c- ■■ ■ I V.:- ■ .■is ■5%' -1 . ■ - - -- , PAGB TOURTEEN BATURDAV, MAY 17, 1W8 , llanrhf&r ^ofttittg'Bfralh ATcntfl D olly Net Prewi Run The WeBthef - - V-' Far tlM Weak Ended' Faraenat af D. 8. Wantkar BoMnn i i ' Chester man thought nothing nf it. Mny 17. 19S6 .About Town She said shs w ^ d need hla help Buckley StudenU / Miawara tJiia m-aniag, elenrihBi to hold the youngstec becauie: a V Cote-Sapita Wedding 0 mlM late tonight. Law la mid Bda. Goip«t leHice* «ill be held to-, Along Mmn would" have to be cut it -.the nail Get Hobby Honors Tneaday fair, nat ftilto aa .warm. jnorrow mt 4 p.m. tn Orange Hall .to expose the sliver for extraetion. And on Some of Manchester'e Side Stre^t^ Too He’ thought he saw her eye fUCk< High near .79. .bsr MlM Mary Clarke and Miar The most original and the raoet Janette Grave#. er a bit'as she said it H e' con­ MtmeheUer—^A City o f Village Charni •Mi sented to assist in the operation,' educatlo'hkl hobbies were rewarded -V Green ..Green ThuiiOb. > d however, with no foreboding. at a Student Council assembly held .■JTie Manchester WATBa will stopping its cltmb for th* s k ^ I t Friday at Bupkley School. Lillian ■ There's one MancheAer wromanj lAter,’ he walked into the kitch- VOL. LXXVII, (FOURTEEN PACES) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY,' MAY 19, 1958 (daaatflad AdvartialBg on Faga IS)' PRICE FIVE CENTS meet Tuesday evening at the Ital­ resembled a flag atgff' somewhi__ Smith, ‘president,' and. Lyn Hogan, who has beeii studi^ng seed cata-1 standing proiid anttwlons in the ahd saw her holding the baby's 'X ian American ClMb. Weighing in vice p r e s i d e n t , presented the PINE -e r will be from 7:15 to 8:15. Mrs. logs. Illustrated. books on flowers driveway and ah# was impatient­ little hand whjie she maneuvered and other sources of irtformatlon awards. ^ Forbes ParkjTi and Mrs. Jessie l y f i r s t biids to see weakly with a scissors. Clifford U>m from the Hobby • Beaulieu of Hartford wUI demon- for months to see that ahe doesn't vha'l-lt'WSg 'Sihe had grown. "Why didn't you wait for help?" PHARMACY 'X repeat last year's mistake. She Was'stare there wouldn't'be Shoppe; displayed a number Of •ti^aie the r*iax-a-CiEar Machine^ he askedr.. “ plasticilastic figures bf aa-dinosaur, dinosaur, a Seem^ when spring sprang last, another OM llk« it in the flower "Because I knew you didn't I Center St.—TeL Ml 8-MU year she suddenly got the garden­ ^Bootch ls4 and lass, a knight on A delention of right from show she intended to enter. really want to do It," she explained. ing feyei^ and, over the protests Pinstl.V, one day a friend and ex­ . ttoraebackl'and a tiger.'All rre as­ the Buckingham Congregational Me held the child, but thinfs did sembled from a number of pieces , of her husband who kept tcrearh- perienced gaadener happened by not go . well. Church will attend the Congrega­ I ing "Oh my aching G.I. back," had and stopped shbrt when she to make three dimensional figures. tional State Conference in - the The baby cried; the expert hanfl Winners for each grade were: •X- him make a dividing circle of spotted the lone remnant' df the falterod. The approach w'aa timid! churches at' Union and Woodstock stones in their driveway. 3ow'er garden. Grade 1, Douglas Willey, penny Monday from 10:30 a.m, do %.p.m. the re.sults inconclusive. . collection; .Douglas Bevins, Pen- Happily she dug. sifted and "Good gracious." she exclaimed "Snap out of U,”’ he shouted. ' V -.. ■ / ; raked the good' earth' and then “that's the biggest. vi'eed I've ever iwm^ collsctlon. X, I ^ n Grossi, Nijaughter of Mr. . "1 can’t,” she atathmered. Grade 2, Linda Nadeau, China dumped' In enough flower seeds to ■seen In my life, the roots must go He grew increasingly'Impatient and Mrs. Peter Grpssi. 32 Conway ' keep a flock of crows supplied, clean down to Chlnju” - filDiraa; Diane Johnson, Butter- Rd.. will 'be one of '-^e leaders Of When the sliver flnslly came out, TWes. ' i with food for months. • After this gruesome discovery he started to- lecture her, but her class in "Dance Impatiently she wailed until It'.was almost antl-cllmstic when w ade 3, Norman Sousa, rocket 1058" to be presented by Ml.ss stopped short. launCtter made with ah erector aet; Anally "little green things" start­ an examinatj0h of the withered When he looked, he saw that Mary Morlock on May 'St in the ed popping up here and there. To "We ds’\puHed up by the would-be S t ^ h ^ 'Lloyd, butterflies and Afiiain Off^ts 8 ahe wae ashen and'all stremble. high school auditorium. ' her dismay, however, everything flower grffvMr which had been re­ The baby said ,"ba ha ba," no Grade 4, -;Jane Spaeth, Hand- she looked at seemed to be a weed. legated to\ the compost pile, trac;e of resentment in his voice. j The monthly meeting of Hart­ I Busily she went to work, pulling showbd quite a^rollection of what crafts; Anita .^akmd, rock col-! ford Countv Council Ladies Aux­ lectfon. I ' and digging and keeping the area undoutedly would^haye been some .Suspensa iliary. VFW. will be held tomor­ clear for the c.xpected' flowers. very pretty flowers Graded, Jack Lafkb, acleriee .col-.j V'-. row afternoon at 2:30 at the VFW Only in one place did she receive A couple of bluejays were bviild-, lection; Robert FroehUch, basket, SaySN^m j:-^verted Home. 3700 Main St., Hartford. cncoviragement, A large, exotic- Three to ,O iihv^ / ing their nest In a tree near a local'' weaving. ^ ' Delegates from the local aii.xiliary , looking stem forced Its way n p - apartment house. As birds will, Grade 9, Billy Swanion, k eys; iClaims Powelli j j e A irl#» Did you ever see more than one they scavenged hits of mud. twigs, are Mr.s. Lillian Linders. Mrs, ^ward from the very middle of the tulip blossom on s single stem? and locks: Alex Urbanettl, coin ; Drying cldthtu Mary E LcDiic., and Mrs. Inez paper arid whatever else '. they collection. 'ipjpt. We never did until Mrs. Frtnk could And. Men, 18-40, Preaches Hate Mahoney, with Mrs. Florence Carefully she tended the plant, Marchese, 86 Oakland St., caiwd is •dty today..# Riotins^n Algeria putt. Mrs. Olgore White and Mrs. Householders In the apartment watered it two or three times a attention to one stem supporting Xcre fascinated by the display of Marie Hale as alternates. ’ day and fed it various types of no les.s than three yellow tulips! ..i' — slml and perseverance, particular­ Jakarta, indoneaia. May f « ^ u y offered aid to the indo- I plant food. Her efforts were re­ She plans to take a picture ^of it. 19 By'GODFREY ANDERSON Cadet A 3.C Robert J. Segal. .Another member of the spring ly dbHng the recent selge of rain ,,(ffV-lndone ia*B ArmyA--,,, ..nhiaf'thief, nestsn government.- L*''®. poiiucai pot in rvegro warded almost Immediately, for which\ihi-eatened to send the Open 8 In aiiether development, former : Harlem boiled hotter today .y 19 (A*)— Gen. C harlene Gaulle today repudiated 54 Coburn Rd., received a medal each day it seemed the plant add­ blossoming shrubs that has been ■|j. Gen, Abdul Haris Na«u- Wa.ihington, May 19 (^P)— for the highest individual marka- attracting much attention is a waterlogg^ nest hurtling 30 fCet Vice President Mohammed Hstta. ! w j t h borough dictator but said he rerriains ready to try to lead ed another Inch or two. to the groimd. All Pay Suhdiiy -ordered a general mobil- The State Department said manship score _in official competi­ The stem i^embled a sun flow­ specimen of "Red Bud," lesemb- whom the rebe^ wpnt Installed as president Hulan E. Jack warn- out of chtios. ^ tion at the OOtlL annual milltarj’ .The jays 'nnind the answer' to izatiohs.(Of. Indonesian males today a young American dip­ er. the woman decided, although ling the Juda.s tree of Europe and Er.'s.r;!. tj,.t Rep. Ad.m a.,'ton ___waftime hero described himself as “a man belonging review held to^.v at the Univer­ Asia. It has been growing in front the problem oKkeeplng tip the PINtPHARMAGY today. H iforder aaid the aitu- lomat who had been attending ahe couldn't remember planting nest, but one of^the men In the set c B x m T. Ml SdSIt autonomy tor the restless outer Is- ' Powell Jr. 18 preaching hate to nobody but belonging to alH and added: . sity of Vermont; Burlington, Vt. any such seeds. In 'the mean­ of the home of Mr. and Jfra. Rua- 8 " ation in tm. nation is tense. Moscow, University has been aell B. Taylor, Green Rd., at Bow­ apartment may hatV^ little diffl. lands "contained the seeds of de- -that could lead to “ serious "Have I ever attacked the fuhd6mentju:,libeftie8 of theTOi " time. ahe kept up Hep battle culty keeping up his palsma bot­ Nsautlon'B o^dar calling men dedared: unwelcome in.slde I against the other shoots, deter- e r ; St., for 15'years or i\iore, and a from 18 to 40 into an army reserve stnvction and chaos." trouble.” publitr? No, I restored them. How could >^u have me at 67 blaae-.of coral pink blossoms cov­ toms. strung around and sround He wrote In the Socialist news- Powell hint* , i Russia. I mined that nothing was going to the nest like a tinsel r o ^ on a corps was issued to’ttrepsre the yeeic.roay in a t; department said the ouster stkrt a career as a dictator?” V I interfere with her rapidly grow­ er the huge bush. Tlie flowers put country, for civil defens^ snd to I paper Pedoman that the ahortcom- Harlfem---- streetJi----- ” **y*’ A , * ' John A. Baker Jr., of Weatport^ on their show before the leaves ex­ Christmas tree is the cord fr'bip a ings of the auton'om.v lew had B^-he made it clear he feels the presentXmtuation, with ing "pride and joy." which she pair of pajamas. help iritlltary snd Isw a^ orce- for Jack amt Caimiine^ peSaplo, ; protested without aVmi party ertniitiea in Paris and the army in heair-revolt in Al­ WESTOWM gleefully show ^ to visitors. pend. A number of flow-er fans have . • ment sgendes. Tbe order dM. not touched off the regional revolt o f ; head of the Manhattan Democratic ! by u.S. Ambaa.KENNETH HUBERT COTE so's homo hooting . for the mobilisation buYiriformi four feet and showed no signs of Community Respect sources said Nssutipn took the Toclalmedtheir owngovernment year. ! a Soviet diplomat had been ordered! tem came to a halL^nd many buses left their runs- This was When the Board of Education's shown last week by s Herald Wishts Of The Family montha ago demanding Heard Along about the college stu- The weddingling of Miss ^Pstrlcia* tcces.sories and orchid corsage. Af- j our woyi - step because of nabel warfare in . Jack said he haa received anqny-I out of the United Sltates In reel-[ in response to a Comnuinist call of protest. The Communists budget wras discussed at a recent North CSelebes.,.-^ greaiqr economic return , for outer mous warning letters and that he , procity. He replied, "No, not up to i public hearing, several persons dent who honored his wife ,oft Ann Sapita. daughter ..of Mrs. ter June 2 the couple will be at Ulandr^Miit^es arid the elimina­ would hold Powell responsible for * this point." j picture De Gaulle as a ^ n g at a one-man rule. v lOPEN: Mother's Day by taking he.r,4o a- home at I Outlook St., East Hart- ■ iOHN B. BURKE 'You get premium quality Issued under a state of war de- Drain Pipes Plugged? spoke out in favor of raising local Adele SapitsX&9 BIssell St.; , and 4rif«a already In existence. Nasti­ tion of meged Communist influ­ snything that happened tO' his , Baker was accused by the Soviet I Thousands of police stoori klgrt? '*1. fraternity dance. ford. I Mobilbest with RT-98 , . . the to prevent any . demonstrations w ! cleaned Fnst nnd teachers’ M^ariee, Kenneth Hubei^Cote, son of ^ r . FUNERAL HOME er tion'* order makes it compulsory ence on the^akarta. government. family. He said he lived in Harlem Foreign Mlniatry of having "ays- Expertly With An One person however declared "Boy, times surety have Tne bride t.nd bridegroom gave moet eomplrtely elTectlve fuel The revoluilortan' regiriie since and Powell did not, and„''he will : tematlcaliy violated the norms ofi or against the general. changed," the formw Navy offi­ and Mrs. Hubert Cote, East Hart­ TEL. Ml S-6668 oil sdditive^n use today. And for Indonesians withtn-tha age lim­ Cplman Dies; = A L L DAY; ' Electric Mnchine. himself against such action. He each other personal gifts. She pre- its to answer the call or be prOae- has bean routril vrom Sumatra. not chase me out of Harlem." behavior for diplomatic repreaen-i De Gaulle again did not specify nonetheless concluded his brief cer, notv a Main. at. Insurance ford. took place at 10 o'clock thi.t. Carol "I just thlrik^Carmine (DeSapio, ,i— and sai(l .the arm y oflicera there immediately available. He had been REXALL DRUG officer questioned oni of the Johnston was flower girl. _ _ 'fixe not rebell, in his book. Actual­ ill with a lung Infection a year ago .411 in Favor . .. drivers—a woman. Roger A. Cote. East Hartford. [ Ian J * ^ better nritival.tH.11., .„d up s„. and 'V.irsf Russian niedieyriihistorv. j ly, he Eaul, the ariny deserves a when he was .treated at Santa After getting her aide of the At a recent meeting of the Board wa.i his brother's best msn, and! MORIARTY down Harlem streeClK loo much. f'ivell done" for keepi-.g disorders Monica. ■Story, the officer a.sked ,the of Education the members were ushers wefe Edward M. Sapita and "We're not going to give them In y, siatepfent from Londoi from turning Into riots. He and hia wife, Benita Hume, OPEN diritussirtg who would give out di­ ma^e'^ publ^c^here. Baker said he woman’s husband—who was a the same treatment the Commu­ The General, dressed in a gray , had been living on Aheir ranch Joseph M. Doyan. Stritch’s Ijad beep-Yriendly with some of his passenger in the car if what she plomas at the junior and senlbr The bride wore a gown of C5ian- BROTHERS nists gave Vice President Nttcon suit, spoke in a firm voice, He here. . •- said was true. high schools. Mrs. Jane Stuek and and his wife, but we will make fellowxstudents, had some aa finger to emphasize a point-dur- made a statement and cut riff i Colman and his wKfe both ap­ Mrs. E. Mae Holden were allotted iilly type lace and nylon tulle, 301*315 Cenfor St. gupats in his home, dined with Gen^Gharles de Gaulle ral m 1 -1 3 4 3 "Yes, that's about the size of made with a scoop neck, basque mighty uncomfortable for t Ing hla''Raria news gonferenc today. (AP Photofax). questioning after a half hour's peared in the television series, SUNDAYS it." the man said, Then he added the. junior high school. Last Thursday. Tammapy'' lead­ Biem at public restaurants and session. "Halls of Ivy,” a story of collaga ■Who woiild cover the high bodice and bouffant skirt flowing as w ith some of them to U.S.- "1 am going back to my village jokingly. "I guess that's a Woman school? .into a -Gothedral train. Her head- Ml 3-5135 ers tn the 16th CongrMSf^l- Dis­ life that went off the air about driver for you." trict. which Pow^''^represebts, SovieXgthletic conteats, Including but I remain at the dlaposition of two years ago. Since then he had 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. Board member Harold Qarritv piece was a lace hat with a pure baaketbaU^ staged'Under the U.S.- the country," he said. The wife, hearing the remark, silk veil, fingertip length, edged voted to read him out of tlw-Demo- made one appearance.. for FREE pointed out the sophistication of Vatican City. May 19 tAb Sam­ cratic party on the ground that he Soviet cultbral agreement of last As he left,''"De Gaulle to Pow- i responded with. "Well, what good the 2,500-pupH.- school, saying. with lace. Sh8-.carrled a prayer- uel Cardinal Stritch. whose right Jan. 27. X , /■' , An asbpc'tatle In. Hollywood aaid MANCHESTER are fenders if you don't use them is not.'B Democrat aoo supported PresiS^snt I er" shouts were heard outside the that, after the television series waa "What they need up there is a book with an omjld on the cover arm waa amputated three weeks Prasident BlsenhoweT' in 1956. "I have ao Una of any.-rakaon ' hotel where he met the press. SHOPPING PARKADE to fend once,in a while.” world traveler." marked with white streamers of ajgo, suffered a atroKb ioday. Word other than my ac^alutance with completed Colman and tiis wife an* DELIVERY Powell said he supported Ei.*en- At the outset, De Gaulle made their daughter, JuHet, went '^to Chairman Christie McCormick, The maid of honor was attired ’ reaching the Vatican waa that his, hower because of the Civil Rights the students. which tljuld be be­ it clear he felt that the Present | that Colman contract- tVbo Suffered Hic Most ? just returned from a trip to Aus­ in a yellow gown of lace and ny- , condition was grave. hind this Soviet action^:’ Baker issue. j recime.regime, ertcompasainsrencompassing many par-1pa ed . a lung___ infection______while there. Nurses are a strong breed. They tralia, took the Hint. He'll he hand­ Ion tulle over taffeta, made with ' buys a home of The Roman .Catholic Archbishop said. Give I ties, could accomplish nothing. learn to see suffering’’ an,l riot ing out the diplomas at MHS coins strapless lace bodice and match- : til Chicago previously had been, re­ “The Soviet government, lap- I The Colman* had been planning to I De Gaulle frequeritiy referred return the south of France this flinch. Thgy don't, as s rule, panic commencement. ing bolero, full-length aklrt of al- I covering well from the amputa­ ' parently aware that my excluslori j : to himself in the third pgraon. He in the face of pain. your jown! n tion, which waa made necessary August. ternating layers of lace and tulle i «> smi, U.S. Recovers ' from Moscow University would ap- j 'By THE AS.S(X'IATED PRESS • such information. Hagerty Insisted Said: to Though never callous, {hev de­ European Plan rufltes. She wore a matching pic- ! ' 'SpacioiuR, well-built 1. 2 and 3 bed­ by a blood clot in the arm. Yes­ 1 pear ridiculous In the eyes of stu- j president Eisenhower plana to g o ' it was not provided by the White: "Tije powers of the republic'?, Ibe British horn actor, a star and FLY TIME When a 'Manchester jail "regu­ terday he had celebrated Mass for. a favorite of film fans since 1933, velop the ability to keep ' their ture hSt, and carried a colonial I room U. S. Government Surplus dents who knew me and observed I to Gettysburg tomorrow to vote in I Hou.-ie.j- ; I When npe a.i-sumes them they are ^fAJikASSt. : equilibrium when their services are lar" appeared at the sergeant’s style bouquet light pink earns- i the flrat time since the operation. i my qiiite normal conduct at the ! was ofperated on for a lung infec­ desk recently and demanded he be ft Bfose G)ne of the PenpAylvanla primary and' EiaednViwer ha* been a member Upe powehs that the republic gives tion a year i^a and had Men In needed, by the efflicted. tlons feather^ with yellow. ; homed. Each ha.s complete wiring and The Cardinal was stricken again I university, has apparently decld,ed| then travel rin to fo r, of the Blind Brook CTub sin. e the | you.’ TENSION SCREEN So, when his wife, a nurse, an­ arrested, he wasn’t fooling. plumbing throughout. Complete bath­ early today but by noon had re­ to’ .tei-mlnate my friendships with poor health since then. IS HERE... "He really came prepared for ■ The bridesmaids ware orchid', a major speech'Ibniorrow night on ' when he was president of (.o- j "U is certairiMhat if De Gaulle • He became ill yesterday at his nounced recently that their child covered consciousness. A source Soviet students by the rather ex- the weekend." one of the officers gowns slmila. to that of IKS' maid i rooms with tuhd. Double hung win­ Fired Jupiter the nation's economy. lumbia ‘ University. Hagerty said saw exceptional powers delegated ranch home 4|^r Santa Barbara ; of less than a year had gotten a o f. honor. They also wore match- ; IX close to Vatican authorities said, trerne means of declaring me 'per-' the President would like very • LIGHT. related: "He had w-ith him a paper dows with .screens,' oak flwirbi^, fully insu|ate4> Complete built-in kitchens. Perr he hod improved slightly, "can , Weather permitting, the Prc.si- to him in an exceptional moment ~iJ~ - <*- • W t f«oturc a eem- ! splinter under his naU, the'Man- ing picture hats and carirled coIo- ! ■sona'non grata.’ ...... - miicli to gel back thei'e for a for an exceptional task^ it could WilOHT I ■ • - bag containing, among other feet for cottages, summer homes or rental 'properties. Built in easy-to-erect sec­ talk *4^in and can recognize p- Cape Canaveral, ’ Fla., May 19 “ I can only conclude: that my at­ denl will take off from the south (Dontlnued on Page Seven) things, meat and bread and milk.'' nial style bouquets of yellriW car- ; White House grounds by helicopter round hut haa no plans to do so on not be done accolding to the habit­ ALUMINUM I—------T-;------nations feathered with yellow; tions . . , ready to dLsmhntle and assemble. We arrange for delivery—anywhere! P l«” (^r The Jupiter intermediate tempts to develop better' under­ this trip.. ual rites and procedure. It would pittc lint of aiuml. Among the few persona per­ .range missile - a project the Army standing oL the Soviet Union shout 10:30 a.'m., on the .10-mimite • FRAMELISS Writer in a Rut The'.flower girl, wore a powder Stasxen's Hope In Balance be necessary to Institute an excep­ mitted to enter the Cardinal’a rooi^ almost lost five months ago— ap- thiough. friendships with its citi­ flight to Gettysburg where he ha.i The prospect <)f a light vote may The South Windsor woman look­ blue gown similar to the others, a farm home. He intend.*' to' land tional procedure for investiture bv • PULL num■'T Kr«M . S,. . cOmbi- ...... CoR Visif of#rife.- PRE-FAB HOMES SALES CO. ;Was the Pope'e ’TJrivete physician, parenlly Is the" ffrat ballistic wesp-' zens is considered by tbe Soviet^ hamper Harold Stassen’a chances WhitebouM Bros. ed doubtfully at the bottle o f pills only-In orchid, and carried a colo­ Frof. Riccardo Galeazzi-Lisi. He close by the polling place on the the national assembly. LENGTH nial style bouquet. on to solve the re-entry challenge. a.s a 'violation of the noftms of dip­ of winning the Republican nomina­ "In such a case. I will make bulletins n o tio n w in d o w s, her doctor had given her last week. 15;3T)riVe —Off West Center Street, Mancehster— Call lVlItchell .3-0971 • told new'stnen Cardinal .Stritch wpeT Airny rocket men at'the nation's lomatic behavior.' " edge of town. • ROLLS '\ “ What’s the matter?” a neigh- The bride's mother chose s pow­ suffering froiri arterlo .sclertma tion for governor on an indepertfl- j known to the right' persons what (^ i^ e Open Dally— 9 A.M. to 6 P.M.—Sunday 1 P.M. to 5 P.M. * , ‘ missile test center agreed the re­ T he State Department saud So-| After voting, Eisenhower will go ent ticket in tomorrow's Pennayl- | sort of procedure 1 feel is ade- from^he AP Wires UP POR PAINTING and bor'aaked. der blue lace sheath dress with (hardening of the wall of ^the ar­ entry success W88 due to an al­ Viet diplomats in Washington and on by heliixipter to Harrisburg, Pa., doors and jolousios. “Thtise p ills...I don't quite un­ matching picture hat, and the teries) and thrornboels (blriod clot­ vania'a priruar'y election. ' qiiate." STORAGE most perfect shot of the mighty New York have been "quite free" about 35 mil'es away. There he will A light vote in a Penn.sylvanla , De Gaulle said the powers of the derstand the directions." the wom­ bridegroom’s mother, an aqua-; ting). to attend classes U. S. univer­ board his private -4-«rigine plane, | • SELF. Jupiter ahort'ly after midnight at primary traditionally favors caartl-; iepubllc seemed perfectly clear. DUAL SHIP R.ATE BARRED DECORATING an replied. marine lace sheath dress. Both had leA M* Doctors ware reported giving the yesterday. sities. pink rose coVsages. Cardinal injeclions of a medicine Columbine --- III,, for the---- —J,—flight tol^ntcg—I baok^'^'backed by staleBtatp nnlifw’n)political nr-..ior-| He' ** continued: IVashington, 5Iay 19 UT) •— A0JUSTIP4G Intorior and Exterior The neighboiv after looking at Some 4 >7 hours after the launch­ Department officials said at The Supreii^ Court today . out­ A reception for 175 guests ■was that fights blood clotting. New York. I ganizattons. 1 -1 niy.*elf re.slored its arms, iu* 1 the directions ^ the label, said. ing the huge nose cone the first least three Soviet embassy em- He is si'heduled to arrive, at the| Stas.sen is running against the law ed a ‘'dual rate" system of > "W hat’s so hard to understand held from 12 o'clock noon to 5 p.m. Hospital rittendantg saithc laws, its name. I mad^, the wal for Fully Insurod Cardinal 'suffered a "terrible full sized warhead ever moun‘ /I La Giiardia Marine Terminal about ; Republican organization luindidate, the victory of France and the vic­ transportation charges used by about that? It clearly says 'take in the American Legion Home. The Intfoducing * ^,Your Democratic Leaders on a Jupiter IRBM was plucked (Oohtinued on Page .Heven) scores of steamship offerator Guarontood bride's traveling costume, when thrombosis" that produrad light 12:.10 p.m. ami then will motor im -! Arthur T, McGonigle of Heading, tory of the republic with all thojie HOME SPECIALTIES CO. one pill twice a day’.” [out of (h e Atlantic by frogmen mediately to the Astor Hotel. j he^d 'iM one of the largest pretzel groups. Justice Brennan deliver­ "Sure, but how can you lake leaving on a motor trip to Wash­ ijBC' paralir’siB* of his righp sitle. 'The ! who accepted to join me. At their BOB BROWN, CHARLIE PRINGLE— MI 3-2856 Workmanship paralysis did not. affect his face.' and the crew of a Navy auxiliary Eisenhower expects to spend the j firhitllrin the country. William S. head I j'e-established the republic ed the 8-3 decision. 'Justice j the same pill two times?" ington. D. C„ was a powder blue ' submarine rescue ship, Frankfurter wrote a dissent In- Phono Ml 3-0110 JJ. . and' he was able to apeak again i afternoon in his hotel .suite and: Livengood Jr., former state secre- at home. In itr* name,' for Its ac . A Non. and white checked suit with white later ., in the mornirig. He could j j First reports IndtcHted th'e re­ perhaps b"ve a few business eh-rtary of internal affairs, also'• is j count, in conformity with ita gen which Justice Burton joined. move Yils right leg slightly, physi-! entry test .was a complete success. News Tidbits gagements. ! niaking an independent bid for the ins. my government accomplished J.qstlce Harlane also write a brief clans said. His left leg was not a f-' 1 The precious nose cone was tak- The President's speech at the 1 GOP gubernatorial nomination. an enormous I'a.xk of renovation-' dissent. . I en to Redstone Arsenal, Hunts- Culled from A P Wires Astor Hotel will be carried nallort- i Organization leaders predict He recalled that ht* provisional (ConUnuad on Page Fire) .SAMFEL CARDINAL STRITCH '1»e. Ala., where Army scienti.sts wide on television and radio (9:30 luinout.of less than 40 per cent of government after World Waj II SEEKS Nt'CLEAR FUNDS . : will study Its intricate iristrumenta p.m. I. . the 5,170,13.') eligible voters 2 ,-I gave French,citizenship to Alger Washlhgton, May 19 (iF) ' — ‘ I to learn the secrets of re-entering Nelson A. RocU^elle. , calls for In the dinner audience will be 718,719 Republicans and 2,451.114' ians and gave French~ women the K’. E. FMila. general- raranager the Earth's atmosphere without »erle* of Cl\1l right* conferences about 2,000 business ■ leaders on Democrats'. j vote. of the .Atomic Energy Commis­ THrS IS THE LIFE AT burnout after a cruise through to help erase "economic waste and hand for a meeting of the econom­ Pittsburgh Mayor David L. I.jiw- He said that both Frehchnieti sion (.AEC), told.critical con-^ apace. moral erosion” resulting from dis­ ic mobilization conferenee of the rence. 68, is the Democratic organ­ and Moslems in Algeria had seen gressmen today .AEC may step" It was. tlie first time a full scale crimination . . . Alabama minister American Management A-ssoda- ization candidate for governor. His that Paris could not solve their up Its requests for funds for, ballistic missile nosecone has been Harold W, Seever says churches tion.’ f chief opposition is Lt. Gov. Roy problems. basic nuclear reeearch. Fields recovered intacl. The only other re- cannot woo young people with rec­ The Preslilent plans to fly back i E. Furman, hinning on an Inde gave' no figures, but he euggesd- 5 d # - covei'.v came last Aug. 8 when a ord players, shufflebqarda and coke to Washington immediately after! pendent ticket. (fiontinued on Page Seven) r*l that members o ' a Senate- 4-foot nose- cone -was retrieved l.iachines, , the speech. He will be accompanied ______i House atomic energy eubcom- > On Recession Cure from the sea. Navy in New London Issues dls- by an old. friend. British Field! mittee hold off criticism of the This is tlie same Jupiter the De­ Marshal Viscount Montgomery'; fense ■ Depai-tment, ordered the clplinao’ letters to. commanding reeearch program until .AECe Army to drop last Decamber. Later officer of experimental patro, craft who will be Eisenhower's guest operating budget is submitted. Miami Beach, Fla., May 19 (F)—, declared that he expects to be re­ Som'erabrth and twr other men the White House for a-fe.w day Rela.\ in solid comfort . . . really" enjoy the sumfrtep nominated for another term aa however, it was derided that the ? I Civilians jQuit Junta Democratic and Republican gov- a., result of explosion'wl'^ch killed New York police reported over vRED W.ARNTNO HEADLINED goyernorj His Statement was made Army should continue with devel- months in the cool, refreshing atmosphere of beautiful eiitors attending their 50th annual opment and production of the three and injured eight aboard the weekend that they had re­ Cairo May 19 (iP) - - Eg3fpt'e In answer to a question on the pbS' ship last July. ceived information the President newspapers gave banner head­ conference disagreed today on^^biiity that he might avert a fight weapon. Ashford Lake. '' Mo.st details of the mis.sile's ;ler- 'Three-way auto crash in Mexico, planned to arrive ip the New York line play today to Russia’s warn­ politics, tax, cutting, civil rights, for the Senate nomination by for­ foruiance yesterday are classified. Mo., takes lives of six persons, in­ area earlier In the day than now In Venezuela Crisis ing to western countries to keep Georgo C. Leasner Barbara Coleman Frederick G, Naaeiff recMsion cures and federal-state mer Gov. Chester Bowles, former But it was reported unofficIsHy cluding four members of one feni planned, and thatj he intended t<4 out, of Lebnnon's crisis. The . relatione; ' — — UR;^ Hep. • Thomas -Dodd-and for- that tsr'Jiiptt'eni'was Itrertut * lly . Glfr-giving Lr. (JenrRafaeU; ------^ ------. ■ — ----- newspaper .\i Akhbar carried George C. Lesaner, Demo- Baioara E. Coleman, corre­ Frederick G., Naaeiff, Demo­ In a congressional election yeari mer U.S. Sen. William Benton.), range of just over 1,600 miles. Trujillo Jr. says in Los. Angeles 1 ^ " b at R.ve,_N. Y., before going Oaiacas, Venezuela, May 19 iTuCol. Pedro Quvedp and Col. Carlos the story under a big red hedd-i ,^ratiu Tqwn^ Conimittea sponding secretary of the cratic To\to Committee that may set up some sign-posts . , llowever, Stratton . said, he The launching ran like clock that "not one |»nn.v" of his e x - " i s hotel. ruling government’ junta Luis Araque. They'have promised line: "War If .America Inlet'- . member and prorrilrien't'IocSr' DemoernttirTown' Commttee; Tm^nber, welt known tiwMan- for-rtha—1960-presldenUaL-contest. thinka-pnblic works alreaily seheri- ■ work. The-- 69-foot -misaile lifted penditnres in U. . came from foi'- ' James C<. Hageil.v. VVliite Mouse , applet lodav with the most .*eri- to hold'elections but have not set a \ene* In 'Lebane*ie Crisis.” Al whose keen Interest in gov­ chester sports enthuhia'ste aa the governors were 'finding little 8 0 attorney. A graduate of the tiled represent ak big a program as ! away with a' mighty roar and bli­ eigii aid funds to Dominican Re- j P''css secretary, said he had no Qus poUllcal . crisis Since it seized . , .date, . .Abram's headline said: "Dan- . Hartford College of Law, fiaa ernment la evidenced by hei^ 'Ahe/Tiwnn' of the Nassiff unAnimlty on any eubJecLM they aa the—rtathm- ought -to-undertake :loivs of white flJnie. ------public. .... —...... - idea how'how the tho» N^wNew Y.nrlfYork nnUrApolice gotI power from Gen. Marcos Perez The Junta met off and on last "ger Hovers 0 \Tr~X>‘bahdn.” practiced In Manchester alnC# vocation and avocation. l.egal Arms Company, local aport- headed Intp their business sessions. now. Leader said new public works 1 —— ------■ , Sooialist I vader Erich Ollen- __L__ 1930. Vitally interested in secretary for the- firm of it'g goods store. "Fred’s in- Democrats generally forecast Jimenez’ dictatorship in January., night with high ranking mi^tary; projects take so long to get start­ hfcuer accuses Chancellor Konrad The. junta’s two civilian member* and cabinet officers. Larrazabal.{ SCHOOL BUS RULE UPSET v CHOICE local affairs, he haa served as Podrove and Kelly, Barbara tei-eat in sports extends be­ their party will make telling gains ed they probably won’t do much Trenton, N. J., May 19 devotes her leisure time to in this year’s battle for. control of Boinb^ Blast Busy Adenauer of leading West Ger­ 34 Injured al Bally have resigned vvithout explanation. conferred for two hours with the Treasurer of the Ninth yond working hour's.. He is toward relieving unemployment.. many down dangerous road to new As the tUree remaining military leaders of three national political The New Jersey Supreme Court . School Dlatrict and aa Prose- serving as Program Chair­ a member of the,Manchester' Congress. Republicans disputed Stratton praised the work of a today ruled public achool bvies BUILDING man of the Maricheater Fed­ this, pointing to farm price in- "militarist .and nationalist i adven­ For Salazar’s Rival members continued In a marathon 1 parties-former President Romulo ruling Attorney and Deputy. .. Count ry Club, the Revolver governors’ ■ committee which has Market in Beirut tures" by . agreeing to accept meeting past midnight, they were Belancourt of Action Democratica,, earrj’Ing children to Junior and Judge of the Town Cflurt. eration of Democratic Wom­ . Club, the Ski Club arid the creates as one of their chief hopes been riieeting with Eisenhower's senior high schoela’ may alae (or political ad'vancea. atomic 'weapons": . . Company ex- threatened wlth^a general strike if Rafari Calder of the Social Chris­ SITES Vice President of jlhe Whet en and Is a member of Uie Spoilsmen Club. Fred served representative.* to' find a way of Beirut. Lebanon. May 19 OPr - eculive at Singer Sewing Machine Lisbon, Portugal, May .19 i/Ti- they snowenshowed signs of breaking'Hic tian Copei and Jovita Viilalba of carry children to a parochial ele- National Bank of Manches­ Young Democrats ae well as in the Navy during World GOF Gov. Wlliiam G. Stratton transferring back :to'* the, stales ; "pw-o bombs exploded in a crowded jp Bridgeport saya iOT w'orkers junta's promise tp hold nationwide fUnlon "Republicana Democratlca. nirntar>’ achool. The court toted ter, George also ripda time In the Democratic Town Com­ War II and is today ari ac­ af Rllnois, the conference chair­ some of .the f'eaponsihllities the: vegetable market herie today. Many „n'| |„|,| „ y[ hefore end of Mnv. last night in a riot by supporters elections. | ' The Communists .were not repre- 6-1 to reverse a ruling by tke F O R SA L E his busy schedule for mem­ mittee. Through sHch activ­ tive member of the Veterans man, barred any offlcial action on federal government has aa.sbmed.! pe,..,ons wefe killed and wounded. stn-er Alan Dale receives nu- of Independent presidentia:il candi- "The people will go into the sented. . “ . State. Board . .of Education. TM . ity, she practices her belief civil rights. But Deriiborsttc Gov. date Gen. Humberto Delgado bership In the Chamber of of Foreign Wars and the .. Security force's moved swiftly merous cuts bn hands and fqre- streets [n a general strike just asi 'Meamvnile, C ^ Miguel Ramon case' Involved a junior-nenior CommeJ'ce and the Elka Club. « that women should acMvely American Legion. Slated to . Leroy, Collins of Florida persisted against police'at a political rally. ,, .. , , ., Alan: One » w lork Democrat called for a ta,x Hie area and arrested about arms artcr falling down stnlr* and ...... 'de la Rosa, former governor of the. , high school opened In 1956 in He la Vice President of the participate in the political become president of the local In efforts to sell'his idea for feder- Officials charged today there was, ‘ January. Berkeley. ^ ral-state commisziona to handle Id­ reduction for lower and middle in- 150 persons. ' ' crashing Into glass showcase in even some gunfire', that 12 ,,„iice I clo Ojeda, whose .Junta Patriotlca Federal distHcl of Cai'acas, tbift Cottage for Hale. - Connecticut' Chapter .of the party of their choice. Bar­ Rotary Club in .Inly, he Is come groups - a field fq which dis-' ' Tpe vegetable dealers had de- nightclub tussle... newsmen seven high officials of the National Association Claim- bara also find.s time to seiwe curt'ently serving as vice - eal school integration problems. were among the injured and U'we-! “ x- key civilian groups DRIVE g i :t t h is w e e k e n d o r o v e r t h e agreement cut across party lines, j fjjd opposition general strike Total of 19.161 persons die In four Perez Jimenez regime were aw* RAILROADS ACCL'SED as an emergency di'iver for presidimt. Fred's keen Inter­ Democratic' Gov. Abraham A. the erniv 1 ™ January revolution. arits Compensation Attorneys Stratton and Democratic Gov. j order and 0]5ened fo r bufineiis. and ; one-half montha as result of Tlie covemment of Premier Aa-^ OJedh said the strike could j i-caled during the weekend and, ap-ap-T WaahingUti. May * 19 idD—A , SMALL LONG MEMORIAL DAY WEEKE.^'D! nnd Honorary President o f . the Red Cross Motor Corps est in politics has led jto Ribicoff of Connecticut said on a railway labor apokeeman ac­ television program with Stratton George M. Leader, of Pennsylvania'For 10 days, hoiiieyvivea havf been, twill: epidemic^ of smallpox and tonioSalafar who has ruled Porlti-t Pome if the government command pat enliyi charged with planning a • * ' . % the Italian Amerlfan Society! i and as a volunteer worker on ,,his preeent senlce on the gal for 32 years, charged Delgado’s remained entirely militao' or if jmlltical upheavrl cused ther railroads today of put­ of Manchester With his wife, many local ftirid raising Democratic Town Commit- (NBC, Meet, the Press ) that Presi­ opposg.d., gjhy general, reduction unataile to buy fresh vegetable!;, rhPlera in East P^klslat'-■ ting on a “ phony poor mouth" la DOWN PAYMENT dent Eisenhower ought to call in which would Increase the federal: fresh meat or other foods In the Dr. J. Robeit Oppenheimer. U.S. hackers with "sheer ; rebellion."! the two (ivilians who resigned, Eu- Those arrested included a former Esther and two- children, drives. Barbara, who resides 'tee. • ‘ Armored cars moved into Lisbon I g«nib .MZndoza and Bias Lambei ti, vice president of the chamber.of seeking the federal goveraineat at ,188 Lydall Street, gradu­ top Democrats apd Republicans Iri deficit at a yme when go'vernmqnt; face of rioting, bonkbing, sniping Atomic, scientist, lea*'udget. '(OMttwie4.ea Page r*ur) nnd authority. - _ (CoaOiiued on Page Four) -A ■ - fc ' ■ ■'

wf- .' 'Vi. 'J. ■ r-m V-V .--H - . •' ’S\ V ■-^ii,‘iiN*r5^ --- V-?*-. T- I*. ; j - / ’ PAGE TWO . ^ .lUNCHESTEB EVENING HERALQ, MA^CHESTEB, CONN, MONDAY, MAY 19, 1968 . I' PAGE T R R ia ‘TT’ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, lilANCHESTER, CONN, MONDAY, MAY 1?, 1968

