Presented July 2017 by Charles Savoie

(“The Metals Historian”)

I was very fortunate in the last five months to acquire 14 lists of The Pilgrims (London) and The Pilgrims (New York) dated 1908 to 2014, the precious metals antagonist, price suppressing organization I’ve been writing about since I released “Meet The World Money Power” in December 2004, which you can access here http://nosilvernationalization.org/40.pdf or here http://www.silver- investor.com/charlessavoie/cs_dec04.pdf

Those lists are in addition to the nine lists I already had, and as you’d expect, the closer the lists are dated by year, the more duplication of identities; but it shows the time frame membership was held by these operators. I noticed that some of them withdraw once they become way up in years; undoubtedly, to open slots for younger men who are capable of a higher activity level in their numerous fields of absorbing wealth from the middle class, attacking rich not in on their plans, increasing medical-hospital-pharmaceutical-vaccine tyranny, warmongering, acting against the traditional family unit, weakening property rights and decreasing home ownership and slowly dragging us back under Royal family rule. For example, the last roster I notice David Rockefeller in was 1995; meaning he was a listed member for at least 47 years (1948-1995). He may have been a member as early as 1946 and as late as 2000. Undoubtedly he continued his scheming possibly into 2016 with orders to proxies, squeaking pathetically in his wheelchair while his last purloined hearts fluttered. Rocky had six, some say seven, heart transplants, despite most doctors recommending no patients older than 70; no more health resources will be squandered on this Machiavellian.

After an interview with X22 Report released on May 17, 2017, a gentleman named Liam M. who resides in Scotland contacted me and offered funds to finance acquisition of more info on The Pilgrims Society, after my great Netherlands contact, Joel Van Der Reijden, indicated to me he felt he could ferret out more details from several City of London sources, and described the travel and expense funds needed. Much appreciation to L.M. for greasing the wheels! Van Der Reijden’s sojourn to The City after crossing the Channel was fairly successful and he even produced a 2014 twin roster list. This is the most recent list any outsiders have on The Pilgrims Society; several dozen deaths have occurred since these rosters were compiled, as this is in their own words, “the senior, Anglo-American society.” After this huge score it may become impossible to secure more recent lists due to them tightening controls over where rosters go, unless the defiant organization finally relents and starts posting rosters at their site. They have no right to secrecy in the sense of the usual private clubs inasmuch as there are too many Ambassadors and other government officials including military, CIA, Federal Reserve and Cabinet members for them to justifiably claim privacy, which in their case is secrecy.

There is no way to know for certain how much turnover there has been since the 2014 roster came out, in the past three years, nor exactly who is on the waiting list for membership besides that most are still members. “THE ELITIST PILGRIM SOCIETY SEEKS TO MERGE THE INTO THE BRITISH COMMONWEALTH AS A BASE FOR WORLD GOVERNMENT. THE MAJOR INTERNATIONAL BANKING FIRMS ON BOTH SIDES OF THE ATLANTIC ARE WELL REPRESENTED IN THE PILGRIMS SOCIETY, THE WORLD’S MOST SECRET ORGANIZATION.” ---Gary Allen, American Opinion Magazine, September/October 1970.

I am going through these rosters and to describe it as tedious is a major understatement. I want to profile one of these 2014 members to you in this release. His name is Stephen A. Crane out of the New York list. Crane has degrees from Princeton and Harvard. The next captured list back in chronology is the 2002 list, in which Crane was also present. However, the 2001 list also shows he was at that time a member. Therefore, Crane has been a member for at least 16+ years as the rosters are issued in January with the annual meeting of these financial fiends. He may have been a member as early as 1996; he doesn’t show in the 1995 list.

He’s not to be confused with Stephen F. Crane of Morgan Stanley Chicago office. We will also examine several persons who were for several years in association with Crane in his role as a director of a holding company with subsidiaries buying gold and diamonds from the public.

What are these PILL-GRAMS really up to? They say their reason for being is to foster good relations between the United Kingdom and the United States. So? In that event, why is it necessary for them to conceal the majority of their identities? That is mere code language for “recovering the American colonies to the Crown” and “bringing America into the British Commonwealth of Nations” and “world government under the Royal family.”

The esoteric publication below by this shadow organization, with extremely limited circulation, is intended for members only--- Remember how the TV airwaves used to be bombarded with come-on, sucker ads from an outfit called “Cash 4 Gold?” It turns out this Pilgrims Society member Stephen A. Crane was involved! We have heard how USA military operations as the one against Muammar Gaddafi ex and deceased boss of Libya have allegedly (and most probably) “liberated” much gold bullion which the PM price managers have used to feed into the physical side of the market; to placate investors who will not be satisfied with literally anything besides hard gold they can feel the wonderful heft of in the palm of their hands and quietly store on their own---the smart PM faction! Imagine gun dealers offering to store your means of protection! Or if you’re a serious prepper, that you’d have a remote business store your food! Everything you need must not be overly hard to access in a crisis. On general principles, allowing others to store your metal is less safe because known concentrations invite a government grab! Widely dispersed metal is more of a problem for D.C./N.Y.C. bandits.

Just a slight joke since we mentioned a former North African head of state---I know someone who thinks Gaddafi “looks like Mick Jagger” and that Iraqi tyrant strongman Saddam Hussein “looked like Adam Cartwright” of the TV Bonanza western show. I said I’d reserve judgment about the Gaddafi/Jagger comparison, but that I resented any aspersions cast on the upstanding Adam Cartwright! As if to give insight into this character I know (I keep her at more than arms length also due to her curious habit of watering her lawn by hand with a garden hose ONLY when it’s raining), she won’t eat rice because she insists “it looks like maggots” nor drink apple juice because “it looks like gasoline!” We can only wonder what brown gravy looks like to her. I think it’s a weird act. Maybe she still uses onion skin paper, white-out and a typewriter too. Gee! Well, enough of this offbeat comedy routine, we have a PILL-GRAMS member to scrutinize! They are not willing subjects for study! THEY ARE HIDING IN OUR OVERARCHING NATIONAL WOODWORK, GNAWING AWAY LIKE A NEST OF WEBWORMS AT OUR WEALTH AND FREEDOM AND FOR THE SAKE OF A BETTER FUTURE, THEY MUST BE FERRETED OUT!

