(PHOSK SHOO) Monday, May 10, 1913 PAGE 18 PETROIT KV K NING TIM E S CHERRY Rabbit Ball Returns, Almost Doubles Home Runs In One Day Browns had in the two game of a twin program, but the j The much • mal.snod halata gradually was hopped up and the American League just one i gain bill. The Mackmen revived | The Indians and runs first and in the Flores, I to trip the Indians, 7-5. Dodger’s found .Jim Tobins gone out home became the yardstick afternoon to demonstrate the in the nightcap and Jesse it out for 12 innings in the tirst third pclota of the runs - I ball has relative slugging prowess ne- with some late aid from Roger Jeff Heath homered for Cleve- knuckler too hard to handle and ji'i's players ii> bv which i American League game until Eddie Turchin tapped Sports I of baseball and Lio tween the two loops The junior Wolff, defeated the Yankees. 4*3. land with one on the first game. dropped the nightcap. 2*l. ,a single to home the * a six- | departure .seemed certain today measured os superiority over circuit slammed six four-baggers Washington snapped out of a J out shove The Phillies quit the role of Mort Coopei damp'd as the the m<»i the ro'al loop in eight games to only ? hree-game losing spell by that gave the Tribe a 6-5 doormats to hitter on the Pirates to signal the end ot Sunday heat- an drought creation two for the senior organization. ing the Sox, 3-2 (10 decision in the thirteenth. Jim wallop the Giants. 3-2 and 3-1. Cards made 10 hits go«wl for severe suf- Hie 1043 horsehide Red in- game Chicago Scribes •dred b> the Ametican League 1 mdcuffed thi' vminger loops The Yankee* afforded the new ning* • and 8-2. Boh Johnson 1i Bagby handed out 10 hits to the .. A hig inning in each game was H-l victory. The second ! 11 innings Mike rejuvenated the end of nine sjjvi e I9IX slugger* so effectively, however, hall it* liveliest welcome, pound- knifed out a single off Tex Hugh- Browns in but enough for the was called at I ing who no innings .SundJT'-u « junior that the National League, until a pai r of pitchers for !6 ; son to score with Naymick, allowed hits Phillies Schoolboy Rowe pitched because of the ™ Are Stirred by Thai the year I honors went to Ba’.'*e vesterday. had hanged out 2o * and 29 bases including the opening game's winning run in the last two innings, won the i the second. curfew with the score at 3-3. league bacß Ruth With a total of 11 circuit . home runs to the American home runs by Spud Chandler. while Alex Carrasquel spaced i decision. The Browns found the Dixie Walker’s long fly drove Chicago Cubs bounced N'ovikoff Case clouts the National League s seven. Ron Weatherly and Charley 11 Boston hits well enough to : range for only three hits in the in the tenth-inning run that up the ladder a notch from last while Cincinnati, I caguf « top man colhvted only With a uniform rabbit hall in Keller to bury the Athletics, win his fourth victory in the !! nightcap, rut to seven innings ] gave Brooklyn a 5-4 decision place by tripping By LEO MACDONELL eight. From then on, the ball use for the first time, it took 13-1. in the first game of a bar- second contest. I by darkness, hut ran up five 'v over the Braves in the first 13-2 and 4-3.