• h Columhu Vew Row Flares \- ; Sheinwold on Bridge Bolton 'X Beitdhi House Silk Town ,On CMS Coiitract New Haven, Mqy IV (8^ — The X- North doaltr Hearing Set controversy between tb»,;BUte‘e SUBS THING PLAY 4 BEATS 8PBCULA*nON Norih-Sohfli vplpw rth A SENSATIONAL CARPET TEST SPONSORED BY KEITH'S AND THE MANCHESTER CARPET CENTER Work Begun doctors and the insurance ■ N M r m > h J Notes and Quptes they set up 10 years ago Is btofoag By Alfred Sheinwold' f f i l A S On Business brightly again. ¥ K 3 The Columbia Community BWch by EARL YOST. ree coiinty BiadkU associa­ Are jmu interested in safety or V House, which is bein|r erected tions have ,itnwy>* ■* pleted • with the ewicplion of roof. fessional policy committee. , 'The legal notice, appaaring'to­ Those working or/lhe construction and 400 dally during the filming aub at Pratt A Whitney, East Frank MiOK^lcs, 14 years, and you want to speculate, you Narth Eait B e m m -Wart 1 ♦ -Pass 2 N T PiHS day, 4itatee the area^ be changed were. Mason /Nuhfer, Marshall of a .yet unnamed feature which Tlartford. liUter Hhgers, 11 years . . LSst These evente will face CMS ex­ go after the diamond* The specu­ will take,.pface in Cheeter. Nino Eriday night the ticket office at ecutives as they count their poet- lation works out very badly. You 3 N T Pass Pass Pirn would include property extending Nuhfer. Robert; Tuttle, Emil Sad- from BtoiijMUI. on the north aide Dr, Joseph Barry of 166 Math -tlieiDepot Square atation o< the card ballots this week, and they'll k>ee any diamond flneoee that you Optaiiig lead — ¥ 5 loit, Joseph/ Jaawinski, George pf, HHf n ^ ^ y and Clark Well- Peters, Vii/ent Sledjeskl, M'llliam St., has been elected; to a ,3-yeaf^ New York, New Haven and IJaf-t- also faca. the dtreetora o f the Con­ [fig Pastor 'may try, and hack comes a hsait temi on the Hartford CountjKAca- ford Railroad closed Its doors. necticut State Medical Society to dummy’s king. Now It 1$ too ’■poAnt 'Co. on thS south side of the Soracchly'^ Tom Jones, Lincoln Tbs Rev. Roy Hutcheon hss'afi- Isad a low spado and flnaaaa ths Moseleyt Layton Moselcj^,. Morgan demy of General Pmetltloners* 1 * A • • when they meet here'.Wednesday, Iste for spades to help. You make highway, northwest to the State , The controversial CMS contract nounced he will accept the c a ll'm ten. You are aure to win. niffs Highway Department’s noit-acc^eS Hills,/Fritz Machl, Earl Gardner Board of Directors^^Dr. Orlando New employes * at Manchester pastor of ;the Wapping Community only your eight tricks. Down one. "and/George Smith. Yesterday, Ortifelli of Hairtfind, formerly of Memorial Hospital Include Mrs. which haa not yet been offered for Spades Provide Safety tricks, and Will win-^tsff' if East boundaries. sale, ^ would allow • medical Insur­ Church. A graduate of Eastern hsppeifis to.-hold- ths queen of The proposed zone wouldbe 200 members ot the Lions Club painted Msmchesteivjd" the. groupa' new Virginia Wheeler, R.N., Mrs. Helen Nasarene College and Hartford You can surely develop your Ole structure. treasuretv^rtifelli .was > a great Priaette, R.N., and Misi. Marilyn ance' and lower physicians' fees ninth trick by going after the qiades. doesn’t have it, but feet deep on both aides o f Rt; 6. for families In tbe $5,000 tp $7,500 Theological Seminary in 1857,.the To Visit Bone Station / This new building wtll house the ir while at Manchester Pierson, N .A ...... Mary Anq Rice, spades. It you Idee the ffiii); spade you cannot teh this at tbs time.) Income brac^ts,. Now CMS sells Rev. Mr. Hutcheon ten «w minister The Women's Auxiliary to the V. / office, lounge, lofreshmeni center ^ ig h and later at Trinity Col­ R.N., has returned to the hospital trick, the opponenmaanTmock out DsUjr QneetioB Insurance to families In the $5,000- of the College Highway Methodist Fire Department will leave the ' and dressing rooms for the com­ lege. .. New members of the Man­ staff on Saturdays after serving dummy’s H io g -^ negrte. You can As dealer, you hold; Spades — and-below brackets. Church Southwick, Mass. He firehouse promptly at 7:30 tonight munity beach and will replace the chester Memorial Bospltal AuxUl- two years in the Navy . . . Annual plans to assume hla-new position Umn giUit up aunther spade, and K 10 8; Hearts — A J 2; Diamonds / old lodge. That bunding will be aiy are M ra Edward Kaplan, M ra The state medical society and — 8 7 4 8; eSubs — - J 8. What to visit the Tolland (Jounty Base Spring dance of the Civltan Chib' county medical associations have about June 22. ^ - y'mm jack of hearts will stop tbe moved to the archery range on Raymoftd Mosxer and Mrs, Rlchaj^d' »■, ...... - ...... " ■ ■ do you say?' Station where they will zee the will be held Saturday night. May opposed the contract. - eftemy'e long stdt. Your third apade fire emergeniiy.etocdtplle of equip­ Lake Rd. for use as a headquarters Palmer... Mrs. Louise Miller.haa 31 at the Kecey Home, Charles is g o ^ fo r the vital ninth trick. Answer: Pass. You havi fist dis­ building there. » Last week CMS announced it ia ment. been appointed nursing Office Barbato is serving as general conducting, the postcard referen­ Actually, you can combine this tribution, no really good Uddab.a Red Crosa Report manager at Manchester Memorial Plane Trash Kills suit, and only 13 points In high Following Ihe visit, the group (^airman . . . New service, man­ dum -to determine how many sate play wlUt a Wight try lor ah will return to the Rainbow Club Columbia Chapter, American Hospital,'replacing'MM*. Bertha ager at Paul Dodge Pontiac is sxtra trick. The m*thod is to lead cards. You would bk. If you had a Red Cross, raised Jl,425.73 in the the state’s doctors actually Him or 65 in Casablanca for refreshments. ic..iLook8 Like New! Clulow who has rengned. the first epa^e from dummy and couple o f tens and nines to bolster It Stood Up Under A recent membership and fund rais­ dislike the oontpact. The local auxiliary was very ' ■'* ‘ T • Ebcecutivcs''of Hartford, New finesse tha-ten in the hope that up your Mgh cards. ing campaign, according to the Service clubif In Manchester con­ Casablanca, Morocco, May 16' active Saturday during the long- ^avert and Fairfield County Medi- East has the queen. (Cbpyright 1688, final tabulation of re.sults com­ tribute mucit to the community (/Pt— Sixty-five peroone died ift Oaneral Fsatures Corp.) search for 2-year old Donald Cald­ lal Asaociatiens met within the The safest way to do this Is to pleted and ahhoiincad by Roland each year and it was brought to fiamee yesterday when a Belgaih well. In addition to manning the Laramie, chapie^chairman, this putat week and asked their mem- run the four club tricks before do- our attention that onei ^ e Rotary, Sabena Airliner - crashed while Orest Salt Lake, Utah, local radio base and acting as co­ Y o u 'v e Heard Of H! You'vfi Se«n It! Barwiek's 100% DUPONT NYLON Carpeting iVai Spread oerif.ito vote "no" on the referen- h>g anything else. Then, since you ordinators and dispatchers, the weekend. spchds approximately < $1,000 a landing, for repairs t o . a had This is from the three towns in are in dummy at theAlm , you can salinity of 38 per cent women made gallon* of coffee and : year for youth projects -wUdi dum...... ; . engine' Many of those killed were . Acro$$ Our Sidewalk On Main Street And At Prominent Gas Stations. 30 Days Agp It Was Taken Up, the chapter;’ lA a t year's total was Yesterilay, the Litchfield Coiin­ returning from vecattons and baskets of sandwiches for the ; $1,255.72. Andover raised $367.50, Nino PaganI benefit' local youngstera T ^ . tariana sponsor and asraril priaas ty Asaociation met In cloaed-door visits to the world’s fair in their ■earchera. Hebron, $267.23 and Columbia, 'They were joined in their ef- ^ Half Of It Was Cleaned, And Now You Can See It— JUST AS G OOD AS NEW! A Miracle Test That Pagani, local manager of Phgahi for art conteat# In the elementary seaalons, the usual procedure for native Belgium. _ ^ will $760.68. Summer residents con­ forts by the women's group of the , Caterers, said the film will be gradji|ijn all schools and the group the doctors’ groups. Its president Only four passengers escaped tributed $225. Vernon Fire Department The | called either “ Miss paiwy Jones" also sponsor* the Manchester Hi|m later aatd a majority of the Litch- through a hatchway before the PROVES It Best For Your Home! There are 617 individual mem­ or '.'The Wreck of the 67," a rail­ fleld executives ' "feels that this plane exploded in flame* A t least gratitude of the local women ran | bers. 246 from Andover, 212 from School Science . Club awards. Also, road story. The Colurobh^ peohle the Rotary Club, beaded by Preei- postcard referendum ts premature eight of the dead 'whre children. No be expressed-Ifeat by Mrs. Peter Hebron and 456 from Columbia. will be on location In Chester for Insofar as. future negoUaUohe be­ AmerieanS were liated*'on the man­ Masaolini's comment, "Tha't's ' Ineurance Plan dent George M. Johnson, sponsors an Ig of l6 day period starting tween the Council of the Connecti­ ifest. really mutual kid." : Insurance coverage for the chil­ a s/pup of high school atudenta to N ^ N CAftii»rr TdftTUllE T EST Jung 2, Pagani ^ d . the tl’.N. Assembly in New York cut State Medical Society are to It was the worst epash in the Tq Kev Film dren who partSclpate, in Columbia take place in the very near fu­ airltne's history. The Woman's Society for Chris-] Recreation Council progrrams Is and'all high achool Students who Back on fulltime duty as a uni­ are elected to onS of the govern' ture.” T h e ' 4-engine DC6B had taken tlon Service will see a film on Ja-; now assured, I?r.-Ralph E. Wolmer, off from Briisspls with the Belgian paq enlillejl "Younger Brother” at] program ch^rman said this week­ formed school policeman Is W il­ ment for a pay town officers are He did not elaborate. However, fred Clarke of 20 Henry, ^t. all entertained at a dinner giyen the society's council haa planned Congo as ite final dsittnation. Video Everyday"" its meeting■ tomorrow at 8 p.m. at end. This is poskible again this Heading south from'Portugal, the [MAHCHESTfft Clarke, retired Manchester High by the club. Norman Well reports another meeting here Wednesday. the United Melhodlsl Church. Jins- ] t il.’ year. Dr. Wolmer said, onl:^ be­ pilot /duioed that one of hie physical education teaoher and that the Rotarians' also sponsof a TYie doctor virho resigned from A ll Bights -MesesYed-'-'' bands of the members a re, InvU- ] 1^:- cause of the Council's aHiliation was vibrating and he CUSTOM-CARPET ROOMS WITH head basketball coach, wintered in DaWn Hop for the entire Manches­ the CMS committee ia Allan J; T. Dlchaasaa Jk Os„ lac. ed to attend.' 3 with the National Recreation Assn to land at Casablanca for Mrs. Uealie Gower ahd Mra. W. Every child will be covered in any Florida with hit wife. Clarke has ter High graduating class from Ryan of Meriden. He said "In light pairs. He'jettisoned gasoline be­ been assigned his Old "school beat." midnight to-dawn.on the night of of the present differences betwMzr Arnold McKinney will be hostesses. or all programs of the coundl ior ' Jim Cbenoette fore reaching Casablanca’s Cazea The group will .verve a public a premium'of 78 cents. The policy at the E. Middle Tpke.-Prlncetoh the senior prom. the CMS and the state medtcaplso- Alraort. St. location.,, William Gienty, • • • Jim Chennette. The later former­ dety, felt I should resign and chicken pie supper Saturday at the provides $780 coverage for m^lcal. Eyewltneaees said the plane’s church. hospital^ hursing and surgical ex­ meter equipment repairman with N ation al' Safety -Council Safe ly served in a- like capacity for let the'i^ncil make whatever new- approach was bad. The pilot WALL-TO-WALL NYLON BROADLOOM Driver Awards wefa presented by Belch's. M.v aleiw .Ride Het pense. the Hartford Electric Light Co., nomination It widiea.'j, ' gunned the engines but the big Ryan’s resignation came after The Lfldiex »enevolent Society In case lof >811 accident, every ship did not respond. It miaied-the of the Congregational Church will leader has been Instructed. to give notifj’ parents and the j)regram Pa.; Mr. andiMra. Harold Wood­ the New Haven Medical Associa­ runway, plowed through a.building tion suggest^ that the society rs» gqjin a mystc^rj; ride tomorrow FOR $10.00 MONTHLY! first aid; call a physician and then chairman. The councU’a ..S'Ceident ward of ssgrsgnisett, Ma*r.T'Hu- New Havett^huts and came - to-.-s atnp -againat -an-- place ita Tepresentatlvei 'on the other airport Mructure. night following electlbo » ? officers. record is excellent and every ef­ bert Woodward of Sheldon, and his ELECTRONICS They will meet at the pariah room The picture above at Moriarty Brothers gas statfcn, 501 Center Street, v ^ faReh at fort will be made to keep it that daughter and family; Mr. and Mrs. CMS brard with men who take the Inside the plane,, pasaenger You Can Take ii/t t o two Yearn t o Pay. Pas^hger Office sociHya side in ..Ue contract con- Edouard Pflaet ripped off hla seat at 8 p.m. the time the Berwick Dupont Nylon Carpet was installed to test it with the heavy au­ way. Letters will be sent out this Jed W yatt and three children of LABORSTORIES Ho.vtesses include Mrs. Herbert week through the School'to parents Anaonia; and M n. ,Edwln S. verey. belt and opened the door. Three tomobile, truck and pedestrian traffic, as well as all sorts of weather. Shown in picture The New Haven Railroad’s pas others'followed him oiit.-.TOen the Hutchinson. Mrs. Waller Glesecke. , giving complete Information about Thomas. pIneT h a m m y Co-op Motliors songer office at tbe Manchester ^ WATCHDOGS CITED IN 800 B.C. plane blew up, v • Mrs. Jaquellne Spencer, Mra. A l­ above are Matthew Moriart.v of Moriarty Brothers and Everett Keith of Keith Furni­ the Insurance. 277 BROAD fred BarreU. Miss K.ather Bundle 604 Center BL— SO 0-6814 Pardcipating mothers for . Co^ pot on the WiUimanUc-HsrJtf^^ Hong Kong—Chineae chronicles ture, 1115 Main Street. . z ’t: Baseball is now in progress. As lumbla Cooperative Kindergarten and Mias Rlla .Sumner, the season got underway there line' haa permanently closed, but as old aa 800 B.C. tell about dogs RADIO 1 1 I 1 V I S I 0 N -■•I I this week are: Mornings, Mra. guarding livestock and other prop­ Baptisms - Postage Stamps J| were 87 boys registered at the last Abraham Rubin, Mrs.. Max Zucker, those desiring ticket^ may still Gregory Kent, son of Mr. and count. Six teams are organized erty. Living Room Mrs. Leonard Robinson and Mrs. purchase them f r ^ 't h e fretght Chasaal $ Bartfara. Ooua. l:N < SASI BOLD JODENET Mrs Donald Carignan of Stony 9 X 12’ Cove.eri from among them. Three of the Robert Taggart; and afternoons, agent. / UhMacI S Barwi. Ctaaa. "Snrvlkal an Ike River" Rd. and Michael James, son of Mr Ojiasael IS Hartfard, Oeaa. (le-Wl TALENT. SCOL'TS This Dromatic Torture Test W as Given To WELLS paaoo and'Mrs. Norman Powers of Llyn- Wall-to-'vall Three others must be provided ticket and/frelght agent's jobs "M^toreycl* Gcn^' wood Dr., were baptized by the •; Hall or Foyer Covered Greene, Mrs. Knut Barstrom, Mrs. lAtT HAirrm withth AniiiE Neylanda Ste¥« Ti'crrell c1WBB*> M HairBrftara. Caaa. “Tba Brenk" with suits. Kostyk Naumec and Mrs. Sol Koe- have beqjr consolidated at there Ghaaael 4S ■stoobe. Mas* • :M ( II WUIRLYHBDB - Rev. J. Ralph Kelley at St. Mau­ from Wall-to-wall ChsaiMl iS WsIinrbBrT Casa. < S4l; BOWABO BARLOW’S OB- Breodleem Carpeitin^ To Prove It* Exceptional Ro*i*tonco To Woor And>laia Woodward-V/hKg Wedding nigsbert.. was mw sufficient wpfk to justify . C H M TM . Oneat: Thanus rice Church yesterday,.. Columbia Congregational Church keeping a man oq/the ticket-sell- FAMILY 'SOROillTY GIRL" Public Records was 'Hfe scene - of the wedding Manchester Evening Herald Co­ ing job alone. - (tSAe) DAJINt'*TBOMAS SROtP Warrantee Deed: Edward A- and TONIGHT With Beoaa Cabal>,Dlrk Milter tl*M> TWBMTt-ONE ____ In Cleoning. Cementod Right On This Aspholt, Thousonds O f Cor* Hovo Drfv- Saturday afternoon of Miss Eva lumbia coireepondent Mrs. Donald S;SSJR4^ C O L U M llA •:M ( e> LAWRENCE WELR . SHOW Dorothy Steele to Peter F. and I.' Uhlig of Mouhchen-Gladbach, R. Tuttle, telephone ACademy Fal 'BeeM . ( 1) MICEEY SPILLAHE*a Helen McAuley, property on - ifi . Germany and Major Jasper' S. 8-8486. ' ' . y "APRU. LOVE” MCYCLES MIRE HAMMER . Colomal Rd. W ed.: "Run Silent, Run Deep** (I*4S> DECEMBER BEIDE en Over It, Th^ufsonds Of People Have Walked On It, It Has Been Rained On. FUEL Woodward, son of Madison Wood­ O ji^ FoniiU Barbara Staawjrck (tt-M) TV THEATEB .f Quitclaim Deeds; Abiim R- ward, Columbia Lake. "FORTY OCHB” ■*? Saiea ,aad Servtes ’Tha PertccUanial” Robert Santos to Valentino R. Fiano. The ceremony took place at '2 Bran Stara tract on I-vman Rd :■ Kenneth o’clock in the presence of only close Elmer Davis Dies; ''^Cnderful, Unselfish People* OVENWABE TONIOBT SO to M te:ee ( g uirhOK ) b o x i n' g ‘ , . ^ BeTwend to Claire Behrend. pro­ It Hos Been In The Direct Roy* Of The Sun. Now You Con So# It At Both Of To the Editor, Nat Taa-Lala Ta Mirker CrnnrlarS *•. An4y friends and members of the family. . Start VM r Set Ftfarat, le rSa,.’. aMAlo- perty on French Rd. The Rev. George K. Evans per­ Fani^iVewsm ^ W e want, to thank the hundreds . wowhU OIL of people and organizations who tlU 'S TIRE OHd . (U-4e> STUDIO ONE IN BOLLY­ These Prominent Stores, Hoif O f it Has Been Cleaned . . And It Looks LIko formed the ceremony and Mrs. AdvertlaerheBt - :| '/ •' W'/r 2 fitff STATE WOOD ’’Tbe Penny Leekina RANGE OIL Allan C. Robinson was organist. Washington, May 16 (iW-r-Elmer so quickly answered our call for REPAIR SHOP KM” Jack Careen aaS Jean When Buying kr .Selling'Bolton JJ Capt, and Mrs. Joseph M^^re of help Saturday when our son was NOW and TUESDAT 180 Spraita SL— 80 S4W86 BienAcU Property call L-awTence. F. Fi'andTlI Dayl< longtime radio-TV news CONTINUOUS FROM ■JH. New, It's As Good As New! Thot's Proof Positive O f The Sorvice You Con Ex­ Dayton Air Force Ba^ were at­ anuyst, died yeaterd^ of the.ef- lost for almost eight hours. We Broker. Phone 5n 6-5D10. •. j tendants. Major Woodward and "fecta of a stroke he suffered two vvould like to thank each person $:•* < » 80SIB Captain Moore have been together' montlia ago. He was 68. individually, but it - Is impossible US-W) BIO Advertisement— '' I in Germany- for the past six viesira, even to know everyone that was GAS ord, take advantage of it. ,S3 VC I BOLAND try- . ' a heart attack five years ago. ' It Is difficult to try and put our • LUNCHEONS money. # t a g g e re d payments.. I Con Be Easily Cleaned . . And . IT'S PRICED TO GIVE YOU AN OUT­ A family wedding reception was thanks and gratitude into words, 0 A COMPLEn MEAL 4MS 4lS> o a t Crockett Agenc.v, -Ino. M I 3-1577. | OIL COMPANY held at the Wood\^fd home after He interrupted his broadcasting INSTAUERS work- 'during World War II to We are convinced that it was the ^TUES. ONLY icaa b an d stan d 369 CENTER ST. the ceremony. Vpitn the couple re immediate response of all the Mnncheeter Evening Herald i. turn from sh ed d in g trip he re sepVe as chief of the government's STANDING INVESTMENT IN HNER FLOOR COVERING! office of War Information (OWI'i. wonderful and unselfish people of ®Spaig^iettl Bolton correspondent, Doris M .jl Tel. M l 3-6320 ports back..for duty at Dayton Air this area .which enabled our son ★ PLUS ★ D’ltalla. telephone Mitchell 8-5546. || Force Ba.^e. In addition, he wrote novels, short g and ^ *7 ♦ stories and essays, and worked for to be found safe and uninjured. 24-Hour Burner Service Anmhg the guests were Mr. ahd W e can just glv* our thanks to 0 M e a t B r IIs , ‘(ISi ______^ ■ANMTANII Mjrs. Joseph Angermeier, aunt and the New York 'nmes for 10 years. 4:4| IIS4SI Ml KUk $H>«aNva uncle of the bride, of Phlladielphla, l5avis classed himself aa a Lib­ God and to'each and every person IMaiichesier CAP 1 eral and he helped found the who aided in this search. Oak Brill j ( l i r i LED u y n ' • • t4 ■ • Americans for Democratic Action Don and Janet Caldwell W so Oak 8t., ManchiMter 1 1W- ,. • a CHADWICK A CO. COLORS! (AJJA) in 1847. That organization A“Bring the.family to dinner’* ( 564 CENTER 8T.-M I I-06M In Rescue Test; OUTSTANDING SAVING! CHOICE of was winding up' ita 11th annual f ‘js (IS) THE M Q M O W convention here when Davis died About 25 members-of lhie Man« l| "Itawa M IM m -M ) BVSPICION 30 Sq. Yds. Completely NEW at George Washington University “Tke Velvet Vaell" Carme* Chester Squadron of Civil A lt'P a -jj Hospital. Mnlthewa, Elisabeth Ment- trol USAK answered t,be surprise A private funeral was being tiantry ' ' - alert given shortly after 7 a.m. AMEj lS:ie ( I) WATEBFBONT planned but arrangements were in- (4S) T W IM O n^ t e e a t r b Sunday. The Connecticut Wing of ;| 9x12 DU PONT $ 1^ Q 9 5 f ( i). POFETE THEATEB , lt:40 ( Si NEWS B WEATHEB SEE THE Installed W ith Labor complete. Tentative plans were Held Over! Ends TUnorroWj . < S» 8HRENA qHKFN OF THE ^ (OS) NEVTBAL COBNEB CAP, und?t the Supervision of the U :i$ ( SI FEATUBE FILM Continental Air Command, con-^ | D R r RS made for a memorial service later ilTNOLE “Terror By Nlitht’’ at the Washington Cathedrah ' "Blrothcn KaramcBov'* NOW! ‘ (U) FAITH FOE TOOAT ( 8) NEWS a WEATHEB ducted a simulated search and res- | LIVING NYLON RUG NOW ^ Davis, who was bo^.in'Aurora, In Living Color—8:05 (it-st) NEWS a cue mission tSA R C A P). | (SSI THE n o NEWS The local unit was directed to re- , Stock Limited. CALL M I 9-5224 Ind., la survived by.hfs widow, the Nichols (4S), WEATHEB And Resilient Cushion former Florence- MacMillan; i PLUS COMEDY—CO-HIT!^ .-(OSI'NEWS ___ port to Windham Airport where COLORS daughter,,OaraUhe Ann of ChiciS' ManchMtet TIRE Inc. U:U (Oei I^TC B B POBTT__^___ one of the bases of operations for I ' ' ..'•V or JA 2-5750 IBRANDO CUFT Iliie (»l WEATHEB AND SFOBTt go; and'X son, Robert LJoyd Da via, "ALL AT SEA" Eastern Connecticut iGroup was, 6:88-10:80 MSei WEATBBB an kssistant profeasor of Mathe- 11 ;U (111 MILLION DOLLAB MOVIE establlshed >The other base was at j 'matlca at the Uqiveral^ of Vir­ •^MARnN^ Goodyoar ’’A BUI el Divorcement” Trumbull Airport'. Lt. (Jol; Arthur i OAKTAN, GRAYTONE. THOMAS COLLA Wed.: ‘‘Run Silent, Run Deep**. ( 8) .WORLD’S BEST MOVIES D. Mann, of Bolton, commander $ ginia, Charlottesville. ’’Ftchllna Fataer Danne’’ SPICE BEIGE, "G irl Moat U kely’’— Tech. NYLON.TIRES . (881 JACK F A B SHOW - of Eajtem ConnecHciil Group and i n iSo (K i Jack Pa r b show hia executive officer. Maj., Ronald ! This Broadloom W as Cleaned by John Leavitt, Inc.— H&rtford th e lliSe ( 81' NEWS a WEATHEB ACpUATONE Store and Plant 268 Broad St. l:#e ( 8) NEWS ; G. Farris of Manchester, super-| vised the'operations oft (inth bases. || Young TEL. M l 3-5179 Maj. (itto Krause of'Coventry. " Half Of This Broadlbom Wa.v Triple Cleaned By .lohn l.eavitt, Inc., Hartford, So You Can See It Be^ NOW - Through May 31 EAST TUi!iDAY was operations officer and 1st Lt. Three average rooms, 50 Sq'; Yds. of this Wonderfjil Barwick 1009( Dupont Nylon Broadloom. completely install- fore And After Cleaning. Representatives Of This Company Will Be At Keith s and Mr. Audette .... Thomas 'F. Walsh, commander of Of The Manchester Rug Shampooing Co. Will Be .\l The Manchester Carpel Center All Thli Week L io n s U:ee ( a> n e w s . ed by expert craftsmen, complete with resilient cushion. Available in choice of four stunning decorator colors. 4:te ( S) NEWa. SFOBTS a WEATB- the Marfehester Squadron, Was To Answer Any Questions You May Have On Cleaning Your Floor Covering. 4A9-WJ(18-48) B.eAPY LOVE I OF LIFE - darger or smaller-installation-s priced at-proportionflle savings.. — ------. ---- Lunch Date tuesdajf < t> NBWB, WBATHEB 0 (ssaei TIC TAC DOUGH ground r(isdue officer. 1st Lt. Thel- -With 8POBT8 IS Its ( 81 BUGB1: RUNNY ma Rogers of Manchester was of- j (It) 8POBTTCAST 18:88 ( 81 iO L L YiTWOODW BEST Buptoessmen’i lunWieone SPECIAL ASSIGNMENT ground rescue crew consisting o f j attenttoiL^Try our > m i MEWS 4481- SUD-BAY MOVIE cadets Bette’-Rowtey, Chester Var- i G«ae Kelly - Ed Wyaa HamrinM i ( Si TOWN, CBIEB _ _ ^ lll4S (Ilil THB AUIDINO UOBT "MOBJORrE ( ( II BAWKBYE—LAST O f 1:88 (18) NEWS ____ ne.v. Dick SartoF apd Caroline Na- ! MOBNINOSTAR". MOmOANS m i AT HOME WITH BITTY deau. ' ( ' jl ( S) 8HBEIFF Of COCHMB (Sei DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS During the day Maj. Michael T ill Jorl MrCrea !■ a m m o N BREADED .NEWS a WEATHER 1:88 ( « l AT BOMB WITH KITTY 1. Wide range of beautiful triors! 2. Has Heat Set Tvvist! 3. Mildew And Rot Resistant! 4, Allergy Free! 5. Moth Proof! 6.'Sheds Water. Re­ Vnth M vory tomato sauce and (iS) SPORTS FOCCS t;M'(IS-4ei BRAT THE CLOUR son oifflcer of New Hampshire 7:U (IMO) DOUGLAS EDWARDS, ( 8) THM WORLD OF OURB Wing, who was the rating officer Cltf/Jrrn 'UnJcf 12 THIS PROGRAM 80o^ ■pafhettl^PnniieMUi; cheeM. ^ ( « ) ORIENT EXraESS__ ' sists Stains! 7. More Fade Resistant! 8. Does Not Support eombustion ! 9. No Insects Attack Nylon! 10. Most Spots Can be Cleaned By House­ 'm> moff&OHT8 ^ ' t ;U ( 81 YOITB CHILD’S FAITH of this mission; acEBmpanieii^.by ii (M> NEWS . ■ 8:88 (lIMe) HOUSE PARTY Col. James F. Kavanaugh, CAP, ' (U> JOHN O A L t; fffiWS ( 81 MV HERO commander of Connecticut Wing ,. wife! 11. Greater Recovery From Crushing! 12- Nyl6n Wears l/niger. ( I) FBATITBB r lL » (S I b a n d s t a n d _ t, ' "Morder In Beveroa" (88-88) KITTY FOYLE and Maj. Michael Hryb CAP, Con-; < II PEOPLE’S CBOICB Me necUcut Wing deputy operations (li l ROBIN ROOD, officer, flew into Windham Airport | "Tk» Fire” RICHARD J. RISLEY and His Dancers <«) THE «*AL DRY CLEANING to evaluate, the operations of .the ‘ ‘ THE PRICE Ig RIGHT ^ ‘ present their ' Pickup and Ddivary day. I M/DDLi \r(/MPttte P^£sr (40) TEXAS BANGERS (01) MICKEY ROONEY SHOW n C M E R 'l See the Carpet at Either 1st ANNUAL DANCE RECITAL t:ie ( ^ ) CAMPAIGN ROCNDBP (IMCi TBE OEOROE ROBNS DRY CLEANSERS. Inc. Extended Porecast ' OBACIB ALUSjH OW 826 Broad S t — Dial 60 t - t l l l Store During the Day rV H M cR V (« -¥ > m f n , E i « . OCTf MAIN ST,RflT9\^^^ “Dance Capers of ’58” ^ ^ ‘‘Ike 0*14 iter" ' Temperatures In Connecticut ^uring the next flVe days, Tues­ iMonff day through Saturday, w1U aver- ] 1 YOUR Monday, Maj^ 19—8 P.M. Sharp Keith Furniture BOTH STORES A/tAtOtiy ST. Exclusive TRIPLE REFINED U M A K D S r \ l i " 1 age about 2 or 3 degrees below i Verplancdf School~Manchester normal. No pronounced day. to day FRK INSTRUCTfOI^S esah Ssles~Oiily .i - No Lsyswsya ATLANTIC HEATING OILS changes. The normal' iqe*!' 1 1 1 5 M A I N ST. 317 M A I N ST. OPEN THURSDAY YARN - i' • r/~ X Pianist, Rodney Bailey perature for the Hartford area ie . J i AU iSales Eissl M O O n A O E ST,— Ml 6-$85S 62 and ranges from a high of 74 EAST HARTFORD NIGHTS TILL 9 , Pleptp mf Ei«o Pmrkkif Always 'ncketf On Sale At/nie Door L. T. WOOD CO. to a low of 46. I MANCHESTER SHOP 'From 7:80 On Looatad i4 ,jM Telephone Mitchell 3-1129 Showers will occur Wednesday Sireat m Tellaod TBrnpIke through Saturday and may total ona half to threa quart'ers of an | inch. i f ■ M • r • .s

