth’s in toe Tri-City Plaza and the Youth Center of Manchester, will be featured. There will S(»IE BODY IN 1980 WCr be door prizes and light refreshments will be served. For information about tickets call Kathy Hutson or Joe The one mix lor nearly $TH Rodgers. every concrete need in Bapa QWs^ FOR ONLY $19.80 - SAKRETE Con­ BOSTON HtRALO POWER AMDUCANt crete Mix Easy to *Ont of th« teughMt priion film OVER 80 YEARS Of DEPENDABLE SERVICE! use, economical, too. •VBT mads. The boxing toquonces Just add water for m sht ‘Reeky’ leek llk i ptttyKaks, paEtyKAktr strong beautiful con­ PENITENTURY atlas bantlq crete projects It’s an innovation that allows you to STAR your • 24 Hour Emergency Service clawified ad lor extra attention value. Simply f f i - • Burner Sales & Service tell your ADVISOR that you want your ad • Clean Heating Oils MORTAR STARRED. The only additional charge is for the 8T«1 t 8T#D AY Pizza MORTAR MIX space the STAR occupies. ’There are two 649-4595 MIX «/» different sizes of STARS you can use. Tiy it the CONE Call Us For Your Home Heating next time you have a really important mesuae to sell. WITH THE And Air Conditioni'ig Needs . Give your home the Ps^n , tHrCRS*rei.TNIC80F M 7 7 added beauty of brick, Twentieth Anniversaiy L e i l e e n P. MARCHESSAULTI stone and block Every ticket wins a creations. Use sSS° a t t o r n ^ ^ l a w M SAKRETE Mortar Mix. Celebration discount of up to $1.00. Depend on SAKRETE BREIKIHG CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT (or m oney-saving Plus you may win one of home improvements. Sunday, March 30, 1980 MANCHESTER NORWICH YOUR OWN DIET AND FREE VITAMINS AWAY 3 vacations to Hawaii, 643-0500 447-2683 EXERCISE PROGRAM You’ll also get a 30-day supply of The .M ANUIl s ri K SV.Ml’llO N Y O K n il-S T lU For only $19.80, you’ll get a care­ Eurofiean Heahh Spas FITNESS PQ FORMULATM/Vita-Mln. a high jiri'M'nts .1 spa lal anniMT>ar\ amuTt, 4 p.ni., Sim- Disneyworld, or Montreal fully planned month-long program potency vitamin and mineral supple­ (WITHOUT I of diet and exercise tailored to ilav, .Marili 10, 14X0, llaili v .AiidiUirium, .’Vlanilu's- by CRIMSON TRAVEL UNCONTESTeD your own jaersonal needs. ment to provide added nutrition OR CHILDREN) while you’re dieting. ti r High Xc liool Come in for your free Instant Pizza Payoff ticket and know instantly how much you’ve won! You’ll get the kinks out in our sauna SAND a story of chance EVERY TICKET A WINNER! W indiscountsof up to $1.00 on a whole pizza. You may win a steamroom and relaxing whirlpool FREE FITNESS KIT Dr )aik lli'lliT, .Musu 1 lira lor and C ondm tor Trained consultants will monitor MIX pizza-a-week for a year. But save the stubs because you may win one of three Crimson Travel You’ll also get your own Fitness Kit your progress, guide and Si'UTUli Suii|)lioin — Ha'tliovrn vacations: for 2 to Hawaij, for 3 to Disnevworld, or a weekend for 2 in Montreal. crammed with diet and fitness c/> encourage you all the way. BEING NO PURCHASE NECESSARY! SIMPLE Etti information to help you achieve .Moldan — Snirtana ADOPTION your fitness goal. Xaond I’iano t (iiuiTlo— Kai liniaiiinoll joM'pli \'illa, Soloist THERE Easy-to-use SAKRETE What you like is what you get! (/> Sand Mix lets you make permanent, Ouri economical concrete TICKETS © European Health Spas. Inc . 1960 repairs. For secure (iau ral Admission li>).oo patching and smooth SUidciits PHYSICAL FITNESS FOR MEN AND WOMEN re-surfacing, depend iii.oo Senior (,'iti/i ns Bapa GW s on SAKRETE. Aiailalili' at Heller's Mnsii • Restaurant shop and at tlie dixir. 646-4260 MANCHESTER MANCHESTER 239 SPENCER ST. ^ 515 MIDDLETURNPIKE WEST VERNON 295 HARTFORD TPKE. hor more inlormdtm. (ull 64^I-6S4 i PLEASE CAaTHEATRE i=OR SCREEN TMES i Only one l nK>nth membership per person. Appficants must be 18 or over. Facilities and hours may vary with kxation. Longer term memberships will be offered. i 1 6 EVENING HERALD. Mop- March 17, I960 EVENING HERALD. Mon., March 17, 1900 - 17 Business & Service HUp Wtntpd 13 Help Wanted Help Wanted is HUp Wanted fJ Hearing set on repeal of loitering law lie r a l^ SALES AGENT •vC WANTED boards and commissions; revised plans CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING SALES ASSY'S 'VERNO N — The Town Council has report on the status of the Vernon Water tion request to the state for'|83,715 for toe TRiMSCRIPTION Do you want to be in­ for the new firehouse; status of toe sewer ROAST BEEF RESTMiUT scheduled a public hearing for tonight at Company and will also present financial Hoclmnum Valley Child Day Care Center TYnST dependent? Businessmen like for its 1980-61 budget period. assessment fund; recommendations of the to advertise by giving calen­ is now hiring, morning and 7:15 to consider repealing the town’s or­ information asked for at the previous We have an in- afternoon shift help. Included in toe agenda is a memoran­ audit report; and a status report relative dars, pens, key chains and OPPORTUNITY for top dinance pertaining to loitering in public meeting of the council. Iteresting and gifts to their customers. Men draw Sales Manager to join Please apply in person Relative to a request made by the Plan­ dum from the mayor concerning her role to shops in town that sell drug parapher­ I challenging position in between 2:00 and 4:00 at: places. Keep Smiling and women that can work young dynamic company in ning Commission toe council will be asked in council meetings. At the last meeting of nalia. lour Medical Records without supervision can build 257 Broad Stroot Town officiaU are looking to strengthen ■ D e p a rtm e n t for a exciting new field. the ordinance in lieu of many problems in to void the action taken concerning toe the council, and at previous meetings, Be Happy a career with the Thos. D. Manchoator, CT In other action toe council will receive I Transcription Typist. Elxperience in direct sales the center of Rockville. selling of a parcel of land in toe Industrial some Republican members of the council I Good typing skills, 'irphy Co., a pioneer in uestioned toe mayor’s participating in several letters from residents concerning advertfsing since 1888. Your management is desirable. Following the hearing the council will Park and allow the town to reclaim it for I and the ability to use a accounts are protected and iscusslon of some matters. toe conversion of apartments to con­ I Transcriber a must. Drive and ambition are es­ meet in regular session and faces a toe same price, minus |2,000. S U NOTICES ADVERTISIN6 repeat orders make you sential. Call Mr. Ellis for TEMPORARY WORKERS - Mrs. Herbst’s memo notes that toe dominiums; will be asked to waive all fees PalnUng-Ptptrlng 32 Building Coniractfng 33 We offer Comprehen- money. An excellent oppor­ leng^y agenda. ' . The council will also receive another interview, 243-9587. Assignments East of the in connection with the Housing RATES Isive Fringe' Benefits tunity full or part time, write River for Clerk-Typists. The council will be asked to clarify its charter provides that the, mayor can par­ DAN SHEA PAINTING & land pleasant surroun- report from toe Planning Commission Authority’s modernization program; take Lost and Found 1 1D A Y ...... TIMOTHY J. CONNELLY Bob McKenzie, P.O. Box 122, Secretaries, with and without vote of July 1,1979 relative to participa­ recommending 'against toe exchange of ticipate in discussion but can’t vote unless DECORATING -Interior & Carpentry and general con­ I dlnas. Locust Valley, New York action on a tax adjustment; be asked to 3 DAYS ...13‘««win Ehitetior. Also Wallp shorthand. Top company. Call tion of the fire marshal as a member of town-owned land and hospital-owned land. To break a tie. LOST - Orange and white tracting. Residential and ] INSTITUTE OF LllfiNfl 11560. Lydia, Dunhill Temps, 289- approve a schedule of budget workshops, strip ^ cat named ‘Emily.’ 6 DAYS Quality Craftfsmanship! Call commercial. Whether it be a 400 Washington S treer the fire department. Other fire depart­ This was to be part of a three-way switch 646-si^. NURSE (or physician's office. 