• •' -Xmo r, c sport *• rhe*. least, the ca*‘ of Lou N'' kotf y,« creat'd no litll- stir mCI • , igo. Novikoff. >«*u t’l.iy have read, is the player t ‘ • ' Russian w ‘ ’m the Tiger to Split The Mad 1 York Gets First Homer Aid C'.ih* offered a contrat tor *•' j*>,(VtO to play baseball I h.s i* son Demanding N’ovi- koff spurned th- ff.'r madly. HE SLIDES IN VAIN AND IS FORCED OUT AT THIRD BASE \V;th the wotM ablaze with Three Rally u.< it jr.ay se*m somewhat Day Glad to Win, It Paces fantastic that any number of ' people, even in Chicago. should lv perturbe 1 ov.r the '¦alary to be paid I .or Not ,koff to a Sorry In 11th Alter peaceful Russian or to a player But He of any descent. Rut, I.oil. it Winners seem*' i> different lie’s differ- rnt to Chicago folk', including scribes Hr r- one of Those Babe Beat Sielaff When greater equestrienne* are Sox Win Opener Herman ’« or Roots Poffenberc* named. Dr. and Mrs. Austin C. < t help it if he er He ran Howard of 15492 Ashton road, will By for getting fans and LKO MACDONELL makes FIN AL STANDINGS not he the least bit surprised if scribes al.ke stirred up (Yi 1-1 1 Rudy York came home today \*>'l T'v. S*n!A Mnnifa, Cat 1773 J.'l.Ofwv among them are s l 1 1 • three named ! Bi*larr P*t mu t7«o 2 000 no boasting the first Tiger home rurt 'HtnM \splunf) P*nv*r 1733 1 Odd 00 Howard. Adds to Feud P i I 1 \ p. me, Chirac! 172 S ,V>o 00 Three of the season and the Tigers gen* Wh in Mlinn Kl h*th S’ J. 172 S 100 Oni daughters have the How- Moreover, the N’ovikoff rase Vrth ur Kru-'h). Pe»r>it 1723 300 00 ards Shirley, 14; Joyce, 12 and jerally acclaimed the return of ths o'l4rt*n Mllwauk** 1711 On giver, jllarry 200 Arlone, - winning hall, appear* to have scribes of H*nry (lavi*. r.>i* 1710 1(M) 00 11— all prize rabbit an event that enabled Chicago with some of whom F Frani M« K*** Ruck t'a 17d,*. ISO 00 horsewomen, as yesterdays annual them to spin a -header with Gallagher. blunt gen- VV'a,t»r R*pi'*nh»c*n. P*trolt 1«97 170.00 indoor horse show of the the Sox in Chicago .lame* T. vt'crt Pariaian Oearhorn lkt*d l.Vd.dd Detroit White eral of the Cubs and Paul Ci)n. natron i«ss no no Equestrienne cluh at W. Seven yesterday. one time a baseball writer him- FrM VVo|f. T»«•!r Ml 1657 13d 00 Mile and Wyoming proved. With the aid of York's homer, William Srh«artj «V.iumhu» ISS4 125 00 i *¦¦!!. has been feuding these past )l-n>v N”«ak 'w»ki tasll 12*. 00 Fnterod in the children's gaited a tremendous whack far up into month' . an opportunity *o m ike <'hai et I.auachf. lkSl 125 Ott riding events for the first time, all the upper deck of the left field of Chi- T-1 Millar. Clavalan.l 1«79 122 50 Park, of the affair a test the K T VVinrhaaiar. F’hila 1579 122 s<) three sisters won awards—Shirley stands at Conuskey plus .< cago cluh executives j>owrrs F-ad Snydar. natron 1577 120 0(1 a silver cup for first place in her 0t.,. W 'N l*k. ,»¦ _ <£U« three two baggers in a row th«j Frad Rrarkla. nafrott 1«77 120 00 division, the Thus. Gallagher has been painted Rudy Puk»l, Mltwankaa 1075 120.00 and Joyce and Arlone Tigers whipped White Sox, in various colors. Harry I,;ppa Chicago 1 fi7l 12000 each white ribbons for fourth 1 to 1, in a stirring 11-inmng Faa(* ('hlrapo Sr WEBB Rv some Janies is sketched as t.a«i 1«70 120 00 place m their respective groups. battle after dropping the front J .hn Hun*. Canton O l*>Hl» 12<' 00 a stuhhorn gent quite swelled Vlax Biark Ciavaland 1*V«s» 120 001 “We thought,’* they chorused end of ihe bargain day lull. 3 to 1. Others sen him as S*! F Eaatar, Madiaon VVI». 1009 120.00! after ihe Tigers ev» app. 16(j..... t ? prin- t K Ciavaland 120 001 .Mim&lw /bW9HLx v * f a crusader fighting for a would he a nice present If vve all '/¦- 7 -iiu_ / an abbreviated road trip. winnK ciple. the principle of cheeking won—for Mom, on Mother’s Wm BBBKMmL ihe series in St. Louis, two gam»*s money mad ball players, or H> HAROLD HAUL - Day.” to one. and losing the set in Chi- something. Dr. Austin is a surgeon al cago ihi san ii i ‘‘Next t<* the national match Re- 1n j jMhti JK Holding that Lou. no great ceiving Hospital. 