Handbook for Wheel House

Port of Entrance and Departure Manual

March, 2010



Amagasaki- - Harbor pilot station Area Ashiya Area (P.2) Osaka Port Akashi Area Traffic Rane Navigational Rule of the north of Osaka Bay Uzaki - Senboku (P.3) Area

Hannan Port Fisheries information of Osaka Bay (㻼㻚䠏䠍)

Awaji Island

Navigational Rule Chinoshima of Yura Seto area (P.3) Okinoshima

Tomogashima Shiozaki channel

Numashima 10miles

Bay pilot station (P.2)

0 Hanshin Port (Osaka Area)

Shorenji river Legends N Tsuneyoshi bridge Aji river Navigation and Anchoring Maishima ProhibitedEntry Prohibited Area Konohana (Hokko north area) bridge

Prohibited area light beacon Hokko quay y Provisional breakwater HS Tenpozan bridge Konohana Limited navigation area in ward the sea area of the southwest side of the ⁁⁥⁓⁝⁓ passage Yumemai bridge

Navigation route light-buoy Hanshin port boundary line Minato ward Umemachi east qua Tenpozan

C10 Umemachi west quay Nanko Fariway Yumeshima Chuo pier 2-chome, C11 Kaigan-dori (Hokko south area) C12 No. 1 pier No. 2 pier Radar tower Minato bridge No. 3 pier 4-chome, Tsuruhama KF C9 C8 Osaka Maritime Museum Signal Board (Daikanmon) C4 Osaka PassageSouth breakwater

1DYLJDWLRQDQG R C3 Kizu River signal station Suminoe ward Entry$QFKRULQJ3URKLELWHG Prohibited Nanko north wharf $UHD C2

L Sakishima C1 (Nanko) Limited navigation area P C6 C7 Kizu river Nanko bridge Nanko Signal Station Being reclaimed Traffic limitation(P.9) Second Nanko Signal Station Ferry K Nanko Signal Board (Nanko) Operation E Nanko south wharf A B coordination(P.11) J D Suminoe ward Area boundary Traffic control(P.7)control(P.7) 1000m ※Note Sakai passage

Osaka Light Light Beacon Buoy (Separation) (Separation)

● Navigational㻺㼍㼢㼕㼓㼍㼠㼕㼛㼚㼍㼘㻌㼞㼡㼘㼑㻌㼚㼑㼍㼞㼎㼥㻌㻻㼟㼍㼗㼍㻌㻸㼕㼓㼔㼠㻌㻮㼑㼍㼏㼛㼚㻌㻔㻿㼑㼜㼍㼞㼍㼠㼕㼛㼚㻌㻮㼑㼍㼏㼛㼚㻕 rule nearby Osaka Light Buoy (Separation Buoy) ① Any䐟䚷㻭㼚㼥㻌㼟㼔㼕㼜㻌㼑㼚㼠㼑㼞㼕㼚㼓㻌㼛㼞㻌㼘㼑㼍㼢㼕㼚㼓㻌㼠㼔㼑㻌㻻㼟㼍㼗㼍㻌㻭㼞㼑㼍㻌㼛㼒㻌㻴㼍㼚㼟㼔㼕㼚㻌㻼㼛㼞㼠㻌㼕 ship entering or leaving the Osaka Area of Hanshin Port 㼟㻌㼞㼑㼝㼡㼑㼟㼠㼑㼐㻌㼠㼛㻌㼜㼍㼟㼟is requested to pass 㼠㼔㼕㼟㻌㼎㼑㼍㼏㼛㼚㻌㼛㼚㻌㼟㼔㼕㼜㻌㼟㻌㼜㼛㼞㼠㻌㼟㼕㼐㼑㻔㼘㼍㼠㻚㻌㻟㻠㼻㻟㻢䈓㻞㻡㻚㻤䈔㻺㻌㼍㼚㼐㻌㼘㼛㼚㼓㻚㻝㻟㻡㼻this buoy on ship's䈓 port side (lat. 34°36' 25.8" N and long. 135°20'㻞㻜䈓㻝㻤㻚㻞䈔㻱㻕㻚 18.2" E). ② No䐠䚷㻺㼛㻌㼟㼔㼕㼜㻌㼕㼟㻌㼍㼘㼘㼛㼣㼑㼐㻌㼠㼛㻌㼍㼚㼏㼔㼛㼞㻌㼣㼕㼠㼔㼕㼚㻌㼍㻌㼞㼍㼐㼕㼡㼟㻌㼛㼒㻌㻝㻌㼗㼙㻌㼛㼒㻌㼠㼔㼕㼟㻌 ship is allowed to anchor within a radius of 1 km of this㼎㼑㼍㼏㼛㼚㻚 buoy.

䈜㻌㻺㼛㼠㼑※ Note:Ships 䠖 㻿㼔㼕㼜㼟㻌㼒㼞㼛㼙㻌㻿㼍㼗㼍㼕㻌㼙㼍㼥㻌㼏㼔㼍㼚㼓㼑㻌㼠㼛㻌㼀㼛㼙㼛㼓㼍㼟㼔㼕㼙㼍㻌㼍㼠㻌㼠㼔㼑㻌㼑㼚㼐㻌㼛㼒 from Sakai may change to Tomogashima at the end of㻌㻿㼍㼗㼍㼕㻌㼜㼍㼟㼟㼍㼓㼑 Sakai passage 㻌㻌㻌㻌㼣㼕㼠㼔㻌㼐㼡㼑㻌㼍㼠㼠㼑㼚㼠㼕㼛㼚㻌㼠㼛㻌㼍㼚㼏㼔㼛㼞㼑㼐㻌㼟㼔㼕㼜㼟㻚with due attention to anchored ships. Table of Contents

1 General notice ・・・・・・1

(1)General(1) requirements ・・・・・・1

(2)Mooring(2) ・・・・・・1

(3)Pilotage(3) ・・・・・・1

2 Traffic rules ・・・・・・3

(1)Osaka(1) bay・・・・・・3

(2)(2) Osaka Area of Hanshin Port・・・・・・4

3 Schedule adjustment ・・・・・・ (1)(1)Schedule adjustment ・・・・・・

(2)Coordination(2) ・・・・・・12

4 Communication and reporting ・・・・・・13 (1)Communication(1) and Reporting ・・・・・・13

(2)Information(2) provided by Osaka Harbor Information Center for Security of Ship Navigation・・・・・・

5 Other laws and regulations ・・・・・・15 (1)Reporting(1)Outline of onCompulsory the Security Insurance Information Requirement of Ships・・・・・ For 15

Non-tanker Vessel・・・・・・

(2)Conditions for berthing to public wharves・・・・・・

⅙ ⁆⁢⁚⁡⁡⁠‒⁗⁦⁕† ………………………………… 

6 Information(1)Typhoon on …………………………………fishery operations・・・・・・17

(2)Tsunami …………………………………  List of Port Authorities for checking information ‒‒‒‒※⁠⁘⁡⁤ ⁓⁦⁛⁡⁠‒⁡⁠‒⁘⁛⁥⁚⁗⁤‒⁡⁢⁗⁤⁓⁦⁛⁡⁠⁥ ………………… 

RevisionList of Port History Authorities for checking information

List of Port Authorities for checking information 1 General notice

Any ship entering or leaving the Osaka Area of Hanshin Port is requested to abide by the governing Port Regulations Law, relevant enactments, and the instructions of this manual and prevent any accident in Hanshin Port.

