Public Disclosure Authorized



Public Disclosure Authorized

Prepared by


Public Disclosure Authorized

January 2015

TEP - 500/220kV Hiep Hoa - Dong Anh – Bac Ninh 2 Transmission Line Subproject Environmental Management Plan TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ...... 1 2. POLICY, REGULATIONS, AND ADMINISTRATIVE FRAMEWORKS ...... 1 2.1. Government Regulations: ...... 1 2.2. World Bank Safeguard Policies ...... 2 3. SUBPROJECT DESCRIPTION ...... 4 3.1. Objectives of the Subproject ...... 4 3.2. Scope of the Subproject ...... 4 3.3. Location of the Subproject ...... 4 3.4 Subproject Main Work Volume ...... 7 3.5. Main Activities Before and During Construction ...... 9 3.6. Subproject Implementation Schedule and Total Investment ...... 10 4. BASELINE DATA ...... 12 4.1. Geographical Location ...... 12 4.2. Topography and Geology ...... 14 4.2.1 Project Geology ...... 14 4.2.2. Hydrological geology ...... 14 4.2.3 Physical phenomenon ...... 15 4.2.4 Earthquake ...... 15 4.3. Hydro- Meteorological Characteristics ...... 15 4.4. Land Use ...... 16 4.5. Environmental Baseline Data ...... 16 4.6. Socio-economic Status of the Subproject Area ...... 17 5. POTENTIAL IMPACTS...... 20 6. MITIGATION MEASURES ...... 27 7. EMP IMPLEMENTATION ARRANGEMENTS ...... 45 8. MONITORING PROGRAM ...... 47 8.1. Objectives ...... 47 8.2. Site Inspections ...... 47 8.3 Monitoring Indicators ...... 48 9. INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES ...... 53 10 . MONITORING AND REPORTING PROCEDURE ...... 54 11. COST ESTIMATION FOR EMP IMPLEMENTATION ...... 54 12. PUBLIC CONSULTATION AND INFORMATION DISCLOSURE ...... 55 12.1 Public consultation ...... 55 REFERENCES ...... 58

POWER ENGINEERING CONSULTING JS COMPANY No 1 TEP - 500/220kV Hiep Hoa - Dong Anh – Bac Ninh 2 Transmission Line Subproject Environmental Management Plan LIST OF TABLES

Table 3.1. The main parameters of the transmission line ...... 4 Table 3.2. Main construction quantity of the subproject ...... 7 Table 3.3. List of primary construction materials ...... 7 Table 4.1. Total land area of permanent acquisition ...... 16 Table 4.2. Income source of household ...... 18 Table 5.1. Impact of the Subproject ...... 21 Table 6.1. Impact Mitigation Measures for Environment ...... 27 Table 7.1. Institutional arrangement for subproject’s EMP implementation ...... 45 Table 8.1. Environmental Monitoring plan ...... 49 Table 9.1. Cost estimation for capacity building in EMP implementation (*) ...... 53 Table 11.1. Summary of cost estimation for implementation of EMP ...... 54


NPPMB : North Power Project Management Board EVN : Electricity SIMC : Safeguard Independent Monitoring Consultant EMP : Environmental Management Plan WB : World Bank NPT : National Power Transmission Corporation PFF : Preventing and fighting fire PTC1 : Power Transmission Company No.1 PECC1 : Power Engineering Consulting Joint - Stock Company No. 1 TEP : Transmission Efficiency Project VND : Vietnam Dong USD : U.S.Dollar EMF : Electromagnetic Field GOV : HV : High voltage LV : Low Voltage MONRE : Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment PCBs : Polychlorinated Biphenyls PMU : Project Management Unit (under the NPPMB) AHs : Affected Households ESMF : Environmental and Social Management Framework ECOP : Environmental Codes of Practice

POWER ENGINEERING CONSULTING JS COMPANY No 1 TEP - 500/220kV Hiep Hoa - Dong Anh – Bac Ninh 2 Transmission Line Subproject Environmental Management Plan INTRODUCTION The subproject: “500/220kV Hiep Hoa - Dong Anh - Bac Ninh 2 Transmission Line” is one of the subprojects that will be implemented in Phase II of the Transmission Efficiency Project (TEP) funded by the World Bank The subproject is constructed pass through 25 communes, 8 districts within Ha Noi city, Bac Ninh province and Bac Giang province. The implementation of the subproject is in line with the National Power Development Master Plan 7 (PDMP7) to meet the growing electricity demand load and power system in the Northeast area of city (Đong Anh, Soc Son, Long Bien), and Yen Phong, Tien Son, Thuan Thanh industrial zones of Bac Ninh province. The activities of the subproject including (i) the 500/220kV transmission line including 500kV circuit and 220kV circuit go along a colonnade), (ii) 220kV connection line turns to 220kV Dong Anh substation and 220kV connection line turn to 220kV Long Bien substation. The project construction activities cause negative impacts on the environment and local communities in the preparation, construction and operation phases. To ensure the potential negative impacts are identified and mitigated during the subproject implementation and in compliance with the policy on environmental assessment of the World Bank (OP/BP 4.01), an Environmental Management Plan (EMP) of the subproject has been prepared in accordance with the guidelines provided in the Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) of the TEP project. The EMP includes the following contents: an introduction, the main legal framework, the subproject description, the environmental background, potential positive and negative impacts, proposed mitigation measures, and implementation arrangements. It also includes an Environmental Codes of Practice (ECOP) prepared for the subproject. The EMP will be incorporated into the bidding documents and construction contracts, as well as a scope for environment quality monitoring. A Resettlement Plan (RP) has also been prepared for the subproject and presented separately. The Government’s regulation on EA requires submission of an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Report for the subproject. The EIA report was approved by MONRE dated 19/08/2014 under decision no.1740/Q Đ-BTNMT. 2. POLICY, REGULATIONS, AND ADMINISTRATIVE FRAMEWORKS 2.1. Government Regulations: The following national laws and regulations are applied for subproject: - Law on Protection of the Environment No. 55/2014/QH13 passed by the National Assembly on June 23th , 2014 regulates the obligations of individuals, organizations in protecting environment. - Land Law No. 45/2013/QH13 dated November 29, 2013,which will take effect on July 1, 2014. - Law on Water Resource No. 17/2012/QH13 enacted June 21, 2012. - Law on electricity No. 28/2004/QH11 dated December 3, 2004. - Construction Law No. 16/2003/QH11 dated November 26, 2003. - The Law of Cultural Heritage No. 28/2001/QH10 promulgated on June 29 2001, with some amendment in 2009 by the National Assembly (No. 32/2009/QH12). - Law on Fire Prevention and Fighting No. 27/2001/QH10 dated June 29, 2001. - Labor law No. 35-L/CTN dated 23rd Jun 1994, with some amendment under Document No. 84/2007/QH11 by the National Assembly. - Decree No.14/2014/ND-CP dated February 26th, 2014 on implementation guidelines for items stipulated in the Electricity Law on protection of high voltage electrical networks. - Decree No. 179/2013/ND-CP dated November 14, 2013 on sanction of violations in the field of environmental protection. - Decree of Government No. 29/2011/ND-CP dated 18 April, 2011 regulating strategic environmental assessment, environmental impact assessment and environment protection commitment.

POWER ENGINEERING CONSULTING JS COMPANY No. 1 1 TEP - 500/220kV Hiep Hoa - Dong Anh – Bac Ninh 2 Transmission Line Subproject Environmental Management Plan - Decree No. 98/2010/ND-CP of the Government dated 21 September 2010 on detailing the implementation of some articles of the Law on Cultural Heritage and the Law amending and supplementing some articles of Law on cultural heritage. - Decree No. 59/2007/ND-CP dated April 9, 2008 on solid waste management. - Decree 174/2007/ND-CP dated November 29, 2007 of GOV on environmental protection charges for solid wastes. - Circular No.26/2011/TT-BTNMT dated 18 July, 2011 on guidance for Decree No.29/2011/ND-CP dated 18 April, 2011. - Circular No.12/2011/TT-BTNMT dated 14 April, 2011 relating to toxic waste management. - Circular No. 03/2010/TT-BCT dated January 1, 2010 on some rules on safe protection of high voltage grids. - The main applicable National Technical Regulations include: QCVN 05: 2013/BTNMT: National technical regulation on ambient air quality; QCVN 27:2010/BTNMT: National technical regulation on vibration; QCVN 26:2010/BTNMT: National technical regulation on maximum noise limit in public and residential areas; QCVN 08: 2008/BTNMT - national technical regulation on surface water quality; QCVN 09: 2008/BTNMT - national technical regulation on ground water quality; QCVN 01: 2009/BYT- national technical regulation on drinking water quality; QCVN 02: 2009/BYT- national technical regulation on domestic water quality; QCVN 06: 2009/BTNMT – air quality –specified maximum allowable concentrations of certain hazardous substances in ambient air; QCVN 14:2008/BTNMT: National technical regulation on domestic wastewater; QCVN 40:2011/BTNMT: National technical regulations on industrial wastewater; QCVN 03:2008/BTNMT: National technical regulation on permissible limits of heavy metals in soils; QCVN 07:2009/BTNMT – National Technical Regulation on Hazardous Waste Thresholds; QCVN 01:2008/BCT – National technical regulation on safety principles in working with transmission lines and electrical equipment. - Other relevant sector technical regulation and standards. 2.2. World Bank Safeguard Policies An environmental and social screening of the subproject was undertaken in line with the OP 4.01 and it showed that the World Bank’s policies on Environmental Assessment (OP/BP 4.01), and Involuntary Resettlement (OP/BP 4.12) will be triggered for the subproject. The screening has also resulted in categorizing the subproject as a Category B project. In addition, the Bank’s requirements on public consultation and information disclosure will need to be followed. Environmental Assessment (OP/BP 4.01): Environmental Assessment (EA) is an umbrella policy for the Bank’s safeguard policies. The overarching objective is to ensure that Bank-financed projects are environmentally sound and sustainable, and that decision-making is improved through appropriate analysis of actions and of their likely environmental impacts. The EA process is intended to identify, avoid and mitigate potential impacts of Bank operations. EA takes into account the natural environment (air, water, and land); human health and safety; social aspects (involuntary resettlement, indigenous peoples, and physical cultural resources); and trans boundary and global environmental aspects. EA considers natural and social aspects in an integrated way. This subproject triggers OP 4.01 because it involves the construction and operation of a high- voltage transmission lines, requiring the identification, mitigation and monitoring of potential adverse environmental and social impacts. As required by OP 4.01, the subproject needs to prepare an EIA and an EMP that meet the Government’s and the World Bank’s safeguards requirements. By the TEP appraisal, the subproject EIA and EMP needs to be disclosed as required by OP 4.01 and the Bank’s policy on access to information. Involuntary Resettlement (OP/BP 4.12) The Involuntary Resettlement policy seeks to prevent severe long-term hardship, impoverishment, and environmental damage to the affected peoples during involuntary resettlement. OP 4.12 applies whether or not affected persons must move to another location. The Bank describes

POWER ENGINEERING CONSULTING JS COMPANY No. 1 2 TEP - 500/220kV Hiep Hoa - Dong Anh – Bac Ninh 2 Transmission Line Subproject Environmental Management Plan all these processes and outcomes as “involuntary resettlement,” or simply resettlement, even when people are not forced to move. Resettlement is involuntary when the government has the right to expropriate land or other assets and when affected people do not have the option to retain the livelihood situation that they have. This policy is triggered because the subproject it would have impacts involving the temporary and permanent involuntary taking of land and the loss of structures and assets associated with the land for the construction of the substation and the associated connecting line. By appraisal, the subproject needs to prepare and disclose a RP. The RP will include the measures to ensure that displaced people are: (i) informed about the options regarding resettlement; (ii) consulted and offered alternative resettlement choices; and (iii) provided with effective compensation and livelihood restoration. World Bank Group Environmental, Health, and Safety Guidelines World Bank-financed projects should also take into account the World Bank Group Environmental, Health, and Safety Guidelines 1 (known as the "EHS Guidelines"). The EHS Guidelines are technical reference documents with general and industry-specific examples of Good International Industry Practice. The EHS Guidelines contain the performance levels and measures that are normally acceptable to the World Bank Group and are generally considered to be achievable in new facilities at reasonable costs by existing technology. The environmental assessment process may recommend alternative (higher or lower) levels or measures, which, if acceptable to the World Bank, become project- or site-specific requirements. This subproject should conform the Environmental, Health, and Safety Guidelines for Electric Power Transmission and Distribution of the EHS Guidelines.