- - '9A 6B rOUR MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN, MONDAY, MAY 19, 19B8 V . : - 'MANCHESTER liVbiNtNG/HbKALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, MONDAY. MAY 19, 1968 'X l i Y S Rockville-Vernon Bombs Busy M Injiuij^ a] WINDOW SHADES Stay of, Execution, on. Trees T K t i l GrwM, W hitt. E«ru Sa£k,.«ldaarM 7 Market in Beirin For PA8TEKTB,.aaYmpnrra4 pew fieie W«nhab(t b« tprinkled on uppsc.or towor j-'-— Rural Zoning Group to (OoBtiBMd froB Pag da*) The Bfii% Has May Be Revoked by OfficiaU holda faUa toatb mora Braily la (Continued from Page O ^ ) Do nos tilde, slip or reoKiJfo p HOLLAND HNISH sooey. pasty taata or toallu. ■ Proposal for Traj|e^^ Zone afn efity df Tripoli; and some mer- greiroa warned Delgado’s followers Some 17 trees on both sides o ff up the walk, resulting In w^ainger TEETH la alkaline (neB-aeWi, tfst the govamment win suppress .Vemoiv St. between E. Middle to pedeatrisns. not sour. ChoeSa. "Plata edor"' -chahts decided td defy the oitposi- 30 to Order Officials now si^ oIbo reluctant tura bnaUi). Oat KABUBTI asi disturbance* "with the greaUst Tpk. and Lydall S t may soon be drua eoimttr. The Sionlng CommiMlon «Hll ex- tion and try to recoup lome of With r m t Reiters Been Named to build the sidewalks tiround force and without any coneidera- put In double jeopsMy. pUiiu it* proposal tot a trailer their losses. The vegetable market PULL LINE O r .CVS'ioM trees, which to-'what they , had ih tlon for Uw damonstratora,", ’The trees, originally slated to mind in tqafatlveiy going along *jMne. off KeUy IW tomorrow at was the first to open and was bustling with activity when tha Delgado, running agaiiot Adm. oomc down to make way for a side­ thiK suggestion for 5-foot H ’p.m. at a public heanngr to be VENCTIAN lUNDS fits around three. of the RANG! bombs w'ent. off. WitJUp minute* Americo Tomas, candidate of Sala- walk installation project were or­ ;^ ald at Vernon EleihenUry School it was deserted, except for security xar’s National Union party, has -Mauceea Elltalwth, daughter of. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph’B. Shaw forces and ambulances crews. A. JOHNSON dered saved by Tree Warden Hri - e department pointa ojut that 2on aohe changes.. announced his first act if elected t \3 r„ 601 W. Middle Tpke. She Vaa bom May 12 at Manchester ace Murphey last month after there is a danger that a youngster i JEL OIL — Zoning Commission chairman Pew other businesses opened.' Memorial Hospital. Her maternal grandparents arc Mr. knd In Tripoli, the government again will be to dismiss Balsxar. public hearing. riding a -bike on the sidewalk GASOlINf SCharles Brown will also explain a The trouble last hlght. began PAINT 00. Mrs. Samuel H i^ y , Warehouse Point, and her paternal grand^ ^ But now, the highway jH^art- might ruii into a tree instead of' ■•»proposeeirdre Jantnb, 2. . > verdict at the time, is,-fmanglng Its The Board of' Directors Is. aediistnal zone off Rt. 15. Copies Of At least 80 persons were report­ school building for a Delgado ral­ mind. Highway^.Superintendent scheduled tomorrow night to con­ • th e proposed amendment.^ to the ed .killed In the. bloodiest fight of ly. The crowd threw stones and 12 fMherine Sue. daughter of Mr. mnd Mrs. David C. Howe, James H. Shepkey has said^that sider amending Its original votes BANTLY OIL Lebanon's interns! strife. Govern.- ^ollcemen were reported Injured. 162 Center St;’ She was bom May 12 at Manchester Memorial Sregulations will be av-allable to ment' forces finally stoi-med I ^ p lta l., Her maternal grandparents are Mr. 'and Mrs. Harold - most, if notSlI, of the 17 trees on the Installation to make the ■“the public. A,n Interior Ministry communi­ would have to join 14 Others slated, project conform with the decision . ■: MV i ' ’: I. I through the twisted streets of (he que said: F. Huff, 'Cuyahago Falls, Ohio, and her paternal grandparents X This is the first In.stancc in this I northern coastal city to end the ars Mr. and Mrs. Nelson T. Howe, Henrietta, Ohio... for removal. renderrtl by the tree-< warden. But “■area of a «onc bemg proposed ex-1 "The police and Republican a . • • * • „^As s- result, Murphey may be after all the second and third TEL MIrcheii ^ 4S9S fray. Guard who prudently Intervened DO IT YOURSELF ZTclusively for trailers. If approved ism es Edward and donlce Ann, twins, son and daughter of Asked to re-post 14 of the trees, thoughts, there may be little or no it would limit the trailer areas to ‘Another reported factor wis an were repeatedly subjected to peer­ announcing plans to remove themi change voted. KUChVIi-i.E TR .6^3271, order by Rachid Karaml, a top op­ ing and disrespect and there was Mr. and Mrs. Willism T. Smyth Jr., Lsthrop Dr., Covent^. They Meanwhile, work on the project those already oxistinp and would position leader, for his forces to were bom May' 12 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. ■ Their ma­ Tf there are objections from the prohibit expansion in any of them. i frequent Stone throwing and ahoot- public again, there yvould probably is continuing, with trees originally atop fighting because casualties Ing. People even fired from wln- RESUIID ternal grandjiarents are Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hennequin, West The present regulation merely j were growing. Palm Beach, Fla., formerly of Manchester, sijd their paternal be another heariiq(. The remain­ slated for removal being cut down \ limits the nuinher of trailers in dbwa and Some of the, csfea in the ing thfee trees wiere to be saved, and sidewalk construction forms REALTY PINANCIN« Pre.sident Camille Chsmoun, neighborhood with the result that old m-andparents are Mr. and Mrs. William T. 131 B. Center being built. . the distnr^t but docs not designate who, heads ‘the pro-w-estern gdvern- Bt. They have two brothers, Wilttsm T....8, and Stephan J.,-1i. u i ^ r Murpheys ruling only If ] where they ran be located 12 policemen were Injured. e a s^ e n ts around t*:m were lNfc“ 2iid—4lrd Photo by ment of this tiny Middle Eastern "The police had to take up armi, granted the town and accepted by NO SACfilS FOR WACa • Other proposed i hanges in the nation, charges President Nasser's, helped, by a detachment of .the. Thereoa lAicIle, daughter' of Mr. dnd Mra. Raymond GiomelU, J regulation rclate_ Ip sand .pith. | '' 'ITP Garden m She'Was boiiTMay 10 at Mancftester'MeiftPriat tfte Board; of Directors and the Dayton," Olrto, M ay 19 ~i/P> United Arab Republic ttdth Inclt- army, but they fired into the air Town Planning Commission. There’ll be no aacka for the WACs. MORTGAGES ■ swimming pools, tool shed.s. bath' Heads Gibbons I Ing to revolt. so only four demonstrators were Hospital. Her maternal grandparenta are Capt. and Mrs. C. B. I houses and 3-car garages. ! .Mrs. H. J. Maloqe. 28 Qua-ker Laning, Brooklyn, N. Y., and her paternal grandparents'are Mr. New Prablems Seen "Hattie Carnegie designed - our a Low Rates The Moslems want the govern­ hit . . . Police arrested several de- MHS Classnmtes Scan Biographies The highway department's re­ unifomna in 1950-—to fit," says Lt • The Zoning Commission usually Rd.. will be installed as president ment to align its policy with .Naif- monatratora, aome of^them carry­ and Mrii. John GiomelU, BUiat Greenwich, R. I. . She has a sister, s Ldw Monthly 1 determines il.- for the m ost' children (sixi was awarded Johit Sullivan qf West Hartford. Mrs. Mary Hitt Bent­ would in aome cases, require the ises and trapezes—never!" J rlculum divirion of the State Dc- of resi.olance to the government. 'killed- and 20 Injured taat FYlday : ley of Rockville'received the gift for the youngest child (one yeat) and her husband. Everett, for cutting of tree roots. ' 750 Main St„ Hnrtferd licitv chairman for the Assembly It was there that rioting (Irst broke night at a Delgado demonatration. { Farris, 22 Florence St. She has a sister, Donna Sue, 17 months. • partment of Education will lead for 'the past year." Mrs. Bernard the' least hair. Mrs. Margaret Coleman Johnson of Columbi^^u’hose twin grandchildren won her In other sections, it is feared, T.N.T., the explosive. Is an ab­ JAckaon 2^5M • a discussion mi grouping , and the out 10 days ago and the U.S. In­ Police hustled Delgado off to his | the award for having the most grandchildren, also received^ a giffcs. About 225 attended the breviation of trinitrotoluene. Fogarty is the retiring president. home and confined them there for _ STRIPED Lynn Cbeareya daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alan RamSdell. 7 -affair. the tree roots will eventually lift •.^gifted child tonight at 8 p.m. in State President Mrs. Charles formation Library in the port was Herald Photo by Oftara). . ^ Northeast School. sacked. Since then, as trouble a brief time. { Lewis St., Rockville, , -^ e was bom M ay IS at R^kville City Members of the Board of Eld- Gagnon will install the n r ■ presi­ spread over the country, an esti Delgado charged then that the | \ Hospital. Her maternal grandmother is Mrs,- KaUiran Riddle, if-ucation and Superintendent of dent and the follow i.g ofBcers: mated 150 to 200 persons have been government had caused the in­ AWNING 304 Prospect St., Rockville, and her patbrnal grandparents are Mr. ArclfiUshop of Chicago, the largest Miss Mary Reilly, vice .president; cidents and waa interfering in the and'Mrs. Raymond E. RamsdeU. Valley/Vlw Lane, Vernon. Romari ' Catholic diocese In the IIJBchools Raymond E. Rarasdcll arc killed in pitched battles, bombings, world. In December 1954 he was t expected to be present. The pub- Mrs. Edwin Lojeski. recording sec­ sniping and riots. campaign. He aald the .govern- y ■■ * • • * ,'• - retary: Mrs. Wesley Grj’H, finan­ ment’a attitude toward etectiona is, MATERIAL ’ NoniUtyi-orralne, daughter pf Hr. and Mrs. Norman Lavigne, Stritch’s Condition elevated to' the College of Cardi­ I. lie is invited. Most other cities-1ft - Lebanon nals. Glee Club on TV cial secretary; Mrs. Anne. Camp­ were quiet, yesterday, although not that of a civilized country. t 44 Village RockvUle. 8M was born May l3 at Manchester bell, corresponding secretary: Mrs,- The election la aet for June 8. 15" WIPE Mem.orisl Hosjjhtpl. Her maternal grandparents aira Mr. and The news of ^^rdinal Stritch’s Forty member* of the Vernon fighting w-as reported. In ' Sidon, new seizure cauaed..^conaternatlon Richard Keeney, treasurer; Mrs. Soutli Lebanon, and in the moun­ Executed by teenage artists, these works will be oii'-.iWspIay’ at tomorrow’s high school art show. President Francisco Hlgino O a- Mrs. Arthur St. Louis, 6ld Town Rd., Rockville, and hev paternal , .Elementary School Glee Club will Louis Sulots, sentinel: Mrs. Her­ The three dimensional abstract done in balsa wood and^ thread is the work of Elisabeth Matson. vciro Dopes, who hsa served a i grandparenta are Mr. and Mrs. Adelard Lavigne, Elm .Hill Rd., orted as ‘Grave’ at the Vatican. Pope'PJus XII waa -.Appear on the Kathy Godfrey TV tainous Cbbu'f District, in the cen­ 7-yesr tsmi). did' not leek re- immediately notified.. bert Carney, miatress-at-arhie; tral part of the country. Druse The cross, made of pewter, copper and stained wood is''the work of Donna Metcalf. The owl TalcottvUle. She has a brother. George Anthony, 10 montha, '/Show Wednesday at 1 p.m. Only Mrs. Howard Beaupre, s«siatant medalion made of ^ rc e la ln and wood Is the work of Helen Kauffman. Steve Gero wrought election. Prudential candidates about half the club will appear bc- mlstrese-at-arms: Mrs. James Mc­ tribesmen' were Involved In the backed by SalasAr’s party have (Conttojuod Iron Pag* One) clot in hla arm while aboard ship '' cause of limited space In the studio. mountain fightings the abstract pewter pin; • The elephant carved from balsa wood and stained a natural gold color,- won in all races of recent years. . laurie Lynn, daughter ot'Jfr. and Mrs. Peter Skipper. Mudd>X coming to Rome to take up his Govern, auditor for three ..vears, Is the work of Vytau Ot^blnas. (Herald Photos byOfisra). Brook Rd., Ellington. • She was bom' May 6 at Rockville City 5IANCHESTER LI-niUANlAN • The club, under the direction of and Mrs. John Tierney, trustee for . The United Ststes.ovpr.'theWeek­ fec-ted. Attendants said hi.x condi­ post v.ith tho Congregation for CO-OP ASSOCIATION * Mrs. Lucy Johnson, recently gave end fliew 18' hbge C^dbemaster Hospital. Her maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Propagation of the F'aith, the unit CHICKEN BAR-B-qi’E three years. and Van Nuys, Calif,—voted''84 DeCarll. Muddy Brook - Rd., EHlington. and h.er paternal grand- tion w-a.*! stationary at noon. ooncerls at all the elementary Following the installation^ Mias troop and cargo carriers to Europe, erected In tiu library. Screens for The Cardinal received Holy Com­ of the Vatican curia in charge of SATURDAY. MAY 24—7 P.M. where they could be used to ferry per cent in favor of acceptance. displaying paintings and sketch' Charge parents are Mr., and Mrs; Anthony Skipper, Someraville. She the church's worldwide missionary .“schools In-Vernon. Emily Smith will-riiow-, SHdea o< UAWs Local 148, representing munion b u tw ^ not given Extreme at Lithuanian Hall Grounds Rural Carrier Sought arms ltd'the-M fddle Elast or to School es have Siso been erected. The first Tour has k -broUier, Peter, .10; and three sisters. Teresa, 7. Catherine, 5. Unction, the last sacrament of the activities. 24 Goitvity St.—Donation $2.00 her trip to Europe in 1956 with, the evacuate Americans'from Lebanon. 13,000 Workers at the Douglas PreecriptloBS and Nancy, 3. The Cardinal's Vatican assign­ T Applications for the position of Girl Scouts. Long Beach, Calif., plant, balloted people to view th« show will be Roman .Calhollc ' Oiurch. He re­ For TIcketa Call Ml 0-85ff) , OPEN " rural mail carrier at the Vernon An Air Force spokesman at Frank­ some 40 students from Teachers Hero We have B complete adectien ceived the sacrament when he pre­ ment. highest ever given to an After 6 P.M. Miss Mary Lyons is Chairman of furt. Germany, said there were no 91 per cent for approval. /i^ht^Exhihit of repiaivencBt kits for your Terri Ids, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roger Courtemanche, American highlighted a brilliant M0NDAY-.SATURDA¥> 9-5:80 ' Post Office will be accepted until the refreshment committee, . Company announcements said College of Connecticut dn New viously underwent surgery and it Requeata Must Be In By May 21 THURSDAY, 9-9 June 10, It was announced today. orders for the planes yet. who will tour the show tO' nNE PHARMACY outdoor rhairs, consiaUng of— 134 High St., RockvUle. She was bom May 11 at- RockvUle is not adminl.xtered twice in the church career. the contracts received substantial City Hospital. jler maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mra. same ailment. A native of Nashville. Tenn., he Applicants must have resided margins also at North American's i^porrow morning before the ehdfW 084 Center iSL—AD g-0814 Walter S. Brown, ttryatai Lake Rd.. and her paternal grandpar­ *■ within the delivery area for the the Vern-Ell Assn, for [Retarded Setiooiorrow opens. e Plastic WebbinK The Prelate is still at the Rome. became bishop of Toledo. Ohio, at Children. Columbus, Ohio, plant and at ents are Mr. and Mrs. Alfonse LaPointe. Putnam. She has two Clinic where he finderWent the am- 34. and w'a.x the youngest member past year and must be at least 18 Douglas plants .In Tucson, Ariz., brothers. Eugene. 16, and.Roger Jr., 4; and four aisters, Ann. 15,.' years pld. Those over 70 years of Also elected were Mrs. Charles Aircraft Unions Hundreds... o f__q|l Xpaintings,^ aSaren FunUtura Cloth UUlm_Aprtl_2«,_ but in^ recent .eI_ll)P._U,S, hic.-arehv at the time K fut secretary, and Mrs. -Arthiw and Tulsa, Okla,-— ------J>awn; l?,3Cathertiw,ATmd'Mary;-*.-;X ’— ------he had been spending part of of his Episcopal con.secration on —age wilt’ be tronridered only "for The UAW aald approval at Tul­ water colors, porcelain ^v^tgures Loos Jr., lieasurci'. Dirccloi's are Coiitracls /j I each day at Chicago Hou.se, the Nov. 30. 1921. temporary renewable appointments sa was 4 to 1., and mosaics' will be shown lo the • Glider Cushions Kalherina Marie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Webber, of one year, postal officials say. James Brady, ' William Friedrick annual Manchester High School residence headquarters for priests In 1930. at the comparatively That Interpret The and Matthew Kadclski._ Magliocco Former scales were $1.63 to e Warehouse Point. She was borh May 12 at Manchester Me­ and. itudenU trom Chicago study­ young age -of 43. he was named Complete information about the Los Angeles, May 19 i-n—The $2.75 an hour at Douglas and art exhibit tomorrow^ Work done, ChaL«e I-ounKC Pads morial Hospital. Her maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. \Vishe.s Of The Family ■ examination requirements and in­ will attend the Northeast Regional tensions of long weeks of bargain­ by students will be displayed In the ing in Rome. Archbishop of Milwaukee. In Jan­ Conference in Hartford June 6-8. Lockheed and $1.65 to $2.76 at CAMERABILITY Eiroer Kaler, Rockland, Maine., and her paternal grandparents The Cardinal suffered the blood uary 1946 the Pope named him struction for, filing applications Hospital Notes ing are over for th'ree major air­ North American. library and art rooms from 2;30 AND A Kt-'IX UN E are Hr. and Mrs. Arthur Webber, Rockland.-. JOHN B. BURKE may be obtained at the Vernon- Admitted Saturday: William craft fitma and 42,000 union mem­ to 4:30 in the afternoon and from . . . MEANS THE REST OF STORM COVERS * l.P ost Office. bers. 7 to 9 in the evening. Burke, 66 W. Main -St.;. Harold Approval of new 2-year con­ Teri SiMt,^daughter of Mr. and Hrs. Errol M. Warner, Wall­ FUNERAL HOME Weapons Charg.e Beyer, 12 East SI. Seader>Attendinor Among the. paintings gre sev­ PICTURES POSSWLE. ingford. She was bom 'H sy 14 at Manchester Memorial Hospi­ » Emery a . Wilkins, 22, Miami, tracts waa voted yesterday by pro­ eral by Alex McBride, who won M l S-6868 Discharged yesterday: Mrs. Mary duction workers for Douglas. OPEN ALL PAY tal. Her maternal grandparenta are Mr. and Mrs. Arnold E. Fla., and Elriil J. Szenningsen, Jr., Cedor, i Strong Ave.; .Inlin Healh- Development Talk a portfolio award In the Scholastic Newman, 57 Turnbull Rd,. and her paternal grandparents are Mr. 87 EAST CENTER ST. \ of Augusta, Maine, were ar- North- American and Lockheed Art contest. His works Include pen LET US HELP YOU! PHONE FOR A LOAN AMBUI-ANCE SERVICE • crley, Hartford; Yvonne LeBlond, Aircraft and, or ml.ssilc plants in WEPNESPAY and Mrs. Errol M.- W arner .^r.. Forest Lane, Glastonbuf}'. Sks ^ -rested by Constable Edmund F. RFD Ij Mrs. John Rarus, Hazard- and ink, pencil, and brush and Ink has a sister. Lynn-Ann. 20 months. BENEFICIAL - Dvsycr yesterday at 11 p.m. at California. Arizdha, Oklahoma and Leonard E. Seader, chairman of portrait?. ■ Fitzgerald Motors annex on Wind- villo; Kathleen t/nderwood. High Ohio. the Town Development Commis­ X St ; Jesse VanOudcntiove, 92 Eight plants were involved in sion, is attending- the 10th Con­ Ceramic, pins, earrings and oth­ Thomas Hutchlaaon. son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Prevss, ■ Bor Ave. , , Windsor Ave. er jewelry will be on display in one 34oitpn Center- R<|,. Holton, He wag born -May 10 at RockvUle /ikes /o sayVESl “Connecticut’s Complete ■ .. Wilkins was charged with carry- the balloting. Two- unions—the necticut Development Conference showcase in the library.. Some of | City Hospital. ' Hla maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. . Admitted Siuiday: Theodore United Auto lYorkers and the In- at the Waverly Inn at Cheshire to­ Carpet Shop” 1\- » ihg a dangerous wieapon and vag- Yarusewlcz, 22 N. Park St.; Ray­ the metal objects required as many MARLOW’S Keeney Hutchinson, Bolton Center Rd.. Bolton, and h,s paternal Get cash the 1-trip way: Call and tell -.rancy, Szepriingsch waa Charged ternatioital Asspeiation of Machin- day. CAMERA SHOP grandmother Is Mrs. -William Preuss, 15 Village St., Rockville. mond Green. 12 Maiden Lane; iata—rfigured In negotiations. The conferehce is spon.sored by as 12 firings to set the various FIRST . . FOR EVERYTHtNO ns how much you want. Then, when with failure, tb carry registration colors. . • He hsa two brothers. James. 6. and Carl. 3. and with carrying a deadly weapon Mrs. Walton Skinner, Stafford Nearly 30,000 of the workers are the Connecticut Development approved, pick it up. Phone today! ' Manchester Springs. > employed in aircraft and missile Commission, the State Federation A number of small atatues w-111 901 MAIN STREET — Ml 3-5121 in a motor vehicle, Discharged SundayM rs. K U r t be displayed' in the art rooms, Ataoir, .Lee, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Babineau, ioant up la SCeO—Loam lift-imuroil at low coal Dwyer said Ha taw a man in plants in the Greater Los Angeles of Planning and Eoning Agencies rstead Carpef Center Berlhold, 11 Crown St.; Law­ area. and the Connectlqdt Industrial De­ among them one entitled "Old Man M« MAIN ST., 2nd FI.. Over Woolworth’s, MANCHESTER efront of the building while he was rence Googins. 140 W. Main St.; Winter.” chaster Memorial Hospital. Her'maternal grandmother is Mrs. '; on routine patrol. Me' stopped a Basic terms of the new con­ velopment Councfl. James J. Gornun. North Wilbrsham. Mass , and her paternal M lUhtll I-SIJC . Ask far tha YES MANagtr OfferM Douglas Maynard, Ellington Ave,, tracts are wage boosts ranging Topics to /be discussed are A statue of an elephant, carved OfIN IHUrSOar EVININOS UNTIl I PM. ",Xar with Florida .markers which Ellington. Harold Oliver, 80 Grand f(om balsa wood and stained a nat- grandparenta are Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Babineau. North Wil- loom 1^0 <0 rtoi^ofiii of oM Hffrooft^'sg it«nt ^js-as leaving the car lot. The car from 2 to 11 cents an hour, cost of methods of industrial site develop­ braham. 8 «i tIM imH %HM when pttmpHf w Ave., Rockville. living clauses incorporated in the ment; redevelopment for indus­ .ural color, will be displayed by a • • • a • . ■l| fOMO«pt>«e moMitily of tUIS tntb A Professional - was being driven by -Szcnnlogsen Junior, Vytau Gulbinas. '•-who said he waa delivering It for , Birth Thursday: A soh to Mr. contracts, and an automstic wa'ge trial purposes; zoning and high- Janet 1-ea, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Miller, *8 Berger - someone from Florida to New and Mrs-. .lames Alcorn. 23 Rim hike of 3 per cent oi* 7 cents an .ways; long term implications of A. mural more than three feet Rd., RockvUle. Slfe was born May 15 at RockvUle City Hospital. St. j^'-jdaughlcr Ig.Mr. and .Mrs. hour, whichever is highejv the sec­ current fnduatrial development high and six feet long has been DON’T ACCEPT Carpet Service Y 'i;-York. Dwyer then picked up Wil­ Her-maternal grafidparenU are Mr, and Mrs, August Bwkmann, K i m i i kins who was walking along the Joseph Zagiira. 51 Reed St. • ond ,vear. ;X trend.^;- the effect of suburbaniza­ Lenox-Dale, Mass., and her paternal grandparents are Mr. and road and found him carrying a 6^ Birth Friday: A daughter to Also included are a seventh paid tion and new highway conatrucUon Mrs. Guy C. Miller, Pittsfield, Mass. She hai a brother, Gary, 4. BENEFICIAL FINANCE CO. Uver 24 Vrars’ Experience ^ inch knife. The pair, clntmeci ,.Urty Mr. and Mrs. Francis Perry, Bax­ holiday^CJhrislmas Eve—and im­ on th^ industrial development pro­ ‘ had run but of gasoitne a’nd had ter St.. Tolland. ^ - provements-irr seniority and trarii-' gram; state and municipal recrea­ Jamee' Wiittney. son of M rr and-Mrs. Robert Alcorn, 23 Elar N. -. stopped to s.vphon som’ward Higgins, High St.: a son to Mr. knd Mrs. les area- plants, the vote was 94 planning and development. Y’afmouUi. Hsiifie, and hla paternal grandmother is Mrs. Irene Driver Clqu-ged GcrYiand Deschenaux, Ellington. X Lawrence E. Gpdgins, -il, of HO POr cent for acceptance. lAM Several other -members of the Alcorn, Westbrook, Hainc. He lias a sister, Susan. 20 months. W'. Main St:, wa's arrested Satur- Birth yesterday; A daughter to members at three- Lockheed mis'- TDC were also scheduled to attend . - . a- • • • - day and charged with driving Mr. and Mrs. William Sojka, 33 site plants—Sunnyvale, Palo Alto the conference. CEDAR Thomaa Hutchtneon, son of Mr. and ^ rs . Normap J. Preuss a : Lawrence St.., SHINGLES OR SHAKES V.urjder lhf--fnfluence of intoxicating of Belton Center Rd., Bolton. He was bom. May 10 at Rockville tYAO- .t-Uquora. The arrest followed a 2- Events Tonight City p Hospital. His paternal grandmother is Mrs. Katherine car collision at Windsor Ave. and The Amcncan Legion Post wHl TO MATCH YOUR HOUSE! Preuss of Village St.. RockvUle .and his maternal grandparents - r o ' " West St. Police said Gobgins Was meet at 8 p.m. at the Post Home. a re , Mr. and Mrs. Keeney J. Hutchinson of Bolton Center Rd., --traveling east on Windsor Ave. Frank Badstuebiier Auxiliary, Doctors Tell Mothers Bolton. He has two brothers. James. 5. and Carl, 3. Xyhen his car struck one operated VFW, will ,mcct at 8 p.m. at the • .hy Howard I, Huff, 31, of 9 Ban­ home of Mr^.~Esthcr Gruenig. 25 James Edward Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. James E. Campbell, croft PI., who was about to make Chamberlain St. Delegates to the Warts Should Be Removed Campbell Ave., Vernon. He was bom May 11 at Manchester - a-lrtt turn into Wind.sor Ave. state convention will be elccteil. New Compound Removes Warts WithoutCutfinc or BurninR Dots your homo Memorial Hospital. His msternal grandparents are Mr. aQd Damon Temple, Pythian Sisterri on .*i Ooogins posted a S200 bond for Doctors knew rovad so affoetiTs, only ona appliea- Mrs. George Dupont, 117 Ridge St., and his paternal grandparenta court appearance May 26.. > will celebrate its 45lh anniversary that picking and acrateking at wa^^ Son a day waa naadod . . . preved so insuronco protoct are Mr. and Mra. Earl J. Campbell. Main St., Vernon. Manhole Covers Taken at 8 p.m. at the Moose Club. may caoat blaadiqg and infaetkih. aStia, it it now naad for both childran ■ • • • • .* Our Lady of Fatima. K of C. wdll Bat today, madical acienca haa,|.ii»i and adufta. Thia naw compound con­ ^At NO EXTRA COST to Youl Public Works Committee Chalr- veiopad a new compound, that ra- tains no minaral acids'.. laaraa no •s woll as riio beidor Koott Allen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Eagleson, 10 New­ , man Luther Troiilon reports that hominate officers at a meeting at moTca common warta qairkly and ng^acara; man St. He was bom' May'*10 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. two manhole co\'crs w ere removed 8 p.m. at Red Men's Hall. Applicft- lafaly, withont painful aurgary or 'Today, thia naw compound is being of your moHgoge noti? Cal tha MOST, (real COA$TI Tbfouth odvonced Hip maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Ernest {}. Chapman, ' recently from Spring St. and were tions will be received for memb'er- oloctrolyiii. widely recommended for quick re­ mathedt e( pra-fobricolien yau esq kova tha lupar- 440 Keeney St., and his paternal grandparents are Mr. •and Mrs. • found in the Hockanum River, Jle alllp in the next class to be initi­ lor quality eMIED CEDAR SHINGLES er SHAKES Davtlopad by a famous madical lab­ moval of uniigbtly, troublatomt If you were to be burned at no extra chorga. Add tbit ipaciel velua to Albert Eaglesdn, 348 Charter -Oak St. . SALE aaks that anyone having knowl- ated June 16. oratory, this remarkabla naw formu­ warta. Known as CeoipoiMd H'*, it out tonight, chances arc X ' edge of such actions report them The SlimnasUcii thass which la panatratea warta ... destroyi thair la now'available for the first time unbaetebla Cooit quality 'faqiurat and arils ,.. actually cauats warts to dis- withont a prescription, at all d r» your insurance money^ hove the (inait goroga you can Gary Alan, son of Mr. slid Mrs. Ted Naroff, Talrottville’ Rd.. ^ to police or the public-works de­ usually meets at Northeast School MICID rtOM Vernon. He was born May 12 at Manchester Memorial Hospi­ partment. • solva away. eountare for just Mr. Compound W would be sufficient to pay on Monda.v night will meet on Tasted by a Itading Naw York akin ia guaranteed to remove warta . . . tal. His maternal grandparenta are Mr. and,Mrs.-David Shar- V .\seault Chargerl Tuesday nights for the next three clinic under earafni. madical aupar- or money refunded. -TnilvMita off the mortgage note on ron, Springffeld, Mass., 'and his paternal grsndjiarenta are Mr. Kenneth J. Arnold. 21. of 9,5 i weeks.at the same time. 8'p.m yiiion, thia ramarkabla formula Oaar. ttaxWkluaeSrUenuMlOMweaa EASY CARE WASH ’N’ WEAR • Brooklj-n St. wa.i arrested .satur your home. But if you and Mrs. Morris Naroff. Brooklyn, N. Y, A ■ nc.ssion for conlractdrs and CBn’t count on enough ^48$^ WITH OUR : day at 7 p.m on complaint of his electricfans. licensed or unlicensed, MiMmt full to- yaor iaanataa Ann Balrh, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel J.. Turkinglon wife and charged 'with breach of will be held at 7;30 p.m. in City money to cover the full Jr., 127 Henry -St. She Was' bora May 10 a t Manchester Me­ , peace. Court "Room. Ernest McNeill,'elec­ value pf your equity, NO MONEY OOMM morial Hospital. Her maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs'. SHEATH DRESSES • Also arrested was Adeline .M. trical inspector, wi.ll outline the re­ " Mitchell. 35, of 43 Brookl)-n .St, She SPECIAUZING IN you’re under-insured. folciSYaattftRNf Walter F. Balch, 115 Washington St. She has s brother, Sam­ quirements of the building Code. Come see us for a prop­ uel. John n i , 14 months; and a sister, Rosemary, 3. GUARANTEED Is charged with assault.' The pair The softball league, sponsored MMT MVmINT By Jr. Vues... .inja Rainbow of Colors was arrested by Patrolman Edwin by the Board of Recreation, will CUSTOM B^UILT HOMES erty insurance checkup. Carlson, after a disturbance in the meet at 7:30 p.m. In Town Hall to OCT.. 1958 / Steven Edward, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Dion. 81 Carter v-5 102 MOTHPROOFING schedule for the 8-team league. pearance, in City Court May 26. Tlie Civil Defense Auxiliarv Po­ REMODE^NG oml REPAYING Carter St., and his paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mr.a. Alfred d ■ i L Thfcre was no session of Rockville Dion, 299 A«tumn St. He 'has three sisters, Mary Ann, 5, Donna your * C5ty Cotirt today lice School will meet at 7:30 p.m- Jean, 4, and Theresa Ann, 24. —^___ 'Don't let EavoWte woolens, coats, suits or Kiowa Visitation afVcriion Elementary School, ' i FREE ESTIMATES— m o r t g a g e s 'ARRANGED • • • • • dresses, play host to a'family of moths this REGULARLY 99 Sizes The visitation of Great Poi ahoii- Pamela Retiee, daughter of Mr., and Mrs. Gilbert Bailey Jr., . tas Rose Horner and her Boaid of . .\>rnoii unit Talenltillle newa Is summer! HIGHER PRICE 7 to 15 Immlled tlirnugli the Maneheator ERNEST A. RITCHIE 24 Tyler Circle. She, was-born May 9 at Manchester Memorial Great Chiefs to Kiowa Council No. SNNCnp Hospital.o Her maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Philip Our Sanltone MC mothproofing service costs so 26, Degree of Pocahontas, will'be Evening HenUd'a Rnrkville hii- IB LIBERTY ST. — TEL. MI 3-8172. MANCHESTER Goldstein, 137 ,W. Center St., and her paternal grandparents are . FORALLYdUR , - held Friday in Red Men'd^Hnll. The 1 ’ ‘^'rP^nne eOMPUTS Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Bailey Sr., Columbia Falls,. Maine. Her ' little—AND it's guaranteed to prevent all moth event will begin with a potluck®'***®‘ Tht CHBMina !• aU I oa qour lot - maternal great grandfather is PatU Sarafinas. Dor.cheater, Mass., damage or li'e pay! CARPETING NEEDS Sold hundreds at higher price . . . now a slow-starting season has forced -supper a t.6:30 p.m., with s meet.' and her paternal great grandmother is Mes, Clara Richar^, Co­ or 4sHvtre,4 Now, before storing woolens get this GUARAN­ the manufacturer to unload his stock at a fanta.stically low iQok-twice Ing to follow. A penny table will be ; R p u iiltc gaf Fki-.ivgv Tha HAMDBH, la U dM lumbia Falls, Haine. - She has a sister, Sandra Lynne, 1. ’ price! All styles in both colton-cupioni or rayon-linen. Why not buy one of held after the meeting. Members, L'llV* Where pre.paft and a sister. Barbara, 34. - .OF installations former Good Will store on Kast f campaign c ontribu- EXCEEDING EXPECTATIONS , * • *.~ * •' B. The Basic Sheath ... a slim streak of dr^ss tp wear , Main St., starling at 10 a^m. j tlon. drive., were reported "de- rARMINCTON. la tS ilata Tracy Ann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Leavitt, East Bigelow and kluhawk . Articles may be brought to the [ lighted" with the wa.v it went. Every aei'vice preserita the .opportunity to as-is . . . wonderful backdrop for accessories. render more service than is expected. Effi­ 175 EAST CENTER ST. COAST LUMSKS COBF. C-108 Hartford. ^he wad born May 9 at Manchester Memorial Hos- ABC Financing Available . 'store Tluirsday from 4 to 8 p.m. ester Hogan, town commit-: 1R41 DIxweII Ay«.. Coar Wtal. Her maternal grandparenta are - Mr, and Mrs. Frank or they wdr hie pickod up if Mrs. tee '** Ttrea-surer * and.drive chairman, cient service any timer— apytvhere. UHlvmltr 1*1111 D'Angelo, Woodbridge, N. J.,;and her patemail grandparents are "htsrie Kabrick is called Mrs. declinecl to estimate the total taken ’ Phone Ml 3-1126 iMr. and Mrs. John R. j>avltt. Mountain Rd„ Glastonbury. ^ OUR ONCE-A-YEAR • Ursula Friedrich heads the rommil- in by canvassers. But. he said, "We i Air' conditioned for •aeOaOHai - . X ■■ J" .Jiqi**#' MANCHESTER 'te e . were very- delighted '' A final figure ! y«ir eomfort. Flaoaa moS ■# riBB lUaaWatsJ Catalae aa 1 '- - Kathleen' Sue, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John F. Robbins, Hope tChapter Party should be Svsilable in two or three' Furjerol •tail raalanr-Ballt datasat. East Hartford. She was bom May 9 at Manchester Memorial SALE OF BELLE-SHARMEER NYLONS , ' A public card party will be held da.vs, he said. WUliMD P. quUli CLEANERS CARPET RBymoBd Z. Qulah i Hospital. Her maternal grandparents .'a:re Mr. and Mrs. Hariy- - Thursday at 8 p,m. In'the Masonic Some 175 workers knocked on 4 S SBS«S • Sf S B«*B**kB*ssBBB s« as ts sss * Treat, Norfolk, and her paternal grandmother is Mrs. Ray W. ' GIVES YOU TERRIFIC SAVINGS! /^Temple by Hope CSiapter 6fli. OEfi iJie doors' of- about 3,5(K) Pemo- CENTER Hom« ^HWBa •^sssaa*'sasass« *• Smith. Fort Oirange. Fla, -She Ha? a slater, I-inda, 24-- „ • BUY PLENTY NOW — SAVE 20% ^ • 'Whlsl and pinochle uHll be played, cratlc homes in a Donatrons for M l 3 * 5 9 4 0 iaif»#ibn«*49rr#» . i .' « « *, 9 9 ' • SWISS l a u n k ^e r e r s All Our Carpet Mechanics ^ A A C T * .Cottages Are Fully Insured •■There will '^be -prizes and refresb- Demderats drive that will finance VoVr#%t9 I .0 Pro;.Bnlit . Homes BMia%Wk28»d9 • Jefffey Randall, aon of Mr. lind Mrs. Donald L Murray, 485 E.-Middie Tpke., Manchester—MI 3-1351 » e n ta . the part/a-campaign this fall. ' . ' • Farm-BolkUags 1 S to m ^ lie wga bpm May 7 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. PHONE MI 9-4.343 Lv Vsra-EII Offleers /P a r ty members, tncluding eon- His matgmal grandparenta are Mr. and Mrs. B. O. Kelly. Flinty 808 Main St., Manchester F AjtUiony Magliocco was! atected tribiitoni and workers, wqund up 225 Mf&NST.‘ M m m M M M'M ■ ' 10 Harlow St„ RockvUlis-^TR 5-2.503^ Near Weet Middle Tumplks ^ BuJqrt .t V,.. Indeed'. ^ g ^ ^ g t ,aM Luther Merge, vice the drive at" a cocktail party at .the -rl-- Mich., arid his paternal grandparents ars Mr. and Mrs. J. Randall Bt at a recent meeting of Rosemount, In Boridd. [ Murray, Ksnooho, Wia. . . V /* IV ■ : \ . ■■ CONN*

and Kome.'But we sn | gtuPk with union, he behaves Just like raaii- Uon seen by this public tfativa asstotant to FBI Director IRanrlyMlfr agemeAt doea. South Windsor the regular library hours< Twb trom C ol J. 'Edgar Hoover. » (^ Im a 11 Dies; what WA have. > ~ \ Chamber of fleer a-for-the ensu­ 12 Say Books Obscen^ We must confeaa that we can’t Mondhya and Thunfdaya from 2:30 De Gaulle Denies Plans For the #orld to live, with an to 0:30 p.m. and tipni'8:30 to 8:30 To Att6n4 Meeting ing fiscal year will bb elected at Etirnitt^ ifrraid America In It, we have to become figure out anything eiae for him the difectora’ meeting which .will Veteraji Movie^ .HKDBT rUH Town Groups p.m. to the evenirig^. 'RiMTiNQ oo.. ma not the latest great wielder of na*' to do. After all, the operation of a, ' Meethigs Seliedaled Robert J; Boyce, dant of follow the membership meeting. Lowest Prices '• ^ IS Bt*MlBtaMlI Street To Be French Dictator Judge Holds Decision lluKdieeur Conn. Uonal power, but the .flret great na­ union la a bualne^sllke, not'A The annual meeting for election the Mancheeter Cbam' Oom- TV^Raaio^Star U .S . A id ^ THOMAS F. I*KRGUWN tion to lead all natlona to a re­ charitable, prooesa. After e ^ you To G >p^er of new Art League offleera 'will merce, and John P :'W iet , bxecu-' 12",L.Ps $1.49 ■/ ■ '■ ' . 'V WALTER R. FERCUSOn can’t spend more than, yotr take In, be held tonight at 7:30 p^nu at the tiva vice president ar( h a d ^ (OontiiiiMd fronS Page One) and “Playboy," two#about 60 per. cent of tha matartol Publliliere nunciation of auch power. We must library. ' Lawrence Orennan to (OtorthRMfi train Om)> Founded Ooldber L IWtl luid keep it Up indefinitely. Ftenther to attend the 69th anm leet-' State Man designed to a p p w to he sells could fall into tHat class. not call on others to submit to an chairman of t^e nomlhattog coip- * Potterton's He commented that Algerians —T Water Mains tog of the Connecticut Chi M it-'iMla readership, are by tar He added that the m ^ority at the PubUebod Every Evening Except American Law, but we must aeek happens, in one capacity, Vq have mittee whose other members arc in. Hartford tomorrow. WR . ISO Ceator SL, Cor. of Ohnrcit iind WM fak«n to St. Franeto hsd hesrd Robert Lacoete, former the bon'Milan of all publications magazines on hto' shelv«s have nod Holldnye„ I Entered At the to eubmit America to a world law. encountered the facta of life it' to Mra Edward Gutt and Norman The newly-elected preaident of pital, Santa Barbara, whara he minister in Algeris, “say that we (Continued from Page Oae) sold at the Center Travel Agency. been there since he took ever and __le At MADCbeetxT Conn, as Ex|enaion > of water aervice to at'3 a.m. ClneS MaH MAtter. We must forswear our national hto own profeaalonel routine to ig­ Reynolds, L«ague president Re­ Uie United SUtes Chamber. Wil­ were going toward a diplomatic Town Ctourl Judge Wesley C. were there at least two yeers he-, some parta of South Windsor will freshments will be served by coun­ 'Oolman, who w6n an Academy Mrs. AgaelKM. Kershaw Dieri Blen Phu." pioysa to Wash [f'attend ragu- fore that. right to act, in situations where nore in aabther Of bis capacities. bd considered tomorrow night aa liam A. McDonnell, will he the m t Mrs. Agnes M m ^n Kershaw, Gryk was told thto today by Ray­ V SUBBCRIPnON RATES cil members. epeaker at the banquet, to be held And Ttrn W ATURE*S LOVING Award in I M for hto role of an Then he aaked: to)’ classes ctoi at Geoi e Washington mond Mahoney, the ^neweetand’s Some Stolen. '■ ' PATAble to Advence gunboate suggest themselves, in There, to no reason to make much the Town Planning and Zoning Officers and t cOaches ' of the'^ egomaniac'Shakaspearaan actor to 18 EklmuBd St., of 'Iliomas "How Would you expect, in ths University snd to diplomatic Q 9 9 • • • # e • A# • • ee ee • • • • • ♦ • • • ,^^7^m. in the sutler H ilton Drivt Nhfnr Onr ROXY, THE proprietor, who appeatoq^-to an- Mahoney also said that he bcvm& favor of action and regulatiop by of -tbiis, or even to think that Commiaeion and the Town Coor­ South Windsor Little League wUl '•A Double Ufe.” atam d to alch Kershaw, died this n u k in g at long run,' that this population officials in irk attend ^ Months • e A • A AA# • • A • • • A A A A>l A • • • 7-76 dinating Committoe meet with W A T C fito MOTHER” her home, after a long Etoeaa. ;s^r to police chargee of poMOta- sold magaztoea such as “Adam" to Three Montiis S.W some higher authority whic); rep­ Fleuther’i left hand will notice meet at the Wapping 'SchMl field movies aa “Loet Honzon,*’ Ran­ would not rise up?- classes nlverslty. tog and selling obscene( Ittora- anyone under 18 years old hut that one MoaUi repreaantaUvea of the Suburban Speaker al the memberehlp Bom In Northern E rali^ May "They hsvS’ seen crisis follow what his right hand to doing. What today at 7:30 p.m. The league sea- - •fAuthor^'Hamo Botow) — dom Rarveat," "A Tale of Two Deparii Iclato said Soviet ture. . children on occasion had "come Weehly resents the whole community of Water Service Co. at 8 pin. at 'son officially opens tomorrow with meeting at 2 pun. Will be Eugene ^tlea,’’ and "Tha Late George 15, 1878, a daughter of. tM \late crisis, which to alwsya. the same dl ply apply, to the Stogie Copy *110 mankind. left hand ever' doea? . the Town Hall. F. Rinta, research director of Babies are uLtki tots who John and Margaret Gordon Mad­ Following a lengthy trial In '.to to steal them." gamea achaduled both to Wapping f r E e j Apley.” > ^ crisis, for 12 years." If qualified, are ad- which Mahoney, without counsel, The dealer said that he Mils B. P. WilllatoA preaident, and the Council of SUte Chambers of den, she bad been a resident ^ M ^BKR OF Whpn America resorts to gun^ and at St. Francis of Assisi Front Ends Ifokn need much lovinr^ care, During hto kmg movie carder "They have sought elsewhere, eri on the other hand, testified to hto own behalf, and a from^*435 irk to 200TOO coa pn ieI ^ sa ■ ^ TUB A880C1ATK0aS o c u t ------PRESS boat diplomacy, that amounts to a W. N. MacKenzIe, general man­ Church field. CommerciL Washington, D. C. He itely, God givSs. us Colman wa# known aa a man of Manchester for the past'TO years, lUtside of parliamentary maneU' get permission from the “Adam”'x» montt) compznd The ABMctotcd Prexe U excluMvely ager, virill outline the company Will speak on “Federal Affairs Skoek AiMM>itlM»rslii^^ culture and diatincUon, andlie lived l/| prevloutdy residing in Hartford, a solution tor their miseries, dozen town citizens were called to entlUed to the uee o< repubUCAtlAn of confesaioh that the. best Bstion we Thi. Board of Eklucation will 8 < to O' it Foreign Ministry, the stand by Prosecutor John R. about 14 cMites of SaturoAy I All news' dlspAtcbee credited to U or A Thniiitht for Today plan for extending water aervice meet - Tuesday at 8 p.m. at -the Affecting Connecticut ’Taxpay­ Mol watch the part to real life, Quiet auadi le was a member of St. Mary's to absolutely 'normal. What er, SO, is the son of Mr. and nlng Poet a w6el(. He added tput ha not ^erwtoe credited to tble peper know and can imagine ia still not to the town. The propoeal will ers." lion... FitzOereld, the judge announced High School. < / . them. studious, he waa fonder of browsing ^toqopai Church. are they shoutingr 'Vive De .Gaul­ John Baker Sr. of Clinton' cannot buy ’’leglumste” mpgazilMa And Alao the IocaI newe pubtUbed here. Sponsor^ by the Manchester show the extent of services to be in antique shops and puttering 8m / leaves a daughter, Mra. le’ like.. Frenchmen in dtotresj he would seserve hto verdict un­ All right* of republlcAtlon of epectol quite good enough to constitute, by Ooanell ut Chnrtihea ’The adjourned special church RinU had been associated ^ th WoA *MM by axperto M Mother’s ppobleihs are Avenue, Westport, Conn. Hto wife til next Monday. The state baaed without buying “aif/v the other dlepAtehe* herein Are Al»o reierved itself, the holto of humanity. When offered as well aa epata and how meeting of Wapping, Community the Council as fiscal analyst sines iDfinveattoHal Makaa of ears. around in hto garden than to living John MeCartan of Manchester; They g a ^ a magnificent show^of Sally to. the daughter of Mr. and Junk.” /*- they will be met. Also to be shown difHcult, but"%e can solve to the Hollywood spotlight. two graad^ildren and •several immense. OKOtherhood which ' can ite case^.on thira magazines In­ we ourselves dq what^we ourselves Church will bb held tomorrow at 1949 and as reaearch director since Mrs. E, K. Bragg, 17 CSianhtog cluding “Aecial foods for .baoyit The funeral wlU be held Wednea- al baais' for iqinorrowto agree- 'ihe State Department said i(. questioned their being objection­ Jullua Matbewa Special Agency — New wrong. ' fire protection. Town officials wnlt ttoy aftenidan at''^2 o’clock to St. n.enta 4- better and boy" was not among the three. humble. Mbntal turmoil warns men age win be considered at this tinie. a member of the profeaaioniT BUff ietary needs, steriHzing lelta Elects had not decided where Baker will The 12 persons who said they able,” he Mm. He Introduced a Vnrt Chicago Detmlt and Boeton^ There is only qne sovereignty not to think that they are the com­ have an opportunity to aak quea- Maiy*a Eptocppai Church, with the amh"8hea. be' sent from London. No effort copy of ’^a y b o y ” and told the MEMBER AUDIT BUREAU OF tioiia on 'various phases of the Two S t Francis . of Aastol of the House appropriations Com­ BROTHERS ptensils to prevent germ , • ■ 'I J; ^ *■ ...‘.Tlh«- hrat pr0« titot do'not were familiar.with the tow n’s CIRCULATIONS and power and Inflilence and pres­ plete -maatera of their lives. Physi­ Church altar boya were amoni mittee. He was also a member of 301-815 Center Street ion . Woman Rev. '-Alfred - U- - Wiillainsi..rector,- will-be-made'further, r^flolala saidr moral itimd«rds, t«ttfted that to court ..(tetJtoO. toJM tet cal pain, keeps ..ffolk from com-. invasions, helpful baby-aids offlclatihg. Burial will he', to East want to aepujeu thenuqlves'from to get him back to Moscow tm sold erai^ day on nearly erary ' TTiV HeriOd Prtoting Corofiw top-. tige that can poksibljf .be advanced, mitUng errora toward their bodies. pxA"Efecta"Oilcem ' ' 90. who were given Berra Clul the FBI aBd aerVed with the Bu­ - 'relepbMM t o 8-8123 '- Cemetery. the nation, .Yrom the retoibUc, to their opinion the three magazines Btaiul in town. aaaumea no financial reaponaimUty for awards for gervlce by Aveb- reau in vhrious cities in this coun­ that insure more comfort Mrs. W alter No. Joensuu of that they ------mediately. were obscene and not fit for pub­ typogrApblcal errora appearing to. ad­ in our age, with SurvlVal for any­ Everyone could have less, pain Mrs. Paul Blackwelder of Sta­ and vitamin concentrates S' 1 Friends may epU at the Holmes , Upon questioning by FitsGcraM, vertisement* and other reading matter body. That is the U n it^ Nations. if he cut down on hto sins against tion 28, CPyne’Traller Village, haa bishop Henry J. O’Brien at the try and abroad. He waa adminto- Scott Dr., Vemon/Nwaa rroently Funeral Home, 400 Main St., to­ The (imeral spoke to a 'rpom lic consumption. ' annual Altar Boy Sunday selrvice for extra energy. fleeted president of theHartfprd ' ' . ; 55 5 packed^wlth nearly 700 people. The persons were Mrs. 'SXlttty 'Mahoney 'admitted that the three In The Manchester Evening Herald. If we ever become as good for the the body and the juind. The sins been reelected president of the X morrow from 2 to 5 and 7 to 9 magazines in question were not dis­ against the body are easy to ob­ Union Grammar School PTA for held yesterday at S t Thomas Most important of all. AlMliwnse Chapter of Delta.^ Delta i-. '■J'" p.m. atomYbehihd s green baize Ck>rirad, past preaident of the M ^- tributed through the same channato Display advertlatog closing hour*: wbrld, and for ourselves,', as we Seminary to Bloomfield. Local pMta. Mrs. Charles R. Baxter^ Jr. Guflty Plea chester PTA Council; Mrs./Dor­ For Monday—1 p.m. Friday. , serve. We may not want to protect a second term. Other new officers Mothers can now have less t^ I e and before a battery of mi­ aa are the other magastoea. For Tuesday—1 p.ln Monday. want to be. It will be in the Vole of our bodies aa God would have us include vice president. Principal boya chosen are Roger Page Jr., and MfS( Henry Huggins, both Mrs. Harold Belcher crophones. He started the newa othy Krauss, Washlnj^p^ PTA ’’That's because tbw come from a JTor Wednesday—1 p.io_ Tuesday. great aervapt to that organi^tion do? but we do know how our way­ James Welch; secretary, Mrs. Ed­ son of Mr. and. Mrs. Robert Page fear Should any attacking Manchester, will serve aa secono 'conference 'with a brief state- president; Rev. Fred Ry'' Edgar, For Thursday—1 p.m. Wednesday. Sr., of Pleasant Valley Rd., and Mrs. Dorothy Hemingwayway B'eirBel Made in G>urt 'fypsy' dealer,” ' ntzGerald said. For Friday—1 p.m. Thursday. and to Us' concept. That is^.the wardness has made us suffer phys­ ward J. Curtin; treasurer, Mrs. virus threaten baby's vice, president and publicity chtir.- Cher, 63, 13 Walker St.,, wifeydf 'ment. He then said he would pastor of the Souths'''Methodist He addeu that it wax improper to For SaturdAysd P. m. Friday. ical discomfdrt. Arthur VanGaspeck; correspond­ James Roberts, aon of Mr. sind RUGS health. In our pharmacy are mah, rdspectively. Harold C. Belcher, died at Man- answer questions only concerning Ctourch; Rabbi L^on Wind of say. that “Adam” waa read more ClaasUIed. daadllne; 19:30 A m. aach version of America’s destiny which Our sins of the mind-are almost ing secretary, Mrs. Arthur Os­ Mra. Wilfred Robefta of Pleasant Fifty year members of Delta French institutions and relation­ Temple Beth Shq|0m. than the Saturday Evening Post, day of pubileallun axeept Saturday— belongs ahead of all others, in oilr Valley Rd. the wopderful ^anti-biotic.s Chester Memorial Hospital S atur­ ByiL^oubleday I g A .m.. . i as obvious as the sins against the good. Dflta- Drita will be honored at a day afternoon.' ./ ships with Algeria. Others were .'John Mortimer, pointing'to the la^e mail circula- thoughts, and in our acts. body. Our spirtual failures would Committee, members include, ’The Combined Mothers Circles physiemhs prescribe, that "Golden C l^ e" tea- June II at 3 Referring to the tost four years chairman of^the local Boy Scout Utm of the latter publication. She was a ihember^af the Center Judge Weslpy' C. Gryk to To'wn Monday, May 19 ^ just as clear as our other short­ program, Mrs. Harry Odium, Mrs. will meet Wednesday at 8 p.m. in Puffleetly Cleaned! often oveftiight bring back p.m. at the Town1 and County Club Congregational Chur^, the Kings in North .^rtea, ho said the pres­ district; Apdmr H. lUing, auper- PTA Started Ofimpalgii comings if we used the spiritual Frank Pierce and Mrs. George the church hail. Novir officers bRby’s health In-Hartford. Mrs. Huggtos and Daughters, LadY k'Oberts Lodge ent situation.oould lead to Sn.ex­ Court' today, raaerved hto .^ctolon. Intendent.df foiiools; Edaon M- The campaign against "ques­ standards which God has estab­ Harris; hospitality, Mrs. Russell wilt be elected for the coming Mrs. Baxter are both serving on tremely grave national ertoto. until June 2 for pre-sentenep to< Bailey,^fwanvjy ManchesterMl High School tionable” literature. Was started Best Not Quite Good Enough Elmer Davis Levack; ways and meani, Mrs. and the American Le-glon Auxil­ Mrs. Carol Malkenson, lished for our use. year. All who are intereatM in the committee. All Tri-Deltsui to iary. She was .born to England “But it can also be the stiul of vestigatlon into the case of Clar­ principal; here in March by the Washington The stories about the passing of W« must-seek God’s direction of John Phillips. Mra Peter Taconis joining one of the circles are In- YOUR PHYSICIAN the .Hartford area have been in­ a kind of resurrection,” the Gen­ past preaident of the 'Verplanek PTA. At the request Of Schendel If there were ever any. faint and Mra. FYank Kriat; publicity, Oct. 21,'1894, and had lived most eral said. ence DouWedOy, 37, of Coventry, PTA; Miss Jean Campbell, profes­ Elmer Davis make much of what obr lives if we are going tP elimin­ vkted to attend. CAN PHONE vited to attend. of her' life in Manchester. and FitzGerald, PTA i&embera chance that some one great na­ ate auftertng.Af we humbly rec- Mario. Piazza; and membership, Mitchell 3-6321 "Y .V . I n H e hrance of Me* He said that to “thto moment who pleaded piilty to forgery, pro­ sional Girl Scout leader; Police made purchases at • local news- they call hto courage. And 4o' call -Mrs. George Ashmore and Miss B«Miides her husband, she leaves of greave confusion all ahould be curing goods under false pretenMS Chief Herman O.. Schendel; Mrs. tion could become the last, best pgniitoxdur faults w( become Manch^ter Evening. Herald WHEN YOU NEED Twenty-six youngsters recatved thrir First Communion at St. -a son,'Craig Belche’ of East Hart­ atanda of material that they them­ hope of earth, we would be that him courageous''la indeed an obvi­ ready t^-agak Godto help and ac­ Nuvard Baronlan. South Windsor correspondent El­ Maurtea Church to Bolton SaturdsY'''toonting from the Rev. J. aware that the party regime could and operating a car while/'his Pauline. Straight, 'vice president of selves felt were unfit for conSumfi- Repairing A MEDICINE Hospital Notes ford; a daughter, Mrs. Donald not and would not solve the enor­ license was under suspension. the- Manchester Council of Church \ y nation. Or, at least, we ouraelvea ous and easy way to explain the cept It.' \ 'V Art Exhibit Opens more Burnham, telephone Mitchell Ralph Kelley. Theirs was the first class to receive First Com­ Behrend of Manchester; two broth­ tion. The three megaztoas upon fact that, to hto public service as a Robert L. Dlfferbacher ’The -annual art exhibition, apon- 3-5060. X Dyeing Wall to WaU Carpets • ' munion in the new church dedicated a year-ago May 30. (Herald mous problems confronting France Doubleday i s . charged with forg­ Women, and Henry Eacott, a re­ which the State bued. its case think so. ers, Donald Hemingway of Man­ the asBOciaUon of France - with ing a $65 check and using it to buy tired real estate broker. broadcaster, he could be depended sored by the South Windsor Art Altering Purr-fectly Cleaned in Pick up your prescrip­ Fatieato Today: 158 , Photo by Satecnia). chester and Hubert Hemingway of were "Fling’’ and “Sir Knight," But to be that last, beat hope, UTIKR CLEAmir COSTLY League, opened. today at Wood COAL EXPORTS INCREASE ADMITTED SATURDAY: Pam­ the peoples of Africa, and within a used 1950 model car at Dillon FltzGereld called each person to bought by Mrs. Conrad, and upon to challenge tiie nioroniU'es, New York-\-T1ie cost of clean­ Memorial Library. About '50 pic­ only one Day! Call for tion if shopping near ns, or Fairhaven, Mass.; two sisters, the commimlUes living to Al­ Sales and Service oh April 25. He the stand and asked an initial X Instead of merely one more partici­ Boston^-The ex­ ela White, 75 Pine St.; Mrs. ZiUah Mrs. Nino Osella and Mrs. Charles "Adam" bought by Mrs. Krauss to the poiaona, the cphceita, and the ing' 'bp trash frpm the' nation’s tures by local artists will be on ported IH.OOO.OOO long tons of coal estimate. let us deliver promptly Apel, 236 Hilliard St.; Charles geria.” was arrested on May 2 following a question of each of them, “Do you Mahoney’s shop on April 22. pant in the long -htotoric parade of Coventry Findlay, both o. Manchester, and De Gaulle said the -fighting In police Investigation. * consider yourself familiar with hokum pf his time. *rhere were primary highways alone amounts display on the second floor of the, duiiijg 1957, an increase of 18H without y extra charge. A Cartwright, Coventry; Oomon Schendel today said that the empires, that great nation would to ISO.OOO.OOQ a year. library through May 29. This ex- per-cent over 1066. ' | great many people entrust Partridge, East Hartford; Donna three grandchildren. Algeria and the boiling emotional Prosecutor John_FUs«3erald t

