Chronos: Efficient Speculative Parallelism for Accelerators Maleen Abeydeera Daniel Sanchez [email protected] [email protected] Massachusetts Institute of Technology Massachusetts Institute of Technology Abstract 1 Introduction We present Chronos, a framework to build accelerators for The impending end of Moore’s Law is forcing architectures applications with speculative parallelism. These applications to rely on application- or domain-specific accelerators to consist of atomic tasks, sometimes with order constraints, improve performance. Accelerators require large amounts of and need speculative execution to extract parallelism. Prior parallelism. Consequently, prior accelerators have focused work extended conventional multicores to support specu- on domains where parallelism is easy to exploit, such as deep lative parallelism, but these prior architectures are a poor learning [12, 13, 37], and rely on conventional parallelization match for accelerators because they rely on cache coherence techniques, such as data-parallel or dataflow execution [48]. and add non-trivial hardware to detect conflicts among tasks. However, many applications do not have such easy-to-extract Chronos instead relies on a novel execution model, Spa- parallelism, and have remained off-limits to accelerators. tially Located Ordered Tasks (SLOT), that uses order as the In this paper, we focus on building accelerators for appli- only synchronization mechanism and limits task accesses cations that need speculative execution to extract parallelism. to a single read-write object. This simplification avoids the These applications consist of tasks that are created dynami- need for cache coherence and makes speculative execution cally and operate on shared data, and where operations on cheap and distributed. Chronos abstracts the complexities of shared data must happen in a certain order for execution to speculative parallelism, making accelerator design easy. be correct. Order constraints may arise from the need to pre- We develop an FPGA implementation of Chronos and use it serve atomicity (e.g., operations across tasks must be ordered to build accelerators for four challenging applications. When to not interleave with each other), or from the need to order run on commodity AWS FPGA instances, these accelerators tasks due to application semantics (e.g., tasks dequeued from outperform state-of-the-art software versions running on a a priority queue). Enforcing these order constraints a priori, higher-priced multicore instance by 3.5× to 15.3×. before running each task, is often too costly and/or limits parallelism. Thus, it is preferable to run tasks speculatively CCS Concepts • Computer systems organization → and check that they followed a correct order a posteriori. Multicore architectures. For instance, consider discrete event simulation, which has wide applicability in simulating digital circuits, networked Keywords speculative parallelism; fine-grain parallelism; systems, and physical processes. Discrete event simulation accelerators; specialization; FPGA. consists of dynamically created tasks that may operate on the same simulated object and must run in the correct simulated ACM Reference Format: Maleen Abeydeera and Daniel Sanchez. 2020. Chronos: Efficient order. Running these tasks non-speculatively requires Speculative Parallelism for Accelerators . In Proceedings of the Twenty- excessive synchronization and limits parallelism [10, 28]. Fifth International Conference on Architectural Support for Program- Running tasks speculatively is far more profitable [32, 34]. ming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS ’20), March 16–20, To make speculation efficient, prior work has proposed 2020, Lausanne, Switzerland. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 16 pages. hardware support for speculation, including Thread-Level Speculation [21, 34, 53, 55, 57], and Hardware Transactional Memory [1, 6, 9, 20, 26, 29, 30, 46]. Unfortunately, prior spec- Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are ulative architectures are hard to apply to accelerators, be- not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies cause they all rely on coherent cache hierarchies to perform bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for com- speculative execution, modifying the coherence protocol to ponents of this work owned by others than the author(s) must be honored. detect conflicts among tasks. This is a natural match formul- Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or republish, to ticores, which already have a coherence protocol. But such post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. Request permissions from [email protected]. a solution would be onerous and complex for an acceler- ASPLOS ’20, March 16–20, 2020, Lausanne, Switzerland ator: it would require implementing coherent caches and © 2020 Copyright held by the owner/author(s). Publication rights licensed speculation-tracking structures that, while a minor overhead to ACM. for general-purpose cores, are too expensive for small, spe- ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-7102-5/20/03...$15.00 cialized ones.

