The inside story of Isis Acts of terror

The dramatic rise of isis, capturing large territory, having strong & professional army, oil rich land, How isis is managing to administrate such a large territory.

By: Muhammad Asim Zaman

Table of contents Chapter# 1. Islamic state. Introduction. Evolution of isis Background. The islamic state’s ANBAR CAMPAIGN. Fall of mosul to isis pocket. The battle of . Offensives in rutba. Capturing of al-qaim. Seige of saqlawiyah. Seizing of beijji. Chapter# 2. Islamic state’s expanding to syrian terriotary. Background. Formation of jabhat al-nusra front. Ideology of al-nusra front. Strength of al-nusra front. Dissolution of jabhat al-nusra front in isis and its aftermath. Overall scenario in syria. Chapter# 3. Administration framework of islamic state. Chapter# 4. Military intervention in syria Russian air mission against isis in syria. Iranian involvement. Russian intrests and part of chineese great game to dominate the region. Chapter# 5. What is jihad??? Chapter# 6. Profiles of isis top cammanders and leaders. Abu musab al-zarqawi. Abu bakar al-baghdadi. Abu ali al-anbari. Abu suleiman al-naseer. abu omar al-shishani. Abu waheed. About the book this book covers several topics such as the dramatic rise of isis, seizing such a vast terriotaries in a short period of time, how they been able to form a large and professional army estimated from 30,000-120,000, what is their administration framework ministries/beauraucracy about a terriorist organization named ISIS or THE ISLAMIC STATE, this terriorist oranization is active in the vast oil rich lands of and syria. the book covering the brief discussion about their battlefield tachniques, the famous battles they faught since their uprising, what led foundation to their rise, who is actually behind their back, what is the real intentions of russia behind their intervention in the war hit syria, what is JIHAD and who actually are the political and military leaders of islamic state...... Chapter# 1 Introduction Isis is abbreviated as islamic state of iraq and al-sham is a terriorist organization active in the oil rich lands of iraq and syria. abu bakar al-baghdadi is the leader/caliph/chief of this group. In 2011 following the outbreak of demonstration in ramadi, which followed by a series of demonstration all over iraq and demanded for the resignation of iraqi then prime minister. Instead of dialogue the iraqi govt started crackdown against the sunni demonstraters led the country to an all out civil war. During one of these demonstration a black flag raised among the demonstrator, soon this flag become the ideal flag of every Sunni man as they were the one who promised them to take vengeance from the government of the cruel killings of Sunni Muslims during the crackdown. With support of middle class Sunni families and backing by the Sunni tribesman the group under the name of ISLAMIC STATE OF IRAQ started their first operation to wipe out Iraqi army from a Sunni dominated province of ANBAR under the code name of ANBAR CAMPAIGN. The cities and towns fell to them with such shocking speed that even some of the leaders of the group themselves surprised by their victories. Soon they expanded their territory to Syria by taking active part in Syria civil war and grabbed oil rich land of Syria. With the capturing territory in Syria the group renamed itself as the ISLAMIC STATE OF IRAQ AND SYRIA or simply ISIS or ISIL. After the shocking rise of ISIS the international community feel fear of expansion of this group to eastern Europe, gulf states and south Asia. So a coalition of 14 countries led by united states of America started its air mission against Isis targets mainly in Iraq rarely in Syria. but due to guerilla warfare and lack of intelligence reports from the ground the group succeeded to tackle the threat initially opposed by the air strikes and besides intensive air strikes they succeeded to expand their territory further more. In September 2015 following of the formal request from Syria, Russia started its aerial campaign against the group, the commitment of the Russian president to defeat Isis praised throughout the world, Russian started intensive airstrikes against the Isis positions in Syria and unlike the US led coalition these air strikes proved effectively as the Syrian army gained ground and halt the advances of the rebel and Isis fighters. but the resilience of the Isis once again stunned the world as though these airstrikes were effective as compared to the previous mission led by US but still it was not enough to break the operational momentum of the Isis fighters and its main reason is their administration framework. Unlike hundreds of other terrorist and insurgent groups, Isis has maintained a unique administration structure, they announce their ministries for different services such as civil services, war ministry, finance ministry, oil ministry, information ministry, cyber ministry e.t.c followed by a complete structure of beauracracy, they are taking taxes from the civilians and providing them services which make them enable to keep in contact with the civilian population and make them unique from other terrorist organizations. Unlike other insurgent groups which is mainly consist of emotionally motivated fighter, the army of Isis consist of professional fighter, as they collecting funds and selling their oils from the oil fields under their control so they paying their fighters and paying them well. An average fighter of Isis get $200-400 dollars per month. Also some of the Sunni Muslim states such as turkey, KSA and UAE is backing them due to their own interests in Iraq and Syria. Iranian block and Saudi block are fighting proxies in Syria, Yemen and Iraq. In Iraq and Syria the Saudi block is helping the Isis and rebels and Iran is backing the govrnments of these countries, but in Yemen the situation is invert, there the Saudi block is backing the govt while the Iranian block is helping houthi rebels to fight against the govt. These are some of the reasons which make them unique from other groups and making it difficult for the international community to defeat them just by aerial power. As we saw in the Russian air mission and US led coalition air mission in Iraq. There are also some regional powers like china and India who is playing their role in order to increase their circle of influence.

Evolution of Isis It was in 1999 when Abu musa al-Zarqawi founded an organization under the name of JAMAT-AL-TAWHID-AL-JIHAD (the organization of monotheism and jihad). Then in October 2004 (after the Zarqawi’s swore allegiance to the then al-Qaeda chief OSAMA BIN LADIN, he change the name of his group to TANZIM QAIDAT AL-JIHAD FI BILAD AL RAFIDAYN ( the organization of jihad based in Mesopotamia) and make alliance with al-Qaeda and hence commonly known as al-Qaeda in Iraq. In early 2006 the al-Qaeda in Iraq make alliance with several other groups and named this new alliance as mujahedeen shura council. But in mid 2006 al-Zarqawi was killed in a U.S air strike. In September 2006 the mujahedeen shura council and several other small Sunni insurgent groups combined and form a new organization named ISLAMIC STATE IN IRAQ (ISI), they choose Abu Omar al-Baghdadi as their supreme commander. In mid 2010 Abu Omar al-Baghdadi was killed in operation conducted by Iraqi forces. After the killing of chief the group choose ABU BAKAR AL-BAGHDADI as new supreme commander, as compared to Abu Omar, Abu bakar al-Baghdadi was master of guerilla warfare, he was a military commander in 1980 in Iraqi security force. Under the leadership of Abu bakar al-Baghdadi the ISI expanded into many cities and provinces in Iraq, in early 2013 the group expanded into Syria and grab important territory from Assad regiem and hence the group adopted the name of DAWLAT AL-ISLAMIYAH FI IRAQ WA AL-SHAM (Islamic state in Iraq and al-sham) ISIS or daesh. Isis can also be abbreviated as ISIL ( ISLAMIC STATE IN IRAQ AND LEVANT), LEVANT means greater Syria. In areas under the Isis rule the group is commonly called as daesh. In Arabic the dash means the destructor or one who crushes everything under his foot, while in rest of the world the group is commonly known as ISIS. In June 2014 the group announced itself as a worldwide caliphate for Muslim and shift its name to ISLAMIC STATE or IS. However the independent Muslim states and all other mainstream Islamic resistant movement such as Taliban in Afghanistan, boko haram in Nigeria and Algeria and Hamas in Israel and Palestine rejected the caliphate of the so- called ISLAMIC STATE and Abu bakar al-Baghdadi as caliph. Background of this organization

