2019 ANNUAL REPORT and FINANCIAL ACCOUNTS OFFICE BEARERS For the Year Ended 31 March 2019 PATRON Her Excellency The Right Honourable Dame Patsy Reddy Governor General of New Zealand PRESIDENT Tony Page VICE PRESIDENT Paul Drake EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE David Saunders - resigned November 2018 (Northern) , Aidan Campbell (Central), Rodney Maas (Cook Strait), Peter King (Alpine), Aaron Pearce (Lakes) INSTRUCTOR COUNCIL Arran Jeffery (Southland) Chairman, Cassandra Jeffries (Hawkes Bay & East Coast) Andrew Sims (Wellington) Richard Collett (Canterbury), Aaron Pearce (South Canterbury), EXECUTIVE SECRETARY Lisa Macdonald HONORARY SOLICITORS Gault Mitchell & Co The Annual General Meeting for 2019 will be held at the Commodore Airport Hotel and Conference Centre Christchurch Saturday - 20th July 3:00pm The Flying NZ Conference will be held Saturday 21st July 9:00am. The Royal New Zealand Aero Club Inc. (Flying New Zealand) Representing Aero Clubs throughout New Zealand. New Zealand representative of the Fédération Aéronautique International. EXECUTIVE SECRETARY: P.O. Box 476 THAMES 3540 Telephone 0800 422 635 WEB: https://flyingnz.co.nz EMAIL:
[email protected] President’s Report It is with disbelief I look back and realise the first year of my presidency of Flying NZ is drawing to an end. Twelve months has become a very short time. It is the volunteers that drive this organisation and without their efforts on your behalf, nothing would hap- pen. I cannot give enough thanks to my regional repre- sentatives, Aidan, Aaron, Rodney and Peter. Further thank you to Lisa and Paul. Many other areas are driven by Rob George , Richard Small, Peter Merwood, Ian Kirkpatrick, Liz King, and Rex Kenny.