1 To address this challenge, in this paper we present a hard- PrioQueue eventQueue; ware system that implements speculative execution without void simToggle(Time time, GateInput input) { Gate gate = input.gate; using coherence. Instead, this system follows a data-centric ap- bool outToggled = gate.simulateToggle(input); proach, where shared data is mapped across the system; work if (outToggled) { is divided into small tasks that access at most one shared // Toggle all inputs connected to this gate for (GateInput i : gate.connectedInputs()) { object each; and tasks are always sent to run at the place Time nextTime = time + gate.delay(input, i); where their data is mapped. To enforce atomicity across task eventQueue.enqueue(nextTime, i); groups, or other order constraints, tasks are ordered through }}} timestamps (these are program-specified logical timestamps ... // Enqueue initial events (input waveforms) completely decoupled from physical time). // Main loop while (!eventQueue.empty()) { We formalize these semantics through the Spatially Located (time, input) = eventQueue.dequeue(); Ordered Tasks (SLOT) execution model. In SLOT, all work simToggle(time, input); happens through tasks that are ordered using timestamps. A } Listing 1. Sequential implementation of des. task may create children tasks ordered after them, and parent tasks communicate input values to children directly. Each more parallelism. These results show that FPGAs are a prac- task must operate on a single read-write object, which must tical and cost-effective way to accelerate applications with be declared when the task is created (besides this restriction, speculative parallelism. tasks may access an arbitrary amount of read-only data). In summary, this paper contributes: We leverage SLOT to implement Chronos, a novel acceler- • SLOT, the first execution model that supports speculative ation framework for speculative algorithms. Each Chronos parallelism without cache coherence (Sec. 3). instance consists of spatially distributed tiles. Each tile has • Chronos, a customizable framework that implements the multiple processing elements (PEs) that execute tasks, and a SLOT execution model and makes it easy to accelerate local cache. Each tile also implements hardware to queue applications with speculative parallelism (Sec. 4). tasks, dispatch them to PEs, track their speculative state, and • A detailed evaluation of Chronos using commodity FPGAs abort or commit them in timestamp order. Chronos maps in the cloud that demonstrates significant speedups for sev- read-write objects across tiles, and sends each newly created eral challenging applications, analyzes system efficiency, task to the tile where its read-write object is mapped. This and quantifies the benefits of customization (Sec. 6). enables completely distributed operation without a cache Our Chronos implementation is open-source and available coherence protocol. at Chronos provides a common framework to accelerate spec- ulative algorithms, abstracting away the complexities of task 2 Motivation and Background management and speculative execution. Developers need only express their application as SLOT tasks coded against a In this section we first present a case for speculative paral- high-level API. To achieve high performance, Chronos sup- lelism through a simple application, discrete event simulation ports two types of customization. First, applications can cus- (des). We then review the types of parallelism exploited by tomize the PEs, which can be specified in RTL or described prior accelerators, and see that most do not exploit speculative using High-Level Synthesis (HLS). PEs can also be general- parallelism. Finally, we review prior speculative architectures, purpose cores, so developers can start with a software im- and use des to identify a simplification that these archi- plementation and specialize tasks as needed to achieve high tectures have missed: support for task order avoids the need performance. Second, Chronos lets applications turn off un- for coherence-based conflict detection, motivating SLOT. needed features. For example, if the algorithm is naturally resilient to out-of-order writes (e.g., if updates are monotonic), 2.1 A case for speculative parallelism applications can disable rollback on misspeculation. We illustrate the utility of speculative parallelism through We evaluate Chronos by implementing it on an FPGA and des, a discrete event simulator for digital circuits [28]. List- use it to implement accelerators for several graph analytics ing 1 shows code for a sequential implementation of des. and simulation applications. We use four hard-to-parallelize Each des task processes a gate input toggling at a particular applications with speculative parallelism. We deploy these ac- time. If this input toggle causes the gate’s output to toggle, celerators on commodity AWS FPGA instances. We compare the task enqueues events for all inputs connected to that out- these accelerators with state-of-the-art software implemen- put at the appropriate . The sequential implementation tations of these applications running on a higher-priced 40- processes one task at a time in simulated time order, and thread multicore instance. Chronos achieves speedups of up maintains the set of tasks to process in a priority queue. to 15.3× and gmean 5.4× over the software versions. Chronos Fig. 1a shows a circuit with input waveforms and prop- outperforms the multicore baseline despite running at a 19× agation delays, and Fig. 1b shows the task diagram of an slower frequency, because it exploits orders of magnitude execution of des on this circuit. Arrows between tasks show


