16 Pages Max 22º Min 10º 150 Fils Established 1961

ISSUE NO: 18308 The First Daily in the Arabian Gulf www.kuwaittimes.net

US ambassador hails ties Trump bid to overturn election Ukraine seeks World Heritage Salah rescues Liverpool; 3 between Kuwait and US 6 stymied, but scars will remain 13 status for Chernobyl zone 16 Tottenham let lead slip

Kuwait authorizes emergency use of Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine US set for mass COVID vaccinations as world virus deaths top 1.6 million

KUWAIT: The health ministry yesterday author- Day, a turning point of World War II. “I am ized the emergency use of the Pfizer-BioNTech absolutely 100 percent confident that we are going vaccine against COVID-19, a ministry official to distribute safely, this precious commodity, this announced. A joint committee of the medicine regis- vaccine, needed to defeat the enemy COVID,” he tration and supervision department and the public told reporters. health department for the evaluation and registra- The imminent start of the mass vaccination cam- tion of vaccines approved emergency use of the paign in the world’s hardest-hit country came as vaccine, Dr Abdullah Al-Bader, Assistant Germany announced a partial lockdown from Undersecretary for Pharmaceutical and Food Wednesday with non-essential shops and schools Supervision, said in a statement. to close in a bid to halt an “exponential growth” in He said the committee’s decision followed a thor- coronavirus infections. The restrictions will apply ough review of the safety and quality specifications until Jan 10, with companies also urged to allow of the vaccine. The committee, said Bader, also employees to work from home or offer extended reviewed results of clinical trials. Bader emphasized company holidays, under the new measures agreed the health ministry will closely follow the safety of by Chancellor Angela Merkel with regional leaders the vaccine following its use to ensure the wellbeing of Germany’s 16 states yesterday. Germany last of the public. week recorded new daily death tolls reaching close The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to 600 and as disease control agency RKI reported issued on Friday the first emergency use authoriza- that the infections trend has taken a worrying turn. tion of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine. The vaccine Italy meanwhile overtook Britain as the European began leaving the company’s Michigan factory yes- nation with the highest coronavirus death toll. “I am terday, ready to be injected into the arms of millions worried about the two weeks of Christmas holidays. of the most vulnerable Americans as the global We are up against a dramatic pandemic which is death toll topped 1.6 million. Doses were shipped ongoing - the battle still has not been won,” Italian out in boxes containing dry ice that are capable of Health Minister Roberto Speranza warned as the staying at -70 degrees Celsius, the frigid tempera- country recorded 64,036 deaths, surpassing Britain’s ture needed to preserve the drug. 64,026. Regional affairs minister Francesco Boccia General Gus Perna, who is overseeing the mas- said that unless people adopted a careful approach, KALAMAZOO, Michigan: Boxes containing the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine are prepared to be sive logistical operation as part of the government’s “the risk of a third wave is almost certain.” shipped at the Pfizer Global Supply Kalamazoo manufacturing plant yesterday. — AFP , likened the moment to D- Continued on Page 2

will be presented to Morocco’s King vowed to fight on until Moroccan forces US adopts map Mohammed VI, he added. Western Sahara withdraw from all of Western Sahara. is a disputed and divided former Spanish The prime minister of Algeria - colony, mostly under Morocco’s control, Morocco’s neighbor and regional rival, and of Morocco where tensions with the pro-indepen- the key foreign backer of the Polisario dence Polisario Front have simmered Front - on Saturday criticized “foreign with W Sahara since the 1970s. maneuvers” that he said aimed to “desta- Morocco on Thursday became the bilize Algeria”. “There is now a desire by RABAT: The United States adopted fourth Arab state this year, after the United the to come closer to our Saturday a “new official” map of Morocco Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Sudan, to borders,” Prime Minister Abdelaziz Djerad that includes the disputed territory of announce it had agreed to normalize rela- said, in reference to . Western Sahara, the ambassador to Rabat tions with Israel. US President Donald In an interview with Israel’s Yediot said. “This map is a tangible representa- Trump in turn fulfilled a decades-old goal Ahronot newspaper published yesterday, tion of President Trump’s bold proclama- of Morocco by backing its contested sov- Moroccan Foreign Minister Nasser tion two days ago - recognizing ereignty in Western Sahara. Bourita said, “Israel’s relations with Morocco’s sovereignty over Western The Polisario condemned “in the Morocco are special and can’t be com- Sahara,” Ambassador David Fischer said strongest terms the fact that outgoing pared to the relations that Israel has with according to a statement seen by AFP. American President attrib- any other Arab country.” “From our per- He then signed the “new official US utes to Morocco something which does spective, we aren’t talking about normal- RABAT: US Ambassador to Morocco David Fischer stands before a US State government map of the kingdom of not belong” to the country, namely sover- ization because relations were already Morocco” at a ceremony at the US Department-authorized map of Morocco recognizing Western Sahara (bearing a eignty over Western Sahara. The move- normal,” Bourita was quoted as saying by signature by Fischer) as part of the North African kingdom on Saturday. — AFP embassy in the capital Rabat. The map ment dismissed the announcement and the paper. — AFP

Arab nations are suddenly achieving long- “President Trump took a contrarian Breaking norms, sought goals after agreeing to normalize ties approach,” Kushner told reporters Thursday with Israel, in a last-minute triumph for the as he announced the latest deal, with Morocco schools unorthodox diplomacy of outgoing President Morocco, saying that the Arab-Israeli con- Kushner scores Donald Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner. flict “has been held back for so long by old to teach Jewish Widely mocked for more than three thinking and by stalled process”. wins for Israel years as a boyish lightweight, who was best Veterans of Middle East diplomacy agree known for his famous wife, troubled proper- that Kushner moved nimbly after the United history, culture WASHINGTON: The United Arab ty deals and his father’s stint in prison, Arab Emirates first signaled its willingness to Emirates is getting top-of-the-line fighter Kushner is scoring historic breakthroughs recognize Israel. “He had the authority; he RABAT: Jewish history and culture in Morocco jets. Morocco is winning recognition for lauded by Trump’s base with four Arab was smart enough to develop personalized will soon be part of the school curriculum - a decades-old territorial claims. And Sudan is nations since September joining the so- relations. “first” in the region and in the North African coming off the US terrorism blacklist. The called with Israel. Continued on Page 2 Jared Kushner country, where Islam is the state religion. The decision “has the impact of a tsunami,” said Serge Berdugo, secretary-general of the but some 1,000 Libyans recently set Council of Jewish Communities of Morocco. It off in a pioneering convoy of 300 all- “is a first in the Arab world,” he told AFP from Road warriors terrain vehicles through the sandy Casablanca. wilderness. For years, although the kingdom had no offi- ride to revive Hopeful that the October truce will cial relationship with Israel, thousands of Jews hold, they sought to rediscover the of Moroccan origin visited the land of their natural beauty of a country that boasts ancestors, to celebrate religious holidays or Libya tourism sweeping desert vistas, hidden oasis make pilgrimages, including from Israel. But AL QARYAH AL GHARBIYAH, towns, ancient Greek and Roman Morocco this week became the fourth Arab Libya: ruins, and a Mediterranean coastline. nation since August to announce a US-brokered A road trip through Libya’s The 4WD enthusiasts - almost all deal to normalize relations with Israel, following desert would long have sounded like a men, sporting sunglasses and outdoor the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Sudan. holiday in hell but, two months into a gear - started their journey at Al- Israeli Prime Minister ceasefire, adventurous travellers are exploring the Sahara by four-wheel Qaryah Al-Gharbiyah, a crossroads said liaison offices would be reopened in ASH SHUWAYRIF, Libya: Libyans take part in a 4x4 tourism trip in a desert Continued on Page 2 drive. Foreigners are still staying clear town dubbed the “Gateway to the of the country after a decade of war - Sahara”. — AFP (See Page 13) area some 400 km southwest of Tripoli on Dec 3, 2020. — AFP 2 Established 1961 Monday, December 14, 2020 Local Amir receives Crown Prince, Prime Minister

KUWAIT: His Highness the Amir Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah received, at Bayan Palace yesterday, His Highness the Crown Prince Sheikh Mishal Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah. His Highness the Amir also received His Highness the Prime Minister Sheikh Sabah Al-Khaled Al-Hamad Al-Sabah. Meanwhile, His Highness the Crown Prince received His Highness the Prime Minister at Bayan Palace yesterday. — Amiri Diwan and KUNA photos

Kuwait praises WFP’s humanitarian efforts KUWAIT: Kuwait’s Foreign Minister and Acting Information Minister Sheikh Dr Ahmad Nasser Al- Mohammad Al-Sabah held talks yesterday with vis- iting Executive Director of the World Food Programme (WFP) David Beasley on boosting joint coordination between the two and latest COVID-19 developments. Sheikh Dr Ahmad praised the “noble humanitarian achievements” made by WFP, and con- gratulated WFP for winning the Nobel Peace Prize, for its prominent role in combating hunger and poverty worldwide. Beasley expressed gratitude for Kuwait’s pio- neering and distinguished humanitarian role and also KUWAIT: Kuwait’s Foreign Minister and Acting Information Minister Sheikh Dr Kuwait’s Foreign Minister and Acting Information Minister Sheikh Dr Ahmad Nasser praised Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Ahmad Nasser Al-Mohammad Al-Sabah meets Executive Director of the World Food Al-Mohammad Al-Sabah meets Kyrgyzstan’s Ambassador to Kuwait Smargol Development (KFAED) and its contributions. Deputy Programme David Beasley. — KUNA photos Adamkulova. Foreign Minister Khaled Al-Jarallah, Director General of KFAED Abdulwahhab Al-Bader, Assistant the Minister’s office Ahmad Al-Shuraim attended the Kyrgyzstan’s Ambassador to Kuwait Smargol further enhancing bilateral relations. Deputy Foreign Minister for Economic Affairs Amal Al- meeting. Adamkulova on the occasion of ending her tenure. Assistant Foreign Minister for the Minister’s office Hamad, and Deputy Assistant Foreign Minister for Meanwhile, Sheikh Dr Ahmad received yesterday Sheikh Dr Ahmad commended her contributions to Ahmad Al-Shuraim attended the meeting. — KUNA

KUWAIT: The General Secretariat of the National Assembly organized an introductory meeting yesterday for new MPs to inform them of the developments and mechanisms of work in the council. The meeting comes ahead of the opening session of the newly-elected parliament tomorrow. — Photos by Yasser Al-Zayyat

for the failure to contain the virus. Jewish population, and at one point had 37 syna- Kuwait authorizes The US became the sixth country to green-light the Morocco schools gogues. Pfizer vaccine on Friday night, after Britain, Bahrain, “While there was a Jewish presence in Morocco Canada, Saudi Arabia and Mexico. It was a triumphant before the 18th century, the only reliable historical emergency... moment for the American giant and its German partner to teach Jewish... records date back to that time,” Chafiqi said. Two BioNTech, who began work on their product, based on US-based Jewish associations - the American Continued from Page 1 experimental mRNA (messenger ribonucleic acid) technol- Continued from Page 1 Sephardi Federation (ASF) and the Conference of ogy, just 11 months ago. Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations As fatalities worldwide passed 1.6 million, infections in The vaccine has been shown in a clinical trial of Tel Aviv and Rabat, which Morocco closed in (COP) - said they “worked closely with the Kingdom the United States were soaring, with 1.1 million new cases 44,000 people to be 95 percent effective, and no serious 2000 at the start of the second Palestinian uprising, of Morocco and the Moroccan Jewish community” on confirmed in the past five days and the death toll nearing safety concerns have been identified. But after two health- and full diplomatic relations would be established “as the “groundbreaking” academic reform. 300,000. Over the past two weeks, the US has repeatedly care workers in Britain suffered severe allergic reactions, rapidly as possible”. Morocco confirmed the deal, “Ensuring Moroccan students learn about the totality exceeded 2,000 COVID-related deaths per day, rivaling the US regulator has advised people who have known saying King Mohammed VI had told outgoing US of their proud history of tolerance, including Morocco’s tolls from the early days of the pandemic. Perna said hun- allergies to the vaccine’s ingredients to avoid getting it. President Donald Trump his country had agreed to philo-Semitism, is an inoculation against extremism,” dreds of sites, including hospitals and other distribution Food and Drug Administration scientist Peter establish diplomatic relations with Israel “with mini- leaders of the two organizations said in a statement centers, would receive the vaccines from today to Marks voiced support for Pfizer’s plan to allow peo- mal delay”. published on last month. Also in November, Wednesday, which would cover the firstwave of about ple involved in the clinical trial to find out whether The decision to add Jewish history and culture to Education Minister Said Amzazi and the heads of two three million people to be vaccinated. they had received the vaccine or placebo. Under this lessons was discreetly launched before the diplomatic Moroccan associations signed a partnership agreement Federal health authorities have recommended that proposal, if they received the placebo, they can deal was announced. Part of an ongoing revamp of “for the promotion of values of tolerance, diversity and healthcare workers and nursing home residents be at the request the vaccine when their demographic group’s Morocco’s school curriculum since 2014, the lessons coexistence in schools and universities”. front of the line, but the final decisions have been left to turn comes up. Some scientists have opposed this will be included from next term for children in their The accord was symbolically inked at Essaouira’s states. The US is seeking to inoculate 20 million people plan because if trial participants become “unblinded” final year of primary school, aged 11, the education “House of Memory”, which celebrates the historic this month alone. Elsewhere, South Korea yesterday and find out what they received, they may change ministry said. The move aims to “highlight Morocco’s coexistence of the city’s Jewish and Muslim commu- reported 1,030 new coronavirus cases, a record high for a their behavior and this would corrupt trial data. But diverse identity”, according to Fouad Chafiqi, head of nities. Among those present was Andre Azoulay, a second day in a row as the country struggled to tackle a Marks said: “We have to balance the amount of academic programs at the ministry. member of the local Jewish community who is also an third wave of infections. Seoul had previously been held blinded data that we receive with the need to protect Morocco’s Jewish community has been present adviser to King Mohammed VI. The king, Morocco’s up as a model of how to combat the pandemic, but the people from a pandemic that’s taking thousands of since antiquity and grew over the centuries, particularly “Commander of the Faithful”, has pushed for a toler- resurgence prompted President Moon Jae-in to apologize lives daily.” — Agencies with the arrival of Jews expelled from Spain by the ant Islam that ensures freedom of worship for Jews Catholic kings after 1492. At the end of the 1940s, and foreign Christians. Benjamin Netanyahu, broke decades of US norms on Jewish Moroccans numbered about 250,000 - some 10 In September 2018, at a UN roundtable, he Breaking norms, Middle East peacemaking by barely making a pretense of percent of the population. Many left after the creation emphasized the role of education in the fight being evenhanded with the Palestinians. Trump recognized of the state of Israel in 1948, and the community now against racism and anti-Semitism. Morocco “has Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and, in a long-delayed Middle numbers around 3,000, still the largest in North Africa. never erased its Jewish memory”, said Zhor Rehihil, Kushner scores... East plan unveiled in January 2020, gave the US blessing if Jewish presence in Moroccan culture now appears curator of Casablanca’s Moroccan Jewish Museum Netanyahu wanted to annex much of the West Bank. in the primary-level social education curriculum, in a - the only one of its kind in the region. History Continued from Page 1 Speaking to CNN at the time, Kushner warned the section dedicated to Sultan Sidi Mohammed Ben teacher Mohammed Hatimi said introducing Jewish Palestinians, who were offered a limited state, not to Abdellah, known as Mohammed III. The 18th-century identity into Morocco’s education program would I think he clearly deserves some credit for taking “screw up another opportunity like they’ve screwed up Alawite ruler chose the port of Mogador and its help nurture “future citizens conscious of their advantage of what the landscape showed was possible,” every other opportunity that they’ve ever had in their fortress, built by Portuguese colonists, to establish diverse heritage”. The move will also be part of a said Dennis Ross, who served as Bill Clinton’s Middle existence”. Soft-spoken, thin and always sporting neatly the coastal city of Essaouira. Under his leadership, revision of the secondary school curriculum set for East envoy. coiffed hair and crisp suits, Kushner contrasts in style, if the diplomatic and commercial center became the next year, according to Chafiqi from the education Kushner, a family friend of Israeli Prime Minister not goals, from his father-in-law. — AFP only city in the Islamic world counting a majority ministry. — AFP Established 1961 3 Monday, December 14, 2020 Local European Gulf expert: Kuwait played key role in Gulf reconciliation efforts BRUSSELS: Kuwait has played a key role in the efforts, previously led by His Highness (the late that citizens have the opportunity to express those reconciliation process within the six member Gulf Amir) Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, grievances.” On EU-GCC relations, she said there Cooperation Council (GCC), according to an and in continuation of the efforts currently being are positive prospects ahead and described European expert on Gulf issues. “Of course (the late carried out by His Highness Sheikh Nawaf Al- Kuwait-EU relations as excellent. She explained Amir) Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah is Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, the Amir of Kuwait, and that relations between the two regional organiza- primarily to be credited here, but it is comforting to US President Donald Trump to resolve the crisis, tions have for decades developed at the biregional see that the new leadership is continuing his work,” fruitful discussions took place recently, in which all level while individual countries from Europe and Dr Cinzia Bianco, Gulf Research Fellow at the pan- parties affirmed their keenness on Gulf and Arab from the Gulf developed their own bilateral ties. European think-tank, European Council on Foreign solidarity and stability and to reach a final agree- In the past few years the EU has reached out to Relations, said in an interview. “The wider Arab- ment that would achieve the aspirations of lasting individual Gulf monarchies to establish its own Islamic region is unfortunately enmeshed in several solidarity between their countries and achieve what bilateral relations, she noted. “This is a new frame- tensions, regional stability will continue to need is good for their people,” he said in public address work that offers more flexibility and the opportunity players like Kuwait, investing political energy in on state TV. to strengthen cooperation tailored to the specific diplomacy, mediation and stabilization including Meanwhile, Bianco referred to the recent elec- needs and assets of each GCC country,” said Bianco through the humanitarian aid,” said Bianco who tions held in Kuwait and noted that the new who between 2013 and 2014 was a research fellow holds an MA in Middle Eastern Studies from King’s National Assembly has many newcomers. She on Sharaka, a European Commission project on EU- Dr Cinzia Bianco College London and a PhD in Gulf Studies from the opined that the new Amir of Kuwait His Highness GCC relations. “The growing interest in Europe University of Exeter, the UK. Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah “has a long- towards the Gulf as a region means that there are Kuwait Foreign Minister and Acting Information standing experience in navigating Kuwait’s domes- certainly positive prospects ahead for cooperation, security and prosperity in the wider region,” she Minister Sheikh Dr Ahmad Nasser Mohammad Al- tic policy.” Commenting on the coronavirus situa- especially in the domains of economy, society and added. The European Council on Foreign Relations Sabah announced, on December 4, “fruitful” talks tion, the Gulf expert said “like many others around health,” she stressed. “While political relations has a network of offices in seven European capitals, were held recently, in regards to achieving reconcil- the world, Kuwaitis are facing economic and social remain more complex when we look at the wider with 60 staff members from more than 25 different iation and supporting Gulf and Arab solidarity and challenges stemming from the pandemic,” and she GCC, ties between the EU and Kuwait are excellent countries and a team of associated researchers in stability. “Within the framework of reconciliation stressed that “Kuwait’s strength has always been - with converging interests on promoting stability, the EU 27 member states. —KUNA

