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Daily Iowan: Archive • . The Weather Today - its' - About the Peacetime Draft I • I ' I\lany U1 students· and otber mm a.e 11-25 ;Jean Partly cloudy today and tomorrow with lit­ _n will be rl!llislertnc tor peacetime selectJye lervlce. tle change in temperature. High today, 95, Veterans especIally wi.' Und m re impOrtant Informa­ lion eoncernln. tbe draft and re,.-ulraUon procedlll'e on low 70. Yesterday's high was 95 and the PAGE 4. owal1 ttl low was 63. The pollen count was 619. Est. 18GB-Vol. 80, No. 282-UP, AP News and Wirephoto Iowa City. Iowa. Thuraday., AUgu&1 26. 194B-Five Cenll Demos Plan The General's Wife Was Surprised I Cabinet Help Hiss Fcc"es Chambers; In Campaign By JOHN L. CUTTER WASHINGTON (UP)-The De­ mocratic high command plans to ult all cabinet members except Accusals, Deniqls Fly SeCretary of state George C. Mar­ sh.lI as stump speakers in the tlectJon campaign, it was revealed yesterday. _ German Communist Thomas Says Perjury Trial Yugoslavia Accuses SeD. Carl A. Hatch of New Malee, chaIrman or the party's Romania of Trying spe.ke,. burea.u, saId Marsball Calls for Withdra~al To Be Held for One of Men aDd Undersecretary Robert A. Lovett would keep out 01 tlte Of West from Berhn To Overthrow Tito WAI-' JlL 'OTON (JP)- IRer H~ and Whillak r hawbers eaJllpa...-n because of the bl­ took turus ~·(': t('rday at ·tinging chargt'S and d niall Tr\'oh'ing ,uUsaa foreIgn pollCl. BERLIN (JPJ-Germany's top LONDON (JPI'-The Yugoslav O:-mmuni t yeslerday cAlled on 111'0111\(1 II tall' of II pre-war Rrd undrN!'rollnd in ~ ashing1on. government. yesterday accused "They will not make any the western allies to leave Berlin. Arl'ul,p(1 :IlId accust'r, they brought tht'ir ullt'rly conflicting neighboring Romania of grossl,. lpeeches unless the bi-partisan Rtnril'" into thl' tlPl'n lit h arin/!'S b forI' the hOll un-Am rican insulting the Tito regime Ilnd foreign policy is attacked or some He charged the United States with postwar ruination of Ger­ activiti committee. The hearing lasted over eight hours. It trying to brin, about a revolt to situation arises, requires them to overthrow Tito. many just as the "senseless air \~JlI ('OlltlnlH' louay. explain the poliCies they have car­ attacks" wrecked her during the Premier Marabal TlCo's lor­ ried on," Hatch said. Cllllluht'1'S hB: 8ccu~ed Hi. elp mlnlmr, tonoJe SlmIc, war. of being II lead r in a Communist made the ch.araes In .. boUy No Politics In a Berlin speech lo 3,000 rep­ undergr:;und back In the middle "In that event any speeches they worded nole huuled th Iloman­ resentaUvCll of the Sovi I-spon­ 30' . He repeated the accusatklins Ian a:mbusador in Bei&rade. make will be explanalory of the sored SOCialist Unity party, Wil­ last ni,ht, ngsin under oath. bi~partlsian foreign policy rather helm Pieck, the party I ader, ac­ Yugo lavla accused Mrs. Ana H!., li!tened In a few feet away, Pauker, Romanian foreign minIs­ than defenses. and they would not cused America of wanting to &ad ~ while hot hltbt of television and ter and a leading spirit in the be politlcal speeches under any die Germany wilh years of. mili­ movie cameras bore down on him circumstances." Cominform, of leading in a cam­ _ l tary occupation. in the jammed raucus room of Other cabinet members won't t. paign of v!lliticatlon against Tlto He also charged the U.S. want d the old house oUlce build in,. be under any such restraints. They I P Wlr.phll.' and his aides. ALTHOUGH HER HUSBAND SALUTED, Mrs. Robert Elchelber{er forcot military formallly In an to convert the Ruhr Inlo a new anlt)' Questioned Contents of the note were will speak politically on behal! of Franc.lsco yesterday when tbe U.S. reneral and hI wife returned from the orient. Mrs. Elchelbercer munitions sPI:ingboard for attack the Truman-Barkley ticket and Earll r H was Chambers' turn broadcast from Belgrade last had good reason to look surprl ed_he had Just recognized a friend wailing- on the pIer below, !Ichelr against. RUSllia. to list n. He stared slolldly up night. It was the latest flareup for the election of a Democatic berger was warUme commander or the 8th army In tbe far eut. Ofllcer at leU 13 Maj. Gen. James Lester, congress, Hatch said. Pieck's speech was report d by toward the lofty ceiling as Hi In the· tlllht between Tlto and the 8tb army chief of staft. lhe Soviet-licensed German news Cominform. This fight came to a Hatch said his bureau also wltl questioned his "sanlly" Dnd ac­ agency, ADN. cused him of being a "5IIIf-con- climax in July with the Comin­ tall upon members of congress, 1 d liar, spy and traitor." form's decision that Tilo and Democratic governors and other The Russians earlier had exten­ And when Chambers took over other Yugoslav leaders were not sUIte officials to speak. Among dod their blockade c f Berlin to the Intellectual level, banning the the wltnes stand, Rep. Ni following Moscow cl6 ely enough. them probably will be some anti­ weslern pre s in the cily's Soviet (It-Call!.) told him ri ht out: Early this month a former chief Truman Dixiecrats -m congress to '/. Jumped To Escape' sector. "You have h,-"ard the charge of staff of the Yugo lav army was. make speeches in border states here thaI you have been treated shot to death. Belgrade announc­ where the Democrats will stage a At the snme time they launched a sharp attack against the elected lor mental illness." ed, while he was lrying to flee determined drive to regain control her in "many picayune ways." IAr Wlre"bolol into ROllUlnia .. ot the senate. antl-'Communist clt.y government. hambe : " I have nevrr been WlUTrAKER CHAMBER Teather Tells She wanted to talk to the Rus­ They accused it at splitting the trrated tor m ntat line ." LI lenJn&' to lila Yeslerday Tile protested to "A Real Story" sians "as human ibcings, but they New Fighting pollee force and "backinlt" wes­ Nixon: "Have you ever been RomanIa lIainst any onUnu­ "We've got a real story to teU were not, and perfunctorily they ance or " till monstroUII antl­ and, as chairman of the speakers' tern-sponsored currency indirect treated in any mental instllution Hiss had wound up with a arrested me." oppo ilion to Ru ian order . YUClMllav cam pailn! , The TUo bureau, I'm goin~ to see that it» in the la. t four years?" formal statement defending him­ Story of Leap In Russia, the Soviets "look" nole aid "!RIch hostile out­ told," Hatch said. Blockade of w tern publica- hamben: "Of eoune no~." self as a man at "the highest ra,res" thre tened the two her husband and she still does not In Jerusalem "rn large part it deals with the By MARTIN ROGART tions In the Soviet sector of Berlin At one pr·mt, Chambers asked character" and of "highest ad­ nelchbors' diplomatic rela.Uons rce know his fate. Her son, a uni­ failures of the 80th congress. In NE-' YORK (IP) - Mrs. Ok­ JERUSALEM (UP) - Pight­ wlll become e!tecllvc Sepl. 1 un- to be excused from aYlng pub­ herenc~ to duty and honor." and weakened the Communist versity student, was placed in a every respect the 80th congress sana Kasenkina said yesterday ing broke out Tuesday night af­ der, an IOI'd r Is ued by Maj. Gen. liely where he lives now. since At the very openln, of the front.. she jumped from a third floor Alexander l(otakov, Ru .. ian com- the commit! e knows his address hearing Chairman J. Parnell failed to meet the occasion which ter two day of relative peace in the times demanded. Its efforts to window 01 the Soviet consulate For the story of the repercus­ mandant. It will work throullh a and: Thomas (R-N.J.) announced that. Jerusalem, and the Jews charged deal with the high cost of living "to escape." sions ot the Kasenkilla case, distribution monopoly allowing I "1 do not want to expo e my "certainly" one or the other lIf Harvester To Talk were ineLtectuat and futile. Its ap­ In her first direct Interview _____________see PAGE 4. It.yesterday that the Arabs started only Communist- pon sor~dorI(Rn- ramily or mys<:~·C to poible at- the men "will be tried tor per· proach to the housing problem with newsmen since her dramatic 1m ons lo <!"bUiin de I ra licen.el. tempts n my !if " jUry." was even worse. It was negative." plunge Aug. 12, the 52-year-old slorm troopers division without An Israeli high command bul­ Refuse AddrtllJl stories onmet With Local Unions former chemislry teacher for In other Democratic quarters tqlining and was killed in Lenln- letin said !.hat Egyptian troops A ked if he objected to letting YI con[hcllng statements ran there were indications that Sen. oviet chil£iren in this country Here's an In-Law HI,' know wh r he lives now, through all their testimony, ~Iv"n CHICAGO (UP) - Internat­ said: grad in 1942. were repelled in an attempt to Ional Harvester company said yes­ Alben W. Barkley of Kentucky, The interview lasted ~1 min­ he t'hunky, graymg witness re­ under an oath to speak on17 the the vice-presidential nominee, will "1 knew that since they did not advance from new posllions near Tangle To Figure pli('d: truth.
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