1 1 ii iii 1 \mmk\ till i Jail n game I never imi- om) p*ar\troi r but a good hitter with joyed winning more, beaucoup crowd appeal, is worth anything Paul 1 1 >izz> * Ttq itj ju ked p every cent of SIO,OOO. the for- but I’m sorry I had to heat Lou Pitcher to Minors group point out that he He went t h«* route pit c hrl mer Sielaff of Detroit dul of $1,000.” (IT) .»r/rrout more from WASHINGTON. May 10 Kdgar Smith, veteran Chicago could get that or Those were t lie* words today of other clubs in the National The Washington Senators today southpaw. Trout yielded only six league were it not for the hold Ned Day. .’G-year-old former match optioned rookie righthander Owen hits over The long stretch, whereas kin.; the 16 the baseball tycoons have on from Santa Monica, Cal., fol- Scheetz to Minneapolis of the Tigers accumulated off They point out lowing his $3,000 and war Smith. For 10 innings the two the players also cash American Association. He worked that the Cub organization which ’slumps victory or. a 1773 total in vets engaged in a bitterly fougf t in six games as a pitcher TOM McHALE OF LEARNED Ot T ON TOSS TO RILL HALEY OF FI SHWAY can t see its wav to give Novi- the 30th Louis P. Petersen in- relief jduel. Smith cracking in lie . .. team, ns thi* season McHfile's though . irent on to vin the fjatnr, .1-0, Pitrhrr Art Houttemnn nhiffrd IX mm . . . koff a raise didn t hesitate to dividual bowling classic at the eleventh. spend SIOO,OOO on promotion of Palace Recreation. Besides pitching brilliantly. girls softball at Wrigley Field In ousting Sielaff, the 27-y "•av- Trout contributed four hits, ro oid member from the Chenc-! less, to hi> teams grand tot*!. N. Y. Scribe Trombly Recreation team of she 4|uic*kio :loo*s Samllottors ItcvH .Jimmy Bloodwnrth bagged three Quotes Detroit Times All-Star Classic' bv Pearl Hurls and Dick Wakefield and Don Ros* Gene Kessler sports editor of 33 pin* yesterday. Day averaged Two Are 35 Apart as two eaeh to total 11 of the 16 the Chicago Times, none too 221.5 for eight games. Sielaff took Minutes in City Championship Dead Bali Something They Read About They Tiger blows Gallagher, goes With both friendly with $2 000 with a 1710 total he -"hot Tournament Events at Two Houses : Lustily Clout One Federation Clubs Use Trout and Smith far for evidence. Gene in his last Friday. No-Hit Game hurling tight ball, the break in column quotes Stanley Frank of the eleventh came unexpectedly ON Two 300 • 35 minutes during the course of the team ' While the ball may lie dead In 2- Al Ranosky hit for the cir- York Post, as follows COMEBACK TRAIL scores. and was unloosed with York s the New apart, form another platinum event at Briggs Bffmbers, peren- some leagues there are no com- cuit in the hack of mad Russian I* madder The victory was Detroit Recreation. No ¦I Detroit’s sixth Jim homer on a fust pitch after Ross “The particularly trimmed feat for Detroit bowlers records were available that men- plaints m Detroit Amateur Ra«c- leader's single for Arthurs pair. definitely Is nial softball champions, demon- had been retired on a long fly hall than ever and he jileasing to Day because if defi- to surpass before the season ends tioned the first. Laßudde’s 279 in .hail Federation now that the 1943 Kraetke had a run without a hit rushing accept cootie on strated night they to Thurman Tucker in center no! to the nitely established him the or in those to come Both were the Peterson Classic tied the high last that willcampaign is formally in being in the fir*t. wages offered him. comeback discharged field Bloodworth followed with a N'ovikoff trail. He was made last night in city champion- single game j again be contenders this