To restate for those who missed previous research pieces I’ve released; I call “The Pilgrims” or “The Pilgrims Society” (both appellations are correct) the “PILL-GRAMS,” because its members run Big Pharma and foist trillions of very risky Rx Pharma pills (“PILL”) on the public, most with a long list of appalling side effects designed to rake in more money from dumbed-down consumers who have to get profitably treated for the side effects (and God help us, vaccines); and the “GRAMS” part comes from their looting who knows how many megabillions of “GRAMS” of gold and silver from the world for generations back to their malevolent founding in 1902; and their ancestors were also involved in such sinful PM stealing activities notably via the British opium “trade” in China, accepting only silver as payment for their deadly product and suppressing precious metals as money, silver especially, for generations. The Crime of 1873 remains the most notable landmark attack against silver in world history. Current members of The Pilgrims are fixated on more attacks against silver--- especially as in our private ownership, having crafted for themselves a cunning excuse for a repeat silver nationalization---namely, that the Defense Department has no military reserve stockpile of silver for national defense! It was squandered for price management, so now WE become the silver stockpile! Contact your State legislators and insist they pass laws banning D.C. from taking PM’s from their state residents! Make the Silver Users Association and the bullion banks replenish the former 165MOZ reserve at free market prices!

There’s no need to be psychic once you become familiar with their history of attacking silver as detailed in http://silverstealers.net/tss.html

Here’s a short summary from the Wall Street Journal of Stephen A. Crane’s financial career (note these sources NEVER mention that this or that operator is in the “PILL-GRAMS” Society!) Herewith the brief but eyebrow raising content--- http://quotes.wsj.com/EMCI/company- people/executive-profile/72440629 ---

“Stephen A. Crane, 70, Chairman, EMC Insurance Group, Inc. --- Mr. Stephen A. Crane, CFA, is Chairman at EMC Insurance Group, Inc. He is on the Board of Directors at First Security Benefit Life Insurance & Annuity Co. of NY. Mr. Crane was previously employed as Chief Executive Officer by Alpha Star Insurance Group Ltd., Chief Executive Officer by Gryphon Holdings, Inc., Chief Financial Officer by Corroon & Black Corp., Chief Financial Officer by G.L. Hodson & Son, Inc., and Chief Financial Officer by Orion Capital Corp. He also served on the board at Hummingbird Ltd., WNC Holding Corp., and Green Bullion Financial Services LLC.” Green Bullion Financial Services was/is the parent holding company of the notorious public plunderer, Cash 4 Gold. They have tons of rotten consumer feedback and an “F” reputation with the Better Business Bureau (BBB). There was/is a Green Bullion Europe subsidiary. Why not rake gold up from all over the planet? “In 2012, the company was cited by the Advertising Standards Authority for misleading advertisements.” (Same link; reference is to U.K.) They had/have a division called The Estate Buyer relating to more valuable diamond jewelry. Cubic zirconia prices for diamonds perhaps? Let’s look at Crane’s insurance connections first. EMC reached $4 billion in assets as of 2015. It started in 1911 as Employers Mutual Casualty Association. EMC has 2,160 employees. He assumed the lead management role at EMC in 2013.

First Security Benefit Life Insurance & Annuity Company of New York has almost $100 billion in “assets under administration.” Do they have any activity in gold derivatives? Mining shares? Hard gold? Can they tell us what a “daisy chain” is?

So currently this member of The Pilgrims Society is connected to management of $104 billion dollars in assets (more, as we shall see). Almost certainly he holds these elite positions as a selected proxy for part of the network of old-line Pilgrims Society families, who IMO dwarf the new rich in wealth---in many cases, these perverse lines have had back into the 1600s colonial times to accumulate and concentrate wealth, starting with immense estates, and the marriage linkage of these lines is just fantastic.

Invesco Gold & Precious Metals and Security Benefit have linkage; see https://www.sbelitepartners.com/.../00142F857.pdf We’ll touch on Crane’s previous career positions by which he undoubtedly helped “manage” the financial sphere, in concert with dozens of other members. Alpha Star Insurance Group Ltd. had a big loss statement during 2001-2002 when Crane headed it http://bankrupt.com/misc/Alphastar.htm ; a case of small folks being reamed over perhaps? He had its helm 1999-2004. At that time he had a New York City address; today this holding company is headquartered at Hamilton, Bermuda, a big haunt for PILL-GRAMS members especially from the London “lodge.”

Crane served as CEO of Gryphon Holdings. At https://www.linkedin.com/company/gryphon we find---

“Gryphon is a British merchant banking and advisory firm, operating since 1998 in the main emerging markets of Central & Eastern Europe, the Middle East and Africa. We work with a select group of clients on a long term basis to develop investment projects and acquisition programs. Gryphon Holdings Plc, the group's parent company, is owned by a syndicate of prominent European family offices. Gryphon is principally active in the region's main emerging economies: Russia, Turkey, Iran, Poland, Egypt, Romania and Ukraine. Gryphon also has transaction expertise in the Balkans, Central Asia and the Gulf. Our core markets have an aggregate population of 470mn (or 94% of the EU) with an aggregate PPP GDP of $6,200bn (or about 37% of the EU). Indices of private investment activity (e.g. M&A transaction volumes or private equity AUM) suggest a business volume around 3% to 5% of the EU, with many years of convergence-led growth in prospect. To enable investors or project sponsors to benefit from business opportunities in the region, Gryphon uses its experience and the local knowledge of its well-connected partners to manage risk and create successful investments. Emerging market investment success factors include local partner selection, awareness of governance limitations, valuation (where financial multiples are only one of many value criteria) and risk mitigation through transaction structuring. Where a transaction or project requires financing, Gryphon has developed a proprietary database of financial and strategic equity investors, who are active in the region. Where operational input is the requirement, Gryphon actively manages a large network of executives, industrial experts and consultants with track record in the region.”

Gryphon has/had an office at 30 Wall Street https://www.bloomberg.com/research/ However; that may be a previous address as elsewhere I read its offices were on Staten Island in a strip shopping center. Now; the names are identical, so I am proceeding on the idea these are the same company. Financial fraud is well publicized all the way up to the planet’s most enormous banks.