1 The EHS Guidelines can be consulted at .

POWER ENGINEERING CONSULTING JS COMPANY No. 1 3 TEP - 500/220kV Hiep Hoa - Dong Anh – Bac Ninh 2 Transmission Line Subproject Environmental Management Plan 3. SUBPROJECT DESCRIPTION 3.1. Objectives of the Subproject The objectives of the subproject is to i) meet power needs for the critical loads in areas of the North of Hanoi (Dong Anh, Soc Son, Long Bien), and the industrial zone as Yen Phong, Tien Son, Thuan Thanh of Bac Ninh province; (ii) connect with 500/220kV Pho Noi substation and Dong Anh substation in the later stage to enhance the stability of power supply for load of main economic region in the North Delta area; (iii) reduce loss of capacity and power in the system, contribute to improve the production efficiency in business of Vietnam Electricity Corporation. 3.2. Scope of the Subproject The project construction including (1) 500/220kV transmission line (a circuit 500kV and a circuit 220kV go along a colonnade, (ii) 220kV connection line turn to 220kV Dong Anh substation and 220kV connection line turn to 220kV Long Bien substation. 500/200kV transmission line (main circuit) has a length of 42.98km. ROW of 500/220kV transmission line (main circuit) is 30m. 220kV connection lines turn to 220kV Đong Anh substation and 220kV Long Bien substation have a length of 5,840m. ROW of 220kV TLs (main circuit) are 24m. The construction activities include: i) foundation construction ii) pillar construction (iii) pulling conductor and install accessories. 3.3. Location of the Subproject 500/220kV Hiep Hoa – Dong Anh – Bac Ninh 2 transmission line subproject has a length of 48.82km goes through 25 wards/communes within districts of Bac Giang province, Ha Noi city, Bac Ninh province. The total land area acquired permanently for the project pillar foundation construction is 52,069.2 m 2 (in which the area of pillar foundations of main transmission line 43,217.829 m 2 and of pillar foundations of connection line to Dong Anh and Long Bien substations is 8,851.4 m 2). 220kV connection line to 220kV Dong Anh substation and 220kV Long Bien substation has a length of 5,840m. Starting point 1 at busbar 500kV of 500kV of 500/200kV substation Hiep Hoa; Starting point 2 starts from pillar (4 circuits) within 500/220kV Hiep Hoa substation and connection; Ending point 1 at busbar of 220kV of 220kV Dong Anh substation. Ending point 2 at busbar 220kV of 220kV Long Bien substation. Ending point 3 at G17 of 500kV Pho Noi - Bac Ninh 2 transmission line. The transmission line goes in plain, semi-midland area, mainly rice, crops, passing through the resident area. Ending section goes near Dai Dong – Hoan Son industrial zones. 500/220kV Hiep Hoa - Đong Anh - Bac Ninh 2 transmission line subproject has been carefully selected by comparing alternative based on the provincial planning, at the same time consistent with landscape, legality, avoid affecting the monument. Table 3.1. The main parameters of the transmission line Parameter Value / Information 500/220 kV transmission line (main circuit) 500kV TL starting at Pooctic 500/220kV of 500/220kV Hiep Hoa substation. Start point 220kV TL starting at location No. 3 and 9 of 500kV Hiep Hoa substation and connection. 500kV TL ending at pillar No. 76 (G17-1) of 500/220kV Ph ố N ối- Bắc Ninh 2 transmission line. End point 220kVTL ending at pillar No. 77 (G17-3) of 500/220kV Ph ố N ối- Bắc Ninh 2 transmission line.

POWER ENGINEERING CONSULTING JS COMPANY No. 1 4 TEP - 500/220kV Hiep Hoa - Dong Anh – Bac Ninh 2 Transmission Line Subproject Environmental Management Plan

Parameter Value / Information The length of TL 42.98km Voltage 500/220kV 4xACSR400/51 (4 conductors) for 500 kV TL. 3×ACSR400/51 Conductor (3conductors) for 220kV TL. - 01earthwire PHLOX 116 Earth wire - 01 earth wire combined with OPGW 128 Insulation Glass and ceramic (IEC standard) Tower Galvanized steel tower and freestanding Foundation Reinforced concrete cast in place 220kV connection line to 220kV Dong Anh substation Anchor tower No. 66 and No. 67 of ĐD 500/220kV Hiep Hoa – Bac Ninh Start point 2 transmission line. End point Pooctich 220kV of 220kV Đong Anh substation Length 1,440m Circuit 4 Voltage 220kV Conductor 3×ACSR400/51 (3conductor) - 01earth wire PHLOX 116 Earth wire - 01 earth wire combined with OPGW 128 Insulation Glass or ceramic ( IEC standard) Tower Galvanized steel tower and freestanding Foundation Reinforced concrete cast in place 220kV connection line to 220kV Long Bien substation Anchor tower No. 93 and No. 94 of 500/220kV Hiep Hoa – Bac Ninh 2 Start point transmission line End point Pooctic 220kV of 220kV Long Bien substation Length 4,400m Circuit 4 Voltage 220kV Conductor 3×ACSR400/51 ( 3 conductors ) - 01earth wire PHLOX 116 Earth wire - 01 earth wire combined with OPGW 128 Insulation Glass or ceramic ( IEC standard) Tower Galvanized steel tower and freestanding Foundation Reinforced concrete cast in place (Source: Main report, adjusted FS, The 500/220 kV Hiep Hoa - Dong Anh – Bac Ninh 2 transmission line, PECC1, 4/2014

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Figure 1: Location Diagram of 500/220kV Hiep Hoa - Dong Anh - Bac Ninh 2 transmission line

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3.4 Subproject Main Work Volume Table 3.2. Main construction quantity of the subproject Connection Connection Main line to line to No. Subproject items Unit Total circuit Dong Anh Long Bien ss ss 1 The TL (143 site) 208,293 a Soil excavation m3 93,847 5,226 12,622 111,695 3 b Soil embankment m 84,573 2,415 6,570 93,558

3 c Grounding excavation m 2,460 120 460 3,040

(Source: Main report, adjusted FS, The 500/220 kV Hiep Hoa - Dong Anh – Bac Ninh 2 transmission line, PECC1, 4/2014) Table 3.3. List of primary construction materials No. Project items Unit Quantity I Main circuit 550kV and 220kV 1 Armored concrete for foundation and pile grating Cement PC300 ton 8,171.84 Coarse yellow sand m3 12,124.68 Aggregate 4x6 m3 2,512.94 Aggregate 2x4 m3 19,562.51 Stone m3 631.94 Wood for scaffold connection m3 339.91 Shaped steel form lumber ton 11.47 Wood for formworks m3 116.48 Shaped steel ton 1740.17 2 Armored concrete Cement PC300 ton 3,517.45 Coarse yellow sand m3 3,256.33 Aggregate 1x2 m3 6,612.49 Wood for formworks m3 36.84 Shaped steel ton 1,518.7 II Connection line to 500kV Dong Anh substation 1 Armored concrete for foundation and pile grating Cement PC300 ton 970.02 Coarse yellow sand m3 1,365.57

POWER ENGINEERING CONSULTING JS COMPANY No. 1 7 TEP-500/220kV Hiep Hoa - Dong Anh – Bac Ninh 2 Transmission Line Subproject Environmental Management Plan

No. Project items Unit Quantity Aggregate 4x6 m3 132.4 Aggregate 2x4 m3 2,420.7 Stone m3 2420.7 Wood for scaffold connection m3 42.06 Shaped steel form lumber ton 0.53 Shaped steel ton 0.57 Wood for formworks m3 5.42 Shaped steel ton 77.31 2 Armoured concrete Cement PC300 ton 875.62 Coarse yellow sand m3 810.62 Aggregate 1x2 m3 1,646.10 Wood for formworks m3 9.19 Shaped steel ton 420.92 III Connection line to 220 kV Long Bien substation 1 Armored concrete for foundation and pile grating Cement PC300 ton 2,080.90 Coarse yellow sand m3 2,942.41 Aggregate 4x6 m3 323.77 Aggregate 2x4 m3 5,174.12 Stone m3 0 Wood for scaffold connection m3 89.9 Shaped steel form lumber ton 1.39 Shaped steel ton 1.47 Wood for formworks m3 14.08 Shaped steel ton 253.41 2 Armored concrete Cement PC300 ton 1,900.79 Coarse yellow sand m3 1,759.68 Aggregate 1x2 m3 3,573.32 Wood for formworks m3 19.94 Shaped steel ton 924.76 (Source: Main report, adjusted FS, 500/220 kV Hiep Hoa - Dong Anh – Bac Ninh 2 transmission line, PECC1, 4/2014)

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3.5. Main Activities Before and During Construction 3.5.1. Main Activities Before and During Construction Activities before construction: - Acquiring land for tower foundation construction, conducting compensation and allowances for land damages and assets on land with ROW for site clearance. - Constructing auxiliary facilities (worker camps, stockpiles, material storage yards). - Mobilization of workers. -Temporary land acquisition partly along roadside for storing material and equipment. - Set-up of domestic water supply for the domestic and construction needs Activities during construction: - Construction of transmission line: + Foundation excavation. - The number of the pole foudations is 143, including two types of foundation: pile and buoyant foundations. The maximum depth od the pole foudation is 3.7 m and minimum depth is 3m. - The largest area acquired for 1 pole foundation is 376.36m 2 and its smallest area is 103.25m 2. - The maximum height is the pole is 58m. + Transportation of material to the site. + Set-up of poles – installation of line components. - Main materials and equipment to be used: + Cement, sand, stone, iron, pole, porcelain, mixing station, cranes, etc: bought in the locality, transported to the subproject site by road. + Total volume of construction material to be used is 121,416 tons. 3.5.2. Transportation Material and equipment supply Material and equipment supply will be determined in detail in later phase, depending on the state budget disbursement and the subproject bidding method. Two sources are expected: - Material and equipment supply by the subproject owner. - Material and equipment supply by the contractor. Long distance transportation For material and equipment supplied by the project owner : + Long distance transportation of such material and equipment will be undertaken using specialized trucks. Such trucks will be selected in accordance with the requirements provided in the contract. + Long distance transportation from the subproject owner warehouse to the site will be undertaken using 5-7.5 ton trucks and loading and unloading will be done using 5-ton cranes. For materials and equipment supplied by the contractor: + Electric poles will be transported using Kawaz trucks, using 5-ton cranes for loading and unloading. + Supporting frames and accessories will be transported using 5-ton trucks with manual loading and unloading. + Cement and steel will be transported using 5-12 ton trucks with manual loading and unloading.

POWER ENGINEERING CONSULTING JS COMPANY No. 1 9 TEP-500/220kV Hiep Hoa - Dong Anh – Bac Ninh 2 Transmission Line Subproject Environmental Management Plan

+ Stone and sand will be transported using 5-12 ton dump trucks. Intermediate transportation - Materials and equipment stored at the site such as cables, insulators, accessories, breakers, capacitors, power meters, meter boxes and cement will be transported to the construction sites using non-motorized vehicles and manual handling. Manual handling All materials and equipment will be transported to the construction site manually. The distance will be determined case by case. 3.5.3. Employment and Worker Camps Area of temporary camps is taken according to number of worker working in construction site. These temporary camps include: camp for accommodation, camp for administration, camp for public activities…. The labor demand is determined by the volume of work, construction method and the current labor norms. In the construction phase is expected to be apporoximately 375 people participating in construction. The project plans to construct the transmission line using 15 teams operating in 15 separate sections. Construction of transmission towers, stringing and tensioning conductors is a specialised task. Each team will consist of about 25 people. 3.6. Subproject Implementation Schedule and Total Investment 3.6.1 Subproject Implementation Schedule Based on the requirements of power supply and capacity of the subproject owner, the subproject timeline is scheduled as follows:

2014 2015 2016 No The process of project Quar Quar Quar Quar Quar Quar Quar Quar Quar Quar Quar Quar . implementation ter ter ter ter ter ter ter ter ter ter I ter I ter I II III IV II III IV II III IV Prepare Technical 1 Design and special reports

Prepare and approve 2 total investment

Prepare Bidding 3 document

4 Bidding

Prepare construction 5 drawing Complete the procedures for 6 granting land for construction

Opening for 7 construction POWER ENGINEERING CONSULTING JS COMPANY No. 1 10 TEP-500/220kV Hiep Hoa - Dong Anh – Bac Ninh 2 Transmission Line Subproject Environmental Management Plan

3.6.2. Total Investment Total investment breakdown is indicated in the table below:

Construction cost 1,454,013,800,817

Equipment cost 42,259,568,241 Compensation cost 72,726,000,000 Project management cost 15,358,592,733 Consultants cost 53,804,836,422 Other costs 106,392,111,701 Contingency 694,739,959,035

Total investment 2,439,294,868,949

POWER ENGINEERING CONSULTING JS COMPANY No. 1 11 TEP-500/220kV Hiep Hoa - Dong Anh – Bac Ninh 2 Transmission Line Subproject Environmental Management Plan

4. BASELINE DATA 4.1. Geographical Location The subproject is constructed extending through the territory of 25 communes/wards (Hop Thinh, Mai Chung, Dai Thanh, Bac Phu, Kim Lu, Tan Hung, Viet Long, Duc Hoa, Xuan Giang, Thuy Lam, Lien Ha, Van Ha, D ục Tu, Yen Thuong, Ninh Hiep, Đinh Xuyen, Duong Ha, Giang Bien, Tam Giang, Hoa Tien, Đinh Bang, Tân H ồng, Phù Ch ẩn, Hoàn S ơn, C ảnh H ưng) within 8 districts/towns (Hi ệp Hòa, Sóc S ơn, Đông Anh, Gia Lâm, Long Biên, Yên Phong, Từ Sơn, Tiên Du) of 3 provinces/city (Bac Giang, Ha Noi city and Bac Ninh province). With a line – formed features of the subproject, so, prepare environmental mamagement plan should be changed to accordance with the environmental policies of each locality. Detailed description along the transmission line Description of the main transmission line 500/220kV Beginning point- G1 : Beginning point is outgoing pole from 500kV Hiep Hoa substation, the transmission line goes in rice field of Dai Thanh , G1 is located in small rice plot. G1 - G2 : The TL goes to the rice field of Dai Thanh commune, G2 is located on rice filed. G2 - G3 : The TL goes on Dai Thanh and Hop Thinh communes, cut cross channel. G3 is located in crop field. G3 - G4 : The TL goes in rice field, G4 is located in rice field. G4 - G5 : The TL crosses the Cau river, a rivulet. G5 is located in river stretch. G5 - G6 : The TL goes through the Cau river stretch. G6 is located on Mai Chung commune. G6 - G7 : The TL goes through Cau river,G7 is located in rice field. G7 - G8: The TL goes in rice field of Bac Phu commune – Soc Son – Hanoi city. G8 is located in rice field. G8 - G9 : The TL goes in rice field of Viet Long commune – Soc Son district – Hanoi city. G9 is located in rice field. G9 - G10 : The TL goes in rice field and crops of local people. G10 is located in flat field planting corn. G10 - G11 : The TL goes in rice field and crops of local people, crosses through Đồng Đò pond, G11 is located in corn field. G11 - G12 : The TL goes in rice field and crops of local people. G12 is located in rice field. G12 - G13 : The TL goes in rice field. G13 is located in rice field. G13 - G14 : The TL goes in rice field. G14 is located in rice field. G14 - G15 : The TL goes in rice field. G15 is located in rice field. G15 - G16 : The TL goes mainly in rice field, cut through fish pond. G16 is located in rice field. G16 - G17 : The TL goes in rice field. G17 is located in rice field. G17 - G18 : The TL goes in rice field. G18 is located in rice field. G18 - G19 : The TL goes in rice field and crop. G19 is located in rice field. G19 - G20 : The TL goes in rice field and crop. G20 is located in rice field. G20 - G21 : The TL goes through fish pond. G21 is located in rice field. G21 - G22 : The TL goes through fish pond, rice field. G22 is located in rice field.