After the fall of the soviet union in 1991 the united states become the master of the world politics, the gulf war in1991 paved the way for the UNITED STATES to intervene and build a permanent military base in middle east. The united states and her allies invade Iraq while make an EXCUSE that ‘’ Iraq contains nuclear weapon’’ while there were nothing found except the dead bodies of innocent civilians who gets killed during the American invasion. As a result of American invasion the legitimate president of Iraq saddam Husain toppled and murdered by the American’s puppet govt. Al-Zarqawi and other fundamentalists were kept silent during the saddam regieme and Iraq were overall in peace. Saddam Husain treated all these fundamentalists harshly with iron hands. After the American invasion fundamentalists like al-Zarqawi, al-Baghdadi and Osama got chance to cash the situation. They used the word holy war (JIHAD) to recruit their militias. The massage of al-Zarqawi and other such leaders were attractive for Muslims as it is their duty to defend their homeland against foreign invasion, so the Muslims recruited in these groups in numbers and fought against the advancing western armies. In 2006 al-Zarqawi joined other Sunni insurgent groups and found a mujahedeen shura council. Then in later part of 2006 the mujahedeen shura council combined with several other insurgent groups and found the ISLAMIC STATE OF IRAQ, the fighters of ISI fought against the western armies as well as the Iraq security forces which were grown under the American umbrella. The withdrawal of US army from Iraq begin in 2007 and completed in December 2011, bringing the end to the war on Iraq. Though around the world the US withdrawal from Iraq was appreciated but the withdrawal created a power vacuum in Iraq, because the Iraqi forces were unable to fight the insurgents which were mostly loyal to SADDAM HUSSAIN. The Iraqi prime minister was also a non-acceptable for the insurgent as he was from the shitti sect and most of the insurgent groups were Sunni. The situation become more complex as the NOURI AL-MALIKI poked fingers in the Sunni minority eyes as he arrest and killed vice-president of the unity government of Iraq TARIQ AL-HASHMI over terrorism charges, a prominent and respected Sunni politician. Few weeks later al-maliki issues the arrest warrants of another Sunni politician RAFIA AL-ISSAWI who was a finance minister of the Iraqi unity government. Though the al- issawi succeeded while escaping from his house but his bodyguards and brother gets arrest and killed in prison. This incident roiled and provoked the Sunni community, who were taken into streets to protest against al-maliki in the Sunni majority areas. The mass protest take place in the Sunni dominated province of anbar. maliki lost his support among the Sunni communities. In the government other ministers also blamed maliki and believe that it is maliki who should be guilty as he did the bidding for the Iranians against the national interest of Iraq. In that crucial time maliki was warned by the Saudi and Turkish embassies accuses maliki for ‘’ driving his country towards disintegration by provoking the Sunni community intentionally’’. But maliki didn’t stop his crackdown against the Sunnis as a result the anbar governorate were effectively on the revolt, the international highway between Syria and Jordan was blocked in a protest. This protest posted a dramatic impact on the economic condition of Iraq and felt rather quickly in Baghdad. The Sunni protesters came all along the country to the streets and demanding for maliki’’resignation’’. The protesters grew in numbers, even some shia politicians also join the demonstration in ramadi on a highway and ask for the maliki’s resignation and blamed maliki for the outbreak of sectarian war. on 27th December 2013 maliki announced on a national television that the ramadi camp is now turning into al-Qaeda headquarter which needed to be eliminate. Many shia politician and members of the Iraq unity parliament warned of the consequences, however on 28th December Iraqi security forces arrested Sunni member of parliament AL-ALAWI who was a prominent supporter of the demonstration. On 29th December the Iraqi security forces and police jointly organized an operation against the ramadi camp and arrest their organizers and leaving some 500 protesters killed by direct firing. The same day in the mosques in ramadi on loudspeakers announced the call for ‘’JIHAD AGAINST MALIKI’’. THE ISLAMIC STATE’S ANBAR CAMPAIGN After tension mounted between Iraqi security forces and Sunni community over crackdown against Sunnis and the operation in ramadi camp, on 30th December the Iraqi security forces under the direct command of maliki arrested AL-AWANI’S close relatives belonging to dulaim tribe (albo-alon clan), these arrests turned al-anbar province to a turmoil. The dulaim call for a revolt against the army and the militia started battling army all along anbar province, as a result the Iraqi army withdraws from ramadi and to cool down the situation but it was already too late. After the withdrawing of army the militia took control of Fallujah, karma and parts of ramadi.

While seeing this as a great opportunity the fighters of ISLAMIC STATE OF IRAQ entered into neighborhood of ramadi and some other parts of anbar province. With the arrival of Islamic state’s fighter the local militia of dulaim tribe felt strength against the government, so the militia allied themselves with ISIL OR ISIS OR ISLAMIC STATE’S FIGHTERS. The arrested Iraqi member of parliament AL-AWANI gets killed during prison and dulaim tribe announced an al out insurgency against army, soon attacks started against Iraqi security forces in anbar province, on the next day some 200 soldiers surrendered to dulaimi tribe. In an announcement the Islamic state’s announce the campaign to took the control of al- anbar province from the Iraqi government, their announcement welcomed by the Sunni tribesman and Sunni community who were already under the oppression from Iraqi army. Till 30th February the isil captured Fallujah city and parts of ramadi. Though in march and April the Iraqi army recaptured the ramadi city from isil but the Fallujah city were fell completely to isil. Then the isil advanced towards the Syrian border, at the time when the Iraqi army staioned in border abundant their position and run for their lives in the form of convoy and gets massacred by a relatively small group of isil fighters. With the control of Syrian border (by that time the Syria were also in unrest and Assad already lost control of its borders). With the safe heaven in their hand the isil planned another offensive to capture SALQAWIYAH CITY, isil destroyed a helicopter of Iraqi army and killed hundreds of soldiers while hundreds other surrendered to isil. In the next 3-4 days the isil captured the al-qaim city and destroyed almost whole brigade of the Iraqi army in al-qaim. Then the isil advanced further in province and captured rutba, rawa, Ana and huseiba. The Iraqi army regional command headquarter near rawa was also surrounded by the isil fighters, isil also advanced in ramadi and took control of much of ramadi, the isil also took control of other border crossing with Jordan and Syria. By till 0ctober 2013 the isil took control of about all of the anbar province. The FALL OF MOSUL

Throughout December 2013 the isil were on the rise in anbar province capturing its key cities and strategically important roads. This momentum didn’t stop during 2014, following the ANBAR CAMPAIGN the isil fighters advanced into central and northern parts of Iraq. During offensives the isil leader of the advancing army ABU ABDUR REHMAN AL-BILAWI gets killed, on 4th June they announced a new campaign to seize the Mosul named ‘’ BILAWI’s VENGEANCE’’. While at that time there were 30,000 Iraqi troops stationed in Mosul to defend the city. At 2:30 of the 4th June the isil fighters entered to the city by shooting the checkpoint, the Isis fighters were reportedly said to be on pickup trucks, isil fighters penetrated the first line of defense of the Iraqi army in Mosul which about to be in 2500 in numbers and also having the medium air support ( heli-copters) to bomb the militants, while the isil fighters are something around 1500.