An item dated April 2010 described five individuals in USA Gryphon management who were arrested for conspiracy to commit securities fraud. I don’t have the time period in which Stephen Crane, our subject PILL-GRAMS member, headed Gryphon (in London) so; there is no guarantee he had any knowledge of these underlings. The SEC claimed that $17.5 million was swindled from investors from 2007-2010 by the five arrestees. Notice, mud hardly ever splashes onto any PILL-GRAMS member. Gryphon also claimed to be operating a hedge fund subsidiary. An item dated November 2011 remarked about Gryphon USA---

“THE ‘CORROSIVE CRIMINAL CONSPIRACY’ OF KENNETH MARSH/GRYPHON HOLDINGS: Among 5,000 Fleeced Victims Are Alzheimer’s Patient, Quadriplegic, Widows: A Terrible Tale Of Retirement Savings Gone, Children’s College Tuition Vaporized, Bankruptcies, Crippling Debt, Divorces, Failing Marriages, Embarrassment…” Marsh was sentenced to an 8 year prison term where, I admit to hoping, he will sustain many severe beatings. This source claims $20 million, rather than $17.5 million, was looted from investors. A retired ophthalmologist in Kentucky was swindled out of $700,000. A more recent source says Marsh was remanded to a penitentiary for 10 years of lockup. I have no info relating to whether Kenneth Marsh succeeded Stephen Crane at the helm of Gryphon, or vice versa. Guilt by association? When PILL-GRAMS members are involved, pretty much; yes! These neo British Empire characters can never be trusted. Gryphon appears to be a synonym for griffin, thus defined as--- “…a mythical creature with the head and wings of an eagle and the body of a lion, typically depicted with pointed ears and with the eagle's legs taking the place of the forelegs.” In October 1990 a news release stated that Corroon & Black Corporation merged with Willis Faber PLC of England, creating the world’s fourth largest insurance brokerage. Give me time, I feel I can find PILL-GRAMS running Willis Faber PLC. This side issue is of no matter.

G.L. Hodson & Son was a subsidiary of Corroon & Black. Here’s brief info on Orion Capital Corporation https://www.bloomberg.com/research/stocks/ ---

“Orion Capital Corporation was acquired by Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance Group plc on 11/16/1999. Orion Capital Corporation, an insurance holding company, was engaged in property and casualty insurance business, as of September 30, 1999. Its products and services included workers compensation insurance; professional liability insurance; specialty insurance programs; underwriting management in ocean marine, inland marine, and commercial property insurance; insurance for international trade; and nonstandard personal automobile insurance. The company also provided reinsurance services.”

Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance Group has been crawling with Pilgrims Society members like a hornet’s nest bristling with stingers for more than a century. This firm traces back to 1710 and today has 13,500 employees. It’s actually a combination of several entities, including The Alliance, which was founded in 1824 by Nathan Meyer Rothschild and Moses Montefiore. The Rothschilds have plenty of representation in The Pilgrims Society (however; markedly less than the Royal family); and the Montefiores are also there, on a lesser scale. Read about the Montefiore dynasty in #11 Silver Squelchers http://nosilvernationalization.org/155.pdf The Montefiores were also associated with gold dealer Mocatta Metals. Simon S. Montefiore was in The Pilgrims London 1980 roster. In the 1800s this family provided street lighting to many large European cities. Like the Rothschilds, they are minority Jewish members; yet the Anglican/Episcopalian members worry me more! Royal & Sun Alliance has business arrangements with Scotia Bank, frequently named as a precious metals price antagonist. It used to be known as the Bank of Nova Scotia and has had its share of PILL-GRAMS members on its board, including a Lord Mayor of London, Sir Denys Colquhoun Flowerdew Lowson, Master of the Worshipful Company of Gold and Silver Wyre Drawers, decorated by Denmark, Finland, Norway and the Netherlands, was a mutual fund and real estate operator in the U.K., New Zealand and Canada who saw a wave of lawsuits coming at him for fraud, but died soon thereafter. Another of the frequent financial gougers in The Pilgrims is a name you may have heard of--- former media baron, disgraced criminal The Lord Black of Crossharbour who was in The Pilgrims London 2002 list---the year indicates when they joined---

Conrad Black became a member of the British House of Lords on HALLOWEEN, October 2002! Black stole around $80 million and here he was with Pilgrims official Henry Kissinger; it’s a long story if you want to read it, here. Since we showed Sir Win Bischoff, herewith a short description. He’s former chairman of Lloyd’s Bank; he was with Chase Manhattan Bank and Citigroup. Bischoff was on such boards as Prudential (assets as of 2014---$767 billion) and a leading Big Pharma entity, Eli Lilly & Company, a huge purveyor of ethyl-mercury. According to https://www.icgn.org/speakers/sir-win-bischoff-chairman- financial-reporting-council ---

“Sir Win Bischoff is Chairman of the Financial Reporting Council in the United Kingdom and Chairman of JP Morgan Securities plc. He is a Director of S&P Global Inc, and is a member of the International Advisory Board of Akbank TAS, Turkey.”

To return to some of the positions PILL-GRAMS member Stephen Crane has held in his career---

Hummingbird Ltd. is a subsidiary of Open Text, computer software. Hummingbird was founded in 1984 and has 40 offices worldwide. He was a director 2004-2006.

WNC Holding Corporation appears to be WNC Insurance Holding Corporation and is based in with 450 employees.

To these credentials in Crane’s career resume we must add these additional details, discovered at www.millburncapital.com/Private/FCMBrochure.pdf Now we discover that Crane was with First Boston Corporation, at one time a large investment bank tightly controlled by the Mellon (Pilgrims) dynasty. Next Bache & Company surfaces, named for Jules S. Bache (1861-1944, Pilgrims and head of Dome Mines later renamed Placer Dome---gold). Bache & Company was deeply involved in the 1979-1980 silver run-up and blow-up.

WNC Holdings is a “leading provider of specialty insurance products and services to US-based financial institutions and their customers.” Consumer Benefit Life Insurance appears a smaller operation; based in West Virginia and Tennessee.

“Major Financial Institutions of Europe” (1993, page 272), profiled Minet Holdings PLC based in London. At that time Minet Holdings had operations in the United Kingdom; Australia; New Zealand; Canada; USA; Ireland; Italy; Monaco; Switzerland; Japan; Singapore; Taiwan; Thailand; Norway; and Zimbabwe. Parent company of Minet Holdings at the time was the St. Paul Companies of Minneapolis.

Thoroughbred International Insurance Company is/was a private company operating out of bank haven Bermuda.

Stephen A. Crane reminds me of early Pilgrims Society members who were all over the insurance companies, especially the large New York based ones.

