SUMMARY with exotropia (divergent squint), possibly because The neurophysiological consequences of artificial stra­ of the higher prevalence of alternating fixation and/ bismus in cats and monkeys have been studied for 30 or, frequently, the later onset of deviation. Stereopsis years. However, until very recently no clear picture has is either absent or very deficient in all forms of emerged of neural deficits that might account for the strabismus, whether or not one is amblyopic. In powerful interocular suppression that strabismic addition, there are a variety of other deficits in humans experience, nor for the severe amblyopia that binocular visual function. is often associated with convergent strabismus. Here we review the effects of squint on the integrative capacities of the primary visual cortex and propose a hypothesis NEURAL SUBSTRATES OF AMBLYOPIA about the relationship between suppression and For 30 years, artificial (surgically or optically amblyopia. Most neurons in the visual cortex of normal induced) squint in cats and monkeys has served as cats and monkeys can be excited through either eye and an animal model of human strabismus.4 Just as in show strong facilitation during binocular stimulation humans, animals with strabismus have impaired with contours of similar orientation in the two . But stereopsiss,6 and can become amblyopic in the in strabismic animals, cortical neurons tend to fall into deviating eye?-lO However, despite considerable two populations of monocularly excitable cells and efforts, neurophysiological studies have failed until exhibit suppressive binocular interactions that share very recently to reveal central deficits that might key properties with perceptual suppression in strabis­ account for either the severe acuity loss that often mic humans. Such interocular suppression, if prolonged occurs in the deviating eye of strabismic humans and and asymmetric (with input from the squinting eye animals or for some of the more subtle defects of habitually suppressed by that from the fixating eye), binocular function. Most investigators have simply might lead to neural defects in the representation of the studied the responses of individual cortical neurons deviating eye and hence to amblyopia. in the primary visual cortex (VI) to monocular stimulation: strabismus of early onset was found to Strabismus is one of the most frequent visual cause a breakdown of conventional 'binocularity'. disorders in human beings, with a childhood inci­ Most cells in the visual cortex of strabismic catsll-16 dence of about 6%.1 Various categories can be and monkeys6,1 7,18 can be driven through only one discerned clinically, depending on the age of onset, eye, either left or right, seldom through both, and the state of fixation, presumed aetiology, etc. (for slight variation in cortical ocular dominance across reviews see Duke-Elder and von Noorden3). the cortex seen in normal animals becomes trans­ Among them, esotropia, or convergent squint, is formed in sharply defined ocular dominance (OD) the commonest form, with a relative prevalence of columns. There is indirect evidence that this also about 67%.1 In the majority of cases, it is associated holds true for VI of strabismic humans.19 This loss of with unilateral fixation and amblyopia in the non­ 'binocular' neurons is assumed to underlie the fixating eye, i.e. a deficit in visual acuity, in the defects of binocular summation and stereopsis in absence of any recognisable ocular pathology, which strabismic animalss,6 and humans?O,21 persists even when refractive errors have been Visual acuity, as assessed with conventional corrected. There is a lower incidence of amblyopia optotypes, depends on both the detection and the localisation of variations of contrast in the retinal Correspondence to: Frank Sengpiel, University Laboratory of Physiology, Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3PT, UK. Fax: +44 (01865) image. For an emmetropic eye, visual acuity is 272 488. e-mail: [email protected]. normally determined by spatial sampling of the

Eye (1996) 10,250-258 © 1996 Royal College of Ophthalmologists NEUROPHYSIOLOGY OF STRABISMUS 251 image in the eye. Indeed, for humans and monkeys, In earlier reports, Ikeda and her colleagues had acuity in the central fieldappears to be limited by the described much more dramatic reductions in neural mosaic of foveal cones.22 In principle, then, the acuity in strabismic cats, for cells of the lateral reduction in acuity that characterises amblyopia geniculate nucleus (LGN)36 and for retinal ganglion could be due to one or a combination of three cells?7 However, later studies established that different causes: (1) a decrease in the number of behavioural amblyopia can occur with no detectable sampling channels at some point in the retina or effects in the retina38 or the LGN?3,39 visual pathway, leading to undersampling of the Errors in the central representation of the relative image and hence an incomplete central representa­ positions of parts of the image may be the cause of tion of the visual stimulus; (2) coarsening of the several perceptual problems experienced in ambly­ 'grain' of spatial sampling, e.g. as a result of opia, most obviously the spatial distortion of the convergence of signals on to central neurons, leading visual scene40 but also impaired vernier acuiti3,41 to a decrease in neural 'acuity'; or (3) some kind of and the spatial interference of contours, or 'crowd­ 'scrambling' of the central representation, causing ing', that many amblyopic humans complain of. positional uncertainty in that representation.23-25 There is some evidence of 'scrambling' of receptive In the case of deprivation amblyopia and anisome­ fields in VI of cats with deprivation amblyopia.42 tropic amblyopia, there is a partial 'disconnection' of Unusually large43 and scattered receptive fields44 