year as (jround conditions barred nine Sam's in 17 hit* to con- year one mark. forked double to right center and scored may not play this hut from \hr> navy only last Thursday compete at Wy-7 garni* at quer Flex-O, 17-1 ion. one m Each man received $25 from they chalked up ihcir first victory Belle Isle yesterday, Izon Holman un- thing ‘s certain. He’ll he in the at the end ot a 50-day sick leave among later when Dixre Parsons also doubles, thilnMier in ihe team DBA and the same sum from each in the Detroit Sotthal! Association them the Firemen's Midget.* and pitchri George Dumas had leagues longer following ev( corked a tw’o-hagger Then Far* major than Galla- an accident on the coast nt at In qualifies On other fields 24 team* rang in four for Gnv^^ikes. house addition each tournament for the Servicemen's five Griffin defeated son* galloped home when Trout, gher.” that kept him confined in a navv and trophies and rang out. South Fort, 6-2 LAW had a Gallagher in Chicago At 9 35 came Tord from Wy-7 for ABC DBA .if Trophy in Mack Park club tied out a hit, s friend* hospital for three months III* ;>er- In Uv ('la** A openers. Norh Mart/, in two-base that W a Iter 1*>kryvvka. 13212 which Ik* has a choice These The Bombers, with Ed Pearl on Auto thiee-hittor from < » di*|V]te thi*. of course. It is not (•< ,n ugh under the pitcher fourth hi' of ti ¦ :t nt bit scat Mound road, tolling Alex forntances brought the seasons mound, handed Club had seven extra base hit* spanking Holtzman 11-1 Ray Is the in tin* angle with the Zenith Loral contest likely decision his chin. total perfect in in 12 in scuppering Prp*i-Cola. LAW 154 by 3-2 Blum, had his (MUfeet in his third of scores Detroit 101 h 6-0 shutout in capturing a bettered * of the brawl will rha*o the war Prim to coming to I he Kolloway homer had accounted >.*t»«.T» game on 11 pocket hit* and a goorl to IS. ihe largest number on record first round victory. had a 12-0. Art LaPointe, first up in off 10 in Pearl PIERC E I ANS ll for the lone Chicago marker. new* the front pages had practiced only days At here. game the first, hit a homer. Don Cant- John Carmichael, news snorts which he eraged 220 eight Brooklvn 10:10 Great Lakes perfect until the last man. av in dd- passed the word that Joseph La- John Perry, short-short for Zenith, well did the same in the .second Bill Pierce featured in Cla** D DIC K S i.KKOK ( OSTLV editor of the Chieago Daily t< rent matches on the Pacific and ample by fanning Rudde, a machine operator, 2(187 drew a pass. those runs were as again 22 batters to run A News, quotes Gallagher a* say- the benefit of the Red games. costly error by Wakefield Coast for East Alexandrine, had one for De- Another first game Tony Bukovich kept a tight rein his string to 44 in two ing Cross. Now that he is out of the round last on paved the way for the three White Luxe Die. Tiger Box Scores night ended with Continental Pepsi. Kings had three hits a* Owls Sox game, “Up haven’t compromised with navy he p 1 to continue this Lo- Tony Laßond came to the Janiszewski tallies in the first rob- ns Both Pokrvwka Laßudde cal 280 scoring a 4 to 2 victory hack fronted 9-2. Ted bing Virgil Trucks of what seemed other player* far better than work for Red Cross. and federation and his team. Virgies. struck out 21 as St Rita clipped we are from the Traveling League.! FIRST 0 4ME jover Fruehalf Trailers. to he in the making the .voting N'ovikoff, so why should He £w gave him a 7-6 success over Paris- Russell Woods. 