ihu sn ah oeec.Ised tue value-based uses it Instead, coherence. cache using without work, useless reduce to scheduling priority use they while simple. very are which consume components framework the while that, observe we al 4. Table rnatoa eoyo accelerators: on memory Transactional ie fcode: of costs implementation Lines of Analysis 6.4 upino ahfaeokcmoetadP.Overall, PE. and component framework each of sumption ofitdtcin eyn naps-opeinvalidation apost-completion on relying detection, conflict only tasks, transactions. among unordered constraints order strict support not do they Further, performance. reduced from suffers hence and cache, desirable. not are protocol coherence a of overheads the accelerators, FPGA high-throughput pro- for Unfortunately, a coherence tocol. by augmenting isachieved where detection cores soft conflict with prototype in- a and implementing on FPGAs, focus using stead acceleration application target not do [ FPGAs on systems HTM demonstrated PEs, of those to comparable are they resources, substantial and lines, simpler: lines, much 100 is just application takes each contrast, SystemVer- By of lines ilog. 20000 over take Chronos components The framework parallelism. speculative extract to accelerators range would speedups 1 FPGA, from an on PEs specialized having 4 speedups from achieve ranging would Chronos RISC-V ASIC an baseline, 13 to For limited GB/s). is 50 provement about has of prototype bandwidth FPGA memory (the a FPGA MHz 16 125 a the achieves over ASIC provement GHz 2 the and bound with frequency. notchange would 1/16th, bandwidth by off-chip bandwidth since memory DDR throttle we frequency, PEs application-specific and components framework diinlRltdWork Related Additional 7 PAutilization: FPGA eeainuigT.Hwvr hyd o s non-chip an use not do they However, TM. using celeration URAM BRAM (K) FFs Us(K) LUTs ioT [ TM Kilo [ al. et Ma except applications all find We . 5 × e-ieFG eorecnupinfrec fthe of each for consumption resource FPGA Per-tile astar ( sssp 18 42 1680 1790 , 800 895 steol ytmta agt PAac- FPGA targets that system only the is ] . hoo ae tsml odsg custom design to simple it makes Chronos 19 7 o3 to ) saon 0 lines. 600 around is ×

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rud300 around sssp h im- the , astar sssp color 12 nTa,Aua ukr,Goe hn,Qa Nguyen, Quan Zhang, Guowei Mukkara, Anurag Tsai, An esneeytakMr efe,Vco ig olEe,Po- Joel Emer, Ying, Victor Jeffrey, Mark thank sincerely We tobuild framework first the Chronos, presented have We okefcetagrtm ieBlmnFr for like Bellman-Ford algorithms work-efficient a upre npr yNFgat AER1594and CAREER-1452994 grants NSF by part in supported was ceeaosfrgahalgorithms: graph for Accelerators scuil t igeeetqeestrtsaon .5events 0.15 50 around a saturates cycle, queue per event single its crucial: is that approach design high-throughput distributed, centralized Chronos’s a why uses shows This FPGA. an on accelerator tosoftware. [ al. detection et conflict Rahman as such aspects but other process, leaves rollback [ and chip versioning Rollback speculative The the protocol. celerates Warp Time as- the different of for pects accelerators proposed has simulation event less to resort result a as and ordering, task strict support both [ algorithms, FPGA graph for for accelerators proposed also have fea- key a Chronos. forwarding, for which speculative ture management, support version to hard lazy it to makes val- restricted read is of and logging ues) requiring This (e.g., conflicts. expensive detect is to re-read technique are values read where phase H-846,NFSCgatECA1402 n yaSony grant. a research by and E2CDA-1640012, grant NSF/SRC SHF-1814969, work This feedback. helpful their the for and reviewers Konami, anonymous Shuichi Yamaguchi, Keiko Lee, Ryong Hyun Acknowledgments versions. software-parallel their over applications same 5.4 demonstrate we where AWSFPGAs, commodity on accelerators and these deploy analytics We graph simulation. in applications challenging several ate cache for need to the tasks coherence. avoiding limits object, read-write that single model a execution access new a SLOT, re- by on cheap lying execution speculative makes Chronos allelism. Conclusion 8 techniques. Chronos’s from benefit could may parallelism,and which limit simulation, CMB-style non-speculative use tems [ RAMP ulation. with dealing as capacity. such queue so, on-chip doing limited when arise consider that not issues do subtle they how Hence, explore applications. not actual do accelerate and to tasks long with microbenchmark a iuainaccelerators: Simulation iei [ FireSim ceeaosfrapiain ihodrdseuaiepar- speculative