In all my encounters with Kuwaitis, I have expe- As Kuwait works towards diversifying its econo- Spain praises Reflections on rienced tremendous kindness and hospitality. Your my, US institutions and companies are ready to generosity extends far beyond your borders, as partner with Kuwaiti counterparts to develop the Kuwait provides crucial economic and humanitari- private sector. American enterprises have a wealth Kuwait’s mediation the US-Kuwait an assistance throughout the world. The United of experience and knowledge to share and look for- States has a long tradition of giving as well, and ward to developing mutually beneficial opportuni- to solve GCC crisis relationship with the signing of a Memorandum Of ties. Our companies are well-known for their cre- Understanding between the US Agency for ative and entrepreneurial spirit. Forming partner- MADRID: The Spanish Government welcomed yes- By US Ambassador Alina L Romanowski International Development and the Kuwait Fund for ships between US and Kuwaiti businesses will fos- terday Kuwait’s mediation to solve the Gulf Arab Economic Development, our two nations will ter innovation and establish new businesses, which Cooperation Council’s (GCC) crisis that has been his past Thanksgiving, I spent time with my now work even more closely to provide aid to will strengthen the economies of both countries. ongoing for three years. Spain appreciates the family in Washington as we shared a tradi- countries in need. I am proud that five generations of Kuwaitis have recent progress announced by Kuwait in talks Ttional meal of turkey, cranberry sauce, and As we address the unprecedented challenges of studied in the United States. Every year, both our towards resolving the crisis between the GCC pumpkin pie that we pre- the current pandemic, healthcare is more critical countries continue to encourage Kuwaiti youth to countries, said foreign ministry in a statement. The pared together. As you all than ever. With highly innovative US companies on join the thousands of Kuwaitis currently studying in statement added that Spain values all its bilateral know, Thanksgiving is an the cutting-edge of vaccine approval, the United the United States. These students not only gain ties with Gulf countries, adding that the current important day for States is helping the world finally overcome the knowledge from our world-class colleges and uni- GCC crisis must be solved to bring a positive Americans, one that we scourge of COVID-19. The pandemic has made versities, but also serve as de facto cultural ambas- impact on the people in the region. Kuwait has use to reflect on the things clear the need for all countries to invest in adequate sadors, who deepen the friendship and understand- always emphasized keenness on GCC solidarity and in life for which we are healthcare systems and work together to address ing between our peoples. I am pleased that our desire to reach a resolution to the crisis. —KUNA thankful. the health threats that endanger us. The United countries will continue to work together to improve As I reflected on what I States and Kuwait already have a longstanding the quality of English teaching, expand college was thankful for, it could medical relationship as Kuwaiti citizens regularly advising, and increase US university outreach to not be more fitting that I come to the United States for the world’s most Kuwaiti students, so that more young Kuwaitis have was celebrating this holi- advanced medical treatment. With the signing of the access to the world-class educational options avail- day upon the finale of the Health Memorandum Of Understanding between able in America. I am also looking forward to build- fourth US-Kuwait strate- Alina L Romanowski the US Department of Health and Human Services ing on the Statement of Intent on Cultural gic dialogue—a dialogue and Kuwait’s Ministry of Health, our two countries Cooperation that we signed last year by expanding involving six working groups and culminating with a will enhance cooperation in the areas of public the range of cultural visitors and projects between meeting between the US Secretary of State and the health, biomedical research, medical , the United States and Kuwait. In this way, we fur- Kuwaiti Foreign Minister in Washington DC. This and medical sciences. By sharing critical knowledge ther fortify our strong cultural ties and creativity. dialogue brought the United States and Kuwait and best practices in medicine, Kuwait will enhance Looking to 2021, I am thankful for the strong even closer together. We signed agreements to its healthcare to incorporate the latest scientific partnership we are building together. Next year, improve health care coordination, law enforcement advances and developments. Kuwait and the United States will celebrate 60 cooperation, and humanitarian assistance around We are also cooperating through joint legal years of diplomatic relations as well as Kuwait’s the world. We added additional cultural and educa- efforts to make our countries safer. With the signing independence. Our two nations share a common tional exchanges. We launched the inaugural meet- of the Declaration of Intent to negotiate a Mutual perspective - we focus on the future, the potential ing of the Political, Development and Human Rights Legal Assistance Treaty, our countries have commit- for our nations, and the wonderful accomplishments Working Group, focusing on expanding our formal ted to strengthen law enforcement cooperation by that we expect to achieve. Because of our long- creating a regularized channel for obtaining evidence standing partnership, I strongly believe that our consultations to include regional political and KUWAIT: Deputy Chief of Kuwait National Guard Sheikh development issues of mutual interest. The dialogue for use in criminal prosecutions and investigations in futures, much like our past, will be closely linked Ahmad Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah received Chinese demonstrates the extensive breadth and depth of both countries. This is a significant step towards together. As a steward of this special relationship, I Ambassador to Kuwait Li Minggang in his office at the US-Kuwait relations and reinforces the undeniable ensuring the safety and security of both American have confidence and optimism that our two nations National Guard’s headquarters building yesterday. The fact that the United States and Kuwait are not and Kuwaiti citizens, whether the threat comes from will continue to face today’s many global challenges two sides discussed bilateral relations and means of merely steadfast allies but very close friends. terrorism, transnational crime, or corruption. together as both trusted allies and close friends. boosting cooperation in fields of joint interest.

News in brief Ojairi out of hospital after COVID scare

KUWAIT: Veteran Kuwaiti astronomer Dr Saleh Al-Ojairi is in good health after testing negative for COVID-19, two astronomers said yesterday. “After speaking with his fam- ily, I can reassure you that Dr Saleh Al-Ojairi has recovered from COVID-19 and is in great condition,” astronomer Khaled Al- Jamaan said, while fellow astronomer Adel Al-Saadoun posted on Twitter that Ojairi has been discharged from Jaber Hospital where he had spent the past two weeks for treat- ment from COVID-19 complications.

Visas generate KD 9.6 million

KUWAIT: Kuwait is expected to make KD 9.6 million from expatriates’ residency fees for domestic helper and family visas in the fiscal year 2020/2021, Al-Rai daily reported yesterday, quoting government statistics. Article 20 visas for domestic helpers are expected to generate KD 3.35 million in fees, while Article 22 visas for family members are expected to generate KD 6.25 million.

Cost-cutting measure

KUWAIT: The Ministry of Education is looking into a proposal to cancel trans- portation for public school students, as well as lunch meals for kindergartens permanent- ly, after halting these services during the COVID-19 crisis helped the ministry save costs. The ministry’s assistant undersecre- tary for the administrative sector Rajaa Buerki made the proposal in an official letter as a cost-cutting measure as the ministry looks to rearrange its spending priorities, Al-Anbaa daily reported yesterday. 4 Established 1961 Local Monday, December 14, 2020

Photo of the Day Established 1961 The First Daily in The Arabian Gulf THE LEADING INDEPENDENT DAILY IN THE ARABIAN GULF ESTABLISHED 1961

Founder and Publisher YOUSUF S. AL-ALYAN Editor-in-Chief ABD AL-RAHMAN AL-ALYAN EDITORIAL : 24833199-24833358-24833432 ADVERTISING : 24835616/7 FAX : 24835620/1 CIRCULATION : 24833199 Extn. 163 ACCOUNTS : 24833199 Extn. 125 COMMERCIAL : 24835618 P.O.Box 1301 Safat,13014 Kuwait. Email: [email protected] Website: www.kuwaittimes.net Prostate diseases common in Kuwait: Lead Urologist By Abdellatif Sharaa

KUWAIT: Head of the urology unit at Jaber Armed Forces Hospital Dr Mohammad Al- Ghanem recommended that men over 50 should carry out tests to check for prostate enlargement in order to avoid complications, adding that prostate diseases are common in Kuwait. He said prostate dis- Dr Mohammad eases in men are divided into Al-Ghanem two types - the first concerns men aged 20 to 40 who suffer from infections, while the second is more prevalent among those over 50, in the form of prostate enlargement. Ghanem said complications of prostate enlarge- KUWAIT: A geometric design inside a building in Kuwait that appears to merge with the sky. —Photo by Sito Mirah Ayu (Instagram: @sito_ayu) ment may cause discomfort while urinating or inter- mittent urination more frequent than usual. Sufferers may have great difficulty in emptying their bladder. Some patients may suffer renal failure due to the inability to urinate. As for treatment, he said it could be preventive, medicinal or surgical, as determined by Kuwait reports zero COVID deaths the treating doctor and the severity of the condition. Ghanem said patients with minimal symptoms are advised not to drink too much water before sleep- ing, in addition to regular visits to the doctor. If the for the second time in three days symptoms are of average severity, patients are given medications that help relax the bladder muscle to ease the flow of urine, or medication to reduce the KUWAIT: Kuwait’s Ministry of Health said yester- spokesman Dr Abdullah Al-Sanad said in a state- size of the prostate. In cases of the prostate’s lack of day 174 people tested positive for the novel coro- ment to the press. Kuwait had registered only zero response, or if the patient has stones in the bladder navirus (COVID-19) in the past 24 hours, while no deaths on Friday and only one death Saturday, and accompanied by repeated infections, surgery will be deaths were reported. The new infections zero yesterday. Meanwhile, cases continued to recommended. increased the number of registered cases to drop for the third straight day, after registering 146,218 while deaths remained at 911, MoH 294 on Friday and 256 on Saturday. The health ministry had announced earlier yesterday that 269 people recovered from coronavirus in the previous 24 hours, raising the total to 142,094. Kuwait had announced 256 new recoveries on Saturday and 310 on Friday. The number of patients in intensive care units (ICUs) also dropped in the past three days. There were 62 COVID-19 patients in ICUs as of yester- day, down from 68 on Saturday and 66 from Friday. The total number of people receiving treat- ment stood at 3,213 yesterday. Dr Sanad said yes- terday health care workers conducted 3,679 swab tests in the past 24 hours, bringing the total num- ber of swabs taken since the outbreak of the pan- demic in Kuwait to 1,180,662. In comparison, the ministry had announced on Saturday that 4,824 swab tests were conducted the previous day, while Friday’s count for the previous day stood at 6,725. Dr Sanad urged the public to maintain physical distancing and wear masks, as well as following instructions posted on the MoH’s official sites.

behind it; the reality is that we all need the vaccine As Kuwait authorizes right now,” he said. The ministry of health recently provided a pre- registration link to book appointments for the vaccine, doubts still COVID-19 vaccination, and according to media reports, a large number of citizens and residents lurk among public have already registered. Preparations to administer the vaccine continue in three governorates, including at the Kuwait International Fairgrounds in Mishref By Ben Garcia for large crowds of expats. “I am willing to take it, but I am afraid for my kids KUWAIT: Kuwait yesterday authorized the emer- to get the shot because of too many reported cases of gency use of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine, negative effects. I am in a complete dilemma and I am while registrations to receive the shots have already very afraid for my kids,” said Mark Sanchez, a 47- begun on the health ministry website. But there are year-old Filipino father of two. “I don’t feel very com- some doubts and uneasiness in the hearts and minds fortable with it because it’s new. We don’t know the of people. There have been some reported cases of effect and impact of it on human beings. I have many adverse effects on some individuals, besides rumors on unanswered questions, like why the vaccine has to be social media saying the vaccine might be very unsafe. stored in subzero temperatures? What is the content Some unverified claims charge taking the vaccine of the vaccine? Such questions need a clear explana- could alter human DNA and could be very dangerous tion and I hope before I get vaccinated, I will have for the next generations. The rumors could ruin the good answers. Nonetheless, if the Kuwaiti government desire of many governments around the world to end requires all expats to take the vaccine, then I have no the coronavirus pandemic and return to normal life at reason to say no,” he said. the soonest. But the reality on the ground reflects the Muhammad Faiz, a Sri Lankan, said he will take the sentiments, comments and reactions of people in vaccine immediately without a second thought. Kuwait and their reservations on why they would or “We’ve been waiting for it for almost a year now. Why would not take the vaccine. should we doubt it? Our jobs and the economy have One person asked said she would not take the vac- been disrupted, and now that it’s available, we do not cine unless it is made mandatory for travel. “No vac- want it? It is a shame! All of us must take the vaccine. I cine for me. I will not take it. I am in perfect health and will take the vaccine and my family is waiting for it too don’t have any health issues at all. For the past year, I in Colombo,” said Faiz, a 36-year-old taxi driver. He am okay. I don’t have any sickness. So for me, no vac- said he registered for the vaccine yesterday. cine,” said Noof, a Kuwaiti who loves to travel around Abde Ali, a 25-year-old Indian, said his only doubt the world. “The government cannot force us to take is whether the vaccine will work for everyone. “We the vaccine; however, if they require it to travel, then I have different body conditions. I am on a regular diet will have no choice but to take it,” she said. Noof, 37, and regularly visit the gym, so I don’t know if it’s OK enjoys meeting people around the world. “I miss trav- for me or not. Also, we hope the vaccine will be free elling and my wish for 2021 is for the world to get back for everyone. If they charge us KD 20, for example, it to the pre-COVID era,” she added. will be very hard for some people, because many have Sam Parihar, a 28-year-old Indian barber, said if lost their jobs, while others are recovering from there is a choice, he wouldn’t take the vaccine too. months of being unemployed. If they do charge us, I “I have heard about many negative effects of the hope it will only range from KD 2 to 5 and not more vaccine on humans, but I don’t know the truth than that,” he said. International MONDAY, DECEMBER 14, 2020 Scores of militants killed; fighting rocks Trump bid to overturn election stymied but scars will remain Page 6 insurgent bastion Page 7

ESSAOUIRA, Morocco: This file handout photo shows Morocco’s King Mohammed VI (center) during a visit to the “Bayt Dakira” (House of Memory) museum in this Atlantic coastal city on Jan 15, 2020. —AFP Morocco-Israel ties ‘already normal’ 4th Arab country to normalize ties with Israel this year

JERUSALEM: Morocco’s relations with Israel are unique been relations the entire time. They never stopped,” he of a Palestinian state. Abu Dhabi and Manama have in the Arab world and bilateral ties were “already normal” added. A palace statement last week said that King already concluded deals with the Jewish state. Israel establishes before a “normalization” deal was announced, Morocco’s Mohammed VI had agreed to establish full diplomatic Opposition to the deals has emerged as a unifying foreign minister told Israeli media yesterday. Morocco on relations with Israel with “minimal delay.” force between the two main Palestinian entities on the Thursday announced a “resumption of relations” with That followed Trump’s recognition of Morocco’s con- ground, Fatah and Hamas. Fatah controls the Ramallah- diplomatic relations Israel, shortly after US President Donald Trump tweeted tested sovereignty in Western Sahara, infuriating the based Palestinian Authority and its rival Hamas, an that Rabat and the Jewish state had “agreed to full diplo- Algerian-backed Polisario Front which controls about Islamist movement, controls the Palestinian enclave of matic relations”. one-fifth of the vast, arid region. Around 1,000 people Gaza. Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas headed to with Bhutan Morocco closed its liaison office in Tel Aviv in 2000 at rallied in support of the Moroccan position on Western Qatar yesterday for a two-day visit, including a meeting the start of the second Palestinian intifada, or uprising. Sahara in front of parliament in the North African with Emir Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani. Hamas chief Ismail JERUSALEM: Israel established diplomatic relations Morocco’s announcement is widely seen as making it the nation’s capital Rabat yesterday. Bourita, in the inter- Haniyeh is currently based in Qatar, but there was no with the Himalayan kingdom of Bhutan on Saturday, fourth Arab country this year to unveil plans to normalize view, highlighted Morocco’s enduring connection to immediate confirmation that he and Abbas would meet. the Israeli foreign ministry said - the latest in a string ties with Israel through a US brokered deal, following the Israel through its domestic Jewish community and the Despite unity among rival Palestinian factions against of normalization deals agreed by the Jewish state. United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Sudan. But in an inter- estimated 700,000 Israeli Jews of Moroccan descent. normalization by Arab states, Israel’s former UN ambas- “The circle of recognition of Israel is widening,” view with Israel’s Yediot Ahronot newspaper yesterday, “Morocco has an important history with the Jewish sador Danny Danon said the Palestinians needed to Israeli Foreign Minister Gabi Ashkenazi said in a Moroccan Foreign Minister Nasser Bourita said: “Israel’s community, a history that is special in the Arab world,” “understand that today there is a new paradigm.” The statement. “The establishment of relations with the relations with Morocco are special and can’t be compared he told the paper. Arab model of no ties with Israel until the Palestinian con- Kingdom of Bhutan will constitute a new stage in the to the relations that Israel has with any other Arab country.” flict is resolved has been cast aside, he argued. “The new deepening of Israel’s relations in Asia.” “From our perspective, we aren’t talking about nor- Palestinian response paradigm is first we are forging ties with the Muslim Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu hailed malization because relations were already normal,” The Palestinians have condemned the string of normal- world, with the Arab countries, and together with them the agreement, saying in a statement that Israel was Bourita was quoted as saying by the paper. “We’re talk- ization announcements, which broke with decades of Arab we can approach the Palestinians,” Danon said, suggest- “in contact with other countries that want to establish ing about (re-formalising) the relations between the League consensus that there should be no recognition of ing that future peace talks could include delegates from relations with” the Jewish state. The deal with Bhutan countries to the relations we had, because there have Israel until it agrees to a peace that includes the creation other Arab states. —AFP comes days after Morocco agreed to normalize rela- tions with Israel, the fourth Arab state to do so since August. According to some analysts, other countries 4 stabbed and could follow, including Saudi Arabia, Oman and some Asian countries traditionally opposed to Israel, such as Indonesia. one shot after Ron Malka, the Israeli ambassador to India, said he signed the agreement with his Bhutanese counterpart Major General Vetsop Namgyel on Saturday to pro-Trump rallies establish “formal diplomatic relations”, calling it a WASHINGTON: Four people were stabbed and one shot “historic day”. “This agreement will open up many as rallies backing President Donald Trump’s baseless claims more opportunities for cooperation for the benefit of of election fraud led to clashes in major US cities on both our peoples,” Malka said on Twitter. Saturday. Scuffles broke out in many places between rally- Photographs he posted showed officials from the two goers and counter-protesters who turned up to criticize the countries signing documents and shaking hands with president, who lost the November 3 election to Democrat beaming smiles at the Israeli embassy in New Delhi. but is yet to concede. Washington State Police said in a tweet late Saturday that a shooting had taken place Opening up after clashes near the capitol building in Olympia, and that a A joint statement on the deal said key areas of suspect had been detained. cooperation between the two countries would include In the US capital, DC Fire and EMS Department com- economic, technological and agriculture development. munications chief Doug Buchanan told AFP that four people It added that “the ties between the peoples through had been stabbed and were now hospitalized “with serious cultural exchanges and tourism would also be further injuries.” reported that 23 had been enhanced”. Israel has supported Bhutanese “human arrested throughout the day. There was no indication of resource development since 1982, especially in the whether any of the victims had been involved in the area of agriculture development that has benefitted protests, on either side of the divide. WASHINGTON: Supporters of US President Donald Trump rally at Freedom Plaza on Saturday to protest the hundreds of Bhutanese youths,” according to the The day had begun with a festive atmosphere as thou- 2020 election. —AFP statement, which highlighted the “cordial” relations sands of red-hatted protesters filled Washington’s streets to maintained between the countries despite a lack of support the president, undeterred by the US Supreme that there was widespread fraud in the election. cases, everything just gets thrown out,” said Denton, who formal ties. Court’s rejection on Friday of what may have been his last Some pointed to “foreign interference,” others to soft- had come from Tennessee to support a president she said The remote Buddhist Kingdom of Bhutan, a coun- chance to overturn the results. Similar events took place in ware that allegedly erased millions of votes for the presi- had given “a voice to the people.” Trump, in stark defiance try of less than a million people, is wedged between Olympia, Atlanta and St Paul, Minnesota, as well as in small- dent-but not those for other Republican candidates on the of the clear result and of US tradition, has refused to con- giant neighbors China and India. Bhutan has tried to er towns in Nebraska, Alabama and elsewhere. same ballots. Quick told AFP that “there’s no way possible” cede to Biden. “Wow! Thousands of people forming in shield itself from the downsides of globalization, striv- Demonstrators at the DC rally-noticeably smaller than a that Biden won. Susan Bowman, a 62-year-old from Washington (DC) for Stop the Steal,” he tweeted early ing for “Gross National Happiness” over GDP growth, similar protest last month-told AFP they were steadfast in Hampton, Virginia, said “this is not a banana republic. We Saturday. “Didn’t know about this, but I’ll be seeing them!” maintaining a carbon-negative economy and keeping their support for the embattled president. “We’re not gonna need to fix the election.” Those who addressed the crowd Not long afterward, his helicopter lifted off from the White tourist numbers down with a daily fee of $250 per give up,” said Luke Wilson, a sixty-something protester included Michael Flynn, Trump’s former national security House grounds and passed over the crowd-many singing visitor in high season. The capital Thimphu has no who had come all the way from the western state of Idaho. adviser who was recently pardoned by the president after the US national anthem-as Trump headed to New York to traffic lights, the sale of tobacco is banned, and televi- “I believe there is a big injustice being done to the American admitting that he lied to the FBI over alleged Russian inter- attend the annual Army-Navy football game. sion was only allowed in 1999. people,” added Dell Quick, a regular at Trump’s political ral- ference in the 2016 election. Among the protesters, members of the far-right militia Archery competitions, with liberal amounts of the lies, as he brandished a flag defending gun rights. group the Proud Boys were clearly visible-in their signature local firewater, are a national craze. Phalluses painted Protesters offered no shortage of explanations for the ‘Stolen’ election black-and-yellow outfits, some wearing bulletproof vests- on houses to ward off evil are also a common sight. poll results, even though they have been affirmed by state Dozens of court cases alleging fraud or contesting the and they often drew cheers from others in the crowd. Some But the “Land of the Thunder Dragon” also has its election officials-several of them Republican-and by judges result have been decided-virtually all in Biden’s favor, with blocks away, supporters of the Black Lives Matter move- problems, among them corruption, rural poverty, in several key states. Every state has now certified the some judges offering stinging criticism of the lack of evi- ment held their own, much smaller, rally, chanting “Nazis youth unemployment and criminal gangs. While results, giving Biden 306 votes in the Electoral College to dence. But that was not enough for 47-year-old Darlene out!” Police, some in riot gear, used their bodies and bicy- Bhutan is proud of its cultural and political independ- Trump’s 232. Electors are to formally cast their votes Denton, who wore a “Trump 2024” badge on her sweatshirt. cles to keep the groups apart. There was also at least one ence, it also has diplomatic relations with some 50 Monday. But protesters insisted, as Trump has repeatedly, “Nobody wants to hear evidence, nobody wants to hear clash between police and counter-protesters. —AFP countries, and knows it will have to open up. —AFP 6 Established 1961 International Monday, December 14, 2020 claims military deaths in Karabakh despite peace accord Armenia says 6 fighters hurt in truce violation