On 6th June the isil launched a double attack from the north western side and eastern side of the city. The Isis killed some of the sabak soldiers while other retreated into desert, they also killed hundreds of Iraqi soldiers by burning and crucifying them in squares. On 8th June they captured and burnt some police stations while killing around 70 soldiers and executing some 50 police and army officers. On 9th June most of the Iraq forces and police run away from the city while leaving the fourth division of Iraqi army alone to fight the isil. But the lack of plan and ammunitions they suffered humiliated defeat, lieutenant gen gharawi (commander of the army in Mosul) ordered the army to retreat. On the same night isil advanced in Mosul causing heavy fighting overnight, the Iraqi soldiers fled the city while it was under attack, allowing the militants to capture the city. On 10th June the isil fighters seized numerous facilities such as MOSUL INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT (which was served as a hub of U.S military in the region) and a military air base. In these areas military abandoned their weapons, position and even dresses. One local said that ‘’ the Iraqi army crumbled in the face of militants like they are retired and unmotivational’’. The isil fighters captured the Mosul on 10th June after some 4 days of clashes. The isil freed some 1,000 prisoners, some of which are agreed to fight alongside isil fighters. They also flown the black flags over governmental buildings all over Mosul.

On 11th June isil fighters entered the town of beijji, seizing the oil refinery. They also captured the prison and freed the prisoners, on the same day isil sent delegation to the guards to withdraw their positions in oil plant. On the same day these militants seized the Turkish consulate while kidnapping 49 Turkish employees, including council general and members of Turkish special forces. The Turkish officials also confirmed the kidnapping. Some US intelligence reported that ‘’the isil were no intentions to capture the Mosul, the main aim of their attack was to free the prisoners, but as soon as the isil fighters entered Mosul they found the Iraqi army retired and unmotivational and exhausted, also they get so much support from the citizens that they turned their plans from freeing prisoners to capturing the city by did little bit of arrangements in their strategy. The After the capturing of Mosul and other key areas in anbar the Isis fighters turned their attention towards ramadi, one of the greatest stronghold of Iraqi forces and shia militiamen. Ramadi is a capital of anbar province and headquarter for Iraqi forces in anbar, Ramadi was consider to be a great stronghold of Iraqi army having 6,000-7,000 troops stationed there to protect the city from falling to Isis, they also have the support of local shia tribes and government paid Sunni fighter, the royal air force, royal Canadian air force, royal Australian air force and the united states air force were providing air cover to the Iraqi army. The Isis fighters having reported to be in 1,000-1,300 in number led by ABU WAHEEB Isis top commander in anbar invaded the city from east and west. The Isis fighters used car bomb to weaken the forces and fired mortars on the centre of the city and government buildings. Initially Isis fighters captured key areas of the city while leaving some 60 Iraqi soldiers dead and hundreds wounded, but as soon as the reinforcements arrived the Iraqi forces fight back and took most of the lost ground. Heavy fighting continued in November, fierce battle took place between Isis fighters and Iraqi army around the downtown of ramadi, the Isis fighters captured many areas in November and almost reached to the government complex in ramadi which serves as a headquarter for Iraqi forces in ramadi. While one local reported that the Isis fighters were only 200m away from the government complex. But meanwhile the us and her allies air force started air mission in ramadi. The US airstrikes in ramadi were reported to killed more than 30 Isis fighters and 4 armored personal carriers and several positions of Isis fighters in and around ramadi, which helps Iraqi forces to retake the lost ground as the Isis fighters retreated from many areas as a result of airstrikes and deployment of Iraqi special forces in the government complex in ramadi. After the retreating of Isis fighters from many areas in ramadi the Iraqi forces conducted offensives to push the Isil fighters furthermore, but the Isis fighter successfully repelled the advances and killed more than 30 Iraqi soldiers while 25 Isis fighters reported to be killed during the action. Though the Isis repelled the attacks but heavy fighting were continued all over ramadi. During December 2014 the Isis arrange many attacks on the government positions and managed to push them back towards the government complex and gained ground in ramadi’s centre and downtown. During that time the Isis arrange 3 car bomb attacks on the city centre and bombarded the centre with heavy shelling. Some 60 Iraqi soldiers and 35 Isis fighters were killed during the clashes in ramadi, while most of them were killed by the US-led airstrikes, the airstrikes also destroyed some 4 Isis vehicles. But the Isis gained grouned in ramadi from east and south, Isis also captured some 15 villages in ramadi’s countryside while leaving 50 tribes militiamen died during fight and executing 25 others. The Isis also seized the town of al-wafa and killed 19 policemen and 21 Sunni tribal fighters. In April the Iraqi army began an offensive to cut the supply lines to Isis fighters, the Iraqi army advanced in the al-karmah district and sijariya area east of ramadi, the airstrikes in ramadi also killed 13 Isis fighters. The Iraqi army advances were intercept by the Isis fighters and after 20 days of fiercfull fighting the Iraqi army were pushed back. The Isis also captured the gas plant east to ramadi. The Iraqi army colonel named hamid shadukh said ‘’ if the reinforcement didn’t sent to ramadi, we will lost ramadi in few days’’. On 14th may the Isis fighters launched as all out assault on the city, they sent 10 suicide bombers to weaken the army positions, they blew the gates up with captured humavees packed with explosives. After the explosions the Isis fighters stormed the government complex as a result they captured police headquarters, ramadi great mosque and many government buildings. Though the Iraqi army spokesperson claimed that they re-captured the government building from Isis fighters, but on 17th may the remaining Iraqi army, special forces and government official retreated from ramadi and fleeing the city escorted by tanks while leaving many ammunitions and tanks to Isis fighters.

The former American officials reported that the Isis fighters took the advantage of the sandstorm, the sand storm delayed the American warplnaes and kept them from launching airstrikes to help the Iraqi forces, the Isis fighters used that time to carry series of suicide bomber, followed by the waves of ground attacks in and around the city which eventually overwhelmed the the Iraqi army and its allied militiamen’s and at the time when the storm subsided both the sides were intermingled in fiercely clashes making it difficult for the US jets to differentiate between Isis fighters and Iraqi army. The total loss of the Iraqi army were reported to be around 550 while the Isis lost 150 fighters during the action, while some 680+ peoples were executed by the Isis in and around ramadi which includes pro-government Sunni and shia fighters. Offensives in rutba Rutba is considered to be one of the most important city as per strategic point of view, it is located on Iraq’s western border with Jordan, from angelo- to Persian-gulf war and from operation desert storm to the rise of Isis, rutba is strategically one of the most important cities in Iraq. After seizing many cities and towns with shocking speed, the Isis war machine turned its attention towards rutba. On 4th June 2014 the Isis attacked the town of rutba with some 400 fighters. Some 1500 Iraqi troops were stationed in the town of rutba at that time, among which most soldiers flew the town before the arrival of Isis fighters. While the remaining soldiers were lack the ammunitions. The Iraqi troops halt their advances in rutba for two days but the reinforcements did not arrived and most of the soldiers were run out of ammunition. so the city fell to Isis On 6th June some 100 troops surrendered to Isis while 95 troops reported to be killed during the action. While the Isis lost its 25 fighters during the clashes. The capturing of al-qaim

Al-qaim is an Iraqi town located 400 km northwest of Baghdad near the Syrian border and Euphrates River. The al-qaim border crossing was under control of a rebel group in Syria named FREE SYRIAN ARMY while the town of al-qaim was under the control of Iraqi troops. During the anbar campaign on 19th June the Isis fighters attacked the town of al-qaim with heavy artillery and mortars followed by a major assault, the clashes between Iraqi army and Isis fighters broke out in afternoon and were continued till 20th June. On 20th June the Iraqi army retreated from al-qaim, around 54+ Iraqi troops were killed and 20 soldiers were wounded while the Isis lost some 20 fighters during the action. Then on 21st June the Isis fighters advanced towards the al-qaim border crossing which were under the control of free Syrian army at that time, heavy clashes erupted between Isis and FSA fighters leaving leaving some 16 Isis fighters and 20 FSA fighters dead. On 22nd June the FRA retreated from al-qaim border crossing leaving it fell to Isis.