(1)General requirements for arrival and departure ① Keep this manual in the wheelhouse and the Master and all the crewmembers must abide by the instructions. ② Maintenance of charts Keep the following charts with proper corrections according to the latest Notice to Mariners: W123, W150 A, and W1103, along with W1146 and W1148 depending on the berth. ③ Tune into international VHF channels Always watch VHF channel 16, and respond to calls from other stations.

Communication Station name Call/Response Mainly use the channels Remarks specified in the parentheses Communication with Coast Kobe Hoan Ch 16 Ch 12 Guard (Captain of Port)

Osaka Harbor Radar Ch 16 Communication for Ch 14 and Ch 66 Nanko passage

Ch 11, Ch 12, Ch 18 (Ch 19), Communication with Harbor Osaka Port Radio Ch 16 and (Ch 20) Administrators

(2)Mooring ① When berthing, follow the shore instruction such as, Bridge Mark:"N" Flag in a day, Blue flashing light in the night. Other requirements by shore staff at berth. ② In case of dropping anchor for berthing, anchor chain should be kept in slack condition after mooring. ③ Do not make any damage to the port facilities during berthing/unberthing operation. Ship master shall take all responivilities to this damage. ④ Master shall arrange Tug boat, Mooring boat, Patrol boat, etc. for supporting to the mooring operation, if required.

(3)Pilotage ① Osaka Bay is a compulsory pilotage area. Any ship with 10,000 gross tons or over must employ a pilot. Contact the Osaka Bay Pilot Association when ordering a pilot (see Page 2). ② When passing around the pilot stations, pay the utmost attention to large-sized vessels that may reduce their speeds when they approach the pilot stations for the embarkation or disembarkation of pilots.

㻝 Contact Information Information on on OSAKAWAN Osaka Bay PILOTS’ Pilots' ASSOCIATION Association

○ Office 1-5 Hatobacho, Chuo-ku, Kobe 650-0042 Telephone : 078-321-2200; Fax: 078-332-4301 ‸⁓‒‒Telephone⅙⅙‒‬‒ : 06• ‪‟‥․‣‟‧‥•‣-6576-1731 (Osaka Branch) ᲿOCKN : QRGTCVKQP"QUCMCYCPRKNQVLR ᲿOCKNᲿOCKNQRGTCVKQP"QUCMCYCPRKNQVLRTelex : : ‬‒ ․•‟‧ ․․‟ ‣ ‒″″‴‒‚″⁧⁦⁡‒″⁠⁥⁩⁗⁤‒‴⁓⁕⁝‛‒‧ ․․‟ ‣ ‒‴″⁋‽⁁‴‼ QRGTCVKQP"QUCMCYCPRKNQVLR720-5622-617 AAB (Auto Answer Back) 5622-617 BAYKOB J ᳏᳌᳆᳏᳌᳆ : JVVRUYYYQUCMCYCPRKNQVLRCIGPV ᳏᳌᳆ųJVVRUYYYQUCMCYCPRKNQVLRCIGPV :‒″⁢⁢⁞⁛⁕⁓⁦⁛⁡⁠⁥‒⁓⁤⁗‒⁓⁕⁕⁗⁢⁦⁓⁔⁞⁗‒․…‒⁚⁡⁧⁤⁥‒⁓‒⁖⁓† Applications are acceptable 24 hours a day.

○Pilot stations (The latitude and longitude are according to the World Geographic Coordinate System.) 1. Osaka Area of Hanshin Port (1) For ships to be quarantined at the Osaka quarantine anchorage. Quarantine anchorage (2) Other ships Around 2 miles to the west of the Sakai passage.

2. Osaka Bay excluding Osaka Area of Hanshin Port (1) Off Tomogashima Around 7.0 miles to the south of the Tomogashima Lighthouse (approx. lat. 34°10.2' N and long. 134°59.8' E) (2) Off Wadamisaki (where the ship is taken over by an inland sea pilot) Around 4.0 miles at a bearing of 202 degrees from the Kobe Lighthouse. (3) When sailing from each port area Around the harbor limit of each port area or before the ship leaves the berth.

○ Precautions to be taken by the ship Please note that a message may be sent by VHF to request the ship to move to another suitable place for the boarding of a pilot in the event a pilot can not go on board the ship at the ordinary location due to stormy weather.

㻞 2 Traffic rules

(1) Osaka bay ① Between Osaka Area and Akashi Traffic Route All ship are requested to pass following buoys on ship's port side. Kobe Offing Light Buoy No.1, No.2 Akashi Kaikyou Traffic Route Toho Light Buoy

② Off Sumoto All ship are requested to pass Sumoto Oki Light Buoy on ship's port side.

③ Tomogashima Channel All ship are requested to navigate right side of this channel. (150 meter or more from the Longitude 134-58.8E between Latitude 34-15.9N and 34-17.9E )

N Hyogo prefecture Kobe city W E -Nishinomiya- Ashiya Area Osaka city S Akashi city

Kobe Area Hanshin Port

Osaka Area Kobe Offing Light Buoy No.2 Commutation buoy ① (Osaka light beacon) Kobe Offing Light Buoy No.1 Akashi Kaikyou Traffic Route Sakai-Senboku Area Toho Light Buoy

Awaji Island

Tsuna Hannan port

Osaka prefecture

Sumoto Oki Light Buoy Entrance入航ルート route Sumoto Departure 出航ルート route Misaki 34-17.9N Kata ③

34-15.9N Yura Seto

㻟 (2) Osaka Area of Hanshin Port - Major rules set forth in Port Regulations Law Port Regulations Law is enacted, as a special law to prevent maritime collisions, for the purpose of maintaining safety of ships' traffic and traffic control in inner harbors by means of setting special rules for the narrow water areas in inner harbors. ① Designation of anchorage positions (Article 5 of Port Regulations Law) ◎ High priority to an outgoing ship

In order to moor at mooring buoys, piers, quays, other facilities for Stop or navigate away mooring of ships, etc., ships of the gross tonnage of 500 tons or over, who Outside the harbor are anchoring in Osaka harbor, must have designation of the anchoring position (See anchorage positions, Page 5) from the Captain of Osaka Area Breakwater Hanshin Port.

② Limitation for moving (Article 7 of Port Regulations Law) Inner harbor Except for miscellaneous ships or boats, all ships should not move from the designated anchorage position before having permission from the ◎ Small turning circle for right turn, Captain of the port, Osaka Area. Large turning circle for left turn ③ Navigation route and method Small turning circle ● Navigation route (Articles 12 & 13 of Port Regulations Law) for right turn (a) Except for miscellaneous ships or boats, all ships entering or leaving Hanshin Port (Osaka Area) must go through the designated navigation Wharf