BAKU: Azerbaijan announced yesterday that four of its troops had been killed in the disputed Nagorno- Ailing US newspapers Karabakh region since a peace deal with Armenian sepa- ratists was agreed in early November. The defense min- abandon newsrooms; istry said a group of Armenian fighters remained in the mountainous province - breaking the terms of the Russian-brokered truce - and had recently launched fatal COVID deepens woes attacks on Azerbaijan’s forces. The ministry said three servicemen were killed in a separatist ambush on NEW YORK: The buzzing newsroom has long been the November 26 and another sustained fatal injuries during lifeblood of American newspapers. But in recent months an attack near the village of Hadrut on Tuesday last week. the buzz has become virtual as the pandemic deepens Both Armenia and Azerbaijan accused each other the industry crisis and forces journalists to work remote- breaching the truce that ended six weeks of fighting ly. In recent months, established dailies such as the New between the longstanding foes for control of the break- York Daily News, Miami Herald and Baltimore Sun have away region. Armenia said yesterday that six separatist joined other news outlets abandoning their headquarters, fighters were injured in clashes with Azerbaijan troops amid pandemic workplace restrictions that had already after skirmishes broke out on Friday evening. The left them empty. Armenian defense ministry reported hours of fighting Tribune Publishing, owner of the Baltimore daily and near Hadrut on Saturday, including with heavy artillery, others, has acknowledged it is re-evaluating its real claiming Azerbaijan had bolstered its military presence estate needs as it struggles with a difficult environment, in the area. “The Armenian side has six wounded,” the with lower print circulation, falling advertising revenues ministry said, describing the incident as an Azerbaijani YEREVAN: People visit the graves of their relatives killed during the Karabakh conflict on Saturday. — AFP and increased costs for health and safety. But many jour- “provocation”. nalists say the loss of the newsroom has changed the nature of their work and worry that newspapers may not in the 1990s over the mountainous region. were injured in clashes with Azerbaijan troops, testing a re-establish newsrooms even after the pandemic. “A Russia has deployed nearly 2,000 peacekeeping Russian-brokered peace deal that ended weeks of fight- newsroom is a lot more collaborative than a lot of other troops to Nagorno-Karabakh as part of the peace deal ing. The defense ministry in Yerevan reported several workspaces are,” said Emily Brindley, a reporter at the 4 Azerbaijan and the Russian defence ministry Saturday reported that hours of clashes on Saturday, including with heavy Tribune-owned Hartford (Connecticut) Courant, which troops killed the truce had been violated. It was Russia’s first report of artillery, in the Hardut region of the disputed province, shut its newsroom this month. a violation since the peace deal was introduced. The after Azerbaijan bolstered its military presence in the “I definitely think that it’s going to have an effect on French and US heads of the Minsk Group, which led area. “The Armenian side has six wounded,” the ministry the product,” added Brindley, an organizer of the talks on the conflict for decades but failed to achieve a said, describing the incident as an Azerbaijani “provoca- Courant Guild, which represents journalists. “I do feel lasting agreement, met Azerbaijan President Ilham Aliyev tion”. It added that the new fighting was discussed dur- that there will be some intangible effects.” One of in Baku on Saturday. ing a meeting in Moscow between Russian and Brindley’s colleagues in Hartford, Daniela Altimari, said ‘Iron fist’ Aliyev described reports of new fighting as “trou- Armenian defense ministers, while the foreign ministry she believes the pandemic “proved that we could all The defense ministry said the new fighting was dis- bling” and vowed to use an “iron fist” to “crush” said clashes continued. Azerbaijan on Saturday insisted work from home and still put out a newspaper,” making cussed during a meeting in Moscow between Russian Armenian forces completely if fighting erupts again. that “adequate countermeasures” had been taken it unlikely the newsroom will reopen. She fears for the and Armenian defense ministers, while the foreign min- Minsk Group envoys Stephane Visconti and Andrew against “provocations” from the Armenian side. quality of the work. istry said clashes continued into yesterday. Azerbaijan Schofer were expected in Armenia’s capital Yerevan yes- Six weeks of fighting that erupted in September “Newsrooms are factories for ideas in a way. There’s said yesterday it had been forced to respond to recent terday. On a visit to Baku this week, Turkish President between separatists backed by Armenia and a lot of chance encounters,” Altimari said. “You get ideas fatal attacks on its servicemen by conducting anti-terror Recep Tayyip Erdogan hailed what he called his close Azerbaijan over the mountainous region ended in ear- by talking to colleagues. Those chance encounters can operations. ally’s “glorious victory” in the conflict. The Turkish ly November with a Moscow brokered peace deal really lead to better work.” Victor Pickard, a professor The six-week conflict that erupted in September leader, who attended celebrations marking Azerbaijan’s that saw the Armenians cede swathes of territory. who follows the sector for the University of between the separatists backed by Armenia and success, has overtly supported Baku, helping to train and Russia has deployed nearly 2,000 peacekeeping Pennsylvania’s Annenberg School for Communication, Azerbaijan over the mountainous region ended arm its military. troops to Nagorno-Karabakh as part of the deal and said the pandemic “is certainly accelerating and exacer- November 10 with a Moscow-brokered peace deal that the Russian defense ministry Saturday reported the bating the journalism crisis, but this crisis predated the saw the Armenians cede swathes of territory. More than Six fighters hurt truce had been violated. It was Russia’s first report of pandemic by years.” 5,000 people including civilians were killed during the Meanwhile, Armenia said yesterday that six separatist a violation since the peace deal was introduced on He said large newspaper chains such as McClatchy fighting between the ex-Soviet rivals, who fought a war combatants in the breakaway Nagorno-Karabkh region November 10.—Agencies and Tribune “are seizing this opportunity to cut costs, as they often do in order to maximize profits,” while adding that at the moment “they’re not very profitable these French law on days.” The move out of the newsroom follows a long cri- sis for the sector that has seen consolidation by major chains, the closing of many smaller papers, and hedge filming police funds buying newspapers only to slash costs and sparks protests squeeze out as much profit as possible.—AFP

PARIS: Tens of thousands of protesters took to the streets in France Saturday for a third consecutive weekend of demonstrations over a controversial securi- Germany orders ty bill that would limit filming of the police. The authori- ties had been bracing for further possible violence after partial lockdown WASHINGTON: Supporters cheer as US President Donald Trump departs the White House on Saturday. — AFP the last two such protests in Paris ended in rioting. But there were no major flare-ups as several thou- sand protesters-the organizers claimed a turnout of to curb COVID officials and legislators, many of them Republicans, 10,000 — flanked on all sides by riot police marched through the city. The demonstrations attracted around Trump bid to overturn have also done so, paving the way for the Electoral BERLIN: Germany will go into a partial lockdown 60,000 people across the country, according to College to confirm Biden’s win on Monday. “Americans from Wednesday with non-essential shops and organizers, while the interior ministry put that number can take pride in the fact that our judicial institutions schools to close in a bid to halt an “exponential election stymied but at over 26,000. “Global repression, total regression,” and state legislators have held the line and not bent to growth” in coronavirus infections. The partial lock- read a placard held aloft by one demonstrator in the the political pressures,” Farber said. Polls suggest, down will apply until January 10, with companies scars will remain capital, a reference to the new “global security” bill however, that Trump’s unfounded allegations of ballot also urged to allow employees to work from home which bans the “malevolent” publication of images fraud have resonated with his Republican base. or offer extended company holidays, under the showing the faces of police officers in action. WASHINGTON: President Donald Trump’s false Seventy-seven percent of the Republican voters in new measures agreed by Chancellor Angela Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin tweeted that claims to have won the White House race have been a poll by Quinnipiac University said they believed Merkel with regional leaders of Germany’s 16 “several hundred thugs had come to commit violence” rejected by the courts but have deepened the wounds there was widespread voter fraud. Only three percent states on Sunday. in Paris. “The robust strategy against the thugs - 142 in a bitterly divided nation and risk leaving long-last- of Democrats believed that. Wendy Schiller, a Brown “That would help to implement the principle arrests and containment of the march-made it possible ing scars on American democracy. “This kind of poison University political science professor, said Trump’s ‘we’re staying at home’,” according to the policy to prevent them from doing so and to protect shop can really seep into a democracy and delegitimize how claims were able to flourish in an environment in which paper agreed by Merkel and state premiers. owners,” he said. Demonstrations were also held in normal politics occurs in this country,” said David “people are getting news that is very siloed.” “They’re Germans are urged to limit their social contacts to Lyon, Montpellier, Strasbourg, Lille, Bordeaux, Farber, a history professor at the University of Kansas. basically going online and talking to themselves,” another household, with a maximum of five people Toulouse and Marseille. Critics argue that the security “We’re in an era in which the legitimacy of our Schiller said. “COVID has really distorted any kind of excluding children under 14 meeting at each time. bill, which has been adopted by the lower house of institutions is being challenged like it never has been way of gauging people’s reactions. There isn’t any oth- From Christmas Eve to Boxing Day, the contacts parliament, will make it harder for journalists and citi- before except perhaps during the (1861-65) Civil War.” er venue for them to hear the counter-point.” would be eased to allow gatherings with another zens to document cases of police brutality. Ahead of the November 3 contest with Democrat Joe Michael Nelson, an associate professor of political four people excluding children, but who should be Footage of white police beating up an unarmed Biden, Trump set the stage to challenge the results, science at Rhodes College, said part of the problem is limited to close relatives or partners. black music producer in his Paris studio on November claiming it would be “rigged” if he was not reelected. that Trump retains an iron grip on the Republican Germany in November closed leisure and cultur- 21 amplified anger over the legislation, widely seen as Trump repeatedly attacked mail-in voting, which was Party. “Nobody will stand up to contradict him,” al facilities and banned indoor dining in restaurants. signaling a rightward lurch by President Emmanuel used more extensively by Democrats because of the Nelson said. “They are afraid of making their voters The measures had helped to halt rapid growth of Macron. Other incidents caught on camera have shown coronavirus pandemic, alleging without evidence it mad.” Schiller predicted that Biden is likely to face infections after the autumn school holidays, but police in Paris using violence to tear down a migrant was subject to fraud. “tremendous resistance for the first six months to a numbers had plateaued at a high rate. Merkel had camp. In the face of mounting protests, Macron’s rul- Despite getting seven million fewer votes than Biden year.” “But I think COVID will eventually subside, he’ll repeatedly pushed for tougher curbs to break the ing LREM party announced it would rewrite the bill’s and losing the Electoral College 306 to 232, the 74- get a lot of people vaccinated and I think the economy chain of contagion, but implementation of the rules controversial Article 24, dealing with filming the police. year-old Trump has refused to concede. Trump and his will start to pick up,” she said. “People will start to say, is in the hands of individual states and some had But the announcement fell short of the mark for allies have filed more than 50 court cases alleging fraud ‘OK, Trump is gone.’” been reluctant to impose more curbs. left-wing protesters and rights groups, who are in states where he lost narrowly - Arizona, Georgia and Nelson said his concern “isn’t so much what’s The mood however tipped over in the last week demanding that the law be completely withdrawn. In Wisconsin - and even some where the margin was sig- going to happen in the next year or so” but “if this after Germany recorded new daily death tolls scenes reminiscent of the “yellow vest” anti-govern- nificant - Michigan, Nevada and Pennsylvania. The keeps happening over the next 10 years or the next reaching close to 600 and as the country’s disease ment protests of late 2018 and early 2019, shop win- Trump campaign has lost every case with the exception couple of presidential elections.” “You could slowly control agency RKI reported that the infections dows were smashed and vehicles set alight last week of a minor one and the Supreme Court, which includes start to see democracy kind of erode.” Thomas trend has taken a worrying turn. “Today is not the in Paris as small groups of demonstrators clashed with three justices appointed by Trump, shot down what Holbrook, a professor of government at the University day to look back or to see what could have been, police. On Saturday, the police arrested several anar- was seen as their last-ditch bid on Friday. of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, echoed that concern, saying rather, today is the day to do what is necessary,” chist “black bloc” demonstrators in the middle of the That case would have effectively disenfranchised he worried that “some people feel like the election said Merkel, pointing to “very high numbers of crowd in Paris.—AFP millions of voters in four states where Trump lost and was stolen.” That could lead to an increased level of deaths” and stressing the urgent need for action. was backed by 126 Republican House members, tolerance for “fringe groups” such as militias in “The corona situation is out of control,” said prompting expressions of concern by Democrats and Michigan, Holbrook said. Bavarian state premier Markus Soeder, welcoming some Republicans over the willingness of their fellow Thirteen members of a Michigan militia were the tougher restrictions which he pledged to lawmakers to do Trump’s bidding. Democratic Senator arrested in October for conspiring to kidnap implement in his state. Chris Murphy of Connecticut said Trump and his Democratic governor and last Germany has imposed far less stringent shut- Republican allies were waging “the most serious weekend armed demonstrators staged a protest out- down rules than other major European nations after attempt to overthrow our democracy in the history of side the home of a Michigan state election official. coming through the firstwave of the pandemic rela- this country.” Nancy Pelosi, the Democratic Speaker of Schiller said that despite the political turmoil in the tively unscathed. But Europe’s biggest economy has the House of Representatives, said Republicans were wake of the election she was heartened by the record been severely hit by a second wave with daily new conducting a “reckless and fruitless assault on our turnout of more than 150 million Americans. “Once infections more than three times that of the peak in democracy.” Biden is actually sworn in I think we can walk away the spring. Germany recorded another 20,200 new from this and say that for all of Trump’s attempts to COVID cases over the past 24 hours, reaching a ‘Held the line’ destroy Democratic norms in 2020 he was defeated by total of 1,320,716 cases, according to RKI data pub- It is not just the courts though that have resisted the most fundamental democratic practice, which is the PARIS: Protesters hold a banner against the ‘global security’ lished Sunday.—AFP Trump’s efforts to overturn the election. State election right to vote,” she said.— AFP draft law during a demonstration on Saturday. — AFP Established 1961 7 International Monday, December 14, 2020 Scores of Taleban militants killed; fighting rocks insurgent bastion Militants attack multiple checkpoints in five districts