pson, minister of Cen­ Obzut in Hospital with Porter revealed that he had were, in their opinion, obscene. All hto two weeks ago when Sartoi same thing, in .its acta abroad, it almost seemed that‘' lor other pos­ The accused told Judge Gryk the best nation ever to assay the failures, that they soon repay you, in pride Pierce, East Hampton. A : aimplje religious ceremony sible Injuribs.^ even took off the- shelves another 19/Scho6l St., suffered an attack. role of one-nation leadership for the labels and examine the vvares Steullet. The display will be here of East Hartford, and three grand­ More seriously toju'red was John that he had six children, two- of one that Sartor didn’t mention.” Jarvis earlier had been fined $18 and joy of ownership. Call MI 3^48^5.'We’ll ADMITTED TODAY: Mrs. for a week. waa held when the station began children. them now living in foster homes. the world, the verdict keeps underneath; to treat fellow Ameri­ Leonette Getchell, 569 HlUtord St. Bajck of Hazai^viUe, Ck>nh. Ba- He said that police his4 never he; Or intoxication and was waiting demonstrate them in your home. A poppy arrangement will be first brosdessttog st 8 a.m. A Funeral arrangen ents are In­ jek’s brother, Stanley, of Windsor, He said that one of them, a 4- fore, questioned, hls selling to the courtroom to make arrange­ coming in, and the. verdict keepa cans as if they were adults and nob- , BIRTHS SATURDAY: A daugh­ s h o ^ at the Booth-Dimock Mem­ complete. year-old, had polio and Doubleday ments for payment He was ar­ ter to Mr. and Mrs. EMward Dupre, prayer was delivered by Rabbi was also admitted to tho Taunton explained his lawless actions ’ by magazines and that Chief Sell saying that we haven't quite man­ children—all these were spectacu­ OP THINGS CAN HAPPKN TO A WATCH orial Library May 24 from 10 a.m. Leon Wind of- Temple Beth Sho- hospital. He haa since left that and nearly everyone In cmiEt to­ rested Saturday after Patrolman lar because they were aingular. 136 Greenwood Dr.; a son to Mr. to 4 p.m, ■when Coventry Garden Mrs. Joseph BIka saying “I go haywire whenever he Newton Taggart , found him lying aged to be good enough .for the and Mra. Ronald Scuaael, Stafford lom; the Rev. Ariiold Tozer, hospital and to entering a Hart­ (the polio victim) gets stek. day had come Into hls atopdseVayal But It would be inaccurate to infer Citth haa its plant and fsod sale. president of tha .Manchester Min­ Mrs. Mary Sbvart Blka, 84, Wife ford hosplUU for treatment of baek times during the 11 mopuis he has in the gutter near Woodland and rc^e. It keepa aaying, in fact, that IN THK NEXT THREE YEARS Springs. A 'prize to being offered junior Porter, the First Selectman in that EHmer Davis had to struggle isterial AsSn. and 'pastor of the of Joseph Bika, Grand Hill, Tol­ injuries, Mrs. Obzut said. been proprietor. “No objections Broad Sts. Several policemen ad­ no one nation can aver be good BIRTHS YEmraiDAY: A members of the auxiliary for Second Congregational Church, Hebron, said that Doubleday had were ever made to nle,’’ he. aaid. ministered oxygen to him today to be this way./<^e struggle, for MFC. CO. land, died yesterday at p^kville Henry P. Mocarskl of Windsor, forged Porter’s name - to checks enough, and that the very na­ daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Leonard highest returns received through gave a religrious address and' the City Hospital after a stoafrt illness. .professionally known as Ray Hen­ He confessed he hsd time to and he was removed from tha him, would have bbon'to try to do Boulay, South Coventry; a son to tlie 2-day poppy campaign. They four times and on one occasion he courtroom and later examined by tional form of existence to.cuned benediction was given by the Rev. She was born In Ongri. Hungary, ry. leader o f . the orchestra and lost $10S ’but that Doubleday had read hardly anWof the magazines with built-in temptations and Ini any differently. It actually 4 8 5 E. MIDDLE T P K E. - M ANC H E S T E R. CONN. Mr. and Mrs. Mircel Lapierr'e, 174 are expecting to make a partial John Hannon, pastor of St. James’ Sept. 14. 1873, d^^htpr of the he sold but that if the three men- a doctor. He was not hospitalized, Main St. ahQther passenger, Charles WoJ- done work for him to pay it back perfections and twtota of principle easy for him to functImKu ha did house-to-house canvpss. . Church. late Andrew and/JoaephIne Ker narowicz of South Wind.sor were tinned in cqiirt were obscene, then 1 police reported. BIRTHS TODAY r A daughter to About 15 orders have beeh taken John Deme, who is operating which forbld'lt to offer the eolu- because he-hlmqelf could nqt have tgsz Sovari and/had lived in Tol­ treated at the hospitaT for body Mr. and Mrs. 'Thomaa F.ram:, 54 for.poppy corsages by Mrs. Marsh the station as the Manchester land for 26^ears. She was a Injuries and released. Uon to the problem of cbnatructinf : tolerated functioning in anjrxlther Reed St., Rockville; a aon to Mr. on behalf of the auxiliary. Poitoy Broadcasting Ck>.. said the formal member of/St, Bernard's Church Massachusetts stat,e police said 22 Will Attend an orderly and peaceful wortd. way. and Mra. Lester Baum, 31 Fox Hill wreaths will also be made upon open bouse and dedication will be in RockvUte. a car heading east on Rt. 44 op­ Let us take one apeclfic, but The only pressure that oounti Dr., Rockville. request. Ordejs may be placed lield July 4. Besides her husband, she leaves erated by Alfred A. Menard of District Session democrats Blast GOP eymbolle Issue, for testing the in the career of Elmer Davis was DISCHARGED YESTERDAY: With Mrs. Marsh after .4 p.m. any Yesterday’s program consisted two aoM, John Kerkin of Bropd Taunton, crossed into the left lane Infant daughter of Mr. and Mra. day. ' , . of musical and news programs. America of our own^. hopes and the pressure within himself—the BropK and Albert Kerkin of Tot- pf the 2-lane highway" and struck Twenty-two members of Myles Covey, Btost Hartford; Mer- Veterans to the three hospitals Deme said that the station will land; a daughter, Mrs. Priscilla the Mocarskl car head-on. Both Women’s Fellowship of Cegter In Campaign Opening Ideas against thrAn^rlca of aettial pressure, to be honest, the passion win Davto, Vernon Trailer Court; to the state, at Newington, Rocky have both popular - and classical Gocsei of Tolland: seven grand­ cars were demolished, police said,. Congregational dhurch will attend performance. Let ill take the thing for clarity, the neceasity for being Robert Seibie, Bolton;. Mrs, Cath­ Hill and West Haven, benefit from music. A 1-hour program will erine Jack, 99 W .O n ter St.; Mrs. children and three great grand­ the workshop annual mrafing of called gunboat diplomacy, himself or being nothing. returns, of all popples sold. feature music fpr teenagers. y ' children. Hartford EHstrlct, Qpnnectlcut Demoerstio Town Directorsfof $160,000 appropriated for Wa- Mary Ciougii, 149 WeUs>St; Mrs. vrArrangements ar«e being made ’The station Wil} operate for/19 Mrs. X^e Sheehan Fellowship of Congregatlonal- have kicked off their I068”illectlon ter Department improvements and When we were on the world The one fear in his life, if there Marie Charest; 21 Washington SL, hours a day on a frequency ot'l230 Funeral services will be held to­ extensions this year "in order to GUARANTEED by' the group to have wreaths morrow at. 8:30 a.m. at the Ladd Christlan Womenf /tomorrow at campaign with chSrges that the •tdelines, before we had become the was one, must have been that he Vernon; Augiut Volgenau, 309% made for decorating graves of de­ kilocycles With a. 250-wat^/^wcr First GongregatlonOf (Jhurch, Bris­ keep the Department from run­ MANCHESTER Spruce St.; Mra. Julia Newmark- output. / Funeral Home, |,9 Ellington Ave„ Wins Art Honors Republican majority 'on the Board nation which would operate gun would one day'do something or say ceased members for the post's sn- Rockville, followed ' by a solemn tol. ning in the red.” boat diplomacy If It was to be er. Valley Falla Rd., Vernon; Mrs. nual Memorial Day program. —------haa failed to exisreise leadership The cutback to improvemenU \-4 something which would make it Theresa Lavigne, 44 Village. St., requiem Mass at 9 a.m„,,'at St. The Manchester Fine Arts Mrs. C3iffo^ O. Simpson will operated, there .was nothing we FOR 3 A tdtai of 252 hours were volun­ lead the v^u’kshop on Christian and has been guilty of a "mishan­ and extensions, he said, was m impossible to live with himself. Rockville;. Mrs. Emily Calvano, teered during April by 33 senior Bernard’s jJhurch. Burial will be Assn, staged its second annual out­ cided on after the special S^year acomed and hated more.-Even to. in St; Bernard's Cemetery. door art exhibit yesterday in Cen­ education, - one of nine groups dling” of Wate • and Sewer Depart­ That, and not the possible pres­ "^'salutes our girl grads T’iiOnel Rd., Vernon; Michael Wil­ and one junior member as part of About Fown slated in the morning. The after­ ment funds. audit completed laat NoyOmhe^ day, when W'e are the ones oper sures of conventional and poutto' liam's. 207 Union St.; Mra. Mary ths auxiliaiy community service Fyiends may call at the. funeral ter Park and more than 600 per­ The charges were contained in revealed that, despite a-’rate in­ ' h ' f WHOLE VEARS Gozdz.''287 Oakland St.; imchael home today from 2 to 5 and 7 to sons viewed 125 watercolors, oils, noon sessloa.wUI see Installation of ating the gunboats, we depldre it minds, would have beeq,ti(e calam­ program, Mrs. Stanley J. Harris, new officers of the district and ■TTie Manchester Democrat,’’ a 4- crease 'three years age; “the finan­ Schpetz, Bolton; Mrs. Beverlie. Mrs. Jape Smith of 149 Union 9 p.m. and pastels displayed adjacent to cial poSitidnof tjte'oepariment to almost unanimously. We have, ity for him. ’ NDITIONAIXY? Yes, un- Davis, 4 ^Oakland St.;' Earle chairman, said today. hear an address by the Rev. Edith page publication printed by the tomorrow The group has a total of 136 St. and Gtiawold Chappell of 478 park walks from 2 to 5 p.m.. Preusse, a native of Rockville, on town committee and distributed questionable.’^ many times, publfcly foresworn It No such nightmare ever came onally !. Anything can hap­ Everett, 2i2 Dbue St.; Wayne Em­ N. Mato'St were named directors Judges Ralph Eno and Anthony S mons, WarrenvUle; M ra Janet members enrolled .to date, or 34 her work aa minister, teapher and yesterd'ay in connection with the And.in wWit aptounted to a crit­ with regard to ouT. own hemi to him. He succeeded in being true pen and usually does, but whatever over the quota. Of the total, 29 are of tlio'Opnnecticut Pythian Center Terrenzio awarded first place to missionary at Ahmednager Ck>llege Donations for Dem;30 Saturday morning at the named a seascape by Donald Allen rector Francis Mahoney/was re­ neighbors, we find ourselves ex Richard Bickford, Coventry; Abe which Hans Hansen of thip/Coven jected by the Chaj^tor Revision In addition to the statements on yeara whgn radio needed maturity, try Volunteer Fire A ssn^^ll con­ W. P. Quish Funeral Home, follow­ as first choice; a landscape by porting it far out of our own neigh­ Nussdorf, 587 N.,Xfaln St.; Michael Mre. Glenna Ortiz, formerly Mra. Nora Addy -Drake, second; Commission, whiclr-fecelved it from the local campaign issues, "The from somebody, and. quickly. It to MHS Seniors. Girls. , rtomorrow’s your day at duct. / ' with the records department -at ed by a solemn requiem Ma.sa in Theodore A. Paid, 25. of East Mahoney seveart weeks, ago. Manchester Democrat’.’ carried jto- borhood to the shores of the Med­ Angel, 57 Weaveo Rd.;-Mra> Eliza­ St. Bridget’s Ctourch at 10 o’clock. and a atill life by Roger Crafts, Hartford, pleaded guilty to a no accident that those sucegaaora beth Shaw and daughter, 601 W. Mrs. Olsen RM^ected Manchester Memorial Hospital HU -• . tlclea the three-candidates for iterranean, where our gunboats Watkins. There’ll be coke and home tnade cookies, Mrs, A. Harry 'W^-Olsen haa .been The Rev. John J. Delaney was the third. speeding charge and was fined $15 the party’s U.S. Senate nomina­ who dp mpst for themsalvas and Middle ’Tp^.; Mrs. Janet Ragna, began work today as a clerk typ^ celebrant, tpe Rev. Stanley Hastil- Honorable mention was given to In arrarfUcle entitled “Who’s in make their way, in persuasive "music and” those precious miniftture^ CediH Chi^ and •on.-'^ Prospect, St., Rock­ reelected presided of the Women’s 1st in the Tdwn Building InafSec- by Judge Wesley C. Gryk In Town Charge/ Here.” Director Eugene tion. ‘(Jheater Bowles, Thomas fashion, from crisis to crisis in­ moat for the public share, in aome WHiN YOU THINK OF FUHTING Auxiliary to t ^ North Coventry lo the deacon and the Rev. Dennis pictures by .Miss Eleanor Dlbbert. Court this morning. Dodd and Willlami Benton. in -which to lock up your cherished possessions. ville;.-Mrs. Mildred Smyth and tor’i Office in the MuniclpalBui)d- Hussey the subdeacon. Mrs, Bar­ Alfred Ludwig, and Mrs.‘ Gorman. Kstly asserted, that the failure of side other small countries. degree, the. Idea that the public is . C O M E TO twin son and daughter. North Cov- Volunteer FlpO Department Others ing. Mra. Ortiz is replacmg Mrs. Paul was arrested on May 13 by 'the Republican majority to exer­ The candidates cited the reces­ not made pf piorons, and the Idea 9 elected follow: Mra. Walter B. bara Murphy was organist and so­ Patrolman Charles Morneau wpo^ sion, foreign policy aiuf civil rlgkto 'The presumed nobility and neces­ And everything’s free...fr m 2:30 to 4:30. ffitry; Mrs. Shirley Howe and Madeloin Bradley who j ^ s recent-'^ loist. Father Hastillo read the cise leadership resulted In the “re­ that comment which doea not daughter, 1612 Center St; Mra. Pomeroy,:; vice president;. Mrs ly promoted to ssnlpr clerk typist chased the accused's -ear opk'W. valuation fiasco,” as the main isauea in the 1953 sity of our causes is only part of Bring your Lane Gift Card! ASro Aho, ’Secretary: Mrs. committal service at the gp-ave in Middle Tpke. to East H*frt.ford, campaign. ' Benton, to addition, bother to suggest the truth Is not Nancy Simmons' and daughter, and is now worlUOg in the Con­ St. Bridget’s Cemetery, ' Public Records He also said the 4-year delay in the Issue. The practice and the Glastonbury; Mrs. Jeanie Babi- Richard M. Galinat, treasurer; troller’s pffice^^/Hrs. Bradley waa Howard E. Tourtellotte, 28; of the construction of ^ the Washing­ mentioned education, declaring worth making. Mr#/ Raymond’ Hlcking, puhliclly; ' Bearers were John Bujak, Rayr Oxford, Mass., also Cliarged with that “The - Soviets thrMten us habit are even more important. WOODLAND SARDENS ____ neau and .daughter, Marlborough; employed* in-tne Building Inspec­ mond Schaller. Eugene Griffin, Al­ Warrantee'Deeds ton School addition ’’and pie re­ If we yield to the practice and Mrs. Barbara Webber and daugh­ Mrs. Olive Dalton, .membership; tor’s office for about a year and speeding, failed .to appear ir court sulting cost increases” 'stemmed more with their classrooms is|id Mrs. Csrl Hlcking, refreshments bert Glough, Bruce Gumlaw and ■Norman R. Arey to R. Oliver and forfeited a $20 bond. His ar­ lalxiratories than with their nu­ habit, even for the beat of reasons, a word to ter. Warehouse Potot. a half. Luther Gumlaw. Mansur and Belledns N. Mansur, from the inability of “elected offi­ Reuther’s Lay-Off Where You"Always Assured Of The Best!" d is c h a r g e d YESTERDAY: and eptertainment; and Mrs, Rob­ rest Saturday also followed a chase cials (elected to make policy) who clear weapons." w:e nevertheless confess that this Mrs. Mafalda Lauretano, 21 View ert Kingsbury, ways and means. property on S. Hawthorn 'St. to East' Hartford by Patrolman couldn’t Come to a decision.” Bowles also cautioned against I t ‘is obviously unsportsmanlike . Trasks Elected UNVEILING POSTPONED John M. Kletzle Joseph Rossetto to Robert B. and Samuel Maltempo. overconfidence, stating that tha • to the only way to get things done ANNUAL BEDPIN(3 PLANTS St.;' David Wiley, 100. Oak Grove Fay P. Johnston, property at 104 He said the North End Junior to shoot a sitting duck, and that is S t.;‘Alice Pierce, (Coventry; Miss Mr. and Mrs. Owen S. Trask Washington, May 19 Uh — The The fuheral of John M. Kletzle. Prosecutor John R. FitzGerald High School ‘lappears to have been Demberats. will have to - take a in the world. If we can think of the- proud parents y MOSTLY Vehexuelan ambassy today poat- 16 Benton St., was held at 1 Adams St. and promote no better system of what Walter Reuther is when he Ageratum Dahlias Salvia . Gertrude Carroll, 592 K. O nter were elected presidents of the Cov­ entered a nolle in the case of Ray­ rescued’’ from the same fate by "thoughtful, responsible business­ St; Dana Parandis, 34 Margaret entry PTA of ^bertson and Ceh- poned the dedication here of »' o’clock-Saturday afternoon at the Domenlc Ponttcelli to John Pon- mond H. Remkiewicz, 27. of 10 Ol- ” an alert minority, of elected offi­ like approach to the central ques­ keeping order In the world, then haa to Announce, as head of the This is a momentous occasion in your Asters / . Marigolds Schizanthus Watkins-West .Funeral Home, The ticelli, property on Congress St. Snaps . * Rd.; Mrs., Ann Garrison. .75 .High tec.SchoOl parents at its meeting, statue of Hiooii Boll van South cott St., arrested yesterday on an cials (Democratic), conscientious tion (to avoid): a rude awakening iva condemn ourselves to the not United Auto Workers Union, that daughter’s life and it calls for an important A lyssuin^ I-obelia ^ S t, Rockville; Mrs. Katherine this week. Other officers follow; .American liberator, because of Rev. Clifford O. Simpson, minister Paul Lent! to Jonas and Ceslova intoxication charge. The prosecu­ civic organizations and an at the polls.” he hats laid off 97 employee of the gift like these fabulous Lane Cedar Chests I Cale^ulas Nicotians Scabiosa ' Leonari), 148 Biasell St.; Stephen William Hammond, vice president; the goverhinentol cabinet crisis i Of the' Center dongregation^I Svelnya, property at 126-128 Eld- tor told Judge Ciry':- that the ac­ inglorious, but still insufficient, Do«. in Caracue. The embassy gave Church, officiated, and Frederic E. ridge St. aroused public,” paths of destiny followed by Rome union and given all employes of Cariiations V e r b e ^ Stocks) Mails, 107 Vernon S t; Mrs. Doro­ Mrs: Zolton Feuerm u, corresponds cused agreed to ..eek medical treat­ . Kelly,;also said Uiat “service to BATTLERS CAN FAST A 'YEiUl 3 Doz. $1.7S thy (jha^et, 7 Oval Lane; William tog; storetary;. Mrs.- Alexis Dou- no irason for putting off the cere­ Werner waa orgaXiat. Burial was Gertrude T. Depkln of Fallaton. ment at the Blue Hills -..'linlc where special Interest groups only, and and Britain, each of whom had un­ the union a 10 per tent pay cut.’ Cbsmos Petunms ) Zinnias MacNell, South (Coventry; Osmon mony scheduled for Thurfday to East Cemetery. Md„ Cb Richard J. THnimer Jr., of Denver — Rattlesnsjcer' can live vitlA recording secretary; and San- he had undergone treatment for piece-meal programs of which the a year or more In. .captivity with­ deniable virtues. But even if w'e Here Reuther, like everybody Partridee.T Etost Hartford; Mrs. Mrs. Alan Howland, treasurer. and calling off a presa conference Bearers Were Paul Marie East Hartford, property on the alcoholism in the pas The arrest public is not Infoyraed, constitute planned at the embasay toiilgbt to ford H. Rus.sell, Carlton Wood- Manchester-East Hartford line. out food. Even to the wild, rat­ were to accept such a destiny. It else, is the victim of forces and (Top) American walnut Sophie Stephen, RFD 3, Rockville; The executive committee will followed a domestic disturbance the basic cause for a complete fail­ tlers probably* eat only once or conditions nobody seems able to Mrs. Margaret Kimball, 184 Hack­ meet at 8 p.m. June X at the Trask ronnectioiK with it. ? house and Robert Blake. Judgment Lien at the Remkiewicz hpme. ure of government at any level.” to fatefully true that our world has modem etyling: inlays of matack S t; Wayne Hobby, Tolland Hugo S. Pearson a'gainat The twice a Week. I changed so that one can no longer control. And here Reuther, like and home for %n officers training William E. Jarvis, 51, who gave The charge that the Republicans im p e n d . Carpathian .elm Rd., Vernon;.I Mrs. Elfrieda Krah, meeting and ap])ointment of stand­ McClure Really Co., properly on his address a s '19 School St., was were responsible- for "faulty ad- conceive of such empire aa as everybody else conducting an oper­ burls"; drawer in base, Broad Brook; Henry Berdat, 49 Rockville Main St. and on Jtrapt St., $1,068. minla'tration” ot the Water and Ridgewood St.; Mrs. Edith Maaaey, ing committees. , ' fined $15 for Intoxication. He .was something good, for a few centu­ ation of a business nature, haa to $89.50, Tomorrowrs Events Marriage License arrested Saturday afternoon by Sewer Departments was mkde by ries, after w'hich it would be auc- fit that operation to the conditions 26 Newman St.: Mrs. Catherine___ , s»* g g -g-a g o Robert Sylvester Gleason, of 468 Patrolman Newton Taggart. Director Ted Cummings, a fre­ he can’t control. The union Income Byroes," 189 W, Center St.; Mfs. r a T ll» l'g l f Y T lg » lH .. 't O ...... Wetherell St.'and Joyce Manner : The case of Gilbert T% Lewis Jr., quent critic of.4he financial opera­ ceeded by another. The idea of TRANSPLANTED B^erly Farrie and daughter. An- Building; Defense Stamps »j}UFUlKAlt71U U F O lk d MJ 011t5 White of 281 .Hillstown Rd.. is down, so he has to lay workers SEE US FOR: dover; Mrs. Della _Uncoln and 7:50 * Coventry Gram- ■*■ m x ' O g ^ 1 28, of 11 Eldrldge St., charged with tions of those denartmenta. some great placid homeland ruling' CREEPINU Church of the Assumption. May 24. reckless driving, was continued to He said the “Republican' Town 1VATKINS- the world with an occasional far- off. The union is in the red, so its PANSIES daughtor, Stafford Springs; Mrs. mar. School; Girl Scout Troop 72, Building Permits (Center) Transitional mod­ VEGETABLE PLANTS FLOWERING SHRUBS Natalie Cone and daughter, 118 of . 6:30 p,m.,. (3turch Community New Shop Center Backers May 26. admintotral^n’’ spent only $30,000 off foray of «4egions' against bar­ employes have to take a pay cbt. MOSS Charles Ponticelll for Marjorie ern in blond oak with rift- TOMAIDES-^-Red, Yellow, and Plum EVERGREENS Brettpn Rd.; Mre. Ann Narotf and House; Cub ^ o u t Pack 65, Web- Plummer, addition to house,at lOS barians, or an occasional flick of PEPPERS • f l o w e r in g and SHADE WEST ’The novelty about seeing Mr. cut oak marquetry panel­ Red, White, Pink •on, R t 83, Rockville. elos Den, .6 p.m., South St. School; Seaman Circle, $3,500.. a gunboat against soms strange Reuther in this fix is, pf course, EGGPLANT -——■■.•.'.,1.;,, TREES DISCHARGED TODAY: Oaude Den . 2 at 3:15. p.n\. with Mra. A $40,000 attachment against thef'Philip A. Winston. West Haven^ ing; automatic tray, $69.95. LETTUCE, , I- FRUIT TREES Louis A. Greenberg ot New York ' Custom,^ Built Garages for' A. and remotest shore does not live that Mr. Reuther does, not adopt Higgins, East Hartford. Charles Lowery; Den 8 at 6:30 W. Mato St. property where the new Johnson, 'erect garage at 136 Fsseral Ssn iN ! /iABBAGE RHODODENDRON —...... ' " ' (f— p.m. .with Mrs. Clarence Amldon; City, Slid the Centre Plaza, Iric. long, even In our imaginations, in for himself the formula he recom­ CAUUFLOWER, BROCCOU SEED. FERTILIZER. V ^ 65c Centre Shopping, Pinxa to to be In the attachment, Freedman Woodland St.. $1,000. ftMESiTE DRIVEWAY BUILBEHS Ormjsnd 4- West, DirsetW' St. Mary’s CYO, 7=30 p.m., church erected waa tiiad in the Vernon cldime he obtained leases and a Thomas P. Finley, addition to the atomic age. The formula of mends for olhejs. Laying off work­ WINDOW ROXES and URNS FILLED X BMkets 81.X8 hall; Merry Sewers 4-H, 3:15 with house at 62 Agnes Dr., $150. SPECIAUST8 IN FORM SET. ^ C H IN B SPREAD, 1$3 East Ceator SL empire to, today, the formula for Town Clerk’s office today. f 1 r's t mortgage commitment * MitehaU 9-719S ers is an unpatriotic thing which Personal Notices Mrs. Ethel Cargo; Buttons and ‘Ihe attachment was fUedjto a amounting to $30,376 but haa not POWER ROU-ED. AMJSITE DBIVEWAV AREAS world explosion. The dream of a promotes recession. And what Mr. (Bottbm) Colonial Salem Bowls 4-H, 3:15 p.m. with Mrs.' suit being" brought by Irving O. been paid. He claims dameges PERON AWAITS CALL,” century which would be called Reuther is asking the auto com­ Harmon N. Cochranie. and Mrs. Freedman, Sprtogfle’id real estate Stodunting to $40,000. Ciudad Trujillo, Dominican R er. ALL iVURH GUARANiriaBD maple chest with simulated Card of Thanks Jean F. Roy; Boy Scout Troop 57, public. Slay 19 tSP>—Juan D. FOR FREE ESTIMATES OaB Ml S-7M1 y| the American Cientury has been panies, some of whom ar.e in the broker, who. claims that his firm The action is. returnable to Tol­ MaachMtor>s OUwt doors and drawers; self­ at 7 p.m., American Legion home'; Irving O. Freedman Cki., Inc.,- waa land County Superior Ckiurt July I. 'Peron said today he Is ready to rauffed out, ironically enough, by red along with the union, is that Wa wiah to thank all 'of our neish- return to°^rgentlna as soon aa srith SlBAt FacUittoa rising tray, $79.50. MWs,- (rirnda and relatlvaa for the Girl Scout Troop 28, at 2:30 p.m., engaged as real estate brokers for OinitnictlDn of the shopping ,jQff-8tr«al ParUaig the ultimate character of the uiUl- they grant pay increases, not pay J! (Jhurch Community Houae. the purpose of obtaining le a a e s^ d center, which will alto include a hls followers give him the sig- "'ey eoto n( klnditeaa and-sympathy ■al “1 will return to Buenos DeMaio Brothers EstitoUsM im tgry powers Anwrlca Itself pio^ cuts., - ' ■ In The Canter Ot Manchester wa us-dh our recent baraavement. a commitment on a first mortgage new city, hall, has not yet begun', al- SERVING THE MANCHESTER AREA SINCE 19M aapaelally thank all thoa* wha aent Maaoheetor Evening Herald Ctov- for the center Which' will be btult though work on covering the Aires the day the Porohtotaa tiferad to producing. The great nos­ The amazing thing, in short, U 168 WOODLAND ST„ MANGHE8TEB bMutItul.floral irtoutea. - eaU me and say to return,”, the THOUSANDS OF SATUFIED CUSTOMERS talgia of our day to for little wgap- TEL. M|i 3t8474 entry ooireepondent, Mrs..F. Pnul-. where the Peerieas Mill opcq stood. Hockanum, River which runs that whan Mr. Reuthar bec9mes OPEN THURSDAY. AND, FRIDAY NIGHTS YO V OPEN DAILY UNTIL 8tM PJN. Mrs. Wm. Curtin Ine Uttie, .letophone Pilgrim Defendants in the action ' aijp through the’ pr«d»rty to freli under- muted dletator said to aq Inter­ •ito and little wara which might pairt of maBagemeat, aa be t o when i. Mra. Uktrn lUiaa. ■il .Mr. JsrtT Grady. Abner Rosenberg, at Woodhridge; way, , . view. , ' reopdn to us an imitation of Biitato ha funcUona as haad of hto owti rv :/■ . -''.I''-. . ■w- . j „ - X