routes (Osaka passage, Sakai passage); except for the cases that a ship Large turning circle is seeking refuge from a sea disaster, or a ship is under unavoidable for left turn circumstances. (b) Except for the cases as described below, ships should not lie at anchor ◎ Navigation method in the navigation or release the mooring rope with the tugboat. route ・When seeking a refuge from a sea disaster ●High priority to a ship sailing in the navigation route ・When losing control of navigation Navigation route ・When engaged in rescue work for another ship in the danger of human life or in an emergency case ・When having permission from the Captain of the port, Hanshin ● Navigation method (Articles 14, 15, 16, 17 & 18 of Port Regulations Law) (a) Ships entering or leaving the navigation route should not hinder the course of other ships' sailing in the navigation route. (b) Ships should not go through the navigation route standing side by side ●Keep to the right Navigation route with each other. (c) When two ships meet in the navigation route, they must pass each other keeping to the right. (d) Ships should not go ahead of other ships in the navigation route. (e) If an incoming steamship may meet an outgoing steamship at/near a breakwater, the incoming steamship should not hinder the course of the outgoing steamship. ●No sailing side by side (f) In the inner harbor and the vicinity of the boundary line of the harbor, ships must sail in a moderate speed to avoid danger to other ships. Navigation route (Ships must sail in a moderate speed to avoid waves to be caused by their sailing; otherwise such waves may cause dangers such as hindering control of the helm of other ships, giving damages to other ships or their cargoes, cutting mooring ropes of other ships, etc.) (g) When a ship is sailing along a breakwater, a wharf, a tip of any structure, or an anchored ship; if it is located over the ship's starboard side, the ship must sail along it as close as possible. On the contrary, if it is located over the ship's port side, the ship must sail keeping away from ●No passing it as far as possible. Navigation route (h) In the inner harbor, the miscellaneous ships should not sail the course allowed for the ships other than the miscellaneous ships; and the small ships (of the gross tonnage of 500 tons or less) should not sail the course allowed for the ships other than the miscellaneous and small ships. The large ships (of the gross tonnage of over 500 tons) must hoist an international signal flag/numeral pennant No. 1. ④ Route signaling

A ship entering from Limit to Berth or moving (in the inner harbor) must ◎ High priority to larger ships show a route signal. (See Route Signals, Page 6) ・Small ships of less than 500 tons or miscellaneous ships must move away from larger ships.

◎ Moderate speed for safety of other ships ・Sail in a moderate speed to avoid dangers 㻠 to other ships Harbor sections in Osaka Area of Hanshin Port, and No. 7 section anchoragen anchorage of Sakai-Senboku of Sakai-Senboku Area Area

Osaka Hokko Kita Light House

Tenpozan bridge Maishima Section 2

Yumeshima Section 1

Osaka Passage

Section 6 Signal Board Minato bridge Kizu River signal station (Daikanmon) 1DYLJDWLRQDQG Entry$QFKRULQJ3URKLELWHG Prohibited Sakishima Section 3 $UHD Nanko Fariway Nanko signal station

Limited navigation area Outer passage Section 4 Being reclaimed Signal Board Section 5 (Nanko)

Second Nanko signal station

Provisional main passage 15 1 12 6 10 4 10 FI(2)R 6s No.8 17 7 13 7 94 16 6 10 9 Sakai passage

15 7-13 82 10 3 7-25 Iso G 4s 22n13M 7-13 7-7 7-1 7-25 12 4 98 11 4 10 16 3 99 FI G 4 s 1 4m8M 18 7-14 10 5 92 7-31 7-26 7-21 12 6 8 15 7-14 7-8 7-2 8 25 7-31 7-26 7-21 84 16 6 11 7 96 13 7-15 5 23 88 7-27 10 8 9 Section 7 of 17 7 16 7-22 7-15 7-9 7-3 7 7-32 7-27 18 Sakai-Senboku Area 7-22 12 4 14 9

9 4 5 Quarantine 10 6 64 7-4 anchorage7 -28 7 -23 7-16 7-10 10 7‐S 5 17 13 8 7-33 4 7-28 6 Chikko-shin 7-23 7-19 Anchorage 4 16 6 54 87 2 18 10 5 2 13 7-11 7-5 5 14 7 7-17 4 7-34 95 96 7-29 7-24 11 9 17 7-20 54

22 7 83 16 4 15 3 10 6 1 17 8 7-18 7-12 7-6 10 13 8 12 5 7-35 1110 74 18 1 11 7 11 8 MM10 2 SS FI G 3s 11 12 2 7 GGGFI G 3s FI G 3s 2 Q(9)15s No.3 FI G 3s No.9 No.11 99 7 9 17 No.1 15 14 6 No.7 1 20 21 5 5 3 Iso G 6s 18n Br 16m FI(2)R 6s Mo(A)8s FI R 3s Iso R 6s 18 n No.2 RRR13 2 12 2 RRRNo.86 No.120 3 s 3 s 14 5 R .4 FI R 3s R .5 FI R 3s8 9 M No.4 23 54 17 8 No.10 5 16 2 M 10 9 M 9 16 9 5 M FI G 3 s SNo.3 13 9 9 Section 6 of FI(2)G 6s 2 10 4 FI R 3 s 10 7 12 6 No.1 11 7 SNo.4 M Sakai-Senboku Area 10 62

Note 1. Anchorages in Osaka Area, the number of anchorages, and the allowableowable anchorage anchorage time time Section 5 ‐ 11 anchorages Section 5 - 11 anchorages As a rule, the allowable time is within 48 hours. ※ Section 6 ‐ 2 anchorages ※ The allowable time is extended to 72 hours as a trial.

2. Anchorages available in Sakai-Senboku Area for ships before enteringering in Osaka in Osaka Area Area 7-S(Designated sea surface position) 7-13(34-36-04N、135-21-22E) 7-25(34-36-09N、135-20-47E) 7-14(34-35-39N、135-21-23E) 7-26(34-35-34N、135-20-26E) 7-15(34-35-13N、135-21-23E) 7-27(34-35-08N、135-20-04E) 7-21(34-35-34N、135-20-57E) 7-28(34-34-40N、135-19-43E) 7-22(34-35-06N、135-20-43E) 7-31(34-35-35N、135-19-47E) 7-23(34-34-38N、135-20-22E)


㻢 Traffic control According to Article 38 of Port Regulation Law, navigation control is carried out in the waterways of Osaka Area Hanshin Port as listed below.

Name of signal stations Controlled waterway area Kizugawa Unga 【Kizugawa Canal】 signal station 34-38-04N Kizugawa Canal west of Ofunabashi Bridge 〔 135-27-10E

【Nanko Fariway】 Nanko signal station 1 Position 113 degrees, 570 meters from the Osaka Nanko North Breakwater Lighthouse. 34-37-20N 2 Position 213 degrees, 70 meters from the Osaka Nanko North Breakwater 〔 135-25-20E Lighthouse. 3 Position 298 degrees 30 minutes, 520 meters from the Osaka Nanko North Breakwater Lighthouse. Second 4 Position 141 degrees, 660 meters from the Osaka Nanko North Breakwater Nanko signal station Lighthouse. 5 Position 204 degrees 380 meters from the Osaka Nanko North Breakwater 34-37-13N 〔 135-24-09E Lighthouse. 6 Position 269 degrees 30 minutes, 620 meters from the Osaka Nanko North Breakwater Lighthouse.

Note: Vessels of 5,000 tons gross and more shall inform Osaka Coast Guard Office of the ETA when coming in, or of the ETD when going out, through the Nanko Fairway, by noon on the day before.