On the same day the Isis get complete control of al-qaim border crossing, al-qaim city and the surroundings. With the control of al-qaim border crossing the Isis has now full access to provide weapons and ammunition to the militants fighting in Syria against the Assad’s administration. The siege of saqlawiyah The city of saqlawiyah is located north to Fallujah city and 50 km west to Baghdad. It is the main entrance point to Baghdad and camp siecher, it has also strategic importance as it is next to Fallujah city. After defeating the Iraqi army on many fronts and captured city after city the Isis turned its attention towards saqlawiyah, in saqlawiyah there were 1000 Iraqi troops stationed, as soon as the Isis got an all out victory against the Iraqi army in Fallujah city and massacred the Iraqi army cadets in CAMP SIECHER, the Isis cut the main entrance road from Baghdad to saqlawiyah and begin the siege of the city. The besieged Iraqi troops in saqlawiyah were run out of food and ammunitions also there moral gets down because neither the reinforcements arrived nor they get any aerial support from the governments. On 21st September the Isis fighter disguising themselves in the army uniforms entered the camp, the troops considered them as the military support sent by the government. As soon as the Isis fighters entered to the camp the two vehicles packed with explosives and 3 suicide bomber blew themselves up on the army positions. The remaining fighters open fire on the Iraqi troops, only 200 out of 1000 troops escaped from the camp while 500 troops were killed by Isis. The remaining 300 soldiers were remain besieged in camp. On 22nd September the supporting Iraqi army under the command of col. Rashid flayih succeeded in breaking up the siege of the camp and rescued the besieged troops, but at that time it were already too late, as 200 out of besieged 300 troops were getting killed during the clashes with the Isis. Though the military support did arrived for the help of besieged army but by that time the Iraqi defenses were completely destroyed by the Isis, so the military wasting no time to stay in the camp they took the remaining soldiers and flew the camp and thus on 22nd September the saqlawiyah fell to Isis. The administration in Baghdad shocked by the decision of the RASHID FLAYIH to withdraw from saqlawiyah and issued his arrest warrants but the military generals in Baghdad didn’t take any actions against him while convincing the prime minister that ‘’ the Iraqi army would be slaughtered if they were to stay there’’. The seizing of beijji On 11th June 2014 the Isis fighters took control of beijji and advanced towards the beijji oil refinery and ask the the Iraqi army units guarding the refinery to withdraw your position or get ready for deadly consequences, the Isis fighter surround the refinery but meanwhile the reinforcements arrived which pushed the Isis fighters back towards the city. On 18th June the Isis fighters once again attacked the refinery with heavy shelling followed by a major ground attack and captured 70% of the facility, though the military spokesperson denied the capturing but the local citizens told to the reporters that the Isis fighters hangs their flags from the towers of the refinery. On 20th June the Iraqi forces repelled the attack of the Isis on refinery and driving them out of the refinery. But the beijji were still under the Isis control and the militants surrounded the refinery. From June to October the Iraqi army repelled several attempts made by the Isis fighters to control the refinery. In late October 2014 the Iraqi army made offensives to break the siege of oil refinery and retake the beijji. The Iraqi army succeeded and took two neighborhood towns of beijji and advanced 2 km into beijji, but their advances were halted by the Isis fighters with suicide bombers which killed a police major general faisal ahmad. The Iraqi army also used airstrikes and medium air support (choppers) to attack the positions of Isis fighters in the area. Till 14th November the Iraqi troops controlled as much as 70% of the city, while further advancing towards the oil refinery to break the Isis siege of refinery. The Iraqi army succeeded to reach to the refinery gates and break the months long siege of the refinery. But 4 our of 12 towns of beijji were still under the Isis control and heavy fighting were continued in the next 4 towns. From 13th to 18th December the Isis recaptured 3 more towns from the government troops and including the centre of beijji, as the government troops suffered heavy losses and lack of ammunitions. Till 21st December the Isis fighters regain the full control of the city and re-established the siege of oil refinery while heavy fighting were still continued on the main road leading toward spiecher military base and oil refinery. Though heavy clashes is still continued for the beijji oil refinery but the city of beijji and its neighbor towns fell to the pocket of Isis. The re-capturing of beijji greatly demoralized the Iraqi army and administration in Baghdad, because the Iraqi army badly needed that victory to make a headline and boost the moral of rest of Iraqi army and they almost did it but the resilience of Isis fighter snatch the victory from them even at the time when they gained operational momentum in beijji. By the time of the fall of beijji, as much as 65% of whole Iraqi territory were under the control of Isis posing a great threat to the administration in Baghdad. Till mid 2015 many key and strategically and economically important cities were fell to Isis such as Tal afar, Hawja, Sharqat, Bhadush dam, Al-qaim, Rutba, Siecher, Saqlawiyah, Mosul, Ramadi, Tikrit, Rawa, Ana, Huseiba, Beijji, Suq al ghazi, Fallujah, Dhuluiya, Hit, Jurf al sakhar, Akashat and amrili, the rise of Isis as an important player in the region greatly exposed the Iraqi administration and its resilience to counter terrorism. Chapter# 2 Islamic state’s Syrian campaign Background Following the demonstration in EQYPT, TUNISIA and LIBYA, the recently released political prisoner SUHAIR ATASSI call for the demonstration against the BASHAR AL- ASSAD administration and demanded for his resignation immediately, the people responded to the call of SUHAIR ATASSI and huge demonstrations broke out at Damascus, Aleppo, al-hasakah, daraa and hamaon and named the demonstration as SYRIAN REVOLUTION. The government started crackdown against the demonstraters by arresting many protesters. In april-june the protesters once again hit the streets peacefully and call for the resignation of ASSAD, but in June 2011the Assad’s administration dismissed the defectors from the army on large scale, soon the clashes broke out between the soldiers and defectors, while the defectors formed a new organization named FREE SYRIAN ARMY. The FREE SYRIAN ARMY join their hands with the Syrian political opposition and announced armed struggle against the ASSAD’S administration. On 31st July 2011 the Syrian army attacked and dismantled the camps of demonstration forcefully in the cities of Hama, hear and bay kamala which leaves at least 130 people killed and hundreds injured. A new wave of demonstrations once again broke out on 5th august in many cities but the government started the crackdown against the demonstrator again during which 10 people gets killed. In NOVEMBER the Syrian opposition along with FREE SYRIAN ARMY stormed the city of homs and captured it, the fiercfull clashes also started in the idlib province, the opposition also seized the city of Hama. Till the end of January 2012 the FREE SYRIAN ARMY and their allies ARMED SYRIAN OPPOSITION took the control of many cities such as zabadani, madaya, saqba, hamoreya and harasta. The FSA advanced towards the republican palace of Damascus and were just 8 km away when the FOURTH REGIMENT of the Syrian army under the command of MAHER AL-ASAD (brother of basher al- Assad) intercept them and heavy fighting begins near Damascus and the chances of win and lose were 50-50 for both sides. On next day the Syrian army deployed the REPUUBLICAN GUARDS in the battlefield, this single step of the government changed the whole course of the battle and the army gained upper hand against the insurgent and drive them out of Damascus, the FSA lost all the gained grounds in front of the advancing Syrian army, the army re-gain the control of zabadani, baba amr, karm el-zaytoon and Hama. The only territory remained under the FSA control was the neighborhoods of homs such as al-khalidiya and homsial al- khalidiya. The army also started military operation in idlib on 3rd march against the armed opposition and gain control of many cities including idlib,saraqib and sarmin till mid- march but heavy fighting were continued in al-qasayr, rastan, daraa, deir ez-zor and parts of homs and Hama. The FSA also conducted hit and run attacks against the government forces in Aleppo streatching the Syrian army to many fronts. Though till June 2012 the government re-captured many parts of the country from FSA and ARMED OPPOSITION driving them towards the Lebanese border and border affiliated with Iraq, the UNITED NATION peacekeeping chief in Syria stated that ‘’SYRIA HAS ENTERED TO A PERIOD OF CIVIL WAR’’. After the declaration of civil war in Syria, the American government who were looking for such opportunity to topple Assad from government as he opposed the American invasion of Iraq in 2001, the American government provided weaponary, munition and financial aid to the FSA and for the first time in history they created the concept of MODERATE TERRIORISTS, by calling the FSA as moderate terriorists, with the support from America the FSA did manage to give tough time to Syrian army all along the country but even then they were unable to make a clear defference. Although Syria become a popular testing ground for the world players to play proxies and many American allied Muslim states such as turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar played freely in Syria against Assad but it was the Syrian army and Assad who showed resilience against the American allied Sunni states-backed FREE SYRIAN ARMY and ARMED SYRIAN OPPOSITION. FORMATION OF AL-NUSRA FRONT

