Curriculum Plan Given to Council Dorm Architect Chosen
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c c Volume 7, Number 6 College At Lincoln Center, Fordham University, New York May 7, 1986 Curriculum Plan Given Students Elect i i To Council Popular Prez By Franz C Adams would replace the current 40-credit Excel package which now includes all area requirements and the By Sharon Dawson If approved, a unified core curriculum of 56 English, mathematics, and science proficiency re- credits, would replace the current 40-credit and quirements, said Nissim. Attributing her success to her popularity with foreign language entry requirement and would "9fe were trying to design an entry level cur- students and her concern for the issues, Laura result in the elimination of Excel as a division, ac- riculum for certain needs of all of the students," said Dohrmann was elected United Student Govern- cording to a preliminary report submitted by the committee member Dr. Peter T. Schneider. ment President by a margin of only 15 votes over Mellon Committee. This new core curriculum, Schneider said he supported this particular core her opponent Ernest Cantave. Incumbent President presented to the College Council on April 14, because it would be "meaningful not only to those Robert Picistrelli came in a distant third. would apply both to future high-school entry of us that teach in it, but to outsiders and students "I don't think there was any one particular issue students and future adult students, according to coming into the college." He said many of the real [that decided the election]. It was my platform and Chairperson of the Mellon Committee (Task Force strengths and virtues of the existing Excel, Mellon, the way I presented it," said Dohrmann, a CLC on Core Curriculum) Dr. Leonard J. Nissim. and F.I.P. programs would be preserved in the new | junior. "USG should be a visible club and not However, students would be exempted from the core curriculum. .8 hiding behind closed doors." core requirement in their major, a reduction of 4 According to Nissim, The committee's proposal £ "It was a close race for USG President between credits, said Nissim. Students in consultation with of a new core curriculum was a response to a man- •o Ernest Cantave and Laura Dohrmann," said Assis- their advisors would select a capstone seminar ap- date from the dean [Dr. William Tanksley] and the | tant Dean of Students Normand Parenteau. Can- plicable to their major. A 52-credit core cur- former dean [Dr. George Shea] to unify the core tave's total of 123 votes was just 15 short of President-Elect Laura Dohrmann riculum is therefore proposed, Nissim said. curriculum. There was also pressure from within Dohrmann's total of 138. Picistrelli obtained only 48 votes. Election winners, who will officially The first 28 credits would be broken down into the university administration to unify it," he said. Hears Election Results assume office on May 9 for the 1986-87 school two tracks, one for adults and the other for high Hoffman said. The committee went through a year, were announced on April 24 at a mixer in the school entry students, the report stated. The other great deal of work and engaged in a long process. cafeteria sponsored by the USG. credits would not be tracked. The committee's proposal does not necessarily in- "If the proposal is accepted by the governing dicate a criticism of the Excel program." New USG Looks Sophomore Lisa Robin Guido won the vice bodies of the college and the administration of the According to the report, the committee voted presidency for traditional students with 119 votes, university, it would not go into effect until the fall unanimously to adopt ten commitments to adult while the position of Vice President of Non- of 1987," said committee member Dr. Anne education. They are: To The Future Traditional students was gained by Gerri Corrigan, a junior who received 64 votes running unoppos- Hoffman. By Jacqueline Hartman According to Nissim, the new core would •The Life Experience Program will continue as ed. Junior Lucretia Regina was elected treasurer with 175 votes, the most for any position, and eliminiate all existing proficiency requirements for is. "No more Fordham boredom" is the slogan high-school entry students. It would also replace •All credits earned by all students at CLC are Marissa Brin, a junior, beat out incumbent echoed from all the newly-elected USG members. secretary Claudia Califano with 158 votes. the 8-credit Freshman Interdisciplinary Program absolutely irrevocable. As a top priority on next year's agenda, the execu- "I really don't think it was any one issue that was (F.I.P.). •Each student may use the college catalog tive-board agrees that school spirit, unity and the deciding factor. I worked hard this year and that For adult stduents, the new