4319. ment business will include a request of ’The council will also hear reports on: hearings, and toe annual budget meeting; Vicinity of Sycamore Lane, 3 6 DAYS ...A V w m m m small repair job, a custom .Hartford, Conn 06106 also involving the Rockville Baptist Manchester. Reward. 646- built home or anything in Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Revenue for the period ending Feb. 29; be asked to approve several budget 1SWOM>,St.10H and Friday, 9 - 6 p.m. Alter­ CLEANING WOMAN Fire Chief Donald Maguda for approval of Church which wants to build on toe town- 5371. PAINTING - Interior and between, call 646-131379. new positions in the fire department. relative to cucrent interest rates on transfers and additional appropriations; h a p p y ADS *2.60 Mi exterior. Paperhanging, PRODUCTION WORKER for nate Saturdays, 9 -1. Reply to WANTED for one day per owned land. Drying Plastic Sheets in walk- week. Reliable. References Maguda made the request of the council municipal bonds; new hires for toe month take action on toe appointment of a excellent work references. CARPENTRY & MASONRY - Box W, c/o Evening Herald. of February;' monthly report of the Free estimates. Fully in­ in ovens. Hours: 2:30 to 10 :30 required. Call 6334425. two weeks ago but action was tabled pen­ Mayor Marie Herbst will ask toe council member to toe Traffic Authority; and dis- ...... Additions and Remodeling. p.m.. Reliability plus Rockville Public Health Nursing Associa­ cuss the Community Development Block Annovncwnenls sured. Martin Matson, 649- Free estimates. Call Anthony ding additional information. to adopt a proposed resolution which H 4431. willingness to work and learn tion; several quarterly reports from Grant. Squillacote 649-0811. are the major prerequisites. Town Engineer Leonard Szczesny will would authorize her to execute a grant ac­ ATTENTION TOTALPHONE Notice of Special Meeting A&W PAINTING Contrac­ We will train. Call 6474938 for SUBSCRIBERS! Do you need FIRST CLASS CARPENTRY interview. help receiving your calls? tors. Quality painting and - Remodeling and Additions. PRODUCTION WORKERS rSte 'Temporary or permanent. INCOME , TAX paper hanging at reasonable Kitchens ana Rec Rooms. 35 for soft drink bottling com­ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Special Meeting of the P^A R A T IO N SERVICE - rates. Fully insured. Free pany. Physical work involved. STOCK CLERKS S i DRIVER Peraonal Attention ... Very years’ experience! For Free - Immediate employment. Directors and Officers of the EIGHTH UTILITIES DISTRICT Region— Reasonable. 233-8991 or 247- “ -----'innw. ^ Years Estimates. Cali Wayne 649- Estimates, call 646-4239. Must be 18 or older, ^ p ly the Full time. Benefits. We are jf Manheester, Connecticut, will be held on Monday, March 24 8623. HUp W anM 13 Dan NfoMtfr649- 7696. Pop Shoppe, 249 Spencer NOE GIVE TAX PROBLEMS the Street, Manchester, between expanding and require perma­ 1980, at 7:30 p.m. at the District Fire House, 32 Main Street ole 1-2 punch! Tax Conwra- 10 and 4. Immediate openings. nent help. Apply: Manchester Manchester, Connecticut for the following purpose: __ Uon of America, SEXSOND FARRAND REMODELING - Tobacco & Candy Co., 299 Cabinets, Roofing, Gutters, ALL ROUND DiOOME TAX- Done yggf Isrgest Tsx Service is FIRST ASSEMBLERS & COIL Green Road, Manchester. Smith defeats Archer ^ in convenience. Your home- or Room Additions, Decks, All 1. Review proposed Budget for the period July 1,1980 to June U EMPLOYMENT MAINTENANCE MAN (or In­ Wpes of Remodeling and WINDERS - Finger dexterity 30, 1981. dustrial Laundry. Electrical .ll W v ^ R M ^ n a h S my Pauline necessary. Experience not “CALL” GALS AND GUYS Repairs. Free estimates. Ful­ wanted! Good hourly rate, 2. Review proposed By-Laws changes. & Hydraulic experience lades. 646-5346. W alter ly insured. Phone 843-6017. necessary. Will train. 4-day Help HfanM 13 PROFESSIONAL PAINTING week, 10-hour day. Full time, bonus, commissions, paid sick 3. To transact any other business proper to come before the required. Company Paid ler. ------:------Interior and exterior. in Dem chairman race Benefits. Pleasant at­ 7 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Part-time days and holidays, paid Meeting. TOOLMAKERS - Machinists. Commercial and residential. vacations. Conveniently Committee and had served six years on mosphere. Ekjual Opportunity CARPENTRY, CUSTOM shifts available. Apply: Able SOUTH WINDSOR-Former Mayor Apply 81 Commerce Street, Free estimates. Fully in­ Coil & Electronics, Howard located Elast Hartford office. toe Town Council. er. Apply in Mrson or In- INCOME TAX sured. 6464879. HOUSES, ADDITIONS, EIGHTH UTILITIES DISTRICT Robert Smith has defeated challenger Glastonbury. PTG shames Uniform Se^ DAN WADE- Have Road, Bolton. Must have good telephone John Archer to retain his position as Board of Education member Pat COMPANY. Telephone 633- M come Tdxea. PREPARA'nON. Reasonable GARAGES, ROOFING & voice and be persistent and vice, 151 Park Avenue, East SIDING- Kitchens, BY Helen Warnington, Clerk chairman of the town’s Democratic party. Hankard nominated Archer for the chair­ 7631. ^ leMlngindapendent Tax accurate, in your home or J.P. LEWIS It SON- Custom TRAVEL AGENT, motivated to earn more than Hartford, 289-3421. . mlpie. NNorm w rshall, 643- Decorating, Interior & Bathrooms, and Repair Work just an hourly rate at a part- Dated at Manchester. Connecticut this 13th day of March 1980 With 80 of toe 81 town committee man’s post. Mrs. Hankard said that ■ itP h o a e 6494861 experienced. .University CERAMIC TILE MECHANIC Exterior Painting, Of All Kinds. Call Robert Jar­ time Job. CALL AMERICAN 04743 Archer had “political foresight and SECURITY - North East vis for estimates, 643-6712. Travel Service, phone 649- members either attending or sending - Experienced only. Tm Paperhanging & Remodeling, 0605, 429-9313. FROZEN FOOD at 569-4993, guidance...which could draw new people Security has immediate Kitchens, Recreation Rooms. 12 3 alternates. Smith won the support of 49 wages. Apply: Atlas Tile, 18k openings for weekend per­ pm to Dm dailv. to support the party.” Berlin 'Tpke., Wethersfield, Call 649-9658. members, with 31 voting in favor of sonnel in Manchester area. Sarvfcas Offtrad 31 SnrvIcM Offered 31 Following the vote count. Archer 563-OlSl. PROFESSIONAL BUILDING Archer. ‘ Successful applicant must LEE PAIN’HNG - Interior & - residential and commercial Former Town Councilman Leo Malnelli pledged support to Smith. have a phone, car and clean c m TREE SERVICE - Free MOVING LARGE Exterior. "Check My Rate remodeling, additions, RN-LPN wanted for 3 p.m.-ll police record. North East estimates, discount senior nominated Smith for the position citing The Town Committee also unanimously p.m. and 11 p.m-7 a.m. shifts. APPLIANCES - Cellars, At­ Before You Decorate” . aluminum siding, new con­ * n S c4 B A R G A IN Security will provide un­ citizens. Company tics cleaned. Odd jobs done. Dependable. Fully Insured. struction. Fully insured. 646- the chairman’s political backround. voted Audrey Wasik to toe office of vice- Apply director of nursing. iforms and trainiM. Aroly In Manchester-owned and Salmonbrook Convalescent Also will buy anything. Call 646-1653. 4879. Mainelli said that Smith had 10 years chairman, Kitty Sheckley as treasurer person to North Elast S ^ r i- operated. Call 646-1327. 644-1775. experience as a member of the Town and Mimi Bouley as secretary. Home, off House Street, ty, 61 Willaid Street, Hart­ New' arrival Glastonbury. Please call 633- ford, a . or call 522-5143. BiM TREE SERVICE- 5244. Under heavy sedation, Sam, one of two lowland gorillas wrapped in a Spccialist in tree and stump CARPENTRY - Repairs, m m u Y N O W WAITRESS - Over 18 years to removal. Free estimates. Paneling^, Rec Room, net, arrives at the Stoneham, Mass., Metropolitan District Zoo near NURSES AIDES wanted for serve Food & Liquor. Senior citizen discount. 