Following the outbreak of Syrian civil war the Islamic state’s chief ABU BAKAR AL- BAGHDADI sent a delegation of 1000 fighters to Syria to assist and help the Syrian rebels in fight against the regieme. With the arrival of the fighters from Islamic state to Aleppo and its countryside the SYRIAN ARMED OPPOSITION gained momentum against the regieme forces, HERE it is important to note that the Isis fighters not only just fought alongside the rebels against Syrian forces but on some occasion these fighters led the rebel forces in the battlefield. As the war between Syrian regiem and rebel forces stretched into many fronts and the demand for the Islamic state’s brutal fighters increased, to maintain the stability in the rebel held areas and also to help rebels fighting against regiem on strategically important fronts, so the Isis chief ABU BAKAR AL-BAGHDADI formed a separate organization for Syrian matters under the name of JABHAT AL-NUSRA (the support front for the people of Syria) and appointed ABU MUSA AL-JOLANI as its chief. The main objective of this group was to support the opposition forces against Assad’s regiem and in return the rebels will supply AMERICAN MADE weaponry and munitions to Isis. The jabhat al-nusra front were actually a branch of Islamic state of Iraq. As the AMERICAN MADE weapons (such as anti-aircraft guns, anti-tank weapons and many modern weaponary such as snipers and automatic machine guns) was arriving for the rebel units continuously as soon as the civil war erupted in Syria, the Turkish and Israeli government (both are sharing border with Syria) played key role to arm the opposition to fight against Assad, both of them are sending weaponary and munitions to the rebels on permanent basis and the rebels are selling this weaponary either directly or indirectly. Apparently both the Syrian rebels and Islamic state were working on win-win strategy, the Syrian rebels want to control the Syrian soil while as the intentions of the Islamic state was to rule Iraq. Ideology al-nusra front’s main aim is to overthrow the Assad’s regieme and establish an Islamic state in Syria under sharia law. They imposed sharia law in al-nusra held areas. Their ideology was greatly defined by its EMIR al-jolani while stated ‘’ WE ARE ONLY HERE TO ACCOMPLISH ONE MISSION, TO FIGHT AGAINST THE REGIEME AND ITS AGENTS ON THE GROUND INCLUDING HEZBOLLAH AND OTHERS. Though officially they are claiming that their only enemy is Assad govt but in reality they are considering the western govts, Americans and Israel as their real enemies, but due to lack of resources and support they are willing not to provoke western powers by poking at them. They are the most deadliest group in Syrian soil by organizing more then 100 suicide bombings in Syria’s major cities like DEMASCUS and ALEPPO. The al-nusra fighters are showing no religious tolerance towards other sects and ethnic groups such as alawite’s ( Assad’s premier supprters in ongoing civil war) and some other shia ethnicities. They beheaded many ethnic civilians for not changing their ideology. Due to this religious intolerance and possessing threats towards west, the UNITED STATES, SECURITY COUNCIL and LEGITIMATE SYRIAN GOVT ( ASSAD’S REGIEME) stated them as terrorist organization in December 2012. Strength before split with Isis

In 2012 al-nusra emerged as well disciplined and effective fighting machine. In October 2012 THE HUFFINGTON POST stated that the group has ‘’ THE BEST TRAINED AND EXPERIENCED FIGHTERS AMONG ALL THE SYRIAN REBEL GROUPS. In 2012 the spokesperson of the free Syrian army claimed that the numbers of al-nusra fighters are ranging from 8000-12,000, al-nusra is the most aggressive and successful arm of free Syrian army. The US department of state and stated the same ‘’ the reports we get from the doctors is that most of the injured and dead FSA fighters are al-nusra’s, due to their courage and the fact that they are always at the frontline’’. On 10th December 2012 united states designated the group as terrorist organization, making it illegal to deal financially and socially with them. But fact of the matter is that a large number of American and other foreign peoples flee to Syria to join al-nusra front. A variety of reports suggests that the number of foreign fighters fighting for al-nusra front to be estimated from 800-900 till mid-2013. Dissolution of jabhat al-nusra front though this group were initially formed to help rebels fighting against Assad, the group in Syria gained important territory from Assad’s regieme and established their strongholds there. but as soon as the group gained ground and momentum in Syria, their supreme commander in Iraq AL-BAGHDADI’s intentions gets changed and he ordered al-nusra’s chief to attack on the weak spots of Syrian rebels and grebe territory. But the emir (chief) of JABHAT AL-NUSRA seems to not following his orders and soon he sent a letter to AL-BAGHDADI replaying that ‘’ IT IS NOT OUR PRIME OBJECTIVE TO ATTACK THE REBELS AND GAINING GROUND IN SYRIA’’, however al-Baghdadi insisted to take action against rebels and regieme to establish a foothold in Syria. Here it is important to note that many of the key cities and towns in Syria were under the mutual control of armed Syrian opposition and jabhat al-nusra, they fought shoulder to shoulder against the regieme in many cities and defeated the Syrian army in many decisive battles together, so it was seems to be impossible for al-nusra fighters and leaders to fight against their close allies and battle tested friends. But in al-Baghdadi’s view there were no importance of such alliance, all he means was to gain power and grab the oil rich land of Syria, but al-nusra’s chief was the main hurdle in Baghdadi’s way to achieve his goals. Though al-Baghdadi ( the supreme commander of the group ) want to remove the al-nusra’s chief from the post but he knew the consequences of such action against him, so rather then pressurizing him, al-Baghdadi sent his most loyal troops and commanders to Syria to assist jabhat al-nusra, initially these commanders and fighters followed the order of al-nusra’s chief and gain respect and trust of the fighters fighting under the umbrella of jabhat al-nusra, but soon they started propaganda against the emir ( CHIEF) of jabhat al-nusra. These loyalist commanders of Abu bakar al-Baghdadi allegedly blamed al-nusra’s chief of being working for the Zionist and Americans, their propaganda worked effectively as many of the provincial and local commanders refusing to fight under the command of al- nusra’s chief and demanded the supreme commander of the group ( ABU BAKAR AL- BAGHDADI ) to intervene and take action against al-nusra’s chief. ABUBAKAR AL-BAGHDADI who were waiting for such opportunity immediately announced the dissolution of jabhat al-nusra front and ordered its fighters to join the Islamic state of Iraq, though al-nusra’s chief rejecting the dissolution of the group but the damage has already been done. As much as whole brigade (4000-6000 fighters) of the group joined the Islamic state of Iraq. AL-BAGHDADI immediately announced war on the defectors of al-nusra front and the Syrian opposition forces, as the Islamic states fighters were out numbered against the armed Syrian opposition and al-nusra’s remaining fighters soon they get control all of the mutually controlled areas and forced the armed Syrian opposition to retreat. Now with the new recruitments from outside Iraq and grabbing a large territory in Syria the group renamed itself from ISLAMIC STATE OF IRAQ to ISLAMIC STAE OF IRAQ AND LEVANT. The ISIS fighter taking control of most of the al-nusra’s held territory and replace their small posts with large ISIS headquarters. Here it is important to note that besides few battles the ISIS is not yet involved in a direct physical confrontation with the regieme forces instead they are interested in territories which is controlled by opposition forces, while one jihadist says that ‘’ the Isis is being at the stage of establishing and strengthening itself in Syria so that the jihad against regieme will be held on solid foundations, and for this purpose Isis is preparing its professional army by paying from $200 to $800 depending on the physical and mentel strength of the fighter in the battlefield’’. Overall situation in Syria

