PS62CH14-Heatherton ARI 22 November 2010 9:19

Neuroscience of and Self-Regulation

Todd F. Heatherton

Department of Psychological and Sciences, Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire 03766; email: [email protected]

Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2011. 62:363–90 Key Words The Annual Review of Psychology is online at self-awareness, theory of , need to belong, social , neuroimaging, addiction This article’s doi: 10.1146/annurev.psych.121208.131616 Abstract Copyright c 2011 by Annual Reviews. As a social species, have a fundamental need to belong that en- All rights reserved courages behaviors consistent with being a good group member. Being 0066-4308/11/0110-0363$20.00 a good group member requires the capacity for self-regulation, which

Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2011.62:363-390. Downloaded from allows people to alter or inhibit behaviors that would place them at risk for group exclusion. Self-regulation requires four psychological com- Access provided by University of Michigan - Ann Arbor on 01/13/18. For personal use only. ponents. First, people need to be aware of their behavior so as to gauge it against societal norms. Second, people need to understand how others are reacting to their behavior so as to predict how others will respond to them. This necessitates a third mechanism, which detects threat, es- pecially in complex social situations. Finally, there needs to be a mech- anism for resolving discrepancies between self-knowledge and social expectations or norms, thereby motivating behavior to resolve any con- flict that exists. This article reviews recent social neuroscience research on the psychological components that support the capacity for self-regulation.

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ments were most likely to reproduce and pass Contents along their genes. As such, humans have evolved a fundamental need to belong that encourages INTRODUCTION...... 364 behaviors consistent with being a good group The Need for Inhibition ...... 364 member (Baumeister & Leary 1995). Belonging COMPONENTS OF THE to a good group had considerable value, includ- SOCIALBRAIN...... 365 ing access to shared resources, security from Self-Awareness...... 365 various threats, and even assistance with daily Mentalizing...... 366 chores. Hence, the human brain has adapted ThreatDetection...... 366 within a complex social environment and is Self-Regulation ...... 366 likely to have evolved dedicated neural mech- A Social Neuroscience Approach. . . . 366 anisms that are acutely sensitive to social con- SELF-AWARENESS AND text, especially for any signs that group mem- SELF-KNOWLEDGE...... 367 bership is imperiled (Heatherton & Wheatley IsSelfSpecial?...... 367 2010, Mitchell & Heatherton 2009). Social and Cultural Context ...... 368 Age-RelatedChanges...... 369 The Affective Self The Need for Inhibition and Psychopathology...... 369 Being a good group member is not always easy, IsMPFCtheSelf?...... 370 however. There is an inherent conflict between THEORYOFMIND...... 370 what is enjoyable for the individual and what is UsingSelfasaTemplate...... 371 best for the group. From an individual perspec- Mentalizing the Outgroup...... 371 tive, basic motivational reward processes en- DETECTIONOFTHREAT...... 372 courage behaviors that bring pleasure. Left to Adaptive Social Emotions ...... 372 our own devices and without fear of social eval- Social Rejection and uation, we might indulge our appetites without InterpersonalDistress...... 372 restraint: eat as much fattening tasty food as our StereotypeThreat...... 373 stomachs can hold, ingest chemical substances SELF-REGULATION...... 373 that activate dopamine receptors, and generally Cognitive Neuroscience follow the hedonistic rule of doing whatever of Self-Regulation ...... 373 feels good. But eating more than a fair share Emotion Regulation ...... 374 of food or otherwise monopolizing group re- Regulation of ...... 375 sources comes with a cost to other group mem- Regulation of Behaviors ...... 377 bers and thus can threaten our status in the Self-Regulation as a Limited group. Inhibitions are therefore important for Resource...... 379 Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2011.62:363-390. Downloaded from harmonious social relations, and evolution has CONCLUSION...... 379 undoubtedly favored those who could control Access provided by University of Michigan - Ann Arbor on 01/13/18. For personal use only. undesirable impulses. Inhibition is a core feature of self-regulation, which refers to the process by which people INTRODUCTION initiate, adjust, interrupt, stop, or otherwise Self-regulation: Many of the adaptive challenges facing our ear- change , feelings, or actions in order the process by which people change liest ancestors were social in nature, such as dif- to effect realization of personal goals or plans thoughts, feelings, or ferentiating friends from foes, identifying and or to maintain current standards (Baumeister actions in order to evaluating potential mates, understanding the et al. 1994a, Baumeister & Heatherton 1996, satisfy personal and nature and structure of group relations, and so Carver & Scheier 1998). At the broadest level, society goals and on. Those ancestors who were able to solve sur- self-regulation refers to intentional or pur- standards vival problems and adapt to their social environ- poseful acts that are directed from within the

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person (Bandura 1989). From this perspective, research addressing this aspect of self- learning, physiology, and culture predispose regulation (for exceptions, see Cunningham certain behaviors, thoughts, or emotions in et al. 2005, Eddington et al. 2007). Accordingly, specific circumstances, but self-regulation much of the focus of this article is on regulation allows people to change or overcome them. and control of ongoing psychological activity. Although all humans have an impressive capacity for self-regulation, failures are com- mon, and people lose control of their behavior COMPONENTS OF THE in a wide variety of circumstances (Baumeister SOCIAL BRAIN & Heatherton 1996, Baumeister et al. 1994a). Controlling oneself to be a good group member Such failures are an important cause of several involves an awareness of how one is thinking, contemporary societal problems—obesity, sex- feeling, or behaving and the ability to alter any ual predation, addiction, and sexual infidelity, of these to satisfy the standards or expectations to name but a few. That even revered figures, of the group. This implies the need for at least including Catholic priests, celebrity/sports role four psychological components, the failure models, and respected political leaders, have of any of which can lead to poor outcomes been publicly castigated for their spectacular and censure from the group (Heatherton failures of self-control is testament to the 2010, Krendl & Heatherton 2009, Mitchell difficulties inherent in trying to control the & Heatherton 2009, Wagner & Heatherton self. This article discusses the neural bases of 2010b). fundamental components of the social brain, focusing on how having a “self ” serves the basic social skills necessary for maintaining Self-Awareness effective relations with group members. First, people need self-awareness to reflect on There are, of course, other important their behaviors, including their emotional dis- features of self-regulation, such as initiating plays, so as to judge them against group norms. self-regulatory efforts in order to achieve per- An empirical understanding of the self has sonal goals (Shah 2005). For example, Higgins a long history in psychology (see Baumeister (1997) distinguished self-regulatory efforts 1998), dating back to William James’ impor- aimed at achieving desirable outcomes from tant distinction between the self as the knower those aimed at avoiding undesirable outcomes. (“I”) and the self as the object that is known Promotion goals are those in which people ap- (“me”). In the of the knower, the self proach ideal goals with aspiration and a sense of is the subject doing the thinking, feeling, and accomplishment, focusing on potential gains. acting. In the sense of the objectified self, the By contrast, prevention goals are those in which self consists of the knowledge that people hold

Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2011.62:363-390. Downloaded from people try to avoid losses by playing it safe or about themselves, as when they contemplate doing what they ought to do. This framework their best and worst qualities. The Access provided by University of Michigan - Ann Arbor on 01/13/18. For personal use only. has proven useful for understanding a great deal of self as the object of attention is the psy- of social behavior, from how people behave in chological state known as self-awareness, which intergroup contexts (Shah et al. 2004) to how encourages people to reflect on their actions they respond to awkward interracial interac- and understand the extent to which those ac- tions (Trawalter & Richeson 2006). Although tions match both personal values and beliefs understanding how people initiate behavior to as well as group standards (Carver & Scheier attain personal goals is clearly important for 1981, Duval & Wicklund 1972). Whether cer- many aspects of human behavior, particularly tain aspects of the self, such as self-serving bi- health behavior (Bandura 1991, Carver & ases and motivations, truly are adaptive is open Scheier 1998, Rothman et al. 2004), there to some debate (Leary 2004), although there is not yet a substantial body of neuroscience is considerable evidence that a symbolically • Neuroscience of Self and Self-Regulation 365 PS62CH14-Heatherton ARI 22 November 2010 9:19