MANCHESTER EVENING HBlfeALD,-MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, MAY !$♦ 1968 PAGE EIGHT MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, MONDAY, MAY X9, 1958 PAGE m im I OC R BOARDING HOUSE MAJOR HOOPLE T ■X . ALLEY OOP BY.V. T. HAMLIN^ WASHING MACHINI WEU. ^NOlIONT Sense and Nonsense UN lMcal Bo\y 2^ TWO THINK Of L^ lF IHAtS ALL THE CHIN ' h m b '' ilyRudw r « l S . T , 50MfmiN6 MlYWINGtNEITHa , yWUSiC VOU’VSr TUNED IH ON ■' * Im > K V ~ U N A ll AppBaaees, R*bIg|»Bt*ni MRS;HOOPl-t,t H6ARD & i PAR,ANR5.<3ALL,VOUR , Baateni BtaMlsra H im WPu P—141B Found Unhurt Wringer BMle— A R i l M i f r in c h m a n EDUCATION 1$ OMLV SESlN- ^ madpm. You are going to have 90 PoisWSD IN "Ws Ram TtRe NlMS/-— K E »P Your EAfiM of them in a minute. P O n E l^ O N 'f VNlUONANDl ARB Ihli To ««« my««U ■« other* » «« *"* 1b* (oUowing program, aabaiSftAj}^. 180 O a te r 8t - 8 0 9-0 8 T o p e M a r o u n d Her e a n d ' Would make me eweer It couwni uiaa art aup^sd by Iba radio - kgH^--NlghlIIAT-j Watch _ After Search AND HIS 6H0Sr'CCMBS VOU'LU 6RADUATE CUM Perfume sal*eglrl, (aho WTIC—Congraaatonal Raport SACK/-*-. AiSO 5DME- be me! maiiagawanta and are subject to y LAUDS WITH A FREE newest brand to a cuatomwyi-1 _ rhiijiga witboMt nottea. gODV SAiD'CANNlBAU — be frank, I consider this brand uh» ISt4»- Two-year-okKbonald Caldwell SCHOLARSHIP TO TW6, dntff Father—Why don’t you go Jr. waa returned but safe to AMTS ^gRRUM THB Vio le n t WARD.' sportemanllke—sort c^v'nke dyna­ *'1te A T—Platter PLACE EVeRV. out end find * Job ? When-1 wee Ui. ■ "M ^■t^dT^l^yle* hla parents' arms Jukts^fore dusk miting fish. ■P.U, WDR^Moqda lor Romanea Saturday after wanderiqg alohs ■i' TWO VEAR6/ your age I wee working for th w iMMto Miller WPDP-MMltm Sounda ddllBrs • week In e store, end at Modern gadMW are wonderful. . Arthur.Obdtrey IlMS— .. for hours t^ u g h dense woods in n r U»e end of five yeore I owned the IP—Waxweree WHAY.i-dlght Watch Bolton arid An^ver. 'N l 1/ In the old.,x«5'e we were always- WTIO-tfeWa "U's a long way," the oonfi store. having Ur pull Ihe burned toast y —Platter Partr 1TORC—Neva Son~You can't do that nowa- Record Revue X ? P —Modem Sounda blond haired boy told Mrs. Dorothy out oL^bt toaaUr. Now the burned , _ -P.M. dayi. They have cash rtgisters. SlgW Watch. LaVellee of Hebron- Rd. in An­ pops up automatically. 'U>-Roe» aUller dover, about a tbile from tt.e sum­ I. M«. T M. Wf Pt^ m. W&RLi—Arthur Oodtrsr Pinal A business man found this, WPOP-Waxwcrdi _a for Romailea mer home of hU. grandfather, Dr. X Sentry—Hah! Who goes thsret dero Sounde . BY AL VERMjBEtl saage oA' his desk: “ Your *'HiucY—Platter Pam David Caldwell Sr. PRISCILLA’S POP called. Wanted to remind Baturnlng A. W. O, L.--rrlend, WCCC—Recmd Ravua Donald, the -on of Atty. and Mrs, re- with bottle. . W'KNB—P.S. irenade Donald. Caldwall Sr. of 29 Oori- WWAT ER...YDU SAID. I WANT TO KNOWv AM, WA'. something which she Sentry Pees, friend; haK, WTIC—Roaa Millar Romance DID I •PRISCILLA, WMAT I SAID member but thought you WDRO-Cal Kslby ■ 1S:h stance Dr„ Manchester, suffered YOU bottler WPOP—Waxworde SAY? rYOU W EREN'T BEFORB W EREN'T WHAT-^aw Alley only scratches and bruises In ble LISTENING!' THAT! LISTENINCSi, Be first in th* OfNce every morn­ /{?HAY—Plaliei Pam'anijr WTtC--Starilaht 8ei Journey. Another reasoh you can’t takex WORCL-Mo^ tiff" E lT M E R !' ing, the last Uf leave at night, it with you la becaune lt, goea be- \ XWCCO—Record lUvu . The buy and hie father bad gone W KNB-Pll'P i t / WPOP-Modera to the house on Shoddy Mill Rd. Tv/ •'* I'C, never be a w n L elwaye work fore you dof - ' X , -Roee Miller through Kodr lunch-hour, and one BrDRi>-(.'ai Kuihe abMit noon Saturday to pick up Ov«n cooking t a WPOP—Waxworde S 4 day t M ^ g bosa will call you in Said the friend to the proiid some bedding for a new home in PREP SCHOOL Ellington into which the family •CAUCHCK and Miy. Watching your father of a colleg- gradur t# wH* * 'Wh a t—Platter Party Miss Connecticut it ooty today FOR b a l m y carefully,. Jones. Just what -WCCO-Record Rarua plans to move soon. INSTITUTE * had Just been awarded an A.M. WIWB-P U. < Atty. Caldwell eaid he took the devil are you up to?" degree: v WTie-Newe " From Willimantic s .WgRO-NewiMpoeter . _ boy along for the ride and had . Friend—I aupppee . IVl*»srt will intended to bring hini back homq CARNIVAL BY DICK TURN One of* the hunting 'party Tiad be looking for a Ph.D next? WroP—UaHod Auta Worhara Show Wllllmgntk;, Mny I t (/PI — The strayed In the jungle and been again for hi4 usual afternoon nap. Dad—No, he wiH be looking for *'ivHAY—Fiatur Party new Mlsi (Connecticut, a brunette., Shortly after arri'ving wt the captured by cannibals. The man’s a J.O.B.' WCOC—Recdrd Revua eon was nearly frantic and rush^ WKNB—P.M mode! who got an .ictine award house, Donald Jr. wandered- down WTl^BiMe Mill*Millar to a bam about 1.000 feet from the the organiaaiton of a rescue party. Vlaltbr—How do you keep those «t>Ry-.tTa} RpiMr when she ' graduated from high V “Hurry, men," he uVged. “We want 'WPO^Unlted AuAuto Workera Sbetr house. He waa brought back by J-4^ r-w thin hoga from crawUng through achool, la pinning so'me hopei on hla granduncltk David Binning, but- to. try to reach father before he’a the knotholea Hi the pen. Uncle SI? •!» hay —Platter her trip to the Mias United States MS ZoUd^im Third Place then dieappeared. . BY AL CAPP and BOB LUBBERS scratched off the menu.!’ WCCXLriRaooniVCCCr'R--X^Rat • RevuJ LONG. SAM RE Farmer — 1 tie knots In their V|mB-^P.MIB-P.l flnmis. . t ' MtSa Justine Edllo, left, 68 Gardner St, took third place in the Reports of the boy’s diaappeer- ncNorEMiOD X tails. WTiC—R(^eC—Roeive Miller^____ New Ekiglahd Press Photographers beauty contest held yester­ ance touchied off a n . intensive One who keep# busy doing things vroRV ■ ai Moiby ■ ' It may mean the start of a ca­ nuiUONtl ON twsgwwg.. reer in the theater for Dorothy day at the Eastern States Exposition grounds In Bpringfleld,. search, by nearly 400 persons who im>N61 usually has little time to talk abput Msn—HOW are you getting on i t ' Mass. Juatliie, who was sponaored by The Herald, was eelected 'M4 what he'kaa done. Dillon, a 19-year-old who worked -combed nearby woods and swamps. home since your wife went away? *;l?HAy—Platter Party from a field of 10 finalists.. First place was won by Mlea Lyniia State Police brought in a helicop­ WOCC—Rechrd Rtrua In Hartford, as a medical recep­ Htggina of AgaWam, Maas., wearing crown. Second place waa Neighbor —Fine. I’ve readied the tionist 'while she attdndcd model­ ter and two bloodhounds. Two Young man—What do you think highest point of efSclency, 1 can won by'Miss Nancy Murray of Springfield. (Herald Photo by .^C^iuiea ju w ^ ing school. sklndlvers searched a pond about to*s homo hoofing mother would like, best? (thinking put- my aocks on from either end. wi>RC-Cal Kol^ ^> Pinto).' . . . 1,500 feet from tbe house early in at a birthday present) WPOF-Waaetprls* " Dslrothy, ,wbP msssurei# S6-23-38, r?-- and w ei|^ IBS pounda, has been the afternoon. It. 'wa# later ■'comb­ our Wqyt ." Fathet-^Tff be welghet and A Baby's -Epitaph ed by grappling hooka and was in found wanting. dragmlng of a carper in the movies Day at Sperry's Glen is open to It Is so soon that I am done for, ------;BvenlB« Muale Applications Due the pubUc. ’ the pfoceei of M n g drained 'When Atty. Donald Caldwell ■'of 29 Constance Dr., Manchester, tearfully You get premium quality -P.M. or dn th* stage for iwveral years, the youngster wee found. I wonder what I wga begun for. ^&-Me«a her mother said last higbt. holds his son, Donald Jr., shortly after tbe 2-year-old youngsters Mobilbeat’with RT-G8 When the Agent >br the Ilf In­ - Spotted in Woods surance company paid Mrs. Smith — Yawt Raporttr On Saturday the 5 fw t„7 Inch For Queen Contest was found Saturday after being mlSelng for eight hours. The meet completely efferti'ra fud The feeble tremble ^before opln-' giri wtW long black half ,waa Mni. LaVallc* and her dauhgter boy's mother is standing beside them, and part of t^e huge crowd oa additive in use today. And the amount of tnaurano her hus­ •L Pictorial iConcert were Just driving,Into the drive­ of searchers looks on. (Herald Photo by Pfanatlehl). band had carried, he asked her to lonT. . . / J^AT—Oateiina , crowned Mias ConniecUeut in state Ckmtbstanbs for the Memorial you get premium service. An* The foolish defy tl . , , . EvenlBC MueU) way of their home when Janice take out a policy on her own life. P.U. finals In Bridgeport. Before that Day Queen conte*t- et Sperry’s •potted the boy across Hebron Rd. tomatie ddiveriee . . . a bal­ > f "I believe I will," she seld. "my The wise JuRi>—LAweM Thnnaa on Sunday. of Genter Ckmgregational Chiurch. turned safe end dry to his parents. M arie-^ot exactly, '.deir; lie Anne -I look for a,while, then 1 WPOP^Top 40 ■nma ‘She got several modeling johe Entrance applications may be Alarm Sent Out mounted on a mutual aid radio mowed up the next night in Nor­ MORIANTY get tired and lay the mirror down. »l! ’rae-Rev. Mr. Swain, minister of truclL,Darkcd In the front yard. wich. I said you hAd a skin yo u love to ..•enadr through the contest last y w . ” obtained *t (Jlidden’e GuM Serv­ the First Methodist (Jhurch in Soon after the youngster’e dis­ __ . renlBt Miule Dorothy now models end in ice of at the Patio Drive-In, ror- appearance, calls went out over "ThanK'^y^, thank you all," he While the search continued for / r \ retouch. _ WKJfB-Cryaur Park Winsted, is a renowned photog­ BROTHERS 5MV Skeletons unearthed by Unlver-. atructs otheY modela^io Hartford. n.e.r_.of: Broadest ant W. Middle rapher.' He is a “ Four Star" ex­ mutual aid communications . for said, his vdlise choked with emo­ Gowdy Wednesday afternoon, word w- tA •••■ u-fr PM. m. 4 TlO-Dles Bartel wpnl out Chat John Romp, 73, was Lady—I ’m sorry>f bayen't any sity of Missouri archaeologists in­ — ■ I M Andy Mr. and Mrs.. DlUtm have four Ite. AU unmaitted~gtris are-eil- hibitor,-highest rank- in the Nature ^volunteers,, .Firemen, constables. tion. '.’I hope this never happens 301*315 CtnfGr Sf. dimes, (aa- she handed Ihe bus dicate that American Indiana also- ton Lewla other childrmi-^an older end _..,lle. They must submit a picture Division of the Photqgrqphic So­ Boy an4 Girl Scouts'and" othei^' to any of you." missing from nls home In Vernon. “HVsjMtter than a I'v* hgd to give up aunda** driver a HO bllli'. ^ \ were plagued by toothaches and WHAY—Serenade younger I daughter and two teea- of themselves with theiY appiica- ciety of America. He has exhibited residents of nearby towns quickly The little boy’s face-^and legs He was fourid Within 40 minutes, \ in ordaT to btqr all hit raoerda!" Bus driver—D o n't Wo r r y. baokaches. WCCC—Eeenlnt Uueie aged 'boya: ...... - Uon*."~ • - pictures in many Internatjonal aa- volunteered arid wifre organized today are covered with. s'cTratches, nearly completely Immersed in Mi 3-5T35 WKNB—Cryiul Park ^ Mra. DUlon m A I Dorothy doesn't Into search parties. but_ut his.... mother,...... Janet— Caldwell,— . Tankeroosan------Lake In Vernon, weak WTtO-E— TO-DIck______“ , Selection, of the semi-Analiate lona of color photography arid has have too much time for boy friends. received a number of awa^s. Later in the afternoon, coffee said he Is feeling “ fine.” She a ga itK ^ t still alive, BY JOHNNY HART Wlnto—Amee- _JlO—Ann and Aady Sunday or the queen on Memoriel B. C -----WPOlCiM..P. Mersaa She's a bit young, and her career COTTON WOODS BY RAY GOTTO meane quite' a bit to her. She's awe ^ss» A u t *'trHAY—Serenada been a bit too busy to get eerious YHIV MAKa iluLNY! BiTTgRl b l u n t ! \ — ANDt were—Newcaet (etlffLE/WEN > VI9CIOOS>\ HARSH ilNaOLBNT/ MOODY.' WK.VB—Cry,tal Park with anyone ye t" rr A MAN FgBL: CATRaMBLY vm c—Newa ol the World Dorothy’s father, a Ufa Insurance VILE! X n KUDB i u n f r ir n IOl v I L WORC—Anawer Pleaea taxm en, la a contest winner him pis*usriN#K PUNKi AT r WPOP—Toe 40 Tima MiSaRABLSJ CRABBYI seif. Two month* ago he was ' ^'I^HAT—Bareaada named 'WlUlmantiq Cttisen of the TRCACHEROUS! LAXV! WCCC—Neweaet AND ROrTBN i WneB—Cryetal Park TejiYby the local Police Benevolent WTTC—LUe la Uia World . AaaoclaUo'n. W DRO^ R, MUrrow g"‘ -ny'l—"I II wpoP-Toe « Tima GAUDET JEWELERS ’ IIIS- ' WIIAY—Nisht Watch WnC—You Bet Your LUe WDRC—Robert Q. Lewta WPOP—Myatery Tttna 785 MAIN STREET, MANCHESTER :j*'lvilAV—Nlgbt Watch \ WnC—You Bet Your U(a 'S WDRC—Bobert Q. lAWia ■ WPOP—Myittry Time J-IO :9;IS- ^ s, WHAY—Nlaht Watch wrre—tntbi Line BUGS B WDRC-Ruety Draoer U WPOP—Hound Do* BY ROY CR >N^ f.' •:4»— BUZ SAWYER K. WRAV—Ntsht Watch WTIO-Nlfbt Line «HEH NIGHTS OF •nWllNB IT BACK AHO FORTH, OFPRACTICWfi , BUZt 'S‘ WDRC—Rutty Draper DYNAMIC! ATlfAiTTHlS oiq!.

GENERAL SALE NO WIN TV SERVICE Dsys M AK A enU Nights wAewel PIm P'nrts AIAO • REG. 34.60 IJtDIES' andRIEVS y-ii TEL. Ml i-MSS e IN I ,, NtS In. TJl. «.(. US. eu. OH. TO o rr Oiftllli'i ^YENET|*N;IUN0S DIAMONDS Vl 7-JEWe E DRESS ' X- BY LESLIE TURNER WATCHES! CAPTAIN EAS1 o Yellow gold, in several THKN TOU THINK HB RAN YSA BUT IMF WHAT BO LONE MAM! WAIT.THAr PROSAtLV APRAIP Reg..81275 (2^1 Carat) t t y O C SAVE Styles! C A M V R ^ g l»HER I51CNA* TRIED / NAME RINE5 THAT VDl/D WORRY MR. ABERNATHY BY RALSTON JONES and FRANK RIDGEWAY o u r TO IVLLOW A MAN WHO Interested In Color TV? E. A JOHNSON U P 1/ Men’s Diamond SollUIre! ^ ^ nr TNf PtBCKIPTION O fC ^ BA5Y SeiM lD NAME 0HANARe0TIC5yAMLL-.YaS, 0VBR50M8 0IRL 8«s tha new RCA Mgrk ’ APTIR PAY oputatowN^Ki------XOTSP WHEN CHAR0B,SU1^ OPCOUREEt SEINa INVOLVED. TO / 2 OFF • Save nearly 8500. C»OCKOWyW IT WAS POUND ILL FIND HER-THRU scrlM colorseta WATCHES I THINK OF HB HEARD TUB P A IN T C O . a With written guarantee! KBRORTB SABYB NAMSOPAOKL 5CRI8SLEDON .THE LOCAL FOUCE. THIS LOOKS LIKE C)? EVERYTHING! J— PIBAPPSMCANOB WHOHAPJlW CRDNYN'E lA R L O W ^ S T V ^ GOOD PLACE TO AH PBS MAN 1089 Toltaind 'Pumplkr, 723 Mflin Street Reg. 49.50 Men’s . RlOO PMO MA« BBBN Reg. $750 (^4 Carat) F O R A p i c n i c ! Baeldsad—M l 9-AdM Phone MI 9-4501 '■“klgln"'* Watches! DOn T WORRY RORKMOOM ' * Some with expansion bands!, Flawless .Diantoad ( A 7 A t m HUBSAHPB ' Hurry-for these! ______. EngageaoMMt Ring! W CABB,r. • Aa perfect as diamende can be! Reg. 59JM) Y'ainous OF MANCHESTER' •Bulova” * Watches! Reg. 9495 8 Diamond R OUSS GO. • Men’s and I.adle8*! All 1958 REG. B.2B f a m o u s MltcheU Wedding Ring! $297 NATIONALLY ADV^ PRICES! _ _ 9-7879 'styling! AH guaranteed! “WALES" • One fnll ^arat of hlgheat quality WALLETS! 1188 WEST airobuc nnufpnas diamonds! Reg. 49.59 to 71.50 Down Ro prices store-wide! We arc now in the • Mange Lady’s! _ ' . CORNER DURANT Si'.' • Many etylea! •Bennis"* Q A process of reorfcanizinff our stock and every item *-» Watches! To • • / C . T V if. Flratquality leather! BY PETE HOFFMAN NEW LARGER QUARTERS Reg. 8850 (Vl Carat) DIa- JEFF COBB______• Dozens of. fine watrhes nt in our store is under the^bariain hammer, priced cost or below! mqnd Engagement Ring! THE STORY OF MARTHA WAYNE BY WILSON SCRUGGS ids m , ^ BRIDGET, I PLENTY OP FRONT AND REAR PARKING e You'll never buy fine diamoads T" C/KWD6L0M.Y MUST HAVE, for less! to sell, recardless of loss! BEStNS TO FILE OUT OP THE THSATES. DROPPED MV AUTO GLASS INSTALLjED Reg. 39.50 FamoUs .PURSE SOMEWHERE] 17 Jewel, JUdies* ; . GLASS FURNITURE TOPS and .Men's Dress Watches! ^ I © NO TRADK-IN REQUinF,D ON MIRRORS (FirR|»locR «id Door) ANY OF THESE FAMOUS WATCHES! PICTURE FRAMING (oN typos) LOWEST PRICES in (•WITH ’TRADE) WINDOW o^ PLATE GUSS 4X1NTRAOTORS:'WE BAVIKIN 810GR MbiCINE CAilNETS or4 SHOWER DOORS NOTHING HELD BACK! ACT OPEN BATURDAkaL-OfBN THURSDAY EVENINGS . EOriMATES GLADLY GIVEN

.'J. . t'. 1 V\ 4. 4

’/■ ■ i , . » • ., ' . ;t»j ,'-■ "'.I.


■ ■ '; T H t ■■ Herald Angle By E A R L Y O S T Leg Speim Bdttor Ex-Champ Willie Piq

Double Win XIVNDAY wM as proposed future beu$i eitidiiig. May on t the forTEtamtv^mpirtng softball Praiseii by Sugar »«r5P>—' Yeeterdaj’e Reaolte was an oversight of the moat im-- utes by phoqe and NBill reported Tam faces a seemingly tough ' Ih. accepUhg the ftbxlng award at he waa back mJoyingNhe best of - MEN’S DIVISSJON The time has come to take New York 5-8, Waehlngten 2-0, jiditant mteeion of the day, church decision if the Calumet colt the' aixth annual dinner of B'nsd being a must In the hbuse that I health and looking forward to a FRIDAY NldHTLEAGUE B’ritli Bostoir Sports Lodge. \ seriously the dashing play of . Beaton 8, Baltimore '4, laiey umpiring schedule. .Motored goes in the Belmont Stakes' Vic Daley and Xred Blish (39-5- Sport Schedule X the San Francisco Giants, Far Kanaaa City 2, DeCTbit 0. am most familiar wdlh.''. Son Reed June 7. Should he switch. Jockeys "Willie , is the greatalit ig b U r ie oflt of I sick bed After a week's to 'UCoiin and noticed at least^ont two-tftlrda of the way across the 34) tied Giff Rourke and Henry removed from the friendly . Cleveland 7-10, Chicago 4-6. more major building now b m g of my Uriia,'' Robinson said a tU t siege and aa usual he waa waah- stream in the try, for the third Gryk (40-6-34). being presedtec’ a plaque by tha surroundings of thsir new Staedfasgs I ring the car, cleaning up the car- erected on the fast growing S lo tw ! ODD HOLES Today W L Bel. m triple crown for Calumet? former 126-p6u)id ruler, 'T m home, the Giants have taken over 'poft .and taking over bis regular canipuB. - Main purpose of the\\ The injured leg of regular Cal- , Oife-Half Handicap High baseball vs. Wethersfield. New York .....1 9 5 .792'^—-r visit was baseball and I ' discussed • Saturday. glad , that I wab^a littia bigger first place in the National League, "" work schedule.This being Moth- . uhret rider Bill Hartack. la mend­ 3 :15—Wethersfield. when we fought y4an ago hi tha Kanaaa n t y ..;.13 12 .520 6H J ef'e Day, the lady of the house ‘ h* popular aeaaonal eport with . enghs A-Holly Mamlly 34-1-33, Johnny Antonelll and Stu Miller Cleveland ., .. .1 6 18 .464 ing. If he’s in shape for the Bel­ High golf vs. Wethersfield— amateurs." >ltch^d the Giants into th« lead ,‘"■waa-the recipient of. both flowjera' *'0*oh Joe Christian, whose team mont: mould Jones substitute Har­ Sher Ferguson 3b-4-34N We'herafieid. Country Club. Baltimore . . . . . 12 13 .480 7 ti '■ and .chocolates from Reed and one of the best In New Eng- Class B-Pete Staum 40-6-34|. High tennis vs. Wethersfield — Robinson; who regain^ Jhs mid- lunday with back-to-back complete Boston ...... 14 16 .467 • tack f^ .Is m a e l Valenzuela, the dlBweight;hi championship iilr^ 15-' rames ft (Chicago. Left-handed pean.this act-on the 0"'n p o^ b ly the Emt..Before little Texim who's batting a thou­ Paul Ballsleper 41-6-36, Hepry Wethersfield, • • „ H- •• Washington ...1 8 15 .464 6 WghHghted the day.. Watched the practice 1 chatted with Manches- Pjickwell 40-4-36, Harry Etch 40- High track va. Norwich—Bulk­ roftnd brawl with Carmen ilUo lohnny held Uie Cubs to five hits Detroit ...... IS 17 .483 i sand aboai^Tlm Tam? . in Chicago thia-year, kidded . . In the 7-3 opener and alow bailer Red 'Sox get their liihips onse t**’’* Moe Morhardl, UConn cen- When Hartack broke his leg a 4-36. eley, 8—‘Norwich, CMcego ...... 11 16 .407 tm again on video-against Baltimore t*^**ft*‘ > he said he w m con- Class C-Rpaarlo Laliberte 39-7- Rainbow Club vs. Telephone. | Boston Red Sox star Ted Wit* Miller, who failed to finish a game week before tnh Kentucky Derby, Hams, whp will be 40 in August, In }3 starts last season threw a Tedajr’a Gamee before a short ride to break Up P’*!’*"* summer ball In 32, Don (Mlver 43-10-33. 6:15—Robertson Park. i No-(Semes Scheduled. Valenzuela waa dialled In to aub- "They cAn't count ua old nten three-hitler, 4-0, In Uie second tha afternoon. . S"*] •tltute. He rode Tihj Tam to vie- 18 HOLE MEDAL PLAY /-J Finaat 135 vs. King's, 8:30 — ^ a tr w i.a v clrculV. .'Planned trip to Hartford . _ .i.. Full Handicap ' Robertson Park.- out," Robinabn said with a Taqgb ■PW'^r game. Tneeday'e Gamee ■ MONDAI th^xwrestling card was can -1 lory in the Derby TrlMs. the Derby i ’v' The conrbination of these vic­ New York at Chicago (Night). Sunday Temple Beth ys. Nazarene, 8:15 in turning to Willlama. "rv# "A split image of Ted Williams'; caied whin I found not one-son 1 lt*«K »ml <*‘*1 *t sRaln in the Class A-Holly Mamlly 70-1-69, —Charter Oak. talked to a couple o f tellas about tories, before a (Chicago crowd of Washington at Kansas City is the new minister at South but both rtHjnlftg a temperature i Preakness Saturday at Plnillco. 33,224, and Cincinnatt'a 11-7 black- (Night). Jim Horvath 75-5-7Q, Dr. Richard Novice Learns Proper Grip Tueoday, May SO how much.you made on my last Church, the Rev. Lawrence; *nd out of circulatiOD for the eve-; After Valenzuela and the dark Gorman 75-5-70. . fight, Ted. A* somewhat of. a Jack job on Milwaukee put tlrti Baltimore at Detrolt (Nighl). Almond." Zeke Gpurley said dur- nlng. f', i hay romped home AxUngth 'and a Young Muriel Melendy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Metendy Liberty Mutual va. Second Con- Glanta on top by one full, game but V ., ■• < 1. >'v-'V Boston at C^evelmid (N ight).' a a ss B-Pete Slaum 81-12-69, gos, w 6:15--Charter » aw——^as^a *a>a Oak. , ■ businessman, you can send me my ing an office visit. "Msny times ' THUR.H'DAV | half ah ead /u f Linciun. Koad to Art Smith 83-11-72. of 130 Broad St., listens and watches attentively aa Instructor Teachera va’. Community Baptist.: cut. by only two percentage points. The Phil Seaton demonstrates the proper grip at the Bait and Fly difference in total games played the Rev. Almond js stopped on the ! "Let’s see Just botv brave you |, raise Tim Tam’s winnings;:^ 8444.- Class ORos Laliberte 75-13-62, 8 :3()^Robert8on Park, One of the Star* ( i National Leaghe streel by youngsters whothink are," the Rev. Mr. Tozef said as he | S65. Jones didn't say Vhelher CasUng Clinic at Globe Hollow Pool. Sponsored by The Herald accounts for'the slight percentage * Veaterday'# Reealts Joe Segal 99-28-71. Sullivan'* vs, P A F, 6:15 — Williams, seated at the head table edge. .that he Is WiiUams arid is asked stopped at the desk, "Ih,4 your'] Valenzuela would be aboara. the and Hartford County Casting Club, the clinic, open to both men Charier Gak'-Park. table as one of the stars in' the 25 \ -X : Red Sox Standouts of Yestefyear San Franeiaco 7-4, Chicago SfO; for his' autograph,"' I never found hand in my coat pocket." 1 a c -1 colt in the Belmont, and women of all ages, enters its flfth week tonight at 6:30. Sea­ h Pirate Bubble Deflated %'OME.VS DIVISION Green Msto^ vs. Medic*, 6:15 — years Tom Yawkey has owned th# Boaton Box itars of the p u t 25 yean donned unlfonn*~once again and put on a ihow for fans S t Louie 6-0, Loe Angeles 5-4. ()ut Just what team in the major cepted the dare and found a >(11' Thst^ Jones holds Valenzuela ton, a Silk Towner and president of the HCCC, reports that cer- PhUadeIpnta may have exploded Cincinnati 11, Milwjaiikee 7. F A T TOUBNA.MENT Buckley Field club, was one of the feature at­ ' before the BalUmore-Boston game in Boston yestord^. Hall of Fameri Jimmy Foxx, left, and .leagues the Rev. F r e d. Edgar I baby squirrel cuddled up in the j high regard was more than evi- tlflcatea of efficiency will.be awarded to all participants following Anaaldi's va. Ndrnlan’*, 6:15 — tractions before the croxvd of morft Uie Pittstmegh Inibble. comiueting Philadelphia ^>6, Pittsburgh 4-2.' was following although I have One-Half Handicap the completiim of the seven-week clinic. Also, many valuable Joe Cronin, right, w-ateh Rudy York pound ball in to -^ 'g lo v e before working out. Th^ BMtOn stars ' a four-game series sweep by Imock- mlnlster's pocket, I didn't expect dent, however. After the Preak- Verpjanek Field. than 1,000. w en selected from each Red Sox team since Tom 'xawkey purchued the ..club, (AP Photofax). hige heard that he was a strong sup­ lo find a 81.000 bill nor did I everl nes.s Jones said he gave ValenZuela Saturday prizes will be presented to the various tournament winners on. the ftig off the Pirates 6-4 and 6-2, CHaia A-Edna Hllinski 49-7-42. flnal night. June 2. Students must attend at least four nights Wedneada.v, Ma^'-Sl “I ’m rapidly learning .that laat Jack Sanford, the 1957 rookie of w L pet GB porter for Fort Worth and Dallaa think that a squirrel waa in the j no pre-race inklruction: "When you year's hits don’t help thia yMtr’a San Frahcisco 21 11 .656 In Texas,.Jim Marshall of the Clasa^'R-Betty Benton 53-12-41, to be eligible. (Herald Photo by Oflara). Checker* va. Optical, 6 —S;3iar- the year, and Ray Semproch, who pocket. The Rev. Mr, Tozer said he | have a great jock like Ismael you ter Oak Park. average." Ted said. "I’m awfully Milwaukee . . . 17 9 .654 Civitan Club asked if my schedule expected the catch—which him been don’t have to tell him an.ything. Melissa I ^ a r t h i .54-13-41. may be a 1958 candidate, did the BEST BALL P047K*IOMES Auto Parts va. MoriArty'a, 6 — happy aa a .230 hitter to be here pitching Jpbs. Semproch went all eburgh . . . 17 14 .548 waa clean op May 20 for a speaking nursed by bottl6 ' to run off soon j Whether Jones would stick with tonight." Yankees Making Runaway of Race, lladelphia .. 14 16 .467 date at the riegular meeting but a Two-'ilitrd* Handicap Buckley Field. . the way but Sanford needed help and Join his relatives . . . A h-, a good thing remained to be seen, SumUy Lawyers vai Aceto ft 5yive*ter, Williams led the major leagues from Dick Farrell. Chicago ...... 15 18 .455 . -clieck at the book showed the day' other question fired at me cam e! Hartack \vas expected to ride Two Husky Catawba Cridders in batting in 1957 with a .388 S t Ijouia . . . . . 13 16 .448 6H 'in qUeltion booked tighter than the Jean Gaudino lhsd^^\)ndividual 6 — Verplajick Field. Carl Ersklne stopped Uie Los from Abe Oslrinsky who said, "Is j thi^^-Week —not in a race, however gross of 83), Eileen KlodZik. Bar­ Marines vs. Mai Tool. 6:15 — mark. However, he has got off Angeles spin f6r at least one game Cincinnati 11 14 .440 6% dlamp on a miser's wallet. .Birth­ this where 1 can get tickets for -to try out his leg. to a alow start thia year and' is Loa Angeles . . 11 21 :344 10 day greetinga were In order today Jones is diie back in Baltimore bara Williams and RosjVSiiiion 82- Fight Losing Bout to Gorilla Robertspri Park. A’s Onfy Rival Playing .500 Ball when he shut out St. Louis 4-0 to Red Sox games?" 'The best I (xiuld 12-70; Nellie Johnson, Kke Allen, First National va. BA'*, 8:30 — hitting only .241. gain an even spilt for the Dodgers. for Town Director Francis Ma­ tomorrow from Lexington. Ky. He Today's Game „ , , . . „ i do was to provide a -Red Sox Eunice Owens and Betty Renton Robertson Park. Jockey Ismael (Milo) Valen­ The Cardinals with Ken %oyer kit­ inhoney, fold er Twi Le^ue baseball; ^^hedule ahd Abe went away hap- may say then whether Tim - Tam zuela,. xx'ho took over riding Tim N ew Y ork. May 19 (/?)— ♦«'■»■ »'y«pt their first 10 and won*double while Jensen added three Milwaukee - at Cincinnati (N) li.' v„,.ir **'13-73: Edna Hlllnski, Edna Salisbury, N. C„ May 19 (/P> —« The boys would have gotten 86 Second Congos v*. St. Mary’*, ting a grand slam homer, won the Spahn (6-0) vs. Kllppstein (1-0)). ptayer. Fran and Jack Benny are | Arthur Moran phoned will go straight to Neiv Vo.k for Ballaicpe'r ^ d Tam after veteran Willie Hartack X22 of their first 24 starU. By the singles to his long homer. Prank first game 6-5, their 10th victory In t^he same reported (ige 3 8 ..Base- if there was a full Two husky Catawba College foot­ apiece for pulling the gorilla off 6:15 — Charter Oak Park. Bring back the old split sea­ emj of May they were 11 games in (Only Game Sohedultd).. I the 8100.000 Belmont or go by way Alice Blish 88-14-74. High baseball vs. Bristol, 3:30 — vx:aa injured, received the home Sullivan was the wlnnner over Billy 11 games, baft gamea^are getting longer and roster of s , of Garden State Park and the 850,- ball players IcKik like they've been the bars and 860 apiece for pinning son. -That’s what the Ameri? front, The 104.6 Boston Red Sox Does, who was warned for throwing TikMHiajr’e Oaniee Bristol. racing award for his victories In Danny 6'Connell, Willie Kirk­ longer each season and I found major league team today. The 000 added Jersey Stakes next Sat- fljjfqtlng a gorilla. They have. And him to the floor. the Kentucky Derby and the can League ought to be yelling had j^ led ahead .by 10 lengtha at a suspected spitball to Ted Wil­ land and Jim Davenport were the San Francisco at Cincinnati (N ). one this day that lasted Just four Cheney Teoh vs. Hartford Tech the ehd\of May by-winning 32 of answer was no and the onlv plav-' urday. the ^rilla won. "We came close twice." said' Mc­ Preakn/ss. " •this Monday as they look at liams In the second inning. big men for thg Giants at Chicago. Chicago at Piitburgh :(N ). hours at Storrs. .Joined George Major I-cajDic Hnnicrn — Hartford.. "I w-as sorry to see Hartack their flrst\4l games. Rookie Hardy was sent up to St. Louis at PhilaiMlphia (N). er with Indian blood that' I know | If Tim Tam goes in the mile and Lineipan Tat Carlisle and John Grath. "We had him holding by the fast-widening gap be­ O'Connell had two triples in the Mitchell and members of his is playing today is Wallv Post of a half Belmont and wins. Calumet Thursday. May 22 hurt, but it turned out to be-tha Pace O ^ d Kill Interest bat for Roger Maris in the 11th (Season Totals in Parentheses). McGrath tackled a caged gorilla three fingers. What we needed waa tween the streaking New York flrst game and a single, double and Grran Manor Pros' basketball team the Phillies . . . Motored to Trin-I Farms will become the only stable a catcher's mask. They had him P ft F vs, Checkers, 6 — Charter luckiest break of my life," Val­ Yankees and the rest of the field. Unless somebody can trlpk the at Cleveland when Chicago changed triple in the second. Kirkland at the annual banquet at tlie Wal- Nati(fti|il Leagiw for a dollar a minute in a Kanna­ Oak Park. enzuela said. "Tim Tam was a Yanks on tHeir tjrat Western trip, from a righthandel- to Lefty Billy ity College on another in a series of j with three triple wins in the Derby, Thomas, Piraie>(12) m u z z le d 'f i n g e r n a il s clipped, Six ,straight Yankee victories drove in three nms' In the first ":nut Restaurant. Proprietor Roger [cold and windy May afte)noons.' Preakness and Belmont. And. it 11 polis carnlva'l pver the weekend. hut he Cbtild still cut us on the .Medina vs. Auto Parts, 6 — lot of -horse in both races and I ' and 10 in their |ut .11 games put this pace could kill off interest itf Pierce. Gary Geiger and Minnie game with a single and triple and Snead Turns CHTarando saw to It that every­ Mathews. BraveA-(9) The match laated one minute. Buckley Field. plat had to make sure he went the the league. It la fast becoming a Mlnoso were on base when Hardy I Talked baseball with Coach Dan i be the first capture of the triple Neal. Dodgers (7i McGrath i -elghs 230 pound*. face. Just look at Pat." C uey Stengel's gang almost out added two more slnglea in the sec­ thing was fit for a king and a Jeasee and he waa bitter at th«!rroWn since 1?48 when another .Norman's \-a. Lawyers. 8 — Ver­ right w ay." case of wait until Yankees drove Pierce's pitch into th^ left- ond. Davenport had three hits, in­ - pleasant evening was spehi. A late Adcock. Braves 2 (6) Carlisle weighs 205 pound* and Pal was soi'.ieUiing to look at. planck Field. of telescope range with a 10-5 sea­ : caliber of ball players he's* now, Calumet coll. Citation, did it. He had cuts all over his face."a son record. Only one other club is come and then ■ fo r g ^ It. The field sriinds. Ray Narleski was the cluding a pair of- doubles, in the To UeSe Open ■ arrival was Lenny Seeder wlio Repulski. Phillies (5t the gforilla weighs 17.5. He was Civitan va. Center CJongon, 6 — nUva,! •r.CMxaii in ih» pv»n i getting. ‘Too many prep schoolers.' Vie. ffovinky, trainer of Lincoln Stevens, Pirates l5i long cut on his neck, a black eye plajing better than .500 bail and Yanks aim are feeling itXat home winner oVaj; Jim Wilson. The In­ ■ecnnd. only about four feet till, "bu t he Cherter Oak Park, Over FIrit Hunlle with a slow turnstile start. dians ciOTerbtf.k to take the sec­ Antbnelll held the Cuba, httleas l^ieue h J * the ^Ive me a good high schoM player j Road, apparently is going to widt Hodges. Dodgers (5i was all arms and legs,’’ said Car­ and stitches dangling from the end North' Methodist vs. Community FT kanasa City la Just barely doing White Sulphur Springe. W. 'Va.>., ’^tch.r'’?or ^e" Temnle "and I ' Who ismi»n t handed Everythingeverything on a !' a« bit before deciding what to do Crowe. Redlegs (4) of hiB nose. that. The A's pulled^ into second The Yanks knocked over t4^sh ond after spottbw the Sox four fpr five innings until pinch batter lisle. Baptist. 8:30 — Robertson Park. New York. May 19 IJP>—The runs in the first winning with Don May 19 —Sem Sneed, hevttig a m^a[*BoTtoTf^d platter." Dan bitter^’ said ! wlth^lhe Isaac Blumherg coll which Logan. Brave* (4) "They ehargeit me two dollars jplace With a 13-12 won-lost record Ington twice Sunday 5-2 form al Bobby Adams slammed a triple to staved off an assault on hie castle found "One time I got him around the High baseball vs. Meriden, 3:30 Maglle and 3-0 behind Bob Turle; Mossi taking the decision on re- open the sixth. The (Cubs hit only ^ when aske.)Asked atioulabout the baseball fufu-■ ha* run second in three big races Anderson. ■ Phillies (3) to get in the hospital and a dollar U.S. waa over it* first hurdle to­ 'but they're struggling, 6>4 games by a-promising youtig aspirant to •.rooter. .Football was the main ! with Tim Tam. waist, but he w-a* kicking me in — Ml. Nebo. ’ Duke M u s boosted the A's into' ,Uef over Gerry Staley. sl^ balls out of the infleld on Mil­ -eOurae of C(jnversation with Frank lure at Trinitv. . .lones. Phillifs (3 1 the shin with one Ipg. hitting n)« a stitch." he said.. "'We made a High golf vs. Meriden — Meri­ day in ita race towenl the Davis back. golf's throne, turned' his mind Ktinnenip Again Boyer, Capfs (3 i Thia la no record. The 1055 second plaoe with a 2-0 two-hltter ler's slow stuff. ' Toro w^iile baskethall and base­ FKID.AV on the head with an arm., kicking dollar apiece. Not a very profes­ den. " Cup Tenhla Challenge Round George Crewe and Dee Fpndy again today to the oiie major title George Mitchell. Jayvee liase- Lincoln Road trallecl Tim Tam Thomson.'Cubs I 3 ) sional bout, was it?" Dodgers, U»en the Brooklyn Dodg- against hia former Detroit mates. that has eluded him — the U.8. ball filled'the air when I huddled in the Florida Derby, the Kentucky at John with the other leg and High tepnis va. Meridtv — High against Australia at the end of the Dick Gernert hit two home runs R i| a McAllisti^r, hit home runs for Cincinnati. ball coach at Southington High, Groat. Pirates (3t Open. ■" with Dick SUTboff. I'ale s Johnny Derby and again in the Preakness. Es.segian, Phillies (2) hanging on the bar with the other school courts. year. Perry Jones's chargea com­ and Jackie Jenaen snlaShed a tre­ Wljere Bob Purkey Anally, sneaked Lee, Wally Wirniolm, Worthy Pat- | riopped "nd reported his season arm.” Friday, May 23 pleted a 5-0 six-eep. of Venezuela in with a ,13-hltter. Lew Burdette Snead, who wJU hg 46 next week, Although Sovlnsky hasn't com- | Necman. Cuiss i2i rttMilng—Boh Turley, Yankee* mendous three-run 450-foot homer AuU^ Parts Tops was csrriiid live extra holes yes­ terson. Art Qulmbv,'Riirr Carlson : sto^ at four wins iji Ylve High golf ys. Windham 'WiUi- yeaterdey when Barry MacKay in Boston's 8-4 victory over Balti­ waa cllqsed by the Redlegi. Purkey 'sta rts... Out of.sports action for milled himself yet. Lincoln Road ! Skinner, Pirates l2) —BlanUsd Washington 8-0 with terday before he warded off 22- and Eddie Rosmarln to lists few. . might go in the mile and ah eighth j Fondy, Redlegs ,(1 i five hits fpr his fourth shutout In mantic. and Bill Quillian won the final two more. Cleveland sw'ept a pair from The M an ^ ster Auto Parts and gave up tiyo homers to Joe Adcock Action in Little League Opener at least six weeks is Frank Miller and one each to Johnny Logan and year-old Gtry Bisyer of- South ’ HoMe long after the predicted Jersey- especially if Tim Tam goes ' Walker. Dodgers it) Phillips. Whit* Sox (3) six straight victories, all complete ’ Cfheney Tech v*. CromwMl — singles at Caracas. MacKay Chicago 7-4 and 10-6, winning the Rita McAIllat^ shared honors thia . Sliding under the tag of Roger Grimm of Norman's is Frank Vae- Africa in the Snead Festival. hour and the house was darker of the Savings Bank, aldelined Cromwell squeezed past Yio Plmental 6-,8, first In the 11th on rookie Carroll Eddie MathewA.- w-)th a broken ahkle Buffered in a directly to Belmont. ; Roaeboro. Dcidgers (1) ^ Mantle, Yankees t31 REMAULT past winter in ^ e Village Charm caro of Aceto A Sylvester at Verplanck Field. Bottom photo - Player gave two of golfs bdst, than a coal bin. Nixon, Indians (2i .»• I /• . i> ,1 . I High track vs. Conard-Windharti, 6-4, 5-7, 1-6. 6-1. and (Quillian, sub­ Hardy'a three-run homer. era Bowling L e a ^ , In addition to Beaning Coptroveray fall'ajr home. Miller is one of the Tim Tam edged Lincoln Road ■ Ameri(^an League Baiting— IJick (icrnerl. Bed «ox i Hartford shows Jack Stmmons trotting home after hitting a home run for Snead and Ben Hogan, fits Tl'EKDAV by only a half a length in tha | Jenaen. Red Sox (8i Harrell. Indian.* i 1 ' stituting for Hamilton Richardson, Turley seems determined not to annexing championmip honors, the A beanlng controverfy flared In the Contractors in a 17-7 romp eVer Norman's in the Intenui- throughout the tourney before suc­ s top-grSd* vollev ball plavera in Hardy. Indians (li -H it tivo home ran. and a double. | v. Center CVm- cnished Manojo Suarez Jr., 6-0, the fourth when' Frank -Robinson jPerhapa the busiest man.ln Man- Manchester... Bill Brennan ialk- Florida and Kentuclcv Derbies and Gernert. Red Sox 2 (5i drove In four runs and scored three DAVIWNE allow any runs at all except in Auto^ Parts alao piiUMd the high Uonal League. The gcUon came in the opening game of a twin-, cumbing. He played '•resaw with Gardner. Orioles (3i Boyd. Orioles < 11 gos, 6 : 1.5 Charter Oak Park. 6-0, 6-1. 41re emergencies. His shutout was team single of 500 andNtop team was hit by .Milwaukee'^ .Dick .ehester these days is John Deme. ed sports m .Manchester in generabj length and a half in the Preak- in 8-i victory oxer Baltimore. bill. Tv'o other doubleheaders spiced the day's LitUa... League ' them for the flrst three rounds of Of Manchester s flrst radio ' during a chance meeting on Main neas made it tw o and a half lengUis Vernon, Indians i3i Maglie. 5'ankecs (1). nOfEOIATE OELU^T his fourth in six winning starts, triple mark, 1,43). E m e t^ g as Littlefleld. The pitcher' WW schedule. (Herald Photos by Oflara). the regulation 72, and then tied jowner of all complete-' games. His earned the loop's only 100 plus ^ w ler, warned. A similar rhubarb hid INTERNA'nONAL LEAflUE station which U due for It.s-grand ; sj {jill heads the Ad^tsorv Rec. ! * Snead at the end. ; , 0 0 0 ." WmUS THEY LAST run average dropped to 0.83 per Mra. McAllisteit topped sill jMrtici. developed Saturday night when Scoring in. every inning, Aceto The South African's, bid to take .opening Sunday. John took two Park Commission. Bill wouTd itliib.rj|nning game over a stretch of pants with a'fine iOl.7 average';- two BravSa were hit by pitched , niinutcs off from hi* schedule en i jjjjj more projects spon- . Gone Fjshtn', third in the Preak­ A ]^iyester cruihed Norman's 17- the meeinire of the two greate ness, Is heading for California in m l 54 inntngs. Bob Cerv'a homer gave- Also, Mrs. McAllister garnered balls. 7 in the first gaitia. of yssterday's Schoolboy Sports Slate more then twice his age died on rOut* to the publisher's office to g^red by individuals and groups two other individual honors, rolling' Ersklne maintained his old hex . say hello. . . . Acceptance w as te-| gf shouldering all a couple days, according to Train­ Kanase u t y ji^nin off Turley May twinbill a t Verplanck'Field. RsJly- the fifth sudden death playoff hole er Charlie Whittingham. Whitting- 2. Washington scored five off him a 143 single and a robust S7fi triple over the Cardinals, who always iiig for five' runs In thb sixth when he couldn't make a'flve-foot caived from Columbia University i responsibility... Mail waa during the i?egular season. •- have been his favorite victims. Al­ frame, the Lawyera upended: An- Indians Eye COL Crown . to attend a Sports FMitors Seminar lg „ „ ^.orrt»- ham’ said the Llangollen Farm's (but lost 9-5) May 11 after the putt..,8nead, who had bkAm two mount - mav be a plane-mate of club had been rained.. Out for a Jarvis Realty finished second to though St. Lbuis had eight hlU ■aldi'a 7-2 In the htgfttcap. . short putts on the eerond end in June and as a result the daft) . nondence before the trek home to piail baa doubled Its and 1 ^ Silky Sullivan's, the washout of the ■ L - L MOTORS week. ' the Auto Parts in the final stand­ the crafty veteran was tough with Pitcher Jack Simmons (double' fourth, made hfs from a yard away ings while Barbara Rohrbach men on/b*se. Boyer's grand slam and home run), catcher DOn Gllha And Berth in Tournament to win. morning I am partly hidden behind i ■’ tssT i'R n ai' Derb.v and Preaknes.s. ! 4M CENTER ST. MANCHESTER Before Turley went to ^vprk, , , . r., ,, Whittingham wants Gone Fish- Stengel finally gaye Maglie ‘ X bowled a 94 single game without homer m ^ e first inning of the (home runj and Pete Sylvester It was the fourth time In 11 of .the parcels left at f -• desk. Each | , must be carefully stu " I and notes I had a companion to 13-Bisacll Holh-xvood Park for chancy to Pitch in a league game. ..yiB benefit of a mark. first gantft_^same off Fred - klpp (two-sthgles) sparked Aceto A By PAT BOLDUC the tournsments on' the course 'Trailing Mrs. McAllister for run- after fouling (iff eight pitcljea on a . jotted. down - for use at the .ses- St. (or the first lime In uxonlhs the-1100,000 Westerner Stakes in Sal worked in the spring training Sylvester’s hit barrage while big ' ,‘ ldle Blnce nipping Windham 4-3 one week-ago-today,-Manches­ where he has been for 21 years this a m. with son Reed Joining me. | jy|^. neruir iiidlviduBl laurels was Klisa- 3-2 count. ‘ Riihe Walker and Jeff Tybiir crasljed four safeties that Snead has a-on the 12.300 . -Siona., .Armed Forces Day pstade season and pitched effectively ter'High's 6nc«-bdat,en baseball team, shooting for Ita third .straight at night * ^-hich wasn't up to the The deadline was reached xxith Meantime, Bold Ruler indicated DELIVERED betbXyUl. who concluded tbe year Johnny Hpaeboro Mmered for the In a-losing eause.~ — flrst prize. ------^—‘— minutes to .spare anc^ I got to ^ *1695 against Milwaukee in an exhibition with ■ ''fin e -95.71 average. Anna Dodgers In the flnst game'. Gil C&IL'iUle and a beith in the fbrthiidming State ClA'C Toumainent, cMtber of previous years , held the game laat week. To celebrate hia Wes Storey and Wirt Kraft encountered ita only conqueror, Wetherafleld today in a 3:15 conteat Only One Stroke Higher shopping list sooner than expected Including heater, defroster, Mae White' was third among the .Hodges an<1 Charlie *n the teamed to check Ansaldl's with ■potllght at night in Hartford. him horse of the .year* hohors a* a arrival on the starting line, Maglie circuit's top lOi pinners with a 92.14 second. V In Wethersfield, Coach 'Tom Keft*' His 72-hold score of 264 equaled Once again one of ihe highlight.s . . . Afternoon was spent in New 3-yesr old in 19,57. The Wheatley deetrie wipers and oil hath ■lugged a three-run hpmer,, his Just three hits in the second tilt. ley's club also 'travels to Bristol by Player waa only one .stroke ' Britain. Ihe Teachers College base- mark and fourth' spot vriii held Chuck Eiseglan and R lX l^pul- Stqrey slab chipped in wUh"''two Hapk Jaaiowski ^.440. outfielder ' waa the appearance of the Kilties Stable colt, making hi.s first start air deaner. first in the American League. Ryne down by Janet Irwin with a 91.68 skl hit home runs for * tnff\PhlIs Wednesday aftemdbn.and .then re­ higher than the beat 'Snead/)ias 1»r Manchester Pipe Band if you I ball game with AIC taking three of the year after being sidelined by , Duren bailed him out of ninth-inn­ blngles and ■ Bruce' Leone' tripled turns to host Merftlen .TTiursday Exlaus Parker .438 and- shortstop l and one-half hofirs to play. New average. while Dick Groat and FHink for the losers. ever shot in a pro career dating ’ brefer the official handle. a leg injury, w on the 829,050 To­ Ai m Hcwi Trade* Accepted ing trouble. Mickey Mantle also Burt Zinsser .400. ■beck to 1934. Britain led 11-1 bi-l lost in 10 in­ (Completing the select group-were Thomas homered for the Pirates A A S 232 145-17-7-3 at- Nebo. 'V \ 5VEDNESDA5' boggan Handicap at Belmdnt Park ' homered in the opener,. •K^^Wednesday afternoon the locals Snead recorded 263 in winning to the invention of njiigs. 16-14. Leo Cyr of Manche«- with a 1:09 clocking for six fur­ VaSoobtedly jreur present oar Ruth Sieffert 91.68; Marion T h ^ their first game. Hgrry Anderscwl Norman's 201 004- 7-6-2 Sparked by excellent pitching by ' Thanks son 91.88, Frances Shannon 90.71, engage Hartford Tech for the first the 1951 tourney named for him.. Oraham Bell. I was I (»r was at shortstop for the NuU longs down the Widener straight will make tbe neeeeaary„ down Nixon Views Action led^the, PhlTa' i^jhlt attack in the \ Simmons and Gliha; Biishey and ■ophomore Pat Mlstretta 'Alexander Wsshington had its largest AniU St; Pierre 90.48, Shirley second with m home run and two and Junior Clyde Richard (2-0) time in the Insurance City and Par for the route Is 280. / able to talk with Hartford sport* meg nine while one of the club's course. paymewt. Mkrlottl. then travel to Crbmwell Friday for crowd since opening day 1956. with Holm||, 90. 21 and Mrs, Rohrbach aingleir; Lawyers 100 105-7-6-6 and timely hitting by Captain } Hogan, also preparing fifei^Jtfie ‘ promoter Sam Gulind. 'The lat- relief pittiheni woa big Buzz The performance. was even.more ; 27,704 Including .Vice Ptesideht 90.5, Danny Renn (.323). little Bobby a return meeting aith Croniwell I Open next miinth in Tulsa ':^ere ’ ter now handles Willie Pep and Keeney . . . My fa'ycjTite chair was impressive when it is considered : ■ .X AniaJdi's " ©01 001-2-3-5 High. Cheney winning the first he will try for a record flfth^ham- Nikon. ' , The league's annual banquet will Stored Kraft (4) and Lauten- Daigle (.318)' and Dick KacinfltI wo dlacuaaed recent liouts involv- the nio8t rorofortable spot of the he carried 133 pounds and gave 16 j , ^ tr o lt’s only hits off Maas were be held Friday night starting at 7 bach; Bycholski and Rusconi. (.204)'and.13 runs batted in), the time 12-8. • pionshin., pulled up in third, place ' Ing the ex-feathenvelght king as night. to Clem, whom he beat bv a half- L~'L MOTORS Saturdayyj’ighuv with 2«-'S. / length. The Ruler paid $2.80 in ' ease of operatioii TEL Eeaanlt Sales and Service a sihgle’ by cJharlie Maxwell and o'clock at the Garden. (3rove. NATIONAL LEAGUE Jeague leaders have chalked up six TEL. a pinch triple by Charlie Lau. Paul victories, the last five in a row, as T pnniB Hogan, also p rep a ^ g for the _ picking plcKin up 818.582.50 to boost hi.* OM CENTER ST.—MI 8-5101 San Diego, Calif.— f^ rc h 1 e Dave Dleterle recorded 10 atrlke- Open next month in/Tuise where earnings' to $572,792 .50 on 19 • • • • the Stanley Over Head Door Ml 3-5101 Foytack was the loser, yielding The 1927 Ne\y York Yankees against one setback and a. tie. Hoping to snap a three-match Ml 3-5101 both runs in the second. Moore, 195 *s,. Sa'n Diego, outpoint­ outa while pitching Morlarty Bros, Kelley planned to start this weU- he will try for record fifth ictories, three second* and txvo OPEN e >t :n in o s set a record w*hen they won 21 to' a 5-2 victory over tlie Medics losing atree^.-the Manchester High championshto. pulled bp in .third Classy Boxer Mickey Crawford]'^, Gernert drove in _four Boston' ed Howard King, 195, Reno, Nev„ reated Richard against the Eagles in 27 outings. of out 22 gkmea from the St. Louis 10 (Non-Title). , in the seasoh's opener at Buckley tennis, team met Wethefsffeld to­ pla'ce with-265. / . In addition to wmning the ]■ Regularly $69oS5 runs with hiis two homers and a Browns. (4-5) today and the smooth-work-' day in Wethersfield, then Opposes Albuquerque, N. M —Jim Heg- Field, :.ln tfte second game' of the Ing Junior probably will come back He and Sni^d started the lest Favored to Extend Wjn Skein Preakness, Calumet also had quile^- erle. 1.57, St.. Paul,'Minn., outpoint­ doubleheailer- yesterday jifternoon, neighboring. East Hartford Tues­ round deadlocked one stroke bet-> a-day at Garden State Park Saturs Manchester Auto Parts, defending against the' Red Raiders (4t3) ter than Phryer. ed Ralph (Tfger) Jones, 158, Yon­ 'niuraday. Mistretta appears a cer­ day in another away match and day. A Glitter i$14) won the I Now on ly $ ^ ^ * 5 0 kers. N. Y... 10. champions, walloped Green Manor plays hoat . to Meriden Thursday. Player fis h e d with a 86. Snqed (4>i—MostfZ. ^iisso. a kncKkout winner of $25,000 added Betsy Ross Slakes 10-4. ■ tain starter for a second time with 67 And Hogan with 68. 'v New York, May 19 Hollywood, Callf.—Pete KSwula, against the Bell Townera (3-5-1) Co-Captains Modis Raiidsepp and Larrv Boardfhan in an April 11 TV for 3-vear old fillies and Pintor | Moriarty scored two runs in the Dick Yules and Co., were shutout Snepd plans to get in sorne more . boxing fans go for'the free swing- Lea ($5.40) accounted for an 128, CSilcago, outpointed Hank at Muzzy Field. Pat coasted to a . Ing,- slambang fighter* who^ prq- thriiier, has a 32-6-1 record. ' ■ ' • (R’ X 7’ size) FOR Aceves, 128, "Los Angeles. 10. flrst inning and sewed Up the de­ 3-0 by the Stiver City racqueteera ermpetition before heading for the W.OOO allowance race. Calumet , TYPE cision with ' three tallies Ih- the 16-1 triumph the first time around. Open.' He will sharpen VP in the > Aide plenty of action., 5' ouiig Take th« aggravation out pf garaging the ear. Our Staniey Roii>Up Manheim, Germany—Ulll Wtter, Qn the other hand, the Indiana earlier this spring and are meet­ Former featherweight champion (jwns both. , fifth. Alan Banks of the Medics ing the Hornets sn()'' Eagles for Julias Open beginning June S and ' w okey Crawford of ■ Saginaw, How Now ($29,301 xyon the'|| THE CAR 201 >,4, outpointed Joey Maxim, can expect to see their-three rivals Mich., la one of- the few class box- Willie Pep, still a very active Soetipnol Garagp Doors giidt up "at a touch." JOE TH(0.5fPf?ON 188, Cleveland, Ohio, 10.' was the 'lone player to collect two the first time. Coach Matt ^riiaps another tourney. $54,200 Los Angeles Handicap at,. hits. ■ retaliate with their No. 1 pinchers, ■'I need ^ competition,"; Arid #f* to make a hit' with the paying fighter at 35. makes his fifth ap­ Hollywood Park. Melody Miss i Adjustable top corner brockeGwakes possible weather-tiKht fit of door in VERY Salisburg; Rhodesia "Johann Thia means that righthander Ted Maetoso’s squad hjia won only two pearance in seven, week* Tuesday I would like to extend an'invitation to all of my old cus* BUYER In addition to pitching a of seven matches to date. -- Snead. noW an-infreqeunt tourney as well 'si -vfdeD-vlewing cuslom- (Ifl.iOi accounted for the $22,735 J Van Rensburg, 140, South Africa, Beal ( 2-0), who shut out the Silk in days. night. He meets Bobby Singleton closed position. ^ ^ ui u l * i tomers and friends to come in and say hello. outpointed George Barnes, 147 >i, ■plendid two-hltter and chalking '» ' __ competitor. '.‘They say I'm a m«s-. era rtcen l Modesty Handicap at the Balmoral Fast, precision adjustment of tension spnnff is made possible n> horizontal up 10 atrikeouta, Mac McCurry Townera 2-0 earlier thia season,, ter of golf, but sometimes X think ' / The 24-year-old; welterweight of Philadelphia at Boston's Me- meeting at' Washington Park with ALL MORK GUARANTEED Austrsljs,' 16 (For British Empire will be on the mound for Wethera- Track- ch|nic* Bviilding in a 10-roundcr. bracket with 11 graduated hole.s. , welterweight title); ^ also led the Automen at the plate golf is master of me.’’ ■, 'eOntender has built up a good fol- apprenti(;e Dick Barnett riding his with a, pertect'4-for-4. Teimmate field, veteran Jim Kelley: (3-1) Not to be denied. Manchester He hss been... runnerup three , . . Athol, Ma.ss., has ita first box­ first stakes winner. Bail bearing roller hinge for smtMith. quiet operation. y ' II —— Mill work for Bristol, and'southpaw ' 'lowing with his clever moves and MAY WE SUGGEST ONE OF THE FOLLOWING and catcher Bob Halstead chipped High's fine track combine, aport- times in the Open. , - , ' fast,, aitcurate punching. He can ing show in aeVen year* Saturday Trlbalpve ($51,601 equaled th(* ' Inclined track provides smooth operation, weather-light fit of door in rloi^ed Dick Spencer (3-3) will attempt to George Susce, Boston Red Bex In with, two bingles, til two "trips. ing a 3-2 won and lost .record, take a p'tinch, too. night when it presents a local aen- sta)(ea record of 58 4-5 seconds In TUNE ENGINE Htcher, has an 18-14 record for Overall, the Auto Paris banged but avenge Meriden's pAvious 7-0 set- faces an ambitious week -with Winner of three Straijghl tftis sation, lightweight Gordon Parker, taking the $13,7.50 Bashford Man­ position. . . . -1 . u * i V-8 .Engine 4. 6 and-8 Cyt. back at tha hands of the Indians. Only a screwdriver is needed fot up or down adjustment of strike to. best 1957 COUNTRY' three seasons in the Ameriinm a dozen safeties' off three Green triangular meets on tap today and Mempliis, Tourni^ .year, Crawford is a 3-1 favorite to against Merle Olmstead of New, or Stakes fit Churchill Downs. • L-Head Engiiin 1957 lELVEDERE 4.DOOR 1958 FAIRLANE 500 League". He has beaten the New Manor pitchers. Friday. Coach Paul Phlnney'a stretch the atreak to four tonight York. . . . Jose Flores, National Ba(0(iehe ($13,401 won the $25,000 suit locking condition— to overc-ome any unevenn«is in garage ;floor. PARTS SQUIRE RY FORD HARDTOF lY PLYMOUTH l Y FORD York Yankees three times .and Aiito 'Parts 322 030-10-12-3 G olf I hard-working squad tangled i with Gained bv Maxwell ; jit the expense of aggressive Andy AAU and Golden Gloves middle­ Dunipty Humpty Handicap on , •Cylinder lock may.be k®y*d alike to other door locks. ^ $7.00 $5.50 they have yet ,to beat him. Green Manor 100 102- 4- 2-4 host Norwich Free Academy apd '(Figaro) Figueroa of New York at weight champion, and a finalist in Golden Gale Fields' closing pro­ Labor EXTRA Labor n ils stunning nine-pasaen- Offered to the buyer looking for This 4,000-mile four-door se­ Unbeaten in seven outings thia the 1956. Olympic* make.* hi* pro gram and Backbone ($7) took the , Drivt down . . . ample parking. W e’ll give installation Instructions McCurry, and Halstead; Jacob, Hartford Bulkeley in a meet which New York’s St. Nicholas Arena Reg. 87.95 VaJtie dan ia fully equipped with Huggins, Rohrbach and Moran.‘ spring and boasting s sparkling Memphis. May 19 A sandy- debut-Saturday again.sl G-e n e $29,250 Hartford Handicap which Reg. 810.80 Value g«r four-idoor wagon la the ultimate in the Plymouth fam­ 17-match winning streak casfied started at I'd'elock this afternoon (Dumont, to p.m., DSTf. or recommend a competent carpenter. Ford’a famous Thunderblrd Morlarty’s 200 030-5-8-0 and ehallMige CCIL rivals Conard haired Texan who polish^ hia golf ' ‘ • 'Crawford W’hlpped Gil Turner in Hamilton of Winston-Salem. N. C„ topped Lincoln Doxvn's clo.sing j squlfiped with Fordomatic ily of fine cars. This impeccable engine, Cniise-O-Malic drive,' Medics . \101 000-2-8-1 over from the tailend of the li956 at Brooklyn’s Eastern Parkway, card. ■“ . } seaaon. Coach Lany Perry’s and Windham Friday afternoon in on' the hardpan courses of the.' , hia last outinfg at Madison Square drive, safety power ateering, 4,000-mile beauty has pushbutton The Finest ,4 Dieterle and 'McCoy; MInney and ^Garden, Feb. 28. Hia record 1* 21--2. SPLIT RAIL FENCING-2 RAIL pushbutton radio, Magic Air .., crackerJaCk Red and White golf West Hartford. These t,wq meets Southwest flred e cluster of dutidi BRAKE SPECIAL Ritman. . . ' will iaccord the Indians a final Wfueroa has a 19-lbr3 record. section at our yard $ ^ . 8 5 delivered de luxe eight tube pushbut­ PowerFlite drive powered by a V8 heater and defroster, power No results were turned in this aqua(f alao is slated for a busy birdies yesterday to win the 820,• 1.50 brakes, directional lights, morning by the Amerjesjn League week, with three mafehea and alt chance to warm up for .the Bsat- ADJUST FOOT and HAND BRAKE. ton radio. Magic Air heater engine, de luxe eight tube push­ ern Sectionals at Storrs Tuesday, 000 Memphis Inyitationel. There will be a heavy Gallic; back-up lights, premium which also opened with a double- away from home. The Iiijiins were *3 Chestnut post, and rails cut from selected REG. $3,00 VALUE...... n .7 5 and defroster. directional button radio, heater and defroster, header yesterday ' afternoon ' at in Wethersfield today, travel to May 27. Several Silk Tqwners are Billy Maxwell, a former National overtones to the Wednesday night Here’s a real fencing value. whitewall tftbeless tires,' pad­ Meriden Thursday and go .to Wind­ given an excellent chance of quali­ Amateur champion now playing iTV fight (ABC, to ^.m.. DSTI.l lights, back-up lights, .white- directional lights, back-up llghla. Charter Oak Park. . Also, league 50 MINUTE timber. . . . , • i i ded safety dash, manjr other officials' stated that 859.62 waa ham Friday. Needlesi< tb ad,d that fying for the annual State Meet, out o f Odessa, Tex., capped hia iGerminal Ballarin. the’rauslachioed I Installation’s a cinch. We’ll show you how to put up your fence quickly wall Urea, solid white flnlsh. premium whitewall tires. Finished factory installed accessories. collected at all three fields and Perry's charges .will be heavy fa­ also held>at UConn-this year, on flvetunder-par round with a birdie ^•Psrialan, takes on a toughie in ' ' -;Yyqn _Durqlle, the FrenCh-Canad- | lubrication special drive^ 7,000 miles. Truly Finished in a atriklng ahade turned over t'o the Manchester As- vorites to defeat all three' rivals Saturday, June 7. . ' on the 18th that gave him top in beautiful midnight blue with money by a stroke. Ian fisherman from Baie Ste. Ann, j and ^veekdavx till -viOO^Saturdays till nooii of West Point gray and gold. soclstloh for Uie Help of P.etarded f(>r a second time this spring. INSTALLATION Amsriqa's moat dlstingulsh- contrasting tutone interior. Fac­ Ohlldren. j Maxwell finished the 72-hole •N.B., 1at Montreal. This is the see LUBRICATE ANY CAR. Save eleven hundred on this opd Wednesday night TV fight to J * ad gtation .wagon. . tory fresh condition., V. , . Cheney Tech Sporia Car Winner medal play tourney over the 8,700- "Your Guarartiee — $1.50 VALUE. 1.00 car. yardl 34-36—70 Colonial Countfy originate from outside the U. S. t f Dart Lea|(ue Officers After dropping . its' first three Lime Ro'-k, May; 19 (JP>—Gerry Clubicourse witft 69-65-68-65—267. cDurelle (72-19-2) is the favorite, Mufflers Tires Batteries Our 38 Years Of Dependable Service starts, Cheney Tech rebounded In Gtorgl p t Nyack, 'N.AY;; .and' his Tha;Hwas good for 82,800 cash and -Baliartn's is 45-8-6. NOTE... $ 2 3 7 5 impressive fashion to c^op its laat Jaguar special averagdd- 74.1 miles another 81,000 when he a j^ a rs ------$2145 $ 2 6 9 0 The British American. Dart three games to even its season's ;i;i6 North Main Street If you have all these three specials done we offer theoe , League elected officers for- -^he mn hour yesterday to Wn the- 20- at the iVurnament of C^iempions •■' Another Frenchman, Lahouarl record at four ains- and four de­ lap feature,sports can racejbere. in . Las Vegaa. Godlh, a Parisian by way of Al- ’ • Tel. Ml ?-52.i.‘l extra special prices. l‘958-59 aegson at the annual Seat Covers Floor Mats V-8 ENGINE 18.00 l a b o r meetingng Sunday at the, Clubhouiciubhouw;‘ feats, Coach Tbny.l,P'Angona's Capping 'an afternoon . program Cary Middlecqlf of Memphla. an -gtria, makes hia second American Carl Nielson, president; William hijgh-scoring array has. -tallied a sjx ih so^ ' by the Long ■ Island , bid guard pro . who was the early •tort against New York’s Johnny Lynn, vide preaiijent; Greg Chaves, &tal of 47 runs in ita laat three Sports Car Aaan;, the feature race favorite, flhiahed second with 67- B u m o at . New York’s Madison Open Daily. 7 A. M. to 4, 6 *nd 8 CYL. L HEAD ENGINE 16.75 LABOR FORD ANNEX tilts.. In-Addition, nine o f . the 'J2 saw Gordon MacKensle of Mill- 67-68-68—288,. worth 81.900. ' ' Skluar* Garden Friday bight (NBC (A ll!.45;yaliw) Rt. 8|, Windsor Ave., Vernon treasurer and Larry Eddy,-secre­ 5 P.M., Including tary, make up the slajte for' the. players employed by the Tech brook. N. Y.; croaa the finish line Army Pfc. Meion Rudolph of radio, TV, 10 p.m., DST). The BUILDING MATERIALS e x h a u s t TR 8-6201 coach are batting over .300 ranging one tenth of a second later In an­ Ft. Chaffee. Afk., an amateur who •lightweight bout ia the ^firat fistic | Wednesday. Afternoon and SYSTEM AND -V. new year, Following the meeting BRAKE UNING CHECKt. Where Fusegr Buyevs Buy 6() league members enjoyed a' from Tom VlacluUs' .319 to Harry other V Jaguar. Tony Luther of y ent into the final' round with -a ?t^ o n In the Garden since March LUMBER FUEL Saturday Until Noon FREE stsak dinner.And the awardlng of Holmes' fabulous .500. OtKefs hit­ Shelton was third in a Jaguar, and thfee-atibke lagif,; lost his-puttiiff < ,;M. G ^lh made a good Imprebaion I 491 MAIN ST, ■ 14a dabut by outpointing Lany* St/Mnaduater 40.)Jrizes for team and individual ting .400 or better Include eat’cher Jean Plaisted of IJnfleld brought touch. Ha maneiged pAr whioh |mv9 .aceompUshments,, John Kaminski .444, third baaiman Ms Cheetah In fourth. , ' him third. . , '•» nakbr, ApelHB, Hia record la 48-r8- ‘ it