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G22 - G22A : The TL goes in rice field and far from areca planting area (fish farming). At G22A is located in rice field. G22A - G23 : The TL goes in crop field. G23 is located in vegetation growing field . G23 - G23A : The Tl crosses through crop field. G23A is located in peach field. G23A - G24 : The TL goes through crop field of local people. G24 is located in crop field. G24 - G25 : The TL goes through crop field . G25 is placed on low field. G25 - G26 : The TL goes on crop field and weeds. G26 is located on rice field bank. G26 - G26A : The TL goes through field rice and crop. G26A is located on pond edge. G26A - G26B : The TL cut through some fish ponds. G26B is located in bank of pond. G26B - G26C : The TL goes over field rice and crop. G26C is located on crop field. G26C - G26D : The TL goes over field rice and crop. G26D is located on rice field. G26D - G27 : The TL goes over field rice and crop. G27 is located on crop field. G27 - G28 : The TL goes over field rice and crop. G28 is located on low crop field G28 - G29 : The TL goes over low field. G29 is located on low crop field. G29 - G30 : The TL goes over land of industrical zone. G30 is located in small pond bank (rice field). G30 - G31 : The TL goes over low field. G31 is located on low field. G31 - G32 : The TL goes over rice field 2 seasons. G32 - G33 : The TL goes over 2seasons rice field, cut through a conner of cemetery. The TL crosses a large ditch and constructed ditch with a diwth of approximately 1 meter. G29 is located on rice field about 20m far from a larger ditch bank. G33 - G34 : The TL goes through rice field, cut through a large earth road, a dike. The TL cut through a corner of the cemetery. G34 is located on rice field 2 seasons. G34 – Ending point : The TL goes through rice field 2 seasons. Ending point is located in rice field 2 season. Description of transmission of 220kV connecting d2.1 The tranmission line 220kV connecting 220kV Đong Anh subsation Pole No 66 - G1 : The TL cut through fish pond. G1 is located on fish bond edge. G1 - G2 : The TL cut through fish pond. G2 is located on rice field. G2 - G3 : The TL goes parabell with Nam Ha canal. G3 is located on rice field. G3 – Ending point 1: The TL goes on rice field, and field bank and inter-ditchs. Ending point 1 is located in crop field. G3 – Ending point 2: The TL goes on rice field and inter-ditchs. Ending point 2 is located on rice field. G1 – Pole No. 67 : The TL cut through fish pond, rice field. Pole 67 is located on rice field. d2.2 The tranmission line 220kV connecting 220kV Long Bien station ĐĐ - G1 : The Tl goes on rice field. G1 located on rice field bank. G1 - G2 : The Tl goes on rice field and orchard. G2 is located on rice field. G2 - G3 : The Tl goes on rice field. G3 is located on small field bank. G3 - G4 : The Tl goes on rice field. G4 is located on rice field. G4 - G5 : The Tl goes on crop field. G5 is located on crop field G5 - G6 : The Tl goes on rice field. G6 is located on small field.

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G6 - G7 : The Tl goes on the cemetery. G7 is located on Duong river stretch. G7 - G8 : The TL goes on Duong river. G8 is located on Duong river stretch. G8 - G9 : The TL goes over the stretch of Duong river. G9 is located on the River stretch. G9 - G10 : The TL goes over the stretch of Duong river. G10 is located on the River stretch. G10 – Ending point: The TL is the stretch of Duong River. Ending point is located in small field bank where is planned to be constructed the 220kV Long Bien substation. 4.2. Topography and Geology As reported by Geological Survey done by PECC1 09/2010 found that: The TL mainly goes through rice fields and crops. The topography is relatively flat, with trend lower from starting location to ending location of the line. 4.2.1 Project Geology Based on the survey documentation and result of soil test in the laboratory, along the TL, soil layer is divided bringing the following basic characteristics: a. Class 18 : semi-hard clay Reddish brown clay, while veined gray-brown, gravel content accounting for 5-10%, the size from mm to cm. Moisture soil and medium tight and tight, sime – hard. This class is in area of beginning of the TL and scattered middle area of TL. Thickness from 2.6m to 8.0-10.0m . b. Class 18a: Hard clay Yellow while gray colour soil. In soil content of gravel accounting for 4-6%, the size from a few mm to cm. Moisure soil and starated, medium tight and hard-soft. This class is scattered in middle area of TL. Thickness from 1.0m to >5.0-6.0m . Yellow brown clay, gray brown, blue gray. Moisture soil and saturated, medium tight, hard soft. This class is divided widely at beginning area of TL to ending area of TL and 02 connection line to 220kV Đong Anh substation and 220kV Long Bien substation. Thickness from 1.0m to 5.0m. c. Class 9a : plastic quick clay Green gray, brown-gray, gray colour. In soil see seashells, shells, thin sand circuit and mud. Saturated soil, slightly tight – porous. This class is distributed in the beginning area of TL and scattered on the line to G19. The class’s thickness is from2.0m to 5.0m. d. Class 9b : soft playstic Clay Green-gray, gray, brown –gray. Occasionally see seashells, shell, thin sand circuit, mud. Saturated soil, slightly tight – porous. This class is distributed from G7, along the TL and 2 connection line to 220kV Đong Anh substation and 220kV Long Biên substation. Thickness is from 1.0m đến 5.0m. e. Class 15 : Medium to fine grained sand The medium to fine grained sand is brown yellow-brown, green-grey. Slight dense soil, quasi-liquid soil, saturated, intercalated with many vein, mixed seashells, shells. This class is found in G5, G6, in the TL and connection line to 220kV Đong Anh substation and to 220kV Long Bien substation, thickness of the class is from 2.0m to 7.2m. 4.2.2. Hydrological geology The project goes through the area where is Northern midland plain with river, lake, pond in the project and its surrounding, water level will higher in the flood season. In flood season, water level at pond, lake will raise cause flooding the shore, water entering the field. If large storm associated with heavy rain occurs on a large scale, water may cause flooding in the long-term,

POWER ENGINEERING CONSULTING JS COMPANY No. 1 14 TEP-500/220kV Hiep Hoa - Dong Anh – Bac Ninh 2 Transmission Line Subproject Environmental Management Plan large scale. In the survey time (2009), water level at river, lakes is in low level. Surface water has weak corrosion characteristic (Ia) according to TCVN 3994- 85. 4.2.3 Physical phenomenon 500/220kV transmission line goes mainly the plains having weak ground in many places, many places where have sand mixed mud vein, other places see mud intercalated sand vein. Attention to the geophysical phenomenon can happen are: Swampy in shallow field, water flows foundation fit and particularly could meet underground erosion, sand flows when constructing foundation fit. 4.2.4 Earthquake According to earthquake zoning map in Vietnam which was created by the Geo-physics Institute under National Technology and Natural Science in 1995, it is found that in the proposed site for substation, the earthquake up to grade. 4.3. Hydro- Meteorological Characteristics Meteorology The transmission line goes through the plains and northern midland directly influenced by the tropical climate, monsoon, hot summer, heavy rain and cold winter, little rainfall. There are two (02) seasons: winter and summer: - Summer: from mid-April to September with heavy rain. The annual average temperature is about 23.30C and lowest is about 16.50C (January). Highest is 280C (July). - Winter:the remaining months in year. Annual average rainfall is about 1.304 mm. Maximum rainfall is in 2011 reached 1,924mm. Minimum rainfall is in 2002 reached 966mm. Rainfall regimes in the project area are divided into two distinct seasons: - Rain season: From May to September, accounting for 90% of total rainfall of year, concentrated mainly in the months June, July, AugustI.There three months rainfall accounted for 50% - 60% of annual rainfall and causing local flooding, it will damage to agricultural production and people’s life. - Dry season from October to April next year: minimum rainfall is January, February, November, December. Rainfall in months of dry season accounted for about 10% of rainfall of annual rainfall. - The number of annual average rainfall days is 96 days. Annual average humidity is 83%, the lowest average is 80% (January), the highest average is 88% (MarchI). Total lighting hours in year are1600 hours. Prevailing wind direction of summer is . Winter is Northeast, average in year there are about 10 -15 monsoon times swept through. Hydrology 500/220kV Hiep Hoa – Dong Anh – Bac Ninh 2 transmission line goes mainly on plain terrain, cutting across many river systems, lakes and irrigation canals. By the topography affecting climate, hydrological regime is clearly express. The TL is located on the and Thai Binh river basin and river and stream as Cau river (3 times) at G5-G7 in Tan Hung commune; Ca Lo river at G8-G9 in Viet Long commune (2 times), at G9-G10 in Xuan Giang commune (2 times), at G10-G11 in Kim Lu commune; Ngu Hiep Khe river at G18- G19 in Chau Khe commune; Duong river (affecting by tidal regime) at G6 of 220kV Long Bien substation at Duong Ha commune. Hydrological regime in the TL is characterized by the regime of Northern midland plain.

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From documentation and survey in site found that, maximum flood marks annually occur in July 1986; 1971. 4.4. Land Use The project construction will acquire land permanently detail: For pillar foundations: the total area of permanent acquisition land is 52,069.2m2 (of which pillar foundations area of main circuit is 43,217.829m2 and connection line to Dong Anh substation and Long Bien substation is 8,851.1m2). ROW of the TL: Land use restriction in the ROW of TL as: (i) No housing, structure available under ROW of 500kV TL. Land use under ROW of 220 TL is restricted (ii) crops of which height exceeds he limit prescribed minimum distance of 6 meters from its highest point to the lowest point of the conductor deflection will be cut. Permanent impact: The total area of land acquisition is 52,069.2m2, details are summarized in following table: Table 4.1. Total land area of permanent acquisition No Land Unit Permanent affected 1 Paddy land m2 47,927.40 2 Public land m2 4,141.8 Total m2 52,069.2

Temporary impact: Temporary affects area those affecting only in one period (construction time). In this project, temporary affects are agricultural land and crop within ROW of the TL will be affected by access road, temporary warehouse, pulling up the cables, foundation construction. The total area of temporary land acquisition for the activities is 219,305m 2 (in which 20,000 m 2 of public land). Legal status of Land ownership As recorded in the IOL, 100% Ahs whose land is acquired by the project that they were issued with LURCs by the local government. Impacts on housing and structure There are 06 households will be relocated by the project due to having house and structure under the ROW of 500kV. There are 21 households will be affected by the project due to having structures under the ROW of 500kV. 6 business will be affected by the project due to having structures under ROW of 500kV TL. The structures of the business are fence and protection house, so the remove the structures (house and fence) out of the project will not affected. The affected trees The entire land area acquired permanently or temporarily for the project is land of local people cultivating rice. Therefore, there are no other trees and crops in this area. 4.5. Environmental Baseline Data Location of the subproject is in an open area, air is very clean. There are no industrial, handicraft activities in the area. There is no observed pollution in term of water, air and soil. People are living in surrounding area of the subproject site. Main land use pattern in the site is rice field. No forest is presented in the area. There are no wild animals in the subproject area, except for such species as small frog, mouse, small snakes and intersects…

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Quality of Air, Noise and Vibration In general, air environmental quality in the project area have yet not polluted, the air quality is relatively good. All the indicators (CO, SO 2, NO X and vibration) are within permissible limits compared with QCVN. However, air quality has likely reduced at some location near the industrial zones and handicraft village, at the inter-sections by increasing the transportation and construction activities, production activities of industrial zones. Water Quality The water quality in pond, lake, like in the project area is assessed relatively good. However, there are also the pollution phenomena in certain times, especially coliforms pollution pass Dai Dong - Hoan Son industrial zone, Tien Du, Bac Ninh. From the results of water quality analysis found that, the water resource has sign of pollution. Value of some indicators is within the permissible limits of QCVN 08:2008/BTNMT – National technical norm on surface water quality . Groundwater resource of 03 provinces, city is plentiful, good quality and there is a different markedly on mineral composition between different regions. From the results of the analysis showed that, most of the indicators are within permission of QCVN 09:2008/BTNMT – National technical norm – on groundwater quality. The groundwater quality in some areas has the high content of Iron (at well location of resident (16m in deep) at Hanoi village, Dai Thanh commune, Hiep Hoa disitrict, Bac Giang province. Soil Quality Most of the parameters of heavy metals in soil at the project area have lower value and under permission of National technical norm on heavy metals. Land in the project area is the agricultural land, this proves that, the project land quality is quite good, has not yet contaminated by metal. 4.6. Socio-economic Status of the Subproject Area Age and Civil Status: According to socio-economic survey results for DPs, female rate accounts for 48%, the number of people in working age (from 18 to 60 year old) accounts for 51%. Household population and Labor force: the households living in the project area have estimated population with average membership of 3.96 people per household. In a household can have 2-3 generations living together including grandparents, parent and children. The number of people in working age (from 18-60 year old) accounts for 51%. The household heads are mostly male in working age. For each family, there are two (2) persons working which, on the average, indicate a dependency ratio of (1):(2). Education: As a result of the investigation team, the parents’ generation less educated than generation of children, mostly pass the secondary school (47%). Progeny with the highest education level is college, but the rate is not high. According to statistics, most commune/wards in 25 communes/wards have a ratio of about 5%. In the project area, there was no dropout for children of primary school age. Main occupations: The main occupation of the most of resident in the project area is agricultural production as planting rice, crops and livestock. Secondary Occupations: 95% of the heads of AHs reveal that they are growing livestock in their backyards as secondary source of income, and some households have 1 or 2 members who work at industrial zones nearby the houses with average income from (4 – 6 million VND/person. month). Monthly Incomes 100% of the affected households engaged in agriculture (cultivating and breeding), in addition, some households plant forest trees (eucalyptus) as well as handicraft, etc. There are