24 CHILD CARE in my Glaston­ R&R HEBERT PAINTING- Cabinets, Formica Counters. South Windsor council full time on all shifts. Apply Boston after being flown from the Cincinnati Zoo. Sam, 10-years-old, Ehq>erience necessary. Apply hour, year round service. 643- bury home will be available I n te r io r Sc E x te r io r. For estimates call Paups 649- director of nursing. Salmon- in person only: La Strada 7285. SPECIAL WINTER after April 1. Please call 643- “Guaranteed Quality 8694, between 5 and 7 p.m. and weighing 243 pounds and Gigi, eight-years-old and weighing 186 brook Convalescent Home, off West, 473 Hartford Road. RATES! 4079, keep trying. Workmanship!” Call 649-7718. approves pond project pounds, were bought for $50,000 by the Peter Fuller family and donated House Street, Glastonbury. Please call 633-5244. PROFESSIONAL HOUSE to the Boston Zoological Society. (UPI photo) AUTOMOBHE and TRUCK EXPERT PAINTING and SINGLE ROOM ADDITIONS SOUTH WINDSOR-The Town Coun­ vacuum and filter the water. Another Is to mechanic with state certifica­ LANDSCAPING Specializing CLEANING - One time or - Sun Decks, Patio Doors. charge admission or implement LATHE OPERATORS - With tion can start at 87 per hour. 8 in Exterior House Painting. weekly basis. Excellent INTERIOR PAINTING & cil has informally agreed to proceed with 2 years’ experience. Good WALLPAPERING - Quality, Reasonable Prices. For free membership cards for residents. am. to 4:30 pm. Good working Tree pruning, spraying, references. Call Eagle Home estimates Call Joe, 646-1519. work, enabling the opening of Spring Pond benefits. Safary negotiable. Maintenance, 623-08^. Professional Work at Some council members said they were conditions. All fringe benefits. mowing, weeding. Call 742- this summer. Bolton educators OK Hawk Precision (;o., 303 For appointment call 688-7598. 7947. Reasonable Prices! Fully In­ The council is expected to vote on the concerned over the obligations which Burnham Street, East Hart­ WILLING TO BABYSIT for sured. References. Free ford, telephone 528-9845. Estimates. G.L. McHugh, 643- Rooflng-Sldlng-Chlmney 34 appropriation of |18,500 needed for the would come with approval and acceptance NEED EXTRA INCOME? - BRICK, BLOCK. STONE re-school children in my ome. For more information 9321. work when it meets in regular session of a state grant, enabling more complete RARE OPPORTUNITY - Work one of our outdoor Fireplaces, concrete. E BIDWELL HOME Improve­ capital project plans Flower Locations on Chimney repairs. No job too call 643-0062. ment Co. Expert installation reconstruction fo the pool. OWN YOUR OWN tonight at 8 p.m. weekends. Car needed. S.D.R. small. Save! Call 644-8356 for of aluminum siding gutters ’The project will renovate' toe filtration Democratic Councilman Richard BOLTON - The Board estimated cost of 88,500. BUSINESS. Distributor for LICENSED DAY CARE - All TEACHERS - Experienced year the board plans to Kodak film, Duracell Enterprises, Andover, Conn., estimates. and trim. Roofing instmlation and vacuuming systems, both which have Nicholson said that acceptance of the of Education approved a For the same period the construct a loading dock 742-99fe. ages. Please call 643-6776, e x te rio r p a in te rs. Now and repairs 649-6495 , 871-2323. grant would require South Windsor to Batteries, G.E., Sylvania and after 5:00 p.m. booking for Spring-Summer been faulty and forced the early closing of list of four year capital im­ board hopes to resurface and storage area at the other photo products needed “ ATTENTION WORKING HOME ADDRESSERS PARENTS” I will babysit work. Free estimates, call ROOFER WILL Install Roof, toe town’s only public swimming area last allow access for any resident from other provement considerations the roof and outer walls at high school as well as a in your area. No selling. Ser­ towns. He said that since Spring Pond has WANTED - 8500 per week your child in my home with Gary Cushing 345-2009, Siding or Gutter for Low summer. for 1981-1985 at its meeting Bolton Center School. two-bay automotive shop. vice top Retailers under exclusive contract established possible. No e ^ e rie n c e loving care. 528-8560. WATERPROOFING, Discount Price. Call Ken at Public Works'Director Richard Shat- a c ap acity of 800 sw im m ers, such Thursday. There are no estimates for No estimates were given. required. A.S.D., P.O. HATCHWAYS, foundation 647-1566. r^uirements might be a problem. by us. High immediate in­ tuck told the Town Council that The plan is required un­ the latter two items. Capital improvement come minimum required in­ Drawer 140069, Dallas. TX SPECIALISTS IN HOME cracks, sump pumps, window « ...... 75214. .'i.'V,. i vUjf'll/u IMPROVEMENT- Roofing, wells, stone walls, patios, Contracting 33 Hnating-Plumbing 35 renovations to the pooL as wfUjw a bath der the town charter and During the 1982-1983 item s for the 1980-1981 vestment 89,975. 100% profit Kennedy ' b o c ir I'' set structure. Call between 8 AM Remodeling Additions. R.P, steps, walks, fir^laces, con house and reconstruction.'i£ihe pavilion, will be forwarded to the school year the board school year arc Included in REAL ESTATE CAREER - Roukhon Builders. Inc., 633- Crete repairs. Thirty years WES ROBBINS Carpentry NO JOB TOO SMALL - Toilet would cost in toe neighborhood of 8300,000. SOUTH WINDSOR - Supporters of Board of Finance and hopes to do amesite work & 5 PM, 1-800-6S3-6S67. Or remodeling specialist. Aa- next year’s budget. write: American Film Earn 820,000 plus annually. 3654. experience. 643-4953 . 646-1190. repairs, plugged drains, 99 The town is presently sefeking a grant Part-timers considered. For ditions, rec rooms, dormers, kitchen faucets replaced, Sen. Edward Kennedy in his presidential Board of Selectmen. at the high school at an es­ They include a ramp at P rocessing, Inc., 1935R built-ins, bathrooms, No Blarneye which could cover nearly half of the cost. race, are invited to attend a social The plan Includes a list of timated cost of 810,000. the elementary school interview, Ralph Pasek, INCOME TAX DRESSMAKING & repaired, rec rooms, Hoover Court, B’ham, AL Realtor, 289-7475. kitchens, 649-3446. bathroom remodeling, heat Since minimal restoration is planned in- Tuesday at 8 p.m. in the public room of the items the board hopes to 35226. PREPARATION Call Janet S. ALTERATIONS- Women & It also hopes to add a sidewalk, a ramp at toe Gworek after 6 p.m. for an ap­ Children. Conveniently modernization, etc. Free order to open toe pool this summer, the Society for Savings, Wapping Five accomplish. The list is sub­ gymnasium at the south play area, two SECRETARY for centrally pointment at your con­ located off 44A, Coventry, 7C- CUSTOM Carpentry - homes, Estimate gladly given. M & M council is expected to act on proposals ject to change and the TYPISTS AND CLERK Additions. Renairs. Cabinets. Tis the luck of the Irish Corners. kindergarten through bathroom sinks, kick TYPISTS are needed to work located real estate office. venience. 644-0194 9343. Plumbing & Heating. 649-2871. Tis No Blarney... Some bookkeeping required. which would limit use of the facility. One Admission will be free and item s m ust be approved in Grade 8 level and do ad­ plates for some doors and a in the Hartford area. Call These Are The Best Buys Around! to own a suggestion has been to close the pool for refreshments will be served. For more in­ the budget or by special ap­ ditions and renovations at today. TAC/TEMPS, 727-8430. Hours 10 to 3, S nays. 84 per water fountain. hour. Call Mr. Howland, ^ one day per week in order to completely formation call Mary Nicholson, 528-1526. propriation each year. the high school (probably a The above item s will cost 1108. McCa r t h y b u ilt h o m l For the 1981-1982 school cafeteria and music PART TIME. Want cash for 82,340 and are required un­ the holidays? For every day? year the board hopes to room). No estimates were der the Rehabilitation Act It’s easy with the phone in UGHT MAINTENANCE and errand person - Must have Help Wanted Gerber neighbors oppose complete the play field at given for the additions. of 1973. your own home. Call 249-7773. 