the affected eye from the primary visual cortex. have also been reported for neurons in VI of Whereas in normal cats and monkeys the vast strabismic cats. However, the vast majority of studies majority of cortical neurons respond to stimulation suggest that the monocular receptive field properties through either eye, in animals that have been reared differ little from those in normal cats14,16,30,33,45-47 with one eye closed or defocused, the proportion of except, perhaps, in the representation of the extreme cortical neurons responding through the affected eye nasal visual field of the deviating eye in esotropic is much reducedp,26--29 Thus, in these kinds of animals.47 amblyopia the image might be undersampled at the More recent studies have focused on the possible level of the cortex (depending on the degree of effects of strabismus on the integrative capacities of oversampling, if any, in the normal animal). On the the visual cortex, and it is in this area where other hand, the evidence for neural undersampling in substantial anomalies have recently been described. strabismus is much less consistent. Some reports of In the normal cortex, neurons with similar stimulus cortical cells in strabismic monkeys17,18 and (less preferences tend to fire impulses synchronously strikingly) cats30,31 have described a bias in the when visually stimulated simultaneously,48,49 even if ocular dominance of cortical neurons, fewer respond­ their receptive fields do not overlap.50 This synchro­ ing through the deviating than the normal eye. nisation, which normally occurs whether the two cells However, most studies,6,1l-14,16 even in cats and are activated with stimuli falling in the same eye or in monkeys with demonstrated behavioural ambly­ different eyes, has been hypothesised to play an opia,15,25 have reported roughly equal numbers of important role in 'binding' the activity of the various neurons responding through the squinting and the feature-detecting neurons that respond to a particu­ non-squinting eye. lar global contour, surface or object into a coherent Similarly, there is much clearer evidence for a representation, and to distinguish that representation deficit in neural 'acuity' in deprivation and anisome­ from those for other, nearby contours, surfaces or tropic amblyopia than in strabismus?5 After early objects (for a review, see Singe�l). Now, in VI of occlusion or defocus of one eye, the minority of cells strabismic cats, neurons dominated by one eye tend in the cortex that still respond through that eye tend not to synchronise their firing with cells dominated to have diffuse, insensitive receptive fields and hence by the other eye.1O,52 This loss of synchronisation have poor spatial resolution and sensitivity to between neurons in neighbouring OD columns contrast.28,29,32 On the other hand, several studies correlates with the fact that the long-range intrinsic on strabismic catslO,33,34 and monkeys,25 even with connectivity which is such a striking feature of proven amblyopia, have revealed that cortical cells normal VI is specifically reduced between OD responding through the deviating eye have, at best, columns for different eyes in strabismic cats.53 spatial resolving power and contrast sensitivity Moreover, in esotropic cats with behaviourally indistinguishable from the best neural acuity of verified amblyopia, neurons dominated by the cells driven through the normal eye. However, in normal eye exhibit stronger synchronisation of cats with litrabismic amblyopia, Crewther and responses with each other than do those dominated Crewther15 reported a small reduction in the average by the amblyopic eye. This difference is most neural acuity of cortical cells through the squinting pronounced for gratings of high spatial frequency, eye, and Movshon and Kiorpes35 have seen a similar even though the amplitude of responses to such modest effect on neural acuity in esotropic monkeys. stimuli through the amblyopic eye is not reduced.lO 252 F. SENGPIEL AND C. BLAKEMORE . This kind of impairment of temporal integration of I ar nva. I ry, 64 "a65 nd support for t h'IS hypothesls comes inputs from an amblyopic eye may contribute to the from similar, recent findingsin VI of awake behaving reduced visual acuity, the perceptual distortions and macaques.66 to the crowding phenomenon. In contrast, in VI of five adult cats that had been tenotomised just after eye-opening, to induce either SUPPRESSION AND AMBLYOPIA exotropia or esotropia, only 9% of cells exhibited Strabismus of substantial angle invariably precipi­ any significant binocular facilitation for dichoptic tates a disturbance or disruption of , gratings of the same orientation in the two eyes (even because the two images of each feature in the visual though 31 % of the neurons were weakly binocular in scene fall on entirely non-corresponding points in the the conventional sense, i.e. excitable through either two retinae. Despite the resulting potential for eye alone). Another 36% of neurons showed no and confusion, after strabismus of early binocular interaction at all, while for 55% of all cells, onset the usually adapts to the responses elicited through the cell's dominant eye situation, and single vision is maintained, either were suppressed dramatically by presentation of through anomalous retinal correspondence, in which gratings of any orientation to the cell's non-dominant functional correspondence is shifted to match the or 'silent' eye. The reduction in response was roughly angle of squint (for reviews, see Nelson54 and the same (about 40% on average) whether the two Schor5) or through suppression of vision in the gratings were orthogonal or iso-oriented.16 This non-fixating eye. characteristic is clearly reminiscent of pathological It has frequently been suggested that strabismic suppression in strabismic humans, which also varies