A Second Course in Formal Languages and Automata Theory Jeffrey Shallit Index More Information
Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-86572-2 - A Second Course in Formal Languages and Automata Theory Jeffrey Shallit Index More information Index 2DFA, 66 Berstel, J., 48, 106 2DPDA, 213 Biedl, T., 135 3-SAT, 21 Van Biesbrouck, M., 139 Birget, J.-C., 107 abelian cube, 47 blank symbol, B, 14 abelian square, 47, 137 Blum, N., 106 Ackerman, M., xi Boolean closure, 221 Adian, S. I., 43, 47, 48 Boolean grammar, 223 Aho, A. V., 173, 201, 223 Boolean matrices, 73, 197 Alces, A., 29 Boonyavatana, R., 139 alfalfa, 30, 34, 37 border, 35, 104 Allouche, J.-P., 48, 105 bordered, 222 alphabet, 1 bordered word, 35 unary, 1 Borges, M., xi always-halting TM, 209 Borwein, P., 48 ambiguous, 10 Boyd, D., 223 NFA, 102 Brady, A. H., 200 Angluin, D., 105 branch point, 113 angst Brandenburg, F.-J., 139 existential, 54 Brauer, W., 106 antisymmetric, 92 Brzozowski, J., 27, 106 assignment Bucher, W., 138 satisfying, 20 Buntrock, J., 200 automaton Burnside problem for groups, 42 pushdown, 11 Buss, J., xi, 223 synchronizing, 105 busy beaver problem, 183, 184, 200 two-way, 66 Axelrod, R. M., 105 calliope, 3 Cantor, D. C., 201 Bader, C., 138 Cantor set, 102 balanced word, 137 cardinality, 1 Bar-Hillel, Y., 201 census generating function, 133 Barkhouse, C., xi Cerny’s conjecture, 105 base alphabet, 4 Chaitin, G. J., 200 Berman, P., 200 characteristic sequence, 28 233 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-86572-2 - A Second Course in Formal Languages and Automata Theory Jeffrey Shallit Index More information 234 Index chess,
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