POWER ENGINEERING CONSULTING JS COMPANY No. 1 17 TEP-500/220kV Hiep Hoa - Dong Anh – Bac Ninh 2 Transmission Line Subproject Environmental Management Plan main sources of local households. Data in following table found that, each household could do from 2 - 3 occupations for living. Table 4.2. Income source of household Rate (%) of total number Income of household from HHs Note of surveyed households Livestock 309 100 Cultivation 309 100 Employee 8 2,6 Services and trade 2 0,6 Official 5 1,5

Most household’s handhold is rice and annual crop lands. Total productive land area for each household is 1,600m 2. Heath : The most common disease is caused by the weather such as cold and flu what have been experienced by majority of the AHs, the cases of cholera were recorded but in very limited occurrence. Household Utilities : 100% households in the project area using clean water, drinking water mostly from drilled wells, some households in communes (wards) of Giang Bien, Ninh Hiep, and Duong Ha using water from clean water system of locality Electricity: 100% of households affected using National Power Grid to serve life activities (lighting, cooking, etc.). Household amenities: Domestic utilities of household in the survey sample consist primarily of common facilities; meet basic needs for living and traveling. Among survey households (100% of households has fan and television and motorbike, 81% of households has cycle and 60% has refrigerator, 13% has cassette). Production Tool: Because the households in the project area mostly living by farming, so the majority of household use main tools (hoes, sickles, etc.) Most households surveyed have applied machinery in farming, using some equipment to serve agriculture production (plow, pumps, threshing machine, etc.). Access to Social Services School : Education is one of the priority sectors being carried out by the GOV in pursuing the country’s development. All communes where in affected area by the project have kindergarten, primary school, second school with facilities relatively better, meet real requirement in local students. Health Services. The AHs have also access to health services in commune, the commune health center in the affected areas meet local needs for the affected people to diagnose and treat common illnesses such as strep throat, flu, diarrhea, and trauma first aid. At the 25 communes/wards that were affected by the project, have health center with different scales. In addition, the affected communes are not too far from centers, hospitals (average about 60km and travel conditions are relatively favorable, thus access to medical services for household affected is relatively easy. 4.7. Protected areas, natural reserves, sensitive areas, cultural property, historical monument, temple and pagoda in the subproject area. The subproject is located in an area of agricultural land. There are no any natural reserve area, sensitive area, cultural property, historical monument, temple and pagoda in the project area. The 8 district of 3 province has no natural reserve areas, national parks.

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4.8 UXO (unexploded ordinance) UXO is a significant issue in Vietnam after decades of war. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct mine clearance in the project area before the project construction commencement. According to survey and related documents shown that, the project are goes through Bac Ninh province where needs to perform carefully the activities of mine clearance (under Document No. 1981/BCH-PTM dated 19/12/2008 of the steering committee of Bac Ninh province). In addition, the TL goes through Bac Giang, Hanoi city where need to perfom this task. Cost for mine clearance is taken in total the investment of the project.

POWER ENGINEERING CONSULTING JS COMPANY No. 1 19 TEP- 500/220kV Hiep Hoa - Dong Anh – Bac Ninh 2 Transmission Line Subproject Environmental Management Plan 5. POTENTIAL IMPACTS The subproject would contribute to meeting the demand load and power safety in Hanoi city, Bac Ninh province and Bac Giang provice, thereby bring about significant socioeconomic benefit. Apart from such benefits, the subproject may also result in environmental and socioeconomic impacts which are adverse to the local conditions. The environmental screening of the subproject indincates that it is eligible for financing considering that the subproject would not involve possible high risk and would not create potential adverse impacts on (a) critical natural habitats and/or protected area including proposed protected areas; (b) loss or damage to cultural property, including sites having archeological (prehistoric), paleontological, historical, religious, cultural and unique natural values, graves and graveyards; (c) water regime, particularly water flow and water quality; and (d) local traffic. The implementation of the subproject would mainly cause land acquisition, increased dust generation, air pollution, domestic waste, and health and safety issues due to construction activites and electrical magnetic field. However, these impacts are not significant, temporary, localized impacts with available mitigation measures. Only OP 4.01 and OP 4.12 are triggered for this subproject. The potential negative impacts of the subproject are identified in table 5.1 and could be minimized by applying the proposed mitigation measures developed for the subproject which is described in Table 6.1 of Section 6.

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Table 5.1. Impact of the Subproject Significance Duration of Impact/issues Impact description of impact impact THE PRE-CONSTRUCTION PHASES

Effect of land acquisition Medium Long-term - The transmission line would be located in the rice fields of 529 households of 25 communes, 8 districts, 03 provinces. Of these, 280 households would lose their land permanently, and 222 households would be affected by temporary land acquisition during construction time. - 52,069.2 m2 of agricultural land would be permanently acquired, and another 219,305 m 2 land would be temporarily acquired. This land is located in 25 communes, 8 districts, 3 provinces. - Households affected by the project respectively 529 households (2,263 persons) and 6 businesses. Among them: - The number of households affected by permanent land acquisition 280 households (1,140 persons). - 06 households will be relocated by the project due to having house and structure under the ROW of 500kV. - 21 households will be affected by the project due to having structures under the ROW of 500kV. - The number of households affected by temporary acquisition in construction time is 222 households (997persons). - Land acquisition and relocation would have adverse impacts on income and livelihood of the affected households. Impacts of land acquisition are described in detail in the subproject Resettlement Plan.

Impact to business Small level Long term - 6 businesses will be affected by the project due to having structures under ROW of 500kV TL. The structures of the business are storehouse (916m 2) and protection house (3 houses with area of 116m2) detail in RP report (PECC1, 2014), impacts on business is considered as small due to the project only cut a small part of total area of business and remove the structures (house and storehouse) out of the project will not affect the their operation and production. In addition, the land acquisition and remove structure out of the ROW will also receive compensation for land

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Significance Duration of Impact/issues Impact description of impact impact and structure detailed is shown in RP (PECC1, 2014).

Encroachment Into Areas No Impact No Impact - The majority of the transmission line is located in remote areas and will not traverse any of Cultural/Historical historical or culturally significant sites, protected areas, natural reserves, sensitive areas, temple Significance/ Protected and pagoda in the subproject area. areas/ natural reserves/ sensitive areas/ temple and pagoda in the subproject area Presence of unexploded Small Short-term - The presence of UXO was confirmed by the various military headquarters in which the ROW is ordnances located who consider that there is a high risk of UXO remaining within the transmission line ROW. However, the project area is located on the agricultural land area cultivating rice in the long-time of the local people, so safety risk related to UXO is considered moderate and UXO clearance (if needed) will be carried out by qualified agencies. THE CONSTRUCTION PHASES Temporary and Medium Long-term Total temporary and permanent land acquisition of the subproject is as follows: permanent acquisition Permanent affected Temporary affected Land Unit

Paddy field m2 47,927.40 199,305 Public land m2 4,141.8 20,000 Total m2 52,069.2 219,305

Loss of vegetation due to Small Long term - Most of pillar locations are located in the rice fields, or on the median strip of the road. land clearance for Vegetation cover near the construction area is agricultural trees, rice and ornamental tree and transmission some for taking wood, etc. Types of vegetation occupies small area, there is not much value in terms of ecological. Erosion or sediment Small Short-term - The topography of the subproject area is flat, is far from large surface water sources such river, generation caused by

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Significance Duration of Impact/issues Impact description of impact impact earthworks reservoir. - The earthworks of the project include: + Digging foundation holes: 111.695m3soil. 3 + Backfilling foundation holes: 93.558m soil. - Activities of construction and excavation only happen in a short time at foundation holes along the transmission line and are prioritized to be done in dry season. - The project will apply successive construction method. Therefore, risk of soil erosion is at low level, so there is no risk of erosion, landslides.

Air pollution and dust Medium Short – term - Exhaust gases such as SO x, NO x, CO from the operating transportation vehicles and power generation generators would have potential impacts of degrading air quality in the subproject area and the health of workers and local communities. - Dust is generated from soil excavation and substation site leveling work, especially in dry season. The affected people will be the workers and the inhabitants around the subproject area. - Dust is also generated by means of transport of materials and plants during the construction of the subproject. The affected people will be road users and local communities along the route of construction material transportation especially entering road. - Given the small number of vehicles mobilized for the subproject, short time of construction, and far location of residential area (about 50m), the impact of air and dust pollution on workers and communities can be assessed as medium and can be mitigated. Impacts on water quality Medium Short-term - The construction of the project facilities will have impacts on water quality. These include potential sources of water pollution are from the domestic sewage from construction workers, contamination due to spillage of oil and other lubricants, contamination due to disposal of construction wastes, and wastewater from washing of construction equipment and vehicles. - Proper implementation of the above measures will ensure that the potential water quality impacts during construction will be insignificant. NPPMB will be responsible for including these requirements in the contract documents. Noise and vibration Small Short-term - Operation of transportation vehicles, site grading and piling machines, and power generators can cause noise and vibration affecting households along road to the subproject and at subproject construction sites. However, this impact is small because it the related activities

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Significance Duration of Impact/issues Impact description of impact impact would only occur during the construction phase and can be easily mitigated. Contamination of water Small Short-term - Oil spill from vehicles and construction machines can affect quality of soil and water, especially and soil by hazardous in rainy season. This leakage oil can affect surrounding area by run off rainwater. waste Effects on environmental Small Short-term to - Discharging of construction waste and domestic waste can make adverse effects to environment quality by discharging of medium term quality. construction waste and - Excavation is planned to do in dry season. Excess soil will be reused to fill in the poles’ domestic waste foundation. Thus there will be no soil, sand left after the subproject implementation. - During construction stage, construction waste will be collected, sold and discharge appropriately (backfilling). Domestic waste will be collected or treated in on-site treatment system. However, it is necessary to implement a efficient management plan to ensure all of wastes are colleted and treated obey the regulation. Disruption to traffic Medium Short-term - Two possible impacts are identified; (i) restriction to traffic movement when the conductors are pulled a crossroads and (ii) increased movement of construction vehicles along provincial and communal roads. - Construction will increase traffic volume to and from the construction sites. In particular, the communal roads are relatively narrow, frequently unpaved and movement of large construction vehicles along these roads may cause temporary blockage and nuisance to villagers. This will disrupt the normal traffic patterns and may expose the villagers to risk of injury or accidents. Occupational/Community Medium Medium – - Accidents might happen during construction if the safety issues are not well considered. health and safety term Accidents might happen to the workers or local people living around the subproject area in the loading/unloading and transportation of bulky material, open hole and excavated areas. - Project construction will result in impacts to community health and safety such as increased construction traffic from the transport of materials, fires, emergency spills of materials, and unauthorized entry by the villagers into work areas. - Construction activities may cause harm and danger to the lives and welfare of workers. The wearing of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) such as hard hats, safety gloves, ear protection etc is to be strictly imposed. A Health and Safety Plan (HSP) will be prepared and implemented by the contractor.

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Significance Duration of Impact/issues Impact description of impact impact Arising conflicts between Small Short-term - Focusing large number workers of construction activities (375 people in maximum) shall cause a construction workers and risk in conflict between the worker and the local residents. The subproject implementation is local residents. expected to be completed in short period about 9 months. However, the contractors will mainly use local workers for jobs suitable and worker will be chosen from the skilled ones in the region so this impact is minor and be able to minimize. Local road degradation Small Short-term - The subproject site is near asphalt commune road route, National Road No. 3; No.1; it is very due to construction advantageous in construction materials transportation. activities and materials - These roads are well-processed foundation and are covered by thick layer of bitumen. In transportation addition, level of transportation activities is not high, transporting oversize and overload equipments should be followed existing regulation and responsible authorities to ensure safety for people and existing infrastructure system. Hence, the impact of the local road degradation is at low level. The risk of interruption Small Short-term - The TL crosses telecommunication lines (17times); risk, accident will happen for workers, and of existing service local people near this area if not applying the appropriate construction method. However, in the construction will apply the safe method technically to ensure safe the workers and local people, so this impact is assessed as small and will be mitigated. OPERATION PHASE Working in Heights Small Long – term - Accidents may happen when working in heights. However, a worker safety plan may be implemented to reduce risks that include testing of structural integrity prior to proceeding with the work and the use of fall protection measures. Exposure to Live Power Small Long – term - Workers may come in contact with live power lines during the maintenance of the facilities and Lines and High Voltage electrocution from direct contact with high-voltage electricity is a hazard directly related to Systems power transmission lines. Exposure to Moderate Long-term - Based on the calculation and existing transmission line 500/220kV Hiep Hoa – Dong Anh –Bac electromagnetic field Ninh 2 show that, the EMF level is under standard. The 500/220kV Hiep Hoa – Dong Anh – (EMF) levels exceeding Bac Ninh 2 transmission line was designed to conform to safety standard. Safety regulation the standard. will also be applied strictly by workers when operating TLs. Therefore, the impact due to EMF on public health is insignificant. Risks and emergencies Small Long – term - There are several risks that could occur with the operation of transmission lines. For

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Significance Duration of Impact/issues Impact description of impact impact associated with transmission lines these include the likelihood of cable being damaged, vandalism of the transmission line equipment along the transmission line, corrosion of the towers over time which could compromise its structural integrity, potential fire events, explosion of equipment, and being hit by lightning. Effects on public health Small Long – term - In design stage, all safety measurements were considered. However, voltage hazard and effects and safety, including on safety of local inhabitants and operation workers can in case of no conform to safety voltage hazard regulation. Effects on vegetation Small Long – term - ROW yearly maintenance activities may cause effect on crops and trees within the ROW. from vegetation + However, due to the vegetation in ROW is mainly rice and some mixed shrub so the impact is at maintenance activities interruptedly low level and interrupted. Impact due to waste Small Long – term - Domestic wastewater: Operation staff for the TL is 23 people in maximum, they will be water and domestic solid managed by the operation management unit of PTC1 (Power transmission Company 1). At waste of operation office of the unit, the wastewater volume increases about 0,32 m 3/day. This volume is assessed workers quite small. - Domestic waste: Domestic solid waste will be collected and discharged through waste collected system of the local. Therefore, impact on the environmental due to waste discharge is insignificant. Bird collisions Small Long-term - Based on the field inspections and interviews with key informants about the path of migratory birds, there are relatively few birds in the project area. The site is not established as a path of migratory birds. Problems of grid, Low level Long – term - In activities of management, operation, repair and maintenance of the project, problems of grid accident at work during and accident can occur in case workers do not conform to safety and operation regulations. operation management.