amblyopia might be precipitated by interocular very little in strength with stimulus orientation.67 suppression.56-59 Support for this hypothesis comes Interestingly, in the representation of the central from the finding that variations in the depth of visual field in VI, where we made all our recordings, suppression across the visual fieldare well correlated the depth of interocular suppression did not seem to with acuity deficits both in human subjects with depend in any obvious way on the direction and alternating fixation58 and in esotropic amblyopes absolute angle of squint. with chronic suppression of vision in the amblyopic We are now extending our investigations to eye.57,59 strabismic monkeys and find non-orientation-specific suppression, similar to that seen in cats?4 We THE NEURAL BASIS OF STRABISMIC recorded from one adult rhesus monkey (Macaca SUPPRESSION mulatta) after myotomy of the lateral rectus of the right eye at the age of 19.5 weeks (4.5 months), which We16 have investigated the possibility that altered had developed an esotropia of about 30°. This animal cortical binocular interaction, related to strabismic suppression, might lie at the heart of many of the fixated unilaterally with the non-operated eye and, in anomalies brought about by ocular misalignment. a preferential looking test, had visual acuity 2.4 We studied the responses of single neurons to octaves lower in the deviating eye than in the normal drifting gratings in the primary visual cortex of eye. Despite the relatively late onset of squint in this anaesthetised paralysed cats. In normal animals, monkey, the loss of binocularity was severe: only 22 most cells display strong binocular facilitation when of 55 VI neurons (40%) were excitable through single, moving bars of similar orientation are either eye, while 33 cells (60%) were strictly presented simultaneously to the receptive fields in monocular by conventional tests. Of 25 quantita­ the two eyes, as long as the relative positions of the tively tested units (all with receptive field centres images on the two retinae are optimised for cells that within 2° of the fovea) 11 showed significant have a strong preference for a particular disparity. binocular interactions. While binocular facilitation Such excitatory interaction may be essential for for contours of similar orientation in the two eyes binocular fusion of corresponding features and for was seen for just two cells, nine cells exhibited stereoscopic vision.6o,61 Repetitive grating patterns of orientation-independent interocular suppression; six matched orientation also usually produce facilitation of them were dominated by the normal eye, three by when the relative disparity or spatial phase of the the operated eye. An extreme example, with a individual bars of the gratings is optimised.62,63 response reduction of up to 97%, is illustrated in However, the response to an optimally oriented Fig. 1. Remarkably, all cells showing clear suppres­ grating being presented in one eye is, for a majority sion were located in layers 4B, 4Ca and 6, and none of cells, reduced significantly by the sudden appear­ was found in the supragranular layers; in cat VI ance of a grating of substantially different orientation suppression occurred among equal proportions of in the other eye. We have suggested that this cells in all layers outside layer 4. The laminar orientation-dependent interocular suppression may distribution of orientation-independent suppression underlie the psychophysical phenomenon of binocu- in monkey VI may have to be interpreted in the NEUROPHYSIOLOGY OF STRABISMUS 253

A 90

Direction Fig. 1. Orientation-independent interocular suppression in 180 o (deg) a layer 6 simple cell recorded from VI of an esotropic monkey, exclusively driven through the non-operated (contralateral) eye. (A) Polar plot of orientation selectivity, showing mean responses (+ 1 SEM) during monocular stimulation through the dominant (contralateral) eye, with drifting gratings of optimal spatial frequency, as a function Response of the direction of movement (orthogonal to the orientation 6 (spikes/sec) of the grating). (B), (C) Peri-stimulus time histograms of responses, accumulated over eight trials, to dichoptic gratings of identical (B) and orthogonal orientations (C), B C respectively. The cell was continuously stimulated through 20 20 the dominant eye with a grating of optimal orientation (direction of drift 45°) and spatial frequency. Periods of monocular stimulation, each lasting 5 seconds, were interleaved with 5 seconds periods during which a second grating of the same spatial frequency but varying in orientation from presentation to presentation appeared in the non-dominant (operated) eye. The arrows mark the onset of binocular exposure, which continued for the 5 second periods indicated by the filled bars above the D histograms; bin width, 100 milliseconds. (D) Full results of the binocular interaction protocol. The dominant eye was 10 continuously stimulated with an optimal 'conditioning' grating (contrast 0.18), while other gratings (contrast always u Q) 0.7) appeared intermittently in the 'silent' eye at five � different orientations, over a 90° range, clockwise from that � '6. of the 'conditioning' stimulus. Each filled circle plots the !!l- Q) mean response (::I:: 1 SEM) during binocular stimulation rn 5 c with a particular combination of gratings, while the o e>- rn corresponding unfilled circle plotted at the same position Q) a: on the abscissa shows activity averaged over the immedi­ ately preceding periods of monocular stimulation. The gratings presented to the 'silent' eye, incapable of exciting 0 L+==���==���------� 30 60 90 the cell directly, produced very strong suppression (response Interocular orientation difference (deg) reduced, compared with the monocular level, by >90%) whatever their orientation.