13 Featuring own car.'We pay mileage. Call Bolton E lem entary School The board also hopes to Renovations to toe high Mrs. Bloom 646-2900. CARRIER NEEDED '’fc the Exclusive SALESMAN- Opportunity for at an estim ated cost of install new oil burners and school and center school L u H T 3 I ^ bigger plant, wider road 844,000; renovate the exciting position. Knowledge . "BUTTERNUT ROAD” windows at the high school required by the act will of stoves helpful. Base plus RN OR LPN, full or part time, m o u T ii e«wM4A CHESTER 1 elementary school office at during that period. No es­ commission. Full medical 11 to 7. Laurel Manor, 91 For The Beacon Hill Apartments Gracious and Spacious executive type home. Features U Rms. Five bed Rms., Jim McCarthy-Bullder SOUTH WINDSOR—Residents living One resident of Diane Drive told toe cost about 816,000. They OPENING SOON 1st flout Fam. Rm. with firepl. L sliders to a patio. Large kitchen with dining an estim ated cost of 83,000; timates were given for benefits. Paid vacation. Call Chestnut, 6494519. near toe Gerber Scientific plant on Kelly subcommittee that drainage and backed- are not included in the In Manchester, on the East Hartford Town Line. area. Hard wood floors and W/W carpeting. Laundry chutes, central air. Rec amesite work at Bolton those projects. Mrs. Gray 525-1931. For An Exciting Seaeon. Rm. & office. Sets on a professionally landscaped lot with a nice brook. This is Road have voiced nearly unanimous op­ up sewer lines were already a problem in budget or toe four year LATHE OPERATOR - 2 Center School at an es­ During 1983-1984 the years’ experience air craft Cashiers, claaners, only the beginning there are many many more extra features m this gorgeous position to proposed expansion of the capital improvement plan. COCKTAIL WAITRESSES - home, A MUST SEE AT ONLY $96,900.00 the area. She said additional sewage from tim ated cost of 86,000; ven­ parts. Set up and operate. Call Manchester Herald, counter HELP. facility and the widening of Kelly Road. board wants to replace Earn up to 8200 a week. Gerber would worsen the condition. tilation to the civil defense Excellent benefits. Hawk Call Mr. Wilson Residents told a Kelly Road Subcom­ windows at the center Experienced or will train, Residents said they were also concerned room at an estimated cost Precision Corporation. 303 649-6000 mittee, formed by toe Town Council, that school and also replace its rd*** Street, Burnham Street, East Hart­ over the possible decline in the value of of 83,000; and fence repair H e r a U i Eve. 649-5900 they feared the traffic, and noise, which maintenance truck. No es­ ford. S28-9845. property in the neighborhood. to the tennis courts at INDEX Gerlinde, 647"9946 could result from toe proposed construc­ timates were given. 8370 / THOUSAND FOR Bolton High School at an For toe 1984-1985 school MEDICAL SECRETARY. Only 8 gorgeous treecf lots r^ a in ln g to tion of three new buildings. Located near N o n c k e ENVELOPES YOU MAIL. Postage paid. Free applica­ Wanted for busy Manchester r CLEANING HELP for custom build your home. Starting at $125,000 toe Vernon line, Gerber Scientific is one of Piano recital Tuesday 1 — Lo«t end Found doctor. Experience preferred. evening work. Five days. 2 — Personals tion. FASSCO, Dmt. 86, 732 the fastest growing industrial Don Ron, St. Louis, MO. 631U. Call 646-6323, Monday thru Must nave own transporta­ SOUTH WINDSOR-Christine Clegg, 3 — Announcements Friday for interview appoint­ Help Wanted 13 Help Wanted 13 Help Wanted 13 tion. Call 643-4000, developments in South Windsor. The com­ 4 — Entertainment a local music teacher and faculty member ment. For further information call; pany must widen Kelly Road in order to 5 — Auctions TEACHERS AT ALL MirOKOUUIIC of the Hartford Conservatory, will be WANTED - Apprentices to LIVE-IN HELP - for an elder­ accommodate additional traffic in order FINANCIAL LEVELS: Universal NURSES AIDES - 7 a.m. to 3 Cto«nMlMlnlto<»U)Mn«)iiW*W- UNIQUE and CHARMINQ’ presented in a piano recital Tuesday at Teachers, Box 5231, Portland, NURSERY ATTENDANT p.m., and 12 midnight to 8 learn dry wall, metal stud, ■aS Morti m A w V toi Ml ly gentleman. March 27-April MERRITT, agency 8 — Bonds-Stocks-Mortgages ■kMM. IN lOv pU toM) nh nU Renovated Circa I860 Colonial. 4 bedrooms, unique living room with wainscot- to obtain state Department of Transporta­ 7:30 p.m. at the South Windsor Public Ore.. 97206. WANTED. 18 or over. a.m.. Part time or full time. and acoustical work. Must 12. Free room and board. 9 — Personal Lokns Wedneadavs and Sundays. Ap­ maliin WU IMArk wMa iM »w Salary negotiable. 649-1249. ting, beamed ceiling and flue for woodstove. Formal dining rm with beautiful tion approval for the plans. Library. 10 ~ Insurance Enjoy working in a very ple- have own transportation. aMol Mran. ^ Hi iMiM, wainscotting. Large country kitchen, pantry, and m baths. New heating Realtors 646-1180 proximately 6 to 8 hours week­ Medical benefits available. OB M Ml CmtlM. IM *• Orta ■ 6494350. EMPLOYMENT PART TIME HELP Wanted sant and homelike at­ system, plumbing, and roof. 1.2 acres of privacy. You owe it to yourself to see downtown, Manchester. Call ly. Call 6464025 for Interview. mosphere, helping our elderly 646-5792. W. M A Orta OamW O.. M, ) » this unique home Only a couple of minutes to 1-06. ALL THIS AND MUCH, 13 — Help W anter fljfl e/wvt NAi SkM. Matorta. Exclusive Agent AUTO Needed by April 2. HONE - Two experienced MUCH MORE FOR $65,900. 14 — Business Opportunities UV) tRnfV. atients. Good wages and GIRL FRIDAY - Full time. Sunnen hone operators. Able Budget on board agenda 15 — Situation Wanted &enefits. Please call Doris to set-up and work to close RELIABLE PART-TIME Blain D.N.S. 646-0129. T ^ist, filing, and phone work. EDUCATION babysitter needed in REFINED LADY as compa­ tolerance and high finish. All TEDFORD VERNON — The Board of Education program ai the elementary level. If this Manchester Manor Nursing Experienced preferred. Call nion to elderly lady for 2 or 3 V «i REPARS 16 — Private Instructions Manchester. Some evenings.. company benefits. Apply in Onlui^ Home, 385 West Center Street, 5284197. hopes to wrap up its budget proposal for program isn’t approved then it would 16 — Schools-Classes days per week. Must have person, 9:00 to 4:30 daily, C 6 4 7 - 9 9 1 4 Will provide transportation. Manchester. S i I m i ^ the coming year, at a special meeting to probably mean that five staff members "Home of Ur. Qoodwrtnch" 20 — Instructions Wanted NURSE AIDES: 3-11 and 11-7 Call 649-1531. driver's license and good W Manufacturing Company, Rick Merritt-Realtor MALE - Part time. General driving record. No cooking or 4 1 3 - 8 9 5 8 be held tonight at 7:30 at the Middle would be eliminated. REAL ESTATE Shift. Orientation program pizza shop duties. Apply 74 Eastern Blvd., Glaston­ 23 — Homes lor Sale starting every Monday. Plea­ NURSES AIDE or LPN housework. Write qualifica­ bury, Ct. School. The proposed budget carries a teacher LUBE PERSON - Mechanic within: Tommy’s Pizzeria, • CompiBte Mechanical Service 24 — Lots-Land tor Sale sant working conditions. Call NEEDED In private home, to tion to: Box VV, c/o Irish Eyes Are Smiling background. Reliable. To 267 East Center Street, The 812.1 million budget was reviewed salary account risk factor of 835,000. Some 25 — Investment Property Mrs. Maloney at Burnside take care of disabled man. Manchester Herald. LAWN CARE • Collision Repair 26 — Business Property lubricate trucks and trailers. Manchester. on these Homes... by the board at its meeting iast Monday board members also indicated they feel Convalescent Home, 289-9571. Please call 643-1264. PROFESSIONALS - Job this couid be higher. 