7-2 Each cluh has the former with Ml. Elliott OFTKOIT Tonight Teamsters Local 337 fast ball artist s fourth victory in make an exception for him.” t»t art ice when he couldn't main- Reerr-! AB R H O A clean m observance Henry Grin- three hit* ation in the central division and H'ov.r, .m tni.32 will fa or Packard Local 190 in a as many starts this season •;nn the speed on his hall as h< oli* doubled behind a in the Diek Littlefield had 11 strikf- the latter's team hailing from the Horn* cf i n i 2 0 first round game in the tourna- f>a*.s fore being lifted sot a pinch t Him tired near the finish He opened WakrflHd' If i n ] ; o eighth to give Virgies the winning outs and gianted (out hit* a* Won Trade ment at Wyandotte Chemi- Hud- sj\ innings yielded tnV* with 213 and then fashioned 207- rastf'in HiKKlni. 3b l I 1 I 0 7:30. run Larry Williams' relief pitch- son 154 defeated West Side Sports, Trucks in With this communique. Galla- Pokrvwka’* was the third in Rodcllff rs 10200 cal* will make their first start opposition only two singles 237-215-254 h< sot( he eased off to the Yrrk ing w as likewise f ream in the can 3- State Show gm ovn Spartans gher gave out that Lou would historv of the tournament. 51 lb 20170 in the girl*' division, opposing Cluh The Wakefield misplay rame 'rt 195-191-201. Plnod wrrt h ?h 4 0)01 to Virgie*. 9-7 in eight inning* < >akwood Aces play with ’hr Cubs or no club Near*, and Laßudde’s the fourth.! Rirhnrdi*. r .1 0 0 0 2 Cheno-Trnmhly ai 9 o’clock, the third inning. There were two (.000 outlasted East Side Sports. 7-6. meaning of course that hr had ( IIEN V TE \M PROFIT* Kenneth Kirby, a Detroit Times 'VVo..»I 1 THREE SINGLES HO IT down and two runner* on base Truck* r 1 0 0 0 3 no idea of trading the Russian. prtroir* 290 bowlers came out printer, had the second last -ea«nn Cr«m#r | o o o o Henry Florpk. Adam Adam' When Wakefield waxing off Jot* r\. >ut* from St. Paul, with one of hi* more a for 1 regular prize li't for total of Ourtrlßht If 3 0 12 0 Chevrolet, 9-5. John Plonka had t Au*’r alian j team s four hits scored two run- with which the writer ran In squad |»i i/i v thi y won Kttllnwny. 2b 1 0 0 2 5 Tat Match -AH r**ha- a two doubles in five. fs’vHi. **'» v* and Both 0 Rufu* lon** Farm*r Jon**-R*n* Games to A« Paul Trout, M rs 3 0 3 II ners total the three markers, sympathize. Mr s2.l7fbS3, leaving a $l- l.aHcllr in 3 (all*. In ('la** of deficit 1 of Culler, ih 3 0 0 0 0 2 B Bill Lakics the Tiger philosopher, says ’lf M rri* Phap ro v* fill I.aOrn**, ..r>* I After replacing Tnn ks in the - 17. or ab< it 79 eont* |H>r man. Race Trexh. c 2 1 2 3 0 Arthurs and Orville Reaver of Hi I nll*il In I fall lies got it a-comin it s his if (vent Dim rich, p 0 0 0 0 'seventh. Johnny Corsica finished 1 I’he v.as highly profitable 1 rif t». Kraetke had a pitching competi- Mnlt/herpcr, n 2 o o i i Pi< DfOtan* Nick BHltna*. ] on the mound for the Tigers, he aint he amt to the Chene-Tiomhly team, which on* fall. tion. Lakics granting four hits and The Louisville Colonels moved Cat boat sailors at holding the Windy City bo\ s m heralded as the hat- ' Detroit N’ovikoff. pool* all its p, i/i Sielaff not T'dolx 27 3 4 27 12 Reaver five as Arthurs triumpned. up a notch to *ixth place in the taking about (• r in check excepting for ter of all hitter*, who came up nnlv tool- down 'sJ.OUO |nr finishing Club are what' •Polled Trucks *cv.nth All Pasha arid Farmer Jone* American Association But one run Ut'ied (nr Ruhardu in ninth j by taking sixth, Tigers to the Cubs from the panhc tor top- is probably a record number of will wrestle their first Australian in the the could do second but an extra sloo PKTROIT 000 oot 000 i Sun- nothing Coast League a couple of years disqualifications for a single rage Chlcas*. (m»3 000 3 tag team bout at the Arena Gar-; a doubleheader from