context of the generally higher laminar specificity of norma1.57 We are beginning to explore whether certain response properties. The magnocellular CM') neuronal suppression in strabismic cats and monkeys layers of the LGN project specifically to layer 4Ca, also varies across the representation of the visual and thence to 4B, as well as to layer 6. Perhaps, then, field. We recorded from VI in a 'microstrabismic' cat interocular suppression in the monkey (and presum­ (distinct but transient esotropia after surgery, with ably in humans too) is more pronounced for neurons ocular misalignment so small as to be unmeasurable 31 of the magnocellular pathway, which is indeed in the adult ) and found that, of 18 neurons with thought to be more concerned with stereopsis than receptive fields within 3° of the area centralis, 11 the parvocellular ('P') pathway.68 showed significant interocular suppression indepen­ In strabismic humans, suppression is strongest in dent of stimulus orientation, while 9 cells, whose the fovea of the deviating eye57,58 and much stronger receptive field centres were about 10° below the in the nasal hemiretina of an esotropic eye and in the centre of the visual field, all exhibited normal temporal hemiretina of an exotropic eye than in the binocular facilitation for iso-oriented dichoptic grat­ opposite hemiretinae, which do not 'compete' with ings (Sengpiel, Harrad, Freeman and Blakemore, the fovea of the fixating eye.57.69 It is also in the unpublished observation). visual hemifields corresponding to these 'competing' It should be noted that, in strabismic humans, hemiretinae that acuity deficits are most pro­ suppression is not confined to the central retina of nounced.57 In contrast, in parts of the peripheral the deviating eye but also occurs in the fixating eye visual field, some binocular function is often main­ (in particular near the fovea) during foveal stimula­ tained58 and acuity in the amblyopic eye is close to tion of the deviating eye.56,58 This situation closely 254 F. SENGPIEL AND C. BLAKEMORE resembles that created by our stimulation paradigm that input from the squinting eye is habitually held where gratings were always presented at correspond­ suppressed by that from the fixating eye, eventually ing positions in the two retinae, and mostly near the leads to amblyopia in the more frequently sup­ centre of the visual field. Therefore, it may not be pressed eye. The maturation of the visual cortex, surprising that interocular suppression at the neuro­ which normally leads to increasing spatial resolution nal level was usually symmetric between the eyes: in and contrast sensitivity of individual cells, as well as three of five cats the depth of suppression for cells to the maintenance and strengthening of binocular­ dominated by the normal eye was, on average, ity, is thought to depend on 'Hebbian' synaptic comparable to that for cells dominated by the 'learning' in which coincidence of presynaptic and deviating eye. Moreover, we do not know whether postsynaptic activity leads to the selective strength­ the animals in our study had in fact developed ening of the activated synapses (for a review, see amblyopia in the operated eye. In view of recently Rauschecker74). If, in a squinting animal, the neurons published behavioural datalO one might imagine that in the OD columns with input from the deviating eye most of them were not amblyopic or only mildly so. are held constantly inhibited by suppression from the However, at least some of the animals habitually other eye's OD columns, their inactivity might fixated with one eye and were unable to maintain interfere with the process of synaptic learning. This steady fixation with the squinting eye during a cover hypothesis could account for disturbances of matura­ test. Also, a study on an awake monkey with late­ tion for cortical neurons connected to a squinting onset esotropia and no amblyopia showed that for eye, despite the fact that the eye itself has a well­ some neurons in Vl, suppression of responses focused image much of the time. However, the way elicited through one eye can be observed only in which one eye commonly becomes dominant for when the other eye is used for fixation?O fixation (and suppression becomes asymmetrical), Only one cat displayed a clear asymmetry of and hence amblyopia occurs in esotropia, but very neural suppression among the sample of neurons that rarely in exotropia, remains a matter of debate. we studied; in this animal the deviating eye was