Till July 2013 a survey conducted by the Syrian govt stated that the government are controlling approximately 30-40% of the overall country’s territory while the FREE SYRIAN ARMY and its allies are about 20-30% while the ISLAMIC STATE OF IRAQ AND LEVANT are controlling 20-25% of the overall territory. But in 2015 ISLAMIC STATE’s held territory are increased dramatically by controlling 60-65% of the overall Syrian territory while the territory controlling by Syrian govt is greatly shrunken to roughly 15-20%. While the Syrian opposition and al-nusra collectively controlling just 15-20% of territory. The Islamic state of Iraq and Levant has now been established a professional army of well trained fighters estimated to be around 45,000 in Syria and some 20,000 in Iraq. Chapter# 3 Administration framework of Isis There are hundreds of non state organizations in different continents and regions around the world such as HAMAS in Palestine, KKK in Christian dominated regions, IRISH REPUBLICAN ARMY in united kingdom, PRO NAZI ACTIVISTS in Germany and France, TALIBAN in Afghanistan, BOKOHARAM in Nigeria and Algeria, MUJAHIDEEN in Indian occupied Kashmir and ISLAMIC STATE in the middle east. But non of these organization except ISLAMIC STATE has an administration framework in the regions controlled by them. The ISLAMIC STATE is the only organization that offers a unique administration framework in the Isis held areas of Iraq and Syria. the Islamic state of Iraq and Levant is acting like a real state as they announced ministries followed by A complete framework of bureaucracy in Isis dominated regions. Islamic state has announced several ministries for different services such as Caliph (supreme leader)

Abu bakar al-Baghdadi is serving as a supreme commander of the group wherever the Islamic state exists. All activities of the group are under his commands, no regional leader can make alliance or announce war over a state or other insurgent group unless the caliph approves it. Deputy chief (caliph) in Iraq

Abu Muslim al-Turkmen is a deputy chief of Islamic state and chief for Iraqi matters of the group. He was a former officer in Iraqi special forces of lieutenant colonel rank. All services of Islamic state in Iraq is overview by him, military and civil leaders are handling over their monthly to report to him. Deputy caliph (chief) in Syria

Abu ali al-anbari is a co-deputy chief of Islamic state and commander in chief for Syrian matters. He was a former officer in Iraqi military of major general rank. He is considering to be the most trusted and loyal to caliph. He is looking all the matters for Islamic state in Syria. the caliph also given him the authority to make alliance with other groups in mutually controlled areas without his approval if needed. War minister

Naseer al-din allah abu-suleimani commonly known as abu-suleimani is a war minister in caliph Abu bakar al-Baghdadi’s cabinate. He is looking the war affairs for Islamic state in both Iraq and Syria. Abu suleimani has established a complete network of loyal officers around him in order to implement his orders in the battlefield and in the so-called state of Isis. Finance minister

Muafaq mus tafa muhammad al-karmoush commonly known as Abu saleh is a finance minister in Abu bakar al-Baghdadi’s cabinate. He is managing the finance department, he is responsible for issuing funds to different departments, collecting zakat, collection of taxes and paying salaries to the fighters. He is followed by a complete network of beaurucracy which is under the direct command of Abu bakar al-Baghdadi. Minister of general management and co-ordination Muhammad hamid al-dulaimi belongs to al-dulaim tribe of Iraq commonly known as Abu hajjar al-assafi is a minister for management and distribution of resources in Abu bakar al- Baghdadi’s cabinate. His ministry is responsible for co-ordination, communication and supplying resources such as food, water, electricity to different cities under the Islamic state’s rule. minister for suicide bombers and foreign fighters

ahmad al-mashadani commonly known as Abu kassem is a minister in Abu bakar al- baghdai’s cabinate. His job is to attract foreign fighters to join the movement and find religiouslly motivated fighters and compel them to arrange suicide attack on the enemy. He is followed by a complete network of propegandists to attract people through social media and advertisments all over the world. Minister for media and news sharing Taha sobi falaha commonly known as Abu muhammad al-adnani is a minister for sharing news of events about the group such as announcing alliance, warning to civilians to prohibit them from certain thing, declaring war on particular group or state and announcing victory or defeat in the battlefield. This is considered to be the most active ministry, this ministry is announcing news even on daily basic. Minister for prisoners

Bashar ismail al-hamdani commonly known Abu muhammad is a minister for prisoner in Abu bakar al-Baghdadi’s cabinate. His ministry is handling the prisons and executing the prisoners. This ministry is also famous for bargaining of prisoners. They are taking money from different country for releasing their citizens. Chapter# 4 Russian air mission against Islamic state Following a request by the Syrian government to Russia for military help, Russia starts to send its jets to its air base in ataxia. Initially Russia sanded 24 su-24m bombers to Syria which immediately started its operation by dropping bombs and laser guided missiles over Isis and rebels targets. Russian vessels from black sea fleet also reached to eastern medetaranian in September following the warplanes. In late September a joint information centre were also established by IRAQ, IRAN, SYRIA AND RUSSIA in Baghdad to co-ordinate their operation against Isis and sharing key information about the strategic places of Isis. The centre was

On 30th September after the approval from the upper house of Russian parliament, the Russian warplanes conducted its first air strikes against Isis and rebels targets in north west of Syria. in November Russian war planes hit several targets of in Hama, homs, deir ez-zour, ataxia and idlib. Till 7th October Russian war planes destroyed some 47 Isis and rebel targets among which most were their convoys marching towards the fronts to fight Syrian army and weaponary depot. On 7th march four Russian warships fired 26 cruise missiles from its Caspian sea flotilla which travelled over the Iranian and Iraqi air space to reach its targets in Syria and hit 11 Isis targets killing more than 90 Isis fighters. The same day Syrian army and national defense force started offensives on several fronts under the cover of Russian air strikes. On 9th and 10th October Russian warplanes conducted some 60 airstrikes in Syria hitter 53 Isis targets and killing more than 300 Isis militants according to Russian defense ministry spokesperson. The intensity of the airstrikes were continued till 24th November. On 24th November a Russian sukhoi su-24 air craft were shot down by the Turkish air force’s F-16 blaming that the Russian warplane violated its air space while ignoring their warning for 17 seconds as a result the Turkish air force shot down the plane. The Russian defense ministry rejected the report and claiming that its plane never violated the Turkish air space. After the incident the Russia deployed its lethal s-300 air defense system to ataxia air base and increased its fighter aircrafts in Syria to provide cover to the bombers making the Syrian air space a no-fly zone for the UNITE STATES and allies.