■'Jl' )S '.'H i X . I :) * MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, C0NN„ MONDAY/ 1?, 1968 - PAGE THIBTBEN M'ANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN.i MONDAY, MAY 19, 1968 PAGE TWELVE G«rd4m-^FRnn---l)nI^, HooMhoM Goods 61 Rooms Without HthTd 69 ner Homes for Rent 67 Honaes for Salo 72 Houaes for Salo 72 Lots for Salt 73 LegX Notka' Artides For Salt 45 .x ! Products 50 Automobiles for Sale 4 Business Services Offered 13 THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW! BY EAGALY and SHORTEN Oog»^BIrdi|—Peta 41 FREEZER—19 feu. ft. cheat model. ONF ROOM, private home and Ju n e , JUMT and August. Brand ATIRACnVE six room ranch, (IV)—BOLTON—119,800. CUatom MAMCRESTER-Lqt 90’ frontage. CRAFTSMAN arc weldeh wUh ac- ^PA R A O U S by the pound. Orders Excellent condition. Reaaonable. private entrance. Free parking. new ftirnuned shore eottage,' Mul- dlahwaaber, ceramle bath, flre- built ranch. Two-car garage. Can Nips location.. City water. First MANirCHESTKR PUT Canter, » » Call MI 9-8496 after 5. barry Point. >|iying, dining, two- R. F., Dlmock Co., Realtora, MI 81,000 takas it. CUl M l 8^ . HAROLD A SONS — RubbUh ra- n Bt. m M973. Open Monday cesaories, 865. Craftsman 9” ! taken for freealng'. Fern Gardena, One or two'^nUamen preferred. place, hot water heat, cellar. 138 tandiMter on tho IMb £ y Classified 1949 CHEVROLET. Reaaonable. moved, cellars and attics cleaned. Main bench saw with taWa-and motor, 179 F#m St. MI e.’W7|. bedrooiha, porcfhvinsulated y w toot mmtage, near but. Only 9-5340 any time. through Saturday 9-6, Thuraday SERVEL GAS refrigerator, Flor­ no Cooper mNh; S'OWC- MANCmcimiR -L ak elif^ Circle MI 9-S902. Call MI 9-4034. AWO Tie MARltS SUE DOES fiET OH HESSEPORT 880 Both one year. old. Five Inalda 'round. Running Imtswatcr. baao- ^4,700. C w ton W. Hutchins, H w - Tw MARM SAftIplUA SA/S.9^ fieiVON HER and Friday nights till 9. doors with hardware, 6’7"x2’,4” , I NATIVE ASPARAQUB-treah cut ence combination gas and .. oil PLEA8ANT room, quie^T home, . bdard heat. Septic tliMc, Beach MV- Ml 9-8183. (DC) BOLTON—Coventry Una. NaW South.'M ost daairabla aaction of itdvertisenient CAROSHOmOte! B room ranch, ceramic tile bath, COMPLETE repairs on automatic . TH5T8 ARE OUT OF THlS.WDRlO. ' 81.80 each. M Weat Middle Tptfe. for frseaer#, 35c pound. Pitkin stove. Call MI 8-8725. next to bath and ahoWqr, ^frea privllegea, one bl« town, caty’water and tawer. Call Trailers 6-A lyashera and dryera. . Westing- Road, Varnon, TR 5-9287. periling. MI 9-0887. houses from rocky shore. Sea (nj-SlikM Hartford-813.990. OVi knotty pine ktteben, walk-out MI 94^1 after 4. p.m. CLASSIFIED ADVT. XOOTA FIVE CUTE klttana looking for PRACTICALLY new O.E. kitchen basamant. Largs lot Reduced to house, Philcd-Bendix, Maytag, a o o p M t f f r m naw home. Call MI l-TSId. >^BR GAS range. Excellent view. MI 9^0086. , room raueiL Excellent buy. R. F. the DEPT. HOURS MOBILEHOMES - Furniture Uk- Frigidaire, Member of ASCA. irWE WEST Itlon. Ha# Temrlrol burner. NATIVE ASPARAGUS appliance. Cherry finish, walnut CUDAN PLEASANT room Dlmock A ReaRora, MI 814.900 R r Dinieek Co., Real­ same are ItmUed and _ . . . the CAEPJNEtVtA bedroom eet. Mlacellaneous. 396 and ahowan. Light housekeep­ tora, MI 9-5349 any time. . credltafe within which to en aa dpwn payment on mobUe. Stuart R. Wolcott.- Phone Ml ARIi... —.. - WEIMARANER8 —Select, healthy _lving room picture window For canning or freezing. Six, one bath 0-6245 any ' Suburban for Sale 75 8:15 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. 9-6678. ' TEST, 'U’ SUUrwUAT - Hilliard St. ing if desired. Parking. Centrally olalnu______against Mid esuu.____ tS -Id homea. Excellent lota available at Utter. A.K.C. regietered. AvallgMa drapes. Custom made, |15. MI l-pcsind bun Che# 81,09. tS.KI a crate, Wanted to Rent . 68 (V n i) BOLTON - C orantn Una admlnlstraew t# dlMcted to glTs pufello IN HAPPENED TO located. MI 3-4921. ipimaculata BOLTON—New ranch homes are hptic* to th« crodllors to briiiit In Manadeld. Jenaen’a, Inc. (alwaya mid-June, Reserve youra -lidw. 9-1948. o( 34 bunched. ThJa offer good while FRANK IS atartlng to buy and tell New eix room Cbob. Four nnished ' WHIT’S LANDSCAPE Service. HlSTO*/.' AU. THOSE WANTElD-4piali house olr a|wrt- three k ceramic being built In Bolton Center by R. ei#lms,wiih|a'■'■‘I— — - sate’Ume— d.tiiiM sllwodsliowM hr COPY CLOSING Tim e reliable) 64 Park Road, Weat Evanlnga, weekends. Coventry PI jaupply lut#,. good used furniture and .antiques ONE LARGE bedroom and email down, ceramic ,tile bath, walkout ihlng a copy ot:lh]s order in some Quality landscaping backed by test MARIiS!. ment, six rooma Or more. Box F, bath, hdK water heal D. valentine. Now la the,time to of:lhia order in seme FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. Hartford. AD 3-8214 or G> 9-4479. 2-7616. FARMERS' MARKET at 420 Lake St. Ml 9-65*0. Hour* baaement large lot. aiS.TOn R F newspaper haring a rircplatloa In taM Monday through Saturday. 9 to 8’. knowledge arid experience. John 36'V<^1RL’S HAWTHORRE bika. Manohseter Herald.'' treaa, o n ly ^ ^ 9 6 0 . diacuas your plana and pick your nrobate district within ten days from 819 EAST m i d d l e TPKE. 10-8 p.m. Closed Sundays, Dlmock A Realtors. MON. THRU FRI. Monday, Wedneaday, Thuraday Whltham. M l 3-6841. C^E. Ironer. Cali MI 8-2053. Hutchins. Ml tot—minimum of 'an acre. T, J. he dale of this older and return make MI 9-0474 FAMILY WITH two aihaU |drla de- 9-6345 any time. to this court of tho notice gtrea. evening. Crockett, Realtor, liQ S-1B77. 10:30 A.M. SIM'ONIZ FOR summer — Protect Artidss For Sals privileges, parking space. Use of airea four or five room YW|a Rea- ciapa-^ix JOHN J. w a u J tt. Judge. your valuable, car from hot sum, SIMMONS Hide-a-bed. In good con­ automatic laundry. MI 9-2697, $14,900. Large encioaad porch, at­ 816,800- COVENTRY Lake, SATURDAY 9 A.M. -iC- MODERN 6’ right hand bath tuba, dition. MI 3-8630, ■onable. Cali Ml 8-8131. S^bURlUXlM ranch wMh overaized AT A COURT OP PROBATE heteen mer sun. Let me simonis it. Call 860. Tub OB lege 85. Call 8-1919, Household Goods 51 tached ' garage. Near Keeney aeven room apUt level. IH at Coventry, within and for the PWriet Auto Driving School 7-A TimBE BURNER gas etove„ doi fireplace, attached garagt, one-car gdrage. Loeated in the qf_Coventry. o« the 15th day of May, MI 9-1478. Low rates—depends oh •i^L. PLEASE—Desperately need thred Street School. R. F. Dimoch A Oo., Bolton Notch jtfomee area. Ideal ' 'l a 9-3700. . X ANTIQUE FURNITURE. aUver, FOUR UNFURNISHED roolne and Realtors, MI 9-8345 qpy time. game ^ m , lake privileges Pres­ A.D. 1958. TOtTB COOPERATION ^ WILL LARSON’B driving School—Offers car. Good job guaranteed. USED 14” wide porcelain reflec­ Machinery and Tools 52 to five bedroom houee by June l a f place to rglafe a family. Only _ Present, Hon. Elmore Turklngton, tors in good condition. Me each. glaes, china, and uaad furnftura bath. Cali MI 9-0S76, Can pay $100. Manchester or out- ent mfertgqge can, be aaeumed, Bs<|., Judgs, BE APPRECIATED all types of driver education on MUgnt and aold. Furniture Repair (XXVUl)-r-NEW six room Colbnlal, monthly pi^taente are only 877.89. *11,500. %']. Chrockott, Realtor, “ atlor LANDSCAPING — Lay/ns power KNAPP SHOES. Barry Mahoney, Also new ones at 81' each. Can ba TROY ROTOmXERS and attacb- skirta. MI 3-3081. . On motion of Evelyn B. insured dual control cars atand- ' rolled, patios, sidewalk and re­ B i^ o e . MI 8-7449. 917,900. To be built by Joseph R. F. DlmoclrA Co., Realtors, Ml MI 8-1877. .Bxecutrijv Coyentry. Cos .. _____ 38 Maple St. Tel. 8^18-4827. ■Sen at the Farmer's Market, 819 menta. Bolens walking or riding 'ard or automatic. By rialned and taining walls. Land cleaning. MI ROOM FOR gentleman with kitch­ Roaetto on Broad Street, near 9-5245 any time. late of Emile R. Frappler. late of Dial Ml 3-2711 certified instructor, licensed by East Middle Tpke. Tel. MI 9-0474. SALE 1-8 O FF on wallpaper. Wall j^rden tractors and attachments, en privileges. Call Jia'S-4717. BOLTON (JENTER-Beautitul six Cqyyntry within laid disuiet, deceased. 9-6278. TOP QtJALmr I m Ihcoellent for Business Property for Sale 70 Waddell School. IH baths, built-in room colonial with ail the trim- Thia Court doth decree that Mz the State of O-nn. Ml 9-6078, tUea 4c a tile, Kentfl^trom 7o ^ iltot ^uijiment Co., 38 Main. stove and oven, ^mpletely land­ montha bn allowed and limited for tho GARDETNS plowed with rotary Ian do p i n g , lOUsea and each. Green Paint and Wallpaper, FRONT ROOM, one step drive­ minga. Impossible to describe but creditors of said estate to exhibit, their lawns. Fin ivel, stone. Gall 18” ROTARY mower like new. 825. BOLTON — Combination gas ata- scaped. * Amesite drive. Delivery claims against the same to the Execu­ EARLY’S Driving School. Licensed plow—also Totary mowing ' for at the Oreen. way. Quiet neighboriiood. Park­ m a n c h e s t : it does have real large room# — y Walt Ml ' Call PI 2-7428. tton, grocery store and pack­ -in 91 daya. R. F. Dlmock A Co., all the room# hav# three ex­ trix and directs that publle notice bn experienced instructor. Dual con­ heavy duty work. PI 2-7669. ing, phone, next to bath. Shared age etore, immaculate six room Realtors,'MI 9-5345 anj) time. given of this oHer by adverttflng in a Lost and Found trolled car. Modern methods. For USED TV—OverhatGad and in good Musical Instruments 53 only one Other. Separata shower. Rreidentlal Zonee A A f ( posures. IH baths, dishwasher,' nesrtpaprr having a circulation in aaid rk, rich, atone iree. Tqp COINS-Bdught and eold. lincoln'a brick Cape, like new dairy barn, with panoramic view of dletrtct, and by peeting a copy thereof day or evening appointments. a specialty. Free appraisal on niavin# abape. For extra room or Oentlemsn. MI 9-00S6. BYRON ROAD Attractive six breezeway aim two-car garage. FOUND=-$60 In bills In Manches- Columbia Conetruction. SPECIAL OHg a N and plimo aaie, with or without 54 acres on two ride. Adjacent to the new ntholic on the public, eign et I n eud___ Town Call. Ml 9-8878. Household Services coins or stamps. Ml 9-9039. etc. $18.95 and up.at Pot room Caps. Fireplace, -iomblna- the place where • ter store. May 2nd. Owner may WiUlmanUe AC 8-8383. terton’a. floor samples. Four single manual PLEASANT room for young lady. main roads. Owner retlrlna will lurch; The lot 1# 100x260 with Offered 1^ organs with pedala and .beneh, carry flrat mortgi (e. For details Uon acreena and storms. Timken C^tral:. Fine two apartment the deceased last dwelt.r claim at police station by telling MANCHESTER Driving Academy ' All privileges of home. Few feet oil burner. Early occupancyr Nice nlfea^vlew off to the east. And, the Certified from Record location and denominations. Is equipped arid licensed to pro­ BAROAINS—Famoua BooVer vac- CHEST OF drawers, night table, regular 8734.50, now only 1498.78. from everything, MI 9-8339. eee Lawrence F. riano. Broker, homfe^^^phe 4 room, on# 6 room, price' is most reallsttc. Can be EI.MORE TURKINOTON, Judge FURNITURE repalriojf and refln MfttiJVUUSMICi uum cleaners. Recmditloaed Boats and Accessories 46 Two 2-manuai organa wim per­ MI 9-S9I0. condition.' Oarage. $14,600. Exclu. large Iri with play or garden area. vide the very best in. driver edu­ HNlywood style bed. Blond ma ■ive by OoOdchild Realty Com­ sen at^vour convenience. T. J; LOST—PASS BOOK No. 11123. cation. Standard and automatic. ishlng; antiques restored. Furni­ Quariuitced. 813.95 up. Free hbipe hogany. Call Ml 9-3640, cussion. Regular 81,334.50, now Garoge. price (16,800, Liberal Crockett/Reaitor, MI 8-1677. AunrrowHiM. demonstration. Ml 9-3851 after 8 pany. Realtors. MI. 8-7935, or Ann Notice is hereby given that Pass Dial PI 2-7249^ any time. ture Repair Service, Talcottvllle. only 8808.50. Planoa from 8595-8605. Wanted— ROonui—Board 62 F.H.A. or qualified buyer nay as­ Book No. 11123 Issued by First Ml 3-7449, ;...... ' p.m. SEBAGO OUTBOARD 13 ft-31 f t BROTHER, CAN YOU SPARE Price# Include guarantee delivery Farms and -Land for Sale 71 Bartlett, BU 9-0939. sume present VA .mortiragei New and used. Call Ml 8-4426. A 810 BILUTILL JUNE7 About Town National Bank of Manchester has MORTLOCK'S, Manchester’s lead­ and five free lessons. Easy ternrs. TRAILER Near HamniimasMt, (XVI) - BOLTON -I. Five room been "made to said bank for pay­ ing driving school. For complete WEAVING of bums, moth holes MOTO-MOWER, Toro, Jacobeen — THAT'S RIGHT - Tempo Orgsn Studios, 888 Main FOR DIFFERENT sizes and MADELINE $MITH, Realtor Wanted- Estate 77 1903 Starr 8S4i foot. Three rooma, ranch, 815,600. on 180x300 wooded Xi Gamma Chapter of , Bata ment and Issuance of new book. information, see Yellow Page No. and tom clothing, hosiery runs ..tptary, reel or riding type power THAT’S ALL YOU WBED St., Manchester. batii. Clean. ReaaonaMe. M l of farma and land tracts wit mowera. . Toro Power Handle. OLDTOWN^c ' cihoa. For da- - loL Baaement garage, flnniace, MI 9-1642 USTINUB w a n t e d . Sigma Phi will meat tomorrow 13 in phone booH. MI 9-7398. handbags repaired, ripper re TO START HOUSEKEEPING 9-00(6. miles of Hartford, Lawrfenca e and LOST—UtUe girl’s pink bonnet- placement, umbrellas repaired Heatiitg andf Plumbing 17 Business Opportunities 32 Help Wahted— Female 35 Capitol Equipment Co., 88 Main. tails call Ml ALL 1 WANT IS A TR' THE Kinsman slectronic Fiano. Broker. Ml 9-8010. Youngstown kitchen. Call The R. two-family houeea, her of night at the home of Mrs. Bestriea type hat. Goes with coat. Almost HARRISON Driver Training - men's shirt collars reversed and Ml 8-7968. - spinst organ today. Finest quality ' F.. Dlmock Co;, MI 9-5248, or Mrs. MLS. Howard R Real Masse, Bioomflald. Mambara are Ratable, Honest Person Zuckerman. Ml 9-6285. In frorrt of Youth Center. Manches­ Lei.mlng to drive in our dual con replaced. Marlow’s Little Mend W E Il. established radio, TV, EARN UO weekly sbwing ready-cut of any horns organs. Dubaido 44 ACRE FARM, suitable for farm- AA ZONE—Distinctive Ranch home tor. M3 9-1107 «ny time reminded o f tho trash and treaa* PLUMBING repairs, alterationa, USED LUMBER for aale—2x3s, Boildins Materials 47 ^ TO TAKE OVER Apartments— FIat»— trolled standard or automatic Ing Shop. aalea and service. Excellent earn­ babywear. ..No houae_ aelilng. Eh- Music Center, 188 West Middle log or building lota. Eight room with colonial charm. Custom built ura aala. ter ParkftdS'. Saturday afternoon. repiping. Automatic .heaters, gas, 2x4s, 2x6s, 3x8a, flooring, aheaUi- UNPAID BALANCE (XXH)—SIX room Capfe. Finished SBLUNO TOUR homeT Fi ing with desirable name brand cloee stamped, addreesed eh Turnpike. Tenements 63 house near residential section. —offers alx large room# with ad­ Call TR .8-9122. collect. cars Is easy and enjoyable. Li­ 8100. Electric, 8160. Ml 9-7636. ing, window#, door# and Numbing YOUR BUILDING NEEDS MONTHLY PAYMENTS .recreation room, garage, covered prompt, efficient, courteou# aerV' censed school authorised by De­ FIJ4T FINISH Holland window franchises. Phone MI 3-46flt, for velope. Babyland,»by Morristown Call PI 5-8837 or PI 2-6197. ditional bedroom space avaUaUa. Mambara of the Glaanara Clrola shades, made to measure. All auppiiea. Open Saturday 8-4 p.m., ^ 831.16 FOR SALE—Accordion, full bass. FOUR ROOM apartment Including patio. Beautiful landacaped yard, ice and aimralsitig without obliga­ partment of Motor Vehicles. Ml Ov^TSON,, PLUMBING and heat­ rietaila. • Tenn, 8 COMPLETE Three bedroom# twin size, 3>i oOBouth Church wfiq hava-madq metal Venetian blinds at a new Z- ______— ------week days 3:80-6 p.m. or call MI AT w h o l e s a l e p r ic e Good condition, 8200. Call MI heM, hot water, gaa, electric re­ choice location. 817.8IX). R F. bath#,'heautifuT Wooded l«, 125X tion, oalt S. A. Beeehlsn Realtor, Personals 3 3-4884. ing eontractor: New installations, ROOMS OF BRAND NEW frigerator and ga# etove 891 Houses (or Sale Dlmock tc Oo., Realtora, MI 9-8245 rcMnutlona for the dinner at low price Keys made while you allerahoi work and repair work. 9-3393, Choman's Houaewrecklng, 9-1661. 72 200., A "must eee.” Elva TYler, Ml 8-6960 or Wealey R. Smith, As­ ESSO HAS GOLDEN Yard located at Stock Place, Off j No. 1 Weetern Framing FURNITURE monthly. Cali MI 9-4071 from 5-7 any time. ' sociate, Ml 9-8952. Member Multi­ C a v e y ^ W jdnaaday avaaing. VACUUM CLEANERS repaired In wait. Marlow’ s. Ml 9-3808. Help Wanted -^-Maie 36 Realtor, M l 9-4460. Motorcycles— Bicycles 11 OPPORTUNITY North Main St. Per M ’ 1108 SLONDB BEDROOM OUR Greateat Sale! Because our p.m. only. (XVII) New (^apfe with 1100 ple Luting Service. should im gt at the reataiurant at my own shop. Forty years factory FORMICA counters, ceramic wall DRIVING Inetructor wanted by } Canadian Framing Per M’ 889 UVINO ROOM building la coming down to make square ft of living areh 5 minute# CAPE COD—Six finished rooma, MANCHES'IER—Duplex. 6-6. Nice p.m. For man dealroua of operating COVENTRY—Four room .....iinfur.. fireplace, screened porch, 10x13. e.xperience. All makes, low rates, 1958 ENGLISH motorcycle. Good and floor tile. Let us modernize enabliahed driving school. Must SPECIAL No. 1 loam, delivered 8211x13 Dry Western Sheathing 5-PC. DINETTE SET way for a new ramp garage for from Manchegter Green Youngs­ location, large lot, good income, U 8TINOS WANTED-Stngle, two- k free estimates, free pickup and de­ Moving—iTnichlng— own buainesa — ESSO SERVI- - Per M ’ 889 “ PHILOO” ELEC. REF, nished bouse. Hot water heater. town kitchen living room ■- with Recently redecorated, Ebccellent family, three-family, buslneaa condition. 8275. Barlow Television, your bathroom and kitchen. For b e' certified. Write giving qualifi per yard. Gravel, hot mix uphait, Hotel Statler, every used spinet, ■ubstantial cash required. ’ Full Tiolteta for tha^Prasidants’ card CENTER available on . heavily •■CALORIC* COMB. RANGE On town road, suit family of four. fireplace 'vestibule. I.argr -ipt. location. Owner MI 9-9460. livery. Mr. Miller, AD 2-5371. * Buckland. n free estimates call Ml 9-2655. The Storage 20 cations and experience to Box W 1" atabilized, crushed stone, drain' 1 X 12 Dry Western Sheathing grand piano and organ reduced. price 813.900. Short way out— Six property. Haye many cash buyers. party tonight at >,^’cloek in tha Tile Shop. 243 No, ^ain St. traveled highway in Bolton. Phone Manchester Herald. age atone, washed' sand and fill. Per M’ $69 •'MAYTAO WASHER” Also brand new full-keyboard Year's lease. 875 per month. PI 8 1 5 .^ ' R ‘ F Dlmock and C»., room Cape. Excellent condition. Mortgages arranged. Please call Church o f the AaahMUon hall, IS YOUR ORGANIZATION I^asdorf Sand and Stone Co'ih- Knotty Pine Paneling All 8’ "EMERSON” TELEVISION 2-7356. Rehitore, MI 9-5245 any time. 427 PARKER ST.—Large six room George L. Orariftdio, Realtor. MI MANCHESTER Moving and Truck­ spinet, beautiful design, 8495. Cfepe. Custom btiilt- attached ga- Very large lot. Full price 811.500. will be avaUmMe at th ^ oor. X Wanted Autos— RADIO REPAIRS on any m a k e- ing Co. Ml 3-6563. Owned and op­ R . W. DORLEY WANTED—Part time, aaleaman, pany. MI 3-243T. I Per M* "HOOVER" VACUUM Other good buys in floor demon­ Many more for 86,700 up. O il The 9-6878. 109 Henry St. INTERESTED all. ampltfiera and phonographa FREE FIRST month’s rent to newj- (XVI RJGA HiCTGHTS Bolton- 7 * ^ ..Jaloualed in breezeway, Motorcycles 12 erated by Walter B,.,Perretl, Jr., Daily 8-5 Hartford JA 7-4183 Local married man to work Into ------:------:------I Diaappearing ■Slalrwav Each,^ "MOHAWK" AXM. RUGS strators. Spinets 8298 and up — Ellsworth Mitten Agency, Real­ St. Bridget’s Mothers Clf wiU and changers. Over 47 years total full time aalea position in future CLEAN lop quality loam excellent g Panel (Gonial Doom "SEALY" BOXSPRINO lyweds. No lease requlreit. Apart Magnlflcent new rtincb. Six patio. Many other deairahle fea­ ARB YOU (XINSIPBRING In earning $20 $120 very easily by agent fo. Bumham’e Van Service. electronic apinet organs 8495 and ment building. 3tk rooma, ‘-eated, rooms, two car garage. See tures and conveniences. MI 9-2903. tors, MI 3-6630, meet for a potiuek tonight at J;30 taking orders for seasonal prod­ experience 90 days guarantee on Sat., Sun. Eve., Springfield Write P.O. Box 416, Manchester, for top dressing, alad dean white | From/SSacb 88.95 " 8EALY” MATTRESS up. Special long term# If desired. SELUNO YOUR PROPERTY? Service tc 48 atatea. all electric appUancea. 20 minutes signs on Bolton Center Rd R. We wtU appraise your property at the hopie of Mrs. Paul WANTED TO BUY — Used ears. all 'work. Potterton’a. STate 3-4629 sand for chlldren'a play yards, P I, windows ComplelS/iAd aet up LINOLEUM. TABLES, CABINETS, •If you’re a shrewd Judge of a dol­ (X y i) — MAGNIFIC:EiNT ranch MANCHESTER—Six room ranch ucts? WANTED—Handyman for general from Charter Qak Bridge on Park­ F Dlmock A Co., Realtors Iifl- free and without any .obligation. llpa, 392 Main St. Call JA 8-1990. MANCHESTER Package Delivery. 3-6236 dayg. Ml 9-5900 eveninga. I I ^ m Each 810.50 PICTURES. AND A FEW lar, come in at once. Open Mon­ 821,800. Spring' Street. Beautifully on high elevation. Large living CONTACT^ garage work. Must have driver’s OTHER ITEMS way, Ml 9-4824, T R 5-5775. 8-5245 any time. ' room with picture window, three We also buy property for cash. Light trucking and package deliv­ day through Saturday, also Thurs­ wooded and landfeoatied lot. R. F. Mystic Reviaw, loca; b.'anch of Building—Contracting 14 ery. Refrigeratora, washers and llcenaei Apply in pereort. Manchee- Fre# Storage Until Wanted bedrooms, tile bath, hot water oil Member Multiple Listing MI 9-0657° Help Wanted— Feiiiale 35 dav p.m. Gou Piano It Organ Co., FOUR ROOM apartifient, centrally (XnD-SANTINA Drive—Off Kee- Dlmock A Co., Ml 9-5245 any time. the Women’s Benefit Aasn., of Business Services Offered 13 stove moving speciality. Folding ter Motor SalW 512 West Center Free Delivery heat. Basement garage, corner lot STANLEY BRAY. Realtor DRY WALL contractors - Walls, ^ " ‘ mSliurn. " ' d e i w I M G o"’ " ’ " " N rii" ^ 817 Asylum SC, Hartford—Tel. JA located. Heat and hot,water sup- new St. New 6 4 room ranch on which Mra. Aldas Gutsmer la chaira for rent. MI 9-0752. WANTEDt — A agerefary exper­ St. Free Set Up By Our Own 5.6696. MANCHESTER - Older colonial, with lovely trees. Onlv 816,600, BRAE-BURN REALTY FLOOR SANDING and rcfinlahlng. sand finished ceilings. Invisible Backed by thirty yearn of satlafied : „„ X * * . plied. Available July IsK Adults large wooded lot. Built-bv Harry Ml S-6273 prealdent, won a prisii for tha larg­ Automobiles for Sale 4 ienced in LAW 'office procedure, Reliable 'Men only. RoX'R. Herald. Goodwh) Jr,. 818,500 R. v ntmach four large bedrooms. 1 4 bath, with 82,000 down. Call Manchester Specializing in old floors. Ml taping. Interior and exterior paint­ MOVE BY TRAILER van. It’t leas lifust be excellent in shorthand CAREER OPPORTUNITY Realty Co., Ted Goodchild, Ml est delegation attending the con­ ing. Free estimates. Tel, Bernard ^ fihlnglm Per 8q. 814.80 Phone For Appointment ' tc Co., Realtora. MI 9-5245 any lajrge shaded lot, two-car garage, 9-5750. expensive—One load instead of and typing. Two weeks vacation, Samuel Atbort, Hertford, CH 7-0358 Wearing Apparel— Furs 57 3-4348 or M l 3-0000. WANTED—§lx room houae with no vention of revlewa throughout the BEFORE YOU BUY a used car A. Lozier, PI 2-6452. ______: Hand Split Shakes Per 8q. 823.93 M ANCHESTER-Flve room rent, time. W w uhoR Near center of town. money down, pay like rent. Write two or three-^ Easier loading and .inaurance, fringe benefits. An ex­ If you are a aaleamah, wapt Any time up to 8 p m. first floor, all newly decorated last 81(r!^. For appointment please ■tate Saturday at the Hotel Bond. see Gorman Motor Sales. Buick Ji g s a w . bend aaw. hack yBkvr. I Insolation Per M’ 885 PORTER STREET aection — 23 Box C, Herald...... ALTERATIONS to kitchens, bath-1 unloading— Distinctive, dignified cellent position lor the right per- to be one, a coaat to coaat in#ur- See It Day Or Night CHESTER FURRIERS rsnujdcU year. On bus line,'. Large yard. 818.600. Spactduii alx room bonjo, call Howard R. Hastings. Realtor. Hartford. They Also put op muen Sales and Service. - 285 Main MORTENSEN fV . Specialized RCA lathe, other machines. 87 CKeatnut ■ We will beat our compeUlom furs for 919.95. Fur storage 82. Green Hill St. Excellmt seven rooms, attics, cellars, porches, or j and smart, ’ ’The Best lor Leas." spn who wants to work In a pleas­ ance company is looking for quali­ gt. advertised prices by at leaat 8%. If you have no mean# of trans­ Working people, no pete. Call Ml good solid construction, aluminum Manchester, MI 9-1107 any time. of the fioor work unde the dtrec.- Street. Ml 9-4571. Open evenings. television service. Ml 9-4641. Cleaning and glazing 83. MI room' Colonial, four rooms with playroom. Plumbing, carpentry. | The Austin A. Chambers Co.. 808 ant atmosphere. Write P. O. Box fied men. Work for yourself in a portation, I'll send my auto for 3-8254.■ storma. garage, bear stores, bus, Legal Notirea tlon of Mre. Oglera White o f thia 1956 PONTIAC two-door hardtop. East Middle Turnpike, Ml 3-5187. 687, Manchester, stating exper­ THREE YARD durfip truck body. NOBODY BUT NOBODY you. No 6W ft*tton. ’ 9-7218. small down paymebi aasum.' 5% MANCHESTEP. — Two-f a m 11 y lavatory first floor, three bed town. Reports of the conference ASHES, RUBBISH, lawns, alfklnds clcctrlca' and masonry. Aluminum wondesful well paid business, rooms, with full tu# bath second IjOW mileage. Reasonable. Call MI Hartford CH 7-1423.' ience, qualifications, name and with hoist. Top condition.__ M-. ------TWO .ROOM un(unii8hed apart­ mortgage. Carlton- W.- - HuteWns, duplex,..6A .rooms, oil heat, cen- wilt Im presentaJ-’lzt tiie meeting of general work and light truck-1 aiding Garages, cottages, out-! fltxjr. Hot water oil heat. Immedi­ AT A COURT OF PROBATE, heia S-0606. ' terephsHeTitrinbaK - = ^ laittiT, xornnffiwtetir, If 48-45 ALLYN S’f .. HARTTORD ment. All utilities except gas. ^ n - Ml 9-6132. tridlv located. Priced at 815.800. at Manchester, within and for ih* of Myatie Review tomorrow at 8 Irig. Rags and papers fucked Up bundlngs, room additions’ Nuside j Cook’s, MancKeater Green. See xTA-pir^vTAi t ikt/"* I TWO SUITS, Size 12. Summer ate occupancy. Price 820,900, Engineering Company, Inc., 34 All inquiries strictly confidential. McKinney, 130 Pearl Street. Price! n a t i o n a l LUMBER, INC. Open Mon. thru Fri. till 8 p.m. traliy located. Rent 960. MI ('45^4. For appointment, pleaae call How. District of Manchester, on the 14th day p.m. in Odd Fellows hall. free. Prices reasonable^ Ml 9-0142. WOMAN WANTED to live in Cap- i mated clothes. MI 9-7843. Shown by appointment. Phone M l of May A.D. 1958. NEED A CAR and had your credit Oak St. NH 3-1425. Painting— Papering 21 Write briefly to PO Box 69, New­ 8475. 881 STATE ST. t X m MANCHESTER - New six ard R. Hastings, Realtor, Man­ able of doing general houaehold FOUR R(X)M duplex, near bus, rimni ranch home In Rockiedge chester. MI 9-1107 any time. SA273. Brae-BuiSum Reidty. Present. Hon. John J. Wallelt, Judge., turned down? Short on down pay­ NORTH HAVEN. CONN LADIES’ DRESSES. 20-204 Some Estate of Samuel G. Gordon, late of Gueat apaakara at the apaclal ment? Had a repossession? Don’t ALL TYPES of carpentry work p a in t in g a n d paperhanging. duties, including cooking and help­ ington, Conn. Telephone CHestnut 8-2147 WATKINS USED schools. Occupancy July 1st. Write section. cV' baths, ceramic tile Manchester in said district, deceased. g a r d e n s PLOWEj6 with John never worn. Fur neck piece. Worn CAPE WITH dormers. Six finished service tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. at give up! ^ee Douglas Motors, get Deere tractor. C9J1 Ml 9-2136. done, alterations, dormers, roof­ Good clean wnrkmanshhlp at res ing with elderly persona. Call MI THAYER STROLLER. Very good Box G, Herald. kitchm counters Attaobed garage, T. J. CROCKETT. REALTOR Upon application of Jack M. Gordon, eoneble rates 30 years in Man­ 9-5985. YOUNG MAN to learn carpet lay- twice. Reasonable. 396 Hilliard St. rooms. Storms and screens. Ame­ executor, praying for authority to sell the Covenant Congregational the lowdov’n on the lowest down ing, porchee. etc. Call Ml 9-5981 condition: Cali MI 9-3364. FURNI’TURE EXCHANGE amesite' drive, fully lapdecap^ certain real estate particularly de­ wn .i Ji- TBLB tilsioN Service. chester. Raymond Flake. Ml ing Experience ^ not. necessary. Diamonds—Watrh« SIX ROOM furnished apartment. lot. 821 P00/C.-UI R F Dlmock Co., site drive. Deep wooded lot. Con­ Our convenient office at 344 Main (Jhurch, win be Roy and Ravel and smallest Tiayments any-where. Watkins, Inc., .935 Main Street. scribed In said appltcallnn on file. It 1s Available at ah times. Phllco fac­ BIDWELL Home Improvement Co. 9-9237. ______- WANTED—Woman to care for eld­ BLUE SHEER semi-rormal. suits \, 48 Central, all conveniences. Good itfealtore. M l 9-5245 any time. venient to schools, bus. shoppirig. Street is open Saturday and Sun; , ORDERED: That the forezolns appU- Heaalona o f Great M ta ln . fiktan- Not a small lokn or finance com ­ Jewelry '15 OAK STREET Wanted—^To Buy 58 for three adults to share. Cali MI day afternoons. We have photos of pany plan. Dou^^l,a8 Motors, 333 tory supervised eervice. Tel Ml Alterations, additions garages. erly blind man in hla home. Call size 15, girls' coats, etc. size 10-13. 814,600, under 82,000 down. MI eallon be heard and determined at the gellat Hesslona ia author of several PAINTING and decorating. Nr job hn 3-7550. 3-5937. (m) MANCH ES^R. - Two-fam- 9-3416. most of our listings. Probate office In Manchester In said books, among them "The Calvary Main Street, ^ 9-9698. ^ Roofing and siding experts Alum­ Situations Wanted— T.V. table, Adding, linens, cot-1 LEONARD W TOST Jeweler, V Special purchase of two dozen WANTED TO. BUY District,, on the SSlh day of. May. A.D, loo small or too hig For tree esti­ tage Items. Ml 3-8589. tly dupierx. Excellent condi­ Road.” Mrs. Hatsiona wUl also inum clapboards a specialty. Un­ SEWING MACHINE operators. Ex- pairs, adjusts watches expertly nfew mattrease# and box springs, Good used resaleable furniture, FURNISHED room on bus line. Following are a few of our llat- 1958, at ten o'cloek In the forenoon, and DICK’S W eatherstrip Com­ excelled workmanship. Easy budg­ mate call Ml 9-9555. I'odern Female 38 Reasonable prices. Open dally. regularly 859.95—824.95 while they tion, large X. 3 bedroom home. SIX R()OM ranch home. Attached that notice be given to all persons In address tha Covenant Women’a^^ TRUCK FOR sale—195^ Ford sedan perienced preferred but iVlli irKlni------— ------— also small upright and apinet Business block.,Adults. Free park­ Ipga. Many more available through terested In said estate of the pendency delivery. Excellent Xondition. pany. dbora and windows, cuatom et terms. Ml 9-6195 or TR 5-9109. Home Decorating Co. -;------I s m a l l METTAL ello com crib en-1 Thursdav eveninga. 129 Sprue# last. 3rd bedroom poasiBte. Spa­ • garage, large corner lot provides (Jultd, Thursday at 1:18 p.m. at the if applicant is familiar with mis-! BABY-SITTING in my pianos. ing. MI 9-8191. privacy. Property in excellent our Multiple Listing Service. of said application and the time and Fully equipped. Call MI 9^65. work,/guaranteed. Cali Ml 9-1883 licensed | silage cutter. 529, West Center St. Street. Ml 9-4387. cious renovated kllohen. v. Good place of Hearing thereon, by publishing Talcott home. - " after'6 p.m. P a i n t e r a n d paper hanger, dec­ cellaneous family sewing. Kaklar l home.. Days. Full or part time. 1 MI 3-8116. Three piece mahogany bedroom inveatmem income. Prime \^a- condition throughout Good mort­ a copy of this order^ln some newspaper RoofinK-Siding 16 orator. Good clean Job. reaaonable Toy Co.. 60 Hilliard St. | Tel. Ml 3-7320. • Watkins Used Furiiiture ONE AND two room furnished 811,200—Fpur room expandable having a circlilatlon In said district, at FORD 1957, Falrlane 500., 245 Ii P- •et. 889. tlon. R F Dimock tc. Co., Real gage available. May be seen anv Buckley School PTA will hear a price. S. Yencha, Ml 9-8914 after 80 GALLON electric hot water heat- ■\ aparfment.s. Utilities, private bath, time by appointment. Ow-ner MI Cape. least five days before the day of said engine. Two tone. Low m ilea^. GQNDER’S T V Service, available FUR THE best In ahingle and built Exchange tors, MI 9-5245 any time. hearing, to appear If lha.v see cause at music program at. Its meeting any time. Antenna- - conversions. 5 p.m. WOMAN wanted to live In. Capable I WOULD CARE for one or two ef, flberglaa. Three years old. Sarrel chair, 835. free parking. Adults. Business 3-8892. One owner, 82200. Qtdl MI 3-4308; up roofing, gutters, leaders; chim­ of doing general household duties, small children, days in my home. • SEPTIC TANKS 15 Oak Street block on bus.line Bent by week 812,766—Two six room (Japes, said Urns and place and he heard rela Wednesday at 7:45 p.m. at the after 5 p.m. 'Phllco factory aupervfged aervlee 8100. MI 8-8404. (XXIV) FOUR UNIT apartment in live thereto, and make return to this ney and roof repalra call Coughlin. CEILINGS whitened, interior paint­ including’ cookingi and helping MI 9-6412. Cleaned and Installed Pule kneeholi deek fnew) 839 95. ■or month. MI 9-8191. SIX ROOM RANC!H--Fireplace, at pne' a double lot. (100x160) with court. school. The three Grade 6 classes •Tri. Ml 9-1486. Rockville. Only one year old Ex- beautiful yard and trees. Just off MI 3-7707. ing. Evenings and Saturdays. Call with elderly persona. Call MI ' celiem Income return CJail The R. tached garage. Many extras. Ex­ JOHN J. WAI-LETT; Judge. will sing under the direction of CAPABLE middle-aged woman ex­ fr rug, wool face. New. COMPLETE SET of automobile FOUR ROOM flat on first floor, East Center Street. The other is Mis# Virginia Thompson, music 1950 STUDEBAKER, reasonably. CLa Pr o a RDS recovered wit' No. MI 9-5425. 9-6985. • SEWERS F. Dlmock Co., Realtors. Ml 9-5245 cellent location. 815,900. Call own­ STATO OF CONNEmrUT, District )R ALL TYPES of roofing and perienced in home nursing, mechanics tools. Call MI 3-8981. with automatic hot water heater. being reconditioned. Erector. Installation of officers Phone MI 3-4822. 1 woo^MUilnglea and painted at' the $15,600 Machine Cleaned Or Ml Bernie CJanfor. TR 5-S49S. er; jd l 3-0644. of Andoyrr. rm batp Court. Town of aiding, clapboard, asbestos. You h o p HOME Fartlea—Avon, Conn, would like position caring for in­ Apply 50 Holl Street. Andov#r, April 35. IUBK. will follow the program. sa m r Ume. Low rates. Call MI 8x9 Fiber rilg. N«w. 87. 813,300 — "Our Sleeper.” Six 1952 CHEVROLETS, four door- and may save by calling now- for your Courses and Cla.^ses^' 27 One of the largest variety Party valid, convalescent or elderly. 5-ROOM RANCH FOUR BEDROOM Colonial , 14 MANCHESTEft - Colonial. 74 Kftlatp of Robert C. Crofthwaltp, la!** 9-6056. free estimates. All materials and • INSTALLATION Kooms Without Board 59 THREE ROOM heated apartment rooms, garage. Vacant. Many of thp Town of Columbia, In nald Pla- two door. Clean car. Douglas Plans in the country needs a few Own transportation. References. (BOi-TON) batha, knotty pine kitchen, % acre rooms. artlsUcsJly paneled., beau­ trlrt. docpaRfd, A paiiel dlacuoslon on the Junior workrhanship guaranteed. Ma*'- with range and refrigerator. Heat, extras. Motors, 333 Main St. & M RUBBISH CO. Full time dealers in -this area. Also exper­ PI 2-7175.X Large beautlfnly landscaped. lot SPECIALIST RtXJM FOR RENT, inquire State lot Manchester Oreen area. MI tiful recreation room with bar. hot .Thr Administrator bavin# oxhlblt^d high school program was presented Chester Roofing and Siding Co., OPEN T H U R ^A Y AND hot w'ater. References 896 month.' hlft final arroimt with aatd Katato to cleaning, removal service, land­ ienced dealers ns managers. Write with trees. For farther Informa­ Tailor Shop. 8 BtaseU. MI 8-7383. 9-1205 water heat. Immaculate condition, Henry Street—Vacant five room at the meeting of the Barnard Inc., Ml 9-8933. MI 3-8608. thi* Court for allowance I! la 1951 FORDS, Victoria and edarh. j scaping, lawns mdwed, driveway or call collect OR 3-3207, or OR Situations Wanted— Male 39. tion or appointment to see T own m i CouHtry FRIDAY UNTM. 9 Afte- 6:3r Ml 3-5047. large trees, onlv 817.830. Carlton ranc*' with beautiful recreation GRDFiREP That lhf» 22nd day of PTSO last Thuraday evening in the Good transportation.' / Douglaa : sealing, patching, ^etal, card­ RADIO- 3-9829. CALL. (XXVI) JUST OFF Porter St. W, Hutchins. MI 9-8182. room. Will make an ideal home for May. A.D. inSfl. at onp o ‘rlor)( In tha high ichool .auditorium- Spoclal CONNECTICUT Valley Construc­ ATTRACrnVELY iurnlahed and EAST .CENTER St., three room Beiutifu. six room Dutch Colt.nlal afternoon at th^ Pmhata In An­ Motors, 333 Main St. board drums. Ml 9-975 CARPENTER wants work. 82 per R. r . DIMOCK CO, apartment. Recently remodeled. a young couple or amall family. gueaU were parents of sixth wad­ tion. All types of roofing, siding, ELECTRONICS— KITCHEN table. poroelalnX top. cheerful rooms. (Complete light for only 821.600 Cali R F Dlmock NEAR BOLTON^12,500;-roduced. dover hf and thp aarap la asalima'd fop IT’S FUN hour. Write J. Manley Antique • M l 9-524.V , DraiRagE Co. Heat and hot water. 880 per (Jompact yard. a hparini^ on thp allowance « f aaid ad- ers. Paneiiate were (Tharlea John­ 1955 CHEVROLETS —6s and Ss. TV SERVICE—any mak gutters and carpentry wo*k. 88 Shop. 2814 Charter Oak Ave., i Four chaira. Good condition. housekeep'uig facillUea available. & Co.,- Realtora. Ml 9-5245 or Mr. like new. Four room Ranch. Ce­ years experience. MI 3-7180. or MR.H. ZUCKERMAN month. Call 5U 3-7850 or .MI miniatratlon account, with aald Eatate, son, principal o f Barnard Junior Four door. Priced ' right. Douglas quality work at lowest TELEVISION You mgke new frlendsj earii many Hartford. Conn. Ml 9-4143 Call MI 9-5691. Single, double, cailldren accepted Bernie Cantor, TR 5-3495 ramic bath, form ica cemnters. Immaculate cuatom built ranch. and Ihia Court direcia lhi» Admlnlalra- High, George Bradlaw, vice pres­ HI 9-6385 9-3770. lor to rllp all pepaona tntereatpd there­ Motors, "333 Main St, expert, work. Famoua tor extrA'''dollars; learn uore about —limited parking .Central, reason flreplace,^ -^uminum combination Overaized kitchen, plaater walla, ident, M rf. , A lba HotkowakU / ROOl-’ING, SIDING, painting Car­ “ Learn-by-doing” "at Connectlcut!B VirlOMATIC ABC washer for sale (XXVm - EAST H A R T F O R D in to appear at aatd time and plar^e. bjr hie price. Come see. Mrs. Dor- COMPLETELY furnished apart- windows sdid doors. Basemfent ga­ fireplace. Large cellar. Being, sold ptibllahlnft a ronv of thla order In tome guidance dif^tor, and Mrs. Alifefe' 1958 PLYMOUTH, push-button | te"ion’s!^* P*ione 5U 9 pentry Alterations and additions. Oldest Electronics School coMnetlcs—when you become an Or exchange, for upright freezer or (While they last! — New ranch rage, fieldatoneRetainer walla. \^lllnga Workmanship guaran- e ^ 14 Arch St. ment. Available from June 20- lielow replacement coat. Very cen­ newenapep having a circulation In aald Hammer and Allan Cone, gul(lance Avon Representative. Leam more What have you. MI 3-0943. hornet. $14,990. (Cdlnpletely fin­ Well landscaped. 5% down. Ex­ tral. Less than a year old. Dtatrlct. and by poetlnr a ropy of thIa Douglas Motors, 333 Main St. {feed. A. A. Dion, Inc., 299 Autumn Whiiehoust Bros. Sept. 1. Call after 3:30. MI 9-7645. ordf*r on the public aim poat In the counaelora. y '' LAWN MOWERS ^arpened, re- EVENING Eletjtronics ' Servicing about IV Phone Avon Products, JA ished) - Built-in etoVe and oven, cellent financing. I..awrence F. Town of Columbia, where deceaaed St.^6n 8-4860, PLEASANT room near, bath for fireplace, ceramic tile bath, tut) ' paired. Air cool'engine# repaired, 2-1758. Fiano, Broker. MI 9-5910. .Summit Street—Neat Cape with la.«t dwelt, and aent by certified mall, The P^ench Club of/sfanchester 1953 CHEVROLET four - door. work guaranteed. IdeiiK.Grind;ng CTasa starts JUNE 17th one or twh-gcntiemen. 64 High St. basemenUi, ameatte drives com ­ two baths, two fireplaces and loads poftiaire prepaid, to: Powergltde, power steering. Ex­ and Chimneys 16-A PAINTING and 'Round-fhe-Clocic' Bag! Business Locations BOLTON—815,400 new 5 'j room Ralph R. rroethwalle, 140 Mahifleld will hold lu monthly meeting Shop 273 Adams St, Ml 9-3120, Ml ~Roonng ai Tuesday and Friday evenlngfe EXPERIENCED counter girl. Cali pletely landacaped. 10% ('own. of extras. Brick front. One bedroom Ave.. .WIMImentlr. Tonn., cellent condition. Douglas Motors, Drive-In Grocery Store for Rent 64 F.H.A R F Dimock tc Co., Real­ Ranch. Cliolce 'o f colors. Built-in Wednesday at p.m. in tho 3-8979. X Doc's Drive-In after 6:30 p.m. Ml on main floor, two up. Real pice Marraret Broabola, 673 Mein St.. Wtl- 333 Main St. ROOFINO-^ecialjzing In repalr- Knight# of Columbus hall. Card " ENROLL NOW I' 9-8150. Sew ldenftSON. Jildf#. in the conference room at 7:15. Howle’y. Manchester 20 Sdi361. Legal Notice For further Information or ■ ap- BOLTON, near (/eVitcr—Oversized recreation room. Real nice corner 9-11 a.m. or 4:30-7:30 p.m. Fully insured CX>MMERC?1AL business or office 88 Union Place, Hartford tointment to see cqll R F. seven Toom stone Cape. 1,647 -aq. lot, garage. Located on Campfleld Of Public Hearing Guaranteed peintment to see, caN spacg for rent. Up to 6500 square LAWN MOWERS repaired and Heating ahd Plumfeiiig 17 A piiblis hearing wyi be held by Dimock tc Co., Realtors, Ml 9-5245, ft. living area. Plastered wtUls, Road. LOAM sharpened. 113 Wells St. ' MI JAckspir 5-3406 (ppp. RR atation) feet. Will aub-dividc. Main SI Lo­ any time. ' big rooms, 1 4 baths. Stone fire­ the Zoning Commiambn of the Warkmanship cated near .Center Plenty of park­ 9-4868. LLOYD’S p l u m b i n g Service Town of Bolton, Connecticut, place, back terrace with fibergiaa '' 817,560—New ranchea With ga­ Bures satisfactton. prompt pervife Phona Ml 3-0110 The R. F. DIMOCK CO^M I 9-52(5 ing. Phone Ml 9A229 or MI 3-7444. 6-6 DUPLEX/ garage, amesite roof. Oversized two-car garage. rages. All pUatered. Two located LAWN SEEDING Wedneaday, June 4, 1958. at 8:00 drive, centrally located, only CH 7-6124, MI 9-S4M. p.m. at the Community Hall to con­ Private workshop. Small outbuild­ in the very desirable Bowers ...... o f f i c e § P A (^ aoitable for dee- 815,800. Cali early on this one. ing, amoslte drive. Well land­ School Area. ' ■ TIMEISI^ERE! sider the following proposed zone tor, lawyer, optometrist, real es­ Carlton W, -Hutchins, RefUtor, MI change: scaped, plenty of shade trees. 24 LOAM tate, Insurance. Will remodel. - 9-a82. acres. Asking 825,500. LaA^ence 819,500—New Colonial three bed­ We deliver approximately To change jfrom .Residence Zone Ample parking fsciiitieS. 105'Main rooms and with a little imagina­ to Biisiheas Zone ail or part of the F. Fiano, Broker. MI 9-5910.) 5 yards of unsifted $ 1 A Top Quality, Cultivated SEPTIC TANKS St Ml 3-6653; (VID —SDC ROOM ranch near Por­ tion and a few pieces of sheet rock TobaccO-'Field Loam property along both sides of Route PARENT ter Street School. Two ,eram ic BOLTON, near Center -Six room you can make it into four bed­ AND FURNISHED one rooip office in farm field loam. a w 6 extending from Stony Hill Ro4d SPLIT LEVEL tilfe; batha, fully plastered. En­ custom built Ranch. 1 4 baths, rooms,. 1 4 baths, large porch. on the northerly side and the prop­ central location. Ideal arfange- closed lOrch, attached garage. two fireplaces, recreation room in M l 9 - a 6 5 0 PLUGGED SEWERS erty of Xnark Wellpoint Company LARGE GARAGE 6-Rooma— Vem<^ meiH for a life insurance salesman Large lot. 823.000 R. F Dlmock. 824,300—Seven room ranch ■with Ml 9-4824— TR 5-2975 JR. or manufacturing representative. basement with de luxe bar and on the southerly aide, northw’est- tc Co., Realtora, MI 9-5245 any kitchenette. Redwood paneling. basement garage. One block from Machine Cleaned Telephone' answering service, erly along both sides of Route 6 to IDEAL FOR AUTO time. » ’ Oversized two-car garage, with Main Streqt. (Justom built. ' Septle Tanke. Dry Wella. Sewer the Stale Highway Department’s R. F. DIMOCK CO .-M l 9-5245 ample p a rk in g . Reasonable. 16’ overhead electrically operated 838,000—Quality plus here. With­ Llnee Installed—Cellar Water- PAINTING and non-acceaa boundaries. Said zone REPAIRING O ockett Agency, 344 Main St., MANCHESTER—812,600. S ix . room door. Also, separate building, four out a doubt this home is one of prooSng Done. ■hall be 200 feet in depth on both Manchester. Cape, good condition, nice yard room apartment. Redwood panel­ Manchester’s finest. Seven rooms PAPER HANGING sidea o f Route 6. with large trees, near bus, school. ing, basement garage and work CAPE GOD BOLTON ZONING COMMIS TELEPHONE ^ / NEW RANCH STORE for rfent,- Groton. Near Carlton W- Hutchins. Ml 9-5132. 1 4 baths,. 2 car garage, choice Electric Boat entrance. Equipped shop with office. Two driveways setting. Brook running In front McKinney bros. t e l e f m o n b , SION V , .5^1-Room#—Off Keeney Street 2',4 acres. Well landscaped. Many ^ 4,900 6-Room Brick—Keeeny Street Donald Tedford, Chairman Ml 9-4748 for tavern or restaurant. Liquor (X), MANCHESTER Green Area — yard. Even the MLS appraisers Swwcrog* Disposat jCo. Ml 9-3266 license available. Owner retiring, 5 4 room ranch with attached ga­ other features. Asking $25,600. For were awed by this beauty. Dr.ted a t Bolton this further (nformatldn, call I.,awrence IS6-I83 Pelrl St.-— Ml 8-5308 15th day o f May 1958 U1 health, in business twenty-tWo rage. 816,300. Sales price includes R. F. DIMOCK CO .-M l 9-5245 R. Fe DIMOCK COs-Ml 9-5245 years. Good opportunity for right rug, dlahwaaber and disposal For F. Fiano, Broker, MI 9-5910. T. J. CROCKETT, REALTOR party. Will sell eouipment sepa­ further information or appoint­ BOLTON — Almost new, beautiful rately. Have .shuffleboard, excel- ment to see call The R., F. 64 room Ranch. Breezeway '^and MI 3-1577 join the elnb ■ lent condition, used one year. MI Dlmock & Co., Realtors, MI New 5-Room Cape o.versized garage; De luxe interior. CONVENIENT location. Near 9-5093 after 6 p.m. 9-5245 any time. Aluminum .storm windows and membon gat budgat-atratching Vernon $01 C A A Dutch Colonial schools, churches and Main Street. n s , 5 0 0 NEW RANCH (X X IP ) NEW TWO-FAMILY 44- doors. Amesite drive, shade trees, Seven room house. Al condition. tarms an fuol ail V V Choice Location—Manchester 65 4<^. 826.000 The ultimate In a brook and small pond. Two acres. Two;car garage, amesite drive. 8-Room»^Rockledge Hhtisfes (or Rent 817,500. Lawrence F. Fiano, Brok­ - Ellington muItlDle dwelling-R F Dtmock A Call owner MI 3-4661. Members of Bantly'a Fuel Oil cfub aren't bothered, by high fuel R. F. DIMOCK CO .-M l 9-5245 SINGLE 64 room home. Complete­ Co., Realtors, Ml 9-5245 any time. er. MI 9-5910. bills after cold spell#. Their yearly fuel oil needs are estimated ly furnished. Ideal lofeatlon. MI CAPE ' STREET R. f. DIMOCK CO.-MI 9.5245 bedrooms, tile bath; full cellar amesite drive, extra large kitchen for the younger member cess frocks that look alike. $16,900. Six rooms, ceramic tile R. F. DIMOCK CO.~MI 9-S245 with built-in O-E oven and range. Minutes from shopping ared. 9-0910. facts. I fam ily!) No. 8135 with Patt-O-Rama is in ROCKVILLE— New three room bath, mahogany kitchen •lablnets, NEW FIVE room ranch. Finished Selling Only Pattern No. 6785 containi FOR s a l e :—Six room Cape Cod in You’ll agree it’s terrific when you see it. This outstanding value sizes 11.: 12. 13, 14,^'16, 18. 20. Size , apartment, refrigerator. gaa fully' plastered. Two-car garage. basement. Will takp your home or CALL Ml 9-4595 ar TR 5-3271 I che.t directions for both sizes; range,'diapoaall. no pats, 875. Call For further information or ap­ Rockville on 1 4 Vere# pf land. Personally Selected may never be duplicated so we urge you to s m it without delay. 12, 32 bust, 6 yards of-45-Inch. lot i- trade. Builder. Ml 3-6321. Used Cars Btiteh Ulu.stratlons; alphabet; em­ No. 8134 with Patt-O-Rama la in TR 8-2508. or TR 6-(j050. pointment =tO'«oe call the R.- F. Two-car garage and work shop ^OR ALL YOiir# BURNER REPAIR NEEDS broidery directions. sizes 3, 4, {|, 6, 7. 8 years. Size 4 Dlmock tc Co., Realtors, MI 9-5245 BOLTON — Large new six room Call MI 9-4132 after 8 p.m. COVENTRY —Lakewdod Heights, SatisfsctlunCliuaranteed Send 25c- in coins, for this pat- 2(4 yards -of 45-lnch. -Two patterns. any time. Ranch. Breezewdy, two-car ga­ Terms To Suit You I tern—add 5c for each pattern for lovely four room single. Hot water rage,, 1 4 baths, two fireplaces, Send Thirty-Five Cents in coins ttANCHESTER—Custoim brick and Lots for Sale 73 Bank Financing $■ oil he^t, full cellar. Nice location. big kitchen. 15x24 living room', "Onr ReputatlM $1A ' RANCH flrat-cl'aaa mailing: 'Send to Anhe for each pattern—add 5c for each frame six room ranch, two fire- DELCO-HEAT Phone 5D B-008I w X Available' now. Sixcellent condi­ amesite drive. Very well built. One LAWN—What do you bid? Central, la Your AasontBOe* J l V V 2-Car Garage—Bolton Cabot, Manchester Evening Herald. pattern for first-class mailing. placea - large' recreation room, tion. Lake privileges. 885 per near High and Hollister Schools. • I IIAO AVE. OF AgtERICAS, NEW Send to' Sue Burnett, The Man- only $16,900.. Carlton W. Hutchins, acre lot. 821,900. I„awrcnce F. month, including stove and refrig­ Fiano, Broker. MI 9-5910. . 60’xl50’ . Apple, pear, lovely YORK 86, N.Y. Print name, ad- cheater Evening Herald. 1160 AVE. erator. Call MI 8-7925, Ml 9-5182. R. F/DIMOCK CO.-M l 9-5245 . UENTRAL LOCATION~$135,000 GROSS I Ireaa and pattern number. OP AMERICAS, NE>V YORK 36, maple and weeping wlliow,^ over WANTED! , 10% DOWN MANCHESTER — BoWerg School brook, City water, sewerage. GUARANTEED. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION Ha.ve you a copy of our 1858 N, Y. Print Name,-Address with TWO ROOM cottage, shady. Single BOLTON—Four room; ranch, fire' iNefedlework album T It contains Zone/Btyle Number and Size. person 810 weekly. New Bolton placfe, knotty pine living iw n i. en^ section. .6Vg room Cape Cod. Bx- Wooded background. Nice neigh­ USED CARS ■ - ■ ' Ca l l •- ...» cellent condition. Two full batha, borhood. 874 Summit St. MI 9-0086. B A N T l '•INC [Idzens of pretty deeigns 1b cro- BiMiq Fashion, Bering and Sum- . MI 3-6389, ’ closed poren, large .wooded, loti lakfefront ' jJrivUegea. Ajrklpg buUt-lna in master bedroom. Own- CAPE/ [thet, knit, embroidery- and sew; mer ’(8 contains dozens mors BOLTON—Two targa wooded iote 1 3 ) M A I N s t r e e t MANCHliTER. C O N H (CLEAN ONLY) .$.1 110,500, amall down payihent ar-slsad garage. Aluminum siding, WEBSTER AGENCY iliui dlrectiona for one kniC and (Smart, easy to eaw etylea in all OQ WllUama Road. CteU owner. Ml We wUI -pay you top dollar FtnIabed Rec. Room—Mancheater R, F. oiMOCK CO. Goodfehlld Realty Co., Realtorij ipiorin window# and acfeen*- Call hSte*. crochet Items. Only 36e a ■Izea; apecial featiirea. Send 35 avsaxL T o te flio iM M l 6 -4 5 9 6 — E q c M lto r i ioani T B i-S t 7 1 . tor ypur-^ clean car. (M l • r i/Bantgfor your copy, Road Herald Advi» BU 9-0969^ Ml 1-7936. osnier, MI 9-6660. MI 9-008L -1...... AAl J9.^524,5/. ______> stALross—aocKViue, nt mtA ____ 1 - ^ . ■ - - R.tJ>iMOCKCO:-«Ml 9=5245• ’."I? >■ - 7i - I 1 f-,