What of Stephen A. Crane’s genealogy? The Pilgrims New York 1908 showed a Lucius Fairchild Crane. Charles R. Crane and George F. Crane (1914) were in the 1919 New York roster; also 1924. The 1926 NYC list showed Richard Teller Crane Jr. plus Charles and George Crane (also 1933). Charles R. and Jasper E. Crane were in the 1936 NYC Pilgrims roster. The 1940 list showed Jasper E. Crane again; and again in 1945, 1948, 1949, 1954 and 1957. The 1957 list shows Edward M. Crane. Winthrop Murray Crane 3rd appears in the 1969, 1974, 1978 and the 1980 and 1986 NYC lists. Winthrop Crane 3rd had an incredible genealogy tracing back to a multi-term governor of colonial Massachusetts Bay Colony and his firm provided fabric/paper (sometimes from used underwear) for Federal Reserve notes; I profiled him in a July 2006 release, “The Paper Hangers” which you may read for free at http://nosilvernationalization.org/61.pdf or http://www.silver- investor.com/charlessavoie/cs_july06_paperhangers.htm

I cannot say at this time if Stephen A. Crane is any relationship to these earlier members; possibly, but that we’ll skip investigating.

The N.Y. Times on September 23, 1984, reported Stephen Andrew Crane, then of Corroon & Black Insurance Corporation and Susan Edith Alderton were engaged. She was with Avco Corporation (Pilgrims entity) in Greenwich Connecticut and the daughter of “Squadron leader Ronald H. Alderton of Ramsey, England” (apparently the RAF, Royal Air Force). I didn’t find the father in law listed in London rosters however; there are very many transatlantic marriages in the PILL-GRAMS organization!

At this link we notice this main company of interest Crane was a director of--- https://www.bloomberg.com/research/stocks/private/snapshot.asp --- “Green Bullion Financial Services, LLC, through its subsidiaries, engages in the refinery of gold and precious metals. The company provides mail- in gold buying services. It enables customers to monetize broken/unwanted gold, silver, and platinum items. The company also develops products for sale on television, online, and offline marketing channels to deliver inventions and merchandise. It serves customers in the United States and internationally. Green Bullion Financial Services, LLC was formerly known as Cash 4 Gold, LLC and changed its name in October 2008. The company was founded in 2007 and is based in Pompano Beach, . It has operations in the United Kingdom, Canada, Spain, Germany, and the Netherlands.” Here is Green Bullion’s corporate logo. At http://fortune.com/2010/10/15/who-now-owns-cash4gold/ we notice---

“In late 2008, Boston-area VC firms Highland Capital Partners and General Catalyst Partners pumped $40 million into the parent company of Cash4Gold.”

However, both venture capital firms appear to have since exited Green Bullion Financial Services.

Cash 4 Gold is still operating (moved to Fairfax, Virginia) as a subsidiary of Green Bullion http://www.cash4gold.com/ and shows a giddy woman who received payment (lowball?) for some jewelry; she’s surrounded by cash drifting through the air---a one dollar bill is in evidence! Green Bullion remains headquartered at Pompano Beach, Florida. Cash 4 Gold claims to be “America’s #1 Gold Buyer.” Cash 4 Gold had a Super Bowl TV commercial and has a “D” rating with the Better Business Bureau. Cash 4 Gold offered $66.05 for 14kt jewelry evaluated by a professional appraiser (to buy as “scrap” gold) at $350; and a New York jeweler in fact offered $345. The $66.05 is barely 19% (nineteen percent) as much as the more reputable dealer offered! Click on the hyperlinked “D” to see the video. Another investigation saw the Better Business Bureau lowering Cash 4 Gold’s rating to “F” and determined that Cash 4 Gold was offering consumers just about the least amount of money in the entire business! When people would call Cash 4 Gold and decline their barrel and suspenders offer, Cash $ Gold would often double their offer immediately; and would still be in many cases, less than half of average market bid! Cash 4 Gold had/has a professional race car driver (Brandon Knupp) with their URL plastered all over his red race car; plus other hired sponsors.

Cash 4 Gold reminds me of a character I knew back when. His name was Jack and he ran a jewelry store that had Country Western gospel music blaring. His specialty was buying merchandise from the public at prices not just cut to the bone, but so the marrow was showing. I called him “penny a point Jack;” there are one hundred points of weight per carat of diamond; he wasn’t that cheap, but wanted to be. I’d see him shakedown a walk in seller with remarks like “oh, did you see that FLAW” and “but friend, I just can’t pay you more for a diamond than what I can call up to New York and get one for” and “they work all day in India for a bowl of rice cutting diamonds!”

His best flim-flam line was, “this is a problem diamond because it has a dingy fluorescent aura!”

Penny A Point Jack told me with a roguish con man’s grin how he “buys diamonds at 20 power magnification and sells at arm’s length!” He explained the importance of stressing the imperfections of a diamond to sellers, whereas to buyers, stress only their better aspects. He had a flaky parade of associates coming in, one of whom I swear somewhat resembled a horsefly in the face. Another always had a barbecue sandwich in one hand and a can of beer in the other and owned a goat ranch.

Jack’s sign, “Top Cash for Diamonds” meant he’d place a $10 bill on TOP of his counter for a diamond. He’d keep adding tens till they caved, or till he belched, “now you’re over the market!” I admit, my angle was allowing him to get a quick turnaround by buying them from him as soon as the seller left. One day a woman came in with a nice half carat diamond she had to sell to raise emergency money. She insisted $500 was the least she had to have. Penny A Point, always in chiseling mode, shook his head and said “$300 is all I can pay you,” she caved and as she was leaving, with tears said, “I have to go sell blood now!” He looted her and cast her empty husk aside while saying, “Praise the living Lord!” The moment the front door closed Jack offered me that diamond at the same $500 she asked, it graded an “E” color by the master stone set and was a bargain, but I felt I had to decline. There was too much grief associated with the gem. Jack couldn’t source all the diamonds he needed from the public, so he’d buy the rest from standard sources. He once related to me about a dealer who slicked him by weighing up a parcel of loose diamonds, then placing them into a folding diamond “paper.” The sting for Jack was, this other dealer had one fingernail manicured to be longer than the rest, and he deftly scooped up what Jack believed to be several quarter carat diamonds in that trick fingernail as he filled the folding paper. Jack didn’t discover the shortage till the next day; he couldn’t prove anything. He said he barely noticed the longer fingernail early on and was told it was the other dealer’s “booger picking finger!” Neat how a scammer can get hit too, huh?

A Sicilian who got a toehold in Jack’s office ended up arrested by U.S. Marshalls and landed in Federal prison. He managed to get a deceptive trade practice charge lodged into Jack’s credit report, on his way down the drain.

Before proceeding, note that my mother’s former dentist once removed some gold caps and she insisted on keeping them, after he told her they were worth very little, she got $114 for them from another dealer. Do so many people have to be chiselers? After he quoted her over $7,000 for services, she spent $1,300 for the same work in Mexico.