27 — Resort Property Experience necessary. Second MOLD MAKER, TOOL openings in fast growing lawn ^ < Tis No Blarney- and several board members indicated • Auto Painting 26 — Real Estate Wanted and third shift. 85:25 per hour. PRINT SHOP - Type, photo MAKER, MACHINIST. Apply One of the centers of controversy is toe BABYSITTER NEEDED IN RN It LPN - First and third and Multilith Press. Apply: treatment profession. Star­ they won’t approve it as it now stands. • Low Cost Service Rentals MtSC. SERVICES MY HOME preferably from shift. Enjoy working with an All fringe benefits. For ap­ in person: Vernon Mold and ting salary over 8200 per proposed elimination of the dental hygiene pointment call 688-7596. Gaer Brothers, 140 Rye Tool, Inc. 199 Forest Street. 31 — Services Offered Manchester, Vernon, Bolton excellent supporting staff, Street, South Windsor. week, plus fringe benefits. Daniel Woolwich, board chairman, and program from the school system, opting '• Factory Trained Technicians 32 — Painting-Papering area. 3 days a week, 8 to 4 caring for our elderly Excellent opportunities for even a member of the board's budget com­ for the fluoride rinse instead of the dental • Charge With Master Charge 33 — Building-Contracting p.m. Call after 4 p.m., 646- patients. Position also HAIRDRESSERS WANTED advancement. High school 34 — Rooflng-Sldlng FIGURE CLERK - (or The Locksmiths Salon in mittee, intimated they wouid be in favor examination, cleaning and fluoride treat­ W14. available in the self care urit. Calculating and entending in­ diploma and good driving • 24 Hour Wrecker Service 35 — Heating-Plumbing Bolton. We take pride in our record required. Call Lawn-A- of eliminating a proposed new computer ment. The existing program costs more 36 — Flooring Good wages and benefits. voices. Apply: Gaer Brothers, LEGAL SECRETARY- U w Please call Doris Blaln D.N.S. unique country setting, yet Mat, 331 Summit Street, system from the budget. The pian calls for than 816,000 a year. The rinse program 37 — Moving-Trucking-Storage HELP WANTED 140 Rye Street, ^ u th Wind- Tel. 646-6464 38 — Services W anted Firm in Vernon seeks full 646-0129. Manchester Manor luxurious surroundings, and M anchester, 649-8887, leasing of a new system at a cost of 896,000 would cost about 81,320. special training programs between 9:00 and 4:00 for in­ Ntw Uating — Lovely 6 room Cape wito attached garage MISC. FOR SALS time Legal Secretary with Nursing Home, 365 West PMTSDISMANTLER a year. Other major increases from the 810.9 good typing and shorthand Center Street. Manchester. tailored to suit your needs. terview appointment. located in toe Verplanck School Area. Wall-to-wall carpet, 3 40 — Household Goods Must hava own tools. Friendly staff and creative The budget aiso cails (or a new alarm million current budget, are mostly in the 41 — Artldea for Sale sklUs. Experienced preferred. bedrooms, private landscaped lot. Price: 889,998. environment. We invite you to GENERAL FACTORY system at a cost of 850,000 and one new 42 — Building Supplies Telephone 646-1974, Between 9 HOUSEKEEPERS and Apply In parson • PART-TIME. Research areas of insurance, transportation, fuel a.m. and 5 p.m. Center needs part-time help to grow with us. If interested, WORKER. We are in need of program, an alternative education 43 — P e ts -B Ir d s -O ^ s JANITORS • Pull time. SOUTH WINDSOR and gasoline, and utilities. CARTER 44 — Musical Instruments make appointments for cail Paula Mazzola, Tuesday an energetic individual to fill Weekdays and weekends. Your Irish eyes will smile and ail your 45 ~ Boats & Accessories salesmen. Must have good thru Saturday, 647-W80. a full-time opening on our first WE ARE LOOKING FOR Mature and responsible in­ AUTO PARTS, Inc leprechauns will have a private bedroom in our 46 — Sporting G ood s Housewives interested in dividuals. Apply in peraou: telephone voice and per­ shift. May be some heavy lif­ 47 — Garden Products Schpnek Road spacious Colonial/Ranch. Your yard is large and making good money for part East Hartforu Convalescent suasive manner. Technical or SECRETARY for ting involved. We offer life 48 ^'Antiques Engineering firm. Minimum private, just right for family activities, ana you’ll Schools join in telethon time noon, aoUcItlns from Home, 745 Main Street. Elast South WIndaor, Ct. sales experience helpful. and health insurance, paid 46 — W anted to Buy three years’ experience be saving of the green at 859,900 and move in con­ CHEVROUT our pleasant E>ut Hartford Hartford. 06074 Hours flexible. Send complete vacation, holidays and sick RENTALS l^ in g 60 wpm, shorthand 90 HARTFORD — Among the 50 Catholic 3\) aim 0 and will be led by 82 priests and 30 Office. Hourly rate. Plus com- resume to: P.O. Box 88, time. Apply In person at dition. , 52 — R oom s for Rent eeuti opportuivir emptoiw wpm. Send resume or call. grammar and junior high schools raising missiona, plus bonuses. Hours Mansfield Depot, CT, 06251. PiUowtex Corp., 49 celebrities from local radio and television 53 ^ Apartments for Rent 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Call ua at 569- An Equal Opportunity Fuss and O’Neill, 210 Main Street, Manchester,nene money for inner-city schools are two from 54 — H om es for R ent stations. Among the participants are Pat .4993, ask for Tereu. MiiDiinoiirMuw hm provwi Wsrti raoord Employer. Street, Manchester, 646-2469. EOE. Charming — 3 bedroom Ranch with IW baths, fireplaced suburban towns east of the Connecticut 55 — Business for Rent EOE. Sheehan, Hilton Kaderly, R.D. Sahl, Bob CHEVROLET 56 ~ Resort Property for Rent .wNh riMnnoM. giqpsrtsnoa Uving room, large kitchen, wall-to-wall carpet. Also fenced in River. Steele, Brad Davis and Father Edmund 57 — Wanted to Rent raqutraO In *l*ctrlc*l pravtnUv* rear yard with covered patio. Price: 856,W . 58 — M lsc. for Rent tnalnttnanca, maotilne repair, St. Rose' School in East Hartford and Nadolny. •nd grotindt. Flm ihIR TWIN REALTY Assumption School in Manchester wili Pledges to be read on the air may be AUTOMOTIVE BABYSITTER WANTED: 3 «Wi opportunHir tor oMTtlnw. Wa sent to Catholic Needy Schools, c/o CBT 61 — Autos for Sale to 5:30, Monday torn Friday ottor an toturanoa Plan, paM participate in the Second Annuai Catholic 1229 MAIN ST. MANCHESTER 62 — Trucks for Sale and fchool vacations. Own »caUana. hoHdaya and atok Ulna. 289-7921 Needy Schools Telethon to help raise Bank, One Constitution Plaza, Hartford, 63 — Heavy Equipment for Sale Transportation. C^all after Kaay aooaaa to 144, l-as. Apply In 1227 hmMe 8w. ■ Acrasi Fraai the Marco Polo 8100,000 for 11 Catholic inner-city schools CT 06115. GM UAUTY 64 — Motorcydea-BIcyclaa 5:30. m LtISO. 6 65 — Campers-TraUere-Moblle HAPPY BIRTHDAY serving in New Haven, Waterbury and. The telethon will run March 29, on S B M C f RARTS ^wnmxcomiuim ®xe liem lti Homes • ktotor Homes' Harold **Spec** Perrett Hartford. Channel 30, 1-6:30 p.m.; March 30, 11 66 — Automotive Service WOMAN TO CLEAN HOUSE 4> m gsnt StTMt ZINSSER AGENCY a.m.-6 p.m. on Channel 30 and from 11:30 gPIPAl.llOrOBSHtltriBIVMOM 67 — Autoa for Rent-Lease • I day per week. Must have MMK»hB0lBr & The telethon will be hosted by Channels own transportation. Call 588- COE M/P CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on Channel 8. 2005. 646-1511 Shirley at SNETCO

