State, S&P Release School Ratings

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State, S&P Release School Ratings WI INSIDE State, S&P release school ratings • City of Grosse POinte public safe- By Bonnie Caprara compared to state and peer tv offil'f'To;; Wl'rl' o;;tunnl'o to ll'flrn thflt Staff \tVrltcr ~raup ~".cr:lgcs ~nd spp'1d- a newborn baby was brought mto Bon Gr05S8 Pointe Pubiic Schooi System The public can now find mg i" measured agamst stu- Secours HospItal durmg the early sap School Evaluation services highlights - May 2001 out how ItS schools are per- dent achIevement The SES mornmg hours of Wednesday, May 23 fOlmmg and whether It 1" report also compiles a A St ClaIr Shores man claimed to gettmg what they pay for Performance Cost Index have found the male baby by some Standard & Poor's, the (PCI) which ties MEAP per- tra"h cans near an ATM on Mack Wall Street bond ratmg com- formance to dlstnct spend- City police say there are no ATMs pany, unveiled itS School Ing on Mack m the City lI'hiS 10Cident EvaluatIOn ServIces reports In comptlmg the SES marks the first "safe haven~ baby 10 on MIchIgan public school reports, S&P gathered anl1 Wayne County Page 3A diStflCts Fnday, May 25 analyzed data from 1997-99: The SES report lists and Data from 2000 WIll be • Grosse POinte Farms police are analyzes 1,500 Items related mcorporated mto the report searchmg for a bronze statue that to student test scores and m December was stolen from the Grosse Pomte partiCIpatIOn, attendance S&P stated that th~ War Memonal earlier this month rates, graduatiOn rates, analyses are diagnostic In nature, rather than pre- The statue weighs several hundred spendmg, taxatiOn, class SIze staffing and how that scnptlve Also, unhke let. pounds, mak10g it difficult to move or tered bond ratmgs, SES hide Farms police have called m the data affects and correlates to each area The report also doe" not prOVide a smgle FBI to help With the search m case analvzes each distrICt's ratmg or mdicator of school Page 3A "tre~gths, challenges and performance concerns, and other key fac- "It confirms what I • After a 36-year career as teacher, tors and compares that data already knew about the dis. coach and athletic admmistrator with agamst schools across the tllCt," saId Chns Fenton, the last 14 of those years as assistant state and like distncts Grosse Pomte Public School pnncipal and athletic director of Michigan IS the first state System's aSSIstant supenn- tendent of school serVIces Grosse POinte South High School, Jo In the Umted States to have and busmess affairs "What Lake Will retire June 30 Story on SES data published S&P is I'm afraId of IS that It'S gomg page 15A slated to release statistics Spending, race analyses for Pennsylvama public to used for political purpos- es, not helpmg schools • Grosse Pomte's three hIgh school schools later thiS year States contract S&P to become better" contmued their strong traditiOn In "The only thmg that's new collect and analyze the data tenms With sweeps of three state concern administrators IS the mterpretatlOn, that's regIOnal tournaments Grosse Pomte So far, the state of Michigan By Bonnl, Caprara 432 percent has Invested $2 mto the SES mterestmg," said MarJone South won the DlVlsiOn I regiOnal it Staff Wnter Although not listed as "concerns and has a 5-year, $10 millIon Parsons, Grosse POinte hosted Grosse POInte North took first Some Grosse Pomte Public School and challenges" m the distnct's SES contract With S&P Public School System's place m DIviSiOn II at Fraser report, the SES educatiOnal return aSSistant supenntendent for System admmistrators said the While much of the data IS summary stated "The dlstnct's administrative services Umversity Liggett School won itS Standard & Poor's School Evaluation supplIed m each distnct's spendmg levels are substantially DiviSion IV regiOnal All three teams Semces report released last Fnday annual report, the data IS Will compete In the state finals thIs told them facts they already knew, higher than all companson groups- weekend at Sites around the state but they also disputed some of the even when excludIng spendmg for debt, capItal and the dlstnct's region- Page 1C analyses WhIle the distnct boasts some of al speCIal educatiOn program The H.W. schools get the state's hIghest ACT and AP exam hIgh fundmg levels suggest a pnontl- scores and partiCipatiOn rates, MEAP zabon of programs and enVlTonmen- WEEK AHEAD scores and graduatiOn rates, the tal features that are outSIde the scope data from S&Pi Standard & Poor's Michigan School of thiS analYSIS Although focused on Saturday, June 2 EvaluatIOn Services report also saId a narrow set of student results, the the dlstnct