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SOCIAL DEFENCE RESEARCH INS'rITU'rE A WORLD DIRECTORY OF CRIMINOLOGICAL INSTITUTES VIA GIULIA 52, 00186 ROME, ITALY Table of Contents INTRODUCTION xi United Nations Social Defence Research Institute (Rome) xiii A WORlJ) ARGENTINA I" Centro de Estudios Cri~ino1ogic0s de 1a Provincia de Mendoza 1 Instituto de C1asificac;on (Buenos Aires) 1 Instituto de Derecho Penal (Cordova) 2 Instituto de Derecho Penal y Crimino1og1a (La Plata) 2 PREPARED BY Instituto de Derecho Penal y Crimino1og1a (Santa Fe) 2 a Instituto de Investigacion Criminologica y Derecho • BADR KASME Penal Comparado (Buenos Aires) 3 CHIEF, INFORIUATION AND DOCUMENTATION SERVICE Inst~tuto de Medicina Legal y Crimina11stica (Tucum~n) 3 .. .. Sociedad Argentina de Crimino1og1a (Buenos Aires) 4 Sociedad de Ciencias Criminales y Medicina Legal de Tucum~n 4 Sociedad de Crimino1og1a de Rosario (Santa Fe) 5 AUSTRALIA The Australian and New Zealand Society of Criminology (Parkville) 6 Australian Institute of Criminology (Canberra) 6 Criminology Department, University of Melbourne 6 Institute of Criminology, Sydney University Law School 7 Institute of Mental Health Research and Post-Graduate Training (Parkville) 8 AUSTRIA European Co-ordination Centre for Research and Documentation in Social Sciences (Vienna) 9 Institut fUr Kriminologie (Vienna) 9 Krimino1ogisches Universitatsinstitut (Graz) 10 BANGLADESH Institute of Social Welfare and Research, Dac~a University 11 BELGIUM Association internationa1e des Juristes democrates (Bruxelles) 12 Association internationalc des Magistrats de la Jeunesse (Bruxelles) 12 CentrA d'Etude de la De1inquance juvenile (Bruxelles) 13 l'UHUCATION No, 7 Centre de Sociologie du Droit et de la Justice, Institut de nOME, SEPTEliHHW. 1<)1·1, Socio1ogie de l'Universite Libre de Bruxelles 13 Ecole de Crimino1ogie, 1 'Universite de Liege 14 33/7~ Ecole des Sciences crimino1ogiques "Leon Cornil" (Bruxelles) 14 • i1. iii. Instit Superieur d'Etudes sociales de l'Etat (Bruxelles) 15 School Voor Criminologie (Ghent) 15 Studiecentrum Voor Kriminologie en Gerechtelijke Geneeskunde (Sint Niklaas Waas) 16 ECUADOR Unite de Recherches en Criminologie de l'Ecole de Criminologie, Universite de Louvain (Leuven) 16 Instituto de Criminologfa de la Universidad Central del Ecuador (Quito) BRAZIL 34 EGYPT National Institute of Criminalistics (Brasilia) 18 Centre Arabe d'Etudes de Defense sociale (Cairo) CANADA 35 National Centre for Social and Criminological Research (Cairo) 35 Canadian Criminology and Corrections Association (Ottawa) 19 Panarab Organization for Social Detence (Cairo) 36 Centre de Criminologie (Ottawa) 19 FINLAND Centre of Criminology (Toronto) 19 Ecole de Criminologie, Universite de Montreal 20 Institute of Criminology (Helsinki) 37 Institut Philippe Pinel de Montreal 21 Institute of Sociology, University of Helsinki 37 International Centre for Comparative Criminology (Montl~eal) 21 Scandinavian Research Council of Criminology (Helsinki) 38 John Howard Society of Saskatchewan ~ 22 FRANCE McGill Clinic in Forensic Psychiatry, McGill University (Montreal) 23 Planning and Research Branch, Ministry of Corr-ectional Services, Association Francaise pour ia Sauvegarde de , I Enfance et Province of Ontario (Toronto) 23 de l'Adolescence (Paris) 39 Research CentY'e, Ministry of the Solicitor General, Government Association Lyonnaise de Criminologie et d'Anthropologie of Canada (Ottawa) 24 sociale 39 Staff Training and Development, Probation and Parole Service, .. Centre dlEtude des Methodes objectives en Sciences humaines Ministry of Correctional Service, Province of Ontario (Toulouse) 39 (Toronto) 24 Centre de Formation et de Recherche de l'Education surveillee (Vaucresson) 40 CHILE Centre de Formation permanente, Section de Sciences criminelles Instituto de Ciencias Penales de Chile (Santiago) 26 (StrasboU)~g ) 40 Instituto de Criminologia (Santiago) 26 Centre Fran~a;s de Crim;nolog;e (Lyon) 41 Instituto Latinoamericano de Investigaciones Sociales (Santiago) 27 Centre International de 1 I Enfance (Paris) 41 Comite Europeen pour les Problemes criminels (Strasbourg) 42 COLot~BIA Conseil international des Sciences sociales (Paris) 43 Instituto de Ciencias Penales y Criminologicas, Facultad de Ecole nationale de la Magistrature (Bordeaux) 44 Derecho, Univer'sidad "Externado de Colombia" (Bogota) 28 Inserm - U.69, Groupe de Recherches d'Hygiene mentale de Instituto de Ciencias Penales y Penitenciarias, Facultad de 1 I Enfance et de l'Adolescence inadaptee (Montrouge) 44 Derecho, Universidad Nacional (Bogota) 28 Institut Alexandre Lacassagne (Lyon) 45 Instituto de Derecho Penal y Criminologfa, Universidad de Institut de Criminologie (Paris) 45 Medellin 28 Institut de Criminologie et de Sciences penales (Toulouse) 46 Instituto de Medicina Legal de Bogot~ 29 Institut de Droit compare de Paris .. 