Herewith some screenshots relating people’s profoundly rotten experiences with Cash 4 Gold---

There is no need to invite exhaustion by posting more burned consumer examples. People coast to coast who’ve sold to this company are aggravated. They could have had former Dallas televangelist “loco weed” Robert Tilton do TV slicks for them. He had old folks conned into eating cheap dog food so they could make a “thousand dollar vow of faith” to his “ministry.” Tilton would be on the TV hollering to “make a $1,000 vow of faith---and you’re gonna be paying on it some every week, every week, every week---and when you get it paid off---make a bigger vow and start paying on that! Just keep growing all the time! Keep expanding! Keep reaching out! Don’t draw back! My soul hath no pleasure in them that draw back!”

Green Bullion Financial Services is a privately held entity and does not disclose its board of directors .

At https://relationshipscience.com/howard-j-mofshin we read---

“Green Bullion Financial Services LLC provides metal refinery services. It engages in the refinery of gold and precious metals. The firm enables customers to monetize broken, unwanted gold, silver and platinum items. The company also develops products for sale on television, online, offline marketing channels to deliver inventions and merchandise. Green Bullion Financial Services was founded in 2007 by Jeffrey Aronson and Howard Mofshin.”

Was Stephen A. Crane, Pilgrims Society, on the board of Green Bullion Financial Services in 2008 when it got a $40 million boost from the Boston VC firms? Yes; Boston always has its own resident members of The Pilgrims, especially at the enormous State Street Corporation and the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston.

Howard Jonathan Mofshin is a unique type name. He’s currently listed as president of Bionadvisors at West Palm Beach, Florida, engaged in venture capital and private equity. This is the same fellow who was with Green Bullion Financial Services (and its Cash 4 Gold subsidiary), according to the previous link, from April 2007 to December 2009, about 2 years and 9 months. Was that time for him to accumulate a fat grubstake for another venture? Did leaving Cash 4 Gold enable him to have a quieter life, more removed from complaints of aggrieved consumers who were savagely lowballed? He says that Bionadvisors is “much more than a merchant bank” and that it deals in reverse mergers, among other activities, and something he has labeled “Online Reputation Management,” doesn’t reading that remind you of the time you had a mouth full of Coca-Cola and were also swallowing some, and just at that critical moment someone said something wildly comical; and you couldn’t swallow due to the laugh response, and some Coca- Cola went into your nostrils and dribbled down to your chin with a burning sensation on your nasal membranes from the carbonation? This guy Mofshin, a petty scale grubby operator next to Stephen A. Crane whom he undoubtedly was very familiar with, reminds me of Walter Frankland once of the Silver Users Association who was still trying to get silver from Uncle Sam at $1.29 per ounce years after that benchmark, old monetary figure was swept aside. These types are almost brazen enough to approach you in any public site, show you their open wallet, and ask you to put in any cash you may have---on a voluntary basis, of course!

Mofshin described Cash 4 Gold as “the world’s #1 buyer of precious metals direct from consumers.”

An operation of that scope would surely have its gold dedicated to providing COMEX gold shorts with some of the physical component they occasionally had to have to maintain their reality veneer. Mofshin has been on an advisory board to Medefile since 2010. This is a medical records enterprise and hasn’t taken off, as I notice it’s quoted at under three cents OTC; it makes the $104 billion plus that Stephen A. Crane, PILL-GRAMS, is associated with, seem infinite.

We discover that Mister Mofshin, former ha-ha gold grabber, has this item on his Google search; clicking to it doesn’t work however---

It occurred to me there’s some resemblance of “Mofshin” with “mosca,” the Spanish word for housefly.

Next we discover at https://www.bizapedia.com/people/howard- mofshin.html that Albar Precious Metal Refining, of which Mofshin is, or more likely was, president of, was/is an Illinois corporation, when we’d have expected it to be a Florida based concern. As of August 23, 2001, Albar started at 600 South 2nd Street in Springfield, Illinois. They also showed an office in Deerfield, Illinois. Regardless, we also find a Pompano Beach, Florida address for Albar Precious Metals Refining; a 2006 figure says revenues were $41 million, which doesn’t tell us exactly how many gold ounces they processed. Was that when Pilgrims member Crane got involved with the parellel company, Green Bullion Financial Services? How many consumers have been price mauled? According to https://www.bloomberg.com/research/stocks/private ---

“Albar Precious Metal Refining, Inc. offers metal refining services. It refines and recovers karat scrap. The company offers dental scrap refining services for crowns, bridges, filters, grindings, carpets, filings, re-makes, flashings, castings, sweeps, investment powders, vacuum bags, spruces, and crucibles; and silver refining services for gold, silver, platinum, palladium, rhodium, silver flakes, ionic sludges, mirror sludges, and recovery cartridges. It also offers stone removal services for scrap gold and jewelry scrap. The company serves pharmaceutical, medical, automotive, optical, electronic scrap, computer scrap, and thermocouple manufacturing industries, as well as silver recovery dealers, mirror manufactures, photo labs, jewelry manufactures, pawn brokers, electro platters, and dental labs. Albar Precious Metal Refining, Inc. was founded in 2001 and is based in Pompano Beach, Florida.”

Any industrial silver users trade with Albar PM Refining? COMEX gold shorts? As if to make these business spiderwebs even more perplexing, this site http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20071022006238/ en/Albar-Precious-Metal-Refining-Cash4Gold-Subsidiary-Honored says that Cash 4 Gold is a subsidiary of Albar Precious Metals Refining; when as we saw, C4G is listed as a division of Green Bullion Financial. Perhaps there was a change in ownership; or Green Bullion Financial also owns Albar, as I think more likely; in any event, the gold they have taken in and continue to rake in, must go to support COMEX gold shorts!

As of 2010, according to Wiki, Cash 4 Gold was raking in around 1,700 ounces of gold per day! There’s no use in arguing that amount wouldn’t cover a COMEX gold deficit. This thing is like a river with many tributaries, this is only one stream we’re looking at. Taken together, they prolong the price cap. Now we have cyber currencies prolonging the PM price cap due to siphoning large sums away from PM investment; another tricky banker conspiracy disguised as a populist technological phenomenon.