program of 28 credits student energy should be increased in order to iift- continued on page 4 . flaid off"-said Guido. prove the atirrfespneie aifctC. The executive board "I went around trying to find out what really mat- is fully supported by all five senators-elect, who tered to students, and it proved to them that I was will attempt to increase communications between a serious candidate," said Regina. the student body and the government. "We both campaigned hard," said Brin, referring It is the overwhelming majority opinion among to her contest with Califano. "I was honest and the newly-elected officers that the outgoing USG has been "unidentifiable and not accessible to the students," says Traditional Vice President Lisa Robin Guido. "The students did not feel comfort- "The USG is a club a notch above able to discuss problems or issues with the govern- ment; no one looked to the USG for a support all others. It consists of a leading system." The '86-'87 USG feels that the new USG group that deals with referendums constitution will allow for greater checks to be kept and surveys, therefore involving all on all senators and executive officers, making for students." USG President-Elect a government with more clearly-defined duties for its members. Laura Dohrmann - As an extension of their goals of improved com- munications and spirit at CLC, Sophomore Sena- Students and Alumni Protest Proposed Excel Elimination tor Paul Brubaker would like to show the student straightforward in my campaign. I knew fully the body that their school "does not have as many responsibilities and duties that my position entails." limitations as people might think, regardless of its Junior Ruben Fernandez ran unopposed for Excel Supporters Have Their Say being a commuter school." Sophomore Senator Joe senior senator and received 47 votes. For the junior Curry would like to see "an increase in intercam- senator positions there was no opposition for By Lisa Robin Guido riculum?" asked Todia. "We want to see statistics, pus unity." Susanne Tortorella, who received 52 votes, and data, or a survey to support this change." The new USG members are not strangers to each Kris Wright, who received 40 votes. Both Paul Both traditional and non-traditional students The students made it clear that if change is in- other; all are friends, which, they say, is a factor Brubaker and Joseph Curry got 49 votes for the gathered at an April 14 College Council meeting evitable, they want input into what those changes they hope will allow them to accomplish things that sophomore senator positions. to hear the Mellon Committee's proposal for a should be. Assistant Dean Ully Hirsch then mo- past USGs were unable to do. They also have great They're competent, experienced, responsible, single core curriculum, presented by new Mellon tioned to have two six-student committees, one confidence in President-Elect Laura Dohrmann, have a good sense of judgement, and I trust them Committee Chairman Dr. Leonard Nissim. If ac- continued on page, 4 who made enthusiasm the theme of her campaign. to do the right thing for Fordham," said one stu- cepted, the proposal would result in the termina- dent who vdted in the election. tion of all specialized entry programs, including "Some of them I know from classes, know their the Excel program. personalities, and their campaign," said Rosalina Following Nissim's presentation, Sharon Todia, Dorm Architect Chosen Macisco CLC '89. on behalf of the Non-Traditional Student Affairs "I don't think that one group took one stance on Committee of the USG, presented the council with 2000 Beds Not Yet Divided Between Schools any one important issue - for example, university over 700 signatures obtained in support of the Ex- investments in racist South Africa. 1 think a univer- cel program. Todia said that "|taking away Excel] By Gretchcn Hall kitchen facilities. The design, Cammarosano said, sity USG should take a stance on something more denies a continued commitment to adult students alleviates the economic burden to the university important than the twenty dollar student activity and their needs." Construction for the Lincoln Center dormitory of providing a food service facility for the 1,000 fee, which seems to be one of the primary con- Dean William Tanksley said, "I do not sec a con- will begin in the spring of 1987, according to Ex- students and faculty as well as the physical burden cerns." said Bill Vesio CLC '87. tradiction" between the proposal and the petition, ecutive Vice President Dr. Joseph Cammarosano. of locating space for the facility. Cammarosano Someone will be appointed for the other posi- since the proposal makes (en commitments to adult While an architect has been chosen, the closing also pointed out that, since the population of the tion of senior senator, according to Parenteau.