Traffic control signals in Osaka Area of Hanshin Port

Traffic Control Signal in Kizugawa Canal One flash of white One flash of red One flash of red light 3 flashes of red light and one flash of white and 3 flashes of light every 2 light every 2 light in a row, every 3 white light in a row, seconds seconds seconds every 6 seconds Nighttime Daytime and Flashing light 2 sec2 sec3 sec6 sec One black conic One black square One black concave One black concave object figure with its object figure figure figure and red top upwards square flag, from top down Method of Signalling Figure Daytime

Kind of Signal Entering signal Leaving signal Waiting signal Prohibition signal


less than 300 tons OK OK OK NG 300 tons or over OKNG NG NG

vessel Vessels designated by the Entering Captain of the port OK less than 300 tons OK OK OK NG 300 tons or over NG OK NG NG

vessel Vessels designated by the Leaving captain of the port OK

㻣 㻝㻞㻜 㻞㻝㻜

※ The Way of Signaling for Nanko Signal Station has been changed Flashing lights and objects used to be the way of signaling for Nanko Signal Station. Since March, 15th, 2018, it has been changed to the way to use flickering or lighting characters displayed on the signal board.

㻤 ᵮᶐᶍᶆᶇᶀᶇᶒᶇᶍᶌᴾᵿᶌᶂᴾᵰᶃᶑᶒᶐᶇᶁᶒᶇᶍᶌᴾᶍᶌᴾᵴᶃᶑᶑᶃᶊᶑḚ ᵲᶐᵿᶄᶄᶇᶁᴾᶇᶌᴾᵭᶑᵿᶉᵿᴾᵟᶐᶃᵿ ᴾᴾᵲᶆᶃᴾᵡᵿᶎᶒᵿᶇᶌᴾᶍᶄᴾᵦᵿᶌᶑᶆᶇᶌᴾᵮᶍᶐᶒᴾᶆᵿᶑᴾᶎᶐᶍᶆᶇᶀᶇᶒᶃᶂᴾᵿᶌᶂᴾᶐᶃᶑᶒᶐᶇᶁᶒᶃᶂᴾᶒᶆᶃᵲᶆᶃᴾᵡᵿᶎᶒᵿᶇᶌᴾᶍᶄᴾᵦᵿᶌᶑᶆᶇᶌᴾᵮᶍᶐᶒᴾᶆᵿᶑᴾᶎᶐᶍᶆᶇᶀᶇᶒᶃᶂᴾᵿᶌᶂᴾᶐᶃᶑᶒᶐᶇᶁᶒᶃᶂᴾᶒᶆᶃᴾᶒᴾᶒᶐᵿᶄᶄᶇᶁᴾᶍᶄᴾᶔᶃᶑᶑᶃᶊᶑᶐᵿᶄᶄᶇᶁᴾᶍᶄᴾᶔᶃᶑᶑᶃᶊᶑᴾ ᶑᶇᶌᶁᶃᴾᵫᵿᶗᵊᴾᵐᵎᵏᵑᵌᴾᵲᶆᶃᴾᶎᶐᶍᶆᶇᶀᶇᶒᶃᶂᴾᵿᶌᶂᴾᶐᶃᶑᶒᶐᶇᶁᶒᶃᶂᴾᵿᶐᶃᵿᶑᴾᵿᶐᶃᴾᶇᶌᶂᶇᶁᵿᶒᶃᶂᴾᵿᶑᴾᶀᶃᶊᶍᶕᵘᶒᶃᶂᴾᵿᶑᴾᶀᶃᶊᶍᶕᵘ ᵆᵟᵇᴾ ᵿᶐᶃᵿᴾᴾᵘᴾᵬᵿᶔᶇᶅᵿᶒᶇᶍᶌᴾᵿᶌᶂᴾᵟᶌᶁᶆᶍᶐᶇᶌᶅᴾᵮᶐᶍᶆᶇᶀᶇᶒᶃᶂᴾᵟᶐᶃᵿᴾ ᴾᴾᵟᶊᶊᴾᶔᶃᶑᶑᶃᶊᶑᵆᶃᶖᶁᶃᶎᶒᴾᶄᶍᶐᴾᶔᶃᶑᶑᶃᶊᶑᴾᶃᶌᶅᵿᶅᶃᶂᴾᶇᶌᴾᶒᶆᶃᴾᶁᶍᶌᶑᶒᶐᶓᶁᶒᶇᶍᶌᴾᶕᶍᶐᶉᴾᵿᶌᶂᴾᶒᶆᶍᶑᶃᴾᶎᶃᶐᶋᶇᶒᶒᶃᶂᴾᶀᶗ ᴾᴾᴾᴾᴾᶒᶆᶃᴾᵦᵿᶐᶀᶍᶐᶋᵿᶑᶒᶃᶐᵇᴾᵿᶐᶃᴾᶎᶐᶍᶆᶇᶀᶇᶒᶃᶂᴾᶄᶐᶍᶋᴾᶎᵿᶑᶑᶇᶌᶅᴾᶍᶐᴾᵿᶌᶁᶆᶍᶐᶇᶌᶅᴾᶇᶌᴾᶒᶆᶃᴾᵿᶐᶃᵿᵌ ᵆᵠᵇ ᵿᶐᶃᵿᴾᴾᵘᴾᴾᵬᵿᶔᶇᶅᵿᶒᶇᶍᶌᴾᶐᶃᶑᶒᶐᶇᶁᶒᶃᶂ Ὁᴾᵟᶌᶗᴾᶔᶃᶑᶑᶃᶊᶑᴾᶇᶌᶒᶃᶌᶂᶇᶌᶅᴾᶒᶍᴾᶃᶌᶒᶃᶐᴾᶒᶆᶃᴾᶐᶃᶑᶒᶐᶇᶁᶒᶃᶂᴾᵿᶐᶃᵿᴾᶄᶐᶍᶋᴾᶍᶓᶒᶑᶇᶂᶃᴾᶍᶄᴾᶒᶆᶃᴾᶐᶃᶑᶒᶐᶇᶁᶒᶃᶂᴾᵿᶐᶃᵿᵊ ᶍᶐᴾᶅᶍᴾᶍᶓᶒᶑᶇᶂᶃᴾᶄᶐᶍᶋᴾᶒᶆᶃᴾᶐᶃᶑᶒᶐᶇᶁᶒᶃᶂᴾᵿᶐᶃᵿᵊᴾᶑᶆᵿᶊᶊᴾᶉᶃᶃᶎᴾᶍᶓᶒᴾᶍᶄᴾᶒᶆᶃᴾᶕᵿᶗᴾᶍᶄᴾᶒᶆᶃᴾᶍᶒᶆᶃᶐᴾᶔᶃᶑᶑᶃᶊ ᶕᶆᶇᶁᶆᴾᶇᶑᴾᶌᵿᶔᶇᶅᵿᶒᶇᶌᶅᴾᶒᶆᶃᴾᶐᶃᶑᶒᶐᶇᶁᶒᶃᶂᴾᵿᶐᶃᵿᴾᵿᶊᶍᶌᶅᴾᶒᶆᶃᴾᶁᶍᶓᶐᶑᶃᴾᶍᶄᴾᶒᶆᶃᴾᵿᶐᶃᵿᵌ Ὁᴾᵟᴾᶔᶃᶑᶑᶃᶊᴾᶑᶆᵿᶊᶊᴾᶌᶍᶒᵊᴾᶃᶖᶁᶃᶎᶒᴾᶇᶌᴾᵿᶌᶗᴾᶍᶄᴾᶒᶆᶃᴾᶄᶊᶍᶊᶊᶍᶕᶇᶌᶅᴾᶁᵿᶑᶃᶑᵊᴾᶁᵿᶑᶒᴾᵿᶌᶁᶆᶍᶐᴾᶍᶐᴾᶐᶃᶊᶃᵿᶑᶃᴾᵿᴾᶔᶃᶑᶑᶃᶊ ᶒᶍᶕᶃᶂᴾᶕᶇᶒᶆᶇᶌᴾᶒᶆᶃᴾᶐᶃᶑᶒᶐᶇᶁᶒᶃᶂᴾᵿᶐᶃᵿᵌ ḩᵌᴾᴾᵧᶌᴾᵿᴾᶁᵿᶑᶃᴾᶕᶆᶃᶐᶃᴾᵿᴾᶔᶃᶑᶑᶃᶊᴾᶇᶌᶒᶃᶌᶂᶑᴾᶒᶍᴾᵿᶔᶃᶐᶒᴾᵿᶌᴾᵿᶁᶁᶇᶂᶃᶌᶒᵙᴾᴾ Ḫᵌᴾᴾᵧᶌᴾᵿᴾᶁᵿᶑᶃᴾᶕᶆᶃᶐᶃᴾᵿᴾᶔᶃᶑᶑᶃᶊᴾᶇᶑᴾᶃᶌᶅᵿᶅᶃᶂᴾᶇᶌᴾᶐᶃᶑᶁᶓᶃᴾᶍᶄᴾᶆᶓᶋᵿᶌᴾᶊᶇᶄᶃᴾᶍᶐᴾᵿᴾᶔᶃᶑᶑᶃᶊᴾᶇᶌᴾ ᴾᶇᶋᶋᶇᶌᶃᶌᶒᴾᶂᵿᶌᶅᶃᶐᵙᴾ ḫᵌᴾᴾᵧᶌᴾᵿᴾᶁᵿᶑᶃᴾᶕᶆᶃᶐᶃᴾᵿᴾᶔᶃᶑᶑᶃᶊᴾᶇᶑᴾᶓᶌᶂᶃᶐᴾᶒᶆᶃᴾᶎᶃᶐᶋᶇᶑᶑᶇᶍᶌᴾᶍᶄᴾᶒᶆᶃᴾᵡᵿᶎᶒᵿᶇᶌᴾᶍᶄᴾᶒᶆᶃᴾᵮᶍᶐᶒᵙᴾ Ὁᴾᵵᶆᶃᶌᴾᴾᶒᶕᶍᴾᶔᶃᶑᶑᶃᶊᶑᴾᵿᶐᶃᴾᶋᶃᶃᶒᶇᶌᶅᴾᶍᶌᴾᶐᶃᶁᶇᶎᶐᶍᶁᵿᶊᴾᶁᶍᶓᶐᶑᶃᶑᴾᶕᶇᶒᶆᶇᶌᴾᶒᶆᶃᴾᶐᶃᶑᶒᶐᶇᶁᶒᶃᶂᴾᵿᶐᶃᵿᵊᴾᶃᵿᶁᶆ ᶑᶆᵿᶊᶊᴾᶎᵿᶑᶑᴾᶍᶌᴾᶒᶆᶃᴾᶑᶒᵿᶐᶀᶍᵿᶐᶂᴾᶑᶇᶂᶃᴾᶍᶄᴾᶒᶆᶃᴾᵿᶐᶃᵿᵌ