Florida Trend, May 1, 2009, reported that Cash 4 Gold was receiving up to 20,000 packages of largely gold jewelry from consumers per week! I imagine the mail carriers were badly tempted to grab, cut and run! (It was picked up at a post office however). The weekly silver take was reported at 800 pounds and of Jeff Aronson, company honcho, Florida Trend added---

“He makes no apologies for his payouts: He keeps from 80% to 20% of the spot price of the gold that his customers mail in.”

Other dealers typically pay over 90%; some consumers he hit harder. What was his criteria for deciding which consumers would get the shortest end of the deal? Was there a filter of surnames and religious assumptions? Did apartment dwellers, some desperate to avoid eviction, get hit harder? The Florida State Attorney General received hundreds of consumer gripes about very thin payouts.

I submit this is what Stephen A. Crane, member of The PILL-GRAMS, was doing there at Green Bullion Financial, apparently for several years as a guiding hand, till they could run things on their own. His connections show him a big fish, they being minnows next to him (besides Aronson, who we will scrutinize). It shouldn’t be thought strange that large insurance interests would have an interest in suppressing precious metals; witness all the allegations Ted Butler used to make about AIG, American International Group, especially in silver leasing out of China (in all probability, an operation that ended over ten years ago).

Howard J. Mofshin was associated with Brookmar Capital https://opencorporates.com/officers/26459026 at Boca Raton, Florida. This entity is no longer active.

It appears the management of these gold buying operations was able to transfer capital into other ventures.

Now to have a glance at Jeffrey Aronson, reckoned by some sources to be worth $200 million. At https://www.bloomberg.com/research/stocks/private/person

“Mr. Jeffrey Aronson is a Co Founder of Green Bullion Financial Services, LLC and serves as its Chief Executive Officer. Mr. Aronson serves as the President of Albar Precious Metal Refining, Inc.”

At http://www.therichest.com/celebnetworth/celebrity-business/men/ jeff-aronson-net-worth/ we find---

“He is the CEO of Cash 4 Gold, a company that pays for people’s gold, silver or platinum. It was derived from Albar Precious Metal Refining and is based in Pompano Beach, Florida. The company has already launched in the UK and will be launching in six more countries.”


“Aronson co-founded Centerbridge Partners with Mark Gallogly in 2005. It is a multi-strategy private investment firm focused on leverage buyouts and distressed securities. Today, it is one of the fastest- growing firms in private equity. It manages more than $15 billion of assets with headquarters in New York City and has an additional office in London. Jeff Aronson has been the head of distressed securities and founded the leveraged loan business at Angelo, Gordon & Co. in 1989 after he left L.F. Rothschild & Co. He was a Securities Attorney with the law firm Stroock & Stroock & Lavan.”

I am going to provide an addenda section at the close of this report for those who care to examine it. I’ll show that Angelo, Gordon & Company and Stroock, Stroock & Lavan are both Pilgrims Society connected. Rothschild entities are Pilgrims Society connected, as some family members across the years have surfaced in rosters; many of their underlings have been members; and they financed much of the mining ventures of Cecil Rhodes in South Africa. Rhodes is the fiend who schemed the creation of The Pilgrims Society during the 1890s; it was founded two months after his death.

Is Jeff Aronson related to Edgar Aronson, listed in The Pilgrims NYC 2014? Yes; these are Jewish names, and the majority of members are Episcopalians, another name for Anglican Church of England, because this group is a Royalist (Anglican) sponsored group! But certain very wealthy Jews and yes, a few Catholics have been members---the Catholics IMO as double agents acting against Rome. The conflict between Rome and the Royals traces to the time of King Henry VIII and has never ended; the Romanists are in the hole in this case! Also in the addenda you’ll find coverage of Edgar Aronson.

Note that Jeff Aronson of Cash 4 Gold, Green Bullion Financial Services and Albar Precious Metals Refining has a Rothschild connection, and they are long famed for their association with gold. Just a quick item with which to end this section---David Knight was an E Bay vice president for several years and then joined Cash 4 Gold. According to Bloomberg “He helped Cash 4 Gold expand into the U.K., and was influential in the Cash4Gold's international strategy moving forward.”

Is Jeff Aronson wealthier than Stephen A. Crane? It may be; however, the gatekeepers of The Pilgrims Society only allow a definite minority Jewish membership. Lists over the years, especially USA lists, confirm this. It also happens that there’s an agenda to overblow Jewish wealth by way of planned distraction and say literally nothing about wealth encompassed by Protestants in The Pilgrims Society, overwhelmingly led by Episcopalians, but accompanied by Presbyterians (Scottish loyalists to the Crown), French Huguenot Protestant ancestry (historically against the Pope), some Methodists, the Reformed Church in America (Dutch ancestry), an occasional Congregationalist and several other groups, including an occasional Unitarian. Many Pilgrims members are in the Society as representatives of wealthy dynasties and are not substantial powers in themselves, but have power that has been delegated to them as proxies. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cash4Gold ---

“Cash4Gold.com's original ownership team was beset by Better Business Bureau complaints and filed for bankruptcy after overspending on large advertising efforts including a commercial which aired during the Super Bowl. In 2012 the assets of the company were purchased by Direct Holdings Global. The company changed its name in an effort to improve the Better Business Bureau rating; complaints, however, continue about their questionable business practices.” Cash 4 Gold filed a defamation lawsuit against The Consumerist but later withdrew the suit.

Direct Holdings Global is a subsidiary of The Readers Digest Association. This convoluted entity, DHG, was founded in 1961 as the book division of Time-Life, a Luce family (Pilgrims Society) venture. Readers Digest Association management and directors have always had a presence of Pilgrims members. RDA has since been renamed to Trusted Media Brands. http://fortune.com/2012/10/26/pennies-for-cash4gold/ ---

“Cash 4 Gold, the metal refinery known for having MC Hammer rap its praises during the 2009 Super Bowl, is being sold for scrap. Fortune has learned that the company's assets, including its domain name and client database, will be sold for approximately $440,000 to Direct Holdings Americas, the parent company of Time-Life.” ADDENDA

Jeff Aronson, gold buyer, dealer and refiner---known and possible connections---

Aronson was with Angelo, Gordon & Company, founded in 1988 by two members of the arbitrage department of L.F. Rothschild & Company. Angelo, Gordon & Company represents $27 billion in assets. It deals in hedge funds, leveraged buyouts, mergers, energy lending, real estate, distressed securities and other financials. Based in New York, it has branches in San Francisco, Chicago, Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston, London, Frankfurt, Amsterdam, Hong Kong, Tokyo and Seoul. According to https://www.treasury.gov/initiatives/financial-stability/TARP- Programs/credit-market and Businesswire --- “In 2009, Angelo, Gordon was one of only nine private investment firms to partner with the U.S. Department of the Treasury, the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation in PPIP—the Private-Public Investment Partnership. The U.S. government invested alongside the selected firms to unlock the frozen credit markets in the wake of the global financial crisis.”