1 18 - EVEl^ING HERALD. Mon.. March 17, I860 Paanuts — Charlas M. Schulz EVENING HERALD. Mon.. March 17, 1980 - 19 ArUel— for Sal* 41 Frank and Emaat IC8WTM6T18 f IT LOOKS c a p SOOTH-OF-THE-BORDER CAFE ANPUilNPV J ACROSS 6 Furious Answer to Previous Puzzla You Can Adver- Pbby 7 River In Italy ALUMINUM Sheets used as 1 Ftar(Fr.) 8 Noes part OlfaDDBiaUErlEJ Th i s tSlsi'T UP THOUl IP O • Tl Oil tiae Your Ser printing plates, .007 thick By ADigaii van Buren 5 Ball du b 9 Three (prefix) a G. TOSTARELU, JR. iSx28Vk” , » cents each or 5 11 Tibetan ¥ A « H J t o lllo L r A to Fast aircraft for$l. Phone 643-2711. Must be TIO V4»o R u S o P u capital vice or Business (abbr.) n n n d d d pickedjicked up before 11 a.m. 12 Faux pas (pi.) 11 Loam deposit Building Contractor ^ A n D A R W ------13 Hons food uncjaD nisnciuaQ In This Direc- ONLY. DEAR ABBY: Please help me. I have no one else to turn 14 Distant □Eion □□□■?! □nin to. If you print my letter in your column my mother is sure 14 Psataga (prefix) CHDQ GaDE] onnEi N *«il M qr* Room? 6aU IMIm (ar CHAIN FALLS, tap and dye m y BAP5" 15 Be worthy ol 16 Proper □□□□□□Cl antann .tory For As LiU to see it as she reads you every day. I am 12 years old. 17 Child set, electric welder, acetylene 16 Type of □ □ E l OEID Dear Mother: 18 Customer outfit, aluminum ladder, drapery POPPED YET. I love you so much and I need your love, too. What is 19 In I sheltamd tie As $3,45 Per trailer tires, new electric 2 0 Dhrislon of REG ROOMS generator, electric lawn- k wrong with me that you don't love me as much as you love pilot Great Britain 21 Genetic Week. Please mower. Evenings, 638-7060. my little sister? Every time I see you loving her up I hurt for Priscilla’s Pop — Ed Sullivan 22 Football QOEiciizinnci metariel • KHehcfn • Bathroom* you to love me, too. league (abbr.) 7“ ^ THATS A 24 Highway 36 Veritable 46 Normandy • AddlHona •Romodoling Call 643-2711, DINING ROOM SET Colonial Like yesterday, you were sitting between my sister and I CAN'T CONVINCE 23 Broke bread WONPERFUL cunra 37 Grabs Invasion day style $1,400. Call 568-1988. me and I saw you take her hand and run kisses from her SERNARP THAT HE 25 Sticky stuff Quality Workmanahip — ••••••••aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa a*a**taa*a*aaaaaaa*aa*aaaa V, IPEA.' 26 Small valley 38 Batter 47 Powerful hand up to her elbow, and then you kissed her on the head. I SNORES.' 26 Jar cover Raaaonabla Rataa Ask For Terry Aparlmanta For Rant S3 OHfeaa-Storaa lor Rant SB 26 Heave balanced explosive USED ICE SKATES, sizes 7 to turned to you and put my arms around you and kissed you, 27 Marsh 27 Form a jelly 39 Haartbast (abbr.) 11, good condition. 646-8069. PLEASE READ I but you paid no attention to me. No hug, no kiss or anything. crocodile 29 Crude ... I ADVERTISING chart (abbr.) 48 Short for or Joe When I went to bed that night I hurt so much I cried. 28 Dinar 3 0 Ice fishing ONE BEDROOM - Kitchen, ROCKVILLE- 62 Park Street. 41 Thick board hurrah CALL MIKE, NOW at 528-8088 FOR SALE - 10-horse Ariens YOUR AD 3 0 Biblical hero gear bath. $225 monthly. Se..urlty 1000 square feet Office Suite. 5 DEADLINE You tell me I am bad because I am jealous. I can't help 42 Ceramic p lK S 49 Belonging to Snowblower. S-speed forward, 33 Youth 31 Actrsas I reverse, with tirechains. deposit required. Utilities not rooms, with lounge area. Heat how I feel. You say I am turning into a problem child, and 4 4 _____ "tha tha thing |l2:0b noon tho day HaraM la 34 Fadth Lupino Used one season. $550. Call includ^. Nice yard. 6^9918. included. Located in business you think I should talk to a counselor. Mother, can't you see Terrible'' 52 Pound (abbr.) for only ono bworraotl 35 Bird's crop 3 2 Baliafa after 5 pm. 646-7230. district. $ ^ monthly. Call Iboloro publication. that what I need is for you to love me? 37 C o m p su 1 THREE-ROOM, Spruce 875-1128 9 a.m. thru 5 p.m. Inaortion and than only I Please love me, Mother. I love you so much. point 2 3 4 1 B 7 B — 10 Street, near Charter Oax. $270 weekdays. to tha alia of thol 40 Joke When in need of a Service or Product FIREWOOD - All hardwood, iDoadlIno for Saturday NO LOVE IN LUBBOCK, TEX. 11 12 cut one year ago. Cut, snlit, monthly. Heat included. land M onday la 12KKI original Inaortion. 41 Hammer part delivered. 12’^, 16” , 24” . Security, references. ROCKVILLE - 58 Park Street. Errora which do not! DEAR NO LOVE: I'm sure your mother loves yon, but 42 Lofty place 13 14 Elmer Wilson. Call 649-5900. Immediate occupancy. 649- 500 square feet Office Suite. 3 iNoon Friday. a 43 Wire measure loooan tha vahio oHEia | 'I'm printinf your letter as reminder to off mothers that all IB IB 3423. rooms. Heat included. their children need to feel loved equally. 45 Confusing 17 Located In business district. advartlaamant wM not 47 Labor SWIM POOL D istributor ICIaaalflad ada ara Please understand that yon are not a bad person because tl IB 20 21 22 5T ROCKVILLE - Prospect $300 monthly. Call 875-1128, 9 50 Bam uis forced to dispose of brand new akan ovor ttio phono bo oorroctod by an ad­ you feel jealous. We all feel jealous sometime; it's a normal Captain Easy — Crooks & Lawrence CALL A PROFESSIONAL 31-foot long pools complete Street area. 3 rooms. No pets. a.m. thru 5 p.m. weekdays. ditional bwortlon.- 61 Swimming 24 2S 2B I a eonvonlonco. Tho emotion. with huge sun deck, fence, $150. Call 875-1128,9 a.m. thru CHRI9, ^ L B A e e i C H R ISi I 'M ONL'Y BUT I 52 Mora tardy 27 21 heavy duty pump, filter. 5 p.m. weekdays. OFFICES. Excellent location I think it's a good idea to talk to a counselor. Please do, W U 'V B eOTTA TRyiWO TO H ELPI HAVE 53 Gratitude 2B 500 sq u a re fe e t. H eat. then write again and tell me how you are. I care. LI9TBN TO m b : TOl 54 Unplayad golf 0 put this Directory to work for you, call 643-2711 Asking $985. Financing M iy 32 33 available. Call Sonny collect ROCKVILLE - 75 Union Parking. Janitor service. $150. holes 203-324-9289. Street. 4 rooms. No pets. $200. Call Max Grossman at 649- ehe Heralb DEAR ABBY: My son and his fiance, Judy (not her real 34 3B 3B 37 3B . _ - — Call 875-1128, 9 a.m. thru 5 5334. DOWN name), have been going together for about 2Vi years. They 40 41 BALED HAY FOR SALE - p.m. weekdays. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING set their wedding date, and all the plans were made for a big 42 \ Eras , •UlLOINfi^MmTMCTim \ SW M Plia rOOLI „MtnMSNr_ : Pick up or delivered locally. Wantad lo ffenf 87 wedding. My granddaughter was to be the flower girl, and 43 44 45 4B 2 Dinar Call 643-5301, or 742-8535. FIRST FLOOR, four room everyone was looking forward to the big event. 3 Soviet Union 47 41 4B 10 apartment. No pets. Security, RENT WANTED - 3 bedroom Less than a week before the wedding, Judy and her family FlilRiUD RMODaM ' referencev. Mature adults on­ apartment on Section 8 (abbr.) CARRY NATIONS NEW EARLY AMERICAN Motareycfot-Sfcycfoi 84 decided to call off the wedding. B1 82 Cabinets, Roofing, Gutters, ly, please. Cali 649-1265. Program. Very clean family. 4 Egyptian deity 642-ISOS plaid couch and chair. Call Now we are getting all these bills for the tuxedos, flower Room Additions, Decks, All after 5, 646-7944. Call S2S-9535. VW RABBIT, 1977. 26,000 1978 HARLEY DAVIDSON - 5 Deutschland B3 64 types of Remodeling and FINE LUNCHES MANCHESTER - 4-room miles. Excellent condicion. LOW RIDER. 2500 miles, girl's dress, etc. (abbr.) -12 repairs. FYee estimates. Ful­ AH'^eason Pool, he. CsriMT CsfHsr A Main SL MOVING - Must sell apartment, first floor, in One owner. Automatic. $4,500 100% stock and in excellent Who should pay these bills? Also, what about the rings my ly insured. RT44A BOLTON MANCHISTIN everything (appliances and new er two fam ily. $375 U AUTOMOTIVE or best offer. 646-4^. 569 shape. $4500. 742-8786. son bought? . _ PHONE 843-6017 . ______040^862______household items). Call 568- monthly. 659-0394; evenings 4672. JIM'S MOM 633-4119. 6030 after 5:00 p.m. Autoa For Sala 61 1975 HONDA SUPER SPORT . M ^sjAiB_cufnm 1974 OLDSM OBILE 759 Kerker headers.. KNN DEAR MOM: Unless the bride (or her family) agreed M T i ia m c i FOR SALE - Old heavy duty T H R E E ROOM CUTLASS, two door. Good filters. Oil cooler. Much beforehand to pay for the flower girl's dress, the flower Allay Oop — Dave Qrau* briciqe WE PAY TOP PRICES for Singer sewing machine, works APARTMENT. Heat, condition. New tires. $1,000. more! $1500. 643-4076 before 2 girl's parents (or guardians must pay lor it—providing the " F o u wrecked and junk cars. A & B YHEARTHAT.WnatB? WELL.THE SER G EA N T S GONE X AND W C ? W HAtr May Run iisiBi muRor with treadle. Priced at $100. parking, utilities. Security, no 6495334. p.m. dress cannot be returned. YMEAN THIS LOOPED 194 eINTIII BTMIT pets. Ideal for newlyweds. Auto Salvage, used auto parts. PIECE BUSTED BBCAUS^ I TEU.