, 1 0v:', y' ■ L ^ m m . T . ' * MONDAY, m a y W, '-'X , f ■%'j PAGE FOURTEEN •X, y' A tm g c Daily Net Press Run iKmtrbPBtrr lEwmtnB EwalJ* T h ^ W w t h e r '«? . X Far the'Week Ended Mny 17, 19AS Fareenst 8l Wenthar Bnrann Joseph L, Handley, 885 S. Main Lagt'Meetitig Set High Fidelity X t i- A b o u t T o h h St., attended the fathers' day pro- 12,710 JMinlght genepilfy fair, eonlMt- am at Connecticut College, New By Keeney PTA 45-80. Wednesday fair, plena- Kindon, over the weekend. Hla Y Records Member at the Audit ant tem'paratnrea. High aran^ 78. Op«n houM will be held at the, daogter, Mary Ann, la a senior at Burenn af Olrciilnttan .y The Keeney Street School PTA , ManehMter Convaleicent Home the college. , Lowest Pficei IHofichester^^/i City of ViUage Charm at » OoUa«a S t from 2 to ♦ p.m. ■ — . b will hold Its final meeUng of the i a r o e s e l e c t i o n Sunday to celebrate the 25th an* St. Jude Thaddeus M others .^ar at 8 p.m. tomorrow at the Circle will meet tonight at 8:'30 at (SIXTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN„ TUESDAY. MAY 20, 1958 (Classified Adverttslng^'dih Page 14) PRICE FIVE C E N ^ nlveraary of the ~ Institution'! School Auditorium. Program, for evil, NO. 196 founding. 1216 convalescent home the home of Mrs. John Coy, 76, Scarborough -Rd. Mrs. Vlhcent the evening will be "Academy Potterton's ______Is headed by Mrs. Mary Gtblln, a 110 OeBter St., Cor. el CRnrcli licensed practical nurse, fn a Girard and Mrs. Herbert Carvey Award 'Nlte." , will 'be e -boatesaeS. A play to be put on by members newa atory Saturday she , errone­ 9 X ously was Identified as a practical o f the PT a wil( highlight the eve­ NAACP Blasts nurse. . » Commander and Mrs. . Eugene ning. ' preeman request members of the It will precede the,awarding of Reps Powell for American Legion Post and Auxil­ Oscars to members who have done O LLirS The Robertson PTA will hold Its outstanding service for Uie PTA annual meeting Wednesday night iary to meet this evening at 7 p.m. and the School N;- at 8 o'clock at the school. Elec­ at the WatkIns-West -F u n e r a 1 a u t o BODY Racism Stress tion of officers’ will be held, and home, to pay their respects to Mrs. The annual business meeting will refreshments will be sen-ed. Dorothy Belcher, •„ long, a valued be held at wnlch Mrs. O, Ueo ★ WELDING O h L a member of the Auxiliary. ■ Hogan will Install the IncomlpK. New Y ofk.'^ajf, 20 (/P)— -a‘ The Ladles Aid Society of the officers. President William Healy A AUTO lODY ond X'. The National Associa^on for Emanuel Lutheran Church wnll St. Margaret’s Circle, Daugh­ will call upon committee chair­ FENDER.REFAIRS Wsfthlngton, May 20 SLu'- the Advancement of Colored meet at the church tomorrow night ters of Isabella, announce a ham man fpr their annual reports. People has accused Rep. Adam supper 'and auction for May 28 Refreshments will be served by ACOMFLETCCAR The Senste Foreign R eU tipns[.Sr^m m unufS^ioitiiU on at 1:30 before proceeding to St. Committee today ordered s Clayton Powell Jr. of what it Mar>’'s Episcopal Church for a GOP Speaker a t 6:30 p.m. In the K. of C. Home. Mrs. Michael Swetses and her FARINTING «>r Latin American grievances tour. Mrs. Eileen: Barrett, chairman, will Committee. /■'' full fledged inquiry into U.S.- Bgaiffsl U.8. economic policies fan­ calls "extreme racialism.” Senator Florence D.. Finney of, win be assisted by Mrs. Agnes; LACQUER aodRNAMKL Latin Amerii»n relations in ned mw^ylolenre against the Vice The.NAAlJP also said yesterday: The Queen of Peace Mother's Greenwich will be speaker at th*; Vancour, Mrs. Helen Dion. . Mrs." 8 GKIBWOLD WtJ ‘ President and Mrs. Nixon. "W e cannot condemn raciain In the wake of .attacks on Vice Robert Mu>phy, deputy under­ otliCra while using it ouraelvca.’’ Qrcle will meet tomorrow night annual meetlrtg Wednesday of the Mary Brunette. Mrs. Margaret. t e l . MI 8-««M ' at 8:30 St the home of Mrs. Chad­ SchkHer, Mrs. Esther G orm an, President Nikon. The study secretary of state for’Tiolitlcal af­ In a alatement iaaued by execu­ Women's Re'publlcan Club of Man­ NEED A PLUMliltT was assigned to a aulicom- faire. made that re^lart to the Sen­ tive' secretary Roy Wilkina, -'the wick Whlteaell, 01 .Bretton Rd. chester. Mrs. Simone Zollo. Members will e .lUDMfWEUNO The co-hostess will be Mrs. John 1 be contacted for reservations. mittee headed by Sen. Wayne ators yesterday. He'‘'agld Nixon NAACP diaaaaoclated itaelf from Moderal Her subjects will be the Repub­ • REPAIRINO was told In advance that.there waa the Harlem Negro Dem'orrat'a Andreoll. | lican record during the last four .. • INSTALUNO Morse (D-Ore). aquahhie with . The Holy Faiftily M others Sen. Theodore Francis Green danger of disturbanOes in Venexue- years. WILL R. GUY U m la. but added that "on the heels of CHea Threats The Army and Navy Club Aux-! The 8 p.m. meeting at the Man­ Circle will meet at the home of (D-RI), chairman of the full com­ Particularly, Wilkina xaid, the Mrs. John T. Haney, Jr,>.j60 Par­ Your aaaiirmncea by the Venezuelan gov­ Illary will hold a setback party] chester Country Club will be open Ml 3.0677 ’ mittee, said the investigation waa Ssw eiation wiahe.a to diaa-aaoctate To M o c k De tonight at 8:30 at the clubhouse. ker St.. Wednesday at 8 p.lm. voted without objection, on ernment,of fta aecurlty meaaurea, to the public. Members of the ChorgSi Fkm violence in Caracaa waa not antlcl- itaelf coippletel.v from the threata Morse's motion. ' ------made by Mr. Powell or the Powell Young GOP of Manchester, who For pated.” Miss Laura Ann Tnidel, daugh­ Ralph F. VonEcker, 509 Keene; • The action was taken ahortly orKanization againat any peiaon'a By GODFREY ANDERSON ter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas X are meeting the same evening at Murphy also told the committee St., a freshman at the University Dolhroriof after M°rae told reportera the Im cvifi#nrA At DrAupnt** i jrAwj Abou^i tnc cil^ Chars,’ 45 Weaver Rd.. has been the Manchester Country Club, have of Connecticut, was one of 10 stu­ GCNEWAL state department's own teatimony mere li no eviaence ai prexeni . ^ . .hAnt tii* natifm Paris, May 20 (/P)—Premier Pierre PflimHn was greeted elected president. and proctor of been Invited to hear Senator Fin­ dents from the Ratcllffe Hicks 'r ' Jiut telephone your order for .ihowa...... that...... Nixon's...... mob-molested.. , thit the ‘XI^VricanTemo;. | ‘."iTnr.rk’h;’ with applau.se toflay in the National Ass^nfoly as he stood up ney speak. Cheney Houae for. her forthcoming School of Agriculture to received drag needs nnd coMnette*—giv­ South American tour waa a I ?onn*cttd'*wfth ' Sunday at the Ab>-a- Refreshments are being arrang­ T V SERVICE to seek a virtual vote of confidence tp ^ e e t France’s darkest year at Bates ^College, Lewriston, recognition at the Honors Day ing your -Chnrgo PInn num­ •nrbuble caqslng trip" which Morae wife were directly connected with ; Baptist Church, of w'hich he' ]K)stwar crisis. Jlost of the depujitls appeared to be solidly Maine. A/1956 graduate of Man­ ed by Mrs. Harlan Taylor and Mrs, convocation held yesterday. He Is , ^ Exchange Officers Accept Charter Daya AK A Call ber . . . said, the vice prealdent ahoukl not anti-American ouWreaks in Leba- -powell aaid ,' chester High .Sehool. she Is com­ Jack. Mercer,' co-chairmen, of the majoring In dairy production. Presentation of a charter to the reactivated Exchange Club of Mancheeter highlighted the dinner Nlghta w*«99 Pina Parte have undertaken. j hOh* Indoneala, or *•»*• j fjesro Manhattan borough preal- behind him. hospitality committee. pleting her sophomore year at meeting held Saturday night at the Country Club. Officers of the club. Walter Grusha. president TEL. INI S-84SS Get The committee aiso voted | ______,,____ , , __ ___■ anU Carm ine De.SapIo head of Cheers broke out from alHiut the right wing when he de­ K tes. majoring in government. Mrs. John Bowen, program The annual meeting of the In­ left!, and William SchkHer, vice president (center), received the charter from Regional Vice Pres­ Immediate unanimously to aet upanpthei'-auhr I Tammany . Hair, "better not w alk clared his governmentjAiVill track down on all Extremists, chairman, will Introduce Sen. Pin- corporators of Manchester Me­ ident John J. Salmon of Fkrmlngton (right). (Herald Photo by Oflara). committee to explore the need for 1 ^ ,f' >