ordered with applications for accelerators ytm oevr amne l vlae hi einusing design their evaluated al. et Rahman Moreover, system. eipeetCrnso nFG n s tt acceler- to it use and FPGA an on Chronos implement We sim- architectural accelerate to used been also have FPGAs 38 14 iuae ag,saeotcutr.Teesys- These clusters. scale-out large, simulates ] , × 40 oe aktruhu hna1-ieChronos 16-tile a than throughput task lower 51 n SC[ ASIC and ] 60 mlmn iceeeetsimulation event discrete a implement ] , 61 iuae utcr ytm,and systems, multicore simulates ] ro oki aalldiscrete parallel in work Prior 23 , 49 × .Hwvr oeo them of none However, ]. ma peu o the for speedup gmean ueosohrwork other Numerous sssp 17 . ac- ] A Artifact Appendix A.4 Installation A.1 Abstract 1. Launch an AWS f1.2xlarge instance using the Amazon Our artifact consists of the source code for the Chronos FPGA FPGA Developer AMI. Log into the instance. acceleration framework; pre-compiled FPGA images for our 2. Extract the Chronos artifact .zip file, and navigate to its evaluated configurations (to facilitate a quick evaluation); base directory. and scripts to set up the development environment, compile 3. Run source This will clone the Amazon the images from source code, run the experiments in the FPGA SDK repository and install the necessary drivers. paper, and regenerate the graphs. 4. Run aws configure to set up the instance with your This appendix describes how to use Chronos to reproduce AWS credentials. the paper’s results, and explains how to set up and run other 5. (Optional) Install the GNU RISC-V embedded GCC com- Chronos configurations and experiments. All experiments piler within the instance ( are run on the Amazon AWS f1.2xlarge instance, configured none-embed-gcc/). This step is optional because the dis- using the Amazon-provided FPGA Developer AMI. tribution already includes pre-compiled RISC-V binaries necessary for the workflow. A.2 Artifact check-list (meta-information) A.5 Experiment workflow • Compilation: Xilinx Vivado, GNU RISC-V embedded GCC com- piler. We provide an automated workflow to validate the main re- • Run-time environment: Amazon AWS FPGA instance. sults in the paper from scratch. Note that this process involves • Hardware: Xilinx UltraScale VU9P. synthesizing multiple Chronos instances for each application, • How much disk space required (approximately)?: 2GB. a process that takes about two weeks to complete. • How much time is needed to prepare workflow (approxi- To facilitate a quick evaluation, we also provide precom- mately)?: Approx. 1 hour. piled FPGA images of the Chronos instances; when using • How much time is needed to complete experiments (ap- these images, reproducing the results takes about two hours. proximately)?: 2 weeks to reproduce the full results from scratch, The cl_chronos/validation/scripts/ directory contains or 2 hours if using the precompiled images. The tutorials (Sec. A.7) take about 2 days each, or 2 hours if using precompiled images. the necessary scripts to validate the results from the paper. • Publicly available?: Yes. The full process is explained in comments in the master script • Code licenses (if publicly available)?: GPL v2. • Archived (provide DOI)?: 10.5281/zenodo.3558760 To run all experiments from scratch, run: python A.3 Description To run all experiments with precompiled images, run: python --precompiled A.3.1 How delivered This will download a list of precompiled image IDs from a Our artifact can be downloaded from shared S3 bucket and run the rest of the workflow. zenodo.3558760 as a .zip file. Sec. A.7 includes two smaller tutorials using Chronos, which can be completed in about 2 hours. A.3.2 Hardware dependencies A.6 Evaluation and expected result Chronos is designed to run on an Amazon AWS f1.2xlarge instance configured with the Amazon FPGA Developer AMI. Running would generate all evaluation plots (Figures 10-14). A.3.3 Software dependencies A.7 Experiment customization The main dependence is Xilinx Vivado 2018.2, which comes This section provides two smaller tutorials on using Chronos. with the FPGA Developer AMI. The RISC-V Chronos variant First, we illustrate the SLOT programming model using a relies on the GNU RISC-V embedded GCC compiler. sample application running on a Chronos instance with RISC- V soft cores. Second, we describe how to generate Chronos A.3.4 Data sets instances with specialized cores. For small, testing runs, we include scripts to generate syn- Before starting either tutorial, run source to thetic datasets. The experiments in the paper use large, pub- configure the necessary environment variables and to define licly available datasets from other projects. Since datasets are the $CL_DIR environment variable to point to the cl_chronos large and publicly available, they are not included directly subdirectory. Please see README.txt here for more detailed in the artifact code. Instead, the artifact includes scripts to information, including topics not covered in this workflow, download these datasets. These datasets are also archived, such as how to simulate Chronos RTL and how to debug with the DOI 10.5281/zenodo.3563178. Chronos.