\OU,WEVE (X3WN TO TH' BEACH TO BUILD CAN LEAVE «Xl „ WlAPLE Mobile Call Willimantic, 423-3861. A RAFT TO TRANSPORT OUR J WHENEVER ♦vwrw* Oswald Jacoby and Alan Sontag Your Ad For MMCHIBTBN . 943-939? Call Tony 6 4 6 ^ . Assuming the tuxedos are rented, those who rented the IT W A :^ SOAKED.IN/^THATS JUST C O T TGET SOME ------Sw|Mr'Service, Inc. 649-9092 or 643-1827. 1977 BUICK SKYHAWK. V-6, 1973 KAWASAKI F-7. ITS CC. tuxedos must pay for them. OOZP ^ ’ OF THIS OOZ STUFF! TRADE GOODS! I ’M SURE HE / IT'S READY. * W * four speed, FM, excellent con- OAt • OIL • UIBMGATION • As Many Hour*: Tuee. thru Frt. WE BUY & SELL USED 1973 TORINO - 302. Runs Used but not abused. Runs If the jeweler refuses to take back the rings, your son now AND HIS MEN WIU FINISH IT ) CAN'T a to 8:30 FURNITURE - One piece or MANCHESTER - Luxurious diUon. Asking $3,400. 568-0645. strong. Asking $300. 646-3383. IN SHORT ORDER! / A U E Y O O P apartment. Heat paid. Many excellent. Must sell, owns a set of good-as-new rings. Let’s hope he has better Cue bidding locates slam Insertions As | Saturdey 8 to 600 entire household. Cash On The sacrificing! Any reasonable (Ctoyetf MeeNagnj. Line. Furniture Bam. 646- extras. $190. (171 -3). 238-5646. BANK REPOSSESSION FOR MOTORCYCLE INSURANCE luck with his next girl. . You Wish 0865. Locators, small fee. offer over $1450. Call after SALE - 1973 Buick Le Sabre; Alan: “There is very little 3:30 p.m., 649-1150, 528-6063. Speedy Telephone $895. Contact the Savings quotations. Immediate DEAR ABBY; Although I have been an ardent fan of NORTH J-1741 to the play at six clubs. South 149 OAKLAND STREET - Se­ Bank of Manchester, Loan yours for many years, I never thought I'd be writing to you. < yolkswAfiEiis IWIIM, STOM WMDOm, DOORS, AWIHMS, i CAHOKt Doga-BIrda-Patt 43 coverage available. Call Joan ♦ a : wins the diamond lead in cond floor. 5 room apartment. Department, 6491700. at Clarke Insurance. 643-1126. Today I received and read your booklet WHAT EVERY VQJ5 dummy, leads a trump to bis HOME SWEET HOME - $300 m onthly. Security TEENAGER OUGHT TO KNOW. Although 1 am a ♦ A 10 7 king to find out that trumps Complete health-g^uard deposit. No pets. No WANTED JUNK AND LATE Trucks for Sala 52 registered nurse of 16 years, 1 ordered the booklet because 1 4A7432 are not going to break worse facilities. Cats also. Canine appliances. No utilities. Te­ MODEL WRECKS - Cash find it very difficult to talk to my teenage daughter about WEST EAST than 91 and then plays two Holiday Inne, 200 Sheldon nant Insurance required. 646- Paid. Call Parker Street Used GMC 1972 1 TON UTILITY sex, etc. 410 9 4KQ6 rounds of spades. With spades 2426, between 9 and 5 Road, Manchester. 648-5971. Auto Parts. Inc. 649-3391. TRUCK- Has the reading I must say that this booklet is a godsend, and 1 would V987 S ?K1043 breaking 92, there is no need weekdays. enclosed b o ^, with side com­ ♦ Q65 2 9KJ984 to take the nearly certain BfllTUNSKY partments. Excellent for con­ Probate Notice highly recommend it to mothers, teenagers, as well as BOX STALLS, TRAILS- Blue 1970 FORD CUSTOM SEDAN- members of my church. Never in my life have 1 received so 41095 4« heart finesse.” Seal Feeding Program. Ring LARGE FIVE ROOM 428, 4 barrel. $500, or best, tractor. 7:30a.m. to5:30p.m., Court of Probate, District of The Flintstones — Hanna Barbara Productions Oswald: “The problem with SA V E R ^ W ALUMINUM A VINYL SIDING much for $2. I regret that this wonderful booklet wasnY SOUTH STs (20 CofofB Tb Choeee From) with lights. Pastures. Daily APARTMENT - 2 baths. offer. Call 649-6410, anytime. 633-0249. Manchester this hand is how to find the NOTICE OF HEARING around when 1 was growing up. Thanks a million, God bless 4JI7S43 “We Buy, turnouts. Rockville.Call 875- Appliances, heat and utiltities ...TO ... BUT, THEN, club slam. Some pairs would included. In large single ESTATE OF RENE A. UMOTHE, you, and keep up the good work. Abby. W E L L / m e r e s h e /AB, »A2 Sell end ★ AWNINGS A CANOPIES 9954, or 8754)272 ; 742-9653. HIGH PERFORMANCE AND 1971 FORD F-250 PICKUP- deceased NOT A VERY t h e v 'V e n e v e r not even get to game. Others house. No pets. References COA4ES WITH THEIR ♦ 5 ECONOMY. Modified 1/6 Elxcellent condition. Power Pursuant to an order of Hon. William I hope you print my letter and if you do, you may use my APPETIZING would land at four spades.” Repair." ★ STORM WINDOWS A DOOSS required. $ ^ monthly. Ask steering and brakes. E. Fitzi>rald, Judge, dated March 12, OINNER-A SEEN CRBAMEP 4KQJ8 AKC REGISTERED female Formla Ford Pinto. 0-60 6 name. MEAL/TO SAV Alan: “The bidding in the TIM MORIARTY Phone e 4 9 -8 0 9 8 for Dick, 646-1084. Automatic transmission. Will 1980 a hearing wTu be held on an MRS. CLEOPATRA SPENCER, RA\Af ti/OR/W CAULIFLOVI/ER, Vulnerable: Neither apricot poodle, six months seconds, 30 mpg., suspension application praying that letters of ad­ THE LEAST./ EITHER > box Is elegant. South decides FREE ESTIMATES + EASY TERMS old. $125. Call 643-1069 after radial spoilers. Excellent con­ trade for four wheel drive. ministration be granted on said estate WEST BABYLON, N.Y. Dealer: East to show his good four-card 4:00. FEMALE ROOMMATE dition. 646-7536. $1995.6490557, after 6:00 p.m. as in said application on file more fully club suit North repeats bis WANTED - Apartment in appears, at the Court of Probate on 7 W est North East Sosth ■ j a m r March 25. 1980 at 11:00 A M. 1 9 cue bid to show first-round GOOD HOME NEEDED for Manchester. Non-smoking. 1974 GMC half-ton pickup. $2,- 1 4 1975 MERCURY MONTEGO Pearl J. Hultman. Are there questions you can't ask your parents? Get 2 A Pass 3 4 diamond control. South rebids lovable young white cat. One $135 month, includes heat and MX- Excellent condition, low 200 or best offer. 64'7-9300, Ass’t. Clerk his spdes. North raises clubs. hot water. 649-1312. evenings, weekends. 037-03 Abby's new booklet; WHAT TEENAGERS OUGHT TO SA Pass 3 4 blue, one green eye. 342-0571, mileage. Quadrophonic 4 4 Pass 4 4 South cue bids in hearts, and 633-6581. KNOW. Drags, sex and alcohol are plainly discussed. Send ■•••**••*••**•••••******** stereo-8 track, power steering 6 4 Pass Pass North considers bidding a aaaaoooaaaaaoooaoaaoaafPRtVl ***************•****••■••* Homes for Rani 64 / brakes, one owner. 872-6528, . , 4t ui •* *>Qfo $2 and a long, stamped (28 cents) self-addressed envelope to nand slam but wisely settles Bc^(f-CI«MM IB' Homi>S6i'8tlo ■'23 Musical Instrumsifis 44 633^5310, or 6590506. Abby, 132 Lasky Drive, Beverly HiUs, Calif. 90212. • EDUCATION 1 VERNON - House For Rent for six.” ------Oswald: “You can amuse HORSEMANSHIP - English COVENTRY - 25 Acres with 6 - 1/2 PRICE ON GUITARS in­ with 3 bedrooms, 1 1/2 baths, 1976 FORD ECONOLINE Opening lead: 4 2 yourselves by finding other riding lessons now available room Western Ranch. Only 4 cluding Ovations, plus free fireplace, wall-to-wall carpet. VAN 100- V8. Finished in­ PrNatt /mlrucUonf is Rent $500 per month plus Probate Notice Probate Notice ways to get to this very diffi­ for children and adults. years old. With central air, case with this ad. Carlos terior. Loaded with options. cult slam. There are lots of Facilities include large indoor fenced pasture, out buildings, guitars 60% off. Rivers Music, utilities, security deposit. Captains' Chair, stereo etc. Court of P robate, D istric t of Court of Probate. District of Pstrogroph The Born Loser — Art Sansom RIDING LESSONS indoor ways to get there.” arena and three outdoor rii^s. 2 ponds, brook and much Group I, Zinsser Agency 646- Manchester Manchester By Oswald Jacoby riding ring. Western stock 7 Main Street, New Britain. $3!^. Call 633-3233, 5691804 or NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE OF HEARING and Alan Sontag (NEWSPAPER ENTERPRISE ASSN.) Day and evening classes. For more. Group I Philbrick 225-1977. Layaways. 