KANDAHAR: Dozens of Taleban fighters were tricts on the outskirts of the city of Kandahar, the killed in fierce overnight fighting between Afghan provincial capital. forces and militants who attacked multiple check- The Taleban launched a similar offensive in the points in the insurgent bastion of Kandahar, officials neighboring province of Helmand in September said yesterday. Taleban militants attacked check- that sent tens of thousands of residents fleeing. points in five districts surrounding the city of That attack, which also targeted the provincial Kandahar, which Afghan forces countered with capital of Lashkar Gah, prompted the US to call in heavy air and ground assaults, the ministry of air strikes to defend Afghan forces. Since a US- defense said in a statement. Taleban deal in February, the insurgents have not “The security forces repulsed the attack, killing carried out major attacks on key cities but have 51 terrorists and wounding nine,” the ministry said, launched near-daily assaults against Afghan forces without offering details of any casualties among in rural areas. The surge in violence in recent government forces. Seven members of a family were months comes as the Taleban and Afghan govern- also killed in an Afghan air strike in one of the dis- ment engage in peace talks. tricts, a local official told AFP on condition of The negotiations started on September 12 in the anonymity. “The Afghan air force wanted to target a Qatari capital of Doha, but on Saturday the two car filled with explosives... when they hit the car it sides announced a pause until January 5. The insur- detonated and caused civilian fatalities,” he said. gents and the government side both tweeted they The ministry of defense said it was investigating had exchanged “preliminary lists of agenda items the incident. The fighting lasted for several hours for the inter-Afghan talks and held introductory through the night, marked with continuous gun bat- discussions on the topics” to be covered when the tles and heavy bombardments, an AFP correspon- meetings restart. In recent months, Kabul has seen dent reported from Kandahar. When contacted the several deadly attacks claimed by the jihadist Taleban did not offer an immediate comment. The Islamic State group, including a rocket attack southern province of Kandahar is the birthplace of Saturday that killed one civilian. Yesterday, a bomb the hardline Islamist movement, and over the past planted on a vehicle killed two civilians in the capi- few weeks militants have launched attacks in dis- tal, police said.—AFP KANDAHAR: Afghan policemen search people at a checkpoint at Chawk-e-Shahidan yesterday. —AFP

on his return from exile last month, in violation of a News in brief Indonesia arrests COVID-19 ban on gatherings. As dozens who attended that gathering subse- quently tested positive for the coronavirus, police 9 Egyptian policemen jailed cleric over COVID summoned Shihab several times for questioning. Indonesia has reported more than 600,000 coron- CAIRO: An Egyptian court on Saturday sentenced rule breaches avirus infections and over 18,500 deaths, with nine policemen to three years in jail for torturing a authorities imposing nationwide restrictions to fish seller to death, a judicial source said. The sen- JAKARTA: A firebrand Indonesian Muslim cleric curb the spread of the disease. Despite those tencing is a relatively rare case of officers facing justice in a country where security services are was arrested yesterday for allegedly breaching restrictions, Shihab held sermons, a celebration of the birthday of Islam’s Prophet Mohammed, and his often accused of abuse. Magdy Makin, a 50-year- coronavirus restrictions after he held a series of old Coptic Christian fish vendor, was detained by daughter’s wedding-all of which were attended by sermons with tens of thousands of followers. Rizieq police at their station in November 2016. Shortly thousands of people. Shihab’s arrest came just days after Jakarta police afterwards, his family received his corpse, which shot dead six followers of his hardline Islamist The charismatic leader of the Islamic Defender bore signs of torture. An autopsy report showed group in a highway shootout. Front (FPI), Shihab fled to Saudi Arabia shortly after Makin suffered blood clots in his lungs due to JAKARTA: This picture taken on Saturday shows Shihab will be detained for 20 days to prevent police named him a suspect in a pornography case in intense pressure of someone standing on his back. Indonesian cleric Rizieq Shihab surrounded by his him from fleeing and destroying evidence, police 2017, and remained in exile for three years. Since his The case originally involved 10 policemen, but one supporters upon arrival at the police headquarters said. “Another reason for the detention is for him return, he’s called for a “moral revolution”. His FPI is was acquitted. Nine others were tried on charges before he was arrested yesterday. —AFP not to repeat the offence,” National Police notorious for targeting night clubs and other estab- of torturing Makin to death, as well as forging his spokesman Argo Yuwono said yesterday. If found lishments it deems “immoral”, and has also attacked arrest report. “The defendants can appeal the guilty, he could face up to six years behind bars for minority Muslim sects it considers “deviant”. He was Purnama, over allegations that he insulted the Quran. sentence,” the source added. Rights groups have breaching coronavirus rules. Shihab was welcomed among the main figures behind mass rallies in 2016 Basuki, who is Christian, was sentenced to two years regularly accused Egyptian security services of by tens of thousands of followers at Jakarta airport against the then governor of Jakarta, Basuki Tjahaja in prison for blasphemy. —AFP practicing abuses and torture, allegations the inte- rior ministry has systematically denied. —AFP

Venezuelan opposition Bloomberg employee held

BEIJING: The European Union has urged China wraps up ‘consultation’ to release all journalists and citizens held in con- nection with their reporting, following the deten- CARACAS: Venezuela’s opposition offered by the opposition, this week’s tion of a Bloomberg News employee. Haze Fan, a wrapped up a “popular consultation” poll did not see the massive mobiliza- Chinese citizen, was taken from her home by on Saturday, in a symbolic poll hailed tion seen during 2019 protests. plain-clothes security officials last Monday, as “historic” by organizers but which Guaido declared himself acting presi- Bloomberg said, and Beijing said she had been did not prompt the massive mobiliza- dent in January that year, accusing detained on suspicion of endangering national tion seen during protests last year. Maduro of stealing the 2018 election. security. “All those arrested and detained in con- The consultation followed legislative The United States and around 50 oth- nection with their reporting activity should be elections in Venezuela on December 6 er countries have recognized Guaido immediately released,” an EU spokesperson said - boycotted by the opposition - which as president. in a statement Saturday. The statement mentioned gave President Nicolas Maduro a The opposition leader, who that “other Chinese journalists or citizens have total grip on power. According to remains National Assembly speaker disappeared this year, or been detained or organizers on Twitter, 6.4 million peo- until January 5, led the boycott of the CARACAS: Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaido talks to the press during harassed after engaging in reporting”. “We ple participated in the opposition December 6 election. Several interna- the “popular consultation” day at Bolivar Square in Chacao on Saturday. —AFP expect the Chinese authorities to grant her (Fan) consultation, which began Monday. tional powers also slammed the vote medical assistance if needed, prompt access to a They included 3.2 million in person as a farce. This week’s consultation alleged “intimidation” and threats by something,” said the 56-year-old. “I lawyer of her choice, and contacts with her fami- in Venezuela, 844,728 abroad and asked Venezuelans if they supported pro-Maduro groups around certain know that a lot of people ... are already ly,” it added. —AFP another 2.4 million online. They said “all mechanisms of national and inter- sites planned for the consultation. In skeptical about the results, but some- 87.44 percent of the votes had been national pressure” in favor of “free the affluent district of Chacao, tradi- thing must be done.” Maduro has mini- Medal to slain nuke scientist counted. The “participation in the presidential and legislative elections.” tionally an opposition stronghold, Jose mized the importance of the consulta- consultation far exceeded the fraud” It also asked if they rejected the Nelson Castellanos said he was voting tion and described Guaido as a US : ’s supreme leader Ayatollah Ali mounted by the government on December 6 elections. The consulta- to express his rejection of Maduro, in “puppet”. Victory by Maduro’s ruling Khamenei yesterday posthumously awarded a December 6, said opposition leader tion began online on Monday and was power since 2013 following the death Socialist Party in the December 6 leg- prestigious military decoration to top nuclear sci- Juan Guaido. He also denounced the done in-person on Saturday at nearly of his mentor, Socialist President islative elections gave him control of an entist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, who was assassinated government’s “censorship” and the 3,000 sites across the country. Hugo Chavez. expanded 227-seat National Assembly, last month, state television reported. Fakhrizadeh lack of support from the country’s tel- In Caracas, AFP journalists report- “If we are not happy with the situa- the only branch of government previ- was killed on a major road outside Tehran in late evision media. But despite the figures ed low turnout. The opposition tion in the country, we have to do ously not in his hands. —AFP November in a bomb and gun attack that the Islamic republic has blamed on its arch foe Israel. The broadcaster said the first class Order of Nasr which was co-hosted by Britain and France. “If we don’t emissions by 2060. But Xi reiterated China’s view that (“Victory” in Persian), bearing Khamenei’s signa- World urged to move change course, we may be headed for a catastrophic while it is still developing economically, richer countries ture, was handed to the scientist’s family by the temperature rise of more than 3.0 degrees this century,” should step up more. Smaller countries attending the armed forces chief of staff Major General on ‘climate emergency’ he said. “That is why today, I call on all leaders world- online summit included Honduras and Guatemala, which Mohammad Bagheri. “This is a decoration meant wide to declare a State of Climate Emergency in their were hit last month by a pair of monster hurricanes. for dear ones who defend the Islamic revolution countries until carbon neutrality is reached,” he added, Maldives President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih, whose and Iran’s territorial integrity and independence,” after pandemic arguing the recovery from Covid-19 presented a rare low-lying country could be wiped out by rising seas in Bagheri said. He added that it is the highest medal opportunity to recalibrate growth. the Indian Ocean, said: “The Maldives will do all that it awarded in recognition of logistics contribution LONDON: The United Nations on Saturday urged lead- can to address the climate emergency. “We call on the and support of the troops. —AFP ers to declare a global climate emergency and shape ‘Eco freaks’ international community to do the same,” he said, noting greener growth after the coronavirus pandemic, as British Prime Minister Boris Johnson told the summit that rich countries had been promising more technical nations took gloomy stock five years since the landmark that “the promethean power of our invention” was yield- and financial help “over many decades”. In his own mes- Record $26mn meth seizure Paris Agreement. Fast-growing China, the world’s ing vaccines against the disease, and should be sage, Pope Francis stressed that both the pandemic and biggest emitter, outlined limited new ambitions in green unleashed too for the climate. Heading into the summit, climate change “weigh most heavily upon the lives of the KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia’s coastguard has energy at a virtual “Climate Ambition Summit” Johnson committed to ending all direct UK support for poor and vulnerable”. made its largest ever seizure of methampheta- addressed by more than 70 leaders. In the dying days of the fossil-fuel sector overseas. And he has presented mine, a top official said yesterday, seizing 2.12 Donald Trump’s administration, the US government was plans for a “green industrial revolution” creating up to ‘From disaster to calamity’ tons of the drug disguised as tea in a shipment one notable absentee after abandoning the Paris pact. 250,000 jobs, especially in renewable energy. More than 110 countries have committed to becom- believed to have come from Myanmar. But president-elect Joe Biden issued a statement “We are doing this not because we are hair-shirt- ing carbon neutral by 2050. Under the Paris deal’s Coastguard chief Zubil Mat Som said the drugs arguing there was “no time to waste”, as he prepares to wearing, tree-hugging, mung-bean-munching eco “ratchet” mechanism, countries are required to submit found on a boat in northern Penang state were embrace the deal anew and to host his own climate sum- freaks,” he told the summit. “We are doing it because we renewed emissions cutting plans - termed Nationally worth around 105.9 ringgit ($26.2 million). A local mit within 100 days of taking office next month. know that scientific advances will allow us, collectively as Determined Contributions or NDCs - every five years. suspected trafficker was arrested. “It is the coast- “Welcome back, welcome home!” French President humanity, to save our planet and create millions of high- The deadline for this is December 31. Tim Gore, head of guard’s record-breaking seizure in its 15-year Emmanuel Macron told the Americans, switching to skilled jobs as we recover from COVID.” Israel and climate policy at Oxfam, bemoaned a missed opportuni- history,” he said. From writing on the packaging, English in his summit address. Nations not invited by the Pakistan vowed to phase out coal-fired power plants. But ty on Saturday. “The Climate Ambition Summit lacked “it is highly possible that the crystal methamphet- organisers included Brazil and Australia, which both while India touted its green credentials, there was little real ambition. amine was smuggled out from Myanmar’s Golden stand accused of ignoring the crisis under their right- new in the way of action from a country that is battling World leaders must step up in the next 12 critical Triangle.” The intercepted shipment was likely wing governments in the buildup to the UN’s next major increasingly erratic weather patterns and air pollution. months to pull the world back from the brink of cata- destined for neighboring countries where it climate summit next year, COP26, in the Scottish city of President Xi Jinping said China would work to strophic climate change,” he said. There were few new would fetch a higher price than in Malaysia, he reduce the intensity of its emissions by 65 percent by commitments on short-term emissions cuts, and little on Glasgow. said. In recent years, Malaysia had made a num- Commitments made in Paris in 2015 were already “far 2030, compared with 2005 levels. He promised to “aim help from richer countries to poorer ones to help them ber of seizures of highly addictive crystal meth. from enough” to limit temperature rises to 1.5 degrees to peak carbon dioxide emissions before 2030”, repeat- adapt to climate change and decarbonise their The Southeast Asian country is also battling a Celsius, UN secretary-general UN chief Antonio ing a pledge he made in September, when the world’s economies. “We must not stumble from Covid-19 disas- major drug addiction problem. —AFP Guterres said in his opening address to the summit, second-largest economy said it would achieve net-zero ter into climate calamity,” Gore said. —AFP Established 1961 Business MONDAY, DECEMBER 14, 2020 UK, EU ditch deadline, push Brexit talks Pair agrees to ‘go the extra mile’ after a cross-Channel crisis call BRUSSELS: Britain’s Prime Minister Boris Johnson Leyen has made it clear that the EU will respect UK and EU chief Ursula von der Leyen agreed yesterday sovereignty after the post-Brexit transition period, to push on with post-Brexit trade talks despite the but neither side is yet ready to compromise on core passing of a self-imposed deadline. The pair had said principles. Without a trade deal, cross-Channel trade they would decide whether or not an agreement was will revert to WTO rules, with tariffs driving up prices possible by the end of the weekend but after a cross- and generating paperwork for importers, and the Channel crisis call agreed to “go the extra mile”. failed negotiation could poison relations between “We had a useful phone call this morning. We dis- London and Brussels for years to come. cussed the major unresolved topics,” von der Leyen said in a brief televised statement that was also ‘No stone unturned’ issued jointly by UK officials. “Our negotiating teams Irish Prime Minister Micheal Martin told the BBC have been working day and night over recent days.” that 97 percent of an agreement has been negotiated The EU’s Michel Barnier and Britain’s David Frost and “it seems to me that the remaining three percent held talks late on Saturday and early on Sunday and should not be beyond the capacity of both sides to will continue to negotiate in Brussels. “And despite bridge”. “The fact that they negotiated into the night the exhaustion after almost a year of negotiations, is an important sign in itself. Where the dialogue con- despite the fact that deadlines have been missed over tinues, that gives me hope,” he said. and over we think it is responsible at this point to go Much of the text of a possible trade deal is said to the extra mile,” the leaders said, “We have according- be ready, but Britain has rejected Brussels’ insistence ly mandated our negotiators to continue the talks and on a mechanism to allow it to retaliate if UK and EU to see whether an agreement can even at this late law diverge in a way that puts continental firms at a stage be reached.” competitive disadvantage. “The defense of the single Sunday was the latest in a string of supposedly market is a red line for the European Union. What we LONDON: A Union flag flutters in the breeze in front of the clock face of the Elizabeth Tower, known after the bell Big hard deadlines for the talks but tension is rising with have proposed to the United Kingdom respects Ben, in central London yesterday. — AFP just 19 days left until Britain leaves the EU single mar- British sovereignty. It could be the basis for an agree- ket. On Saturday, Britain took the dramatic step of ment,” a senior EU source said, echoing an earlier von announcing that naval vessels will patrol its waters der Leyen statement. on the table from the EU remains unacceptable”. weeks’ time,” the source said. Downing Street has from January 1 to exclude European crews from the In London, a government spokesman stressed late “The prime minister will leave no stone unturned in said the government has mapped out “every single fishing grounds they have shared, in some cases for on Saturday that Britain was ready to leave the union this process, but he is absolutely clear: any agree- foreseeable scenario” for potential problems after centuries. and handle its own affairs after 47 years of close eco- ment must be fair and respect the fundamental posi- December 31, and “no one needs to worry about our Brussels’ tone has been less bellicose, and von der nomic integration and that “as things stand, the offer tion that the UK will be a sovereign nation in three food, medicine or vital supply chains”. —AFP

did not complete. Vehicle and crew are in great Virgin Galactic shape,” Virgin Galactic said on Twitter. SpaceShipTwo took off from the Spaceport spacecraft forced America base in New Mexico Saturday afternoon, but the two pilots had to turn around and landed just over German travel agency an hour later. to abort test flight “Pilots and vehicles back safe and sound,” the com- pany said. It added later: “We have several motors hooks customers ready at Spaceport America. We will check the vehicle WASHINGTON: Virgin Galactic’s passenger aircraft and be back to flight soon.” SpaceShipTwo is expect- SpaceShipTwo was forced to abort a test flight on with smoked fish This November 5, 2020, illustration courtesy of Virgin ed to take its first passengers into space in 2021. Atlantic shows (left to right) pilots Jameel Janjua, David Saturday after a technical malfunction, with the two pilots returning to Earth safely, the company said. So far, 600 people who have paid up to $250,000 Mackay, and Kelly Latimer donning the spacesuit devel- GROBENZELL, Germany: Planes might be large- Richard Branson’s space tourism company, which is — Virgin Galactic calls them “future astronauts”- oped by Virgin Galactic in collaboration with the company’s ly grounded due to the coronavirus pandemic, but preparing for commercial flights next year, was testing have been waiting for years to take their seat. Technical Spacewear Partner, Under Armour, for the world’s at one travel agency in southern Germany, smoked first commercial spaceflight pilot corps, according to a its customer cabin, horizontal stabilizers and flight SpaceShipTwo’s development has been delayed by a fish and fine wines are flying off the shelves instead. statement by Virgin Galactic. — AFP controls. “The ignition sequence for the rocket motor devastating crash of the first one in 2014 due to a pilot error. —AFP Customers can collect their orders of smoked trout or char, accompanied by a bottle of fine German wine, every other Friday from the agency in Groebenzell, Bavaria. “We are selling more than 200 fish each time. The profit even covers our rent,” said agency owner Helmut Lang, 63. The agency also managed to sell some 500 bottles of wine in total during November. Lang and his colleague Hans Goetschl, who runs another agency in nearby Munich, came up with the idea after talking to a mutual friend who happens to be a fan of fishing in the Tegernsee lake, south of the Bavarian capital. “He told us-in his thick Bavarian accent-if you can’t sell your trips, just sell my fish,” Lang recalls. A few days later, the two friends collected a batch of fish from Tegernsee and then sold it in their respective agencies-in Groebenzell, with around 4,000 inhabitants, and in Munich, the third largest city in Germany. They later introduced an online ordering system and now get regular deliveries of the smoked fish from Tegernsee in cool boxes. Rosina, a regular at the Groebenzell agency, hasn’t missed an order. “You don’t get fish like this in the shops,” she said, adding that she also wants “to support the travel agency”. Coronavirus restrictions have all but wiped out demand in the tourism sector in Germany, with business for the two colleagues this year reduced to a handful of trips to the Canaries. Lang is hoping they will be able to continue with the project even if non-essential shops are told to close thanks to the worsening Covid-19 situation in Germany. “If all goes well, we’re going to set up a new company on January 1,” Lang said, the aim being to continue to sell the fish and wine alongside holidays with a gastronomic bent. — AFP This November 11, 2020, image obtained from Virgin Galactic shows pre-flight operations in Las Cruces, New Mexico. — AFP