capable of suppressing responses elicited through the NEUROANATOMICAL BASIS FOR normal eye but not vice versa.16 Though apparently STRABISMIC SUPPRESSION counter-intuitive, this finding may reflect the inverse We believe that inhibitory interactions in the visual relationship between severity of amblyopia and cortex of strabismic subjects are closely related, if not depth of suppression that has been reported for identical to, interocular interactions in the normal strabismic humans:67 this cat was the most likely visual cortex, where explicit interocular suppression among the animals studied to have developed is normally triggered only by stimuli that differ amblyopia in the deviating eye, with a small-angle substantially in orientation. Both forms of neuronal esotropia (4°) and a bias in ocular dominance in interocular suppression are characterised by disparity favour of the normal, fixating eye. It is conceivable independence, broad spatial frequency tuning and that, once deep amblyopia is established in one eye divisive response gain reduction.64 They are also of (and binocular vision effectively superseded by similar strength: in response to orthogonally oriented monocular vision through the dominant eye), sup­ dichoptic gratings, a population of 116 neurons from pression actually decreases: teleologically, there may ten normal cats exhibited a mean suppression of no longer be a need for it; and there may be no 40.6% (±2.9% SEM), while 110 cells from seven substrate for the underlying interactions. Our own strabismic animals were suppressed by an average of work on dark-reared cats71 as well as studies on cats 39.4% (±2.6% SEM). These similarities led us to with optically induced squint72 or monocular lid­ suggest that the orientation selectivity of binocular suture73 indicate that, the longer input from the two interaction in normal cortex is generated by the sum eyes is dissociated or indeed prevented altogether, of suppression that is independent of relative the weaker any binocular interactions become. It orientation plus binocular facilitation only for appears that binocular facilitation is most susceptible matched orientations, and that the latter is specifi­ to manipulations that decorrelate signals from the cally lost in strabismus. This hypothesis is supported two eyes; after the loss of facilitation, suppression by our recent finding that even in the normal cortex prevails until eventually inhibitory interactions the presentation in one eye of a grating of a spatial weaken too. frequency too high or low to elicit an excitatory On balance there is good evidence that suppressive response can triggt:!r suppression of responses being interactions of the sort observed in the visual cortex produced by an optimum grating in the other eye, of strabismic animals form the neural substrate for and that this suppression by a non-excitatory grating perceptual suppression in strabismic humans. It is is independent of its orientation?5 This strongly tempting to speculate that such interocular suppres­ suggests that the binocular facilitation for matched sion in Vl, if both prolonged and asymmetric, such stimuli, thought to underlie fusion and stereopsis, is NEUROPHYSIOLOGY OF STRABISMUS 255


Fig. 2. Schematic diagram of intrinsic horizontal connec­ tions that might underlie binocular interaction in Vi of normal (A) and strabismic (B) cats. A surface view of orientation and ocular dominance (aD) domains is shown. Parallel slabs or 'columns' marked 'L' and 'R' represent left-eye and right-eye aD columns, respectively. in normal L R L R L animals, these columns are only weakly segregated in supra­ and infragranular layers (symbolised by the interrupted lines in A), while they are clearly delineated in strabismic animals (continuous lines in B). Columns of cells with B similar orientation preference are depicted as circles with an oriented line inside. Green and blue lines represent excitatory projections, which selectively connect neurons of similar orientation preference, respectively, within and between neighbouring aD columns, while red lines show widespread, non-selective inhibitory connections. See text for further explanation.


superimposed on non-selective inhibitory interaction visual cortex (A), clustered excitatory intrinsic between the two eyes. connections between regions of similar orientation A possible anatomical substrate for the excitatory preference76,77 may mediate disparity-sensitive bino­ and inhibitory binocular interactions postulated cular facilitation. Long-range inhibitory connections above is schematically illustrated in Fig. 2. Blue are much more diffuse78 and also link different and green lines symbolise excitatory connections orientation domains?9,80 In strabismic animals (B), between clusters of cells of same-eye dominance and excitatory intrinsic connections between neighbour­ opposite-eye dominance, respectively; red lines ing OD columns are selectively lost,53 leaving only represent inhibitory connections. In the normal inhibitory projections in the majority of cells. We 256 F. SENGPIEL AND C. BLAKEMORE

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