ᵟᶂᶋᶇᶌᶇᶑᶒᶐᵿᶒᶇᶔᶃᴾᶅᶓᶇᶂᵿᶌᶁᶃᴾᶍᶌᴾᶌᵿᶔᶇᶅᵿᶒᶇᶍᶌᴾᶍᶄᴾᶒᶆᶃᴾᶐᶃᶑᶒᶐᶇᶁᶒᶃᶂᴾᵿᶐᶃᵿ Ὁᴾᵵᶆᶃᶌᴾᵿᴾᶔᶃᶑᶑᶃᶊᴾᶍᶔᶃᶐᴾᵓᵎᵎᴾᶅᶐᶍᶑᶑᴾᶒᶍᶌᶑᴾᶇᶌᶒᶃᶌᶂᶑᴾᶒᶍᴾᶌᵿᶔᶇᶅᵿᶒᶃᴾᵭᶑᵿᶉᵿᴾᵮᵿᶑᶑᵿᶅᶃᵊᴾᶒᶆᶃᴾᶔᶃᶑᶑᶃᶊᴾᶑᶆᵿᶊᶊ ᶌᵿᶔᶇᶅᵿᶒᶃᴾᶒᶆᶃᴾᶐᶃᶑᶒᶐᶇᶁᶒᶃᶂᴾᵿᶐᶃᵿᴾᵿᶊᶍᶌᶅᴾᶒᶆᶃᴾᶁᶍᶓᶐᶑᶃᴾᶍᶄᴾᶒᶆᶃᴾᵿᶐᶃᵿᵌᴾ Ὁᴾᵟᴾᶔᶃᶑᶑᶃᶊᴾᶍᶔᶃᶐᴾᵓᵎᵎᴾᶅᶐᶍᶑᶑᴾᶒᶍᶌᶑᴾᶕᶆᶇᶁᶆᴾᶇᶌᶒᶃᶌᶂᶑᴾᶒᶍᴾᶂᶃᶎᵿᶐᶒᴾᶄᶐᶍᶋᴾᵭᶑᵿᶉᵿᴾᵬᵿᶌᶉᶍᵊᴾᶑᶆᵿᶊᶊᴾᶌᵿᶔᶇᶅᵿᶒᶃᴾ ᶑᶇᶅᶆᶒᶇᶌᶅᴾᵭᶑᵿᶉᵿᴾᵬᵿᶌᶉᶍᴾᵬᶍᵌᵐᴾᶀᶓᶍᶗᴾᶍᶌᴾᶆᶃᶐᴾᶎᶍᶐᶒᴾᶑᶇᶂᶃᵌᴾ Ὁᴾᵧᶌᴾᶍᶐᶂᶃᶐᴾᶒᶍᴾᶑᶃᶁᶓᶐᶃᴾᶒᶆᶃᴾᶌᵿᶔᶇᶅᵿᶒᶇᶍᶌᵿᶊᴾᶒᶐᵿᶄᶄᶇᶁᴾᶑᵿᶄᶃᶒᶗᴾᶍᶄᴾᶔᶃᶑᶑᶃᶊᶑᴾᶇᶌᴾᶑᶍᶓᶒᶆᶕᶃᶑᶒᴾᵿᶐᶃᵿᴾᶍᶄᴾᵭᶑᵿᶉᵿ ᴾ ᵮᵿᶑᶑᵿᶅᶃᵊᴾᶌᶍᴾᶔᶃᶑᶑᶃᶊᴾᶍᶔᶃᶐᴾᵓᵎᵎᴾᶅᶐᶍᶑᶑᴾᶒᶍᶌᶑᴾᶁᵿᶌᴾᶎᶐᶍᶁᶃᶃᶂᴾᶇᶌᴾᶎᵿᶐᵿᶊᶊᶃᶊᴾᶕᶇᶒᶆᴾᶍᶐᴾᶍᶔᶃᶐᶒᵿᶉᶃᴾᵿᶌᶗᴾ ᶍᶒᶆᶃᶐᴾᶔᶃᶑᶑᶃᶊᴾᶇᶌᴾᶒᶆᶃᴾᶌᵿᶔᶇᶅᵿᶒᶇᶍᶌᵋᶐᶃᶑᶒᶐᶇᶁᶒᶃᶂᴾᵿᶐᶃᵿᵌᴾ