46 Oficina de Investigaciones Socio-Juridicas (Bogota) Institut de Recherche et de Formation aux Relatlons humalnes 29 (Pierrel(t'le) COSTA RICA 47 Institut d~ Sciences criminelles de Bordeaux 48 Instituto Nacio~al de Criminologfa. DirecciEn General de Institut de Sciences criminelles de l'Universite de Montpcllier I 48 AdaptaciEn Social (San Jose) 31 Institut de Sciences criminelles de Poitiers 49 DENMARK Institut des Sciences criminelles de Tours 49 Institut des Sciences penales et de Crimino1ogie 49 Institut for Proces-OG Kriminalvidenskab (Arhus) 32 International Association of Penal Law (Paris) 50 Institute of Criminal Science, University of Copenhagen 32 International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL) (St. Cloud) 50 University Institute of Forensic Medicine (Copenhagen) 32 International Society of Criminology (Paris) 51 Laboratoire de Sociologie criminelle (Paris) 51 Service cltEtllrlns penales et criminologiques (Paris) . 52 Societ§ ge~~rale des Prison! et de Le$islatio~ cr~minelle (Parls) 53 Societe internationale de Defense soclale(Parls/Ml1ano) 53 Union Mondiale des Organismes pour la Sauvegarde de l'Enfanee et de ,'Ado1escence (Paris) 54 ...... v. iv. Istituto di Antropologia C ' , 1 Ist~tuto di Diritto pena1er(~~~:)e dell 'Universita di Genova 72 IstltUtO Naz;onale Osservazion S' " 73 Scu?la_di Specializzaz;one in ~ir~lentlflca del D~t~nuto (Roma) 73 Socleta Italiana di Criminologia (~to p)enale e Crlmlnologia (Roma) 73 GERMANY, FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF 55 Department of Criminology, Westphalia State University 55 JAPAN oma 74 Institut fOr Kriminologie der UniversitMt Heidelberg 55 Institut fUr Kfiminologie der UniversitHt TUbingen .56 ~apanese Association of Crimlnal Psychol Juristiches Seminar der UniversitMt GBttingen 56 Rapanese Association of Criminology (TOky~g)y (Tokyo) 75 Kriminalistisches Institut des Bundeskriminalamtes 57 esearch(Tokyo) and Training Inst't1 ut e 0f the Ministry of Justice 75 Kriminologisthes Seminar der Universit~t Bonn 57 Kriminologisches Seminar der Universitilt Kie1 Training Institute for C ' 76 Max Planck Institut fUr Auslgndisches und Internationales United Nations Asia and ~~~e~tl~n~l P:rsonnel (Tokyo) 76 58 of Crime and Treatment of ~~f ~stltu(te for the Prevention Strafrecht - Forschungsgruppe Kriminologie (Breisgau) 59 MEXICO en ers UNAFEI) (Tokyo) 77 :~ Psychologisches Institut, Universitgt Hamburg " 59 Seminar fUr Jugendrecht und Jugendhilfe (Hamburg) 59 Seminar fU~ Strafrecht und Kriminologie (Hamburg) ~~~tCrioacpion,MteXi~an~ de Criminologia (Mexico) em enClano del Est d d M~ , 78 Instituto de (Almoloya de Juarez) 78 GREECE 60 InvestigaCiOnesaS~ci:le~xl(~o Criminological Research Centre (Athens) 60 ... THE NETHERLANDS oyoacan) 79 Institute of Criminal Sciences (Thessaloniki) 80 HONG KONG ~~~~~~~~ ~~i ~~ie~~~i~ ~~!~ Gron i ngen Uni v~}~S i ty 61 Kriminologies Instiuut (~e~~~~~e et Penltentiaire (The Hague) 81 Prisons Department 81 NEW ZEALAND INDIA 62 All India Crime Prevention Society (Kanpur) 62 Research Section, Department of Justice 83 Bureau of Police Research and Development (New Delhi) NORWAY (Wellington) Central Bureau of Correctional Services, Department 63 of Social Welfare (New Delhi) Inst~tute for Sociology of Law (Oslo) 84 Central Institute of Research and Training in Public Co-operation Instltute of Criminology and Ctiminal 84 64 PORTUGAL Law (Oslo) (New Delhi) 64 Institute of Advanced Studies in Sociology (Ghaziabad) 65 Institute of Criminology and Forensic Science (New Delhi) Instituto de Criminologla de Coimbra 85 SOUTH
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