English Translation Part L

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English Translation Part L English translation Part l. History and Architecture lntroduction The symposium held at Vic on Hlstory and architecture in Commission's structure ând the network that its adm¡nis- Memorandum on the Vllth Short The morning's introductory lecture on H¡storical Research December 1 984 proved to be a revealing event of lhe year trativeand legal appârâtus requires ltwas considered that in the Process of Achitectural lntervention in Monuments we are now recalling. this should be done in order to adâpt the Commission 10 Course on the lntervention of the was given by Mr, Antoni González the role that it was newly assigned by the Corporation Re Architectural Heritage The symposium part of the (y//th short course on archi- ports from the heads oT the different departments during I n the afternoon session o n the same day, the 1 2th, the fol- tectural heitage)), was organised by the Barcelona Col- the past four years show that the results have been rather lowing papers were read They all referred to The Point of From the 1 2th to the 1 6th December, 1 984, the Comm¡ttee lege of Architects together w¡th the Commission, and its positive. The work that is be¡ng done is a silent one and ca- for the Defense of the Architectural Heritage of the Col- View of the H¡storians: aim was to discuss one of the basic aspects of the methodol- rried on far from the limilight lt is considered v¡tal, nev- lege of Arch¡tects (Barcelona delegation), in collaboration ogy we employ: that is, the treatment of the monument as erlheless, in that it gives new vigour lo the Comiss¡on with the Commission for the Conseruation and Classifica- a h¡stor¡cal lntroduction: by Mr Joaquim Nadal i Farreras, Mayor of document tion of Monuments of the ( Diputac¡ón of Barcelona, organ type of work that is ever finished and, as Girona; Written Documents and Historical Evaluation ¡n the This is not the with ized The (Vllth Short Course on the lntervention of the Ar Arch¡tects, historiâns and archeaologists brought their ex- the technica¡ and scient¡fic aspects, the Commission will Projects of Restoration by lvlr Joan Ainaud de Lasarte, his- chitectural Heritage) general (Museu per¡ences to the sumposium at Vic, and their contribut¡on strive to l¡kewise improve the adm¡nistrative side so that the torian, technlcal director oI d'Art de Cata- lunyaÐ lcaIalano:ia's Museum of Arl); Notes around the has allowed us to go deeper irìto the role of historical re right steps can always be taken parts, The course consisted of two completely different Restoration of Santa Maria, in Ripoll, by Santiago Alcolea search and architectural design when dealing with the pol- held, furthermore, in different towns ând on consecutive i Gil, historian, professor of History of Art of the Faculty icy of ¡ntervention Furthermore, it has stressed the need The enclosure ¡n this Report of quite an amount of the Com days. for a closer collaboratìon between the different fields mission's administrative and legal documents has a double of Geography and History, University of Barcelona: Reflec- t¡ons upon History of Art and Monumental Hestoration, by object. We want, on the one hand, to have them wilh¡n The f¡rst part consisted of a rSymposium on History and The Vic symposium coincided this was wanted- reach of thosewho might have an interest in them On the Eduard Carbonell i Esteller, professor of the Art Department, -and Arch¡tecture)), with Vic chosen as the most appropirate Fâculty of Arts (Philosophy and Letters) of the Autono with the slrengthening of the methodology adopted since other, we also want it to be a sincere acknowledgement of place to talk about the subject because of the strong links mous University of Barcelona; Methodological Considera- 1983 by the Commission By 1984 the Commission's gratitude to the Commission's officials who have so much of the h¡storians with the town The symposium took place structure revealed how close was the collaboration between contributed in the¡r elaboration, as well as to those other tions upon the Work Developed bythe Commission forthe on the 1 2th, 1 3th and 1 4th December it held and was at the Conservation and Classification of Monuments in the F¡eld draughtsmen and historians organizations and services of the Corporation that have col Assembly Hall of the School of Arts and Crafts, the of Archaeological Research, by Albert López i Mullor, ar laborated in that task former Convent of St. Domènec The first part of th¡s Report dealt with the most outstând- chaeologist, head of the Department of Research ând Do- cumentation of the Commission for Conservation and ¡ng papers reâd at the symposium They, in turn, as is cus The yearly Report must forcibly be technical and sc¡entific the Scholars in the fields of archaeology, h¡story, history of art Classification of lvlonuments; Historical and Archaeologi- tomary, brought along a debate on theory and method because its aim is lo show the k¡nd of work done under the and architecture from Catalon¡a and the rest of the Span auspices of the Commission But it would