13 A.7.1 Tutorial 1: Chronos using RISC-V soft cores Next, compile and run the test_chronos program that Step 1: Generate a test graph. transfers the input graph to the FPGA, collects results, and The graph_gen tool can be used to generate test graphs to analyzes performance. test our implementation of sssp. cd $CL_DIR/software/runtime cd $CL_DIR/tools/graph_gen make make ./test_chronos --n_tiles=1 sssp ./graph_gen sssp grid 20 This generates a 20x20 grid graph with random weights. A.7.2 Tutorial 2: Chronos with specialized cores Step 2: Synthesize a Chronos image with RISC-V soft cores. The RTL code for specialized applications can be found in The output of this step is an Amazon FPGA Image ID $CL_DIR/design/apps/. For this example, we will again use (AGFI-ID) that can loaded into the FPGA. This step will take sssp; other applications are similar. about 8 hours to complete. If you’d like to skip this step, you To generate a Chronos instance with these cores, run: can instead use the pre-synthesized FPGA image with the ./scripts/ sssp AGFI-ID (agfi-02159d0614fb731a9). The rest of the steps are same as in Tutorial 1, except that 1. Configure Chronos to use RISC-V cores. the test_chronos script does not take a cd $CL_DIR/design/ argument. ./scripts/ riscv A precompiled sssp Chronos instance is also available 2. Run synthesis with the AGFI-ID = agfi-0d3750b6360762108. cd $CL_DIR/build/scripts ./ A.7.3 Customized configurations and applications This script launches a Vivado synthesis/place-and-route Customizing Chronos parameters: The file con- job. The output of this process is a placed-and-routed tains the configuration parameters of Chronos. These include design, produced at: the number of tiles, the sizes for various queues and cache $CL_DIR/build/checkpoints/to_aws/ parameters. .Developer_CL.tar Porting new applications: The first step in porting a new 3. Create an FPGA image. (The commands below follow application is to break the application down into SLOT tasks the standard instructions on how to generate a runnable (single-object tasks ordered using timestamps). Initially, these FPGA image from the placed-and-routed design, at https: tasks can be expressed as software functions and run on a // Chronos instance with RISC-V cores. md#step3.) Once the SLOT implementation is verified, a specialized First, copy the design file to a location in Amazon S3: core can be designed for each task. Please refer to the script aws s3 cp $CL_DIR/build/checkpoints/to_aws/ $CL_DIR/design/scripts/ on how to integrate .Developer_CL.tar .tar new specialized cores into the Chronos workflow. Then, create the FPGA image aws ec2 create-fpga-image --name --input-storage-location Bucket=, References Key= --logs-storage-location [1] C. Scott Ananian, Krste Asanović, Bradley C. Kuszmaul, Charles E. Leis- Bucket=, Key= erson, and Sean Lie. 2005. Unbounded transactional memory. In Proc. of the 11th IEEE intl. symp. on High Performance Computer Architecture Running this command generates an AGFI-ID that can (HPCA-11). be used to load the image into the FPGA. [2] Richard J. Anderson and João C. Setubal. 1992. On the parallel imple- mentation of Goldberg’s maximum flow algorithm. In Proc. of the 4th Step 3: Compile sssp RISC-V code. ACM Symp. on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures (SPAA). This step requires the RISC-V embedded GCC compiler. [3] AWS FPGA Hardware and Software Development Kit. 2017. https: You can skip this step by using the precompiled binaries from // [4] Ranjita Bhagwan and Bill Lin. 2000. Fast and scalable priority queue ar- $CL_DIR/riscv-code/binaries in the next step. chitecture for high-speed network switches. In Proc. of the IEEE Infocom To build sssp from source, run: 2000. cd $CL_DIR/riscv-code/sssp [5] Guy E. Blelloch, Jonathan C. Hardwick, Siddhartha Chatterjee, Jay make Sipelstein, and Marco Zagha. 1993. Implementation of a portable nested data-parallel language. In Proc. of the ACM SIGPLAN Symp. on Principles Step 4: Run sssp on the FPGA. and Practice of Parallel Programming (PPoPP). [6] Jayaram Bobba, Kevin E. Moore, Haris Volos, Luke Yen, Mark D. Hill, First load the generated image into the FPGA (This com- Michael M. Swift, and David A. Wood. 2007. Performance pathologies mand may have to be run twice the first time it is loaded). in hardware transactional memory. In Proc. of the 34th annual Intl. sudo fpga-load-local-image -S 0 -I Symp. on Computer Architecture (ISCA-34).

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