㻮㼡㼛㼥㻌㼣㼕㼠㼔 㼓㼞㼑㼑㼚㻌㼘㼕㼓㼔㼠

Osaka Passage 㻮㼡㼛㼥㻌㼣㼕㼠㼔 㼞㼑㼐㻌㼘㼕㼓㼔㼠 㻻㼟㼍㼗㼍㻌㻺㼛㻚㻞㻌 㻸㼕㼓㼔㼠㻌㻮㼡㼛㼥


㻻㼟㼍㼗㼍㻌㻿㼔㼕㼚㼠㼛㻌㻾㼑㼏㼘㼍㼙㼍㼠㼕㼛㼚㻌㼍㼞㼑㼍 㻿㼛㼡㼠㼔㻌㻺㼛㻚㻠㻌㻸㼕㼓㼔㼠㻌㻮㼡㼛㼥

ᵈᴾᵲᶆᶃᴾᶎᵿᶑᶑᵿᶅᶃᴾᶁᶆᵿᶌᶅᶃᶂᴾᶇᶒᶑᴾᶌᵿᶋᶃᴾᶄᶐᶍᶋᴾᵀᵧᶌᶌᶃᶐᴾᵦᵿᶐᶀᶍᶓᶐᴾᵮᵿᶑᶑᵿᶅᶃᵀᴾᶒᶍᴾᵀᵭᶑᵿᶉᵿᴾᵮᵿᶑᶑᵿᶅᶃᵀᴾᴾ ᴾᴾᴾᶂᶓᶃᴾᶒᶍᴾᶁᶆᵿᶌᶅᶃᴾᶍᶄᴾᶇᶒᶑᴾᶄᶍᶐᶋᵆᵭᶌᴾᵟᶎᶐᶇᶊᴾᵏᵊᵐᵎᵏᵗᵇ ᵈ ᵬᵿᶔᶇᶅᵿᶒᶇᶍᶌᴾᵿᶌᶂᴾᵟᶌᶁᶆᶍᶐᶇᶌᶅᴾᵮᶐᶍᶆᶇᶀᶇᶒᶃᶂᴾᵟᶐᶃᵿᴾᶆᵿᶑᴾᶀᶃᶃᶌᴾᶁᶆᵿᶌᶅᶃᶂᴾᶑᶇᶌᶁᶃᴾᵨᶓᶌᶃᵊᵐᵎᵐᵎᵌ ᴾᴾᵆᵟᶑᴾᶑᶆᶍᶕᶌᴾᶇᶌᴾᶒᶆᶃᴾᶄᶇᶅᶓᶐᶃᵇ 㻥 3 Schedule adjustment

(1)Schedule adjustment ① A vessel over 500 gross tons intending to depart through Inner Harbour Passage, shall not navigate in the vicinity of Daikanmon from 0700JST till 0800JST. ② A vessel intending to depart through Inner Harbour Passage, and/or A vessel of 500 gross tons and less is permitted to navigate the waterway between Yumeshima and Shinto construction work area of Osaka Ku section 6. ③ In order to prevent traffic congestion at DAIKANMON, INNER/OUTER PASSAGE, Port Authority shall request to change navigational schedule to the ship through OSAKA PORT

Vessels intending to depart through Osaka Passage Vessels over 500 gross tons intending to depart, shall not navigate this area between 07:00 and 08:00 JST. Vessels of Yumeshima 500G/T and less


Waterway between Signal Board (Daikanmon) Shinto and Yumeshima In the vicinity 1DYLJDWLRQDQG of Daikanmon $QFKRULQJ3URKLELWHGEntry Prohibited $UHD Nanko Fariway

Signal Board (Nanko) Merging traffic area

Provisional main passage

㻝㻜 (2)Coordination

At the latest one day in advance, Hanshin Port Authority obtains information on the time schedule of ships of the gross tonnage over 500 tons who enter or leave the harbor and check the overall schedule to confirm that there is no risk of occurrence of such situations as described in above (1). If there is a risk, Port Authority will designate the ships to be controlled related to the navigation time schedule (hereinafter called "ships to be controlled") and the oncoming ships (hereinafter called "oncoming ships"); according to the following rules of control.

① General rule for controlling ships' navigation in the vicinity of Daikanmon When it is expected that two ships as described in the table below will pass each other in the vicinity of Daikanmon, ○ marked ship will be controlled.

Outgoing ship Incoming ship Ship of the gross tonnage of 10,000 tons or over Ship of the gross tonnage of 10,000 tons or over ○ ○ Ship of the gross tonnage of over 500 tons‐less than 10,000 tons Ship of the gross tonnage of 10,000 tons or over Ship of the gross tonnage of 10,000 tons or over Ship of the gross tonnage of over 500 tons‐less than 10,000 tons ○

The ship to be controlled must adjust its sailing time schedule in order to avoid meeting with the oncoming ship in the vicinity of Daikanmon.

However, the above general rule may not be applied in the following cases. (a) When one ship leaves a berth and another ship comes to the same berth (b) When there is a ship sailing between Nanko Kanmon and Daikanmon for shifting to another berth (c) When there is an unavoidable reason in an emergency case

② General rule for controlling ships' navigation in the merging area When there is a possibility that an incoming ship of the gross tonnage of over 500 tons sailing for Daikanmon and an outgoing ship of the gross tonnage of 5,000 tons or over departing from Nanko sailing according to the control by the Nanko signal station and Second Nanko signal station may pass with each other in the merging area, the former ship will be controlled and the latter ship will be regarded as the oncoming ship.

The ship to be controlled must adjust its sailing time schedule in order to avoid meeting with the oncoming ship in the merging area.

㻝㻝 4 Communication and reporting

(1)Communication and Reporting All ship which are entering or leaving Osaka Area Hanshin Port are requested to communicate with OSAKA PORT RADIO according to following instruction. OSAKA PORT RADIO will inform you Berthing Schedule, Traffic Informations and other necessary informations on behalf of Port Authority.

Calling channel: Ch16 P.S. :Pilot Station Communicating channel: (Ch 20), (Ch 19), Ch 11, Ch 12, and Ch 18 B.W.:Break Water * Mainly use the channels specified in the parentheses.

【When entering the harbor】 ● Ships with a harbor pilot on board

Information sent from Information sent from Reporting time the ship Port Radio 1) at 2 hours before port ・Estimated time of arrival ・Pilot boarding time or entrance at P.S. requirement by Port Authority 2) In case of any change ・Change of the estimated ・Pilot boarding time or time of arrival at P.S. requirement by Port Authority 3) at 20 minutes before ・Estimated time of ・Traffic Information arrival at B.W. passing B.W. (A harbor pilot is on board)

● Ships without a harbor pilot

Information sent from Information sent from Reporting time the ship Port Radio 1) at 2 hours before port ・Estimated time of ・Berthing schedule entrance passing B.W.

2) In case of any change ・Change of the estimated ・Berthing schedule time of passing B.W. ・Traffic Information

㻝㻞 【When departing from the harbor or shifting to another berth in the harbor】

Information sent from Information sent from Reporting time the ship Port Radio ① Before 5 minutes leaving ・Estimated time of leaving ・Information on oncoming the pier the pier ships in the inner harbor

② In case of any change ・Estimated time of leaving ・Information on oncoming the pier ships in the inner harbor

* including the case that a ship is going through Daikanmon and/ or Nanko Kanmon for shifting to another berth in the harbor

【When anchoring】

Information sent from Information sent from Reporting time the ship Port Radio ① When passing ・Estimated time of Tomogashima channel/ anchoring ② After anchoring ・Anchoring time and ・Port entrance schedule position

③ Up and down anchor ・Time of departure from ・Information on oncoming the anchor position ships in the inner harbor ・Estimated time of passing B/W

● The target of Traffic information is the ship of 500G/T or more. ● If you have questions about the information shown on the electric sign board (to be described later), please contact "Osaka Port Radio" by international VHF call. ● Watch VHF ch 16 contimiously for any change or additional informations from OSAKA PORT RADIO.