representational self provided considerable ad- evaluating them negatively (i.e., threat has been vantages to humans over the course of evolu- detected), they need the ability to rectify the sit- tion, such as facilitating communication and uation to re-establish good relations with other cooperation with group members (Sedikides & group members. Doing so requires the exec- Skowronski 1997). utive aspects of the self (the “I” as knower) that allow people to change according to so- cial context, including altering their thoughts, Mentalizing actions, and emotions. Thus, people need to Understanding that violating social norms is inhibit their impulses, stifle their desires, re- problematic requires people to appreciate that sist temptations, undertake difficult or unpleas- they are the objects of social evaluation, which ant activities, banish unwanted and intrusive in turn necessitates knowing that others are ca- thoughts, and control their emotional displays, pable of making such evaluations. That is, peo- all of which are difficult to do but are neces- ple need the ability to infer the mental states of sary for staying in the good graces of others others to predict their actions, a skill referred (Heatherton & Vohs 1998). Of course, peo- to as mentalizing or having “theory of mind” ple also need to regulate behavior proactively, (Amodio & Frith 2006, Gallagher & Frith 2003, such as avoiding appearing prejudiced or mak- Mitchell 2006). Mentalizing allows people to ing a good impression. As mentioned, people be aware that other people have thoughts and also self-regulate in order to promote positive also attempt to understand the content of those goals (Higgins 1997). Thus, people initiate di- thoughts. Ultimately, this allows people to em- ets in order to lose weight, and they save money pathize with observers to be able to predict their to allow themselves to live more prosperously in judgments or behaviors. the future. Self-regulation involves both the ini- tiation and maintenance of behavioral change in addition to inhibiting undesired behaviors or Threat Detection responding to situational demands. The ability to mentalize is crucial for the third mechanism, threat detection, which monitors the environment for any cues or other evi- A Social Neuroscience Approach dence of possible group exclusion. If humans From a neuroscience perspective, it is likely have a fundamental need to belong, then there that the brain has evolved distinct mechanisms needs to be a mechanism for detecting inclu- for knowing ourselves, knowing how others sionary status (Leary et al. 1995, Macdonald & respond to us, detecting threats from within Leary 2005). Indeed, feeling socially anxious the social group, and regulating actions in or- or worrying about potential rejection should der to avoid being excluded from those groups

Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2011.62:363-390. Downloaded from lead to heightened social sensitivity, and re- (Krendl & Heatherton 2009). Within social search has demonstrated that people who worry psychology, efforts to understand bodily in- Access provided by University of Michigan - Ann Arbor on 01/13/18. For personal use only. most about social evaluation (i.e., the shy and volvement in social phenomena also have a long lonely) show enhanced for social infor- history, from the use of skin-conductance mea- mation, are more empathetically accurate, and sures to indicate whether experimental condi- show heightened abilities to decode social in- tions produce arousal (e.g., Lanzetta & Kleck formation (Gardner et al. 2000, 2005; Pickett 1970), to the assessment of activity in facial et al. 2004). muscles to identify emotional expression (e.g., Cacioppo & Petty 1981), to patient studies that examine the effects of brain injury on social Self-Regulation behavior and personality (Klein & Kihlstrom Once people are aware that their actions have 1998). More recently, there has been enthu- violated group standards and that others are siasm for using brain-imaging techniques that

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allow researchers to watch the working mind self is somehow “special” as a cognitive struc- in action (Adolphs 2009, Lieberman 2009, ture or whether about the self is Macrae et al. 2004a, Ochsner 2007, Ochsner processed in the same way as everything else is Social neuroscience: & Lieberman 2001). The advent of imaging processed, an issue that engendered consider- an emerging scientific has led to an explosion of research on social able debate among social and cognitive psychol- field concerned with neuroscience, and several recent literature re- ogists in the late 1970s into the 1980s (Bower identifying the brain views have appeared (Amodio & Frith 2006, & Gilligan 1979, Greenwald & Banaji 1989, mechanisms Cacioppo et al. 2007, Heatherton & Wheatley Klein & Kihlstrom 1986, Maki & McCaul 1985, underlying social behavior 2010, Lieberman 2009, Mitchell & Heatherton Rogers et al. 1977). As discussed by Higgins 2009, Ochsner 2007) as well as methodologi- & Bargh (1987), the gist of the debate was PET: positron emission tomography cal critiques raising concerns about the value whether the superior memory performance that of imaging for elucidating psychological pro- resulted from encoding information with ref- fMRI: functional magnetic resonance cesses (Adolphs 2010, Cacioppo et al. 2003, erence to self was due to a unique cognitive imaging Vul et al. 2009). The remainder of this article structure (i.e., self ) or whether it obtained from MPFC: medial examines the contributions of a neuroscience standard psychological mechanisms that would approach to understanding the components of apply to any memory context. Macrae et al. the social brain, focusing mainly on studies of (2004a) noted that a frustrating feature of this self-awareness/knowledge and self-regulation debate was that all theories made the same be- (Figure 1). havioral prediction (e.g., superior memory for material encoded with reference to self), and SELF-AWARENESS AND therefore the scientific question was difficult to SELF-KNOWLEDGE resolve (see also Gillihan & Farah 2005). One line of support for the idea that memory for Humans possess an impressive degree of self- self is somehow special can be found in studies awareness. Not only are we able to identify our- of patients with conditions such as Alzheimer’s as distinct from others, but we are able to disease and severe amnesia. Although these pa- think critically about what makes us unique and tients’ conditions profoundly affect their ability develop a sense of self that includes our back- to recall various important details of their lives, ground and superficially distinguishing charac- they can often accurately report whether partic- teristics such as name, hometown, and occupa- ular trait adjectives describe them (Klein 2004), tion as well as an even deeper sense of “who suggesting that one’s sense of self is not easily we are,” including personality traits, our core extinguished. beliefs and attitudes, what we like and don’t With the advent of neuroimaging, scientists like about ourselves, and therefore what we had new methods to address longstanding might like to change. The remarkable extent of questions, such as whether the self was some- our self-awareness can be a mixed blessing; too Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2011.62:363-390. Downloaded from how special as a memory structure. Beginning much self-directed thinking can be maladaptive with studies using positron emission tomogra- Access provided by University of Michigan - Ann Arbor on 01/13/18. For personal use only. (Leary 2004) and is associated with depressive phy (PET) (Craik et al. 1999) and functional disorders (Ingram 1990) and the tendency to ru- magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) (Kelley minate over negative events (Donaldson et al. et al. 2002), numerous subsequent studies have 2007, Joormann 2006, Siegle et al. 2002). With- examined brain regions that are involved in out such capacities for self-recognition and self- processing information about self compared knowledge, however, the social world as we to those associated with processing semantic know it could not exist. information more generally or processing information about other people, with the Is Self Special? vast majority finding heightened activity in The centrality of the self-concept to social func- medial prefrontal cortex (MPFC), posterior tioning gives rise to the question of whether the cingulate cortex, and (for reviews, • Neuroscience of Self and Self-Regulation 367 PS62CH14-Heatherton ARI 22 November 2010 9:19

see Heatherton et al. 2007, Moran et al. 2010, basic sense of self-awareness, have been shown Northoff et al. 2006). An important study by to decrease MPFC activity (Farb et al. 2007). Macrae and colleagues (2004b) demonstrated Studies of patients with brain injury provide that activity in MPFC predicted subsequent additional evidence for the importance of memory for information processed with prefrontal areas such as the MPFC to self- reference to self, thereby establishing the awareness and self-knowledge. Patients with role of MPFC in self-referential memory frontal lobe lesions show significant impair- enhancement. ment in their ability to engage in self-reflection Studies using other tasks to examine differ- and (Beer et al. 2003, Stuss & ent aspects of self have revealed similar patterns Benson 1986, Wheeler et al. 1997). Patients of brain activity. Heightened MPFC activity with MPFC lesions specifically have shown has also been observed when subjects engage in deficiencies in their ability to recall personal free-form refection on their selves as compared preferences, with their answers to questions to when they engage in free-form reflection of soliciting their attitudes on various stimuli another individual (D’Argembeau et al. 2005, varying widely between sessions (Fellows & Farb et al. 2007, Johnson et al. 2006, Kjaer et al. Farah 2007). 2002) and when they are instructed to attend to their personal preferences relative to non- reflective control tasks (Goldberg et al. 2006, Social and Cultural Context Gusnard et al. 2001, Johnson et al. 2005, The ubiquity of the MPFC findings for any task Ochsner et al. 2004). Cabeza et al. (2004) found that involves the self has provided researchers heightened MPFC activation for episodic with opportunities to test various psycholog- memory retrieval of autobiographical events. ical theories related to the self. For instance, In their study, participants were presented with some theories suggest an intimate other may photographs that either they had taken around become incorporated into one’s self-concept campus or that someone else had taken. The (Aron & Aron 1996). If this theory is correct, participants showed heightened MPFC activ- one might expect to see that same MPFC activa- ity for photographs they themselves had taken. tion when individuals reflect on these intimate Even the passive viewing of self-relevant words others as when they reflect on their self. Unfor- (such as one’s name or street address) during tunately, attempts to test this hypothesis using an unrelated task results in heightened MPFC neuroimaging have yielded mixed results: Some activity (Moran et al. 2009). Other findings in- studies have reported MPFC activation for in- dicate that MPFC activity may be part of the timate others as well as the self (Ochsner et al. default neural network engaged during free- 2005, Schmitz et al. 2004, Seger et al. 2004), form thinking in the absence of an explicit task and others have found such activity for the self

Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2011.62:363-390. Downloaded from (D’Argembeau et al. 2005, Gusnard et al. 2001, only (Heatherton et al. 2006). It is possible that Wicker et al. 2003), suggesting that the mind methodological issues lie at the heart of these Access provided by University of Michigan - Ann Arbor on 01/13/18. For personal use only. spontaneously turns to the self when allowed to disparate findings, as the studies used different wander (Mason et al. 2007). Indeed, a height- targets and imaging designs, but for now, more ened level of MPFC activity has been linked research is needed to resolve this issue. to trait self-consciousness, which is the degree A new twist on this idea is reflected in the to which people are generally aware of their cultural psychology notion that whereas indi- behavior (Eisenberger et al. 2005). Finally, vidualist, Western cultures construe the self as a mindfulness meditation practices, aimed at dis- unique identity considerably independent from ciplining one’s stream-of-consciousness type of others, collectivist, Eastern cultures construe musings by effectively reducing explicit self- a self that is fluid, contextual, and defined in a related thoughts in exchange for an overall large part by its relations to others (Markus &

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Kitayama 1991). To investigate whether such perceived opinions help inform the adolescent’s a difference in self-construal is also observed self-concept (Harter 1999, Harter et al. 1998), on the neural level, Zhu and colleagues (2007) Pfeifer and colleagues (2009) found that, rela- asked Chinese and Western participants ques- tive to mature adults, adolescents engage brain tions about themselves and their mothers while areas related to social (see Theory of using fMRI. Whereas Chinese participants Mind section below for a description of these showed heightened levels of MPFC activation regions) during self-reflection in addition to while reflecting on both themselves and their MPFC and posterior cingulate cortex. Replicat- mothers, Western subjects showed heightened ing their prior finding (Pfeifer et al. 2007), brain activity only when thinking about themselves. activity was once again greater in self-relevant Likewise, Zhang et al. (2006) showed across regions for adolescents than for adults. By con- two experiments that when Chinese partici- trast, although aging in later adulthood is as- pants reflect on themselves relative to another, sociated with a number of changes in memory MPFC is more engaged for self when the processes, it appears that the self-referent en- other is not close, but it is equally engaged hancement of memory remains intact and that for self and mother. In another study, Chiao there is a similar pattern of MPFC activity as- and colleagues (2009b) found that activity in sociated with this effect for younger and older MPFC in response to self-relevance judgments adults (Glisky & Marquine 2009, Gutchess et al. of traits in both general and specific contexts 2007, Mueller et al. 1986). predicted the extent to which subjects endorsed individualist or collectivist values, respectively. Similarly, bicultural participants, whose The Affective Self backgrounds reflected both collectivist and and Psychopathology individualist values, showed heightened MPFC Another important psychological process rel- activation toward general trait judgments evant to self is emotion. One critical as- relative to contextual judgments when primed pect of the sense of self is that it produces with individualist values, and participants affect—evaluations of the self inevitably lead to showed the opposite pattern when primed with emotional reactions that influence subsequent collectivist values (Chiao et al. 2009a). These thoughts and actions. But, focusing too much studies provide converging evidence to suggest on the self can be associated with psychopathol- that culture can have an impact on how the self ogy, as with the tendencies of depressed is construed on a neural level. patients to ruminate about negative self- relevant information and make negative attri- butions to themselves (Grunebaum et al. 2005, Age-Related Changes Ingram 1990, Northoff 2007, Rimes & Watkins

Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2011.62:363-390. Downloaded from Because of age-related structural changes in 2005). Recent imaging studies have identified MPFC, one might expect that self-referential abnormalities in many cortical and subcorti- Access provided by University of Michigan - Ann Arbor on 01/13/18. For personal use only. processing would also change with age. Ado- cal midline structures associated with depres- lescence has long been known to be associated sion (Grimm et al. 2009, Lemogne et al. 2009). with heightened self-focus (Enright et al. 1980). For example, Johnson and colleagues (2009) Therefore, it is not surprising that Pfeifer et al. observed that depressed individuals showed (2007) found greater MPFC activity for chil- sustained activity in areas involved in self- dren than for adults when contrasting rat- reflection during nonreflective distraction tasks ings for self with ratings for a well-known as opposed to controls, suggesting a relative dif- fictional character (i.e., Harry Potter). Like- ficulty in disengaging from self-reflective pro- wise, in line with the theory that adolescence cesses. Moran and colleagues (2006) found that is marked by a heightened preoccupation with whereas MPFC was responsive to the personal others’ opinions about oneself and that these relevance of information (i.e., whether the trait • Neuroscience of Self and Self-Regulation 369 PS62CH14-Heatherton ARI 22 November 2010 9:19

is self-descriptive or not), an adjacent region, conceivable that abnormal activity in MPFC the ventral anterior cingulate cortex (vACC, contributes to such symptoms, though more re- sometimes referred to as subgenual anterior search is necessary to better understand the link vACC: ventral anterior cingulate cingulate), was responsive to the emotional va- between brain activity, self-referential process- cortex lence of this material but only for traits that ing deficits, and psychopathology (Nelson et al. were judged to be self-descriptive. This sug- 2009, van der Meer et al. 2010). gests that these adjacent prefrontal regions sub- serve cognitive and emotional aspects of self- reflection, respectively. Specifically, activity in Is MPFC the Self ? vACC is attenuated when unfavorable informa- Although research has consistently demon- tion is considered self-descriptive. This find- strated increased MPFC for conditions that in- ing dovetails nicely with research showing that volve some aspect of self, this is not to suggest vACC is implicated in emotional disorders such that the MPFC reflects the physical location as depression and posttraumatic stress disorder of the “self ” or that other areas are not vital (Drevets et al. 1997). For instance, researchers for the phenomenological associ- have observed differential activation of vACC ated with the self. Rather, the experience of the to emotional facial expressions between de- self involves various sensory, affective, and mo- pressed and control participants (Gotlib et al. tor processes contributed by disparate brain re- 2005). Research on vACC has promising trans- gions outside the cortical midline area (Turk lational value. In a particularly striking study, et al. 2003). Indeed, some have argued that the Mayberg and colleagues (2005) demonstrated most important psychological processes that that deep brain stimulation in vACC was ef- produce activation of MPFC involve inferential fective in alleviating depression in treatment- processing, whether about the self or anything resistant patients. else (Legrand & Ruby 2009). More recently, There have also been recent attempts to ex- Jason Mitchell (2009) proposed that any type amine the neural basis of self-referential pro- of social cognition that involves internally gen- cessing among those with other mental health erated “fuzzy” representations that are inexact disorders. Studies performed on patients with and subject to revision, such as judging attitudes or other psychoses indicate dys- about self or others, or even objects in general, functional MPFC activity among such pop- activates MPFC. At the same time, the pre- ulations (Paradiso et al. 2003, Taylor et al. ponderance of evidence indicates that the con- 2007, Williams et al. 2004), such as hypoac- ditions most robustly producing MPFC activ- tivity in MPFC during explicit self-referential ity typically feature extensive self-involvement tasks (Blackwood et al. 2004). Disturbances to (Moran et al. 2010). Given the importance of one’s sense of self observed as a result of such MPFC to social brain functioning, there are

Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2011.62:363-390. Downloaded from disorders are manifested in a number of ways, likely to be many more theories of its function- including an impairment in self-insight that re- ing as well as studies to test them. Access provided by University of Michigan - Ann Arbor on 01/13/18. For personal use only. sults in an unawareness of one’s illness (Amador & David 2004, Cooney & Gazzaniga 2003) and the inability to distinguish self-generated THEORY OF MIND stimuli from externally generated stimuli that One of the most important attributes of the is theorized to be responsible for reports of social brain is the ability to infer the mental sensory disturbances and auditory hallucina- states of others in order to predict their actions tions (Ditman & Kuperberg 2005, Seal et al. (Amodio & Frith 2006, Gallagher & Frith 2003, 2004). Because MPFC is implicated both in Mitchell 2006). In addition to recognizing our self-reflection and the task of differentiating en- own mental states, living harmoniously in so- dogenously and exogenously generated stimuli cial groups requires that we be able to inter- (Simons et al. 2006, Turner et al. 2008), it is pret the emotional and mental states of others

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(Heatherton & Krendl 2009). For example, idea in an interesting series of neuroimaging social emotions require that we be able to draw studies. In these studies, as perceivers mental- inferences about the emotional states of others ized about the preferences and opinions of a Social emotions: (even if those inferences are inaccurate). For in- similar other (e.g., someone who shared the complex subjective stance, to feel guilty about hurting a loved one, same social and political attitudes), a region experiences (e.g., people need to understand that other people of ventral MPFC was engaged, which was the pride, admiration, have feelings (Baumeister et al. 1994b). Simi- same region that was active when subjects con- jealousy, envy, larly, interpersonal distress results from know- sidered their own preferences. In contrast, a embarrassment, and guilt) that promote ing that people are evaluating you (thereby giv- more dorsal region of MPFC was preferen- long-term ing rise to emotions such as embarrassment), tially engaged when mentalizing about dissim- relationships and which at its core means recognizing that other ilar others ( Jenkins et al. 2008; Mitchell et al. group stability people make evaluative judgments. The ability 2005, 2006). These results suggest that people Theory of mind to infer the mental states of others is commonly may draw on their own knowledge about self to (ToM): the ability to referred to as mentalizing or having the capacity understand the mental states of others who are explain and predict for theory of mind (ToM). ToM enables indi- similar to them. other people’s behavior as a result of viduals to empathize and cooperate with others, recognizing their accurately interpret other people’s behavior, mental state Mentalizing the Outgroup and even deceive others when necessary. Neu- TPJ: temporo- roimaging research on mentalizing has consis- To the extent that group members are likely parietal junction tently implicated a small number of regions to be perceived as more similar to the self than in making inferences about the mental char- those from other groups, it seems likely that acteristics of other people: MPFC, temporo- people will mentalize more about members of parietal junction (TPJ), temporal poles, and the ingroup than members of the outgroup. medial parietal cortex (Amodio & Frith 2006, After all, the evaluations made of us by mem- Gallagher & Frith 2003, Mitchell 2006, Saxe bers of our own groups are likely to have a 2006, Saxe et al. 2004). much greater impact on our lives than similar judgments made by those from other groups. Indeed, Harris & Fiske (2006) found reduced Using Self as a Template activity in dorsal MPFC when people made Neuroimaging research has demonstrated that judgments about extreme outgroups, such as the ability to mentalize relies heavily on simi- homeless people and drug addicts. Likewise, lar neural networks engaged in processing self- Freeman et al. (2010) found that individuating relevant information, notably the MPFC. The members of the ingroup (i.e., same race) area of greatest activity in the MPFC tends to be produced activity in dorsal MPFC whereas it more dorsal in theory-of-mind studies than in did not do so for members of an outgroup (i.e.,

Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2011.62:363-390. Downloaded from self-reference studies. Sometimes overlap be- different race), although Harris & Fiske (2007) tween ventral and dorsal MPFC is observed found that the processing of individuating Access provided by University of Michigan - Ann Arbor on 01/13/18. For personal use only. when perceivers are asked to infer the mental information did increase activity in dorsal states of targets—other people—who are most MPFC for some outgroup members (e.g., drug similar to them (Mitchell et al. 2005). This find- addicts). Although research on this topic is in its ing suggests the possibility that mental simu- infancy, understanding how people mentalize lation is engaged during theory-of-mind tasks, about members of ingroups and outgroups posing the question “What would I do if I were has important ramifications for understanding that person?” Of course, using the self to sim- group relations. What is most relevant to ulate others would work only if they are rea- this discussion is the idea that people are sonably likely to respond in the same way in a aware that others are capable of mentalizing given situation (Mitchell & Heatherton 2009). and therefore of making judgments about Mitchell and colleagues found support for this them. • Neuroscience of Self and Self-Regulation 371 PS62CH14-Heatherton ARI 22 November 2010 9:19

DETECTION OF THREAT admiration for those with whom we interact), and they increase the likelihood that people One value of having theory of mind is that it will adhere to societal norms that are neces- dACC: dorsal supports a third mechanism, which is threat sary for group living. When such norms are vi- anterior cingulate detection, a process particularly useful in olated, people experience negative social emo- cortex complex situations. A wide variety of research tions (e.g., feelings of guilt, embarrassment, or indicates that the amygdala plays a special role shame) that subsequently encourage them to act in responding to stimuli that are threatening within the bounds of socially acceptable con- (Feldman Barrett & Wager 2006, LeDoux duct, thereby reducing the risk of social exclu- 1996). Affective processing in the amygdala is sion and promoting positive social interactions. a hard-wired circuit that has developed over Moreover, long-lasting social emotions (such as the course of evolution to protect animals from remembering an embarrassing moment from danger. For example, much data supports the adolescence) reduce the likelihood of repeat notion that the amygdala is robustly activated violations. As might be expected, processing in- in response to primary biologically relevant formation about social emotions also is associ- stimuli (e.g., faces, odors, tastes) even when ated with activity in ACC and dorsal MPFC these stimuli remain below the subjects’ level (for reviews, see Heatherton & Krendl 2009, of reported awareness (e.g., Whalen et al. Krendl & Heatherton 2009). 1998). The role of the amygdala in processing social emotions has emerged from patient and neuroimaging research. For instance, Adolphs Social Rejection and et al. (2002) presented facial expressions of Interpersonal Distress social emotions (arrogance, guilt, admiration, Feeling guilty or ashamed may lead people flirtatiousness) to patients with amygdala to obsess about potential expulsion from the damage. Patients with unilateral or bilateral group. Social psychologists have documented amygdala damage were impaired when rec- the pernicious effects of interpersonal rejec- ognizing those specific emotions; moreover, tion on mood, behavior, and cognition (Smart they were more impaired at recognizing social & Leary 2009). A recent series of neuroimag- emotions than basic emotions. Ruby & Decety ing studies has examined social rejection. Most (2004) conducted a PET study in which prominent is the study by Naomi Eisenberger participants were asked to choose the appro- and her colleagues (2003), who found that the priate reaction (from varying perspectives) dorsal region of the ACC (dACC) was respon- to sentences that represented different social sive during a video game designed to elicit feel- emotions (embarrassment, pride, shame, guilt, ings of social rejection when virtual interaction admiration, irritation) or nonsocial emotions partners suddenly and surprisingly stopped co- and nonemotional sentences. Results revealed Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2011.62:363-390. Downloaded from operating with the research participant. heightened amygdala activation during the Since this initial study, other studies have Access provided by University of Michigan - Ann Arbor on 01/13/18. For personal use only. processing of all social emotions, regardless of also implicated ACC, although there is open the perspective taken during the task. Indeed, debate about whether ventral or dorsal regions the amygdala has been shown to robustly of ACC are more crucial. For instance, one respond to situations in which social norms are study found that social feedback about accep- violated (Berthoz et al. 2006). tance or rejection was associated with differ- ential activity in the vACC (Somerville et al. Adaptive Social Emotions 2006), and another found vACC activity for re- Social emotions facilitate successful social rela- jected adolescents (Masten et al. 2009). One in- tionships through two primary pathways: they teresting study using paintings portraying re- provide incentives to engage in social interac- jection imagery observed a somewhat different tions (e.g., affection, love, feelings of pride or pattern than found in either of the previous