0"'n Harjem atreeta loo whether of the rigldxfr left. The Moderate premier delivered Pfc. Paul W. Dougan Jr., whose hey. morial Hospital will be held In Delivery 4 more intensive examination of I view of advance warning of the parents live at 81 Westland St., Chapman House, 60 Haynes St., American pollciea elsewhere in the ;‘•""8^'’ demonatratum*. ^ and ^ Powell added: "We're not golnR a blistering attaeJ^n the reliellious Gaullists in Algeria. The DAV Auxiliary will meet , The, state' convention of Beta At the meeting of the Covenant light.... of recent anti-American . ___ t___...a out- ' tVtr»* three uBnAric reporU Af of riimorn rumors nf of fit« at- to give them the aame treatment; \ Mwlerate djh^ s were reported handing in self-protection participated In the recent Klfth The following will be models for tomorrow night at 7:30. Women's Guild Priday evening at Army marksmanship matches at Wednesday night at 8 o’clock at Sigm a PJhl will be held, S aturday burata-In Lebanon, Algeria Indo-: tempted aesaaaination, N lx o n „„j„(gta gave Vice Preai- the hat show w'hlch will follow at the Stktler-Hilton Hotel, Hart-- the new nome-of Mri. Gladys HafF MdiaO^H AFFU$ t^ tu rn bacK Gen. Charles de Gaulle’s bid to take over the Fort Riley, Kan. He Is regularly Boy Scout Troop 123 will hold the VFW Home. A memorial serv­ nesla, Burma and other countrlea. dent Nixon and hia wife, but we the mother and daughter banquet ice for deceased members will be ford. X son, Santlna Drive, a dedication 20tb. Icra $1.00 (CiOnllniked on Pago ThreeY ■ j(o v m )> ^ t with extraordinary powers. assigned to Co. C of the 62nd En­ a rummage sale on June 3 at .6:30 Morse gave his vlewa to report- I will make it mighty uncomfortable ^ pm rm in a*lofd government a ^ Wood, Mo. Church. Anyone having articles to wear white uniforms. MB W. CENTER ST. j At a NAACP anti-aegregatlon: Mrs. James Ellis. Mrs. Rollie. World War I Barracks> will with a gift from the church. Mrs. TEU Ml 3-8118 rally last Saturday, Powell de--l fenevv^xof the einCvgeniy powers i I A Fltt'W A l’fi Thompson, Mrs. Foster Williams, donate may call Mrs. Russell Tur­ John Und of Springfield, Mass., | BOl. MAIN ST,—MI SilMm to fight She Moslemre^lilOn in •K-^UEaCo O "Your Child's Faith,'' television ner. The Holy Ghost Mothers Circle meet at the Walkins-Vir^ dared the United fltatea is a Mrs. George English, Mrs. John will meet tomorrow' night at 8 neral Home, t42 Blast Center St. guest speaker, spoke on Home and ; ; 1 1 1 PIIISI ...... 1 ' "w'liile man's, cmintry." Algeria, where De OauIle''•-> lacmbly vote. (.world.______wear white. A social time and re­ degree will be' conferred by the kgreement ■ to the «nly wage -pi - Summoning of the coup V s-tn- ; j!?"}..,' I Pflimlm appeared before the aa- | He made the statement at a 7:,30. A social will be held after Uotj Army will Meet a t 2 o’clock' . -WORK DONE WfULB— poeal the-ebmpahy *«y« It IntewJscgteatert- a majeen hlsaed si the rahy on "sembly xhorfly after hi's cabinet | newa conference In discussing the ed of the official visitation of the A film, "Freedom’s Highway,” will ing. * . ' standard. ' Following Iht degree A uxiliary were elected to- olDce in ^ , announced that. prompt accurily crisia in I>!banon. The .Soviet Un- Great Pocahontas. Rose Horner, be shown.. H ostesses .will he Mrs. work, there will be a aoclkl hour the Hartford Ladies Auxil-1 '" fT ’^esldent h I ow H. ' I meaaures had paralyeed the action I Ion has issued • warninga against and refreshments,. Passenger and her associates Friday to Ellen K ittle ail'd. Mrs. M yrtle The DeMolay Mothers Circle will iar>’, VFW ^ -kt th e m eeting h p ld : SAM YULYES iictt rtiadt the appeAl in a letter on the current neeoUationF been dumpe/1 by the people of of extremist groups that were pre- ^ any interference in Lebanon's in- Kiowa Council, Rockville. i Giamann. serve a turkey dinner at the second yesterday In Hartford. M n. Lucille.| I paring violence. j Icrnat" affairs. R obert W. P ra tt, 122. V /aranoke "SHOE REPAIRING mailed to employe, yeaterday. | «*:.'Vrr»wm"sVve^^Cfeir' annual father and son banquet of Hirth, past president of the local ’ o r THE BETTER KIND” In the letter Curtice againagainwent ___ i. at a straw to save himself. The vole on the special powers! Plenty of .Authority John Mather Chapter tonight, at Rd., and Mrs. Elmer Weden, Bol­ group, was elected 'junior vice. ever action is deemed necesssty 1 . Powell said he deplores -hooli- 33 OAK STREET over the heatls of United Autoi at this point prior to. expiration IP) Samuel nr< ‘ Dulles said the President has X 6:30 In the Masonic Temple. Mas­ ton, were elected tn'atees ymtll pjHisldent, President LJiura Bkia-. Workora nnlon leader who have ] ’ and added: Jet Colli^ in Air Rome, May 20 Same Side as Watkins, Z r S ^ 1)'' plenty aulhorlly under a Mid-,. ter of ceremonies at the banquet 1961 of the Norwich l^ethodlst hert, banner 'beaiar, and Mrs. rejected the GMr^XM offer B/\to S-AnASt-renew tlwSthe ' _ , .... ^ , "There is a hissing and booing CCardinal aroma, otiiwnStritch'a a Amer81 .canlean physi-;newed »i-; newea Oileroffer hy o> De ue oaui.eGaulle .vfaicrjyester- ' , , resolution™ohit.on adonledadopted will be Master Councilor Robert District at the spring -Conference Delia Farrington, muaician. Delegalea to the three cmtncils ron,„,ittee ip Harlem of about clan aaid today the Archbishop o f; day to asa.mve the powers of the [ Congress more than a year ago 2', per cent wage formula of lhe:^^.j„ session Friday Brunswick, Md., May;^^ •-F) »Md.. New. said there were more Andrew. held yesterday tn:M’ilUmantjc.' 45t),()00 people. I have no hissing I Chicago "seems certainly belter" I stale. present contract. morning in the Henrv and Edael and booing committee and don't , —A Capital AlrllnpiXturbo-jet persons injured "lying all around. " _____ . act to preserve Lebanon's in- Theepmpany eatimates union de-J Ford Auditorium on the Detroit ■ plane with »evei|.JO£ centr an .hour per employe.. The j The Big Three .-.r makers have nSsident Ei’enhowe aklea aboVa'Yhe Potomar River ! butgh. • m lM U. clear. Wa memory ! have to he attacked hy In- SAVE ANYTIME! ^ ' r - Aff 'I l In th e Clifford Gra’nt achooi:'lhimor^c?cat for De-Gnulle.comnTTnW .V orSST )NeLL.IT8 YOUCANBOTO ’I AFTER MORE or while ...... _ . plane were kilicl, and boy who was pi . „ ______.y AlOUT-nMI. yard at nearby Brownsville, told "What this means. Beige 1TM006MT. shopping, ■ * for tvi'o years a.w-age formula that | port the-Preside'nt for re-electipiX I»elieve«l to l>e that m-cr everv g,.vernm cnl aitiv ilv a-''''' ter-mila from the main crash plane l OllKle. It is still to be considered Very Uirtt would «'“rvr hs a pn?tfxl for IFW>U)MAHr Taeftdays. Fridays, Open Thurs­ booklet'eBifttled "ten. years of in- cost of living allow'ance's. scene. ! The big one, he said, began div- serious because of th e , C>Cilinal s Pflimlm dcclaroil the (Jaiilli.st , introdiirinc; P S. forces in the 1 BUYS! TH« days I A M , to 8' P.M. Opea dustrial peace,.St OM and the prog- Curtice ' .aid the presen* eon------ing and trailing smoke. He said he »Ke." CommilteeR of Public Safety that • WCT. We^ieadaya until noon. ress it brought'tn, you and your , tract was prniseo by ifnion leaders M ilitary l^av Bi imawitk. -Md , .Mav 20 '.=Pi A saw a parachute leave the smaller "Th' Cardinal is 7d. have sprung up all over Alpcrta^ Since the Middle Ka.st HesolU' t r DANDY STRIPE fsmlly." I when It waa negotiated in the Capital Airlme.s tuiijo-jei plane ohe and float to the south. Bcigen .said the Cardinal s were Instruments for subversion. ! sometime.s called the Eiaon- with seven paskengeis and a crew ; The Volunteer Fire Department speccli is still ifnpeded btit • pci- He said b. qunsi-revolutionary situ- bower Doctrine is nroimally con­ GM's bid for rank andhfUe sup- ' boom ye.ir of 19.V>. of lour collided wiUi a mililarv 1 heie said that three quick calls haps somewjukt easier." port came as the UAW?. contract "Our business is not as good Boe^^ Sillied ation existed there and agitators f*<^***^ ^ statement of American now as it was then," Curtice, said jiiane in clear skies above the pd-: came jn shortly before 11 a m. A brief morning bulletin, issued had exploited the passion of the intention to protect friendly Mid­ INSURED SAVINGS t.ilks w'lth GM, Ford and Chrysler tnrnac River valley today. Witness-' x plane had crashed near the by Bergen, and Dr. Filippo Rbcrhi TERRY CLOTH W-ere deadlocked under mounting 'T^cople. while they have the mon^ dle Kastern countries a^jainst at- ey td buy. a-e reluctan to hHt-. liseiilioM'er cs said all 11 in the passenger .Salan. the ‘a‘k by international communism J A WHITE preasure cf deadlines. Talks were plane were killed. ~ about three miles from here. All hts condition as satisfactory. , Beautiful multl-paatel strlper'for beach robes, sporty scheduled today at all tbree. The ■Tliey lack confidence and offe of virtual militayv ruler of Algeria Dulles was asked whether he was x ' ----- — ' Tlie pilot of IheMaiyland Ait «'’8ilable fire fighting eciuipmeiw "Twenty-roui hoiii.s have now who has said, he suppoils De bioadcning the L. S Middle East wear, draperiee. etc. First quality!—Aleo alight Irregulan of GM contract runs out Alay 29. Ford the reasons f jhat is tjje^nnea^ Washington, May (g*. Presi- National Guard plane, (.'apt. .lulUis "od ambulances in the area were, passed and that already, i.s some- i Mirrors auto glass neas which is alw'a.v.^.^effused ^ e 20 Gaulle, was sometimes acting with PoHvy by InUtim^lAtiom 81.19 solid colors .and white—89c yard. and Chrysler contracts end three dent Eisenhower, today signed leg- R- McCoy ol BHlUnii>i e. paiachul- dispatclred. thing, " Rocthi said ".Natiirallv we f J FUQNITUQe. TO>T>S '4a.va later. major companies Jamt-djig/ifnions government approval ami sonie- Hc replied that Congress had M l 9 7JZ2 / ,. G l a s s run ENOLOSums I.ietinr, hon.tine- militarv nav ffi and was taken to Frederick .Me- Other witne's.scs whp saw the continue tn hope for the he.st " written into the iesolution a sen- 'A -Ct _;Tfie union had_, no .imjufdlat*. -■Xf. chgeged Jjr^'contraX'ncgpl!*- i.taiion ung m i r> p .. Hospita,! at Frederick. Md., P'aoes falling said Uie pa.ssenger Prof. Arnaldo Pozzi, director of times iindei- the pressure of events. ■/•.e . j eomfnent on Curtice's appeal. Uans with ^un«i taintXuangmg-4n rn im lln .said it was .still too ______o}'’ p a n y V •with the aim of making career fi om severe burns on his pl^oe, a Viscount.-fell for a short the clinic w here tlie prelate is hos- dcnce and integrity of Middle HNESTOUALITY. 36** WIDE Ttie UAW'a General .Motors tke air." ' >«rvice more attractive. face and hands. distance then exploded. The mil- pllalized, said he was not able to early to render a final verdict on 3 / BlSSEl.L.s^iirf M A N C H E ^ E R v S A V l l M G S Council, aa well aa councils repre- Curtice said^.pfomp; agreepient the Algerian geneials. He made no ^'DUMARI TURRY TUR' .. - J J 1. .^'1 .. , 'fhe-.first year cost l* figured at A hospila, . pokesinan said "he plane,, they said, exploded talk but was "lucid" and was (Contlniied on Page Einht) sentlng Ford and Chrysler tvork-] to GM s proposal would go * mog iJJHkjn dollars. dtiesn't remember w hat hai'pened." ahortly beffire it hit the ground being given liquid nourishiueni icference to any telephone calls LOAN PRRSHR IMK from Salan. It has been widely re­ s S O t I A T I C) N 4 •ri throughout country, were ] wav towipd.providing the stabilit> ihcreSsa?. effective for pay- Hanw Nichelson of the Bruns- •'’tato' Police said a helicnpiei Last night the stricken Cardinal 2 DAYS aumiTinned late yestertlay to meet | whirh W so n»cessart to bitsiness ,„ uj, month, wr-auld go to most wii k Volunteer Fire Department ordered to search the was given Flxlreme Unction the ported in the French press that ilV'Detroit Friday. The ctl/ncUa are l imprilvemenl." .Sslan i-alled Pflimlin reconllv to /■ v/Mms persons on active difty-ln the .^Ir said the passenger plane fell in an surrounding area for a parachute. Roman Catholic Church s last In. tell him to resign in favor of De MsaentsTss's ei.>ssT riwawciat iwsTiTUTiew Force. Army. Navy amu^larines open field. R was the second major accident rites • for the secimd time since ONLY ; with more than two yearssian.'ice. '.Bodies were scatteied evt^ty- A Capital Airlines plane in about pe arm-ed in Ronie last month to .Gaulle. Biilletiiib V /06Z%A€eUA* SEERSUCKER inch i DraOees and young officer>"'Jn where." he said. "Oh! it Was an *'-X weeks. On April «. a Capital a.ssume his new post aa chief of Pflimlin said contacts hetw'eeii friim the ,\P Wires ■ ..■ y ^ For children’s wW , women’s and girls' dressea, aklrta, It’s This Little [ "*** their initial leqiiired diitv tour>KA"R'l sight. No... no question about Viscount crashed on landing at the Vatican congregation in charge t.be government and Algeria had MAY 20 never been broken and he would a'nd suits. Red. brown, green, and blue stripes. , w-oiild get no Increase, hut boosts *b^'P- amputated April 28 to check the as soon as pos.sible ■ KFBFI. BASK CAPTl RED MAY 21 -lakartH. Indnncsla, .May 20 itlnch • Joint Chiefs of Staff down t o *R 20 plAo^ \ - years. threat of gangrene arising from He again slate.i that the piob DRIF-DRY. 38 - WIDE A rep<>idep ., for the Frederick, Capital airlines announced another blood idol. lent of reform of French govern­ i.'lh—Indonesian .\nii,v forces ' additional for some privates and Washington that the pilot 'of its stormed ashore Sunday on Mor» ' apprentice seanten. 1 ^ K priest from tlie College of mental institutions wa.s s major Immaculate DACRON'Ond .airliner was Capl. Kcndell J. Brady St, Mary of the I.-ske. known also task for his cabinet and he allowed otni. the hlg Mbrid War II air PIMA c p n o N Res»rvisls on active duty or ( Of CTilcago, The co-pilot w a s Paul )iasc north of Halmahcras Island I taking periodic training woulij-- I F. Me.ver, also of Chicago. in eastern Indoneala. .\rmy In 10 Million Parts (Continued on Page Three) 1 (Contlmierl on Page Fight) . 1 ■ shaie in the increases. ' | News Tidbits The airline said state polite,re- spokesman Lt. Col. Rud.v Plm« • Retired military personnel should ! )X)rted the airliner "hit intact." gadie said toilay. He said the LAUNDERING Yd, By FR ED OOLD77N ^ * accurate. It's a far cry from AND BROADCLOTH get s flat 6 per cent cost of liv­ Culled front /M’ Wire.a meaning it did not come apart in airfield was seiz.^ from rebels a TOP West 'HarUord, May 20 Henry's day." ing increase, except for retired 4- mid-air despite the collision. few hours later. . Soft as silk, just w'ash and put on a hanger—no.l^lngl Albert M. Dexter Is trying to to the National Bureau of stsr geneials who Would get larg- „ Capital said police reported the For dresses, blouses, men’s shirts and sportswear. ■ ; ■ ei increases. ' . enale-Hoii.se . Atomic Knci gy aiiltner burst into flames after Virginia Hunts Ways IKK, oN AIK TONIGHT m ake 10 mtUlon but- of next t-o: standards in Washington. w’iiich . ______1* . ______• -nte incre^te akso apj.lv to uni- Subcommittee gives pieliniinary crashing uTearth. I .New Vork, .May 20 tRi— Pres­ DRY CLEANING nothing. - ' I is the birthplace for official meas formed membri s of the C o a a t " h P '''" ’''' to juoject to lest eoni- Capital’s Chicago office said the ident Eisenhower w ill speak here Dexter's work isn’t high fihancej.|**'*'’'ents in the United tonight on. the nation’s econom­ Exclusive. 'process 36" EVERGLAZE TlX-TONE --but rather the exacting science I , researt h sponsored and' the Coast and Geodetic S«r- 'L'n « "«■«■ of three. Most of Hi* To Delay Integration ic roniiitiim before about 2.000 ,That makes your g a T m e n ts cleaner, .... „ . , business leaders. T-he speech, de­ of measurement. He's trying ta, bureau and 14 leading SichC-'-'L machine The mililai-v nav roll alreadv Is IS m i *;, pr*"'".* ■"pp"'« scribed by the White House as a brightier, fresjher. , • , ' divide the! inch into 10 million I cbmpanie*. The above *10 binioV annually. th e linental ballliitic missile launching Ri*i*P')''gi' POLISHEO afcRH shill down uliruptly at 4 a|>c I Richmond. Vs, May 20 iT. .t Pupil Placement Act which wHs major -address on the nation's : parts, and for very good reason. ^-stimaled increase for the first Canaveral, Fla., hy wildcat striltc. I Vl-rginia'a studied po.ssible nexvjtied in with the slaters plan to television ami radio’’(Oi.YO p.m., Washday drudgery can be banished from your, life all W'e have now reached the Progress Re|>»ir|Ml *576'438 000 or some *64 delaying tactics today to off.-,et cut off funds front any school television and radio (0:30 p.m.), point," says Dexter, a Pi'stt a; Up to how. considerable progress '* a .is .uihi, or some I ■ House Committee on ■Un-.-Viueri- year ’round for the cost of lust a few pennies a day! COTTONS Whe* ha, be#n made ip breakiiig down ‘he top smount rec- ca;t Activitie.s siibpui‘nas indua- Lebanon Truce Supreme Court action pushing the! which i.s Integrated. wa.s "ilncon- EDT). \Vh state one step nearer the hitter'stitiitihnal on its face.' just send us everything that’s washable—clothes, linens, measurements of the greatest ac­ the inci Into Ijimilllion parts. De.x- «mniended by the. Pentagon. The trhiMst Cyrus H. Eaton to H|..j>ear V towels ar^ softly fluff'Alried and folded, or iron to silken^ , . , Eteven beautiful solid eirfors for d ^ ses and skirts. tl«r reMrisVa^t...__ .. I,.the . . -- .. hnne ‘“’P*' la that ninnex'nion^ey w.ill be saved i before lt'..a« a result of hi's' at- IV pilt* ‘ hoice U never wants to mjjke Since then-at s session of the REDS REVIVE DK-VD DUG curacy are needed in the manufac? qome when the man in the machine the^long run by retaining men tack on the nation's inUrnal se- l x X./Cia school integration oi achool clos- state legl-slature this .vear—the •Moscow, .Ma.v 20 i/Fi— Six L'.Sj The president died yesterday,'He. w as 18 years old. cool smootnness. ^ ture of clbntrol and guidance in-. placement^ act has^^ljcen div-ofted j women doctors touring RuMlan struments for rockets, missiles and t:onfidcnlly , sa.v he has trained at great expense, '.curity agencies. Vice-President ure. The world Will never honor the shrine erected to the tolerances nie new plan originated Iasi Richard M. Nixon desp!te( sole The High Court yeslciilay f^m the fund. . cutoff law and theie medical institutions told today 45" DRIP-DRY auperaonlc aircraft.” . T*’ ..VO,,...,, Bpimi. Eebsnon. May 20 i/D --t * been no court, ruling on Us memory of this' man who would , have led humanity to Aa the tool company's director instruments the engineers throat, s))cn(l8 10 niiniites in New *■ turned down the s ta te s appeal of ha.s of >«atclilng Soviet scientists luting peace and International understanding. • CREASE-RESISTANT (Continued on Page Fifteen) York shaking . hands with w'rll-1I'''"'- Oppo-sltion.....- ...... - leaden who ha\e di-l " federal conrt orrier directing jI vonscon.stiliitionalitv. bring a dead dog back to life. CURTAINS of metrology (that means the Scl- . I ivisbers in steady ririzzle "fter' rer ted 10 days of violence against j,jjg,o' It apjieai ed jios.sible the state And we who are left behind ask, "Why ?'' - ' ■ , HANDEAUNDERED .-.. a* i»... ' n«v in Russia. Dexter ,ays. simi- They said this '.ippcnedJ The COMREDYARN ence of measurement!, ivs uex- , .. __»„a : stoj)i)ing his motorcade at 1-a- Lebanon's pro-western govern- L-hjidien to three white schools in '’"Rhl in-'"''* the. Negjo chil- seientlsts drained the hlood from The habit of practice and more practice, careful coach­ ’ B V ^ X P E R T S , ter's Job to come up with instru- " ■' . , 'u-iZ?..*. ft..* ...ill you v6n be sure whoever romes Guardia Fi¥ld. men! conferred with a mediator ' Arlington County, kdjsccnt ,o 'eu seeking admi.s.sirtn to the dog until he was dead. They ing Sind teaching was an essential and Integral part of his .menu with the answer will .have bet- Hep. Burdick Seeks Abandoned camp at Greenville,, ... , . schools of Arlington submit, to.the I waited five minutes, then re­ •enciMi, wtll-lrlmmed, life -in his schoolwork, in religion and In play. “TW ISTY" mnke meaiureiji«fitii down to *!•«,. nYio.ii®.’• Maine, complete with breakfast rawing hopes of a ‘■'ue*'- ,, , provisions of the new' Placement vived the animal and.lt barked. Of course, these things were taught In part by hia par- ■ DRAPERIES To Quit New Wife dishes still on rude, wooden table, P.aschid Karami, leader of riot- Virginia, whose law rails foi in September. Thu.s, an enlire- Julcr dtlicieui. DRV CLEANED AND paper is is printed on. r’-'"' * "'i’itneV. ‘plant here, pre.sents fish, and game wardens eis in the Noi th Lebane.-e port of , closure of public schools in v^hjih |^. appeals in higher ents. but they recognised that.he should have training by „ . . The newest solid, color combed cotton that you will love v-14-1 ♦ u. Proirram ; Dextei's rgseai'ch actirities aie ____ OUTER SPACE PACT URGED Iv»-y pite* a cut (»»£" experts—by others more ■ qiialifled. They recognised that FINISHED TO I>ERFECTION —for dresses, skirtjs, blouses, sportswean etc. Sixteen lovely with what one of them cal,Is-tlie Tiij>oli, ai rived last n'R*‘‘ ‘he integration occurs, ha.s 25 days lowei courls midht he born, If Dextem Tnd *^ther research-’ la>'Rely to a heavily pio- n .d .' ymy 2o Mooaehcatl Lake country's “iiiys- lequest of Raymond Edde. a a,j< Supreme Court to reconsider, Washington, 51ay 20 (gb A haavy, friln-ftd ataar ’’these teachers weYe eskentlsl to give tHis,brlght.eyed lad 'colors.. ' , T-,'- , '.V ■ 'XTr- while the .si hnols remained segre- I special House Committer, choos­ the type of help and direction which would lift him out of tery of the ages.” . . Dj'uro Salaj, | political leader Irving to end the whether Gov. J. Lind.say gated.^ Almond Jr. and Att.v. Gen. A. S. ing civilian over military efforts baaf and aold with mediocrity. member of President Tito's strife. Gpv. Almond said in Miami. to -make .America world's I Cill MI 9-n53 I&.V -Mod., T m;., _ _ • " r .o“; ; y;sr.r cabinet and the Communist Party: Kaiaml met wdth Edde last Harrison will take such s course, ju attending the annual Aftf'r puarantaa et aai- LB And the driving of an automobile ? 1 guess no one Politburo, dies after heart attack . night and again today and Gen. spsce lesder, called today for thought of that.' He patterned bis driving on what he saw Hole's May WHITE SALB . , science of n^aaiirement has one degree are 'likely to aet back W'ss uncertain. governor's conference, that yeaterj agreement among nations for. lafactlen. come a long w*sy from the day In ^ research . ^ than three months. in Belgrade. . . Leroy Shadrack,! Fuad Shehab. the army chief of Such a' request woiild^ result i^ftay's Sitpi erne Court Sftion others dblng—people like hla dad. who never had a,n acci­ NOW IN PROGRESS! Action started in Ca.ss County ; i„, n,o,. cna'l m iner who I staff sttended the first meeting (leaceful exploration of Outer dent. Don’t know why .he didn't because sometimes he Stock up on sheets, cases, mattress pads and ‘covers, th e 12th C entury when England a j c enter of the riKim i. drove s. little fast and sometimes he just slowed down fof a stop.sign. And he, had been known to pass another-car, pillows, blankets, towels, etc. LOW PRICES ON DAIS TE.NSION at an Intersection. Not really bad driving. Never had an ’ FAMOUS BRANDS! , ,’enezuela. Slay t$ ONE PRICE...AS ADVERTISED! accident. ’ , NEW • ■- ' ’•------' ...... — poUtleal crbla The la^ made only one mistake. He did not. have his today 'aa Uip dad's g€^ luck. He had an accideht. » ,> . ,■ , restored'to fu.tl GREEN STAMPS • AMPLE FREETPARKjJUG regim e re»o'S'eid|^ * The President died yesterday. He was only 18 years old. CllEANEItS and LAUNDERERS readings-if you ...... - . . ■ |g a 90-cent I tmlll he talked with other opposl- j Unofficial adde.d. Its pledge la hold free eleelloas,''. . yielt Our Plant of-Any of Our Branch Stores Today ter. , ' :-ments of up'to one ten millionth of ! j, . .j .u ' in-televu! lion leaders. , !rapitol suggested Nirgmia might Tlie ritUitg which 'Viiginia had ftelv friction arose, boweve’r, aa .-FRESH, TENBER, APPROXIMATE' 2H LB BUNCH T his Is offered as a p ubik service h}-; . ' [, ; But the problem for him ddes.o't an inch average; .younger. Burdick said the tube and a l.5-cept< Venezuela’s ' major , poUtleat 'Jorqanialt •I Karanii's forces look a beating use Its revamped pupil placement appealed to the Supreme Court NEW SYSTEM PLANT—44 HARRISON ST atop there. - But for Dexter, who lives with complaint epritends his father's j sjon *et... Iraqi an' act—effective June 27-as a-jump­ was 'handed down last Septeniber parties romplsin^ Dust they La Bonne-SUverttein Atsociaies^ Incorporated "In fact,” Dexter declares, his wife- and 2 young sons in Avon, ‘Wife "had no intention of copsum- irniles merge fomially at (cere­ RiindayV from .government security Th« •w w e CORA I in the old city of Tripoli,. ing-off point for a new round of by U.S. Dialrict Judge Alb.art V. bad been given no part ta ■ BRANCH STORE—« fl HARTFORD ROAD , 'Ithat's just where our w orries! such patience has its reward's. mating the marriage'.” mony at entrance to the Iraqi, Min­ troops .. ... resamping the junta. 'T tta j de* , BUNCH DYNAMIC INSURANCK istry of Defense in Baghdad. ...j. Avhere the - Anti-government vio­ appeals whfch would head off in- Bryan. H* w-as the fir^'judge to Spiiragus MAMCHifMl Conn begin. ' Jf ^Inditalry demands accu­ "Someday soon tve'll come up, Also, Quentin said, the Action al- (egration in September. name the Negro stu^^fa to be ad- misnded th a t th a Junta he -'aa* 35*1 QUAUTY CLEANERS—248 N. MACN ST„ at DEPOT 8^ 158 MAIN STREET e MANCHESTER, CONNECTICUT with tj^e answ ers,:’ Dexter Says, leges Mrs. Burdick’s Reno divorce Prime Minister Nehru stsrtslboll- lence was. launched May 10, They racy to one millionth of an inch, ,1. Federal. Judge W alter' E. H off­ larged to include reereaeatattvea Mitchell S-II65. X'- HALE’S DEPARTMDENT 8T O R B -I8 OAK ST. CORNER MAjj^ and OAK STREETS ws hgvo to come, up with meAur- And w'e’U' A several steps b lf h tr | d s y -b e -is ^ k u ig instesd--of Uw e t the poUttcdl fneHaML tirement period he wanted. (Continual on Page Fifteen) man said last year that the original . f (Uoatlnued ea Pag* Elavea)- 4»» 4l|:'sp«e*,*’ ■ ■>— — " '• I i / - • /r >■

- 4 - • . . V ■■ ^>,7 A