(2)Information provided by Osaka Harbor Information Center for Security of Ship Navigation

The Information Center provides information 24 hours a day through the following media.

○ Information on the Internet Ẕᶆᶒᶒᶎᵘᵍᵍᶍᶑᵿᶉᵿᶆᵿᶐᶀᶍᶐᵋᶇᶌᶄᶍᵌᶁᶍᶋᵍẕ ○ Information on construction work over the phone Ẕᵎᵔᵋᵔᵔᵏᵐᵋᵒᵑᵔᵑẕ06-6612-4363 ○ Information over the polling fax ・Osaka Port Entrance and Departure Manual 06-6612-7493 ・List of Navigational Coordination 06-6612-8264 ○ Information on transportation of waste materials ○ Information on inbound and outbound ships on electroluminescence panel

㻝㻟 5 Other laws and regulations

(1)Outline of Compulsory Insurance Requirement For Non-tanker Vessels Japanese Government has amended "the Law on Liability for Oil Pollution Damage" in order to tackle the problem of abandoned-shipwreck in Japanese coastal waters. Under this law, most of ocean-going vessels shall be insured. From March 1, 2005, the shipowner of a vessel calling at any Japanese port must fulfill the following requirements for entry. - have P&I insurance for the vessel - carry the relevant certificate on board - report the status of insurance before entering a port

I. Compulsory Insurance certificate of insurance issued by the minister. Compulsory insurance requirement for non-tanker vessel For further details including the list of "Designated will be introduced from March 1, 2005. Vessels that do not insurers", please inquire to one of the offices listed on reverse have P&I insurance after that date will be denied to enter any page.

Japanese port. III. Report of the status of insurance 【Scope of Application】 The captain in of the vessel including the oil tanker The new compulsory insurance requirement applies to all carrying more than 2000 tons of oil in bulk as cargo shall ocean-going vessels (excluding oil tankers) that are of 100 report the status of the insurance and identification gross tonnage or larger. information of the vessel to the District Transport Bureau Note: Oil tankers are already required to have insurance before entering a port in the designated report from. (The under the International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution. shipowner or the agent in Japan can act in the captain's place when reporting.) II. Carrying a Relevant Certificate on Board For further details, please inquire to one of the offices listed - When the vessels are visiting a Japanese port, the on reverse page.

certificate of insurance must be on board. - The minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport issues IV. Inspection the certificate in response to the application from the The government officers including the PSC Officers may shipowner or its agent in Japan. The application for issuing board the vessel to inspect relevant certificate. If the captain the certificate will be accepted from December 1, 2004 at fails to produce the certificate, the captain and/or the District Transport Bureaus, which are the local offices of shipowner would be penalized and the vessel may be detained. the ministry. (The regulations about the certificate for the Under the law, the captain will be guilty of an offence oil tanker are same as before.) punishable when; - Please be reminded that a few weeks or more are required - The vessel without an appropriate insurance cover enters a to provide issuance of the certificate of insurance. port in Japan. - In exception of the rule above, if the shipowner has - The vessel without a relevant certificate enters a port in "Designated insurers" insurance such as P&I clubs Japan. belonged to the International Group of P&I Clubs and etc., - The captain fails to report or reports false information to the original or the certified copy of "the Certificate of the authority. Entry" issued by the insurer will be accepted instead of the - Other cases provided by the law.

(3)㻞 Conditions for berthing to public wharves

①. Conditions for berthing at public wharves If a ship violates any of the international ships/harbor security law SOLAS regulations, ship's oil pollution liability law, and/or PSC (Port state control) laws, it may not be permitted to use mooring facilities such as public piers.

②. Safety measures for port entrance in the nighttime ( i ) As a general rule, it is prohibited to enter the harbor in the nighttime if the weather condition is of the

㻝㻠 (3) Conditions for berthing to public wharves

①. Conditions for berthing at public wharves If a ship violates any of the international ships/harbor security law SOLAS regulations, ship's oil pollution liability law, and/or PSC (Port state control) laws, it may not be permitted to use mooring facilities such as public piers.

②. Safety measures for port entrance in the nighttime ( i ) As a general rule, it is prohibited to enter the harbor in the nighttime if the weather condition is of the wind speed of 15m/s or over and/or the radius of visibility of 1 mile or less. (ii) As a general rule, tankers laden with hazardous cargoes may not enter the harbor. (iii) If a ship (500G/T or more) enters the harbor in the nighttime, ship's master must request Harbor Pilot provided that the ship's master has not experienced at least 2 times in the past 12 months or the ship is not escorted by a tug boat.



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Vessels evacuate to the sea area to the west of “AKASHI KAIKYO” by ETA of Tsunami

AKASHI KAIKYO Vessels evacuate with caution to the Evacuation Sea Area located in the center of the Osaka Bay in case that they are unable to go outside of the Bay by ETA of Tsunami.

Note the following points when Recommended evacuating from the each port Evacuation Sea Area ○Choose the shortest and safest route ○Avoid crossing the vessels from other Recommended Evacuation Sea Area ports ○Small vessels evacuate to the sea area in the vicinity of “AWAJI SHIMA” .

legend current speed 0 ~ 1 knots(maximum) 1 ~ 2 knots(maximum) 2 ~ 3 knots(maximum) Vessels navigating inside of the bay evacuate to the sea area, "KII SUIDO" 3 ~ 4 knots(maximum) to the south of “TOMOGASHIMA 4 ~ 5 knots(maximum) SUIDO” by ETA of Tsunami. TOMOGASHIMA SUIDO 5 ~ 6 knots(maximum) 6 ~ 7 knots(maximum) 7 knots ~(maximum)

water depth line (30m) Recommeded Evacuation Sea Areas Sea areas depth less than 4 Recommended times the estimated height Evacuation Sea Area of Tsunami


㻟㻜 76 ※Information ⁠⁘⁡⁤ ⁓⁦⁛⁡⁠‒⁡ on⁠‒⁘ fishery⁛⁥⁚⁗⁤‒⁡ operations⁢⁗⁤⁓⁦⁛⁡⁠⁥

Sand lance fishery

In Osaka bay and the sea of Harima, "Sand lance fishery operations by trawl-boat" are frequently conducted between February and April every year. Sand lances gather in current rips, so Akashi strait is one of the best fishing spots. In the best season, approx. 120 fishing teams (3 boats per team) or 360 trawl-boats gather for fishing operations in the narrow strait. Besides Akashi strait, fishing operations are conducted in the surrounding sea areas as well; so more than 200 teams in total are engaged in operations. For this reason, general ships sometimes change the navigation route to move away from those fishing boats or stop in the sea area finding no sailing course. Patrol boats from Japan Coast Guard are on the watch, but general ships should also pay attention to fishing operations of trawl-boats for safe navigation. Through the sand lance fishing season, the Osaka harbor Information Center for Security of Ship Navigation reports the latest information on the situations of fishery operations in every 30 minutes by fax, radio broadcasting, internet homepage, etc. Furthermore, if you find dangers or hope to obtain necessary information during sailing, please contact the Osaka harbor Information Center by radio or telephone.

