(Coleoptera: Carabidae) (Including Tiger Beetles) of Florida

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(Coleoptera: Carabidae) (Including Tiger Beetles) of Florida Identification Guide to Florida Carabidae (including tiger beetles, Cicindelini) 1 Pasimachus sublaevis Pasimachus marginatus Pasimachus floridanus Pasimachus subsulcatus Manual for the Identification of the Ground Beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) (including tiger beetles) of Florida © P. M. Choate 2001 1. This is an original pre-publication manuscript, not for general dissemination or reproduction. This copy may be used as instructional material in an insect ID laboratory exercise. The Ground Beetles of Florida (Coleoptera: Carabidae) 2 The ground beetles of Florida (Coleoptera: Carabidae) including tiger beetles, tribe Cicindelini ©1996 - 2001 P. M. Choate1 Dept. Entomology and Nematology University of Florida, Gainesville 32611 email: [email protected] Introduction ic determinations. Works by Lindroth (1961, 1963, One of the most intimidating tasks challenging 1966, 1968, 1969a, 1969b) are useful for many species an aspiring entomologist is the identification of spe- determinations, but must be used with the knowledge cies within a family as diverse as ground beetles. Re- that genera and species occur in Florida that are not gional faunal works have dealt with northeastern covered in his volumes on Canada and Alaska. Species states (Blatchley 1910, Downie and Arnett 1996, and keys for Florida genera are virtually non-existent ex- Lindroth 1961, 1963, 1966, 1968, 1969a, 1969b) and cept as part of recent revisions of some genera. When the northwest (Hatch 1953). Accurate identification relevant such species keys are listed. I have modified of specimens collected south of New England becomes extant keys or manufactured species keys to fit the a challenge, even at the generic level. My intent here Florida fauna. is to provide keys to identify genera of ground beetles Two major checklists have dealt with Florida Car- (including tiger beetles) found or likely to be found in abidae. Schwarz (1878) listed 150 species for Florida. Florida, then provide as many species keys as possi- Leng (1915) increased the list to 262 species (exclud- ble. When necessary, problematic species complexes ing Cicindelidae). Adjacent states of Georgia and Ala- are indicated, with suggestions for further study. bama had their ground beetle fauna listed by Fattig The inclusion of potentially occurring species is a (1949) and Loding (1945) respectively. A more recent controversial topic. Where does one draw the line for listing of North American Carabidae (Erwin et al. exclusion? I have based potential species occurences 1977) listed 267 species for Florida, but this list had in Florida upon my own personal collecting experienc- many omissions. Bousquet and Larochelle (1993) list- es in Georgia, Alabama, and the southern Appalachian ed 373 species. They also dealt with doubtful records mountains. I have also indicated my best guess as to and made decision regarding the likelihood of such the likelihood that certain species will be found. records being validated. Therefore their list may be Literature citations are included here for many considered the most recent attempt at accurately por- references that may not seem directly applicable to traying the known Florida ground beetle fauna com- this work. However, for the beginning student, locat- position. However, much remains to be completed be- ing literature is a major obstacle. Therefore, as a ser- fore the ground beetle fauna of Florida is as well known vice to aspiring students of ground beetle taxonomy I as that of Canada and Alaska as published by Lin- have included a wide variety of references that may droth (loc. cit.). simplify literature searches in the future. Preliminary aspects of a faunal study necessarily Materials and Methods involve literature records. Many records may ultimate- I repeat here species literature records for Florida ly prove false, being based upon misidentified speci- listed by me (Choate 1990), and as added by Bousquet mens. But these records are needed to identify new (loc. cit.). Carabidae (sensu strictu) are presented un- state records, and to provide species lists that are to be der their currently accepted tribal ranking (Ball 1968, used in modern revisions. Therefore, Choate (1990 ) Reichardt 1977, Bousquet and Larochelle 1993). Lit- listed Florida species without attempting to validate erature records are listed without species description their actual presence. Actual specimens seen by me date, but with literature citation involving the species have greatly increased the number listed (Choate, loc. record for Florida. Species are listed as they were pre- cit.). Many new species await description. Large por- sented in their respective literature. Synonyms are tions of the state