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Table 6.1. Impact Mitigation Measures for Environment Environmental Locations Applicable National Responsible party Verification and social issues Mitigation measures for Regulations, Standards required to mitigation determine measures effectiveness of measures Engineering design phase 1.Engineering - Select an optimal alternative to minimize land acquisition, avoid Employer: design causing the existing vegetable covers and trees and structures. EVNNPT - Strictly follow electrical and fire safety requirements of the NPPMB related regulations. PMU

Pre-construction phase 1. Land - Careful site-survey, consultation with the affected local At the land - Decree No. 69/2009/ND- acquisition communities and authorities to choose optimal solutions for the acquisition CP. EVNNPT pole location and auxiliary facilities to minimize land site of 25 - Cicular No.14/2009/TT- PMU acquisition. communes. BTNMT Local authority - Compensate for land acquisition and damages strictly in accordance with the RPF of the TEP project and the Resettlement Plan of the subproject. 2. Presence of - It is a legal requirement that the safety of constr uction EVNNPT unexploded workers is ensured by having specialized army units clear NPPMB ordnances 2 UXO before construction commences . Cost of mine PMU clearance within the proposed substation is expected to

2 Details of landmine clearance are presented in the Circular 146/2007/TT-BQP by Ministry of Defense dated September 11 2007 guiding UXO clearance for project construction

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Environmental Locations Applicable National Responsible party Verification and social issues Mitigation measures for Regulations, Standards required to mitigation determine measures effectiveness of measures taken in the total investment of the project. Construction phase 1. Dust - The Contractor is responsible for compliance with relevant At the QCVN 05:2009/BTNMT: Compliance generation Vietnamese legislation with respect to ambient air quality. construction National technical Contractor reported by site regulation on ambient air CSC - The Contractor shall implement dust suppression measures (e.g. PMU water spray vehicles, covering of material stockpiles, etc.) as Along quality required; transportatio - Construction vehicles shall comply with speed limits and haul n road route distances shall be minimized. - Material loads shall be suitably covered and secured during transportation to prevent the scattering of soil, sand, materials or dust. - The Contractor shall be responsible for any clean-up resulting from the failure by his employees or suppliers to property secure transported materials. - Exposed soil and material stockpiles shall be protected against wind erosion and the location of stockpiles shall take into consideration the prevailing wind directions and locations of sensitive receptors. - Dust masks should be used where dust levels are excessive.

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Environmental Locations Applicable National Responsible party Verification and social issues Mitigation measures for Regulations, Standards required to mitigation determine measures effectiveness of measures 2. Air pollution - All vehicles must comply with Vietnamese regulations At the - TCVN 6438-2005: Road Compliance controlling allowable emission limits of exhaust gases. construction vehicles. Maximum Contractor reported by site. permitted emission limits CSC - Vehicles in Vietnam must undergo a regular emissions check and PMU get certified named: “Certificate of conformity from inspection Along of exhaust gages.

of quality, technical safety and environmental protection” transportatio - QCVN 05:2013/BTNMT. following Decision No. 35/2005/QD-BGTVT. n road route. National technical - There should be no burning of waste or construction materials or Residential regulation on ambient air cleared vegetation on site. area. quality.

3. Noise and - The contractor is responsible for compliance with the relevant At the - QCVN 26:2010/BTNMT: Compliance vibration Vietnamese legislation with respect to noise and vibration. construction National technical Contractor reported by site. regulation on noise CSC - All vehicles must have appropriate “Certificate of conformity PMU from inspection of quality, technical safety and environmental Road route. - QCVN 27:2010/BTNMT: protection” following Decision No. 35/2005/QD-BGTVT; to Residential National technical avoid exceeding noise emission from poorly maintained areas regulation on vibration. machines. surrounding - Construction will be carried out during daylight hours. If it is the necessary to carry out some works at night or weekends, the subproject affected local community must be informed sufficiently in advance. - Avoiding or minimizing transportation though or material processing near community areas. 4. Water - The Contractor must be responsible for compliance with the At the - QCVN 09:2008/BTNMT: Compliance pollution relevant Vietnamese legislation relevant to wastewater foundation National Technical Contractor reported by

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Environmental Locations Applicable National Responsible party Verification and social issues Mitigation measures for Regulations, Standards required to mitigation determine measures effectiveness of measures discharges into watercourses. construction Standard on underground PMU CSC - Portable or constructed hygienic toilets must be provided on site site. water quality. for construction workers. Wastewater from toilets as well as At worker’s - QCVN 14:2008/BTNMT: kitchens, showers, sinks, etc. shall not be discharged directly to camp National technical any water body. (location of regulation on domestic - Wastewater over standards set by relevant Vietnam technical receiving wastewater standards/regulations must be collected in a conservancy tank points for - QCVN 24:2009/BTNMT: and removed from site by licensed waste collectors. wastewater National technical discharge). - Using techniques as berming or diversion during construction to regulation on industrial limit the exposure of disturbed sediments to moving water. wastewater. - Before construction, all necessary wastewater disposal permits/licenses and/or wastewater disposal contract have been obtained. - At completion of construction works, wastewater collection tanks and septic tanks shall be safely disposed or effectively sealed off 5. Drainage and - The Contractor shall follow the detailed drainage design included - TCVN 4447:1987: Earth Compliance sedimentation in the construction plans, intended to prevent storm water from At works-Codes for Contractor reported by control causing local flooding or scouring slopes and areas of construction CSC foundation PMU unprotected soil resulting in heavy sediment loads affecting local construction - Decree No. 22/2010/TT- watercourses. site of BXD on regulation of - Ensure drainage system is always maintained cleared of mud and transmission construction safety. other obstructions. line. - QCVN 08:2008/BTNMT: - Areas of the site not disturbed by construction activities shall be National technical maintained in their existing conditions. regulation on the quality of - Earthworks, cuts, and fill slopes shall be properly maintained, in surface water accordance with the construction specifications, including measures such as installation of drains, use of plant cover.

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Environmental Locations Applicable National Responsible party Verification and social issues Mitigation measures for Regulations, Standards required to mitigation determine measures effectiveness of measures - To avoid sediment-laden runoff that could adversely impact watercourses, install sediment control structures where needed to slow or redirect runoff and trap sediment. Sediment control structures could include windrows of logging slash, rock berms, sediment catchment basins, straw bales, storm drain inlet protection systems, or brush fences. 6.Management - All locations to be used for disposal of construction excavation At disposal Contractor Compliance of stockpiles, and stockpiles must be previously identified in the approved site and PMU reported by and construction specifications. Sensitive sites such as scenic spots, stockpiles CSC construction areas of natural habitat, areas near sensitive receptors, or areas ranges near water should be avoided. - An open ditch shall be built around the stockpile site to intercept wastewater. - Stockpile topsoil when first opening of the power towers and use it later to restore the area to near natural conditions. - If landowners are affected by use of their areas for stockpiles, they must be included in the project resettlement plan. - All stones and the needed filling materials must be bought at licensed sources 7. Solid waste - Before construction, a solid waste control procedure (storage, At - Decree No. 59/2007/ND- Contractor Compliance provision of bins, site clean-up schedule, bin clean-out schedule, construction CP on solid waste PMU reported by etc.) must be prepared by Contractors and it must be carefully site. management. CSC followed during construction activities. - Circular No. 12/2011/TT- - Before construction, all necessary waste disposal permits or BTNMT on hazardous licenses must be obtained. waste management - Measures shall be taken to reduce the potential for litter and negligent behavior with regard to the disposal of all refuse. At all

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Environmental Locations Applicable National Responsible party Verification and social issues Mitigation measures for Regulations, Standards required to mitigation determine measures effectiveness of measures places of work, the Contractor shall provide litter bins, containers and refuse collection facilities. - Solid waste may be temporarily stored on site in a designated area approved by the Construction Supervision Consultant and relevant local authorities prior to collection and disposal by a licensed waste collector for disposal at government-approved sites. - Waste storage containers shall be covered, tip-proof, weatherproof and scavenger proof. - No burning, on-site burying or dumping of solid waste shall occur. - Recyclable materials such as wooden plates for trench works, steel, scaffolding material, site holding, packaging material, etc shall be collected and separated on-site from other waste sources for reuse, for use as fill, or for sale to reprocessing to companies with legitimate operating permits. - If not removed off site, solid waste or construction debris shall be disposed of only at sites identified and approved by the Construction Supervision Consultant and included in the site specific measures. Under no circumstances shall the contractor dispose of any material in environmentally sensitive areas, such as in or close to watercourses. 8.Hazardous - Hazardous waste of any kind shall be disposed of at an approved At - Decision No. 23/2006/QD- Contractor Compliance wastes appropriate landfill site and in accordance with the national construction TNMT with list of PMU reported by legislative requirements. The Contractor shall obtain needed site. hazardous substance CSC disposal certificates. - Circular No. 12/2011/TT- - The removal of asbestos-containing materials or other toxic BTNMT on management substances shall be performed and disposed of by specially of hazardous substance

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Environmental Locations Applicable National Responsible party Verification and social issues Mitigation measures for Regulations, Standards required to mitigation determine measures effectiveness of measures trained and certified workers. - Used oil and grease shall be removed from site and sold to an approved used oil recycling company. - Used oil, lubricants, cleaning materials, etc. from the maintenance of vehicles and machinery shall be collected in holding tanks and removed from site by a specialized oil recycling company for disposal at an approved hazardous waste site. 9.Workforce, - The workforce shall be provided with safe, suitable and At worker - Decree No.12/2010/TT- Contractor Compliance Camps and Site comfortable accommodations and safe portable water. They have camp site. BXD concering regulation PMU reported by Management to be maintained in clean and sanitary conditions. on construction safety. CSC - Site offices, worker camps, mixing stations, and workshops shall be located NOT within 100m from any water courses, at least 500 meters of existing residential area. - Engineers and workers shall register their temporary residence with the local authority. - Allocate officer to be the Contractor‘s Workplace Safety and Environment Officer responsible for environmental and safety issues including training for workers. - Septic tank toilets must be provided at all construction camp areas where there will be concentration of labor. - First aid boxes shall be provided in each construction camp site. 10.Disruption of - The Contractor shall prepare a Clearance, Vegetation and At the re- - Law on Environmental Contractor Compliance vegetative cover Restoration Management Plan for prior approval by the vegetation Protection No. PMU reported by Construction Engineer, following relevant regulations. The site 55/2014/QH13. CSC Clearance Plan shall be approved by Construction Supervision Consultant and followed strictly by Contractor. Areas to be

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Environmental Locations Applicable National Responsible party Verification and social issues Mitigation measures for Regulations, Standards required to mitigation determine measures effectiveness of measures cleared should be minimized as much as possible. - The stripped topsoil shall be stockpiled in areas agreed with the Construction Supervision Consultant for later use in re- vegetation and shall be adequately protected. - The application of chemicals for vegetation clearing is not permitted. - Prohibit cutting of any tree unless explicitly authorized in the re- vegetation clearing plan. 11.Traffic - Before construction, carry out consultations with local At - Law on traffic and Contractor management government and community and with the traffic police. construction transportation PMU - Significant increases in number of vehicle trips must be covered site No.23/2008/QH 12. in a construction plan previously approved. Routing, especially transmission Law on construction of heavy vehicles, needs to take into account sensitive sites such line. No.16/2003/QH11. as schools, hospitals, and markets. Decree No. 22/2010/TT- - Installation of lighting at night must be done if this is necessary BXD on regulation of to ensure safe traffic circulation. construction safety. - Place signs around the construction areas to facilitate traffic movement, provide directions to various components of the works, and provide safety advice and warning. - Employing safe traffic control measures, including road signs and flag persons to warn of dangerous conditions. - Passageways for pedestrians and vehicles within and outside construction areas should be segregated and provide for easy, safe, and appropriate access. - NPPMB will ensure that supports are erected where the conductors will be carried across major roads. CPPMB will also advise communities of upcoming construction activities and the

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Environmental Locations Applicable National Responsible party Verification and social issues Mitigation measures for Regulations, Standards required to mitigation determine measures effectiveness of measures effects that it may have on traffic volumes. CPPMB will also ensure that access is not to be impeded by construction operations to agricultural fields and residences. 12.Restoration - Disposal areas, site facilities, workers’ camps, stockpiles areas, At - Law on Environment Contractor Compliance of affected areas working platforms and any areas temporarily occupied during temporary protection No. PMU reported by construction of the project works shall be restored using occupied 55/2014/QH13. CSC landscaping, adequate drainage and re-vegetation. site. - Start re-vegetation at the earliest opportunity. Appropriate local native species of vegetation shall be selected for the planting and restoration of the natural landforms. - Spoil heaps and excavated slopes shall be re-profiled to stable batters, and grassed to prevent erosion. - All affected areas shall be landscaped and any necessary remedial works shall be undertaken without delay. - Trees shall be planted at exposed land and on slopes to prevent or reduce land collapse and keep stability of slopes. - Soil contaminated with chemicals or hazardous substances shall be removed, transported, and buried in waste disposal areas. - Restore all damaged inter-filed irrigation canals, inter-field roads, and inter-communal roads caused by the subproject activities to their original state (site specific measures) or better. 13. Worker and - Contractor shall comply with all Vietnamese regulations At the - Decree No. 22/2010/TT- Contractor Compliance public Safety regarding worker safety. construction BXD concerning regulation PMU reported by - Prepare and implement action plan to cope with risk and site. on construction safety. CSC emergency. The ROW - Instruction - Preparation of emergency aid service at construction site. At the No.02/2008/CT-BXD on worker’s safe and sanitation issues in