Toledo with Gordon Malt/herger, ping his (joid. Sti've f’lucnor ('ror oox— following the start the Wakefield Run* bot*ed in tonight 'day. to to 3. a recruit right-hander, who had ago, hit only an even Tift last leading his of club's R10.,,(tt den* They fought to re- Major League 1 0 and t The Mud- $lO9 more for rih 2 added t CurtriKht Two-hove hli- mad figure summi series yesterday. )f * the taken over when Bill Dietrich w as year, far from the a*-.) s o\ won s3ll for R* b P'lllMr filrt* K' llrixvay tc. Kuhel tain their unbeaten records at jhen* took over the spot vacated t i r>, injured expected from the mad Russian Of the -even starters in the K il| nc NTaltrherjrer Gardens last Monday, with the! the and trtired in the fourtL . tla I on hi' foi $2 23.0 I" K 'as. t,. I by Colonels. ’he’s it t '•( the races, ll< Kuhel I,eft on ha*e* a Standings heat. Dietrich was struck on Rut they say got ? ('lvne- second series of seven b'(r"it 7 Ch Turk winner. Now they resume Although thj tc a . land te I of 55.730 Hi ’ 5 tto-e* on ball* Off 1 splitting a douhle- stride, onlj two finished. Art Gibson Jr., Tru.'kr 3 (Imum 1 partners. forearm of his pitching whip witll and will hit h> provid- t'lv ha-- in it- |H't, second off off Dietrich 2 their fuod with header, the Columbus Red Birds Tion Struck out Bv Truck* 5 bv Gorxica 3 a hit by Rip - - hall Radchff. At* ing Gallagher permits him to \ wen and Hillard Tearhout was *¦' ..j , in Jo. Norn- Stroh I>*¦* r.n 1. pv MsK/heit’er 1 Hit* Off AMERICAN LEAC.I K maintained their position as -*• Iv *' (>nd. ( The » X-ray showed no fracture. play a» Loo mi* Nmikoff.. n Voi.o' i \. other five were ruled Truk* 2 to inninK*. off f}..r*lca 2 »n 2 league were • leafier.* The birds years old v«a* bom m Ari- (Hit because ot accident or for '•'UK , off I 'leirn h 3 in 3 Innlnc* ..if W L Pet. *GB 27 : Pro, nosed by the Indianapolis ONLY hi Mi t/>»r f*r pitcher Johnson Made out In- earned n lives n l in lnnine\ ttif h>- New 5 zona and Caiiforn: other reasons. lu \1 alt/herder . York > Winning pitch** York 13 .722 dians, 1 to ft, in she opener, hut Ma|;/b*rg*r I.eying The Tiger run was the only Commodore Fred Mono, besides pitcher Truck* Cm- Cleveland 10 6 .625 2 |r '" r ; anr| came hack to take the seven-inning game THE WINNER Winning the sjaeeiHl Ofaemng event, I \V>af*r Tim* ai DETROIT 8 7 .533 30 earned run of the first It A Firm Neutral sin-* l ,i Alt.ndance lO.OOO (*ai|. Sets nightcap, 2 to 1 Hawthorne Mark ~ rame (* in the sixth after Wakefield w second in another race. The mated t. Washington 10 9 .526 3 ! 2 Milwaukee and St Paul also Gunder llagg. tee Sw. - h result* j i Jimmy Johnson holds a new St. Loui.s 7 7 .500 4 had grounded out Pinky Higgins 'M OM) (. \ broke even, with Charley Grimm's to ropie ?o •*r r . ¦¦ VV n 'lf [course record of at singled, around to third runner who plan* 1 bv r 2 moved on )hir»l i>> mm i winning to 1, to agceM M i“- .i i. ? nfim#** M <’v Valley to in* np|K>intment outfit the first. 2 a double by Radeliff the I’nitcd States t art so • | r."• VV 1.. Art (Jii.-f.ri A R R H TO A mark Chicago 5 10 .333 6'* and later n H'llnnl Hoover, a* but going down, 11 to 3. in the * To,(|, )*¦'» 5 0 10 1 the pro. after snared Gregg r America's aci d-- i( r nd Third Won by »*t a* clubs playing lie scored Tucker Blood- Rl I. VI rr», . f 0 II 0 K 0 Boston 6 12 .333 7 spven-inning windup. * Ft*’') 111 D. A Trfl'ho.if worth's long hall tanrr runner mists he a Mfrfi sffnnd VVak*fl>l>l ii ‘>o combined nines of 32 and 35 yes- fly ("i..