remain unsurveyed, and undoubted- not listed, but may be found in more recent revision. ly will produce new records. Most new generic records Tiger beetles (Cicindelidae) were previously omitted have come from the panhandle of Florida, and these from this list, but are included here. The word “Rev” from only a few selected sites. Generic keys have not following a generic name indicates that a recent revi- been available specifically for Florida Carabidae. How- sion exists by the author(s) cited. ever, modifications of recent keys (Ball 1968, Reichardt Keys are provided for tribes of ground beetles (in- 1977, Erwin & Sims 1984) should permit most gener- cluding subfamily Cicindelinae), then followed by ge- Identification Guide to Florida Carabidae (including tiger beetles, Cicindelini) 3 neric, and where possible, species keys. In many cases Tachyta Kirby it has been possible to provide a dorsal habitus photo- Elaphropus Motschulsky graph which may simplify the identification process. Pericompsus LeConte Most genera of Florida ground beetles are recogniz- Tachys Stephens able from photographs, especially when compared with Paratachys Casey other genera and their photographs. Most Florida ti- Polyderis Motschulsky ger beetles may be identified to species from photo- Lymnastis Motschulsky (Cuba) graphs. In keeping with popular trends I list the tiger Micratopus Casey beetles as a subfamily of Carabidae. This popular group Anillinus Casey of beetles is presented first following tribal and gener- Stylulus Schaufuss ic keys. Then individual species keys are provided for Bembidion Latreille most Florida genera. Distribution maps, host records, Pogonini collection tips, and seasonal distribution are provided Diplochaetus Chaudoir for each species when known. A detailed list of speci- Perileptus Schaum (Cuba) mens seen is not presented, but location of material Patrobini and summary statements are given for each species. Patrobus Dejean Localities are plotted on Florida maps as closely as Nomius Laporte (SC,GA, Florida Keys) possible to exact sites. Morionini Morion Latreille List of genera of ground beetles (including Loxandrini Cicindelinae) known or expected to occur in Loxandrus LeConte Florida Pterostichini Neomyas Allen Rhysodini Pterostichus Bonelli Clinidium Kirby s.g. Lophoglossus LeConte Omoglymmius Ganglbauer s.g. Poecilus Samouelle Cicindelini Piesmus LeConte Cicindela Linnaeus Abacidus LeConte Megacephala Latreille Evarthrus LeConte Carabini Zabrini Carabus Linnaeus Amara Bonelli Calosoma Weber Harpalini Cychrini Amerinus Casey (Miss, FL; Torreya St.Park ) Sphaeroderus Dejean (new record) Bradycellus Erichson Scaphinotus Latreille Stenolophus Stephens Elaphrini Acupalpus Latreille Elaphrus Fabricius Notiobia Perty Omophronini Anisodactylus Dejean Omophron Latreille Geopinus LeConte Nebriini Amphasia Newman Nebria Latreille (not yet recorded from Florida but may Cratacanthus Dejean possibly be found on panhandle rivers) Ha.rpalus Latreille Episcopellus Casey (SC, to be looked for in northern forests, Notiophilini Notiophilus Dumeril panhandle) Scaritini Trichotichnus Morawitz Pasimachus Bonelli Selenophorus Dejean Scarites Fabricius Athrostictus Bates (Mexl CA,, intercepted in Miami) Dyschirius Bonelli Discoderus LeConte Clivina Latreille Gynandropus Dejean Halocoryza Alluaud Amblygnathus Dejean Schizogenius Putzeys Stenomorphus Dejean Oxydrepanus Putzeys Licinini Ardistomis Patzeys Diplocheila Brulle Aspidoglossa Putzeys Dicaelus Bonelli Bembidiini Badister Clairville Mioptachys Bates Panagaeini 1. This is an original pre-publication manuscript, not for general dissemination or reproduction. This copy may be used as instructional material in an insect ID laboratory exercise. The Ground Beetles of Florida (Coleoptera: Carabidae) 4 Panagaeus Latreille Thalpius LeConte Coptia Brulle (Cuba) Pseudaptinus Laporte Chlaenini Zuphium Latreille Chlaenius Bonelli Galeritini Oodini Galerita Fabricius Oodes Bonelli Helluonini Stenocrepis Chaudoir Helluomorphoides Ball Anatrichis LeConte Pseudomorphini Evolenes LeConte Pseudomorpha Kirby (SC,GA,ALA,LA) Dercylinus Chaudoir (LA) Brachinini Ctenodactylini Brachinus Weber Leptotrachelus Latreille Odacanthini Colliuris Degeer Florida Carabidae Species List Pentagonicini (Published records, including Cicindelini) Pentagonica Schmidt-Goebel Tribe Cicindelini Platynini (See pages 22-25) Agonum Bonelli Olisthopus Dejean Tribe Omophronini Platynus Bonelli Omophron Latreille, 1802 (Key: Lindroth 1961) Atranus LeConte americanum Dejean [Choate & Rogers 1976: 364] Rhadine LeConte labiatum (Fabricius) [Schwarz 1878: 435] Synuchus Gyllenhal (GA) Tribe Carabini Calathus Bonelli Calosoma Weber, 1801(Key: Gidaspow 1959) Pristonychus sayi Dejean [Leng 1915: 565] Tetraleucus Casey scrutator Fabricius [Ibid.] Cyclosomini splendidum Mannerheim [Ibid.] Tetragonoderus
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