OSAKAWAN Traffic Advisory Service Center (Osaka MARTIS) Fax information: 0799-82-3046 Information No. 33 Radio broadcasting (Intermediate wave) :1,651 kHz Japanese (15 minutes and 45 minutes past the every hour) 2,019 kHz English (on the every hour and 30 minutes past the every hour) Homepage:http://www6.kaiho.mlit.go.jp/osakawan/index.htm TEL: Control section: 0799-82-1 Information section: 0799-82-3048

Trawl-boats (3 boats per team)

Net fishing boats

Skiff (Guard and transportation)

・The net length is about 350 meters. ・The distance between two net fishing boats is about 100 meters. ・The net is at 1 - 10 meters below the water surface.

㻟㻝 Amagasaki- Nishinomiya- Ashiya Area

Kobe Area Osaka Hanshin Port Area

Sakai-Senboku Area

㻟㻞 Rivision History Date Nature of Rivision March, 2010 First Editon August, 2017 Summary of changes ・Anchorage(Delete Section 6 , add the allowable time extention)(P.5) ・Description about the prohibited area.(P.9) ・Delete number of polling fax. ・Delete “ Reporting on the Security Information of ships ”. ・Add “ The Guidelines of Measures for preventing Typhoon Disaster “ and “ The measures to be taken against Tsunami”.(P16-24) ・Osaka Bay mesh chart (P.21) ・Revision “ List of Port Authorities for checking information “. ・Change of Navigation and Anchoring Prohibited Area. April, 2018 ・Change of the Way of Signaling for Nanko Signal Station. (P.8) ・Delete “during the dredging of the main passage of the Osaka Harbour” from Administrative guidance on navigation of the restricted area.(P.9) July, 2018 ・Name change of Stage of Mesures (P.16~) ・Name change of Category of Advisory by Captain of the Port (P.23~) May, 2019 ・Change of the map by the following: -Change of name from “Inner Harbour Passage” to “Osaka Passage” -Abolition of “Ajikawa Passage” August, 2020 ・Change of Navigation and Anchoring Prohibited Area.(P.9) ・Change of “ The Guidelines of Measures for preventing Typhoon Disaster “ (P.16~) ・Change of “ The measures to be taken against Tsunami for vessels ” (P.25~)

Port of Osaka Entrance and Departure Manual

August, 2020 Revised Edition

The publisher: Osaka Ports and Harbors Bureau 1‥‟…‟․‪‒‽⁓⁛⁙⁓⁠‟⁖⁡⁤⁛„‒‿⁛⁠⁓⁦⁡‒⁉⁓⁤⁖„‒⁁⁥⁓⁝⁓‒‵⁛⁦„‒‧‧․‟••․․-14-16 Nanko-kita, Suminoe Ward, Osaka City, 559-0034 WTC⁆‷‾‒‬‒• ‟ ‧ ‣‟‣‫ Building 41F TEL:06-6571-1966 ⁆⁚⁗‒⁁⁥⁓⁝⁓‒›⁓⁤⁔⁡⁤‒※⁠⁘⁡⁤ ⁓⁦⁛⁡⁠‒‵⁗⁠⁦⁗⁤ The⁘⁡⁤‒⁦⁚⁗‒⁅⁗⁕⁧⁤⁛⁦‒⁡⁘‒⁅⁚⁛⁢‒⁀⁓⁨⁛⁙⁓⁦⁛⁡⁠ Osaka Harbor Information Center for‣‟‣…‟‣ ‒⁀⁓⁠⁝⁡‟⁝⁛⁦⁓„‒⁅⁧ ⁛⁠⁡⁗‒⁉⁓⁤⁖„‒⁁⁥⁓⁝⁓‒‵⁛⁦„‒‧‧‫‟••‥… the Security of Ship Navigation 1⁁⁥⁓⁝⁓‒⁂⁤⁗⁘⁗⁕⁦⁧⁤⁓⁞‒‹⁡⁨⁗⁤ ⁗⁠⁦‒⁅⁓⁝⁛⁥⁚⁛ ⁓‒‴⁞⁖⁙†-14-16 Nanko-kita, Suminoe Ward, Osaka City, 559-0034 WTC‚⁅⁓⁝⁛⁥⁚⁛ ⁓‒‵⁡⁥ ⁡‒⁆⁡⁩⁗⁤‛‒……‸ Building 40F TEL:06⁆‷‾‒‬‒• ‟ ‣․‟…‥ ‥-6612-4363 List of Port Authorities for checking information

Information to check Authorities for contact

Facilities in Osaka Port Osaka Ports and Harbors Bureau 06-6571-1966 https://www.city.osaka.lg.jp/port/index.html

Information on offshore The Osaka harbor Information Center for Security of Ship Navigation construction, ships’ 06-6612-4363 entrance and departure http://www.osakaharbor-info.com/top.html in Osaka harbor

Osaka Port Radio information, TST Corporation Navigational coordination and 06-6615-7073 liaison, Information on ships’ https://www.toyoshingo.co.jp/ entrance and departure

Procedures with the Osaka Coast Guard Office Captain of the port, Hanshin 06-6571-0223 Port Regulation Law related https://www.kaiho.mlit.go.jp/05kanku/osaka/

Coast guard information 5th Regional Coast Guard Headquarters of Osaka Bay 078-391-6551 ISPS related https://www.kaiho.mlit.go.jp/05kanku/

Marine traffic information Osaka Martis of Osaka Bay 0799-82-3050 https://www6.kaiho.mlit.go.jp/osakawan/index.htm

Bay䣑䣕䣃䣍䣃䣙䣃䣐傍䣒䣋䣎䣑䣖䣕䢩 pilot Osaka䣑䣕䣃䣍䣃䣙䣃䣐傍䣒䣋䣎䣑䣖䣕䢩傍䣃䣕䣕䣑䣅䣋䣃䣖䣋䣑䣐 Bay Pilots’ Association 䣃䣕䣕䣑䣅䣋䣃䣖䣋䣑䣐 078-321-2200 http://www.osaka-baypilot.jp/WWW/indexA.htmlᶆᶒᶒᶎᵘᵍᵍᶕᶕᶕᵌᶍᶑᵿᶉᵿᶕᵿᶌᶎᶇᶊᶍᶒᵌᶈᶎᵍ

Weather information Osaka ᵰᶃᶅᶇᶍᶌᵿᶊᴾᵦᶃᵿᶂᶏᶓᵿᶐᶒᶃᶐᶑ, JMA of Osaka 06-6949-6304 ᶆᶒᶒᶎᶑᵘᵍᵍᶕᶕᶕᵌᶈᶋᵿᵋᶌᶃᶒᵌᶅᶍᵌᶈᶎᵍᶍᶑᵿᶉᵿᵍ

Fisheries in Osaka Bay Fisheries Division,Osaka Prefectual Government 06-6941-0351 http://www.pref.osaka.jp/osaka-pref/suisan/ᶆᶒᶒᶎᵘᵍᵍᶕᶕᶕᵌᶎᶐᶃᶄᵌᶍᶑᵿᶉᵿᵌᶊᶅᵌᶈᶎᵍᶑᶓᶇᶑᵿᶌᵍ

PI insurance duties Regulatory Department of Maritime Safety Environment Division, Kinki Transport Bureau 06-6949-6423 http://wwwtb.mlit.go.jp/kinki/koutsu/hune/index.htm