1511. 563-6373 evenings. ESTATE OF FLORENCE C. ESTATE OF IRVING G. seat, saddle seat and hunt Bernice Bede Osol J].,,SH A M R O CK S O F aH'TOBJECT 06JK .TTDW1 ^ seat. All levels 228-9817. more information call Los Agency. 6 4 6 -^ . GUSTAFSON, an incanable person GUSTAFSON, an iocaDable person Andes Farm, 646-9937 or 647- BRAND NEW THREE Pursuant to an order of Hon. William F^^^suant to an order of Hon. william Oswald: "We are indebted {For a copy of JACOBY BASS GUITAR - Bruno Royal CAMARO 1975 - V-8, E. FitsGerald, Judge, dated March 14. E. FitzGerald. Judge, dated March 14. .CD|0IJAU6HT1*C ” MODERN, sand S I to: "Win al 1588. SOUTH WINDSOR - For Sale Artist. Very good condition. BEDROOM COLONIAL, 1-1/2 CANCER (June 21-July 22) Be to bridge teacher Sumner Ckit- automatic. Interior/exterior 1980 a hearing will be held on an 1980 a hearing wUI be held on an persistent where your ambitions Bridge," care o l this newspa­ by owner, $87,900. Uniime and $75. Call 643-C""1-0822, ask ' for' baths, fireplace and two-car application praying for authority to application praying for authority to zin of Worcester, Mass., for VOICE, PIANO Instructions. excellent shape. Runs great. are concerned. Once you per, P.O. Box 489, Radio City contemporary bi-level Ranch. Nick. garage. $525 per month plus Asking $3,100. 643-7736. set) certain real property as in said sen certain real property as in said cfou r today’s hand. It illustrates the Former faculty New York □ REAL ESTATE 4 bedrooms. 2 W baths. Im- utilities. Security. 646-4144 application on file more fully appears, application on file more fully appears, achieve the desired results, you modern all-purpose cue bid at Station, New York, N.Y. Music and Art High School. Mr. Frechette. at the Court of Probate on M ai^ 25. at the Court of Probate on March 25, ^ r t h d a y will find additional ways to its best.” 10019.) Professional Singer/Pianist. ressive foyer, front-to-back Boata-accaatorlaa 45 1973 FORD GRAN TORINO - 1980 at 9:20 A.M. 1980 at 0:30 A.M. expand the benefits. Fiving room with beamed Bucket seats, one owner. Pearl J. Hultman. Pearl J. Hultman. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) You've 644-8597. HomM For Solo 23 Ass’t. Gerk Ass’t. Gerk cathedral ceiling. Dining 12-FOOT SEARS BOLTON - Fireplace, stove Needs some body work. $800. 04^03 added a powerful ally to your list room with sliders to large FIBERGLASS BOAT with 15- and refrigerator. References Call 646^288, or 5654672. March 18,1910 of close friends. You may team NIANTIC - GIANTS NECK deck. Kitchen with skylight. speed electric motor. Asking requireiT No pets. $300 up to do something that will be BEACH. 3 bedroom Ranch, monthly. 646-2311. Your financial prospects look profitable to both of you. Pantry and desk. Large pan­ $3M. Call 872-3602 or 646-7914 1971 FORD LTD BROUGHAM encouraging for the months Haathcliff — Qtorg* Qataly Keep Smiling paneled living room, eat-in eled and carpeted family after 6 p.m. - Excellent condition. No body VIRGO (Aug. 23-8ept. 22) This Is ahead. There are also possibili­ the time to do something posi­ kitchen, 2 car garage, oil heat, room, with antique brick CHECK THIS! Lovely two rust. Qoth interior. (?all 644- ties that you may be able to Be Happy lovely quiet setting on dead­ tive about those plans In the 1 bedroom. Heat paid. With gar­ fireplace. 2-car garage. 3260 days, 644-1454 nights. Increase your Income through back of your head. Just get start­ end street, deeded beach Private wooded lot in age. $300. (187-2). 236-5646, setting up profitable alliances. rights. $79,900. Call exclusive U RENTALS TOWN OF MANCHESTER ed. Lady Luck will put you on the desirable Birch Hill area. Locators, small fee. 1965 FORD VAN - Low PISCES (Fob. 20-March 20) right track. agent, Carol Cable-W ^er, Evenings 644-1232. mileage engine, (xood condi­ You, as well as others, may begin LIBRA (8tpl. 23-Ocl. 23) WInthrop — Dick Cavalll . . . Beazley Co. Realtors, ^ u a l Rooms for Rani 52 SOUTH WINDSOR - Elegant 3 tion. ready for inspection. $485 to see and understand the real Friends and contacts could be School»-CI»u»$ fg housing opportunity. 443-4470. bedrooms. Radiant fireplace. value and worth of some of your most helpful today in giving you firm. Call 6491831 after 4:00 LEGAL NOTICE Ideas as you pul them to work THOMPSON HOUSE - Cen­ Low rent. Option. (17^3), 236- p.m. new Insights Into a situation that FOR THE BEST - Manchester RANCH - Six room s, 3 VERNON - Charming 3 trally located. Downtown 5646, Locators, small fee. today. Find out more of what lies may steer you right Into Dame Bedroom. Ranch with 1 1/2 The Zoning Board of Appeals will hold public hearings on Mon­ ahead lor you In the year follow­ Gymnastic School. 3 to 5 bedrooms, rec room, im­ Manchester. Kitchen day, March 24.1980, starting at 7:00 P.M., in the Hearing Room Fortune's lap. baths. Fireplaced living room, 1979 TRIUMPH SPITFIRE - ing your birthday by sending lor SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) You pupils per teacher. FREE in­ maculate home with park-Uke privileges. (^11 649-2358. MANCHESTER - Victorian Good condition. 8,000 miles. of the Municipal Building, 41 Center Street, Manchester, your copy of Astro-Graph Letter. troductory lesson with this ad. yard. Only $57,900. Group I wall-to-wall carpet. Fenced in two bedroom. Hardwood can win the support ol someone yard and more. Price $56,900. Make an offer. Call 643-1422 Connecticut, to hear and consider the following petitions: Mall $1 for each to Astro-Graph, who could prove to be quite Call 646-6306, or 646-3549. Philbrick Agency. 6464200. 2 ROOMS-1 Free, 1 $20 week­ floors. Large yard. Across Box 489, Radio City Station, N.Y. Group I, Zinsser Agency 648- before 3 p.m. valuable, because ot the atten­ ly; mature male and female. street from lovely park. $300. Item I No. 711 10019. Be sure to specify birth tion you attract from the excel­ 1511. (Jne with License for errands (219-1). 236-5646, Locators, date. 1969 DATSUN 1600 Arline R. Noch — Request variance of Article II, Section 2.01.01 lent way you handle a job. and meals. Private entrance. small fee. ROADSTER - Excellent con­ AMES (March 21-Arp« 19) This 8AOITTARIU8 (Nov. 23-Dec. 21) BY OWNER. Five rooms, two to permit tot frontage of 50 feet (150 feet required) — 98V Bush Is a go<^ day to revlw the facts Call 649-5459. dition. Good body. 58.000 Some Intormatlon coming to you SPEND AN EVENING CHANGING bedrooms, dining room, RENOVATED Hill Road — Rural Residence Zone. to determine If you're making the today straight from the home's fireplace, treed lot, double miles. New top. $3,m or best most of opportunities available THE WAY YOU SPEND YOUR DAYS. QUIET SLEEPING ROOM RELAXATION -Luxurious offer. 6497456 after 5:30 p.m. mouth may be very beneficial In garage. Desirable Bowers with kitchen privileges. Near two bedroom. Must see. Only Item 2 No. 712 to you. Thw e's something for­ helping you solve a problem. School area. Fully insulated. weekdays. tunate In the wind. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22.Uan. 19) If you'd like |M>'lGnily cmplnyt'c Chistom made draperies, slip­ apartment. Large yard. Close CALL 1974 PLYMOUTH FURY III, Edward Coltman, SMretary llninmo Rpjliy AssiKiilps In* covers and upholstery. Budget to shop ig and schools. No four door. $900 or best Pets, ill after 5 pP.m,, 228- Dated this 17th day of March, 1960. J RESENT THAT Terms Arranged. Call 289-2331 87B-076B reasonable offer. (^11 649 04903 or 646-1000. 9759. 0902. AHENTION!! EVENING HERALD CLASSinEO ADVERTISERS; Looking for Y ou don't have C iMOby NEA Inc to shell out much ' - a.. 1 24 HOUR CLASSIFIED SERVICE to gel hig results. “The oil business has been good to me and, I guess, being lllthy rich DOES have lls |- moments. “ WEEP HAS A p l a n ! "Can I have a doggie bag?” CALL 643-2718 after 5 p.m. or 643-2711 during business hours 8;30-5 '______CfSfo