Bank said. “Picking up the pieces is going to be far insurmountable gaps between Democratic and What about bonds? Fed upbeat on US more complicated and will kind of look more com- Republican lawmakers, Rubeela Farooqi of High Absent stimulus and with its hands tied on more plicated in six months than it does now.” Looming Frequency Economics said. “He’s going to sound a lending, analyst will be watching to see if the Fed over the meeting is continued failure of Congress to concerned and cautious note about what’s happen- makes good on its plans to change its bond buying economy despite pass another spending package to help the econo- ing with the economy, but I don’t expect him to take strategy, which officials discussed doing at their my recover from the Covid-19 downturn-something a strong tone on what needs to be done on fiscal meeting in November. The Fed has been buying stimulus deadlock Powell and other central bankers have gently but policy,” she said. massive amounts of debt, and increasing purchases persistently urged them to do for months. on longer-term Treasury securities could provide Powell will hold a press conference after the Big moves additional stimulus to the economy. WASHINGTON: After a year in which the Federal meeting ends on Wednesday, but beyond more The central bank slashed its lending rate to zero But Englander predicted the Fed will use the Reserve pushed out unprecedented lending to sup- prodding, there is little he can do to close the thus when the pandemic arrived in March, and more meeting to focus mostly on reassurance. “The ideal port the economy while pleading for government recently unveiled a new inflation-targeting policy would be, if they could come out not doing very stimulus that never came, central bankers could that will ensure the benchmark lending rate will much and certainly not doing much that would show early signs of optimism next week. remain lower for longer to maximize employment. reveal divisions within the FOMC, but which would The policy-setting Federal Open Market The Fed also rolled out trillions of dollars in lending convey to the market in an emergency, or any sort Committee (FOMC) will open its final meeting of and liquidity lines to keep markets functioning as of stress situation, they’re going to be there,” he 2020 on Tuesday, capping a year that saw the business shutdowns to stop virus transmission said. The Fed also will release its quarterly Summary world’s largest economy contract massively due to stressed the economy. Some of the loans were of Economic Projects at the meeting, which will give Covid-19, and Joe Biden oust President Donald backed by government funds, and controversy an indication of how policymakers view the outlook Trump in the November presidential election. erupted last month when Treasury Secretary Steven over the next three years, factoring in recent good The Fed and its chair Jerome Powell likely will, as Mnuchin told the Fed to return hundreds of billions news on vaccines. usual, steer clear of making any political statement, of dollars in unused loan money, shutting down sev- More upbeat growth forecasts could spook but experts say they likely will update their view on eral loan programs, prompting an unusual public stock markets worried the Fed would remove the how the economy will fare in 2021 as vaccines protest from the central bank. stimulus sooner than expected, Wells Fargo against the virus are rolled out. However, the out- WASHINGTON, DC: Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell Democrats accused Mnuchin of trying to tie the Securities said in an analysis. look is not entirely clear. can’t make Congress agree on stimulus, but he can hands of Biden, who will take office in January, but However, the FOMC likely will continue “signal- “This is actually a pretty difficult FOMC to ana- reassure markets that the central bank will be there for Englander said Powell and the politics-averse Fed is ing it will be in no hurry to raise the fed funds rate,” lyze,” Steven Englander of Standard Chartered them. unlikely to address the issue further. Wells Fargo said. — AFP Established 1961 9 Monday, December 14, 2020 Business ‘Profits over people’: Coronavirus overruns Malaysian glove factories South Asian migrants describe appalling living conditions

KUALA LUMPUR: Bangladeshi migrant worker Kibria, 24, was suspected of having Covid-19 so Sheikh Kibria recalls with horror the filthy, over- was first put in hospital, although he later tested neg- crowded dormitory where he was housed by the ative and was moved to a hotel. But critics say the world’s biggest rubber glove manufacturer when a actions were too little too late. coronavirus outbreak erupted and infected thousands. “The company had discussed decreasing people in Malaysia’s Top Glove saw profits soar, and its stock the rooms before infections began but it never hap- price jump as much as 400 percent this year as coun- pened,” a Nepali production line worker, Karan tries worldwide rushed to buy protective gear as the Shrestha, said. “The rooms stayed crowded-and in the pandemic intensified. But in interviews, the South end coronavirus cases started to increase.” “The com- Asian migrants working flat out to make the gloves- pany didn’t keep the workers safe. They are greedy who typically earn around $300 a month-described and were more concerned about their income and appalling living conditions, in cramped dormitories profits,” he added. where up to 25 people sleep in bunk beds in a single AFP used pseudonyms to protect the workers’ room. identities, as they were fearful about speaking out. Some claim the company did not do enough to protect them despite repeated warnings. The scandal Really scared has added to growing pressure on the firm, already As cases spiralled, the government ordered 28 Top under scrutiny after the United States banned the Glove factories to close, out of the 41 it operates in import of some of its gloves over allegations of forced Malaysia. Authorities are planning legal action against labor earlier this year. The infections also prompted the company over poor worker accommodation, factory closures and look set to have an impact on which could result in heavy fines. The firm, which has KUALA LUMPUR: A worker inspects disposable gloves at the Top Glove factory production line in Shah Alam on the out- global supply. 21,000 staff and can produce 90 billion gloves a year, skirts of Kuala Lumpur. Malaysia’s Top Glove saw profits soar, and its stock price jump as much as 400 percent this year, Top Glove, which commands about a quarter of the insists it is making improvements. It has spent 20 mil- as countries worldwide rushed to buy protective gear as the pandemic intensified. — AFP world’s market, has warned of delays to deliveries and lion ringgit ($5 million) purchasing new worker rising prices. accommodations in the past two months, and plans to build “mega-hostels” kitted out with modern facilities migrant labor specialist who focuses on Asia. Didn’t keep workers safe that can house up to 7,300 people. Malaysia, a relatively affluent Southeast Asian country Workers in India riot More than 5,000 workers-almost a quarter of the “We are mindful there is much more to be done to of 32 million, has long attracted migrants from poorer firm’s workforce-have tested positive after the out- uplift the standard of our employee welfare and parts of the region to work in industries ranging from break at an industrial area housing factories and dor- promise to rectify shortcomings immediately,” said manufacturing to agriculture. at iPhone factory mitories outside the capital Kuala Lumpur. “The managing director Lee Kim Meow. Top Glove says the vast majority of workers who accommodation is so overcrowded,” said the His comments came this week as the company tested positive have already been released from hos- over unpaid wages Bangladeshi worker Kibria. announced a 20-fold jump in quarterly net profit to pital, and some factories are now reopening. But some “The room itself is a bare minimum. It is quite 2.4 billion ringgit ($590 million). For those campaign- workers remain terrified at the prospect of returning impossible to maintain cleanliness when so many peo- ing for low-paid migrants, the controversy highlights to the production line, despite the company trying to BANGALORE: Authorities vowed to crack down on ple live in a single room. It is like an army barracks- how companies continue to put profits before people. enforce social distancing and providing protective workers who went on a violent rampage at a only less maintained.” When the situation escalated “The company, its investors and its buyers have gear. “If we work in the factory, I would be really Taiwanese-run iPhone factory in southern India over last month, Top Glove began shifting infected workers prioritized the delivery of more gloves, more quickly scared,” said Salman from Bangladesh, speaking from allegations of unpaid wages and exploitation, with 100 to hospital and their close contacts to quarantine cen- and at higher profitability over the welfare of its main- his hostel. “Even with extra safety, it is really tough to people arrested so far. The workers rioted Saturday at ters, reducing the numbers in dormitories. ly migrant worker labor force,” said Andy Hall, a prevent an outbreak.” — AFP Wistron Infocomm Manufacturing’s facility on the out- skirts of Bangalore, India’s IT hub, with videos of the violence showing glass panels smashed with rods and That is just over half the total amount of assets (1.3 however, with local bank Helaba now predicting 3,500. cars flipped on their side. CCTV cameras, fans and ‘Turning the tide’: trillion euros) that the ECB had estimated would be But bankers who have already moved to Frankfurt lights were torn down, while a car was set on fire, transferred to the eurozone from Britain ahead of believe others will join them because come January 1, footage shared on social media showed. Brexit. Since the vote, banking giants Morgan Stanley, UK-based financial firms would lose their “passporting Local media reported workers saying they had not Frankfurt attracts JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs have said they will rights” to do business with clients in the EU. Martin been paid for up to four months and were being forced shift more than 350 billion euros in combined assets Campbell, risk manager at a major Japanese bank, who to do extra shifts. “The situation is under control now. London banks from London to Germany. moved from London in 2019, said the slow influx so far We have formed special teams to investigate the inci- More than 60 international banks have also signed is just because customers haven’t yet migrated across dent,” local police told AFP on Sunday, adding no-one up with the German financial regulator BaFin. Brexit, to using EU subsidiaries rather than London opera- was injured. The deputy chief minister of Karnataka FRANKFURT: Hubertus Vaeth was considered crazy as Vaeth said, marks an “opportunity to turn the tide” tions. “Under EU rules it’s possible for staff in London state, C N Ashwathnarayan, called the violence “wan- when he launched a Frankfurt initiative to lure banks of “30 years of continuously losing business to to execute transactions in the European subsidiary ton” and said his government would ensure that the sit- there after Brexit. “Are you nuts? What did you London.” from their desk in London. That ceases to be possible uation is “resolved expeditiously”. smoke?,” his critics asked according to the managing on January 1,” he said. Banks are also wary of “We will ensure that all workers’ rights are duly director of Frankurt Main Finance (FMF) in an inter- ‘New London Bridge’ announcing their movements because “the discourse protected and all their dues are cleared,” he tweeted view. No one is laughing now. Vaeth’s campaign for Londoners went live the day around Brexit is so horrifically toxic that there’s noth- Saturday. A local trade union leader alleged that there More than four years after the vote that took after the vote. “At seven in the morning after the refer- ing to be gained by a commercial organization making was “brutal exploitation” of factory workers in sweat- Britain out of the European Union, Frankfurt is emerg- endum we pressed the button and the campaign ran,” things public,” he said. shop conditions at the iPhone manufacturing plant. ing the winner among EU financial capitals in attract- he said, promoting themselves as a “new London “Privately all these banks are telling their customers “The state government has allowed the company to ing London’s much-coveted banking business, ahead Bridge”. we are in Frankfurt and we are ready for you.” flout the basic rights,” Satyanand, who uses one name, of Paris, Milan and Amsterdam. The Bundesbank esti- FMF’s estimates of up to 10,000 finance jobs being Carsten Loll, a partner at the consultancy told The Hindu newspaper. There was no immediate mates that non-German banks could move 675 billion created in Frankfurt have so far proved overconfident Linklaters, believed that if no trade deal is reached, response from Wistron. The factory employs some euros ($817 billion) to Europe’s largest economy. international firms will rent more office space in 15,000 workers, although a majority of them are con- Frankfurt. He estimates that an influx of post-Brexit tracted via staffing firms, according to local media. bankers would drive up prices “crazily” for residential Labor unrest is not uncommon in India, with work- properties. ers paid poorly and given few or no social security benefits. A sizeable number of manufacturing plants are ‘You cry twice’ part of the informal sector, which employs 90 percent Already, the switch has been visible in the type of of the vast nation’s workforce. business being done in the city, which is also home to Parliament in September passed updated labor laws the European Central Bank. Before Brexit, Frankfurt’s that the national government said would strengthen large financial community-around 65,000 bankers- their rights, but labor activists say the new legislation were focused on commercial banking, not investment makes it harder for workers to strike. — AFP banking, according to Campbell. “The idea of a big international investment bank in Frankfurt didn’t exist,” he said. “So Brexit created an investment banking industry in Frankfurt from as good as nothing.” Vaeth believes that once they’ve made the move, the bankers won’t look back. While some dis- miss Frankfurt as boring compared to vibrant London, others enjoy the city of 700,000 people for its man- ageable size, easy-going vibe and its close access to nature. “I used to commute over an hour into London. That’s how far I had to live out in order to get a place to live that I could afford that was the size I wanted,” said Campbell. “Here in Frankfurt I live in a flat that’s 20 minutes either by bike or public transport to my office,” adding that his wife can pop by for lunch. BANGALORE: People exit from the gate of Wistron, a “When you are posted to Frankfurt you cry twice,” FRANKFURT: The Skyline of Frankfurt is pictured from the 27th floor of the European Central Bank in Frankfurt am Main, Taiwanese-run iPhone factory at Narsapura, about 60 km Vaeth chuckled. “Once you’re posted there, and once from Bangalore yesterday. — AFP Germany. — AFP you’re posted out.” — AFP

also worried about talk of an “equivalence” regime 7,500 of the more than 500,000 people who work ing tens of thousands of people, but that process Nerves in The City of compatible rules that in theory would keep the in The City have already relocated. EY said finance could widen further. financial taps running but in practice could be easi- companies have also transferred more than £1.2 ly revoked. The EU has already given the go-ahead trillion ($1.6 trillion, 1.3 trillion euros) in assets to Derivatives warning at prospect of a for derivatives clearing houses, which underwrite the EU since Britain’s referendum on EU member- The derivatives market could be particularly more than trillion dollars in transactions every day. ship in 2016. In the event of a “cliff-edge” divorce affected. London is the global capital of the com- ‘no-deal’ Brexit But it has not yet said it will do the same for with London, the European Commission could plex but vital financial instrument, which traders buy trading, which accounts for hundreds of billions of complicate life for British subsidiaries by asking to insure themselves against sudden interest or cur- pounds every day. Banks and financial institutions them for more equity or to transfer additional staff rency exchange rate swings. The Bank of England LONDON: Britain’s financial sector is watching have taken technical measures to ensure smooth before granting a business license. on Friday said UK banks remained “resilient” to the nervously as the prospect mounts of a “no-deal” transactions in case bilateral talks fail and govern- Transfers of personal data could also be prob- risks of Brexit and the coronavirus. Brexit, stoking fears of lost clients and influence in ments on both side of the Channel legislate, to lematic because the Commission has not yet vali- But it warned that some EU-based firms might key areas, as well as market turbulence. The Bank of ensure continuity in insurance or asset management dated UK data protection standards. Banks and face problems providing cross-border services, and England, where most risk is centered, is bracing for contracts. investment firms could choose to comply, but any vice versa. That could result in an exodus of deriva- the end of the transition period on December 31, “If the UK and EU have a more acrimonious move could be complicated further by travel tives brokerage activity to other jurisdictions, par- with no sign of a free-trade agreement between the relationship, it could take longer to get these equiv- restrictions imposed because of the coronavirus ticularly Wall Street, it added. European Union and Britain. alence decisions,” said Sarah Hall, from the UK in a outbreak. All this comes at a time when European financial The central bank said a “no-deal” result could Changing Europe think-tank. Otherwise, they could give up certain clients or services legislation is largely based on the British lead to “some market volatility and disruption for activities that would become just too costly or model. British regulators insist they want to maintain financial services, particularly to EU-based clients”. Costs and risks risky, said Simon Gleeson, from law firm Clifford a “robust” level of financial standards and not engage Investment bank Morgan Stanley is predicting a 6- Britain left the EU in January and has been in a Chance. Economies, including Britain’s, have been in regulatory “dumping”, which Europe fears. 10 percent fall in the FTSE-250 index and a 10-20 standstill period until the end of this month while battered by the global pandemic, which has created On the other hand, said Clifford Chance’s percent drop in banking stocks, which have already both sides try to agree the terms of their new rela- a difficult trading environment of low or negative Gleeson, “the biggest single concern on both sides been hit by the coronavirus. tionship. But a large number of British financial interest rates. “This would play out entirely differ- is whether what is happening is going to have the From January 1, Britain’s financial sector and the institutions have already set up or expanded teams ently if the banking industry was profitable and had effect of loosening the regulatory oversight”. If that City of London financial district will lose a and offices in Amsterdam, Frankfurt and Paris to surplus capital,” he added. happens, it will become more fragmented and less European “passport” that allows it to sell products keep working. Some have already closed the accounts of able to combat fraud or dangerous market behavior, and financial services across the EU. “The City” is According to the Ernst & Young consultancy, British nationals living in the EU, in a move affect- he added. — AFP 10 Established 1961

Business Monday, December 14, 2020 Kuwait budget likely to show deficit of KD 13.6bn in fiscal year: Al-Shall National Assembly election signals positive changes KUWAIT: By the end of November 2020, the percent significant change, including a change report regarding “Trading Volume According 8th month of the current fiscal year 2020/2021 resulting from the reluctance of five previous to Nationality and Category” for the period of ended and the average price for Kuwaiti oil for members to participate. Despite the high 01/01/2020 to 30/11/2020, as published on November scored $43.1 per barrel. The current change rate, the results show four times recur- the official website of Boursa Kuwait. The fiscal year (April 2020 - November 2020) rence since 1992. Therefore, the importance of report indicated that individuals still form the achieved an average price for Kuwaiti oil at the current change comes from its quality and largest trading category. They captured 39.2 $36.4 per barrel, which is higher by $6.4 or by not its volume. percent of total value of sold shares (44.5 per- 21.4 percent than the new hypothetical price The National Assembly is the second wing cent First 11 months of 2019) and 38.1 percent estimated in the current budget at $30 per bar- of public administration. Reading in the polling of total value of purchased shares (40.6 per- rel, while it is lower by $18.6 or by 33.8 percent results suggests that it combined both positive cent First 11 months of Months 2019). than the hypothetical price for the previous fis- and negative aspects. Its effect, which coincides Individual traders sold shares amounting KD cal year at $55 per barrel. with a new era, perhaps makes the results tend 3.864 billion and purchased shares worth KD The average price for Kuwaiti oil during the to the positive side when the results are read 3.765 billion, with a net trading value of selling past fiscal year 2019/2020 scored $61.6 per correctly. by KD 99.824 million. barrel, and the average price for the first eight On the positive side, the exclusion of a large The second largest contributor to the mar- months of the current fiscal year 2020/2021 is number of faces known or accused of proven ket’s liquidity is the institutions and companies lower by 40.9 percent or by $25.2 per barrel corruption and addiction to reaping services sector which captured 35.2 percent of total val- than the average price for the past fiscal year. and positions in state institutions without any ue of purchased shares (30 percent for the Also, it is lower by 57.7 percent or by $49.6 per right. On the positive side, some phenomena same period of 2019) and 30.8 percent of total barrel than the new budget’s parity price at $86 emerged in some constituencies that surpassed value of sold shares (22.1 percent for the same per barrel, according to the Ministry of Finance in their voting hateful, sectarian, regional, or period of 2019). This sector purchased shares after deducting 10 percent to the future gener- factional barriers. Examples include MP worth KD 3.474 billion and sold shares worth ations’ reserve. “Hassan Jawhar” in the First District and MP KD 3.038 billion, being the only sector with Kuwait is supposed to have achieved actual “Abdul Karim Al-Kandari” in the Third District. purchased trading value of KD 435.592 million. oil revenues in November by KD 642.5 million. The most exemplary is in the Fourth and the The third contributor to market liquidity is the Assuming that production and prices would Fifth Districts from those who won from outside clients’ accounts (portfolios) sector which cap- continue at the current levels — an unrealistic the primaries. The positive side also, which is an tured 23.1 percent of total value of sold shares assumption — Kuwait’s oil revenues for the indicator in favor of the new era suggests (26.4 percent for the same period of 2019) and entire fiscal year would amount to KD 6.1 bil- unprecedented neutrality of the government 22.4 percent of total value of purchased shares lion, after deducting production cost for the and the influential people around it from the (23.1 percent for the same period of 2019). This entire year. This is KD 456.3 million higher than impact of intervention with money or services sector sold shares worth KD 2.284 billion and the estimated for the current budget in the on the election outcomes. purchased shares worth KD 2.212 billion, with a amount of KD 5.6 billion. Adding KD 1.9 billion In conclusion, Kuwait inherited an unprece- net selling trading value of KD 72.143 million. in non-oil revenues, total budget revenues for dented situation as it is facing an extremely The last contributor to liquidity is the invest- the current fiscal year would score KD 8 billion. dangerous economic and financial challenge ment funds sector which captured 6.9 percent Comparing this figure with the expenditures similar to the internal and regional political con- of total value of sold shares (7.1 percent for the allocations in the amount of KD 21.5 billion, it ditions. The more important element to confront same period of 2019) and 4.2 percent of total would be likely that the public budget would that challenge will be decided by the quality of value of purchased shares (6.2 percent for the score a deficit by KD 13.6 billion. However, the most important public administration wing, same period of 2019). This sector sold shares eight months are good enough only to be used i.e. the government. The government needs only worth KD 682.472 million and purchased as an indicator to the hypothetical deficit of the 17 deputies to pass what it wants. If its forma- shares worth KD 418.847 million, the most net budget, considering the negative effect of the tion comes on par with the size of that chal- sold trading value of KD 263.625 million. current pandemic on oil prices. Actual deficit lenge, it will impose its respect and win the will be a variable subject to the movement of council’s cooperation in a way that promotes Boursa Kuwait performance prices and oil production during the remaining the country’s path to a safe future. The matter The performance of Boursa Kuwait for last part of the fiscal year. It is almost certain that now needs sacrifices that come through harmo- week was mixed where the traded value, traded the actual deficit will be large and in double fig- ny. It should be a good example. However, if the volume and number of transactions decreased, ures, but it may be less than the mentioned fig- government of genes and quotas returns, then while the general index increased (AlShall ure due to the possibility of higher oil prices for any National Assembly’s formation will be use- index). AlShall Index (value weighted) closed at the remainder of the fiscal year. less. The country may not have another reform 488.1 points as of last Thursday, showing a rise opportunity. by 1.3 points or by 0.3 percent compared with Parliamentary elections its level last week. While it remained lower by Kuwait’s parliamentary elections took place Trading features at Boursa Kuwait 65.1 points or by 11.8 percent compared with on December 5th 2020. The results showed 62 Kuwait Clearing Company (KCC) issued its the end of 2019.