From the 2005 Who’s Who in America, pages 4992-4993---note he’s another Episcopalian (= Church of England) ---

The Order of St. John is headed by the British sovereign; same as The Pilgrims.

Whiting, still in The Pilgrims 2014 roster--- Note that Whiting married into the Cabot family of Massachusetts, prominent wealthy landowners since British colonial times, today with activities in chemicals, banking, real estate, diplomacy and with other Pilgrims Society representation. Also note Whiting was an overseer of the enormous Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board at least as of 2005. As of 2003 Whiting’s father in law was chairman of Adirondack Energy Consortium. You can read Whiting’s profile in Silver Squelchers #20 http://nosilvernationalization.org/166.pdf


“Gordon J. Whiting is a Managing Director, Founder, and Senior Portfolio Manager of Net Lease Real Estate Strategy at Angelo, Gordon & Co. He is the Founder and Chief Portfolio Manager of AG Net Lease Corp. He is also the founder of the strategy and has over 14 years experience in this industry. Previously, Mr. Whiting was an Executive Director at W. P. Carey & Co. LLC. and President and Portfolio Manager at Corporate Property Associates 14 . He joined W. P. Carey & Co. in May 1993 as an Acquisitions Associate. After receiving his M.B.A., Mr. Whiting rejoined the firm as an Acquisitions Officer in June 1994. He was elected Executive Vice President and Portfolio Manager of CPA®:14 in October 1998 and President of the firm in 2000. He is a Member of the five-person Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board (the “FRTIB“), a position to which he was nominated by President George W. Bush and confirmed by the U.S. Senate. Mr. Whiting has received a B.S. in Business Management and Marketing from Cornell University and an M.B.A. from Columbia University Graduate School of Business, where he concentrated in Finance.”

W.P. Carey is named for William Polk Carey (1930-2012), Pilgrims Society, who descended from the 11th President of the United States, James F. Polk (1845-1849, the Mexican-American War President). W.P. Carey & Company had $12 billion of assets as of January 2012.

Aronson of Cash 4 Gold, Albar Precious Metals Refining and Green Bullion Financial Services, of which our focus PILL-GRAMS member Stephen A. Crane was also a director, well! Let’s take a glance at another choice connection Jeff Aronson had! He was, as we’ve been informed, with a key New York law firm, Stroock, Stroock & Lavan. Herewith one of their links into The Pilgrims organization in the person of Maxwell M. Rabb (1910-2002). He was one of the minority Jewish members in New York. From https://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin ---

“Maxwell M. Rabb, former ambassador, White House official-

NEW YORK, N.Y. -- Maxwell M. Rabb, 91, a New York lawyer who served as ambassador to Italy during the Reagan administration and as secretary to the Cabinet under President Dwight D. Eisenhower, died June 9, 2002 at New York Hospital-Cornell Medical Center in New York. Rabb owned an estate on Wilson Hill Road in Colrain, Massachusetts, for many years. In the early 1950s, while serving in the White House, Rabb played an important behind-the-scenes role in desegregating public facilities in the District of Columbia. In the late 1960s, while practicing law in New York, he made 23 trips to East Germany to broker the release of Americans being held on espionage charges. Rabb was ambassador to Italy from 1981 to 1989. During that period, the Reagan administration also used him on other assignments. For example, he helped arrange the sale of AWACS planes to Saudi Arabia. The normal rhythm of diplomatic life was sharply interrupted for Rabb shortly after he took up his duties in Rome, when Italian police uncovered a Libyan plot to assassinate him. This was said to be in retaliation for the downing by U.S. fighters of two Libyan jets over the Gulf of Sidra. The American planes were carrying out exercises over the Gulf, which the U.S. considers to be international waters, when they were attacked by Libyan planes. The incident had little effect on Rabb's official duties, but for the remainder of their years in Rome, he and his wife, Ruth, were under guard. Mrs. Rabb remarked that they could no longer go out to dinner on short notice because it took an hour to make security arrangements.”


“Rabb was long familiar with the corridors of power. He had wide- ranging contacts in business and political circles in this country and abroad. A lifelong Republican, he was involved in efforts to persuade Eisenhower, then the commander of NATO, to seek the Republican presidential nomination in 1952. He also was an early backer and fund- raiser for Reagan. When Eisenhower became president, he created the position of secretary to the Cabinet and appointed Rabb to fill it. The job involved organizing the weekly Cabinet meetings that were a prominent part of the Eisenhower administration and keeping track of decisions that were made. Eisenhower also used him on other matters, notably a directive to desegregate public facilities in Washington. He also was adviser on the dispatch of federal troops to Little Rock, Ark., to desegregate Central High School.”


“Rabb, who purchased his 560-acre Colrain retreat around 1970, told The Recorder a few years later that his familiarity with Franklin County dated back to when he served Sen. Henry Cabot Lodge as an administrative assistant. Rabb was born in Boston. He graduated from Harvard University and its law school. After briefly practicing law in Boston, he moved to Washington in 1937, as administrative assistant to Sen. Henry Cabot Lodge, R-Mass. When Lodge resigned to enter the Army in World War II, Rabb worked for Sinclair Weeks, who was appointed to fill Lodge's unexpired term. Rabb then joined the Navy himself. After the war, he was an aide to James Forrestal, the secretary of the Navy, and a lawyer in Boston. He returned to Washington to work in the Eisenhower White House from 1953 to 1959. From 1959 to 1981, he practiced law in New York, where he was a partner in the law firm of Stroock & Stroock & Lavan.”

Lodge became a Pilgrims member. I described Sinclair Weeks, Silver Users Association figure, here---http://www.silverbearcafe.com/private/charlessavoie/paperhan gers.html

More--- “Rabb was a former U.S. representative to World Bank's International Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes; a member of the Presidential Advisory Panel on South Asian Relief Assistance and the Presidential Commission on Income Maintenance Programs; a former U.S. representative to UNESCO; a member of the board of advisers of the John F. Kennedy School of Government and the Harvard School of Public Health; a trustee of the Eisenhower Library and the George Marshall International Center and a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. Besides his wife, Ruth, he leaves four children, Bruce of New York, Sheila Weidenfeld of Washington, Priscilla Ayers of Alexandria, and Emily Livingston of Brookline, Mass.; a brother, and five grandchildren.”