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studies (Kross et al. 2007). Although these au- while performing difficult math problems af- thors also found dACC to be responsive to re- ter a social threat was induced (reminding them jection imagery, the response was in a different of gender stereotypes), whereas in the absence Stereotype threat: area of dACC from that found by Eisenberger of social threat, women instead showed height- the apprehension or et al. (2003), and the relation between feelings ened activation over time in regions associated fear that some people of rejection and activity in this area was oppo- with math learning (i.e., angular gyrus, left pari- might experience if site that reported by Eisenberger et al. Another etal and prefrontal cortex) and no change in they believe that their recent study (Burklund et al. 2007) found a rela- vACC activation. Not surprisingly, women who performance on tests might confirm tionship between both dACC and vACC activ- were threatened exhibited a decrease in math negative stereotypes ity and rejection sensitivity during emotional performance over time, whereas women who about their racial processing. Clarifying the roles of dACC and were not threatened improved in performance group vACC in social feedback is clearly one goal for over time. Given the above findings, it is rea- research on interpersonal rejection. sonable to conclude that the vACC is engaged Finally, Somerville et al. (2010) found that it in social evaluative threat. was primarily individuals with low self-esteem who show enhanced activity in vACC for social feedback. This latter study is consistent with SELF-REGULATION the ideas behind sociometer theory (Leary et al. The fourth component necessary for success- 1995), which proposes that changes in the self- ful functioning in the social world is self- esteem of individuals may facilitate motivation regulation. Without it people could be impul- to engage in behaviors to preserve their sta- sive, emotional wrecks, lashing out upon the tus as group members. Indeed, Leary and col- smallest provocation, blurting out the first thing leagues suggest that those with low self-esteem that comes to mind, and engaging in what- are more sensitive to social feedback and are ever behavior feels good at the time. How- more concerned about possible group exclusion ever, threat detection and social emotions that than are those with high self-esteem. arise from perceived social evaluation serve as guides for subsequent behavior, which is what makes something like feeling guilty adaptive Stereotype Threat (Baumeister et al. 1994b). Feeling socially ex- Stereotype threat is the apprehension or fear cluded, which threatens the need to belong, that some people might experience if they be- motivates behavior to repair social relation- lieve that their performance on tests might ships; feeling ashamed about considering cheat- confirm negative stereotypes about their racial ing on our partner helps reign in temptations. group (Steele & Aronson 1995). It causes dis- Put another way, social emotions promote self- traction and anxiety, interfering with perfor- regulation, which allows people to change their

Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2011.62:363-390. Downloaded from mance by reducing the capacity of short-term behaviors so as to prevent being rejected. memory and undermining confidence and mo- Access provided by University of Michigan - Ann Arbor on 01/13/18. For personal use only. tivation (Schmader 2010). The knowledge that social evaluation threat is associated with vACC Cognitive Neuroscience activity has provided an interesting opportunity of Self-Regulation to examine whether stereotype threat effects on Various cortical regions have been implicated in performance are due primarily to evaluation ap- self-regulation (for reviews, see Banfield et al. prehension or to interference produced by cog- 2004, Krendl & Heatherton 2009), with the nitive load. Krendl et al. (2008) conducted an prefrontal cortex most notable for the execu- fMRI study in which women were reminded tive functions that support the various cognitive of gender stereotypes about math ability while processes that are involved in self-regulation they were completing difficult math problems. (Curtis & D’Esposito 2003, Goldberg 2001, Women showed an increase in vACC activity Miller & Cohen 2001). Much of what is known • Neuroscience of Self and Self-Regulation 373 PS62CH14-Heatherton ARI 22 November 2010 9:19

about the neural substrates of self-regulation A considerable amount of research has comes from neuropsychological case studies also implicated lateral regions of PFC in (see Wagner et al. 2010, Wagner & Heatherton self-regulatory processes. Unlike those suffer- vMPFC: ventromedial 2010b). Beginning with the famous case of ing from injuries affecting vMPFC function, prefrontal cortex Phineas Gage, the railroad foreman who suf- patients with lateral PFC damage are quite ca- fered a tamping iron through the head in pable of following social norms, understanding a work-related accident, numerous instances emotional cues, and inhibiting inappropriate have been told of dramatic personality changes behaviors. Their struggle, instead, revolves following damage to PFC. In most cases these around planning and initiating behaviors, changes were marked by disinhibited and often especially complex behaviors requiring the inappropriate behavior and, sometimes, severe maintenance of multiple goals. One commonly loss of motivation in the absence of any ob- observed symptom can be described as a kind served cognitive impairment. The three main of apathetic listlessness coupled with a loss areas of PFC particularly important to self- of motivational drive, even when it comes to regulatory functioning are ventromedial PFC things as important as finding employment (vMPFC) including orbitofrontal cortex, lateral or mustering the interest necessary to stay PFC, and ACC. in school (Stuss & Benson 1986). A striking Case after case of vMPFC damage, from example of these symptoms is the difficulty the late-nineteenth century up through to- these patients demonstrate when asked to day, remark on various ways in which patients complete relatively simple real-world tasks appear unable to regulate their social, affec- such as following a shopping list (Barcelo&´ tive, or appetitive behaviors (Anderson et al. Knight 2002, Shallice & Burgess 1991). 1999, Beer et al. 2006, Grafman et al. 1996; Another frontal region known to be cru- for review, see Wagner & Heatherton 2010b). cial for self-regulation is the ACC. Most of Such patients might become aggressive, anti- our knowledge of ACC function comes not social, or inappropriately jocular; exhibit hy- from neuropsychology but instead from neu- persexuality; or engage in excessive overeating. roimaging and electrophysiological studies im- Damage to this region of the brain often re- plicating this region in conflict monitoring sults in a deficiency in incorporating feedback (Carter et al. 1998, Gehring & Knight 2000, from others (and social norms) to make appro- MacDonald et al. 2000) and in signaling the priate behavioral choices in social contexts, re- need for cognitive control (Kerns et al. 2004). sulting in social disinhibition and inappropri- In the few studies that do exist of focal damage ate approach behavior toward other individuals to ACC, a common symptom is of a general (Beer et al. 2003, 2006). Given the breadth of apathy along with impoverished affect and dif- social norms violated by vMPFC-damaged pa- ficulty in carrying out goal-directed behaviors

Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2011.62:363-390. Downloaded from tients, one might be tempted to imagine that (Cohen et al. 1999). Some have thus theorized vMPFC is somehow responsible for storing the a role for ACC in detecting and signaling the Access provided by University of Michigan - Ann Arbor on 01/13/18. For personal use only. knowledge of such norms and that damage to need for increased cognitive control to bolster it therefore results in a lack of awareness of so- self-regulatory efforts, such as may be necessary cial norms. However, most patients appear to to overcome temptation (Botvinick et al. 2001, be fully aware of the impropriety of their ac- Kerns et al. 2004, Paus 2001, Peterson et al. tions, yet are unable to control their bad behav- 1999). ior nonetheless (Saver & Damasio 1991). What emerges from all these cases is that vMPFC damage involves a general dysregulation of so- Emotion Regulation cial behavior along with difficulty controlling People need to be able to regulate their emo- primary physiological drives. tions to function in society. Failure to do so can

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lead to aggression, violence, and other forms of colleagues (2007) found support for the propo- antisocial behavior. Emotion regulation is also sition that the vMPFC mediates the influence of vitally important for overall psychological well- the lateral PFC over the amygdala, which might Emotion regulation: being. Disorders of emotion regulation involve help explain the disparate findings of previous initiation or alteration not only aggressive disorders such as antisocial studies. of ongoing emotional personality disorder, but also encompass debil- Research focusing on clinical populations responses through itating mood disorders such as posttraumatic provides further evidence of the importance of cognitive processes stress disorder and major depressive disorder. this amygdala-PFC circuit to emotion regula- Depression, in particular, poses a large bur- tion. Johnstone and colleagues (2007) showed den on society and is easily the most prevalent that when patients with major depressive disor- (Kessler et al. 2005) and most costly (Stewart der were asked to regulate their emotions, ac- et al. 2003) mental health disorder. tivation of vMPFC failed to inversely correlate Over the past decade, a number of studies to amygdala activity. Rather, both vMPFC and have focused on discovering the neural cor- amygdala activation were exaggeratedly high, relates of emotion regulation (see Ochsner & suggesting a breakdown in normal modulatory Gross 2005). Taken together, such research influence of vMPFC over the amygdala. Studies supports a model of top-down regulation of performed on patients with borderline person- the amygdala, a brain region vitally important ality disorder have shown similarly exaggerated for affective processing, by the PFC (Davidson activation of the amygdala in response to emo- et al. 2000, Ochsner et al. 2004, Ochsner & tional stimuli (Donegan et al. 2003), further Gross 2005). Typically, in neuroimaging stud- supporting the notion of a breakdown in the ies of emotion regulation, participants view VMPFC-amygdala circuit among these popu- negatively valenced images and are asked to lations. Patients suffering from posttraumatic engage in specific emotion-regulation strate- stress disorder, too, show interesting patterns gies, such as suppressing their affective re- of prefrontal and limbic activity in response to sponse or engaging in cognitive reappraisal of emotional stimuli. Shin and colleagues (2005) the negative events depicted in the image (such demonstrated that the exaggerated amygdala as converting them from their apparent neg- activation exhibited by such patients in response ativity into something more benign). Studies to reminders of their traumatic event actu- of this kind have revealed a consistent pat- ally generalizes to unrelated negative emotional tern of results whereby regions of the PFC stimuli as well. Taken together, these find- (e.g., vMPFC and lateral PFC) show increased ings of dysfunctional amygdala-prefrontal cir- activity when participants are actively regu- cuitry in mood disorders highlight the impor- lating their emotions. Conversely, the amyg- tance of emotion regulation for psychological dala shows reduced activity during suppression well-being.

Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2011.62:363-390. Downloaded from of affective responses. Importantly, activity in these two regions is inversely correlated, a find- Access provided by University of Michigan - Ann Arbor on 01/13/18. For personal use only. ing that is interpreted as evidence of down- Regulation of Thought regulation of amygdala activity by the PFC One often-observed effect of damage to the (Ochsner et al. 2002). The precise region of prefrontal cortex is the frequency of expres- the PFC responsible for this effect is some- sion of offensive, vulgar, or profane language what in contention, with some studies impli- (Damasio et al. 1990) even as these patients rec- cating the vMPFC ( Johnstone et al. 2007) and ognize the impropriety of their actions (Saver & others the lateral PFC (Ochsner et al. 2002, Damasio 1991). Having undesirable thoughts Hariri et al. 2003). Whatever influences the lat- rise to mind is a universal human experience, eral PFC exerts, however, must be indirect be- such as finding someone’s cooking, hairstyle, cause this area has no direct connections of its or newborn repulsive. As Wegner (2009) notes, own to the amygdala. In fact, Johnstone and such unwanted thoughts are likely to emerge at • Neuroscience of Self and Self-Regulation 375 PS62CH14-Heatherton ARI 22 November 2010 9:19

the most inopportune times. Fortunately, most periods of thought suppression compared to people are able to keep their offending thoughts when that same thought was permissible (e.g., to themselves. during unrestrained thought epochs). These Thought suppression: efforts Although cognitive neuroscientists have a findings are interpreted as demonstrating that to restrain or ignore long history of studying response inhibition, the ACC monitors for conflict and signals the unwanted or there is considerably less work on the neural need for additional control, while the lateral undesirable thoughts mechanisms underlying thought suppression PFC is involved in implementing and main- (Anderson & Levy 2009). Wyland and col- taining cognitive control over the duration of leagues (2003) had participants engage in a thought suppression periods and is insensitive thought-suppression task during imaging with to temporary failures in thought suppressions fMRI. Compared to blocks of unrestrained (Mitchell et al. 2007). In a related finding, An- thought, suppression of a specific thought derson and colleagues (2004) found evidence recruited ACC, whereas attempts to clear for lateral PFC involvement in suppressing the the mind of any thoughts recruited not only expression of learned word pairs. ACC but also lateral PFC and insula. In this Another category of undesirable thoughts particular case, it may be that ACC activity in need of routine suppression are those was indexing failures to suppress thoughts or associated with stereotypes and bias. Over the was instead signaling an increased need for past 20 years, a wealth of social psychological cognitive control. Because subjects were not re- research has demonstrated that racial bias and quired to notify the experimenters if and when, stereotypes can be automatically activated and despite their efforts at suppression, an un- that individuals differ in their motivation to wanted thought nonetheless slipped into their engage in deliberate control in suppressing consciousness, it remained unclear whether these prejudices (Devine 1989, Devine et al. this ACC activation signified the thought- 2002, Fiske 1998, Greenwald et al. 1998, Payne suppression process or rather the intrusion 2001). Neuroimaging research on prejudice of the thoughts that were to be suppressed. and race bias has mainly focused on the relative As noted, the ACC is thought to be involved involvement of amygdala and PFC regions, with monitoring for errors (Carter et al. 1998, the former being implicated in the automatic Gehring & Knight 2000, MacDonald et al. component of stereotyping (Phelps et al. 2000), 2000) and signaling the need for additional whereas the PFC is involved in top-down con- cognitive control (Kerns et al. 2004), increasing trol of attitudes (Lieberman et al. 2005). The the plausibility of the latter possibility. To test role of the amygdala in the evaluation of racial these two hypotheses, Mitchell and colleagues ingroup and outgroup members is not simply a (2007) performed a similar study in which they story of greater amygdala activity for outgroup asked subjects to notify them, via button press, members (see Hart et al. 2000). Rather, the

Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2011.62:363-390. Downloaded from each time a specific unwanted thought entered response in the amygdala to racial outgroup their awareness. Critically, the authors em- members is more nuanced, reflecting individual Access provided by University of Michigan - Ann Arbor on 01/13/18. For personal use only. ployed a state-item design (Visscher et al. 2003) differences in automatic negative evaluations of that allowed for separation of regions showing blacks as measured by the implicit association a sustained response during active thought test (IAT) (Cunningham et al. 2004, Phelps suppression from regions demonstrating tran- et al. 2000), the opportunity to engage in sient responses to thought intrusions. Results top-down control (Cunningham et al. 2004, from this experiment showed that the right Richeson et al. 2003), and perceiver’s evaluative lateral PFC demonstrated greater sustained goals (Wheeler & Fiske 2005). activity during thought suppression compared Cunningham and colleagues (2004) at- to epochs of unrestrained thought. The ACC, tempted to separate the roles of amygdala however, demonstrated transient activity to and PFC in race evaluations by capitalizing intrusions of a forbidden thought during on the fact the amygdala responds rapidly to

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subliminal presentation of affective stimuli in the previous interracial interaction experi- (Whalen et al. 1998). Thus, by presenting black ment. Activity in both the lateral PFC and ACC and white faces both implicitly (30 ms) and ex- was positively correlated with both increased Cognitive depletion: plicitly (525 ms), the investigators were able Stroop interference and with a measure of im- a reduction in self- to separately assess conditions in which par- plicit racial stereotyping (Richeson et al. 2003). regulatory resources ticipants were unlikely to engage in cogni- That is, participants who exhibited greater self- that makes people less tive control (implicit presentation) compared regulatory depletion following a face-to-face able to inhibit or to when participants had the opportunity to interracial interaction were also more likely to control thoughts, emotions, or behavior regulate their responses (explicit presentation). recruit regions of the PFC involved in cognitive Their findings demonstrated that the amyg- control when viewing black faces. The notion of dala showed greater activity to black faces when cognitive depletion stems from the theory that participants were unaware that any faces had cognitive resources are finite; hence, actions been presented. However, when participants that overexert these resources (i.e., restraining were given sufficient time to engage in self- impulses, forcing oneself to perform a tedious regulation, activity in the amygdala did not task) deplete them (Baumeister & Heatherton differentiate between black and white faces; 1996). Thus, Richeson & Shelton’s (2003) find- instead, Cunningham et al. (2004) found in- ing that inhibiting prejudice appears to deplete creased recruitment of lateral PFC regions dur- cognitive resources suggests that the act of con- ing the explicit presentation of black compared trolling prejudice requires cognitive control. to white faces, indicating active regulation. Richeson and colleagues (2003) directly tested the involvement of PFC regions in con- Regulation of Behaviors trolling prejudice by relating neural activity The modern world is filled with temptations. in the PFC to the amount of cognitive de- Every day, people have to resist the lure of pletion participants experienced after an in- sugar-filled desserts, cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, terracial interaction. After interacting with an sex, sleep when they should be awake, browsing African American confederate on a racially the Internet when they should be working—the charged political issue (e.g., racial profiling), list goes on ad infinitum. Psychologists have Caucasian participants completed the Stroop made considerable progress in identifying task. As found in previous research (Richeson the individual and situational factors that & Shelton 2003), participants with greater au- encourage or impair self-control (Baumeister tomatic negative evaluations of blacks showed et al. 1994, Mischel et al. 1996, Posner & increased interference on the Stroop task, indi- Rothbart 1998). Failure to self-regulate is cating that they expended more self-regulatory implicated in a variety of negative behaviors, resources during the interracial interaction, including substance abuse, prejudice, and crim-

Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2011.62:363-390. Downloaded from leaving them depleted and less able to inhibit inal behavior (see Baumeister & Heatherton their responses during the Stroop task (see 1996). Conversely, those who are better able to Access provided by University of Michigan - Ann Arbor on 01/13/18. For personal use only. Baumeister & Heatherton 1996). Importantly, self-regulate demonstrate improved relation- these same participants later completed an os- ships, increased job success, and better mental tensibly unrelated fMRI experiment in which health (Duckworth & Seligman 2005, Tangney they viewed images of black and white faces. et al. 2004). In spite of the numerous studies of As with the experiment by Cunningham et al. executive function and inhibition, relatively few (2004), participants engaged lateral PFC and neuroimaging studies have directly examined ACC regions in response to the black compared social psychological models of self-regulation to white faces. However, Richeson and col- (Wagner & Heatherton 2010b). leagues were then able to relate the magnitude Although there are many causes of self- of PFC activity to the degree to which partic- regulation failure, a common process in- ipants exhibited increased Stroop interference volves latent motivations and activating stimuli • Neuroscience of Self and Self-Regulation 377 PS62CH14-Heatherton ARI 22 November 2010 9:19

(Baumeister & Heatherton 1996). That is, a temptation. For example, Beauregard and col- hungry person may not decide to act on his leagues found that subjects recruited lateral or her hunger until seeing an advertisement PFC and ACC when asked to inhibit arousal NAcc: nucleus accumbens for tasty fast food. For others, seeing the fast in response to erotic images (Beauregard et al. food commercial reminds the person that he or 2001), and when Brody and colleagues asked she is trying to avoid excess calories and so the smokers to suppress their cravings, they ob- urge to eat is overridden. Controlling behavior served heightened ACC activation compared in this circumstance is difficult because neural to when they were asked to increase cravings mechanisms of reward, namely the mesolimbic (Brody et al. 2007). An example of the impor- dopamine system, encourage us to engage in tance of these regions for the regulation of ap- activities that activate dopamine neurons in the petitive behaviors comes from a study of suc- nucleus accumbens (NAcc). A common feature cessful and nonsuccessful dieters. In response of all rewards, including drugs of abuse, is that to food consumption, successful dieters show they activate dopamine receptors in the NAcc increased activity in lateral PFC (i.e., dorsal (Carelli et al. 2000, Kelley & Berridge 2002, lateral prefrontal cortex), suggesting that they Koob & Le Moal 1997). In neuroimaging re- spontaneously engage self-regulatory strate- search there is convergent evidence in the form gies in order to curtail food-seeking behavior of increased activation of the NAcc region in (DelParigi et al. 2007). response to the ingestions of food (O’Doherty Among the common patterns of self- et al. 2003) and of drugs of abuse (Breiter et al. regulatory failure identified by Baumeister & 1997, Zubieta et al. 2005). The involvement Heatherton (1996) were lapse-activated causes, of these regions in reward processing and ex- in which people responded to an initial indul- pectation has been well established by numer- gence in a forbidden substance (e.g., alcohol, ous neuroimaging studies (Cloutier et al. 2008, food, or tobacco) by consuming more of it; “just Delgado et al. 2000, Knutson et al. 2005). one cigarette” quickly turns into half a pack, Moreover, simply viewing images of pri- have “just one drink” and before you know it mary rewards, such as erotic images (Karama the whole bottle is gone. For example, in a lab- et al. 2002) or images of drugs (David et al. oratory study, Herman & Mack (1975) forced 2007, Garavan et al. 2000), can lead to activa- chronic dieters to break their diets by drink- tion of mesolimbic reward systems. This “cue- ing a large calorie-dense milkshake and found reactivity” paradigm has been instrumental in that they subsequently overate, as compared to research on obesity and drug addiction, which controls, in a supposed taste test. Once the diet has repeatedly demonstrated that obese indi- is broken for the day, dieters appear to give up viduals (Rothemund et al. 2007, Stoeckel et al. control, perhaps anticipating starting their diets 2008), smokers (David et al. 2007, Due et al. anew the next day. Similar findings have been

Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2011.62:363-390. Downloaded from 2002), and drug addicts (Childress et al. 1999, obtained in many subsequent studies (see re- Garavan et al. 2000, Maas et al. 1998, Wexler view by Heatherton & Baumeister 1991). Access provided by University of Michigan - Ann Arbor on 01/13/18. For personal use only. et al. 2001) exhibit greater cue reactivity than Theories of drug addiction posit that hy- do control participants. Importantly, this cue- persensitivity of the reward areas to drug cues related activity predicts self-reported cravings (Stoeckel et al. 2008) along with a failure of the for food or drug items (McClernon et al. 2005, normal top-down prefrontal regulation of such Myrick et al. 2008, Wang et al. 2004). regions (Bechara 2005; Koob & Le Moal 1997, Activation of reward systems, whether in the 2008) combine to result in the failure of addicts face of real objects or their visual representa- to control behavior. This theory was put to the tions, poses a challenge to persons trying not test in a study examining food-cue reactivity to engage in the putatively rewarding activity. in the nucleus accumbens in chronic dieters As might be anticipated by the discussion above, and nondieters (Demos et al. 2010). Using a various PFC regions are important for resisting milkshake preload similar to that of Herman &

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Mack (1975), half of the participants had their impulse control and drank more alcohol than diet broken prior to viewing food cues. Dieters did control participants (Muraven et al. 2002). who drank the milkshake, which presumably Also, as mentioned, if one is high on implicit Strength model of broke their diets, showed increased NAcc bias toward the members of another race, self-regulation: a food-cue reactivity compared to both the interacting with one of them can significantly model that proposes nondieters and the chronic dieters whose diet interfere with one’s ability to complete tasks that the capacity for had not been broken (Demos et al. 2010). involving response inhibition, such as the regulating behavior Interestingly, chronic dieters demonstrated in- Stroop task (Richeson & Shelton 2003). relies on a general resource that can be creased recruitment of lateral PFC in response Evidence from neuroimaging studies echoes depleted by situational to food cues compared to nondieters. But there these findings. In one study, subjects who com- demands was no effect of the diet-breaking preload on pleted a difficult attention-control task showed lateral PFC activity, suggesting that dieters reduced recruitment of lateral PFC and became who drank the milkshake were still engaged in less adept at regulating emotion (Wagner & self-regulation but were nevertheless failing to Heatherton 2010a). In a study of chronic di- inhibit cue-related activity in reward systems. eters, emotion-regulation tasks had the same This phenomenon is mimicked in obese effect of reducing lateral PFC activation as well individuals who show enhanced activity in as increasing NAcc activity in response to food brain reward systems to images of food in cues (Heatherton et al. 2010). As discussed comparison with matched controls (Stoeckel above in this section, lateral PFC appears to et al. 2008). Taken together, these findings be recruited as a means of top-down control paint a picture of a dysregulated reward system of emotional and appetitive impulses. A failure whereby NAcc, no longer under the influence to fully recruit its assistance in regulating such of top-down control from the PFC, demon- impulses, therefore, can undoubtedly help ex- strates an exaggerated response to food cues, plain the failures in self-regulation exhibited by leading to eventual collapse of self-control. subjects in behavioral studies.