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Environmental Locations Applicable National Responsible party Verification and social issues Mitigation measures for Regulations, Standards required to mitigation determine measures effectiveness of measures - Training workers on occupational safety regulations. camp. construction agencies. - If blasting is to be used, additional mitigation measures and safety precautions must be outlined in the EMP. - Ensure that ear pieces are provided to and used by workers who must use noisy machines such as piling, explosion, mixing, etc., for noise control and workers protection. - During demolition of existing infrastructure, workers and the general public must be protected from falling debris by measures such as chutes, traffic control, and use of restricted access zones. - Install fences, barriers, dangerous warning/prohibition site around the construction area which showing potential danger to public people (such as unfinished power pole foundation, high risk electrical shock areas, etc.). - The contractor shall provide safety measures as installation of fences, barriers warning signs, lighting system against traffic accidents as well as other risk to people and sensitive areas. - If previous assessments indicate there could be unexploded ordnance (UXO), clearance must be done by a relevant army unit.. 14.Communicati - Maintain open communications with the local government and At the - Decree No. 73/2010/ND- Contractor Compliance on with local concerned communities; the contractor shall coordinate with construction CP on administrative PMU reported by communities local authorities (leaders of local wards or communes, leader of site penalization security and CSC villages) for agreed schedules of construction activities at areas transmission society issues nearby sensitive places or at sensitive times (e.g., religious line festival days). - Disseminate project information to affected parties (for example local authority, enterprises and affected households, etc) through

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Environmental Locations Applicable National Responsible party Verification and social issues Mitigation measures for Regulations, Standards required to mitigation determine measures effectiveness of measures community meetings before construction commencement. - Provide a community relations contact from whom interested parties can receive information on site activities, project status and project implementation results. - Monitor and address community concerns and information requirements as the project progresses. - Respond to telephone inquiries and written correspondence in a timely and accurate manner. - Inform local residents about construction and work schedules, interruption of services, traffic detour routes and material transportation routes, as appropriate. - Notification boards shall be erected at all construction sites providing information about the project, as well as contact information about the site managers, environmental staff, health and safety staff, telephone numbers and other contact information so that any affected people can have the channel to voice their concerns and suggestions. Risk to - Planned and unplanned interruptions to water, gas, power, At the - Decree No. 73/2010/ND- Contractor Compliance interrupt internet services: the Contractor must undertake prior construction CP on administrative PMU reported by existing services consultation and contingency planning with local authorities site penalization security and CSC about the consequences of a particular service failure or transmission society issues disconnection line - Coordinate with relevant utility providers to establish appropriate construction schedules. - Provide information to affected households on working schedules as well as planned disruptions (at least 5 days in advance).

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Environmental Locations Applicable National Responsible party Verification and social issues Mitigation measures for Regulations, Standards required to mitigation determine measures effectiveness of measures - Interruptions of water supply to agricultural areas must also be avoided. - The contractor should ensure alternative water supply to affected residents in the event of disruptions lasting more than one day. - Any damages to existing utility systems of cable shall be reported to authorities and repaired. 15.Chance find - If the Contractor discovers archeological sites, historical sites, At the - Law on Cultural Heritage Contractor, procedures remains and objects, including graveyards and/or individual construction (2002). supervising graves during excavation or construction, the Contractor shall: site - Decree No 98/2010/ND-CP consultant - Stop the construction activities in the area of the chance finds. transmission dated 21/10/2010 on cooperates to implement - Delineate the discovered site or area. line site guideline to implement Cultural Heritage Law. Cultural - Secure the site to prevent any damage or loss of removable Information objects. In cases of removable antiquities or sensitive remains, a Department night guard shall be arranged until the responsible local authorities or the Department of Culture and Information takes Contractor, PMU over. and local Authority - Immediately notify the Construction Supervision Consultant and the subproject owner who in turn will notify responsible local or national authorities in charge of the Cultural Property of Viet Nam. - Contact the relevant local or national authorities who would be in charge of protecting and preserving the site before deciding on subsequent appropriate procedures. This would require a preliminary evaluation of the findings to be performed. The significance and importance of the findings should be assessed according to the various criteria relevant to cultural heritage;

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Environmental Locations Applicable National Responsible party Verification and social issues Mitigation measures for Regulations, Standards required to mitigation determine measures effectiveness of measures those include the aesthetic, historic, scientific or research, social and economic values. - Ensure decisions on how to handle the finding be taken by the responsible authorities. This could include changes in the layout (such as when finding an irremovable remain of cultural or archeological importance) conservation, preservation, restoration and salvage. - If the cultural sites and/or relics are of high value and site preservation is recommended by the professionals and required by the cultural relics authority, the subproject’s owner will need to make necessary design changes to accommodate the request and preserve the site. - Decisions concerning the management of the finding shall be communicated in writing by relevant authorities. - Construction works could resume only after permission is granted from the responsible local authorities concerning safeguard of the heritage. - These procedures must be referred to as standard provisions in construction contracts, when applicable. Operation phase

1. Working in Prevention and control measures for working at height include: ESMF of TEP Operation and Heights Management unit - Testing structures for integrity prior to undertaking work. - Implementation of a fall protection program that includes training in climbing techniques and use of fall protection measures; inspection, maintenance, and replacement of fall protection equipment; and rescue of fall-arrested workers, among

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Environmental Locations Applicable National Responsible party Verification and social issues Mitigation measures for Regulations, Standards required to mitigation determine measures effectiveness of measures others; - Installation of fixtures on tower components to facilitate the use of fall protection systems. - Safety belts should be of not less than 16 millimeters (mm) two- in-one nylon or material of equivalent strength. Rope safety belts should be replaced before signs of aging or fraying of fibers become evident. - When operating power tools at height, workers should use a second (backup) safety strap. - Signs and other obstructions should be removed from poles or structures prior to undertaking work. - An approved tool bag should be used for raising or lowering tools or materials to workers on structures. 2. Exposure to Live Power Lines - Prevention and control measures associated At ESMF of TEP Operation and Live Power with live power lines include: transmission Management unit Lines and High line site. Voltage Systems Only trained and certified workers are allowed to install, maintain, or repair electrical equipment. Deactivating and properly grounding live power distribution lines before work is performed on, or in close proximity, to the lines. Ensuring that live-wire work is conducted by trained workers with strict adherence to specific safety and insulation standards. Qualified or trained employees working on transmission or distribution systems should be able to achieve the following: • Distinguish live parts from other parts of the electrical system. • Determine the voltage of live parts.

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Environmental Locations Applicable National Responsible party Verification and social issues Mitigation measures for Regulations, Standards required to mitigation determine measures effectiveness of measures • Understand the minimum approach distances outlined for specific live line voltages. • Ensure proper use of special safety equipment and procedures when working near or on exposed energized parts of an electrical system. Workers should not approach an exposed energized or conductive part even if properly trained unless: • The worker is properly insulated from the energized part with gloves or other approved insulation; or, • The energized part is properly insulated from the worker and any other conductive object; or, • The worker is properly isolated and insulated from any other conductive object (live-line work). Where maintenance and operation is required within minimum setback distances, specific training, safety measures, personal safety devices, and other precautions should be defined in a health and safety plan. (Recommended minimum safety setbacks for workers are as below: o 2-15 kV: 0.6 m o 15.1-35kV: 0.71 m o 72.6-121 kV: 1.01 m 3. Exposure of - Existing national law and technical regulations and standards At the ROW - Decree No. 14/2014/ND- Operation and transmission should be strictly followed by operation and maintenance staff to of CP, 2014 by the GOV. Management unit line worker to ensure safe limits for EMF are not exceeded. transmission - QCVN 01:2008/BTC: EMF and risk of - Evaluate potential exposure to the public against the reference line. National technical

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Environmental Locations Applicable National Responsible party Verification and social issues Mitigation measures for Regulations, Standards required to mitigation determine measures effectiveness of measures electrical shock levels developed by the International Commission on Non- regulation on Electric Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) or the IEEE. safety. - If EMF levels are confirmed or expected to be above the recommended exposure limits, application of engineering techniques should be considered to reduce the EMF produced by power lines. Examples of these techniques include: i) Burying transmission lines; ii) Increasing height of transmission towers. - The transmission frequency commonly used in transmission systems ranges from 50Hz - 60 Hz which is considered to be an extremely low frequency (IFC, 2007). Effects reduce with distance and electric fields also become shielded by trees, buildings, and other materials that conduct electricity. In general electric fields are strongest close to the source and diminish with distance. - The World Health Organization (WHO) reported that there is inconclusive evidence about substantive long-term health issues related to radiation emanating from low frequency electric fields at levels generally encountered by members of the public. The potential health effects associated with exposure to EMF is not well-established due to lack of empirical data demonstrating adverse health effects. However, the public should be warned about the safety distances from the transmission system and power lines through warning signs and the restrictions on erecting any houses or buildings within the RoW and earth zone are to be enforced by PTC 1. 4. Risks and - Lightning arresters will be provided along the transmission line. Operation and emergencies There should also be provision for ensuring security of the Management unit associated with equipment to avoid vandalism. Regular inspections of the line transmission and the facilities would help identify missing or corroded parts

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Environmental Locations Applicable National Responsible party Verification and social issues Mitigation measures for Regulations, Standards required to mitigation determine measures effectiveness of measures line 5. Effects on - Vegetation maintenance activities will not cause any significant At the ROW - Decree No. 14/2014/ND- Operation and vegetation from disturbance to local people who can benefit from being hired to of CP, 2014 by the GOV. Management unit vegetation undertake the work. NPT uses hand labour to undertake transmission maintenance vegetation control which is ideally suited to hiring local people line. activities for this activity. NPT does not allow the use of herbicides and pesticides to control vegetation growth. Burning to control vegetation along the transmission RoW is also prohibited as this may cause flash-overs from smoke particles. - To minimize the impacts associated with the removal of vegetation, clearing will only be allowed within the designated width of the RoW and to achieve the required clearances. 6. Effects on - Workers may come in contact with live power lines during the At the ROW - Decree No. 14/2014/ND- Operation and public health maintenance of the facilities and electrocution from direct of CP, 2014 by the GOV. Management unit and safety, contact with high-voltage electricity is a hazard directly related transmission including to power transmission lines and facilities line. voltage hazard - PTC 1 should be guided by the IFC (2007) guidelines when carrying out main tenance of the transmission line and substation facilities. Some of the prevention and control measures when working with electrical systems are: ( i) Restricting access to electrical equipment to only those workers who are trained and certified to work on electrical equipment. ( ii) Adherence to electrical safety standards. (iii) Proper grounding and deactivation of live power distribution lines during maintenance work or if working in close proximity to the lines.

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Environmental Locations Applicable National Responsible party Verification and social issues Mitigation measures for Regulations, Standards required to mitigation determine measures effectiveness of measures (iv) Provision of Personal Protective Equipment for workers, safety measures, personal safety devices, and other precautions (v) Observe guidelines regarding minimum approach distances for excavations, tools, vehicles, pruning, and other activities when working around power lines. (vi) The entrance to all buildings, vaults, rooms, or enclosures containing exposed live parts or exposed conductors should be kept locked unless such entrances are under the observation of a qualified person at all times. (vii) Switchboards, panel boards, industrial control panels, meter socket enclosures, and motor control centres that are likely to require examination, adjustment, servicing, or maintenance while energized should be field marked to warn qualified persons of potential electric arc flash hazards. 7. Fire hazard - Comply with the national law and regulation on fire prevention At - Law on Fire Prevention Operation and due to accident and fight extinguishing. transmission and Fighting No. Management unit - Prepare an emergency preparedness plan for fire hazard control. line site. 27/2001/QH10 dated June 29, 2001. - Frequently examine equipment to detect and repair fire hazard. - Train operation staff on fire prevention and fire control. 8. Domestic - Implement a 3Rs plan for reducing, recycling, and reusing solid At water - QCVN 14:2008/BTNMT: Operation and waste water and waste. discharge National technical Management unit solid waste - At the office unit, waste water will be collected in septic tanks system of regulation on domestic and biological treatment (biodegradable and sedimentation) the station. wastewater before into general drainage system of the area. - Decree No.59/2007/ND-CP on the management of solid waste.

POWER ENGINEERING CONSULTING JS COMPANY No. 1 44 TEP- 500/220kV Hiep Hoa - Dong Anh – Bac Ninh 2 Transmission line Subproject Environmental Management Plan 7. EMP IMPLEMENTATION ARRANGEMENTS Proper environmental management during construction requires the involvement of several stakeholders and agencies, each with different roles and responsibilities including: NPT, PMB, MONREs (Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment), the Contractors, the Construction Supervision Consultant, and local communities. To ensure effective implementation of the EMP, the following actions will be carried out during the implementation of the subproject: a) During the detailed design and tender documentation making - During the detailed design of technical specifications and preparation of bidding contract documents for each contract, the technical design consultant will incorporate into these bidding and contractual documents the parts of the EMP specific to that contract, as well as the specific measures identified in the EMP. - In preparing the bidding and contract documents, make an effort to ensure that the contractors are aware of the safeguard obligation and commit to comply. The environmental and social specifications to be included in the bidding and contractual documents b) During the course of preconstruction and construction PMU will assign the Construction Supervising Consultant (CSC) and/or field engineer to be responsible for supervision of safeguard performance of contractor on a daily basis. A generic Terms of Reference (TOR) is provided in Appendix 1, CSC and/or field engineers will carry out, but not limited to, the following tasks: - Before the commencement of the construction, confirm that all compensation for land and facilities are provided and relocation and/or land acquisition/donation has been completed. - Review and approve Site Environmental Management Plan (SEMP) to be prepared by contractor before the commencement of the construction. - Closely supervise the implementation of the EMP throughout the construction period. - Confirm the compliance with the agreed environmental plan and inspect any damages incurred by the contractor. If necessary, prepare an order to compensate/restore the construction sites as specified in the contracts. Contractor safeguard performance will be included in the subproject progress report. The role and responsibilities of relevant parties in the implementation of EMP are described in the following table: Table 7.1. Institutional arrangement for subproject’s EMP implementation Community/ Responsibilities agencies Project - NPT will be responsible for overseeing the project implementation Implementing including ESMF implementation and environmental performance of the Agency: NPT project. - The PMB will be responsible for monitoring the subproject implementation, including environmental compliance of the project. PMB will have the final responsibility for ESMF implementation and environmental performance of the subproject during both the construction and operational phases.