After the incident Russia increased the number of strikes per day. Russian also employed its lethal Tu-22m3 strategic bombers in Syria. from 25th October till the end of 2015 Russia conducted more than 400 air raids against Isis position in Syria claiming to have killed more than 1500 Isis fighter. In December 2015 the Syrian army also gained ground against rebels and Isis in many areas due to the intensive air strikes from Russia. In the start of the January 2016 Russian navy deployed THE VARYAG CRUISER on the Syrian shore in the eastern Mediterranean replacing MOSKAVA and named this newly deployed ship as flagship for the Russian naval task force. With these new deployment Russia given a clear sign of defending BASHAR AL-ASSAD’s regieme at any cost. Throughout the January and to the end of February the intensity of airstrikes were increased day by day. Unlike 2015 where the Russian warplanes targets the supply routes, weapon depot and bases of rebels and Isis, In 2016 there we saw a swift in the policy of the Russian air force. In 2016 the Russian warplanes mainly targeted the posts and positions along the fronts giving the Syrian army and national security force a significant advantage. Moreover the Russian air force deployed its most lethal and stealth 5th generation su-35s fighter for the first time since it has started its aerial mission In Syria. on 15th January for the first time a joint air operation was conducted by the Russian su-25 and a Syrian mig- 29 aircraft. In February the Syrian army capture the town of rabia after the intensive airstrikes from Russian war planes. Rabia was the last major town that was held by the rebels in ataxia province. Falling of the town of rabia to the Syrian army threaten the supply lines from turkey. Syrian army also gained ground in Aleppo and Hama province. Iranian involvement in Syrian war against Isis

Iran is considered to be one of the most closest ally of Syria. Iran supported the Syrian regieme from day one since the uprising in 2012. Iran supported technically, logistically and financially the ASSAD’s regieme as well as providing some combat units to Syria for the protection of strategic assets and crucial fronts. Iranian backed Hezbollah fighters were involved in fierce fighting against the rebels and Isis since 2012. Iran was the first country to provided assistance to Syrian and Iraqi govt against the rise of Isis. Iran’s quds corp military leaders are assisting the Iraqi and Syrian military in battlefield, also Iran quds corp commanders are training both the armies. Iran is also providing militia’s to Syrian and Iraqi governments by recruiting them from the HAZARA region of Pakistan and Afghanistan. Some 2000 militia’s are estimated to be fighting for the Assad’s regieme in Syria from Pakistan and Afghanistan under the name of ZANABIYOON BATALLIAN..All afghan and hazara region fighters are paid by the Iranian govt. According to some media reports it was Iran who commit Russia to intervene in Syria to fight against Isis. Russia’s long term interests in Syria/ part of china great game

Some analysts are saying that the Russian intervention in Syria is worth much for Russian interests in middle east then Syria. Russia will gain much from this campaign in long term according to professor basraj gull of department of strategic studies in university of Peshawar ‘’Russia has little intentions to defeat Isis, though they are sincere in their efforts to defeat them but their real intentions are something else. This war will help Russia in 2 forms: 1st it will boost the Russian economy as they will get paid by the Iranian and Syrian governments for the use of their aging soviet’s era un-guided bombs which Russia didn’t need any more and they will be paid for it. And 2nd Russia is here to protect its only abroad (abroad from former soviet territory) NAVAL FACILITY IN TARTUS, also Russia ceased an tremendous opportunity to increase its influence in middle east’’ If Russia defeats Isis in Syria it will make their image internationally, if not there is no harm to Russia in both cases has to gain everything loss nothing. Whether they defeats Isis or not they make a some real allies in middle east (besides harming their relations with Pakistan due to the sheer influence of china as Russia agreed to sell its most lethal and stealth fighter jets su-35 and mi-35 gunship helicopter to Pakistan) such as Iran, Syria, Iraq and Lebanon which mean now there is a new market for Russia to sell its military hardware and weapons. On the other hand china is on the rise to become a regional and economic giant and for this reason china is increasing its influence in the region by initiating its ONE ROAD ONE BELT project to link all the middle east, far east and gulf states through one road, for this purpose china building the Pakistan’s deep sea port in gawader, balochinstan province of Pakistan by investing $49 billion dollars in the project which includes the Asia’s largest air port. China also deployed its naval vessels and sub-marines in gawader port. The Russian intervention in Syria will help china to reduce the American influence in the region and increase its own. According to a Chinese analyst zhu xiaolong

‘’ china is promised Russia that they will join them in fight against Isis whenever they need, and Russia promised to that they will provide logistic and military support to china if war erupted in south china sea due to the disputed islands.’’ conclusion so from this discussion we can conclude that Russian military intervention in Syria is not just an emotional decision by Putin to help his friend Assad but rather a strategically important decision which he made after a long discussion with his Chinese counter-part XI JINGPING during a meeting in new York at the occasion of united nations general assembly conference. Chapter# 5 What is jihad ??? Jihad means ‘’STRUGGLE’’. It is an Islamic term which used in Quran by Allah 41 times. Jihad means an internal struggle to maintain faith, the struggle to improve the Muslim society, or the struggle to defend Islam

There are four basic kinds of jihad. 1: jihad against one’s self This is the most greatest kind of jihad and is obligatory upon every Muslims. This Type of jihad has been divided into four sub types: i): Striving to learn the teachings of Islam without which one cannot attain success and happiness in this world or in the Hereafter. If this is missing, then one is doomed to misery in this world and in the Hereafter. ii): Striving to make oneself act in accordance with what one has learned. Simply knowing without acting, even though it may not cause any harm, is not going to bring any benefit. iii): Striving to call others to Islam, teaching those who do not know about it. Otherwise one will be one of those who conceal the guidance and teaching that Allah has revealed, and it will not benefit him or save him from the punishment of Allah. iv): Striving to bear patiently the difficulties involved in calling people to Allah and the insults of people, bearing all that for the sake of Allah. If a person achieves all these four levels, then he will be one of the rabbaniyyin (learned men of religion who practice what they know and also preach to others. [see in QURAN, AL’IMRAN: 79] 2: JIHAD AGAINST SATAN To strive against the satan is the 2nd kind of jihad, this type of jihad is also applicable over all Muslims. This type of jihad has two sub types: i): Warding off the doubts that Satan stirs up to undermine faith. ii): Striving against Satan to ward off the corrupt desires that he provokes. In Quran Allah says: ‘’And We made from among them [Children of Israel], leaders, giving guidance under Our Command, when they were patient and used to believe with certainty in Our Ayah (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.)” (see in QURAN,As-Sajdah: 24) The first jihad is followed by certainty of faith, and the second is followed by patience. Allah tells us that leadership in religion is attained through patience and certainty of faith. Patience wards off desires and certainty wards off doubts. 3: JIHAD AGAINST HYPOCRATES This is the 3rd kind of jihad, with heart, with tongue, with wealth and oneself. Jihad against the hypocrites is along the lines of using words and ideas. Rejecting their propaganda and protecting the core believes of Islam is came under the domain of this jihad.