«r>c I.hi rtl third K’onrih 2 2 1 ’Game* behind leader. mre Higgin* V o * ger, and he wants to VV n l.v otm Taylor Hmilh 3h I 2 .1 terday on the par 35-36—-71 lay- *i vim hi 'i i i* Malt/her pitched six innings firm neutral ¦ K. H •K'ond. R»»* rs 0 0 (a*cond ( -« • ir Fifth rxi-r 2 2 Chlcuen i u DFTROIT 1-4 against three, was he that he ran xeram t'i 'hird Won York 11. l 0 out. Dietrich's given assured «) !{»nnrr. 1 1 13 p*mt It inntnj:*i. l.v ' hr Tr. lit Phiil '< h« * R|ood». rfh 2b 1 3 3 « continue at Fords >rk 13-3, Philadelphia Story Finish credit officially for the Sox win. home h 'live irrd '>n< am* r»'< Johnson will .nv\< Y 1-4. Book v VV ’ ;f TI third Sixth Won I“ar«nna ’> » 4^ r . VV • c 1 2 1 W'**lvnk.'tnn 3-* Boston 2 2 (f.rat ram* A 10,201 paid involved ;n the w ,» aP< ' < gc’* Ca VV 'An- K Christian, so. a Tmuf, p 5 and will be al Hawthorne eve- crowd of saw the '•nir» Snv 'h 'bird S»\*n»h r» <* W-n 14 14 10 ltir.!rr«> either the nings be Cl*v *!m | « s game*. here a war wth <;r4't>. K. Lord, srrond, Bill and week-ends. He will S' b> Krrr-t N. Total* f ’> i 10 33 ra!vi in *«\enth> *he Axis as Joilcv, third 10 associate pro to John Fox. 13 Innlnc* **<-nnd nm» To Dearborn Game T'nited Nations or , ( till \f.O MOMMY * f.AMCS the writer interpreter i* AB R H TO A No ram** **hedul*d. Royals of the Dearborn League Tiger Pitching. to Tuck*r. cf 4 0 0 2 1 Records dries Hagg irt-rd com- «« Nor Vppling 0 0 2 0 add today a story book finish to gate pete in any even’ th< re- Legion Loop Starts K'lht th I fl 1 fS 0 NATIONAL LFAGI’E their game vesterday with Scenic. (', W I, IP BO B» Prt " gh’ a Lincoln Fields 'f o o o of which would go to 15-o, won Ov»rm'r# 2 2 0 ,1* 4 ,i | one reipt* l< ah 2b - 1 t V 9 ,\T W L Pet. *GB Beaten. in the fifth they << "<• Trick* 4 1 'lt S ft wa r u," ¦<¦ I \•: 0 t American I \ 1 I o Brooklyn 12 6 .667 ... out m the final holf of the ninth. • ¦ in V \ O O t gflther Tb sav*- ¦ 2 I if « 2 10 Delays * ". Louis 8 6 .571 2 Goebel iron need Boys Club. Tr I 22 T TW After Two in\i ' o 0 1 Gets Good Horses St. 17-15 we|- t I 1 v whnii«i*r i n i it in i .og Runa t.ait*d in Wak*- tin* Fields Chicago 7 10 .412 kids in the fox hole*. Mere- \ i Day, recently released Belle DU were '¦t V Farg'ui* Trout, K"llnt*av for opening of Lincoln 11 grounds -0 e ; New York 6 .353 54 over, why we have to im- bt'rause of wet m rth, wak next Monday under the suj>erv ision do navy, won the >» leader. from the who Art Iloutterr.an jr. fanned 19 M« Tu’".r rar* RIM LTS Pet< rsen Classic last night at and allow*ritwo singles as Larne.i .**. • •>. .'n th App’.lng 2-3 eign country to race in Amer- Doubl* play* nounced today. Ohloam 13-4 Cincinnati • • K wa to to Kolloway Philadelphia 3-3 N#'v York 2-1. Followers of The Detroit Times Code Horse received a nice when, in tie *;.• Former world’s 'hut out LU'hwuy, 3-0 All Schil- ¦ Kuhtl. Cull*r ica. especially Palace. Kuh«l Smith to Kolloway to Kuh*l Brooklyn .VI, B »»on 4-2 iflrm fam*. payoff Saturday when Bovsv the selection defeated a crack field at it ling’s steal of home featured as L*ft n ba**a—r>*trolt 10. Chicago 7 ts) innlrj*' minds of some lea-* match game champion' he lyout* and paid $37.40, 517 40, $8 50 to those fans w ho wagered own Police stopped Briggs. 6-5. Walt Ba*et on bail* -Off Trout 3 off Smith 2 Additional Sports, S> 4-3 Ptttaburih 1-Y f»**ond at Jamaica questionable whether our - Trcij* by cam«, cailad at, *nd of ninth Sunday lawi it every day and Night totaled 1773 in the eight put out a as Struck i>* R> 2 Smith 4 on The code appears in the Red Line athletes should be permitted to McLean four hitter l’mp.r*« Pipgra* W*af*r and Rue Tirr* MONDAY’S CYMES games. Beaudry tripped oj. paid. Pages 21, 22 lantaa achadulad Edition of The Detroit Times. perform ? TcrnMedt, 5-2. i—• Attendanca—lo,2ol Mo