- The PMB is responsible for fostering effective coordination and cooperation between contractor, local authorities, and local communities Project during construction phase. PMB will be assisted by the environmental staff, Implementing and CSC/or field engineer. Agency: PMBs - Specifically PMBs will: i) closely coordinate with local authorities in the participation of the community during subproject preparation and implementation; ii) monitor and supervise EMP implementation including incorporation of EMP into the detailed technical designs and bidding and contractual documents; iii) ensure that an environmental management system is set up and functions properly; iv) be in charge of reporting on

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Community/ Responsibilities agencies EMP implementation to NPT and the World Bank. - In order to be effective in the implementation process, PMBs will establish an Environmental Unit with at least an environmental staff to help with the environmental aspects of the project. - The EU is responsible for monitoring the implementation of WB’s environmental safeguard policies in all stages and process of the subproject. Specifically, this unit will be responsible for: i) reviewing the subproject EIAs and EMPs prepared by consultants to ensure that they follow the project ESMF and meet the government and the Bank requirements; ii) Environnemental helping PMB incorporate EMPs into the detailed technical designs and civil Unit EU (EU) under works bidding and contractual documents; iii) helping PMB incorporate PMU responsibilities for EMP monitoring and supervision into the TORs, bidding and contractual documents for CSC; iv) providing relevant inputs to the consultant selection process; v) reviewing reports submitted by the CSC; vi) conducting periodic site checks; vii) advising PMB on solutions to environmental issues of the project; and viii) preparing environmental performance section on the progress and review reports to be submitted to NPT, the Bank, and the local authorities if requested. - The CSC will be responsible for routine supervising and monitoring all construction activities and for ensuring that Contractors comply with the Construction requirements of the contracts and the EMP. The CSC shall engage sufficient Supervision number of qualified staff (e.g. Environmental Engineers) with adequate Consultant (CSC) knowledge on environmental protection and construction project and/or Field management to perform the required duties and to supervise the Engineer Contractor’s performance. - The CSC also assists PMB in reporting and maintaining close coordination with the local community. - Based on the approved EMP and environmental specifications/requirements in the bidding and contractual documents, the Contractor is responsible for establishing a site-specific EMP for each construction site area, submit the plan to the PMB and CSC for review and approval before commencement of construction. In addition, it is required that the Contractor get all permissions for construction (traffic control and diversion, excavation, labor safety, etc. before civil works) following current regulations.

- The contractor is required to appoint a competent individual as the

contractor‘s on-site Safety and Environment Officer (SEO) who will be responsible for monitoring the contractor‘s compliance with the EMP requirements and the environmental specifications. - Take actions to mitigate all potential negative impacts in line with the objective described in the EMP. Contractor - Actively communicate with local residents and take actions to prevent disturbance during construction. - Ensure that all staff and workers understand the procedure and their tasks in the environmental management program. - Report to the PMB on any difficulties and their solutions. - Report to local authority and PMB if environmental accidents occur and coordinate with agencies and keys stakeholders to resolve these issues.

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Community/ Responsibilities agencies - Community: According to Vietnamese practice, the community has the right and responsibility to routinely monitor environmental performance during construction to ensure that their rights and safety are adequately protected Local community and that the mitigation measures are effectively implemented by contractors and the PMB. In case of unexpected problems, they will report to CSC/PMB. - These organizations could play a role as a bridge between the PPC/DPC, communities, contractors, and PMU/PPMU by assisting in community monitoring. Mass organizations - Mobilizing communities participation in the subproject, providing training to communities. - Participating in solving environmental problems if any. Province and District - Oversee implementation of subprojects under recommendations of DONRE People’s Committees and PMB to ensure compliance of Government policy and regulations. (PPCs/DPCs), - DONRE is responsible for monitoring the compliance with the Government Provincial DONRE environmental requirements.

8. Monitoring Program 8.1. Objectives It is essential to design the monitoring program and monitoring frequency appropriately to be able to demonstrate both the overall performance of the subproject works as well as the short- term impact due to peak construction activities. More specifically, as the integral and critical part of the EMP, the environment monitoring program should have the following objectives: • Determine the actual extent of the impacts. • Control impacts which are generated from construction process and mentioned in the EMP. • Check and supervise implementation of environmental protection solutions during construction based on EMP. • Suggest mitigation measures in case of unexpected impacts. • Suggest to the related parties to coordinate with central and local environmental organizations to solve any pending issues that might arise relating to environmental protection under the scope of the subproject. • Assess the effect of mitigation measures in pre-construction, construction and operation stages and recommend for improvement. 8.2. Site Inspections The SEO and the SES shall carry out a monitoring program on a daily or as needed basis at the designated monitoring locations and the regular site inspections. The monitoring program includes: • Observation of the noise level at the sensitive receptor; the observation shall take place during the heavy construction activities, such as excavation, piling, power generation, material transportation and night time construction, if any and shall be conducted near residential areas and other sensitive receptors along the roadsides. • Visual inspection to check the air-borne dust, bulk material handling and storage, transportation routes near the resident areas. • Visual inspection to check the water quality in the receiving rivers, fish ponds and lakes affected by the construction activity such as turbid, smell, color, etc. particular at the receiving areas of the water bodies from the construction sites. During the peak construction period or at the request from PMU, once non-compliance with environmental quality performance criteria is identified, additional monitoring shall be carried out. The SEO and the SES shall refer to the following information/documentation in conducting

POWER ENGINEERING CONSULTING JS COMPANY No. 1 47 TEP- 500/220kV Hiep Hoa - Dong Anh – Bac Ninh 2 Transmission line Subproject Environmental Management Plan the inspection: • The contractor’s environmental performance, and EMP Implementation program; • Good practices and general environmental mitigation measures; • Compliance with the EMP requirements, contractual specification and Vietnamese legislation; • Protection to sensitive locations and control mechanism of the restricted areas; • The contractor’s construction methodologies and condition of construction plant; • Individual works methodology proposals (which shall include proposal on associated pollution control measures); • Works progress and program; • The adequacy and efficiency of the contractor’s pollution control measures/ treatment facilities for minimizing environmental impacts; • Landscaping and soil erosion controls; • Location, management and pollution control at the waste/material storage areas, borrow pits and access roads; • Previous site inspection results. The Contractor shall update the SEO and the SES with all relevant information of the construction contract to carry out the site inspections. The inspection results and its associated recommendations on improvements to the environmental protection and pollution control works shall be timely submitted to PMU and the Contractor for reference and for taking immediate action. 8.3 Monitoring Indicators The environmental monitoring program will be implemented during construction and operation process at 3 levels: (ii) Monitoring the level of compliance with mitigation measures (iii) Community-based Monitoring (iv) Monitoring environmental parameters; Details of the monitoring program proposed are presented below. Monitoring compliance with mitigation measures The monitoring assignments for the Contractor, CSC shall be clearly indicated in their terms of reference and contract documents shall be approved by the World Bank. CSC will be responsible for submitting monthly reports which state environmental problems, actions and updated monitoring results. CSC will also submit the reports every three months reports to PMU, which shall include conclusions on environmental problems and the key implemented mitigation measures. Quarterly reports, prepared by PMU, shall comprise the following aspects: • A priority list of issues as determined in monitoring reports of the previous months. • Methods taken by the Contractor to solve relevant. • Pending matters, proposed solutions and explanation of special circumstances for non-compliance. Community-based Monitoring The communities will monitor the project along its construction process in order to ensure that the contractors will comply with all environmental and social regulations as well as to reduce the risks on their properties and economic activities, human health and the environment. The environmental specifications for contractors include a Community Relations and Communication program that will address all interactions between the Contractors and the community and allow for complaints from the communities to be addressed in a timely manner. Environmental quality monitoring indicators Due to its limited impact on the surrounding, The environmental monitoring program will be implemented during construction stage. In addition to the daily inspection and noise monitoring to be carried out by the CSC and SEO, the IEMC will carry out periodic monitoring with sampling and laboratory analysis as shown in Table 8.1. Selected locations are determined based on construction progress and monitoring time.

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Table 8.1. Environmental Monitoring plan Timing/ Monitoring Impact Monitored parameter Monitored point Responsibility Verification method frequency of monitoring Pre-construction and construction Phase I. Vegetation cover - Clearance technique - Along the - Observation - From beginning to the -Contractor Compliance clearance or cutting - Disposal of cut-down transmission line last moment. report by CSC down trees trees. - In a centralized place -Construction for processing. supervising consultant I I. Rural roads in - All heavy tonnage - Along the traffic road - Observation and - Weekly basis when - Contractor, Compliance the project region vehicles on the local National road No.3, consultation with material is transported -Construction report by CSC roads No.1 and inter- local residents. to the region. supervising consultant - Road surface situation, commune road route. - During the damage level and construction time. density of vehicles and people participating in traveling activities. III. Surface water - Not excavate while it - Surface water near the Observation -During and after heavy -Contractor, quality, is raining foundation rain -Construction Compliance sedimentation and - Water drainage construction site of supervising consultant report by CSC erosion system, and construction transmission line. and domestic sewage - Water drainage are in collection system at the worker’s camping jobsite and rented house site, stockpiles.. of worker. (location of receiving - Level of flora points for wastewater clearance and subproject discharge). of slope stabilization


TEP- 500/220kV Hiep Hoa - Dong Anh – Bac Ninh 2 Transmission line Subproject Environmental Management Plan

Timing/ Monitoring Impact Monitored parameter Monitored point Responsibility Verification method frequency of monitoring IV. Dust and air - Checking the - Along transportation - Observation - Before material -Contractor, pollution efficiency of the road - Survey equipment transportation trucks -Construction Compliance operation permission start in hot, dry and supervising consultant report by CSC and its deadline date of windy days - Material gathering construction equipment points for construction and machines. of subproject - Checking the spraying measure (reducing dust) at the material transportation roads Cover for material during transportation process - Checking woker’s domestic waste collection. - Concentration of air pollutants: total dust, SO 2, NO x, CO… V. Noise - Noise by machinery - Residental areas - Consultation with -During activities that -Contractor, - Local resident surrounding the local residents may result in high noise -Construction Compliance response to noise from subproject area. - Visual inspection level; Complaints by supervising consultant report by CSC the construction local residents process


TEP- 500/220kV Hiep Hoa - Dong Anh – Bac Ninh 2 Transmission line Subproject Environmental Management Plan

Timing/ Monitoring Impact Monitored parameter Monitored point Responsibility Verification method frequency of monitoring VI. Sanitation - Garbage, waste water - At the construction Observing - Every week, when -Contractors situation at the at the construction site location of tower official acceptance of -Construction Compliance construction site, and workers’ tents foundation. work monitoring consultant report by CSC including the - If the tents have been - At worker’s camp hygiene of supplied clean water workers’ camps and had sanitary latrines. - Collection of solid wastes at the construction site and at the worker’s tent areas. - Disposal method VII. Safety of - Minutes about training - At the construction - Inspection - Every month - Contractors workers and local in labors safety for site. - Checking the - Construction Compliance presidents workers. - The ROW and its construction diary monitoring report by CSC - Conditions for living adjacent area during of the contractor consultant activities of worker. conductor scatter and pulling process. - Labor protection equipment, warning - At the worker’s camp signs and compliance with regulation on labor safety of workers. Operation Phase

I. Electrical field - Electrical field and - In the ROW of Electrical field and - 1 time/6 month. PTC1 and magnetic field magnetic field transmission line. magnetic field - When there are some measuring complaints of local equipment. people


TEP- 500/220kV Hiep Hoa - Dong Anh – Bac Ninh 2 Transmission line Subproject Environmental Management Plan

Timing/ Monitoring Impact Monitored parameter Monitored point Responsibility Verification method frequency of monitoring

II. Maintain and - The height of plants Along the ROW, Prune trees and One month/ PTC 1 protect the ROW along the ROW. houses and trees ensure a safe time distance for the ROW III. Danger of - Frequency of TL - The ROW Observation 1 time/03 month High-voltage inspection and electricity to health maintenance. and electric safety - Labor safety for workers and equipment providing local residents. for worker. - Safe distance ROW to vegetation blanket.


TEP-500/220kV Hiep Hoa - Dong Anh – Bac Ninh 2 Transmission line Subproject Environmental Management Plan 9. INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES + EVN's training: Internal training course on how to monitor EMP and how to report environmental results as part of quarterly and annual project reports. + Training of PTC1: The following training will be provided for the environmental staffs and some people of local authority. + Safety training: Regular training on safety issues related to the distribution network maintenance; +Monitoring and reporting of environmental management plan for stakeholders of the Project’s district or communes: The training will give guidance to the local stakeholders about the participation of local peoples during implementation of EMP. The training will also include the methodology for site observation and monitoring check sheet filling. Table 9.1. Cost estimation for capacity building in EMP implementation (*)

Number of Duration Starting Venue of Institute or Type of training students of date/Ending training organization Cost estimate training date (for each (Domestic or to provide (VND) student) Abroad) training

Environmental 05 03 days Before Training EVN combines 05 persons x 03 Management subproject location is with days x Training implementation chosen by specialized 1,000,000 Course of EVN organization. VND EVN’s training (in Hanoi city) 15,000,000 VND

Seminar of 05 03 days Before Training PTC1 15,000,000 environmental subproject location is combines with management implementation, chosen by specialized (training of after finish PTC1 consultant PTC1) Environmental (in Hanoi city Management or others). Training Course

Training Course 05 03 days Before subproject Location will Contractor 15,000,000 for Contractor implementation be selected by combines with NPT or by NPT and contractor. consultant

Total 45,000,000 (*) Cost for environmental management training is held by EVN for TEP project. The cost estimated above is used for the 500/220kV Hiep Hoa – Dong Anh – Bac Ninh 2 Transmission line.


