Gender in Myanmar News
Gender in Myanmar News NEWS CONTENT ANALYSIS FROM A GENDER PERSPECTIVE NOVEMBER 2017 This report has been carried out by Myanmar Womens Journalist Society (MWJS) and International Media Support & Fojo Institute in Myanmar. MWJS is a Yangon-based trade association created to represent and promote the interests of female journalists in the media sector. They are committed to building the capacity of female journalists in Myanmar and advocating for gender equality both in the profession and in news media content. International Media Support and Fojo Media Institute (IMS-Fojo) have been engaged as partners in supporting media development in Myanmar since 2011. Their current programme strives to contribute to the development of a professional, independent and accountable media in Myanmar, which provides equal opportunities for all men and women to engage in democratic reform. Text and research supervision: Ellie Swindon Research coordination: San San Htet Media monitors: Khin Sandar Myint, Su Mon Latt, Soesan Htike, Khin Khin Kyaw. Proofreading: Pernille Bo Kristensen Translation: Myat Lwin Lwin Aung Design: M Spiral Acknowledgements To all the helpful people who supported the study by facilitating information about and access to the media samples especially, Brang Mai (Myintkyina News), Ti Kyi Aye (Monwya Gazette), Zaw Myo Tun (MGY Journal), Kaung Myat Naing (Thazin Pen Khine), Mai Naing Naing Oo (Marnagar), Aye Aye Zin (The Tanintharyi), Pa Pui (Hakha Post), Khun Yarzar (The People's Voice), Sai Maung (Panglong), Sai Diz (Hsenpai News), Pau Pu (Tongsan), Kantarawaddy Times, Khaing Mrat Kyaw (Narinjara) and Khin Min Zaw (DVB). IMS-Fojo and MWJS staff for ongoing collaboration in the design, implementation and finalization of the study, especially Myo Min Htike, Letyar Htun, Pernille Bo Kristensen, Agneta Soderberg Jacobsen, Zin Mar Lar Htay, Htet Htet and A Hla Lay Thuzar.
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