be unfair if we, cal Act¡v¡ties in Barcelona's Old Ouarter, by Josep Oriol Gra- Ìsh State met ¡n order to compare and contrast ideas, posi- nados i García, archaeologist, head of the Department of The second part, set aside to explain the Commission's ac the experts who write it, were to forget that litlìe could have tions and crileria; later, they went on to discuss and argue archaeological activilies of the City's History l\,4useum, Bar t¡vit¡es, ¡ncludes, apart from the general news, the descr¡p been done without the backing of a good and efficient professional together from their different stands, The con Ll¡mona's t¡on of work done during the year as well as complemen- administration ceiona Work done at Courtyard, in Barcelona, clusions arrived at will undoubtedly allow them to col- by Frederic Pau Verrié i Faget, historian, director of the tary scientif íc contributions laborate in the future and act accordingly regarding that Lastly, we want it to be known that the 1984 Report ap City's H¡story l\,4useum, Barcelona; Architects and Archaeo- heritage Professions, by Xavier Dupré, The year 1984 has proved rahter meaningful to the Com- pears when we are celebrating the Commission's 70th b¡rth- logists, two Complementary Tarragona's territor¡âl ârchaeologist (Archaeology Commis- mìssion in as much as the rules regulating the conservâtion day lt began on 1Oth January, 1915, when architect Jero- The opening session of the course held in the morning s¡on, General¡tat de Catalunya) Catâlonia's autonomous of monuments, a task under lhe (D¡putac¡ó), were ap- ni lvlartorell i Terrats took office as director. Plans for the of the 1 2th took place under the presidency of the fol- - inst¡tution, proved. celebration of that event in 1985 are under way lowing: The Right Reverend Josep lM Guix i Ferreres, Bis- hop of Vic; lMr Jordi Ouerol i Piera, Chaìrman of the Com- Our Comission is therefore defined as the Corporation's ad- mittee of the Barcelona delegation of the College of When the papers had been read, all the members went to ministrative organization, with the specific mission of exe- Architects of Catalonia; l\rlr. Alf red Pastor i lVìongrell, Sec Vic's Town Hall where they were greeted by the Mayor, Mr cuting its affairs, procuring techn¡cal assistance and inform retary of lhe Comm¡ttee for the Defence of the Architectu- Bamon l\,4ontañà i Salvans, who gave a reception Subse- on the proposals that are adopted. Thus, although the Com- ral Heritage: Mr Antoni Gonzitlez i Moreno-Navarro, DÌ- quently, the presentation tokk place ofThe'1983 Reportby mission's main task is foremost technical and scienlif ic, ¡ts rector of the course, and Mr Raimon Casas i Pérez, ftrlem- the Commission for the Conservation and Classification of own peculiarities make the administrative side a complex ber of the Executive Committee of the College of Architects Monuments. o ne, Once Mr Ouerol and lvlr, Pastor had welcomed and Since 1981, the yea|that the Corporation decided that the Antoni González Moreno-Navarro addressed the members taking part in the course, and The day ended wÌth a concert of Catalan choral music in Commission must once again become active, the follow¡ng Head of the Commíssion for the Conservat¡on explained in general terms its ma¡n characteristics, consist the Hosprtal's Church, given by Yic's aCoral Canigó),led steps have been taken: to renew and bring up to date the and ClassiTication of lvlonuments ing of lectures and papers, work began. by Enriqueta Anglada and Benet Camps 210 The morning's session, on the 13th, consisted of visits to litical Endeavour, by Antoni Dalmau, and The Role of Public of Catalonia; Mr Antoni González, Mr. Alfred Pastor and ln an article which appeared recently in (La Vanguardia)) different buildings which had been recently intervened; The Administration. The Legal Mechanisms, by Romà Miró i lVr Antoni Nêvarro i Cossío. written by a historiân, it stated that the gap which we refer old Convent of St Domènec, in Vic, bu¡lt in the xvilth cen l\,4 iró, senior of f ici al, < D i putació l of Barcelona Later, those to above could be bridged if architects knew a bit of tury and, since 1976, restored and adapted as the School taking part in the course were received in the Town Hall Finally, all those who had taken part in the course travelled history; we m¡ght infer thal he meant also that historians of Artsand Crafls Architect Nadal, who greetedthe mem- and greeted by the lVlayor and members of the lvlunicipal by bus to the town were they visited the maritime front (the should know a b¡t about architecture However, with this bers of the course who visited the building, explained the Government Then the fgtB Report of the Commission for lberian and Roman bed of Darró, the tower of Ribes Ro- we do not agree, We bel¡eve that an architect, whether he criteria which had been followed for its restoration Later, the Conservation and Classification of Monuments was ges, and the new Sea Park) Thus, the course ended knows anything about history or not, must be, above all, visits followed to the churches of St.
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