a face-to-face meeting. You can use your smartphone Huawei’s latest flagship the Huawei Mate 40 Pro is Huawei Mate 40 as a digital notepad for jotting down notes for creative also commended for its ultimate 5G performance, Meet Gurjar, new inspiration. In addition, when you need to present con- that is complemented by Huawei’s top of the line tent on your phone screen to others, all it takes is just Huawei Kirin 9000 5G chipset. The flagship also Pro’s intelligent one tap to initiate screen projection. Other improve- comes with a futuristic Space Ring design, stellar face in Indian ments made to Multi-screen Collaboration bring your videography, fastest Huawei SuperCharge solutions interactions smartphone even closer to your PC. Multi-tasking is and long lasting battery in addition to solid privacy startup fraternity now better, with support for up to three concurrent and security features. The Huawei Mate 40 Pro active apps, so you do not have to flip between comes pre-installed with Huawei AppGallery - KUWAIT: Gone are the days where we actually have screens to access different apps. Huawei Notepad on Huawei’s official app store with a constantly growing NEW DELHI: Most of us dreamt about creating a to touch our phones’ screen to get things done. We Huawei Mate 40 Pro can recognize your handwritten list of apps, where you can simply browse and down- better world for everyone. Some succeed and some now live in an era where we can control our phones notes and convert scribbles into machine-encoded load the apps you need. Huawei also unveiled new fail What are the traits of the ones who succeed? with mere air-gestures. Having said so, Huawei’s latest text, allowing you to easily insert it into a Word docu- apps available for global Huawei users, including Read the story of a visionary and brilliant mind flagship, the Huawei Mate 40 depicts these voguish ment or share with others, such as Huawei MateBook. Petal Search, a search engine that is your gateway to Subhash Gurjar from Karauli Rajasthan to understand. present-day Innovative and Intelligent Interactions in a (Easy Peasy!) a million apps. Hailing from a small-town Subhash Gurjar has powerful and futuristic smartphone. become an inspiration to many. Son of army person- The latest iteration from the flagship Huawei Mate nel Late Shri Bharat Singh, he got into Army school Series comes with EMUI 11, which is loaded with an where he got an exposure of learning different cul- all-new user experience. Let us take the Smart Gesture tures of India as schools was having students from Controls as an example, Huawei Mate 40 Pro features every state of contrary and since the school was new and fun ways for you to interact with your phone. managed by Ministry of defense so discipline, time 1. Hover to wake: With Smart Gesture Control, you management and love for the country came by can wake up your phone by hovering an open palm default. He was inspired by his family. above the screen. When it is used in tandem with Subhash admired his father and followed his foot- 3D Face Unlock, you can unlock the device without steps. Being the eldest in touching the device at all. the family and a smart 2. Wave to swipe: You can wave vertically and hori- student he started taking zontally to scroll the screen and go forward or tuitions when he was in backward. This feature now works with various class 11th which gives him eBook, photo gallery, music and news apps as well. a sense of responsibility 3. Press to answer calls: You can answer incoming and self-dependency. In calls with a pressing gesture - perfect for when his early age, he under- their hands are dirty or occupied. stood the value of disci- 4. Other gesture control options: Smart Gesture pline and while studying Control adds new support for audio and video for his graduation in Subhash Gurjar playback control. When the Huawei Mate 40 Pro is Commerce college of playing music, you can pause the audio by doing a Jaipur, he started an Institution called “Success pressing gesture. Commerce Horizon”. He worked hard and he had as With the Huawei Mate 40 Pro, multitasking has much as 80 students in the first year of opening and been taken to a whole new level, thanks to the it became a successful business for him while he was improved Multi-Screen Collaboration feature. Multi- studying for his graduation. screen Collaboration fundamentally transforms how After completing his MBA in Finance and work can be done. Virtual meetings are now more like Marketing, he was inducted into ICICI Bank as Unit Manager. But his passion for the acquiring and More than 14.3 million positive cases have been ty outreach and surveillance. This may include such imparting education gave him way back in the indus- ADB launches $9bn identified in Asia and the Pacific, causing more than areas as cold-chain storage and transportation, vehi- try. Subhash Gurjar got an offer from Shekhawati 200,000 deaths. As the pandemic persists, economic cles, distribution infrastructure, processing facilities Education City and was asked to take the role of growth in developing Asia is projected to contract by and other physical investments. The component may Director Administration. After working in an educa- vaccine initiative 0.4 per cent in 2020 — the first regional gross domes- also be used to develop or expand vaccine manufac- tional group for a long period, he understood the tic product contraction since the early 1960s. turing capacity in developing members. ADB financing value of technology and moved to Ascent for members Promoting safe, equitable and effective access to for vaccines will be provided in close coordination Technology Consulting as Vice President Products vaccines is a top priority for ADB’s COVID-19 with other development partners including the World and Operation. It is a company that deals with the response efforts. Vaccination programs can break the Bank Group, World Health Organization (WHO), fintech industry through financial control and busi- MANILA: The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has chain of virus transmission, save lives and mitigate the Covid-19 Vaccines Global Access Facility (COVAX), ness continuity. launched a $9 billion vaccine initiative-the Asia Pacific negative economic impacts of the pandemic by restor- GAVI, and bilateral and multilateral partners. “I have learnt through my experience that hard Vaccine Access Facility (APVAX) — offering rapid ing confidence in people’s ability to work, travel and In April, ADB approved a 20 billion dollar package work may be the key to success but discipline is the and equitable support to its developing members as socialize safely. to support its developing members in addressing the pathway to that door. I have seen that in my family they procure and deliver effective and safe coron- The APVAX provides a comprehensive framework impacts of the pandemic and streamlined some proce- and I see that in my team”, said Gurjar. avirus disease (Covid-19) vaccines. and resource envelope for supporting developing dures to deliver quicker and more flexible assistance. His growth and his exposure to the variety of “As ADB’s developing members prepare to vacci- Asia’s vaccine access, using two complementary com- ADB has committed 14.9 billion dollars in loans, industries he became aware of the gap between nate their people as soon as possible, they need ponents. The Rapid Response Component will provide grants, and technical assistance, including 9.9 billion industry expectations and available skill sets of financing to procure vaccines as well as appropriate timely support for critical vaccine diagnostics, pro- dollars in quick-disbursing budget support from the manpower. He envisions to fill that gap and create plans and knowledge to be able to safely, equitably, curement of vaccines and transporting vaccines from Covid-19 Pandemic Response Option (CPRO) and a better world for both ‘the industry and the and efficiently manage the vaccination process,” said the place of purchase to ADB’s developing members. support for the private sector. In November, ADB human resource’. He envisions to create a finan- ADB President Masatsugu Asakawa. “APVAX will play The Project Investment Component will support announced 20.3 million dollars in additional technical cial ecosystem for MSMEs and small business a critical role in helping our developing members meet investments in systems for successful distribution, assistance to establish systems to enable efficient and houses which will cover all aspects of the financial these challenges, overcome the pandemic and focus on delivery, and administration of vaccines along with equitable distribution of vaccines across Asia and the world which includes compliances, consultancy economic recovery,” he said in a statement on Friday. associated investments in building capacity, communi- Pacific. —ANI and product.—ANI 11

Monday,December 14, 2020

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he pandemic has shuttered concert Thalls around much of the globe, but that hasn’t stopped musical theater aficionados from flexing their creative muscles-on TikTok, of course. A crowd- sourced musical based on the 2007 Disney- animated film “Ratatouille” is now set to hit the virtual stage, after thou- sands of TikTok creators posted original songs, dances, set designs, playbills and Handout photo showing the recent discovery by Mexican archaeologists of the eastern end Handout photo showing the recent discovery by Mexican archaeologists of the eastern end puppets on the content-sharing app. and the external facade of the Huei Tzompantli (“wall of skulls”) dating back to, at least, and the external facade of the Huei Tzompantli (“wall of skulls”,. It all started when New York teacher between 1486 and 1502, in Mexico City. — AFP photos Emily Jacobsen posted an ode to Remy, the film’s protaganist who charts an unlikely course as a rat who becomes a chef. The power of her viral kernel of an idea blossomed into an organically grown, full-fledged show: “Ratatouille: The TikTok Musical.” Seaview, a Tony award-winning theatrical production com- pany, is partnering with TikTok and TodayTix to stream the show online for three days starting January 1, with pro- ceeds going towards the Actors Fund. Viewers can purchase a ticket by con- exican archaeologists said fices to appease the gods, according to authorities have described as one of the tributing between $5 and $50. “SOOOO MFriday they had found remains of experts quoted in a statement released country’s most important archaeological wild!” tweeted Jacobsen. “We did it: A 119 more people, including by the National Anthropology and discoveries in years. “At every step, the “Ratatousical” is coming on January 1st, women and several children, in a cen- History Institute. “Although we cannot Templo Mayor continues to surprise us,” 2021!” turies-old Aztec “tower of skulls” in the determine how many of these individu- Culture Minister Alejandra Frausto said It’s unclear exactly who will be heart of the capital. The new discovery als were warriors, perhaps some were in a statement. “The Huei Tzompantli is, involved in the final piece, though artists was announced after an eastern section captives set aside for sacrificial cere- without a doubt, one of the most impres- with actual Broadway credits are said to of the Huei Tzompantli was uncovered monies,” archaeologist Barrera sive archaeological finds in our country be taking part. Which songs will make along with the outer facade, five years Rodriguez said. The tower, 4.7 meters in recent years.” The statement noted the cut for the final show will also be a after the northeastern side was found. (15.4 feet) in diameter, is thought to that in Mesoamerica human sacrifice surprise, but the original “Ode to Remy” Archaeologists believe that many of the have been built around the end of the was seen as a way of ensuring the con- is sure to appear, with other options skulls belonged to captured enemy war- 15th century. tinued existence of the universe. For including “Tango for Colette and riors and that the tower was intended as It is located in the area of the Templo that reason, experts consider the tower Linguini,” “Trash is our Treasure” and a warning to rivals of the Aztec empire, Mayor, one of the main temples of the to be “a building of life rather than “Anyone Can Cook.” “The love for the Handout photo showing the recent discovery which was overthrown by Spanish con- Aztec capital Tenochtitlan in the historic death,” it said. — AFP performing arts shines through in the by Mexican archaeologists of the eastern quistadors in 1521. district of modern-day Mexico City. In Ratatouille-inspired from theater end and the external facade of the Huei Some of the remains could be of total more than 600 skulls have now lovers around the world,” said head of the Tzompantli (“wall of skulls”). people who were killed in ritual sacri- been found at the site, which Mexican Actors Fund Joseph Benincasa in a statement. He said the show “is sure to bring joy to arts lovers far and wide this holiday season, while at the same time will help raise much-needed funds for those in need in our entertainment and performing arts community.”— AFP

uLu Hypermarket, the leading Lregional retailer, hosted a prize- distribution ceremony to felicitate winners of various competitions held nstead of a manger in Bethlehem, during the LuLu World Food 2020 pro- IJesus will arrive this Christmas in motion, which was organized in associ- a badly burned clearing in the ation with Almarai, the multinational Amazon rainforest, a black baby dairy company & Alyoum, a subsidiary born to a black virgin with indige- of Almarai. nous cherubs looking on. The sym- The prize distribution ceremony took bolically charged nativity scene is place immediately after the final ‘Live already turning heads in Rio de Cooking’ competition, which was held Janeiro’s Gloria square, where the on 12 December at the LuLu Dajeej out- nearby Church of the Sacred Heart let. Prizes were distributed to the win- has a history of using its annual ners by top management of LuLu Christmas display to address con- Kuwait and Almarai. The entire proceed- temporary issues. There was a lot to Singer Charley Pride ings were held under strict health proto- choose from in 2020, but the church cols implemented due to the ongoing picked two topics that have become COVID-19 crisis. particularly pertinent in Brazil since The cooking competitions during the far-right President Jair Bolsonaro LuLu World Food 2020 campaign were KD200 and KD100 respectively, while Hypermarket. These customer-centric took office last year: racism and organized under various categories, special prizes of KD150, KD100 and initiatives have endeared the hypermar- rampant deforestation in the such as competition in Arabic cuisine, KD50 were presented respectively to ket to shoppers in the country, who Amazon. Indian cuisine, Baking and in the ‘Little the first, second and third-place winners already enjoy the amazing shopping “This nativity scene is meant to Bakers’ category where budding talents in the Little Bakers competition. experience at LuLu outlets for the value show that people who torch mother demonstrated their cake making and Organizing exciting promotional cam- they deliver by providing high-quality nature, people who attack their decorating skills. paigns throughout the year, and engag- products at very competitive prices. brothers and sisters because their The first, second and third-place win- ing shoppers during these events skin is a different color, don’t have ners in each of three categories through various competitions, has been God in their hearts,” said church received gift vouchers worth KD300, a regular and unique feature of LuLu spokesman Mauricio Rodrigues dos Santos, 63. The church has been S country music star Charley Pride, making mangers with a message for Ua pioneering Black singer who the past decade, taking advantage racked up 29 number one hits, of its prime location near Gloria died Saturday of Covid-19 complications. square, a busy metro stop in front of He was 86. Pride’s family confirmed his the Rio archdiocese headquarters. death in a statement, saying he had Two years ago, the church depicted passed away in Dallas, Texas. Born in a bare-breasted Mary nursing her racially segregated Mississippi in 1934, baby, after a series of incidents in Pride was known for 1970s hits including which authorities stopped mothers “Kiss an Angel Good Mornin’” and was from breast-feeding in public. the first African American to be inducted The year before, vandals trashed into the Country Music Hall of Fame. the church’s nativity scene, which Signed to RCA Records, he became depicted the fight against corrup- the label’s biggest-selling performer tion. Last year, priest Wanderson since Elvis Presley. Tributes poured in Guedes, who is also the artist from country music luminaries in the behind the installations, decided wake of the news, with Dolly Parton say- against doing a nativity scene on ing she was “heartbroken”. “Charley, we Amazon deforestation after receiv- will always love you,” she wrote in a ing threats. However, the church- tweet. Singer Billy Ray Cyrus hailed which constructs the scenes itself Pride’s role as a “true trailblazer.” “He using volunteer labor and members’ took down walls and barriers meant to donations-decided to press ahead divide,” he said. “He became a bridge of this year, and add an anti-racism music for music lovers who found they message, as well. They are salient had way more in common than they had subjects in Bolsonaro’s Brazil. The different.” Former US president George far-right leader has presided over a W. Bush also paid tribute, in a statement surge of destruction and fires in the praising Pride as a “fine gentleman with a world’s biggest rainforest. He has great voice.” also been charged with hate Pride’s death from Covid-19 came a speech for making derogatory com- month after he accepted an award at the ments about black Brazilians. 54th annual Country Music Association Despite the tense political climate, Awards in Nashville. Organizers in the Dos Santos said the church com- wake of the news defended their decision munity was not fearful for this year’s to go ahead with the event despite the nativity scene. “If (vandals) break pandemic, saying Pride had tested nega- something, so be it. We have a tive prior to attending. In a statement on whole year to rebuild,” he told AFP. his official Facebook page, Pride’s family “They can’t break the idea. They said he “felt blessed to have such won- can’t break the spirit. That will derful fans all over the world.” “And he remain.”— AFP would want his fans to take this virus very seriously,” they said. — AFP Established 1961 13 Lifestyle Features Monday, December 14, 2020

Libyans perform a prayer as they take part in a 4x4 tourism trip in a desert area near Al-Shuwayrif town, some 400 Km southwest of the capital.

Libyans take part in a 4x4 tourism trip in a desert area near Al-Shuwayrif town.