TEP-500/220kV Hiep Hoa - Dong Anh – Bac Ninh 2 Transmission line Subproject Environmental Management Plan


No. Established by Submitted to Report frequency

1 Contractors PMU Once before the commencement of the subproject construction and monthly thereafter. 2 Construction supervisor of AMB PMU Monthly

3 Public Consultant (if any) PMU When the community has any complaint about the subproject safeguards 4 Power Company No.1 EVN Every six month

5 EVN WB Every six month

11. COST ESTIMATION FOR EMP IMPLEMENTATION Table 11.1. Summary of cost estimation for implementation of EMP No. Items Implementation cost (VND)

Construction phase Operation phase 1 Mitigation measures- The cost is covered in the contract - Cost in covered in the operation (*) with construction contractor. cost of Transmission Company No1. (PTC1)

2 Environmental 1person/month x monitoring during 15,000,000VND/person x 12 month = construction stage 180,000,000 (conducted by the CSC) (*) 3 Supervision cost for Included in management cost of the The cost is covered in running environmental project of AMB cost of subproject operating supervisor of PMU unit

4 Capacity building 45,000,000 (training cost)

5 Total 225,000,000

Note: (*) Cost for mitigation measures in the construction stage and environmental monitoring by Construction Supervision Consultant will be included into relating construction/supervision contract.


TEP-500/220kV Hiep Hoa - Dong Anh – Bac Ninh 2 Transmission line Subproject Environmental Management Plan

12. PUBLIC CONSULTATION AND INFORMATION DISCLOSURE 12.1 Public consultation During the subproject preparation in stage of 2013, the following activities were carried out: Activity 1: During survey and consultation for agreement of 500/220kV Hiep Hoa – Dong Anh – Bac Ninh 2 Transmission line Project, the subproject’s engineering consultancy notified local authorities at levels regarding the subproject (scale, objectives and signification of the subproject). Activity 2: Surveying, investigating field, establishing environmental impact assessment and the EMP of the subproject were conducted. Activity 3: Public consultation meeting was held. After surveying and investigating, and having enough data on the subproject’s impacts. The Consultant (on behalf of the Employer) held meeting dated with local authorities and affected people in 25 communes of 8 districts, Hanoi city, Bac Ninh Province and Bac Giang province. Detail : - Dai Thanh commune, Hop Thinh commune, Mai Chung commune – Hiep Hoa district - Bac Giang province - Tan Hung commune, Bac Phu commune, Viet Long commune, Xuan Giang commune, Đuc Hoa commune, Kim Lu commune – Soc Son district – Ha Noi city. - Tam Giang commune, Hoa Tien commune - Yen Phong district – Bac Ninh province. - Thuy Lam commune, Duc Tu commune, Lien Ha commune, Van Ha commune –Đong Anh district – Ha Noi city. - Yen Thuong commune, Đinh Xuyen commune, Ninh Hiep commune, Duong Ha commune – Gia Lam district – Ha Noi city. - Giang Bien – Long Bien district – Ha Noi city. - Đinh Bang ward, Tan Hong ward, Phu Chan commune – Tu Son town – Bac Ninh province. - Hoan Son commune, Canh Hung commune – Tien Du district – Bac Ninh province The Consultant presented the following issues: Subproject description: location of the subproject, and the necessary of the subproject construction; the necessity of construction of the above mentioned of subproject. Potential impacts on environment caused by the subproject; Mitigation measures against negative impacts. Summary of comments, feedacks in the consultation meeting are shown in table 12.1. Public consultation method: Organize consultation meeting between the Consultant and local authorities, landholder and affected households. (Minutes of the public consultation meeting are enclosed in Appendix 2) Direct consultation with the affected households, landholder in the survey. Activity 4 : Checking, revising the EMP taking into acount comments and feedbacks from public consultations. 12.2 Information disclosure The EMP will be disclosed at the CPC office of 25 communes, 8 districts, Hanoi city, Bac Ninh province, Bac Giang province in Vietnamese version right after approval of WB. The Vietnamese and English EMP will be sent to the World Bank Office in Hanoi to be disclosed at the Vietnam Development Information Center at No. 63, Ly Thai To St, Hanoi City. The English version of the EMP will also be sent to the WB’s Info Shop in Washington DC for information disclosure.


TEP- 500/220kV Hiep Hoa - Dong Anh – Bac Ninh 2 Transmission line Subproject Environmental Management Plan Table 12.1: Summary on pubic environmental consultation meetings

N0. Subproject Location, date and No. of Participant Representative of attended Summary of discussed issues and How concerns were time consultation local authority and HHs concerns taken into account or meeting why not

500/220kV - Venue: - Representative of 1. Representatives of CPC Comment of attended Hiep Hoa - - Office of CPC 25 affected - Chairman of CPC. representatives For comments from Dong Anh - communes are - Agree with the project investment commnune – 8 district. - Commune communist representatives: Bac Ninh 2 consulted by the policy. - Date: August, 25 2014 party. - The Employer Transmission Owner (25 - Agree with potential impact on to September,29 2014 recorded comments line subproject communes). 2. Representatives of PECC1 environment caused by the project from attended (consultant) and mitigation measures against - At the communes representatives and Luu Van Huyen negative impacts on the where have a supplement into EMP environment and society. focus of affected Luu Quoc Viet report. households : Luu Thi Bich Ngoc - Employer and Contructor is Organize the requested to manage the - Contractor will applied Tran Thi Hong community subproject well. mitigation measure specified in Table 6.1 consultation 3. Representative of affected - In the construction stage, local meetings with househoulds. people is used to construct the to minimize affected subproject. environmental impacts to local people. households who - Requesting for mitigation have structure and measures of EMF to local people house have to health. move out of ROW - Dust, noise waste should be ( meeting at 2 minimized to avoid impact to local communes: Mai people. Trung; Tan Hong) - Employer is requested obtain - At the affected adequate resettlement plan and communes, with notice to local people before land households acquisition. affected who is Conclusion of the meeting not focus will All the localities fully support the consult directly subproject

POWER ENGINEERING CONSULTING JS COMPANY No. 1 56 TEP- 500/220kV Hiep Hoa - Dong Anh – Bac Ninh 2 Transmission line Subproject Environmental Management Plan with each household combined with the survey.

POWER ENGINEERING CONSULTING JS COMPANY No. 1 57 TEP- 500/220kV Hiep Hoa - Dong Anh – Bac Ninh 2 Transmission line Subproject Environmental Management Plan REFERENCES

1 Resettlement Plan of the Subproject 2 World Bank Environmental Assessment Source Book 3 Subproject investment report 4 Environment Management Framework for TEP Project.

POWER ENGINEERING CONSULTING JS COMPANY No. 1 58 TEP- 500/220kV Hiep Hoa - Dong Anh – Bac Ninh 2 Transmission line Subproject Environmental Management Plan APPENDIXES Appendix 1: TOR for construction supervision consultant Appendix 2: Status image of the projects area Appendix 3: Minutes of Public consultation meetings

POWER ENGINEERING CONSULTING JS COMPANY No. 1 59 TEP- 500/220kV Hiep Hoa - Dong Anh – Bac Ninh 2 Transmission line Subproject Environmental Management Plan APPENDIX 1 TOR FOR CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISION CONSULTANT Overview The Construction Supervision Consultant will be the provider of engineering services (“Services”) to ensure the effective implementation of the Sub-project EMP. Scope of Services : General services as provided by the Construction Supervision Consultant are checking and inspecting construction activities to ensure that the mitigation measures set forth in the Sub-project EMP shall be accurately taken and adverse impacts on the environment shall be mitigated. On behalf of PMU, the Construction Supervision Consultant shall fulfill the following tasks: - Execute site inspection on a regular basis; - Consider the implementation situation of environmental protection measures stated in the EMP and Contract Documents; - Consider efficiency of environmental mitigation measures and environmental implementation of the Project; - If necessary, take account of acceptability in terms of environmental aspect of construction method (for temporary and permanent works), relevant design plannings and submittals. When necessary, the Construction Supervision Consultant shall look for and recommend the least impact plan on the environment in consultation with the designer, the Contractor and PMU; - Appraise the survey results about any nonconformity to the environmental quality and efficiency of remedial measures; and - Provide regular feedback audit results to the contractor’s Chief Engineer according to the ECOP and site- specific mitigation measures; - Instruct the Contractor to execute the remedial actions within the prescribed schedule and carry out additional supervision if necessary, in accordance with requirements and sequence of the Contract in case there are any nonconformities and complaints; - Instruct the Contractor to implement actions to mitigate impacts and comply with the EMP procedures as requested in case the nonconformity/inconsistency is identified; - Instruct the Contractor to stop the actions which cause adverse impacts and/or the Contractor’s failure to implement requirements of the EMP / carry out remedial actions. - For the contracts, it will be required to set forth EMP on site (SEMP), the Construction Supervision Consultant shall consider the last time and make a recommendation via all the environmental plans at site which are likely to affect the environment. This task includes but not limits to: dredging areas, borrowed pits and dumping site areas, camping area of workers. The Construction Supervision Consultant shall consider and approve SEMP as submitted by the Contractor. If finding that these plans do not comply with the EMP, EIA or RAP, the Construction Supervision Consultant shall co-ordinate with PMU and the Contractor to propose a reasonable measures or remediation. - Settlement of complaints: The complaints about environmental violation such as noise, dust, traffic safety and etc. from the local people will be received by the Contractor’s site staff. The site superintendent or his deputy of the Contractor and the Construction Supervision Consultant shall have to settle and achieve the solution for such complaints. The Construction Supervision Consultant shall be provided with a copy of such complaints and certify that these complaints are settled by the Contractor in a proper manner, which is similar to the related matter as identified in the site inspection. - Certification of monthly payment : The Construction Supervision Consultant shall certify monthly payments for the related activities on the environment performed by the Contractor. - Report: The Construction Supervision Consultant shall prepare the following written reports: o Report on nonconformities every two weeks o Report on monthly summaries including issues and main findings from review and construction activities

POWER ENGINEERING CONSULTING JS COMPANY No. 1 60 TEP- 500/220kV Hiep Hoa - Dong Anh – Bac Ninh 2 Transmission line Subproject Environmental Management Plan To the end of the Project, the Construction Supervision Consultant shall prepare a final report which summarizes main findings in its work, a number of violations, solution and etc. as well as provide consultations and guidance’s on the implementation form of such tasks in future.

POWER ENGINEERING CONSULTING JS COMPANY No. 1 61 TEP- 500/220kV Hiep Hoa - Dong Anh – Bac Ninh 2 Transmission line Subproject Environmental Management Plan Appendix 1.1: Example of site environmental management monitoring report (this example can be used for contractors)

Project name: Project location: Name of Contractor: Commencement of Project report or monthly report: Date of report:

Impact Mitigation measures Comment No. implemented Construction phase Clean vegetation in the transmission line site 1

2 Surface water contamination 3 Noise and vibration 4 Air pollution

Life and agricultural production due to relocation and agricultural land acquisition 5

Solid waste generated from soil 6 excavation Environmental impacts caused by 7 construction worker Conflict between construction worker 8 and local people 9 Health and safety

Name of person prepared this report: Title: Address: Telephone:

POWER ENGINEERING CONSULTING JS COMPANY No. 1 62 TEP- 500/220kV Hiep Hoa - Dong Anh – Bac Ninh 2 Transmission line Subproject Environmental Management Plan Appendix 1.2: Example of environmental performance monitoring report (Applying for monthly report of the Construction Supervision Consultancy submitting to the Subproject Management Board of AMB/PTC1 and SIMC)

Project name: Project location: Province: District: Commune: Monthly report (Yes/No): Quarterly Report to EVN (Yes/No): Quarterly Report to the WB (Yes/No): SIMC report (Yes/No): Date of report:

Assessment of Consultant/ Comments/ Parameter No. community Recommendations complaints

During Construction Amount of cut down vegetation in the 1 subproject site. Noise level around construction sites and 2 adjacent residential areas. Dust, exhausts released from machines, 3 machines, and construction activities on material transportation roads and the subproject site. Tree cutting and access roads management 4 and control. Solid waste and site cleaning up after the 5 construction. Workers' sanitation facilities and safety 6 management. 7 Increased levels of traffic. 8 Status of application of safety measures. 9 Construction material management. Operational status of the treatment system and 10 waste collection. During operation The safety of the electrical system, signs and 1 accident frequency from the power. 2 Equipment fire fighting and rescue capabilities. Report prepared by: Position:

POWER ENGINEERING CONSULTING JS COMPANY No. 1 63 TEP- 500/220kV Hiep Hoa - Dong Anh – Bac Ninh 2 Transmission line Subproject Environmental Management Plan Appendix 1.3: Report form on environmental implementation monitoring (This form is used for environmental monitoring report by the subproject operation unit).

Project name: Project location: Province: District: Commune: Monthly report (Yes/No): Quarterly Report to EVN (Yes/No): Quarterly Report submitted to NPT (Yes/No): Date of report:

Assessment of Consultant/ Comments/ Parameter No. community Recommendations complaints

Amount of clear vegetation in the subproject 1 site and connection line. Impacts of electromagnetic field on operator’s 2 health. Electric shock, fire, explosion due to high 3 voltage power. 4 ………. 5

Report prepared by: Position:

POWER ENGINEERING CONSULTING JS COMPANY No. 1 64 TEP- 500/220kV Hiep Hoa - Dong Anh – Bac Ninh 2 Transmission line Subproject Environmental Management Plan APPENDIX 2: SOME PHOTOS OF THE SUBPROJECT SITE AREA

POWER ENGINEERING CONSULTING JS COMPANY No. 1 65 TEP- 500/220kV Hiep Hoa - Dong Anh – Bac Ninh 2 Transmission line Subproject Environmental Management Plan APPENDIX 3: HOUSE AND STRUCTURE UNDER ROW OF THE TL

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POWER ENGINEERING CONSULTING JS COMPANY No. 1 139 TEP- 500/220kV Hiep Hoa - Dong Anh – Bac Ninh 2 Transmission line Subproject Environmental Management Plan Some phot os of public consultation meeting for EMP of subprject

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