4: JIHAD AGAINST FOREIGN INVADION AND TYRANT RULERS WITH SWORD ‘’The first priority of Muslims to oppose with hand, if not possible then with tongue, if not possible then with in heart should oppose the evil and tyrant.’’ This is the forth kind of jihad which usually people commonly knew as HOLY WAR. This jihad is obligatory upon every Muslim in four cases. A: when the Muslims is present in a jihad situation. B: when the enemy has come and invade a Muslim land. C: when the ruler mobilizes the people, the must respond. D: when a person is needed and no one else can do the task except him. In Islam running away from battlefield and leaving your brothers alone in war when the invading army is advancing is a great sin. In Quran Allah says in chapter al-anfal verse no 16: “O you who believe! When you meet those who disbelieve, in a battlefield, never turn your backs to them. And whoever turns his back to them on such a day — unless it be a stratagem of war, or to retreat to a troop (of his own), — he indeed has drawn upon himself wrath from Allah. And his abode is Hell, and worst indeed is that destination!” But Allah has made exceptions in two cases: i) When it is a military maneuver, in the sense that he is leaving to bring reinforcements. ii) When he is going to join another group, when he has been told that there is a group of Muslims elsewhere who are about to be defeated, so he goes to join them in order to strengthen their numbers. This is subject to the condition that there is no risk to the group he is in; if there is a risk to the group that he is in, then it is not permissible for him to go to the other group. In this case (jihad) is an individual obligation upon him (fard `ayn) and it is not permissible for him to leave. Chapter# 6 Profiles of Isis top commanders/leaders Here is the profiles and biography of some of the most important Islamic state’s mainstream and regional leaders in Iraq and Syria.

Abu musab al-Zarqawi (founder of isi) Abu musab al-Zarqawi was born in 1966 in jordan. His real name was ahmad khadeel al- nazal al-khaleyleh. During the soviet-afghan war he went to Iraq took training and fought against soviets in many fierce full battles. After the withdrawing of the soviet troops from Afghanistan and the war is over he came back to Iraq. Once again he became active during the American invasion and become a leading insurgent leader during the invasion. He was the one who is consider to turning the insurgency against the American troops in Iraq. He was also know for his butchery as SHIEKH OF SLAUGHTERS. He formed an organization under the name of AL- TAWHID WAL-JIHAD an led this organization till the end of his life. In a video massage he took the responsibility of many IDE, suicide and ambush attacks on American convoys. In 2004 he pledged allegiance to Osama bin laden and renamed his organization as al- Qaida in Iraq and he was chosen as emir of al-Qaida in Iraq. In 2005 he organized a series of suicide attacks over American soldiers and the Shiite’s of Iraq for helping the American troops. He was killed on 7 June 2006 in a US airstrike by dropping two bombs of weighted 235kg in a safe house in a small village of hibhib when he was attending a meeting in the safe house.

Abu bakar al-Baghdadi Abu bakar al Baghdadi was born in 1971 in samara, Iraq. His real name was ibrahim awwad ibrahim ali muhammad al-badri al-samarai. He received his B.A, M.A and PH.D degree in Islamic studies from the university of Baghdad. He took part in Iraqi insurgency against the allied invasion of Iraq in 2003 from there he took part in many fierce full battles and gain respect among jihadists. he was considered to be one of the closest friend of al-Zarqawi ( a former leader of al-Qaeda in Iraq). During the invasion al-Baghdadi formed a group under the name of jamat jaish al-sunnah wa al- jammah (JJASJ). He and his group joined a mujahedeen shura council in 2006 in which he served as a member of shura committee which led to the evolution of Islamic state of Iraq followed by the Islamic state of Iraq and al-sham. In 2006 after the formation of ISI he was chosen as chief supervisor of the sharia committee and member of the group senior consultive committee. In 2010 following the death of Abu Omar al-Baghdadi, Abu bakar al-Baghdadi was chosen as EMIR/ CHIEF of the Islamic state of Iraq. As a leader of ISI al-Baghdadi organized large scale strategically important operation in Iraq such as suicide bombings and organized operations in anbar province against army. He is the mastermind behind the dramatic rise of Isis. In 2013 after the expansion of isi to Syria the group renamed itself as Islamic state and chose Abu-Bakr al-Baghdadi as its caliph. Al-Baghdadi has 3 wives and unknown number of children’s.

Abu ali al-anbari Abu ali al-anbari is a deputy chief of Islamic state and chief of Islamic state of Syrian matters. He is 2nd in command along with his counterpart Abu Muslim al-Turkmen who is chief for Iraqi matters. He was a military officer of major general rank in the Iraqi military during saddam hessian’s regieme. he was also an active member of Baath party. After the American invasion of Iraq he joint anbar al-Islam and fought actively against the invaders until he was expelled from anbar al-Islam following the corruption allegations. In 2005-2006 he joined the Islamic state of Iraq under al-Zarqawi an soon proved himself in the battlefield and rose higher in the ranks. In 2014 after a raid on the home of Isis’s chief of military staff in which he gets killed al- anbari was chosen as head for the political and military matters of Syria.

Abu suleiman al-naseer Abu suleiman al-naseer is a current war minister of the Islamic state, head of the war council and military chief of Islamic state. He fought many battles during the Iraqi insurgency against the American invasion. His real name is al-naseer allah Abu suleimani. In 2011 Iraqi army claimed that they have killed al-naseer near Baghdad in an air strike but the Islamic state of Iraq reject the claim by issuing a video statement short after the announcement for the Iraqi military.

Abu Omar al-Shoshoni Abu Omar al-Shoshoni or Abu Omar the Chechen is a Georgian citizen and a former sergeant in the Georgian army and a veteran of the russo-georgean war 2008. After the expelling from military he joins the Islamic military groups and served on various positions. He was also served as head of the MIGRANT BRIGADE also known as mujahedeen brigade. In may 2013 he was appointed as northern commander of Isis and given him the authority to command the operations in northern Syria and to recruited and command the Isis’s northern troops. He commanded many successful operation in Syria’s Aleppo governorate which gain him a respectable position among the jihadist groups. In mid 2014 recognizing his military and operational services he was promoted to a member of shura council and senior isisl commander given him the command of all of the Isis troops deployed in ataxia, Aleppo, al-raqqah and northern idlib province. Abu waheeb Abu waheeb was born in 1986 in anbar province of Iraq. His real name is shaker wahib al- fahdawi al-ulaimi. He was graduated from the university of anbar in 2006 in the field of computer science. He is the commander of Isis troops in anbar province. He is famous for the execution for the 3 truck drivers belonging to al-awite ethnic group. Fahdawi was managed to escape a prison in 2012 where he was waiting for his death penalty in a case of working for al- Qaeda during Iraqi insurgency. After escaping from the prison he took part in many Isis operations against the Iraqi government, after showing his brilliance the Isis top commanders appointed him as a field commander for anbar province. The anbar government also announced bounty of $50,000 dollars over his head. About the author The author is a student of international relations and regional studies at university of Peshawar leading to masters. He is also member of think tank at institute of strategic studies. The author is focusing on the recent developments in the middle eastern, gulf and south Asian countries and their foreign policies (2010 onward) including Chinese disputes in and around south china sea between china and US allies. He is also following the recent developments of the terrorist organization acting in the tribal areas of Pakistan under the title of TTP. He is also the author of a book titled THE INSIDE STORY OF ISIS. Upcoming publication The author is also doing research on a new project under the name of CHINEESE WAVE ‘’ capturing of disputed islands in scs, aggressing in foreign policy, supporting afghan Taliban, increasing influence in the region. Strengthening & modernizing its military……………. What is the real deal?…. what really is going on in Beijing? Follow us on Gmail: [email protected] face book: twitter:@muhammadasim77741 The end