Libyans take part in a 4x4 tourism trip in a desert area near Al-Shuwayrif town, some 400 Km southwest of the capital. — AFP photos

road trip through Libya’s headed off in a cloud of dust through that has also become a haven for nothing the following year. One of the Adesert would long have sound- a sun-baked landscape where the human traffickers will finally find sta- desert drivers, Abdallah al-Maghrabi, ed like a holiday in hell but, desert is framed by ochre mountains. bility and peace. Most foreign gov- who joined the group from Ajdabiya two months into a ceasefire, adven- Joumaa Omar, a tour guide spe- ernments still advise their citizens to in eastern Libya, said the journey turous travellers are exploring the cialised in Sahara trips, called the avoid travel to Libya for now, but for would help create “a beautiful image Sahara by four-wheel drive. journey a “reunion of brothers” and a the group of war-weary Libyan citi- of the country”. Foreigners are still staying clear of symbol of peace in a country torn by zens it was time to hit the road. “For nearly a decade, the world the country after a decade of war-but violence since the 2011 ouster and “We’ve been working hard for weeks has heard about nothing but war and some 1,000 Libyans recently set off killing of dictator Moamer Kadhafi. ... to make sure that there won’t be chaos in Libya, even though the A Libyan man pumps a tire during a 4x4 tourism trip. in a pioneering convoy of 300 all-ter- Omar, 55, on his first desert expedi- any security problems during our country has so much to offer,” he rain vehicles through the sandy tion in many years, said it was an passage,” said Omar. said. To make tourism a profitable wilderness. Hopeful that the October opportunity to “bring everyone Because of the Covid-19 pandem- sector again, he acknowledged, truce will hold, they sought to redis- together with the message ‘yes to ic, participants had to present nega- Libyan factions will have to build sta- cover the natural beauty of a country peace, not violence’”. They were tive tests and travel separated into bility and find a way to “end their dif- that boasts sweeping desert vistas, headed for Tadrart Acacus, a moun- “small groups, to respect social dis- ferences”. Another participant, Abdel hidden oasis towns, ancient Greek tain range near the Algerian border tancing”, Omar said. Kadhafi’s Libya Hamid Mohamad, aged 30 and well- and Roman ruins, and a famous for its dramatic rock forma- had, toward the end of his reign, travelled abroad, enthused: “I have Mediterranean coastline. The 4WD tions and World Heritage-listed pre- gradually opened to foreign tourism, discovered that Libya is no less enthusiasts-almost all men, sporting historic cave paintings. after decades of being boycotted by beautiful than other tourist destina- sunglasses and outdoor gear-started the international community. With tions. “I now understand why so their journey at Al-Qaryah Al- ‘So much to offer’ the lifting of a UN embargo in 2003, many foreigners wanted to come to Gharbiyah, a crossroads town For years Libya has been torn by Tripoli began issuing visas, set up a Libya before 2011... The country dubbed the “Gateway to the Sahara” brutal conflict between two rival tourism ministry and launched a strat- deserves a visit.”— AFP 350 kilometers (220 miles) south of administrations that fought with mili- egy to attract international visitors. Libyans take part in a 4x4 tourism trip in a desert area Tripoli. tias, drones and foreign mercenaries. Libya welcomed 110,000 foreign near Al-Shuwayrif town. After filling their tanks and check- A UN-brokered ceasefire in October tourists in 2010, earning $40 million, ing their gear and supplies, they has raised hopes the oil-rich country a figure that effectively dropped to

soft snow fell as a clutch of visi- Tkachenko said obtaining UNESCO Ators equipped with a Geiger status could promote the exclusion counter wandered through the zone as “a place of memory” that ghostly Ukrainian town of Pripyat, would warn against a repeat nuclear frozen in time since the world’s worst disaster. “The area may and should be nuclear accident in 1986. More than open to visitors, but it should be more three decades after the Chernobyl than just an adventure destination for A woman looks at a metal monolith that has nuclear disaster forced thousands to explorers,” Tkachenko told AFP. The popped up on a riverbank of the Vistula in the evacuate, there is an influx of visitors government is set to propose specific Polish capital Warsaw, the latest in a string of to the area that has spurred officials to objects in the zone as a heritage site similar objects that have recently appeared in seek official status from UNESCO. before March but a final decision Europe and the US. — AFP “The Chernobyl zone is already a could come as late as 2023. world famous landmark,” guide After the explosion in 1986, the Maksym Polivko told AFP during a tour three other reactors at Chernobyl con- on a recent frosty day. “But today this tinued to generate electricity until the area has no official status,” the 38- station finally closed in 2000. Ukraine year-old said of the exclusion zone will mark the 20th anniversary of the where flourishing wildlife is taking over closure on December 15. Tkachenko deserted Soviet-era tower blocks, said the effort to secure UNESCO sta- shops and official buildings. Visitors walk in an abandoned amusement park in the ghost town of Pripyat, not far tus was a new priority after work on a That could be set to change under from Chernobyl nuclear power plant. giant protective dome over the fourth the government initiative to have the reactor was completed in 2016. With area included on the UNESCO her- sion zone for another 24,000 years. ed status would encourage officials to the site now safe for one hundred mysterious metal monolith has popped itage list alongside landmarks like Meanwhile, it has become a haven for act more “responsibly” to preserve the years, he said he hoped world her- Aup on a riverbank in the Polish capital India’s Taj Mahal or Stonehenge in wildlife with elk and deer roaming crumbling Soviet-era infrastructure sur- itage status would boost visitor num- Warsaw, the latest in a string of similar England. Officials hope recognition nearby forests. Dozens of villages and rounding the plant. “All these objects bers to one million a year. It’s a figure objects that have recently appeared in Europe from the UN’s culture agency will towns populated by hundreds of thou- here require some repair,” he said. It that would require an overhaul of the and the US. Joggers noticed the triangular pil- boost the site as a tourist attraction sands of people were abandoned after was a sentiment echoed by Ukrainian local infrastructure and overwhelm a lar during their morning run along the Vistula and in turn bolster efforts to preserve the disaster, yet more than 100 elderly Culture Minister Oleksandr Tkachenko, lone souvenir kiosk on the site selling River, according to local media reports. It ageing buildings nearby. The explo- people live in the area despite the who described the recent influx of trinkets such as mugs and clothing stands some three meters (10 feet) tall, has a sion in the fourth reactor at the nuclear radiation threat. In Pripyat, a ghost tourists from home and abroad as evi- adorned with nuclear fallout signs. dull silver-coloured surface, is held together by power plant in April 1986 left swathes town kilometres away from the dence of Chernobyl’s importance “not “Before, everyone was busy with the screws and is planted in the sand of the river- of Ukraine and neighboring Belarus Chernobyl plant, rooms in eerie resi- only to Ukrainians, but of all mankind.” cover,” Tkachenko said of the timing of bank near a major bridge. “A mysterious and badly contaminated and led to the cre- dential blocks are piled up with A record number of 124,000 tourists the heritage initiative. “The time has unusual installation has emerged on the beach ation of the exclusion zone roughly the belongings of former residents. visited last year, including 100,000 for- come to do this.” — AFP on the right (river) bank,” Warsaw’s Vistula dis- size of Luxembourg. eigners following the release of the trict authorities said on their Facebook page. “If Ukrainian authorities say it may not ‘The time has come’ hugely popular Chernobyl television you spend your time actively on the Vistula be safe for humans to live in the exclu- Polivko said he hoped the upgrad- series in 2019. River, it won’t escape your attention,” they added, without elaborating. But it has left some Warsaw residents unim- pressed. “I was expecting some kind of meta- physical experience, but it’s not really all that impressive,” a woman visiting the site on Thursday who declined to be named told AFP. No one claimed responsibility for the installation as of Thursday. Similar-looking objects were found in the United States, Romania and Britain. The first structure made news after it appeared briefly in the Utah desert late last month, then two others cropped up in southern California and Romania days later. Another appeared on a beach on the Isle of Wight off the south coast of England on Sunday before hikers came across yet another one in The Netherlands the same day. The appear- ance of the Utah object in late November sparked wild rumors of alien visitations because of its resemblance to the black mono- lith in the Stanley Kubrick science fiction film Photograph shows bumper cars in an abandoned amusement park in the ghost town of This photograph shows a monument in front of the giant protective dome built over the “2001: A Space Odyssey”. —AFP Pripyat, not far from Chernobyl nuclear power plant. — AFP photos sarcophagus of the destroyed fourth reactor of Chernobyl nuclear power plant. 14 Established 1961 Sports Monday, December 14, 2020

Photo of the day News in brief Westwood wins Race to Dubai

DUBAI: Veteran Englishman Lee Westwood secured his second Race to Dubai title and finished top European golfer for the third time, as Matt Fitzpatrick secured the DP World Tour Championship yesterday. Fitzpatrick entered the final day on the Earth Course in Dubai sharing the lead with Patrick Reed, who was vying to become the first American to win the Race to Dubai. After starting his round with four birdies, Fitzpatrick held a commanding lead and was on course to win the Race to Dubai. Westwood, however, birdied two of his last three holes to finish with a final round 68 which was good enough to snatch solo second and be crowned European Number One. “It’s been a bizarre season for so many reasons, the European Tour have done an incredible job to pick the season up again from July and have tourna- ments on every week,” said the 47-year-old Westwood. —AFP

‘1,000% involved’: Pogba

LONDON: Paul Pogba claimed he remains fully committed to Manchester United despite his agent stating he is “unhappy” at Old Marko Dragosavljevic of Serbia performs during the Training Grounds project in Serbia. —Photo taken from www.redbullcontentpool.com Trafford and looking for a move in January. Pogba was recalled to Ole Gunnar Solskjaer’s starting line-up for Saturday’s uninspired 0-0 draw with Manchester City in the Premier League. The French World Cup winner had started on the bench as United crashed out of the Champions League at the group stage Borussia Dortmund fire Favre with defeat to RB Leipzig on Tuesday. Just a day before the game, Pogba’s outspoken agent Mino Raiola told Italian newspaper Tuttosport his client had to “change teams.” after worst rout in a decade The 27-year-old rejoined United for a then world record £89 million ($118 million) in 2016, but has failed to make the desired impact as the Red Devils have not challenged Lewandowski rescues Bayern at Union, Dortmund suffer ‘disaster’ to win either the Premier League or the Champions League. —AFP BERLIN: Bundesliga club Borussia 200th Bundesliga appearance Dortmund said yesterday they have fired Meanwhile, Robert Lewandowski from a bout of Covid-19, Hamilton head coach Lucien Favre, a day after the marked his 200th Bundesliga appearance Verstappen ends struggled to make any impact as he team suffered their heaviest home defeat for Bayern Munich with a second-half battled through ahead of Alex S African star Madisha dies in over a decade. Swiss coach Favre is to equalizer in Saturday’s 1-1 draw at Union season with clinical Albon, who finished fourth in the be replaced by his assistant-coach Edin Berlin which keeps the defending cham- Red Bull triumph second Red Bull, just 1.5 seconds JOHANNESBURG: Mamelodi Sundowns and Terzic after Dortmund crashed 5-1 to VfB pions top on goal difference. After adrift of the out-of-sorts champion. South Africa defender Motjeka Madisha died Stuttgart leaving them fifth in the league Grischa Proemel put Union ahead with YAS MARINA: Max Verstappen “You can’t win them all,” said early Sunday after crawling out of a burning five points behind leaders Bayern Munich. four minutes gone, Lewandowski, the Hamilton. “And, considering the “It is very difficult for us to take this Bundesliga’s top-scorer, slotted his 13th claimed his second win of the sea- car wreckage following an accident, a club last couple of weeks that I’ve had I step, but we believe that the current neg- goal in his 10th league game to rescue a son and the 10th of his career yes- official said. The 25-year-old star was one of ative development has put our season point on 67 minutes. Bayern have drawn terday when he drove to a clinical am genuinely happy with the weekend, even I am have not been two occupants of a car that went out of con- goals in danger, and we have to take their last two league games and Bayer victory for Red Bull in a pedestrian trol, hit an advertising board and burst into action,” said Dortmund sporting director Leverkusen can go top with a home win season-ending Abu Dhabi Grand 100 per cent. “But, congratulations Michael Zorc. Favre himself had branded against Hoffenheim. Prix. The 23-year-old Dutchman to Max. It was a hard race for me flames in eastern Johannesburg, according to “a disaster” Saturday’s showing, which “Unfortunately, we’ve had to again get dominated from start to finish as and I am glad it’s all over. It’s a the official, who requested anonymity. “I was the squad’s heaviest home defeat going after falling behind, then sometimes he turned his third pole position fantastic result anyway to get two spoke to someone who arrived at the crash since being humbled 5-1 at home to it’s only enough for a point, which doesn’t into a demonstration of speed, tal- podium finishes.” Mercedes team- scene soon after the accident and he Bayern Munich in 2009. Dortmund have meet our demands,” said Bayern forward ent and flawless strategy to leave mate Bottas said: “The Red Bull described a horrific scene with one body Thomas Mueller. Munich coach Hansi was too quick today. We could not taken just a point in their two league both Mercedes men well beaten burnt beyond recognition,” he said. “Motjeka games since star striker Erling Braut Flick admitted: “We can play better foot- get near them and could not keep behind him. It was the first time he apparently managed to crawl out of the burn- Haaland was ruled out until January with a ball” while Union goal-scorer Proemel felt had claimed a lights-to-flag victo- up with them, but it was a solid ing vehicle, but was declared dead by medical hip injury. “Bayern were beatable”. The game in ry in Formula One. “What a way to race from my side.” Since taking the reins at Dortmund in eastern Berlin was played behind closed close a season - fantastic mate,” Lando Norris came home fifth personnel at the scene of the accident.” 2018, Favre has twice led the club to sec- doors, but Union fans fired a barrage of ahead of his Ferrari-bound McLaren Madisha is the second Sundowns defender to ond place in the Bundesliga, but has often fireworks when the Bayern team bus said his Red Bull engineer at the end on team radio. “After such a team-mate Carlos Sainz, a solid die in a car accident within two months after been criticized for not managing to launch arrived at the Alten Foersterei stadium. showing by the precocious pairing a serious title challenge. “We are all Bayern goalkeeper Manuel Neuer busy year, I think everyone was a Anele Ngcongca, near the eastern city of bit tired at the end, but it is amaz- that secured third place in the con- Durban. —AFP grateful to Lucien Favre for his fantastic pulled off a superb save after 52 seconds structors’ championship on a day work in the last two and a half years,” said to deny Union’s Liverpool loanee Taiwo ing,” he replied. when they announced an American club CEO Hans-Joachim Watzke. The club Awoniyi. Proemel beat Neuer soon after Verstappen eased home 15.976 confirmed that Favre’s assistant Edin when his deft header flew inside the far seconds clear of Valtteri Bottas, consortium is buying a major stake in Terzic would take the reins “until the end post. Union kept up the pressure when who at least recovered some pride the team. Daniel Ricciardo, in his last Slovenian outsider wins of the season”, beginning with Awoniyi fired just wide after wrong-foot- by taking second after his forlorn race for Renault before replacing Dortmund’s trip to Werder Bremen on ing both David Alaba and Jerome Boateng. showing at the Sakhir Grand Prix, Sainz at McLaren, was seventh ahead VAL D’ISERE: The opening men’s World Cup Tuesday. Terzic, 38, previously worked in Moments later the VAR denied Bayern a and 18.415 ahead of seven-time of Alpha Tauri’s Pierre Gasly, Esteban downhill race produced a surprise winner at Dortmund’s youth system and was part of penalty appeal when Lewandowski went champion Lewis Hamilton. On his Ocon in the second Renault and Val d’Isere yesterday as Slovenia’s Martin Lance Stroll of Racing Point. —AFP Croatian coach Slaven Bilic’s staff at both down after a nudge in the area as it stayed return to action after recovering Cater won his first race on the circuit. The Besiktas and West Ham United. 1-0 at half-time. —Agencies powerfully built Cater was taken aback that he had won and only celebrated after a long hard gaze at the clock. “I thought I was in the top Kuwait Sea Sport Club organizes first Motosurf Championship ten or top 15 and I couldn’t believe it when I saw I’d won,” said the 27-year-old. Cater took 2min 04.67sec to swoop down the 3037m course on fast, compact snow in bright sun- shine. Otmar Striedinger of Austria was also something of a surprise 0.22sec adrift in sec- ond, while Urs Kryenbuehl was third at 0.27. World Cup overall champion Norway’s Aleksander Aamodt Kilde was fourth on the treacherous looking course on a day where the action was held up twice to take away injured fallers. —AFP

Ajax player Promes arrested

THE HAGUE: Dutch international footballer Quincy Promes has been arrested in connec- tion with a stabbing at a family gathering ear- lier this year, a Dutch news report said yester- day. The 28-year-old Ajax forward Promes “is suspected of assault resulting in serious phys- ical injury,” popular daily tabloid De Telegraaf said. The incident happened at a family party at a shed in the scenic town of Abcoude, just outside Amsterdam in late July, the newspaper said. “A relative was seriously injured and suf- fered, among other things, very serious knee KUWAIT: Kuwait Sea Sport Club organized its first Khalid Al-Buraiki said the trounament that is held for fierce among participants, although this type of game injuries,” in the incident, the newspaper said. Motosurf Championship in two categories, stock the first time is a new and unprecedented challenge is new. Chairman of the Board of the Sea Sports Club Promes allegedly got into a scuffle after an and open - each of two rounds. The stock category for the club that is trying hard to develop and Mohammad Al-Zanki, and Board Member Yousuf Al- argument with the relative and other family was won by Yousuf Al-Awadhi, Saleh Al-Zarhan sec- enhance water sports through organizing champi- Wattar awarded the winners. Motosurf is a water ski- members immediately intervened, the paper ond then Al-Joud Al-Sabah was third. Essa Al- onships that help this goal. ing board powered with an internal fueled engine and said. The relative laid charges a month ago, it Awadhi won first place in the open category fol- Director of Motosurf games at the club Miqdad used in water transport. The game is now part of the added. —AFP lowed by Hassan Bu-Abbas second and Mohammad Al-Zanki said the club has its first team in this game at Olympics and is included in the international water Bu-Abbas third. Board member of Sea Sports Club the Gulf and Arab levels, adding that competition is sports federation. —KUNA Established 1961 15 Sports Monday, December 14, 2020 Everton overpower 1-0; end Chelsea’s long unbeaten run Victory lifts Everton up to seventh