Self-Regulation as a Limited Resource CONCLUSION Although the self-regulation of emotion, As members of a highly complex social species, thought, and behavior can be considered humans have evolved a fundamental need to separately, it is likely that similar processes are belong that encourages them to be good group common across all domains of self-regulation. members and avoid actions that would have Baumeister & Heatherton (1996) proposed them expelled. Four basic components allow a strength model of self-regulation in which people to modify their actions so as to avoid a general resource is exhausted by repeated expulsion, namely, self-awareness, theory of attempts at self-regulation (Muraven & mind, threat detection, and self-regulation. Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2011.62:363-390. Downloaded from Baumeister 2000, Vohs & Heatherton 2000). Recent research in social neuroscience has pro-

Access provided by University of Michigan - Ann Arbor on 01/13/18. For personal use only. For instance, regulating emotions impairs vided insights into the cognitive bases of these dieters’ abilities to restrain themselves from components, such as how material processed eating and to maintain diet standards (Hof- with reference to self might have special status mann et al. 2007). Putting participants under in human cognition, how people might use high cognitive load has also been shown themselves as templates to predict the actions to impair self-regulation, causing dieters to of others, how outgroup members may not be exhibit unrestrained eating in comparison imbued with theory of mind, how evaluation ap- with participants under low cognitive load prehension might underlie stereotype threats, (Ward & Mann 2000). Similarly, Muraven and how frontal inhibitory mechanisms may be and colleagues showed that participants who challenged by cues that activate brain reward engaged in an effortful thought-suppression regions. It is likely that the nature of these manipulation subsequently showed impaired processes changes as the other components are • Neuroscience of Self and Self-Regulation 379 PS62CH14-Heatherton ARI 22 November 2010 9:19

considered, such as threat detection differing as or failure. The methods and theories of social a function of whether the threat is from an in- and cognitive neuroscience are likely to con- group or outgroup source and differential self- tinue to grow increasingly sophisticated, fur- processing underlying self-regulatory success thering our understanding of the social brain.

SUMMARY POINTS 1. Humans have a fundamental need to belong that encourages behaviors that are consis- tent with being a good group member and discourages those that would lead to group exclusion. 2. There is growing interest in using the methods of neuroscience to understand the social brain. Considerable progress has been made in identifying the brain regions that support social cognition. 3. Being a good group member requires the ability to alter thoughts, behaviors, and emo- tions in response to societal or group norms. Doing so requires four psychological com- ponents: self-awareness, theory of mind, threat detection, and self-regulation. 4. When people process information with reference to self, a network of brain regions is reliably activated, particularly the medial prefrontal cortex. An adjacent region, the ventral anterior cingulate, is involved in processing the affective aspects of self. 5. The capacity for theory of mind allows people to understand they are the targets of social evaluations. Neuroimaging research has demonstrated that the dorsal regions of medial prefrontal cortex are involved in mentalizing and that activation tends to become more ventral when there is increasing similarity between the perceiver and the target. 6. Given an awareness that the self is being evaluated, there needs to be some mechanism for detecting threats to social inclusion. Interpersonal distress alters cognitive processes so that social objects become more meaningful. The amygdala and ventral anterior cingulate cortex are involved in detecting social threats. 7. Although considerable progress has been made in characterizing the neural systems in- volved in emotion regulation, researchers are only now beginning to examine the neural basis of psychological theories of self-regulation.

Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2011.62:363-390. Downloaded from FUTURE ISSUES

Access provided by University of Michigan - Ann Arbor on 01/13/18. For personal use only. 1. Although the MPFC has been implicated in many facets of social cognition, especially those related to the self, there remains vigorous debate as to the psychological significance of MPFC activity. Future research is needed to examine whether MPFC is performing similar functions across diverse tasks or whether different regions of MPFC perform different functions. 2. Imaging studies have identified ventral and dorsal ACC as central to interpersonal dis- tress, but there are discrepancies in the literature regarding the functional significance of such activity. Future imaging studies of interpersonal distress may be useful for un- derstanding the neural basis of mental health problems, such as depression and social anxiety.

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3. The cue reactivity paradigm is useful for studying craving in an addictions context, but more work is needed to tie observed brain activity to addictive and appetitive behaviors outside of the scanner. 4. Future studies need to consider the social context in which people process information, such as whether social threats are processed differently if they come from ingroup or outgroup members, whether the interpretation of threat changes as a function of mood, and whether cognitive depletion impairs executive functions, such as reducing the effec- tiveness of brain regions involved in regulation and inhibition.

DISCLOSURE STATEMENT The author is not aware of any affiliations, memberships, funding, or financial holdings that might be perceived as affecting the objectivity of this review.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Thanks are due to Anne Krendl, Dylan Wagner, and Jane Tucker for their assistance with this review, which is also supported in part by grants from NIDA (22582) and NIMH (59282).

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Self Theory of mind Threat detection Self-regulation

Figure 1 The components of the social brain. Brain regions that are commonly activated for studies of self, theory of mind, threat detection, and self-regulation. Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2011.62:363-390. Downloaded from Access provided by University of Michigan - Ann Arbor on 01/13/18. For personal use only. • Neuroscience of Self and Self-Regulation C-1 PS62-FrontMatter ARI 15 November 2010 17:50

Annual Review of Psychology Volume 62, 2011 Contents

Prefatory The Development of Problem Solving in Young Children: A Critical Cognitive Skill Rachel Keen pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp1 Decision Making The Neuroscience of Social Decision-Making James K. Rilling and Alan G. Sanfey ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp23 Speech Perception Speech Perception Arthur G. Samuel pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp49 Attention and Performance A Taxonomy of External and Internal Attention Marvin M. Chun, Julie D. Golomb, and Nicholas B. Turk-Browne pppppppppppppppppppppp73 Language Processing The Neural Bases of Social Cognition and Story Comprehension Raymond A. Mar ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp103 Reasoning and Problem Solving Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2011.62:363-390. Downloaded from Causal Learning and Inference as a Rational Process: Access provided by University of Michigan - Ann Arbor on 01/13/18. For personal use only. The New Synthesis Keith J. Holyoak and Patricia W. Cheng ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp135 Emotional, Social, and Personality Development Development in the Early Years: Socialization, Motor Development, and Consciousness Claire B. Kopp pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp165 Peer Contagion in Child and Adolescent Social and Emotional Development Thomas J. Dishion and Jessica M. Tipsord pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp189

vi PS62-FrontMatter ARI 15 November 2010 17:50

Adulthood and Aging Psychological Wisdom Research: Commonalities and Differences in a Growing Field Ursula M. Staudinger and Judith Gl¨uck ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp215 Development in the Family Socialization Processes in the Family: Social and Emotional Development Joan E. Grusec pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp243 Psychopathology Delusional Belief Max Coltheart, Robyn Langdon, and Ryan McKay ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp271 Therapy for Specific Problems Long-Term Impact of Prevention Programs to Promote Effective Parenting: Lasting Effects but Uncertain Processes Irwin N. Sandler, Erin N. Schoenfelder, Sharlene A. Wolchik, and David P. MacKinnon pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp299 Self and Identity Do Conscious Thoughts Cause Behavior? Roy F. Baumeister, E.J. Masicampo, and Kathleen D. Vohs ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp331 Neuroscience of Self and Self-Regulation Todd F. Heatherton ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp363 Attitude Change and Persuasion Attitudes and Attitude Change Gerd Bohner and Nina Dickel ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp391 Cross-Country or Regional Comparisons

Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2011.62:363-390. Downloaded from Culture, Mind, and the Brain: Current Evidence and Future Directions

Access provided by University of Michigan - Ann Arbor on 01/13/18. For personal use only. Shinobu Kitayama and Ayse K. Uskul ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp419 Cognition in Organizations Heuristic Decision Making Gerd Gigerenzer and Wolfgang Gaissmaier pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp451 Structures and Goals of Educational Settings Early Care, Education, and Child Development Deborah A. Phillips and Amy E. Lowenstein pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp483

Contents vii PS62-FrontMatter ARI 3 November 2010 10:34

Psychophysiological Disorders and Psychological Dimensions on Medical Disorders Psychological Perspectives on Pathways Linking Socioeconomic Status and Physical Health Karen A. Matthews and Linda C. Gallo pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp501 Psychological Science on Pregnancy: Stress Processes, Biopsychosocial Models, and Emerging Research Issues Christine Dunkel Schetter pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp531 Research Methodology The Development of Autobiographical Memory Robyn Fivush pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp559 The Disaggregation of Within-Person and Between-Person Effects in Longitudinal Models of Change Patrick J. Curran and Daniel J. Bauer ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp583 Thirty Years and Counting: Finding Meaning in the N400 Component of the Event-Related Brain Potential (ERP) Marta Kutas and Kara D. Federmeier pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp621


Cumulative Index of Contributing Authors, Volumes 52–62 ppppppppppppppppppppppppppp000 Cumulative Index of Chapter Titles, Volumes 52–62 ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp000


An online log of corrections to Annual Review of Psychology articles may be found at Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2011.62:363-390. Downloaded from Access provided by University of Michigan - Ann Arbor on 01/13/18. For personal use only.

viii Contents