God help us! Another LIVINGSTON family connection! This dynasty is represented by more marriages than any other dynasty in The Pilgrims organization! It’s a very historic dynasty we can’t describe here besides a mention of Livingston Manor in colonial times and the fact that a Livingston added 828,000 square miles to USA territory in 1803 with the great Louisiana Purchase from France!

According to the 1994 “Who’s Who in America,” pages 4992-4993, Maxwell Rabb was a director of Romanian-American Chamber of Commerce; Sterling National Bank; Mariska Group; MIC Industries; Baltimore Orioles Baseball Club; Micro Health Systems; Alusit International; trustee Annenberg Institute (after billionaire Pilgrims Society member Walter H. Annenberg, Ambassador to England who owned Triangle Publications, TV Guide); earlier volumes showed Rabb a director of Rite-Aide Corporation, a drugstore chain. Rabb was a director of Data Systems & Software. Rabb and Nancy Reagan--- 2002 Pilgrims NYC---

Quillen is a finance attorney.

We remarked earlier that Rabb was Jewish. However, in his 1994 “Who’s Who” listing I see he was a director of the National Laymen’s Bible Association; draw your own conclusions. In 1989 as his ambassadorial post to Italy was concluding, he was awarded the Order of Malta by the Pope. So what does Maxwell Rabb do? He mentions this Papal award in his “Who’s Who” listing, and kept his Pilgrims Society membership in the dark. The membership that isn’t listed is the prevailing membership.

Ping-pong! No, Rabb apparently was Jewish based on this link.

Rabb was a member of the Army-Navy Club in Washington D.C., frequent site of Silver Users Association meetings!

Finally, since there may be some familial relationship between Jeff Aronson of Cash 4 Gold, Albar Precious Metals Refining and Green Bullion Financial Services and Edgar Aronson in The Pilgrims NYC 2014 leaked roster, herewith some info on Edgar Aronson from “Who’s Who in the East” (2014), page 44---

Edgar Aronson married a Pforzheimer, financiers and investment bankers. As chairman of Dillon, Read & Company, he was inducted into that position by Douglas Dillon (1909-2003) who was the Treasury Secretary (1961-1965) who took America off silver coins; he was a second generation member of The Pilgrims and on its executive committee (1968-2003) and for some years a director of the silver price antagonistic Chase Manhattan Bank. Near the end you see OSS Society. The Office of Strategic Services was founded in June 1942 and is considered the forerunner to the Central Intelligence Agency. Clearly since Aronson was 8 years old in 1942, he has some other basis for membership in this neocon intelligence group. General David Petraeus is an “honorary” chairman of this group. On September 30, 2008, The Pilgrims London hosted their military errand boy, Petraeus. Notice the prominent association Aronson has with the United States Marine Corps! The world financiers must have the military in their vest pocket to get what they want, including wars! It has become past time to ask readers of these research presentations---why does Zero Hedge refuse to cover The Pilgrims Society? And many other such sites? I don’t make a nickel for all this effort; I am trying to protect our property rights in precious metals (and everything else) and identifying this as the premier warmongering organization--- http://www.osssociety.org/

Notice this Aronson character is a Free Man of the Worshipful Company of International Bankers in London and the high IQ group, MENSA (what are some of its members doing in apartments, however?) https://www.bloomberg.com/research/stocks/private/person.asp? personId=8018951&privcapId=133390296 ---

“Edgar D. Aronson founded EDACO, Inc., a private venture capital company, in 1981 and has been its President since that time. Mr. Aronson began his career with the First National Bank of Chicago in 1962 and served as its Vice President in charge of Europe, Middle East and Africa and headed up the international department of Republic National Bank of New York. He is the Director of ORPC Holdings, LLC. Mr. Aronson has 40 years of commercial and investment banking experience. Mr. Aronson founded the international department of Salomon Brothers, which, when he left in 1980 as a general partner, had substantially grown with offices in London, Hong Kong and Tokyo. He founded Hutzler in 1968. Mr. Aronson served as the Chairman of Dillon, Read International from 1979 to 1981. He served as a Director of MidAmerican Energy Holdings Company since 1983. He served as a Director of Avatech Solutions, Inc. from December 11, 2003 to February 8, 2006. He serves as a Trustee of the Marine Military Academy and a Founder of the National Museum of the U.S. Marine Corps, from whose Reserve Component he retired as a Major in 1974. He holds an MBA from Harvard University and served five years as an officer in the U.S. Marine Corps.”

ORPC Holdings is described below--- https://datafox.com/competitors/ocean-renewable-power-company ---

“Ocean Renewable Power Company LLC is a global leader in hydrokinetic power system technology and project solutions. We solve the problem of high cost, environmentally risky electricity generation in remote "islanded"communities by harnessing the power of ocean and river currents to create clean predictable locally produced renewable energy. Worldwide we are the only company to have built, operated and delivered power to a utility grid from a hydrokinetic tidal project and to a local microgrid from a hydrokinetic river project. ORPC is committed to working with local partners and creating local economic opportunities. We are commercializing our proprietary TidGen® and RivGen® Systems using our patented core technology platform, the turbine generator unit, or TGU. Our future OCGen® system for deep water ocean currents is in conceptual development. Using our TidGen® Power System, ORPC built and operated the first revenue-generating, grid-connected, non-barrage tidal energy project in the Americas in 2012. In 2015, our RivGen® Power System provided power to remote Igiugig, Alaska, decreasing the community's diesel fuel use by a third. ORPC has developed a globally respected knowledge database of fisheries and marine life interaction with our power systems, and to date no known adverse impacts have been observed in either river or ocean environments. Our projects are carried out in collaboration with local communities, universities, environmental agencies, fishing industry groups and other stakeholders. ORPC Solutions offers expert site assessment, project development, regulatory management and other services to the ocean and river energy industries internationally. ORPC is pursuing strategic and financial partnerships that will allow us to expand our operations in North America and supply ORPC technology and expertise worldwide where ocean and river energy resources exist.” From the 1945 roster---

Prince Charles followed by Prince William are next in line to be the next British monarch, and the next head of The Pilgrims Society! Google images show both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump brown- nosing Prince Charles, same as Obama did (notice the President bowing his head to a sponsor of The Pilgrims Society) --- When Green Bullion and its Cash 4 Gold operation and Albar Precious Metals Refining acquire gold from hapless scalded consumers, what is the disposition of that gold? Does it go to help out the COMEX gold price cap?