LIVERPOOL: Chelsea spurned the chance to go Calvert-Lewin, signed for just £1.5 million from top of the Premier League as Gylfi Sigurdsson’s Sheffield United four years ago, who is keeping penalty earned Everton a vital 1-0 win in front of Everton’s European ambitions afloat. The Premier 2,000 fans at Goodison Park. A first defeat in 18 League’s top scorer failed to add to his 14 goals games, excluding penalty shootouts, leaves Frank this season, but was too quick for both Thiago Lampard’s men still two points adrift of Silva and Mendy to a loose ball and was wiped Tottenham and Liverpool at the top of the table. out by the Senegalese ‘keeper. They can extend that advantage to five points Richarlison had to be convinced to allow when they are in action on Sunday. Victory lifts Sigurdsson to take the penalty and the Icelandic Everton up to seventh and within just one point of international made no mistake. Chelsea were the top four. nearly level almost immediately as James’s shot Reece James and Mason Mount hit the post for from outside of the box was turned onto the the visitors, but they were made to pay for one inside of the post by Jordan Pickford. Kurt rash moment from goalkeeper Edouard Mendy as Zouma then fired too close to the England num- he bundled over Dominic Calvert-Lewin and ber one, whilst Olivier Giroud was crowded out Sigurdsson coolly slotted home the resultant when the goal was gaping after Pickford crashed spot-kick. A £220 million ($291 million) spending into his own defender Yerry Mina from a long spree had seemingly transformed Chelsea into ball forward. title contenders, but the Blues badly missed the Everton had one just one of their previous sev- creativity of the injured Hakim Ziyech and en games after a blistering start had taken them Christian Pulisic to break Everton down once the top of the table in October. However, the limited Toffees went in front. number of home fans, returning to Goodison for Carlo Ancelotti’s men had slid down the table the first time since March, were given a huge win after a blistering start to the season and the need to cheer as the hosts held out with relative com- for Everton’s own big spending to finally pay off fort after the break. The closest Chelsea came to with European football was laid bare when the an equalizer was a Mount free-kick that came LIVERPOOL: Chelsea’s English defender Reece James slides in to foul Everton’s Brazilian midfield- er Allan during the English Premier League football match between Everton and Chelsea on club announced losses of nearly £140 million for back off the post after wrong-footing Pickford 10 December 12, 2020. —AFP the 2019/20 season on Friday. However, it is minutes from time. —AFP

goal and you get a group of guys that Columbus Crew buy into that, no one is going to stop us from getting there,” an emotional hammer Seattle; Crew coach Caleb Porter said after the club added a second MLS Cup to Kuwait Football win the MLS Cup the one they captured in 2008. Seattle, meanwhile, were denied a LOS ANGELES: Lucas Zelarayan third MLS title in five years, unable to League roundup scored twice as the Columbus Crew recover despite a determined second By Abdellatif Sharaa beat Seattle 3-0 to win the 2020 MLS half. Despite the body-blow of losing Cup on Saturday, denying the Nagbe and Santos, the Crew came KUWAIT: Qadisiya Sports Club football team Sounders a second straight Major out determined to take advantage of enjoyed being on top briefly after winning their League Soccer crown. Zelarayan, the their home-field advantage. 12th round match of Kuwait Football League Argentine midfielder who formerly In the 17th minute, Columbus for- (ranking phase) against Sulaibkhat 2-1 on starred for Tigres in Mexico, opened ward Gyasi Zardes had a clear first Saturday. Qadisiya dominated the match and the the scoring in the 25th minute and chance, his effort saved by Seattle’s victory increased their point total to 25 while sealed the Crew’s second MLS Cup Swiss keeper Stefan Frei. The Crew Sulaibkhat remained with 5 points - rendering triumph in the 82nd at MAPFRE seized the lead in the 25th minute, them out of contention to remain in the premier Stadium in Columbus, Ohio. Zelarayan firing a left-footed shot league. Qadisiya’s goals were scored by Abdoul He set up Derrick Etienne’s 31st- from near the back post past Frei after Sissoko in the 25th minute while the second goal minute strike on the way to Man of a deep cross from Harrison Afful. COLUMBUS: Jonathan Mensah #4 of Columbus Crew brings his team the was scored in the 27th minute by Eid Al-Rashidi. the Match honors. “I think we took Columbus doubled the advantage six MLS Cup after a 3-0 win over the Seattle Sounders during the MLS Cup The second match saw Nasr team regained advantage of every single moment minutes later when Haiti international Final at MAPFRE Stadium on December 12, 2020. —AFP the top spot after beating Tadhamon 3-1 and that we had,” Zelarayan said through Etienne curled in a right-footed shot grabbing 26 points. Both teams exchanged an interpreter. “We tried to be strong after Zelarayan faked an attempt from needed to get out of our funk,” said Zelarayan delivered the final dagger in attacks and Nasr’s Ahmad Al-Riyahi was able to every time we had the ball, and I think the top of the box and followed up Schmetzer. But there would be no mira- the 82nd, firing a left-footed shot into score with a well targeted header in the 35th we capitalized on every single oppor- with the pinpoint pass. cle comeback like the one that saw the the top corner after a deft pass from minute. Tadhamon attempted to score a badly tunity that we had.” With some 1,500 A Sounders side featuring three Sounders score three goals in the last 15 Colombian Luis Diaz. The match needed equalizer in the first half and lost its spectators in the stands amid continu- players in the MLS’s 2020 best XI- minutes in the Western Conference final capped a 25th MLS campaign upend- Nigerian defender Ibaboy Bakr to injury. ing Covid-19 restrictions, the Crew Jordan Morris, Uruguayan Nicolas against Minnesota. Columbus managed ed by the coronavirus pandemic. Play The second half began with a bang as shrugged off the absences of key con- Lodeiro and Peru’s Raul Ruidaz — to contain Morris and Ruidiaz, who was suspended between March and Tadhamon’s Abdelwahab Al-Saleeli scored at the tributors Darlington Nagbe and Pedro couldn’t manufacture a shot on goal, showed their usual commitment but had July, resuming with the “MLS is Back” start of the second half. This goal motivated Santos-both ruled out after positive and coach Brian Schmetzer brought in no quality opportunities. tournament in a quarantine bubble in Tadhamon. This situation continued until the 90th coronavirus tests. Sweden’s Gustav Svensson and Lodeiro, a former Ajax and Boca Orlando, Florida, that two teams had minute of the match when Talal Al-Ajmi was able “When you have a vision that’s Australian Brad Smith at half-time in Juniors player saw a shot in the 71st to withdraw from because of coron- to score Nasr’s second goal from a pass by strong, when you assign a value to a hopes of turning things around. “We minute glance off the near post. avirus cases. —AFP Ahmad Al-Riyahi. The referee awarded Nasr a penalty right in the 95th minute of the match which substitute Mishal Fawaz scored after which until the end, we must be satisfied with work well game, we can. That hurts, yes it hurts.” Egos too the referee blew the whistle and ended the match. Real Madrid take derby done.” His team were in front after 15 minutes when were hurting. Casemiro headed home a corner from Toni Kroos. Portuguese star Joao Felix showed his displeas- honors as Atletico lose That was reward for Real’s early pressure which ure at being replaced by Saul on the hour. Suarez had seen Karim Benzema denied by a fine save from allowed himself an ironic smile when he too was their unbeaten record Jan Oblak moments earlier. Atletico, who also made benched in favour of Geoffrey Kondogbia in the the Champions League knockout round in midweek, 73rd minute. “Joao Felix, if he plays, he wants to MADRID: Real Madrid reignited their La Liga title struggled to make any impression and star striker contribute more, he wants to finish the 90 minutes,” push on Saturday beating leaders Atletico 2-0 as Luis Suarez was an anonymous figure up front. Real said Simeone. “But I can’t explain his behavior.” In their city rivals suffered a first league defeat of the went 2-0 up after 63 minutes with Kroos again the stark contrast, Zidane could be especially pleased season. Real, who salvaged their Champions League provider. His pass eventually fell for Dani Carvajal for Casemiro who had returned from COVID-19 campaign in midweek by making the last 16, moved who unleashed a 30-metre drive which hit the post quarantine while Carvajal had recovered from a to third in the table, three points behind Atletico. It but was diverted into the net by the helpless Oblak. right leg injury. It was a night to remember also for was a disappointing night for Diego Simeone’s side The ‘keeper was credited with an own-goal for his captain Sergio Ramos who was playing in a Madrid who had boasted a 26-match unbeaten run in the troubles. It was only the fourth goal conceded by derby for the 43rd time, league, stretching back to February. That was a run the usually water-tight Atletico defence in 11 league Atletico, meanwhile, could lose top spot on which consisted of 17 wins and nine draws. Real had games this season. Sunday when second-placed Real Sociedad wel- been the last team to beat Atletico in the league. come Eibar. Barcelona are also in action on Sunday “We confirmed the improvement we showed in ‘That hurts’ against Levante and will be under intense scrutiny. many areas against Sevilla and Borussia, and gave It was a night of frustration with Simeone’s men Barca are in such disarray that they need a victory another good display,” said Real coach Zinedine managing just one shot on target. “We didn’t have merely to steady the ship after a morale-sapping 3- Zidane, reflecting on his side’s wins in the past week the courage to attack, now we have to work and 0 defeat to Juventus in the Champions League. The which have helped turn around the season. “There improve.” “They were better. They were forceful, Catalans still qualified for the last 16, but as group are criticisms that hurt, but they also make you precise, and when they had their chance, they put runners-up Lionel Messi and his teammates risk stronger.” “We competed very well from minute one them away,” said the Argentine. “We can have a bad drawing one of Europe’s big names. —AFP

er, on Wednesday we’ll try to regain the lost points Error-prone Lazio fall (against Benevento).” The match was preceded by a Matsushima hat-trick minute’s silence in memory of 1982 World Cup win- 2-1 at home to Verona ner Paolo Rossi, who died on Wednesday, aged 64. takes Clermont past Rossi’s photo was projected on a large screen with MILAN: Lazio fell to a 2-1 home defeat to Hellas the words “Heroes never die” and “Ciao Paolo”. The Bristol Verona on Saturday, just days after the high of qual- former Ballon d’Or winner’s funeral took place earli- ifying for the Champions League last-16 for the first er Saturday in the north-eastern city of Vicenza. PARIS: Japan’s Kotaro Matsushima scored three times as time in two decades. Both Verona’s goals came Clermont opened their European Champions Cup cam- thanks to Lazio errors with Manuel Lazzari turning Torino in freefall paign with an impressive 51-38 bonus-point win at Bristol the ball into his own net just before the break in the In Turin, Andrea Belotti struck his 100th goal but on Saturday. Matsushima’s tries came within the opening Stadio Olimpico. Felipe Caicedo pulled Lazio level Torino dropped to second last in the table after a 3-2 68 minutes as the three-time runners-up dominated the after 56 minutes, with an impressive pivot having defeat to Udinese. Torino matched their worst run of second-tier European Challenge Cup holders with some picked up the ball with his back to the goal. eight consecutive league defeats at home in , scintillating expansive play. However, a poor back-pass from Lazio defender last suffered in 1959. “Despite defeats in previous Clermont head coach Franck Azema praised Radu allowed Adrien Tameze to grab the winner on matches ‘Toro’ had always had good performances. I Matushima’s performance along with wingers Damian Penaud and Alivereti Raka. “I’m very happy with the work 67 minutes. Simone Inzaghi’s side missed the chance can’t say the same today,” said coach Marco of the lads work today,” Azema said. “They have worked a to close in on the European places, dropping to Giampaolo, who took over in August, having been lot together, even if they haven’t got a lot cohesion,” he eighth position, with Verona moving up to sixth. sacked by AC Milan after just seven games last season. added. Fiji’s Semi Radradra missed Bristol’s first match in “Physically and mentally, the Champions League Torino sparked to life after an hour managing to fight Europe’s top-tier club competition since 2008 with a leg takes it out of you,” said Inzaghi. “We were rejoicing, back from two-goals down against their mid-table injury suffered in last weekend’s Autumn Nations Cup now we’re angry.” The Romans have won just once rivals. Ignacio Pussetto had put the visitors ahead on victory over Georgia. The visitors were without in six games at home this season in all competitions. 24 minutes, after Udinese’s Brazilian midfielder Walace Radradra’s Test team-mate Peceli Yato as he was refused “Before the lockdown, with our fans, we were dispossessed Soualiho Meite, with play waved on entry into Britain due to an administrative error as he infallible,” said Inzaghi. “There is little time to recov- despite protests of a foul from the home side. —AFP holds two passports. —AFP Established 1961 Sport


Borussia Dortmund fire Favre Columbus Crew hammer Everton overpower 1-0; end 14after worst rout in a decade 15 Seattle; win 2020 MLS Cup 15 Chelsea’s long unbeaten run

Salah rescues Liverpool in Fulham draw

Tottenham let lead slip in draw at Crystal Palace

LONDON: Liverpool’s Brazilian midfielder Roberto Firmino (center) evades a shot from Liverpool’s Welsh midfileder Neco Williams (left) as Fulham’s English-born US defender Antonee Robinson (right) blocks during the English Premier League football match between Fulham and Liverpool yesterday. — AFP

LONDON: Mohamed Salah spared Liverpool’s winless in their past fiveaway league matches. Adding Salah to the rescue Decordova-Reid and the winger smashed an unstop- blushes as the Egyptian’s late penalty rescued a 1-1 to Klopp’s concerns, Joel Matip suffered a back injury Ivan Cavaleiro almost gave those 2,000 supporters pable strike past Alisson into the far corner. Mane draw against struggling Fulham yesterday. Jurgen that saw him join the long list of Liverpool injuries which the perfect welcome back when his stinging strike was should have done better than head wastefully over Klopp’s side were punished for a sloppy first half dis- already included his fellow centre-backs Virgil van Dijk parried away by Liverpool keeper Alisson Becker in from Curtis Jones’ cross before Salah swiveled to fire play at Craven Cottage when Bobby Decordova-Reid and Joe Gomez. Klopp’s pre-match admission that the fourth minute. Cavaleiro threatened again when his just wide from close-range. Matip’s back injury forced gave Fulham a shock lead. But Salah rescued the Diogo Jota will be sidelined for up to eight weeks with a well-timed run beat the Liverpool offside trap, but his the Liverpool defender off at half-time, with Japan for- Premier League champions after Aboubakar Kamara knee injury leaves the Reds boss relying on Salah, low shot was superbly saved by Alisson. Liverpool had ward Takumi Minamino sent on and midfielder Jordan handled with 11 minutes left. Liverpool remain in sec- Roberto Firmino and Sadio Mane to lead the attack a penalty scare when Fabinho’s sliding challenge on Henderson moving to centre-back. ond place and sit behind leaders Tottenham on goal throughout the hectic Christmas and New Year period. Cavaleiro went to a VAR review, but referee Andre Cavaleiro got through Liverpool’s reshuffled rear- difference. Fulham have just two wins in their last 11 games in Marriner opted not to award a spot-kick after con- guard with ease after a mistake by Andrew Robertson, Crystal Palace’s late equaliser in their 1-1 draw all competitions, but this spirited effort showed Scott sulting the pitchside monitor. Fulham were frustrated forcing Alisson to save his prodded effort. With Fulham against Tottenham just before Liverpool kicked off had Parker’s fourth bottom side are capable of avoiding by that decision but they kept up the pressure and defending deeper as the half wore on, Henderson was given the Reds a chance to go top if they won in west relegation. Klopp had warned his players not to Ademola Lookman’s 20-yard drive forced another able to get forward and he drew a fine save from London. Instead, they will have to wait until underestimate Fulham as they look ahead to the good save from Alisson. Even Alisson had no answer Alphonse Areola after running onto Firmino’s pass. Wednesday’s summit meeting with Tottenham at Tottenham game, but their erratic performance sug- when Fulham finally got the goal their dominance Liverpool dominated the closing stages and equalized Anfield for their next chance to knock Jose Mourinho’s gested they hadn’t been listening closely. With coron- deserved in the 25th minute. in the 79th minute when Kamara blocked Georginio team out of pole position. avirus restrictions eased in London, it was the first Salah surrendered possession after a shove on the Wijnaldum’s free-kick with his arm. Salah’s penalty Liverpool are unbeaten in their last eight league time Fulham had been able to have fans in their stadi- Egyptian went unpunished on the edge of the wasn’t well struck, but it still crept under Areola’s weak games, but they were far from their fluent best and are um since last season’s promotion. Liverpool area. Lookman clipped the ball through to attempted save for his 13th goal of the season. — AFP

Maekawa, and Negrao fired the ball into the Asian Champions side-netting three minutes before the break. Napoli get first win in But Vissel Kobe came out strongly and forced Ulsan on the back foot immediately League: Ulsan by breaking the deadlock seven minute after Stadio Maradona as resumption. Hyundai book final With the Ulsan players falling back and Inter retake 2nd spot crowding the goal, Takuya Yasui slipped in a low pass from a corner and Yamaguchi blast- MILAN: Napoli got their first win in points behind leaders AC Milan, who DOHA: Junior Negrao struck from the penalty spot in the 119th minute as South ed home with a first-time shot to put Vissel the newly-named Stadio Diego hosted Parma later on yesterday. Kobe ahead. Despite missing Barcelona leg- Armando Maradona yesterday, beat- Antonio Conte’s Inter were trailing Korea’s Ulsan Hyundai Motors reached the final of the Asian Champions League with an end Iniesta’s experience and creative genius ing Sampdoria 2-1 to move third in with a quarter of an hour to go in in midfield, Vissel Kobe more than held their Serie A behind Inter Milan, who fought Sardinia, after Riccardo Sottil put the action-packed 2-1 win over Japan’s Vissel Kobe yesterday. Hotaru Yamaguchi’s 52nd own against an Ulsan side high on confi- back to see off Cagliari 3-1. Napoli hosts ahead before the break and a dence following a seven-match winning needed to come from behind in the series of fine saves from home goal- minute goal for Vissel Kobe was cancelled out by Yoon -Bit-garam’s 81st minute strike streak. But luck was against them as they had stadium renamed a week ago follow- keeper Alessio Cragno. Former a goal by Daiju Sasaki disallowed by VAR in ing the death of club legend Maradona Cagliari player Nicolo Barella volleyed before the match went into extra-time at the Al Sadd Sports Club. the 75th minute after it was ruled that a foul last month. Maradona led the club to in the equaliser after 77 minutes with was committed during the build-up. their only league titles in 1987 and Danilo D’Ambrosio coming off the But after more frantic action during which both teams were unlucky to miss several Ulsan got the equaliser soon after with 1990 and the UEFA Cup in 1989. bench to immediately nod in a second Yoon Bit-garam firing home from just outside The match in Naples was preceded with six minutes to go. chances, Negrao won a penalty for Ulsan when he was fouled by Vissel Kobe goal- the box, the ball taking a slight deflection off by a minute’s silence in memory of Romelu Lukaku added a third deep Bjorn Johnsen. The goal was initially disal- Italy’s 1982 World Cup winner Paolo into injury time as Inter returned to keeper Daiya Maekawa one minute from time. The Brazilian stepped up to score with lowed for offside but VAR ruled in Ulsan’s Rossi, who died on Wednesday, aged second spot two points behind leaders favour once again. Desperation grew for 64. Jakub Jankto put Sampdoria ahead AC Milan who host Parma later on a low strike to Maekawa’s right as Vissel DOHA: Kobe’s goalkeeper Daiya Maekawa Kobe’s injured captain Andres Iniesta both sides in extra-time as chances were in the 20th minute, but yesterday with champions Juventus at spurned but with seconds remaining before reacts to their defeat in the AFC Champions came off the bench in the second half Genoa. “I’m really happy with their watched dejectedly from the stands. Ulsan League semi finals football match between Hyundai, who won the title in 2012 for the the inevitable shootout, Maekawa got into a to spark a Napoli revival. Lozano got reaction because the lads still had the rather unnecessary tangle with Negrao forc- Korea’s Ulsan Hyundai and Japan’s Vissel his head to a cross sev- Shakhtar games on their minds,” said first time, will now clash with Iranian giants Kobe yesterday. — AFP Persepolis in the final on December 19. ing the referee to point to the spot resulting en minutes after the break with the Conte. “We went a goal down despite in the winning goal for Ulsan. Mexican international then crossing a great first-half performance and Both teams were cautious in the first half but still created chances with Ulsan making “Before the game we knew it was going to Persepolis on Saturday. “We will recover and for Andrea Petagna to nod in the win- numerous chances created. “(Cagliari be tough but my players gave everything on analyze what we have done well so far. The ner with 22 minutes remaining. goalie) Cragno was their best player the better opportunities. Kim In-sung inex- plicably missed a sitter in the 29th minute for the pitch,” said Ulsan Hyundai Motors coach players have really done well despite being Inter Milan bounced back after on the pitch, but the lads believed right Kim Do-hoon. He said his team will try to tired with games every three days. “Now we their Champions League exit, reclaim- up to the end and showed they wanted the South Korean giants, shooting wide from close in a one-on-one situation with recover from the hectic schedule during the just want to win the last game and return to ing second place and moving two to win at all costs.” — AFP six-day interval before the final against Korea with the title.” — AFP