has some of the hIghest dIStrzct'S return on resources ratIon 'information solid' The Grosse Pomte Artists are illustra~Ive, for they show a less mstructIOnal and operatIOnal expens- By DIIrren Donaldson was broken down was on a AssociatIon holds Its Festival of the es among districts In the state favorable relatlOnshlp b~tween Staff Wnter pupIl by pupil baSIS and Arts m the Village of Grosse Pomte In data collected between 1997 and spendmg and results relative to peer "The quality of the mfor- we\'e only got 1,093 kIds to from 10 a m to 5 p m Tickets are $2 1999, the mstrict's SES report said averages" mation is solid," said Dan spread that across ~ The festival continues on Sunday, that the rnstnct spends $8,541 per The SES report also stated the dis- Danosky, supenntendent of He added that smaller ms- June 3 For more InformatiOn, call student, With $5,372 per student tnct's Performance Cost Index (PCll Harper Woods Schools, tncts are hurt statistically (313) 886-7474 spent on mstructiOnal expendItures IS In line WIth state and peer group about the Standard and when measured m thIS way • The report also stated that the dis- averages The distnct's PCI of$115, IS Poor report Of all the evaluatIons that Chnst Church Grosse Pomte, 61 tnct has an average MEAP compOSite measured by MEAP performance and Not the usual response are put out by dIfferent Grosse Pomte Boulevard, holds itS passmg rate of 75 9 percent, MEAP dIStrICt expenditures . from an admmistrator after agencies, he called thiS one 2001 Antique Show from 10 a m to 6 However, the SES report noted that grade 11 excelling rate of 26 8 per- data used to rate a dlstnct's "the best of the bunch ~ p m Tickets are $7 At 11 a m the cent, ACT partICIpatiOn rate of 803 quality IS released "ThiS IS not mtended to be auctiOn house ChnstIe's presents a percent and AP partiCipatiOn rate of See G.P. S&P, page 2A lecture about Silver from the great "It's not all great In terms u~ed to rank the schools It estates For more mformation, call of what it says about Harper is settmg a benchmark for a (313) 885-4841, ex 117 Woods, but we should be five-year study that able to use it to make the Standard and Poors Will be changes and improvements conductmg They Will Sunday, June 3 needed," he added release new data each year" The Norsemoms of Grosse Pomte The overall statement by Danosky belIeves that the North High School's Home & Garden S & P i" that the distnct pro- ability to track the distnct's Tour begIns at noon and runs until 5 duces moderately above progress over the five-year p m Pre-sale tIckets can be pur- average student results With study will be the most valu- chased at Wild Buds Unlimited, comparatIvely high spend- able element 20485 Mack m Grosse Pomte Woods, mg Danosky said that the The data IS actually a cou- for $12 Tickets at the door <Ire $15 spendmg issue is a result of ple years old so recent For more mformatiOn, call (313) 881- the dlstnct's Size 3908 "The way the Monday, June 4 The Grosse Pomte Woods City coun- CIl meets at 7 30 p m m the Woods City hall, 20025 Mack Plaza • The Harper Woods city councIl meets at 7 30 P m m the Harper Home: Harper Woods Woods City hall, 19617 Harper Ave Age: 77 Family: Husband Donald (deceased), chIldren Kenny, DIane, Tommy, Robbie, Sherne and Marty, 16 grandchlldren and three ........... 6A great-grandchildren and another on the way ... 15A Claim to Fame: Played baseball for the Rockford Obituaries .... 17A Peaches 8uslness ... 18A Photo by Brad LIMberg Quote:"Those were the best baseball players I had Seniors 78 Wild goose chase ever seen I kept wondenng Kalya, a S-year-old border coWe mb:. uses her herding Instinct 'what am I domg here?'" Entertainment .88 to shoo geese from municipal parks in Grosse Pointe Woods and Classified ads .5C Shores. See story on page SA. See story, page 4A Helen Steffes 8Prudential =-~. DtJ 1".kJMM wh8t you)' wwdl1 WE OO! See our ad thl8 week in YourHomf: St. John Hospital Cardiac Care SfJ~. PoraspeciaJisl, caJJ 1-888-757-5463. pages 12-13 or call UJ at313-882-0087 - • '. ... .. : : ~ _' _ t , • • - ... '. • .' : • • ::'.,. '. - = I. # ~ •• - •• ,.. , , " _ .' - • , ' : ,J •••• ., , , .,'1 May 31,2001 2A News Grosse Pointe News ~esterda~'s headlines 50 years ago this week 50 years ago this week gIfts WIth Farms offiCials on have to house both the behalf of Imazu-cho, the Central and Woods "ummer f • ClYlhan apathy, which Farms' sister city m Japan readIng clubs, must Juggle , IIlcreases with every favor- a"bestos removal, aIr condi- able report from Korea, IS The Japanese are dnvmg tioning replacement and from cIty to city m a 1976 the biggest threat con.
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